flufffilleddonut · 6 months
Angelic Retribution - Part 2
Summary - Even a whole year later, Adam hasn’t forgotten Lute’s attack on Extermination Day. Luckily for Adam, Lute gets herself in a similar situation, allowing him to carry out his revenge.
Word Count - 1100
It had been one year since Lute ‘convinced’ Adam to deal with his own issues, and the first man seemed to have gotten the message. Lute was called upon less, and given more important duties, which she was pleased about.
However, as Lute would soon learn, she wasn’t the only angel with a thirst for revenge.
Extermination Day had rolled around once again, and Lute was chasing down a sinner. She followed the demon into a rickety old building, where they had climbed the stairs up to the roof, with Lute flying close behind.
Confident she had the sinner cornered, Lute forcefully grounded herself on the roof with a thud. As she slowly approached the sinner, spear raised, she heard a creaking sound below her.
Before Lute could react, the roof gave out beneath her, causing her to fall through. She further smashed through the second-story floor before feeling herself stop in space.
Being as tough as she was, Lute was more dazed than harmed. She looked around at her surroundings in an attempt to gain her bearings. 
She was dangling from the ceiling by her wrists, which were pinned on the floor of the second-story by debris from the roof. From her position, she could see the building’s front door, but could not reach the ground. She eyed her spear laying on the floor a ways away.
Lute tugged at her wrists, but they were fully pinned. She flew up through the hole and attempted to push at the debris with her helmet, but it wouldn’t budge. She let herself fall back down through the hole with a sigh. She wasn’t sure how she would get out of this.
That is, until a figure appeared in the doorway.
Lute recognized it as Adam immediately. A wave of relief washed over her.
Adam, alerted by the loud sounds, took a few steps inside before stopping in his tracks, having spotted Lute hanging from the ceiling.
He burst out laughing.
“Luhuhute?! Is that yohohou?” Adam questioned.
Lute’s feelings of relief were replaced by those of embarrassment.
“Yes, sir.” She grumbled, a light blush covering her face. “Mind giving me a hand?”
Adam slowly began approaching, still chuckling to himself.
“I thought you were better than this, Lute. Letting yourself get trapped in Hell? Not quite Lieutenant behaviour…” He commented.
Lute blushed further, starting to get annoyed.
“Need I remind you that you were in the exact same situation last extermination, sir?” Lute responded.
Adam reached Lute, standing in front of her with a smug look on his face.
“True, true. Tell me, though, what did you do when you found me?” He questioned, beginning to circle Lute.
Lute’s heart dropped. She hoped that Adam had forgotten what she had done last extermination, as, otherwise, she knew that he wouldn’t let it slide without getting his revenge.
“S-sir, we don’t have time for this. Extermination Day is almost over.” Lute said, starting to squirm.
“It’s your own fault, Lute. You shouldn’t have gotten sloppy~” Adam teased, stopping behind her.
Lute was ready to protest further, but suddenly felt fingers wiggling in her underarms.
“Ahahadam! Dohohont!” She giggled.
“Yeah, no. I need to settle the score.” Adam said, continuing his attack. “Besides, you should be thankful that I found you instead of whichever sinner you were chasing.”
Lute, knowing Adam well enough to understand that she wouldn’t be able to get him to stop, decided to focus her energy on controlling her reactions. She hoped that Adam would eventually get bored and move onto something else.
Lute managed to stifle her giggles, with only the odd sound escaping her lips. Adam noticed immediately.
“What’s this? Playing hard to get, huh Lute?” He said, stopping his hands and moving to her front. “Alright then.”
Without another word, Adam took hold of Lute’s uniform and raised it up, exposing her stomach.
Lute was confused before she saw Adam taking in a large breath. She began to panic.
“No, wait! Adam! Adam don’t you-” Lute began to plead.
“PFFFFFBT!” Adam blew a large raspberry on Lute’s stomach.
Lute shrieked and began kicking her legs.
“AHAHAHA! AHAHADAM!” She cackled.
Adam continued blowing smaller raspberries and brought his hands down to Lute’s hips, which he lightly scratched at.
“AHAHAHAHA!” Lute was in hysterics, unable to form words. Adam pulled his head back.
“Jeez Lute, you sure can take a lot.” He said, tracing light circles on her hips.
Lute took the opportunity to recover, regaining her breath through giggles.
In the corner of his eye, Adam noticed her flapping wings, reminding him of how Lute had attacked his own. His smug look returned as he began grazing his fingers over her wings.
Lute froze at the touch.
“Ahahadam, stohohop!” She giggled.
“Come on, you can handle a few more tickles, can’t you?” Adam said as he fluttered his fingers up and down the wings.
“Ahahaha! Nohohoho!” Lute laughed, softer this time. She shook her head back and forth, kicking her legs once more.
Adam continued until he noticed something outside one of the building’s windows. The exorcists were all flying into the sky, presumably into the portal to Heaven that opened when Extermination Day ended.
“Oops, looks like we’re out of time. Don’t wanna miss our ride out of here.” Adam said, pulling his hands away from Lute.
He struck a rock pose and shot a beam of ‘Holy Light’ at the ceiling, bringing Lute and the debris crashing down. Adam caught her in his arms.
“Did you just fall from Heaven, babe? Because you’re an angel.” Adam said with a wink.
Lute groaned and gave him a shove.
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding.” Adam said, handing Lute her spear.
Lute took it and tried taking off, but winced, a tinge of pain going through her wings as they tried to support her weight. It seems that they had been damaged from the fall, her current exhaustion making it worse.
Lute felt Adam’s hold tighten.
“Can’t fly? That’s okay, I got you!” He said, exiting the building.
Adam took flight, heading towards the portal to Heaven with Lute in his arms.
“We’re even now, by the way. So don’t think about trying anything again, you hear?” Adam asserted.
“Yes, sir.” Lute said.
Although he could be a real jerk, Lute felt that she had a special bond with Adam. She enjoyed spending time with him, even if that time included him decimating her with tickles. He was right, she could handle it, and she knew that she could return it just as well as he could.
Not that she had to worry about it, since Adam had made things between the two even.
For now.
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bimobuddy · 7 months
I feel like Ler!Adam is such a dick (affectionate) to his lees, Lute in particular.
I think on more than one occasion, he's trapped her in a hug or in his lap and just attacked her wings and sides while saying it was for 'endurance training,' but he's definitely not fooling anyone.
I also think he calls her 'little birdie' because of how frantically she flaps her wings against him while squirming. "Calm your tits, birdie."
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mmjmmj · 7 months
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Lute Lee/Ler Headcannons:
-For someone so fierce and aggressive incombat, you wouldn’t think this Angel would be DEATHLY ticklish.
-Lute will not allow anyone to tickle her, unless she’s very close with them, like Adam.
-Very weak to raspberries, it’s easy to send into hysterical laughter from targeted raspberries to her sides and neck.
-And oh boy, she squirms like crazy! It’s best to keep her wrists pinned down if you don’t want a black eye, Adam learnt that the hard way.
-If you tickle her enough, her laughter will start to sound more dorky then wheezy.
-Lute will struggle in a tickle fight with you, if you manage to tickle her in the right spots; squeeze her knees or pinch her hips and she will instantly loose.
-Adam will sometimes pinch her sides if she’s looking too grouchy, he prefers to see her all smiley!
-Lute will hide her face from you as much as she can so you can’t see her flustered face, she doesn’t want to ruin her image as the badass Exorcist, then be seen as a messy pile of giggles.
-If you tickler her in the right spot for long enough, she will begin to snort! That’s the most she gets embarrassed about, Adam would tease her by calling her Danger Pig whenever she gets like that.
-Lute is an absolute fucking tickle monster when it comes to being a Ler.
-She will not waste time to attack you with tickles after you tickled her.
-Lute will try to find your tickle spots as fast as she can so she can get your screaming already!
"Not ticklish here? How about here?!"
-If Lute doesn’t attack you with tickles straight away, she will begin to countdown slowly to build up the anticipations of a good ol’ fashioned wrecking, though she never finishes her countdown, she always starts her tickle attack before she even reaches to one, to catch you off guard, this worked very well on Adam.
-Too good at teasing, she’s tickled Adam enough to be the master of flustering you!
"Oh? You don’t like it when my fingers dance all over your sides? How about I use my wings instead?"
-If your in a tickle fight with her and your loosing, she won’t stop tickling you until you beg her for your forgiveness for trying to beat her, she will make you repeat your apologises, just for good measures.
-Lute will take care of you after wrecking you, she will make it up to you by taking you out to dinner, of course you’d be feeling hungry and exhausted after being tickled by this woman!
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cease-this · 7 months
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Hi guys,, this one turned out lazy as hell but Lee lute,,,,,
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nagitoshopejar · 7 months
I've been seeing a lot of Lute and Adam art I don't think it's ships but I would just like to bring an idea the opposite of lee Adam. Ler!Adam and Lee!Lute
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hhblizzad · 1 month
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Lee: lute
Ler: vaggie (before she become a Fallen angel)
Adam was training his Exorcists.
Adam: "come on girls! Faster! You want us all to lose in the next extermination or something?" there was lute. One of the best Exorcists there, and vaggie! She is also one of the best Exorcists.
Vaggie: "hey there lute!" vaggie said.
Lute: "oh... It's just you-"
Adam: "ALRIGHT GIRLS! BREAK TIME JUST GO WHERE THE FREAK YOU GUYS WANT TO. I DON'T REALLY CARE". vaggie then look at lute. Vaggie: "you heard that lute? It's over! Why are you still doing it"
lute: "because i don't Wanna lose in the next extermination. And also, im not lazy like the others". Vaggie: "hey! Are you calling me lazy or something. It's a bit rude you know!"
Lute: "just go away vaggie, i need to continue my training..". Vaggie: "oh come on lute! I have no one to chat with."
Lute: "vaggie! There are many other Exorcists like us there! You can just chat with them. Why must you chat with me?"
Vaggie: "because... It's just why are you training alone..... Adam isn't here! He is in a meeting with sera!"
Lute: "so?". Vaggie then have an idea. Vaggie: well... Looks like i need to do this the hard way!" vaggie then start to tickle lute's neck. Lute: "w- whahahahaht thehehehehe heahahahahavehehen vahahag! Leheht mehe gohoho!".
Vaggie: "awww! Is someone ticklish?" vaggie continue to tickle lute's neck. Lute: "noho! Pleheheheheasehehe stahahahap! Ihihihits tohoho muhuhuhuch tohoho hahahahandle!"
Vaggie then smirk, she looks like she have an idea. Vaggie: "oooh! I have an idea!!" vaggie then start to tickles lute belly using her Wings. Lute: "E- EHEHEHEHE! YOUHUHU FREHEHEHEAK!"
vaggie: "what was that? I cant hear youu" vaggie continue to tickle lute's belly using her wings. She then move her Wings to lute's sides that make lute giggles even louder
Lute: "A- AHAHAHA! VAHAHAHAHAG! PLEHEHEHEASEHEHE STAHAHAHAP!" vaggie: "hmmm... How abouttt nahh?" vaggie then stop tickles lute using her Wings. She then goes closer to lute's wings
Lute: "oh freak..."
Vaggie: "lute.... I was thinking... Are those fluffy Wings of yours ticklish?... Your pretty ticklish everywhere you know." lute was flustered now. Lute: "what! Of course im not ticklish everywhere.. J- just try it!"
Vaggie: "hmmm... Ok!" vaggie start to tickle lute's Wings that make lute flustered than before.
Lute: "VAHAHAHAHAG! I HAHAHAHAHATE YOUHUHUHU SOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUCH! GAHAHAHAHA!" vaggie then continue to tickle her Wings. Vaggie: "you are ticklish there huh?" vaggie said with a smirk
Vaggie: "dang fine!"
Lute: "whatever... I guess we Can chat now" vaggie: "alright!"
The end!
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randommusicalfluff · 7 months
Do you think you could do lee!Adam? (If you want to)
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HELL YEAH I CAN FOR MY MOOT 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ I like Adam a good bit so this was fun to draw!! Never drew him before until now but I’m happy with how he looks!!
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hazbin-hotlee37 · 6 months
Need more Lee!Adam...
Lee!Adam, Ler!Lute
A reason to smile!
Adam was in his office, reading through paper work that Sera wanted him to do. Some people wouldn't believe that Adam was even capable of being kind, but he had genuine respect for Sera. She was like the mom he never had.
While the first man could be considered a slacker by most but, there were times when he worked himself way too hard. Lute could tell now was one of those times.
Neither had their mask on, which just showed Adams eyebags and tired appearance. Several golden feathers molted from stress as the angel muttered under his breath while he read, tapping his fingers absent mindedly.
"Sir, maybe we should take a break?" The Lieutenant offers with a kind smile, but Adam just waved her off.
He never listened.
Lute sighed and looked at the ground, picking up one of the golden feathers and twirling it in her fingers, an idea forming.
Adam was reading when suddenly he felt something brush against his neck, he jumped and looked at his lieutenant, but her arms were behind her back in her normal stance. Weird...
He shrugged it off and went back to reading when he felt it again, this time on his ear. He snorted and blushed slightly, looking back towards his friend.
"The fuck are you up to??" The first man asks, but he knew very well.
"I'm giving you one last chance to accept my offer of a break, sir" She responds, but she knew deep down, this would be necessary.
"Fuck off, dangertits, I'm working" Adam says, he flinched when he felt hands on his wings, "Wahait- Lute, fuhuhck!"
"I did give you a chance" Lute says with a smirk, scribbling her fingers over the golden wings.
The first man fell into a fit of giggles and snorts, his wings flapping absent mindedly. If anyone else, he would've killed them right there but this was Lute! He was fucked from the start!
"You know, I always see you playing with that guitar of yours. Maybe I should practice, really get on those lessons you've been doing with me" The lieutenant says with a smirk, her hands moving to his stomach and started strumming it like a guitar. "Bow now now now now, guitar solo, fuck yeah!"
"nahahaHAHAHT *Snort!* THAHAHAT!" Adam squealed, laughing his head off. His wings flapping involuntary, a few feathers falling off.
"Whats the matter, sir? The first man himself can't handle a little tickling?" She teased with a smirk watching him fall to pieces under her fingers. She had to admit, it was rather cute.
"Hmm, will you finally take a break?"
Lute finally stopped her "torture" and Adam collapsed in his seat, giggling and panting. The lieutenant smiled and pat his head, running her fingers through his hair.
"Fuhuck... You're so brutal..." Adam mutters with a sigh, leaning into the subtle affection.
"Maybe, but its not my fault you don't listen" She responds with a shrug.
Adam smiled softly, with all the shit going on... He was glad to at least have her in his corner and to keep his head on straight.
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exorcist-timpani · 3 months
[Several days have passed since Vienna's body was discovered.]
[Lee mercilessly broke the window to Timpani's house and climbed inside. Recent events are clearly not conducive to this, but there is a wide smile on her face.]
Yo, Tittani, I have FUCKING AWESOME news for ya! -🍬
(Lee, @your-favorite-therapist)
What the f-fuck, Lee? And it's Timpani!
[Timpani places her index finger and her thumb on the bridge of her nose as if dealing with a migraine.]
Why d-did you break my w-window, you know I'm dealing with... everything... right now. Ugh N-nevermind, what news?-🎵
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flufffilleddonut · 7 months
Lieutenant’s Laughter
Summary - Tired of Lute’s bland responses to his attempts at humour, Adam takes it upon himself to make his Lieutenant laugh.
Word Count - 730
Adam and Lute were in Heaven, walking through one of the realm’s lesser populated areas. The more casual nature of their stroll prompted Lute to leave her helmet behind, yet her typical, stoic demeanor remained.
“Can you believe that, Lute?! HAHA-” Adam laughed boisterously, having just recounted a time he humiliated another angel that had attempted to one-up him.
“They were quite foolish, sir.” Lute said flatly with a nod.
Adam stopped in his tracks and turned to Lute, who halted in response.
“Seriously, Lute? I have been nothing but hilarious all day, and the biggest reaction you've given me is a nod! What’s the deal?!” Adam questioned.
“I assure you that your comedy is top notch, sir.” Lute responded calmly. “I just personally don’t have major, gleeful reactions like you. As Lieutenant of the Angelic Army, I do my best to keep my composure.”
“Well that’s stupid.” Adam said, clearly annoyed. “You need to lighten up, girly. Stop taking yourself so seriously. You rarely even smile!”
“I am comfortable with my current displays of amusement, and do not intend on altering them. Trust me, I find you quite entertaining, sir, even if I do not show it.” Lute said with a weak smile.
Adam huffed in response.
Lute turned, ready to continue walking, when she felt a sharp jab in her side. It was followed by another, and another.
Adam was repeatedly poking at her torso from all directions. Lute began batting at his hands.
“Sir! What are you doing?!” Lute questioned, beginning to get a bit frantic.
“Stay still! I’m testing something.” Adam said, focused.
“Sir!” Lute called out, doing her best to hit away Adam’s hands before they reached her. “This is very unprofessional!”
“Fine…” Adam said, pulling his hands away and folding his arms against his chest.
Lute turned once again to begin walking. This time, she felt fingers wiggling up against her sides.
“Adam!” Lute called out, gripping his wrists. This time, however, Adam was persistent.
“Nuh-uh~” He sang out, keeping up his attack. “I’m done with this. I need a laugh, and I need it now.”
Lute, unable to remove Adam’s hands, began giggling.
“Okahahay! Okahahay! Stahahap nohow!” She pleaded.
“Mmm, I don’t think so! I’ve waited long enough for this. I’m not ready to give it up quite yet.” Adam responded with a grin.
Adam then grabbed hold of Lute’s wrists, raised her arms into the air, pulled her close, and began squishing her stomach with his free hand. Lute squealed.
“Ahahadadam! Nohohoho! Ehehehehe!” She giggled out madly.
“Who’s my giggly little Lute? You are! You are!” Adam cooed, grinning deviously.
Lute flushed. Adam knew just how to fluster her, and she hated it.
“Adahaham! Quihihit ihihit! Ehehe!” Lute protested.
“Music to my ears~” Adam said, ignoring Lute’s pleas as she continued to giggle. “Ooh! Idea!”
Suddenly, Adam released Lute’s arms and scooped her up bridal-style. He began raking his nails across Lute’s stomach, imitating the sounds of his guitar.
“Bow-now-now-nownow! N-now-n-now-nownow!” Adam sang enthusiastically.
Lute’s giggles turned into full-fledged laughter.
“NAHAHA! AHAHAHAHA!” She laughed, holding onto Adam’s arm.
“You make a sweet guitar, Lute. You hit aaaall the high notes~” Adam teased.
He continued for a few minutes before slowing his hand to a stop.
As Lute was catching her breath, she felt something soft being grazed underneath her chin. Adam’s wing’s agonizingly slow movements kept a smile plastered on her face, as soft snickers spilled from her lips.
“Wow, Lute. I never knew you were this ticklish! I should have tried this a long time ago.” Adam said, pulling his wing away and placing Lute down onto the ground.
“Plehease don’t, sir.” Lute said as she studied herself.
“Oh hush, Lute. I could tell how much you were loving every second of that. Now, come on. We have places to be.” Adam said, making his way down the street.
Lute followed behind, attempting to hide her blushing face.
Despite her protests, Adam wasn’t wrong. She would have slaughtered anyone else who launched such an attack, playful or not, but, since it was Adam, she didn’t mind. It was also nice to be able to let her guard down for a bit.
As Lute walked alongside the first man, one thought filled her mind that she was unable to shake.
She hoped that Adam would make her laugh more often.
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Guess who’s back?
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the-one-and-omly · 8 months
Adam and Lute are so underrated ( I understand they suck tho ) so I made this to make myself and maybe others feel better!
WARNINGS: Tickling, Lee! Adam and Ler! Lute, Some cussing.
~The start ~
Adam and Lute waited for the extermination day to arrive filled with excitement. Lute spent that time keeping to herself while Adam spent it talking her ear off. Lute excepted her fate and kept her cool. One day, while spending time together, Lute was laughing at some corny joke Adam made and accidentally ran her hand down his side getting him to snicker. Lute looked at Adam with a smile across her face. "Oh? What was that?" Adam looked away and shrugged. "I don't know, it was probably nothing." And tried walking off but Lute stopped him. "Oh no you don't." She grabbed his arm and pulled him to her height. "W-What are you doing?" She had a cheeky smile on her face and began to lightly stroke his side earning a yelp. Adam turned red as Lute smiled largely. "Is there something you wanna tell me, sir~?" Adam looked away, his face getting hot, "N-Nope!" Lute chuckled to herself, amused, and continued to tickle his sides earning muffled chuckles from him as he hid his face. "Your ticklish aren't ya?" He tapped his foot on the ground and didn't say anything, trying to hold back laughter. Lute saw this and tickled his stomach, making him jump a bit before he started to laugh. "N-Nohohoho! Stahahahahahaop!" Lute had a satisfied smile on her face and continued to tickle him. "Nope!" Adam wanted to fight but he knew she was just playing and Lute wasn't a snitch when it came to finding out secrets so he accepted his fate and laughed. "Are ya ticklish, Adam? Are ya?" Lute teased him as he laughed and tried to remove his arm from her grip. "Adam stop, we both know I'm stronger`" Flustered, he smacked her shoulder a couple times. "Stahahahahahahaop alreheheheheheady!" Lute was amused and let out a sigh as she gave him a breather. Adam took a breath and got out of her grip. "Your mean as fuck, Lute." She smiled, "Of course I am!" Adam did a large sigh and Lute gave him a small hug, surprising him. "O-Oh!" Lute seemed to be embarrassed but Adam smiled at her and hugged back. The two embraced for a while before Lute pulled away and looked up at Adam who seemed a bit flustered.' "What's wrong, sir?" He seemed a bit zoned out before shrugging. "Nothing, just not used to hugs.." Lute smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and put her hands behind her back, quickly walking away, embarrassed. Adam was in shock and put his hand on his cheek where she kissed him. "Oh man.. Another one.." He chuckled to himself. "I guess I am the dick master, haha!" He, filled with satisfaction, went to follow Lute.
~ The end ~
Okay, this was fun to make ngl. I would continue but honestly have like no ideas.. hehe.. anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little story :)
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shadow-says-hello · 4 months
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Lers lute and emily! I’m sure adam hates tickles. But whatever he did ik for a fact he deserves them for bein an asshole :p also why is lute so hard to draw what
Anyways I hope u enjoy my lil doodle!
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ask-lute · 1 month
HI BITCH DID YA MISS ME? I have my own acc now!
Also, I bought ya some chips to make peace, but I ate half of them on mah way here, es tut mir leid. -🍬
Not particularly...
[She looks at the chips]
You...uh...you can keep them.-🗡️
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rusted-pipe-of-wisdom · 2 months
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guess who started reading tanith lee's 'kill the dead' and is absurdly into it
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