#le pix
the-king-of-lemons · 1 year
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Retro Siren
bit simpler pixel art this time but i like it more lol
palette once again by @/fivepointpalettes
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pixlokita · 8 months
I got 🫐 for the 🐺
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Aw yeaaaa!!
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low-po1y-princess · 3 months
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sgiandubh · 2 months
Are the coffee photos the blurry pix of Sam Caitriona standing by are car? Well they know each other. Nothing scandalous or interesting. Yeah, tho Nic owning a gym? In his dreams.
Dear Coffee Photos Anon,
I will answer you the second you will learn the difference, in English, between "her" and "are". Je sais que pour une Francophone passablement analphabète, comme vous, c'est dur.
D'ailleurs les photos ne racontent qu'une toute petite partie de l'histoire. Et vous le savez aussi bien que moi.
A bon entendeur...
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inbetweenhours · 1 year
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i did more of my esmp parents doodles specifically because of this comment 
[Shrub here | Scott, Sausage, & Seablings here | Roseblings, Pix, & Pearl here]
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@thatonehomosexual79​ prompted me to think about Katherine and joeys parents! I have names for them all, but very few of them have actual thought to me.
I’ll slap my ramblings about each family / parents and my lore under the cut for those interested :] Feel free to ask for more or ask questions! These doodles are easy so i might just do both seasons! I have names for everyone anyways lol
What I do know about Joey’s family though is his siblings I’ve included. To my vague awareness on LE Joey lore, he had other canon members of the monarchy. The Tiger Blood Prince and Princess. I also saw somewhere that the Princess actually went missing and was replaced I presume. Instead of this being a mistake I’ve made it lore. I'm also too far in to retcon it if that actually didn't happen lol. I can’t say much for them as individuals, they’re all very alike. Kinda aggressive and  confident in the way that Joey is. Its very obvious they are related lol. Nickey is the one who breaks the mold most, and is plot relevant to my fanon when she is older. She is actually the ancestor of  esmp2!Lizzie and one of her close descendants is the founder of Animalia :]
Anyways, Joey and his family get along about as well as they can given the turbulent nature of how I imagine LE succession to work. Its not so much a right as it is a challenge. Joey challenged his parents when he found himself old enough to care about the power. They met the challenge, alongside Joeys brother Mickey, and all lost to him. Very tournament style. Joey coming out on top claims him as the victor and he took his title. His brother and he get along well, in a way that has a high frequency of sibling animosity. Tammy is a bit young in the main timline (14 ish i think) and has very little care in leading, she's happy to just be princess. Nickey has ran away from the LE, and generally was the black sheep of the family. Wanting a much gentler and kinder way of life than she was used to. Her as a subsect of the people left to far lands, never to be seen again really as they reestablished themselves far away.
Katherine is where things start getting odd. Because of how my fanon uses fairies I must first clarify that fairies are biologically agender and asexual by nature in my fanon. They are born in a very disney-ified fairytale fashion where any singular or number of parents will nurture a flower bulb and from it blooms a baby fairy. Katherines mother did this alone, and so her and Katherine look extremely similar. Any dissimilarities are entirely stylistic lol. Baby Katherine also doesn’t have her wings yet, I must clarify this wasn’t because I forgot. Young fairies look a lot more “human”, and gain things like their wings during puberty. They have a chrysalis phase and a kind of butterfly physiology for lack of simpler explanation.
Katherine and her mother are very alike in many ways I think. I don't have a lot of thought for Kitty in all honesty. If she isn’t dead in the current timeline I’d be willing to bet she stepped away from responsibility when The Spring chose Katherine to tale over. If anyone has any thoughts about her that’d be cool, because I really have very little. She would have known Scott and Xornoths parents, which is significant. 
Finally Joel!! Also has some weird notes out of the norm. In my fanon Mezalea’s citizens are majorly composed of Clay constructs, with some humans and the occasional merlings around the coasts. Clay constructs are given lie by being laid at the roots of the mother tree, and  are typically gifted life by its after a time. Queen Ariel ruled Mezalea before Joel. The reason “Prince” has an asterix is because it’s questionable if Joel ever was prince of Mezalea. he was created to be king and I havent decided if he was sculpted and lad beneath the Mother Tree before or after Ariels passing. She had a lot of wear and tear after potential dozens of decades, maybe centuries, alive. She had come into a point of disrepair (and a thinning of her life gift) and knew Mezalea would need a replacement for her throne. But I havent decided if she ever actually met Joel. If he was created after she crumbled to take her place, or if she commissioned his creation before her passing and was there to see his gifted life. To help guide him in his duties for a short time. 
For this reason, the art I have drawn is dubiously canon to my own fanon. And Joel and Ariel are not considered family really. They are not mother and son as much as they are at most mentor and apprentice, and at least successor and predecessor. Joel knows who she is, but doesn’t really hold any sturdy connection with her. Ariel herself was a good determined ruler. Confident and brazen in many ways. She likely looked much different throughout her rule, constructs can pass their life between other  vessels- this is how they grow. Like hermit crabs kind of, when they feel they have outgrown the body they have they will likely build or commission a new one to inhabit. Ariel has been around a lot, and many of her  forms have suffered some severe battering. It has thinned her life gift to be passed around so often and in connection to a broken form she knew she was done.
anyways that is all for now, imma go look into who do draw next :]  questions and commentary welcome
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yourdarlingness · 3 months
Forest Adventurer themed names , pronouns , titles
✦ requested by @silverdoescringeffs524 ... other slightly similar npt (link)
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 ◞◟ NAMES ✦
cypress . cider . basil . flynn . willow . sage . rosa . ipomea . elowen . rune . hawthorne . thorne . forrest . archer . everest . everett . aster . lief . wren . finn(ley) . echo . quill . lucinda . lucy . lucky . pebble . river . lake . alfie . ashe . striker . story . strider
se ser . pi pix . si strike . vi vier . ey em . qu quest . le leaf . fe fer(n) . bee bees . mo moth . h✦ h✦m . sh✦ h✦r . th✦y th✦m . hi hits . ci cir . jou jour ney
 ◞◟  TITLES ✦
the forest adventurer . the adventurer who treks through the woods . the [x] who ventures through the forest . prn* grassy scent . the adventurer who dwells in the forests . the nature-loving [x] . prn* arduous path
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moonlightazriel · 1 month
Hey, since i live in a country where you can't do online payments, how else can I donate for the Brazilian cause? Are there places I can go? Like for palestine here we have the le croix rouge. I wish I could help in any other way😿, wishing u the best bbg💋
Unfortunately all the donations are made only online, most people use pix, a Brazilian thing to do quick money transfer, but it works in Brazil only. My friend, @fieldofdaisiies, wants to donate too so she'll try to find any institutions in her country to see if they're coming here to help and donate to them, it's safer that way I guess. But I truly have no idea how to do the international donations but thank you so much for asking.
And thank you for everything, we're all doing what we can, no matter how little it seems, it's better than closing our eyes to such a tragedy. ❤️
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NAME: Uzi Pixel Doorman
NICKNAME(S): Uzi, Zi, Z, Pix
AGE: 17/18
GENDER: demigirl, >:3gender, raccoongirl gender
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PRONOUNS: she/her
Trying out -> they/them, bite/bites/biteself, critter/critters/critterself, pix/pixel/pixelself
SPECIES: robot/worker drone
ROLE: unknown
TYPE: fictive introject
SOURCE(S): Murder Drones
♡ LIKES: Scene, emo, raccoons and opossums, crows and magpies, anarchy, chaos, Kandi bracelets, spikes, snacks, music, video games, the color purple, the autism creechur, sweatshirts, her beanie, emoticons! >:3 >:[ (:] >:P
X DISLIKES: school, being told what to do, asking for help >:(
- Bite Me • JT Music
- Haunted • Laura Les
- Action Winter Journey • Nero's Day At Disneyland
- Murder Drones • AJ Dispirito
- Right Now • OR3O
- LOSER • Neoni
- love you, love you not • little purr man
- Misery Meat • Sodikken
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revenant-coining · 2 years
1st Person Pronouns
Last Updated: 10/6/22
[s] = singular, [p] = plural if specified
We/us/our/ours/ourself or ourselves
Ci/cm/cy/cine/cyself [s]
Ne/nuis/nur/nurs/nurselves or nurself [p]
Nit/vunce/vuns/vuns/vunselves or vunself [p]
Si/sey/sy/sine/syselves or syself [p] [intended for systems, not exclusive]
Wit/unce/uns/uns/unselves or unself [p]
Wei/muis/muir/muirs/muirselves or muirself
Themed: themes in brackets, [like this]
An/ant/antl/antlen/antlerself [antler]
​Cer/cerv/cyn/cervine/cerviniself [cervine]
Claw/claw/claws/claws/clawself [claw]
Co/coi/coin/coine/coinself [coin]
Cor/cors/corni/cornis/corniself [cornibus]
Dai/daim/daim/dais/daiself [demon]
Da/dae/daem/daine/daemself [daemon]
De/dec/decay/decays/decayself [decay]
Di/rays/dior/diors/diorself [radiation] [p]
Ea/lea/leafs/leavs/leafself [leaf]
Eye/eye/meye/meyen/meyself [eye]
Fa/fall/fallen/falline/fallenself [fallen]
Fae/fae/faes/faer/faeself [fae]
Fae/faer/faen/faens/faeself [fae]
Fa/fang/fangs/fangs/fangeself [fang]
Fai/fairy/fair/fairs/fairyself [fairy]
Fel/fle/flesh/fleshs/fleshself [flesh]
Go/gor/gore/gores/goreself [gore]
Haz/haz/hazar/hazars/hazardself [hazard]
Hex/hex/hexx/hexx/hexxelf [hex]
Ho/hor/horn/hoine/horself [horn?]
Jinx/jinx/jinxx/jinxx/jinxxelf [jinx]
Kei/kein/keiy/keine/keinself [kenochoric?]
Ki/kit/kitty/kine/kittyself [kitty]
Li/le/lix/light/lightself [light]
Li/min/nal/limin/(limi)nalself [liminal]
Mag/magi/magic/magis/magicself [magic]
Meow/meow/meows/meows/meowself [meow]
Peb/pebb/pebble/pebbles/pebbleself [pebble]
Pie/ma/pies/mags/magpieself [magpie]
Pix/pixie/pixx/pixx/pix(x)self [pixie]
Phy/phi/phiy/phyn/phyself [phylum]
Rai/rain/rai/rains/rainy [rain]
Rat/rat/rats/rats/ratself [rat]
Ray/di/dy/rad/dyself [radiation] [s]
Rei/rod/rodent/rodent/rodentself [rodent]
Riv/river/rivers/rivers/riverself [river]
Sa/san/sang/sangs/sanguiself [sanguine]
Sli/me/smy/slime/smyself [slime]
Sli/slim/slime/sline/slimeself [slime]
Si/sin/sinner/sine/sinself [sin]
Si/spe/spi/spir/spirself [spir]
Spell/spell/spells/spells/spellself [spell]
​Sta/ste/steig/stein/stagself [stag]
Squi/squid/squids/squids/squidself [squid]
Twig/twig/twigg/twiggs/twigself [twig]
Un/un/uncan/uncans/uncannyself [uncanny]
x/x/xs/xs/xself [x]
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x-heesy · 1 year
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Fucking favorite: pix from my harddisk recovery,from 200x sadly deleted source, maybe various artists but dope af
#photoart #photoartist #photoartwork #photoartistic #photoarts #blissfulphotoart #photoartistique #photoarte #photoartistry #contemporaryphotoart #photoartists #photoarty #photoartgallery #photoartmag #nyphotoart #photoartcrew #photoartspirit #photoartgram #urbanphotoart #darkphotoart #photooftheday #photographylovers #aesthetic #photographylover #ilovephotography #instaphotography #photographyart #interiordesign #design #homedecor #decor #interior #decoration #interiors #architecture #homedesign #homesweethome #furnituredesign #interiordesigner #lifestyle #handmade #wood #interiordecor #furniture #furnituredesign #furnituremaker #furnituredesigner #furnitureartist #furnituremanufacturer #furnituremodern #furnitureclassic #furnitureinterior #furniturerestoration #furnituremaking #möbel #møbel #möbeldesign #holzmöbel #möbelrenovering #møbeldesign #möbelliebe #möbelmanufaktur #designmöbel #vintagemöbel #möbelrestaurierung #möbelstück #möbelklassiker #möbelmitgeschichte #möbelaffär #designermöbel
Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5
Soundtrack Grief, Dance to Death by Madben, Manu Le Malin, Rebeka Warrior
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the-king-of-lemons · 1 year
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Men Like Us Die Alone Because We Think We Deserve It
au where cjack doesnt come back and he has to deal w jschlatt in hell :) (inspired somewhat by @keyslox​‘s cold limbo au)
palette by @/fivepointpalettes
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pixlokita · 5 months
"oops sorry im away i just killed greggory heehoo 🤭" you did NOT just hit us with that in the tags gfhdjksl
See you next week (ノ≧ڡ≦)✨
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siriannatan · 11 months
Empires Falls - Gravity Falls AU ft. fWhip
A bit of a shorter one and, le gasp, no shipping but I had a scene in mind okay… and I hope it's as cool as I imagined it while writing.
fWhip was slowly starting to hate summer... more than he already did that is. Why you ask? Well. His parents decided to send him and his siblings to a remote, boring, town. In their distant uncle's dusty library of a home. After one week of avoiding spending time outside with Sausage and talking about Uncle Pix's books with Gem the great summer retreat made him hate summer and its sweltering heat a whole lot more. Mentally counting the remaining days until once more no one cared how much he was on his computer and when he had good internet. And wasn't limited to his phone, tablet and slightly bad laptop...
He was staring at the ceiling of his basement bedroom. It was that or sharing with Sausage and he snores. A lot. And the internet is slightly better since he's almost under the router. Only very slightly... At least it wasn't that hot in there. Still warm but not as bad as the attic. There were exactly twenty-two tiles on the ceiling. fWhip wasn't sure he ever saw a ceiling with only full tiles... outside those tiny tiles but those hardly count. The tiles here were big. And beige and were pretending they were made out of wood. Badly. They were very obviously plastic. The paint chipping off in a few places.
It was so damn warm he kicked his duvet off. His sleeveless sleep shirt was still uncomfortably sticking to him. If it was so bad in the basement then how bad was it in the attic he thought. Still staring at the ceiling. He blinked. And...
The big red eye on the ceiling blinked back... Black sclera and either red iris and pupil or lack of one.
It blinked again as his brain raced to think up a logical explanation. It could not be real. It had to be a dream. That's why he can't move or look away. Just a dream he'll barely remember when he wakes up...
It blinked for the third time and got closer and closer as it continued to blink. And fWhip could not blink or look away, and his eyes burned. And it blinked and he could finally blink and when he did it was gone.
And fWhip was alone, covered in a cold sweat. Staring at the boring twenty-two tiles and slightly flickering light. And no weird eyes. And by how fast his heart was going, he was not asleep. Pinching himself did nothing so he was almost certain he was awake. Awake and damn confused. 
If that wasn't a dream then what it was? His brain was in overdrive until it overheated and he fell asleep.
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devocionales · 8 months
Ayer compartí un mensaje en el que expliqué un aspecto intrigante del milagro de Jesús relacionado con la moneda en la boca del pez. A menudo, las personas creen que el milagro reside en la moneda en sí, dentro de la boca del pez. Sin embargo, la verdadera maravilla de este relato se encuentra en el contexto. Resulta que este tipo de pez tiende a ingerir objetos brillantes, y es muy probable que Pedro tuviera este conocimiento. El verdadero milagro radica en que Jesús le dijo a Pedro que encontraría la moneda en el primer pez que capturara. Además, detrás de esta historia, existe un significado simbólico profundo: es el único milagro que Jesús realizó en beneficio propio. Para que Pedro y Jesús recibieran la provisión, alguien debía sacrificarse, en este caso, el pez.
Hoy, quizás te sientas agotado por las mismas luchas económicas que enfrentas mes tras mes, pero quiero alentarte a que sigas perseverando con expectativa de fe. Ten la certeza de que, en el nombre de Jesús, tu provisión estará en el primer "pez" o negocio al que te lances nuevamente.
Aquí el texto más profundo al detalle: https://www.devocionalescristianos.org/2023/10/explicacion-el-milagro-del-pez-con-la-moneda-en-la-boca-mateo-1724-27.html
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Brasil (Chave Pix): d02b9350-4fe8-4433-a0ff-2f36853281f2
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phoenixculpa · 1 year
trapezius a rustic
brow turn around
to cable face pull
and hear an old
man call woman
of the world a
child, there is still
innocence some-
didactic howled
monologue, is
romance supposed
to invert its sword
without a noble
devout as you
are to black pix-
el hearts and won-
der, wandering
state lines to find
your defined nose
halcyon harp
note defied warb-
les, bled in spite
of themselves (what
to tarry for)
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sushis4kalyo · 1 year
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Ma famille Tamagotchi 🥚
Vous vous en souvenez ?
Ah ! Ces petits œufs des années 90 et 2000 avec une bébête pixelisée à l'intérieur dont il fallait s'occuper ! On en a eu des versions depuis les premiers, les versions 1. On a eules versions 2 qui étaient franchement similaires ... les versions 3 avec leur antenne ... puis on en a plus entendu parler en France.
Pendant ce temps là au Japon et aux US, Bandai en a sorti des quantités !
Je me souviens d'en avoir eu 2, un version 2 rose avec des papillons et un version 3 avec un motif camouflage bleu ... et je n'ai aucune idée de ce qu'ils sont devenus.
Comment je suis retombée dedans ?
2018. J''ai dû partir à Montpellier pour mon Master. J'étais toute seule dans 18m². Si ce n'était pas trop pénible au départ ... c'est devenu plus compliqué quand j'ai dû rédiger mon mémoire de première année.
Je cherchais un moyen de me changer les idées pendant quelques minutes sans avoir à sortir ni lancer de jeu sur le PC.
J'avais anticipé un peu. Je m'étais pris un kit pour faire un terrarium. Il fallait faire germer les graines. Je m'étais dit que les plantes allaient grandir pendant ma rédaction. Sauf que ça n'a pas germé assez vite donc je devais trouver autre chose. (Finalement les graines ont germé ... à la fin de la rédaction du mémoire hehe !)
C'est là que j'y ai repensé. Au début je pensais prendre un tamagotchi classique, peut-être même pas un officiel. J'ai découvert sur Amazon que les tamagotchis avaient évolués ... et qu'à présent ils existaient aussi avec écran couleur ! Plus chers que les tamas en noir et blanc (70€) mais ... pour survivre à mon mémoire tout en étant dépaysée, j'achète !
Mon premier tamagotchi en couleur : Le Tamagotchi 4U
J'ai donc commandé mon tamagotchi (le blanc sur la photo) ... importé du Japon. Oui y pensez certainement ... tout est écrit en japonais ! Et je n'y avais absolument pas pensé moi ! Bon, j'ai ramé les premiers jours mais après, en s'aidant des pictos et en retenant où telle action était située, c'est vite devenu jouable. Pour le coup j'étais bien dépaysée.
Le tamagotchi 4U a la particularité d'intégrer l'apprentissage dans son gameplay. Lorsque le tamagotchi est au stade enfant, il est possible de lui apprendre à aller aux toilettes, à se laver et à entretenir sa maison. Si c'est acquis, il se débrouillera ensuite tout seul pour répondre à ces besoins. Il peut aussi apprendre 5 compétences à l'école qui lui serviront plus tard à gagner de l'argent en aidant d'autres tamagotchis.
Aussi, il est un peu plus gros que les tamas noirs et blancs car il est alimenté par 2 piles LR3 (AAA). Elles tiennent environ 3 semaines donc je recommande vivement d'investir dans de bonnes piles rechargeables !
Mon second : Le Tamagotchi On
2020. Je prends mon second tamagotchi (le vert sur la photo). Il vient cette fois-ci des US et tout y est écrit en anglais !
Le tamagotchi On fait partie des tamagotchis permettant d'obtenir des mix de plusieurs tamagotchis. C'est à dire qu'au fur et à mesure des générations, les tamagotchis prennent les caractéristiques physiques de leurs parents ... et c'est génial ! Il est possible de débloquer et visiter plein de lieux avec leurs tamagotchis propres pour plus de mix. Une app était également disponible pour obtenir du contenu supplémentaire (bien qu'elle ait officiellement fermé, une version gérée par des fans a pris le relais !)
On y perd le principe d'apprentissage, qui est bien dommage car j'appréciais vraiment le concept mais on abandonne aussi la gestion du poids de son tama et ça par contre c'est un vrai soulagement !
Le troisième : le Tamagotchi Pix
2022 Premier tamagotchi (le violet sur la photo) conçu aux US ... et il m'a plutôt déçu.
Celui-ci voit disparaître l'union entre deux tamagotchis donc on abandonne la possibilité de mélanger les tamas ... mais on a la possibilité de prendre des photos avec le tamagotchi et de flasher des qrcodes (ça t'amuses 5 minutes ... c'est tout ...) Les boutons disparaissent pour laisser place à trois petites encoches tactiles nous permettant de swiper dans certaines actions.
Bien que celui là soit en français, on y perd énormément : pas d'application, peu de contenu, un appareil photo plus qu'inutile, des "connexions" entre tamagotchis sans âme car via QRcode ...
J'apprécie toutefois le fait que les jeux proposés changent tous les jours en fonction de trois thèmes et que l'inventaire du tamagotchi soit plus grand.
Et le prochain ?
Et benh le Pix m'a bien refroidie ! Je l'ai pris car il y avait une hype à ce moment là et je ne voulais pas rester dans mon coin avec mon On non compatible. Je regrette presque de ne pas avoir pris le Tamagotchi Smart à la place. Si à l'avenir Bandai propose un nouveau modèle reprenant les points forts du 4U et du On, j'envisagerai d'en reprendre un.
Sinon ... peut-être penser un jour à coder le mien ...
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