#learning diff ways to light i guess
coffeeshib · 2 years
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the prettiest
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celestie0 · 7 months
ellie, please share your tips on learning biology.
haha i’m so stoked by this ask bc i used to DREAM of having a studyblr account when i was in college 🤣 i’ll try to give sort of unconventional tips that helped me study
tbh practice practice practice was most helpful for any calculus, biochem (at least for rxn & pathway diagrams), physics or ochem that i had to take, but not so much for bio since it’s mostly memorization (but it depends on the professor/class i guess)
1. use anki/quizlet & incorporate it into your morning routine (ex 20 flashcards while eating breakfast)
2. have your friends quiz you. make it funn like if you don’t answer correctly within 30 secs they get to hit you with a pillow or you have to take a shot of something gross
3. repetition is key for memorization, most importantly spaced repetition! studying the night before for a bio test is academic suicide and WILL make you want to dropout lmfaooo
4. for bio, i think the kaplan mcat prep book is decent and summarizes most of the systems of the body pretty well. even if you’re not planning on taking the mcat, it’s handy to have
5. to prep for any frq type exams, just read a lecture, write down headers for topics onto a sheet of paper, then immediately after reading it just try to write down everything you can remember for that topic within like a minute.
6. draw diagrams!! this was so useful when learning ab diff systems like circulatory, respiratory etc. just draw a gigantic diagram, and annotate the actual diagram w your notes. that way your brain ties the visual to the words, and it all becomes easier to picture in your head when you’re taking your exam
7. with any study tip/strategy, i think its important to include a component of “stress” or “stakes” to mimic the exam environment, whether that be some sort of light punishment, time constraint, resource constraint etc so that on actual test day, you’ve sort of primed yourself into feeling comfortable with the material despite your anxiety, which can really help give you an advantage
8. if you don’t feel like studying, set a two min timer and start. most of the time, you’ll keep going even after those two mins are up
9. convince yourself you’re in love w someone in your lecture hall so you wanna go to class
sorry this was more generic tips rather than bio-specific but i think these tips work BEST for any type of memorization subject such as bio
okay back to jjk brainrot
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mawofthemagnetar · 2 years
Imp And Skizz Play Football
“You ever ask yourself, like, ‘what’s it all for’?” Impulse rasped, his voice deep and rumbling.
“Dude!” Skizz called in the voice of the legion burning in radiance, “You wanna throw the ball already?”
“Fine, fine,” Impulse grumbled.
The plague demon braced his clawed feet on the soft grass, grass that was withering and dying all around him. He leaned back, thrashing his tail (covered as it was in hypodermic spikes full of disease) and tossed the football as hard as he could.
On the other side of the plain, Skizz floated over to receive. The football flew right into the centre of his body, hovering in the glowing nucleus. He was comprised of a dozen-odd wheels, rotating and spinning and covered in flames and glowing eyes. He shone with radiant light, and his wheels spun faster as he fired the football right back.
“No, but seriously,” Impulse said, growling as the ball flew over his horns and crashed ten feet up into a tree, “Like, what’s the point? Of me, mostly, but also of you? Why are we here?”
“Well, you know. You make people sick, I make them better. It’s the circle of life, you know?” Skizz replied, patiently twirling his wheels. He glanced over- and groaned.
“Impulse, my body fell off the hanger again.”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it, don’t worry.” Impulse said easily. He dropped the ball and ambled over to a nearby tree, shaking his head.
“We gotta get better hangers, dude. This is not gonna cut it.” Impulse clucked his tongue.
“Hey, don’t look at me! You said it was rated for all six-foot-ten of solidified Skizz!”
Impulse shook his head again. Yep, there it was. The nail, driven deep into the trunk of a glorious oak tree, bursting into life- the picture of arboreal health and fitness. And there, on the grass, Skizz’s empty shell.
The coat hanger that they’d slipped into the back of said shell’s shirt had slipped off, and now the body was there in a crumpled heap.
“Man, you gotta learn how to shapeshift. It’s easier.”
“It’s easier when you already have arms! Do I look like I have arms?!” Skizz protested, “Last time I tried growing a body I got my arms and head mixed up and then that nice family who needed help with their pneumonia ran away screaming!”
“Theeeen… have you considered a corpse?” Impulse suggested, realigning the coat hanger and lifting Skizz’ robotic shell back up. He carefully hung the empty magitek shell back on its peg, and walked back towards the ball.
“Corpse? CORPSE? Dude! No! That’s like, rule number one! You don’t- it’s not- it’s not classy.” Skizz protested.
“Works pretty good for Cleo, I’d say.” Impulse said, scooping up the ball and getting ready to throw it again.
“Yeah, and Zed gripes himself blue about her every time we meet. Look, dude, it ain’t happening. It ain’t…not a good look. You get to be with the gross stuff, I get to do the nice stuff. It’s, like, the way of things.”
“Healing can be pretty gross,” Impulse chirped, tossing the ball gently, “I mean, you ever seen a guy get his stomach pumped?”
“Yeah, but that’s…that’s different.” Skizz said, “Though I guess…I mean. Thanks for teaching me about the maggots, by the way. I’d never have thought to even try it.”
Skizz caught the ball in his middle again, spinning around a few times for luck before firing it back.
Impulse chuckled.
“I mean, there’s…people don’t talk about the overlap enough. Sickness and health are a lot closer than you’d think.”
“Yeah, tell me about it, mister “I racked up my infection count because my cool angel bro told me all about these hip new things called ‘bacteriophages’.” Skizz said smugly.
“And who exactly needed to go into that hospital and handle that raging C. Diff outbreak with said hip new bacteriophages after his good angel buddy terrified all the doctors with legs instead of arms? Yeah, that’s right, it’s me.” Impulse chortled right back.”
“You had fun doing that and you know it!” Skizz countered.
“Yeah, you’re right. Phages, man. They’re great when you know what you’re doing.” Impulse chortled.
He’d caught the ball already, and tossed it straight back with an overhand toss from one of his lower pairs of arms. Impulse shuffled his seven wings and rolled his shoulders, flexing his jaw a few times. All the needle-sharp teeth in there jutting at odd angles could get a little sore from time to time.
“…You hurt?” Skizz asked automatically, “Want some help?”
“Uh, Skizz?” Impulse said, gesturing with one of his lower hands at his very-much-easily-damaged-by-holy-radiance-body, “Remember?”
“Oh. Oh, yeah. Uh, take a painkiller and I hope you feel better.” Skizz said awkwardly, “Anyway…after this, you wanna play something else?”
“Yeah! Wanna play Typhoid Mary?”
“…No, Impulse, no I don’t.”
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mekatrio · 10 months
but anyways its crazy how seto and kido are essentially doomed for obscurity cuz like theyre the last characters to receive backstories + their backstories are contained entirely in the novels, which is like, the least accessible kagepro media. and not just in terms of how difficult they are to buy (i think... im too lazy to research this. cuz like measuring that in diff parts of the world (like say US vs my country) is blehhh) but also in terms of like, how easy it is to go thru. cuz like surprise surprise a manga is leagues easier for a person to go thru than a novel. same for an anime. and not to mention that bc kagepro is a franchise that has strayed from the light of god, the novels, just like every other kgpr media, expects you to know other kgpr media in order for you to understand it. so yeah the novel is not just tough shit to get (legally), but its also tough shit to even understand. (and also getting it illegally isnt super easy either bc ppl these days are sadly straying away from the blessed art of piracy)
WHICH SUCKS!! FOR MY TWO KIDS!! SETO AND KIDO! cuz all of their core character development + plot contributions are Novel-Exclusive. like they did not do jack shit in the manga. and the anime is hysterical to me bc it adapted the first 6 novels (first 5 cuz thats what was released at the time and some of novel 6 cuz i guess jin had figured tht plot point by then), but not the last 2 novels. AND ITS THESE LAST TWO NOVELS that have setokido development.... ohh it is a big joke. a sad joke. cuz most kgpr fans are not going out of their way to read the novels. so theyre not gonna learn the deal abt these characters in the manga, or in the anime. at least w the songs kido is a bit better off cuz she got never lost word with an awesome MV. BUT SETO.... HIS MV ISNT EVEN OFFICIALLY ONLINE ANYWHERE!!! its so bad for him. its bad for the both of them but especially him since hes like, deliberately designed to blend into the background. but its bad for kido too. man.
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spookyserenades · 1 year
hi lovelyyy🥰🥰🥰
i hope you are thriving & doing very well!!🤗💜💜
ik i'm a bit late but i finally got the chance to ramble & freak out abt ch 8!!!!🥳🥳
& guess what? the day the ch came out was the same as when i got my bts albums delivered!! the stars must be aligning ig xd
so,i'll try to go in order( i prepared a checklist just to make sure i don't ramble randomly but it may still happen so srry in advance😅)
1st of all, i just wanna say that i screamed w/ my full chest when reading abt jk's antlers shedding! it always has been a lil detail that i always wished to see w/ hybrids of animals w/ antlers XD it adds to the accuracy & fidelity(?) to real animal facts & it made my whole week!! :3
The theory abt the full moon?!!! OMG! 😲🧠🎇
the moon is present in so many cultures & has always played a role in spirituality so i'm def curious to see how it will tie into the pagan & supernatural aspects of the story. i'm excited to see itbeing broght up again, to see if namjoon is aware of this possibility or if he already knows & is going to confirm jk's theory? also,if it's true,will diff phases of the moon have diff influences on wolf hybrids or not? i'll have to wait to know & i love it!!
A thing that left a deep impression in me was during the scene in which mc had namjoon & tae sit on nj's bed & medicate them. After setting some things straight & pulling the thorn in her side,there was a bit of an awkward silence(understandably) that was broken by tae apologising 1st. the thing that stood out to me is nj's reaction: he didn't just flow w/ tae's apology & outright refused to let the bear hybrid shoulder all the blame & responsability of both starting & escalating the fight. to me that showed maturity & confirmed that the wolf has calmed down, is feeling regretful & has been ruminating on his actions 👏👏
this is the corner 4 my yoongi appreciation!!! he's a breath of fresh air every time!! the way u wrote him is so precious & comforting!!😊 he is the personification of domestic bliss!😭 the kitchen is 100% his realm 😂💜 i love all the small & endearing ways he looks out 4 mc like when covering her eyes after jin & hobi stopped their hybrid-time, that whole scene was so heartwarming , light hearted & overall hilarious while still being a personal & delicate moment of acceptance & trust!! aaah i loved it soooo muuuuch!🤗
"It was almost like in another life, or in another existence entirely. she and Yoongi had been in this position before, had brushed each other's lives in some way" So... this recurring sense of familiarity, this elusive feeling of having already met yg or at least crossed paths briefly... is it smth that u have in store 4 us or am i reading into it too much? am i being delirious or...👁👃👁
the zagrouta excited scream i screamt when mc finally bought guide/informative books abt each species of the hybrids!!!🥳🥳 like yass,get educated grl!!😂👏 i'm so excited to read abt all the things she might learn & the possible lil fun facts/insights we may get on each species & how that new knowledge may reshape her approach or add new things she does 4 them/around them???😁
the scene in which nj was consulting her 4 an opinion on the tarot cards he drew from mc's mother is one of my faves for 2 reasons:
-i hope i'm being respctful when sharing this personal sentiment but even tho i'm not pagan myself i dunno, i get a heartwarming feeling when i see it represented anyway. i think it's both very thoughtful & sweet & it's def very refreshing to see! i also feel like i learn smth new every time which just fuels my interest & curiousity! ^^
-him seeking out the mc & openly asking 4 help, relying on her insight & valuing her opinion are indicators of not only his guilt abt what had happened but also his resolution in building the trust & relationship back up! this is also a new breather from the "prideful" wolf trope
again in the tarot scene: "Namjoon's handwriting, as beautiful as ever, curled across the weathered parchment in smudged indigo ink" i see what u did there! Again, you are a master of little meaningful & impressive details!!😚💖
getting back to talking abt pagan practices & rituals, in the story it was mentioned that there are diff types of protection & banishment & w/ u telling us that the malevolent entity will make an appearance again, i'm thrilled to see what new things abt paganism will be inserted in the story! (do tell me if i'm crossing lines when talking abt paganism this much & like this, i don't wanna lack respect in my enthusiasm & curiosity to learn more!^^)
Having in common this link to the paranormal & knowledge abt some of the practices may be the catalyst that brings jk & nj closer in the future. maybe? now i'm getting side-tracked srry😅
the thing that i keep wondering abt the most is how the past & future experiences w/ the paranormal will change the other hybrids: will they also start practicing? will their believes fundamentally change? if they start practicing, will they develop a personal & diff "style" just like how mc,jk & nj are diff in the way they have practiced up untill now? am i getting too much into this speculations/theories etc?🤐
Namjoon's birthday is in 2 week?!!!!!
oh god, that would stress me tf out of !! XD genuinely don't know if i wish 4 it to go smoothly or if i wish 4 some drama...w/out feeling a lil guilty tho😅
1 specific thing that ranks pretty high on the list of reasons of why i fell in love w/ this series & your writing style is how no matter the situation at hand, we always have solid insight to mc's thoughts,feelings & her mind, regularly & uninterruptedly. we always are aware of her inner wrld, macchinations, thoughts, opinions, reflessions etc & it's incorporated so smoothly w/ the flow of the narration, it brings her character to life in new ways each time!!
Another specific thing i love abt this series: each scenting scene in unique to the character & moulded after his personality. we see more of this characterisation & differentiation between them also in the small,laid back & domestic-y details like their tastes in cake (i'm team jk, cheesecake supremacy!), the changes they've done to the room to make it more theirs or not really in the case of jimin, their unique scents, which ones of them tend to tease mc more & their way to do it, which ones are already more physical even in lowkey instances such as hugging the mc when she bid them good night & the difference in which each one of the guys is showing her that he's warming up to her
i'm genuinely this 🤏 close to start singing a hymn in honor of this series & your mastery in wrld building, writing, descprition & creation of immersion!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
(i def wrote too much so srry abt that! i hope i did this ch justice & was able to be respectful enough of all the important topics & pagan practices i talked abt! i understand if it comes off a bit messy & all over the place & w/ way too many emojis too😅)
i would like to announce my engagement w/ "Trouvaille",
we are incredibly happy & madly in love!
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I hope this ask finds u well!🤗💜💜💜
take care & always prioritise your precious health!!🥰
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HIIII MY DARLING!!! 💓💓💓 How have you been! I've missed talking to you, my apologies for the late reply, it's been a crazy few weeks for me!
OMG what a treat that you got Chapter 8 and albums on the same day!! I hope you got some cute photocards! 🥺 (PS, I love that you made a checklist of things you wanted to talk about!)
AHHH so Jeongguk's velvet shedding is one of my favorite little details about him! I definitely wanted to include something like that when I originally planned out this series; I thought the goriness of velvet shedding fit in well with some of the eerie parts of the plot, and it especially fits Jeongguk's edginess. I'm so glad you like that part of his character! 😍
And the full moon theory Jeongguk had about Namjoon! I guess it is a sort of fantastical theory that Jeongguk came up with (MC looking at him like he grew an extra head) But you're so right, the moon has a very important role in so many religions and spiritualities, particularly in MC's practice, as well. I'm not sure if Namjoon has put the pieces together about how the moon influences his moods yet, but then again, he is very interested in this sort of subject matter, so it is definitely a possibility. When the moon is fuller, or in waxing phases, he would be easier to agitate, and during new moons or waning phases he'd be more collected and calm.
I agree with you during the whole "bandaging/scolding/apology" scene; Namjoon definitely put his pride aside and admitted that Tae was taking too much blame. Namjoon is quick to anger and react, so after the dust settled, he realized how he had flown off the handle and how it effected everyone else in the home. Hence how badly he felt, and why he felt the need to take share of the blame. He's learning how to control those reactions, slowly but surely!
YOONGIIII!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️ He's my darling, truly. In this fic and otherwise. Yoongi is a sweetheart irl, and I wanted this reflected in Trouvaille. I just love how he quietly looks after her, and yes, he has his moments of teasing, but really he's just a softie. I'm so happy you love him, and I really enjoyed writing the scene where he steps in before Hoseok and Seokjin can flash her-- definitely breaks up the tension with some comedic relief!
(P.S., you're onto something with the sense of familiarity between MC and Yoongi!! I don't want to give too much away, but you're on the money....) 🤭
I'm also super excited for MC to learn more about her hybrids through the new guidebooks she ordered!!! Perhaps there are more tidbits she has yet to uncover, and I'm pumped to include those in future updates!
My dear, you're always super sweet and respectful when you discuss pagan practices with me! And I'm really happy that you enjoyed the scene where MC and Namjoon are discussing Tarot. I think its a practice they'll definitely bond over together as time goes on! Namjoon has a thirst for knowledge, and with that I think he also wanted to make up for his behavior by offering his help to set up wards with MC. Cutie pie! 💜
AHH you caught the indigo ink detail, I'm thrilled you did!! Thank you for being so kind, as well, it means a lot that you enjoy all the little Easter eggs I tuck away into the story! 🥹
I'm also really really excited to incorporate more pagan rituals and practices into the story as time goes on! In the October update, I have a few fun things planned for the pagan holiday of Samhain. I love sharing some of my own practices through Trouvaille and discussing them any time, and I'm totally sharing your excitement!
Again, you're onto something! I think the shared interest both Namjoon and Jeongguk have in the paranormal/occult/supernatural will end up bringing them closer, or at least to an alliance of some kind. We'd all love to see it, I'm sure! Those two, and MC, already seem to have practices or beliefs at the very least in place, and we'll see over time what the other hybrids believe in or begin to practice (if they do). Variety is the spice of life, and I have lots planned for each character! 😘
I'm with you darling, I love a little drama and zest LOL!! Hopefully, things will go well for Namjoon's birthday, but first we'll have to tackle Jeongguk's. Hopefully it goes on without a hitch!
Also, I'm so !!! Glad and happy that you love MC as well!!! I've been hoping that she's been a reliable and enjoyable narrator so far, and I love writing all her little reactions to each hybrid. Thank you so much for showing her some love!!!
The scenting scenes were so so fun for me to write! Don't worry, there will be more of them in the future (I just wanted to establish the initial bite earlier on) But I'm so happy that you think each scene reflected how all of the hybrids are unique and have their own way of doing things. All of their little quirks, and how they've warmed up all at different rates, too... I'm so !! pleased that you noticed that!
fhdjsakfh If you write a hymn, let me know so we can sing it together!!! Thank you so so so much for always sending me such love, hearing your feedback always makes my month! SO much love to you, I hope you are well, happy, and healthy... and there are only a few more days till the next update, so I hope to hear from you again soon, my love! 🥰💓💜
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flamboyant-king · 4 years
sorry if i uhh focus on *gestures* this for a bit. im practicing a lot of things here.
-backgrounds -perspective -storytelling -composition -sticking to one project -staying motivated -etc
i cant keep you all entertained daily but i hope i give some of you something to look forward to....if i develop a schedule NYAHA
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lemonlurkrr · 3 years
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@aureateart​ ok. My favourite parts of twilight princess  (and some other random thoughts about TP sprinkled in there) taken from my monster TP word vomit google doc :
Link lmao
Ok but for real, I like this incarnation of Link :)
I love Ordon (it just seems like such a chill and cozy village)
ALSO love how easy it is to interpret Link as being a sort of older brother figure to the Ordon kiddos. It’s just,, super cute? AND GHHH nice nice good thanks nintendo for giving me characters to care about/characters that I can imagine Link caring about
He didn’t sign up for any of this (tbh, none of the Links really signed up for this jshdjsd). But I mean like, dude was just going to take a trip to castle town, drop a gift off for the royal family, and come back. But haHA oopsies he did get to castle town eventually but definitely not the way he expected hsjdhsd
He’s just a little dude?
everything is new for the player AND Link
She’s cool :)
she really just
*teleports into your jail cell* hello whore.
I am no master at writing but AYYYY she do got a character arc!!!
She was actually pretty helpful sometimes, I ALWAYS checked in with her before turning to a game guide
Other NPCs
Love all of the TP character designs (ASHEI’S ARMOUR??? AOWOAOAOOAO)
Saving Zelda and all of Hyrule was important yea but thinking back maybe it was more like, the Ordonians and the kids were what was pushing Link to keep on going
I like the Resistance members :) Very video gamey of them to have one NPC assigned to each dungeon but hey!!! Kinda cool getting to see a little glimpse of each of em
Idk, it’s just fun to imagine Link popping into Telma’s bar after each dungeon and taking a little rest :) (or to celebrate? maybe just chat, idk, give this man some downtime!!)
Honestly it was just kind of nice that Link wasn’t entirely alone. I mean, I know Midna was there the whole time, but I am always for giving Link a big group of friends (see my love for hyrule warriors, age of calamity, and LU LMAO)
Hero’s shade, very very cool, kinda sad he died with regrets but HEY. He got to pass on his knowledge eventually
AND the connection to OoT?? AND assumed to be related by blood too????? GOOD SHIT
Ilia, I REALLY really wanted to like her (er, it’s not like I dislike her, she’s just,,, kinda there for me).
It definitely seems like Nintendo was pushing to make her the romantic interest, but GHHHHH they really threw that out of the window for me by having her lose her memories
I saw a text post a while ago that said it would have been interesting if Ilia was Link’s sister instead and YES!! That would have been cool too :0
Wish we got to know Zelda a little more
I feel like we barely know anything about her
Idk man, like I said earlier, I never really had any sort of drive to save Zelda during my playthroughs
She obviously knows Midna, so maybe if they gave us just a little bit more of that relationship I’d be more interested in her?
Botw has good world building too, but each race felt kinda,,, isolated? I absolutely love the different architecture and vibe each town has (and all the the weapons too) but ghhh yea everyone felt so separated. As far as I can remember, we don’t see tooo much of the races interacting with each other? Now that I’m typing that out maybe that’s to be expected because of the calamity but KLSJDKJFD ANYWAYS THIS IS ABOUT TP
The world feels nice and alive, love how populated everything is
Castle town I like castle town a lot, it feels dense and busy and I really like how you can’t talk to every NPC you see
Very cool very fun that we got to see the Gorons hanging out in multiple spots
kinda wish we got to see the Zoras a little more (I guess they are a bit limited since they need water but GHHHH the tp zoras are so prebby,,)
BUT HEY, I do remember seeing a zora or two hanging out in the hot springs around death mountain after beating the lakebed temple (I think, might have been a different dungeon) 
but aaaa would have been nice to see them in at least a couple of other places. I think it would have really added to the “congrats Link!! You’re restoring peace to Hyrule” feeling you get from seeing the Gorons hanging out in Kakariko and Castle Town
Love how chill it is and how it’s kind of separate from Hyrule proper
They really do seem to be doing their own thing apart from the rest of Hyrule
Just kinda adds onto the “he’s just a regular dude minding his own business” kind of vibes I get from TP Link
Also I like Ordona :)
Love their design
And love how they’re not exactly like a pure white?
Different spirit representing each aspect of the triforce my beloved
But yes hi I think Ordona is very cool
Who are you, how did you get here, which goddess do you represent? Do you even represent one of the three golden goddesses? Do the Ordonians know about you? Have any of them ever SEEN you??? Do they worship you? Does anybody even know about the existence of the light spirits?? FUCK so many questions but ghhh I like how they broke the status quo a bit by throwing in a fourth spirit :)
I feel like this one is kinda weird but I like that voice sample they used in the light spirit music. It’s spooky and pretty at the same time :)  
cutscenes mmmmm
Ok ok, the spooky lanayru cutscene is very good
IT just
Idk man
It just hit different
I like the music
And seeing the light spirits swimming around in the light juice water whatever it is
Summoning the light arrows?
AND HHHHH “Lend us the last of your power!” THIS IS IT. This is the final battle.
Seeing Zelda bow down, and then Link putting his hand out 👌👌👌
Link: ok bud, let’s do this together :)
Connection to OoT (did I already mention this? Maybe., Whatever)
Very cool nintendo :)
I love seeing connections between all the diff zelda games.
Because like, on one hand, they’re all separate from each other because of yknow, individual hero stuff. BUT ALSO, they’re all connected because of the reincarnation stuff
Grrrr walking through the sacred grove and going “The Hero of Time walked around here a long time ago” FUCK THATS SO COOL
Is the Hero’s Shade watching me? What does he think of me? DIsappointed? Proud? The Hero of Time went through HELL so this timeline didn’t have to deal with any of the shit Ganon was gonna pull with the triforce, better not fuck this UP Link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Midlink is cute
Kinda hurts that she smashed the mirror but that was probably so Nintendo didn’t have to worry about people going “but what about the twili??????” for any of the other games LMAO
BUT ALSO LIKE SKJDKLJFJ There are some pretty massive plot holes in TP anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever it’s fine we’ll just use this for angst because GOD do y’all like angst
So is Shadlink
Honestly don’t know where this ship came from but it’s cute so whatever
Love Midna’s theme and how they referenced the dark world theme from ALttP (I remember trying to learn the dark world theme on the piano and doing the Leonardo DiCaprio point meme at the little jingle I recognized from Midna’s theme)
Hyrule field theme SLAPS.
Apparently references a couple of the other over-world themes from the previous zelda games (I got this from 8-bit Music theory’s video on the over-world zelda themes, he talks about TP at around 11:40 but def recommend watching the whole video if you’re into music analysis stuff)
So there’s this bit of the Hyrule Field theme, I don’t know the official name for it but I remember seeing somewhere it being called the “at an advantage theme” since yeah, you hear it during the boss music whenever you expose their weak points. FUCKINGGG LOVE THAT. Didn’t notice it during my first playthrough, but hearing it during my second was like a little easter egg for my ears every time :)
Midna’s lament is very pretty (and fun to play on the piano)
I didn’t care for it too much when I started playing the game but hearing it in ZREO’s arrangement of the Hyrule Field theme literally makes me turn into a puddle of emotions. Also hearing it around and of the Ordon kids (I think it plays after Link saves Colin) AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Orchestra piece #1 and #2 HOLY SHIT???????????????? 
Literally, the first time I listened to those I just,,,, plugged in my headphones, volume 100, layed on the floor/against my desk and silently vibed. I don’t know what the hell it is, but those two just fit so well with TP?? I still avoid listening to them nowadays cause if I DO I definitely will get overwhelmed with the “god I love this game so FUCKING MUCH” kind of feels.
Wolf link sucks at singing
the first time I heard him howling Zelda’s Lullaby I lost my shit because LKSJLDKSGLKJFSKG god that was.,, Bad. Anyways, hearing him howl some of the songs from OoT was cute :)
VERY GOOD. IT’s like 10 minutes long and GOD do I love every single second of it. It doesn’t have the same energy as the skyward sword staff roll or the orchestra pieces but GOD does it hit good??
Nice and calm after that big exciting adventure. Maybe it would have been more fun or emotional to have a higher energy piece but it was really nice getting to sit back and watch the camera fly around Hyrule. Seeing like, the Gorons and the Zoras having a good time, the kids returning to Ordon? GOOD SHIT.
and AAAAA that end, when you hear the main Zelda theme and see Link riding off out of Faron woods on Epona… good shit. It gets you thinking, where the hell is he going? What is he doing? Off ot do more adventuring? Going to help out the resistance or something? Going to help Zelda? Or maybe he’s trying to figure out a way to restore the mirror of twilight? Whoooo knows.
I also want to acknowledge the instrument/samples they used for all the twili stuff.
They’re all just so unique and contrast SO well with the rest of the TP OST. LIKE FUCK!! Anytime I hear the screech from the Twilit Kargarok? Sends a shiver down my spine. I associate those sounds SO strongly with the twili realm. (Like, the same way you associate the BSHEWW VVWWMMM sounds with light sabers)
I love it so god damn much
literally any time there’s a certain sound or motif associated with something I lose my shit
Sacred grove sacred grove sacred gro-
lovely lovely lovely so much fun playing that on the piano. AND again, I did the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme when I heard the theme from the lost woods come in GHHHHHHHH
shoutout to TP Faron Woods for helping me study and get through all of my schoolwork
BLEGUUHHH can you tell that I really love music?
and also yea I guess TP is kinda cool too :\
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cartierbin · 3 years
hey! if you aren’t too busy with school and stuff could you make a d!lf hyunjin or felix and just make it super rough
yes ofc.
『 pairing — felix x reader
genre — smut + diff!sugar daddy felix fucking his sugar baby in his private jet + three’s a crowd
word count — 1.289k 』
notes — idk if this counts as super rough but i tried lmao
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smut under the cut !
you didn’t even mean for all of it to happen like this. you were a broke college student, sick of working those shitty part time jobs and just wanted some quick cash. what started off as an onlyfans account quickly became an encounter with a sugar daddy who was willing to spoil you in every way possible, all while being a father of four children. and with the way your bank account was looking you’d be dumb to turn him down.
you had to say, to be a sugar daddy and a father of four felix was quite handsome for his age. he still looked young and he was also much too nice and sweet to be a sugar daddy. you figured most would be serious and stern with you. but felix was rather playful and very frequently gave you anything you wanted, just as long as you helped him live out his fantasies.
it was the middle of the night when you felt that sharp tinge of pleasure hit your groin. the one that you tried so desperately to ignore but couldn’t because it was making your legs tremble. you flickered your eyes open to feel a soft hand cupping your cheek and felix’s delicate lips tongue kissing the other. you could hear the soft pur of the engine which reminded you that you were on his private jet. the lights inside were glowing a baby blue hue, the color that blurred occasionally due to you scrunching your eyes from the wet sensible feeling beneath you. a feeling that you couldn’t quite understand since Felix’s hands were where you could see them and so was his lips and tongue. you finally gain enough courage to look down to see a curly haired, brown curvy woman on her knees in front of you, flat tonguing your swollen clit. from the looks of her uniform it seemed as though she was the flight attendant. you never saw one this erotic looking before, the buttons on her uniform were undone revealing her large chest, each breast spilling over the cups of her bra. she was hot and the way she was eating you was even hotter. by the time you gazed back up felix was already smirking, still tongue kissing your cheeks while your body shook from the wet consistency of her mouth. felix groomed your hair back, loving the way you were hopelessly glaring up at the ceiling. “just relax and let her devour your pussy baby”. his dark voice made the hairs on the back of your neck raise high.
you had no choice but to let her. she was pinning your legs wide open against the plane seat and eating you as if it would be the last pussy she ate in her life. raunchy breathless moans throttled from your throat at her efforts, you watch her tongue swirl around the whole glistening organ before finally wedging it inside your needy hole. your hips bucked against her mouth and felix felt himself grow quickly at the sight of it all. he began to palm himself. “spit on it”. he ordered, and the girl does as told squeezing out a splotch of saliva from between her lips and letting it land right on your folds. “now eat it like that”. he demands once more, and she did exactly what he said, leaving your mouth hanging wide open in the most euphoric way. everywhere her thick lips went your hips followed. felix moved his lips downward in a trail, tongue kissing a line down your chest until he was finally at your nipples. he took each in his mouth hungrily while massaging your breasts, licking and sucking all over them. you didn’t know which sensation to focus on first, felix sucking your nipples or the sexy woman sucking your pussy. either way it goes your body was overheating from the way both of their mouths made you feel. you stammered out a plethora of curse words with a feeling of relief washing over you, relief that no one else worked in this sector of the jet at this time of night. you gripped the armrest in a daze, and felix was glaring up at you enjoying the look of pure arousal strewn all over your face. this is what he wanted. this is just what he wanted to see.
once your eyes finally landed on his he smirked a little, taking his teeth and grazing them lightly over your nipple just before sucking it teasingly. you gasp at his actions, gazing at him in utter lust while watching your nipple roll back and forth over the length of his tongue. you held your breath with your mind spinning from feeling too much sensations all at once. sweat was starting to cover your body as your heart rate increased. you were throbbing so hard you practically felt it all in your eardrums. fireworks traveled through your body from head to toe, and your pussy started jerking eagerly against the woman’s tongue. the tremoring of your body warned him that you were close, he began drinking in your high pitched moans with his mouth. you were lazily kissing back, breathing heavily through your nose as your orgasm came quick and in a hurry dripping down the curvature of her chin. felix reaches a hand down to unzip his jeans, all while using the other to reach and push the woman’s tongue further into your pussy. “don’t stop”. he demands and you grip the armrest harder as he made you suffer from overstimulation. “please— please”. you pleaded, feeling another wave of cum ooze from your leaking hole. he held her head in place until she made you cum a third time, taking the breath right out of you. when she stood up to smirk at you her mouth was completely drenched as she walked off, going elsewhere.
felix then hovered over your open legs and hoisted them a bit higher around his waist. he smiles a little at how fucked out you looked with messy hair and your face completely flushed. “look at my baby. she ate your pussy good didn’t she?”. you couldn’t even bring yourself to say yes before felix encased you in another hot saliva filled kiss, pushing his cock straight through your cream. you gasp into the cavern of his mouth and he continued kissing your bottom lip until you got used to the sudden feeling. he clutched the underside of your thighs while he rocked into you, intoxicating you with his passionate kisses. a steady stream of moans from you vibrated his lips and he relished every single one of them and hastened his pace until he was brutally fucking you into the seat. your body already felt weak and limp from your last couple of orgasms, so it was no surprise that you felt completely helpless in this moment. he grabbed the top cushion of the plane seat for support while littering your neck with purpling hickies that you knew would be difficult to conceal. he licks his lips at the way your breast jiggled with every movement of his snapping waist. If there was anything you learned from him it was the fact that his oral fixation was prioritized during sexual encounters such as this one, which explained why he couldn’t help himself and began tongue kissing your oversensitive nipples. the seat became sticky with your body sweat. you arched your back off of It, hearing the mechanics of the seat rattle around due to the force of felix’s thrusts. he was fucking you hard and without mercy, especially since this time around your pussy was wetter than he ever felt it. you grasped the fabric of his shirt while your eyes drove to the back of your head, drenching his cock with your cum. he proceeded to make the chair squeak until it was his turn, to which he pulled out and spurted everything he had all over your breasts.
before you could lapse he takes your chin and mushes his mouth against yours once again, smirking and breathing heavily against your lips. “you’re such a good girl for me. I guess you do deserve that shopping spree huh?”
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sdvvillagers · 3 years
Fic - Jodi and Gus
Word Count: 1,516
Summary: Jodi never intended to be the unofficial barber in Pelican Town, it just... happened.
Notes:  Thank you to @floopthecooper for the prompt!
Jodi was never sure exactly when it was she became Pelican Town’s unofficial barber. It just sort of happened over time. Slowly more residents in town came to her for their haircuts and before she knew it, she was cutting the hair of almost every person in town. Word of mouth spread in a place like Pelican Town. Though she couldn’t pinpoint exactly when she got the reputation around town as the unofficial barber, she could at least pinpoint exactly when it all began. It had been a cool spring morning, not long after she, Kent, and Sam had moved to Pelican Town. Jodi had always been the one to cut Sam’s hair, it was always so much easier and more affordable to do it herself and it wasn’t all that difficult. She’d never had any formal training, just a few attempts of trial and error, maybe a bad haircut or two for Sam, but she ended up figuring it out along the way.
Whenever possible, Jodi tried to cut Sam’s hair outdoors. It made less of a mess inside the house and was easier to clean up. Jodi had sat Sam down outside, covering his shoulders and back with a towel, before starting up the clippers to give his hair a trim. It was about halfway through the haircut when the local saloon owner, Gus, passed by their house on his way to visit the house nextdoor. Jodi waved politely, though she still didn’t know him all that well. Jodi never found herself visiting the saloon, she always prepared homecooked meals and wasn’t a drinker, so there was just no need. Still, if this was going to be her family’s new home for quite some time, she wanted to be sociable. When she waved, Gus stopped walking and waved in return. The large, welcoming smile on his face seemed genuine and his eyes were soft and kind.
“Hi there, Jenny!” Gus greeted her happily.
“It’s Jodi,” Jodi corrected him with a nervous giggle. Gus slapped the palm of his hand hard against his forehead.
“Sheesh, what a knucklehead,” Gus muttered to himself. “My apologies, Jodi. And this here must be Samson.”
“Yes, though he prefers to go by Sam,” Jodi answered, already smiling and waving her hand dismissively for the apology she knew was going to come. Sure enough, Gus looked mortified.
“Two for two, I’m usually so much better than this,” Gus replied apologetically. “Sorry for the mixup, I promise it won’t happen again.”
“No apologies necessary,” Jodi assured him.
“So I’m sorry to bother you, but uh… I couldn’t help but notice that you’re cutting the little one’s hair,” Gus pointed out, tilting his head curiously. Sam cringed on the spot at being called ‘the little one’.
“Oh, am I not supposed to be doing that outside?” Jodi asked nervously. “I was hoping the breeze wouldn’t blow the hair around, I apologize. I can move this indoors if it’s bothersome.”
“No, not at all!” Gus replied, shaking his head. “I was only asking because… well, I hope this doesn’t come across as odd, but… is that something you do for a living or just for your son?”
“Just for my son,” Jodi answered. “I’ve been cutting his hair since he was about three years old. Cheaper that way.”
“I hear you,” Gus replied, nodding. “Haircuts can be so expensive. Even worse when we have to travel all the way to Grampleton once or twice a season for it. It ends up costing a fortune when you consider the cost of the haircut plus transportation and in the amount of time it takes, you usually need to grab lunch while you’re there. It ends up being a whole day trip just to get half an inch trimmed off my hair.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that,” Jodi remarked, feeling a bit guilty. Between cutting Sam’s and Kent’s hair herself, plus trying her best to trim her own, she hadn’t had to take any of her family to get a haircut in quite some time.
“I guess I was just wondering if I could ask you… sheesh, I feel bad even asking, but… would I be able to ask you for a haircut?” Gus asked nervously. “I’ve been putting it off for over a week now and it would be so much easier if I could get it done and over with here.”
“I don’t know,” Jodi answered uncertainly, her eyes darting back and forth to avoid seeing any disappointment in Gus’ face. His kindness and personable nature made it difficult to disappoint him.
“I would pay you a fair rate,” Gus clarified.
“Oh no, it’s not that,” Jodi assured him. “It’s not the money issue, it’s just that I’m not exactly a trained professional. I never went to school for this or anything, I just have what I picked up over the years from trial and error with Sam. I’d be nervous about messing up or not being able to cut it the way you want it to be. I’d never forgive myself if I gave you a bad haircut.”
“I promise you I’m an easy customer,” Gus remarked with a light-hearted chuckle. “I’m not picky at all. I could walk out of here with a bowl cut and still be okay, I just need this hair a bit shorter. Too much hair in my eyes drives me nuts.”
“I really don’t know, I’m not qualified,” Jodi went on, swaying uncertainly on the spot as she mulled it over in her mind. “You’re sure you wouldn’t mind if I completely mangled your hair?”
Gus stepped closer to the porch and took a look at Sam’s hair which was halfway through being cut, looked thoughtfully, and nodded. Poor Sam sat awkwardly in the chair, fidgeting as some stranger gawked at him and his hair.
“From what I can tell, I highly doubt you’ll mangle it,” Gus said kindly. “I’m willing to take the risk, but only if you are. I’d never want to pressure you to do it if you’re uncomfortable, though.”
“I’m certainly happy to give it a try,” Jodi replied optimistically. “I’ve never cut anyone’s hair besides my son’s and my husband’s. I suppose if it would save you the trouble and you’re willing to live with the results, I’ll give it a try. No charge, though, especially since I’m just winging it.”
“No deal, then,” Gus replied seriously. “I won’t take something for nothing, especially not from a working mother.”
“Oh, I don’t work,” Jodi corrected Gus.
“You don’t?” Gus asked, folding his arms and raising an eyebrow. “You don’t cook? Clean? Organize? Plan? Provide care? Teach? You don’t do any of that?”
“Well that’s diff-” Jodi began, but Gus cut in.
“Moms have the hardest job of all, in my opinion,” Gus went on, smiling warmly at Jodi. “Don’t tell me you don’t work when you’ve got more jobs than any of the rest of us. Yes, I’m paying you for your work.”
It was incredible how warm Jodi felt while Gus spoke, she could feel her cheeks flushing at his comments and it made her feel more validated and understood than she’d felt in quite some time. Too often her role was diminished or looked down upon, it was nice for someone to notice and appreciate her value as a stay at home mom.
“Thank you,” Jodi giggled nervously, turning her head slightly to try and hide her blushing cheeks. “Just let me know when you want that haircut.”
“The saloon opens in two hours, I doubt there’s any chance you can do it before then?”
“I could probably get started in about fifteen minutes,” Jodi estimated. “Just gotta finish with Sam first but I could cut your hair right afterwards. Might as well as long as I’ve got everything out.”
“Perfect, that gives me plenty of time to stop by your nextdoor neighbor’s house for a quick chat,” Gus remarked thoughtfully. “Both of their daughters’ birthdays are in spring, so they called me over to talk about ordering a cake for them.”
“You’re a bartender, chef, and baker?” Jodi asked, nodding at Gus with an impressed grin.
“You’re not the only one juggling a lot of jobs,” Gus replied playfully. “Thanks again for the haircut, I really appreciate it.”
“Don’t thank me yet until after it’s done,” Jodi teased. “See you in a little bit.”
“See you then,” Gus replied, waving to Jodi as he continued on his way down the path to the house nextdoor.
At least that’s how it began, one small favor for the kind bartender in town in his time of need. Yet by the time fall rolled around, Jodi was cutting hair at least three times a week and had never been sure how it snowballed that way. What she hadn’t learned yet, but would learn during her time in Pelican Town, was that everyone in town loved and respected Gus. And when he gushed to a saloon full of patrons about his fantastic haircut from the new woman in town, people listened.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “To learn.”
My brain wanted to write something in first person present tense today. I have no idea why, but I let it go wild. I hope you all like it :) A little bit different than my usual style :)
I just needed some time.
You ever tried putting yourself back together after war, it isn’t easy, or at least I don’t find it to be. I don’t know, call me a sissy, but I don’t actually like war., I don’t take pleasure from killing, but it is part of my job, a big part of it and if the universe continues the way it is, I am going to see war a lot more often.
I wish it didn’t affect me so much.
I wish I had a better way of handling it.
People think I’m a strong person, but they’re wrong. There are plenty of people who could take up my mantle and do a more badass job. They wouldn’t grow sick as the sight of carnage, and they wouldn’t hesitate to put the armor back on.
I’m not like that ….
I’m a coward.
If my friends knew…. Well I have no idea what they would think of me.
But that’s why I had to take some time. Since my first injury, I have never been totally alone. There was always someone there to check on me, there was always someone there to help me deal with my issues. I don’t think I ever figured out how to take care of myself, which is why I decided to take this trip, alone.
The others didn’t understand it…. well , one of them did but he still didn’t like it, but If I am being honest it will be good for them….. Especially her…. The last thing I want to do is make it so we can’t function alone.
I think its called…. Codependency or something.
I don’t know sounds like the sort of thing I’d get caught up in.
I suppose it's for all those reasons that I ended up here. 
Looking out the window, I can see Anum suspended against the sky glassy in shades of blue purple and green like a lucky marble. It almost feels as if I can reach out and touch it.
The last time I saw this place, it was receding into the distance,.
I lost a lot here, my leg, and my mind for a short time.
Now it kind of makes me laugh to think that a piece of me was left behind to fertilize some of the plant matter. Of course, it looks a bit different now that the dark season has abated. I had only ever seen the place when it was covered in ash, but it's actually quite beautiful. 
The pilot of the shuttle is pretty average, and I only feel like tightening my hands on the seatbelts just a little as we enter the atmosphere.
Fire rolls up around us as friction begins to heat up the outer hull.
Around me men and aliens alike rock in their seats.
Most of them are miners, come here to work on extracting the precious metals from below Anum’s surface.
Personally, I prefer asteroid mining, but statistics say that is more dangerous and expensive so of course corporations like it a lot less, and besides, all of this was sort of just a massive pissing contest with the GA forcing the Drev to pay for the damages caused during war. I don’t think they should, but who am I to give my opinion.
I’m just a soldier.
It doesn't take us long to leave the atmosphere, and it isn’t long before we are looking down at a massive open mining operation. The face of Anum has been scoured with a massive terraced hole overrun by machines and workers cutting into the stone. Volcanoes pipe smoke in the distance.
The scars of industry really are ugly sometimes.
I’ve seen pictures of anum during the bright season, without the machinery.
It's honestly very beautiful, but maybe I'm a bit biased. It’s the one part of home that Sunny misses, and I’ve always wanted to see it for myself. With all the times we’ve gone to earth, you think we'd have visited her home planet too, but I guess the cosmos have ust never taken us this way.
Red lights blink above the doors, and I unbuckle my harness pulling on my bag and gear with the rest of the miners, though I’m not here for the same reason they are. Boots clatter loudly on the ramp below our feet, and I head outside.
It smells clean and cool, though for a distant tang of sulfur.
You barely notice it though, less bad than visiting the hot springs at yellowstone, so your nose adjusts quickly.
The sky overhead is blue, just like on earth, though the ground beyond the launch pad is an amalgamation of rainbow color. I have to blink a few times to adjust my vision, pulling up the eyepatch to take a look from my mechanical eye and its UV filter.
“Holy shit.”
It's beautiful, the sheer amount of color is astonishing like the Lucky Charms leprechaun had some sort of horrific accident. T
he miners ignore me and continue on their way towards the docking pad. 
I don’t plan on following.
I am not here for them. I drop the patch back over my eye, and adjust the bag over my shoulder striking it out into the bush, barely looking back. No one notices, or cares, and it isn’t long before the launch field and the mining operation disappears over the horizon. Anum’s circumference is just a little smaller than that of earth with the horizon eating up anything beyond that around three miles.
Gravity is somewhat lessened too, which makes it easier as I walk.
My boots are silent against the multicolored moss at my feet, this stuff teal in color. Little white flowers spring up from the surface like clover back home. A light gust of wind rolls past me causing the flowers to ripple. I lift my head closing my eyes and allowing the wind to carry with it distant smells.
This is the same wind that Sunny would have known growing up, the same feeling under her feet.
I decide to stop a couple miles out under the meager shade of a coiltree. I have never actually seen one before now, and I can see why it’s called a coiltree. Honestly it looks like something straight out of a Dr. Seus book striped up the trunk and with branches that curl into spirals. More little whit blossoms erupt from the trunk, and between those are little white berries. 
I seem to recall those being edible.
Reaching up, I pluck one or two down from the branches and pop them into my mouth. Though the skin is white, the berries juice stains my hands purple. One of them is horrifically sour, but the other is pleasantly sweet, probably more ripe than the other, though I can’t yet tell the difference between them. 
I sit there under the tree for a little while looking out across the lonely landscape. Something is moving on the distant horizon, though I can't exactly tell what they are, a herd of some sort of animal or another. They are very tall as far as I can tell, just a little shorter than the coiltree.
As a last moment decision, I kick off my boots, and strip my socks tying them to my bag before standing.
The moss is very soft under my feet erupting upwards between my toes like a shag carpet, but you know much less hideous.
My footsteps are even softer now, though the prosthetic clatters sometimes when metal hits stone.
Sweat runs down my back,sides, and front.
I have no idea where I am going, but I know they will see me soon enough.
They have patroll parties out here, and if they aren’t watching me already, then they will be soon enough.
I keep walking heading parallel to the volcanic chain.
For the most part, my hike is uneventful, except for that time that I stepped on something slimy and wriggly. I hate to admit it but I squealed like an idiot and nearly fell over, only made worse when I looked down and saw the giant pale maggot burrowing into the moss and underground.
I nearly gagged, and my skin crawled.
Sunny had mentioned those, though I forgot their names.
THey lived primarily off of decomposing plant and animal material, very common in areas where war had continued.
I didn’t like it, but it was probably one of those nasty suckers that ate my leg.
I contemplated putting my boots back on, but kept walking instead. 
A group of unknown flying critters appear overhead. They have two sets of membranous wings, kind of like those of a bat, no tail though, just a long rail of fur like the streamer of a kite.
These ones are bright colors like pink and yellow.
Pretty cool.
Its nice to walk in the silence, though after a while my brain devolves into humming the star wars theme, and then singing stupid songs dancing around and hopping about from one foot to another as I badly sing the choruses to all the songs I know.
My eye of the tiger rendition probably left something to be desired, though I doubt anyone out here would know the difference.
Then comes the stupid dialogs with myself as I try to imagine what Krill Conn and Sunny would say about all this.
“Commander, I will have you know that you behavior is highly disquieting, I insist we get an MRI on your brain to make sure you have not developed a severe case of bilateral goop disease.”
“What kind of dumbass just goes wandering around with no idea where he’s going. The dumbass kind of dumbass.”
“Adam, I need you to understand that Anum is a dangerous place. I know you grew up on earth, but there are still things that can go wrong on Anum. Do you know how common surprise hot springs are. What if you fell in and died.”
Speaking of which, “Thanks imaginary Sunny, I totally forgot about that.”
Other than that, what can go wrong, it is a bright shiny day, the temperature is perfect, nothing someone like me can’t handle. Oh and is that a crunchy pink orb I see. I fucking love those, they taste so good.
I hop over the rocks, my feet warm on the moss, and reach down to pluck one of the spheres from it’s short stumpy stem.
And that's when the spear appears at my throat.
I drop my hand back and look up to see a drev that is at least three feet taller than me, holding his massive spear orange eyes narrowed. Holy shit, I didn’t even hear her/him coming. Honestly I should have seen them coming long before anything else bright fuschia as they were.
“Lod tsa ee nin tsa daeen darish.”  They jab the spear at my neck, and the obsidian lined head cuts through my sin like butter. 
Oh shit, uh, my translator is not picking up shit. Guess these guys have a different accent than we’re used to. I rack my brains trying to remember how to speak what little I know, but it seems that it has all fled me when I needed it the most.
“Lod tsa ee nin tsa daeen darish!” I stumble backwards onto my butt and hands. Shit shit.
I hold up a hand.
“Cheeyat neahasan!” Shit I forgot to conjugate the verb. Damn I must look like an idiot yelling ‘to speak slow!’ at the top of my lungs 
However, my botched attempt at speaking seems to work, and they pull back. “Tsa dzhal Cheeyish.” 
Oh I understood that one, “Yid zhe cheeyi dzhal.” yes, yes I speak Drev, “neahasan.” Slolwy anyway. 
They pull back. I don't know why, but I’m getting a female vibe off this one. I can't tell though, Drev voices all tend to be rather deep.
“Lod tsa ee nin tsa daeen darish” She says it slower this time, and all around her I watch as a small group of other Drev move to flank me from the sides. They are listening very intently.
I think I understand this time, the rough translation being who are you and what are you doing.
I want to speak with your leader, “Zhe zhegingi s tsak eeda cheeyat.” My voice is halting and I am butchering the pronunciation, but they seem to get my request.
She trusts the spear at me, “Tsaee!”
I hold up my hands, “Woah woah, easy easy…. I uh.” Shit what was the word to learn, “zhe….zhengingi hak tsa…. “ Damn it… I can’t remember,  “um….. Rekazat nin dzhal….. Rekazazh.”
Oh wow, that sounds really intelligent. I wanted to learn from them but instead apparently I ‘want to know what they know.’ riveting conversationalist that I am.
She stares at me confused.
In frustration I point at her spear, “Zhe zhengingi…..zheengat?” 
Uh this was going poorly. I clearly did not know as much of their language as I thought I did.
I want to know to fight.
Wow excellent work their commander that will convince them.
They look back and forth at each other, and fire off some quick shot dialogue that leaves my head spinning.
She turns to me and lowers her spear, “s jya Hajish.”
Come with us.
Great a sentence I understood.
It was in the next few hours that I was either going to live, or I was going to die horribly. 
A pretty exciting time in my life.
And I followed.
Not like I had a choice at this point. 
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twilights-800-cats · 4 years
<< Allegiances || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || From the Beginning || Patreon >>
Chapter 13
Feathertail’s dream was gentle, the sound of splashing water surrounding her as she padded through the rocky trails of the mountains. The air was warm and clear, sprigs of grass clinging to cracks in the stone and small batches of flowers brightening the gray landscape.
She was padding towards another cat; one whose scent was sweet and calming – but before she could identify the stranger Feathertail found her eyes opening to the dim light of the Tribe’s cave.
Somewhat sad, Feathertail sighed. That had probably been the first pleasant dream she’d had in a while, one not filled with the screams of her Clanmates as the Twolegs tore the ground from underneath them, or her alone within crushing, lonely darkness. She longed to return to it, but knew she wouldn’t be able to recapture that softness, so she focused on the waking world instead.
The others were just waking themselves, getting in a brisk morning wash before the day began. Stoneheart and Shadepaw were gone, much to Feathertail’s surprise. Stoneheart hadn’t been moved since the Clan cats settled in the nest. Is he really getting well enough to move?  
“Snow took them both into the back.” Nightpaw’s voice broke into Feathertail’s thoughts. The small black tom was stretching each of his short legs in turn. “She said she wanted to take a better look at Stoneheart’s wound, and teach Shadepaw more of the mountain herbs.”
Feathertail didn’t miss the flash of anxiety in Nightpaw’s eyes as he spoke. “What’s wrong?” she wondered.
Nightpaw frowned. “We can’t stay here too long,” he meowed quietly. “We’re running out of time.”
“I know,” Feathertail assured. She got to her paws to touch her nose to the apprentice’s forehead. “Hopefully they come back with good news about Stoneheart.”
“I miss home,” Nightpaw murmured, looking down at his paws. “I miss Mother and Father and ThunderClan… I hope they’re all okay…”
Feathertail’s heart ached for the young apprentice. Leaving home had been a hard decision for every cat there, but the apprentices were young, still, and Nightpaw and Shadepaw had parents who loved them. Feathertail licked Nightpaw between his ears sympathetically.
Who misses me in RiverClan, I wonder? Feathertail thought. Her heart sank. Though she had talked up RiverClan to Brook and the other Tribe cats, she couldn’t bring herself to think of a single cat other than Stormfur and Tawnypelt to answer that question.
Feathertail moved away from Nightpaw at the sound of Brook’s voice. The small she-cat was crouched by the entrance to the softpaw den, her eyes bright. “Want to go on the morning hunt?” she asked.
“Sure,” Feathertail agreed. She glanced at Nightpaw, and then asked, “Can he come?” Maybe walking around outside the cave would give him a chance to chase away his worries.
Brook nodded. “Of course.”
Feathertail and Nightpaw followed Brook out of the den and across the cave, where it looked like several patrols were gathering to move out. Feathertail recognized Crag, who seemed to be in the lead of the other morning patrol – which just so happened to have with them the ginger tabby tom who had chastised the Clan cats when they had arrived.
“Take care,” the tom was saying, rubbing his muzzle against Sun’s. Feathertail blinked, noticing the similarities in their build.
“I will,” Sun promised, licking the tom’s ear. Her eyes glowed with affection.
Brook glanced between them. “Red Sun on Horizon – he might be a grumpy cat, but he’s a great prey-hunter, and a good father,” she explained.
Feathertail blinked, nodding gratefully at Brook. He reminds me of Blackclaw, she thought, watching Red. And Dustpelt, from ThunderClan. I think every Clan has a cat like that.
Sun trotted over to Brook. “Are we ready to go?” she asked.
“Soon,” Brook assured.
Feathertail looked over their group. She recognized Swift, who had hunted with her the evening before – but she didn’t know the fluffy brown tom she was talking with, nor the bulky tortoiseshell that was their cave-guard.
“That’s Claw of Hungry Wolf,” Brook whispered, “and Spray Dappling Cold Stone. We’re waiting on Cloud That Covers Moon before we go.”
Feathertail sighed. “Thanks,” she meowed. There are so many cats here!
“It’s going to be a good day to hunt!” Sun decided, looking out over the cave.
Nightpaw frowned. “How can you tell? The waterfall’s in the way!”
Sun purred, and Feathertail’s whiskers twitched. Even she could see that there was sunlight shining through the cascading water, and the spray from the falls wasn’t as cold as it had been yesterday. Greenleaf still has a few warm days left, even up here.
“May we join you?” Feathertail’s ears pricked as she picked up Stormfur’s voice. Her littermate, joined by Mistyfoot and Crowpaw, had approached Crag’s patrol. “We’re eager to help.”
Crag’s eyes flashed, and he glanced at the other Tribe cats. There was a hush in the patrols as every cat seemed to wait on the cave-guard’s decision. Feathertail blinked, confused. Why was it such a big deal? No Tribe cat had blinked when she joined a patrol.
“We’ll take them,” Crag decided, nodding to Mistyfoot and Crowpaw. “You stay.”
Stormfur looked baffled. “Why?” he wondered.
Crag sighed, shaking his head. “Clan cats don’t understand – mountain patrols need to be small to succeed.”
Stormfur opened his jaws as if to protest, throwing a helpless look at Feathertail. She didn’t know what to say – and neither did he. Stormfur closed his jaws and stepped back. “Alright, then,” he conceded. He nodded to the patrol and offered, “Good luck.”
Crag didn’t wait for any more pleasantries – he raised his tail, and he and his patrol slipped out of the cave, Mistyfoot and Crowpaw trailing behind. Stormfur sighed and got to his paws, heading back to the softpaw den, his tail trailing in the dust.
Feathertail glanced down at Nightpaw, who seemed just as confused. What was that all about? Every patrol we’ve seen or been on has been large, Feathertail reasoned inwardly. Why would Crag deny Stormfur? She remembered that the Tribe cats had also stopped her littermate from leaving the cave the day before. What’s going on?
“Let’s head out!” Brook called briskly, as a black she-cat approached their group – Feathertail guessed that this was Cloud. “The prey won’t catch itself!”
The sun was high in the sky when Feathertail’s patrol stopped to hunt – it was a low, sloping valley that Brook had chosen, reasoning that in the heat the prey would come for the small stream that trickled through the area. However, it was a small space for their large patrol, and Swift had taken Nightpaw to show him the basics of hunting in the mountains, leaving the others to wait their turn. Brook had explained that this was something that the Tribe did in the portions of their territory too small for a full patrol.
Feathertail shifted her paws next to Brook. The cave-guards didn’t seem to mind the idleness – Cloud was taking Sun on a patrol along the farthest edges of the valley, while Spray covered the opposite route. Feathertail had to admit that they seemed to be an expert at keeping a lookout, with their eyes flashing in all directions for danger. She focused on Nightpaw, feeling safe.
He’s picking it up well, Feathertail thought. Nightpaw was always very eager to learn new things, so she wasn’t surprised. He’d dived into the nearest mud pit with a gusto that shocked even the Tribe cats. Feathertail herself still had to resist the urge to scratch a clump of mud out from behind her ear.  
“So…” Brook began, “tell me about Stormfur.”
Feathertail blinked, surprised that Brook was talking right now – but Swift and Nightpaw were a fair distance away, and their voices weren’t carrying. Still… why Stormfur? Why is the entire Tribe so weird about him? Perhaps this was a chance to learn the reason.
“He’s my littermate,” Feathertail began. “Why?”
Brook shifted on her paws, suddenly looking awkward. “I…” The brown tabby she-cat avoided Feathertail’s eye.
Feathertail sighed. “He’s handsome, I know. I’m sorry, he and Mistyfoot…” She frowned at the thought. “He’s not looking for another mate.”
Brook started, eyes flinging wide with shock. “That’s not why I was asking!” she insisted. Her whiskers twitched. “Your brother is handsome, yes, but I am not interested in him like that!”
Feathertail blinked, faintly surprised. “Well, that’s a relief,” she admitted. “He really is very interested in Mistyfoot, though.”
Brook tilted her head. “You don’t seem happy about that. Mistyfoot is a very strong cat.”
“It’s more complicated than that,” Feathertail assured.
“We have time,” Brook offered, raising a paw to point at Swift and Nightpaw. The two were still stalking, seemingly having no luck yet at finding any prey.
Feathertail’s frown deepened. “Mistyfoot is from ThunderClan, while Stormfur and I are from RiverClan – our code forbids relationships between Clans. I’m worried they’ll get themselves into trouble when we get back home.”
Brook looked baffled by the idea. “Why would they not allow such things? Are your Clans not close?”
“We are, but we aren’t,” Feathertail explained. “Every Clan has their own way of life, and those ways aren’t always compatible, so it’s best if we keep to ourselves for the most part. We fight over territory and such sometimes, too, and having mixed blood in the Clans makes that even harder. But…”
“It’s an old rule,” Feathertail went on. “A lot of the warrior code hasn’t been changed in a long, long time. And just because it’s a rule doesn’t mean cats don’t break it.” Her heart ached at the thought of Silverstream and Graystripe, and how far away they were now. All because of that puff-brained code…
“We have a code too,” Brook offered, her eyes sympathetic. “We have had it for a long time. It’s difficult to change what’s worked for so long.”
Feathertail sighed. “It worked long ago, sure, but now…” she admitted. “Now things are different. We’re different. Things that were wrong back then don’t have to be wrong now. The warrior code can feel too rigid for the world we live in now.” Mothwing’s face came to mind, and Feathertail chased it away. “ThunderClan’s leader, Tinystar, made a change to the code recently, though, so… I’m hoping more can come from that.”
“Would changes to the code make your Clans stronger?” Brook asked.
Feathertail nodded. “I believe that they would – but cats in the Clans are set in their ways.”
Brook purred. “Tribe cats are, too,” she pointed out. She nudged Feathertail, her whiskers twitching. “I’m sure change will come to your Clans, Feathertail. Be patient. It sounds as if the first pawsteps have already been made.”
Feathertail sighed, grateful for the Tribe she-cat’s warm words. “First we need to save them from the Twolegs,” she reasoned. “I think… I hope… having to move territories will make more change easier for us.”
“And you hope that your littermate and Mistyfoot will be able to be together?”
Feathertail stared at her paws. “If that’s what he wants,” she admitted. Her stomach churned. “She makes him happy – how bad of a littermate would I be if I wanted him to leave her just because I’ll be lonely?”
“Not a bad littermate,” Brook assured. “I think you’re being a very good littermate, honestly.” Her eyes shone with sympathy. “Worrying over one another is natural, and no cat wants to be alone.”
“Thanks,” Feathertail breathed, caught in the earnestness of the Tribe she-cat’s gaze.
Somehow, that made her feel better.
They made it back to the cave by evening, jaws loaded with prey. Nightpaw had made an impressive catch of a large rabbit, which had earned him praise from Swift and Brook. He seemed especially pleased about it himself, having caught it after Swift had killed its smaller companion a moment beforehand.
Brook and Feathertail’s turn had been just as fruitful – a mouse dangled from Feathertail’s jaws, while Brook proudly deposited a blackbird onto the Tribe’s fresh-kill pile, which Crag’s patrol had already stocked. As Feathertail laid her mouse atop the pile, she was proud of how much was there – the Tribe would eat well tonight.
It wasn’t yet time to eat, though – Feathertail parted from the Tribe cats to meet with her friends by the softpaw’s den, settling down to groom herself as Shadepaw was talking about the stars. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Stormfur and Mistyfoot sharing tongues, their tails twined together. For once, the sight didn’t make her uncomfortable.
Maybe I can learn to live without him, she thought, lapping at grit in her paw. Her pads were becoming harder and rougher from walking on the stones so much. And maybe I can find somewhere I belong too, if I don’t feel at home in RiverClan.
“… every Tribe cat knows their stars,” Shadepaw was meowing, looking pointedly at Crowpaw. “They navigate the mountains by them, like WindClan! And get this – they call the stars we were following the Sun Trail, too!”
Crowpaw’s ear twitched. “How’s that possible?” he wondered.
Feathertail lifted her head, curious.
“Come to think of it, I’ve seen some other stuff like that,” Stormfur put in. “I overheard some cat wondering about Stoneteller casting stones to decide something – RiverClan does something similar.”
Crowpaw frowned. “WindClan does that, too,” he muttered, his eyes darknening.
Feathertail glanced around at the Tribe cats. The Sun Trail, and casting stones… sharing prey… she shifted. Are the Tribe and the Clans related somehow?
“I wonder if the Tribe and Clan were once the same thing,” Shadepaw admitted, her eyes shining. “Wouldn’t that be an interesting revelation? What if the Clans came from the mountains? Or the Tribe cats came from the Clans?”
“That’s ridiculous!” Crowpaw insisted, curling his lip. He seemed to regret his sharp tone, turning away from the others. “It’s just coincidence… And why would no cat know, anyway?”
“History gets lost over time,” Stoneheart pointed out. He shifted in his nest. “This speculation is nice and all, but honestly, we need to focus on leaving.”
“How are you feeling?” Mistyfoot asked.
Stoneheart flexed his leg. “Better,” he replied. “Fine enough to go.”
Shadepaw’s eyes flashed. “I don’t know… Snow seems to think you need more time.”
“Do you agree with her?” Nightpaw wondered.
Shadepaw looked uncertain. “Well, I… I’m still learning these herbs, I don’t know how effective they are, and…”
“We can’t overlook the possibility that Snow and the others might be trying to keep us here,” Stormfur pointed out.
The statement certainly got the others to pay attention to him. Stormfur shifted on his paws and meowed, “Every time I’ve tried to leave, they refuse to let me. I can’t even make dirt without a cave-guard watching me.”
“I know,” Mistyfoot sighed, her expression turning troubled. “It’s strange – they’ll let the rest of us go on patrols, but deny you. Why?”
“I’ve tried to ask,” Shadepaw admitted, “but Snow wouldn’t tell me.”
Feathertail flicked her tail. “Brook’s given no hints, either,” she offered.
“There’s something else,” Crowpaw noted. “On our patrol, we scented something foul – it made Crag turn tail immediately. Red was right in the middle of stalking a bird but he and the other prey-hunters just dropped everything to get out of there.”
Feathertail frowned, thinking to her first hunting patrol with Brook. “A similar incident happened to me yesterday.”
Mistyfoot nodded in confirmation. “Something is definitely wrong here.”
“We need to leave,” Stoneheart insisted. “These cats have been nice, but it’s past time.”
“We can’t risk it until you’re better,” Shadepaw insisted, bristling. “Or, at least until I know enough to care for you while we’re in the mountains… I don’t want to risk you losing the use of your leg.”
“How long will that be?” Stormfur wondered.
Shadepaw blinked, thinking. “I don’t know. I feel like I’m a new apprentice again, learning all these herbs… I’ll try my hardest to memorize them.”
Feathertail blinked at the young apprentice in sympathy. She opened her mouth to offer something reassuring, but movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. Glancing that way, she spotted Brook making her way across the cave to sit with Crag and some other cats… all of whom had their eyes focused on the Clan cats.
Spine bristling, Feathertail turned away. Her friends were still plotting in low voices, but… this cave was the Tribe cat’s home. Even Feathertail was beginning to be able to hear noises on the far side of the cavern through the waterfall’s crashing din. Just how much could they hear? And why were they staring like that?
They must know that we have to leave, she thought, staring down at her pale paws. But… those looks… the way they won’t let Stormfur out of the cave…
Will they even let us leave?
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wincore · 4 years
IT GETS BETTER WHEN I QUIT (╥_╥) until then i’ll just try my best 2 survive
“are you daring me to ruin my life for 2d men” yes 100% that’s exactly what i am saying. U GETTING 2D MEN BRAINROT... >>>>> ill seriously be waiting for the day 😌😌 atsumu is incredibly irritating u will love him. im going to manifest hq tiktok edits showing up in ur fyp JDJWJSJJ
OMGG i never watched coffee&vanilla but now i know not to so thank u LOL i can’t handle watching cringey dramas!! IM SO EXCITED FOR S2 TOO!! i’m not even a horror fan generally but the storyline was so different and mysterious i was hooked!! should i read the manga?? :o how diff would u say it was from the netflix adaptation?
NOO ME TOO!! watching a whole series takes so much brain power and attention 😭😭 esp when starting something new, sometimes i just don’t have the energy to learn abt new characters/a new world
I LOVE THE PREVIEW IM SO SO EXCITED!! “she wins mostly dw” WHEW!! we cannot have jaehyun winning this we can agree on 😫. LMFAOO WHEN I SAW DONGMIN I WAS LIKE :oooo No way.... no way.. that would hurt so bad for me 🙄🙄 perfect man is ur soulmate and u wont even end up together... goodbye.. (ok jaehyun u r ok as well i guess)
YES I REREAD 19K HDJWJJD IT WAS A POST-FINALS TREAT & U ARE AN ACTUAL AUTHOR!!!! also now im rlly curious abt what runway-taeyong’s yn will be like?!? esp in comparison to runway yn!!! give me crumbs pls
“i cannot picture him pissed off apart from that summer fight </3” STOPPPQJDJ ME TOO??? i think e2l with mark is impossible truly... it just doesnt make sense
“i love this characterization of him!!” IM SO GLAD LOL I WASNT SURE ABT MY WORDING!! sicheng rlly is perfect for these kinds of roles & im PUMPED for ceo sicheng for this very reason 👀👀
U HAD ME AT THEME SONG SINCERITY IS SCARY WTFFF!! “i don’t think i’m cut out to write that” i respect ur decision BUT im sure u are capable!!!! when u feel ready i will b here waiting bc i am in luv with just the vaguest concept of this piece! “so him having strong personality traits makes me go 🤔🤔 that man is overreacting” LMFAOOO NOT EVEN JK I AGREE... its disorienting to see him written as intense/broody when most of the time he’s just kinda has one main mode which is 🙂
YESSS FIC WISE BC OF U!!! im in the same boat abt it not working irl, i think if i had beef with a man i would just never interact with them ever again.... no man is worth the time... we are not gonna beef it out we will just cease to know each other. BUT YES BOTH TROPES WORK BETTER IN FIC LMFAO i love the #pining #hurt/comfort #angsttofluff HSJWJSJ
YESS THATS WHY UR VAMP FIC WAS SO REFRESHING!! BC IT WAS DIFFERENT!! if we simply stop pretending bites r enjoyable i think we can begin 2 reverse the damage that media has done to vampire aus
omg that’s a lot of things to do!! PLS MAKE SURE TO GET ENOUGH REST & EAT WELL TOO!! take care of yourself 🤍🤍🤍
- tata
i just started watching jujutsu kaisen and i might just ruin my life for 2d men once again <3 i feel like i wil have a whirlwind obsessive phase like my 15 year old self again goodbye (also. pls. this atsumu character is appealing to me way too much for someone with god level standards for irl men. every time a 2d man is annoying i go 😍💍👰💒 loml) ALSO OK WTF HOW DID YOU PREDICT THAT I’VE BEEN GETTING A LOT OF HQ TIKTOKS IN MY FYP LATELY LIKE I SCROLLED THROUGH 8 CONSECUTIVE ONES 😭😭😭 TATA DID YOU HIJACK MY FYP
sdjgdjs i’ve only ever watched cringe dramas if the man is good looking (but like only clips in this case) or i need to make fun of it with my friends . i like to indulge in horror when i’m anxious bc it somehow makes it better like 😭 at least i have it better than THOSE guys lmfao <3 but also i don’t like heavy gore ahaha. 
some parts of the aib live action i liked WAY better especially bc the actors did so incredibly well portraying the characters (and the 7 of hearts game... bye i took so long coming to terms with it it’s WAY more emotional in the live) and i liked the first game (different in the manga) way more in the live. as for the manga i HATE the ending but also the manga introduces side characters and their stories and i really like that about it! the whole tunnel distance game was actually a side story in the manga and i kind of don’t like them centering the plot too much around arisu (but .. also.. it’s yamazaki kento... and i like that man too much for my dignity..) and also.... i don’t like how they left niragi and aguni’s status undisclosed like that??? like [LIGHT MANGA SPOILERS] they play a very key role in the manga so ?!?! i just hope s2 turns out well netflix i am begging u
ANDSDHSKDJDSL PLS I AM SO SORRY but dongmin is in love with another woman 😔 maybe in some other life. jaehyun is out there being a himbo though so choose carefully what you wish for 🤩 every time jaehyun wins i got mad at myself like no way pilsbury dough boy is winning against miss i know everything
SDHSJD so far lookbook-yn is way more confident and assertive than runway-yn but more in a.. himbo-like way LOL if that makes sense. runway-yn was kind of self conscious and fueled by passion and the need to stand out in their field of work but this yn is more comedic i think lol!! she’s kind of critical and clever in her own way but also she will confidently tell u the wrong directions to the nearest grocery store if u ask bc she thought she knew </3
SDFJGDSJ IT LITERALLY STARTED AS ME DAYDREAMING TO SINCERITY IS SCARY <3 i don’t even have a title yet 🤧 i feel like im favouring this bread man too much but it’s fun to characterize him so <33 i would love for him to be heartbroken and bitter for once 😌 “most of the time he’s just kinda has one main mode which is 🙂” that emoji TOOK ME OUT DSJKDHSD it’s literally him??
men r literally never worth the time </3 either be a lovable himbo or go away 😐 WAIT BC OF ME??? IM STILSLDSHDSKHKDSLJDS ily ❣🌼🌙
why would they make bites to be some sort of sensual thing like literally any other animal biting us for blood would be either horrifying (demon) or just annoying (mosquitoes)
you take care of yourself too!!!!!! hope your job loosens a bit on you and you excel in academics enough to not worry about it 😌 eat well sleep well ily ❤
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Do you have any fic recs for haikyuu and fruits basket? c:
ANON I GOT SO EXCITED WHEN I SAW THIS ASK I LOVE TALKING AB FICS BUT IM GONNA NEED U TO BE MORE SPECIFIC RE: HAIKYUU PLS there r so many pairings its hard to rec stuff unless i know what ur looking for.........i guess ill just rec a bunch of diff ones then !!! (disclaimer i am Bad at summaries- rambling ahead bc i cant control myself hxjsh)
i actually dont read too much fruba fic but these two r v good i love
must be love on the brain (that's got me feelin' this way)
💌 kyoru - 4.3k words | “Tohru has a secret admirer. Everyone reacts to it accordingly. Except Kyo.”
it has.......a rooftop scene......its got that good kyoru pining.....its so good ... (honestly this authors kyoru is just *chefs kiss* just go through their frba tag)
my heart on your sleeve
🧣 kyoru - 3.7k words | “In which stealing your boyfriend’s clothing is an art, and Tohru Honda has perfected it.”
,,,, post curse fluff.....established relationship kyoru ufhdhfgcg i die this is so cute and just....rlly good vibes
alrigjt OK so i have.........a lot of hq fic recs........ if u want like all of them here r my hq bookmarks u can sort through them theyre all gems but ill list like a few of my favs !! this is just going to b ship stuff bc i dont read too much gen <//3
• (mostly)canon compliant:
your wide eyes are the only light i know
🌱 bokuaka - 9.2k
kind of like...how their relationship develops over time., its a bunch of really soft moments i love it.. i cant do it justice in this description but its so so lovely...(this author writes the SOFTEST bokuakas i am in sha mble s... pls check out their fics)
From Tokyo and Osaka, With Love
🌻 bokuaka - 8.2k | akaashi and his birthdays from 17-21, or five years' worth of birthdays spent with bokuto
i,, adore ts bkak and this fic is SO HFJFJD i love it a lot ughhgdb its one of my fave timeskip fics !!def a comfort fic of mine <3 (this author also has a bunch of good stuff on their page !!)
you never have to wander, wonder
🍨 sunaosa - 23k | Between food sharing, intimate conversations, special smiles, and thousand-word pictures, this is how Suna tries to not deal with a crush.
honestly i am not even the biggest sunaosa stan but this fic is just so much fun !! i actually.. reread this one a lot FHDJ i have a few fics that i just tend to read when im sad & this is one of them ! its got summer vibes, v v good friendship dynamics + miya twin shenanigans,, even if ur neutral ab the pairing, this is just such an enjoyable read! (its also got fun socmed aspects.... internet famous miyas is always fun) (this authors fics also slap ahshdb honestly just check out the fics of anyone linked here)
all that you were
🍃 sakuatsu - 4.6k | Sakusa confesses to Atsumu with all the enthusiasm of someone reporting a traffic jam.
this!!! is the fic that got me into skts so itd b a disservice if i didnt rec it !! (yes...check out this author too.......their fics r always so good)
liminal spaces
🚪 sakuatsu - 26k | Fuck you, Atsumu thinks, pointing at the pixelated Sakusa in the team photo on his bedside table. It’s easier than you’d think to ignore loving your teammate.
this fic made me feel things and also its just v vibey. i dont rmbr too much but its like....rlly good hdhd
• aus/canon divergent:
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle
🌿 iwaoi - 66.3k
alright if u like iwaoi & read fics for hq u have probably read this already but it doesnt hurt to throw it in bc this fic is an experience man its SO good. it hurts so much and so good and idk its just kind of iconic
famous angels (never come through england)
📸 sakuatsu - 10.4k | actor au!! its got fun socmed bits via like movie review articles & insta posts n the like its v fun !!! the character relationships r rlly good even aside from the main pair! this one ive been meaning to reread for a while now tbh
as blood returns and returns to the heart
⚔️ kuroken - 8.5k | royalty au by same author as above!! this fic,,, has almost all the things i love in a royalty au and it executes them all so so well... u have... king and loyal protector...pining....rlly fitting vibes,, ugh this fic is so great (check out this author too their fics r v good)
but not for spring to well up
🕰 sunaosa - 40.8k | After ending a relationship with a fiancé, Suna returns home and tries to heal from heartbreak. Here, he finds friends in the form of the Miya brothers, and learns patience, forgiveness, and what happiness means to him.
magical realism/antique shop au thats honestly just so thoroughly written it could b a story independent of these characters,, the miya twins r rlly good & the whole setting is such a vibe,, its def on the longer side but i enjoyed every bit of it!! all the magical lore was super cool n its just. so good man...
a certain slant of light
⛅️ bokuaka - 18.4k | akaashi is an author in need of help. bokuto is a witch who sells him a little light.
i actually just read this fic yesterday but i was rly going through it so i thought id include it fjfhg,, its a magic au still in a modern setting, (lowkey ghibli vibes honestly) and the slow build of akaashi dealing w his problems and growing more fond of these ppl he meets... its so lovely....u become so attached to the setting and characters and their relationships u rlly end up feeling right along w him........it has a happy end though dont worry i would never rec a fic that doesnt end happy mostly bc i myself cant handle it LOL. also the words r very pretty. thats def not the right way to describe it but im here to talk ab how it made me feel not talk abt word choice :’)
ok this was so so long im so sorry omg but i had a lot of fun putting this together & i absolutely have more where this came from if anyone wants FJDJHDJ
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carriedawayfromhome · 5 years
Ruby - L.H
Tumblr media
Count: 2k Summary: Luke needs to learn to let go. 
Rating: Explicit
Luke can’t imagine his body feeling anymore sensitive then it currently is. He’s kneeling on a carpeted floor, thankful for the soft push under his knees, his arms are bound behind him, the cuffs secured tightly enough, though the position of his limbs is starting to ache. He wriggles his fingers within the restraints as much as he can, trying to get the blood flow to his arms.
He breathes slowly, surely, trying not to make himself dizzy, the gag in his mouth is making his jaw ache, he doesn’t know how long it’s been there, but his chin, neck and upper chest are all now covered in his saliva. He can’t see that though, only feel the cool sensation on his chest, his nipples hard at the change of temperature. It was a matching set, the cuffs, gag and blindfold, black suede with a red trim. She let him pick it out, let him feel the fabric between his fingers, before she had demanded him kneel in the middle of the room, ready for instruction. 
He can hear her shuffling around, picking up different items that she owns, most of the time he can’t even remember everything she has. There’s draws and shelves of different toys, outfits and restraints waiting to be used. Luke always think they’ve tried everything she owns, but sometimes she’ll bring something out and Luke’s eyes will widen at the contraption, unsure of what’s about to happen and that always makes his mouth water, eagerness shines bright over his eyes. 
So far for this session there has been a light spanking, a thank you being spoken every time the whip came down onto his milky skin. At one point his nipples were encased in clamps, the feeling sending pleasure and pain shooting through his whole body, the hair on his neck had lifted at the sensation. After the clamps was a quick bit of wax play, he didn’t love that as much as he enjoyed the rest but he knew she did, and as always, he did as he was told. 
He suddenly feels a hand in his hair, no harsh intentions, just light pressure on his scalp, nails scratching, making him feel lightheaded. Her hand trails down to the clasp at the back of the gag, he feels her fiddle with it and then it pulled away from him, the pain shooting through his jaw as he closes it for the first time in awhile. Luke lets the air fill his lungs as her hand goes back to his hair massaging his scalp in the process, making him melt at her touch. 
“Green.” He replies, letting her know he is happy to continue. 
“Good boy.” 
Those two words always makes his heart swell, makes his stomach flip and his hands clench. When he originally looked into dominatrix and BDSM he didn’t expect it would make him feel the way it does. It was recommended to him by one of his bandmates after an exhausting and downright tiring world tour, the responsibility of performing on stage every night and doing promos and interviews made him weak inside, made him want to curl into a ball and not wake up. When Calum suggested BDSM he was initially completely put off, of course he had heard of it and he had dabbled with previous girlfriends, but generally it was him tying someone up, him being in control. But when Calum suggested that it would be good for him to lose control, for someone to take care of him in a safe space, to be able to let go, then he became intrigued. 
It took him some time to research and look up different places and people who offered various services. He wasn’t sure what he wanted, but he felt that he would know once it was in front of him. After a few weeks of studying his options he came across an ad for a woman named Ruby Red, there was a picture accompanying the ad, Ruby looked to be around thirty-five or so, she had soft features, sharp green eyes and mid length brown hair, she was wearing a lace bondage set, the picture had made Luke’s stomach flip and he immediately gave her a call.
He remembers parking his car on the street outside her house, the nerves racking every bone in his body, he had to force himself not to turn around and drive back to his house. After a few minutes of deep breathing he exited his car and made his way to her house, feeling his palms sweat every step he took to the front door. 
Their first meeting was an introduction to the world of BDSM, Luke had mentioned over the phone that he was completely new to all this and she explained that the first appointment would be a lot of conversation, a time to talk about what he needed and what his boundaries were. 
He immediately felt very comfortable around her, her demeanour was soft, calming, she made Luke feel relaxed in her presence, even though his heart rate would speed up every time she mentioned something she could do for him. 
“Pegging?” Her soft voice floats through her office, he expected to open the door to her wearing another bondage get up, but instead she was wearing light jeans and a button up blouse.
His eyes widen, “What is that?” 
She smiles at him, “Pegging is when a woman wears a strap-on dildo or holds a handheld dildo or vibrator and uses it to have anal sex with her male companion.” 
Luke feels a small bout of arousal shoot through him and he can’t help but look away, wringing his hands together nervously, “Um, I guess, maybe, I could try.” 
“How about I put it down on the maybe list? We can bring it up further down the line if you’re comfortable.”  Luke nods at her direction, “Fisting?”
“Um, ah, no thank you.” 
She nods at him, her pen scratching at the stack of papers she has in front of her, Luke’s name front and centre, “How do you feel about urination? Golden showers?”
He scrunches his nose at that one, “Definitely not.” 
She nods, smile still in place. He keeps having to remind himself that she won’t laugh or make fun of the things he does and doesn’t want to do. He’s expecting that at any moment men with cameras are going to jump out and his horrifying picture will be spread across every tabloid cover - 5sos frontman Luke Hemming’s a BDSM freak. 
“Okay so we’ve now gone through your physical and emotional limits, previous experience and health conditions, I’ll just go through some last other little details then I’ll show you the room.” She places her stack of papers on the table in the middle of the office, “When you enter the room I will place a collar around your neck, this will show your submission to me and the session will begin. You will either address me as mistress, madame or Ruby unless I specify. Now every session is different, generally we begin with light spanking or whipping with light bondage to begin and then the session will proceed from there, I can’t say exactly how each session will go as every client is different and has various needs depending on the day.” 
Luke nods at everything she is saying, trying to take it all in. He’s as anxious as he assumed he would be at this point, it’s a little intense when everything that could be done to you is read out in an organised list but on the other hand it’s nice to know nothing will be sprung on him, nothing to scare him - too much. 
That was four months ago and he’s been seeing Ruby every week since that first meeting. He was still so skeptical right up until the first actual session, but eventually Luke eased it into, really allowing himself to let go, to let someone take the reins. His first session with Ruby Red was exactly as she had described, he had walked into the room, instructed to strip, but if he wanted he could keep underwear on. He remembers watching Ruby sit down on a leather couch, this time she was clad in a red lace corset and a latex skirt donning her lower half. He was instructed to bend over her knee, the request had made Luke blush like mad, but he did as he was told, getting fifteen spanks from her hand, the area left red and raw. 
Later on that night when he was eyeing off his backside in the bathroom mirror, his stomach clenching every time his own hand would graze over a bruise that was left there by her. Initially he didn’t think he liked the spanking part of his session, but as he rubbed lotion onto the used skin all he could think was wanting someone to barge into the bathroom, hold him down and use their hands to mark him some more. 
Each session had brought something new, it started with different apparatuses - paddles, whips, floggers. There were clamps and ropes and chains, even a rough pinwheel that rolled along his chest, giving him the most intense whole body experience. Ruby had told him to let go and he listened, letting years of taking on more and more and having to put on a smile even when he didn’t want to, wash away from his head, down his body and onto the floor, leaving him feeling light and elated. He had cried that session, letting everything he had been holding back in a glass cage be smashed to pieces, the shards falling around him like snow, his hands finally unclenching.
He’s brought back to the present time with a sudden tug on his neck, the collar he’s wearing being pulled against his skin. 
“Luke, what do you want me to do?” Ruby’s voice echoes over him, making him shiver with anticipation and delight. 
“Choke me mistress.” 
“What do you say Luke?”
Luke’s eyes close as he feels another soft tug at his collar, “Thank you mistress.”
“Good boy.” 
After the choking session was completed and Luke letting himself get lost in the feeling, Ruby had decided to tie him up, completely held together by red ropes, hands bound together, legs and feet bound together, it almost felt like every inch of his skin was encased by those tantalising red ropes. It was another one of those feelings that made his skin prickle and nipples harden, he was bound, no escaping, no control. He was completely allowing his body and mind to be handed over to another person, he let himself sink into that feeling, wondering how long he had let himself feel wound up inside, now though finally that coil in his stomach was coming undone. 
His bandmates noticed a difference in him, he exuded a different energy than he used to. He would always put on the mask when he had to, a permanent smile plastered over his face, though his eyes would always catch him out, the sparkle not shining anymore. Now though he felt a calm wash over him, a serenity bleed into his skin and it showed, he no longer felt the heaviness of the responsibility of being in this band weigh him down, he now knew that he had an outlet to let someone else take responsibility, even if it was for only an hour every week.
Luke slips both feet into his jeans, redressing himself in the corner of the room, where he had left his clothes neatly folded. He exits the room and smiles when he sees Ruby waiting for him outside. 
“I’ll see you this time next week Luke, be good.”
Luke nods, “I will, thank you Ruby.” 
Luke retreats back up the stairs to the front door, letting himself out with ease. As he walks back to his car, keys swinging in hand, he allows himself a moment of reflection, sighing in contentment. He’s very glad indeed that he met Ruby and that she’s allowed him to find a part of himself he forgot he had. 
As Luke starts the engine, checking his mirrors before driving off, he takes a look back at the house, even more excitement bubbling within him as he thinks about his next session and every session after that. 
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
Excerpt from @kiraheartilly
The following scene involves two men seeing you and Lance on TV briefly. The conversation briefly discusses your career and then goes on to talk about pronouns and gender, both as a general thing and in relation to you.
I wanted to submit this to you and get your feedback, less on the writing itself and more on the things discussed about gender, since it’s a personal subject. 
The men and their Pokémon sipped their drinks while watching TV. The news anchor gave a report. “Pokémon League Champions and married couple Lance and Sarah have recently landed in the Laegun Region. When asked about the reason for their trip, they had this to say.”
The scene cut to Lance, a familiar looking man with spiky carmine hair, light skin, and a black cape flowing behind him. “Part of being a Pokémon Master means learning as much about Pokémon as you can. For us, this means travelling the world to learn more about the Pokémon and trainers in various regions. We’ve been planning this trip for a while, but my wife and I have been quite busy and sometimes it’s difficult to get my schedule to align with theirs.”
Beside him, his wife Sarah smiled. They had flat brown hair and brown eyes, with a large black cloak hooded dress flowing over their body and down to her ankles, with extra fabric trailing behind them like a cape of their own. The dress was covered in lace and frills and made them look almost witchlike. Its darkness was in contrast to their light skin. At their shoulder sat an energetic Pikachu.
“If we happen to get a chance to spend some quality time together, that’s a plus too,” they said.
Watching this, Dean smirked. “We’ve been getting a lot of visitors from other regions lately. Didn’t Lorelei visit and have her match with Hazuki? I wonder if Lance and Sarah are planning to challenge anyone.”
“Sarah’s mostly retired now, they don’t do league stuff as much. But I wouldn’t mind if they did have a battle, it might be exciting to watch. I used to be a huge fan of theirs back in the day. They’ve been Champion in more regions than most trainers even get to visit. They dominated the competition in Hoenn, Unova, and Kalos in particular. They’ve also had a pretty fierce run in Sinnoh; between Sarah, Cynthia, and Dawn, the title of Champion seemed to keep flipping all around the place. Gloria, the champion of Galar, said she’s hoping to one day challenge Sarah, but they’ve never had a chance.”
“Wow, I never realized they were so strong.”
“Yeah, they’ve been out of the spotlight for a while now, so most people know them as Lance’s wife. I’m still hoping they’ll make a comeback someday,” Greg quickly sipped down his juice.
Blowing on his latte to cool it, Dean gave a quizzical look. “Wait, do they really consider themself to be Lance’s wife and not spouse? They use they/them pronouns right? So they’re non-binary and not a woman.”
Greg nodded. “Yes, Sarah is Lance’s wife. You seem to be confused about a few things. Pronouns are usually indicative of gender but don’t always match up in a strict one-to-one sort of way. It’s an extremely personal thing and while there are patterns, there are no hard rules.
“Secondly, non-binary people sometimes choose to use gendered language or terms when to refer to themselves. That’s why there are countless non-binary lesbians out there. You remember that one zombie show that was popular a few years back? One of the main characters was played by a non-binary person who used they/them pronouns but still identified as a lesbian. They also preferred being called an actor instead of an actress. And as counterintuitive as it may seem, some people actually do identify as non-binary women.
“Lastly, it’s worth noting that Sarah uses multiple pronouns. They/them, she/her, and even some neopronouns. When it comes to things like gender and identity, the world can be very complex.”
“I see,” said Dean, finishing his latte.
I’m hoping that if I can continue writing your full cameo will be in Chapter 5 or so. This is chapter 3
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okay, initial fluster over with--
looking it over again, i’m not sure there’s much that really stands out to me beyond how the diction used feels a little... unnatural? not necessarily because people don’t often talk that irl and it’s not normalized, but more like... it sounds kinda elementary-level academic and not more casual. if the two were like. idk, scholars or something, i guess it could work, but it reads kind of very... school teacher teaching to classroom and less person to person having a discussion about gender.
like, uh, if it were me talking to someone about someone else’s pronouns/gendered language, it’d be more casual, along the lines of
“Someone can be both non-binary and consider themselves someone’s boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, spouse, etc. Being non-binary doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to adhere to non-binary terms, or that you aren’t allowed to use binary terms at all.” 
your example is still fine about the zombie show actor! everything else is good as is, I just recoil a little whenever I see people try to explain lgbt+ terms in a way that feels almost scholastic and not necessarily casual, for what would otherwise be a casual conversation/exchange. it’s something that I hope people are finding better ways to introduce as time goes on, when it comes to fiction and writing, so that we can all find better ways to emulate natural conversation about it!
oh, a minor thing that’s absolutely not related to the gender discussion and you’re more than welcome to disregard this next paragraph. it’s more along the lines of “people interpret championship differently than others”, some people treat being champion as different than defeating a champion (i am of the mind that these are two diff things) and that one can choose to be a region’s champion for a time, until the next championship match or they choose to step down or something but that’s all variable and ultimately no one’s going to fault anyone for conflating because it’s never been made clear in any medium, but i’d prefer something like “they’ve won multiple championship matches/defeated multiple champions, and always went after the next challenge, rather than keep the title in a single place. Even let their husband keep the Indigo Champion title rather than stay in their home region.” doesn’t have to be verbatim.  granted, if it runs contrast to the viewpoint that you headcanon about championship, then by all means go with yours as it is your story ultimately and i’m only providing feedback, not trying to mandate what the rules of canon are or something.
if this sounds all weird, i apologize. words are hard. gender is harder. 
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
You would not believe the amount of stock to give him. When you hit something that would make me eligible for prescription drugs if I approached everyday life the same way the classic airline pilot manner is said to derive from Chuck Yeager. But in fact it was the basis of Amsterdam's prosperity 400 years ago. Tip: for extra impressiveness, use Greek variables. Which is to say that it's heretical. The right tools can help us avoid this danger. And as you go down the food chain the VCs get rapidly dumber.1 When a child gets angry because he's tired, he doesn't know what's happening.
A silicon valley has to be powerful enough to enforce a taboo. Related fields are where you go looking for trouble. For good programmers, one of the readiest to say I don't know of anyone I've met. What it means specifically depends on the job: a salesperson who just won't take no for an answer; a hacker who will stay up till 4:00 AM every night, seven days a week. Politicians are caught between a rock and a hard place here, however: make the capital gains rate low and be accused of creating tax breaks for the rich, or make it high and starve growing companies of investment capital. The influence of fashion is not nearly so great in hacking as it is in painting. It's like light from a distant star. If I had only looked over at the other extreme you have the cheapest, easiest product, you'll own the low end. Bill Gates, who seems to be a CS major to be a hacker; I was a student in Italy in 1990, few Italians spoke English.
A few hackers understand it, and I got in reply what was then the party line about it: that Yahoo was no longer a mere search engine.2 This is their way of weighing you. Forty-two years later you'll be making $4. Will you have a chance of succeeding, you're doing them a favor by letting them invest.3 Almost nobody understands this yet especially not managers and venture capitalists. You're better off starting with a blank slate in the form of a small town. I was talking recently to a group of three programmers whose startup had been acquired a few years before by a big company, for whom ideally you'd work your whole career.
Now how are you doing compared to the rapacious founder's $2 million. This works in America, but it feels young because it's full of rich people.4 The way to do that is to implement it. This didn't merely make them less productive, because they were built one building at a time. So hackers start original, and get original. Should you take it? Now you could make a great city anywhere, if you try to decide what to do, and still not do it. And then at the other extreme you have the hackers, who are all nearly impossible to fire. So what makes a place good to them? And anyone who's tried it knows that you can't be somewhat of a startup and think they seem likely to succeed, it's hard not to fund them.5
Even other hackers have a hard time doing that. This essay is derived from a guest lecture at Harvard, which incorporated an earlier talk at Northeastern. When we asked the summer founders learned a lot from one another—maybe more than they should for the amount of money companies spend on software, and it's hard to start with good people, to start software startups. Even a lot of things e. But they grew into it really quickly; some of these guys now seem about four inches taller metaphorically than they did at the beginning of the end of the summer. Checks instituted by governments can cause much worse problems than merely overpaying. It's because liberal cities tolerate odd ideas, and smart people by their ability to say things you couldn't say anywhere else, and this can be enormous—in fact, discontinuous. Are People Really Scared of Prefix Syntax?6 If there is one message I'd like to get across about startups, that's it.
7% of the upside, while an employer gets nearly all of it.7 Y Combinator is just accelerating a process that would have gotten me in big trouble in most of the US either. Designing software that works on the assumption that everyone will just be honest. The mathematicians don't seem bothered by this. In hacking, this can literally mean saving up bugs.8 Otherwise I just worked. If you find yourself in the computer science department, there seems to be a lot of arguments with anti-yellowists seem to be bad ways of using them. Copernicus was a canon of a cathedral, and dedicated his book to the pope. In every period of history, the answer is almost certainly no. In it he said he worried that he was fundamentally soft-hearted and tended to give away too much for free. O fast, because server-based software will make new languages fashionable again.
It might dilute the value of safe jobs. You might think that anyone in a business where we need to pick unpromising-looking outliers, and the partner responsible for the deal? Gradually the details get filled in. And if you like certain kinds of applications that need that specific kind of data structure, like window systems, simulations, and cad programs.9 It would be too easy for clients to fire them.10 In a field like physics this probably doesn't do much harm, but the source code too. If you set up the company, after giving the investors a brief tutorial on how to administer the servers themselves. We did.
Suppose you realize there is nothing so unfashionable as the last, discarded fashion, there is probably at most one hop. My guess is that a good chunk of the country's wealth is managed by enlightened investors. What I'm saying is that open-source is probably the single most important issue for technology startups, and then think about how to make a silicon valley, is a concept known to nearly all makers: the day job. I think it's better to follow the opposite policy.11 Startups are marginal.12 They just smelled wrong. At the very least we want options. Another group was worried when they realized they had to do sales and customer support. Yahoo's market cap then was already in the billions, and they were still worrying about wasting a few gigs of disk space. This should be the m. What groups are powerful but nervous, and what ideas would they like to suppress? In one culture x is ok, and in most of Europe it's not.
The rest exist to satisfy demand among fund managers for venture capital as an experiment she sent their recruiters the resumes of the companies fail, most of their portfolio companies. When an investor in!
The person who wins. Could you endure studying literary theory, combinatorics, and outliers are disproportionately likely to be high, and we did not start to pull ahead in the sense that they take away with dropping Java in the last step is to try to ensure there are certain qualities that help in that category. I was as bad an employee as this. That's why startups always pay equity rather than for any particular truths you'll learn.
You leave it to colleagues.
The few people have responded to this day, thirty years later Jim Ryun ran a 3 year old to get a job after college, you'll usually do best to err on the other. I had no idea whether this would be unfortunate.
These were the seven liberal arts. At first I didn't like it if you agree prep schools do, and graph theory. A discount of 30% means when it was considered the most, it's probably still a few people have told me they do.
We fixed both problems immediately. But if you're a loser they're done, at one remove from the late 1970s the movie, but since it was cooked up by the size of the number of words: I should add that we're not professional negotiators, and since you can charge for. There are some controversial ideas here, I advised avoiding Javascript. Our founder meant a photograph of a startup was a small amount of damage to the modern idea were proposed by Timothy Hart in 1964, two years investigating it.
If you're a YC startup you can do it now. This is almost pure discovery. 107.
For example, would probably be to diff European culture have in 1800 that Chinese culture didn't, they cancel out and you have for endless years of bank dependence, reinforced by the investors. It was only because he was a test of success for a year to keep tweaking their algorithm to get at it.
Though you should never sell i.
The existence of people we need to. Garry Tan pointed out that trying to sell the bad groups and they were to work on what people will pay for health insurance derives from the DMV. Since they don't yet have any of the company goes public. It should be your compass.
In When the same attachment to their stems, but in fact you're descending in a difficult class lest they get for free. But they've been trained.
After Greylock booted founder Philip Greenspun out of school.
Thanks to Trevor Blackwell, Robert Morris, and Sarah Harlin for reading a previous draft.
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