#leamas sibling au
luxthestrange · 7 months
WHB Incorrect quotes#22 Feral evil human
Found siblings Leamas ...warning one last time Gabriel about you-who doesn't believe you can be evil despite the fact that they're frothing at the mouth.
Gabriel: you want me to believe this *pointing aggressively at Mc* is evil?
Leamas: I know it sounds weird-
Gabriel: weird look at them! *Mc tilts their head adorably with full beady eyes* Sounds impossible!
Leamas*Taking a step back and covering Nina's eyes*...I don't think you should be getting next to them Gabriel-
Gabriel: come on this is poor defenseless clutzy helpess human, what are they gonna do?
Mc*Who eyes became feral and growled before launching to attack Gabriel's face*RWWAAHAA!?
A moment later
Gabriel*In a crater in his body, air knocked out his lungs*-I can't believe they threw me through a wall...
When the Demons finally arrived at your rescue they found... Gabriel is inside a crater and Leamas and Nina trying to calm you down...
Satan & Mammon: WE CAME-oh...
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luxthestrange · 4 months
WHB Incorrect quotes#45 So much chaos-
Leamas: What??
Leamas: ...Wait what?
Mc*crying of laughter* Buying that plant was the best decision of my entire life~
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After Solomon managed to stop the fight between you and Raphael,sending the angel back to his home for the better and sending you to the time-out corner
Leamas: Good, Thanks, Dad....
Solomon is frozen in place, along with You, Nina, and Minhyeok
Leamas*Looks at others weirdly*Why is everyone staring at me?... Mc: You just called Solomon “dad”...You just said, “Thanks, dad.” Leamas: What!?- No, I didn’t. I said, “Thanks, man” Solo*Smilling at the fallen angel and pointing at self* Do you see me as a father figure, Leamas? Leamas*Blushes and rolls eyes at him* -No! If anything I see you as a bother figure ‘cause you’re always bothering me- Nina & Minhyeok: Hey! Show your father some respect!
-Late at night-
Mc*writing in a letter*"I'm going to kick.. your...ass-Sincerely Mc"
Mc: THERE! Now send it to heaven!
Leamas: Dude, your handwriting's terrible, are you sure you want to-
later that same night the Angel brothers received a letter
Mich: So what does it say?
Raph*Reading the letter*...They say they're going to "lick my..."
Gabriel: Oh-
Raph*Standing up fast that he knocks on the chair he was sitting in and speed walks to the door*-I have to go now...
Part 6 of:
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luxthestrange · 4 months
WHB Incorrect quotes#42 Nina the mastermind
Nina: Hey Mc, wanna third wheel on my date with Samael tomorrow? Mc*Looking bored and shurgs*Sure. Nina*Looking at Raphael but does not even let him speak*-Raphael! Wanna a third wheel on my date with Samael tomorrow? Nina: Great! I've always wanted to go on a double date! Mc & Raph: ... Leamas*Covering his face embarrassed* Nina...
-In Both Lost Paradise & Celestial Realm Lucifer & Michael got a text from Nina...who somehow got their contacts of...She and Leamas holding hands enjoying their milkshake that has the couple straw in a well-known couple's cafe...and in front of them, you and Raphael are annoyed...having to share your dessert with each other-
Mich*Breaks his phone seeing Raphael next you*...THAT CHEATING HUMAN-
Luci*Happy seeing one of his brothers found someone to love him ...conflicted seeing you with one of his other brothers*...oh...
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Part 6 of:
..."cheating"?...my de lulu sir i dont recall this being an official relationship-
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luxthestrange · 5 months
WHB Incorrect quotes#30...WHAT THE HEEEEEEEEELL!~
Found Siblings Au
Mich*Seeing You and Nina watching TV and seeing it's ...Tmz, With a distasteful glare he looks at you*Gossiping is against the bible
Mc: Your face is against the bible
Mich*Glares somehow harder...and in a petty movement...he unplugs the TV with prompts you to lunge at him to attack him* AH-
Nina*Texting Laemas with a smile*"Your brother and MC are flirting again without you around!-"*Taking pictures happily of her ship and eyes widen when you do something*
Mc*Pulls his hair hoping to hurt him as he is pinching cheeks enough to bruise*...!?!
Mich*Lets out an involuntary high-pitched moan, freezes and drops hands from touching you*AAH~-...
Mc*Lets go of his hair quickly and weirded out*...
Nina*Watching the whole interaction*...Ship
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Part 4 of:
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luxthestrange · 6 months
WHB Incorrect quotes#27 Shipping
Found Siblings Au
Leamas*Lecturing you on the prospects of marriage*-How else are you going to marry a nice man like...Michael!
Mc*Raising brow at your brother*...Which one is it Bro-Bro...Marry a nice man or someone like Michael?
Mich*Eye twitching and looks down at you condescendingly, Stirring his coffee Leamas made for him* If you were my spouse I would put poison on your coffee
Mc*Smirks and giggles..grabbing his coffee and raising it to your lips,looking him straight in the eyes* If you were my husband~...I'D DRINK IT~*Sips the coffee with a smug grin*
Leamas:...Oh father-
Nina*Watching the two of you*...Romance
Leamas*Looking at Nina*...Huh?!
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Part 3 of :
...Nina been seeing too many k-dramas with Minhyeok-
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luxthestrange · 2 months
WHB Incorrect quotes#52 DALE DALE DALE!-
At Ninas & Leamas Wedding, Everything was going according to plan for the couple...till the Angelic In-laws decided to launch an attack...but ultimately regretted it when they saw A VERY ENRAGED Wedding Planner You already had traps set up for them...now they three angel brothers were at your mercy-
Mich*Being approached the angered you*Waaait wait-wait, wait! Hold on a second!
Gabriel*confused, as he is roped upside down from a tree with a sign saying "Hit the piñata "*Uh, Brother? What are you doin'?
Mich*theatrically, down on one knee, proposal-style*Mc Descandent of Solomon would you do me the honor of becoming... my bride? 
The Angels are dumbfounded; Raphael gulps, his mouth falling wide open. You pause for a beat before responding. Broadway farce-style music begins, the dialogue falling into the music's pattern rhythm 
Mc: I don't think so!
Mich*milking it* Mc!, please. I know what you're thinking: "We're too different." "It'll never work." "What will the children look like?"
Cut back to Raphael, who is still frozen with shock, mouth wide open
Mc*disgusted but still smiling at him with a dark aura surrounding you*Ooh, that violates so many laws of nature!
Mich*backing up against the wall*Listen to me! The problems of a couple of wacky kids like us don't amount to a hill of termites in this nutty circle-of-life thing. And so I ask you: If not now, when? If not me, who? *miserably; pleading*I'm lonely!
Random Angel Michael-stan *Jumping over on the shoulder; sniffling, putting the best face on his shattered emotions* Can I be your best man?
Ppyong Mynhyok stan: I say we skip the wedding and go straight to the buffet!~
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Part 7 of:
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