heathtrash · 9 months
now can finally talk about this fic i did for the gift exchange now that the creators are no longer secret 👀👀👀
mumbroom enemies to lovers!!!
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After an unfortunately timed emergency in their flat, Julie and Mildred have to find somewhere else to spend Christmas. Hecate, their unwilling host, has to confront her conflicting feelings about Julie Hubble head-on while attempting to keep both Hubbles out of trouble.
HAND ON HEART i never set out to write a full-on novella-length fic for this gift exchange. RECEIPT BELOW.
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1-2k? TRY 21k, past heathcliff. the concept just couldn't really fit into a shorter length fic so uhhh i basically kept writing until the plot resolved into a nice ending??? i had actually planned to do another in-story day, but i felt like leaving it a bit open-ended was acceptable, considering that there's so much of it already and like, it actually takes time to read a fic like this (less time than to write it oh my STARS.)
if you have any time at all over the festive period to read, i would love to hear what you thought of this! comments are the best gifts ever 💖
anyway merry christmas everyone!! 🎄
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txciaz · 2 months
so . . is the mumbroom fandom alive?
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marascomics · 1 year
Started writing both a cissamione fic and a mumbroom fic… I’m in it now fellas
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the-ravensclaws · 2 years
Audio: Mortal Kombat 11
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luvlixliza · 2 years
With You: Part 1- Happy Accidents 
Hecate Hardbroom was a distant person who closed off her heart for fear being hurt by others She had enough heartbreak to last a lifetime Indigo moon.. Pippa Pentangle.. Her father.. And Julie Hubble.
Indigo was her first real taste of true failure and it led to her downfall in relationships. Pippa followed soon after in her way to prove she could be a good witch and not a disgrace as her father and mother liked to call her. So when she met Julie Hubble and her heart stutterd at the sight of the curly blonde she was fearful. Not only was Julie an ordinary but far worse she was the mother of a pupil. The mother of one Mildred Hubble. Yet she could not get the fiery blonde out of her mind.
Shortly after their parents' night Hecate felt something she hadn’t felt in so long. In Julie's verbal lashing she felt oddly..intrigued. She couldn’t help but stare mouth agape as the beautiful blonde gave her a run for her money. She quickly regained control and composed her behavior but each reasoning was met with a rebuttal, using the witches code of all things. The witch’s code which the darker haired witch held so dear.
Now weeks later all she could recall was the blondes satisfied smirk at chastising her
Miss Hardbroom had tried her hardest to rid that image from her mind and slowly it was working
So the following term when she was told Miss Hubble would be replacing Miss Mould and teaching art, here at the academy. She tried her hardest to ensure that wouldn’t happen. It was bad enough after the freeze and halloween festivities she had made a fool of herself. 
After speaking to Mildred about her new found witching status she had vanished from the dining hall towards her private chambers. By the time it was time for her to do her nightly rounds she had found Julie Hubble ascending the stairs and Hecate whose magic was still recovering from the freeze finally gave out as she fell to her knees. Miss Hubble, pleasant as always, rushed over to help her; she scolded her once more for good measure and helped her back into her private quarters and put her to bed. Hecate too tired to protest slept as soon as her head hit her pillow barely managing to change into her nightgown and that too had earned her another telling off to stop exhausting herself by the blonde. She could only smile as she slept to dreams of her. 3 days later when she awoke she was met with the same blonde and once more she was met with another telling off
“Oh good you’re awake, would you like some tea?” Hecate shook her head, her embarrassment of Julie having seen her in such a state slowly creeping up on her “Are you alright?” Her question was met with another nod from the still in bed witch “Oh good, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA THE FRIGHT YOU GAVE ME! 3 days! You’ve been asleep for 3 days, I left you to sleep and when I went to go see if Miss Cackle could transfer me home, she was asleep too! As was Millie and everyone else! I certainly wasn goin to walk down the bloody mountain at night, so I slept on your couch, hope you don’t mind, but to my surprise neither you, nor Miss Cackle or Millie or the other girls who had been frozen were awake the following day. Dimity and Ms Bat were the ones to figure out what happened. The ice had drained you magic and while it was restored when the founding stone was relit, your bodies all went through so much, your magic took a toll.” “The students!” Hecate found herself finding her voice with worry for the school “They’re ok, their magic so new was able to recover faster, Millie woke first but the others who weren’t affected are doing good. Dimity called in Miss Pentangle to help cover your courses” “Ada?”
“She’s ok too, still sleeping last I checked” With her questions answered Hecete felt her nerves subside only to come back full speed at the realization she is still in her nightgown, in bed, hair a mess Julie having sensed her discomfort offered to go check on Miss Cackle leaving Miss Hardbroom to collect herself and her thoughts
‘She’d stayed’ it was all she could think about, after knowing Mildred was ok and knowing she wasn’t in any danger Julie Hubble still stayed and had been checking on her. By the look of her couch in the sitting area she’d also been sleeping here. Her heart stuttered at the thought of the beautiful blonde sleeping in her living quarters She shook herself of those thoughts and made to dress and cleaned herself to relieve Pippa of her duties.
With the new term having started a couple weeks ago Hecate still did not accept Miss Hubble as the art teacher, even going as far to make her sit at a different table. She’d been told off later on for that one, away from the ears of the children and Hecate would be lying if that hadn’t fueled some dreams for her. She quickly thought better, knowing she would never feel the same and her heart ached at the fact.
Slowly though her desire to have Julie out of this school faded and instead she began looking forward to seeing her. She began to notice things, the way her smile was always wide and charming. The way her hair in the sunlight made it look like she was glowing. Miss Hubble, having noticed Miss Hardbroom had mellowed down had begun to direct her pleasantness to her and Hecate found it hard to snap when she was graced with that smile. She did however miss that fiery glint. Which is why she found herself outside the art room gathering her courage to annoy the blonde.
“Blimey must you always slam the doors you scared the hell out of me” Julie exclaimed having jumped causing the paintbrush she was holding to strike through the canvas she was currently sitting in front of “I did not slam the door, I merely…closed it with authority” The dark haired witch remarked with a slight twitch in her lips, however falling as she noticed Julie's painting of…her, now ruined The blonde sees her eye sullen at what her closing the door had done “There’s no worries, there��s no mistakes in art, simply..happy accidents” she reassured “How…quaint, is that supposed to resemble me?” “Oh” the blonde blushes looking down at her lap, “Yea sorry, I guess you’ve been my muse lately” Upon seeing the smaller woman blush she couldn’t help herself she reached her hand out to raise the others head and pushed a curl behind her ear to see her face more clearly She wasn’t sure what went through her mind but months of torment led her to kissing the blonde and to her great surprise she was kissing back, however her fear quickly took president and she pulled away abruptly “I- I Im so, ehm, I apologize, that was wildly inappropriate of me” and in a flick of her wrist she was gone to seclude herself in her room, already planning on avoiding dinner
“Oh no you don’t” Julie exhaled with resolve as she made her way out the art room up to Hecates room Immediately she knocked until the witch opened the door, her hair down and her face removed of makeup, and if it wasn’t for the tears Julie would say she looked incredibly beautiful Hecate stood there mouth agape and Julie set her face with determination and walked in right past her leaving her to close the door behind her and turn to look at the blonde staring at her with such intensity, she gulped “You kissed me- no it's my turn” She cut off when the other went to interrupt “for the past few weeks you’ve been trying to get me fired but then you look at me with those wonderful eyes and those smiles that make me melt and then you kiss me, and before I can even tell you how long I’ve wanted to do that, you walk off and leave me standing like a bloody school girl” “I-“ Hecate stammers not knowing what to say before Julie walks over to her, hands coming to her cheeks and kissing her with such fervor Hecate is backed onto the door She surrenders herself to what she’s wanted for months now kissing back, hoping Julie will not change her mind. Easing out of the kiss their foreheads resting together “You’ve been driving me insane ever since the freeze” “Try having to deal with your smiles and fiery determination since parents day” Hecate huffs Julie can only laugh before pulling Hecate down for another kiss, this one more passionate than the last “I knew it, I knew you were doing it on purpose, I could see your smiles after I’d tell you off” “You are quite the sight when angered Mzzz Hubble” “Julie.. call me Julie” she breaths as Hecate begins ravishing her neck “Julie..mmm I’d quite like to take you on..a..a date” Hecate finally manages “I'd like that” Julie replies pulling her back up for a kiss Hecate pulls back “then we can finish this after our date, say tomorrow night at 6?” “That’d be lovely but I'd rather you take me to bed now” Julie breaths nibbling on the witches ear lobe Hecate groans “You shall be the death of me, but that can be mm arranged” she barely manages before transferring herself and Julie onto the bed
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I updated the mumbroom fic!!! Chapter 3 up now:)
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hovercraft79 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/10 Fandom: The Worst Witch (TV 2017) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hardbroom/Julie Hubble, Hardbroom & Mildred Hubble, Hardbroom & Indigo Moon Characters: Hecate Hardbroom, Julie Hubble, Mildred Hubble, Indigo Moon, Ada Cackle, Dimity Drill Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Found Family, Childhood Trauma, Dysfunctional Family Summary:
When Julie Hubble hits upon an idea to help Indigo Moon adjust to life in the twenty-first century, Ada Cackle thinks it's brilliant. She just has one teensy little favor to ask...
Hoping to repair her relationship with Indigo, Hecate Hardbroom reluctantly agrees to join Indy and the Hubbles on their summer holiday - a looming disaster if ever there was one. It's cramped quarters and short tempers, but maybe, just maybe, Hecate might be on the road to family and forgiveness that she'd never dared to dream about.
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strangesmallbard · 2 years
Top 5 fandoms you've had the most fun in
1. swan queen/swen - god what can i say! i was in this fandom from the very beginning, when it was just a tiny masterlist of fics. a lot of who i am comes from my time in swen, from my creative sensibilities to some of my very best friends. it was enthralling it was exhausting it was chaotic. i have over 60 fics on ao3. i was forged in swen like a gay sword. #benched
2. bering and wells - i wasn’t as active in b&w, but i will always appreciate the dedication and creativity from this fandom. immaculate au game. i also watched hg’s return in a video stream with a bunch of strangers and will never forget the rage coursing through our veins when we realized they gave her a random boyfriend. it’s so sad there was never a s5! :(
3. wicked - my first fandom! i literally found FFN because i was googling wicked for any possible way to engage with the story after i saw the musical live. there was much more good than bad, including some longterm good friends. however, i encountered some homophobia that hindered my own coming out arc at 14. if anyone was in the bored authors society on FFN hmu!
4. the worst witch - such a fun, mostly drama free community! we were there to ship miss hardbroom with every adult female character in sight, and we had a fabulous time. i also got to contribute to fanon in a tangible way - idk if this is known tm, but my friend came up with the ship name “mumbroom” and i popularized it! i may also be responsible for the nurse!julie hubble headcanon, but i honestly cannot remember.
5. xena: warrior princess - i honestly missed the initial fandom by a good decade, but there was a resurgence on tumblr about twelve years ago and we had a BLAST. i’m also eternally grateful for the x/g shippers of the 90s and early 2000s, as they paved the way for us all. (shoutout to @xenaboob you are a good boob!)
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twwprompts · 5 months
Arabella Hempnettle is hosting a wedding ceremony. It's the only chance Mumbroom have to see each other again for a while.
generate more prompts with heathtrash's prompt generator
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kelinasworld-blog · 4 years
Its cannon! Our favourite bad ass witch is confirmed as gay!
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heathtrash · 12 days
⚠️ last weekend to sign up for the TWW Drabble Exchange!! ⚠️
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we're getting towards the final few days of the sign-up period! if you haven't already begun your sign-up, do have a look before this weekend so you know what to do, and so you have the chance to dm me with any questions you have! link here!
a summary of the event in case anyone missed my (possibly annoying) reblogs:
ao3 fic exchange event of single (100), double (200), or triple (300) drabbles
each person will be matched with a compatible request and get to write them a secret gift
all requests will be visible after the sign-up so that additional treats can be written if desired
LONG writing period from 16th september to 28th october, so you can do the minimum and very leisurely write 100 words. but there is no maximum number of drabbles you can submit 😏
fics will go live on hallowe'en and the authors revealed on 4th november
please make sure you're really generous with the amount of prompts you give. it's so useful to give your gifters options, because not everyone will vibe with one particular idea and might with a different one that you also like! and it gives everyone a chance to possibly write you more than one thing!! you can still edit your requests at any point up until the sign-up closes.
i'm getting so hype for these requests to go live!!! i think we're all going to have so much fun with them ehehehehe
(i for one am planning to write every participant at least one treat drabble!)
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letitflytoapril · 4 years
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me, crying: this time you are into both tiny and dead fandom congrats
anyway i’ve been reading that amazing mumbroom fic and this fandom has like 1 (one) fanart so i had to post stuff for once. ill put the fic in the notes bc i am afraid tumblr will hide the post with a link
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marascomics · 1 year
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Miss Honey for @heathtrash bc their honeybroom fic changed my life
(I may or may not be sketching scenes from it - we’ll see if I ever finish them)
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katrrinas · 3 years
a little something I started writing and didn't have the energy to finish: Julie hugs Hecate during the big freeze, and she thaws (in every way possible)
The noise attacks her senses violently; in the bright light of the decorated hall, the yells and laughs bounce merrily off the walls and settle in Hecate's ears, assaulting her tired, exhausted mind.
She takes a look around, her breathing getting heavier with every second, and feels her head spinning from all the worrying, and from the noise all around her, and from almost losing (giving up) her magic today, and from everything, anything at this point.
She notices Ada is dancing with Dimity, and Miss Bat has Mildred, Maud and Enid jumping all over her, and giggling, and dancing, and Hecate can hear Gwen's laughter even from her place at the other end of the hall. She feels like she has never been more envious of Miss Bat.
Hecate checks warily if everybody is here, if everybody is well and all right, not freezing, not freezing, not freezing. Mildred Hubble catches her glance and almost takes a step towards her (to help her, she supposes, because her head is spinning faster and faster and her hands seem to be shaking too). Despite all this, she shakes her head no and turns around, leaving the hall.
The farther she is from the hall, and the music, and the voices, the easier it is to breathe. The easier it is to feel the magic in the tips of her fingers again, the easier it is to transfer herself to the viewing platform at the top of the observation tower and to pretend she didn't almost turn numb today and everything she is and everything she has wasn't almost taken away from her.
The viewing platform already has a visitor, it appears. Hecate notices her curly hair before she really notices anything else. Doesn't everybody?
"I apologise," Hecate utters from behind, and Julie does not startle. "I did not know somebody would be up here."
Julie turns around, a sad smile playing on her lips. "Me neither," she shrugs, but her movements are lacking her usual energy and ardour. She seems tired instead (exhausted, whispers Hecate's own weary mind). The witch considers leaving.
"Don't," Julie's voice is a bit too desperate to belong to someone who feels all right; Hecate guesses they must all sound like this, and it makes her feel sick as well as relieved. She dreads to think which one is worse.
"There is enough space for the two of us," Julie continues. "If you want to stay, that is."
Her fingers are tapping nervously on the baluster, and Hecate wonders in which universe she should really be nervous about them not accepting her, not clinging to her like to a lifesaver she is, after what she has done today.
After what she has done today rings in her head again and again until it's almost louder than the music from the hall was. The witch still can't fully comprehend what has been done today, and it gnaws on her more than she is ready to admit.
Hecate comes closer and clears her throat, wondering if she should address what's perturbing her. After Julie has turned to her and raised her eyebrow questioningly, she knows there is no way back (somewhere deep inside her, though, a little voice tut-tuts and says, not without reason, that of course, of course there is a way back; but it must be one of those days when Hecate feels utterly worn out and particularly lonely because talking about her feelings doesn't feel more awful than being silent).
"Thank you for saving us today," she decides to begin with what she considers the safest path. The sky seems to frown at her tactic as grey shaggy clouds are gathering above their heads; but doesn't cry. "Thank you for saving me today," Julie flashes her a look and turns her eyes to the sky, seemingly unperturbed.
Hecate decides it's now or never (and she hasn't felt so bold in years, so not giving in to this bravery seems almost like a crime) and proceeds.
"I do have one question, though." Julie nods, and her locks, now visibly wet from the humidity of the evening and probably because the sky almost cries just looking at the two of them, cover her eyes. "I was aware that you attempted to save Esmerelda, Ethel and Sybil as well."
Julie lets out a dry chuckle, "Now, that is not a question, is it?"
Hecate purses her lips; not in disgust as she's used to, though, nor in disappointment, but rather in uncomfortability and awkwardness that can leave her speechless at the best of times.
"It is not a question, indeed. The question is," she takes a deep breath and puts her shaking hands on the baluster (for the coolness of it because, for some reason, everything feels so much warmer now, or for the support it may offer her, she does not know). "Why were you able to do that? And before you answer, I have heard Mildred say your magical hugging", she scrunches up her nose, "only works on those... you love."
There it is.
The sky sighs and roars with thunder.
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I love The Worst Witch I love Hecate Hardbroom I love Julie Hubble I love Dimity Drill!!! Ahhhh
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missggullet · 4 years
Julie: What's the first thing you notice when someone tries to approach you?
Hecate: The audacity.
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