#le chocolatier series
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Par Bernard Bujold-
Le procès est commencé pour les meurtres de Daniel Langlois, 66 ans, entrepreneur québécois renommé et pionnier de l’animation 3D, et de sa compagne Dominique Marchand, 58 ans, tous deux assassinés le 1er décembre 2023 en Dominique, pays de l'archipel des Caraïbes.
Comme dans tous les récits polar (dont je suis un fan), le présumé coupable du début n'est pas toujours le vrai coupable du crime à la fin du récit. Il faut s'inspirer d'une série américaine comme ELSBETH sur CBS pour comprendre le raisonnement et admettre que la réalité dépasse toujours la fiction...
Les autorités de la Dominique ont accusé le voisin de Langlois, mais déjà des doutes surgissent.
Ce que l'on sait c'est que les deux victimes ont été criblées de balles et leur voiture incendiée, la façon de faire pour les règlements de compte du crime organisé. Mais rien n'est final au niveau de la preuve et des auteurs des deux meurtres.
À suivre...
By Bernard Bujold -
The trial has begun for the murders of Daniel Langlois, 66, renowned Quebec entrepreneur and 3D animation pioneer, and his companion Dominique Marchand, 58, both murdered on December 1, 2023, in the Caribbean country of Dominica.
As in all detective stories (of which I'm a fan), the presumed culprit at the beginning is not always the true culprit of the crime at the end of the story. You have to look to an American series like CBS's ELSBETH to understand the reasoning and admit that reality always surpasses fiction...
The authorities in Dominica have accused Langlois's neighbor, but already doubts are arising.
What we do know is that both victims were riddled with bullets and their car was set on fire, the usual way to settle organized crime scores. But nothing is final about the evidence or the perpetrators of the two murders.
To be continued...
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Torta Setteveli Palermo o Padova?
Torta Setteveli Palermo o Padova? Che l'originale sia la versione registrata dal pasticcere veneto Luigi Biasetto o quella che si può gustare a Palermo? Gli anni passano, il nodo non si scioglie. Si scioglie però il palato di quanti provano questa meraviglia che dimostra tutto l'amore che si può nutrire per il cioccolato. Il Campionato del mondo di pasticceria 1997 Nel 1997, il pasticcere Luigi Biasetto decide di partecipare al Campionato del mondo di Pasticceria che si terrà di lì a poco nella città di Lione, in Francia. Biasetto è nato a Bruxelles, in Belgio, dove si è diplomato Mâitre Pâtissier Chocolatier Confiseur Glacier e ha iniziato la classica gavetta. Le sue origine veneziane, però, lo richiamano ben presto in Italia. Si è già trasferito a Padova quando decide di portare alla competizione mondiale la Torta Setteveli. Una torta da lui stesso ideata e realizzata a strati il cui ingrediente principale è il cioccolato. La torta vince il primo premio. La tradizione pasticcera siciliana Secondo alcune fonti, la Torta Setteveli sarebbe una specialità della pasticceria siciliana, palermitana per essere precisi. C'è chi è pronto a testimoniare, nel capoluogo siciliano, di averla gustata già negli anni Settanta. A Palermo se dici torta Setteveli dici automaticamente pasticceria Cappello. La storica pasticceria nata negli anni Sessanta. Chi ha ragione? Da un punto di vista giuridico, avendo il pasticcere Biasetto registrato il marchio (nel 1999 in Italia), è da considerarsi lui il padre della torta. Anche se, in un'intervista, ha ammesso di sapere della tradizione siciliana per la Setteveli. Torta Setteveli Palermo e Padova: ricette a confronto Come si prepara la Torta Setteveli? Iniziamo col dire che il cioccolato è l'anima di questo dolce. Cioccolato proposto in diverse declinazioni. Senza violare segreti opportunamente tutelati, vediamo quali sono gli ingredienti che si alternano in questi sette strati. Sul suo sito web, la pasticceria Cappello elenca: Bisquit al cioccolato, Croccante, Bavarese alla nocciola, Bisquit al cacao, Mousse al cioccolato, Glassa al cioccolato.Biasetto, invece, presenta la torta Setteveli come la danza della bella Salomè che a ogni velo che lascia cadere fa vivere una nuova emozione. Emozioni nate dalla sovrapposizione di mousse al cioccolato fondente, bavarese di nocciole pralinate che racchiude una serie di sfoglie di cioccolato, un fondo gianduia ai cereali. Una vera delizia del palato, insomma, davanti alla quale dimenticare gli affanni della vita. In copertina foto di congerdesign da Pixabay Read the full article
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tuanyiems · 4 years
Cookies and Cream
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Yugyeom x Reader (f) fluff x smut words: 4k plot: annoyed by some (really just one) of your gratuitous “self-care” rituals, he decides to teach you a little lesson about indulgence, established relationship!au warnings – dom!gyeom, oral (f receiving), fingering, teasing, overstimulation, praise kink, squirting a/n – sorry for the delay, coincidentally I also had to work overtime for work this week lol now if only I had Gyeom too…but in other news, got7 is coming back in 3.5 more hours!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited y’all!!! // part of Le Chocolatier drabble series, which you can find the masterlist for in my blog. feel free to read this as a one-shot or part of the series, in any order you want <3
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It’s 9PM on a Friday when you decide to turn off your work computer and call it quits. When you blink, the blue shadow of your screen still flickers behind your eyes and for the past two hours your right lid has been twitching every few minutes. When you stand up from your office chair, the world spins and you are briefly nauseated. You swallow down the feeling with a huff, throwing on your jacket and purse.
It’s quiet on your floor, everyone else having left already. It’s been like this the entire week ever since your project manager proposed a new venture and put you in charge of actually making it happen. Yugyeom tells you to just quit, but you figure it’s partially your fault too. You don’t know how to say no. 
So instead, you stop by the convenience store next door and buy yourself a couple of bath bombs. As an afterthought you throw in a box of Ferrero Rocher at checkout.
It’s another thirty minutes when you finally get home. Your whole body aches from being crouched at your desk. As you kick off your flats, Yugyeom greets you with a much too eager smile.
“Babe!” he exclaims, his black hair practically bouncing with every step towards you. “The boys are having game night tonight!”
You let out a yawn as you put your things down. “Sounds great, Gyeom, you go have fun.”
He let out a pout, “You don’t want to come with me?”
You answer with a tired smile and only grow even more weary when you see his infamous puppy dog eyes. “Gyeom,” you plead softly.
“I’ve barely seen you all week. Don’t you miss me?”
“Of course I missed you baby!” You pull him into your arms, nestling your face in his chest. You take a deep breath, his distinct warm bergamot tones filling your senses. You truly have missed him. Two years in and coming home to him every night still isn’t enough. Boy, are you in deep, huh?
“Then come with. Someone needs to put Bambam in his place. He bought a PC and suddenly thinks he’s a gamer,” you feel the rumble of his chest as he squeezes you closer.
And you feel your own resolve breaking the longer you stay in his arms, but when you blink, your eyes still sting from the strain of overuse and fatigue.
“But…I bought bath bombs.”
Yugyeom pulls away slightly and you offer up a weak smile. He knows you’ve been working hard this week. He assumed you would enjoy letting go and playing games for the rest of the night, so your rejection blindsides him. He was really looking forward to spending time with you and the guys. From above, he can see the bags under your eyes more clearly and you do look tired.
“Are you sure?” he offers up one final plea and you answer with a firm nod.
“Go and have fun for the both of us,” you assure, pulling away and heading towards your shared bedroom.
“Are you sure?” Yugyeom repeats, following after you like a shadow. “Want me to stay in with you?”
You chuckle, shaking your head as you pull out a pair of mismatched pajamas from your drawers. “Please, I don’t think I can handle all your energy right now.”
“You are the love of my life,” You press a kiss to his frown and watch how easily the corner of his lips lift. “I love you, I love you, I love you, but please Gyeom, go out and have fun and I’ll enjoy myself at home and when you come back, I will welcome you into my arms and we can have the whole weekend together, just us. Okay?”
Seeing your exasperation, Yugyeom puckers his lips before breaking out into a boyish grin. “Oh alright! Go have fun with your bubble bath, I guess.”
“I will,” you press one last kiss to his lips before shooing him away.
It’s not long before you finally have the apartment to yourself. Humming, you slowly disrobe as you make your way to the minibar, breaking out a glass of wine. And just as you are about to sashay over to the bathroom, you pause and decide to take the whole bottle with you.
Impeccably timed, the water you left running is filled to the perfect level as you enter. Taking in a deep breath, you smile as you sip at your wine. The bath bomb you bought fizzes in the water, dispersing in the hot liquid in pastel purple and pinks, and fills the small room with the aroma of vanilla and lavender. For a convenience store bath bomb, it does its job perfectly, which is great because you honestly needed this one win for the week.
When you finally sink into the water, it feels like heaven on your aching muscles. For the first time in what feels like this entire week, you feel your shoulders untensing from the heat of the water.
You close your eyes, taking in a deep breath. 
And you almost fall asleep right there before you remember the chocolates sitting at the edge of the tub. Picking up one of the golden orbs, you bite at the curve of your lips and admire the crinkled foil before your eyes shift furtively to the bathroom door like a thief. Despite being alone in the apartment, you can’t help feeling like a child up to no good.
Yugyeom has a, well, disliking towards convenience store chocolates. He believes they dishonor the art of chocolate making with their “sick capitalist greed” (even though he happens to own a chocolate store). As a result, you very rarely ever ate chocolates that were not made by Yugyeom, himself, which was great because who doesn’t love free, expensive chocolates? But sometimes, you missed the taste of other chocolates.
Especially, Ferrero Rocher. Back in high school, these were your “expensive” desserts. Almost every month, they were your go-to treat whenever you were nursing your period pains and hormonal mood swings. When you entered adulthood and your self-care treatments became more expensive, so did your taste in chocolates.
But now, here you are, savoring the chocolatey, nutty flavor of convenience store goodness on your tongue while your lover is away like a wife with a dirty secret. Your life has come full circle.
You giggle, hand already tearing the wrapper off another piece before the taste of the first is even fully gone. Man, did you miss this flavor. If you could have it your way, you’d put Nutella in everything! The hazelnut spread was like crack! You make a mental note to buy yourself a jar on your next grocery run. 
With the delicious taste of hazelnut glazed over your tongue, you sink back into the tub and watch mindlessly as the pastel water swirls around you. 
Suddenly, the door creaks open and a hand pops through with your pink bra hanging by the strap on a finger. Yugyeom pushes open the door, revealing his amused face.
“So eager to kick me out that you left a whole trail of your clothes on the floor?” 
You smile up at him before sinking your lips into the water.
“And here I was thinking you’d be so lonely by yourself,” he pouts, setting your bra on the sink counter and approaching you.
You sit up straighter, lifting your head fully out of the water, as he gets closer. “I left a trail so you could find me.”
“Too late for your lame excuses,” he chuckles, sitting at the edge of the tub. His eyes follow your movements as you hug your legs closer to your chest. Most of your makeup has washed off, though the ghost of your eyeliner still tints the ends of your eyes, and though your lipstick has rubbed off, the inside of your lip is awkwardly wine stained. The ends of your hair are wet by the water and the strands stick to your skin in clumps.
And you are so beautiful. Not because you look particularly different in this moment, but because you look so real. It makes him think back to when the two of you first started dating. You had been so nervous, waking up early to put on makeup before he could see you and wearing lingerie every time he slept over. Back then, you’d even refrained from your regular self-care routines because you had been so worried he would think you were too high maintenance. 
But now, he is blessed to have you here, completely bare to him, literally and figuratively. All curled up in the tub, smiling up at him without an ounce of fear—it makes his insides all gooey. You do that to him.
The guys had given him a hard time about leaving game night early, but now that he’s here, he’s sure he made the right choice. 
“Babe,” your soft whisper breaks him out of his reverie. Your eyes brighten when he meets your gaze. “Wanna join me?”
Yugyeom closes his eyes, tilting his head up, and lets out a loud exhale. “You are perfect.”
You giggle, nose scrunching, until you hear the sound of crunching plastic. You watch, in slow motion, as Yugyeom’s gaze drops to the floor and the both of you freeze.
You blink up, swallowing. The residue of chocolate suddenly tastes sour in your mouth.
“Is that…” The words get caught in Yugyeom’s throat. But his silence feels worse when he’s staring at you with wide, accusatory eyes.
“Gyeom, I-I can explain!” the words come jumbling out of you in a rush, your mouth suddenly dry.
“You…You…In our house, babe?” 
“All the stores were closed by the time I left work. I just-I just wanted a quick snack!”
You feel like drowning in your own guilt when Yugyeom looks at you so sadly.
“You could’ve asked me to bring you home chocolates. Unless,” he pauses and a frown forms on his face, “you didn’t want to?”
You hurry to stand in the tub, water splashing from the sudden movement, but you don’t care. You twine your wet, raisined fingers between his.
“Baby, I love your chocolates! They’re my favorite, you know that,” you squeeze his fingers, ignoring the cold air around your bare skin. 
“Do I?” he sulks, looking back at the half-eaten tray of Ferrero Rocher.
You sway to the side, angling your body so your eyes meet his again. “I went into the convenience store to buy bath bombs and grabbed these chocolates at checkout as an afterthought. If I knew I was going to crave chocolates when I saw it, I really would have called you. But it was already late at night and I didn’t want to bother you.”
Yugyeom sighs. “You don’t have to explain yourself. You’re allowed to eat and love whatever you want…but just so you know, you’re never bothering me. I will make you chocolates even if it’s the middle of the night and you’re on the other side of the world.”
“Gyeom,” you pout, endeared by his words even as he’s saying it with a frown on his face. You press your palm to his cheek, guiding his lips to yours. “I love your chocolates, and I love you.”
Finally, Yugyeom smiles and you meet his with your own. It’s not long before he’s edging his tongue through the seam of your lips, tangling in your mouth. It’s been too long since you’ve been able to taste him on your lips like this. The quick morning kiss goodbye could only keep you going for so long.
You’ve missed this so much. You’ve missed him. How long has it been since the two of you had sex? A week? No, ten days? For the both of you, that was like an eternity.
You can feel your hunger stirring against the pliant muscle of Yugyeom’s tongue. You forget to breathe as he sucks at the bottom of your lip until it is red and swollen. It’s not until your lungs feel like they are burning that the both of you break away with heaving breaths.
Yugyeom makes a face of disgust despite the shine of your saliva on his lips. “You taste like that stupid generic crap.”
He kicks at the tray of chocolates on the floor and you giggle.
“I don’t know, Gyeom, it seemed like you were enjoying the taste,” you tease, tongue poking slyly out the corner of your lips.
It’s then that he realizes your bare state and a smirk replaces his frown.
“You wanna have a self-care night, right? Let me teach you something about self-care.” Without another word, Yugyeom taps twice at your thigh and like a trained puppy, you jump for him. Clinging to his neck, you wrap your wet legs around his waist and let him carry you into your bedroom.
You let out a squeak of surprise when he tosses you roughly onto the mattress.
“If you want to indulge, I’ll give you something to indulge in,” Yugyeom grabs at the bottom of his t-shirt and pulls it over his head before flinging it across the room. You watch with hungry eyes as his hands move down to his jeans, veins protruding up his arms as he undoes his button. You can’t help the disappointment that fills you when he stops there.
His brows arch at your expression. “Only good girls get rewarded, baby.”
“I’ll be good for you,” you plead, crawling to the edge of the bed to meet him. He cups your face in his large hands sweetly.
“You promise?” You nod eagerly, making him scoff at your desperation. “Good girls don’t break their promises, so keep that in mind.”
“I promise,” you breathe out as Yugyeom trails his fingers down your cheek before grabbing you sharply by the chin.
“I don’t know, kitten, it seemed like earlier you didn’t even want me in the house. Feels like you didn’t miss me at all.” Your eyes flicker up to meet his gaze, brows arching with concern. He points his nose in the air haughtily, but if experience has taught you anything, there was definitely a hint of hurt in his words.
You touch your fingers to his wrist softly. “I missed you so much,” you utter softly. And contrary to the gentleness of your voice, your gaze is strong and sure. It’s only when Yugyeom’s lips twitch into the slightest of smiles that you relax into his touch again.
He pinches your chin between his thumb, forcing your head to tilt back further. His eyes returning to their dark, demanding gaze. “What exactly did you miss so much, kitten?”
“Everything—your touch, your taste, the way you make me feel wanted and loved and safe and warm,” your eyes glaze over, conflicted between giving into your lust or your love, and feeling it all jumbling inside your gut. Both your chest and your core aches for him and it’s so apparent in the way your body seems to melt into the grip of his hand. “I miss feeling you inside me. No one else can make me feel that good.”
“Oh, I’ll make you feel good tonight, kitten,” he smirks, releasing your chin. “Spread out for me baby.”
As soon as he utters the command, you are rushing to the pillows. With your head sinking into the silk pillowcase, you open your legs wide for Yugyeom to admire. And he admires, taking his sweet time to follow you onto the bed, eyes glued to the heavenly sight of your cunt just absolutely glistening with lust for him.
His mouth waters just looking at you spread out for him. “Pretty pussy, so wet for me already.”
He trails his hands slowly up your inner thighs and you are practically vibrating, careening for more of his touch. Yugyeom smirks as he stares at your pussy. Even in his peripheral vision, he can already tell you’re on edge. Brushing two fingers up your wet pussy lips, he spreads your folds apart with the V of his fingers.
Your shaky inhale is audible, much to Yugyeom’s satisfaction.
“So impatient, kitten,” he chuckles darkly, enjoying the way your cunt clenches around nothing. He lifts his fingers off of you and raises it to his mouth. He watches you closely before releasing a low moan at your taste on his tongue. When you bite your bottom lip and watch him quietly, Yugyeom releases his fingers with a pop and lifts his brow. “You’re really trying to keep your promise, aren’t you?”
You nod fervently, making him laugh.
“Then as I promised, good girls get rewarded,” he smiles, a shine in his eyes that promises mischief.
With that, Yugyeom presses his two fingers back between your legs and you release a loud sigh at the feeling of his fingers stretching your walls. The ache is delicious and you find yourself whining a little too loudly at just his two fingers alone. You’ve been so wound up this entire week, the sudden stretch of his two fingers is almost overwhelming. Already, your walls are quivering around his digits.
You feel your cheeks heat, eyes diverting from Yugyeom’s gaze to the ceiling. When you hear his dark chuckles, you know he’s noticed too. You’re already so close, it’s embarrassing. When Yugyeom curls his fingers into your soft, velvety flesh, a moan releases from your throat as you feel a fluttering straight in your core.
It feels too good too fast and soon you are whining, palms flying to cover your face as the knot in your core tightens.
“Gyeom, wait, I-”
“Aw, is kitten going to cum already?” Yugyeom coos sadistically, fingers curling faster against your walls. “What’s the rush baby? I haven’t even tasted you properly.”
“Please,” you whine, tensing at your abdomen in a sorry attempt to fight off your orgasm. 
“Missed me that much, baby?” he laughs, feeling your walls squeeze against his digits.
“Yes!” you admit, feeling the telltale signs of your cunt contracting, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Your back arches off the bed as your orgasm hits you, making your body quiver with pleasure. Heat spreads across your limbs as you ride out your high. 
Yugyeom’s fingers continue to stroke against your pulsing walls as he watches you cum on his fingers. His smirk grows when you open your eyes again, looking at him with surprise. Your hands come to his wrist.
“B-babe,” you stutter, body shaking from his continued ministrations. “It’s too much.”
“Shh,” he strokes his fingers softly against the swell of your walls while his other hand gently lifts your hand from his wrist. “You can do this, kitten. Be a good girl for me.”
You swallow, letting his fingers intertwine with yours as a thrill runs down your spine. Finally, you give a small nod, and he smiles at you with crescent eyes.
“That’s my girl,” he whispers encouragingly. “You’re so beautiful when you cum, baby. Show me how you cum, okay?”
You nod, squeezing his hand as he presses a third finger into your sopping hole. As soon as you’re stretched by his third finger, you can already feel your core tightening. Your heart races in your chest as Yugyeom curls his fingers into you faster, chasing the delicious high that is just tipping you at the very edge.
You let out a whimper, eyes squeezing as your walls tighten around him for the second time. His fingers dig into the perfect spot inside of you over and over until you are exploding with pleasure. All thoughts leave you as your mind fills with hot white pleasure.
As you ride the aftershocks of your orgasm, the fog slowly lifts from your mind and you are relieved to find Yugyeom’s fingers have stopped moving inside you.
“You did so great, baby,” he praises you and you feel yourself glowing from his words.
And then you feel his fingers move again.
“Gyeom,” you whine weakly.
He chuckles, pulling his fingers out of you. He smiles, coming up to press a kiss to your lips. 
“You’re amazing, baby,” he whispers against your lips. “I love seeing you cum around my fingers.”
You pout, running your fingers through his hair. “Only for you.”
You feel him smile against you before he moves to press a kiss to your forehead.
“You can do one more for me, kitten,” he murmurs, breath tickling the shell of your ear. It makes you shiver, and he can already feel you arching into him. “I missed your taste, baby.”
At those words, you groan. God, you missed his tongue on you.
“That’s a yes, isn’t it?” he chuckles, brushing his wet fingers between your folds. You whine, nodding. “Such a good girl. I’ll make you feel good, I promise.”
“I know,” you exhale, already shivering from his touch. You watch him with hooded eyes as he smiles from your admittance.
Slowly, he makes his way back down your body, tickling your skin with butterfly kisses down your neck and sucking red bruises down the valley of your chest. Planting a sweet kiss to your mound, Yugyeom pulls away to blow air at your glistening folds, admiring the way you shiver at the sensation.
Finally, with eyes on you, he dips down and licks a stripe up your pussy. He smirks with satisfaction as your eyes flutter close. He taps your thigh, bringing your attention back to him.
“Eyes on me, kitten.”
You whimper, nodding, and you rise on your elbows, gaze fixed on him. Pressing a kiss to your inner thigh, Yugyeom gives you one last smile before pressing his lips around your clit. You suck in a breath as he laps at the bundle of nerves, rolling his tongue in intoxicating circles. His mouth feels so warm and soft around you, you can’t help the sigh of pleasure that escapes you.
“God,” you moan, feeling the tightening of your core once again.
Yugyeom answers you with the press of his fingers at your entrance again. You let out a loud moan, feeling your walls quiver at the familiar intrusion. Despite yourself, you find your body clenching around his digits. 
The room fills with your heavy panting and the loud squelch of his fingers thrusting into your sopping entrance. But you can barely hear anything, your brain buzzing from oversensitivity. It almost hurts, how good he makes you feel. When he groans around your clit, it sends vibrations straight to your tightening core.
“Gyeom!” you whine, eyes prickling with tears as he sucks harder.
Your legs shake out of control when he curls his fingers against your g-spot, sending you hurtling into another orgasm. A guttural wail of his name leaves your throat as you squeeze your eyes shut. Tears run down your cheeks as your head hits the pillow and you shake against the mattress, overwhelmed by the wave of pleasure erupting throughout you. Wave after wave of hot pleasure spreads across your skin and Yugyeom watches in awe as your pussy squirts all over him and down his bare chest.
“Fuck, baby!” He laughs when you finally come to. “You just squirted!”
You feel your cheeks heat as you look down at his wet body and the mess on the sheets. “I-I did,” you mutter, suddenly shy.
“Don’t get embarrassed on me now, kitten,” he smiles reassuringly at you. “That’s the hottest thing you’ve ever done, babe. I just want to eat you out forever now!”
You suck in a breath when he dips down and laps at your cum. You shiver at the sting of oversensitivity, pushing his head away. 
“Too much, Gyeom,” you whine weakly.
He chuckles, pressing a kiss to your thigh before sitting back up. 
The smirk returns to his face as his eyes darken again. “Too much, kitten? But I’m just taking care of you. I know you love your self-care nights so much.”
Your eyes grow wide as you follow his hands. You swallow, seeing the bulge of his jeans. And despite having orgasmed the hardest you ever have just moments ago, you find your pussy clenching against air.
And the ache for your boyfriend returns, tenfold. 
A shiver runs down your spine as he presses his red, hard cock to your swollen pussy. A little indulgence never hurt anyone right? After all, you had a very rough week. 
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✧ Fic Recs ✧
As the title says, a little masterlist with some of my favourite fics by others and also some of my old fics I don’t wanna leave behind~
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✧ Ateez:
Midnight - Seonghwa | fluff
Like the Rain - Yunho | fluff, smut (by @yunhosluck​)
Winter’s Cold - San | fluff
Our Summer - Yeosang | angst (one of my favourite fics, I love it ;; by @tentimesbetter)
✧ Got7:
Car + hard - Jaebeom | smut (by @flowerbeom​)
My Giant - Jaebeom | fluff (I cried ok, by @tuanyiems​)
“I’m rambling again, aren’t I?” - Mark | fluff, fake dating (I hope that was the prompt for it lmao, by @kpophours​)
I Think I Love You - Jackson | fluff (by @sleepyseunie​)
[5:32pm] - Jinyoung | angst (by @erodamoon​)
02:23 - Yugyeom | smut (...sin....; by @poutytuans93​)
Friends - Yugyeom | fluff (by @sleepyseunie​)
“If you don’t hug me now, I think I might fall apart.” + “Sleep over? Please?” - Yugyeom | fluff (by @write-it-good-imagines​)
Le Chocolatier - Yugyeom | fluff, smut, series (I’m reading this atm and HOLY F-, by @tuanyiems​)
Show me - Yugyeom | smut (by @ahgaseda​)
First Kisses - group | fluff (*dying noises*, by @haneybun123​)
When they know they love you - group | reaction
You have a nightmare - group | reaction (by @flowerspecial​)
✧ Oneus:
A Year Later - Seoho | fluff, smut
One Day at a Time - Leedo | angst, smut
“I need a place to stay.” - Keonhee | angst
✧ P1Harmony:
Present - Keeho | angst, comfort (by @tranquilpetrichor)
[10.26] - Theo | fluff (by @choitaeyang​)
Burning Up - Jiung | angst, fluff (by @fairiiedust)
Falling in love with P1Harmony - group | fluff (by @dreamerhideout)
First Kiss - group | fluff (by @intakiya​)
Their s/o asking for cuddles - group | fluff (I’m suddenly very soft;;,by @kpoppinandlockin)
✧ Pentagon:
Hangover - hyung line/maknae line | humor, reaction
What member should you fight | crack, this doesn’t even count as a fic but I want it here because it’s super funny kasdjfkas (by @pen1ag0n​)
✧ Seventeen:
Teach Me - Seungkwan | fluff
✧ SF9:
Bracelet - Zuho | fluff (by @cherishtaengs​)
Eyes - Zuho | fluff, suggestive (by @cherishtaengs​)
Fireworks - Zuho | fluff (by @kpophours​)
Be Gay, Do Crimes - Chani | fluff, crack (hands down one of my favourite fics ever, by @gamerwoo​)
Ballroom dancing AU - group | misc (by @sanghyuks-fantasy​)
Sweets Series - originally group but there’s only Youngbin’s, Inseong’s and Hwiyoung’s parts written | fluff
✧ The Boyz:
Sweetest Distraction - Kevin | fluff (by @tbzhours​)
✧ Victon:
Midnight - Sejun | fluff, smut, royality AU (out of my own fics probably one of my all-time faves)
Home - Hanse | fluff, smut (by @nomsejun​)
7 Minutes in Heaven - group | fluff, (suggestive), series
Their s/o poking their dimple/cheek - group | reaction (by @fairychannie​)
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graffitiartmagazine · 3 years
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Urban Art - 28 Apr 2021 – 15h (Paris time) www.tajan.com SPEEDY GRAPHITO (né en 1961) Lot 7 – Lanvin, 1990 - 195 x 130 cm Né de l’idée de « faire une expo sur les marques », Lanvin appartient à une série d’œuvres réalisées pour ‘Speedy Graphito Produit de l’Art’ à l’Espace Lamartine (Paris) en mars-avril 1990. Après avoir sélectionné une liste de marques susceptibles d’éveiller en lui un délire créatif, Speedy se les est réappropriées pour composer quinze œuvres autonomes reprenant les codes narratifs de l’artiste mais conservant aussi les caractéristiques graphiques et identitaires de chacune des maisons. Sur un large format aux couleurs acidulées, le portrait de Salvador Dali, ambassadeur du chocolatier dans une campagne publicitaire diffusée sur les écrans à la fin des années 60, saute aux yeux du spectateur. Born from the idea of "doing an exhibition on brands", Lanvin belongs to a series of works created for 'Speedy Graphito Produit de l'Art' at the Espace Lamartine (Paris) in March-April 1990. After selecting a list of brands likely to arouse a creative delirium in him, Speedy reappropriated them to compose fifteen autonomous works taking up the artist's narrative codes but also preserving the graphic and identity characteristics of each of the houses. On a large format with acidulous colours, the portrait of Salvador Dali, the chocolate maker's ambassador in an advertising campaign broadcast on screens at the end of the 1960s, jumps out at the viewer. Lot 36 : King Blu, 2012, 145 x 103 cm Lot 39 : Secret Love, 2019, 79 x 62,5 cm Lot 51 : Urban Legend, 2016, 120X 80 cm @tajan_auction @tajan_contemporary_art #tajan_auction #auction #urbanartcollector #artcollectors #speedygraphito #streetart #urbanart #urbancontemporaryart #art #paris #streetartparis (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/COCstltJbIJ/?igshid=16qewcymzg44i
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newsintheshell · 3 years
J-POP Manga: tutte le uscite di febbraio 2022
Questo mese arriva in fumetteria e libreria il primo volume di Under Ninja, la nuova opera dell’autore di I am a Hero, con già un anime in cantiere!
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Di seguito tutte le novità targate J-POP Manga che potremo trovare in fumetteria e negli store online a partire da questo mese di febbraio, che trovate più in dettaglio anche sul DIRECT 89. 
Per un’anteprima dei titoli in arrivo a marzo, invece, potete consultare il DIRECT 90.
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Il 2 febbraio prosegue l’avventura dell’ammazza goblin più spietato, Goblin Slayer #11 porta a conclusione la saga della montagna innevata con lo scontro decisivo con il Goblin Paladino.
Grande ritorno anche per Haganai #19, con il diciannovesimo volume si avvicina alla sua prossima conclusione. Continuano inoltre Kemono Jihen #9, Shadows House #6.
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Il 9 febbraio arriva l’attesissimo volume 0 di Hanako kun – I sette misteri dell’Accademia Kamome, i tre capitoli che hanno dato origine al manga di successo di Aida Iro, accompagnati da una storia inedita dell’autrice, un volume imperdibile per tutti i fan della serie!
Sarà inoltre disponibile Canis #0 – Dear Mr Rain, l’opera boy’s love dell’esordiente Zakk: un giorno di pioggia, Kutsuna Satoru, un artigiano cappellaio, accoglie in casa un misterioso ragazzo, trovato svenuto in un vicolo. Quest’ultimo, Kashiba Ryou, è di origine giapponese ma cresciuto in America, dove si è guadagnato da vivere in modi non convenzionali. Assumendolo come assistente per un breve periodo, Satoru scopre inoltre che non solo Ryou è più giovane di quanto non sembri, ma che è venuto in Giappone “solo per morire”. Terminati i lavori, i due si salutano con malinconia e Satoru, una volta solo, capisce di essersi innamorato a prima vista del giovane vagabondo.
Il 9 febbraio torna l’attesissimo euromanga di Tony Valente, Radiant, con il suo adrenalinico volume 15. L’Inquisizione è circondata, i Domitor hanno preso in ostaggio il Re e i generali. Solo Seth con il suo gruppo può salvare la città di Bome. 
Continuano anche Kasane #11, Rent A Girlfriend #7, Buddha #2 e Violence Action #5.
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Da Setona Mizushiro, l’autrice de Il Gioco del Gatto e del topo, il 16 febbraio sarà disponibile Chocolatier - Cioccolata per un cuore spezzato!
Sota, figlio di un fornaio e promettente allievo in una scuola di alta pasticceria, ha una relazione con Saeko, di cui è innamorato fin dai tempi del liceo, nonostante la grande differenza di classe sociale. Dato che Saeko è una vera appassionata di cioccolato, Sota cerca di affinare le sue abilità e, accecato dall’amore, ignora tutti gli evidenti segnali del tradimento. Almeno fino a quando, il giorno di San Valentino, Saeko chiude la loro relazione riconciliandosi con il suo ex-fidanzato, un importante uomo d’affari...
Il 16 febbraio arriva la nuova serie di Kengo Hanazawa, già creatore di I am a Hero (disponibile a marzo), Under Ninja #1! 
I ninja sono i migliori assassini del mondo, agiscono nell’oscurità, rapidi, invisibili e letali. Dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale si sono sempre più frammentati, disperdendosi per il Giappone. A oggi, 200.000 ninja si nascondono tra la gente comune, osservando la società in attesa di ordini dai vertici delle loro organizzazioni. Kuro Kumogakure, discendente del decaduto clan Kumogakure, è un neet di infima categoria, disoccupato e tremendamente annoiato. In attesa, oramai da anni, del suo primo incarico come ninja, viene improvvisamente chiamato all’opera dai suoi superiori
Continuano anche Blue Period #9, Komi Can’t Communicate #15, Mission: Yozakura Family #4, My Dress-Up Darling - Bisque Doll #2, Non tormentarmi, Nagatoro! #5 e Showa #2.
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Il 23 febbraio sarà disponibile il box da collezione di Alma, opera di Shinji Mito di 4 volumi ambientata in un mondo post-apocalittico. 
Ray e Trice sopravvivono da soli in un mondo devastato, e i loro giorni passano senza che Ray, in quindici anni di vita, abbia mai incontrato un altro essere umano oltre a loro. Ogni giorno espandono la loro mappa del mondo che li circonda, chiedendosi fino a dove dovranno spingersi per trovare altra vita. Una mattina come tante altre, mentre Ray è in procinto di partire per la sua nuova esplorazione, appare una sconosciuta che cambierà per sempre la vita dei due ragazzi.
Si amplia anche la Osamushi Collection con il primo di tre volumi di Il mio Son Goku, la leggenda della scimmia dorata viene riprodotta per la prima volta in fumetto dal Dio del Manga, Osamu Tezuka. 
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Il 23 febbraio sarà in libreria, fumetteria e negli store online Yarichin Bitch Club #4! Il boy’s love più piccante di Ogeretsu Tanaka sarà disponibile in una versione regular e in una special edition, con un esclusivo illustration book, un volume imperdibile per tutti i fan della maestra dello yaoi e dalla sua serie di successo.
Continuano anche 86 - Eighty Six #3, Bj Alex #4, Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka #13, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid #3, Petit Devil Kohai #2 e Tokyo Revengers #12.
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Tornano disponibili dalla prossima settimana:
Tokyo Revengers #3, #4, #5, #6 , #7 
Bj Alex #1, #2
Bj Alex (BOX) #1-2
Previste altre ristampe; per ulteriori aggiornamenti seguite i post settimanali nella sezione news del sito www.j-pop.it.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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fmtmagazine99 · 3 years
Most Expensive Chocolates in the World
The chocolates are made from cocoa beans that are roasted, split, and sifted into these sweet delicacies. Cocoa beans have an intense bitter taste, which is why they are mainly used to sweeten pralines. Chocolates are known to be stress-relieving, relaxing, and aphrodisiac, as they increase serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain. So if you feel happy and in love after eating chocolates, then it is technically true love! That one true love who will never hurt you and will never leave you. In case you run out of it, just buy a new bar!
 It's been centuries since the ancient Mayans used dried cocoa leaves as currency, but you can still consume pounds of chocolate which is worth every penny. The most expensive chocolates in the world range from 100 pounds of chocolate eggs to glass-studded squares. When referring to some of the best chocolates in the world, the words "rich" and "decadent" are appropriate, and not just when it comes to taste. While a 20rs chocolate from a random company of chocolate industry in India, is undoubtedly spot on, nothing beats the absolute cream of the crop found when the price is unlimited.
Let us read about the world’s costliest Chocolates!
 Cadbury Wispa Gold     Chocolate Bar
Price: $1,600 for one bar
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In 1995, the famous chocolate company Cadbury decided to relaunch  Wispa Gold Bar. To promote the event, they created a special Wispa gold bar worth $1,600. It was made from high-quality Madagascar cocoa beans and wrapped in edible gold leaf.
The one-of-a-kind gift went up for auction, but the winner never showed up to claim his prize, so the bar returned to Cadbury. Today it is on display at the Cadbury World Chocolate Museum, while cheaper versions of the bar can be found in retail stores around the world.
   Art Series     Guayasamin by To’ak
$450 per 50 grams
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Ecuadorian To`ak chocolatiers prefer that people refer to their Premium Art Series Blend as the "most valuable" rather than the "most expensive" chocolate, but at $ 450 for 50 grams, both terms seem to apply!
This chocolate is not made overnight, that's for sure. The rare cocoa beans mature for three years in a French oak cognac box. The end result is Ecuadorian dark chocolate with 77 cocoa beans. Chocolate takes up to six weeks to arrive from the moment it's ordered, but that mix is ​​well worth it.
 Debauve and     Gallais Le Livre
Price: $283 for 36 pieces
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The famous French chocolatiers Debauva and Gallais, founded in 1800, have set themselves the goal of creating a masterpiece on the occasion of their company's 200th anniversary. The result is Le Livre, a box of 35 chocolates and artisan ganaches with a cocoa content of up to 99%.
Enjoy a piece of history too. Sulpice Debauve opened his chocolate shop at the request of Marie Antoinette. For many years it was the sole supplier of chocolate to the entire royal family.
 For more articles on food Marketing, agrotech, and technology related to the Indian food industry, check out FMTmagazine. FMT Magazine is an edition of the German publication. It is a comprehensive food and beverage magazine that connects the buyers and the sellers through content that is of international quality. The magazine over the entire spectrum of the food industry including content on policies. FMT Magazine stands for Food Marketing & Technology Magazine. The magazine carries articles on ingredients, processing, packaging, food safety, and marketing, along with interviews with top personalities in the Indian food industry.
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kbaadsblog · 3 years
Metodología para el trabajo de los gestores comerciales con la Tienda Online "Duque Chocolatier".
6 de septiembre de 2021
Elaborado por: Yoandy Pacheco Real
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Metodología para el trabajo de los gestores comerciales con la Tienda Online.
Una ves que el gestor comercial accede nuestra Tienda Online entrando al siguiente enlace:
Podrá comenzar la realización del proceso de selección, revisión y compra de los diferentes productos y servicios ofrecidos en la Tienda Online "Duque Chocolatier".
Además teniendo en cuenta las diferentes características de nuestros productos y servicios, hemos elaborado una metodología para el trabajo en nuestra plataforma, la cual facilitará el trabajo de los gestores comerciales; mediante un orden lógico a seguir conformado por dos procesos de gestión:
1.) Proceso de revisión, elección y compra de productos y servicios.
2.) Proceso de gestión de pedidos
Proceso de revisión, elección y compra de productos y servicios.
1.) Los gestores comerciales deberán acceder a la Tienda Online a través del enlace global de la plataforma.
2.) Posteriormente deberán acceder en la portada de la página principal, al menú de categorías y elegir la categoría de productos en la que se encuentre interesado ver o comprar.
3.) Una vez seleccionada el menú de categorías se procede a la visualización y elección de las diferentes categorías de productos y servicios de su interes.
4.) Una vez realizada la elección de un producto o servicio para su revisión o compra, se tocará encima del mismo, para su activación y para la vista de su descripción.
5.) Luego de visto y revisado el producto, el gestor comercial, si el cliente se encuentra interesado en la compra del mismo, inicialmente pondrá las cantidades que desea comprar del producto y despues deberá accionara el botón de acción añadir del carrito de compras de dicho producto.
Nota: Además en este apartado los gestores comerciales, tendrán una serie de herramientas para perfeccionar su trabajo tales como entrar en contacto directamente con el número de la empresa a través de WhatsApp o compartir el enlace del producto en diferentes redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter y LinkedIn o realizar la difusión de dicho enlace a través de Grupos de Compra-Venta de WhatsApp.
6.) Una vez revisado un producto antes de comprarlo se debe de revisar bien la cantidad y los diferentes tipos de rellenos, que se pueden utilizar en el proceso de elaboración del mismo; teniendo en cuenta que, una vez comprado un producto, se procederá a:
1.) ir nuevamente a la sección de categorías y eligir en dependencia, del tipo de relleno que acepte el producto, la categoría de rellenos correspondiente con este.
2.) Agregar los diferentes rellenos con el botón de acción añadir del carrito y volver a accionar seguir comprando hasta haber terminado de incluir todos los rellenos permitidos para dicho producto.
3.) "Opcional" igual si el cliente desea que para dicho producto, quiere un envoltorio específico; se realizará el mismo procedimiento anterior, de acceder a las categorías y en la categoría de embalajes para productos, realizara la revisión, elección y compra de este servicio.
Nota: De no estar el cliente interesado en la compra de este tipo de servicios a un producto determinado, entonces el gestor comercial al final de la compra, procederá a elegir el tipo de embalaje que el cliente desee o que le corresponda según el pedido gestionado.
7.) Una vez concluida la compra del producto, haber agregado sus rellenos y haber comprado su embalaje (opcional); usted podrá continuar con la compra de otros productos siguiendo la misma metodología y cuando halla concluido con todos los productos, sus rellenos y su embalaje, antes de finalizar la compra; volverá a acceder al menú de categorías y entrará a la categoría correspondiente a los servicios de mensajería y realizará la compra de este en correspondencia al municipio en que se encuentre ubicado su domicilio.
8.) Una vez los gestores comerciales hallan concluido la compra de los productos, agregado los rellenos y comprado los servicios de embalaje y de mensajería. Se procederá a comenzar entonces el proceso de gestión del pedido.
Proceso de gestión de los pedidos
1.) Cuando se finaliza el pedido el sistema te manda una verificación de pedido y posteriormente te indicará introducir tus datos personales para el envío.
En la sección de (Dirección) ingresará todos los datos solicitados hacerca de la dirección del Cliente.
1.) En el recuadro de dirección escribirá:
La calle y el # de la casa del cliente, seguidamente las entre calles y posteriormente el reparto o el consejo popular al que pertenece.
2.) En el recuadro ciudad escribirá:
La Habana
3.) En el recuadro departamento, provincia, región escribirá:
El municipio correspondiente a la dirección del cliente.
4.) En el recuadro código postal escribirá:
En la sección de (tus datos personales) ingresará todos los datos del Cliente.
1.) En el recuadro nombre escribirá:
El nombre y los apellidos del cliente.
2.) En el recuadro del correo electrónico escribirá:
Su código de gestor, seguido de @gmail.com
Nota: El llenado de este recuadro correctamente es primordial; ya que a partir de este se determinará el gestor comercial que realizó el pedido.
3.) En el recuadro código del país se mantendrá:
Y en el recuadro WhatsApp o teléfono se escribirá:
El número de WhatsApp del gestor comercial.
Nota: Si escribe, un número de WhatsApp diferente al suyo de su teléfono o al de la línea del teléfono con el cual se está haciendo el pedido, en caso de que este realizando la compra desde el teléfono del cliente, entonces no se podrá confirmar el pedido por WhatsApp.
Nota: Teniendo en cuenta que el sitio tiene memoria de sistema y muchos de estos datos se quedan registrados en la plataforma, lo cual le permitirá a nuestros gestores comerciales, usarlos como las respuestas respuestas rápidas de WhatsApp o Telegram, haciendo más rápido y dinámico el proceso de trabajo con la plataforma y facilitará el sistema de control financiero de la empresa; permitiendo tener mejor organizados y controlados, los diferentes pedidos realizados por los gestores comerciales.
4.) Una vez llenada cada pestaña se accionada el botón de acción seguir y aparecerá una nueva pestaña que te indicará revisar y terminar tu pedido.
5.) Y en la parte de abajo de esa misma pestaña, en la sección de informaciones adicionales, aparece un recuadro en blanco que dice Observaciones.
En este recuadro los gestores comerciales brindarán los siguientes datos:  
1.) Información de contacto del cliente:
a.) Móvil:
b.) T. Fijo:
2.) Forma de pago
3.) Otras informaciones de interés:
6.) Una vez llenado y actualizados todas las informaciones solicitadas se procederá a enviar el pedido en el botón de acción enviar pedido.
7.) Posteriormente se accederá a la pestaña de confirmación de pedido enviado:
6.) Y se concluira con la realización de la confirmación del pedido por WhatsApp:
7.) Una ves accionado el botón de acción confirmación del pedido por WhatsApp, el sitio te enviará a la API de WhatsApp y te preguntará por cuál de tus cuentas de WhatsApp (WhatsApp o WhatsApp Business) vas a realizar la gestión del pedido realizado.
8.) Una vez elegida la cuenta de WhatsApp a utilizar; el sitio te redireccionar al número de la cuenta de empresa de Duque Chocolatier de WhatsApp Business y una vez en este realizarás el envió del pedido solicitado y esperaras la respuesta del administrador de la cuenta, aceptando o no el pedido.
Nota: Si no se confirma el pedido por WhatsApp, deberá volver a realizar el pedido nuevamente hasta poder confirmarlo por WhatsApp.
Todos los derechos de autor reservados solo a ⚜ Duque Chocolatier ⚜
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Absolutely nothing might say a pleasant "I like you" like a box of delicious chocolates. The Magic City Miami uses a variety of regional chocolatiers that will wow your sweetheart. And you can locate all those lip-smacking chocolates Miami at Le Chocolatier Fine Handmade Chocolate Shop Miami, FL. From chocolate sushi to tidbits, our shop gives ideal among all. Our dopamine-boosting treasures are a proven way to make Valentine's Day or any kind of wedding.
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Choose from extensive series of collection
Pick from delicious chocolate roses, covered strawberries, edible heels, and also various other developments. The shop supplies a substantial food selection, and Valentine's Day packages vary from $20 to $200, with kosher and lactose-free things also.
Our Masterfully made delicious chocolates deserve an art event. The sensational styles as well as vibrant colors make our developments the ideal gift for the art enthusiast and foodie in your life. Right here you might even try one of the assortments made with truffles sourced from tiny cacao farms all over the world, in special flavors such as chai tea, bourbon, and also Thai curry. We additionally lug a variety of timeless sweets such as turtles, chocolate-covered apples, and truffles.
Pop into our adorable little shop for a wonderful treat
The tiny set chocolates developed at our store are made with just the finest of active ingredients. Most importantly, at our shop, every little thing is gluten-free, lactose free, as well as many flavors are suitable for vegans and vegetarians. Allow yourself be wowed by the large elegance of the truffles prior to you appreciate delightful deals with like the award winning ginger chocolate bar.
Visit us Chocolate Shop Miami Beach, Florida
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bookriot · 7 years
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While classic authors like Mary Shelley, Jules Verne, and H.G. Wells wrote some of the earliest SFF fiction, the popularity of SFF as a genre started with short stories. Both the Pulp and Golden Age eras of science fiction and fantasy (from about 1920-1960) were steeped in short stories, with publications like Amazing Stories and Astounding Science Fiction publishing the first works by SFF giants like Edgar Rice Burroughs, Isaac Asimov, and Ray Bradbury, among many others. SFF short stories were hugely popular with the public, and its thanks in part to these short story writers and magazines that we have epic SFF franchises like Star Wars and Star Trek.
Nowadays, short stories take the back burner to novels and epic series for most SFF fans. However, many fantastic SFF writers write short stories, for many reasons. Some get their own start in shorter works and later turn to novels — like Ken Liu, Yoon Ha Lee, and Theodora Goss. Others prefer writing short stories — like Kelly Link and Carmen Maria Machado. Still other SFF authors readily switch back and forth between long and short works — Catherynne M. Valente, China Miéville, and Neil Gaiman, among others.
I read SFF short stories for many reasons. I love their brevity. They encapsulate the emotional impact of a single moment much like a poem does, but unlike poetry, they still give richness and depth to character and setting. And hey, I like that feeling of being completely immersed in a new world for 20 minutes, and then being finished. I love my epic series like any other SFF fan, but sometimes I crave bite-size pieces. It’s like chocolate. And short stories are great places to discover new authors. It requires less commitment than reading a novel, and I love discovering authors through their short stories before they’ve written their first novel.
Also, shorts are often far weirder than novels. And I do so love weirdness.
I’ve compiled 100 must-read SFF short story collections so you can set out devouring these bite-sized chocolaty treats of weird worlds and astounding stories too. I tried to pick newish authors and collections, so you won’t find any of the Pulp and Golden Age writers on this list (well, I snuck in an Ursula Le Guin, but it’s a new release!). There are 60 collections of individual author’s short stories, and 40 anthologies of multiple authors. For the anthologies, I only used an editor once. Many editors compile a ton of anthologies, like John Joseph Adams, Terri Windling, and Ellen Datlow. But I wanted to give as diverse a list as possible, so I only listed one by these editors.
I hope you enjoy these as much as I!
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Torta Setteveli Palermo o Padova?
Torta Setteveli Palermo o Padova? Che l'originale sia la versione registrata dal pasticcere veneto Luigi Biasetto o quella che si può gustare a Palermo? Gli anni passano, il nodo non si scioglie. Si scioglie però il palato di quanti provano questa meraviglia che dimostra tutto l'amore che si può nutrire per il cioccolato. Il Campionato del mondo di pasticceria 1997 Nel 1997, il pasticcere Luigi Biasetto decide di partecipare al Campionato del mondo di Pasticceria che si terrà di lì a poco nella città di Lione, in Francia. Biasetto è nato a Bruxelles, in Belgio, dove si è diplomato Mâitre Pâtissier Chocolatier Confiseur Glacier e ha iniziato la classica gavetta. Le sue origine veneziane, però, lo richiamano ben presto in Italia. Si è già trasferito a Padova quando decide di portare alla competizione mondiale la Torta Setteveli. Una torta da lui stesso ideata e realizzata a strati il cui ingrediente principale è il cioccolato. La torta vince il primo premio. La tradizione pasticcera siciliana Secondo alcune fonti, la Torta Setteveli sarebbe una specialità della pasticceria siciliana, palermitana per essere precisi. C'è chi è pronto a testimoniare, nel capoluogo siciliano, di averla gustata già negli anni Settanta. A Palermo se dici torta Setteveli dici automaticamente pasticceria Cappello. La storica pasticceria nata negli anni Sessanta. Chi ha ragione? Da un punto di vista giuridico, avendo il pasticcere Biasetto registrato il marchio (nel 1999 in Italia), è da considerarsi lui il padre della torta. Anche se, in un'intervista, ha ammesso di sapere della tradizione siciliana per la Setteveli. Torta Setteveli Palermo e Padova: ricette a confronto Come si prepara la Torta Setteveli? Iniziamo col dire che il cioccolato è l'anima di questo dolce. Cioccolato proposto in diverse declinazioni. Senza violare segreti opportunamente tutelati, vediamo quali sono gli ingredienti che si alternano in questi sette strati. Sul suo sito web, la pasticceria Cappello elenca: Bisquit al cioccolato, Croccante, Bavarese alla nocciola, Bisquit al cacao, Mousse al cioccolato, Glassa al cioccolato.Biasetto, invece, presenta la torta Setteveli come la danza della bella Salomè che a ogni velo che lascia cadere fa vivere una nuova emozione. Emozioni nate dalla sovrapposizione di mousse al cioccolato fondente, bavarese di nocciole pralinate che racchiude una serie di sfoglie di cioccolato, un fondo gianduia ai cereali. Una vera delizia del palato, insomma, davanti alla quale dimenticare gli affanni della vita. In copertina foto di congerdesign da Pixabay Read the full article
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tuanyiems · 4 years
Ice Choco
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Yugyeom x Reader (f) fluff x smut words: 4k plot: you’re nervous about spending the holidays with his parents, but you should be more nervous about the boy who can’t seem to take his hands off of you, established relationship!au christmas!au warnings – fingering, teasing, slow sex, unprotected sex, creampie, this one’s extra fluffy I think, it’s Christmas after all :’) a/n – Christmas came early hehe enjoy! part of Le Chocolatier drabble series, which you can find the masterlist for in my blog. feel free to read this as a one-shot or part of the series, in any order you want <3
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You smile fondly at the twinkling fir tree, golden lights and sparkling red bulbs drape over its forest green body. Chocolate squares wrapped in silver foil that you and Yugyeom had hand wrapped yourselves hang on red ribbons throughout the tree. You pluck one off and pop it into your mouth. The peppermint chocolate melts on your tongue, coating your mouth in sweetness.
When Yugyeom first invited you to join his family for the holidays, you were anxious. It hadn’t even been three months since you started dating. You wondered if you were moving too fast. Would his family judge you? Would Yugyeom realize how awkward of a person you were? Would you be left sad and alone on your favorite holiday?
It was only after plenty of reassurance from Yugyeom that you decided to just go for it. You liked Yugyeom, a lot, and despite the short time you’ve been dating, every day has been full of happiness. And if his family was anything like Yugyeom, you would probably like them too.
And that’s how you found yourself here, in the Kim’s living room on Christmas Eve. Unlike what you had imagined, his parents welcomed you with open arms. You learned exactly where Yugyeom got his warmth and kindness.
And as if this moment couldn’t be more picturesque, a full moon hung in the night sky like a shining ornament.
“Pretty,” Mrs. Kim interjected, stepping beside you.
“It is,” you smile, looking out the window.
“No, I was talking about you dear,” she grins, squeezing your arm.
“O-oh,” you stutter, feeling your cheeks heat.
Laughing, Mrs. Kim tilts her head back the same way Yugyeom laughs when he’s teasing you. “Aren’t you a cutie! Yugyeom did good finding you.”
“T-thanks,” you sputter, not sure what to do with yourself. You fix at the red plaid pajamas the Kim’s gifted you with this morning. “I’m glad you invited me…or, well, I don’t know if you invited me. I don’t know if you knew about me. Maybe Yugyeom just brought me without notice. Oh, I hope he didn’t-”
Giggling, Mrs. Kim pulls you into a side hug.
“Sorry,” you apologize, taking a deep breath. “What I mean is, you’ve been so nice. I’m happy to spend the holidays with you and your whole family. Really, thank you.”
“Not at all,” Mrs. Kim scrunches her nose, smiling. “It’s nice to have another woman in the house. Tomorrow, my daughter-in-law will be joining us too!”
“I can’t wait to meet her and your eldest son!” You agree, “I’ve heard so many great things from Yugyeom.”
She nods, giving your arm another squeeze. “Yeah, Yugyeom dotes on his brother so much. But until then, you can use Euigyeom’s old bedroom. I’ve prepared fresh sheets so you can get a good night’s sleep.”
“Fresh sheets won’t feel as cozy as my bedsheets though,” Yugyeom interrupts, coming up beside his mother.
Your eyes widen at his comment.
Mrs. Kim frowns, slapping Yugyeom on the arm. “No babies until you two get married!”
Yugyeom laughs at his mom and when he sees your mortified face, laughs even harder. You aren’t even sure which part of her sentence to be more flustered about—the fact that his mom just insinuated you two possibly having sex under her roof or that you’ve been dating for less than three months and she was already considering marriage! 
Your skin feels like hot lava and you wonder if you might even hive up from embarrassment. That would be a first.
“Oh, I think we broke her,” his mom chuckles.
“Honey,” Mr. Kim interrupts, resting his hands over Mrs. Kim’s shoulders. “Let’s head to bed and let the young one’s talk.”
He sends you a wink before ushering his wife into their bedroom. When you hear their door shut, you let out a sigh, shoulders slumping. Yugyeom chuckles softly beside you, patting you on the back.
“I told you, you had nothing to worry about,” he says. “My parents love you already. I think they love you more than they love me.”
“Impossible!” you scrunch your nose, but your lips curl up anyways. “This afternoon when I was helping your mom in the kitchen, she kept talking about all the awards you won in high school. Class president, co-president of the dance club, winner of the youth dance competition. How come you never talk about dance? What else are you hiding from me?”
Yugyeom’s eyes crinkle into half moon shapes. “I also won first prize in the science fair in primary school,” he grins, winking at you playfully. “Your man made a pretty mean volcano back in the day.”
“Oh wow, a volcano? That beats the boy I dated for his solar system model,” you joke.
He smirks, putting his arm around you, “Definitely an upgrade, babe.”
“Tomorrow, I’ll ask to see the baby photos,” you tease, leaning into his embrace as you poke his chest.
Yugyeom tilts his head cockily to the side. “Not to brag, but I was a pretty cute baby. Just a warning, but you might fall in love with me.”
You roll your eyes. A little too late for that, you think to yourself, but that is a confession for another day.
“We should probably clean up and head to bed soon,” you smile, pulling away.
“Don’t wanna see Santa?” he teases.
You chuckle, clearing the living room of the abandoned mugs and plates with the exception of one plate of chocolate chip cookies. “I think it’s cute that your mom still keeps out cookies.”
He smiles, helping you empty the dishes into the sink. “Back when we were kids, they’d wake up at midnight and eat the cookies too.”
Lips jutting out, you stare at Yugyeom with big doe eyes, completely endeared. He glances at you before chuckling and slipping on the bright pink dishwashing gloves.
“On the downside, I got bullied for being the only kid in the neighborhood who still believed in Santa,” he adds.
“Aww, poor baby,” you coo, brushing the stray hair out of his eyes. “Tell me their names, I’ll go beat them up for you.”
“Bambam,” he quips making you laugh.
“Sorry, Gyeom, you’re on your own.”
He chuckles. “S’alright, I had my mom fight that battle.”
You let out a deep breath, leaning your elbows on the center island of the kitchen and admire Yugyeom from behind. He’s only in a plain grey t-shirt and matching red plaid pajama pants, and yet, he still looks handsome. Your eyes travel across his broad back. There is the faint hint of his tattoo underneath the thin cotton material.
When you first saw Yugyeom’s back tattoo, you were surprised but also found it very fitting. Black ink bled wings across his shoulder blades. In a way, Yugyeom came into your life like an angel. Your guardian angel, he liked to joke, saving others from your clumsiness. 
You scoff at the memory, making Yugyeom turn to you with narrowed eyes.
“What are you snickering about back there?”
“Nothing!” you squeak, pursing your lips together like a child caught red handed. 
He looks at you for a moment longer before turning back to the dishes, smiling to himself. 
“I was just thinking,” you finally add after a pause. “I really enjoy the relationship you have with your parents.”
You watch his shoulders lift and you imagine he’s smiling. “Yeah, they’re my best friends,” he tells you over the sound of the running faucet.
“I’m jealous,” you confess softly. You assume he doesn’t hear you.
Unlike Yugyeom, you grew up in a strict household. The only memories you have of your biological father were all associated with fear and while you got along with your mother, you weren’t exactly close either. Of course, the two of you loved each other as most families did, but after experiencing a marriage of struggle, as soon as you were of legal age, your mom went off to chase her own freedom. Back in your late teens, this had put a strain in your relationship, but now that you are older, with your perspective matured, you grew to understand your mom and you’re glad that she’s found a happier life of her own.
Now, the two of you can talk openly about the ups and downs of adulthood and womanhood and everything in between.
But this was why you weren’t spending the holidays with your own family. The two of you had decided a few years back that New Year’s would be for family, Christmas is for love and adventure.
You watch as your love and adventure turns off the faucet and shakes the pink gloves off his arms. “Done!” he declares triumphantly, turning to you now.
“Looks like you’re going to make the nice list this year,” you compliment, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He grins down at you, “How about you sneak into my room and we can both make the naughty list.”
Your eyes widen, feeling your cheeks flush at the thought. Yugyeom laughs, throwing his head back.
“I’m just kidding, don’t have a heart attack!” 
Slapping his chest, you pout. “Let’s go to sleep. I’m going to need the energy to deal with you tomorrow.”
But when your head finally sinks into the fresh sheets Mrs. Kim had prepared for you, sleep never comes. After washing up and saying goodnight to Yugyeom, it was like all the exhaustion washed away too. You are wide awake when the clock hits midnight.
It’s probably because you’re in a new environment. It’s been a while since you last slept in a stranger’s bed. You haven’t even slept at Yugyeom’s place yet! You always go home before it gets too late, or it’s him staying at yours.
Anyways, the nerves of meeting Yugyeom’s family along with the new environment and the thrill of Christmas combined is probably what’s keeping you up.
Sitting up in bed, you decide to fix up a warm drink. That should calm you, right?
Slipping out of bed, you sneak out of your bedroom on tiptoes, twisting the doorknob so slowly one might think you’ve been frozen. One thing about the Kim’s house is how eerily quiet the whole place is. Unlike your apartment where everything seemed to buzz—the fridge, the walls, the ceiling, you name it—this house was cloaked in silence.
It feels like an eternity when you finally get the door open big enough to walk through. Looking both ways in the dark hallway, you make a turn and tiptoe your way into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, you flick the island lights on, casting a dim spotlight at the center of the room. You squint, eyes adjusting to the lights before making your way towards the cabinets.
Helping Mrs. Kim with dinner this evening had paid off. You were already familiar with the kitchen setup.
Plucking a hot chocolate packet between two fingers, you swivel back to the island to boil the water. Pouring the brown powder into a mug, you let out a breath, waiting for the water to boil.
In the open window across from you, you are delighted to find a flurry of white illuminated by the dim light of a single lamppost. The snowflakes fall in fat clumps, as if in slow motion. The quiet realization that you will have a white Christmas after all, brings a soft smile to your lips.
“Hello, Santa,” a sudden voice breaks the silence, making you jump up in a silent shriek.
Standing in the shadows, at the doorway of the kitchen is a very amused Yugyeom, his hands clasped around his mouth to muffle his laughter.
“You scared me!” you whisper yell, one hand on your beating chest.
“Sorry,” he apologizes, not at all sorry, as he walks to your side behind the island. “What are you doing up anyways?”
“Making hot chocolate,” you explain, hands coming to fix at his bed head. “I couldn’t fall asleep. Want one?”
You’re already grabbing another packet from the cabinet before he can answer you.
“I can make you an ice choco,” you smile up at him, eyes forming crescents. They look shinier under the lights. He feels a flutter in his stomach.
Smiling quietly, Yugyeom nods. For a moment, the two of you stand in easy silence. Only the sound of the water boiler can be heard. Yugyeom’s eyes follow where yours are staring and his heart warms. You look so happy, it’s endearing. You must be the only person in this city who hasn’t been jaded from the snowstorms that hit every winter.
Coming from behind, Yugyeom wraps you in his arms, bending to rest his chin in the crook of your shoulder.
“Merry Christmas,” he whispers into your ear, gazing out at the falling snow.
“Merry Christmas,” you reply, turning, you hold his face in one palm and press a kiss to his cheek. He squeezes you tighter in his arms.
When the water boiler clicks off, water now hot and bubbling, you move to grab it but Yugyeom holds you tight, pulling you closer to his chest. You giggle softly, tilting your head at him curiously. He answers you with cold fingers sliding underneath your shirt. It sends you shivering all over.
“Yugyeom!” you squeak in surprise, making futile attempts to escape his grasp.
“I know something else we could do to get you sleepy,” he whispers, breath on the shell of your ear.
“Y-your parents are right down the hall!” you stutter, gulping back the whimper that threatens to escape your throat.
Yugyeom licks a stripe up the shell of your ear, “And sleeping.” You can feel his smirk against your ear.
“I-w-we can’t,” you whine, unconvincingly.
“But you want to,” he says matter-of-factly, hands sliding up your skin. You feel him inhale when his palms come around the supple flesh of your breasts. “No bra? You naughty girl.”
Your protests catch in your throat when he begins to knead at your breasts, rolling both nipples between his thumbs. You whimper, head falling back onto his shoulder at the sensation. His fingers brush against the sensitive buds gently, barely there. It makes your knees weak and your core throb with want.
Yugyeom presses himself into your back and you can feel him hard against you. “You don’t know how hard it was for me to control myself today. Do you know how many hard ons I had to hide from my parents?”
You break into a smile, grinding your ass harder into him. “Is that why you were hugging that throw pillow all day?”
“Don’t you dare laugh at me,” Yugyeom warns, pinching you between his thumbs. “I saw the way you were looking at me. I can read you like a book, baby. Bet you’re already wet.”
Yugyeom presses a kiss to your jawline before sucking down your throat. Your breath skips at the fluttering feeling. “G-gyeom, I-I can’t have hickeys.”
He groans softly against you, biting softly at your jugular before letting go. “You don’t get to call the shots, babe.”
The sternness of his voice makes you whimper, which he catches easily with his own lips on yours. Yugyeom kisses you roughly, tongue overpowering yours just the way you like it. When his hand dips down past the waistband of your pajama pants and panties at once, your eyes fall shut, relishing the sudden intrusion.
“Fucking wet,” he smirks, dipping two fingers between your folds. He gathers your slick, spreading it in circles around your sensitive bud. You whimper, knees going weak.
All too soon though, his hand leaves you, making you whine. He holds his fingers up in the light, admiring the glistening web of arousal. As if practiced, you open your mouth for him and he slides his fingers into your mouth. You whimper at the tang of yourself melting on your tongue.
“Tell me you want me,” he mutters, lids heavy as he slides his fingers in and out of your mouth. You run your tongue around his fingers expertly until you’ve licked him clean.
Yugyeom swallows, watching you suck on his fingers and imagines you sucking other things of his. The very thought makes him shiver. Reluctantly, he pulls his fingers out of your mouth, letting you speak.
“Please Gyeom,” you whine, breathless. “I want you. Need you inside me already.”
It’s music to his ears and he wants to tease you more, but his patience has already run out. Having spent the better half of this day sporting blue balls, Yugyeom just wants to fuck you senseless.
It catches you by surprise when he slips his thumbs down your waistbands and pulls, leaving your ass bare behind the kitchen island. Before you can even feel embarrassed about the sudden exposure, Yugyeom’s finger are back on you, making you whimper while his other hand makes quick work with his own pants and boxers. His cock springs free, red and throbbing.
“You look so delicious like this,” he whispers into your ear, hands squeezing your ass. Oh, how he would have loved to slap your ass until you were red with his fingerprints. Biting his lips, he pushes his dick between your thighs instead.
“Ooh,” you let out a satisfied sigh, your clit rubbing along the length of his cock. Your thighs are soft and warm around his length, it’s unfair, Yugyeom thinks. Your pussy is weeping with desperation, the arousal drips down, coating his dick so that each time he thrusts between your legs, it is deliciously smooth. Everything about your body is heavenly, like it was made for him.
Already, you’re panting, a thick whine straining in your throat. His hot cock rutting between your thighs just teases at your sensitive bud. Your pussy lips clench around nothing and only succeeds in making the ache in your core more despairing. 
“Gyeom, please,” you breathe out, hands coming up to run through his hair, your fingers thread around his black strands, before pulling into your fists. Yugyeom enjoys the ache in his scalp.
When he pulls his cock away, you almost yell out loud, lips pouting from the lost sensation. He answers you with a smirk, nudging his foot between yours, he forces your legs apart. Your hands grip at the counter for support, fingers pressing down hard when he slides two fingers into you without warning.
Immediately, you bite at your bottom lip, fighting the moan that threatens to escape you as he dips his fingers into you over and over, stretching at your velvety walls. His fingers are long and practiced, finding the rough, spongy patch inside you quickly.
Your eyes squeeze shut, the ghost of a whimper panting from your lips as he curls his fingers, sending shivers straight to your core. Over and over, he does this, until you’re tightening around his digits. All too soon, your knees are buckling, mind going numb from the sensation.
And then, he pulls out of you.
You gasp, eyes opening wide while Yugyeom chuckles darkly. 
Before you can complain, he kisses your temple sweetly. “Not yet, baby,” he whispers soothingly.
You feel Yugyeom stepping closer between your legs and then the head of his cock teases at your entrance, sliding up and down your folds, spreading your slick on him.
You’re about to whine for him to stop teasing when you hear the creak of a door opening. Eyes widening, your heart jumps to your throat when the sound of footsteps shuffling against the floors, echoes like a blaring drum from down the dark hallway.
Your breath hitches when Yugyeom sinks his cock into you slowly. Your palm flies to your mouth, just as he slides all the way in, balls pressed to your ass. He leans into you so that his chest is hard-pressed against your back. You can feel his breath on your skin as his lips press against the nape of your neck.
The door of the bathroom opens and closes.
“Shh,” he mumbles against you, slowly pulling out of you. The friction is so delicious, you can’t help the whimper that muffles against your palm. “Wouldn’t want to get caught with my dick inside you…would you?”
He fucks into you, one hand coming to your throat at the sound of your muffled moan. He squeezes at your throat, softly at first. When he feels the way you clench around his cock, he bites into your shoulder, hiding his groan.
“Are you gonna be a good girl?” he whispers into your ear, fingers tapping at your throat. You nod your head eagerly, rutting yourself onto his dick.
He bites at his lip, squeezing around your neck. At the sound of the water faucet running, Yugyeom ruts into you hard, his free hand coming to rub circles around your clit. You pant, breath constricting and eyes rolling. You love the way he fills you entirely. His slow thrusts hit you deep every time, keeping you at the edge of euphoria.
When the bathroom door opens, Yugyeom’s fingers rub at your bud even faster, sending your heart facing and electric currents straight to your core. You’re so close, it hurts. Tears brim at the corner of your eyes, your voice threatening to break as your ears strain to hear the footsteps coming closer.
You can feel your vein pulsing against your forehead as Yugyeom continues to thrust his cock into your sopping hole, sliding deep into your cunt.
The door of his parents’ bedroom squeaks like slow motion. Please, please go back to bed. Shut the door. All you can hear is your heart pounding in your own ear and Yugyeom’s stifled breathing. 
And then you hear the click.
Yugyeom lets go of your throat to hold the edge of the counter instead and the air that invades your lungs while he fucks into you hard send you off the edge.
“Mmmmm,” a strained moan escapes your throat as you collapse onto the island, body jerking as your orgasm hits you in waves. Yugyeom continues his ministrations on your clit, his own balls straining at the way your pussy pulses around him, impossibly tight.
“That’s it, baby,” he soothes, rocking himself into you as you slowly come down from your high. He caresses your throat lovingly, placing soft kisses to your jawline until he’s spilling into you with a quiet groan.
You shiver, his moan tickling the shell of your ear as your pussy pulsed around his cock, sucking up each hot spurt of cum that shot into you.
“God,” he sighs, sweaty forehead pressing into your shoulder. He all but collapses on you. “I love you so much.”
Both you and Yugyeom freeze. His softened cock slips out of you and he rushes to help clean the cum that drips out of your pussy. Stumbling, Yugyeom haphazardly pulls the band of his pants back up while grabbing a towel from behind him.
You barely even notice the stickiness that drips down your thigh as Yugyeom wipes the damp towel across your skin. Instead, you stare down at his fluffy hair, a smile stretching across your face.
“Gyeom,” you say softly as he fixes your pants back up, still refusing to look at you. Your fingers thread through his hair softly, “Gyeom.”
When he tilts his head up, he looks so worried. You feel your heart squeeze.
“Gyeom,” you smile softly, helping him back up to his feet. “I love you too.”
He blinks like he’s heard you wrong. “You love me too?”
You nod, giggling now. “I do. A lot.”
Yugyeom pulls you into a kiss.
“You love me!” he repeats against your lips and then he is kissing you again until you are both giggling against each other.
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NEWS - ‘Goblin’ fans discover the location of ‘Canadian restaurant’ and it’s not in Quebec
By diana/2017.02.15
Fans of the recently ended series “Goblin” still got hang-ups of the drama. In fact, some of them have expressed their desire to visit the places where Kim Go Eun and Gong Yoo filmed some of their scenes.
“Goblin” fans fell in love with how the drama displayed the beauty of Canada, particularly Quebec. The city of Quebec is the largest province in Canada where picturesque architectures are built.
In the tvN drama, Kim Go Eun and Gong Yoo’s characters often visit Quebec by passing through a red door. Among the tourist spots shown in “Goblin” were the popular Fairmont Le Château Frontenac Hotel and the Parc du Bastion-de-la-Reine.
According to Allkpop, Quebec has experienced an influx of tourists after the Korean drama featured the city. JTBC’s “Abnormal Summit” even commended “Goblin” for its representation of the Canadian city.
Guillaume Party of “Abnormal Summit” said more and more Korean tourists have been visiting Quebec to check the places where Kim Go Eun and Gong Yoo filmed for “Goblin.”
On top of that, fans are also curious about the Canadian restaurant where the two main characters dined. Contrary to everyone’s expectations, the restaurant cannot be found in Quebec.
To begin with, the supposed Canadian restaurant was rather café in Paju, South Korea. Koreaboo cited the place is called Zino or Chocolatier Zino, a western-inspired café in the North-West part of Seoul.
Fans of the tvN drama commended the café for its sophisticated interior and furniture. On top of that, Zino also displays classic paintings as well as photos of “Goblin” cast members.
Aside from Zino, fans of “Goblin” are eyeing to visit other filming locations of the drama. The list include Jumunjin Beach in Gangwon-do, Uhnyeongung Western House and Yongdap Station Bridge in Seoul, Borinara Hakwon Farm in Jeollabuk-do, Hanmi Bookstore in Incheon, and BBQ Olive Chicken Café in Gangnam.
CREDIT: asiastarz
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tmnotizie · 5 years
di Stefania Mezzina
SAN BENEDETTO – Costa Crociere ed Eurochocolate presentano la prima Eurochocolate Cruise, un itinerario dolce e gustoso interamente dedicato al cioccolato. A bordo di Costa Pacifica, che salperà da Civitavecchia il 16 aprile 2020 per poi proseguire verso Genova, Barcellona, Palma di Maiorca, Malta e Catania, sarà possibile vivere l’esperienza unica del più importante evento internazionale dedicato al re della dolcezza, grazie a una serie di iniziative a tema “cioccolato”: corsi, degustazioni, laboratori, show cooking, incontri con grandi Maestri Cioccolatieri, visite guidate, creazioni artigianali e menù speciali.
Il format di successo dell’Eurochocolate di Perugia sale così per la prima volta a bordo di una nave da crociera, per una settimana di vacanza nel Mediterraneo, alla scoperta del cioccolato
Ad accogliere gli ospiti a bordo, ci sarà una delle attrazioni che ha reso celebre Eurochocolate: la spettacolare scultura di cioccolato. Uno scultore di Eurochocolate lavorerà infatti dal vivo un intero blocco di cioccolato, trasformandolo in un’originale opera d’arte.
Il goloso viaggio continuerà con i Laboratori di Eurochocolate, un ricco calendario di workshop a disposizione degli ospiti per scoprire i segreti della pasticceria amatoriale. Gli appuntamenti principali sono: Ciocopasticceria, corsi durante i quali un maestro pasticcere di Eurochocolate realizzerà dal vivo squisite ricette al cioccolato con degustazione finale;
A Scuola di Cioccolato, dove i partecipanti, guidati da esperti maître chocolatier, potranno scoprire tutti i segreti del Cibo degli Dèi e realizzare irresistibili creazioni artistiche, tra cui classiche tavolette di cioccolato, stuzzicanti praline e simpatici bottoni.
Per  quanti, invece, vorranno provare abbinamenti sorprendenti e inaspettati, Costa Crociere offre tre degustazioni, guidate da un esperto Choco Taster. Gli ospiti potranno scegliere se condividere un piacevole momento di relax, che fonde la bontà del cioccolato a un buon calice di vino, scelto per esaltarne profumi e aromi.
Sarà possibile anche provare il classico e vincente abbinamento con la frutta secca, oppure intraprendere un viaggio sensoriale attraverso i sapori del Mediterraneo, con un connubio perfetto per esaltare i profumi del mare.
A bordo di Costa Pacifica, l’Eurochocolate Cruise animerà le serate con Cioccolatomania, imperdibili appuntamenti che avranno come special guest 3 tra i più importanti Maestri Cioccolatieri nazionali e internazionali, come Guido Gobino, uno dei più famosi artigiani del cioccolato, che da anni collabora con Costa Crociere, e che offrirà agli ospiti una selezione di Gianduiotti, i suoi prodotti più apprezzati e conosciuti.
Il secondo incontro sarà dedicato a Enric Rovira, il “Genio del cioccolato artistico”, che mostrerà agli ospiti una delle sue splendide creazioni e illustrerà loro la sua visione futuristica del cioccolato e della pasticceria.
L’ultimo appuntamento sarà con Pierpaolo Ruta, che porterà gli ospiti alla scoperta della storia e delle peculiarità del famoso cioccolato di Modica, la ciucculatta muricana, una delle eccellenze italiane nel mondo.
Un altro evento da non perdere darà la possibilità agli ospiti di assistere a uno show cooking, con la famosa food blogger Sonia Peronaci, che svelerà i segreti delle sue ricette più famose.
Al termine dello spettacolo, gli ospiti potranno interagire con Sonia e assaggiare il dolce da lei preparato. Inoltre, in occasione dell’ultima serata dell’Eurochocolate Cruise, andrà in scena un coinvolgente gioco di animazione: il Choco Quiz con divertenti domande sul mondo del cioccolato.
Rispondendo correttamente, i partecipanti potranno guadagnarsi l’accesso alla finale a tre: il migliore si aggiudicherà un fantastico week end a Perugia in occasione di Eurochocolate 2020.
Inoltre, per i veri appassionati, durante la tappa a Barcellona sarà organizzata un’originale visita guidata a terra, che permetterà a tutti i chocolovers a bordo di scoprire curiosità gastronomiche ed eccellenze locali, tra cui il Museo del Cioccolato di Barcellona, dove sarà possibile seguire la storia del cioccolato sin dalla sua scoperta e osservare alcune spettacolari e singolari sculture realizzate con il cioccolato, come un incredibile modellino del Parc Guell.
Tutti coloro che decideranno di acquistare il pacchetto “Eurochocolate Cruise”, oltre ad avere la possibilità di partecipare alle attività in programma, riceveranno in omaggio un golosissimo Welcome Kit, contenente dei simpatici gadget a tema cioccolato e alcune imperdibili prelibatezze.
Potranno gustare anche i Choco Cocktail, studiati appositamente per gli ospiti a bordo, e assaporare il cioccolato in tutte le sue forme grazie al menù Tutto Cacao, che verrà servito durante uno speciale pranzo a tema.
“Da oltre 70 anni Costa Crociere propone un’offerta gastronomica di grande qualità, in particolare legata all’Italia e delle sue eccellenze. Cerchiamo infatti di portare a bordo grandi realtà italiane per offrire ai nostri ospiti esperienze davvero uniche, sorprendenti e coinvolgenti.
Questo è possibile grazie anche a collaborazioni prestigiose come quella con Eurochocholate, che ci consentirà di proporre per la prima volta su una nave da crociera l’atmosfera, il divertimento e i sapori del più grande festival internazionale dedicato al cioccolato”, dichiara Carlo Schiavon, Country Manager Italia Costa Crociere.
“Grazie a Costa Crociere possiamo dire che è un sogno che si avvera – dichiara Eugenio Guarducci, Presidente di Eurochocolate – quello di vedere ospitato per la prima volta il nostro format dentro una grande nave da crociera e siamo molto felici che grandi protagonisti del cioccolato italiano ed europeo abbiano deciso di salire a bordo con noi con l’obiettivo di creare, tutti insieme, un’esperienza unica che sarà sicuramente apprezzata dagli ospiti a bordo”. 
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tripstations · 5 years
We Are In Love with Lyon: Aren’t You?
Lyon is not only famous for her heritage but also for her gastronomy, and with a duo of famous chef sons, Bocuse and Boulud, the city makes an excellent historical and tasty home base should you consider exploring further afield.  With its ancient center bisected by narrow streets of Medieval and Renaissance houses, Lyon has much to offer the curious and hungry visitor. Often referred to as the “world capital of gastronomy”, the city owes its tasty reputation to its original guinguette’s – those welcoming and familiar outside bistros bordering the banks of the Saône. And the casual, convivial feel of its famous Bouchon’s: traditional Inns, later restaurants, where arriving carriages with tired travelers were served reviving plates of tête de veau, andouillette lyonnaise, quenelles, and pistachio-studded sausages on red lentils by Lyon’s mothers, les mères, those healthy, robust women who defined its cuisine. La Mère Brazier, who in 1933, was the first female to receive a two-star rating. Her contemporary, La Mère Bourgeois, who opened her restaurant in Bresse, or La Mère Guy, whose eel stew was highly prized in the 18th century. And into the 21st Century, La Mère Richard offers perhaps some of the best local cheeses by the first Mère Richard’s daughter Renée, who shares her mother’s famous first name.
You can easily connect to Lyon and the Rhône-Alpes region of France as Air Canada has begun offering year-round service between Montreal’s Trudeau airport and Lyon–Saint-Exupéry Airport. Canadians now have a direct link to the second-largest metropolitan area in France. And with up to five flights a week with 37 international business class lie-flat suites and 228 economy-class seats, there isn’t any reason not to be in love with Lyon and enjoy this historic and tasty part of France. Let Skyscanner help you book your flight or hotel:
tripstations always travels with a handy copy of the Lonely Planet series: take along this handy copy on everything Lyon:
Here are nine things to do in this tripstations favourite city:
Les Halles de Lyon
Spend a Saturday early morning savouring  Paul Bocuse’s Les Halles de Lyon. Dried hams and salamis, sausages, salad Lyonnaise, pike dumplings and of course, terrines and pâtés from Maison Sibilia, “Lyon’s Charcuterie since 1925”. ‘Coco’ became one of the preferred suppliers of many Lyon restaurants including Paul Bocuse’s three-starred establishment. Wine from Fac&Spera by Michel CHAPOUTIER who have been producing great wine, with his family’s respect for nature and terroir since 1808. ANYTHING chocolate from Maison Sève who in 2010 and 2011, garnered the best Chocolatier in France award. Make sure you sample at least one of their incredible chocolate Macarons. You’re welcome. And finally, fantastic cheeses from La Mère Richard’s very daughter, the generous and warm Renée, who on our visit, graciously talked to us about history, family and of course, cheese, all the while offering great, gooey dollops of her specialty, Saint-Marcellin, spread on fresh, warm baguette. Heaven.
Dinner at Les Trois Dômes
Enjoy dinner at the Sofitel Lyon Bellecour’s romantic Les Trois Dômes with stunning views out over the rippling Rhône river.  Seven years ago we travelled to Lyon for my 50th birthday celebration where we sampled and savoured all things classic Lyonnais food. Les Lyonnais take their food very seriously with delicacies like andouillette, tête de veau and veal foot salad a must on their must-eat collective dining tables.  Not for the faint of heart and perhaps one of the odder food experiences we’ve had in our around the world travels. The saving grace of our food-focused trip was dinner at Les Trois Domes: let’s just say come for the Foie Gras Tasting, stay for the Foie Gras Tasting.
Wander le Jardin du Rosaire
Hire a Lyon City Greeter, organized with Lyon’s Tourism Board and lace up your walking shoes and wander Le Jardin du Rosaire, directly below the beautiful Basilique Notre-Dames de Fourvière. Still high above Vieux Lyon and in her Parc des Hauteurs, take in views of the valley and rushing rivers Saône and Rhône with the white-capped Alpes just beyond. The majestic and well-preserved Theatres Romains de Fourviere welcomes jazz enthusiasts and other festival friends to its ancient stone seats and is the oldest of its type in France: a must-see for history buffs.
Explore the Long Traboules
Push open an ancient, wooden door and (and shhh! quiet please!) explore the hidden, off the beaten track walkways of the Long Traboules, winding their way through and under the buildings, courtyards, and alleyways of residential Vieux Lyon. Open only during the day Les Traboules is a pleasant shortcut connecting you to the Old Town between Rue Saint-Jean and Rue de la Boeuf.
Enjoy a Bottle of Craft Beer
After your Traboule shortcut, you may have acquired a mighty thirst. Exit out onto the Rue de Boeuf and taste some of Lyon’s exceptional and largest selection of craft beers, available in bottles from La Chope de Lug.  Take away over 300 locally brewed, sourced and largely unfiltered, unpasteurized amber, white, blonde, imperial and even triple fermentation beers from the Rhone-Alpes region to slake your walking thirst.
Connect at Confluence
Wander the unusual and fantastic Confluence, Europe’s largest urban redevelopment project, a newly reclaimed common gathering point for local Lyonnaise, literally where the Rhône and Saône converge and the former site of the old Port and the historic center of Lyon.  Enjoy shopping, sit and enjoy it’s open canals, superb dining or simply prends une verre on one of its many patios and people watch. Make sure to view the water side of Jakob+MacFarlane’s Orange Cube Building. Stunning! And while there, check out Euronews TV Channel flagship headquarters, the Green Cube, another Jacob+MacFarlane stunner!
Lunch and a Museum: Confluence
The stunning Musée des Confluences is a must where we thoroughly enjoyed the spectacular Antartica exhibit; running until December 2016, a complete penguin overload for our senses! Indulge your curious collector in their popular Chambre des Merveilles, where you will view some collected curiosities from the curio cabinets of the ancient and modern world: stuffed exotic birds, shrunken heads, petrified body parts, all present a curious and scientific vision of the world, our own chamber of wonders. Lunch is a must at the Museums’ Brasserie des Confluences where you will enjoy typical Lyonnais food served in a spectacular light-filled cathedral overlooking the Rhône and Saône.
Wander the Cité Internationale
Make the six large statues of Xavier Veilhan your personal guides as you stroll the sculpture gardens and walkways of Renzo Piano and landscape architect Michel Corajoud’s beautifully imagined Cité Internationale . The Marriott Hotel Lyon Cité Internationale, is a convenient and excellent home base as you explore and stroll this urban oasis. While there, plan a visit to macLyon (currently closed for renovations but reopening September 2016). The museum showcases current national and international artists and focuses on all forms of modernity: ‘sound’:  La Monte Young, Laurie Anderson, John Cage, ‘choreography’: Anna Halprin, Trisha Brown,  ‘painting’: Marc Desgrandchamps, Keith Haring, BenRobert Combas and ‘video’: Bill Viola and ‘performance’ pieces by Jan Fabre.
Renzo Piano’s totally accessible Cité Internationale in Lyon
Enjoy the Light Show
Journey to Lyon in December and enjoy the Fetes des Lumières, Lyons annual love affair with light. Needless to say, I was excited to return to Lyon where my partner and I spent a glorious 50th birthday week enjoying the fantastic Fête des Lumières. Bundle up, bring your tripod to catch the amazing show and enjoy this early-Christmas gift of light!
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    The post We Are In Love with Lyon: Aren’t You? appeared first on Tripstations.
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newsintheshell · 3 years
J-POP Manga, le novità in arrivo nei prossimi mesi
Annunciati tanti titoli fra i quali figurano nuove opere di Jun Mayuzuki,  Kengo Hanazawa, Tamekou e Nagabe!
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Durante la diretta streaming di oggi su Twitch, lo staff di J-POP Manga ha annunciato, assieme ad alcuni ospiti, i nuovi titoli che andranno ad aggiungersi nel corso dei prossimi mesi al catalogo della casa editrice, vediamo in dettaglio quali.
Kowloon Generic Romance di Jun Mayuzuki
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Nella labirintica Kowloon, distretto di una Hong Kong futuristica e improntata alla terra-formazione, la tranquilla trentenne Kujirai e il suo spigliato collega Kudo lavorano in una piccola agenzia immobiliare, passando le giornate immersi nelle caotiche vie della loro città, apprezzandone la vitalità, il caos e l’anima decadente.
Giorno dopo giorno Kujirai comprende che i sentimenti che prova per il collega non si fermano alla semplice amicizia e che, nonostante i battibecchi costanti, non può fare a meno di lui. Ma non tutto è come sembra: i suoi ricordi confusi e una serie di situazioni inspiegabili sembrano nascondere qualcosa di molto più complicato di una generica relazione d’amore nella città di Kowloon...
5 volumi – in corso
Junji Ito Collection – Ruggito e Nel Suolo di Junji Ito
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Continua la raccolta in volume dei migliori racconti del maestro del manga dell’orrore! Junji Ito, fresco di candidatura ai premi Eisner 2021 nella categoria “Miglior Autore Unico”, dà il suo meglio in storie brevi e cariche di terrore e inquietudine. In questi due volumi, da oltre 400 pagine, saranno raccolte le terrificanti storie inedite pubblicate  in originale nei titoli 8, 9 e 11 della “Junji Ito Masterpiece Collection”.
2 volumi
Caro Fratello di Riyoko Ikeda
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La Riyoko Ikeda Collection si arricchisce di un altro classico pieno di intrighi, dramma e amore tra ragazze: arriva Caro Fratello nella sua edizione definitiva! Nanako Misonoo frequenta l’accademia Seiran, esclusiva scuola privata per giovani donne ricche e meritevoli. Pur essendo una ragazza ordinaria, Nanako viene invitata a unirsi alla prestigiosa organizzazione scolastica, la Sorority, comandata dalle “Magnifiche Tre”, le migliori studentesse dell’Accademia. Il difficile clima scolastico inciderà fortemente sulla vita della giovane Nanako che, seppur accompagnata nelle vicissitudini scolastiche dalle due amiche, Tomoko e Mariko, troverà conforto solo nel rapporto epistolare tenuto con il suo “Caro Fratello”.
Volume unico
Under Ninja di Kengo Hanazawa
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Il nuovo manga dall’autore di I am a Hero! I ninja sono i migliori assassini del mondo, agiscono nell’oscurità, rapidi, invisibili e letali. Dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale si sono sempre più frammentati, disperdendosi per il Giappone. A oggi, 200.000 ninja si nascondono tra la gente comune, osservando la società in attesa di ordini dai vertici delle loro organizzazioni. Kuro Kumogakure, discendente del decaduto clan Kumogakure, è un neet di infima categoria, disoccupato e tremendamente annoiato. In attesa, oramai da anni, del suo primo incarico come ninja, viene improvvisamente chiamato all’opera dai suoi superiori: saprà distinguersi e riconquistare l’onore perduto, lui che non sembra in grado di conservare nemmeno un banale lavoretto?
5 volume - In corso
Love from the other side di Nagabe
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L’amore si presenta in molte forme. Un magnifico uccello consola una ragazza in difficoltà; un vampiro balla di notte con una giovane donna; una ragazza cieca vive con un mostro che nasconde più di quanto non sembri. Queste e altre storie inedite compongono la preziosa raccolta di racconti brevi di Nagabe (Girl from the other Side), mangaka straordinario la cui opera continua a esplorare magistralmente relazioni affascinanti, diverse, ricche e che rifiutano di essere etichettate.
Volume unico
Super Mario Bros. MANGAMANIA di Yukio Sawada
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Una raccolta delle migliori storie di Super Mario-kun, la serie manga di lungo corso che ripercorre le avventure dell’idraulico italiano più famoso al mondo! Ogni saga affronta le avventure di Mario e di tutti i personaggi comprimari affrontate nel corso dei 40 anni di vita di Super Mario.
Volume unico
The Promised Neverland Artbook di Posuka Demizu e Kaiu Shirai
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Dopo la conclusione della serie manga, arriva finalmente in Italia l'Artbook di The Promised Neverland. Posuka demizu e Kaiu Shirai ci guidano in un'immersione totale nel mondo dei bambini di Gracefield House grazie a tantissime meravigliose illustrazioni, interviste ed esclusivi materiali digitali!
Volume unico
Shitsuren Chocolatier di Setona Mizushiro
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Sota, figlio di un fornaio e promettente allievo in una scuola di alta pasticceria, ha una relazione con Saeko, di cui è innamorato fin dai tempi del liceo, nonostante la forte differenza di classe sociale. Dato che Saeko è una vera appassionata di cioccolato, Sota cerca di affinare le sue abilità e, accecato dall’amore, ignora tutti gli evidenti segnali del tradimento. Almeno fino a quando, il giorno di San Valentino, Saeko chiude la loro relazione riconciliandosi con il suo ex-fidanzato, un importante uomo d’affari. Sota, determinato a riconquistare la ragazza, si trasferisce in Francia per proseguire la sua carriera nel mondo della pasticceria, coronare il suo sogno e per avvicinarsi di più a Saeko.
9 Volumi - Completo
Go with the clouds, North-by-North West di Aki Irie
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Dall’autrice de “Il mondo di Ran”. Kei Miyama è un detective privato di 17 anni che vive e lavora in Islanda. Passa le sue giornate a cercare persone scomparse, oggetti smarriti e a risolvere litigi tra innamorati, viaggiando per i paesaggi lunari islandesi con la sua preziosa amica, un Jeep Suzuki Jimny con cui ha un rapporto speciale. Quando sia suo fratello minore che gli zii scompaiono, Kei si trova a dover affrontare il caso più difficile della sua vita, consapevole che nella terra del ghiaccio e del fuoco ogni superstizione può trasformarsi in realtà.
5 Volumi - In corso
All about J di Asumiko Nakamura
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La vita di J, una donna nata nel corpo di un uomo, è travagliata e piena di sconforto: durante l’infanzia è vittima di abusi da parte del padre alcolista e trova conforto solo negli spettacoli della diva Marilyn Monroe, che arriva a identificare come sua madre, colei che ha fatto nascere la vera J.
Partendo dal giovane Paul, conosciuto negli anni di collegio, J ripercorre gli eventi della propria vita e ricorda le persone che l’hanno aiutata a diventare ciò che è sempre stata.
3 Volumi - Completa
Obsessed with a Naked Monster di Ogeretsu Tanaka
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Il seguito della storia d’amore tra Hayashida e Shuna, protagonisti di uno dei racconti di "The Proper way to write Love”! Quello tra Shuna e Hayashida è un rapporto nato come relazione prettamente fisica, ma è presto diventato vero amore… anche se ostacolato dalla relazione a distanza. Per caso, a Osaka, Shuna incontra la persona il cui sorriso ha visto più volte nelle foto a casa di Hayashida: Yumi. E sul suo corpo trova i segni della violenza del suo amato… Ogeretsu Tanaka torna con una nuova serie in due volumi profonda e coinvolgente! L'edizione speciale del primo volume conterrà anche il volume "Azami", il prequel su Kan-chan e Yumi.
2 Volumi - Completo
Kyuuhankagai Fukurokouji – The Cul-de-sac in the Old City Centre di Tamekou
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Dall’autrice di The dream of Cuckoos e A lotus Flower in the Mud! 
Nazuna è sempre stato innamorato di Takumi, il fidanzato della sua sorella gemella. Dopo l’improvvisa morte in un incidente della ragazza, i due uomini iniziano una relazione, basata sull’incredibile somiglianza del volto di Nazuna con quello della sorella. Ciò che è nato dal profondo dolore per un lutto potrà diventare vero amore o rimarrà un disperato tentativo di negare la tragedia di una vita spezzata?
Volume singolo
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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