#lee!nick nelson
sleepy--anon · 1 year
Relax With Me
(Slight Season 2 spoilers)
Nick's mom went out for the day with Nellie, David had finally gone back to Uni so she suggested Nick invite Charlie over for the day. The couple spent the day cuddling, talking with their friends as they came and went in the call, and exchanging tiktoks.
Tao and Elle had left for their movie date, Imogen had a hair appointment, Isaac wanted to read in peace, Tara and Darcy left to take a nap, and Sahar had to go out with her family. Now the two laid comfortably in Nick's bed, above the covers, Nick on his back and Charlie laying on his side next to him. They aimlessly watched Nick's Insta feed as Pride and Prejudice played softly in the background from Nick's laptop. Charlie would press the occasional kiss to Nick's cheek when he saw something bi pride or supportive posts from Christian, Otis, and Sai. Nick bore a constant smile and light blush, occasionally turning to meet Charlie's lips. At some point, the room had gotten dark as evening crept, Nick closed his laptop, laying it on the floor, placing his now charging phone on his bedside table. He initiated the kiss that time, the warm, calm, domestic atmosphere had him sappy. Both their bright pink lips fit together like puzzle pieces, moving together in harmony like a dance. Charlie had one hand under Nick's head, holding his hand, and the other cupped his lover's face. Nick's unoccupied hand gripped Charlie's shoulder, completely lost in the mind numbing haze of Charlie's intoxicating touch. The two could feel each other's smiles, Charlie squeezed Nick's hand, letting the other one slide down his chest, out towards his upper ribs. Squeeze. He felt Nick jump and yelp against his mouth, he tried to slip his arm down but the way Charlie was holding his hand had him pinned. Squeeze. Squeeze. Squeeze. Nick pulled away, wiggling his hips down in attempt to either squirm away or bury himself deep enough into his bed that he couldn't keep going. Charlie trailed his kisses down his neck, way too light in Nick's opinion, he brought his shoulder up, only to trap Charlie in place.
"Chahahar whyhyhy?!" Nick's back arched for a second with an embarrassing squeal when Charlie's squeezes hit that bit right above his hips.
"Payback dummy. You get me all the time, I'd like a turn sometimes yknow~?" Nick could hear the playful lilt in his voice but he didn’t really care when he felt his teeth scraping just under his ear as he spoke. He could tell Charlie wasn't going full out but he was extra sensitive to everything because he was relaxed and warm. He never really minded it, neither did Charlie but everything was always a competition, it felt nice to just let Charlie take him apart for a few.
"OhohohOHOKAHAY! Ohohohokay! Ihihihi cahahan't breheheathe! Ihihihi'm tihihired! StohohoOHOP!" Nick's voice was high and whiney, Charlie cooed at him for a bit as he slowed to a stop, pecking his pouting lips.
"You had fun don't lie."
"...Shut up, let me go." Charlie released his hand and immediately took him in as little spoon, playing with his hair until his fell asleep, he'll deal with his parents tomorrow.
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tickle-mnster · 2 years
Tickles Up!
lee!nick, ler!charlie/tao
summary: the three are playing Heads Up, when a certain word appears. charlie and tao have a special idea to help nick guess it.
word count: 1k
a/n: spent all night writing this and finished in the morning..now im gonna be tired all day but oh well
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“Nick?” Tao murmured. “It’s your turn.”
The rugby player was lost in space or in his own mind. He was zoned out on the living room floor, driving his two friends to shake him out of it.
“Nick?!” Charlie shouted in his ear, pushing his shoulder back and forth.
He finally responded when Tao delivered a strategic poke to his side, making him jolt and kick his feet out of the criss-cross position they previously rested in. Charlie and Tao received quick glances from each other in response to Nick’s reaction.
“Finally, we got you awake!” Charlie voiced, followed by Tao. “It was like he was asleep with his eyes open…weird, isn’t it?” He teased.
Nick smiled softly and scratched the back of his neck. “Aha, yeah…sorry about that, I’m just a little tired, that’s all.”
“It’s alright, but now it’s your go. Go ahead!” Charlie insisted, handing him the phone. 
He put the back of the device on his forehead, leaving the two friends in front of him to watch the screen as it turned to another word. They were all playing ‘Heads Up!’. In a rotation, one of the guys would receive the phone and be prompted to guess the word that appeared. The other players had to give him hints, or actions, as to what the word was.
“Ti-!” Tao gasped, covering his mouth. When he’d seen the word, he automatically started to say it out loud, by accident. Charlie chuckled, nudging his friend's arm. 
“Whose side are you on?!” He exclaimed.
“Sorry! I almost did that when you were the one with the phone…”
“Well, I wish you would have! That’s why we lost, Tao.” Nick chimed in, now starting to worry about the ticking timer that’d begun. One minute to guess the word, or forfeit.
“Alright, er- this is something that…feels light? And it’s an action! I think…” Charlie shouted, trying to convey his best description of the word. What was the word, you may ask? Coincidental to Tao poking Nick earlier, the word was ‘Tickle’!
Charlie quickly pondered for a few moments before turning his head to Tao, who seemed to be doing the same thing. ‘Tickle” was a hard word to describe, without using the word itself.
A lightbulb suddenly appeared over the top of Tao’s head - he remembered that the only rule was, you cannot say the word that’s given. Maybe he could make Nick feel the word?
It wouldn’t be a hard task, since Nick was already barefoot, his feet basically out in the open in front of him. Charlie and Tao sat on the outside of both Nick’s feet, while Nick had his legs spread all the way out, using his palms to hold himself up off the floor.
“I have an idea.” Tao said to Charlie, who seemed interested. 
“Which is..? I don’t know how the hell we’re going to say anything to describe this word.”
The taller boy smiled at the irony, and replied, “That’s the thing. We’ll make him feel the word!”
Charlie had caught onto Tao’s idea, and noticed a curious Nick in front of him. His boyfriend had an interesting expression, wondering what the hell his friends were up to… and then, he knew. 
He knew that he felt something skitter into his left sole, causing him to jerk his legs back into his lap - but, Tao had quick hands. He managed to capture one of Nick’s ankles, the other one was soon to be snatched back by Charlie.
Nick had let out a brief giggle when he’d felt Tao tickle his foot. This enticed Charlie, and he wanted to see if he could do the same. Two fingers wiggled beneath Nick Nelson’s toes, making him fall down onto the carpet, erupting in chuckles. Two became three, then four, as Charlie became addicted to his lover's sweet laughter~ For each finger that was added beneath his wriggling toes, a decibel was increased in his laughter. If Tao were to do the same thing, there’s no telling how loud Nick would laugh.
“Cha-Chahaha! ChaheheharliHEHE! LehEHEt gohoHOH!”
“We aren’t just doing this to watch you squirm, Nick! Go ahead, tell us the word!” Charlie shouted over Nick’s laughter. He stopped the tickling to hopefully hear an answer, but Tao took it as a queue for his turn. He slid his fingertips all across Nick’s ticklish sole, causing the boy to scrunch them up, and wiggle as much as he could to escape Tao’s strong grip.
“Nick… are you that… unintelligent?” Tao used a nicer word for stupid. “What are we doing right now?”
“BEHEING AHA-ehehasshOHOles!” Nick squealed, squirming in place. He was pretty much immobile since the other two boys had surprisingly strong grasps on his ankles. “What was that?” Charlie scoffed. “We were just trying to help you figure out the word, but if that's how it’s gonna be, alright then!” He playfully taunted, fiddling his fingers into his foot's arch. Tao also looked as if he was in shock by Nick’s words - well, his laughter I should say. That’s what most of his sentence was.
The game had now been redirected to some sort of punishment for Nick since he’d called his friends assholes. 
Charlie crawled away from Nick’s ankles and attacked his belly with his tickly fingers. 
“Chaharhalie! Gehet awahay!-” Nick rolled around on the floor, eventually pulling his ankle away from Tao. This didn’t change the fact that his boyfriend was by his side, and wouldn’t stop wiggling his fingers into his stomach and ribs.
“Ihim gohOHOEHEhonna gehet you back fohor thiHIHEHis!” He shouted at Charlie. The boy didn’t seem worried until Nick’s face began to turn red. He retracted his fingers from Nick’s body and checked to see if he was okay.
“Had enough?” He asked. “Did we go overboard?”
“Well, we showed him what assholes we could be!” Tao added, seemingly having no remorse for wrecking his friend.
“I didn’t mean to call you guys that! It just slipped out…”
Nick scratched his sides, still having ticklish sensations all over his body from the other boy’s fingers. Then, he was reminded by the notification on his phone that the guessing time was up and he began to wonder what the hell the word was.
“The word was ‘Tickle’! We couldn’t have made it more obvious, Nick.” Tao said, pretending like he could have guessed the word if it were his turn.
“Whatever…” Nick rolled his eyes, handing the phone to Charlie. Let’s just say, he planned on getting revenge…
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august-anon · 2 years
Dog Laws
Tickletober 2022, Day 9: Trapped
lol this is unedited as usual, but i think it is also the shortest fic i have posted so far and the last fic i have pre-written until, like, the 18th. so. oops erjfhjff hopefully i find some writing time tonight to prep for tomorrow lol
Fandom: Heartstopper
Ship(s): Narlie
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Nick/Ler!Charlie
Word Count: 263 words
Summary: Nick, by law, cannot move while Nellie is asleep on him. Charlie takes advantage.
[ao3 link]
“Sorry, Charlie, I can’t move. That’s the law.”
Charlie huffed. “Because Nellie fell asleep on you, you can’t move?”
“It’s written in the handbook whenever you get a pet. ‘Thou shalt not move when thy fall asleep on your lap.’”
Charlie laughed. “You’re such a dork.”
Nick grinned, ruffling a hand through Nellie’s fur. “Yeah, but I’m your dork.”
Charlie flopped back on the bed next to Nick with a sigh, tilting his head to catch a glimpse of Nellie’s content, sleeping face. And then a horribly devious thought occurred to him. He hoped Nellie would forgive him for it. It would be Nick breaking the law, anyway.
“So, since you’re trapped by dog law ,” Charlie said, pushing himself back up into a sitting position, propped up against the pillows next to Nick, “you won’t mind if I do this ?”
Charlie wiggled a hand between them, prodding it into Nick’s side. Nick inhaled sharply, jerking his torso but doing his best to keep his legs still. He tensed, shifting and eyeing Nellie’s sleeping form, but he didn’t do a thing to try and stop Charlie.
“Charlie, come on,” Nick said, his voice wobbling. “Cut it out.”
“No, I’m pretty sure it’s boyfriend law that I have to tickle you at every opportunity.”
Nick sputtered out a laugh at that, breaking the dam for the rest of his ticklish giggles to follow. “ Boyfriend law? ”
“Just remember,” Charlie said, leaning in and bringing his other hand into play. “Don’t wake Nellie.”
Maybe Charlie should come up with a punishment for when he inevitably did.
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throwbackblr · 2 years
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Ned, Moze, and Cookie almost 20 years later
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A More Enjoyable Assignment (tickle fic)
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Fandom: Heartstopper
Summary: Nick loves to tickle Charlie, but he never lets Charlie tickle him back. Charlie would never admit it to anyone, but all he wanted to do was hear his boyfriend squirm and giggle and it was starting to drive him up the wall.
Forget homework - this Nick-related assignment was way more fun.
My first ever tickle fic! Quite nervous about posting this, so all (kind) feedback very much appreciated.
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Nick loved to tickle Charlie. This was common knowledge at this point. Charlie could barely make it through an hour in Nick's company before he was pounced on and his high-pitched babbling and squeals filled the air. Charlie would put up a dramatic fuss every time but honestly, he really didn't mind. And he could see from Nick's shit-eating grin just how much joy it brought him.
However, the main issue was that whenever Charlie reached out a retaliating hand to tickle Nick's side, or grabbed his knee to squeeze it, Nick would immediately employ Strong Rugby Arms and intercept his movements, never giving him the chance to properly get his revenge. He'd never admit it to anyone, but all Charlie wanted to do was hear his boyfriend squirm and giggle and it was starting to drive him up the wall.
One Sunday afternoon, they were studying on Nick's bedroom floor, music playing softly in the background. They lay on their stomachs alongside each other, hips and shoulders touching. Charlie had sunk so deep into quadratic equations that he was barely aware of his surroundings, until he felt the familiar sensation of fingers digging expertly, but gently, into his armpit. It took a few seconds for his brain to catch up and then he gasped and squirmed away.
“Nick!” he all but squawked. “You're such a menace.”
When he turned to look at him, Nick was scribbling on his own Geography paper, his face schooled into an unconvincing expression of concentration. Charlie scoffed.
“You're fooling literally no one at this point,” he said, rolling his eyes affectionately and tapping Nick gently on the forehead with his pen.
A smile spread slowly across Nick's face, and he suddenly grabbed for Charlie's hips with both hands and squeezed. This was one of his worst spots – which Nick knew, the arsehole – and Charlie immediately crumbled, attempting to curl into the foetal position on the floor while high-pitched squeals poured out of him.
“Stop it, stop it, stop it!” he cried, trying to wriggle away. Nick just chuckled and ignored him, spidering his fingers up his sides. “Ah fu – fuck, Nick, that tickles so m-much – please...” His arms were flailing wildly, trying to grab Nick's hands and slow his movements.
Nick grinned but paused for a second, clearly winding down so as not to completely overwhelm him, and Charlie saw his chance. He lunged for Nick's thigh but before he could get any leverage, Nick casually plonked his entire body across Charlie's on the floor, leaving him unable to move.
“Nah, I don't think so,” Nick said calmly.
“Oh, for god sake.”
They lay there for a few moments, Charlie catching his breath after the attack. Nick's pinning was clever in stopping him being able to move much, whilst carefully avoiding actually hurting him. Eventually, Nick lifted his weight off Charlie and they rolled onto their sides to face each other.
“You good?” Nick asked, giving him his trademark lopsided smile.
“Yeah,” Charlie said, returning the grin with ease. They just drank each other in for a few seconds. “But you always -” He started, but then faltered, embarrassed.
“Hmm?” Nick was suddenly frowning slightly, always able to read him like a bloody book. He reached for Charlie's hand, linking their fingers together.
“You don't -” Charlie blew out a breath, frustrated at his inability to form words. “You never let me tickle you back.”
“Oh!” Nick's face softened with understanding, and then he grinned. “I know.”
“But why?”
“It's just funny,” Nick shrugged. “And because you're cute when you're annoyed. And in general.”
Charlie would never get used to Nick's unabashed compliments. He felt his face heat up as a rush of warmth spread through his body. “Shut up.”
“And when you're flustered.” The lopsided smile of pure sunshine was back.
“Nick, stop it! It's not fair when I don't get to fluster you back.” Nick's grin just grew wider. “Are you even ticklish?” Charlie asked, his eyes roaming around the parts of Nick's body that he knew were his own worst spots. He leaned in to poke his stomach but as usual Nick was too quick for him, grabbing his wrist.
“Ah now, that would be telling,” Nick replied in a gentle tone.
Charlie groaned, and Nick laughed brightly. “Do you giggle? I bet you're a giggler.”
“Absolutely not.”
A thought occurred to Charlie, and he had a sudden flash of anxiety. “If you really hate being tickled then it's fine, I won't tickle you. I just thought -”
“Charlie,” Nick interrupted softly, running his thumb over Charlie's knuckles. “It's okay. I don't hate it. I just happen to be very very good at stopping you.”
“Well, I think it's mean of you to use Muscle 1 and Muscle 2 against me,” Charlie said sternly, poking each of them in turn with a finger.
Nick snorted. “Ah, but we both know that you like the arms.”
“Not in this context! Anyway, forget homework because this is my new assignment.”
Nick said nothing, just looked at him affectionately for a moment and then leaned across to kiss him. Charlie sank into it, but pulled back after a few moments to appraise him. “You scared?”
Nick pretended to mull it over. “Hmm... nope. But you should be.”
Charlie rolled his eyes, but then burst into surprised laughter a moment later as Nick dived for his knees.
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Charlie took this assignment very seriously – it was in his geeky nature, after all – and work began the very next day. He figured that the best tactic was to catch Nick off guard when he might not be able to react quickly enough to stop him. It was hardly the most well-thought-out plan but he didn't really have many other options.
His first attempt was first thing on Monday morning, in form room. Mr Lange was about to take the register and Nick was hastily completing his Geography homework that was (of course) due first thing.
“If only you'd finished this yesterday like a good student, instead of distracting us both with those magic fingers of yours,” Charlie whispered.
Nick just turned to him, raising an eyebrow at his inadvertent choice of words.
“Tickling fingers, I mean,” Charlie added, hastily and unnecessarily.
“I know,” Nick replied, entirely too innocently. “What else would you mean?”
Charlie gave him a look, but couldn't stop the grin that took over his face a moment later. Nick was winding him up, and it was on. When Nick turned back to his work, Charlie bit his lip in concentration, looking him up and down. The problem was that he didn't know where Nick's weak spots were, but the idea of finding out was more exciting than he'd care to admit.
Knees were normally a weak spot, right? And they were hidden under the desk where no one else could see what was going on. Probably a good place to start.
Charlie shuffled a bit closer to Nick on his chair – not unusual, so Nick didn't bat an eyelid, just continued writing. He reached out his left hand as surreptitiously as he could, shifting it under the desk towards Nick's right leg. Before he could overthink it and chicken out, Charlie reached for the fleshy part just above Nick's knee and squeezed.
He heard Nick's sharp intake of breath and felt his hand instantly shoot out and close around Charlie's hand.
“Excuse me!” Nick muttered, chuckling in surprise. “What do you think you're doing?”
“My new homework assignment,” Charlie answered, unable to keep the grin off his face. “Finding Nick's giggle.”
“Oh, I see how it is. Well, I'm pretty certain there was no giggle there, so good luck with that.”
“Well, that was just phase one. Plenty more to come.”
Nick just smirked. “Has anyone ever told you that you're weird?”
Charlie ignored him. “So, knees, seemingly ticklish – noted.”
Nick's expression changed then, to something that Charlie didn't like the look of. “Do you know who else has ticklish knees? My very weird boyfriend.” Before Charlie could blink, Nick's hand shot out to his knee and squeezed back, getting more leverage than Charlie had managed. The sudden and intense ticklish sensation shooting up Charlie's thigh produced a startled giggle in the mostly silent classroom that he couldn't stifle in time. He clapped a hand over his mouth, blushing.
“Charlie, Nick! Quiet down, please,” called Mr Lange.
When they caught each other's eye a second later, they both leant over their desks in silent laughter.
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The next day, they were studying in a quiet corner of the library during a free period, with their backs against the shelves and textbooks spread around them. Charlie had already finished his work but he was always happy to keep Nick company.
And if the opportunity arose, perhaps continue with his separate Nick-related assignment.
Twenty minutes in, Nick was on the final page of his history essay, with Charlie mostly watching him work, and chipping in with helpful information when he could. He started absent-mindedly trailing his finger along Nick's forearm, stroking back and forth. After a few minutes, Nick paused.
“You're being quite distracting, you know,” he smiled.
Charlie immediately withdrew, sheepishly. “Oh um, sorry.”
“No no, it's okay, it's, um – it's a nice type of distraction,” Nick said, flushing slightly. “You don't need to stop.”
Charlie looked at his feet, smiling shyly, and continued the soothing motions on Nick's arm. He felt Nick's relaxed exhale a moment later.
After a couple more minutes, Charlie was getting a little restless, and a slightly dangerous thought entered his mind. He looked down at Nick's side, perfectly exposed as his arms were raised to write in his book which was balanced on his bent knees.
He couldn't, could he?
Charlie took a look around – there was no one within sight, but the library wasn't empty. It was as quiet as you'd expect from such an environment. He slowly shifted his hand that was caressing Nick's arm, and casually moved it down to trail his fingers lightly over Nick's side instead. Nick immediately jerked away in surprise, but still no giggle – dammit.
Nick turned to look at him. “Don't you dare,” he said warningly, but Charlie could easily spot the amused glint in his eye.
“Don't what?” Charlie asked innocently. “Finish your homework.”
And surprisingly, Nick did. Bless his trusting soul. However, it was as he was writing the very last paragraph that Charlie just couldn't resist a second attempt. This time, he was determined to produce some sort of audible reaction from him. He knew he'd have to be quick because Nick would surely be expecting it at this point, and the rugby player had lightning-quick reactions. So Charlie waited until Nick was deep in concentration, scribbling away, before he reached for his side again and dug his fingers into the flesh more firmly. Nick didn't manage to move away quite as quickly this time and Charlie got a few good squeezes in - Nick's gasp and slight yelp were music to his ears.
“Oh I'm sorry, what was that?” Charlie asked, far too pleased with himself.
“You're ridiculous,” Nick retorted, but he was grinning widely. He'd only shifted to the left slightly, hadn't blocked Charlie's hand as he usually would, so Charlie decided to try his luck and moved up a little higher, feathering fingers over his ribs through his shirt. Nick's nose scrunched up adorably and a second later he was actually laughing – admittedly quietly, and it wasn't quite the uncontrollable giggle he was aiming for, but Charlie's heart still clenched at the adorableness of it as he watched Nick's eyes clench shut and felt him squirm against the sensations. He also noted that Nick could easily get away if he really wanted to, but he hadn't moved. Definitely not torture, then.
A few moments later, just as Charlie became bolder and travelled towards his armpit, Nick's hand finally came down to block him. “Ch – Charlie,” he managed around a soft gasp. “Stop.”
“Sorry, I didn't quite catch that?”
Nick rolled his eyes, breathing slightly heavily. “God, that was intense – I had to stop you before I really started cackling. We're in a library, you maniac.”
Charlie pouted dramatically. “But I wanted to hear you giggle.”
“Tough,” Nick replied, smiling. “Also, why do you keep doing this in places where we need to be quiet?”
“It's more fun that way.”
“I'm not sure if I like this new, rebellious Charlie.” The lingering kiss Nick gave him a second later was a pretty strong argument to the contrary.
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After his recent success, Charlie abandoned his mission for a few days. The plan was to lull Nick into a false sense of security, but based on the way he put up almost no resistance in the library, Charlie probably didn't have much to worry about. The memory gave him a little thrill whenever he thought about it. However, he still hadn't fully scratched that itch and he was nothing if not determined.
On Friday night, Nick was round at Charlie's house and they were sitting on the edge of his bed, mostly making out and occasionally playing Mario Kart. Charlie won every time, of course. After his third loss, Nick was so worked up that he thwacked Charlie in the face with a pillow and Charlie couldn't stop cackling.
“I'm really never gonna let you win, you know,” Charlie said firmly, after he'd calmed down.
Nick sighed. “Yeah, I know.” He flopped backwards onto the bed dramatically. “Maybe we need to find a game I'm good at.”
“Sorry, not sorry.” He looked at Nick out of the corner of his eye. “I feel like you need some stress relief.”
Nick raised his head from his lying position. “Are you going to give me a massage?” he asked, all hopeful puppy dog eyes.
Charlie giggled, shaking his head. “Maybe later. I've got a better idea.” He deftly climbed onto the bed and sat himself on Nick's calves, facing him. “A cliche once told me that laughter is the best medicine, so I think we should test that theory.”
Nick just frowned as he watched him. “Charlie...”
“Are you seeing where I'm going with this?” Charlie asked, smirking at Nick's adorably confused expression.
“I'm not sure, but it definitely doesn't seem like I'm about to get a massage.”
A thought struck Charlie. “Okay, fine, I'll give you a massage. How about a... foot massage?”
Nick's eyes widened. “Um, no, I'm – I'm good actually.”
Bingo. “Oh really? Why's that, then?”
“Um...” Nick sat up slightly and tried to move his legs, but they barely budged with Charlie's full body weight on top of them. His fate seemed to fully dawn on him then and he flopped backwards, hands covering his face and a nervous laugh bubbling out of him. “Shit.”
“So first thing's first – socks. You won't be needing those.” Charlie reached behind him and, with some skill considering he couldn't see what he was doing, slowly peeled off Nick's socks one at a time. Even just these simple movements caused Nick's feet to twitch slightly, and Charlie bit back a smile. He'd surely hit the jackpot here.
“Would you mind telling me what you're doing?” Nick asked, clearly attempting to give him the stink eye through the gaps in the hands covering his face.
Charlie thought about it. “Homework,” he said simply, before reaching back to run a single finger gently along the arch of Nick's bare foot. The reaction was immediate and delicious – the scrunching of the toes, the panicked gasp of “Charlie!”. Charlie chuckled and brought his hand back in front of him.
“This is so unfair,” Nick whined, trying again to shift his feet but with absolutely no success.
“Consider it payback for the many times you've reduced me to a squealing mess.” He leaned closer, to whisper in Nick's ear. “You're about to get wrecked, Nelson.”
“I – no – come on, please -”
“Begging already, are we?”
“Will it make you stop?”
“Definitely not. We have to find that giggle.” He paused, struck with a sudden thought. “Oh and by the way, your safeword is bubblegum.”
“I – okay – but Charlie -” Nick screwed his eyes shut. The anticipatory giggles were already starting to sneak their way out of him, and Charlie's heart melted at the sound. He leaned forward again to press a kiss to the tip of Nick's nose.
“You're so fucking cute – I haven't even started yet,” Charlie smiled.
“Yeah, but -” Nick ran his fingers through his hair anxiously. “My feet are so ticklish, I might actually die.”
“Well, the ticklish truth is finally coming out. Also, you definitely won't die. Now stop distracting me.” He reached behind him again with his right hand, hovering close to Nick's foot for a few moments for dramatic effect. Nick groaned loudly as the seconds passed.
“Such a tease...” he muttered.
When Charlie could hold back no longer, he went straight for Nick's arch with purpose, scribbling his fingers vigorously over the soft skin. To his delight, Nick fell to pieces instantly, emitting a high-pitched squeal that Charlie had definitely never heard him make before. It was immediately followed by chuckles which quickly turned into desperate, breathy giggles as Charlie moved up to scratch at the back of his toes.
“No no no no no, Charlie ple - hease -” Nick spat out through giggles, his face scrunched up in a beautiful combination of euphoria and torture. His hands gripped the pillow behind his head. Charlie didn't let up, focusing in on the base of his big toe that was evidently incredibly ticklish based on the strangled cry he let out, and in a moment of pure evil, Charlie reached behind him with his other hand and attacked both big toes at once, producing a new bout of uncontrollable laughter. He didn't turn around as he didn't want to miss a second of Nick's helpless reactions.
“Yep, this is how I d-die,” Nick managed to get out, writhing from side to side in ticklish desperation.
“How does it feel, Nick? Do you promise never to tickle me again?” Charlie knew he didn't actually want this, but he also knew Nick would never agree to it either.
“I can never p-promise that – oh god, stohohop -” Charlie had moved back down to the arches of his feet in just the right spot, and Nick's hips bucked as the giggles poured out in a constant stream. Charlie wished he could bottle the sound. He focused on the killer spots of Nick's feet for a solid few minutes, often giggling along with him as he worked his magic, but listening carefully for any utterances of the safe word. It was only when Nick's laughter turned completely silent that he let up. He pulled his hands back to his front but stayed perched on Nick's legs, watching him recover fondly.
“I hate you,” Nick said weakly, a few moments later. “I also love you, but I hate you. Just so you know.”
Charlie just grinned and leaned forward to lie gently on top of him, resting his chin on Nick's chest. “I love you too,” he said, suddenly feeling bashful and overwhelmed with affection. “I can't really deal with how cute you are.”
Nick just rolled his eyes and smiled at him. “Do you know who else is cute? My very ticklish boyfriend.” And Charlie should have predicted what would happen next as Nick's hands reached greedily for his sides.
He wasn't really complaining.
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iamtryingtobelieve · 4 months
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"Every time I survived a war zone, I thought I was sending a warning home - "Don't do this". But here we are." Civil War (2024) Dir: Alex Garland
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veryblushyswitch · 1 year
How are you?? I hope you’re doing well ❤️
I saw the 100 tkl prompts and I’ve been thinking my about lee charlie spring recently, and was wondering if you wanted to do "That's just a roundabout way of saying 'I like it'." With lee Charlie and ler nick? Remember to stay hydrated <3
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"That's just a roundabout way of saying 'I like it'."
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Summary: After some intense rugby practices, Charlie is feeling a bit sore. Nick offers to give Charlie a massage and discovers something he’ll never let Charlie live down.
Lee: Charlie
Ler: Nick
Author’s Note: In this fic, it’s set before they start dating so stuff is still new and even more flustering just so you’re aware. And oh my gosh I hope you’re doing well too!! Thank you so much!! I hope you enjoy this! 💖
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Nick had invited Charlie over to his house once again. Nick tussled his newly cut hair when he opened the door, Charlie trying not to jump with excitement. A few minutes later the two were playing UNO on the floor of Nick’s bedroom.
The past half hour was filled with playful shoves, throwing of cards at the other when a game was won, and some, one could say, flirtatious banter. Was this a dream? Because if so, Charlie never wanted wake up. Or at least, maybe stay dreaming for a little while longer.
Every now and then, Chalrie would straighten his back with a whine in his voice. Sometimes rolling his neck to one side then the next. Nick noticed after it happened a few times more than it should’ve. He thought Charlie must’ve had a knot or something due to practice.
“Hey-” Nick nudged Charlie. “You okay? You look like you’re in pain.” Charlie was surprised at the question for a moment. He shook his head.
“No, I’m fine. Just a little sore I guess. From practice. As you would know.” He rubbed the back of his aching neck.
“I know that all too well.” Nick smiled. They sat in awkward silence, a knife could cut the tension. “Would you want a massage?”
Charlie sat in disbelief for a few seconds. “I-I’m sorry what?” Nick put his cards down. “A massage. My mum would do them to me after extra rough practices sometimes and even taught me how to do it myself. I’m pretty good with my hands actually.” Nick wiggled his fingers.
As if Chalrie wasn’t flustered enough already- The guy he’s crushing on is asking if he can give him a massage??? He wanted to say no. He wanted to stand up and run away as far as he could till he passed out in a new country. But instead, he nodded.
“That would be really helpful actually. Just don’t make it worse than it already is, rugby lad.” Charlie set his cards down and moved the pile to the side. Nick beamed at his answer and chuckled. “I promise I won’t.”
Nick had instructed Charlie to lay on his stomach. Nick providing a pillow for his arms and head to rest on. Nick started along his neck and upper back. Then moved down to his spine and other areas that seemed tense.
Charlie relaxed into the touch. Nick’s thumbs doing wonders as they massaged the small knots along Charlie’s back. Charlie let out a sigh, Nick chuckling quietly at how cute the whole situation seemed. Cute in a friend way of course… Right??
His thoughts were interrupted as a gasp escaped Charlie’s lips. Nick looked to wear he had pressed into his shoulder blade.
“You okay there?” Nick lightly rubbed the spot. “Y-Yeah I’m fine. You’re good to keep going if you’d like.” Charlie fiddled with his fingers. If Nick found out he was ticklish he was done for. His pride out the window never to be retrieved.
“Okay then.” Nick moved spots for now, still convinced that spot was a little more painful than the rest. After the last couple knots could were massaged out, he decided to go back to his shoulder blades. But instead of a gasp, he was met with a surprised squeal and Charlie’s back arching at the touch.
“Charlie…” “Nothing!” Charlie quickly hid his blushing face into his pillow. Nick just smiled, his hands still on his teammate’s back.
“It’s okay if you’re ticklish you know? I think everyone’s gotta be a little ticklish somewhere.” Nick scribbled at the spot, taken back a bit by the shriek and jump it got. “Or I guess in your case very ticklish.” Charlie’s face was on fire- The teasing, the touching, the fact that it was Nick of all people!
“Just stahay away from thehere please.” The last few words were a bit muffled as Charlie laid his face against his pillow again. Nick couldn’t help the smirk that overtook his face. He just couldn’t resist taking this new information and running full speed with it.
“This little spot?” Nick giggled poking the vulnerable spot a couple times. “GAHA! Nihihick! Yes there!”
“Yes? Yes tickle you there? Wehell if you insist.” Nick shrugged starting to scribble on and all around the vulnerable area. “Dohon’t you dahahahahahahare! Nahahahahahaha!”
Charlie rocked back and forth, reaching back to try and grab at Nick. That just encouraged Nick to go down and start squeezing at Chalrie’s sides. Now that got a reaction. Charlie’s legs started kicking at the floor and his arms shot down, trapping Nick’s hands in the process.
“NohoHOHOHO! NIHIHICK!” Charlie’s muffled giggles filled Nick’s ears. And he didn’t think he’d ever get full. He felt he could listen to that noise forever. Nick moved one hand to his ribs and the other to his hip. A squeal making Nick giggle along with the wriggling teen beneath him.
“You’re nohot really telling me to stop. Ahare you having as much fun as I am?” Nick surprised himself at his honesty. He felt he could just admit anything to Charlie. Even something as silly as enjoying tickling the living daylights out of him.
“IHIHI DIHIHIDN’T WAHAHAHA- WAHANT TO BE RUHUDE!” Charlie turned his face to the side, revealing to Nick his flushed and tickled silly face. Nick felt himself become mesmerized.
"That's just a roundabout way of saying 'I like it'." Nick teased, wiggling his fingers up under Charlie’s arms. Charlie just about screamed and arched his back. Nick had never seen Charlie like this. Smile spread from ear to ear and absolutely lost in laughter. It was cute. Actually… it was incredibly adorable. And that felt okay to think.
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scenesandscreens · 1 month
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Director - Alex Garland, Cinematography - Rob Hardy
"Every time I survived a war zone, I thought I was sending a warning home - "Don't do this". But here we are."
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Civil War (2024)
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heartstopper-tword · 1 year
A/N: I'm baaaaack :) Sorry for the lack of posting for the past couple of months. I've been locked out of my account and have been busy with school and dance. Here's a little drabble for you all!
Prompt #29 - "I just want to help you relax."
Find the list of prompts here!
Sweet Afternoon Giggles and Relaxation
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The sound of the school bell ringing at the end of the day was like a breath of fresh air for everyone at Truham. Charlie especially was ready to get out of the building as fast as he could. He and Nick had planned on heading to their special spot at the local park - under the big oak tree - as soon as the day had ended, Nick insisting that Charlie needed time off from stressing out about school. Of course, Charlie had denied being stressed in the first place, though he knew his argument was useless, especially since Nick had learned how to read him like a book. He couldn't hide how he felt from his boyfriend.
The two in question walked hand in hand down the path leading to the park, whispering and giggling along the way. Nick had an arm wrapped around Charlie's waist, refusing to let Charlie move even a foot away from him. Charlie had definitely noticed, and couldn't fight the blush from his face whenever Nick would squeeze him closer into his side. How had he gotten so lucky with someone so perfect?
"You look tense." Nick commented to the younger boy as they laid out their blanket on the shady patch of grass underneath the tree. He sat down, staring up at him. "Like, really tense."
Charlie rubbed the back of his neck, wincing. "Yeah. I... I haven't slept much recently. I've been busy."
"Busy getting ahead of everyone else on your school work?" Nick smirked, a knowing look in his eye.
Charlie chuckled a bit, sitting down next to him. "Yeah."
"Well..." Nick grabbed his elbow, tugging him gently so he would topple over into his lap, "Why don't you take a nap then?"
"Right here? Now?"
"Why not?"
"Well, what are you going to do?"
"I'm gonna help you get to sleep." Nick said, his hand running through Charlie's dark curls. "You need it, Charlie. I can tell you're exhausted."
Charlie hummed, his eyes closing at the calming sensation. "You don't mind?"
"I just want to help you relax."
Nick's hand moved down a bit, running down his back, and Charlie sighed. "Fine. But only for an hour. I've got to get back home for dinner."
"Of course."
And that was that; Charlie laid in his boyfriend's lap, the older boy massaging over his back and carding his fingers through his hair soothingly, for what seemed like forever.
That was, until Nick's hand moved a bit too close to his ribs, and Charlie let out a squeak in surprise, arching his back. He felt Nick's fingers still completely, almost uncertain to continue.
"I'm sorry, it's just- your hand, it-" Charlie felt his cheeks burning, even more than earlier. "Never mind. You can keep going."
Nick started his movements again once Charlie had settled his head back down in his lap, and the silence resumed.
But Nick couldn't stop thinking about Charlie's reaction just then. What was that? He had originally been afraid he might of hurt him somehow, but Charlie didn't seem to be in any sort of pain at all. Especially since he thought Charlie would've let him know any sore spots to avoid in the first place.
Curiously, he slowly trailed his fingers back over to his ribs, and-
"Agh! Nihick!"
Oh. Oh.
"Charlie..." Nick's face broke into a bright grin, inwardly melting at the boy who was currently trying to hide his face in his arms. "Are you ticklish?"
"No!" The response was instinct, and Charlie knew he had answered way too quickly and way too loud to be believable. He knew Nick knew the answer already.
"You're not? So if I do this it wouldn't bother you?" Nick pinched at his ribs, and Charlie immediately shrieked, trying to roll off his lap, but Nick's other arm kept him in place. "Nick, stohohop!"
"Absolutely not. This is fucking adorable. And you need to relax, anyways."
"I thought you were gonna let me sleeheeheep!" Charlie whined in between giggles, squealing when Nick moved down to his hips and squeezed.
"Later I will. In case you haven't noticed, my plans have changed." Nick couldn't help but inwardly swoon over how cute Charlie looked at that moment, trying to shove at his chest and squirm away as bubbly laughter poured out of his mouth all the while. It was absolutely heartwarming, and as long as he could keep him happy and laughing, he wasn't sure if he'd ever stop.
But when he did eventually let up on his attack, Charlie couldn't stop the residual giggles from escaping him as he and Nick laid back on the blanket together, Nick's arms still wrapped around him tightly.
"You're evil," Charlie told him, his head resting on his chest, and he felt Nick chuckle underneath him. "I know. Don't think I'm not going to do that again, though."
Charlie only responded with a flustered whimper, and Nick grinned, his fingers finding their way back to his curls.
It didn't take long for Charlie to doze off, and Nick laid with him contentedly, caressing his hair, watching the clouds go by above them as he wondered how on earth he got so lucky with a boy like him.
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saturnzskyzz · 4 months
Midnight Cuddles
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Lee: Nick
Ler: Charlie
Charlie seems to be troubled with stuff going on at home, so why not walk up to Nick's late at night in the pouring rain?
Warning: | Tickling |
・divider credits・
Rainbow dots
Hand drawn
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Was what Nick had heard loud and clear as he opened the door to see a happy, and soaked, Charlie Spring outside his home.
"Woah, hey! What brings you out here, it's raining. Get inside!" Nick panicked, grabbing his lover by the shoulder to pull him inside, then closed the door.
Nick hurried to grab a towel and freshly new clothing for Charlie to wear since he assumed that the ones he was currently wearing were uncomfortable.
As a quick thank you was heard, Charlie went to the bathroom to go change and dry up. Nick was left on the couch, who was a bit stunned to see his boyfriend that night. I mean, it was midnight, and his mom was fast asleep, so it was to be understood that he wasn't expecting any visitors.
"Okay, I'm all dressed now! C'mere you!" Charlie said, hopping over to Nick to give him a cuddly hug and warm gentle kiss.
"Ohohokay now, thank you for the surprise.. But what brings you over here, Char?" Nick asked concerningly. It's not often that Charlie would sneak out of the house just to see Nick at such an hour like tonight. Usually when this happens, it's either because of his thoughts, or his mom..
"Uhm.. Let's not worry about that! Let's cuddle~" Charlie then wrapped his arms around Nick's waist, pulling them close while Charlie stuffed his face into Nick's neck, causing the older to stiffle a few giggles because of the breathy tickles.
"Chahahar! Wahahait- yohou're tihickling mehe!" Nick said, scrunching up his nose as he brought his shoulders up to try and block out the sensation, which was obviously failing.
"Oh, am I now?" Charlie said, who didn't retreat from his accidental attack on his lovers neck. He actually added to the tickly attack by going in with his hands to squeeze at Nick's sides, causing the poor boy to yelp out in surprise.
As chuckles were spewing out of Nick, he used one of his hands to cover up his mouth to reduce the sound of his laughter as to not wake his mother. She didn't know that Charlie was over afterall.
"C-Chahahar! Plehease, myhy mohohom is sleheheping!" Nick struggled to say, as he pushed on charlie's shoulder to try and push him off; failing yet again.
Though Charlie wanted to hear Nick's lovely honey sweet laughter, he knew not to wake a sleeping mother, so he eventually came to a stop, only burring his face into Nick's neck once again, only to cause a few quiet giggles here and there. Nick didn't mind at least.
"Nohow.. Can you tehell me why you came here, chahar?" Nick tried to say in a soothing voice, but was interrupted by his own giggles.
"Well.. It's my sister." Charlie said, hesitantly.
What Nick heard shocked him. Usually it would be his mom, or his thoughts, but never was it his own sister that made him walk all this way to his house in the cold pouring rain!
"What? How come your sister was the reason for your walk here?" Nick asked, concerningly now. He lightly rubbed his hand on Charlie's back to give him comfort.
"Well.. I mean?.. I don't think I want to talk about it right now.." Charlie said, almost apologetically in a way. Yes, it seems as though he ONLY walks to Nick's at night when something bad happens, but it's been MONTHS since he's done this. All the other times that were weekly, was just because he missed him and wanted to spend time with him.
"Well.. Why don't we put on a movie, get some snacks, and we'll talk about it in the morning, yeah? We don't have to talk about it at this moment, Char." Nick reassured, giving him a kiss on the head before getting up.
"Yeah.. I'd like that!" Charlie said with a smile.
And so they went to get snacks, and to put on a movie until Charlie and Nick eventually went to bed on the couch. Hopefully.. Nick's mom doesn't mind the unexpected company when she wakes up.
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sleepy--anon · 11 months
Day 27: Hysterical
Reserved by @shoto-lee
Reblog first, like later please, reblogs do more
Reservations are full
Nick and Charlie were pretty tied on ticklishness, Nick just had more spots and Charlie was just smaller. Charlie had found out about Nick's ticklishness when trying different tactics to get the upper hand. He then talked to Tara and learned a few good spots on his boyfriend. Charlie adored tickling his boyfriend, he loved his smile, his laugh, his crinkled eyes, his scrunched nose, his pink cheeks.
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"Yohohou're suhuhuhuch a dihihihick!" Charlie knew full well there was no heat behind that. Nick just said things like that on instinct, he also always struggled very little when it was Charlie. Charlie always pinned his hands under his knees, making it easier for him. Charlie felt the harsh flinch when his thumbs sunk into the junction of his hips and thighs.
"Ooohhh~ What's this~?" Charlie sing-songed, repeating the action more purposefully.
"IT'S NOHOHOTHING! STOHOHOP IHIHIHIHIT!" Nick pulled his hands with much more purpose, kicking and squirming with one of his worst spots finally found. He finally managed to free his hands, snatching up Charlie's wrists so he could breathe.
"Thahahahat... spohohot is ohoff lihihimits"
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ffinalgiirl · 2 years
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evil doesn't die, it changes shape Halloween (1978), Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988), Halloween Ends (2022)
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heartfelttickles · 11 months
A Tale of Two Ticklers
Note: my first official fic of this page aahh I’m scared. I hope you all enjoy this lil heartstopper fic i wrote. A big thanks to @cantsaythetword as I sent this to them anonymously and it’s what gave me the confidence to post! (If you haven’t seen their work, I beg you read it it’s amazing!) So thank you so so much!
Fandom: Heartstopper
Characters: Nick and Charlie
Word count: 428
Nick and Charlie sat on the cozy living room floor, surrounded by soft blankets and a scattering of pillows. The room was bathed in a warm, dim glow from the fairy lights hung on the walls. Their laughter filled the air as they engaged in a playful tickle fight, fingers dancing over each other's skin.
Nick was known for his ticklishness, but today, he had a mischievous glint in his eye, determined to claim victory. His nimble fingers explored Charlie's sides, evoking a chorus of giggles. "You're going down, Charlie!" Nick teased.
Charlie squirmed and laughed, retaliating with a tickle to Nick's ribs, causing the latter to squeal. It seemed like Nick was indeed winning for a few minutes, making Charlie beg for mercy between laughing fits.
But then, Charlie's crafty fingers found their way to Nick's most sensitive spot - his inner thighs. Nick's eyes widened, and he gasped as an intense wave of ticklishness surged through him. "N-No, Charlie, not th-EHEHHEHRE!" he pleaded, his face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and uncontrollable laughter and ticklish screams.
Charlie just couldn't resist the opportunity to turn the tables. He continued to tickle Nick's inner thighs, eliciting a symphony of laughter and shrieks from his boyfriend.
'Aww you're so adorable when you're tickled.’ Charlie cooed as his boyfriend writhed underneath him trying to escape.
"CHAHAHHAHRLIEEE..PLEHEHEHEASE…I-ICA-ICAHAHANT TAHAHAKE IT' Nick begged through contagious cackles, tears forming in his eyes and a deep red blush growing across his face as Charlie showed no mercy and his teasing tone.
Charlie finally relented, letting Nick catch his breath. He grinned down at his flushed and disheveled boyfriend, who was still trying to recover from the relentless tickling. "Well, well, Nicholas Nelson. it seems I've finally discovered your weak spot," Charlie said with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
Nick pouted, but a mischievous spark danced in his gaze. "Oh, you won't get away with that, Charlie." With a quick, nimble move, Nick tackled Charlie, flipping them over so that he was now straddling Charlie's waist. He looked down at Charlie with a sly grin. "Your turn."
Charlie laughed, realizing he had just walked into his own ticklish trap. Nick's fingers descended to Charlie's sides, making him writhe and giggle. The room echoed with their laughter as they continued to exchange ticklish revenge.
It turned into a playful, loving battle of laughter and affection, each trying to outdo the other in tickle-induced hilarity. Nick, no longer at a disadvantage, took full advantage of Charlie's ticklish spots, and Charlie, in turn, relished the opportunity to tickle his boyfriend.
As the evening wore on, they collapsed into a tangle of limbs, breathless and giggling.
They lay side by side, their fingers intertwined, basking in the warmth of their shared laughter.
In that moment, as they caught their breath and gazed into each other's eyes, Nick and Charlie knew they had created another cherished memory together. Their love was as boundless as their laughter, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
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galcake534 · 10 months
Us British people will wonder why there seems to be a large number of serial killers in the UK while we binge watch Midsomer Murders for the sporadic and quirky murders.
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clemsfilmdiary · 4 months
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Civil War (2024, Alex Garland)
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actualcorpse · 11 months
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