#lol garen x reader
heckinhacker · 5 years
I'd like to say that after the lux comics, I'm in love with jarvan IV and garen... so can i have some headcanon with them (x S/O)? (Sfw/nsfw)! and wow, i'm also in love with your writing ❤️❤️❤️
Garen and JarvanIV x S/O - SFW and NSFW headcanons.
A/N: Thaaank youuuuu so much! And Sorry it took me that long :( Them headcanons can be ooc but they’re from my perspective!! 
Jarvan IV
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It was really hard to get through his metal armor and golden crown to meet his real personality.
What I meant is - Jarvan is really distrustful with people wanting to get close to him.
“They mostly want money or fame. Or both.” he once said to Garen, who laughed slightly, patting his back.
He really hoped to find one true love. No matter where are you from or how rich you are, he just wants your heart to be rich with kindness and love. 
Every girl who got close to him was always pushed away, since he noticed his admirers were after throne. 
He almost started dating one of them, but he heard rumours that she used to date one of rich politics, but she ditched him to get into Jarvan’s heart. 
It hurt him, but he managed to do what he had to do. 
When you got to befriend him, he fell for you first. That was sudden. 
He waited for you to confess at first, but you never did.
So he nervously approached you, asking you what do you think of him. 
“Honestly, [Y/N].” 
“What do I think of you…You’re our king, great friend, amazing fighter, kind person and you reeeeaaaally stink when you overwork yourself.”
“ [Y-Y/N!]”
“You wanted me to be honest!!” 
You both laughed, but he sighed, skratching back of his neck.
“I asked because I…I hold great feelings for you. They’re deep and hot, almost stinging, I fell for you and I have no clue what to do with it because I feel like you don’t quite return them. Can you give me answer to that?”
You were shooketh.
But you told him you loved the hell out of him and more! You were just afraid to step into his sensitive spot!
Aaand you started dating. 
Many nobility disagreed with your relationship but they always disagree with Jarvan’s decisions, so he didn’t really cared. 
Shyvana keept close eye on you. You always felt being watched when she was in the room. She was checking if you were worthy Jarvan’s feelings, she’s his friend too, after all. 
He’d love to take you to casual dates, but he’s afraid of being recognised.
So YOU take him to casual dates. Some people recognised him, some didn’t, and even though they did, they didn’t bother you both too much! 
You showed him a lot of new perspectived, made him a better human being. 
He was really thankfull for that. 
He’s a really passionate lover!
Can get his pace speed up, but is not rough. The change of pace is there to spice things up. 
He talks a lot, about how lucky he is to have you, how much he apreciates you, how soon you’ll become second crowned head, etc. 
He leaves hickeys on your thights and chest, but never on visible places. His reputation forces him to keep things clean and discreet. 
Aaand I’m quite out of ideas! Sorry! ^^” 
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Garen is as resistant to flirt as his armor is to any damage.
Like, HOLY SHIT! It was so hard to acknowledge him about your feelings!
At first you tried to be gentle, telling him things indirectly. No progres.
Then you went full flirty, he just thought you were friendly. 
When you directly said, with defeat, “Garen, I think I love you.” with normal tone, he answered with happy tune in his voice “I love you too, [Y/N], you’re like a family to me!”
You groaned with defeat. 
You didn’t had a clue that he just WANTED it not to be true, since he felt great emotions for you too, but he was scared of commitment. 
He was scared that relationship would discract him from his duties, but Jarvan pushed him to just try, talk with you about it. 
And he finnaly did. He confessed to you, telling you his fears and doubts about everything.
“I’m a warrior, [Y/N], I am in army, anytime I can just- HMPF-!”
You kissed him to shut him up. When you both stopped kissing, you grinned at your big now-boyfriend. 
“I don’t mind. I won’t leave you before you leave me. Please love me as much as I love you.”
And sure damn he did. 
He was the softest!!
He’s so big in general, tall, muscular, strong, but he was so shy!!!
Garen is a traditional man, he pretty often was giving you bouquet of the prettiest flowers you could ever imagine. (does not matter what gender you have, trust me) 
He’s literally too embarrassed to hold your hand without him asking you. 
When he does that for the first time in full quietness filling room you almost shouted with excitement. 
He’s getting closer to you, trusting you!! 
He’s very, very traditional. 
He’d ask a lot of questions like “are you alright?” “does it hurt?” “want me to stop??” “how do you feel?”
Sometimes it feels lovely, sometimes it’s annoying. 
Your first time was full of blushing Garen and you giggling about his shyness! 
You thought he was adorable, you sometimes had to tell him not to treat you like a porcelain doll, you’re not made of glass! 
Even though it had it’s own difficulties, it was pleasant time for you both. 
Next times were more normal, but still he tried to entertain you and show you how much he loves you. 
He treated sex not like “Something we must do in relationship”, he’s more of a “It’s okay that we have it if we both want it, but I don’t need it everyday”, it’s healthier for your relationship. 
He’s really kissy, he kisses your forehead, lips and neck a lot. 
A lot.
He’s not afraid to leave hickeys on your neck. He’s really overptorective and jellaous, so he’s glad to leave marks suggesting you were his and only his all over you. 
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edgyspooks · 3 years
J for Draven (in regards with the apparently canon crush dude has on a serious and orderly warmason who also has a crush on him I mean wtf aren't they way past the awkward teens phase??), Darius, Swain and Garen (Garen in regards with Katerina I mean it is canon after all despite the disturbing implications)
SFW Alphabet: Jealousy (Draven, Darius, Swain and Garen)
Draven (towards Tamara I presume? dang let them get together already, those awkward simps) Draven and Tamara’s relationship isn’t anything official, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t get jealous. He will dismiss the possibility of her falling for someone else - after all HE is the greatest man she knows! But if he does actually witness anyone else actually hitting on her, he will instantly lose his cool and make sure the person never dares as much as look at Tamara again. He will hardly be stealthy about this, either, but when confronted, he will deny that he’s been jealous at all.
Darius It’s not easy to make Darius jealous. He trusts you enough to not worry when you hang out with people without him around. His trust in you has to be big, as otherwise he wouldn’t consider seriously dating you. However, if you break his trust, you can count on seven hells breaking loose, as he will certainly make sure you DO regret your decision. If it turns out to be a misunderstanding caused by his jealousy, deep down he will regret it for years to come, even if you do make up.
Swain Jericho Swain is never jealous. If you do intend to cheat, he will know it way ahead and simply not let it happen. He will then make sure that you know that he knows, and if you don’t improve your behavior he may not be so lenient with your antics in the future. Play pretend games with him all you want, but you won’t get a tiniest bit of jealousy from him, in fact he may humor you for a while - but better don’t try anything for real.
Garen (towards Katarina) It tortures him - the idea that the woman he loves is worlds apart from him, doing gods-know-what with gods-know-who. Garen is the type of person who loves having his close ones, well, close. He knew what he was signing up for when he decided to start his secret relationship with Katarina. The idea that she may one day find someone who would be more convenient to date scares him, but deep down he knows that it’s unlikely to happen. If she wasn’t serious about him, she wouldn’t risk everything to be with him.
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May I please have Yasuo and Darius relationship headcanons for a female s/o?
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Yasuo is a traditional man who’s rather shy and awkward about anything relationship-related, especially now that he’s deemed a fugitive and a criminal.
He’s incredibly grateful that you don’t believe him a criminal, but you believe his story and that he was framed - It helped him trust you.
When/If Yasuo trust someone, he trusts them for life, and now, you hold his heart in your hands entirely.
He would like to take things slow and steady, since he’s not very experienced and has to make things right and proper, and hope you won’t get bored and leave him.
He truly treasures you and wants to learn how to make you happy because you deserve it and he’s in complete bliss every time he sees you because he’s finally found that one person who actually loves him for who he is.
Yasuo would cherish every single day when he can spend time with you, walk through the forest, stay at ease, enjoy a nice picnic and play the flute for you.
Please, for the love of everything right in this world, take off his hair tie and play with his hair - He will fall asleep in peace for the first time in ages.
Please read to him books you love, he’d enjoy it so much you have no idea - So much that he’d read the book himself and then quote it to you every time he’s given the chance, just to see your reaction and/or if you catch on
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He’s very hard on everyone, especially himself, but that’s because of everything that he had to go through.
Everyone knows he has a soft spot for his brother, despite his annoying and narcissistic self, but it’s always been them together, and there was nothing separating them.
If he opens up to you about his past, then you clearly mean the world to him, since nobody else except Draven knows everything.
His heart is very tender and fragile, deep down, protected by titanium walls, so please hold it carefully next to your own and show him that love isn’t a weakness or a disadvantage as he claims it to be, but it can be a very powerful fuel for strength.
Draven would be incredibly proud of Darius and would love to hang around both of you, or even only with you, seeing that he doesn’t really have proper friends, and this is his chance to brag about how cute Darius was when he was young, without fearing that it would embarrass his brother (too much) or anything of the sort.
He would pretend to be annoyed by his brother hanging around with you, knowing full well that he’s going to talk too much and whatever, but when he knew you both weren’t watching, he’d have a soft smile on his face, happy that his brother and his lover are getting along so well, and making him feel like he finally has a family again.
With everything that’s been going in his life, he’d be extremely protective of you (of course, Draven too, but he’d make more of a bravado, letting Darius handle everything) and would try to keep you safe and around him or a safe place as much as possible.
He won’t admit it ever, but he loves cuddling with you, holding you close to his chest and you holding him in your arms, kissing his face and smiling sweetly at him every night you go to sleep, or every day you wake up with each other.
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
Save Demacia (Part One)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Garen X Mage!Reader
Warnings: Violence. Probably a few errors as I haven’t had time to proofread this. 
Summary: Lux’s longtime friend and Garen’s girlfriend is a mage. Only thing is, she hasn’t told anybody. When she’s faced with a problem, will she use her powers to save Demacia or let everybody fall to save herself?
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Ever since I was a child I had been best friends with Luxanna Crownguard. I was also close to her brother, Garen but not as close as I was with Lux. There was a reason for this, that reason being that both Lux and I had something to hide.
Our magic.
Lux hadn’t been as successful as I had, but, as she was royalty, this didn’t matter too much. However, if I was to ever be exposed, I would surely be sentenced on the spot.
I could have fled Demacia without a second thought had it not been for the Crownguard family. Lux was, and always will be, my best friend; and Garen? Well… I guess you could say he was my whole world considering we had been together for around four years now.
The crush I had on him began when Lux and I were young. There was only three years between Garen and I which made our friendship grow. We would talk late into the night when I was at their house and Lux had fallen asleep. In fact, that exact scenario was how our relationship blossomed.
Garen and I sat on the lower floor of the Crownguard home. Lux had long since fallen asleep in her bedroom upstairs and I had managed to silently sneak out to my other friends room who I knew would be awake. Garen and I both crept downstairs, communicating which each other through only eye contact before we reached the empty ground floor.
“Hey, Y/N.” The brown-haired man I had become so infatuated with over the years spoke.
“Yeah?” I asked him, my eyes filled to the brim with curiosity.
“Do you think I’d be a good solider?”
It was Garen’s destiny to become a soldier, but this didn’t mean that he didn’t have doubts about himself being one.
I smiled, “Of course, Garen. You’d be a wonderful one. You’re strong, brave and so many more amazing things.”
Garen returned my smile, eyes gazing into my own catching me off guard with the conflicted look dancing around in them.
“Garen? What’s wrong?”
It was then that his lips pressed gently against my own, hand reaching up to cup my cheek. A deep red blush ran up my cheeks, my own hand reaching up to grasp the back of his neck to pull both of us closer.
“Y/N/N, you there?” Lux’s high-pitched voice asked me as we searched around her room.
I had lost my staff a few days ago and it still hadn’t shown up. I was panicking at the thought of somebody else finding it.
“Yeah, sorry.” I mumbled, but loud enough for Lux to hear it.
“We’ll find it eventually; don’t worry.” The blonde-haired girl did her best to comfort me.
I nodded, before checking the time.
Garen was away on a mission to hunt down Sylas and I was praying he would be okay. Sylas was an extremely dangerous man, that much I knew having met him a few times.
It was safe to say I despise him.
“The army will be arriving back soon,” My voice broke the silence we had fallen into, “do you want to go see them?”
Eagerly, Lux nodded. Both of us wanted to check on Garen and the others.
We both jumped onto our feet, before exiting the Crownguard home.
Lux and I stood among the masses of people awaiting the arrival of the army. Most were excited, some nervous and others showing no emotion whatsoever. Me? Well I was filled with anxiety. That feeling didn’t fade one bit as I saw the army, including Garen, running towards the gate.
Running? That can’t be good.
As they got closer, I could see something chasing after them.
I watched in horror as, just when the gates were shutting, something burst through, knocking us all to the ground as people screamed in terror. It wasn’t until I managed to peel myself from the ground, I saw exactly what had gotten in:
Lux and I shared a terrified look as we both noticed him, followed by his army charging inside of Demacia.
I wasn’t even given time to gather my thoughts when one of Sylas’s warriors charged towards me, sword raised ready to kill me.
I jumped back, doing my best to dodge his blows that would more certainly kill me until I fell. It wasn’t long before I heard rushed footsteps from behind me and the man was shoved away from me. I spotted Garen, the running man, dashing towards Sylas, preparing to strike. However, he didn’t hit him. Sylas used his chains to block the blow, catching Garen’s wrist and ankle with the chains that once bound him before knocking him to the ground.
I watched in horror just as I had done moments ago as my boyfriend lay on the ground. That was until I spotted my staff, the one that had gone missing not long ago, fly onto the ground just metres in front of me.
As I looked up to see who had dropped it when I saw Sylas walking towards Garen, Garen’s own sword in hand ready to use it on him.
And that’s when I knew,..
I had to expose myself and risk death in order to save my boyfriend. And so I did with no hesitation.
I quickly jumped onto my feet, holding out my hand to summon the staff towards me, all while I felt Garens gaze on me, watching each movement with his eyes wide in shock.
Once I felt the cold metal in my hand, I quickly used a spell I had memorised, holding it high in the air as a blinding beam flew into the air, distracting everyone. Within seconds, Galio crashed onto the ground, giving us all a few seconds to get onto our feet and behind his shielding wings.
Once they opened, everyone was face to face with Sylas’s army. They were heavily outnumbered; they knew this. And so they fled as quickly as possible. Nobody dared to move a muscle until they were all gone. And once they were, I felt metal clasp around my wrists, followed by a loud clicking as my hands were handcuffed behind my back and I was dragged away, my final view being Lux’s panicked face and Garen’s shocked one.
Part Two
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leagueimagine · 5 years
if requests are open, may i request headcanons for garen and a s/o who's a mage? feel free to skip it if u find it challenging;;
You and Garen have been childhood sweethearts since you know each other, Lux would always tease you and him with that with little songs and kissing gestures. 
But when you reached teen years, your magic powers start to show up, you’re scared but excited about it, you had no idea that it could bring so much problem for you or your family. Still, you went to show Garen, he’d be admired, you thought, but that doesn’t happen. 
You haven’t seen him on years, every little gift he gave you on those good times have been kept, you still love him so much... Sylas know that. The other mage wants you to help him, and maybe taken by the anger you accept help him, Demacia took everything always from you for nothing but fear of your magic. 
Meeting Garen again was not... expected, sure always told you he’d be a general someday but you two just freeze, staring at each other miles apart unsure of what to do, but the battle doesn’t wait to explode in front of your eyes.
While casting spells around, you feel yourself begin pulled asides, Garen holds you against his body with an angry expression but eyes full of worry. “You’re alive.” He mumbled, you two stood there for a second before he tugs you on a tight hug, maybe it’s not just you that still loves him... 
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runeterrankhaleesi · 3 years
Garen, what will happen when you eventually tire of the front lines? When your bones ache and your armor becomes too heavy? Will you have found someone to take care of you? A heir to take up the obligation of the Crownguard?
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I’m not sure yet but I will retire when the time comes. As for someone to take care of me, I feel doubtful.
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Galio from LoL Headcannons!
Do you have any relationship headcannons for Galio (league of legends)? If you don't feel comfortable writeing this feel free to ignore :>
Hope you don’t mind, but both requests were so similar that I brought them together
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He is a statue created by Demacians to defend their country against evil forces that wish to only destroy and conquer what they have built thus far.
He’s been living for so long, only awakened a few times by his people, and as soon as Victory was achieved, the very same magic he was created with made him dormant once again, yet aware of everything around him, having to watch humanity and how ephemeral it is.
Galio realised after a while that he must protect his people for they cannot be fixed, like he can, and so, his whole statue life has been dedicated to protecting...
...And hoping that somehow, despite the decreasing of magic, there would be someone who could save him from this dormant lifestyle he has to endure.
Which is how he met you, the person he cherishes the most in his life, the person who offered him freedom and ability to have a proper lifestyle.
He would treasure and worship the ground you walk on, not knowing how to properly thank you for the blessing you’ve bested upon him.
He is still very innocent and naive about humans, life and the living, so you’d have to be patient and teach him everything, from the basic to the more complex, but never forget that he is eternally grateful and would do his best to show you that every second.
Since he’s so big, he’d create a place only for you, plant lots of fruit trees in a place, and flower trees in another and would take care of this orchard religiously, wanting to surprise you and show you that he’s capable of living a normal lifestyle.
Despite loving to save his countrymen, he hates having to fight and kill, so he’d go to war with a heavy heart every time, still rather skeptical and frightened that the spell would break and he’d have to revert back to his dormant life.
Very often you’d have to reassure him that you still care about him, that you’re not going to get mad and break the spell and so on, but he’s very caring and loves you with every little pebble in his core.
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Can I get some Taric relationship and/or him falling in love in some really simple and plain? I'd love to see anything Taric related :D
((I’m so sorry I was an idiot and hit “Answer privately” without even editing or writing it properly xD Also, hope we can get to play LoL some day :D 
For those who don’t know, I play on EUNE ^^ ))
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Taric has always been a lover and a protector of life, love and beauty, which is exactly why his demise was brought by Demacia and its rulers, who were ever so strict and stuck up in the old ways. 
Once he made his way on Mount Targon, he was finally allowed to be himself and bathe in the wonders of the world, and more, be able to protect, as the Shield of Valoran. 
He’d fall for your beauty, your etherealness, your kindness, the way you move yourself, your grace, your interactions with other creatures…
He’d admire every little thing about you. 
Even if you find something ugly or unsightly about yourself, he’d point out how uniquely gorgeous that detail is. 
He’d literally shower you with affection and love. 
And if you can’t love yourself, Taric would love you double anyways, and would try his best to help you on the journey of finding self-love and acceptance. 
I can see him falling in love step by step…
But it was descending harder and harder and he succumbed to his heart’s desired without even realising. 
But he was happy. 
He was no longer tied to the Demacian’s authoritarian rule, so he could be himself. 
 He could love you and have no regret or restrictions.  
And even more, he could protect you from all the possible harms that could befall you, no matter of what kind. 
 He’s tell you stories of the world and everything he admires in the world, but would be sort of reluctant to be reminded of his time in Demacia and a guard, a hero…
A hero who failed to save his men and let them be killed in their sleep by the Void. 
Taric would appreciate you understanding him and his occasional struggles, and just being there by his side would make him the happiest man alive. 
He would gift you all sorts of gems as gifts and tell you what each of them does to benefit you and what they could protect you of.
And if you keep them and keep taking care of them, he’d be so thrilled and hyped that he can have a part of him shielding you from the evil even when he’s not around physically.
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runeterrankhaleesi · 3 years
So if Demacia is anti magic why does Garen get a pass when he summons a massive sword from the sky to just crash into his enemies. “Lol that’s not magic he’s just harnessing the night of Demacia”
As you said, he’s harnessing the might of Demacia, of course he gets a free pass.
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