heathtrash · 12 days
⚠️ last weekend to sign up for the TWW Drabble Exchange!! ⚠️
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we're getting towards the final few days of the sign-up period! if you haven't already begun your sign-up, do have a look before this weekend so you know what to do, and so you have the chance to dm me with any questions you have! link here!
a summary of the event in case anyone missed my (possibly annoying) reblogs:
ao3 fic exchange event of single (100), double (200), or triple (300) drabbles
each person will be matched with a compatible request and get to write them a secret gift
all requests will be visible after the sign-up so that additional treats can be written if desired
LONG writing period from 16th september to 28th october, so you can do the minimum and very leisurely write 100 words. but there is no maximum number of drabbles you can submit 😏
fics will go live on hallowe'en and the authors revealed on 4th november
please make sure you're really generous with the amount of prompts you give. it's so useful to give your gifters options, because not everyone will vibe with one particular idea and might with a different one that you also like! and it gives everyone a chance to possibly write you more than one thing!! you can still edit your requests at any point up until the sign-up closes.
i'm getting so hype for these requests to go live!!! i think we're all going to have so much fun with them ehehehehe
(i for one am planning to write every participant at least one treat drabble!)
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rebeccamargaretha · 1 year
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room-on-broom · 2 years
Constance rescues Imogen from the sticky magical situation of your choice 👀
It's more then three sentaces but I care not. 💁😘 thank you!!
"Reverserous resol- oh for goodness Miss Drill hold on-!"
Any sarky retort and the simple reversal spell however was interupted by a wet slimey sounding snap, and Constance had to act with heart and head.
There was a a cut off shriek, a woosh of teleiportation magic and a muddy sounding thump as the witch miraculously appeared in the right spot and caught Miss Drill in a princess carry despite her knees protesting. Imogen's pretty (dirt steaked) face right close, real close to hers...
the gym mistress stared back, before yanking the witch into a very unexpected kiss. Constance stood holding her in utter bewildered shock even when Imogen broke the kiss and gasped,
"Miss Hardbroom. You- you saved me?!"
"Hm... yes I suppose i did. " Miss Hardbroom agreed; then promptly dropped the pesky blonde on the forest floor.
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twwprompts · 3 years
Constance Hardbroom and Imogen Drill dress up their familiars for Hallowe'en as Catra and Adora from She-Ra. They watch them get into mischief and it is adorable.
(check out more tww hallowe’en prompts here!)
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gayness-and-mayhem · 4 years
I love it when (1998) HB smiles or laughs, as I imagine Imogen Drill also does.
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cassiopeiasara · 6 years
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Hi all!
Yes you read that right, we’re having a lemon!fest. @victorianlesbian (who made our glorious banner) contacted me back when we were having the Winter Fluff Event and we’ve collaborated to bring you an event for the month of February. Why are we calling it a lemon!fest you ask? Well, old fandom terms are fun but also who knows when tumblr is going to ban written adult content so we wanted a tag you could use in case that happens during the event. I have an ao3 collection: TWW Valentine Lemonfest where you’ll be able to post your works and we’ll be using the tag #twwvalentinelemonfest (I know I need shorter tags for events but this is the best I got right now). Now for all of you lovely people not interested in sexy times (also this is your warning that adult content is below), I’ll put the rules and prompts under a cut. 
Rules: 1. ALL CONTENT MUST BE FOR SHIPS THAT ARE BETWEEN ADULTS. No, aging the kids up does not count! Also this event is open to both the 2017 and 1998 series. 
2. RATE APPROPRIATELY. As this is an event that involves a lot of sexy times, we’re anticipating most works to be rated Mature or Explicit. Not that you can’t have something steamy with a T rating, but please be incredibly mindful when you rate.  
3. BE MINDFUL OF CONSENT. Not sure what I mean by that? Please refer to this super helpful post by @amillionmillionvoices. We won’t be accepting any works for this event that include dubious consent or non consensual elements. 
4. Feel free to interpret the prompt however you like. It can be a clear theme or inspired. It’s up to you. Ideally you post the day corresponding to the prompt but it’s not a hard and fast rule. 
5. Feel free to create anything: moodboards, fic, art, graphics, vids. Just keep in mind if you have something that isn’t fic posted to ao3, I believe it has to be hosted externally somewhere. Also keep in mind tumblr’s guidelines and the possibility that posting certain things will get tagged and/or deleted. It’s important especially for an event like this to reblog one another’s works so if you enjoy something please do that! 
Now onto the prompt list:
First Time 
Dirty Talk
Catch Up/Free Day
Unusual location
Eye Contact
Make-up Sex
Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy creating and we can’t wait to see what you come up with for February!
~Cass and @victorianlesbian
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dreamsinlilac · 7 years
Hi, for HB/Drill: 10.,17. and one of your choice, please.
10. Takes in the stray dog. 
Constance! Zara definitely got her animal obsession from her Mama.  She’s been known to feed them and give them a place to stay for a while but agrees with Imogen that a dog of their own would be too much right now, the cats are easier to care for and they have shares in Shep and Wendy.  So as soon as she can she takes the stray to Stephen who can always either find their owners or new homes for them. She is hoping they’ll get a dog one day though, she doesn’t mind which kind as long as it’s friendly. 
17. Takes the safety steps when building a pillow fort. 
Imogen takes fort building very seriously and always wants to make sure the kids (and Constance) are safe when they’re playing or snuggled up in one.  
4. Spends too much time in the bathroom on their phone. 
Again, Imogen (who will totally deny it but does it all the time.) It gives her time to check her social media in peace (she has a friends only private Instagram filled with pictures illustrating Drill Life)  She also responds to the texts she hasn’t had time to with the kids keeping her so busy. If she’s having a bath or shower by herself she’ll also take her phone with her to play music so she can relax. 
Constance does NOT take her phone to the bathroom, then again Ava’s had Constance’s phone for a week and she still hasn’t realised it’s missing. 
Thanks for the ask, hope the answers were okay. 
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kiwi-cackles · 7 years
A Laughing Matter
An old fic someone liked on AO3 that I thought I’d share again. Feel free to replace Constance with Hecate and think of the new version of Drill - they have a very similar dynamic and it should be hot either way. (;
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Or read it on AO3 - but please leave a review if you do! ♥
           ‘Please. I want to hear it.’
           ‘You’ll just have to be more amusing, then, won’t you?’
           Imogen slammed her bottom against the door to close it and came at Constance with a stride more akin to a prowl.
           ‘Please,’ she said again. ‘I hear you argue day in and day out. When do I get to hear this?’
           ‘Perhaps you should say fewer things that encourage debate,’ Constance drawled as she leaned against the standing chest of drawers. She looked down at Imogen in that imperious, impervious way that drove Imogen mad. Madder than she already was.
           But she could tell she was getting there. She reached Constance and pressed flush up against her, craned up with her neck to whisper at the woman’s ear. ‘Please. If you do I’ll tell you a secret.’
           Constance laughed at that. As soon as she did, Imogen pulled her head down for a kiss. She nipped at the burgundy lips and lightly dragged with her teeth as they parted.
           ‘Yes, that,’ Imogen breathed. She kissed up Constance’s long neck and smiled to see lipstick smudged along the trail; Constance had left her mark already.
           ‘I only laughed for doubt of your having a secret worth sharing,’ came her retort. Constance’s hands remained noticeably apart from Imogen’s frame, which was so close to her that no space remained between them.
           ‘You’re wrong,’ Imogen growled into the jawline before her. She made her way back up to Constance’s ear and gripped the lobe lightly with her lips, sucked at it for an instant and swiped at it with her tongue. Constance’s hand swiped at her bottom hard enough that it left a sound and remained there, cupping Imogen’s flesh with no intention to release it. Imogen smiled against Constance’s ear. She was winning.
           ‘Do you want to hear the secret?’ she asked, soft as could be.
           ‘Perhaps,’ was the most Constance would allow. Still, the hand at Imogen’s rear squeezed.
           ‘I bet,’ Imogen breathed near her ear, her words deliberately slow, ‘that I could come from the sound of your laughter alone.’
           In the next instant she felt the wall slam against her back and Constance was upon her, merged in every place in mattered, and Imogen was dizzy with the curves and the heat and the pressure of it. She had won: she had cracked through the Ice Queen barrier to the unstoppable woman beneath.
           ‘You bet that, do you?’ Constance asked against Imogen’s lips—damnably, not touching. But her gaze was so intense that Imogen felt bare beneath it. ‘And how would you test that? You’re no comedian or clown, despite your ridiculous red nose.’
           ‘Those don’t make you laugh anyway,’ Imogen declared. Her hand jumped to the swell of Constance’s hip and then up, up into the danger zone of the woman’s unfairly small waist. Her fingers were light; at the littlest twitch they might just—
           ‘You’d risk your life for a wager?’ Constance’s voice rang dangerously in her ear.
           ‘How else would we come to any conclusion? You know my hypothesis. It’s up to you to test it.’
           Imogen was cheating. She was using her lover’s terms and adoration for the scientific process against her. And yet there it was, as well: a clear question of consent.
           Constance laughed in her ear. It was rich and low, but not the mocking sort she so often received; it was authentic amusement. Imogen could feel the vibrations of it through her chest and pressed her arm up over Constance’s shoulder and neck for support, freezing up at the delight of it.
           She recovered enough to begin moving her fingers.
           And then she had all five-foot-endless of Constance Hardbroom convulsing against her, unrestrained laughter in her ears and vibrating through her whole body. Constance wrapped both arms around Imogen’s neck and gripped her, one hand in her hair and one clasping her shoulder with a considerable portion of her might.
           It was a vice grip that Imogen never wanted to leave again. Anywhere her jittering fingers moved produced a reaction in Constance.
           Her laughter began to sound so uninhibited and joyous that Imogen nearly cried to her it. She could hear the sound from the scalp that Constance gripped with her long fingers down to the torso fit snug against Constance’s writhing body and down farther to the legs that held Constance up. With that sound alone, there could be no wrong in the world.
           But there could be plenty of fire. Imogen felt the heat start in the soles of her feet, in the palm that gripped at Constance’s shoulder, and knew that she was in for something potentially more than she could handle. The heat blossomed in her stomach and spread through her limbs, shot like lightning—like Constance’s lighting—across her skin.
           And Constance had her forehead against Imogen’s neck, was laughing down into her clavicle, and the whole world consisted of this one stunning woman vibrating against her, and of the beautiful sound of her laughter, the most precious of rarities.
           Imogen could feel the flush moving up her chest and prickling at her skin until it shot up her neck and joined the colour in her face. Surely her clothes could melt right off, could combust and leave them both bare and grasping, nothing between them but their skin.
           Constance’s laughter made her seem open and vulnerable in a way she so seldom was, in a way that was youthful and ebullient and utterly enthralling, that it was as if she was already lain before Imogen in the purest state she could be, clothed and all. If dresses of infinite fabric concealed the entity of Constance Hardbroom in all her complex glory, laughter set her free more than any undressing ever could.
           All the same, the thought of Constance pressed against her nude and laughing as she was, held up by Imogen’s leg at the apex of her own, made Imogen release an unintentional sound: a long, pent-up moan of pure ecstasy. It seemed to match the intensity of Constance’s laughter, first loud and nearly braying then to spurts of breathless pleasure and all that came in-between.
           At the sound of it Constance clung harder, this time with her legs as well as she sat astride Imogen’s. Her face moved to Imogen’s and nudged at it, pushed at it, not quite able to manage a kiss with the continuing spurts of laughter. The fingers in Imogen’s hair tightened to the point of pain but it conflicted with the laughter so beautifully, and was such a juxtaposition of their normal interactions, that it only proved to set Imogen off more.
           The heat of Constance against her and the heat inside her, driven by gratitude of Constance laughing, combined to push Imogen over the edge. She seemed to meet the precipice and fly ever higher, profoundly euphoric at the experience of Constance letting loose the most private part of herself; Imogen did not dive back down as she normally did but glided, kept aloft by the vibrations of Constance, until she met the ground.
           And she had. As she remembered to breathe again she found herself on the floor next to the chest of drawers, Constance seated in her lap at a straddle and still enveloping her from head to thigh. There was hardly anything more pleasant than the full weight of Constance Hardbroom’s body and character upon her.
           Hardly anything, she decided, besides her lover’s laughter.
           Imogen gasped in breaths as she felt her body slowly calming and cooling. Constance was equally gulping in air as she sat astride Imogen. She dropped her neck down until her forehead touched Imogen’s and kept it there, staring into her lover’s eyes as they sought the breath they had lost.
           When Imogen was confident that she could do it without losing her breath again, she brought her hands to Constance’s now-dishevelled bun and pulled her in for a kiss, caressing with her lips that beautiful mouth that made such wondrous sounds. She folded her arms around the torso that allowed for such a rich melody, all wrapped in skin that was as responsive and sensitive as Constance herself claimed not to be.
           And Constance kissed her back, as unrestrained as her laughter, because Imogen had doubly won.
           ‘That was unexpected,’ Constance said against her lips; Imogen could feel the words against her own. ‘I firmly believed you to be lying through your teeth. How did you know? Have you done that before?’
           Another time, those questions might have wounded like accusations. Now they were only curious as Constance sat nearly wide-eyed with wonder, her body still occasionally shaking out jitters.
           ‘No,’ Imogen answered honestly. ‘It wouldn’t work with anyone else.’
           Constance snorted her disbelief, a smile quirking on lips smeared with burgundy lipstick.
           ‘It wouldn’t, Constance, I promise.’
           ‘Are you so sure?’
           ‘Yes. Because your laughter is the sexiest thing I have ever come across in my life, and you hardly ever share it, but today you didn’t hold it back at all.’
           ‘I hardly had a choice.’
           ‘It sounded like pure joy, like you held all the happiness in the world and you decided to share it with me,’ Imogen continued as if Constance had not spoken. Clearly her recent climax was making a poet out of her. ‘That’s what the sound of your laughter is to me. That’s what it feels like when you smile at me the way you are right now, like there’s nothing weighing it down. That’s what it does to me—what you can do to me.’
           If Imogen wasn’t mistaken, Constance had gained some colour in her cheeks. She attacked Imogen’s lips with hers, laced fingers in her hair, gripped her neck and jaw as if she never wanted to let Imogen escape again.
           When Imogen’s hand found its way under the woman’s bunched dress and up her leg, Constance began to make different noises. They only got worse—or better, no, much better—when Imogen’s other hand gripped at the peak of one generous breast.
           Constance outright moaned across Imogen’s swollen lips when her fingers found the place Constance ached most.
           ‘I might have been wrong,’ Imogen said with another swipe at the parted lips bobbing before her own. ‘Laughter might be the second sexiest thing.’
           ‘You’re always wrong,’ Constance gasped as her hands moved to Imogen’s shoulders in order to hold herself up, ‘but don’t you dare stop.’
           ‘You don’t mind my fingers moving now?’
           Constance groaned and closed her eyes, her neck bridging back in a stunning arc with her chin pointing up toward the stars. ‘Shut—up—Miss—Drill.’
           She rode home on Imogen’s hand, gasping and groaning as she did, until she touched down to the sound of Imogen’s laughter and slumped against the woman. They rested like that for a matter of minutes, Imogen cradling in her arms the strongest and most vulnerable woman she had ever met, before the cost of their positioning and the discomfort of their misarranged clothing got the better of them.
           ‘To think some people say dancing is the most fun you can have with your clothes on,’ Imogen remarked as Constance helped her to stand.
           ‘Well I don’t care for dancing and I’ve had quite enough of your clothes.’ Constance turned toward her bed and tugged, not so gently, at Imogen’s hand. ‘So get out of them and into bed.’
           Imogen shot her a goofy grin and practically slid out of her clothing. ‘How does it feel to have successfully proven a hypothesis?’
           ‘The problem with science,’ Constance said with a grin as she dropped her dress, ‘is that it requires repetition to dispel the possibility of any mistrials and in order to confirm a conclusion with statistical analysis.’
           ‘Which means in English?’
           ‘Get in the damn bed, Imogen.’
           Imogen didn’t need to be told to come twice. Constance proved herself yet again to be ever the deliberate and dedicated scientist, and one with a great sense of humour.
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lesbianlanding · 7 years
Does anyone else feel like we were robbed of the HB/Drill dynamic in the reboot?
I've been watching the original and the sniping is amazing and I want it for the new version ASAP :)
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For the shipper asks: 4, 15, 16, and 40 :)
4) What’s your current NOTP?
Answered here.
15) Have you ever “shipped at first sight”?
Of course.  Brenda/Sharon, Hackle, HBDrill.  These were all ‘Yes good they belong together for sure please just kiss’ ships for me from the moment the characters appeared on screen together.
16) Talk about a ship you initially disliked.
As a teenager, I didn’t like Ron Weasley & Hermione Granger as a couple.  I was young and stupid and had no [good] experience with relationships.  I’ve since come to realize that they’re well suited to each other because they help to balance each other out and that’s important.  I still wish in my heart of hearts that Hermione had ended up with Ginny or Luna, but I can understand how Hermione could end up with Ron.
40) If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be?
Laura Roslin would still be alive and living in that cabin.
Also, more of my other OTPs would be canon.
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heathtrash · 3 years
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since it’s Valentine’s Day soon, i thought we could share a little love around the fandom! 💞
submit drabbles (100 words), drabble sequences/collections, short one-shots, art, or Valentine's Day cards for any consenting adult ship on the general theme of Valentine’s Day or anything romance-related!
here are some prompts to help if you’re stuck on what to write or draw!
romantic getaway
stolen moments
by candlelight
a magical evening
sweet treats
the perfect gift
mystery admirer
alternatively, try my tww prompt generator for more specific prompts! there are some Valentine's Day ones in there, but many could work for this! 💖
post your fics/art to the AO3 collection or share with the hashtag #twwvalentines preferably by Valentine's Day, but any time in February will do!
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rozunderpressure · 6 years
When it comes to shipping in TWW, Miss Hardbroom is just shipped with everybody and every single one of those ships is good in very different manners.
Shipping her with Pippa in the friends that pinned for each so much they broke apart and then met again, with some rivalry but deep down wanting to start again? Awesome! 
Shipping her with Julie Hubble as two strong willed, different and snarky women that aren’t afraid of each other and work (and also because Millie calling HB “Mum” is kinda of a hilarious image)? Great!
Shipping her with Miss Cackle as two friends that met a little later in life and came to trust and love each other from experience? Fucking good!
Shipping her with Imogen because... It was there! It was obvious! I mean... Of course!? YES!!
Shipping her with Dimity for the LoLs of the Softbroom episode?...... Oh god, YES!!!
All of those ships together in a pile, even HBDrill which doesn’t make sense? DON’T CARE IF IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE! DO IT!!!
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room-on-broom · 10 months
THE END! five years later, and this HB Drill named for a line a muppet film crimbo fic is done! thank you!
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twwprompts · 3 years
Constance Hardbroom and Imogen Drill don't need a Wishing Star when they can have a date and visiting a magical library instead.
(check out more tww prompts here!)
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hbdrill · 7 years
This is mainly a Hbdrill (constance hardbroom and Imogen drill) side blog but im 1200% down hecate×Dimity content what ever the ship name is too. And other ship stuff too
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cassiopeiasara · 6 years
WorstWitch Winter Fluff Event
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Hi everyone! With only three days to go till what I hope is an explosion of fluff, I thought I’d make a post with some helpful reminders: 
First and foremost, HAVE FUN! Remember no one will judge you if you don’t do all the days. Hell, no one will judge if all you do is consume works (if you do though: comments, kudos and gushing in tags is ALWAYS appreciated!). 
ALL RATINGS ARE WELCOME! Just please if you’re going to go for sexy and/or smutty times, practice good consent. Unsure if you’ve written it well? Please reference this lovely post by @amillionmillionvoices. Also if you veer into questionable consent, TAG APPROPRIATELY
You are welcome to interpret the prompts as you see fit. It can be literal or inspired. You are welcome to combine prompts as well. Fluff is also flexible. All I ask for is happy endings please and thank you. Unsure of the prompts? The list is here. 
Remember this is open to ALL SHIPS BETWEEN ADULTS both in the 2017 series and the 1998 series. You are welcome to include pupils as side characters but not ships. (And yes that includes if you age them up). I won’t stop anyone from writing ships between the kids but they won’t be included in this event or added to the collection. 
Speaking of collection, I made one on ao3 here for all the works. Please utilize it if you participate so everything can be in one convenient location. Also use the tag #ww2018winterfluffevent on tumblr. (I know it’s long but I tried my best) 
Feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any further questions. I’m so excited to see what everyone creates and I hope you are too!
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