cuckqueanbetagirl · 1 year
Any mean women to humiliate and abuse a horny weak girl like me?
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auralboy · 2 years
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Tyra Banks school of selfies.
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jemima-kirke-rocks · 2 years
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marionto · 1 year
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(I.D.: Tyra Banks : [losing her temper at Tiffany]  I have never in my life yelled at a girl like this. When my mother yells like this it's because she loves me. I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you! How dare you! Learn something from this! When you go to bed at night, you lay there and you take responsibility for yourself - because nobody's going to take responsibility for you. You're rolling your eyes and you act like it's because you've heard it all before - you've heard it all before - you don't know where the hell I come from, You have no idea what I've been through, but I'm not a victim; I grow from it and I learn. Take responsibility for yourself!)
America's next top model
cycle 4 ep. 07
"The Girl Who Pushes Tyra Over the Edge"
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batmanbeyondrocks · 1 year
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Ledom @artist.ledom
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21dls · 2 years
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Pvllet 📸 #ledom https://www.instagram.com/p/CkS8Zmgv4DX4WcFbR50DGRLmX2AYG0I8vEnSoY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lifeinbooks · 1 year
Ti želiš da svijet misli da nemaš srca, a ustvari srce ti je u toliko slojeva: srce od zlata okovano ledom.
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fateinthestars · 10 months
What is your opinion on the Zodiac God's parents ( the ones that we know of)?
Warning, spoilers:
Ichthys: Ichthyo and Irina care deeply just like Ikky himself does and there's something rather ironic about their illness being caused by them healing Ichthys when their powers are only meant to cure illnesses, and then their illness is cured by Ichthys forcing his healing power to cure them, causing his mortality. It was them saving him that cursed them to be ill, and him curing them that cursed him to be mortal. I'm so glad in Ichthys path that they reconnect because it feels like they still cared deeply about each other but that care was causing a troubling atmosphere because his parents were so guilty about what had happened, whereas I wouldn't be surprised if Ichthys thought it was more they were upset that he'd thrown his immortality away in order to save them. But even before they reconnect properly and despite Ichthys distancing himself because he didn't like the atmosphere they still came to check on him in his sequel when he was ill. They seem to be a loving family but could probably do with talking to each other more.
Tauxolouve's Birth Parents: We don't have that much information about Kronos and Nadi but we do know they were willing to reveal their sin to the King in order to plead for their baby to be taken in by the heavens. Kronos did whatever he could to also protect Nadi but ultimately the Dark King was too much for both of them. The fact that Tauxolouve's adoptive parents told him about them but under the guise of they had been best friends of the family probably shows how well regarded they were by them at least.
Tauxolouve's Adoptive Parents: Nasir and Sofia seem extremely supportive and probably a source of great strength for Lou. Nasir comes across very kind in general too, berating his co-workers at the palace for treating the MC with such disdain even though he hadn't even met her yet. I mean they know Tauxolouve's whole story so they probably have a better view of humans anyway but he didn't have to do that, especially somewhere so public. In Lou's sequel when he is hesitant to tell them he's thinking of falling from grace they not even realise that is what he is thinking of doing but actively support whatever decision he comes to. It seems and utterly wonderful family and I am sure Lou is very happy to call them his parents.
Krioff: Ugh... where to start with this? Considering Krioff accidentally burnt away his Sister's divine powers it is understandable that there would be some animosity here, but Aiess really does himself no favours with his actions. Tricking MC like that and nearly turning her into a Goddess without either of their consent and giving her the massive shock of going home and finding no one could remember her... after she saved Krioff's Mother, his Father was at least repentant enough to give them a way to reverse what he had done. Krioff clearly cares about his Mother and she at least seems accepting of MC from the start. I don't feel like Krioff or MC would be that comfortable visiting the family home often after what happened in his Sequel, but I think they might on occasion - and they definitely would if Melunia asked them to.
Dui: Tyrande and Ledom seem devoted to each other, especially considering the fondness Dui recalls them talking about the fountain of love ceremony. Considering because of what happened Dui was estranged from them, it does seem that they are very amicable again already in his promise of infinity story. His Mother's interest in baking cakes seems to have rubbed off on him too. They don't seem to have any issues with MC either. There's not that much information here but considering Dui's path it's probably telling that once that is resolved and he's no longer under the Department of Punishment's charge he starts going back home again more frequently. They might not come across as supportive as Tauxolouve's adoptive parents, but they also seem to genuinely care. They're probably nearest to Ichthys' parents when compared to the others.
Teorus: Do I have to talk about Thanassis? He can fuck right off. If this is how he tests Teo to make sure the other is ready to take over his position it's probably just as well he was never really around for the other. I don't want to know what Teo's personality would be like with more influence from his so called father. Yes he was the one who stabilised MC's latent Goddess of Fate powers that were reawakening by gifting her his stars when he went to start anew on Earth meaning that she could remain human, but... does the stuff in this sequel really make up for the way Teo felt throughout his childhood?
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bojesvemira · 3 months
Tvoje bore su mi samo jedan faktor tvoje lepote Tvoje oči su mi kosmos viskija sa ledom U kojem se topim tim subotnim večerima Tvoje ruke su pokrivač u zimskim danima Tvoje srce je moje prirodno stanište Od Aprila pa do zauvijek.
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nostalgicandecko · 2 years
Šta će se desiti
Ako dođe proleće
Koje dugo očekujem
A ja budem zakovan ledom
Koje je steglo moje srce
Pa sunce nikada ne dopre do mene
Pa ja nikada ne procvetam
Kao što to uradim svakog proleća
Šta ako
Nikada više ne budem dobro
~ D.K.
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otakushrew · 6 months
I'm still on my White Knight Chronicles x Final Fantasy XIV brainrot and nobody talks about WKC these days so "be the change" yadda yadda-
Some of the bunch don't have like, official surnames, and so based on certain item sets (Literally the sets they have in 2 where anyone of the same sex can wear them.) their surnames have been assigned.
Spoilers if you haven't played WKC, I suppose, because I will bring up bits about certain characters.
Here's how I Imagine the gang would start out upon leaving the familiar comfort of Nadias:
Leonard Wylde: Gladiator, because Sword and Board was kinda his thing in cutscenes and when using the Knight. You might not see him on the Bloodsands overmuch but rumor has it that his constant aiding of fellow adventurers and random smallfolk about town has caught the attention of the Sultansworn. He had a hard time picking his Patron, because while Oschon would suit any of them he's not exactly a wanderer. Eventually he settled on Rhalgr because something about the Destroyer reminded him of Rappaci.
Eldore Ardyn: Thaumaturge. Sure, he's a capable mage in Nadias, but the way I see it Aether/Magic flows differently between the two lands. A spell that works just fine on the Balastor Plain to kill that damn Troll is not going to function in Thanalan because something in the manipulation of energy is incompatible, and the same applies in reverse. He's fine with a sword, gods know I had him wielding the Longswords in WKC/WKC2, but if any of them were to turn their hand to magics they'd need to learn it all from scratch. As he was a tactician of some renown in the Dogma Era, he would take Thaliak for his Patron Deity.
Yulie Flavel: Archer. Some people probably made her the token Mage, but Archery is to her what Sword n' Board is to Leonard. Naturally, her experience carries between continents so she's teaching her guildmates as much as she is being taught. Oftentimes gives pelts from beasties she hunts to the Leatherworker's Guild. The argument could be made for Oschon as her Patron, but I see her as picking Menphina because Moon Maiden.
Caesar Drisdall: Lancer. Second verse, same as the first. While there was a bit of surprise in that not a singular person here has considered using a Shield in tandem with their lance (Though Ywain said a famous member of the Guild had also mentioned such a thing in passing, once...), Caesar takes to the training easily enough. Like Yulie, it's a "learning while teaching them a thing or two" situation. He has a bit of a rough time here though on account of (a) His Dragonsight going off at random times, like some offshoot of The Echo, and (b) Lingering Pyrexia from when he fought the Netherwyrm. Dragons still love him, and his patron is Halone. The Vermilion Dragoon
Kara Crow: Arcanist...was the plan. She took one look at where everyone's choices went and decided that she'd take to Limsa so they'd have their bases covered, but before she could approach the Arcanist's Guild she busted the ass of a would-be kidnapper, and one strange sequence of events later there was a new knife in the darkmans. That's right, Kara would be a Rogue. For appearance's sake she did manage to join the Arcanist's Guild, though. Her patron is Azeyma.
I like to think Setti would have had Nald'Thal as his Patron and he would have mainly been in the Miner's Guild, but an accidental encounter with a Dark Knight Soulstone would prove beneficial to him in the long run. (Ledom would have been Le-Doomed)
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theehorsepusssy · 2 years
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Your dead celebrity turned out to be Pot Ledom.
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2022/08/11 Llegamos a un lugar que parecía una sala de magia. Pero descubrimos que era un gran congelador lleno de hielo, tanto estatuas, mesas, sillas y los propios vasos donde sirven las bebidas. Mi amiguita decía que la temperatura era agradable, pero yo estaba muerto de frío.
We arrived at a place that looked like a magic room. But we discovered that it was a large freezer full of ice, both statues, tables, chairs and the very glasses where the drinks are served. My girlfriend said that the temperature was pleasant, but I was freezing to death.
Google translation into Italian: Siamo arrivati ​​in un luogo che sembrava una stanza magica. Ma abbiamo scoperto che si trattava di un grande congelatore pieno di ghiaccio, sia le statue, i tavoli, le sedie e gli stessi bicchieri dove vengono servite le bevande. La mia ragazza ha detto che la temperatura era piacevole, ma stavo morendo di freddo.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Chegamos a um lugar que parecia uma sala mágica. Mas descobrimos que era um grande freezer cheio de gelo, tanto estátuas, mesas, cadeiras quanto os próprios copos onde as bebidas são servidas. Minha namorada disse que a temperatura estava agradável, mas eu estava morrendo de frio.
Google Translation into French: Nous sommes arrivés dans un endroit qui ressemblait à une pièce magique. Mais nous avons découvert qu'il s'agissait d'un grand congélateur rempli de glace, à la fois de statues, de tables, de chaises et même des verres où les boissons sont servies. Ma copine a dit que la température était agréable, mais j'étais mort de froid.
Google Translation into Arabic: وصلنا إلى مكان يشبه الغرفة السحرية. لكننا اكتشفنا أنه كان عبارة عن ثلاجة كبيرة مليئة بالثلج ، سواء كانت تماثيل وطاولات وكراسي وحتى أكواب تُقدم فيها المشروبات. قالت صديقتي أن درجة الحرارة كانت لطيفة ، لكنني كنت أتجمد حتى الموت.
Google Translation into German: Wir kamen an einem Ort an, der wie ein magischer Raum aussah. Aber wir entdeckten, dass es sich um einen großen Gefrierschrank handelte, der mit Eis gefüllt war, sowohl Statuen, Tische, Stühle und sogar Gläser, in denen Getränke serviert wurden. Meine Freundin sagte, die Temperatur sei schön, aber ich fror zu Tode.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Arritëm në atë që dukej si një dhomë magjike. Por ne zbuluam se ishte një frigorifer i madh i mbushur me akull, si statuja, tavolina, karrige dhe madje edhe gota në të cilat shërbeheshin pije. E dashura ime tha se temperatura ishte e mirë, por unë ngriva për vdekje.
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Стигнахме до нещо, което приличаше на магическа стая. Но открихме, че това е голям фризер, пълен с лед, статуи, маси, столове и дори чаши, в които се сервират напитки. Приятелката ми каза, че температурата е добра, но аз замръзнах до смърт.
Google Translation into Czech: Dorazili jsme do něčeho, co vypadalo jako kouzelný pokoj. Ale zjistili jsme, že to byl velký mrazák naplněný ledem, sochy, stoly, židle a dokonce i sklenice, ve kterých se podávaly nápoje. Moje přítelkyně řekla, že teplota je pěkná, ale já jsem umrzl k smrti.
Google Translation into Slovak: Prišli sme do niečoho, čo vyzeralo ako magická miestnosť. Ale zistili sme, že je to veľká mraznička plná ľadu, sochy, stoly, stoličky a dokonca aj poháre, v ktorých sa podávali nápoje. Moja priateľka povedala, že teplota je pekná, ale ja som zamrzol.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Prispeli smo do nekaj, kar je izgledalo kot čarobna soba. Odkrili pa smo, da gre za velik zamrzovalnik, napolnjen z ledom, oba kipa, mize, stole in celo kozarce, v katerih so stregli pijačo. Moja punca je rekla, da je bila temperatura dobra, vendar sem zmrznil do smrti.
Google Translation into Suomi: Saavuimme maagisen näköiseen huoneeseen. Mutta huomasimme, että se oli suuri pakastin, joka oli täynnä jäätä, sekä patsaita, pöytiä, tuoleja ja jopa laseja, joissa juomia tarjoiltiin. Tyttöystäväni sanoi, että lämpötila oli mukava, mutta jäädyin kuoliaaksi.
Google Translation into Greek: Φτάσαμε σε αυτό που έμοιαζε με ένα μαγικό δωμάτιο. Αλλά ανακαλύψαμε ότι ήταν ένας μεγάλος καταψύκτης γεμάτος πάγο, τόσο αγάλματα, τραπέζια, καρέκλες, ακόμη και ποτήρια στα οποία σερβίρονταν ποτά. Η φίλη μου είπε ότι η θερμοκρασία ήταν καλή, αλλά πάγωσα μέχρι θανάτου.
Google Translation into Dutch: We kwamen aan in wat leek op een magische kamer. Maar we ontdekten dat het een grote vriezer was gevuld met ijs, zowel beelden, tafels, stoelen en zelfs glazen waarin drankjes werden geserveerd. Mijn vriendin zei dat de temperatuur lekker was, maar ik vroor dood.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi ankom noe som så ut som et magisk rom. Men vi oppdaget at det var en stor fryser fylt med is, både statuer, bord, stoler og til og med glass der det ble servert drinker. Kjæresten min sa at temperaturen var god, men jeg frøs i hjel.
Google Translation into Polish: Dotarliśmy do czego��, co wyglądało jak magiczny pokój. Ale odkryliśmy, że była to duża zamrażarka wypełniona lodem, zarówno posągami, jak i stołami, krzesłami, a nawet szklankami, w których podawano napoje. Moja dziewczyna powiedziała, że ​​temperatura była dobra, ale zamarzłem na śmierć.
Google Translation into Romanian: Am ajuns în ceea ce părea o cameră magică. Dar am descoperit că era un congelator mare plin cu gheață, atât statui, mese, scaune și chiar pahare în care se serveau băuturi. Prietena mea a spus că temperatura era bună, dar am înghețat de moarte.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы подошли к тому, что выглядело как волшебная комната. Но мы обнаружили, что это была большая морозильная камера, наполненная льдом, обе статуи, столы, стулья и даже стаканы, в которых подавались напитки. Моя девушка сказала, что температура была хорошей, но я замерз насмерть.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi kom fram till något som såg ut som ett magiskt rum. Men vi upptäckte att det var en stor frys fylld med is, både statyer, bord, stolar och till och med glas som det serverades drinkar i. Min flickvän sa att temperaturen var bra men jag frös ihjäl.
Google Translation into Turkish: Büyülü bir odaya benzeyen bir yere geldik. Ama içinde buz, heykeller, masalar, sandalyeler ve hatta içeceklerin servis edildiği bardaklarla dolu büyük bir dondurucu olduğunu keşfettik. Kız arkadaşım sıcaklığın iyi olduğunu söyledi ama donarak öldüm.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা একটা জাদুকরী ঘরের মত দেখতে এসে পৌঁছলাম। কিন্তু আমরা আবিষ্কার করেছি যে এটি বরফ ভরা একটি বড় ফ্রিজার, উভয় মূর্তি, টেবিল, চেয়ার এবং এমনকি গ্লাস যেখানে পানীয় পরিবেশন করা হয়েছিল। আমার গার্লফ্রেন্ড বলেছিল তাপমাত্রা ভালো ছিল কিন্তু আমি হিম হয়ে মারা গিয়েছিলাম।
Google Translation into Chinese: 我们到达了看起来像一个神奇的房间。 但我们发现它是一个装满冰块的大冰柜,里面有雕像、桌子、椅子,甚至还有用来供应饮料的玻璃杯。 我的女朋友说温度很好,但我冻死了。
Google Translation into Korean: 마법의 방처럼 보이는 곳에 도착했습니다. 그러나 우리는 그것이 얼음으로 가득 찬 커다란 냉동고라는 것을 발견했습니다. 조각상, 테이블, 의자, 심지어 음료가 제공되는 유리잔도 있었습니다. 여자친구는 기온이 좋다며 얼어죽었다고 합니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: הגענו למה שנראה כמו חדר קסום. אבל גילינו שזה מקפיא גדול מלא בקרח, גם פסלים, שולחנות, כיסאות ואפילו כוסות שבהן הוגשו משקאות. חברה שלי אמרה שהטמפרטורה נעימה אבל קפאתי למוות.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम एक जादुई कमरे की तरह दिखने वाले स्थान पर पहुंचे। लेकिन हमने पाया कि यह बर्फ से भरा एक बड़ा फ्रीजर था, दोनों मूर्तियां, टेबल, कुर्सियां ​​​​और यहां तक ​​​​कि गिलास भी जिसमें पेय परोसा जाता था। मेरी प्रेमिका ने कहा कि तापमान अच्छा था लेकिन मैं जम कर मर गया।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami tiba di tempat yang tampak seperti ruangan ajaib. Tapi kami menemukan itu adalah lemari es besar yang diisi dengan es, baik patung, meja, kursi, dan bahkan gelas tempat minuman disajikan. Pacar saya bilang suhunya bagus tapi saya mati kedinginan.
Google Translation into Japanese: 魔法の部屋のように見える部屋に到着しました。 しかし、それは氷で満たされた大きな冷凍庫であり、彫像、テーブル、椅子、さらには飲み物が提供されるグラスであることがわかりました。 ガールフレンドは気温がいいと言っていましたが、私は凍死しました。
Google Translation into Malay: Kami tiba di tempat yang kelihatan seperti bilik ajaib. Tetapi kami mendapati ia adalah peti sejuk besar yang dipenuhi dengan ais, kedua-dua patung, meja, kerusi dan juga gelas di mana minuman dihidangkan. Teman wanita saya berkata suhunya bagus tetapi saya mati beku.
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ هغه ځای ته ورسیدو چې د جادویی کوټې په څیر ښکاري. مګر موږ وموندله چې دا یو لوی فریزر و چې له یخ څخه ډک و ، دواړه مجسمې ، میزونه ، څوکۍ او حتی ګیلاسونه چې څښاک پکې کارول کیږي. زما ملګرې وویل چې تودوخه ښه وه مګر زه مړ شوم.
Google Translation into Persian: به اتاقی که شبیه یک اتاق جادویی بود رسیدیم. اما ما متوجه شدیم که یک فریزر بزرگ پر از یخ بود، هم مجسمه، هم میز، هم صندلی و هم لیوان هایی که در آن نوشیدنی سرو می شد. دوست دخترم گفت دمای هوا خوب است اما من یخ زدم تا حد مرگ.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Nakarating kami sa parang magical room. Ngunit natuklasan namin na ito ay isang malaking freezer na puno ng yelo, parehong mga estatwa, mesa, upuan at maging mga baso kung saan inihain ang mga inumin. Sinabi ng aking kasintahan na ang temperatura ay maganda ngunit ako ay nagyelo hanggang sa mamatay.
Google Translation into Thai: เรามาถึงห้องที่ดูเหมือนมีมนต์ขลัง แต่เราพบว่ามันเป็นช่องแช่แข็งขนาดใหญ่ที่เต็มไปด้วยน้ำแข็ง ทั้งรูปปั้น โต๊ะ เก้าอี้ และแม้แต่แก้วที่เสิร์ฟเครื่องดื่ม แฟนบอกว่าอุณหภูมิกำลังดี แต่ตัวแข็งตาย
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم وہاں پہنچے جو ایک جادوئی کمرے کی طرح نظر آتا تھا۔ لیکن ہم نے دریافت کیا کہ یہ برف سے بھرا ہوا ایک بڑا فریزر تھا، دونوں مجسمے، میزیں، کرسیاں اور یہاں تک کہ شیشے بھی تھے جن میں مشروبات پیش کیے جاتے تھے۔ میری گرل فرینڈ نے کہا کہ درجہ حرارت اچھا تھا لیکن میں جم کر مر گیا۔
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми прибули до того, що було схоже на чарівну кімнату. Але ми виявили, що це велика морозильна камера, наповнена льодом, статуї, столи, стільці і навіть склянки, в яких подавали напої. Моя дівчина сказала, що температура хороша, але я замерз до смерті.
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jebitesee · 1 month
Ljudi probajte dzin sa zovom i kiselom vodom i ledom super je
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missrosiewolf · 2 months
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Oh here's a WIP of my Avatar, Averill
My elemental mage bean who looks forward to the day when they can unleash the most powerful fire spell they know on Grazel (and High Priest Ledom).
Cause fuck w/ Albana not just once but twice and you're on their shit list :3
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ladiscribus · 4 months
Natal - Rođenje sunca
Došao sam predvečer autobusom u Natal, glavni grad savezne države Rio Grande do Norte. Kažu u najtopliji grad Brazila. Kažu također da je u Natalu najčišći zrak u cijeloj Južnoj Americi. Po broju stanovnika je otprilike veličine Zagreba, oko 880 000 stanovnika. Smjestio sam se u jednoj  pousadi, potpuno novoj izgrađenoj, blizu plaže Ponta Negra. To je dio grada u kojem uglavnom odsjedaju svi turisti i definitivno je najpopularniji dio grada u kojem je smješteno sigurno preko 90% domaćih i stranih turista. Strani turisti su najčešće Talijani, od kojih su se neki jako dobro udomaćili i nastanili ovdje za stalno. Obično dođu ovdje kada su u penziji ili ožene neku Brazilku, kao što je bio slučaj s taksistom Talijanom koji mi je ispričao svoju cijelu životnu priču po putu dok me vozio. Jedan od razloga što ovdje ima puno Europljana je taj, što je Natal pa zračnoj liniji najbliži Europi to jest Africi.
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Osim što spada među najtoplije gradove, poznat je po lijepim plažama od koje su neke u samom Natalu, dok se neke nalaze u okolici Natala. Poznat je također po dinama, lagunama i kokosovim palmama. A čini mi se da je kokosov sok slađi i ukusniji od kokosa iz ostalih dijelova Brazila.
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Natal je nastao kao utvrda od strane Portugalaca protiv francuskih pirata kojima su pomagali Tupi Indijanci, a utvrdu su nazvali Fortaleza dos Reis Magos (Utvrda tri čarobnjaka) jer se počela graditi na Sveta tri kralja.. Uz utvrdu nastalo je naselje Cidade dos Reis, a poslije se nazvalo Cidade de Natal. Inače riječ natal na portugalskom znači rođenje , to jest Božić pa je tako i ime grada današnjeg Natala. U 17. stoljeću Nizozemci su zauzeli ovo područje i vladali 21 godinu, sve dok nisu bili protjerani od strane Portugalaca. Sve do 20. stoljeća grad je imao vrlo malo stanovnika te se tada počeo naglo urbanizirati, a najviše za vrijeme II. svjetskog rata kada je baš zbog te spomenute blizine prema Europi bio izabran da postane Američka vojna baza.
Upravo je ona ostavila duboki trag u u kulturi ovoga grada. Kažu da je ime plesa forro, koji je doduše već postojao već i prije u ovom sjeveroistočnom dijelu Brazila koje se zove sertão, ime dobio po Amerikancima koji su taj jednostavan ples 2-2, nazvali kao ples za sve; for all. Brazilci su to skratili na jednu riječ i jednostavno ga nazvali po svome: forro = for all.. Ples je vrlo jednostavan. Trebate se samo prepustiti ritmu i melodiji te malo pratiti domaće plesače i njihove plesne korake. Nakon toga drmnite dvije tri cachace, par piva i skupite nešto hrabrosti pa da vidiš veselja.. Od teorije do prakse mali je korak, a i malo talenta definitivno ne škodi..
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Forte dos Reis Magos
Grad je nekada bio vrlo malen. Oko 1820-te godine imao je samo 700 stanovnika i tek u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća pamuk potiče lokalnu ekonomiju i tek tada se grad počinje značajnije razvijati.
Kako je Natal je najtopliji grad Brazila, tako je i dobio nadimak "Grad sunca". Vječita vrućina, sunce, oblaci i rijetka kiša. Moja iskustva su da su ljudi uglavnom ljubazni, topli i ugodni, kao što je to bila i gazdarica pousade u kojoj sam bio smješten. Ta ljubaznost i brižnost se posebno pokazala kada sam drugi dan nagrabusio od proljeva i slabosti uzrokovana najvjerojatnije ledom u caipirinhi s ulice.
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Upravo zbog te ogromne količine žestokog sunca i suhoće zraka bez pristupa hlađenju, bilo je pitanje kako sačuvati svježe meso te je tako nastala jedna od najomiljenijih jela po imenu carne de sol (meso sunca), koja možete naći ne samo ovdje na sjeverozapadu Brazila gdje je i nastalo, nego doslovno u svim dijelovima Brazila. U prilog tome ide da je vjetar dosta jak tijekom cijele godine. To jelo je od govedine, ali može se raditi i od kozletine. Svježe meso se izreže na tanke odreske, posoli i ostavi 2-4 dana na otvorenom u pokrivenom I dobro prozračnom prostoru i da nije izloženo direktnom suncu. Meso prolazi kroz brzi proces sušenja i daje mu tvrdu vanjsku površinu koja je slana i štiti mekanu unutrašnjost mesa bez da se pokvari neko dulje vrijeme. Ova tehnika nije bila poznata domorocima prije dolaska Portugalaca oko 1500. godine. U Portugalu se taj način koristio za konzerviranje ribe, osobito bakalara i zapravo su samo tu istu tehniku prenijeli na govedinu u Brazilu. Carne de sol može se ispeći na roštilju tako da se prije nasjecka na kockice, što je najčešći način koji se poslužuje u restoranima ili se može dodavati varivima.
Grad je bio domaćin svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva u nogometu u Brazilu 2014. godine i za te potrebe se izgradio stadion "Arena das Dunas" koji ima kapacitet od oko 31 000 mjesta. Danas na njemu igra lokalni klub America Futebol Clube, poznat kao America de Natal koja sada u 4. ligi (Série D). Drugi klub iz Natala koji je i uspješniji je ABC Futebol Clube, igraju u 3. ligi (Serie C), no oni igraju na drugom stadionu Frasqueirão s puno manjim kapacitetom.
U ovaj grad sam došao tri puta na ovom putovanju u Brazil zbog složenosti situacije. Od centra grada i stare jezgre grada vidio sam malo, to jest samo ponešto u prolazu u kratkoj šetnji i kroz prozor gradskog autobusa. Doduše stara jezgra grada prilično je siromašna znamenitostima pa nisam previše ni propustio. Uglavnom sam uživao u suncu, plaži, hrani (dok nisam bolovao od proljeva) i doslovno sam koristio sve ono po čemu se grad hvali. To je ispijanje kokosovog soka u prijepodnevnim satima u bircu na plaži, namakanje u oceanu, ispijanju piva i gledanju lijepih žena u bikinijima. Ono što je loše je to da plaža Ponta Negra u poslijepodnevnim satima zna biti potopljena morem zbog jake plime. Plastične stolice i stolovi u bircevima se moraju maknuti jer bi ih odnijelo more pa se svi moraju povući na gornji betonirani dio plaže..
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Centro de Turismo
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Do utvrde Forte dos Reis Magos se dođe uz gradsku plažu. Tu se redaju imena plaža na kojoj se na jednoj od njih po imenu Praia do Meio nalazi jedna zanimljiva statua Estátua de Iemanjá. Zanimljiv prikaz žene koja je smatrana kraljicom mora i oceana. Lemanjá je božanstvo afričkih religija, kao što su Candomblé i Umbanda, no obožavaju je ljudi različitih uvjerenja. Nažalost kip je bio objekt vandalizma pa su 2020. godine morali postaviti novi isti kip. Taj novi kip dvije godine kasnije prebojan je u crno jer se se u Candomblé religiji smatra da je žena lemanjá crna, a u Umbanda religiji se smatra da je ona bijela.
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Estátua de Iemanjá
Nekako sam se uvijek volio vratiti ovdje i nadam se da ću opet nekada.. Jedan od najboljih igrača svijeta, pokojni Pele, otvorio je svoj hotel ovdje na Ponta Negri pod imenom King's Flat Hotel. Prošao sam više puta pored njega u večernjoj šetnji pa evo možda ako se vratim opet nekada, neka to budu u nogometnom stilu..
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Hotel od Pele - King's Flat Hotel
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