#league of legends jarvan x reader
heckinhacker · 5 years
I'd like to say that after the lux comics, I'm in love with jarvan IV and garen... so can i have some headcanon with them (x S/O)? (Sfw/nsfw)! and wow, i'm also in love with your writing ❤️❤️❤️
Garen and JarvanIV x S/O - SFW and NSFW headcanons.
A/N: Thaaank youuuuu so much! And Sorry it took me that long :( Them headcanons can be ooc but they’re from my perspective!! 
Jarvan IV
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It was really hard to get through his metal armor and golden crown to meet his real personality.
What I meant is - Jarvan is really distrustful with people wanting to get close to him.
“They mostly want money or fame. Or both.” he once said to Garen, who laughed slightly, patting his back.
He really hoped to find one true love. No matter where are you from or how rich you are, he just wants your heart to be rich with kindness and love. 
Every girl who got close to him was always pushed away, since he noticed his admirers were after throne. 
He almost started dating one of them, but he heard rumours that she used to date one of rich politics, but she ditched him to get into Jarvan’s heart. 
It hurt him, but he managed to do what he had to do. 
When you got to befriend him, he fell for you first. That was sudden. 
He waited for you to confess at first, but you never did.
So he nervously approached you, asking you what do you think of him. 
“Honestly, [Y/N].” 
“What do I think of you…You’re our king, great friend, amazing fighter, kind person and you reeeeaaaally stink when you overwork yourself.”
“ [Y-Y/N!]”
“You wanted me to be honest!!” 
You both laughed, but he sighed, skratching back of his neck.
“I asked because I…I hold great feelings for you. They’re deep and hot, almost stinging, I fell for you and I have no clue what to do with it because I feel like you don’t quite return them. Can you give me answer to that?”
You were shooketh.
But you told him you loved the hell out of him and more! You were just afraid to step into his sensitive spot!
Aaand you started dating. 
Many nobility disagreed with your relationship but they always disagree with Jarvan’s decisions, so he didn’t really cared. 
Shyvana keept close eye on you. You always felt being watched when she was in the room. She was checking if you were worthy Jarvan’s feelings, she’s his friend too, after all. 
He’d love to take you to casual dates, but he’s afraid of being recognised.
So YOU take him to casual dates. Some people recognised him, some didn’t, and even though they did, they didn’t bother you both too much! 
You showed him a lot of new perspectived, made him a better human being. 
He was really thankfull for that. 
He’s a really passionate lover!
Can get his pace speed up, but is not rough. The change of pace is there to spice things up. 
He talks a lot, about how lucky he is to have you, how much he apreciates you, how soon you’ll become second crowned head, etc. 
He leaves hickeys on your thights and chest, but never on visible places. His reputation forces him to keep things clean and discreet. 
Aaand I’m quite out of ideas! Sorry! ^^” 
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Garen is as resistant to flirt as his armor is to any damage.
Like, HOLY SHIT! It was so hard to acknowledge him about your feelings!
At first you tried to be gentle, telling him things indirectly. No progres.
Then you went full flirty, he just thought you were friendly. 
When you directly said, with defeat, “Garen, I think I love you.” with normal tone, he answered with happy tune in his voice “I love you too, [Y/N], you’re like a family to me!”
You groaned with defeat. 
You didn’t had a clue that he just WANTED it not to be true, since he felt great emotions for you too, but he was scared of commitment. 
He was scared that relationship would discract him from his duties, but Jarvan pushed him to just try, talk with you about it. 
And he finnaly did. He confessed to you, telling you his fears and doubts about everything.
“I’m a warrior, [Y/N], I am in army, anytime I can just- HMPF-!”
You kissed him to shut him up. When you both stopped kissing, you grinned at your big now-boyfriend. 
“I don’t mind. I won’t leave you before you leave me. Please love me as much as I love you.”
And sure damn he did. 
He was the softest!!
He’s so big in general, tall, muscular, strong, but he was so shy!!!
Garen is a traditional man, he pretty often was giving you bouquet of the prettiest flowers you could ever imagine. (does not matter what gender you have, trust me) 
He’s literally too embarrassed to hold your hand without him asking you. 
When he does that for the first time in full quietness filling room you almost shouted with excitement. 
He’s getting closer to you, trusting you!! 
He’s very, very traditional. 
He’d ask a lot of questions like “are you alright?” “does it hurt?” “want me to stop??” “how do you feel?”
Sometimes it feels lovely, sometimes it’s annoying. 
Your first time was full of blushing Garen and you giggling about his shyness! 
You thought he was adorable, you sometimes had to tell him not to treat you like a porcelain doll, you’re not made of glass! 
Even though it had it’s own difficulties, it was pleasant time for you both. 
Next times were more normal, but still he tried to entertain you and show you how much he loves you. 
He treated sex not like “Something we must do in relationship”, he’s more of a “It’s okay that we have it if we both want it, but I don’t need it everyday”, it’s healthier for your relationship. 
He’s really kissy, he kisses your forehead, lips and neck a lot. 
A lot.
He’s not afraid to leave hickeys on your neck. He’s really overptorective and jellaous, so he’s glad to leave marks suggesting you were his and only his all over you. 
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runeterrankhaleesi · 3 years
Howdy! Hope your day was great! Can i get a LMMU matchup for LoL? I have a preference for men, and also use they/them! Im a bit shorter than avarage, im really passionate about anything creative like art, theatre, music, history, writting, etc. Im a strong ambivert, and also really enjoy long walks/rides, also especially love nature. I also tend to lean towards edgier/darker things. I loathe bugs, and very much act like a cat. My favorite region is Noxus/Ionia and id probably be a vastaya!
I pair you with...
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Why? Because...
Jarvan would absolutely love your artistic side. Raised as a royal, he'd been taught how to excel at almost everything and found that he has quite a natural talent for art.
Growing up, he'd study history and writing, music (he plays the piano very well) and painting, archery and fencing, etc.
Yes, if you would let him, he would paint your portait and hang it in the hallway-the same hallway where his royal ancestors’ portraits are.
He reasons that he might as well act in advanced since you are going to sit on a throne beside him…eventually.
And as a young boy, he'd go to theatres with his father, watching in awe as his people-the actors-performed.
Just like you, he's also an ambivert. On days he wants to stay inside, he usually hangs out in the library and rereads the books or you can either find in the music room or art room.
On the other hand, if he's feeling a little bit extroverted, he'd invite you to talk a walk with him, around Demacia and shop for some things on the way. Or you could go horse-riding where you can explore and have a picnic in Demacia's forests. (If you have never ridden a horse before, he’ll gladly teach you before the initial ride or he could ask for a carriage).
He's also not a fan of bugs, cockroaches scare the bejeezus out of him, especially when they start flying. And snakes, he thinks they’re cool but he’s not gonna get close to one.
💝~Happy Valentines Day!~💝
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
Save Demacia (Part Four - Finale)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Garen X Reader
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Meeting Sylas is not something Y/N ever expected, but the world throws the most unexpected things at you. What will happen when she is taken by him to bargain with Demacia?
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“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.” Sylas taunted me, circling me with a smirk covering his lips, “Whatever are you doing here?” His finger raised to trace my jaw, “Demacia not good enough? Garen not good enough?”
How did he know...?
“Leave him out of this.” I spat, grabbing his hand and forcing it away from my face, only for him to chuckle.
“I’ll give you two choices, Y/N. You either join me, or-“
“No. Never, even if my life depended on it.” I interrupted him, not wanting to hear his other offer.
“Well, it just might.” He smirked again, binding my wrists together with some sort of magic, covering my mouth to prevent me from screaming as I thrashed around in his grip before eventually falling unconscious.
I awoke god knows how long later in the arms of Sylas.
All I could hear was marching, no talking at all. The wind blew through me, making me shiver. My eyes failed to open, being too drowsy to force them open.
My head hurts…
“Demacia!” Sylas yelled, finally halting. “I have a proposition for you.” His voice boomed, worsening the pain in my head.
I finally managed to force open my eyes.
The first thing I saw was Garen holding Lux back, surrounded by the entire of Demacia.
“You leave me and my army alone, in return for this mage.” He said, dropping me onto the ground which earned a grunt from me. However, my body felt too weak to actually move.
“Y/N!” Lux yelled, doing her best to push past Garen who firmly held her back, eyes not looking at me but instead glaring at Sylas.
“And if we don’t?” Prince Jarvan asked him.
“Then,” Sylas said, applying pressure onto my ribs as I quickly lost my breath, “she dies. Right here, in front of all of you: her best friend, and her boyfriend.” He finished, chuckling at Garen’s eyes widening.
“Garen,” I heard Lux’s voice throughout the entire commotion, “we have to do something!”
“I know.”
“So, what shall it be?” Sylas yelled, finally removing his foot from my ribs as he began to cough.
“We refuse your offer. One mages life is meaningless to us.” Jarvan spat.
My eyes never left Lux and Garen, watching their bodies go rigid and faces fall in panic.
“Very well.” Sylas grinned, grabbing me by the neck and lifting me off my feet. “See here ladies and gentlemen!” He yelled, each second it grew harder and harder to breathe. “Watch before your eyes as this young ladies life drains from her eyes.”
I can’t… breathe.
Just as I was about to lose consciousness, I felt my body fall to the ground, quickly followed by a groan from Sylas.
“Not on my watch.”
I did my best to turn around, and there stood Tryndamere and the entire of the Freljord army, all of them looking ready to fight. Within seconds, they were running at Sylas, managing to pin him to the ground, Demacia’s army running forward to help them.
I felt myself being picked up into a pair of strong arms just as I finally lost consciousness.
“She’s a good girl, Garen.” Was the first thing I heard as I began to wake up.
I know that voice…
“I hope you look after her.” The same voice continued.
“I will, thank you for your assistance.”
It was then I was able to open my eyes, seeing Garen and Tryndamere talking to each other, Lux sat in the corner.
“Y/N!” Lux’s voice caught all our attention and she rushed towards me, pulling me into a tight hug.
I felt wetness fall onto my back, concluding that Lux was crying.
I gladly wrapped my arms around her, having been missing my best friend, “Don’t cry, Lux. I’m okay.” I managed to croak out, throat slightly hurting.
“I-I thought you wouldn’t make it.” She sniffed, pulling away to place her hand on my cheek as though she was checking I was here.
“I’m okay, Lux. Don’t worry.” I smiled, “Are you guys okay?” I asked the three of them, Lux now pulled back so I could see them all.
“You just woke up for the first time in a week and you’re asking us if we’re alright?” Trynd chuckled, patting me on the shoulder in amusement.
“We’re fine.” Garen said quietly, eyes gazing into my own.
We all sat in silence for a moment, only to be broken by Lux.
“Well, I think that’s our cue to leave.” Lux cleared her throat, signalling towards the door while facing Tryndamere who nodded, quickly leaving the room.
“Thank you.” Was the first thing to leave my mouth as the door slammed shut. “I don’t know what I would have done without you.” I admitted, my gaze falling onto the ground as I nervously played with the sheets of the hospital bed.
Garen pulled his chair closer towards me, gently taking a hold of my hand as he ran his thumb across it.
“We don’t know what would have happened had it not been for the Freljord.” Garen smiled slightly, “They were the main reason we were able to detain Sylas.”
“You detained him?” I asked in shock, surprised they had managed to do such a thing.
Garen simply nodded, patting me on the hair.
“Yes, we were.”
I simply nodded, pulling him into a hug.
“So, what happens now?” I asked him as he began to explain what would happen to Sylas, only to be cut off by yours truly. “I mean to me. Surely they won’t accept me for being a mage. Everyone knows, Garen.”
Garen nodded, “That they do.” He sighed, thumb still running across the back of my hand, “But, you’re under our protection and you’re a Crownguard.”
“A Crownguard?” I asked him.
“If you want to be.”
In Garen’s hand was a velvet box, which he opened to reveal the most beautiful ring I had ever seen in my lifetime.
“Happily, Garen.” I smiled brightly which he returned, pulling me into a tight hug.
“I love you, Garen.”
“I love you too, Y/N. I always will.”
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heckinhacker · 3 years
hello!! hope you wouldn't mind writing some Jarvan IV x male!/reader? i really like your writing style <3
Back here with ted-talk type of headcanon!
Jarvan with Male!S/O
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p.s: yeah i'll use this gif forever for jarvan anything tbh
To be honest, Jarvan wouldn't generally treat male S/O other than female S/O.
He would be quite anxious to even start things with another male. Why? Because of what will other royalities in Demacia think? What will elders think? He has some other people watching over his every gesture, and some people are...dense. For forbidden ideas for them.
So he tends to avoid getting into any relationships with another males. Tends to, but doesn't mean he's completely unappreachable. He is, and when you get to him too deply, he stops caring about what others think.
For someone who he loves, he could be detronized, for all he cares. (In my opinion, that's how I see him-)
So, yeah! He'd love his future king.
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runeterrankhaleesi · 4 years
heyy there, i never rlly asked anything but, there is a first time for everything! well i was wondering if u could make some nsfw hc for jarvan iv? and if you don't feel comfortable making it its fine, just do a normal hc. i'm kinda in love with ur content and i'd love to read some hcs about jarvan. so if its fine with u i'd appreciate it <3 🤗🤗
A/N: Well, congratulations, my sweet! I do agree there is a first time for everything. Of course I can do an nsfw hcs for Jarvan, you all are thirsty for kings, aren't you? First Viego, now Jarvan? You came to the right blog, dear. Since you didn't specify what gender,  I made it gender neutral. Thank you for making a request. You are more than welcome to ask again.]
NSFW Headcanons of Jarvan IV with a gender neutral s/o
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The man is a king.
That said, he appointed personal maids for you.
You asked your maids to help you prepare a suprise for the King.
The whole day he's working.
The maids bathed you in something make your skin look and feel smoother than usual.
They made you drink something that gave you natural cheek blush.
The water you bathed in was scented with roses, Jarvan's favorite.
To say you were excited was understatement. Jarvan was working all week long and you missed him.
You wanted to help him relieve stress.
So you wore something much more revealing and laid on the bed, waiting for Jarvan.
"Hey, love. I'm...back." Jarvan stared at you with googly eyes and an open mouth.
The nightshirt you had on, perfectly hugged your body and accentuated your every curve.
"What's this?" He asked.
"You've been away all week and I missed you."
"Well, this is a nice suprise." He said, climbing on the bed and reaching for you, kissing you and lightly pushing you down.
He moaned when you grinded your hips to his, feeling him already hard.
You broke the kiss and shot him a look, "Really?"
He laughed, "Can't help it when you're this hot."
The room was filled with moans, groans, and grunts. Mostly from Jarvan himself.
The next day, you found out Jarvan had cooked and prepared you breakfast-in-bed.
"Thanks love. That was the best surprise."
✨~Requests are open!~✨
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heckinhacker · 4 years
Can I get a hc or scenario for Jarvan IV and his s/o first meeting each other at their political arranged wedding? And she's quiet and shy towards him bc she doesn't know what he's like or if he is interested in his wife at all? But definitely has a fluffy ending for sure!
I like that one! Short scene coming! 
I’ll be adding this to my every next post, but if you like my work you might consider buying me ko-fi! ^^”
Jarvan IV x Fem!Reader -  For Demacia. 
Jarvan had trouble with trusting people - especially “people” who he’s supposed to marry. 
He just hated being a king, but that’s his legacy, his father would want him to take his place after this Mage Rebellion. But now he has other troubles to bare with.
[Y/N] [L/N]. 
Daughter of family which was befriended with Jarvan’s one for decades. (beside Crownguard of course). There was never request like that before to connect those families, but after Rebellion things got heated up in Demacia and it was best option to take, so Jarvan took it. 
[Y/N] since ceremony wasn’t very talkable or even didn’t seemed happy to be with him. He understood why, but still it made him insecure about their situation. Maybe he wasn’t too happy about forced marriage, but he never said he hates HER personally. 
Wedding night was very awkward. They just sat beside each other and none of them wanted to take uncomfortable clothes off. Why would they? 
Jarvan offered her normal Pijamas, so she doesn’t have to sleep in wedding gown. They were in his room, so naturally he lended her his own comfortable clothing. Surprising that a king owns normal clothing, not very expensive silks or similiar to that kinds of materials. 
- Well, being a king is a duty, not wealth. If I could, I’d give everything to those in need. I don’t need silks or expensive coffee beans from Ionia. I need very simple things to wear or eat.
-… really? Your armor looks very…
- Armor is Armor. You wear well made one, or you don’t wear any, but clothing is other kind of thing. 
- Is it…?
- It is. Now, change into those Pijamas, and I’ll take a walk in the hall. Call for me when you’re done. 
Well, maybe he’s not that bad. 
That one dialogue was a start of a future good relationship. Maybe this wedding had origin of politics, but now their marriage is based on love and love only. 
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heckinhacker · 5 years
League of Legends:
Viktor x Faulty Machine!S/O - meeting and falling in love. 
Neeko x Human!S/O - meeting and falling in love.
Taric, Ekko, Jinx and Draven - Saving their S/O. 
Ekko x Lost!Fem!S/O - headcanons
Shen x Young Kinkou Student!S/O - meeting and falling in love .
Shen x S/O - Fluffy Headcanons.
Kayn x S/O - Angsty ending.
Taric,Kayn and Ekko - holding hands with their easily frustrated S/O.
Star Guardian!Zoe x reader - “meeting and falling in love”
Ezreal, Ekko, Jayce, Viktor - pick up lines.
Aatrox and Varus - comforting S/O after awful nightmares.
Aatrox, Nasus and Azir - seeing their S/O in onesie.
Star Guardian!Xayah x Star Guardian!Fem!S/O - meeting and falling in love.
Zed - SFW/NSFW headcanons (NSFW, of course ^^”)
Taric, Aatrox and Ekko - giving massage to their S/O
Taric, Aatrox and Ekko - getting massage from their S/O
Odyssey!Kayn x S/O - SFW/NSFW headcanons. (NSFW)
Aatrox - NSFW headcanons (NSFW)
Akali x Fem!S/O - meeting and falling in love
Vi and Kayn x S/O - dating headcanons. (separately, just to be clear ;v;)
Kayn x Vi - dating headcanons (as a ship)
Karma x S/O - dating headcanons
Kayn x S/O - general dating headcanons
Sett x Feline Vastaya!S/O - First ecounter after he notices you.
Sett x Feline Vastaya!S/O - You got ambushed!
Sett x Feline Vastaya!S/O - Nightmares.
Sett x Pit Fighter!S/O - How he notices you (and falls for you at the same time).
Circus AU! headcanons.
Rakan and Sett realising they have fallen for a male. 
Aphelios - SFW/NSFW general headcanons~! (NSFW)
Aphelios x Aspect!Reader - SFW/NSFW headcanons! (NSFW)
Sett x Shapeshifter!S/O - meeting and falling in love.
Kegan Rodhe(Brand) x S/O - meeting and falling in love.
Garen and JarvanIV x S/O - SFW and NSFW headcanons. (NSFW)
Sett as Big Brother figure Headcanons.
Sett x Cat Vastaya!Reader - discovery over jealousy.
Sett x Vi - dating headcanons.
Ekko x Piltover!S/O -same opinions.
Shaco x S/O - general dating headcanons.
Talon x Yandere!S/O - meeting and falling in love.
True Damage!Yasuo x S/O - hate on loved one.(reference to “I’m glad you’re evil too”)
Aatrox with Cute and Fragile S/O! - SFW and NSFW headcanons. (NSFW)
Alune x Seer!Fem!S/O - meeting and falling in love!
True Damage!Yasuo x reader - I’m glad you’re evil too.
Blood Moon!Aatrox x Demon!reader - Insane between crazy.
Ekko x Fem!Reader - The worst time possible. (NSFW)
Xayah x Fem!Reader -  Vastayan Goodbye. [English] [Polish]
Swain x Reader - Devotion.
Talon x Reader - Valentine’s special day. 
Vladimir x Reader - Jealous is a little word. 
Short scenes:
Pyke x reader - Trust 
Aatrox, Zed and Shen - finding out their S/O is afraid of the dark. 
Odyssey!Yasuo x reader - Finally home.
Mordekaiser x Fem!Reader - Sudden Impact. [NSFW’ish, just suggestive.]
Shaco x Paranoid!Reader - Peekaboo!
Aphelios x Reader - Temptation. ; Viktor x Reader - Privacy. [NSFW’ish, suggestive]
Talon x Reader - Confession.
Yasuo x Reader - Be more careful.
Urgot and Reader - You got a friend in me.
Jarvan IV x Fem!Reader - For Demacia. 
Yorick x Soul Shepard!Reader - It’s been so long, friend…
NSFW Alphabets: 
Yasuo’s NSFW Alphabet! [Full!]
Talon’s NSFW Alphabet! [AEIUY]
Sett’s NSFW Alphabet! [Full]
Zed’s NSFW Alphabet! [A B E N O] [ G R T W Z]
Swain’s NSFW Alphabet! [ S W A I N ]
Viktor’s NSFW Alphabet! [ A C K O W ]
Jayce’s NSFW Alphabet! [ A J K M O ]
Irelia’s NSFW Alphabet! [Full]
Kayn’s NSFW Alphabet! [ B O R W Z ]
Sylas’s NSFW Alphabet! [ K L O U V ]
Aphelios’s NSFW Alphabet! [A P H E L]
Aatrox’s NSFW Alphabet! [S E H R G]
Evelynn’s NSFW Alphabet! [Full]
Positive Reaper Headcanons.
Tracer x Male!Reader - meeting and falling in love.
Mei x Reader - Cute relationship headcanons.
Junkers x Healer!Reader - How hard life can get…
Ana x Fem!S/O - general dating headcanons.
Genji x Reader - “How do I say…” (Flowershop!AU)
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure:
Risotto Nero - taking care of his sick S/O.
Boku no Hero Academia
Todoroki Shoto x Fem!S/O - relationship headcanons.
South Park: 
Kyle x Fem!S/O - New Student in South Park?!
Yuuri! on Ice:
Victor’s sister!Reader and Yuuri - best friends headcanons. (platonic)
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