#lavinia crotchet
rosie-love98 · 8 months
Matchmaking SnapeBroom Be Like...
*Severus Snape And Constance Hardbroom walk into the Great Hall of Cackle's Academy.*
Davina Bat: *to the student chorus* Ok, girls, big smiles! Like you mean it!
Lavinia Crotchet: A 1, 2, 3-
The Student Choir:
Severus Snape And Constance Hardbroom:...
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twwprompts · 5 months
Lavinia Crotchet and Davina Bat are hit with a spell that makes them remember the fun of Hallowe'en as children. They bake Hallowe'en treats together.
generate more prompts with heathtrash's prompt generator
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room-on-broom · 2 years
Clippers and Pins
Update- Chapter Two
Following the events of The Hair Witch Project, Miss Drill took some drastic action to get rid of the bubble gum. A few months later she and her Secret girlfriend Miss Hardbroom might regret it.
The Worst Witch 98 itv series. HBDrill. Rated T, drama romance Humour, secret relationship, secret relationship that is not really a secret, accidental/forced outing. Final chapter is up Wednesday.
Ao3 link
FanFiction .net link
Or read here.
“So, how long have you two been together?”
Constance nearly missed her seat and sat down harder than intended. Imogen meanwhile coughed around the rim of her water bottle. and felt all the blood drain from her face to her feet then run back up again. Whereas Constance went suddenly pink to back to pale. Well paler.
Amelia, had paused in taking a bite of her budget bourbon crème equivalent. but said nothing. She then continued to say nothing but merely gave the biscuit a second dunk in her tea. the headmistress pretended to pay mind to the mantlepiece, absolutely not listening to the conversation; With the disinterested rapt attention one pays to juicy drama, no sir.
“Pardon?” Imogen spluttered.
“You two? You and Constance.” Lavina said plainly.
“I - Don’t know what you mean!” Constance said. Very aware that the pitch of her voice was getting higher with every word.
“Me neither!” Imogen agreed; both women now Willing Lavina to shut the heck up. She didn’t.
“Well, together? You know, in love, stepping out? Better halves? Dating?” Lavina frowned. And winced. “Or is it not at that ‘going steady’ point yet? Oh dear."
Imogen looked at Constance for help. Only to get the same look back from the witch before they both started talking over each other to keep up appearances.
“we’re not-!"
“there isn’t an us.”
“Is this something the students have said?”
“Where did you get such an idea?”
“Never- “
“I would say Miss Crotchet,” Amelia put in, finally speaking up and answering Lavinia’s question. “that they’ve been going steady for ten months, three weeks, five days, eighteen hours and around forty-seven minutes. Give or take.”
Imogen gasped, violently.
“You told her?” Constance shrilled, suddenly rounded on Amelia. Something she would never normally ever do to the headmistress, at least not in that tone. Miss Cackle didn’t seem concerned. “Miss Cackle you promised!”
“I didn’t say anything!” Amelia huffed. and carried on with her cheese-wedge sandwich. “aside from just now.”
“she told you?” Imogen said, gawking from Amelia to Constance. Which was fair. It went completely against what they’d agreed.
“Well No but-!” her girlfriend started. Unused to being the one in trouble.
“Constance has said absolutely nothing to me about you two.” Amelia assured her. “She came to me for advice a while ago- just over a year ago, even. because she was struggling to articulate her feelings for someone and was finding the whole palaver distressing and confusing. That’s what she’s referring to. That's all. No names mentioned.”
Then added, “Although it was hardly going to be Frank Blossom or Icy Stevens now was it?”
Constance stopped wishing Lavina to shut up. And instead started wishing the floor would open up beneath her. It didn't. In a very rare moment of shooketh outside of her rooms, Constance put her elbows on the table. And then her head in her hands and biting down a scream.
“Oh. was it supposed to be a secret?” Lavina asked, looking about the three of them, one to the other. “I haven't heard anything from the girls actually so I just assumed it wasn’t.”
“You’re aware that sentence makes no sense whatsoever.” Constance spat looking up. She felt dangerously close to a rage.
“Well, if it's a secret everyone’s talking about it.” Lavina reasoned. “You only have to hear a girl say ‘I know something you don’t know’ And it goes around the school, twice, like wildfire before lunch time!”
“Good point.” Imogen sighed, begrudgingly. She was folding in on herself, shoulder up to her ears.
“and when asked such a question people normally simply say yes or no, rather than making a whole drama of it. very obvious.” Amelia put in. Constance Stopped being pale and went very violent pink in the cheeks instead again. While Imogen did the opposite and went pale under the tan.
“I-!" she tried. “I- that is. We." It was no good. Her tongue seemed to be just tying itself in the most complicated of yoga shapes.
They had talked about ‘it’ of course they had. A big coming out, or more preferably some quiet form of acknowledgement. But whenever they'd even thought about planning such a thing, Constance had found any confidence and control going right out the window.it was the sort of thing that had got her in very deep trouble before now. Imogen had envisioned coming out to family, her employer and other people. Or more she’d had visions about being outed to them, and she struggled to think positivity about it. even with Constance’s attempted reassurances that same sex relations weren’t illegal or as frowned upon in the magical world. in all her nightmares however, they’d never been reactions or questions like this though.
No one seemed surprised for one thing and no one was ‘angry’ but how unfazed and that miss cackle had known and everything felt so off kilter and unreal and-!
“You’re not mad.” She blurted out addressing Miss Cackle.
“Mad? No, why would I be?” Amelia said. “goodness, Imogen are you alright?”
“No.” Imogen said plainly. Is this what panic attacks feel like? She wondered. Davina had always complained of them. and palpitations. but she’d also complained the cats were taking the kiwi fruit so there was that. Maybe this was just a shock? Constance Stopped being angry slash upset, and looked up sharply now concerned.
“it's just -well. We’re tighter. And we work together?” Imogen tried.
“So?” Amelia said. “So long as it does no harm to anyone and the gals are always top priority I don’t see any cause for concern! That said, I would much appreciate it if you sneak off together during a celebration when the Chief Wizard is visiting again. I know you both find him irritating but it wasn’t subtle. It was extremely obvious to everyone but him. Do you know how hard that was to cover up on the cuff?”
Constance let out a string of stammered high-pitched noises also struggling to make words. But was cut off and distracted by Imogen shaking her head, sending her hair flicking back and forth.
“nothing I- I I don’t understand.” She said, still Bewildered and Looking again to Constance to help. Constance Tried to help this time, reaching over and patting Imogen’s hand in what she hoped was a comforting gesture. dimly aware it probably ruined any chance of denying they were in a relationship. Imogen turned her hand over and Gave Constance fingers a quick trembling barely-there squeeze.
“you mean we’re not going to be dismissed?” Imogen pressed.
“What!?” the other two said together, Lavina nearly dropped her tea.
“Why on earth Would I do that?” Miss Cackle frowned. Imogen had lost her nerve again.
“Well, normal schools. Non-witch schools. They take a dim view of such things,” Constance supplied awkwardly when the headmistress looked at her questionably. Constance prided herself on normally being so articulate but the words were like bindweed in her throat, thick and twisty up around themselves. “Miss Dri- Imogen’s been – rightly- upset. by the news in December. I tried to explain- but. That. Well. You wouldn’t say. but then there’s the matter of the school guvnors and the parents-?”
Imogen nodded, as she spoke; gripping Constance’s hand a tad to tight. Amelia cringed realising what Constance was getting at. After a primary school mistress a few towns south being hounded out her career by homophobic parents had made the headlines, Imogen had become very withdrawn. And keener on keeping their relationship a secret. The news even made it to more magical news outlets like Witch Weekly and the Original Standard. If only to point and laugh in a sensualized wow look at these bigoted non-magical idiots’ way.
“Oh goodness yes you’re not a witch and all your old jobs were at no witch schools.” Amelia started, making things both better and worse.
“What about non-magical schools?” Lavina asked, confused.
Amelia Winced loudest of the three and explained. “there was a case in December. it seems They take a very- dim view of same sex romances. Let alone two women teachers in the same school becoming a couple. Some funny ideas about what makes a scandal. Different rules too. I can’t say I’ve ever understood it.”
“ooh. Ah. Well. We’re not a non-witch school now are we.” Lavinia said brightly adding “No offence.”
Imogen flashed a stiff brief smile vaguely, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. The awkward atmosphere was, to Constance, stifling. She had half a mind to vanish. Or vanish and take Imogen with her. But she supposed Imogen needed to hear this.
“Agreed. as I said when you took the position here, it was our gain.” Amelia continued. “If anyone has an issue they can come and see me and I will tell them straight- well- I will tell them tough. Views be damned, your references were otherwise impeccable, especially those from Heversum High!”
(Which was a bit of a fib. Imogen’s references had been glowing. until after that stupid basketball game and the subsequent rematch where Ms Pike was mysteriously absent. And then the anonymous messages Addressed to Miss Crackle and deputy Miss Harddroom started appearing. Not that they’d told Imogen that bit; or believed a word of the letter. Headmistress and deputy agreed to keep that Strictly between themselves. and while Constance had wanted to burn those letters and track down the sender, Amelia had been the one to lock them away. Something about taking the proper channels…)
Imogen nodded at the headmistress' mini speech but kept her eyes on the table, half hidden by her sweeping fringe. As Amelia spoke, Constance, still concerned, pulled her hand away; but got up, moved around the table and bent over at Imogen’s side and gave her shoulder a gentle shake. The bend became crouched and a kneel when she got no response. Imogen looked up at her then. And was breathing at least. Constance looked back, imploringly at her, hoping to convey something good. And dimly aware this action will most definitely ruin any chance of denying they were together.
“Plus, if I were to dismiss you- which I won’t-! I would have to fire all other romantic entanglements.” Amelia continued. “And I'd not only lose two very good teachers, my deputy being one. but also, our school cook and one of the our most enthusiastic handymen – horticultural college or no. Both of whose families have had long standing traditions within the school.”
“they’re still not an item.” Imogen argued, finding her voice. “that’s been going on for years!”
“Mr Blossom keeps losing his nerve. Last minute usually.” Constance put in.
“you’re one to talk.” Amelia scolded. Constance scowled and pouted. It made imogen smile a little but still-!
“and Maria told me she won’t make the first move.” Lavinia nodded. "which seems very silly to me. They clearly like each other very much, in a romantic way.”
“Alright, Alright, but still a school runs on its staff. Do you see where I’m coming from? I’m sorry you were worried I would do such a thing Imogen. And you’ve my assurance who you are with or love will not ever be used against you here. You as well Constance. You both do.” Amelia pressed. Firmly.
And then in trying to put imogen at ease added “Or I won’t have kept dear old Lilly on the books ethier, now would I?”
It sort of worked.
“I suppose not.” Imogen conceded. Then chuckled, “that went on for years too.”
“What did?” Constance asked.
“Ms Gimlet?” Imogen replied.
“I know who you’re talking about. What about her?” Constance asked.
“Who’s Ms Gimlet?” Lavina asked. She had budged up into Constance’s vacant seat to let Constance get up off the floor and Sit next to Imogen. They still held hands, joined on Imogen’s knee under the table.
“A former rarely seen history and theory teacher, and second year mistress. Exceptionally anxious about everything.” Constance explained haughtily. “Went off and retired to the inner hebrides to calm her nerves last year.”
“And the biggest lesbian I’ve ever met.” Amelia said. Imogen nodded. “Present company accepted.”
“Indeed… Wait. what?” Constance said.
Imogen and Amelia turned to look at her.
“Lilly Gimlet…?” Imogen said. “She’s gay?”
Constance looked back at her blankly. “She was?”
“Good grief.” Amelia frowned. “Constance Hardbroom you are an intelligent woman but I really do despair sometimes”
“Constance, even I knew that?” Imogen frowned. “I know things like pride flags and double axes as symbols are different with witches, but she was as straight as you or I. Lilly wouldn’t say boo to a mouse, never mind a goose. But could quote the entire chunks “A queer history of wizards” if you let her. Had a massive crush on Miss Pentangle from what Davina told me.”
“The retreat in the Inner Hebrides is lesbian witch commune. Also Ms Gimlet flirted with you constantly. and blatantly. When she could work up the nerve to come to the staff room or the hall that is. In front of the girls too, which wasn’t really on given some of the innuendo. The only reason I didn’t address that was because I could never find the woman when I wanted to.” Amelia complained.
"…that, was flirting?” Constance frowned, her nose wrinkling. Imogen and Miss Cackle almost in sync both one handed facepalmed. Lavina clamped both hands over her mouth to muffle slightly hysterical giggles.
“I'm pretty certain Miss bat had a beau in the village poetry club as well.” Amelia continued. Also, Slightly muffled. “An on off thing with Ms Mechanic over at Scatterbrook farm.”
“She kept that quiet!” Imogen blinked, surprised.
“That's about the only thing she did keep quiet.” Constance's scowled, even if it was still her turn to look very confused.
“Better than you two did.” Amelia grumbled.
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heathtrash · 5 years
The Worst Witch Winter Warmers 2019
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It's getting towards that most wonderful time of the year!
I'm aware that this is suuper late compared to last year but!! I hope you're all keen to continue the tradition of winter fandom celebration!
This is mainly for fluff and gen fics, fanart, moodboards, gifs, etc. from the novels, 2017, 1998, The Worst Witch Live, or any of the other media - whichever you please! AUs, ignoring canon, etc. fully embraced too.
Write about the girls playing in the snow and decorating the castle, your OTPs snuggling by the fire, exciting holidays away from Cackle's, or wherever the inspiration takes you!
Which ships are allowed?
All ships between consenting adults in any The Worst Witch media are welcome. Ageing up the children doesn't count. Students can definitely be present, but not be a part of any ship.
How many prompts can I do?
Each week has a number of prompts for you to pick from. You can choose one, some, or even all(!!) of them if you like. You're welcome to post as many fics/works as you like per week, of any length. There are enough prompts for you to do one for each day of December, but I'm by no means suggesting that you do this, as it's a busy time for us all!
Can I post prompts from other weeks?
You don't have to stick to just one week's prompts if you think there's a different combination that would be better for you. They are grouped purely to reduce the pressure to fulfil them all and also to give you some guidance if you're indecisive about picking a prompt.
Interpret the prompts however you wish - you can take each one literally or symbolically.
An enormous thanks to @cassiopeiasara​ for letting me use her prompt list!
Message me if you have any further questions!
Spread the wintry love!
Please tag your contributions #twwww2019 and post to AO3 here: x
prompts under the cut
Prompt List
week 1 (1st-8th) First snowfall Snowball fight/building snow people Decorating Gift shopping/making Ice skating Baking Winter markets Carriage ride
week 2 (9th-15th) Ugly/silly holiday jumpers/clothing Party Mistletoe Meeting the parents Sledding Hot tub Skiing
week 3 (16th-22nd) Holiday singing Holiday spirits Locked out in the cold Stars Absence Lights Yule/Winter Solstice
week 4 (23rd-31st) Traditions Cooking together Winter myths and legends Fireside Confessions First Holiday Together Remote Cabin Huddling/snuggling for warmth Snowed in New Year
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artsoupsoupart · 4 years
I don’t know if you’re doing prompts, but if you are.. Can you write a hicsqueak fic, please. A spell mishap of meddling young witches resulted in Cackle’s and Pentangle’s castles merging. Hecate and Pippa woke up on their now joint bed. Their wardrobe and chambers are merged too and it took them a whole week (maybe longer) to fix it and find the culprits. Thanks! Love your hicsqueak fics btw
It’s not exactly the prompt but I hope you enjoy it! Sorry it took so long, it’s been like 3 weeks but it kinda got out of hand lol! Also: I’m not not taking prompts, but I write slow so if anyone sends one, sorry if it takes a while to get it filled! 
Cacktangle’s Academy for Witchcraft and Wizardry 
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27270871 
“Lights out, girls,” Hecate bellows as she glides down the corridors. Around her, doors shut closed and lights turn off as young witches clad in matching pajamas scurry into their rooms from their friends’. Each one bids her goodnight (some more confidently than others), something that didn’t use to happen, and she can’t quite pinpoint when it had started. Perhaps she had gone soft in the last few years. Not that she necessarily minds. Anymore.
She’s just about finished with her rounds when one Azura Moon slips out of her door and wraps her arms around Hecate’s middle. 
“Good night, Miss Hardbroom” the girl says as she smiles, as wide as she ever does. Hecate still freezes at the contact she should be used to after two years (especially because Azura takes every opportunity to hug her and for some reason she just can’t tell the girl to stop) but she does eventually return the embrace, tapping the tips of her fingers against the girl’s shoulder, silently noting not for the first time how much taller she’s gotten. 
Then she’s turning the perpetually exuberant witch away from her and to her room. “Good night, Azura. And do tell Miss Jones she has precisely three seconds to return to her own room.” 
Hecate doesn’t even get the opportunity to begin her countdown when the other girl pokes her head out of the room with a sigh. Azura simply continues to smile as she hugs her friend and they part ways for the night. When the door shuts behind Azura, Hecate stops and listens. With Isabella securely in her room in the Citrine hall, the castle seems quite enough. Even Mildred is tucked away in her room, though she’s not sleeping by any means. But Hecate won’t disturb the girl tonight. Not when she knows Mildred has been staying up later and later to research witching colleges (a fact that brings the older witch a bit of joy). Instead, Hecate transfers directly to her rooms for the night. 
She takes extra care getting ready for bed. Her shower is hotter and filled with lavender essence. The last few showers had been quick spells after long, tiresome days and they definitely weren’t as satisfying. She chooses a softer, silkier nightgown and takes her time moisturizing. By the time she settles at her vanity to call Pippa, Hecate is relaxed and pliable and she begins brushing out her dark locks. 
“Good evening, darling,” Pippa grins through the mirror when it connects. She’s already lying in bed, propped against her plethora of pillows. Her hair is slightly wavy from being freshly washed and it fans out against the pink silk, her face free of makeup and her freckles on full display. This is perhaps Hecate's favorite Pippa, relaxed and serene, unencumbered of being headmistress and modern magic activist. She’s delicate in a way that she can’t be during waking hours and Hecate feels a bit of pride at being one of few who has gotten to see her this way. 
"Evening, Pippa," Hecate smirks. "You look comfortable." 
The blonde snorts and launches into the events of her day. The tale is one filled with students who could stand to be more observant, mischievous fae friends, and strict council members. All things Pippa had had to deal with more or less by herself due to her deputy being otherwise preoccupied in securing more scholarships for next year. 
"But that's all in the past, Hiccup. I'm already better," the blonde breathes out. "Tell me about your day, darling." 
As Hecate recalls about her day, she notices the glassy, dreamy look that passes over Pippa’s eyes. That look that lets her know that while the blonde is definitely still listening, she’s daydreaming, most likely about her hair. Pippa has always been weird about Hecate’s hair. Smitten. That’s the look. Hecate now knows that she saw this look many, many times when they were teens and she’s been on the receiving end of the look more times that she can count since they’ve started dating, but it still makes her heart flutter. 
“I love brushing your hair,” Pippa mumbles. It’s as if she just let out a secret as tanned cheeks blush a brilliant red and the blonde looks away from the mirror. 
“Yes, I know you do,” Hecate says, as casually as she can manage. 
“I would do it every night if I could,” she says, referring to brushing. It only makes Hecate smile wider and she reminds her that while that would be fantastic, they have other responsibilities that prevent that. The petulant look on Pippa’s face is almost comical as she huffs and pouts. Hecate simply placates her that she’ll be able to do so when she visits, whenever time allows. The two go on to talk in soft hushed tones as Hecate herself settles into bed for the night, falling asleep together without ending their call. 
Meanwhile, back in the Ruby corridor, two very awake and very excited witches sit in front of their mirror, whispering away to their friend. 
“Come on, Izzy! Think of it! Addy is going to be at Pentangle’s most of the time. And we’re going to be here. Wouldn’t it be great if we could just open our wardrobe and boom? We’re there or she’s here.” 
The redhead purses her lips in thought. The Addy in questions has hope in her eyes as she holds up the spell they can do to essentially make a portal connecting the two rooms. It’s restricted use of magic but it would be nice to visit whenever they wanted. “Okay, fine! What do we do?” 
So, they set to work. Addy lists off the ingredients and directions while Azura mixes them together. Izzy then takes the combination of ingredients and crawls into the wardrobe. 
“We should put in a clause! That no other people here or at Pentangle’s can find the door.” 
“Especially, HB.” 
“Oh yeah, she’d go bats.” 
So, they add a few lines to the spell and with slightly shaky hands, Izzy closes her eyes and begins the spell. Her hands trace the back panel of the closet and then she knocks three times. All three girls wait and wait and wait, confused until the light pulls at the edge and a new door forms. 
“It worked! We did it!” Azura whisper-squeals before crawling through the new door.
Hecate wakes slowly as her alarm charm tings to life at 6 AM. With eyes still closed she lifts a hand to silence the charm, breathing deeply and stretching like a cat, back arched and limbs straight. And suddenly there is a set of arms and legs, warm and secure around her own body. Her eyes shoot open. She stiffens. She wants to panic immediately. A voice in her head that sounds suspiciously like a certain blonde tells her to Breathe, Hecate. Assess. Her gaze looks down to the hands now around her middle. Pink nails, tanned arms. Pippa? 
“Pippa?” She questions out loud, voice still raspy from sleep. And then she turns as gently as she can. It doesn’t stop her from startling the blonde, whose hazel eyes fly open as she lets out a high-pitched squeak. 
“Hiccup?!” The blonde puts a bit of space between them, chest heaving as she stares at her. “What are you doing in my bed?” 
“Your bed? Pippa, you are in my bedroom.” 
Pippa looks around, gathering her bearings, surprised that she is in fact not in her own bed, or even her own room. So many of her things, however, are perfectly placed. Her soft pink silk pillows differ greatly with Hecate’s deep burgundy duvet. Her creme bedside chair had made it to the room. Her favorite blanket and the plush donut Hecate won at the All Hallows’ Eve festival the year before sits on said chair. Her jewelry box and makeup reside on Hecate’s otherwise bare vanity. It’s as if she’s moved in overnight. 
“I don’t understand.” 
“Neither. Do. I.” Hecate’s brows are furrowed as she looks around. “But we’re going to find out.” 
With that, Hecate throws on her leather robe. She pauses briefly to hand Pippa one of her others, opening the wardrobe to find it clustered with bright sky blues and soft pinks. Light washed jeans that increase to pairs of black leather are neatly hung. There’s pumps and sneakers and flip flops in just about every color. It’s as if her wardrobe has been split right down the middle, the two sides now contrasting so vibrantly. One being a rainbow of color and the other darker and subdued. Hecate’s eyes almost bulge out of her head, but Pippa silently places a hand on her shoulder as she reaches for her own robe in the wardrobe. 
As a habit, Pippa slips her fingers between Hecate’s and all but drags her from the bedroom. The living space is even more spliced than the bedroom with the large windows from Pentangles’ front and center letting in the bit of sunlight that has already started to peak through the morning clouds. It stops them both in their tracks, but Hecate quickly recovers. They don’t have time to dwell on just how strange this is. They have to figure out what’s going on and fast. 
They twist and turn through the castle until they reach an equally distraught Ada, who is attempting to calm a fuming Miss Tapioca, whose kitchen is now cluttered with items from the other school and arranged differently. Hecate and Pippa cautiously approach when the familiar faced teachers arrive. Dimity rounds the corner with Abigail, Pentangle’s fitness witch. Peter and Christopher, the flying instructor and librarian, arrive with Theodore Daisy and Lavinia Crotchet, Cackle's new chanting instructor. Soon the entirety of both staffs are ushered into the Teacher’s lounge, which unsurprisingly has also been combined with the one at Pentangle’s. 
“Did anyone cast any renovation spells recently, any chants?” Ada asks when Hecate finally gets the room to quiet. 
All the teachers shake their heads in unison. 
"No, a staff member didn't do this.” Hecate says, eyes squinted in thought. “A student did. The magic, while definitely strong is highly simple and misguided." "Well then," Ada starts, "we need to find the stu-" 
An eruption of chatter and a knock at the office door stops the headmistress in her tracks. Hecate flicks her wrist to reveal Mildred with the rest of the sixth years behind her. Surely the other young witches are not far away. 
"Miss Cackle," Mildred stumbles inside, eyes wide and confused. "I woke up early because I just know we're going to have a pop quiz in advanced myths and legends, and I got out of bed and Melinda Merriweather from Pentangle's was in my room! And her things. Her bed, her posters, her clothing. Everything." 
"Mildred Hubble," Hecate begins. The girl starts to say something, but the witch holds up her hand. "All students are to report to the field. Pentangle's and Cackle's, organized by year and name." 
Mildred's mouth drops open, but she simply nods instead of rebutting. Perhaps she has learned something in her two years as head girl. Ever the lead, Mildred turns around and addresses her fellow classmates and the girls shuffle outside. It's loud and the lines will definitely not be neat, but Hecate has at least bought the two staffs a bit of time to devise a solution. 
"So, the whole school has been, what? Merged?" Pippa asks. 
"It would seem so." Hecate flexes her fingers in thought. "We'll have to do a thorough inspection, but with the amount of merging that seems to have happened it might take weeks to undo." 
Dimity, who had been watching the girls file out to the field, adds, "It could take months." 
The entire room stops. Eyes searching eyes for some type of hope that it doesn't take months to restore order. 
"Well," Ada tries to smile, "Let's hope that's not the case. Now, let’s quickly find a solution for today. Those students can’t stand outside forever.” 
It takes all of five minutes for the headmistresses and deputies to quickly form a plan. The students will be given a free day of no classes while the staff members catalogue the damage done, that is after they find the perpetrators. Then they’ll decide how to best proceed in educating their students. They are, after all, witching (and wizarding) academies first. 
With a plan for the witches and wizards, the teachers file outside after casting freshening spells and changing their clothes. Pippa and her deputy address the Pentangle’s students and let them in on the details of what’s happening. Hecate, though, immediately turns on her strict and scary facade (though she’s quite pleased at how well the girls have followed direction. She wants to praise them, but now is not the time). 
"Mildred Hubble?” She stands in front of the girl, brow raised. 
“It wasn’t me, Miss Hardbroom. I promise! I haven’t caused any trouble in months. Promise!” 
Hecate squints her eyes at the teenager. The deputy head scans the lines of girls, eyes blazing. Some cower, some look utterly bored. She turns to the next trio of suspicion. Beatrice, Sybil, and Clarice all shake their heads when her eyes land on them. No, not them. Hecate lifts her head, sniffing the wind as a lioness to her prey. Her feet lead her to where the third years have lined up. Head tilted; she walks the line. Walks and walks until she stops right in front of the exact girls, bending down slowly to meet them eye to eye. 
“Azura Moon and Isabella Jones.” 
“We’re sorry, Miss Hardbroom.” The young redhead blurts out immediately. For once, Azura, the perpetually cheerful girl, looks positively stricken with fear. “We didn’t mean to merge the booth schools. Just our doors. Like Narnia.” 
“We just wanted to see Addy.” Azura interjects. 
The girls talk in tandem, explaining their reasoning. Adelaide cautiously takes her place by the girls, with Pippa in tow. All the while Hecate grows more and more red, her back straightening to her tallest height. 
“Silence!” She hisses as her eyes blaze into the three very shocked, very scared third years. Had this been another time, perhaps a few years ago, Hecate thinks she would simply snap. Instead, she lets the steam shoot from her ears and lets out a stiff breath. Pippa’s doing. With clipped words and fire still in her eyes, she continues. “Azura Moon. Isabella Jones. And Adelaide Peppercorn. You three will have detention every day until this is fixed.” 
Azura opens her mouth to speak but thinks differently when Miss Hardbroom’s piercing cold eyes snap to her. “Get ready for the day. Breakfast will be served early, and every student must return to their newly merged room until Headmistress Cackle and Headmistress Pentangle formulate a solution. No student will be caught outside of their room without permission lest they want to join these three in detention.” 
And with that, the Cackle’s witches were dismissed, shuffling away with the softest whispers. Pippa then dismisses the Pentangle’s students, who follow the others inside. 
“Well, I suppose we should join the students for breakfast and then take inventory of the damage.” Ada says. 
Breakfast is.... a struggle to say the least, but they manage it well enough. Miss Tapioca and Miss Cassava have their spats resulting in a mix of a meal. There’s a mix of cold oats and bright fruits. None of the dishes match, which Miss Tapioca scowls at in disgust. The now enlarged Great Hall luckily added the necessary tables and even extended the teacher’s table to sit everyone, so they’re not strapped for space. The hall is buzzing with chatter as some of the young teens fawn over being with their friends, others over the wizards they’ll be sharing space with for the foreseeable future with. (A message will have to be sent out to the parents. There will definitely be quite a few upset families). Hecate has half a mind to punish everyone and make the students eat separately and in total silence but her own thoughts of how to separate the two schools overtake disciplining at the moment. 
After breakfast, the students are all sent to their rooms and the staff begins their inspection. Most of the classrooms are heavily bound together. The bedrooms too. The only rooms that can realistically be separated sooner rather than later surprisingly seem to be the storage rooms. Everything else will take at least a week, some more. Even some wards from Pentangle’s have replicated themselves at Cackle’s, making some of their own unstable. It’ll take well over a week to reverse those. 
The stress of the situation radiates off the blonde, but she gives Hecate no chance to comfort her, choosing instead to fully delve into the title of headmistress. But Hecate knows it’s clawing at her to see her school not be her school. Pippa and her deputy depart soon after a plan is made to begin the separation to check on the Pentangle’s location. In the meantime, Hecate busies herself with potions needed to fix the wards. 
Pippa rings about two hours later and to the untrained eye she looks reasonably and understandably stressed. But Hecate notices the red that rims her eyes, the way her mouth is down turned. There’s a brittleness to her voice. She knows Pippa won’t let it show (she never does) but the blonde is positively devastated.  
“At least the young wizards’ rooms aren’t combined with the girls. It’ll be easy to get them back to Pentangle’s when the time comes.” Pippa attempts to find some silver lining of this situation before she informs them that they’re headed back. The subtle wobble in her voice doesn’t go unnoticed to Hecate. Had she had the time, she’d call her privately, let her cry and rant and feel. Instead, she has three third years in detention to attend to. 
Azura, Isabella, and Adelaide arrive to the potions’ lab five minutes before Hecate. They’re seated at the cauldrons, with guilty faces. The dark witch materializes at her desk in the middle of the room, the palms of her hands planted on the spokes of her chair. 
“Open your witches’ code.” She speaks lowly. Knowing this punishment will last at least a week, she’ll start their disciplining simple enough. For every code they broke, the girls will write and rewrite and rewrite line after line until it’s memorized. Then she’ll figure some other punishment, perhaps a particularly challenging potion. Either way, she’s certain they’ll never use magic so recklessly again. 
When she returns to her rooms after detention and bedtime rounds, Hecate is both shocked and pleased to see Pippa already there. But her heart immediately breaks when she sees her sitting on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket, staring off into space as if she’s lost in thought. 
The blonde turns to her, tears hanging just off the edge of her eyes. Though the room isn’t very large, Hecate transfers right to Pippa, pulling her against her chest. Pippa’s breath shudders. No tears fall, Pippa’s holding back the urge to fully sob. Hecate holds her tighter when she feels her press her nose to her neck, puffs of air hot against it. Pippa’s body shakes and shudders but she never lets the tears come, something worries Hecate immensely. 
“Pippa,” Hecate tries again. She receives a small shake of her head, so they sit there silently until Pippa mumbles that she’s ready to go to bed. 
The next morning Pippa is as bright as she can be, refusing to talk about the situation outside of what needs to be done. For the rest of the week, the two schools attempt to find some sort of common ground. For the most part, they can continue as they normally would. Some classes have been combined. Dimity and Abigail have a blast sharing exercises for the students while Lavinia and Pippa mesh together traditional and modern chants. Others are left as they were before, something that relieves a bit of Hecate’s stress as she doesn’t have to share her classroom or curriculum. They continue on and slowly, day by day, something gets undone and returned back to its proper place. 
Wednesday morning breakfast announcements the next week begin with a chiming of bells. Cackle’s is full of life in a way it has never been before. Students in purple vests file in next to witches in grey dresses, chatting a mile a minute even at the early hour as they pile oats and fruit into their bowls. The setup of the great hall is awkward and a bit too crowded, but surprisingly it’s been an easy adjustment. The easiest parts of Pentangle’s have been returned to their proper place. Spells and potions have been brewed for the corners. The two schools have only been joined for six days, but they’re working like a semi well-oiled machine. Each morning Ada or Pippa announce what part of the school has been returned and an estimate of their time remaining. It’s not much of one as they try to keep hope alive but not too high. Only a few of the students have been caught sneaking out to the wizards’ corridors and vice versa, joining Azura, Isabella and Adelaide in detention. 
Pippa is just finishing her announcements when someone from the crowd interjects, “But, Miss Pentangle, what about movie night?” 
“It was supposed to be this Friday,” another little wizard steps forward to say. 
“Oh,” Pippa starts, stumbling in surprise. “Well, I suppose we will just have to postpone the movie night until we return to Pentangle’s.” 
Every single wizard and witch from the modern academy groans in disappointment. It radiates throughout the room as the Cackles’ girls’ mouth “movie night?” at each other. 
“I know you all were looking forward to it, but good witches and wizards always look for the bright prospect in gloomy situations. A postponement is not a cancellation.” Pippa reminds them. That gets them nodding and some even try to convince their friends that it’s alright, but the atmosphere in the great hall is discontented and unhappy as students file off to classes for the day. 
Hecate transfers directly to the potions’ laboratory when breakfast ends, checking the supplies. Between practically doubling the amount of ingredients used in class for both schools and the amount necessary for the separation, each ingredient must be heavily inspected and accounted for. Her back is turned to the young first year witches who dutifully take their places at their cauldrons when she overhears one mention how unfortunate it is that Pentangle’s can’t have their movie night. Another agrees in a soft whisper. What causes her ears to perk is when one of her students mentions Pippa and how the headmistress seemed just as disappointed as her students. Normally, she wouldn’t give such gossip a second thought, but she can’t help but question how Pippa is feeling after having to console her more than once. 
And they’re right. Pippa has been off kilter since announcing the postponing of their school wide movie night. Hecate definitely remembers the blonde gushing about how fantastical it would be a few weeks ago. They had been on a mirror call and the blonde had gone on and on about popped corn and fizzy drinks and a movie or two projected outside, under the stars. 
Hecate enters Pippa’s office after detention, tapping on the open door. 
“Pippa, you need to rest.” 
Unbeknownst to many people, Pippa is a worrier. She’d like to be known as the put together, awe inspiring super witch many have made her out to be, but the truth is she stresses more than she would ever let on. She had worried herself sick when applying for Weirdsister’s. Every competition, every presentation, every speech she’s ever had to give has been rewritten, rehearsed, and regurgitated to perfection. Because she is Perfect Pippa and right now Perfect Pippa’s perfect academy is a jumbled mess.
“My school, Hiccup,” her eyes water just as they did the first night. This time, though, they streak down her face, the dam finally broken. 
The brunette kneels at Pippa’s feet, taking her hands in her own. “Your school isn’t a building, Pipsqueak. You know that.” 
The blonde nods, “I know.” 
“And you know you’re doing the best you can to still adequately provide for every student and faculty member.” She goes on to say. Pippa nods again. “It’s not just you who has to fix this and it’s not your fault.” 
Pippa sighs and presses a hand to a pale cheek. “Between waking up here and seeing Pentangle’s empty, like a dismembered puzzle and just having to figure things out I...” she trails off, a lump in her throat and tears welling up once more.
Hecate raises up to grab a few of the light pink tissues in the desk. She brushes away tears that threaten to drip down Pippa’s chin and hands the blonde a couple more. “It’s alright. You can’t let yourself take on all of the responsibility, Pippa.” 
Then she smiles. It’s watery and sad, but Pippa smiles and Hecate thinks perhaps it’s the first time she’s seen a true one in days. “When did you become the sensible one?” 
Hecate scoffs, “I always have been.” And with that, she presses the smallest and sweetest kiss to the hand that is still clutched in her own. The one against her cheek guides her forward for a real kiss. The dark witch finally convinces Pippa to leave her office, to return to their room and rest just a bit. They sit in silence, curled together on the couch before Hecate must take her leave to ensure every witch and wizard are in bed. 
During her nightly rounds, Hecate takes the stairs to the old but still familiar room in the tower. She silently greets the bats that hover outside before transferring into the room unannounced. 
“Mildred Hubble,” Hecate begins, startling the girl who had been studying. “I require your assistance. Report to the potions’ lab after classes tomorrow.” She raises her hand to transfer away but she pauses. “And do bring Miss Spellbody, Miss Hallow and Miss Foxglove.” Then she’s gone, leaving a stunned Mildred, mouth in a small “O”. 
The next afternoon, after classes have finished for the day, Mildred finds herself leading Maud, Ethel, and Felicity down the corridors of Cacktangle’s. She already feels her head throbbing after trying to convince a still skeptical Ethel that she wasn’t trying to play a prank on her. Though, she should get her back for the soap incident that may or may not have happened in the Pentangle’s pool a few days before. She puts it on her mental to-do list. (Just because they’re older and fight with each other less doesn’t mean they can’t play a few tricks every now and then). 
“And Miss Hardbroom didn’t tell you why she needed us,” Ethel asks — well, states — for the tenth time. 
“No, she just said to bring you,” she sighs, growing more and more frustrated with the blonde. 
“Weird. Miss Hardbroom always has a reason for whatever she wants,” Ethel mutters to herself. “Are you sure?” 
“Ethel! Why would I lie about Miss Hardbroom needing us?” Mildred tries her hardest not to shout as she pushes open the door to reveal a potions’ lab littered with small bags for popcorn and candy and sugary drinks. Isabella is cutting red and yellow card stock while Azura twines on little twist-ties around baggies filled with lollipops and bubble gum. In another corner, Adelaide is taking inventory of the beverages. Hecate is in the back of the lab, finger pointed as she checks off item after item on a piece of paper, and she looks up when she hears the girls gasp in shock. 
Without wasting a second, Hecate puts Felicity on movie duty, her maglet instantly unlocked as she tracks down the topmost popular movies and activities for the uninterested. Ethel, having just mastered a penmanship spell, is set to work on signs and labels. Maud and Mildred are sent to round up any and every spare blanket, comforter, and pillow for their guests. 
Detention (or extra tutoring as most consider it but would never let Hecate know) normally lasts an hour. When Hecate had gone to dismiss the girls, saying they’d rather help, she’s shocked that they refused and continued going on. They continue for another two hours until they’re finished. It’s a gesture she’s not sure she’s really received from anyone outside of Pippa, Ada and the Cackle’s staff, this extra voluntary assistance. Hecate definitely isn’t one to ask for help outright. So, they stay until it’s time to ready for bed. The potions’ teacher shuffles the girls, who are both exhausted and buzzing with excitement, off to their rooms. 
Hecate is just about to transfer away when Azura calls her name. The instant she turns, head high and brows raised in question, she’s enveloped in that familiar hug again. 
When the girl pulls away, she sports a sleepy smile after she yawns into her elbow. “It’s really cool of you to give the Pentangle's students their movie night.” She giggles at the pinched expression on Hecate’s face before skipping back into her room with a soft but cheery “Good night, Miss Hardbroom.” 
Breakfast on Friday morning is quiet, none of the Pentangle’s students are very talkative. They're all still upset of their postponed movie night. There had been talk that there would still be one as most were skeptical of Felicity and her inquiries the day before but since word hadn’t come from any of the teachers, the students shrugged it off as Felicity simply being an aspiring journalist. Had she not been so utterly exhausted the night before; Hecate would have told Pippa and they would have had an announcement at the ready. Instead, she had showered and brushed out her hair before slipping into the warmth of the bed that's only been increased by the presence of an extra body. She still has some last minute preparations to do before the first class begins (and to tell Ada -- something she had neglected to do in her haste) so instead she'll just have to announce the movie night at lunch. 
The time rolls around and she stands from the teacher's table and walks to the front, following slightly behind Ada. Pippa had been obviously confused when she had walked away with an almost ominous smile. Everyone grows silent and suddenly Hecate is transported to the countless amounts of times she had been forced to speak in front of her peers. Her palms sweat. The unnoticeable tendrils of hair that have fallen from her bun tickle at her neck. But like then, she looks out to the crowd and finds confused hazel eyes waiting for hers and she breathes easier. 
Ada starts with a sweet “Good morning, everyone” and then launches into a reminder that Pentangle’s magical maze is still off limits as it continues to change every hour instead of every Friday, making it very easy for any and everyone to get lost. She then turns to Hecate for their special announcement. 
She sniffs, tilting her head upward, “All students will be excused from their final periods in order to prepare for,” Hecate pauses for effect. “Special cinematic viewings of select entertainment beginning at 6 pm.” 
There’s chatter instantly which Hecate lets go on as she steps down from the stage and back over to the teachers’ table. 
“Hecate, did you?” Pippa starts to say. 
“I don’t know what you’re referring to.” 
“You did!” The blonde’s eyes brighten and glaze over slightly. She drops her voice. “That’s why you were working late last night. Oh, Hecate you didn’t have to.” 
With shoulders high and a smile, she tries not to let show, Hecate says “Yes, well...” 
There’s absolute hearts in Pippa’s eyes. She leans closer to Hecate who tries her hardest to keep a neutral expression when she says, “Remind me to kiss you silly later.”
The school vibrates with energy after lunch. While most of the Pentangles students are out for the day (Hecate still finds Pippa’s insistence of having four day weeks strange) the halls are cluttered, and excitement is in the air. Cackle’s has never had a movie night. Hecate can recall previous students mention is once or twice, but she’s sure she had always turned down the idea with a stern look and a hissing denial.
Now, however, she’s sitting on a blush pink plush quilt on the grass as the sun sets, behind over one hundred students, waiting for the blonde to return from the makeshift concessions. Pippa had known she’d want a bit of their privacy and picked a near perfect spot. The nearest students happen to be Mildred and company and even they are well out of earshot. Dimity and Abigail are to the other side, though they’re a bit less covered in shadows. 
There were supposed to be only two movies shown before curfew began, but Hecate had been convinced by more than one student and staff member for just one more. She folded. It’s not like she’d be watching it anyway. She had already sat through two supposed classics, one being about a group of teen witches dabbling in dark magic with no thought of the repercussions and thus reaping what they sow. When the second movie had ended she turned to a very comfortable Pippa, who had been laying against her side at the back of the audience and asked if she could transfer them. Now they’re taking the final stairs to the top of a quiet tower. 
“What will the students think?”  
Hecate rolls her eyes at the playful tone, “I am a very powerful witch, Pippa. The students wouldn’t dare say anything to me. They’d have to be worried for an entirely different reason.” 
“Oh? You would finally pretend to be the big, bad potions’ mistress you aspire to be?” 
They exit the door to the tower, high up with the stars when Hecate pulls Pippa to her, nose to nose. “I do not pretend. I am all that you say and more.” She takes Pippa’s breath away, who melts against her embrace. Pippa wouldn’t have even looked away had it not been for Hecate’s own urging her to look around. Red candles outline the group of fluffy pillows, a darker burgundy blanket and darker plush blankets are scattered around for when the wind gets to be too much. There’s wine and dessert and the twinkling stars in the night sky. Hecate twirls her hand and the soft melody of a timeless chant begins to play around them.
The couple settle against the pillows, making themselves comfortable. Hecate pulls Pippa close, one arm around her middle and the other resting on her thigh. They laugh together in hushed tones as to not give away their location. Pippa keeps her promise to kiss her girlfriend silly and Hecate almost, just almost, concedes to sleeping atop the tower for just one night Hiccup, please? They don’t, though she does let Pippa lean against her as she rests for a few precious minutes before transferring them to their shared room. ... One late afternoon, after almost three weeks of domesticated life, Hecate sits at the desk in her rooms, marking the last few fourth year quizzes feeling... different. She’s not as tired as she normally would be. She hasn’t even taken a wide awake potion in maybe a week even with the amount of magic she has expended in the separation process. Her mouth isn’t down turned in a frown at the missed questions and miscalculated math. She’s lighter, and her heart beats a little stronger, a little faster in time. Hecate realizes perhaps for the first time in a very long time that she’s more than content, she’s tranquil. 
Hecate is lost in this thought when Pippa breezes through the door with a smile and small skip, her ponytail swinging happily behind her. As always, Pippa greets a lounging Morgana and a stoic Artemis before she primly sits on Hecate’s lap in an attempt to not wrinkle her dress (though she is done for the day) with a greeting and a kiss, arms sliding around her neck. She nuzzles her nose against Hecate’s temple as the brunette returns her embrace and it’s the most natural thing Hecate thinks she’s ever done before. Because it’s become so normal. It’s second nature, like brewing a levitation potion. Pippa, not surprisingly being headmistress, works longer days than Hecate and while she has always greeted her in this manner, the hugs and kisses seem better, warmer, just right.  
She can’t have this forever, she knows. Pentangle’s is almost back to normal and then Pippa will be off again, and they’ll be distance lovers once more, meeting when they can. It tugs at Hecate’s heart that eventually she won’t wake to warm puffs of breath against her neck. That she won’t fall asleep to Pippa’s gentle snores. She won’t have to set out an extra mug for tea. The laundry will decrease, dishes too, and she’ll be left to her own devices. 
“Hecate, darling, are you alright?” Pippa voice pulls Hecate out of her thoughts. 
The brunette nods her head. “Just thinking.” 
Pippa hums softly, “About what?”  
Could she be completely and totally honest? Why not? It’s Pippa. She’s Pippa’s girlfriend (though she abhors the word) and who else could she be honest with.  
“I’ll miss this.” 
Pippa softens, holds her a little closer. She readjusts on Hecate’s lap, soft smile on her lips. “I’ll miss it too, darling. So, we should enjoy it while we can.” … Ada and Hecate had been sitting in the headmistress’s office the next day, chatting numbers over tea when there’s a knock at the door. Hecate stands and flicks the door open to reveal Adelaide, Azura, and Isabella with Mildred behind them. The older girl gently nudges them forward and when they give her an apprehensive look at Mildred, she just gives them a more confident one back. Hecate raises a questioning brow, noticing how the younger girls shift from foot to foot, fingers twirling around their sashes. 
Azura steels herself and turns to Ada and Hecate with her head high. “Izzy, Addy and I want to lead a project to properly sendoff everyone from Pentangle’s.” “And to apologize again for the mess we caused.” Isabella adds while Adelaide nods her head in agreement. 
Mildred steps in, “They’ve got a plan for music and food and decorations.” She pushes Adelaide forward. The younger girl shuffles to Ada and Hecate, waving her hand to produce a booklet of plans only three fourteen year olds could produce. 
She and Ada look over it. It’s not a horrible itinerary, some things will have to be changed and adjusted for practical reasons but for the most part it’s doable. Hecate has to stop herself from giving them too positive a reaction. They can’t know she’s proud. Not yet at least. 
“I think it’s a wonderful idea,” Miss Cackle sweetly smiles at them. The girls brighten instantly, looking to each other as if they had had their fingers crossed in hope. 
And thus, begins the preparation for a farewell dance. Like preparing for the movie night the previous week, Mildred, Maud, Ethel, and Felicity join Hecate and the girls during detention to assist. There’s decorations prepared and stored away, menus to give to Miss Tapioca and Miss Cassava, and posters and fliers to hang up though Felicity’s post on her blog will no doubt spread the news fast enough. (In fact, the girl had known about it before Mildred even asked if she wanted to help. Hecate still doesn’t know how she does it.) 
Instead of transferring to her room when she and the girls had finished, she finds herself tapping on Pippa’s still present and ever open office door. For some reason, Pippa’s office has been one of the most difficult places to return to Pentangles, coming second to the ever changing maze. The pink witch looks up above her equally pink reading glasses and instantly smiles. 
“I’ve almost finished this last page. I promise, darling.” 
Hecate takes her place in the chair across from the desk, a flippant hand waving away the promise. “No need to rush.” 
They exchange a brief gaze before Pippa silently returns to whatever paper she was reading. One minute passes. And then another. And then another. Hecate has to stop herself from tapping her foot as the minutes tick by. Her eyes study Pippa. The way her lip is caught between her teeth, her nose scrunched ever so slightly as if something doesn’t make sense. Earlier her hair had been pinned up into a low chignon bun at the nape of her neck. She must have taken it down when classes had ended as it’s now in a slightly higher ponytail. Her matching jacket hangs on the back of her chair. 
The brunette is still studying her when Pippa looks up and finally removes her glasses, fingers already pressed to the bridge of her nose. 
“There’ll be a farewell dance at the end of the week,” Hecate bluntly states. 
“Yes, I heard! It’s supposed to be a fabulous event, you know.” The lift in her voice lets Hecate know the woman’s being playful. 
The brunette hums as she leans forward, fingers tapping against the quartz paperweight on the desk. “Indeed, it is. Of course, as headmistress and deputy of our two academies we’ll be expected to attend.” 
“Hecate Hardbroom, are you asking me to be your date to the farewell dance?” Pippa bats her lashes and props her head against her hand, a silly but pleased smile playing on her lips. 
“I was attempting to be modest, Pippa. Perhaps some sly wizard got to you first” she jokingly says with a roll of her eyes but then looks expectantly at her. 
“And I would turn down each one for you.” Finally, the blonde stands from her desk, smile still perfectly in place as she reaches for Hecate with one hand and flicks the door closed and shut with the other. “I’m done here, transfer us, darling?” 
“With pleasure.” ... The night of the Farewell celebration, Hecate is a ball of nerves and she can’t really say why. Sure, Pentangle’s and Cackles have been perfectly separated. There’s spare rooms still in place for everyone to sleep in for the night but otherwise they’ll return to normalcy in the morning. She should be happy, and a part of her is. But another dreads the silence that will come when they’re officially two separate schools again. She doesn’t think Cackle’s should be coed but teaching young wizards had been a pleasure she hadn’t expected. The food might lose its flare. The halls will be less congested. There’ll be no Pippa. That really grates at her nerves as they silently ready to the sounds of Pippa’s modern chanting records. 
“Zip me?” Pippa asks, already turning her back to Hecate who silently slides the zipper up and up and up. 
“You look beautiful, Pippa.” 
The blonde smiles brilliantly as she puts the back on her earring, turning to Hecate. “As do you, darling.” At the risk of ruining both of their lipsticks, she presses a light kiss to her lips. “Now, let’s go before we’re late.” 
“We could just not go.” 
“Hecate,” Pippa almost scolds. 
The brunette rolls her eyes as she smirks. “Fine, fine.” And they take their leave, twisting and turning down corridors that no longer have large modern windows to the great hall. 
The room sparkles with warm yellow lights. Students are already dancing to whatever pumping beat is playing. Hecate immediately shifts into chaperone mode, finding a place on the wall that she can see the entirety of the room. Ada joins her for a moment while Pippa goes off to mingle with the students and staff, but for the most part she’s alone as she listens and watches, scanning the room for sneaky young witches and wizards. Azura, Adelaide, and Isabella stop to bring her cookies they know she won’t eat but are really hoping she does. She nibbles at one of the plainer ones as she spies Mildred on the dance floor, her movements still as clumsy as they had been years ago. 
The night goes on and some begin to take their leave when Hecate finally moves from her spot, transferring across the room. 
“Dance with me?” Hecate asks as she appears next to Pippa. The blonde doesn’t flinch like she used to when the brunette would unexpectedly transfer next to her, Hecate notices with a quirk of her lip. 
“I’ve been waiting all night for you to ask me that,” the blonde beams, hand reaching for Hecate’s before leading her out to the dance floor. 
A Hecate before would have never put herself on such display, a thought that is ridiculous to her now. She loves dancing, has always loved twirling and stepping around a dance floor, her dress flaring at her ankles. But for years she prevented herself from being the center of attention, hating the eyes on her. With Pippa, dancing is even better. She holds and is held closer, tighter. Their steps are synchronized to perfection. They’re cheek to cheek and the students and staff fade to the far distance of her mind leaving just her and her Pippa. 
“Marry me?” Hecate asks softly in Pippa’s ear. It’s not exactly how Hecate pictured she’d propose, without the roses and the low light and the ambiance. Perhaps she should have done it the week before when they were alone atop the tower. 
Pippa is speechless. Absolutely and fantastically speechless. But also, she isn’t. She has been waiting for this day since who knows when. She has been hoping that would happen sooner rather than later. Perhaps sooner rather than later meant well over thirty years. They’re standing still when she looks into Hecate’s eyes and she pulls them away. Away from young ears and the gazes that don’t even know the question asked. Pippa drags her away until they’re alone and she can breathe and make sure this is real. “You don’t think we’re moving too fast? I mean, we’ve only been together for-“ 
“One year, six months, two weeks, four days, five hours and,” Hecate takes the moment to open the time piece hanging from her neck. “Twenty six minutes.” Pippa, as stunned as ever, asks through a small chuckle, “Why do you know that?” 
The brunette shrugs as if everyone knows exactly when they made things official, fair skin deepening to a full blush. “I’d tell you the seconds but I’m sure I stopped breathing when you said yes the first time.” 
Pippa loses her own breath. Curse Hecate and her way with words. She doesn’t think she can breathe without this dark-haired, even darker eyed beauty. So, she kisses her. Pippa kisses Hecate until they are both gasping and out of breath. “Yes, yes I’ll marry you.” 
The brunette grins, beams. And they kiss. And something about this feels like a next step. Something about this feels final. Something about this feels right. Like forever.
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doodlewash · 6 years
My name is Sophia and I’m from Yeppoon in Central Queensland, Australia. I grew up in Brisbane where my creativity and love of all things art was fostered and encouraged by my family including my late grandmothers, Lavinia, an abstract artist and Nina, a creator. Both Nanna and Gran shared my passion and encouraged me to explore it by sharing their knowledge and skills in art, sewing, crotchet, cooking and mosaics to name a few.
I have always had a love of creating and experimenting and over the years my creative endeavours have included sewing, scrapbooking, card making, painting, jewelery making, mosaics and the list goes on.
I recall of the years, some of my proudest moments were when my creations were upgraded from the fridge to everyday use or display. My Gran and Nanna fondly used coasters, bags and quilts I had made for them for many many years. My parents proudly displayed a triptych painting of mine above their bed for years even when the colours of the painting didn’t match their décor and my sister displays some of my artwork in her son’s room.
After many years of paper crafts I turned back to my love of acrylic painting and began painting at every opportunity. The love grew and spread and became a passion. Not so long ago, I was gifted a watercolour set, and with this, endless opportunities to create opened up.
I work full time but use nights and weekends to practice, perfect and create. I draw inspiration from the world around me, my family and friends – the friend that cooks eggplant parmigiana, my sister sharing a precious moment with her son, my friend’s love of owls, my own love of cactus and animals. I love to create artwork that brings joy to me as well as others and I generally opt for bright colours.
I use reference photos to sketch out work and often this is the longest part of the creative process as drawing and sketching are not my fortes. Once I have sketched out a design, the painting process commences. For watercolours, I typically use Arches 300gsm paper and I prefer smooth or hot pressed, however, I have been known to paint on whatever I can find.
I find the most economical way to source paper is to buy large sheets then cut them to size – generally to 12x12inches, A4 or A5 depending on the project. I use Winsor & Newton Masking Fluid as well as Micron pens and the gelly roll white pens to help with both outlines and highlighting/shading.
In terms of watercolours, I use QOR Watercolours and Prima Watercolour Confections and I make as many colour charts as I possibly can to ensure I best utilise the colours I have. My most surprising colour mix and my current favourite is Dioxazine Purple and Yellow Ochre. I love the soft muted colours that are created with this mix. I recently also discovered metallic watercolours and I instantly fell in love and I have been adding metallic accents to nearly everything I do lately. If you haven’t tried metallic watercolours I highly recommend them!
I am always on the lookout for new ways to be creative, experiment and to integrate art into every day and I have recently been experimenting with Prismacolor Pencils and Scratchboard Art thanks to my family who always seems to know what arty presents to buy me. I recently completed a scratchboard piece with two zebras, that I finished off with watercolour for shading, which shows the versatility of watercolours across many media.
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GUEST ARTIST: "Carrying On The Family Tradition" by Sophia Czarkowski - #doodlewash #WorldWatercolorGroup #watercolor #drawing My name is Sophia and I’m from Yeppoon in Central Queensland, Australia. I grew up in Brisbane where my creativity and love of all things art was fostered and encouraged by my family including my late grandmothers, Lavinia, an abstract artist and Nina, a creator.
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fyeahworstwitch · 7 years
The Worst Witch (1998): Character Names, Spellings, and Performed By (to be reblogged/added to as needed)
Mildred Hubble (Georgina Sherrington) – Mildred is a clumsy, bungling young witch-in-training, who never seems to get anything right at Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches. She does not come from a witch family like most of the other girls, but earns a scholarship at Cackle's Academy through a first-class piece of creative writing (she is portrayed as being creative throughout the series, especially in art)
Ethel Hallow (Felicity Jones, later Katy Allen) – Ethel is Mildred Hubble's acid-tongued rival. She is a "straight-A" student, comes from a prominent and historic witch family, and gives the impression of being a model student to her classmates. She is spoiled, snobbish and vindictive; though in the presence of the school's teachers she can turn on the charm and act sweet and innocent.
Maud Moonshine (Emma Brown, credited as Emma Jayne Brown in Series 3) – Maud is Mildred's best friend at Cackle's Academy. She is fiercely loyal to Mildred and assists her on most of her adventures, often against her better judgement. 
Enid Nightshade (Jessica Fox) – Enid is another of Mildred's close friends, who is introduced after she is transferred to Cackle's Academy and Mildred is assigned as her guardian. Enid turns out to be a wild practical joker whose attempts to make Mildred like her only result in getting Mildred into trouble. Overall she is friendly and kindhearted, but sometimes oversteps the mark in her attempt to befriend and help people. 
Drusilla Paddock (Holly Rivers) – Drusilla is Ethel's best and only friend. She is a vindictive bully but lacks the acid-tongued spite of Ethel, and seems to be in awe of her. Drusilla and Ethel have stuck together because nobody else can bear to be around them
Ruby Cherrytree (Joanna Dyce) – Ruby is another friend of Mildred's. She is a very tall black girl, with frizzy hair worn in pigtails and an inventive personality. Ruby is very loyal to her friends and keen to learn at Cackle's Academy. She is also heavily addicted to all kinds of "electronic contrivances" and therefore a thorn in the flesh of old-fashioned Miss Hardbroom. 
Jadu Wali (Harshna Brahmbhatt) – Jadu is another of Mildred's close friends. She is mostly very sensible and, during the first two years at Cackle's, of a rather meek nature, yet she is often dragged along on whatever crazy crusade Mildred and the others are going on.
Sybil Hallow (Charlotte Knowles) – Sybil Hallow is Ethel's long-suffering younger sister. She starts attending Cackle's Academy as of Series 2, in the year below Ethel and Mildred.
Clarice Crow (Georgia Isla Graham) – Clarice is Sybil Hallow's best friend. She is very loyal and steadfast in character, supporting her tearful and less confident friend throughout Series 2. She revealed that she wanted to become a proper witch ever since she was very small.
Miss Amelia Cackle (Clare Coulter) – Miss Cackle is the Headmistress of Cackle's Academy. 
Miss Constance Hardbroom (Kate Duchêne) – Miss Hardbroom is the fearsome Deputy Headmistress of Cackle's Academy. 
Miss Imogen Drill (Claire Porter) – Miss Drill is the PE teacher, and the only non-magical staff member at Cackle's Academy. 
Miss Davina Bat (Una Stubbs) – Miss Bat is the slightly loopy Chanting teacher at Cackle's Academy during Series 1 and 2. 
Miss Lavinia Crotchet (Polly James) – Miss Crotchet is the replacement Chanting teacher for Miss Bat
Recurring characters
Griselda Blackwood (Poppy Gaye) – Griselda (”Gris”) and her best friend, Fenella, are the main recurring characters of the series
Fenella Feverfew (Julia Malewski / Emily Stride) – Fenella, often known as "Fenny", is Griselda Blackwood's best friend, and never seen without her.
Charlie Blossom (Nicholas Pepper) – Charlie is Frank Blossom's nephew. 
Frank Blossom (Berwick Kaler) – Frank is the caretaker at Cackles Academy.
Mistress Hecate Broomhead (Janet Henfrey) – Mistress Broomhead is an OFWITCH inspector and a member of The Witches' Guild. 
Mrs Cosie (Sheena Larkin) – Mrs Cosie is the owner of the local tea rooms which are in the "out of bounds" area of the forest around the castle, but this does not stop the girls visiting whenever they can. 
Barry "Baz" Dragonsbane (Paul Child) – Baz is a student wizard who attends Camelot College. 
Gary "Gaz" Grailquest (Anthony Hamblin) – Gaz is Baz's best friend, and a fellow pupil at Camelot College. 
Mr Hallow (Patrick Pearson) – Mr Hallow is the Chair of the Governors at Cackles, and Ethel's father. 
Grand Wizard Egbert Hellibore (Terrence Hardiman / Richard Durden) – The Grand Wizard appeared in several episodes throughout the series, often visiting Cackles Academy with his wizard students. Hellibore is the head of Camelot College for Wizards
Merlin Langstaff (Guy Witcher) – Merlin, nicknamed "Loppy Lugs", is a student wizard at Camelot College. He was bullied by Baz and Gaz and accompanied them on several visits to Cackles. He left Camelot College to become Algernon Rowan-Webb's apprentice
Mrs Tapioca (Annette Badland) – Mrs Tapioca is the school cook. She is Italian and often complains that she has to cook traditional school food for the pupils rather than her own Italian cuisine. 
Algernon Rowan-Webb (Paul Copley) – Algernon attended the Academy as a pupil when it was a wizard college, along with Grand Wizard Egbert Hellibore. He was turned into a frog while still a teenager by a fellow pupil named Mortimer Mistletoe. Not having the ability to change himself back, he took up residence in the school pond and remained a frog for over forty years. 
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rookieroulette · 11 years
In my mind, even though they are in different places, the bit of river that Miss Hardbroom sits by when she is upset in "Better Dead Than Co-Ed" is the same bit of river as Miss Crotchet falls in in "Art Wars", but I am too tired to look at the episodes and check...
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sorceryandchips · 12 years
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twwprompts · 1 month
Lavinia Crotchet already knows that Drusilla Paddock is responsible for this latest disaster.
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twwprompts · 1 month
A brief chat with Davina Bat in Bangladesh. Lavinia Crotchet certainly loves to live in style.
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twwprompts · 3 months
Davina Bat and Lavinia Crotchet are hit with a spell that makes them remember the fun of Hallowe'en as children. They bake Hallowe'en treats together.
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twwprompts · 3 months
Davina Bat finds Lavinia Crotchet turning her classroom into a haunted scene. She is annoyed at first, but then warms to the idea and joins in terrorising the students who visit later.
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twwprompts · 3 months
Lavinia Crotchet and Davina Bat engage in some Hallowe'en baking. Lavinia Crotchet shows Davina Bat just how terrible she is at icing cookies.
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twwprompts · 5 months
Lavinia Crotchet wakes up from a nightmare distressed. Davina Bat stays up with her until everything feels better.
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twwprompts · 7 months
Davina Bat has lost her corporeal form during a botched transfer. Lavinia Crotchet must find her spirit and reunite it with her body before it's too late.
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