#lol jarvan 4
metalichotchoco · 2 years
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I really like the armor design I came up for this princling but the drawing I made to showcase it was lacking in my opinion. Maybe I’ll do a retake someday
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heckinhacker · 5 years
I'd like to say that after the lux comics, I'm in love with jarvan IV and garen... so can i have some headcanon with them (x S/O)? (Sfw/nsfw)! and wow, i'm also in love with your writing ❤️❤️❤️
Garen and JarvanIV x S/O - SFW and NSFW headcanons.
A/N: Thaaank youuuuu so much! And Sorry it took me that long :( Them headcanons can be ooc but they’re from my perspective!! 
Jarvan IV
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It was really hard to get through his metal armor and golden crown to meet his real personality.
What I meant is - Jarvan is really distrustful with people wanting to get close to him.
“They mostly want money or fame. Or both.” he once said to Garen, who laughed slightly, patting his back.
He really hoped to find one true love. No matter where are you from or how rich you are, he just wants your heart to be rich with kindness and love. 
Every girl who got close to him was always pushed away, since he noticed his admirers were after throne. 
He almost started dating one of them, but he heard rumours that she used to date one of rich politics, but she ditched him to get into Jarvan’s heart. 
It hurt him, but he managed to do what he had to do. 
When you got to befriend him, he fell for you first. That was sudden. 
He waited for you to confess at first, but you never did.
So he nervously approached you, asking you what do you think of him. 
“Honestly, [Y/N].” 
“What do I think of you…You’re our king, great friend, amazing fighter, kind person and you reeeeaaaally stink when you overwork yourself.”
“ [Y-Y/N!]”
“You wanted me to be honest!!” 
You both laughed, but he sighed, skratching back of his neck.
“I asked because I…I hold great feelings for you. They’re deep and hot, almost stinging, I fell for you and I have no clue what to do with it because I feel like you don’t quite return them. Can you give me answer to that?”
You were shooketh.
But you told him you loved the hell out of him and more! You were just afraid to step into his sensitive spot!
Aaand you started dating. 
Many nobility disagreed with your relationship but they always disagree with Jarvan’s decisions, so he didn’t really cared. 
Shyvana keept close eye on you. You always felt being watched when she was in the room. She was checking if you were worthy Jarvan’s feelings, she’s his friend too, after all. 
He’d love to take you to casual dates, but he’s afraid of being recognised.
So YOU take him to casual dates. Some people recognised him, some didn’t, and even though they did, they didn’t bother you both too much! 
You showed him a lot of new perspectived, made him a better human being. 
He was really thankfull for that. 
He’s a really passionate lover!
Can get his pace speed up, but is not rough. The change of pace is there to spice things up. 
He talks a lot, about how lucky he is to have you, how much he apreciates you, how soon you’ll become second crowned head, etc. 
He leaves hickeys on your thights and chest, but never on visible places. His reputation forces him to keep things clean and discreet. 
Aaand I’m quite out of ideas! Sorry! ^^” 
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Garen is as resistant to flirt as his armor is to any damage.
Like, HOLY SHIT! It was so hard to acknowledge him about your feelings!
At first you tried to be gentle, telling him things indirectly. No progres.
Then you went full flirty, he just thought you were friendly. 
When you directly said, with defeat, “Garen, I think I love you.” with normal tone, he answered with happy tune in his voice “I love you too, [Y/N], you’re like a family to me!”
You groaned with defeat. 
You didn’t had a clue that he just WANTED it not to be true, since he felt great emotions for you too, but he was scared of commitment. 
He was scared that relationship would discract him from his duties, but Jarvan pushed him to just try, talk with you about it. 
And he finnaly did. He confessed to you, telling you his fears and doubts about everything.
“I’m a warrior, [Y/N], I am in army, anytime I can just- HMPF-!”
You kissed him to shut him up. When you both stopped kissing, you grinned at your big now-boyfriend. 
“I don’t mind. I won’t leave you before you leave me. Please love me as much as I love you.”
And sure damn he did. 
He was the softest!!
He’s so big in general, tall, muscular, strong, but he was so shy!!!
Garen is a traditional man, he pretty often was giving you bouquet of the prettiest flowers you could ever imagine. (does not matter what gender you have, trust me) 
He’s literally too embarrassed to hold your hand without him asking you. 
When he does that for the first time in full quietness filling room you almost shouted with excitement. 
He’s getting closer to you, trusting you!! 
He’s very, very traditional. 
He’d ask a lot of questions like “are you alright?” “does it hurt?” “want me to stop??” “how do you feel?”
Sometimes it feels lovely, sometimes it’s annoying. 
Your first time was full of blushing Garen and you giggling about his shyness! 
You thought he was adorable, you sometimes had to tell him not to treat you like a porcelain doll, you’re not made of glass! 
Even though it had it’s own difficulties, it was pleasant time for you both. 
Next times were more normal, but still he tried to entertain you and show you how much he loves you. 
He treated sex not like “Something we must do in relationship”, he’s more of a “It’s okay that we have it if we both want it, but I don’t need it everyday”, it’s healthier for your relationship. 
He’s really kissy, he kisses your forehead, lips and neck a lot. 
A lot.
He’s not afraid to leave hickeys on your neck. He’s really overptorective and jellaous, so he’s glad to leave marks suggesting you were his and only his all over you. 
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axe-me-darius · 5 years
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Sylas , jarvan iv , and darius
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ikleyvey · 5 years
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One page comic with J4 and Shyvana!
(@watchbot-locker​ is my main league fanart blog)
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theseneschalxin · 6 years
J4: Xin Zhao is one of my familys’ most trusted allies! He wouldn’t hurt a fly despite his past! Xin: *stands silently, unflinching* Sylas: 
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Xin Zhao:
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arcadenami-blog · 7 years
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dannymultipersonaje · 4 years
Tann, El Escudo [Oc | LoR] (Reword 15/10/20)
( SE BORRA A DRAVEN PARTE DE LA HISTORIA DE TANN )  Nombre: Tannia Crowguard Apodo: El escudo Región: Jonia, ciudad perdida de Iacon
Tann, es hija bastarda de Tianna Crownguard sin embargo se esconde bajo hija “adoptada” de la guardia de la corona.
Tann fue enviada al frente en una confrontación contra Noxus a Jonia, con unos cientos de soldados. Efectivamente había noxianos, pero no fueron mandados para ayudar, si no para morir, ella con apenas unos 3 a 4 sobrevivientes más encontraron un lugar que esconderse, uno de los templos de Jonia, lleno de musgo y muy viejo para que alguien lo habitara… sin embargo sí había vida, monjes del lugar que habían estado escondidos, había personas normales y vastayas en el lugar. La magia vibraba en cada fibra de ahí, asusto a los sobrevivientes y eso incluía a Tann, asustada de la magia se escondió tras su escudo de petricita en una esquina del templo, los demás huyeron pero Tann no se movió, ni un poco. Los lugareños no entendieron este comportamiento y decidieron vigilarla en todo momento, algunos incluso dejaron fruta o verduras para que no muriera. Pero Tann, estaba empeñada a quedarse así, hasta que tuviera la oportunidad de escapar.
Fue entonces cuando llego, el, Rion, el guía espiritual de todo el templo, que no solía meditar un año completo, sin descanso. Rion hablo con ella, la calmo y la convenció de salir de detrás de su escudo, sacando la cabeza, Rion explico donde estaba, la ciudad de Iacon, especialmente el único templo en pie desde la expansión noxiana a los bordes de Jonia, Rion era un guía espiritual y la razón de no haber sido conquistados era porque la ciudad de Iacon solo aparecía cierto tiempo del año a ciertas personas, luego volvía a esconderse. Rion vio las heridas mal cuidadas de Tann e intento curarlas pero, la magia fue adsorbida por el escudo de petricita de Tann, que como un árbol, empezó a pegarse al suelo, sacando ra��ces, asiéndolo luminiscente en azul, desfosilandolo, Tann grito, e intento jalar su escudo para que no terminara lo que fuera que hacía, Rion estaba un poco asombrado pero volvió a la compostura para calmar a Tann. Aunque solo logro hacerlo tras horas de hablar, explicarle que no había magia dañina aquí, que incluso la magia aquí solo era para guiar su camino de paz interior (y luego tuvo que parar porqué sino se le iba la olla).
Tann, se quedo en Iacon, cada vez más reacia a ir se, aprendiendo las costumbres y forma de vivir de los iaconianos, con el tiempo incluso dejo de asustarse por el uso desprevenido de la magia iaconiana. Todo culmino para que Tann, se uniera en las clases espirituales de Rion, encontrando la paz y aceptando cosas de su tiempo en Demacia. Pero no todo lo bueno es para siempre, cuando llego la época del año donde Iacon aparecía, Noxus había preparado una emboscada para tomar la ciudad. Pero cuando llegaron, se toparon con magos y vastayas listos para defender su hogar, al pareces no pensaron que el templo podía ser agresivo, Tann participo, llevando su escudo, manteniéndose lejos de los que no pelearan a mano para no entorpecer a nadie, pero al parecer la petricita como arbol, era un conductor de magia. Al regresar al templo, ella fue a su esquina para revisar sus heridas, Rion tuvo que ir con ella para curarlas.
Tannia Crownguard de Iacon, se volvió una constante y mientras camina su camino espiritual a la paz, defiende Iacon con su escudo, Tann esta lista para cualquier cosa que se le ponga enfrente, incluso lo poco convencional.
Historias relacionadas:  “Gladiadoras”(aparición de Sett),  “El problema menor” (Aparicion de madre de Sett),  “Equivocación magica” (mención de Sylas, apreción de Garen Lux como niños y Tianna),  “Denle al mundo lo que quiere” (Todo pasa en Iacon, menciones de Tianna, Rey Jarvan III y Jarvan IV) “Finalmente vacaciones” (este sucede en un mundo alterno al real [Link proximamente], apariciones de varios demacianos y Noxianos)
Carta en LoR:
(Basada e las cartas de pensada en Tianna)
Tann, el escudo
6 de mana. 7 de daño y 7 de vida 
Tiene un escudo por una ronda al invocar.
Efecto: Si Tann mata a Tianna, a todos los campeones que estén peleando les da un escudo. Si sobrevive a tres golpes, ella le da un escudo a todos los campeones que estén peleando.
Interacciones en LoR:
“Defender es mi nuevo hogar es mi responsabilidad… nada más” 
“Uhg… ¿por queeeee?”  - con otros demacianos jugando 
“¿Hola?” - con un Joniano
“A los iaconianos les gustaria aquí” 
Draven: ¡Hora de Draven! Tann: Nooo, Draaaaven  Draven: ¡ES MI NOMBRE, YO SE COMO MENCIONARLO!
[con una Tianna aliada] 1) Tianna: Tanna… 2) Tianna: Supongo que has vuelto…
Garen: ¿Tannia? Tann: ¡Qué tal Garen!
Lux: ¿Prima? Tann: ¡Que tal Luxie! 
Fan de Draven: ¡Llego la hora de Draven!  Tann: ¿Qué **** es eso?
[Con cualquier carta en juego de cazadores de magos aliado o enemigo]  1) Tann: ¡Prejuicioso blasfemo! 2) Tann: ¡Asesino! 3) Tann: [Hablando en Vastayano-iaconiano] Descarado/Deshonrado, sin honor traicionero/traición a la patria, basura/inservible
[Matando a cazador de magos] Tann: Muy merecido Tann: Demaciado tardado
[Victoria] “ ¡Rion, mírame! “ “ ¡Defendimos nuestro hogar” “ Yess jajaja “
[Derrota] “Esta bien, hay que meditar sobre esto” “Igual tenemos que tomar un respiro”
(Más frases más tarde)
Objetos en la tienda que hacen referencia a Tann o Iacon (LoL) [con ayuda de un amigo se creo esto, el los adapto yo solo dí la idea general, creditos a lo genial y buen uso TOTALMENTE a el]
Balance moral  Pasiva: al golpear a un enemigo con esta habilidad obtendrás cargar, estas harán que crezca  tu mana(aumentará con vase de vida), tienes 4 tiros de habilidad que cuestan 30 de mana Activa: al castear esta habilidad nuevamente(osea 5 vez) todo el mana gastado que allá impactado al enemigo regresará a ti  “ El balance, solo se logra con la magia corriendo en ti” - Guia espiritual Joniano, Rion de Iacon
EL escudo Al activar esta habilidad, todo daño mágico que recibas durante 2.5 segundos será reducido,( esto aumenta mediante la armadura que tengas).  “ Te lo presto, pero cuida EL escudo “ - Extranjera en Iacon, Jonia
EL escudo dañado Al finalizar su uso, este podrá ser vendido o reparado, la reparación hacendera cada vez más se alargue la partida.  “ ¡Mi escudo! - Extranjera en Iacon, Jonia   “  ¡¿La magia puede repara mi escudo?! “ - Extranjera en Iacon, Jonia (Reparando)
Deshonra Este objeto evita el efecto Justicia Demaciana de Garen y Lux, sustituyéndole, regenerando mana y el daño mágico es reducido
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exemplarum · 6 years
//For the League meme thing: Give me all the answers/Everything that hasn't been answered yet :^)
[LOL ask meme | @thenoxiangrandgeneral​ | PLS NO THIS IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING]
1. First Champion played?
2. First Champion you mained?
3. Champion you main/play currently?
//Talon, Lux, Kayn, Jarvan
4. Best or Favorite role to play?
5. Favorite Top champion to play/have on your team?
6. Favorite Jungle champion to play/have on your team?
7. Favorite Mid champion to play/have on your team?
//Talon UWU
8. Favorite ADC champion to play/have on your team?
//Ezreal or Lucian
9. Favorite Support champion to play/have on your team?
10. Best champion design(no skin)?
//Uhhhh Kayn I guess…? 
11. Best champion ability/kit? 
12. Worse champion design(no skin)?
//Petition to update base Talon’s model
13. Worse champion ability/kit?
//I hate LB revert
14. Favorite Female champion?
15. Favorite Male champion?
16. Favorite Yordle?
17. Most annoying champion to play against?
18. Favorite champion laugh track?
//Talon or Lux’s annoying af laugh….
19. Favorite champion Taunt track?
//Kayn…? I honestly don’t remember any taunts… 
20. Favorite champion Joke track?
//Talon and then Jarvan. They’re why I picked those two nerds up to begin with. 
21. Favorite champion dance track?
22. Thoughts on Surrendering?
//I’m in potato tier where people throw regularly so nah unless my premade is suffering
23. Favorite game mode? (including temporary game modes)
24. Best event for the game?
25. Demacia or Noxus?
26. Piltover or Zaun?
27. Winter Claw, Avarosan, or FrostGaurd?
//Winter Claw
28. Shadow Isles or The Void?
//The Void
29. Favorite champion associated with Shurima?
//Malz or Kai’sa
30. Favorite champion associated with Ionia?
31. Favorite champion associated with Bilgewater?
32. Praise the Solari or Lunari?
33. Static Shiv or Phantom Dancer?
34. Favorite item in game?
35. Flash on D or F?
//F is for flash
36. Current game icon? Do you ever change it?
//Enduring Sword Talon. Sometimes I swap it out for SSG Ez/J4 or Pulsefire Shen
37. Have/do you watch(ed) LaLaLa Demacia?
38. Best skin in game?
//Enduring Sword Talon
39. Best splash art(skins included)?
//See above
40. What ping do you play on?
//20 on OCE; 200 on NA and JPN
41. Do you keep up with pro play? If so, favorite pro player(s)?
//No but I used to be a big fan of Reignover and PowerOfEvil
42. Favorite ship?
//J4/Kayn; Talon/Kayn; Zed/Shen
43. Do you listen to music while playing? What kind?
//Yes. Musicals or pop. 
44. What season did you get into league?
//Preseason 5
45. Favorite type of Poro from Blitzcrank’s Poro Round Up?
//All of them
46. Pref playing AD or AP champions?
47. Favorite Rioter?
//Does Sjokz count?
48. What do you play more Ranked or Normals?
//Overall - norms, of course. Lately - ranked
49. Do you prefer Red side or Blue side?
//Blue side
50. If you could remove one champion from the game who would it be? 
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heckinhacker · 4 years
Can I get a hc or scenario for Jarvan IV and his s/o first meeting each other at their political arranged wedding? And she's quiet and shy towards him bc she doesn't know what he's like or if he is interested in his wife at all? But definitely has a fluffy ending for sure!
I like that one! Short scene coming! 
I’ll be adding this to my every next post, but if you like my work you might consider buying me ko-fi! ^^”
Jarvan IV x Fem!Reader -  For Demacia. 
Jarvan had trouble with trusting people - especially “people” who he’s supposed to marry. 
He just hated being a king, but that’s his legacy, his father would want him to take his place after this Mage Rebellion. But now he has other troubles to bare with.
[Y/N] [L/N]. 
Daughter of family which was befriended with Jarvan’s one for decades. (beside Crownguard of course). There was never request like that before to connect those families, but after Rebellion things got heated up in Demacia and it was best option to take, so Jarvan took it. 
[Y/N] since ceremony wasn’t very talkable or even didn’t seemed happy to be with him. He understood why, but still it made him insecure about their situation. Maybe he wasn’t too happy about forced marriage, but he never said he hates HER personally. 
Wedding night was very awkward. They just sat beside each other and none of them wanted to take uncomfortable clothes off. Why would they? 
Jarvan offered her normal Pijamas, so she doesn’t have to sleep in wedding gown. They were in his room, so naturally he lended her his own comfortable clothing. Surprising that a king owns normal clothing, not very expensive silks or similiar to that kinds of materials. 
- Well, being a king is a duty, not wealth. If I could, I’d give everything to those in need. I don’t need silks or expensive coffee beans from Ionia. I need very simple things to wear or eat.
-… really? Your armor looks very…
- Armor is Armor. You wear well made one, or you don’t wear any, but clothing is other kind of thing. 
- Is it…?
- It is. Now, change into those Pijamas, and I’ll take a walk in the hall. Call for me when you’re done. 
Well, maybe he’s not that bad. 
That one dialogue was a start of a future good relationship. Maybe this wedding had origin of politics, but now their marriage is based on love and love only. 
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lolsmurfaccounts · 6 years
Funniest League of Legends Jokes on the Internet
When it comes to jokes, there are plenty of then out there, but they are even funnier when they are about our favorite games League of Legends is no different, and the bright and witty minds of the internet have come together to compile one of the largest collection of jokes about a fandom that is currently out there Just do a quick search for “League of Legends” jokes and you will find plenty of websites that feature them.
Dig a little deeper by hanging out on LOL forums and talking to people in-game and you’ll come across many more jokes But you don’t have to do all that work to get the biggest chuckle from LOL jokes, because we’ve scoured the internet and found the best League of Legends jokes out there, and then used super-secret-sciency formulas to rank and categorize them and have listed them here You don’t have to hang out LOLNexus and wait for the perfect joke to come along All you have to do is read below Here’s one to get you started:
Q: Why does Teemo live in a small house?
A: He doesn’t need mushroom
Best Q & A League of Legend Jokes
Q & A jokes are the most popular of the jokes out there for League of Legends players. Plus, these funny League of Legends jokes are all about characters in the game.
That seems to be the most creative outlet when it comes to creating these jokes. Lot os these funniest LOL jokes are the same ones that you will have made with your friends, but the Q & A section is definitely the biggest here. We have saved some of the best worst Q & A jokes for a lower section, but you should be able to get a laugh out of most of these.
There were a lot more jokes out there than just these, but we had to skip a few of them because the touched on racial or overly sensitive topics, or were simply sexual in nature (and in bad taste as well). Here are the very best of the Q & A jokes that we were able to find.
Q: Why didn’t Sivir win the spelling bee?
A: Because she could only spell shield
Q: Why did Fzz fall off his trident?
A: Because he’s unbalanced!
Q: What do you call Malphite getting a double kill against Azir and Anivia?
A: Killing two birds with one stone
Q: Why did Fiddlestick get promoted?
A: Because he was outstanding in his field
Q: Why do chefs love cooking for Ekko?
A: Because he always goes back 4 seconds
Q: Why is Yasuo the best roommate?
A; Because he always HASAKEY
Q: What’s the Yordles’ most hated phone carrier?
A: Teemobile
Q: What’s Vayne’s favourite site?
A: Tumblr
Q: What do you call a Blitzcrank with 6 Triforces?
A: A really expensive hooker
Q: Why is Tf an illegal immigrant?
A: Because he doesn’t have a green card
Q: Who is the most academically successful female champion?
A: Jinx She got A’s while the rest of them got D’s
Q: Why can’t Olaf find a handicapped parking spot?
A: He can’t be disabled
Q: Why did the manaless Syndra run from the teamfight?
A: She didn’t have the balls
Q: What do you call a game-winning laser?
A: Viktor-E
Q: How does Janna shield her allies?
A: With Ease (With E’s)
Q: When is a door not a door?
A: When it’s a Jarvan
Q: Why is Zilean the master of time?
A: Because he’s got a Zilean clocks!
Q: What do you call an AFK Shyvana?
A: A statikk Shyv!
Q: What is a marksman’s least favorite plant?
A: A-kali Flower!
Q: What do you call a Renekton support?
A: Gatoraide!
Q: What do you call a Camille that’s stealthed?
A: A Camille-eon
Q: Why did Nami fail her final year at school?
A: All her grades were under C!
Q: What did Aurelion Sol say when he bumped his leg on a wall?
A: Ao, my shin!
Q: What do you call a Warwick that’s MIA?
A: A wherewolf!
Q: What is the secret League of Legends religion that every player follows?
A: Siontology!
Q: What do Rammus and Malphite listen to?
A: Rock ‘n’ Roll! Ok
Q: Why can’t Gangplank play cards?
A: Because he’s always standing on the deck!
Q: Did you know that Alistar is dyslexic?
A: He always goes oom!
Q: What do you do to a toxic Zyra?
A: Repot them!
Q: How long does it take to save up enough money for a Locket?
A: Aegis
Q: What do you call Renekton wearing a vest?
A: An In-vest-igator!
Q: What’s Lee Sin’s favorite game mode?
A: Blind pick!
Q: Where does Fiora water her plants?
A: En garden!
Q: How does Sona charge her phone?
A: With a Power Chord!
Q: What do you call Kennen when he is stunned in Lightning Rush?
A: Static Electricity
Q: How many bronze players does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Who knows – They can’t climb the ladder
Q: Why is Yasuo never locked out of his house?
A: Because he always Hasaki!
Q: Why was Caitlyn pulled over on the highway?
A: She was going AD miles per hour
Q: Why did Riot take off LeBlanc’s silence?
A: So she can hear the screams of her enemy as she one shots them
Best One-Liner League Jokes
Some of the best jokes out there from League of Legends players came as one-liner jokes. These have been pulled from around a dozen different sources, including the official game forums. It is impossible to know who to credit these jokes to, as they are repeated and passed around so many times until the originator of the joke is impossible to discern. Plus, some of these are pretty obvious, and were probably thought up by more than one LOL player at once. Check out these hilarious one-liner jokes straight from other players.
Lee Sin walks into a bar and into a chair, and into a table
Brand got banned for flaming
At the start of the game, Blitz said “Let’s go invade!” Then he ran very fast using his ‘W’ skill
Sometimes Volibear tells me jokes, but I just can’t bear them
Yorick walks into a bar, there is no counter
100 people followed Singed on Twitter They all died
You know Zilean is having a bad day when he asks you for the time
Katarinas dark secret is that she’s prone to getting dizzy
Trundle never ceases to be amazed about how everyone on the internet knows he’s a troll
Mordekaiser really hates airport security
Shacos darkest secret is that he’s afraid of children
Sometimes Karthus picks up a sword and pretends that he’s Arthas
Amumus favorite emote is /cry
Heimerdinger has a gadget for every occasion, but his friends think he went too far during the attack of a mariachi band of penguins dressed up as clowns
Once Evelynn almost choked to death, but nobody could tell
Evelynn is constantly being bothered by an old man named Gargamel
When Katarina got into the assassination business she made a killing
For some reason Alistar suffers from headaches
Soraka hates the saying “when you hear hoof beats, think horses”
Teemo is a big player in the underground drug market
Ryze’s big secret is a real shocker!
When Malphite and Rammus hang out they like to Rock n’ Roll!
When Udyr masturbates, is it considered bestiality?
Maplphite once took swimming lessons. He doesn’t like to talk about it
Warwick used to do a lot of huffing and puffing, and there were three talking pigs involved. So, don’t do drugs, kids.
Cassiopeia always knows how much she weighs thanks to all her scales.
Singed made a potion so strong it made him see double! Turns out it was just Shaco playing a prank!
Taric’s mother thinks he’s a real gem!
Vladimir really loves Bloody Mary! She’s his girlfriend!
Everyone stared when Lux asked if anyone’s got a light?
Once Kog’maw had a cold, but no one could tell.
Tristana is disappointed that it’s never a rocket in your pocket.
Sometimes, to mess with people Kayle and Morgana switch clothes.
You know what happened when Blitzcrank went on a date with katarina? He knocked her up!
Did you see Annie dance last night? She was on fire!
We would tell you a Pantheon joke but there are over 300 of them…
Noc Noc? Who’s There? Daaaaaaaaaarrknesssss
Best “Yo’Momma” LOL Jokes
One of the categories that seems to be severely lacking in the League of Legends joke world is the “Yo Momma” joke. These are a staple of any comedy gathering, and other games have tons of Yo Momma” jokes about them. But we were only able to find a few. Maybe you can come up with some of your own jokes in this category and add them to the game forums and other places where players congregate. In the meantime, check out these jokes, and remember, we are certain that YOUR momma is a very nice person and that none of these jokes actually apply to her personally.
Yo momma is so fat, Cho’gath feasted on her and gained full stacks
Yo momma so ugly she feared Nocturne!
Yo momma so fat, Fiddlesticks drained her and got diabetes!
Your mum is so fat she has to recall twice to get back to base.
Yo momma so fat, when Singed tried to Fling her, he broke his back
Best Worst Jokes about League of Legends
As we sifted through thousands of jokes to make this compilation, one thing became very clear: there were lots of jokes out there that really should just have been drug out into the street and shot. But some of those terrible jokes were so terrible that they were actually funny. Those are the ones that we felt compelled to include here. If you laugh at these, then you probably need to get some better jokes in your life. If you groan…well..don’t blame us. We didn’t write them. We wouldn’t admit it if we did.
Q: What does Mordekaiser hate the most?
A: Airport Security
Q: What do you call a Lucian that goes AFK?
A: A Black Leaver
Q: How do you beat Orianna?
A: Ochris Brown
Q: What car does Garen drive?
Q: Why is Riven such a broken champion?
A: Because a sword mirrors its owner
Q:How many platinum 1 players do you need to replace a light bulb ?
A: None, they would break the ladder and blame everyone for it
Olaf: Hey Elise do you know what counters Vi the most?
Elise: No what?
Olaf: Me, because I’m a VI-king
A family was driving along on a road trip
Little kid: Ahri there yet? Ahri there yet? Ahri we there yet? Ahri there yet?
Q: Why does Viktor make a great friend?
A: Because he always has a spare helping hand!
Q: Why does Viktor always win his lane?
A: Because he always has the upper hand!
Q: Why couldn’t the potato play ADC?
A: Because no one would peel for him
Q: How do you troll players in League of Legends?
A: Yorick roll them!
Q: Why is Master Yi’s Q so buggy?
A: Because it’s “alpha” strike!
Teemo walks into a bar. “I’ll have a glass of water, please!”
(2 seconds later)
Bartender: “Here’s your wat… wait, where’d he go?”
Best League of Legends Pick-Up Lines
One of the League of Legends humor categories that was simply stuffed was the pick-up line category. Now, only a girl (or a guy) who actually played LOL would get these jokes. Anyone else would simply look at you as if you were crazy. There were hundreds and hundreds of jokes in this category, but we didn’t have the room for all of them, so we pared them down to some of the ones that made us chuckle. Remember, you use these jokes at your own risk. If you don’t have a significant other, you probably won’t after you use these pick-up lines either. If you already do have a partner, then you might be without one if you use these lines on them too. Let’s take a look at some of the best League of Legends pick-up lines.
Damn, if being sexy was a crime, I’d have to call Sheriff Caitlyn because you’re guilty as charged.
You know, if Ezreal saw you, he’d need a map. He’d get lost in your eyes.
Girl, is your name Ashe? Because your beauty stunned me from a distance!
Is your name Janna? Because you blow me away.
Hey girl, wanna come back to my base and check out my Needlessly Large Rod?
Are you an AD carry? Because I’m fired up and ready to serve.
Are you Cassiopeia? Because when I stare at you I get hard.
Are you Orianna? Because you can play with my balls.
Can I invade your jungle?
Can I put my doran blade in your doran ring?
Can I tap your dark spheres?
Did I mention its mating season?
Do you main Ahri? Because I find you charming.
Even if you were Singed I would still chase after you.
Girl you’re like draven – spinning me around town.
The League of Legends URF/NURF April Fool’s Joke
One of the jokes that we found to be the funniest didn’t actually come from the players. Many players will remember the URF and NURF April Fool’s jokes that Riot trolled everyone with if they have been playing LOL for any length of time. If you are new to the game, or for some reason, you haven’t heard about these, then allow us to enlighten you, because this was really a great prank, and the fact that Riot was able to change it and do it again – and fool everyone again – made it even better.
Okay, so the story starts with URF – a new game mode that the company claimed was going to be introduced temporarily to see how it worked out. The developer called it URF, which stood for Ultra Rapid Fire. It was supposed to make everything thousands of times faster, including attack speed, movement, crit damage and even gold was supposed to increase. Mana costs and cooldown times were also supposed to have gone up. Of course, the company made this announcement just before April 1st, and it turned out to be an April Fool’s Joke.
But then, they brought it back once again, this time calling it NURF (for New Ultra Rapid Fire) and it had the following specifications:
+100% mana and energy cost on all abilities
+200% cooldown inflation on abilities, items and summoner spells
+225 movement speed reduction
+200% delay between basic attacks
Critical strikes deal 50% of base AD
Units critically strike on 150% of attacks
Of course, that was exactly the opposite of “URF” and this one wasn’t real either. It was just another April Fool’s joke that fooled people..again.
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LoL Champion Birthday  (By release date) Masterlist
Tired of trying to find out when your fav champs birthday is (when they were released)? Well look no futher. Killaburn on the League of Legends message board has made a handy list of all the champion’s birthdates from when they were officially released into the game:
From the link: https://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/story-art/w5riWgtE-champion-birthday-master-list-according-to-release-dates
Champion Birthday Master List [ According To Release dates ]
As in, release day. VGU releases doesn't affect their first releases.
January 4 Caitlyn 13 Poppy 17 Renekton & Sejuani 23 Thresh
February 1 Karma & Ziggs & Jhin 2 Pantheon & Gragas 14 Nautilus 16 Maokai 21 Teemo, Twisted Fate, Fiddlesticks, Alistar, Kayle, Sion, Sivir, Soraka, Jax, Warwick, Tristana, Ryze, Morgana, Master Yi, Annie, Nunu, Ashe 24 Mordekaiser 27 Vel'Koz 29 Fiora
March 1 Jarvan IV & Quinn 11 Bard 15 Nocturne 16 Ezreal 20 Lulu 24 Shen & Aurelion Sol 29 Zac
April 1 Lee Sin 8 Kennen 12 Brand 18 Zilean & Singed & Hecarim 19 Rakan & Xayah 26 Rumble 27 Garen 30 Lissandra
May 1 Tryndamere & Twitch & Evelynn 8 Varus 10 Vayne 11 Akali 12 Braum 18 Taliyah 23 Darius 28 Ekko
June 1 Malzahar & Orianna 6 Draven 9 Olaf 13 Aatrox 12 Karthus 22 Yorick 24 Kog'Maw 26 Cho'Gath & Amumu
July 7 Jayce 9 Tahm Kench 10 Rammus & Anivia 11 Tham Kench 12 Kayn 13 Leona & Xin Zhao 24 Zyra & Veigar 26 Wukong 27 Vladimir
August 7 Kassadin & Diana 9 Skarner 10 Galio & Kled 12 Gnar 19 Gangplank & Taric 20 Rengar 22 Lucian 24 Talon & Urgot
September 2 Malphite & Dr.Mundo & Blitzcrank & Janna 8 Miss Fortune 13 Syndra 14 Riven 16 Azir 19 Katarina & Corki 20 Sona 27 Kha'Zix
October 1 Nasus 5 Swain & Xerath & Ivern 10 Jinx & Heimerdinger & Shaco 14 Kindred 19 Lux & Graves 26 Elise
November 1 Shyvana 2 LeBlanc 13 Zed 15 Fizz 16 Irelia 19 Kalista 24 Illaoi 29 Volibear
December 1 Trundle 2 Udyr 7 Nami & Camille 11 Rek'Sai 13 Yasuo 14 Cassiopeia & Ahri 17 Nidalee 19 Vi 29 Viktor
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dannymultipersonaje · 4 years
Tann, El Escudo [Oc | LoR]
Nombre: Tannia Crowguard Apodo: El escudo Región: Jonia, ciudad perdida de Iacon
Tann, es hija bastarda de Tianna Crownguard sin embargo se esconde bajo hija “adoptada” de la guardia de la corona.
Tann fue enviada al frente en una confrontación contra Noxus a Jonia, con unos cientos de soldados. Efectivamente había noxianos, pero no fueron mandados para ayudar, si no para morir, ella con apenas unos 3 a 4 sobrevivientes más encontraron un lugar que esconderse, uno de los templos de Jonia, lleno de musgo y muy viejo para que alguien lo habitara... sin embargo sí había vida, monjes del lugar que habían estado escondidos, había personas normales y vastayas en el lugar. La magia vibraba en cada fibra de ahí, asusto a los sobrevivientes y eso incluía a Tann, asustada de la magia se escondió tras su escudo de petricita en una esquina del templo, los demás huyeron pero Tann no se movió, ni un poco. Los lugareños no entendieron este comportamiento y decidieron vigilarla en todo momento, algunos incluso dejaron fruta o verduras para que no muriera. Pero Tann, estaba empeñada a quedarse así, hasta que tuviera la oportunidad de escapar.
Fue entonces cuando llego, el, Rion, el guía espiritual de todo el templo, que no solía meditar un año completo, sin descanso. Rion hablo con ella, la calmo y la convenció de salir de detrás de su escudo, sacando la cabeza, Rion explico donde estaba, la ciudad de Iacon, especialmente el único templo en pie desde la expansión noxiana a los bordes de Jonia, Rion era un guía espiritual y la razón de no haber sido conquistados era porque la ciudad de Iacon solo aparecía cierto tiempo del año a ciertas personas, luego volvía a esconderse. Rion vio las heridas mal cuidadas de Tann e intento curarlas pero, la magia fue adsorbida por el escudo de petricita de Tann, que como un árbol, empezó a pegarse al suelo, sacando raíces, asiéndolo luminiscente en azul, desfosilandolo, Tann grito, e intento jalar su escudo para que no terminara lo que fuera que hacía, Rion estaba un poco asombrado pero volvió a la compostura para calmar a Tann. Aunque solo logro hacerlo tras horas de hablar, explicarle que no había magia dañina aquí, que incluso la magia aquí solo era para guiar su camino de paz interior (y luego tuvo que parar porqué sino se le iba la olla).
Tann, se quedo en Iacon, cada vez más reacia a ir se, aprendiendo las costumbres y forma de vivir de los iaconianos, con el tiempo incluso dejo de asustarse por el uso desprevenido de la magia iaconiana. Todo culmino para que Tann, se uniera en las clases espirituales de Rion, encontrando la paz y aceptando cosas de su tiempo en Demacia. Pero no todo lo bueno es para siempre, cuando llego la época del año donde Iacon aparecía, Noxus había preparado una emboscada para tomar la ciudad, Draven, se encontraba en esta expedición (por la gloria sobre todo), ya que se pedía la exterminación. Pero cuando llegaron, se toparon con magos y vastayas listos para defender su hogar, al pareces no pensaron que el templo podía ser agresivo, Tann participo, llevando su escudo, manteniéndose lejos de los que no pelearan a mano para no entorpecer a nadie, pero al parecer la petricita como arbol, era un conductor de magia. Ella peleo defesivamente con Draven y cuando Noxus se retiro, solo atino a burlarse con quien peleo (Draven). Al regresar al templo, ella fue a su esquina para revisar sus heridas, Rion tuvo que ir con ella para curarlas.
Tannia Crownguard de Iacon, se volvió una constante y mientras camina su camino espiritual a la paz, defiende Iacon con su escudo, Tann esta lista para cualquier cosa que se le ponga enfrente, incluso lo poco convencional.
Historias relacionadas:  “Campaña a Jonia”(menciones a Swain, los vastayas y Draven),  “El ejecutor lejos de la guillotina” (aparición de Draven),  “Equivocación magica” (mención de Sylas, apreción de Garen Lux como niños y Tianna),  “Denle al mundo lo que quiere” (Todo pasa en Iacon, menciones de Tianna, Rey Jarvan III y Jarvan IV) “Finalmente vacaciones” (este sucede en Bienvenidos a la ciudad, apariciones de varios demacianos y Noxianos)
Carta en LoR:
(Basada e las cartas de pensada en Tianna)
Tann, el escudo
7 de mana. 7 de daño y 6 de vida 
Tiene un escudo por una ronda al invocar.
Efecto: Si ella mata a Tianna, a todos los campeones que estén peleando les da un escudo. Si sobrevive a tres golpes, ella le da un escudo a todos los campeones que estén peleando.
Interacciones en LoR:
“ Defender es mi nuevo hogar es mi responsabilidad... nada más “ 
“ Uhg... ¿por queeeee? “  - con otros demacianos jugando 
“ ¿Draven? ... uhg “ - con un noxiano jugando que no es Draven
“ A los iaconianos les gustaria aquí ” 
Draven: Uhg Tann: ¿Te incomoda una empoderada, bella y valerosa mujer?... [Risa entre Draven y Tann]
Draven: ¡Hora de Draven! Tann: Nooo, Draaaaven  Draven: ¡ES MI NOMBRE, YO SE COMO MENCIONARLO!
[Con Draven como enemigo] Tann: Draven: ohwww 
[Cuando Tann muere con un Draven aliado] 1) Draven: Volvera, hemos pasado peores 2) Draven: es como Darius, volverá.
[con una Tianna aliada] 1) Tianna: Tanna... 2) Tianna
Garen: ¿Tannia? Tann: ¡Qué tal Garen!
Lux: ¿Prima? Tann: ¡Que tal Luxie! 
Fan de Draven: ¡Llego la hora de Draven!  Tann: ¿Un mini Draven? 
[Con cualquier carta en juego de cazadores de magos aliado o enemigo]  1) Tann: ¡Perjuicioso blasfemia! 2) Tann: ¡Asesino! 3) Tann: [Hablando en Vastayano-iaconiano] Descarado/Desonrado, sin honor traicionero/traicion a la patria, basura/inservible
[Matando a cazador de magos] Tann: Muy merecido Tann: Demaciado tardado
[Victoria] “ ¡Rion, mirame! “ “ ¡Defendimos nuestro hogar” “ Yess jajaja “
[Derrota] “Esta bien, hay que meditar sobre esto” “Igual tenemos que tomar un respiro”
(Más frases más tarde)
Objetos en la tienda que hacen referencia a Tann o Iacon (LoL) [con ayuda de un amigo se creo esto, el los adapto yo solo dí la idea general, creditos a lo genial y buen uso TOTALMENTE a el]
Balance moral  Pasiva: al golpear a un enemigo con esta habilidad obtendrás cargar, estas harán que cres a tu mana(aumentará con vase de vida), tienes 4 tiros de habilidad que cuestan 30 de mana Activa: al castear esta habilidad nuevamente(osea 5 vez) todo el mana gastado que allá impactado al enemigo regresará a ti  “ El balance, solo se logra con la magia corriendo en ti” - Guia espiritual Joniano, Rion de Iacon
EL escudo Al activar esta habilidad, todo daño mágico que resivas durante 2.5 segundos será reducido,( esto aumenta mediante la armadura que tengas).  “ Te lo presto, pero cuida EL escudo “ - Extranjera en Iacon, Jonia
EL escudo dañado Al finalizar su uso, este podrá ser vendido o reparado, la reparación hacendera cada vez más se alargue la partida.  “ ¡Mi escudo! - Extranjera en Iacon, Jonia   “  ¡¿La magia puede repara mi escudo?! “ - Extranjera en Iacon, Jonia (Reparando)
Deshonra Este objeto evita el efecto Justicia Demaciana de Garen y Lux, sustituyéndole, regenerando mana y el daño mágico es reducido
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ayzek67 · 5 years
Team Liquid vs. Team SoloMid / LCS 2019 Spring Playoffs - Final / Post-Match Discussion - https://www.onlineseriya.com/2019/04/15/team-liquid-vs-team-solomid-lcs-2019-spring-playoffs-final-post-match-discussion/ - - ###LCS 2019 SPRING PLAYOFFS [Official page](https://eu.lolesports.com/en/league/lcs) | [Leaguepedia](https://lol.gamepedia.com/LCS/2019_Season/Spring_Playoffs) | [Liquipedia](http://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/LCS/2019/Spring/Playoffs) | [Live Discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/bcu8rn/lcs_spring_2019_finals_live_discussion/) | [Eventvods.com](https://eventvods.com/featured/lol?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=subreddit&utm_campaign=post_match_threads) | [New to LoL](http://lol.gamepedia.com/New_To_League/Welcome) --- ###[Team Liquid 3-2 Team SoloMid](https://twitter.com/TeamLiquidLoL/status/1117230673755103232) ###[— Congratulations Team Liquid on winning LCS 2019 Spring Split and qualifying for Play-In Stage of 2019 Mid-Season Invitational.](https://twitter.com/lolesports/status/1117231193492090880) ###[— Player of the Series: Doublelift](https://i.imgur.com/WJHZ8W0.jpg) **TL** | [Leaguepedia](https://lol.gamepedia.com/Team_Liquid) | [Liquipedia](http://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/Team_Liquid) | [Website](https://www.teamliquidpro.com) | [Twitter](http://twitter.com/#!/teamliquidlol) | [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/TeamLiquidLoL) | [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/user/teamliquidnet) | [Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/teamliquid) **TSM** | [Leaguepedia](https://lol.gamepedia.com/Team_SoloMid) | [Liquipedia](http://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/Team_SoloMid) | [Website](http://www.tsm.gg/) | [Twitter](http://twitter.com/#!/TeamSoloMid) | [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/TSMPRO) | [YouTube](http://www.youtube.com/user/SolomidDOTNet/) | [Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamSolomid) --- ###MATCH 1: TL vs. TSM [**Winner: Team SoloMid** in 40m](https://i.imgur.com/r0U1Nvb.jpg) | [Runes](https://twitter.com/LoLEsportsStats/status/1117160981656784896/photo/1) [Match History](https://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT02/1024049?gameHash=ac37eb084f5781d8) ||Bans 1|Bans 2|[G](#mt-gold)|[K](#mt-kills)|[T](#mt-towers)|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |**TL**|[lissandra](#c-lissandra) [ryze](#c-ryze) [akali](#c-akali)|[irelia](#c-irelia) [zilean](#c-zilean)|68.1k|11|6|[C](#mt-cloud)^1 [H](#mt-herald)^2 [M](#mt-mountain)^7 | |**TSM**|[sylas](#c-sylas) [taric](#c-taric) [jayce](#c-jayce)|[gangplank](#c-gangplank) [leblanc](#c-leblanc)|79.5k|19|11|[C](#mt-cloud)^3 [M](#mt-mountain)^4 [M](#mt-mountain)^5 [B](#mt-barons)^6 [B](#mt-barons)^8 [E](#mt-elder)^9 | |**TL**|11-19-29|[vs](#mt-kills)|19-11-47|**TSM**| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Impact [kennen](#c-kennen) ^3|3-5-6|TOP|11-1-6|^4 [vladimir](#c-vladimir) Broken Blade| |Xmithie [jarvan iv](#c-jarvaniv) ^2|3-3-7|JNG|4-4-8|^2 [reksai](#c-reksai) Akaadian| |Jensen [heimerdinger](#c-heimerdinger) ^3|2-4-5|MID|3-1-8|^3 [zoe](#c-zoe) Bjergsen| |Doublelift [sivir](#c-sivir) ^2|3-3-5|BOT|1-1-11|^1 [varus](#c-varus) Zven| |CoreJJ [galio](#c-galio) ^1|0-4-6|SUP|0-4-14|^1 [tahmkench](#c-tahmkench) Smoothie| --- ###MATCH 2: TSM vs. TL [**Winner: Team SoloMid** in 35m](https://i.imgur.com/BYVu1Dj.jpg) | [Runes](https://twitter.com/LoLEsportsStats/status/1117176828383252480/photo/1) [Match History](https://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT02/1024057?gameHash=4f95bae75969c635) ||Bans 1|Bans 2|[G](#mt-gold)|[K](#mt-kills)|[T](#mt-towers)|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |**TSM**|[ryze](#c-ryze) [tahmkench](#c-tahmkench) [kindred](#c-kindred)|[leblanc](#c-leblanc) [gangplank](#c-gangplank)|61.8k|14|8|[M](#mt-mountain)^5 | |**TL**|[sylas](#c-sylas) [jayce](#c-jayce) [lissandra](#c-lissandra)|[zilean](#c-zilean) [akali](#c-akali)|58.5k|10|10|[M](#mt-mountain)^1 [M](#mt-mountain)^2 [H](#mt-herald)^3 [C](#mt-cloud)^4 | |**TSM**|14-10-38|[vs](#mt-kills)|10-14-20|**TL**| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Broken Blade [irelia](#c-irelia) ^3|4-3-4|TOP|2-3-4|^4 [kennen](#c-kennen) Impact| |Akaadian [hecarim](#c-hecarim) ^2|6-3-4|JNG|1-3-3|^1 [reksai](#c-reksai) Xmithie| |Bjergsen [lux](#c-lux) ^3|3-1-8|MID|2-0-4|^3 [zoe](#c-zoe) Jensen| |Zven [sona](#c-sona) ^2|1-2-10|BOT|3-5-4|^1 [ashe](#c-ashe) Doublelift| |Smoothie [taric](#c-taric) ^1|0-1-12|SUP|2-3-5|^2 [zyra](#c-zyra) CoreJJ| --- ###MATCH 3: TL vs. TSM [**Winner: Team Liquid** in 40m](https://i.imgur.com/EmTIuD8.jpg) | [Runes](https://twitter.com/LoLEsportsStats/status/1117191189319438336/photo/1) [Match History](https://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT02/1024067?gameHash=3b38007c19089f4d) ||Bans 1|Bans 2|[G](#mt-gold)|[K](#mt-kills)|[T](#mt-towers)|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |**TL**|[lissandra](#c-lissandra) [ryze](#c-ryze) [akali](#c-akali)|[jarvan iv](#c-jarvaniv) [corki](#c-corki)|76.4k|17|9|[O](#mt-ocean)^1 [H](#mt-herald)^2 [M](#mt-mountain)^5 [M](#mt-mountain)^6 [B](#mt-barons)^7 [E](#mt-elder)^8 | |**TSM**|[sylas](#c-sylas) [taric](#c-taric) [jayce](#c-jayce)|[zoe](#c-zoe) [zilean](#c-zilean)|66.7k|12|3|[C](#mt-cloud)^3 [C](#mt-cloud)^4 | |**TL**|17-12-46|[vs](#mt-kills)|12-17-25|**TSM**| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Impact [gangplank](#c-gangplank) ^2|5-2-10|TOP|0-2-6|^2 [vladimir](#c-vladimir) Broken Blade| |Xmithie [skarner](#c-skarner) ^3|0-0-11|JNG|5-3-6|^4 [reksai](#c-reksai) Akaadian| |Jensen [syndra](#c-syndra) ^3|3-2-6|MID|2-1-3|^3 [leblanc](#c-leblanc) Bjergsen| |Doublelift [varus](#c-varus) ^1|5-2-8|BOT|5-3-2|^1 [kalista](#c-kalista) Zven| |CoreJJ [tahmkench](#c-tahmkench) ^2|4-6-11|SUP|0-8-8|^1 [galio](#c-galio) Smoothie| --- ###MATCH 4: TSM vs. TL [**Winner: Team Liquid** in 25m](https://i.imgur.com/klsc5ae.jpg) | [Runes](https://twitter.com/LoLEsportsStats/status/1117207036322664449/photo/1) [Match History](https://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT02/1024070?gameHash=c6206159c89756c6) ||Bans 1|Bans 2|[G](#mt-gold)|[K](#mt-kills)|[T](#mt-towers)|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |**TSM**|[ryze](#c-ryze) [gangplank](#c-gangplank) [kindred](#c-kindred)|[olaf](#c-olaf) [hecarim](#c-hecarim)|40.3k|3|3|None| |**TL**|[sylas](#c-sylas) [taric](#c-taric) [jayce](#c-jayce)|[kalista](#c-kalista) [irelia](#c-irelia)|51.5k|15|9|[M](#mt-mountain)^1 [H](#mt-herald)^2 [C](#mt-cloud)^3 [M](#mt-mountain)^4 [B](#mt-barons)^5 | |**TSM**|3-16-4|[vs](#mt-kills)|15-3-31|**TL**| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Broken Blade [akali](#c-akali) ^3|1-3-1|TOP|4-0-3|^4 [kennen](#c-kennen) Impact| |Akaadian [reksai](#c-reksai) ^2|2-6-0|JNG|2-0-7|^3 [skarner](#c-skarner) Xmithie| |Bjergsen [lissandra](#c-lissandra) ^1|0-2-2|MID|3-2-5|^2 [zilean](#c-zilean) Jensen| |Zven [ezreal](#c-ezreal) ^3|0-3-1|BOT|5-1-6|^1 [varus](#c-varus) Doublelift| |Smoothie [braum](#c-braum) ^2|0-2-0|SUP|1-0-10|^1 [tahmkench](#c-tahmkench) CoreJJ| --- ###MATCH 5: TSM vs. TL [**Winner: Team Liquid** in 45m](https://i.imgur.com/UWyXb0C.jpg) | [Runes](https://twitter.com/LoLEsportsStats/status/1117219138273808384/photo/1) [Match History](https://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT02/1024072?gameHash=6c7b28b869fdacd1&tab=overview) ||Bans 1|Bans 2|[G](#mt-gold)|[K](#mt-kills)|[T](#mt-towers)|D/B| |:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |**TSM**|[ryze](#c-ryze) [gangplank](#c-gangplank) [tahmkench](#c-tahmkench)|[sivir](#c-sivir) [kennen](#c-kennen)|73.3k|10|5|[O](#mt-ocean)^1 [H](#mt-herald)^2 [C](#mt-cloud)^3 [I](#mt-infernal)^5 [I](#mt-infernal)^6 | |**TL**|[sylas](#c-sylas) [jayce](#c-jayce) [taric](#c-taric)|[jarvan iv](#c-jarvaniv) [irelia](#c-irelia)|82.7k|16|11|[O](#mt-ocean)^4 [B](#mt-barons)^7 [E](#mt-elder)^8 [B](#mt-barons)^9 | |**TSM**|10-16-19|[vs](#mt-kills)|16-10-48|**TL**| |--:|--:|:--:|:--|:--| |Broken Blade [akali](#c-akali) ^3|1-3-5|TOP|1-3-12|^4 [vladimir](#c-vladimir) Impact| |Akaadian [reksai](#c-reksai) ^3|2-5-2|JNG|2-2-11|^1 [skarner](#c-skarner) Xmithie| |Bjergsen [zoe](#c-zoe) ^2|4-2-5|MID|8-2-6|^2 [leblanc](#c-leblanc) Jensen| |Zven [ezreal](#c-ezreal) ^2|3-2-1|BOT|5-1-7|^3 [kaisa](#c-kaisa) Doublelift| |Smoothie [galio](#c-galio) ^1|0-4-6|SUP|0-2-12|^1 [braum](#c-braum) CoreJJ| ***[Patch 9.6: Changes.](https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-96-notes)** --- [This thread was created by the Post-Match Team](https://postmatch.team). 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chatonnerie · 6 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: League of Legends, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jarvan Lightshield IV/Shyvana Characters: Jarvan Lightshield IV, Shyvana (League of Legends), Sejuani (League of Legends), Garen Crownguard, Xan Irelia, Lucian (League of Legends), Ashe (League of Legends), Tryndamere (League of Legends), Braum (League of Legends) Additional Tags: League characters in Skyrim, Yvva is Alduin, Shyvana has issues, Jarvan has issues, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Skyrim Fusion, Everyone Has Issues, Consistently Bad Weather, Characters Added When They Appear, TW: Blood, Many more characters have been added, essentially all of Kumungu are there Summary:
Shyvana's a Dunmer with questionable parentage and an unnecessarily loud outdoor Voice. Jarvan's an Imperial with an identity crisis and a head every Thalmor in Skyrim wants removed. Together, they'll survive a hellfire, avoid assassins and slay the most dangerous creature in all of Skyrim. All whilst staying completely professional.
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lokehuyoke · 3 years
League Of Legends New Champion: Jhin
League Of Legends New Champion: Jhin
The League of Legends new champion is an assassin marksman who specialises in dealing tonnes of damage in small bursts. Jhin is a criminal psychopath who believes murder is art, using his gun as a paintbrush he would brutally turn murder into a theatre and send the most powerful messages of terror. Khada Jhin is League of Legends new champion bringing exciting new mechanics and a unique playstyle that no other marksman has. His unique passive causes his basic attacks to use ammunition and his attack speed cannot increase. After four auto attacks he must reload which takes him 2.5 seconds. The fourth auto attack will always critically strike but it deals less damage (150% as opposed to 200%). This makes him a burst marksman who must calculate if he can kill his enemy before he runs out of ammunition.
New League of Legends Champions Abilities
Jhin has an array of complicated abilities which work together to create the intricate killer himself. All of his abilities are about making a show out of death so the League of Legends new champion has lots of new effects and awesome abilities. We’ve listed you his 4 abilities and his passive below:
Passive: Whisper
The League of Legends new champion can deal a lot of damage in burst and is quite mobile but he lacks sustained damage and his critical strike damage is less than the standard 200%. Interestingly the maximum modifier for his critical strike is uncapped as the attack speed component is not affected by the attack speed cap. This makes sure that attack speed is a relevant stat for this marksman.
Q: Dancing Grenade
Dancing Grenade is a targeted chain area of effect ability and applies spell effects as an area of effect ability. It can also be blocked by both Braum and Yasuo – but this is a fantastic ability to poke the enemy marksman when they come in to farm. We recommend that you cap this ability first.
W: Deadly Flourish
Deadly Flourish is easy to dodge and very similar to the Jinx Zap ability. We recommend that you use this ability to help you kite enemies while you reload your weapon.
E: Captive Audience
The League of Legends new champion can place down traps similar to Teemo mushrooms. They are an AoE damage and are blocked by spell shields.
R: Curtain Call
Curtain Call is Jhins masterpiece. It has an extremely long range is an excellent ability to start or finish fights. It deals tonnes of damage but you have to be careful because it can be blocked by Yasuo and Braum.
Jhin Playstyle
Jhin plays very differently in lane to the traditional marksman. He cannot constantly poke like most other champions and he must carefully choose his moments to deal impactful damage without hindering himself. We recommend that you use your first three bullets to last hit, and the last one (which will critically hit) should be spent on your lane opponent.
His attack range is average which makes him easy to harass. You can also harass the enemy champion using his dancing grenade. Jhin will spend most of his lane under his tower because he doesn’t have the attack speed or ammo required to push the lane back against his opponent. This means you have to be perfect at last hitting under towers or you’ll vekills.Outside of lane Jhin is a fantastic skirmish champion. He can easily kite champions thanks to his traps and his movement speed bonus from his passive.
Prolonged team fights will punish Jhin if he can’t kill the enemy marksman in one burst so we recommend that you play him in a skirmish based composition. His ultimate is a game changer but once used he does become an easy target for assassins. Strong positioning and good communication will quickly make the enemy team fall behind.
You can make advantage of this by preparing your lane for a jungle gank using your Lotus traps. The pushed up enemies will have nowhere to go and you’ll pick up some easy cation with your team will be valuable when using curtain call. If Jhin picks up a kill in the team fight he can very easily snowball. His dancing grenade will deal extra damage if it gets a killing blow and Lotus traps will appear under the corpses of his enemies further adding to the carnage of the fight. His ultimate can be a great way to pick off fleeing enemies although it’s also a fantastic tool to start the team fight because the slow will allow the rest of your team to run in and mop up the enemies.
Jhin works extremely well with champions that have high CC such as Nautilus and Morgana. The peel that these champions provide as well as the constant sources of damage to trigger his W passive help Jhin dominate the game. Jhin is also a high CC marksman which can help champions with high damage and little mobility get into the fight and destroy the enemy team – People like Darius and Nasus. Jhin will struggle against Yasuo and Braum as they can block most of his spells. He’ll also struggle against champions that can all in or lock him down such as Jarvan IV or Talon. In lane we feel that the League of Legends new champion Jhin will struggle against Lucian because his mobility allows him to dodge most of Jhins abilities while he can easily out damage him.
Jhin Items
Jhin benefits from Attack Damage and Critical Strike chance. This makes him perfect for items like Infinity Edge and Essence Reaver. He also benefits from Attack Speed due to his passive which means that items such as Rapid Firecannon make an excellent addition to his kit.
Want to try out Jhin?
Get a LoL Smurf account now!
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expgg · 4 years
[Dễ mà khó] Một chút kiến thức về Liên Minh Huyền Thoại có làm khó bạn?
1 Vị tướng duy nhất có khả năng tạo giáp cho trụ?
Janna là vị tướng duy nhất có khả năng tạo giáp cho trụ.
2 Có bao nhiêu tướng có thể sử dụng cả 4 kỹ năng ở cấp 1?
Có 5 vị tướng có thể sử dụng cả 4 kĩ năng của mình ở cấp độ 1 là Elise, Udyr, Nidalee, Jayce và Karma.
3 Bài hát Bye Bye Bye của N’Sync được lấy cảm hứng cho điệu nhảy của tướng nào?
Điệu nhảy của Garen được lấy từ bài hát Bye Bye Bye của N’Sync.
4 Có bao nhiêu vị tướng dùng máu khi tung kĩ năng?
4 vị tướng dùng máu khi tung kĩ năng là Soraka, Vladimir, Dr.Mundo và Zac.
5 Những vị tướng đầu tiên xuất hiện trong LMHT là Singed, Annie, Sion, Twisted Fate, Sivir và ...?
LeeSin là đáp án đúng.
6 Vị tướng được lấy cảm hứng từ nhà văn vĩ đại Hamlet?
7 Vị tướng được thiết kế và lên ý tưởng sớm nhất trong game?
Singed mới là vị tướng được thiết kế và lên ý tưởng sớm nhất trong game. Thực tế, Singed được thiết kế rất sớm. Trên các diễn đàn về LMHT, nhà thiết kế Steve Feak thậm chí còn tiết lộ rằng Singed là một trong 6 vị tướng cơ bản đầu tiên được Riot tạo ra.
Created on 29 Th4 2020
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