#le jaune
nobrashfestivity · 10 months
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Unknown, The airship Le Jaune by the LeBaudy brothers glides by the Eiffel Tower in 1903
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flyingprivate · 1 month
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"Le Jaune" Airship
The airship, Le Jaune, built by France’s Lebaudy brothers, glided past the Eiffel Tower in Paris at 11:15 a.m. on November 20, 1903.
The name Le Jaune (“The Yellow”) came from a coat of yellow lead chromate that was used to seal the airship envelope.
They constructed an airship hangar at Moisson, near the River Seine downstream from Paris and were instrumental in the development of airships, and a series of semi-rigid airships in the early years of the twentieth century.
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"Le Jaune" airship of Lebaudy on a vintage postcard
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source : @cheminer-poesie-cressant​
les couleurs se sont agglutinées dans un petit espace qui forme grappe ; certaines envisagent d’aller plus loin, au-delà de ce qu’elles signifient, d’autres font de la rétractation une philosophie pour ne pas vivre dans le paraitre ; l’ensemble pourrait bien être une fleur mais aussi un nid où couvent d’autres couleurs
© Pierre Cressant
(jeudi 27 avril 2023)
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huiracha · 8 months
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aj-lenoire · 2 months
this whole night at the museum meets assassin’s creed narrative is so bizarre and then they just had to throw in the notoriously french minions for some reason
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hanfocus · 8 months
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HAN / GOD'S MENU (240126)
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I.N. I STRAY KIDS Le Gala des Pièces Jaunes 2024
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250318 · 8 months
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cruelnemothesis · 7 months
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Lisa and Rihanna in Paris
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howi99 · 14 days
Le légionnaire part 1
Vacuo's frontline, 5 year of the war
Jean: *looking at his ration for the day* Nothing. *Sigh* Frédéric, is this some kind of joke?
Frédéric: Non caporale, those cock-sucker of Mantle destroyed our kitchen. Nothing was left.
Jean: Et merde.
Frédéric: B-but ze reinforcement from Vale are coming caporale. With food and boisson for us!
Jean: *looking at the no man's land* All of zhis because those sheep think we shall all become slaves without emotions. What kind of life is that?
Frédéric: Honnêtement? I have no idea. That's why i left la colonie to serve in ze Légion. Zhat and the salary.
Jean: *laughing* You still believe we are going to get it? Be serious mon brave! The only payment we are going to get is a pat on zhe back and a medal if we are lucky. And seeing as we are only a douzaine sur zhis front, the next assault will probably be our last.
Frédéric: *shaking his head* Maybe... Hey, did you hear about zhe new law zhe king wants to implement? With zhe stupid name la.
Jean: A oui, zhe colors and all that, right? Something about "individuality" or something. What's wrong with having a name like Ferdinand? Ou Jérémi?
Frédéric: *sigh* I don't even want to know what kind of name zhey going to let me have.
Jean: Well, at least i don't have that problem. I was assigned Jaune as a new name.
Frédéric: Really? Jaune? They just looked at your hair and saw your name and ta da?
Jean: *shrug* Seems like it.
Frédéric: *mumbling* Fils de pute...
Jean: Aw, jealous that my name almost didn't change?
Frédéric: Well your name is at least still in Valois! I have to change it to Pyrus!
Jean: ... It matches your hair?
Frédéric: Bâtard.
Wilfred: *approaching the two* Caporal, there's a man approaching us with a white flag. He said he wants to talk with whoever was left in command.
Jean: *looking at him weird* Then go fetch zhe sergent!
Wilfried: I did, he killed himself. He took the last bottle of wine with him in his death.
Jean: Tsk, fucking coward. Can't even let us keep the wine to warm ourselves...
Wilfried: ...
Jean: ... *Sigh* I'm guessing the captain-
Wilfried: Also killed himself, sir.
Jean: *turn to Frédéric* Well, i guess i got the quickest promotion in history?
Frédéric: We are fucked.
Jean: *turn back to Wilfried* Well, what are you Waiting for? Show me to the man!
Wilfried: Yes sir!
???: Ah! You must der sergeant-
Jean: No, he killed himself. The best you are getting is a caporal field medic.
???: ... Vell, das is not what i was expecting.
Jean: *sigh* Did you come for your reddition?
???: ... Vat?
Jean: Are you surrendering?
???: Oh! Nein. Or well, technically we are looking for a truce. Wir saw a bunch of Grimms approaching, and we probably will all sterben if we don't work together.
Jean: ... Sterben?
Wilfried: It means dying, caporal.
Jean: Ah, yes... *Sigh* we need food. If you have some to spare, we will gladly accept this truce... Monsieur?
Nicholas: Ah, you can call me Nicholas, or just Nick if you prefer!
Jean: So, are you fine with this?
Nicholas: hm... We are in need of medical supplies. *Looking at Jean reaction* Nothing too bad! We only need a saw for an amputation and something to uh... Keep the soldier from bleeding out.
Jean: I see. By chance, the artillery didn't touch our medical bay. I could take a look at your soldier.
Nicholas: Ah! Vielen Dank! I'll be in your debt! Sie ist ein gutes Mädchen!
Jean: Uh yeah, of course...
Nicholas: ...
Jean: uh... Dismiss?
Nicholas: Oh, sorry! *Start leaving* I'll be back!
Jean: *seeing the man leaving* You think i made the good move?
Wilfried: Honestly, what other "move" was there to do? We can't fight the grimm on an empty stomach and all they ask is a medic... No offense.
Jean: *looking at Wilfried* Wil, i stopped taking offense the day i started patching everyone up. I know you didn't mean i was less important.
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rocknroll7575 · 3 months
Could be worse. At least Jaune ain't dating someone in her line of work. Imagine Balalaika finding out that he was dating someone like Cinder or Emerald.
Jaune: You kidding? She'd be disappointed if I dated someone like Fall since she's just some stuck-up сука acting like she's the smartest person in the room... as for Emerald, Mom kind of likes her, though Mom does have someone lined up for me... though I don't know if they like me...
Le Majeur: Hm?
Revy: What?
Le Majeur: I felt like someone was talking about me sis
Revy: *Smiles* Maybe it was Jaune~!
Le Majeur: *Looks away* Perhaps...
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fidjiefidjie · 3 months
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Le saviez-vous ? 🎽 🚲Le maillot jaune:
Sa mythique couleur jaune est un hommage aux pages jaunes du journal L'Auto (ancêtre de l'Equipe)
Gif Dribbble
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harleystuff · 10 months
Saoirse Ronan Gif Pack
[LINK] In this gif pack you will find 294 gifs (275*167) of Saoirse Ronan as Henrietta in ‘Foe (2023)’. I made these gifs from scratch, so please don’t claim them as your own and do not repost them in gif hunts (instead link back to this page). You may crop/use them in crackships & stuff, but please don’t forget the credit ! (& since I’m kinda curious, I’d very much like to see :p) Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
Content warning : kissing, semi nudity, drinking
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skz-haven · 8 months
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