#garen x reader
castbracelet240 · 10 months
wip of a dnd oc of mine Ravinia and Garen when they were teens to young adults (since the campaign is in the world of league of legends)
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popawritter12 · 1 year
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Y͒a͒n͒d͒e͒r͒e͒! Sett x Neutral reader
Yandere character: Sett
Anime/manga/video game: League of Legends
Part: 1 of 2
Finished?: Yes
Clarification: Au of academy
With each step I took, my grip on my books increased due to the fear of seeing it again. Every time the people around me looked at me with fear and pity, I knew something was wrong.
Everyone knew it, from the beginning they knew it. That boy, that person who was known for his use of violence and insults to him, someone who was the kind of people you detested from the bottom of your heart was… interested in someone.
When I saw him, I could feel the pride and hate he could emit just by looking at anyone, and whenever I talked to my best friend about it, we both came to the same conclusion; it wasn't good to run into him.
And now, God knows if it was on purpose or by accident, but the whole school found out that Sett, one of the most feared vastaya in the Academy, was madly in love ---Obsessed--- with me, more than once I found him following me and Talon around the Academy, which was so damn awkward for both of us that we decided to stop being apart of the group and go to social circles just so we wouldn't feel persecuted by that idiot.
---Did you forget your math work again? ---Talon asked me, as we both walked through the halls.
---No, I didn't sleep at all last night, so I decided to catch up on homework ---I answered, running one of my hands over my right eye.
He was silent for a few seconds, before we heard someone behind us let out a soft, discreet laugh.
---Apparently Sett has you bad ---Ezreal teased, patting my shoulder.
---Shut up, moron ---I answered jokingly, looking at the blonde.
---I'm sorry, I'm sorry (Name), but you know that normally everyone in this school knows how Sett is with you ---Ezreal continued joking, before giving you your personal space.
--- Aha, as if he doesn't want to hit me every time he sees me --- he teased softly.
It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to know that Ionians hate Noxians, or basically most of the world hates Noxus in general, and the fact that Sett lives on insulting his Noxian father just further reinforces the idea that this whole facade that he's in love with me falls apart.
Both Ezreal and other close friends helped me a lot to adapt to this place, I was surprised at the ease with which both Talon and I became close to him, but I wouldn't question the idea of why someone as social as him would talk to us either. .
But hey, I guess I'm just rambling…
--- And then Garen threatened to cut me in half if he did something bad to Lux, although I don't understand why he tells me that… --- Ezreal explained, before hearing how the doorbell sounds.
The noise marked the start of the first hour of school, in this case Ezreal would go to his Chemistry class and Talon and I to our philosophy class.
The blonde said goodbye to us, going straight to God knows where. While my best friend and I were leaving for class.
---I like to think that all this is a very bad joke, and you? ---I admitted, letting out a heavy sigh.
Talon hummed a "hm", not further speaking.
As talkative as a North Korean soldier.
---But well, I'd like to know why… ---That's when I found myself having to cut my sentence in half because Talon started talking.
---Don't trust Sett too much.
I looked at him confused, before letting out a soft laugh, as a joke.
---Don't tell me, Tal ---I joke, getting closer to him ---The man who has been following and harassing us for 1 month is someone to be wary of, who would have thought!
After joking, I could see Talon stop walking abruptly; apparently, we were already in front of our living room.
He grabbed my shoulder roughly, forcing me to look him in the eye.
--- The next time you find him alone, run --- He advises me, or maybe he orders me --- There's something about that guy that I don't fucking like.
I look at him, this time changing my tone to a serious one.
---Yes, I'll be careful, Talon ---Kindly accept ---Although I don't know, I don't think it's that bad…
Talon lets go of me, before cupping her face in one of his hands, letting out a heavy sigh, as if he's frustrated or disappointed.
--- I know Sett has something weird behind his whole façade… try to keep yourself safe, okay? --- He advises me again, and this time I do believe that he cared about me.
I smile at him, before gently taking his shoulder.
---I promise, Tal ---I told him, smiling ---This time I will keep my word.
He smiles slightly at me, so I guess he's calmer now.
--- Good thing you said "this time yes" --- he mentions as a mockery, before going to the living room.
I went after him, laughing and saying whatever, obviously before get scolded for being late to class.
Extra (If this first part was not short)
A young man with reddish hair was walking calmly through the school, he himself was accompanied by a pale-skinned boy, who was confused about why Sett had summoned him to talk alone.
The young Lunari looked at Sett, intrigued as to why someone lively and outgoing like him was so quiet now, almost angry at that moment.
The moment Sett stops his walk, without moving, he presses his fingers on the palm of his hand, to the point that it was seen that he was tempted to break the bricks of the wall.
Without the young Lunari expecting it, Sett barely turns around to see him out of the corner of his eye.
---Hey ---Sett calls him, with a hoarse voice and with a certain tone of anger in his intonation.
Before Aphelios can answer or say anything, Sett frowns, showing anger at the idea of asking someone like him for help.
---Do you know where I can meet Talon?
The opposite of him remains silent, surprised by the vastaya's request. Anyone who knows a little about Sett knows that if he wants to meet anyone as he gives rise to, or even worse, a Noxian, it doesn't mean anything good.
---Or with Ezreal? You get together a lot with the two of them, don't you?
Aphelios steps back, even more scared.
—Or both, I'm not interested separately or together, I need to know what time and place I can meet either of them.
The young Lunari, out of nervousness begins to speak in sign language.
---Why are you supposed to want to know? ---When he finished speaking, Aphelios remembered something important: Sett didn't know sign language.
---That shit is none of your business, kid, now tell me.
Aphelios opens his eyelids to the fullest part of him, since when did Sett know something like..?
The vastaya approaches him, taking him by the neck.
—I want you to have one thing clear, Aphelios; From now on, both you and those two idiots are going to be away from ME (Name), are you clear?
Aphelios has no choice but to nod, not because of the fear of what could happen to him now, but because of how Sett would be if he confronted or tried to fight.
Perhaps in another context, he would have challenged him, but now he didn't have much of a chance of winning, he had no weapons, and no one to see them in one of the hallways that almost no one knows about the school, and Sett seemed quite ready to kill them. the first thing on your way.
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fictionparadiso · 1 year
Welcome to my Eden's Garden
Hello, you may call me Paradiso, and I welcome you to my Tumblr blog where I will share with you my brainrot, character adoration and general ravings about fiction. (Note: This blog WILL contain NSFW stuff, which I will both tag and write in the title, so you can be almost 100% sure you will find it). Now, to the basics:
DNI Information
Please, if any of the following groups apply to you, do not interact with this blog:
Minors - I am sorry, but I do not feel comfortable interacting with minors with a blog like this. So I would kindly ask you to interact with me if you are under 18.
Haters - I know this term is VERY ambiguous, but basically - if you do not like the content this blog focuses on OR you are not comfortable with any of my identities or styles or whatever - feel free to block me. Both you and I will spare our sanity.
I'm sure there are other groups or traits that I do not feel comfortable with which I have not mentioned. In any case, I just want to clarify that I reserve the right to block you without indicating a reason. If I do not feel comfortable interacting with you or your content, I will either ignore or block you, it isn't necessarily personal and I will not give any warning, just wanting to put that out there.
What you can expect
Now, this blog will heavily focus on the characters that I like and my headcanons or short fics of them (usually in general, other characters or with a self-insert reader). If it is self-insert the reader will be either M or GN coded (sorry, not comfortable with F!Reader).
If you want to share your enthusiasm about any of the characters or franchises you see on my list (or even don't see, but just want to scream at someone about them), I may be your guy~
When I write NSFW you can expect a listing of the kinks and such somewhere at the beginning so you know if it is or is NOT for you. Some of my kinks are pretty out there, so don't feel bad for not sharing them.
My F/O list
While I would not label myself as Fictosexual, I do tend to develop feelings towards characters in media and think up a lot of different scenarios. I also do not get jealous about my F/Os, so if you like any of the one's I like, feel free to rave about them with me! (if you're comfortable, of course)
💖 Main Romantic F/Os 💖
Iwai Munehisa - Persona 5 - #I call Shotgun
Maruki Takuto - Persona 5 - #No more Tears
Harumi Takeda - My Senpai is Annoying - #My Senpai is Lovable
Diavolo - Obey Me! - #Deal with the Devil
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White - #Under your Scales
Unabara/Neptune - Heaven's Design Team - #In Heaven
Alistair - Dragon Age Origins - #Be my bastard king
🌹 Other Romantic F/Os 🌹
Gladiolus Amicitia - Final Fantasy XV - #Shield for a Shield
Rengoku Kyojuro - Demon Slayer - #My Heart is Ablaze
Bryce - Jock Studio (NSFW source) - #Party Teddy bear
Derek - Jock Studio (NSFW source) - #Gentleness personified
Uzui Tengen - Demon Slayer - #Flamboyant Party Animal
Dojima Ryotaro - Persona 4 - #Dad and Idyll
Leon - Pokemon Sword/Shield - #Champion of my Heart
Archie and Matt (poly) - Pokemon Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby - #Waterbound Trio
Lysandre - Pokemon X/Y - #Whatever Boss says is true
Lt. Surge - Pokemon (he's in too many games) - #Sparks are Flying
Lucifer - Obey Me! - #Prim and Proper
All Might - My Hero Academia - #You are my Hero
Gentle Criminal - My Hero Academia - #Gentlemen Bonding
Rider/Iskandar - Fate/Zero - #Conqueror of my Mind (purely aesthetic, I have NOT consumed any Fate media yet)
Clive - Final Fantasy XVI - #Raven-haired heartthrob
Hawke - Dragon Age II - #Hawke Fever (purely aesthetic, I have NOT consumed any Dragon Age II media yet)
Hjalmar an Craite - Witcher - #Rage of the Islands
Jacques de Aldersberg - Witcher 1 - #Burnt Rose (very morally incorrect)
Siegfried - Witcher 1 - #Ideal Knight
Graves - League of Legends - #Mutual Coin Fever
Sett - League of Legends - #Kneeling for the Boss
Garen - League of Legends - #For Demacia's Hero
Dion - Final Fantasy XVI - #My only true Emperor
Akira Konoe - Persona 5 Strikers - #Heroes don't wear capes
Fatgum - My Hero Academia - #Bubblegum dreams
Zayne - Jock Studio (NSFW source) - #Fanclub for the king
🍀 Main Platonic F/Os 🍀
Kanjori Mitsuri - Demon Slayer - #Mochi Breathing
Kocho Shinobu - Demon Slayer - #Butterfly in the Night
Bayonetta - Bayonetta - #Let's Dance on the Moon
Cynthia - Pokemon Diamond/Pearl - #Domineering Companion
Kirijo Mitsuru - Persona 3 - #Two in Harmony
Yennefer of Vengerberg - Witcher - #Obsidian Star
Geralt of Rivia - Witcher - #The White Wolf
🌊 Other Platonic F/Os 🌊
Triss Merigold - Witcher - #Magic Allergy
Ahri - League of Legends - #Nine-tailed Charms
Lux - League of Legends - #Prism in the Rough
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
Save Demacia (Part Four - Finale)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Garen X Reader
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Meeting Sylas is not something Y/N ever expected, but the world throws the most unexpected things at you. What will happen when she is taken by him to bargain with Demacia?
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“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.” Sylas taunted me, circling me with a smirk covering his lips, “Whatever are you doing here?” His finger raised to trace my jaw, “Demacia not good enough? Garen not good enough?”
How did he know...?
“Leave him out of this.” I spat, grabbing his hand and forcing it away from my face, only for him to chuckle.
“I’ll give you two choices, Y/N. You either join me, or-“
“No. Never, even if my life depended on it.” I interrupted him, not wanting to hear his other offer.
“Well, it just might.” He smirked again, binding my wrists together with some sort of magic, covering my mouth to prevent me from screaming as I thrashed around in his grip before eventually falling unconscious.
I awoke god knows how long later in the arms of Sylas.
All I could hear was marching, no talking at all. The wind blew through me, making me shiver. My eyes failed to open, being too drowsy to force them open.
My head hurts…
“Demacia!” Sylas yelled, finally halting. “I have a proposition for you.” His voice boomed, worsening the pain in my head.
I finally managed to force open my eyes.
The first thing I saw was Garen holding Lux back, surrounded by the entire of Demacia.
“You leave me and my army alone, in return for this mage.” He said, dropping me onto the ground which earned a grunt from me. However, my body felt too weak to actually move.
“Y/N!” Lux yelled, doing her best to push past Garen who firmly held her back, eyes not looking at me but instead glaring at Sylas.
“And if we don’t?” Prince Jarvan asked him.
“Then,” Sylas said, applying pressure onto my ribs as I quickly lost my breath, “she dies. Right here, in front of all of you: her best friend, and her boyfriend.” He finished, chuckling at Garen’s eyes widening.
“Garen,” I heard Lux’s voice throughout the entire commotion, “we have to do something!”
“I know.”
“So, what shall it be?” Sylas yelled, finally removing his foot from my ribs as he began to cough.
“We refuse your offer. One mages life is meaningless to us.” Jarvan spat.
My eyes never left Lux and Garen, watching their bodies go rigid and faces fall in panic.
“Very well.” Sylas grinned, grabbing me by the neck and lifting me off my feet. “See here ladies and gentlemen!” He yelled, each second it grew harder and harder to breathe. “Watch before your eyes as this young ladies life drains from her eyes.”
I can’t… breathe.
Just as I was about to lose consciousness, I felt my body fall to the ground, quickly followed by a groan from Sylas.
“Not on my watch.”
I did my best to turn around, and there stood Tryndamere and the entire of the Freljord army, all of them looking ready to fight. Within seconds, they were running at Sylas, managing to pin him to the ground, Demacia’s army running forward to help them.
I felt myself being picked up into a pair of strong arms just as I finally lost consciousness.
“She’s a good girl, Garen.” Was the first thing I heard as I began to wake up.
I know that voice…
“I hope you look after her.” The same voice continued.
“I will, thank you for your assistance.”
It was then I was able to open my eyes, seeing Garen and Tryndamere talking to each other, Lux sat in the corner.
“Y/N!” Lux’s voice caught all our attention and she rushed towards me, pulling me into a tight hug.
I felt wetness fall onto my back, concluding that Lux was crying.
I gladly wrapped my arms around her, having been missing my best friend, “Don’t cry, Lux. I’m okay.” I managed to croak out, throat slightly hurting.
“I-I thought you wouldn’t make it.” She sniffed, pulling away to place her hand on my cheek as though she was checking I was here.
“I’m okay, Lux. Don’t worry.” I smiled, “Are you guys okay?” I asked the three of them, Lux now pulled back so I could see them all.
“You just woke up for the first time in a week and you’re asking us if we’re alright?” Trynd chuckled, patting me on the shoulder in amusement.
“We’re fine.” Garen said quietly, eyes gazing into my own.
We all sat in silence for a moment, only to be broken by Lux.
“Well, I think that’s our cue to leave.” Lux cleared her throat, signalling towards the door while facing Tryndamere who nodded, quickly leaving the room.
“Thank you.” Was the first thing to leave my mouth as the door slammed shut. “I don’t know what I would have done without you.” I admitted, my gaze falling onto the ground as I nervously played with the sheets of the hospital bed.
Garen pulled his chair closer towards me, gently taking a hold of my hand as he ran his thumb across it.
“We don’t know what would have happened had it not been for the Freljord.” Garen smiled slightly, “They were the main reason we were able to detain Sylas.”
“You detained him?” I asked in shock, surprised they had managed to do such a thing.
Garen simply nodded, patting me on the hair.
“Yes, we were.”
I simply nodded, pulling him into a hug.
“So, what happens now?” I asked him as he began to explain what would happen to Sylas, only to be cut off by yours truly. “I mean to me. Surely they won’t accept me for being a mage. Everyone knows, Garen.”
Garen nodded, “That they do.” He sighed, thumb still running across the back of my hand, “But, you’re under our protection and you’re a Crownguard.”
“A Crownguard?” I asked him.
“If you want to be.”
In Garen’s hand was a velvet box, which he opened to reveal the most beautiful ring I had ever seen in my lifetime.
“Happily, Garen.” I smiled brightly which he returned, pulling me into a tight hug.
“I love you, Garen.”
“I love you too, Y/N. I always will.”
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leagueimagine · 5 years
if requests are open, may i request headcanons for garen and a s/o who's a mage? feel free to skip it if u find it challenging;;
You and Garen have been childhood sweethearts since you know each other, Lux would always tease you and him with that with little songs and kissing gestures. 
But when you reached teen years, your magic powers start to show up, you’re scared but excited about it, you had no idea that it could bring so much problem for you or your family. Still, you went to show Garen, he’d be admired, you thought, but that doesn’t happen. 
You haven’t seen him on years, every little gift he gave you on those good times have been kept, you still love him so much... Sylas know that. The other mage wants you to help him, and maybe taken by the anger you accept help him, Demacia took everything always from you for nothing but fear of your magic. 
Meeting Garen again was not... expected, sure always told you he’d be a general someday but you two just freeze, staring at each other miles apart unsure of what to do, but the battle doesn’t wait to explode in front of your eyes.
While casting spells around, you feel yourself begin pulled asides, Garen holds you against his body with an angry expression but eyes full of worry. “You’re alive.” He mumbled, you two stood there for a second before he tugs you on a tight hug, maybe it’s not just you that still loves him... 
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edgyspooks · 3 years
J for Draven (in regards with the apparently canon crush dude has on a serious and orderly warmason who also has a crush on him I mean wtf aren't they way past the awkward teens phase??), Darius, Swain and Garen (Garen in regards with Katerina I mean it is canon after all despite the disturbing implications)
SFW Alphabet: Jealousy (Draven, Darius, Swain and Garen)
Draven (towards Tamara I presume? dang let them get together already, those awkward simps) Draven and Tamara’s relationship isn’t anything official, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t get jealous. He will dismiss the possibility of her falling for someone else - after all HE is the greatest man she knows! But if he does actually witness anyone else actually hitting on her, he will instantly lose his cool and make sure the person never dares as much as look at Tamara again. He will hardly be stealthy about this, either, but when confronted, he will deny that he’s been jealous at all.
Darius It’s not easy to make Darius jealous. He trusts you enough to not worry when you hang out with people without him around. His trust in you has to be big, as otherwise he wouldn’t consider seriously dating you. However, if you break his trust, you can count on seven hells breaking loose, as he will certainly make sure you DO regret your decision. If it turns out to be a misunderstanding caused by his jealousy, deep down he will regret it for years to come, even if you do make up.
Swain Jericho Swain is never jealous. If you do intend to cheat, he will know it way ahead and simply not let it happen. He will then make sure that you know that he knows, and if you don’t improve your behavior he may not be so lenient with your antics in the future. Play pretend games with him all you want, but you won’t get a tiniest bit of jealousy from him, in fact he may humor you for a while - but better don’t try anything for real.
Garen (towards Katarina) It tortures him - the idea that the woman he loves is worlds apart from him, doing gods-know-what with gods-know-who. Garen is the type of person who loves having his close ones, well, close. He knew what he was signing up for when he decided to start his secret relationship with Katarina. The idea that she may one day find someone who would be more convenient to date scares him, but deep down he knows that it’s unlikely to happen. If she wasn’t serious about him, she wouldn’t risk everything to be with him.
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May I please have Yasuo and Darius relationship headcanons for a female s/o?
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Yasuo is a traditional man who’s rather shy and awkward about anything relationship-related, especially now that he’s deemed a fugitive and a criminal.
He’s incredibly grateful that you don’t believe him a criminal, but you believe his story and that he was framed - It helped him trust you.
When/If Yasuo trust someone, he trusts them for life, and now, you hold his heart in your hands entirely.
He would like to take things slow and steady, since he’s not very experienced and has to make things right and proper, and hope you won’t get bored and leave him.
He truly treasures you and wants to learn how to make you happy because you deserve it and he’s in complete bliss every time he sees you because he’s finally found that one person who actually loves him for who he is.
Yasuo would cherish every single day when he can spend time with you, walk through the forest, stay at ease, enjoy a nice picnic and play the flute for you.
Please, for the love of everything right in this world, take off his hair tie and play with his hair - He will fall asleep in peace for the first time in ages.
Please read to him books you love, he’d enjoy it so much you have no idea - So much that he’d read the book himself and then quote it to you every time he’s given the chance, just to see your reaction and/or if you catch on
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He’s very hard on everyone, especially himself, but that’s because of everything that he had to go through.
Everyone knows he has a soft spot for his brother, despite his annoying and narcissistic self, but it’s always been them together, and there was nothing separating them.
If he opens up to you about his past, then you clearly mean the world to him, since nobody else except Draven knows everything.
His heart is very tender and fragile, deep down, protected by titanium walls, so please hold it carefully next to your own and show him that love isn’t a weakness or a disadvantage as he claims it to be, but it can be a very powerful fuel for strength.
Draven would be incredibly proud of Darius and would love to hang around both of you, or even only with you, seeing that he doesn’t really have proper friends, and this is his chance to brag about how cute Darius was when he was young, without fearing that it would embarrass his brother (too much) or anything of the sort.
He would pretend to be annoyed by his brother hanging around with you, knowing full well that he’s going to talk too much and whatever, but when he knew you both weren’t watching, he’d have a soft smile on his face, happy that his brother and his lover are getting along so well, and making him feel like he finally has a family again.
With everything that’s been going in his life, he’d be extremely protective of you (of course, Draven too, but he’d make more of a bravado, letting Darius handle everything) and would try to keep you safe and around him or a safe place as much as possible.
He won’t admit it ever, but he loves cuddling with you, holding you close to his chest and you holding him in your arms, kissing his face and smiling sweetly at him every night you go to sleep, or every day you wake up with each other.
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heckinhacker · 5 years
I'd like to say that after the lux comics, I'm in love with jarvan IV and garen... so can i have some headcanon with them (x S/O)? (Sfw/nsfw)! and wow, i'm also in love with your writing ❤️❤️❤️
Garen and JarvanIV x S/O - SFW and NSFW headcanons.
A/N: Thaaank youuuuu so much! And Sorry it took me that long :( Them headcanons can be ooc but they’re from my perspective!! 
Jarvan IV
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It was really hard to get through his metal armor and golden crown to meet his real personality.
What I meant is - Jarvan is really distrustful with people wanting to get close to him.
“They mostly want money or fame. Or both.” he once said to Garen, who laughed slightly, patting his back.
He really hoped to find one true love. No matter where are you from or how rich you are, he just wants your heart to be rich with kindness and love. 
Every girl who got close to him was always pushed away, since he noticed his admirers were after throne. 
He almost started dating one of them, but he heard rumours that she used to date one of rich politics, but she ditched him to get into Jarvan’s heart. 
It hurt him, but he managed to do what he had to do. 
When you got to befriend him, he fell for you first. That was sudden. 
He waited for you to confess at first, but you never did.
So he nervously approached you, asking you what do you think of him. 
“Honestly, [Y/N].” 
“What do I think of you…You’re our king, great friend, amazing fighter, kind person and you reeeeaaaally stink when you overwork yourself.”
“ [Y-Y/N!]”
“You wanted me to be honest!!” 
You both laughed, but he sighed, skratching back of his neck.
“I asked because I…I hold great feelings for you. They’re deep and hot, almost stinging, I fell for you and I have no clue what to do with it because I feel like you don’t quite return them. Can you give me answer to that?”
You were shooketh.
But you told him you loved the hell out of him and more! You were just afraid to step into his sensitive spot!
Aaand you started dating. 
Many nobility disagreed with your relationship but they always disagree with Jarvan’s decisions, so he didn’t really cared. 
Shyvana keept close eye on you. You always felt being watched when she was in the room. She was checking if you were worthy Jarvan’s feelings, she’s his friend too, after all. 
He’d love to take you to casual dates, but he’s afraid of being recognised.
So YOU take him to casual dates. Some people recognised him, some didn’t, and even though they did, they didn’t bother you both too much! 
You showed him a lot of new perspectived, made him a better human being. 
He was really thankfull for that. 
He’s a really passionate lover!
Can get his pace speed up, but is not rough. The change of pace is there to spice things up. 
He talks a lot, about how lucky he is to have you, how much he apreciates you, how soon you’ll become second crowned head, etc. 
He leaves hickeys on your thights and chest, but never on visible places. His reputation forces him to keep things clean and discreet. 
Aaand I’m quite out of ideas! Sorry! ^^” 
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Garen is as resistant to flirt as his armor is to any damage.
Like, HOLY SHIT! It was so hard to acknowledge him about your feelings!
At first you tried to be gentle, telling him things indirectly. No progres.
Then you went full flirty, he just thought you were friendly. 
When you directly said, with defeat, “Garen, I think I love you.” with normal tone, he answered with happy tune in his voice “I love you too, [Y/N], you’re like a family to me!”
You groaned with defeat. 
You didn’t had a clue that he just WANTED it not to be true, since he felt great emotions for you too, but he was scared of commitment. 
He was scared that relationship would discract him from his duties, but Jarvan pushed him to just try, talk with you about it. 
And he finnaly did. He confessed to you, telling you his fears and doubts about everything.
“I’m a warrior, [Y/N], I am in army, anytime I can just- HMPF-!”
You kissed him to shut him up. When you both stopped kissing, you grinned at your big now-boyfriend. 
“I don’t mind. I won’t leave you before you leave me. Please love me as much as I love you.”
And sure damn he did. 
He was the softest!!
He’s so big in general, tall, muscular, strong, but he was so shy!!!
Garen is a traditional man, he pretty often was giving you bouquet of the prettiest flowers you could ever imagine. (does not matter what gender you have, trust me) 
He’s literally too embarrassed to hold your hand without him asking you. 
When he does that for the first time in full quietness filling room you almost shouted with excitement. 
He’s getting closer to you, trusting you!! 
He’s very, very traditional. 
He’d ask a lot of questions like “are you alright?” “does it hurt?” “want me to stop??” “how do you feel?”
Sometimes it feels lovely, sometimes it’s annoying. 
Your first time was full of blushing Garen and you giggling about his shyness! 
You thought he was adorable, you sometimes had to tell him not to treat you like a porcelain doll, you’re not made of glass! 
Even though it had it’s own difficulties, it was pleasant time for you both. 
Next times were more normal, but still he tried to entertain you and show you how much he loves you. 
He treated sex not like “Something we must do in relationship”, he’s more of a “It’s okay that we have it if we both want it, but I don’t need it everyday”, it’s healthier for your relationship. 
He’s really kissy, he kisses your forehead, lips and neck a lot. 
A lot.
He’s not afraid to leave hickeys on your neck. He’s really overptorective and jellaous, so he’s glad to leave marks suggesting you were his and only his all over you. 
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riftimagines · 5 years
Garen relationship headcanons with male reader pls?
I live! I’m sorry I don’t write too much I’m just always busy. Then by the time I’m not I’m tired and have no energy to write :/ but I got this out! Actually quite a few people asked for this so I hope you all like this!
Garen x Male!Reader
-It doesn’t matter if your a man, woman or anything in between Garen will be the most gentlemanly man you’ll ever meet.
-It honestly takes him a while to realize his feelings. Like he’ll know there’re there but he won’t recognize what it is until later. He’ll then have a sudden and jarring realization and just be there shell shocked until someone asks if he’s ok.
-He’s a gentleman but not very smooth. He really doesn’t have a lot of experience in asking you out especially since you were male. He was raised to court women but his heart wants what it wants and he’ll awkwardly present you with flowers and ask if you’d like to court.
-When you say yes, he is over the moon with joy and politely kisses your hand with a bow.
-This man is always busy. What with Noxus knocking on the borders and the rising civil issues with the mages he is kept busy at all times so outings and dates are a rarity.
-When you two do get some alone time it’s always somewhere quiet and out of the way where neither of you can be bothered. He wants to focus solely on you and forget the troubles of the world for at least a little while.
-When the time comes for an actual kiss he will stutter and fiddle over his words to ask you for a kiss. You will probably have to kiss him to get him out of it. He’ll get stiff and slowly relax into it. When you part his face is as red as an apple but he bares the biggest smile you’ve seen on him.
-He doesn’t flaunt your relationship. In fact, it’s pretty much on the down low. Not because he’s ashamed of you or anything, heavens no, but because his afraid of the harsh judgment that would come from his family, mainly his aunt, who is very vocal about her disapprovals, and potentially making you a target from outside enemies like from Noxus.
-The only one who knows you and Garen are together is Lux. She’s the only one he trusts enough to know and she’s all too happy that he’s found someone to love. She will be the one to give you notes for where to meet Garen for dates when he can not tell you in person. She knows what’s up and always tells to two to be safe and have fun with a giggle.
-He is no where near as dumb as everyone makes him seem. He leads the dauntless vanguard for heavens sake. Often on the very rare times he has down time he likes to cuddle up with you and a book of whatever he’s in the mood to read. Usually about nature. He’ll tell you that you never know when this knowledge will come in handy on the field and will share interesting facts about it with you.
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annoyedfanfiction · 5 years
Black Sun
qui-gon jinn x reader (2)
You were vaguely aware of the white room around you, as a familiar character nudged at your mind, Force signature welling with concern. “(L/N),” Vokara’s voice insisted as you mentally pulled the covers over your eyes. “(L/N), you need to listen to me.” With a sigh, you looked over at the Twi’lek healer as she materialised in your mind. “Do you remember what happened?” You crossed your legs, throwing your mind back to the last time outside of this white-walled room. Red blades and unceasing blaster fire flashed through your eyes. Burning pain, scalding through your left leg then disappearing altogether. Your ribs aching. The ground, cold and hard and already covered in blood, yours mingling with others’. Qui-Gon kneeling over you, your opponents strewn around you. Dooku. Dooku raising his lightsaber behind Qui-Gon. A desperate final push, and the sudden pulse of the Force throwing Dooku back, cracking him against the wall of the nightclub, where he fell still. Telling Qui-Gon no, not to do…something. Not to hurt himself. “Fucking ow,” you winced, as the pain of your body came rushing back to you. “Thought so,” Vokara smiled, sadly. “(Y/N), you need to meditate. We’re trying to put you in a healing trance but you’ve got almost no Force presence for us to reach. I need you to help us.” “Dooku. Dooku’s alive. Is Qui-Gon alright?” you asked, grabbing onto her presence before she could disappear. “He will be,” the older master assured you, running a gentle hand through your hair. “But you need to be as well.” “Will you meditate with me?” you requested, after a beat of silence. Tilting her head, she nodded, sitting down in front of you and folding her legs beneath her. “Thank you.”
“We have to move them,” Obi-Wan pointed out, as soon as Vokara emerged from her meditation. The room around them was lit dimly – a storage room, somewhere in the back of the hospital, to give them time before they were found. “Doing so may kill them both,” she said, looking to Obi-Wan. “Are you prepared for that?” Obi-Wan straightened, expression sad but strong. “If we remain here, we risk more than just their lives,” he answered, looking over his former Master and the woman who had been, for all intents and purposes, his mother. “The needs of the many must outweigh my own feelings, Healer Che. We must move them.” Bant rested a hand gently on his shoulder, looking sadly at him. He shook his head, and offered her a smile, though his expression was filled with all the sorrow and fear of a child losing his parents. “Well said, Knight Kenobi.” Vokara inclined her head to him, turning back to her patients. “We must transport them without separating them. The easiest way to do that is on one bed.” Her eyes flickered between the two patients, doing the mental math. Her face was set into tight lines when she turned back to Obi-Wan. “This very well may hurt him, but there is less risk in moving Qui-Gon than (Y/N). We have been able to set his ribs away from his lungs, so the movement is unlikely to cause any damage except discomfort. Any incorrect movement of (Y/N)’s spine may dislocate it from its correct position, and she may never walk again.” She looked back at the two masters on the beds. “Up for a challenge, Kenobi?” ���I don’t get a choice, do I?” he grimaced, earning a wicked smile from Che despite herself. “Not at all.” She moved to (Y/N), calling Leem over to help her stabilise the spine as she shifted (Y/N) to one side of the bed, making space for Qui-Gon beside her. She remained where she was, holding (Y/N) in position as Leem gestured Bant and Kenobi over to Qui-Gon’s side. “I need you to lift him from his shoulders,” the young healer instructed Obi-Wan, with none of her earlier fascination with the two masters. “You from his hips.” She directed Bant. “We want to avoid too much movement around his ribs.”
“We have a problem,” Garen announced, racing in, just as Leem lifted Qui-Gon’s legs onto the bed, and Vokara settled the two patients into a secure position. “Great,” Obi-Wan sighed, turning to the other knight. “Another one.” “We need to go, like, now, or we’re not going to have a ship to go to,” Garen told him, urgently. “The others are doing their best, but it’s just not enough.” “Garen, get back to the ship and help the others,” Obi-Wan instructed, sending the other knight racing back out. He hesitated, eyes flicking between Bant and the two unconscious Jedi. “Bant, help the Healers. We will expect you on the ship as soon as possible.” Bant nodded, offered him a nervous but reassuring smile, and he disappeared from the room. The journey across the hospital was tense, even as other medics weaved in and out among them, deliberately blending them in to the environment around them. But if the hospital was tense, the scene that greeted them at the exit was explosive. Literally. Blaster fire rained around the four Knights defending the ship, and Leem immediately lit her lightsaber. “Eerin, help the other Knights,” Che instructed, as Leem took Bant’s place defending the gurney. “We will get them on board.” Crossing the makeshift airfield turned battleground, Leem was knocking away stray fire from every direction, even before the Black Sun operatives noticed their patients. “Get them!” the leader commanded, gesturing immediately towards the Healers and their patients. All of the Knights moved towards them, backing towards the ship, as fire turned on the medics. You were struggling on the bed below, both your face and Qui-Gon’s fixed into deep frowns. Your eyelids flickered, determinedly, but did not open, even as Che tried to calm you both through the Force. Obi-Wan was furthest away, and urgently backing towards them. “Kenobi, look out!” Bant shouted, as one of the less-obedient criminals threw a loose grenade under his feet. In an instant, your arm flung out, knocking Garen aside, your body for all intents and purposes still unconscious. A bright flash of light welled from your fingertips, ensconcing Kenobi in a glowing bubble as the grenade exploded below him, and dragging him to you until you could clasp his hand. Your eyes opened for a moment, and you offered him a smile, before a single blast sent the last of the Black Sun operatives flying backwards as your group hurried onto the ship. “That’s impossible,” Che murmured, once she had stabilised the two Jedi in the makeshift med bay on Obi-Wan’s ship. “What was ‘that’?” Obi-Wan asked, staring in shock at his two mentors. Vokara turned and offered him an easy smile. “You’re a very lucky man, Knight Kenobi,” she told him, cryptically. “That kind of love… This kind of power hasn’t been seen in centuries.” “What kind of power?” he insisted. “The kind you just saw,” Che answered, disbelief still patterned across her face. “I’m pretty sure that was a manifestation of power from both Qui-Gon and (Y/N). I mean, we knew their connections to the Force were unparalleled, but this...” She trailed off as Garen guided the ship out of Ord Mantell’s atmosphere, then shook her head, standing up. “The two of them weren’t even bonded when they left on this mission. To form a bond powerful enough to not only support (Y/N)’s life, but also to then transfer energy into manipulating the Force so quickly is unheard of.” Her eyes fell to where Obi-Wan’s hand was still clasped in yours, and she smiled. “Two such powerful Jedi so deeply bonded, and with so much love for you…You’re a very lucky man, Knight Kenobi. Adding your skill in, and your new Padawan…well, the lot of you could be quite unstoppable.” She began setting up the monitors around them once again, clucking over any possible shift in (Y/N)’s position, leaving Obi-Wan to stare, mystified, at the two Masters.
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ruvik-in-a-cube · 6 years
okay but what ship do I write about next?
The epic saga of Katarina x Garen? or Syndra x Zed?
Random Ruvik smut? snuff? huehue
Rick Sanchez escapades? LUL
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teakose · 2 years
current requests and WIPs
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part two to Zed and Shen Poly - status: started
Viego x Fire Queen!Reader - status: started
Odyssey!Kayn x Concubine!Reader - status: not started
Kayn x Vampire!Reader - status: not started
part two to Garuda!Reader - status: not started
J4, Garen, and Vayne reacting to Gauss!Reader - status: not started
Ahri x Fem!Vampire!Reader - status: not started
Yasuo x Fem!Vastaya!Reader
Idia Shroud x Persephone!Reader
What is Love? League of Legends drabble collection
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shurelyasreverie · 4 years
League of Legends Masterlist (Updated 16/07/2021)
Welcome to the masterlist post! This post is in alphabetical order by how champions are known in game.
Please read the rules before requesting and check the request status on my blog/ask page.
Valorant Masterlist
Key (for Drabbles/Oneshots):
 💧 - Angst
☀️ - Fluff
⚡️ - Drama
⭐️ - Personal Fave
🥰 - Fan Fave
📔 - Scenario/Oneshot (1000+ Words)
Aatrox x Nightbringer!Reader Headcanons
Blood Moon!Aatrox x Reader Headcanons
Saving His Kidnapped S/O Headcanons
Wooing His S/O Headcanons
K/DA!Ahri Relationship Headcanons
K/DA!Ahri with S/O Being a Fan of Another Group
Sprit Blossom!Ahri with S/O Returning to the Spirit Realm
📔⚡️ [K/DA!Ahri] Attention Please (ft. Seraphine)
📔⚡️ True Feelings
💧Akali x Reader Drabble
Aphelios x Deity!Reader Headcanons
🥰⭐️📔⚡️ Faith in the Traitor
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol x Deity!Reader Headcanons
Spirit Blossom!Cassopeia with S/O Returning to the Spirit Realm
Darius x Cute!Reader Headcanons
K/DA!Evelynn x Chubby!Reader Headcanons
K/DA!Evelynn x Shy!Clumsy!Reader Headcanons
Reverse AU Headcanons
Fiora x Shy!Reader Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
☀️ Confession Drabble
Gwen x Game Designer!Reader Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
Dark Cosmic!Jhin x Nightbringer!Reader Headcanons
Jhin with S/O Involved with the Arts
🥰⚡️ Soulmate AU Drabble | [Part 2]
Reverse AU Headcanons
☀️ Cuddle Drabble
🥰⚡️ Soulmate AU Drabble | [Part 2]
Lee Sin
📔☀️ Distraction
Relationship Headcanons
Battle Academia!Lux Relationship Headcanons
Battle Academia!Lux Introducing Her S/O to Garen
Lux x Shuriman!Reader Headcanons
Miss Fortune
Arcade!Miss Fortune x Shy!Reader Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
💧 Nami x Lunari!Reader Drabble
Pantheon x Deity!Reader Headcanons
📔⭐️⚡️ To the Depths
True Damage!Qiyana with S/O Being a Fan of Another Group
☀️ Battle Queen!Qiyana x Reader Drabble
Quinn x Demacian!Reader Drabble
Relationship Headcanons
Rhaast x Nightbringer!Reader Headcanons
Saving His Kidnapped S/O Headcanons
Wooing His S/O Headcanons
⚡️ Fickle
Relationship Headcanons
☀️ Sejuani x Injured!Reader Drabble
📔⚡️ [K/DA! Seraphine] Attention Please (ft. Ahri)
Big Brother!Sett Headcanons
Sett x Mage!Reader Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
🥰☀️ Sett x Healer!Reader Drabble
☀️ Valentines’ Day Drabble
📔☀️ Love is the Best Medicine
Relationship Headcanons
Shen x Reader x Zed Polyamorous Relationship Headcanons
Skarner x Crystal Maker!Reader Platonic Headcanons
☀️ Break Time
Sylas x Deity of Magic!Reader Headcanons
Sylas x Noxian!Reader Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
Spirit Blossom!Thresh x Nightbringer!Reader Headcanons
Twisted Fate
⭐️📔☀️ Wanna Bet? | [Part 2]
Varus x Nightbringer!Reader Headcanons
Wooing His S/O Headcanons
☀️ ⚡️ Injured!Varus x Healer!Reader Drabble
📔⚡️ Humanity (Soulmate AU)
⚡️ Soulmate AU Drabble
☀️ Viego x Sick!Reader Drabble
📔 ⚡️ You Will Stay
Relationship Headcanons
☀️ Yasuo x Empath!Reader Drabble
📔☀️ Meditation (ft. Yone)
Reverse AU Headcanons
📔☀️ Meditation (ft. Yasuo)
📔 ⚡️ Spirit Fighter
Zed x Reader x Shen Polyamorous Relationship Headcanons
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imaginesofruneterra · 5 years
Can I ask what requests you have atm? .D
Sure, someone else just asked me the same thing! Unfortunately, I’m pretty behind on requests, since I’ve been preoccupied with school, but I have break this week, so I’ll try to get some of them done. Thanks for being patient, guys!
Requests in progress: 
Quinn x Aphelios 
Talon x Caring S/O
Yasuo x Fem Reader
Aphelios x Reader 
Sylas x Demacian Mage Reader 
Darius x Reader: SFW & NSFW 
Jinx x Kayn 
Aphelios x Vastayan Reader 
Ezreal x Lux: Star Guardian AU 
Garen x Male Reader: SFW & NSFW 
Sett x Fem Reader 
Ezreal x Taric 
Zed x Reader: SFW & NSFW 
Irelia x Aphelios
Sett x Human Reader 
Sett in Love Headcanons 
Azir x Fem Reader SFW & NSFW
Sett x Reader NSFW Headcanons 
Male K/DA Akali x Fem Reader
Sylas x Noxian Blood Mage 
Darius x Pregnant S/O 
Pizza Delivery Sivir x K/DA Kai'sa
Kayn Relationship Headcanons 
Talon x Reader: Friends to Lovers 
Varus x Male Reader 
Katarina x Fem S/O 
Nami x Aphelios 
Rakan x Fem Vastayan Reader x Xayah 
Veigar x Yordle Reader 
Sett x Fem Vastayan Reader 
Aurelion Sol x Reader: SFW & NSFW 
Fiora Relationship Headcanons 
K/DA Ahri x Shy Reader 
Talon x Varus
 ~Mod Nami
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
Save Demacia (Part Three)
Part One, Part Two, (Part Three), Part Four
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Garen X Reader
Warnings: Kissing(?)
Summary: After fleeing to the Freljorg, Y/N becomes friends with an unlikely person. As the weeks progress they grow closer, will Y/N return his feelings or will she flee out of fear?
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It was night-time once I finally reached the sewers. It had been a long walk, having to take an extremely treacherous walk to avoid being captured again. But, seeing Lux and Garen in the sewers made it all worth it.
“Y/N/N!” Lux’s voice broke me from my thoughts, gasping as she ran into me to pull me into a tight hug.
“Hi, Lux.” I smiled, gladly returning her hug.
“Y/N.” Garen greeted me.
“Garen.” I smiled at him also, Lux looking between the two of us, slightly confused.
“We found a way for you to leave Demacia.” Lux began to explain, “The sewers are an easy way out, nobody really knows this. You’ll be able to leave unseen, without anyone knowing.”
I nodded slightly, “Thank you.” I whispered, pulling Lux into another hug.
“Come on,” She said, grabbing my hand to lead me towards the makeshift door. “Good luck,” Lux gave me one final smile before turning to leave, only stopping to wait for Garen.
“Be safe, I love you.” Garen nodded towards me, capturing Lux’s attention as she went wide eyed but didn’t stop to say anything.
“I love you too.” Were my final words before I began my journey through the sewers.
By the time I was out of Demacia it was noon the following day. I had no idea where I was, but I knew I was safe here. I could feel it, perks of being a mage I guess. I wandered throughout trees and bushes for a long time, before finally reaching a new place: the Freljord.
I knew that this was where Sylas and his army were hiding out; I could feel it. But, I also knew that I didn’t have any other choice but to venture into the unknown territory. It was that or go back to Demacia and be captured again. I took a deep breath before walking through the gates, virtually unseen.
“Who are you?” A voice asked me, making me turn around.
There stood a tall man, covered in armour which was not covering him arms?
“I’m Y/N,” I stated, “who are you?”
“Tryndamere. Where are you from?” His voice was slightly less intimidating now, having assumed I am not a threat.
He could take me down easily.
“Then why are you here?” He questioned, an interested look on his face, “Let me guess, a mage?”
My eyes widened at the accusation, if it could even be called that. It is true after all.
I simply nodded.
“Well, luckily for you we aren’t like Demacia.” He nodded, walking away but not before signalling me to follow him which I gladly did so. “We simply need strong, brave warriors to fight for us. You seem the type.”
My eyes widened at this: a warrior? I could never be such a thing.
“I don’t know, sir.” My head sunk slightly at this, blushing as he turned to face me.
He placed his hands on my shoulders, moving one to tilt my face towards him.
“I believe in you.”
And that was the start of an unsuspected friendship.
Over the following weeks Tryndamere, or Trynd as I now called him, became fast friends. He taught me how to be a warrior, not asking for anything except my dedication in return which I gladly gave him.
He had been helping me after all.
It had been about a month with no contact from Lux nor Garen, but this was to be expected. They didn’t exactly know where I was, nor would they be able to contact me without arousing suspicion if they did.
“Are you ready for our sparring session?” Trynd’s voice broke me from my thoughts as I glanced up at him from the ground I was sat on.
I gave him a firm nod, taking his hand as he offered me it, pulling me onto my feet.
We soon began fighting, him swinging his fists at me which I easily blocked, jumping back to put space between us. I dashed towards him, hoping to catch him off guard but I didn’t. He simply grabbed me, flipping me over to get me onto the ground but I decided I wasn’t going down alone. I grabbed him around the neck, both of us tumbling to the ground, him on top of me, eyes wide.
“I win too.” I grinned at him, watching his cheeks turn red as he made no effort to get off of me. I simply assumed he was shocked. “Are you proud?” I asked him, hoping for pride from my master.
“I’m impressed, Y/N/N. Didn’t know you could do that.” He winked, chuckling slightly as he helped me up once again.
“Thanks, Trynd.” I smiled softly, blushing in embarrassment as he brought a hand to my face to move a strand of hair. However, he didn’t move his hand from there, instead it moved down to cup my cheek.
“Y/N…” He whispered, eyes glancing down to my lips before pressing them against my own.
My eyes widened in shock, quickly stepping backwards.
“I-I’m sorry, I can’t.” I rushed, quickly running away, ignoring his pleas for me to stay.
I had lost track of how long I had been walking by now. I just knew I had to get away. I didn’t want to, but I felt immense guilt in my gut. I knew it hadn’t been my fault, but all I could think about was Garen.
What would he say?
I decided to take a break, leaning against a nearby tree to gather my thoughts. Only I couldn’t, a voice stating my name stopped me, causing me to turn around to see him.
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Can you do a Mecha kingdoms sett x reader??? •~•
Ok I've done my research and made a few adjustments instead of 3 kingdoms it's gonna be 4 where the reader came from and instead each of the kingdom or the other champions making the robots it's gonna be the reader who made them
Also in my defense Mecha Kingdoms is alot like Power Rangers but it's more awesome.
Here ya go
Srry the title sucks ⬇️
The Metal Fighter
The Creator
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For years 4 kingdoms have been fighting each other for power even the outer territory joined as well.
Being the only child in the family I decided to join the army to bring honor to for them.
But the general found another way for me to help my kingdom after seeing that I can't bring myself to kill another.
I was in charge of making brand new weapons to aid the soldiers in the battlefield.
In the middle of the fight between my kingdom and 3 more the ground suddenly rumble made us stop in mid fight, soldiers and the generals looked at each other in confusion forgetting the war for a second.
then the monsters came, a big Leviathan emerging from the seas following more as they started destroying everything in their path, creating havoc, screams all around the me, some running a way too scared that they might lose their life.
I looked around in fear as I see people getting killed everywhere and more dead bodies fell in the ground, I stare at the general without noticing the tail of the monster coming straight down on my figure.
The general started screaming at me but his voice was muffled by the chaos emitting around the battlefield then he run towards me.
It was like the world spin around us in slow motion before I knew it he push my body roughly aside making the large appendage crush his body instead of mine.
I stare in horror on the tail in front of me after the Leviathan flew away I see the bloody body of my general.
I kneeled down screaming while the tears in my eyes fell down on his face, he was still breathing but hardly, he took a hold of my hand to get my attention away from the large wound in his stomach I looked at him.
"please.....(Y/N) run..sav...save your life.....your mother needs..you...I promise her..th-that I'll bring...bring you back..alive". He tried saying between his breath but I can see him trying to hide his pain.
"No! You won't die! you save me! You'll go home with me, still alive and breathing!".
I glared at the figure of the monster that continued to kill more soldiers who tried to run away.
"I'll fix this General, they'll pay for this".
"N-no....(Y/N)!" He shouted.
I stood up and run trying to dodge other soldiers in my way but I trip on a dead body I looked down a see blood in my hands and in my armor this made my eyes prick with tears growling I push my self up and keep trying.
Once I reached my equipment, I started working on the cannon I made, tears still covering my sights but I wipe them away.
Finishing I pushed it and aimed directly at the flying creature as I wait for the right moment.
While it was busy I took the chance and fire at the unexpecting bastard, the ball hit it straight in it's head.
It roar in agony as blood came out in the wound, it turned his head a saw me, screeching in anger he then fly straight at me.
I reload the cannon with a bigger and special cannon ball that I made ,stood my ground waiting for the Leviathan to come near me.
By now the people were looking at me especially the ones on my side with fear in their eyes knowing that they may lose the only woman in their army.
The Monster open it's mouth getting ready the burn me with it's fire, the orange light glowing under it's throat.
I aimed and fire in it's mouth, the cannon ball entering in before exploding inside it's throat.
The Leviathan fell down on the ground, scaring and making the others fly away back to the seas.
The soldiers from the other kingdoms was standing in silence before mine shouted in glee as they run towards me the others joining us by shouting as well.
The soldiers surrounded me while shouting congratulating but I paid them no mind as I pushed them aside trying to reach the General.
Reaching the end of the crowd, I sprinted in search for his body, the others looked at me befor following me.
I turned my head around before spotting his coughing figure, I run towards him I slid on my knees not minding the pain.
"General!- I...I did it I killed-". but he cut me off.
"Ha....I knew you were.... special kid.... that was.....brave of...you-". I then started coughing roughly by now the soldiers surrounded us.
"Stop! stop talking please! save your breath! We can stil-!" But he grab a hold of my hand stopping me.
"N..no it's too late..(Y/N)..... it's time". He groan while his body started getting heavy in my arms before I knew it the light in his eyes faded away.
I looked at him letting my tears fall down on his face.
Even for just a moment the soldiers and other surviving general forgot about their hatred towards each other and payed their respect to the fallen.
Months past the Kingdoms decided to postponed the war to gather there minds about the creatures that emerged from the seas.
It was after the funeral for our soldiers when the high council of my kingdom paid me a visit and asked for help.
I was gonna refuse them at first but they said that after they heard the news of me killing a Leviathan that decided they needed me to help them make something to fight them off after all they will come back at some point.
So I agreed and here I am looking at some strange matter that was glowing.
"This was from the gods, they gifted this to us and I was wondering if you can make something that would help us in fighting the Leviathan". They gestured at the pile.
I started working with the help of the greatest minds in our kingdom by making gigantic robots that can be controlled that we called Avalons.
After finishing the last of the 5th Avalon, we decided to find 5 worthy people to control them, a man named Jax came to us and volunteer to join when he heard the news that we were looking for worthy people.
Well he was since he is the greatest weapon master in the land.
But things didn't go well when we found out that the others were stolen.
I was devastated, after all the hard work I put through they stole just it like that!?.
The high council decided to help me by sending out spies to find them.
The first one that came back with the help of Jax was named Garen a ruthless warlord that led the army of the Vercentia Kingdom deciding that we should put our difference aside and fight against the Leviathans together for the sake of humanity.
Good man.
Next was from the Dawnrise Kingdom, Leona but not willing tho she keep saying that her kingdom made it and she only joined to united her kingdom and help destroying the beast that roam our land.
I didn't argue, too busy worrying about the other stolen robot that I let her brag about her kingdom.
The third was from the mercenary named Draven that only wanted to join just for fun.
that was a 50-50 for me.
and last was by force we found my Avalon from a man named the Savage Wolf.
"WAIT HE BOUGHT MY AVALON FOR HOW MUCH!!??" I screamed at Jax and the spy when I heard that he only bought my Avalon to show off.
"A half price (Y/N), a HALF price". Jax repeated his words.
"OK! That's it I have enough of this they stole my master piece, I let Leona believe that her people made it- which is a LIE and the only good thing about this is that Draven and Garen are the only one who willingly joined". I shouted.
"Draven only joined for fun tho". Jax pointed out.
"That's beside the point". I growled.
I stomp towards where the Avalons were stationed and luckily the 4 were there as well.
I see a red haired man a standing near the one of the Avalon.
"You! are you The Savage Wolf?" I shouted while pointing at him.
Sett's POV :
Hear someone calling me by my Title, I turned my head to look and see a fuming woman stomping towards me with a man and Jax behind her
"Yeah what about it?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.
"Your him huh?". She stop a few meters away from me then she rolled up her sleeves and said.
"Good". She smirks before charging and jump on top of me.
Surprised by the sudden weight I fell on my back but she grab a hold of my collar and roughly shook me.
"WHO THE HELL WITH THE RIGHT MIND WOULD BUY MY FUCKING AVALON FOR A HALF PRICE?! HUH THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!? YOU-". before she can punch me Jax pluck her off me his arms around her waist while she keep trashing in his hold.
and here we are standing around talking about how we deal with The Avalons while the woman whose name was (Y/N) pouts besides Jax with a bump on her head.
"We should join forces by using the Avalons to fight off the Leviathans when they come back". Garen proposed.
"I supposed that will do, my people made my Avalon for that purpose". Leona agreed.
"Whoa hold on why don't I get a say in this!?". (Y/N) shouted catching our attention.
"They're MY Avalons! I also get to decide how they should be used". She throws her hands up.
"Excuse me? Yours? my Avalon is made by the finest scholars in my Kingdom that they gratefuly gave to me". Leona step forward infront of (Y/N).
"Well news flash 'Princess' your people are a bunch of stupid idiots and a liars, I made them with my own bare hands and they decided to stole them from me". She fight back also stepping forward.
"Oh? and what proof do you have that makes you the creator of this technology?" Leona tested looking smug as she cross her arms.
"Proof? Oh I'll give you a big ass proof". (Y/N) smirks snapping her fingers before saying.
"Activate Insta-Kill". She said.
then out of nowhere the Giant robots came to life and positioning in a fighting stance as the lights inside the machine turned red.
"INSTA-KILL MODE ACTIVATED". all the robots spoke in since.
I looked at each one of us and see they're faces written in shock -well except me, Draven (who was smirking) and Jax(?).
I smirked towards (Y/N) who was now looking smug seeing Leona's shocked face, her eyes looked at my direction, my smirk widen when she rolled her eyes, her smug face turning to frustration.
'heh, What a woman'
months past by we agreed to join forces and used (Y/N)'s Avalons to fight off the Leviathans after they came back.
After a long day of fighting a bunch of them that came to close to the Estercrest Kingdom.
I was watching (Y/N) fix the boosters on the back of my robot.
"Hey girly! need a hand" I shouted up to her.
"No thanks!". She shouted.
"I don't want you destroying my robot more". She grumble but I heard her anyway thanks to me being half Vastayan.
"Ya know it was kinda your fault!" I shouted cupping a hands to let her hear me more.
"WHAT?! HOW THE HECK WAS IT MY FAULT?" she stop working and peer down from the platform where she worked.
"Cuz you distracted me sweetheart!" I wink at her clearly knowing that she can see me doing it.
"Wait What?!". She shouted but her hand slip from the ledge dragging her body down.
I quickly run and jump up to catch her mid air, catching her in my arms, I landed on the ground with her arms wrapped tightly around my neck.
"You can open you eyes now". I whispered in her ear.
She shivers and cup her ear while she looked at me.
"D-don't do that!". She stuttered her face turning redder by the minute.
"or you can say thanks for me saving your life". I smiled down to her.
But she shove both of her hands in my face and got out in my arms.
"Ok first of all how would I distract you?! Your the one that doesn't even listen to me! cuz you go and do you own-". She continues to blabber about what I said.
I only rolled my eyes before I neared her, she didn't even notice me.
"Your cute when you're angry".
Then I kissed her on the lips cutting her off while kissing her I opened my eyes to see her's closed, I smiled before parting a little my face still close to her.
She opened her eyes and looked in mine.
"Y-you..k-kissed m-m-me". I heard her stutter under her breath.
"Cuz I like ya". I winked before I turned and started walking a way leaving a tomato face girl.
"SETT!!!!!". She screamed behind me
It's kinda long srry hope you liked it.
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