#j4 x reader
heckinhacker · 5 years
I'd like to say that after the lux comics, I'm in love with jarvan IV and garen... so can i have some headcanon with them (x S/O)? (Sfw/nsfw)! and wow, i'm also in love with your writing ❤️❤️❤️
Garen and JarvanIV x S/O - SFW and NSFW headcanons.
A/N: Thaaank youuuuu so much! And Sorry it took me that long :( Them headcanons can be ooc but they’re from my perspective!! 
Jarvan IV
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It was really hard to get through his metal armor and golden crown to meet his real personality.
What I meant is - Jarvan is really distrustful with people wanting to get close to him.
“They mostly want money or fame. Or both.” he once said to Garen, who laughed slightly, patting his back.
He really hoped to find one true love. No matter where are you from or how rich you are, he just wants your heart to be rich with kindness and love. 
Every girl who got close to him was always pushed away, since he noticed his admirers were after throne. 
He almost started dating one of them, but he heard rumours that she used to date one of rich politics, but she ditched him to get into Jarvan’s heart. 
It hurt him, but he managed to do what he had to do. 
When you got to befriend him, he fell for you first. That was sudden. 
He waited for you to confess at first, but you never did.
So he nervously approached you, asking you what do you think of him. 
“Honestly, [Y/N].” 
“What do I think of you…You’re our king, great friend, amazing fighter, kind person and you reeeeaaaally stink when you overwork yourself.”
“ [Y-Y/N!]”
“You wanted me to be honest!!” 
You both laughed, but he sighed, skratching back of his neck.
“I asked because I…I hold great feelings for you. They’re deep and hot, almost stinging, I fell for you and I have no clue what to do with it because I feel like you don’t quite return them. Can you give me answer to that?”
You were shooketh.
But you told him you loved the hell out of him and more! You were just afraid to step into his sensitive spot!
Aaand you started dating. 
Many nobility disagreed with your relationship but they always disagree with Jarvan’s decisions, so he didn’t really cared. 
Shyvana keept close eye on you. You always felt being watched when she was in the room. She was checking if you were worthy Jarvan’s feelings, she’s his friend too, after all. 
He’d love to take you to casual dates, but he’s afraid of being recognised.
So YOU take him to casual dates. Some people recognised him, some didn’t, and even though they did, they didn’t bother you both too much! 
You showed him a lot of new perspectived, made him a better human being. 
He was really thankfull for that. 
He’s a really passionate lover!
Can get his pace speed up, but is not rough. The change of pace is there to spice things up. 
He talks a lot, about how lucky he is to have you, how much he apreciates you, how soon you’ll become second crowned head, etc. 
He leaves hickeys on your thights and chest, but never on visible places. His reputation forces him to keep things clean and discreet. 
Aaand I’m quite out of ideas! Sorry! ^^” 
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Garen is as resistant to flirt as his armor is to any damage.
Like, HOLY SHIT! It was so hard to acknowledge him about your feelings!
At first you tried to be gentle, telling him things indirectly. No progres.
Then you went full flirty, he just thought you were friendly. 
When you directly said, with defeat, “Garen, I think I love you.” with normal tone, he answered with happy tune in his voice “I love you too, [Y/N], you’re like a family to me!”
You groaned with defeat. 
You didn’t had a clue that he just WANTED it not to be true, since he felt great emotions for you too, but he was scared of commitment. 
He was scared that relationship would discract him from his duties, but Jarvan pushed him to just try, talk with you about it. 
And he finnaly did. He confessed to you, telling you his fears and doubts about everything.
“I’m a warrior, [Y/N], I am in army, anytime I can just- HMPF-!”
You kissed him to shut him up. When you both stopped kissing, you grinned at your big now-boyfriend. 
“I don’t mind. I won’t leave you before you leave me. Please love me as much as I love you.”
And sure damn he did. 
He was the softest!!
He’s so big in general, tall, muscular, strong, but he was so shy!!!
Garen is a traditional man, he pretty often was giving you bouquet of the prettiest flowers you could ever imagine. (does not matter what gender you have, trust me) 
He’s literally too embarrassed to hold your hand without him asking you. 
When he does that for the first time in full quietness filling room you almost shouted with excitement. 
He’s getting closer to you, trusting you!! 
He’s very, very traditional. 
He’d ask a lot of questions like “are you alright?” “does it hurt?” “want me to stop??” “how do you feel?”
Sometimes it feels lovely, sometimes it’s annoying. 
Your first time was full of blushing Garen and you giggling about his shyness! 
You thought he was adorable, you sometimes had to tell him not to treat you like a porcelain doll, you’re not made of glass! 
Even though it had it’s own difficulties, it was pleasant time for you both. 
Next times were more normal, but still he tried to entertain you and show you how much he loves you. 
He treated sex not like “Something we must do in relationship”, he’s more of a “It’s okay that we have it if we both want it, but I don’t need it everyday”, it’s healthier for your relationship. 
He’s really kissy, he kisses your forehead, lips and neck a lot. 
A lot.
He’s not afraid to leave hickeys on your neck. He’s really overptorective and jellaous, so he’s glad to leave marks suggesting you were his and only his all over you. 
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teakose · 2 years
current requests and WIPs
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part two to Zed and Shen Poly - status: started
Viego x Fire Queen!Reader - status: started
Odyssey!Kayn x Concubine!Reader - status: not started
Kayn x Vampire!Reader - status: not started
part two to Garuda!Reader - status: not started
J4, Garen, and Vayne reacting to Gauss!Reader - status: not started
Ahri x Fem!Vampire!Reader - status: not started
Yasuo x Fem!Vastaya!Reader
Idia Shroud x Persephone!Reader
What is Love? League of Legends drabble collection
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heckinhacker · 4 years
Can I get a hc or scenario for Jarvan IV and his s/o first meeting each other at their political arranged wedding? And she's quiet and shy towards him bc she doesn't know what he's like or if he is interested in his wife at all? But definitely has a fluffy ending for sure!
I like that one! Short scene coming! 
I’ll be adding this to my every next post, but if you like my work you might consider buying me ko-fi! ^^”
Jarvan IV x Fem!Reader -  For Demacia. 
Jarvan had trouble with trusting people - especially “people” who he’s supposed to marry. 
He just hated being a king, but that’s his legacy, his father would want him to take his place after this Mage Rebellion. But now he has other troubles to bare with.
[Y/N] [L/N]. 
Daughter of family which was befriended with Jarvan’s one for decades. (beside Crownguard of course). There was never request like that before to connect those families, but after Rebellion things got heated up in Demacia and it was best option to take, so Jarvan took it. 
[Y/N] since ceremony wasn’t very talkable or even didn’t seemed happy to be with him. He understood why, but still it made him insecure about their situation. Maybe he wasn’t too happy about forced marriage, but he never said he hates HER personally. 
Wedding night was very awkward. They just sat beside each other and none of them wanted to take uncomfortable clothes off. Why would they? 
Jarvan offered her normal Pijamas, so she doesn’t have to sleep in wedding gown. They were in his room, so naturally he lended her his own comfortable clothing. Surprising that a king owns normal clothing, not very expensive silks or similiar to that kinds of materials. 
- Well, being a king is a duty, not wealth. If I could, I’d give everything to those in need. I don’t need silks or expensive coffee beans from Ionia. I need very simple things to wear or eat.
-… really? Your armor looks very…
- Armor is Armor. You wear well made one, or you don’t wear any, but clothing is other kind of thing. 
- Is it…?
- It is. Now, change into those Pijamas, and I’ll take a walk in the hall. Call for me when you’re done. 
Well, maybe he’s not that bad. 
That one dialogue was a start of a future good relationship. Maybe this wedding had origin of politics, but now their marriage is based on love and love only. 
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