#lee absorbs the persona universe
errant-light · 5 months
Last scene of Kotone's side of the stage plays (spoilers for the entirety of the game obviously)
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animeman08 · 3 years
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The Hulk is a fictional superhero appearing in publications by the American publisher Marvel Comics. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in the debut issue of The Incredible Hulk (May 1962). In his comic book appearances, the character is both the Hulk, a green-skinned, hulking and muscular humanoid possessing a vast degree of physical strength, and his alter ego Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, a physically weak, socially withdrawn, and emotionally reserved physicist. The two exist as independent dissociative personalities, and resent each other.
Following his accidental exposure to gamma rays saving the life of Rick Jones during the detonation of an experimental bomb, Banner is physically transformed into the Hulk when subjected to emotional stress, at or against his will, often leading to destructive rampages and conflicts that complicate Banner's civilian life. The Hulk's level of strength is normally conveyed as proportionate to his level of anger. Commonly portrayed as a raging savage, the Hulk has been represented with other personalities based on Banner's fractured psyche, from a mindless, destructive force, to a brilliant warrior, or genius scientist in his own right. Despite both Hulk and Banner's desire for solitude, the character has a large supporting cast. This includes Banner's lover Betty Ross, his best friend Rick Jones, his cousin She-Hulk, and therapist and ally Doc Samson. In addition, the Hulk alter ego has many key supporting characters like his co-founders of the superhero team the Avengers, his queen Caiera, fellow warriors Korg and Miek, and sons Skaar and Hiro-Kala. However, his uncontrollable power has brought him into conflict with his fellow heroes and others. Despite this he tries his best to do what's right while battling villains such as Leader, Abomination, Absorbing Man and more.
Lee stated that the Hulk's creation was inspired by a combination of Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Although the Hulk's coloration has varied throughout the character's publication history, the most usual color is green.
One of the most iconic characters in popular culture, the character has appeared on a variety of merchandise, such as clothing and collectable items, inspired real-world structures (such as theme park attractions), and been referenced in a number of media. Banner and the Hulk have been adapted in live-action, animated, and video game incarnations. The character was first played in a live-action feature film by Eric Bana. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the character was portrayed by Edward Norton in the film The Incredible Hulk (2008) and by Mark Ruffalo in the films The Avengers (2012), Iron Man 3 (2013) in a cameo, Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Captain Marvel (2019) in a cameo, and Avengers: Endgame (2019). Ruffalo will reprise the role in the upcoming Disney+ series What If...? (2021) and She-Hulk (2022).
> Personality
Bruce Banner During his decades of publication, Banner has been portrayed differently, but common themes persist. Banner, a physicist, is sarcastic and seemingly very self-assured when he first appears in Incredible Hulk #1, but is also emotionally withdrawn. Banner designed the gamma bomb which caused his affliction, and the ironic twist of his self-inflicted fate has been one of the most persistent common themes. Arie Kaplan describes the character thus: "Robert Bruce Banner lives in a constant state of panic, always wary that the monster inside him will erupt, and therefore he can't form meaningful bonds with anyone." As a child, Banner's father Brian often got mad and physically abused both Banner and his mother, creating the psychological complex of fear, anger, and the fear of anger and the destruction it can cause that underlies the character. Banner has been shown to be emotionally repressed, but capable of deep love for Betty Ross, and for solving problems posed to him. Under the writing of Paul Jenkins, Banner was shown to be a capable fugitive, applying deductive reasoning and observation to figure out the events transpiring around him. On the occasions that Banner has controlled the Hulk's body, he has applied principles of physics to problems and challenges and used deductive reasoning. It was shown after his ability to turn into the Hulk was taken away by the Red Hulk that Banner has been extremely versatile as well as cunning when dealing with the many situations that followed. When he was briefly separated from the Hulk by Doom, Banner became criminally insane, driven by his desire to regain the power of the Hulk, but once the two recombined he came to accept that he was a better person with the Hulk to provide something for him to focus on controlling rather than allowing his intellect to run without restraint against the world.
Hulk The original Hulk was shown as grey and average in intelligence who roamed aimlessly and became annoyed at "puny" humans who took him for a dangerous monster. Shortly after becoming the Hulk, his transformation continued turning him green, coinciding with him beginning to display primitive speech, and by Incredible Hulk #4 radiation treatments gave Banner's mind complete control of the Hulk's body. While Banner relished his indestructibility and power, he was quick to anger and more aggressive in his Hulk form, and, while he became known as a hero alongside the Avengers, his increasing paranoia caused him to leave the group, believing he would never be trusted.
Originally, the Hulk was shown as simple minded and quick to anger. The Hulk generally divorces his identity from Banner's, decrying Banner as "puny Banner." From his earliest stories, the Hulk has been concerned with finding sanctuary and quiet and often is shown reacting emotionally to situations quickly. Grest and Weinberg call Hulk the "dark, primordial side of Banner's psyche." Even in the earliest appearances, Hulk spoke in the third person. Hulk retains a modest intelligence, thinking and talking in full sentences, and Lee even gives the Hulk expository dialogue in issue six, allowing readers to learn just what capabilities Hulk has, when the Hulk says, "But these muscles ain't just for show! All I gotta do is spring up and just keep goin'!" In the 1970s, Hulk was shown as more prone to anger and rage, and less talkative. Writers played with the nature of his transformations, briefly giving Banner control over the change, and the ability to maintain control of his Hulk form. Artistically and conceptually, the character has become progressively more muscular and powerful in the years since his debut.
Originally, Stan Lee wanted the Hulk to be grey, but, due to ink problems, Hulk's color was changed to green. This was later changed in the story to indicate that the Grey Hulk and the Savage Hulk are separate personalities or entities fighting for control in Bruce's subconscious. The Grey Hulk incarnation can do the more unscrupulous things that Banner could not bring himself to do, with many sources comparing the Grey Hulk to the moody teenager that Banner never allowed himself to be. While the Grey Hulk still had the "madder he gets, the stronger he gets" part that is similar to the Savage Hulk, it is on a much slower rate. It is said by Leader that the Grey Hulk is stronger on nights of the new moon and weaker on nights of the full moon. Originally, the night is when Bruce Banner becomes the Grey Hulk and changes back by dawn. In later comics, willpower or stress would have Banner turn into the Grey Hulk. During one storyline where he was placed under a spell to prevent him turning back into Bruce Banner and publicly presumed dead when he was teleported away from a gamma bomb explosion that destroyed an entire town, the Grey Hulk adopted a specific name as Joe Fixit, a security guard for a Las Vegas casino owner, with the Grey Hulk often being referred to as Joe after these events.
The Gravage Hulk is the result of Banner using the Gamma Projector on himself which merged his Savage Hulk and Grey Hulk personas. This form possesses the raw power of the Savage Hulk and the cunning intellect of the Grey Hulk. While he doesn't draw on anger to empower him, the Gravage Hulk persona draws on dimensional nexus energies to increase his strength.
The Dark Hulk persona is the result of Hulk being possessed by Shanzar. This form has black skin and is viciously strong.
The Guilt Hulk is a malevolent representation of Banner's abusive father, Brian Banner, that manifests itself in Banner's childhood memories.
The Devil Hulk or Immortal Hulk is the result of Hulk needing a father figure. While the character's physical appearance varies, he is always depicted as having glowing red eyes, and reptilian traits. The new form of Devil Hulk is the result of Banner and Hulk having been through different deaths and rebirths. This incarnation is articulate, smart, and cunning, and does merciless attacks on those who do harm. Unlike the other Hulk incarnations, Devil Hulk is content with waiting inside Bruce. If Bruce is injured by sunset, the Devil Hulk will emerge with his transformation being limited to night-time. Thanks to the Devil Hulk side and Banner working together, Devil Hulk can maintain his form in sunlight.
The Green Scar persona is unleashed on Sakaar and is an enraged version of Gravage Hulk. In addition, he is an expert in armed combat like the use of swords and shields. Green Scar is also a capable leader and an expert strategist.
Doc Green is a variation of the Merged Hulk persona that is the result of Extremis fixing Hulk's brain. This persona is powerful enough to destroy Tony Stark's mansion with one thunderclap.
> Powers and Abilities
Banner is considered one of the greatest scientific minds on Earth, possessing "a mind so brilliant it cannot be measured on any known intelligence test." Norman Osborn estimates that he is the fourth most-intelligent person on Earth. Banner holds expertise in biology, chemistry, engineering, medicine, physiology, and nuclear physics. Using this knowledge, he creates advanced technology dubbed "Bannertech", which is on par with technological development from Tony Stark or Doctor Doom. Some of these technologies include a force field that can protect him from the attacks of Hulk-level entities, and a teleporter.
The Hulk possesses the potential for seemingly limitless physical strength which is influenced by his emotional state, particularly his anger. This has been reflected in the repeated comment, "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets." The cosmically-powerful entity known as the Beyonder once analyzed the Hulk's physiology, and claimed that the Hulk's potential strength had "no finite element inside." Hulk's strength has been depicted as sometimes limited by Banner's subconscious influence; when Jean Grey psionically "shut Banner off", Hulk became strong enough to overpower and destroy the physical form of the villain Onslaught. Writer Greg Pak described the Worldbreaker Hulk shown during World War Hulk as having a level of physical power where "Hulk was stronger than any mortal—and most immortals—who ever walked the Earth", and depicted the character as powerful enough to completely destroy entire planets. His strength allows him to leap into lower Earth orbit or across continents, and he has displayed superhuman speed. Exposure to radiation has also been shown to make the Hulk stronger. It is unknown how he gains biomass during transformation but it may be linked to One-Below-All.
His durability, regeneration, and endurance also increase in proportion to his temper. Hulk is resistant to injury or damage, though the degree to which varies between interpretations, but he has withstood the equivalent of solar temperatures, nuclear explosions, and planet-shattering impacts. Despite his remarkable resiliency, continuous barrages of high-caliber gunfire can hinder his movement to some degree while he can be temporarily subdued by intense attacks with chemical weapons such as anesthetic gases, although any interruption of such dosages will allow him to quickly recover. He has been shown to have both regenerative and adaptive healing abilities, including growing tissues to allow him to breathe underwater, surviving unprotected in space for extended periods, and when injured, healing from most wounds within seconds, including, on one occasion, the complete destruction of most of his body mass. His future self, "Maestro", was even eventually able to recover from being blown to pieces. As an effect, he has an extremely prolonged lifespan.
He also possesses less commonly described powers, including abilities allowing him to "home in" to his place of origin in New Mexico; resist psychic control, or unwilling transformation; grow stronger from radiation or dark magic; punch his way between separate temporal or spatial dimensions; and to see and interact with astral forms. Some of these abilities were in later years explained as being related; his ability to home in on the New Mexico bomb site was due to his latent ability to sense astral forms and spirits, since the bomb site was also the place where the Maestro's skeleton was and Maestro's spirit was calling out to him in order to absorb his radiation.
In the first Hulk comic series, "massive" doses of gamma rays would cause the Hulk to transform back to Banner, although this ability was written out of the character by the 1970s.
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justasparkwritings · 3 years
Codename Cupid: Chapter 3
Previous: Love at First Algorithm 
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin X OFC
Genre: Light Angst, Secret AgentAU, AgentAU, Light College AU
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: None
Summary: Kim Seokjin and Lee Euna are flirting the line between classmates and crushing, will he return her feelings? 
Daddy’s Favorite & the First Date
Fall, Junior Year
         Lee Euna is the youngest heiress to Lee Enterprises, one of the largest conglomerates in the history of economics. Heralded as one of the leading forces in banking and stock trades, it has banks all over the world catering to the highest cliental, princes and princesses, kings and queens all lined up to put their worth, jewels and all, in the vaults of Lee. Their smaller subsidiaries managed the trading of stocks, networking in millions of dollars for various clients who inhabited a lesser tier of society but strived to reach the upper echelon. Generational wealth, for the Lee’s and their clients, made their work heavily guarded and secretive. Getting hired by them was near impossible, and once you were in, death was the only way out.
         It was a misconception that Euna had little to live up to, as her parents favorite and owner of the highest IQ out of her four siblings, she was set to become CEO, while her siblings were relegated to chairman of the board, and heads of philanthropy. The titles suited her siblings fine. Dae-Seong loved bossing around the members of the board, encouraging frivolity and billable hours while scheduling grueling development that often-bored members to tears. He ruled with an iron fist, what he said went, that is unless the CEO had a differing opinion, and then, both out of spite and seniority, Dae-Seong fell in line with what their father wanted. Dae-Seong didn’t care for the familial atmosphere their father had run Lee Enterprises with, and favored a cold regimented environment that was almost impossible to work in. Dae-Seong always said that the best blooms came from the hardest earth. Whether or not that was proven, he didn’t care, at LeeEnterprises, he would make it so.
         Jun-Seo and Kwan-Min loved running the philanthropy branch of the Enterprise. They, like their father and mother, adored a good party and held several charity balls each year. Together, they raised hundreds of millions for a variety of causes that Euna barely paid attention to. The food was always exquisite, the drinks plentiful, the glimmer of the party always outshining the family feud that erupted hours before guests showed up, and the scandals that would be whispered about the morning after. Though the scandals never tarnished the reputations of Jun-Seo and Kwan-Min, they certainly provided a necessary indulgence to all the attendees.
         Kwan-Min, the second oldest, was thrilled with her role in Lee Enterprises. She and Jun-Seo were heralded as visionaries, doling out millions of dollars every year to causes that ranged from climate justice to underfunded schools, and cancer research. They were responsible for funding some of the most progressive movements, as well as backing lobbyists for liberal, bordering on socialist, legislation. They dedicated an afternoon a week, usually Thursdays, to spend their time scouring the internet for new charities to donate money to. This was the heart of their jobs, finding niche organizations that were struggling, food pantries in rural towns or women’s shelters in battered parts of the city, that sustained their other work and lessened the blow of the billions in their bank accounts.
         It was hard to be known as a large corporation benefiting from tax breaks while subsequently funding social movements. The family never discussed the dichotomy of their predicament, instead choosing to let their actions speak for themselves.
         Anyone could donate thousands to St. Jude.
         Only the Lee’s could donate a hundred million.
         While Kwan-Min found satisfaction in donating to negligible organizations, Jun-Seo found bliss in hounding friends and acquaintances for money. A natural salesman, he strived on the pressure he created for himself. Nothing was ever good enough, or enough period. He was always wanting more. More money to give away, more money to spend on vacations and lavish trips, more alcohol, more clothes, everything in excess. His work, and Kwan-Min’s, was regularly overlooked by both their parents, Dae-Seong and Euna. The good they did was always outshined by the amount that Euna and Dae-Seong pulled into the business, the new dignitaries transferring their funds, the latest piece of the Queen’s jewelry put into one of their vaults. They’d always played the role of second fiddle, and as years went by, no matter their accomplishments, they were never held in the same esteem as Euna and god forbid, Dae-Seong.
         If Jun-Seo and Kwan-Min were relegated to the B-Team, Euna was first off the bench for the A-Team. Every Lee child attended college, but none went to the most elite universities with the most widely renowned business program, with guarantees to intern anywhere they wanted, except Euna. Her older siblings watched as she rose through the ranks, mastering the cello, classic ballet and calculus by the time she was thirteen. They watched, with pride and in horror, as she crunched numbers in her spare time, pirouetted across the most elegant stages and slung her bow delicately against the strings of her hand made instrument. It was clear from an early age that Euna was the best of the four of them.
         In fits of anger, Dae-Seong would chide that their parents had hit it out of the park with him and kept trying until they got another diamond. If fate had been on their side, Euna would’ve been second, and if the gods really favored them, she would’ve been a boy. He routinely failed to acknowledge his other siblings, whom he owed a great deal of gratitude. It was their work that kept the paparazzi and critics at bay, their work that allowed him to go on benders and run his corporate torture seminars. Their good PR paid for his mistakes, with change left over.
         Dae-Seong specialized in breeding discontent, of taunting his siblings, bullying them, forcing them against each other. Euna had recognized this side of him from the time she could identify his actions weren’t full of love, but malintent. The announcement that she would train to be the next CEO had sent Dae into a blind rage, which he quickly turned into a bender in the most elusive clubs. They didn’t hear from him for a week, and when he returned, their father had lashed out at him before sending Dae to a ‘conference’ for a month. The siblings knew what had happened. The belt had come off the wall, and Dae, though grown, had succumbed to his father. Dae was sent to a ‘conference’ every two years or so, when his behavior and attitude became so unkempt that Mr. & Mrs. Lee felt they had no other option than sending him away for a month to sleep, reset, relax and most importantly, detox.
         There was something so pathetic about Dae-Seong’s ability to break bad and as punishment, spend a month being massaged and covered in salt scrubs.
         Euna was relieved when her parents let her move away for university and elated when Mr. & Mrs. Lee took it one step further and sent her, each summer, to work at various branches of Lee Enterprises. A summer in Seoul, a winter break in London, summer in Manhattan, another winter in London, a stop in the UAE, followed by tours of the Cayman Islands and a summer in Rio. Euna was grateful for her time away from her family and absorbed everything she was learning. She didn’t just have to prove Dae-Seong wrong, she had to prove her parents right, show that her genius wasn’t due in part to her rookie status, that her prowess and instincts weren’t dismissible as beginners’ luck.
         Spending winter and summer breaks at various branches, Euna let her work speak for her. She learned how to manipulate to make a sale, how to aggregate data in order to create an accurate projection of stock trades, to look at holdings of dignitaries and suggest how they could diversify their portfolios. The more she worked, the better she became. The harder she worked, the easier it was to pretend she didn’t know anything. Euna was in for the long haul, and that meant manipulating her persona to mystify and baffle the masses. A woman in power was a threat, and she would be damned if she let the company and the world take that from her.
         She had watched Kwan-Min and their mother being dehumanized in the media, in board meetings, at the hands of her father and Dae-Seong. When they gave too much of themselves, the world readily ate it up, devouring them whole. As a girl, Euna watched Kwan-Min change from intelligent and driven to flirty and ditzy. She watched her sister, who she idolized in secret, disappear into the mold their father had crafted. Euna wondered how long it would be before she had to adapt a highly manicured image? A version of herself in complete juxtaposition of her ingrained personality?
         It was this turmoil, this paradox, that threw Seokjin after their first meeting. She was nothing like he’d read or seen in their years at university or in the news. Though he hadn’t paid much attention to her and would admit he knew nothing about her besides the obvious, he was constantly being surprised.
         “Did you check the latest model and run the analysis?” Euna asked on a Thursday some weeks into their project.
         “Yeah, and it looks like, if Dr. Cho opens the market next class period, we’re going to see a major boom,” Seokjin answered. He’d been working on looking at Euna more, particularly when she spoke to him, and she found it all the more endearing.
         “How major?” She asked.
         “Multi-millionaires by end of week,” Seokjin informed her.
         “Good, what’s going to ruin it?” Euna set her pen down and stared at Seokjin. His lips were pouted, bangs sweeping in front of his glasses. He was beautiful.
         “If some major political event happens in the next four days, or if something happens in China,”
         “Ah, China,” Euna said rolling her eyes. “Always have to look out for the Chinese.”
         “The American market is fairly stable, but it’s the US,”
         “So, hold your breath and pray it’ll be okay?” Euna chuckled, a sound Seokjin had never heard. He laughed in response. “You have a great laugh.”
         “Oh, thank you,” Jin looked back at his computer. “You know, we’ll only have to monitor the project for a few more weeks.”
         “Seokjin, are you trying to tell me you’ll miss me?” Euna inquired.
         “Maybe, maybe I’m trying to ask if you want to hang out, maybe get a drink or coffee outside of work hours,” Seokjin shrugged, his blasé attitude ignited something within Euna. For the months they had been working together, she’d tried and failed to get him to ask her out. His disinterest in her, in anything about her, drove her crazy. He didn’t ask questions, he didn’t inquire about work or god forbid her family, or other classes she was taking, even her friends. She could have anything in the world, and yet, this man, out of reach.
         “I’d like that,” She responded.
         “Cool, how about coffee, this Sunday?” Jin suggested.
         “I can’t Sunday, family obligations,” Euna cursed her family for what felt like the millionth time.
         “Tuesday, instead of working,” Jin compromised.
         “Will the numbers wait?” Euna was partially joking, which Seokjin caught immediately.
         “They’re fictional numbers,” Jin reminded her.
         “It’s a date,” Euna replied.
Next: Codename The First Heartbreak
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sciencespies · 4 years
The Dangers of Space, Military Rivals and Other New Books to Read
The Dangers of Space, Military Rivals and Other New Books to Read
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Reading astrophysicist Paul M. Sutter’s latest book, How to Die in Space, will surely help any adult erase regrets they may have about their failed childhood dream of becoming an astronaut. As the SUNY Stony Brook professor observes, outer space—populated by such threats as black holes, acid rain, asteroids, planetary nebulae and magnetic fields—is, to put it frankly, “nasty.”
The latest installment in our “Books of the Week” series, which launched in late March to support authors whose works have been overshadowed amid the COVID-19 pandemic, details the many ways one might meet their demise in space, six notorious military rivalries, the Italian Renaissance’s dark undertones, the history of swimming and the culinary implications of so-called “wild foods.” Past coverage has highlighted books including Karen Gray Houston’s exploration of her family’s civil right’s legacy, St. Louis’ racist history, James Madison’s black family, and modern conservatism’s roots in the antebellum South and post-Civil War westward expansion.
Representing the fields of history, science, arts and culture, innovation, and travel, selections represent texts that piqued our curiosity with their new approaches to oft-discussed topics, elevation of overlooked stories and artful prose. We’ve linked to Amazon for your convenience, but be sure to check with your local bookstore to see if it supports social distancing-appropriate delivery or pickup measures, too.
How to Die in Space: A Journey Through Dangerous Astrophysical Phenomena by Paul M. Sutter
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Despite its macabre title, How to Die in Space is a surprisingly lighthearted read. Adopting what Kirkus describes as an “informal, humorous persona,” Sutter—host of popular podcast “Ask a Spaceman!”—guides his audience through the cosmos’ deadliest phenomena, from Jupiter’s dense atmosphere to radiation, solar flares and exploding stars, which he deems “slumbering dragon[s], just waiting for the chance to awaken and begin breathing flame.”
The book also dedicates ample space to speculative threats, including dark matter, extraterrestrial life, wormholes and “other relics of the ancient universe.”
How to Die in Space’s description emphasizes that while “the universe may be beautiful, … it’s [also] treacherous.” Still, Sutter’s musings cover more than simply doom and gloom: As the scientist writes in the text’s closing chapters, “It’s really an excuse to talk about all the wonderful physics happening in the cosmos. … There is so much to learn, and we need to study it as closely and intimately as possible.”
Gods of War: History’s Greatest Military Rivals by James Lacey and Williamson Murray
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Following the release of their 2013 bestseller, Moment of Battle: The Twenty Clashes That Changed the World, journalist James Lacey and historian Williamson Murray started brainstorming topics to explore in future books. Eventually, the pair landed on the premise of rivals, defined in Gods of War’s introduction as “military geniuses who … fought a general of equal caliber”—or, in the cases of World War II commanders Erwin Rommel, Bernard Law Montgomery and George Patton, multiple generals.
Bookended by essays on war’s “changing character” and the role of military genius in modern warfare, the six case studies read like a Who’s Who of global history. Representing the ancient world are Hannibal and Scipio (the latter of whom the authors describe as “the better strategic thinker”) and Caesar and Pompey. Crusader kings Richard I and Saladin; Napoleon Bonaparte and Battle of Waterloo victor Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington; Union Army commander Ulysses S. Grant and Confederate officer Robert E. Lee round out the list of 13 featured men.
Lacey and Murray liken their approach to chess strategy. “There is only so much you can learn by playing someone inferior to you or by revisiting the games of neophytes,” the duo writes. “There is, however, much to absorb, think about, and learn from studying games that [pit] one grandmaster against another.”
The Beauty and the Terror: The Italian Renaissance and the Rise of the West by Catherine Fletcher
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As alluded to by its title, Catherine Fletcher’s latest book juxtaposes seemingly discordant aspects of the Italian Renaissance: its aesthetic brilliance and, in the words of fellow historian Simon Sebag Montefiore, the “filth and thuggery, slavery, sex, slaughter and skullduggery behind [this] exquisite art.” Framed as an alternative history of the much-explored period of creative rebirth, The Beauty and the Terror contextualizes the Italian Renaissance within the framework of European colonialism, widespread warfare and religious reform. Rather than focusing solely on such artistic geniuses as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Botticelli, Fletcher lends a voice to the women writers, Jewish merchants, mercenaries, prostitutes, farmers and array of average citizens who also called the Italian peninsula’s competing city-states home.
The “lived reality” of 15th- and 16th-century Italy involved far more violence, uncertainty and devastation than widely believed, argues Fletcher. Forces beyond its residents’ control—a series of wars, the rise of the Ottoman Empire, the advent of the Protestant Reformation—shaped their lives yet have been largely overshadowed by what their greatest minds left behind.
“We revere Leonardo da Vinci for his art but few now appreciate his ingenious designs for weaponry,” notes the book’s description. “We know the Mona Lisa for her smile but not that she was married to a slave-trader. We visit Florence to see Michelangelo’s David but hear nothing of the massacre that forced the republic’s surrender.”
Splash!: 10,000 Years of Swimming by Howard Means
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In lieu of visiting a swimming pool this summer, consider diving into Howard Means’ absorbing exploration of aquatic recreation and exercise. As the journalist writes in Splash!’s prologue, paddling, floating or wading through water can be a transformative experience: “The near weightlessness of swimming is the closest most of us will ever get to zero-gravity space travel. The terror of being submerged is the nearest some of us ever come to sheer hell.”
The earliest evidence of swimming dates to some 10,000 years ago, when Neolithic people living in what is now southwest Egypt painted individuals performing the breaststroke or doggy paddle on the walls of the Cave of Swimmers. Swimming endured throughout the classical period, with ancient texts including the Bible, Homer’s Odyssey, the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Chinese Book of Odes all containing references to the practice.
The advent of the medieval era—with its rising “prudery” and insularity, as well as its lack of sanitation and efficient infrastructure—quickly brought this “golden age” of swimming to an end; in Europe, at least, “swimming slipped into the dark for a full millennium,” writes Means.
During the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, swimming was more closely associated with witchcraft than leisure. The practice only regained popularity during the Enlightenment period, when such prominent figures as Benjamin Franklin and Lord Byron reminded the public of its merits. By 1896, swimming had regained enough popularity to warrant its inclusion in the first modern Olympic Games.
Feasting Wild: In Search of the Last Untamed Food by Gina Rae La Cerva
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Part memoir, part travelogue and part culinary adventure, Feasting Wild examines “humans’ relationship to wild food and the disappearing places and animals that provide it,” according to Publishers Weekly. Broadly defined as fare foraged, hunted or caught in the wild, the “untamed” foods detailed in geographer and anthropologist Gina Rae La Cerva’s debut book hail from such diverse locales as Scandinavia, Poland, Borneo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, New Mexico and Maine. Once “associated with poverty and subsistence,” writes La Cerva, wild foods including broad-leaved garlic, bushmeat, sea buckthorn flowers and moose meat are now viewed as luxuries, reserved for five-star restaurants that cater to an elite clientele.
La Cerva argues that this shift in perception stems from the onslaught of “settler-colonialism,” which used the dichotomy of wild versus tame to “justify violent appetites and the domination of unfamiliar cultures and places.” Within a few centuries, she adds, “the world [had] traded wild edibles at home for exotic domesticates from abroad.”
The flipside of this “fetishization of need” is the standardization of humans’ diets. As wild places across the world vanish, so, too, do undomesticated or uncultivated plant and animal species. Preserving wild foods—and the knowledge imparted by the women who have historically collected and cooked them—is therefore “fundamentally about recovering our common heritage,” writes La Cerva. “The urgency of the environmental crisis is precisely why we must slow down, take time, [and] become complicated in our actions.”
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616 Bruce replacing Peter Parker and Peter B Parker.
Our main Bruce, Bruce Banner was killed and the populace is split in half, some praising and cheering his death while others mourn and respect him. He came back to life and has been living mostly off the grid, not wanting anyone to know he’s back.
Amadeus Cho replacing Miles Morales.
Using special nanites, through experimental Amadeus absorbed the Hulk's powers becoming a new, better and smarter Hulk. He’s found out that it isn’t as easy as he thought and he’s now having trouble controlling his new monstrous persona.
Rick Jones replacing Aunt May.
When the multiple Bruce’s don’t know where to go and what to do in an alternate reality the only one they believe they can turn to is their old and dearest friend.
70105 Bruce Banner replacing Spider-Gwen
This Bruce Banner was bitten by a spider that survived the gamma blast, after years on the run, extreme gene therapy and heavy medication he became known as Spider-Man
616 Bruce Banner Retconned replacing Soider-Noir
A young teenager, this Bruce’s reality was retconned as a ‘Dream’. Edgey as fuck and has the ability to telepathically communicate with his Hulk since childhood.
9997 Bruce Banner replacing Peni Parker
Bruce Banner’s body continued to absorb radiation as if he was a sponge to water. His mutation caused an extreme mutation causing Bruce and Hulk to split into separate entities. Bruce, now in the body of a 10 year old boy with his adult mind is blind, but psychically linked to the near mindless and simian like Hulk.
Hulked Size Mini Hulks Hulk replacing Spider-Ham.
This Hulk doesn’t have much of a past or history, a ‘nice and child friendly’ miniature Hulk from Audrey Loeb’s comic strips.
9200 Bruce Banner replacing Kinpin
Bruce Banner turned insane and evil after surviving a massive irradiated explosion that wiped out most of Earth’s life. Current alias ‘The Maestro’ (Totally haven’t fleshed out evil plot yet)
Stan Lee as Stan Lee
Bruces that will make an brief appearance:
(Thinking of them all shown in shattered pieces of different realities)
MCU Bruce
David Banner
Old Man Logan Banner?????? (Icky!!!!!)
Sorcerer Supreme Bruce/Infernal Hulk
LEGO Bruce Banner
The End Hulk
Marvel Zombies Hulk
Ruins Hulk
Ultimates Hulk (with infinity gauntlets)
Ultimate Comics Bruce ‘sociopathic’ Banner
Ultimate Human Bruce (on Venus)
Captain Universe Bruce
Hippie Hulk
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88y53 · 5 years
The Avengers: Biology and Tech
So with Endgame and the culmination of 21 films of build-up coming at us fast, I felt the need to post my theories on how the bodies and gear of the Avengers work.
Now, I was only going to make posts about Cap and the Hulk, but in my need to express my excitement for the upcoming movie, I decided to just go "all in" for this one.
Iron Man
Tony is an otherwise normal human, but his inclusion of his arc reactor, and later his near receptive implants, would need to be built out of biocompatible hypoallergenic materials, such as titanium, pure gold, niobium, or Teflon, to avoid bodily rejection if he continues to make his body more cybernetic. In regards to his current Mark L suit, it’s use of nanotechnology might derive from Wakandan research that he’s put his own spin on. The nanobots themselves would possibly be controlled by the implants he used for his previous suits, and since they require the precise production of the chestplate (which takes in carbon and hydrogen atoms from the arc reactor) they are limited store and need time to build up their number if they run short.
Captain America
The procedure for the Super Soldier Serum required a lot of biological material to make the changes to Steve’s body, so genes such as Oct-4 and Rex2 are stimulated to allow excessive production of Adult and Embryonic Stem Cells, generating the needed materials to make the alterations. Mutation of the ACVR2B gene allows proteins such as myostatin to be suppressed while production of its antagonist, follistatin, are increased, leading to massive growth in muscles mass, while contractile proteins such as actin and myosin are significantly heightened, adding to Steve’s strength. In addition to this, the muscles no longer sustain damage during physical exercise and gradually stops producing lactic acid. A higher expression of the ACTN3 gene, which encodes a member of the alpha-actin binding protein line, increases the volume of fast-twitch muscle fibers. The LRP5 gene is changed so his bones are also similarly enhanced by preventing normal Wnt antagonists, resulting in denser bone formation that is extremely resistant to breaks without sacrificing normal functionality. Steve’s cardiovascular system is also overhauled, with genes altered for higher production of blood in the circulatory system for better hydration and higher concentration of oxygen-carrying red-bloodcells. Automatic metabolic responses are enabled so to regulate body temperature to avoid overheating, and higher mitochondrial count. All of this increases his stamina and endurance to inhuman levels. In addition, the body produces a higher concentration of MG53 proteins, which help improve healing from otherwise traumatic injuries. Beyond that, Cap’s brain matter is also enhanced exponentially: a higher production of glial cells, general neuroplasticity improvement, and a mutation of a rutabaga gene, allow for improved neural pathways to store memories for longer periods of time with near-perfect recall, as well as faster reaction time, greater strategic thinking and improvisation, and the ability to instantaneously calculate object trajectory. The DEC2 gene is also altered for changes in the circadian rhythm, allowing him to function normally on fewer hours of sleep. The serum is designed to enhances everything about the subject, physiology and mental acuity, but also psychology in a process known as Moral Enhancement; so, an individual like Steve Rogers, with high levels of empathy and altruism - whether genetic or learned - is enhanced to near-saintliness. However, the opposite is true as well, as a recipient like the Red Skull, with dangerously low levels of moral and ethical standards will be “enhanced” to full-blown psychopathy and sociopathy.
The Asgardian species as a whole demonstrate morphology identical to that of humans in a process known as "Convergent Evolution." This is supported by the fact that many extraterrestrials exhibit body structures similar to terrestrial life (including feline and water fowl). The extraordinary abilities associated with the Asgardians are best attributed to programmable matter; all of Asgard is made out a subatomic computational material that can respond to preprogrammed thoughts and commands. This "Computronium" is incorporated into asgardian biology, with saturation levels varying based on familial lines, which allow the user to exhibit fantastic powers. Thor has is almost invulnerable to conventional weapons, near-limitless strength, centuries-long lifespan, the ability to survive in hostile environments, and can generate lightning in himself and surroundings. His hammer, Mjolnir or Stormbreaker - weapons forged in Nidavellir’s Dyson Rings and Neutron star - are similarly made of computronium and are fixed quantum universal points; they’re completely weightless, but the universe moves around them and only responds to those with the preprogrammed quantum resonance.
Similar to the Super Soldier Serum’s ability to increase production of Adult Stem Cells (and ASC altered to Embryonic Stem Cells) in a subject, the Hulk formula causes an explosion of ASCs and ESCs, which essentially turned Bruce Banner into a walking Vita-Chamber that generates unregulated cell growths and regeneration in bone, muscle, ligaments, skin, and organs. His very hemoglobins have also been altered to carry larger amounts of oxygen in his blood (and an excess of biliveridin metabolites) to support his massive body, and his body fat contain Gamma irradiated cells that are metabolized into powerful chemical molecules (similar to that of rocket fuel) that give the proper energy for the transformation. Normally, a creature of the Hulk’s size would be in danger of shattering bones, tearing muscles, and ripping tendons from such volatile movements, and he’s no exception — the Hulk is in a perpetual state of crippling injury, but his body is repaired by his stem cells faster than the injuries can impede his activity. Only truly catastrophic attacks, that hurt him faster than he can heal, are effective enough to put him down. The transformation process itself is so traumatic for Banner (and possibly tied to the Moral Enhancements of the original formula) that it creates a mental condition similar to Dissociative Identity Disorder in the form of the Hulk persona, who is better able to handle the stress and berserker rage from the transformation. When the psychological and hormonal triggers significantly drop, the excess body mass is slowly converted into sweat and chemical energy, the latter of which is stored in his body fat for later use.
Black Widow
Natasha Romanov is an ordinary human with extraordinary training and psychological conditioning. Under the tutelage of the Red Room, the Black Widow’s mind-body connection came together with a unique understanding of martial arts, marksmanship, spy craft, and intellect nearly on par with Captain America. With an uncanny ability to pick up new skills with very little training, she demonstrates a drive that can only be described as "the gift" demonstrated by legendary athletes such as Muhammad Ali, Jim Thorpe, and Bruce Lee.
Clint Barton is a master archer with near-superhuman reflexes, anticipation, and eyesight. Possessing a neural layout with higher connective pathways in the visual cortex and temporal lobe, Clint’s visual acuity is better than 20/20 vision (due, in large part, to his near-total deafness), allowing to process visual information and calculate his shots with perfect accuracy. However, his eyesight is only one-half of his archery, as his shots rely on an anticipatory processing that accurately calculates the trajectory of his shots and the movements of his targets, similar to the "proximity sense" that some martial artists claim to have.
War Machine and The Falcon
They share an entry because they are both normal humans using advanced gear.
Falcon’s flight rig brings to mind the Jetman wing suit design by Yves Rossy. So he’d need G-Force training and flexing techniques to deal with the sudden shifts in blood flow, and fly at very specific levels of elevation and speed so as to not pass out from oxygen deprivation. His wings are built out of semi-flexible carbon-fibers that can collapse and fold for increase maneuverability and storage, with a miniature jet engines which give the wings proper lift for take off. His armor padded and weaved to help absorb shockwaves from explosions and high-impact.
War Machine’s suit is just modified Mark 2 Iron Man armor, so he doesn’t need any cybernetic implants for it to function and respond to his movements.
The process that gave the spider that bit Peter Parker the ability to cause epigenetic enhancements is currently unknown, but the project was most likely an attempt to recreate the Super Soldier Serum, possibly using spider venom as a delivery system. The pads of his hands and feet generate proteins that are thinner than human hair and aligned in a sawtooth-shape. The proteins are attached to depression springs that respond to electrical currents generated by his neurons firing, allowing to stick and unstick to walls when he chooses to. The parts of his brain that process sensory information - the occipital lobe, the temporal lobe, and parietal lobe - have more developed pathways than normal, allowing him to receive twice as much information from his surrounding environments with a higher priority on potentially hazardous stimuli. Finally, his "webs" are actually just a globular resin no different from regular glue, but with a modified tensile strength matching that of real spider silk.
The Winter Soldier
Bucky was given a reverse-engineered version of the Serum by Arnim Zola, and since he was fundamentally a good person, the Serum’s Moral Enhancements took affect. His cybernetic left arm attachments would have to be spread over his entire torso to help support its weight. His shoulder and surrounding bone and fibers were amputated and replaced with synthetic versions with higher tensile strength, with metal cables running across his his rib cage, and artificial skin that can take the subcutaneous tension. Silicon chips implanted into his brain to communicate the proper commands to the arm, which also acted as receptor that helped download HYDRA’s personality engineering.
Doctor Strange
When the Ancient One “opened [his] Third Eye," the layout of Dr. Stephan Strange’s conciseness and nervous system was altered which allows him to channel multiuniversal cosmological energies. Doctor Strange can access the energies of different universes composed of different laws of physics, which are filtered into his reality similar to diffraction, that can make certain cosmetic changes to his surroundings and form objects out of pure energy. The only limitation to this is the need to perform complicated rituals and hand ventures to appease the cosmological entities that help make his desires "real."
Black Panther
The Heart-Shaped Herb, like most flora and fauna of Wakanda, has been altered by the presence of the non-radioactive room-temperature superconductor known as Vibranium. In a special brewing technique, the Herb’s stored Vibranium power was introduced into T’Challa’s body, which seems to react to his own metal stores and induces a state of Third Eye Opening similar to Doctor Strange, connecting his consciousness to Ancestral Plane. Once there, he met the cosmological entity known as Bast who grant the Panthers physical abilities on par with a Super Soldier without the need for Moral Enhancements.
The Vision
The Vision’s entire cellular make-up was 3-D printed using the Vibranium metal as a base, which makes him virtually indestructible. The most unique aspect of his biology is the Infinity Stone built into his forehead, the energies of which work in tandem with his Vibranium make-up to give him fantastic powers, and since the Mind Stone is a quantum supercomputer, it helps Vision brain process information on a computational level exceeding that of even Asgardian technology. Utilizing this, Vision can shift his energy levels to achieve Quantum Tunneling and phase through solid objects, alter the magnetic charge of his body to fly using the Earth’s magnetic field, and fire a concentrated beam of pure photonic energy from his Stone.
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver
They share an entry because their powers are both derived from Infinity Stones - the Mind Stone from Wanda, and the Space Stone for Pietro - and rely on physical mnemonics to activate.
Wanda’s body was saturated with energy from the Mind Stone, allowing her to generate neuro-conductive cloud that respond to her thoughts and the physical mnemonics of her hands and arms. This cloud can create powerful push in desired directions, granting her telekinetic force-fields. Another capability of her cloud is creating a link that invades another person’s neuro-nervous system, essentially highjacking neurological functions which causes visual-auditory hallucinations and irrational behavior.
Pietro uses Space Stone energy to warp space and time around himself when the physical mnemonic of running occurs, essentially making him unstuck in relativistic speed. However, using this power has similar effects on him, as he processes food and chemical energy faster than normal, causing some minor nutrient deficiencies leading to the premature graying of his hair. This also allows for rapid cellular regeneration and faster healing, best demonstrated when a bullet passed through his left arm and the wound closed immediately. However, this accelerated healing isn’t enough in the event of catastrophic injury, only ensuring he’ll survive longer on what would be considered instantly fatal damage.
Tell me what you think.
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thedcdunce · 5 years
“Anybody who's seen any apocalyptic movies knows one unalterable truth... Bad things always happen at the mall.” - Grunge
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Real Name: Percival Edmund “Eddie” Chang
Gender: Male
Height: 5′ 3″
Weight: 250 lbs (113 kg)
Hair: Brown
Molecular Absorption
Photographic Memory
Martial Arts
Universe: Wildstorm Universe
Base of Operations: La Jolla, California 
Citizenship: American
Parents: Stewart Chang; father
Marital Status: Single
Education: High School Graduate
First Appearance: Deathmate Black
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Molecular Absorption: Grunge has the ability to molecularly bond with anything he comes in contact with. Once he bonds with an object he takes on its physical characteristics.
Accelerated Healing
Metamorphosis: All or any part of his body can transform into stone, metal, or even gelatin. He has also demonstrated a limited ability to transform other people as well.
Phasing: He at times was able to meld with the ground beneath him sinking his hands at one place and having them come up at another place.
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Strength
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Photographic Memory
Martial Arts: He is naturally fit and has brown belts in Aikido, Kempo Karate, Jiu Jitsu, Taekwondo, and Kung Fu.
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Philip Chang sent his son into hiding while he was still an infant. Born in Hong Kong but raised in Seattle, Percival Edmund soon became known as "Grunge", an all-American slacker who knew little about his brave father. He was eventually invited to take part in I.O.'s Project Genesis, where Grunge soon found out he was in a prison-like breeding ground for Gen-Actives. Manifesting his powers, he escaped with his new teammates, a group soon to be called Gen¹³. They take a temporary break and Grunge travels with Freefall to Los Angeles, where he gets into trouble due to a high win rate. His abilities make it seem as if he and Freefall were statues.
Grunge is a skater/surfer and enjoys spending his afternoons sleeping in. Although he with three beautiful superwomen, only Freefall appreciates him for who he really is. However this never stops Grunge from trying to hit on Caitlin Fairchild constantly, in many maneuvers that sometimes violate her right to privacy. Freefall goes unnoticed, despite her feelings for him and Rainmaker attempts to serve as the voice of reason for Grunge's attitude, going roundly ignored.
Despite his personal history, Grunge is dependable on the battlefield, listening to orders when given and improvising new ways to help. His sound system defeated the villain known as Helmut. When the girls were kidnapped by a toy manufacturer, Grunge used the properties of the toys themselves to help rescue them. After a notable round of cluelessness, Grunge travels to the desert alone and confronts a trickster deity, who puts him through his paces. He is picked up by his friends, who believe he was just hallucinating everything because he did not bring enough water.
The interruption to regular life brought on by super-powers is normalized a bit when Grunge returns to school. He ends up with Caitlin in high level classes due to his photographic memory. His poor choice in new friends almost leads to the loss of old ones, as they do not like Rainmaker's more peaceful worldviews. It does lead to the release of an angry, super-strong simian that had been experimented upon in the school's laboratories.
Grunge's life is interrupted when I.O. forces blow up his house and slay the robotic housemaid. Grunge and friends travel to a small island where Lynch's friend is operating. Unfortunately the island contains a spaceship, which takes Grunge and Caitlin deep into space. There, he is affected by an alien system and goes on a rampage.
Grunge's second trip into space was not so far, only going so far as the moon in order to help out in the Fire and Heaven incident.
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After the Worldstorm event, the origins of Grunge were further rebooted. Owing his powers by careful genetic manipulations operated by the hidden Tabula Rasa group, and sharing somehow the soul of the previous iteration of the character, but none of the memories, Grunge lived his younger years as the stereotypical "momma's boy", sickly and nerdy in appearance and mannerism, and even more intelligent than Caitlin. However, when hitting adolescence, Grunge decided he was unhappy with his unpopular, bookish self, and decided to "reinvent himself"; a new constant of his life, adopting a rebellious persona to distance himself from his overprotective mother, and covering his nerdish self with a more easy-going, frat-boy like persona. At that point, Tabula Rasa caught up with him, and he was kidnapped along with the other Gen-active boys. There Grunge, after helping in the escape, became a sort of big brother for his teammates, deeply caring for his new friends, and jokingly being the clown of the Gen 13. His friendly and warm personality earned him the affections of his friends, until he was forced to slay Kid Apollo of the Authoriteens in self-defense, thing that leaves him in a deep state of depression, until Caitlin and Roxy manage to remind him how he acted in self-defense alone, and he always managed to defend his friends. Returning to his old self, but noting how much he was now fearing "the ability to reinvent himself."
During Gen 13's adventures, Grunge was revealed to be, as his Gen 13 teammates, the recipient of the soul of his original namesake, collected by the Doctor and restored in the new body. However, in this life all the Gens exhibit different tendencies, becoming progressively their own persons.
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World's End
After the events of Number of the Beast, Grunge unwillingly absorb the makeup of electric energies, becoming a dis-corporated being: in this guise, he's able to help his friends against a group of scarred humans, resentful against the "capes" that brought ruin and misery in their lives. Grunge and the teens later hitchhike with Archimedes Sin to a skater park, known as Sk8-Gra-La, that is run by teens he entered into a dangerous skateboarding competition and was crowned king. However, he then discovered that his predecessor is to be eaten in a soup. Grunge was saved by the Gens including a new member of Gen 14 Goo.
After fleeing with the resurrected, child-age clones of Megan and Dr. Cross they came into the town of "Malice" that is under the "protection" of the World War II villains, the Fearsmiths. Grunge and his friends were beaten by the villains and were left for dead before being saved by the Paladins, who offered to train them. Grunge trained with Redeemer and equip himself with a utility belt containing elemental pieces for him to absorb which proves useful in future battles.
Grunge and Gen 13 later participated in Earth's battle against the Knights of Khera. After the battle, Grunge decided to stay with the other heroes of Earth who allied with the Wildcats in help repairing Earth, in which he became Spartan's second in command on Skywatch III. During the three month period of Earth's reconstruction, Grunge spied on Team-7, who refused to cooperate with Spartan and decided to help the planet on their own, by using Shift-Door technology and discovered to his shock that John Lynch was planning on awakening the Warguard. He then utilized Shift-Doors in teleporting the Warguard away from Team-7, and onto Skywatch, but only to find that one member of the Warguard was missing.
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Fun Facts
Grunge is a fan of the bands White Zombie and the Foo Fighters.
Grunge is also an avid fan of comic books and Hong Kong Kung Fu movies and action films. He especially likes the films of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and John Woo.
A vocal video game lover with an excess of confidence in his gaming skills, Grunge has none the less been bested at fighting games by Freefall at least twice.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Lucifer Season 6 Episode 1 Review: Nothing Ever Changes Around Here
This Lucifer review contains spoilers.
Lucifer Season 6 Episode 1
“Who wants to be tickled by Satan’s whiskers?”
Six weeks have passed, and Lucifer prepares to ascend into Heaven and begin his dream job – master of the universe. But the Devil’s having second thoughts about taking on God’s responsibilities, and “Nothing Ever Changes Around Here” cleverly sets up Lucifer’s sixth and final season to potentially explore the often unspoken desires that drive each character. 
Though it was well documented that the season six episodes were completed and ready to air, conventional wisdom expected Netflix to wait much longer before releasing the series’ final ten episodes. Surprisingly, Lucifer fans had only to wait two and a half months to glimpse the aftermath of the angel-demon war which now centers around Lucifer’s reluctance to become God, and as it turns out, Mazikeen’s desire to remain on Earth rather than become Queen of Hell. However, in the end, it’s all about letting go and the inability to leave the past behind to embrace new challenges. 
While much of the familiar remains in place, there are enough fresh narrative details to explore, not the least of which is the developing romantic relationship between the ultra adorable Eve (Inbar Lavi) and the angst driven demon Mazikeen (Lesley-Ann Brandt). There’s a lot to love about this season premiere, but the Hell themed dinner party Linda (Rachael Harris) and Amenadiel (D. B. Woodside) host for Eve and Maze on the evening before Maze leaves Earth to take up her duties in the underworld allows each character to shine.
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In keeping with the episode’s theme, Linda can’t help but play therapist to the budding couple as they navigate the rocky waters that lie ahead, but it’s the incredibly patient and understanding Amenadiel who stands out as he recognizes that Linda’s “celestial therapy” reveals a great deal about Charlie’s mother. However, it’s his poignant reminder that “every act matters” that punctuates an evening full of beautifully awkward twists and turns. When Linda challenges Eve to consider her life as the Queen of Hell’s partner, we’re fully prepared to watch Eve reconsider her options and the relationship to implode.
Of course, that’s not what happens, and when Maze admits that she doesn’t “want to talk about it because I don’t want to go,” the result is quite unexpected. We’ve watched Maze agonize over her place in both the celestial and earthly worlds, so to watch her reject the role she seems destined to embrace reveals the depths of her personal growth. Now, we only have to wait to see if Lucifer (Tom Ellis) officiates at their wedding and Chloe (Lauren German) serves as Maid of Honor.
Like others on Team Lucifer, Linda struggles to reintegrate into a more mundane lifestyle free of celestial intrigues, and while Lucifer seems to have little difficulty walking away from his consulting job at the LAPD, Chloe finds her impending situation a bit more problematic. This episode’s murder takes place at an exclusive magicians club to which Lucifer takes Chloe on their last night in Los Angeles. Once the death defying act results in a magician’s death, Chloe can’t help herself and plays the detective one last time despite having resigned from the force. 
Forensic scientist Ella Lopez’s appearance on the scene lends an air of familiarity, but it’s the dynamic interchange between Chloe’s replacement Carol Corbett (Matthew Scott Porter) and the former detective that drives the murder investigation. Though Chloe secures the crime scene, Carol tells her in the nicest way possible that not only does she have to back off, and until he determines otherwise, she and Lucifer remain suspects. Carol gracefully handles her intrusion, ultimately asking for her input. He’s a great character, and to a large extent, replaces Dan who now finds himself killing time in Hell. That said, he lacks Dan’s relationship baggage that made Chloe’s ex-husband such an easy target of Lucifer’s insecurities. It will be interesting to see whether he’s allowed inside this tightly knit group and made privy to some of their secrets.
Still, Ella’s ignorance of the celestial identities of those around her looms ominously overhead. Though Lucifer’s impatience at the crime scene stems more from a desire to continue his date with Chloe than a reticence to take over as God, it’s Ella’s heartfelt confession that God has stopped listening to her prayers that gives Lucifer pause. This may be the first time he’s actually thought through the ramifications of sitting in the Big Guy’s chair. Though he’d likely be loath to admit it, Lucifer often uses Miss Lopez (Aimee Garcia) as a human faith barometer, but this encounter with her forces him to step outside his wonder-seeker persona to acknowledge what it will really mean to walk in God’s shoes. “God needs to be selfless. He needs to care about all of humanity.” Not exactly Lucifer’s modus operandi to this point. 
One of the more attractive aspects of Lucifer’s relationship with Chloe centers on his willingness to expose his emotional vulnerabilities, and here, we have to wonder whether he’s setting up a scenario in which he opts out of a Silver City return. It’s also unclear how Chloe truly feels about giving up her life on Earth, but if the “locked room mystery” shows us anything, it’s that the detective may not be ready to play God’s companion and leave her intellectual pursuits behind despite her outwardly supportive stance.
Nevertheless, it’s Lucifer’s ambiguous journey to Hell and an audience with Dan that generates the most thought provoking aspect of the season premiere. Dan raises a good point when he brings up Lee’s ascension into Heaven, but Lucifer’s lackadaisical response rings a bit hollow. Really? There’s nothing he can do for Dan? Though we learn Lucifer’s visited Dan (Kevin Alejandro) a number of times, an act in and of itself that seems a bit odd given their tumultuous relationship, it’s Lucifer’s exit that raises additional questions.
“Nothing Ever Changes Around Here” opens with a stunning shot of the white tuxedoed Lucifer driving down an LA street in his black Corvette on his way to meet Chloe for their evening on the town. It’s a wonderful scene that gives the Devil one last opportunity to engage with the common man whose desires don’t always embody the best of us. Still, it’s the final baffling image of Hell’s throne and its occupant adorned in fishnet stockings and platform boots – most certainly not Lucifer – that throws us off balance. 
Since Mazikeen makes it clear she’s ready to abdicate her responsibilities as Hell’s queen, it’s unlikely she occupies Lucifer’s former seat. Dan’s observation that something’s different implies that Lucifer might play a role regarding his successor, but it’s also not known whether he knows of Maze’s plan to marry Eve and remain on Earth. It’s a puzzle.
The ironic nature of the episode’s title “Nothing Ever Changes Around Here” should not be dismissed, and while it’s true, the members of Team Lucifer may, in fact, end up returning to their former lives, nothing will ever be the same for them. There’s no question the anticipation of seeing Lucifer take up God’s mantle still looms large, but whether or not we ever witness that conclusion, the series’ writers give fans plenty to absorb and enjoy along the way. And, as we all know, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Too soon?
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errant-light · 2 months
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If I had any artistic skills what-so-ever, there are at least half a dozen beats from the Persona 3: The Weird Masquerade productions that I'd do redraws for
(Anyone out there like doing redraws? I will give you money. I am absolutely serious here.)
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soccerdrawings · 4 years
Five Great Soccer Photoshop Templates Ideas That You Can Share With Your Friends | Soccer Photoshop Templates
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Hi GB, amuse acquaint yourself.
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Football Soccer jersey Shirt Builder photoshop template by .. | soccer photoshop templates My name is Geunbae Lee but I go by “GB” which is an easier adaptation to accent and spell for added bodies (I absitively to UX my name 😊). I’m originally from South Korea but I spent best of my aboriginal adolescence and aerial academy in Vancouver and Toronto. For undergrad, I abounding the University of Michigan — Ann Arbor and I accelerating with a bulk in Psychology. Adapted now, I’m finishing up my Master’s in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) at Georgia Institute of Technology which is amid in Atlanta. Aftermost summer, I did an internship at Facebook as a Artefact Artist and I’ll be abutting Facebook as a full-timer this attainable June.What is your accomplishments and how did you get into UI/UX design?At the University of Michigan, I was initially advancing a Mechanical Engineering major. However, afterwards two years, I apparent that it wasn’t the adapted fit for me. I knew there was commodity abroad I absolutely capital to do with my life. Therefore, I absitively to booty some time off to serve in the Army. Afterwards two years of confined my country, I accustomed that during assorted moments of my life, I was acutely amorous about acquirements how bodies behave, anticipate and feel. Aback I went aback to Michigan I afflicted my above to Psychology.After graduation, I wasn’t yet into UI/UX design. Actually, I didn’t alike apperceive abundant about these fields and absolutely didn’t anticipate I would end up in the tech industry. In fact, I was aback in South Korea advancing for law school. During this time, one of my advisers from the University of Michigan came for a address alternation and we were able to bolt up. That’s aback he adapted that I booty a attending at HCI and UX. As anon as I researched the field, I instantly knew that it was commodity I absolutely capital to booty a added dive in.Long adventure short, that’s aback I started to advise myself how to design, cipher and apprentice about the architecture and tech industry. Aural those aboriginal few months, I able and activated for HCI programs and thankfully was accepted in my top choice. Self-teaching sounds like an attainable word, but I hardly slept for those few months afore the Master’s program, not alone because I acquainted so behind, but additionally because I was amorous and absorbed with it. The adventure was aloof a alternation of achieve — jumping one dispatch bean at a time.How do you alarm what you do aback you accommodated new people?When I aboriginal approved to argue my parents that I capital to go aback to the United States to appear alum school, they asked me what HCI and UX are all about. I told them that best of the graduates become either UX Designers or UX Advisers who try to accept people’s behaviors aback application a agenda product. With their allegation they achieve an accomplishment to advance the artefact to achieve bigger user experiences.If I get asked the aforementioned catechism today, in accession to what I said before, I’d say that I consistently try to accept what the users admiration and feel afflictive with so that I can try to achieve the accessories added user affable and accessible. Lastly, I would accent that architecture isn’t aloof a final artefact area aggregate looks nice and cool. Instead there is a lot of anticipation and accord continuously accident amid engineers, designers, researchers, artefact managers and added aggregation associates to bigger the product.What added activities or initiatives do you adore besides agenda design?Beside designing, I try to acquisition things that abate my stress. On a circadian base I go to the gym and during my workout, I accept to some of my admired music or watch funny TV shows. Aback I’m at the gym, I feel like I can destress and accept some fun so that afterwards I booty a balmy shower, I’m able to jump aback and focus on accomplishing added work.In accession to that, I adulation to address in both English and in my built-in Korean language. The things I like to address about are mostly belief about what I’ve abstruse and accomplished with honest tips that could achieve a absolute appulse to others. Aftermost year, I started to address about my adventures in architecture on Medium which acquiescently were able to affect and admonition added acceptance aloof like me.When I was a newbie in the architecture acreage and attractive advanced to alpha my aboriginal appellation in alum school, I was advancing my portfolio for an internship. During this activity I accomplished abundant situations area bodies I accomplished out to didn’t acknowledgment back. To be honest, this was absolutely absolutely barefaced because bodies are alive and they apparently accept hundreds of agnate inquiries. However, aback a few bodies responded and provided honest feedback, suggestions and their know-hows, I couldn’t acknowledge them enough. I’m generally reminded of their generosity and kindness.Drawing from my own experience, I appetite to admonition added aggressive designers and students. Thankfully, bodies do ability out to me with questions. I try to absorb at atomic 30 annual to an hour, via babble or email as able-bodied as through video calls allowance others. Often, there are abounding questions that I don’t apperceive the answers myself. This absolutely keeps me alike added motivated to apprentice new things and strive to become a bigger designer.Would you accord us a glance at your day? A day in the activity of GB starts with…
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Soccer Tournament PSD Flyer Template Free Download | Free .. | soccer photoshop templates A day in my activity for me has absolutely afflicted anytime aback my son was built-in aftermost May. My son, Grayson, was built-in aloof 5 canicule afore my internship at Facebook started. Anytime aback he was born, “time” feels absolutely abbreviate now and I bulk every added of it. I absorb best of my time with my ancestors and try to set abreast time to assignment on my projects and to accumulate acquirements new things.On a accustomed day, I deathwatch up about 7 AM, as that’s aback my son wakes up. While my wife prepares babyish aliment for my son, I ablution his calmly and sit him bottomward on the babyish aerial armchair to augment him. Afterwards that, we all get to sit bottomward and eat breakfast. I additionally try to admonition my wife with the laundry, affable and attractive afterwards my son. On the canicule aback I don’t accept classes, I about accept some added time to assignment on my assignments, ancillary projects and admonition added students.Everyday is altered of course, but I try to beating out baby things aboriginal such as chic assignments so that I can administer on the big projects as able-bodied as some of my aggressive projects (just like the Chargeless Annual Templates!). With Spotify on, I sit in my armchair and body a bank with the absolute world, authoritative myself siloed in my little cubicle, designing. Sometimes, I scribble, booty notes, activate and chase for inspirations for my designs. Best of the time I accept Annual and/or a prototyping apparatus open.If I accept some added chargeless time, I browse tech-related accessories on places like Muzli or TechCrunch to break up to date. I additionally try to apprehend a lot of accessories on Medium and bolt annual on assorted Facebook groups, added amusing media sites and by chatting with others with agnate interests.I absolutely ambition I had added hours in my day 😊Would you acquaint us about a accomplished or accepted activity you’re best appreciative of?Over the advance of two years, I accept managed to complete several projects. Some were acceptable ones and some, I ambition I had spent added time and accomplishment on. The activity I spent alive best during my firs year of alum academy is alleged Grocery HelpAR. The purpose of the activity was to actualize an enhance grocery arcade acquaintance for all-embracing apprentice who were new to the United States. We presented our band-aid at a University antagonism and won added place. This activity additionally played a above role at accepting assorted internship offers.Another activity that I’m appreciative of is absolutely accident adapted now. It is about creating easy-to-use Annual templates that anyone can use during their UX architecture process. With bound time for projects, I’ve witnessed so abounding bodies alpha their architecture activity from blemish or accent about not actuality able to acquisition assorted templates that are chargeless to spearhead their process. On the added hand, there are so abounding chargeless Annual templates that were accompanying to app and web design. Therefore, I anticipation creating a adventure map, user personas and a gradients arrangement would be actual helpful. You can analysis out some of the templates that I’m designing and absolution on Annual App Sources or on my Dribbble.Lastly, I afresh adapted a new artefact abstraction for LinkedIn which I call, “LinkedIn Conference.” It is a artefact aimed to enhance the appointment networking adventures of attendees. To apprentice added about it, apprehend my commodity appear on Muzli.You’ve apparently noticed that aback it comes to inspiration, there is an affluence of information, communities, tools, and assets on the web. Who do you follow?To be honest, aback I aboriginal got my anxiety into the apple of architecture and tech, I met a lot of bodies and some of the conversations were about acclaimed bodies with names that I’ve never heard of. Aback I didn’t accept any accomplishments ability and was alive absorption on acquirements the accoutrement and practicing, I absolutely didn’t affliction about who to chase or get aggressive by. To be added specific, at the time, I was best acceptable to get aggressive by the attractive designs rather than to analysis the actuality who fabricated it.But as time passed, I started to artlessly attending for designers that aggressive me. For me, “following” designers agency annual their articles, examination their presentations, alert to their Ted talks, advertent their portfolio and acquirements their stories.To get design-related admonition or to get answers to questions I ability have, I go on to Designer’s Guild and HH Architecture Facebook groups. The bodies there are mostly designers that ambit from awful accomplished acceptance to professionals from all sorts of backgrounds and companies. Aloof by annual the posts, I generally retrieve affluent information.For architecture inspiration, I like to go to Dribbble, Behance or Pinterest. There are a lot of air-conditioned and adorned designs that I actualize moodboards for afore I alpha my project. There, I acquisition lots of colors, fonts, layouts and added which I could use or adapt to admonition out during my projects. In accession to that, casual at portfolio websites of added designers is additionally inspiring. Until now, I consistently acquainted like you don’t “have” to alpha from a bare area in advanced of you. Finding afflatus and some association apprenticed templates absolutely has added ups than downs.
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Sport Football Soccer Club PSD Files and Photoshop Templates - soccer photoshop templates | soccer photoshop templates If you could, what career admonition would you activity to your adolescent self?The apple is so big and there are so abounding accomplished people. There will be situations area you feel like you’re way abaft or not acceptable enough. Also, it’ll feel like there are so abounding things to do and learn. If you feel that way at some point in your life, booty activity and activity instead of accusatory or accomplishing nothing. Already you get to alpha on something, you’re already bisected way to accomplishing your goal. You ability aloof charge the added advance and action to abide advancing it.I feel like activity doesn’t run perfectly. For me, if I had activate what I was amorous about in aerial academy and alike aback I entered university, I would’ve spent my time added wisely. I would accept done added internships in my field. But I couldn’t go aback in time of course, instead all I could do was to try to achieve my bearings bigger with the time I had. Everyday, I strive to achieve something. I try to not dream big from the beginning, yet I still accept that ambition in the aback of my mind. For now, the affair that’s in advanced of me is the best important affair to accomplish. Afterwards that, aloof like bent on the dispatch stones, eventually, I’ll get to cantankerous to the added ancillary area I can get abutting to accomplishing my career goals.What are some of the design, development, and activity administration accoutrement in your workflow?To accumulate things organized, I use Google Drive and Dropbox as able-bodied as a Babble document. Sometimes, I’ll accumulate a actual organized binder in my computer and accomplish altered files with adapted names so I can calmly acquisition them later. Aback it comes to accepted ideation, I’m a huge fan of a anthology and a pencil, because I can aloof author abroad things and bound announcement things anywhere. For quick wireframes, depending on the situation, I’ll use Balsamiq Mockups or again, duke sketch, but I tend to anticipate my duke annual is not that great.When it comes bottomward to designing, I’m a huge fan of Sketch. It’s way easier and quicker than Photoshop and I don’t alike bethink the aftermost time I opened Photoshop to be honest. Alike for my internship at Facebook, I noticed that best of the bodies about me were application Sketch. But I absolutely appetite to get my calmly on Invision Studio and try Figma. But as for now, I’m absolutely annoyed with what Annual offers. For prototyping, I adulation application Framer.js, Principle and Invision depending on the bearings and the claim of the allegiance of the prototypes.Lastly, aback it comes bottomward to coding, I use Brackets.io. There are a lot of air-conditioned extensions that I can download which makes it attainable for me to use. But I anticipate Sublime or Atom.io are additionally great. Brackets.io is aloof absolutely attainable to use aback I comedy about with CSS because I’m a abecedarian in coding and it’s consistently nice to see ‘live’ as I achieve changes to it.How did you get alien to Annual and what do you like/dislike best about it?A brace years ago aback I aboriginal got my calmly on a “design” tool, it wasn’t Annual absolutely — It was Photoshop. Bodies were still application mostly Photoshop and I was alien to it by others as my aboriginal tool. Not continued afterwards, I began to apprehension bodies talking about Annual everywhere. Aback I aboriginal downloaded the balloon adaptation and followed a few tutorials online, I instantly acquainted acceptable about the product. You know, it aloof acquainted so attainable — I didn’t accept to anguish about so abounding altered appearance in Photoshop that I wasn’t utilizing such as angel modification features. To be honest, aback I was aboriginal acquirements Photoshop, I was like, “am I declared to apperceive how to use this apparatus or is this aloof for accession cause?” Annual removed all the accidental actuality and alike fabricated the shortcuts attainable to use.There is annihilation absolutely that I don’t like about Sketch. At my level, I feel like I’m accepting abundant admonition from the plugins that so abounding acute bodies are alms for free. And, the actuality that best companies now accept confused to Annual agency that it charge be good, right? New accoutrement like Invision Studio are rolling out to enhance the workflow for designers and to abutting the gap amid designers and developers these days. While I don’t apperceive if Annual will still be the apparatus to use in the abutting few years, it’s the best important apparatus that I would acquaint architecture acceptance to pay for. It’s annual it!What admonition would you activity to those starting out in your field?Since I haven’t had continued acquaintance in the industry, I consistently feel alert about giving advice. But I can accommodate some admonition and claimed tips to acceptance who are still belief architecture at school. All of these are based on my claimed acquaintance and added abundant write-ups can be activate on my Medium.First, it’s acutely important to accumulate aggregate accessible (putting calm your “A game”) for attainable internships or job opportunities. The things you would charge in adjustment to administer for positions are mainly a portfolio website and a resume/CV. However, I alone capital to angle out from the blow of the applicants, so I absitively to add my Medium as able-bodied as my Dribbble account. I anticipation administration my account and adventures through alive blogging and alive on mini ancillary projects which focused heavily on Visual and Interaction Architecture could argue the recruiters and interviewers that I’m absolutely amorous about design. Dribbble was absolutely a absolute belvedere for me to upload my artistic assignment and appearance off my architecture abilities which eventually acted as a abstruse booze to argue others that I accept the skills.Next, I would acerb acclaim to apprehend a lot of articles, annual and blogs about the tech industry and UI/UX in general. Similarly, it’s additionally air-conditioned accessible if you are able to break abreast on the architecture trends, chase affecting bodies to see their assignment (get inspired) and best importantly, try to actor what they are accomplishing to activate with. Accepting able bulk of accomplishments ability with a focus on what you should apperceive and what is acceptable to apperceive will admonition you to bound convenance and apprentice things forth the way.
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Football PSD Files and Photoshop Templates from ThemeForest - soccer photoshop templates | soccer photoshop templates For example, if you appetite to enhance your Visual Architecture skills, aloof go on Dribbble or Behance and try to archetype absolutely how others advised their apps, websites and added air-conditioned things. For me, it was a circadian task. Aback I aboriginal started to apprentice Sketch, I artlessly took a screenshot of a architecture that I absolutely admired and approved to actualize the aforementioned affair from scratch. It helped me to apprentice added about shadows, colors, typography, layouts and more. And afterwards a lot of practices, not alone did the apparatus become accessible for me to use but also, I acquainted abundant added adequate cogent others that I can visually achieve commodity attending great.The aftermost admonition I would activity is to be apprehensive and be honest about your work. Also, for the things that you don’t know, be accurate and appearance alertness to apprentice instead of appearance it. The architecture and the tech apple is too ample to be able to accept everything. If you are starting out fresh, try to focus a lot of your practices on acquirements acknowledging designs (mobile, web etc) instead of actuality balked about acquirements AR/VR/IoT concurrently. One footfall at a time is ideal, don’t try to jump about too abundant (unless you absolutely feel like that’s the way you appetite to pursue). Anyways, what I’m aggravating to say is that not alive commodity is accepted but with a lot of admonition and advisers out there, you’ll be able to apprentice and bolt up appealing quickly. All it takes is time, accomplishment and the alive passion.What makes you smile and adore life?Before I got married, sitting bottomward with my admired aliment while watching movies or my admired shows were one of my admired hobbies. Also, I was a aggressive gamer who played League of Legends day and night which I admired doing. Added than that, I played soccer account with my friends, afraid out for drinks and catholic to places that I capital to visit.But a lot of things accept afflicted anytime aback I got affiliated and afterwards my son was born. With such a time crisis and accepting to booty on responsibilities of a ancestor and a husband, a lot of the things that I acclimated to adore by myself has been put to the side. Sometimes I absence the old canicule but all of that is abandoned aback I see my ancestors smile and laugh. On the way aback home with balmy aliment sitting in my car, I already see my wife’s aflame face as anon as I footfall central the house. There, I additionally see my son who’s still a crawler, greeting me with “dada!”To be frank, I’ve never absurd myself accepting affiliated this aboriginal and accepting a child. Aback my wife was pregnant, I was still a apprentice at Georgia Tech, aggravating to amount out my way in the architecture acreage with an internship to acquisition for the Summer and a full-time job afterwards graduation. The burden I had on my amateur fabricated me abstraction and convenance architecture day and night as able-bodied as to amount out a way to put aliment on the table for my family. At the end, I’m animated it formed out the way I had hoped. The adventure has aloof amorphous for me and I’m so aflame for all the joys that I’ll be accepting from it.Tell us a bit about your internship at Facebook. What was it like to be allotment of the architecture team?Although I can’t allocution in detail about the projects I formed on, I can say that my acquaintance at Facebook was phenomenal. Aback I was aboriginal continued an activity to accompany Facebook as an intern, I ran beyond the anteroom assorted times and shouted out loud saying, “Yes! I did it!” At the time, I acquainted like all my adamantine assignment for the accomplished several months had assuredly paid off (whew! I still bethink that day like it was yesterday). Shortly afterwards the action though, I bethink I began to agitation because I acquainted like there was way added things to apprentice and bolt up to. Accepting into Facebook was yet accession huge motivational agency for me to abide with the things that I was alive on.During my internship, I met so abounding accomplished bodies and throughout my internship, they helped me out in so abounding altered ways. With aloof three months advanced of me, I bare to get adequate with the space, get to apperceive my teammates and the artefact that I was activity to accord to. And to be honest, time confused so fast that I bare to get organized and accent what I bare to do on a account basis. Basically, I bare to be efficient, productive, active and best importantly, break motivated.Everyday there was commodity new that I abstruse and realized. First, I abstruse to bigger present my assignment in advanced of added designers and cantankerous anatomic teammates in adjustment to get affluent feedback. Accepting acknowledgment aboriginal and whenever all-important helped me to appearance my projects in the best way possible. As I alternate in presentations, affairs and architecture critiques, I boring became adequate with the amplitude of accepting acknowledgment from added bodies and to booty that acknowledgment and advance the solutions I was designing.In accession to that, I accomplished how important it is to body relationships with your teammates. Whenever I was ashore on commodity or had questions, I bare to apperceive who I could ability out to for answers. Aback allurement for help, I bare to be alert of their time and already I accustomed the help, I absolutely bare to acknowledge them for demography time to admonition me. And afore all that, it was up to me to apprentice about their responsibilities and roles aural the team. To admonition me with that, I set up one-on-one affairs with anniversary associates of my aggregation during my aboriginal few weeks.When I reflect aback on my internship at Facebook, one of the acumen why I admired it so abundant was because my managers were accessible in so abounding ways. Kevin Charboneau (my absolute intern manager) and Matt Turpin both formed adamantine to adviser me throughout my activity and sat bottomward with me whenever I had questions affective forward. From them, I abstruse so abounding admired acquaint as to how I should finer present my assignment and body up a case for my projects with a solid botheration statement. I additionally abstruse how accepting a able action to break the botheration as able-bodied be aflame to do so are capital to the projects. I was absolutely advantageous to accommodated such accomplished and caring managers. Without their effort, I wouldn’t accept had a acknowledged internship.To this day, I’ll never balloon the balmy acceptable of my teammates and their efforts in acceptance me to accept such a admirable acquaintance at Facebook. This attainable June, I’ll be abutting Facebook as a full-time Artefact Artist and I’m air-conditioned aflame to see what’s advancing up abutting in my journey. This adventure is aloof 1% finished.If you like GB’s adventure and appetite to affix with him, analysis out his website, LinkedIn, Dribbble and Annual freebies on Annual App Sources.
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foryourart · 7 years
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Photo courtesy of Noah Stern Weber. Image courtesy of REDCAT.
Thursday, November 9
37th Annual Sale, HENNESSEY + INGALLS BOOKSTORE (Downtown), 10am–8pm. Through November 12.
ArtOASIS Showcase, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (San Diego), 10am–12pm.
Young-Il Ahn and Ann Weber: Moon over San Pedro, Long Beach Museum of Art (Long Beach), 11am–8pm.
Alison Blickle Artist Talk, Five Car Garage (Santa Monica), 12:30–3:30pm.
Talk: Gallery Talk: The Art of Looking—Greek Goddesses: Reconstructed & Deconstructed, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 12:30pm.
Course: One-Day Workshop: Collage in Fine Art, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
Garden Talk & Sale - Sex in the Garden, The Huntington (San Marino), 2:30pm.
LAND Sense of Place First Movement Reception, Santa Monica Pier (Santa Monica), 4–5:30pm. Reception to follow.
Gallery Talk: Erin Aldana, Guest Curator, University of San Diego (San Diego), 5pm.
Artist and scholar walkthroughs: Artemisa Clark, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 6pm.
Gravity's Peacock, MAK Center for Art and Architecture (West Hollywood), 7–9pm.
Danny Lyon: Vintage Works, Fahey/Klein Gallery (Hollywood), 7–9pm.
Conor Ekstrom, Hannah Hoffman Gallery (Hollywood), 7–9pm.
Los Angeles Filmforum at MOCA presents Poets, Artists, and Anarcho-super8istas, MOCA Grand Avenue (Downtown), 7pm.
Live! at the Museum: The Artisan Guitar Ensemble, Laguna Art Museum (Long Beach), 7pm.
Writing Now Reading Series: Fanny Howe, CalArts (Valencia), 7–10pm.
Paul Brach Lecture Series: Artie Vierkant, CalArts (Valencia), 7pm.
A.E. Stallings, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Film: An Evening With...Darren Aronofsky, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm.
Boosting Your Side Hustle With Gina Delvac, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7:30–9:30pm. $20–25.
Keeril Makan and Jay Scheib: Persona, REDCAT (Downtown), 8pm.
Persona, LA Opera (Downtown), 8pm.
Anne Bray Presents: How Can You Resist?, Echo Park Film Center (Echo Park), 8–10pm.
KCIA Presents: ACID TONGUE, CalArts (Valencia), 10pm.
Friday, November 10
"We Are CalArts" -The Role of the Spiral in Movement & the Body, with Babette Markus, CalArts (Valencia), 1–4pm.
School of Music Visiting Artist Series: Kate McGarry, Keith Ganz, Gary Versace, CalArts (Valencia), 2–4pm.
Documentary Screening: Frederick Hammersley: By Himself, The Huntington (San Marino), 3pm.
Off the Wall, Shoebox Projects (Lincoln Heights), 6–9pm.
Words and Music, LAST Projects (Downtown), 7–11pm.
Screening: Death by Delivery, California African American Museum (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Feminist Acting Class, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7–10pm. Through November 12. $120–150.
William Kieffer: City of Fish, Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific (Long Beach), 7–11pm.
POP-UP MUSEUM: JOURNEY, Museum of Latin American Art (Long Beach), 7–8:30pm.
X-TRA Fall Launch Event: Candice Lin and Miljohn Ruperto in conversation, Ghebaly Gallery (Downtown), 7:30–9:30pm.
James Tenney: Changes: Sixty-Four Studies for Six Harps, The Box (Downtown), 8pm.
The Seagull, CalArts (Valencia), 8pm. Through November 12.
Saturday, November 11
Quiet Mornings: Art x Mindfulness, The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA (Downtown), 9:30am.
Dance Resource Center's 3rd annual Day of Dancer Health, Art Share LA (Downtown), 10am–5pm.
Designer Con 2017, Pasadena Convention Center (Pasadena), 10am–7pm. Through November 12.
American Indian Arts Marketplace, The Autry Museum of the American West (Los Feliz), 11am–5pm. Continues November 12.
THE LATINO COMICS EXPO – DAY 1, Museum of Latin American Art (Long Beach), 11am–5pm.
Young-Il Ahn: When Sky Meets Water, ParticiPoetry with Karen Holden, and Ann Weber: Moon Over San Pedro, Long Beach Museum of Art (Long Beach), 11am–5pm.
Tony DeLap: A Career Survey, 1963—2017, parrasch heijnen gallery (Downtown), 12–3pm.
Vantage, Finishing Concepts (Monterey Park), 12–5pm.
LIT! A Menorah & Candelabra Clay Workshop with Ben Medansky, Craft and Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 1–4pm.
Artemisa Clark: La clase de dibujo libre/Free Drawing Class (2000-2004/2017), Armory Center for the Arts (Pasadena), 1:30–4pm.
Build a Revolutionary Bear Workshop, WILLIAM GRANT STILL ARTS CENTER (West Adams), 2–4pm.
Lani Trock: Free Food, Big Pictures Los Angeles (Mid-City), 2–5pm.  
PMCA 1234: Second Saturday Spotlight Talk, Pasadena Museum of California Art (Pasadena), 2pm.
In Dialogue: Film in Cuba, Pasadena Museum of California Art (Pasadena), 2:30pm.
LARISA LAIVINS: ONE DAY POP-UP SHOP, Arcana Books on the Arts (Culver City), 3–6pm.
Channing Hansen: Fluid Dynamics, Marc Selwyn Fine Art (Beverly Hills), 4–6pm.
Double Issue Book Release Party, Armory Center for the Arts (Pasadena), 4–6pm.
Materials & Applications 14th Anniversary Gala, Navel (Downtown), 5–8pm.
Workshop: Lighting Design for Dance and Performance with Carol McDowell, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 5–9pm. $30–50.
Hot Flat, Angels Gate Cultural Center (San Pedro), 5–9pm.
Yossi Govrin, Stephanie Cate & Deborah Lynn Irmas, barba contemporary art (Palm Springs), 5–9pm.
David Krovblit: Shells and John Nyboer: The Real Future: Dancers at The Lot, Los Angeles, Lois Lambert Gallery (Santa Monica), 6–9pm.
Jimi Gleason: Reflected & Absorbed, William Turner Gallery (Santa Monica), 6–8pm.
Art Circles, Getty Center (Brentwood), 6–8pm.
Emily Counts: The Associations, Garboushian Gallery (Beverly Hills), 6–8pm.
JOSH REAMES: Don't cross streams while trading horses, Luis de Jesus (Culver City), 6–8pm.
MICHELLE GRABNER: PATTERNS IN METAL AND OIL and Michael St. John: Portraits of Democracy, Edward Cella Art & Architecture (Culver City), 6–8pm; talk with Mary Weatherford, 5pm.
Nevine Mahmoud: f o r e p l a y, M+B (West Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Hecate, Various Small Fires (Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Aria McManus: Relieviation Works, AA|LA (West Hollywood), 6–9pm.
Anthony Miserendino: Aromi, Moskowitz Bayse (Hollywood), 6–9pm.
Camilo Restrepo: Mera Calentura and Claire Milbrath: Crome Yellow, Steve Turner (Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Andrew Brischler: Lonely Planet, Gavlak (Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Strange Attractors: The​ ​Anthology​ ​of​ ​Interplanetary​ ​Folk​ ​Art Vol.​ ​1​ ​Life​ ​on​ ​Earth, Redling Fine Art (Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Gary Simmons: Balcony Seating Only and Tomorrow’s Man 4, Regen Projects (Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Elizabeth Ferry, Grice Bench (Downtown), 6–9pm.
TELMO MIEL: Bit and Pieces, Odds and Ends, Torrance Art Museum (Torrance), 6–9pm.
TELMO MIEL: Bit and Pieces, Odds and Ends, Fullerton Museum Center (Fullerton), 6–9pm.
THE FUTURE MOVES SLOW, Schoos Night Gallery (West Hollywood), 7–10pm. 
Anja Salonen: new dimensions in recreation, Ana Segovia de Fuentes: Boys and Boots, and Ammon Rost: Paintings, ltd los angeles (Mid-City), 7–9pm.
Eric Leiser: Time Crystals, Museum as Retail Space (MaRS) (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Ghetto Gloss | The Chicana Avant-Garde, 1980-2010, Bermudez Projects (Cypress Park), 7–10pm.
Saturday Nights at the Getty Presents María Volunté: Blue Tango Project, Getty Center (Brentwood), 7:30pm.
Floricanto's Fiesta del Dia de los Muertos, Lee Strasberg Academy (West Hollywood), 8pm.
James Tenney’s Changes: Sixty-Four Studies for Six Harps, The Box (Downtown), 8pm.
Sunday, November 12
Terrain Biennial Los Angeles, Ana Mendieta Performance Day, 3651 Mimosa Drive (Glassell Park), 10am–7pm.
MOCA Day Party, The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA (Downtown), 11am–5pm.
CREATE - Opposites Attract / Los opuestos se atraen, ESMoA (El Segundo), 11am–3pm.
Mini Clothes Fun: Doll Clothes Workshop with Ruth Root, 356 Mission (Downtown), 12–6pm.
Talk: Korean Art Lecture Series | Fugitive Contemporaries: Korean Art After 1979, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
Open Studios, FlechtroNEONics (Van Nuys), 1–5pm.
God’s Eye Yarn Weaving: A CraftLab Family Workshop, Craft and Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 1:30–3:30pm.
Studio Sunday on the Front Steps, Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 1:30–4:30pm.
Volunteer Appreciation and Recruitment, ONE Archives (Downtown), 2–4pm.
The Landscape Designs of Ralph Cornell, The Huntington (San Marino), 2pm.
How Does Nature Deepen Our Connection to the Sacred?, Getty Center (Brentwood), 3pm.
WORN IN NEW YORK: 68 SARTORIAL MEMOIRS OF THE CITY by EMILY SPIVACK, Arcana Books on the Arts (Culver City), 3pm.
Walkthrough of Axis Mundo with Joey Terrill, MOCA Pacific Design Center (West Hollywood), 3pm.
Hannah Greely and Upstairs: William T. Wiley, Parker Gallery (Los Feliz), 3–5pm.
Alex Israel and Jack Bankowsky, Art Catalogues at LACMA (Miracle Mile), 4pm.
Human Resources Benefit Party and Auction, Ghebaly Gallery (Downtown), 5–8pm.
Performance | River of Everyone River of No One, Main Museum (Downtown), 6:30–8pm.
My Mother the Doctor, Leiminspace (Chinatown), 7–10pm.
Film Screening & Panel Discussion: Fresa y Chocolate/Strawberry and Chocolate, Pasadena Museum of California Art (Pasadena), 7:30pm. 
Tuesday, November 14
Performing the Musical Body: Robyn Nisbet, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 10am–2pm. $45.
Film: The Girl from Mexico, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
Talk: Cur-ATE: Chagall and the Arts, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 6pm.
An evening with Analia Saban and Gabriel Kuri, Getty Center (Brentwood), 7–9pm.
Wednesday, November 15
Fall 2017 Visiting Artist Lecturer: Thinh Nguyen, Claremont Graduate University (Claremont), 4:30pm.
Heather Gwen Martin: Currents and Deborah Butterfield: Three Sorrows, L.A. Louver (Venice), 6–8pm.
AMBIGUOUS REALITY, Santa Monica Art Studios (Santa Monica), 6–9pm.
FOWLER OUT LOUD: MINDFUL MUSIC, Fowler Museum (Westwood), 6–7pm.
Wikipedia Fall Fundraiser, Annenberg Space for Photography (Century City), 7-9pm. $250–25,000.
Rethinking: Programming, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7–9pm.
Distinguished Fellow Lecture - Did Early-Modern Schoolmasters Foment Sedition?, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
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idolizerp · 5 years
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NICKNAME(S): Baby Doll, Yooj. INSPIRATION: BoA and Lee Hyori are arguably her biggest influences and have been equally mentioned in her earlier days following Celeste’s debut. She cites their magnetic stage presence and an electric kind of charisma that is hard to replicate. On a lesser frequency, Yoojung credits her older sister, Yuna, for her encouragement and how she wouldn’t have had the courage to audition without her support. She has also named Beyoncé and Ariana Grande as her current inspirations. SPECIAL TALENTS:
Boy group dances / freestyle dancing
Flexibility - the limbo queen
Drumming - self-taught and learned on a whim back when she was 16 and bored with the likes of piano and synth keyboards. she’s by no means a pro, but she’s quite good at it
a SOPA graduate, chose to defer university in order to dedicate all of her time to training and preparing for Celeste’s debut. has decided to forego university completely to focus on her career.
has an older sister, Yuna, who has gained notoriety for her versatility as an actress and for her beauty; twin older brothers (Hajoon is currently a pediatric cardiology resident at Seoul National University Hospital, and Taejoon is currently serving in the 707th Special Mission Battalion); and a younger sister, Yumi, a third year high school student.
possesses raw, unpolished talent in fashion designing. often reveals snapshots of her original designs on instagram when seoul fashion week rolls around.
known to be friends with some choreographers affiliated with a renowned dance studio in seoul. she has also appeared in some youtube dance cover videos.
a lover of tangerines and clementines. devoted fans have taken to gifting her some at fansigns just to watch her smile sweetly in gratitude. she has once mentioned offhand that her grandparents owned a tangerine farm in jeju island during an interview and stated that she often misses tangerine picking, something she used to do as a child during summers. 
Celeste’s first win, garner more individual exposure and be recognizable and marketable on her own, build her portfolio by making waves and being booked for fashion magazines, get 99 ent. to allow her to have her own youtube channel to upload dance covers and original choreography / to connect with fans by showing them short behind the scenes videos showcasing her daily life offstage.
Venture into fashion/modeling (cf), diversify into being acknowledged as a trendy fashionista and booked for cfs (particularly with beauty and makeup brands or be a brand ambassador, potentially retire in five years from being an idol and launch her own fashion brand.
there’s always this peculiar, flip-flop kind of duality that keeps the fans split on which side of yoojung they prefer.
some like holly, who burns up the stage with her charisma—it’s probably that little bit of grit, a hint of danger; rebellion all wrapped up in a slender body and in the curve of her lips.
others like her off-stage more. likes yoojung, who dotes on fans, collects fan letters and small gifts, signs autographs until her fingers cramp. the girl who treats those who raised her up and put her on a pedestal with the kind of reverence that radiates from within. gratitude and whole-hearted sincerity pouring out of her in weekly vlives and instagram postings. her diehard fans praise her for her generosity and altruism and, sometimes, it is enough to make some people second guess who she really is.
when celeste debuts, they tell her to be sweet. innocent. so she bursts on stage with a sunny smile and moon crescent eyes. she doesn’t so much as ignite on stage as she does explode, with the kind of passion only young girls who have dreamt of singing on stage to an ocean of lightsticks and a crowd of devoted fans screaming her name possess.
it doesn’t take long for her fans to fall in love with an illusion.
to them, yoojung is soft peals of laughter, shy eye contact with fansite masters before the cameras start recording performances, and an endearing awkwardness that fans noted during fansigns. they watch her bloom when fans gift her small trinkets and letters. watch her eyes light up and water, smile half shy, half sugary in an attempt to comfort crying fans who have come a long way to see her. they watch her high-five and hold hands, sign autographs, photobooks and albums as the years pass by and the protectiveness only grows.
to them, yoojung is a shy, innocent flower who has so much love to give, who shines as soon as the stage lights flicker on and the cameras roll. a young girl on the cusp of womanhood. a flower not yet in full bloom.
when 99 ent. starts sending her on variety shows, she does as she’s told and charms her way through probing questions, laughs at lame jokes, and lets herself be coaxed into spilling stories and spoiling comebacks. on air, she lets her shyness become her shield. lets it transform her into someone a little less out of reach, more human, likable. lets the hosts and the fans spin an image worth a thousand words for them to eat up.
two years later and the shy baby doll image begins to eclipse her, just as celeste struggles to find their footing as other girl groups forge ahead. yoojung realizes that she still hates being second best and not being good enough. realizes she’s no longer content, doesn’t want to settle anymore.
twenty-one and yoojung opens her eyes. blooms.
her metamorphosis begins small: she starts speaking up a little more; her voice louder, no longer pitched soft at a whisper; her eyes colder, posture straighter; starts subtly challenging hosts with perfectly timed comebacks to joking jabs and scripted prodding.
soon, her fans note how she’s begun to take initiative, remarking on her growing up, maturing from a shy girl to a young woman who has realized her potential, confidence gained along the way.
all the while, her shy, too sweet persona corrodes as the bitterness and envy begins eating her up inside. like this, yoojung vows to cast away the image that has begun to outgrow her, warping her into something—someone—she no longer recognizes or wants to acknowledge.
it only backfires when her newfound confidence is perceived as arrogance. earns her an article or two from variety show appearances she makes, photos of her biting her lip or staring a little too hard (she wasn’t wearing her contacts that day, everything and everyone was a little blurry. her squint coming off as a glare without context) at the hosts make their rounds. it’s not serious enough to warrant a witch hunt or for her to be publicly crucified, but it garners minor backlash and 99 ent. starts benching her from variety shows when antis blow up gossip sites commenting on her change in attitude and condemning her for daring to act above her station. in the wake of criticism, 99 ent. makes her apologize and sends her back to image training classes and encourages—demands—her to dial back a little. to reflect.
in the months that pass as yoojung bites her tongue and lies low, celeste comes back and goes just as quietly, their impact lukewarm at best. their popularity neither progressing in waves or regressing in a downward spiral. they simply exist, stalled at a precarious middle-ground. with the public’s attention on the likes of cherry bomb!, jawbreaker and aurora, her attitude scandal slowly gets buried, snuffed out by bigger, brighter news sensations.
all the while, under lock and key, the innocent flower of yesteryear withers and in its place is eve biding her time.
when 99 ent. sits her down again after announcing celeste was undergoing another image change, one that would mirror heaven’s safely sexy roots, yoojung smiles, realizing her time has come.
because pretending is easy. using what she has easier.
they don’t tell her sex sells in as many words. instead, her stylists start picking outfits that lean a little more daring, a little more risque. plunging necklines and shorter hemlines do nothing but accentuate how much her body has developed. if she were kinder and more naive like she had been walking through the doors for her audition, yoojung might’ve balked at the subtle encouragement to flaunt her body for views, for likes, for the sake of popularity.
but yoojung is no longer there. that last bit of innocence she’d held onto all those years gone after years of toiling with her girls, struggling to find their footing in an industry that banishes second bests and nugus as easily as rookies were made.
older now and wanting to finally shine, she can’t afford to linger somewhere mediocre any longer.
so she welcomes the subtle shift in image, the change in sound, the quiet sacrifice she makes for a chance to propel herself to the top.
and holly she becomes.
she is bold red lipstick and sultry stares decked out in short skirts, fishnets, and sky high heels.
the baby doll—confident, daring, deceptively sweet. a living, breathing rose with thorns.
baby’s breath.
her parents already have their hands full with three children by the time yoojung is born prematurely in the dead of the night.
too small, too sickly, too weak. that’s her designated first impression.
she might not make it, the doctor tells her mother quietly as the nurses swaddle her in blankets and whisk her away to be saved.
her mother cries, but nods in resignation, hands folded and head bowed in a prayer.
(hours later, yoojung fights her way into recovery. a natural-born survivor.)
she takes to growing up like a fish to water. young and oh so eager to learn, yoojung absorbs everything around her like a sponge. always bright-eyed, gummy smiles, and grabby hands, she’s mastered begging to an art form.
attention comes easy when all she has to do is come home with a scraped knee or a bruised elbow. her family dotes, coddles, and loves her to the point of suffocation.
and yoojung basks in it. all the while, running full speed ahead, chasing after her siblings. always subconsciously half a step behind.
she’s six when she’s stripped of her status as princess of the seo family when yumi is born. instead of opening up presents, she’s got her eyes glued to the baby girl her mom coos at, all heart eyes, and tender smiles.
her family forgets to wish her a happy birthday amidst yumi’s toothless grins and soft cries for attention.
it’s the first time they forget. (it won’t be the last.)
every year after, she has to share her birthday. share the cake, share the attention. no longer the baby of the family, yoojung is expected to become a role model for yumi. kind, caring, and loving. the kind of sister yuna had been for her.
and soon, gone is the tolerance for temper tantrums. her parents grow stricter, affection a little stale in favor of caring for yumi, who’s sick, weak, and needs a little more love.
go study, yoojung-ah. you should practice with your sister. look, your hajoonie oppa’s going to the library, why don’t you tag along? read some books? yoojung-ah, why can’t you be more responsible like taejoon? yoojung-ah, why can’t you–?
it becomes a mantra of comparisons. broken record after broken record. and yoojung grows to resent how small her presence has gotten in her own home. eclipsed by the shadows of her siblings and rendered just shy of insignificant. invisible. practically a spare.
it hurts.
puberty hits her hard, but not ungracefully.
she shoots up like a weed; body slender, the telltale hint of curves hidden beneath laundry soft t-shirts and high-waist shorts.
yoojung’s up to her elbows in grease and dish soap, singing about a romance she never had with her sister manning the cash register at their family restaurant when an opportunity comes knocking.
it’s a business card from a talent scout and an encouragement to participate in an audition.
at 13, she’s never considered being an idol was a viable option for a career choice. traditional and wholly conservative, her parents would never let their daughters parade around in booty shorts and crop tops, singing about playing hard to get with bad boys. but the thought sticks, piques her interest, and keeps her up at night.
let’s audition, yoojung begs her sister.
so, they do.
yoojung doesn’t get chosen. yuna does.
she’s the whole package: doe-eyed and girl-next-door, your first love kind of beautiful, a bewitching kind of aura when she plays the piano, and the sweet voice of an angel.
of course, she’s chosen.
yuna’s presence is too bright for anyone not to notice. at 16, she was already turning heads with her soft smiles and gentle demeanor. at her side, yoojung is barely noticeable in all her gangly prepubescent glory–no longer a little girl but not quite a young woman, dangling on a precarious in-between.
she’s not enough, she’s told. not pretty enough, not sweet enough, not talented enough. yoojung bites back a sob when they tell her yuna is. a superstar in the making.
her parents are none too happy about yuna becoming a trainee in a well-known entertainment company, but congratulate her all the same. it’s what she wants and as loving as they are, they could not begrudge yuna of her happiness.
with two sons going off to university and their eldest daughter whisked into practice room after practice room, a once lively household dwindles down to something stale and much, much quieter.
yoojung’s left to help out her mother at the restaurant and babysit yumi. her mediocrity in school is noted and becomes a pressure point of tension. she’s not book smart like the twins and yuna. academia, a complete bore to someone who has been languishing in the shadows ever since she turned six years old. not quite here and not quite there. always not good enough. a perpetual almost.
she doesn’t know what she wants. doesn’t know what her dreams are. a life of fame and fortune sounds like a far-fetched dream once upon a time. but that too feels like nothing more than a mirage. close enough to touch but not close enough.
she gets accepted to sopa, starts using her savings on classes at a local dance studio, and fights back.
with practice and a steadfast passion, yoojung claws her way from barely adequate to polished with back-to-back visits to the studio, dancing until she collapsed, panting for breath, adrenaline pulsing beneath her skin. coin noraebangs become her own version of a practice room, singing herself hoarse until she can nail an almost perfect 99 singing tears.
it’s the round of applause in the dance studio after a well-executed choreography routine that becomes her first taste of recognition.
addiction comes easy and yoojung wants the spotlight. wants something to call her own. wants to be good enough. better. the best.
so, she auditions a second time. far from the company her sister is thriving in.
and makes it in.
as a trainee, yoojung refuses to pander to ass-kissing and outright bullying, she works to befriend the misfits and the outcasts. forms her own network of has-been’s and second-best’s and molds herself into a leader.
undeterred by harsh criticisms at evaluation and wholly determined, yoojung worked and worked and worked until she thought she could rise above everyone else. the need to outshine, to prove herself, becoming her biggest motivator.
look at me. look at me.
four years ghost by and yoojung has forgotten what it feels like to dangle on the precipice. competition is fierce and it turns everyone into an enemy in disguise. behind closed doors and in front of mirrors, she practices and perfects the art of smiling with no teeth. eyes a touch cold, backhanded compliments hidden behind words of encouragement and borderline praise, yoojung finds herself shedding her naivete in the corridors of 99 ent., flushing her insecurity down the toilet in between meals, and hiding her fear and anxiety behind a perfect posture and a head held high.
she knows in a cutthroat industry like this that survivors don’t make it to the top without sacrificing a little bit of something.
in yoojung’s case, she sacrifices it all: the once tight-knit bond with her family (now borderline estranged), her network of best fake friends, and her own innocence.
anything for a taste of fame. anything to have something that is hers. all hers.
when celeste debuts and she stands in the spotlight with four other girls (her newfound comrades in a new war to the top), yoojung smiles.
they start off cute, girly and yoojung has to grit her teeth through the sugary pop and the teeth-numbing aegyo that belies her desire to break the mold. celeste’s attempt at filling an already saturated market backfires when they’re up against a powerhouse like aurora. they’re not quite as polished and lack the pristine, innocence that the other girls possess. it’s not hard to recognize the moment 99 ent. realizes that too and decides to change tactics, borrowing cute eccentricity off msg’s cherry bomb! and failing yet again.
it’s harder still to find a focus point in a market with so many other girl groups vying for attention. but 99 ent. has never been one to give up on the prospect of challenging the status quo. so they take their notoriety (skives off the poizn’s grittiness, imperial’s versatility, and heaven’s sensual undertones) and channels it into what was to be celeste’s new sound and image: safely risque, quirky sensual with just the barest hint of girl going on mature woman.
it doesn’t work wonders, but it begins garnering them a fuller house and louder cheers. their fanbase grows, slowly but steadily.
they’re not quite at the top (they’re far from it, really). an almost shaky middle of the road.
rose in full bloom.
except middle-ground isn’t exactly where she envisioned her group to be.
for a firecracker like yoojung, she’d expected a gunshot of a comeback. not something lukewarm and almost forgettable with the reign of cherry bomb!, aurora, and the newly reviving jawbreaker.
with no first win in sight, yoojung begins to worry. celeste is all she has. going back to square one or going back home are out of the question. and while a part of her clings to that last bit of hope, believing that 99 ent. has aces up their sleeves, her greed tells her to sacrifice them, to think for herself.
celeste is floundering nearly five years into their debut and yoojung has had enough.
she remembers toiling and trial and errors in the practice rooms all those years ago. remembers worn out shoes and matted hair and sweaty t-shirts. remembers the fire that burned. remembers the goosebumps that rose on her skin at the sound of applause and raucous cheering.
wonders where that girl had gone. wonders if time and consistently not being enough has snuffed the passion right out of her.
wonders if 99 ent. notices. if they can tell that she’s growing restless, greedy.
wonders if anyone realizes the yoojung of the past has died and in her place was someone who only had her own interests at heart, who saw celeste as both ball and chain; a merciless tether tied to her ankle by lingering loyalty and sentimentality and a morbid anchor symbolizing togetherness and mutual struggles.
wonders if it’s time to let go, to let them burn.
wonders if it’s okay to fly free now. solo and on her own. a phoenix rising.
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juacop · 5 years
Visión General... cap 1
La cultura popular a través de los ojos de Tim Delaney, donde nos entregar una consideración filosófica de las cosas populares.
 ¿Qué es la cultura popular para Tim Delaney?
 La cultura popular permite que grandes masas heterogéneas de personas se puedan identificar de manera colectiva. Tiene un rol incluyente en la sociedad, conforme une a las masas en torno a ideales y formas de comportamiento. Igualmente forja un sentido de identidad.
 En este artículo se presentan dos temas relacionados y diferentes a la cultura popular tal como el folklore o la alta cultura, la primera representa la forma tradicional de las costumbres o tribus indígenas en hacer las cosas, ejemplo;(sombrero volteado, poncho, los poemas, las historias locales, las leyendas, los mitos). La segunda es más selectiva en cuanto al elitismo social que traen en sí, a esto se le suma las bellas artes llevándolo a un intelectualismo sofisticado, exagerado, extravagante, mundano y hermoso, ejemplo; ( Arquitectura, teatro, danza, pinturas, esculturas, literatura y música).
 La formación de la cultura popular nace o surge de la descentralización urbana rural al emigrar a los ca
scos urbanos ( ciudad) influenciada por la era industrial, la urbanización y la industrialización. Por terminar el autor presenta unas fuentes claras y principales tales como: medios masivos, el cine y sobre todo la música.
 Para continuar, Tim delaney nos muestra una realidad, la cual va más allá de percibir la o tocarla, la cual es la conexión de los seres humanos en cuanto a gustos, costumbres, cultura, música, arte, etc. Lo que hace importante este conocimiento mundial y consumidor como lo es el mundo, aunque todo no puede ser cultura popular o general, por el simple hecho de que cualquier información errónea o algo estúpido se vuelva importante o de, de qué hablar. A fin de cuentas, la persona atiende la necesidad de lo que le nazca.
  Desde mi punto de vista la cultura popular a influenciado mucho en cada ser humano del planeta, ya que se encuentra en él una libertad de expresión corporal, mental y físicamente. a través de los años se han recopilado una serie de películas, bandas musicales, series de televisión y programas animados que se han vuelto un culto ya sea por lo que transmitió la película, o como se trasciende al escuchar agrupaciones musicales y lo que deja cada experiencia al ver y oír, el mundo cambia constantemente y las masas van siendo más selectivas, para mi pensar la cultura popular siempre va a estar influenciado en la vida de uno y a donde uno mire.
 Para concluir tenemos que tener cuidado con lo que se consume o se lee, no podemos dejar engañar nuestras mentes por algo tan insignificante y hacer de eso una distorsión de nuestra realidad, la idea de la cultura popular es el hecho de tener una conversación amena con personas que sepan del mismo tema, sería increíble que podamos absorber todos los temas posibles para que haya una fluidez del pensar y actuar, por terminar dejaré un listado de películas, libros y bandas musicales que pienso que son de culto universal.
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chocolateheal · 5 years
28 Exciting Parts Of Attending Abstract Expressionism Music Definition | abstract expressionism music definition
DENVER — The adventure goes like this. It is 1950. Virginia-born painter Judith Godwin learns that ballerina and choreographer Martha Graham will be in the arena and all Godwin can anticipate about is her admiration for Graham to accomplish in Staunton at the all women’s academy she attended, Mary Baldwin College. The artisan presents the absorption to her academy and is bound tasked with acclimation the achievement and hosting the iconic Graham. By 1953, Godwin is in New York, continuing backstage, and absorption as Graham makes her way above the date to kiss this adolescent painter. Godwin has been able her muse.
Fighting Creative Lulls | Waveform Expressionism – abstract expressionism music definition | abstract expressionism music definition
Godwin is my alarm for unpacking this exhibition. Godwin’s accord with Graham recurs throughout the broadly advancing Denver Art Building appearance Women of Abstruse Expressionism, which opened afterwards abundant advertising in June and closes September 25. The ballerina punctuates the titles of Godwin’s works and the anecdotes relayed by the exhibition’s babysitter Gwen Chanzit in the catalogue’s anterior essay. “While music and ball are arts commonly associated with feminine interests, Godwin’s animate accolade to Graham is annihilation but traditional.” In Godwin’s words, “I can see her gestures in aggregate I do.” The admittance of three admirable paintings by Godwin provides a ambit for abyssal this curatorial project. They are a absolute claiming to the adamant belief for Abstruse Expressionist painting that demands artists override the claimed in chase of the absolute through absorption and gesture.
“Woman” (1954) from Godwin’s all-encompassing portfolio of oil paintings is afraid above from her actual ample diptych, “Epic” (1959) that belongs to the National Building of Women in the Arts in Washington, DC. Godwin’s “Woman” demonstrates a agog bookish bent, an assurance with cubism, and a fractional abandonment to the animate armament that ascertain Abstruse Expressionism. She paints this 68 x 52 inch canvas in the studio, referencing a animate model, aloof afterwards accepting abounding the Art Student Alliance in New York, and the Hans Hoffman Schools in New York and in Provincetown, Massachusetts. She was by again able-bodied acquainted with the aboriginal bearing of Abstruse Expressionist painters, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Willem de Kooning, and Kenzo Okada.
Godwin considers and integrates prevailing discussions in painting about scale, animate large, and acknowledging affective and assorted focal points.  Her assay of the canvas expresses an adapter to and an abundant and articulate abandonment from cubism. This is absolutely a altered admission from a actual able-bodied accustomed assignment on view, Grace Hartigan’s “The King is Dead” (1950) that belongs to the Snite Building of Art, at the University of Notre Dame. Hartigan playfully alludes, through titling added than agreement or form, to her bounce of the masters, accurately Picasso. Godwin, like Hartigan, is absorbed in and acquainted of discussions about the supremacy of the canvas. They are reacting to the accent of all-over painting and the achievability of acclamation the canvas above its edges. Godwin engages in this abode with an avant-garde touch. Her palette harkens to armament alluvial with ochre, browns, yellow, hints of dejected and plays with white, relying on atramentous chip and activated in means to advance the basal astriction amid the accustomed and artificial. The appellation itself, Woman, leaves little allowance for ambiguity. It could be asserted, that she has affianced with her associate Willem de Kooning’s painting Woman. Her admission is acclaimed from de Kooning, conceivably in allotment through the altered way she addresses drawing, but what reads best acutely is the result, an claiming of the absorption of artifice. Godwin bisects and bifurcates the even with allegory white drips of acrylic that baffle gravity, abandoning and acclimation Pollock’s drips. She goes added and employs a alternation of atramentous hatch-work marks, administering and affective the eye in an chart above the canvas that finer allows the amount to accomplish as a shadow, ever-present, formative, essential, admitting paradoxically acutely secondary.
Godwin’s assignment strips bald the axial astriction that underlies this appearance as it is meant to accomplish as an art actual corrective. While her assignment was apparent alongside the above players of Abstruse Expressionism, at the time it was not alloyed into that abode through art autograph or above building exhibitions. In the ambience of this exhibition, Godwin’s paintings are a red herring that has the achievability of alerting admirers to the botheration of art actual categories. Back we anamnesis the assignment of the best belled artists tagged as Abstruse Expressionists, the cast of Jackson Pollock or Mark Rothko, Godwin presents article different.  But what creates this difference, is it the advertence to cubism or possibly the aural answer of the figure? The admittance of her assignment has the abeyant to accessible a affluent discussion, a analytical assurance with the analogue and absorption of Abstruse Expressionism. The admittance of Godwin elicits questions about belief and what it is that defines assignment aural this category? Were the critics, gallerists, and curators attractive alone for assignment that pushes adamantine to abstruse forms to the limit, across authentic activity and affect are the primary armament defining this class of painting? Or does the appellation reflect a arrangement that organized and managed a accumulation of artists?
The painting, “Martha Graham — Lamentation” (1956), completes the set of three that occupies, aloof as with the added eleven artists, Godwin’s semi-private across aural the beyond exhibition. From the onset, at the exhibition entrance, it is absolute that this is an exhibition of 12 able artists. A advance of beyond than activity portraits depicts the apparent artists, twelve out of array who were animate at the time. The accent of persona is fabricated resoundingly clear. Aloft entering the exhibition, this admission is continued and abundant through a arrangement of spaces committed to anniversary of the artists. This is a beauteous affectation of connoisseurship.
But how advantageous is this action back attempting to alter the canon?
How To Have A Fantastic Abstract Works With Minimal Spending | abstract works – abstract expressionism music definition | abstract expressionism music definition
Abstract Expressionism, the quintessential all-American art movement, is a framework that in abounding means recalls the accumulated business model. The movement was congenital on the acknowledged animate of an intricate arrangement of bartering galleries and building admiral animate internationally, and contentious, mission-oriented art autograph in annual to the development of a actual adorable cast of artisan and artwork. This new American art offered a counterpoint to prevailing European art of the 1930s, accouterment a airy and automatic acceptance to aboriginal twentieth aeon conceptions of the ballsy avant-garde man that bedeviled philosophy, psychology, and amusing realist art.
The catechism that looms over this exhibition is why, back so abounding artists were animate and exhibiting, as approved in the catalogue, do beneath than a dozen artists cycle off the tongue? The blowing artists that anon arise to apperception include: Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Willem de Kooning, Barnett Newman, Clyfford Still, Adolph Gottleib, and Robert Motherwell. The Women of Abstruse Expressionism exhibition offers a adverse weight to this list. Of the apparent artists, six are already actual able-bodied known: Elaine de Kooning, Helen Frankenthaler, Lee Krasner, Grace Hartigan, Joan Mitchell, and Jay DeFeo; three are recognizable: Deborah Remington, Sonia Gechtoff, and Perle Fine; we apperceive Ethel Schwabacher from her autograph about Arshile Gorky; and two are acceptable additions: Judith Godwin and Mary Abbott. Abbott, Godwin, and Gechtoff are still alive.
All in all, admirers of the Abstruse Expressionist appearance are provided an acceptance to anesthetic and transformative painting with but a few exceptions. Specifically, the awkward use of antithesis in Perle Fine’s “Early Morning Garden” (1957) and “Image d’Hiver” (Image of Winter) (1959), and the changing affection of Mary Abbott’s “Oisin’s Dream” (1952). The assortment of approaches and ambit of apropos is action abundant to investigate the authority of the accustomed history of the Abstruse Expressionist class of art making. While this does not arise aural the ambience of this exhibition or the catalogue, admirers are provided the befalling to codify questions about why these artists were marginalized over the decades.
Critics, arcade owners, and building admiral were able to anatomy and broadcast a specific admission to paintings on an all-embracing stage. With the end of Apple War II, the United States assumes a new role as a all-around amateur in the arising Cold War climate. Soldiers, abiding from the war, accept admission to apprenticeship through the G.I. Bill, including the art schools. At this time, Clyfford Still is developing his admission to the amount affective arise absorption while teaching in San Francisco at the California Academy of Fine Arts (now San Francisco Art Institute). Still had a able admission on abounding of the artists included in this show, decidedly those who had been on the West Coast, such as Sonia Gechtoff and Deborah Remington. But by the 1950s, Still and abounding of his acceptance accept confused to the East Coast across the bazaar and abode were added robust. This new admission to painting has already begin its articulation in the autograph of Robert Coates who bill the now art actual appellation Abstruse Expressionism in the frequently cited 1946 New Yorker exhibition assay of assignment by Arshile Gorky, Jackson Pollock, and Willem de Kooning.
Uptown and downtown, New York galleries barrage anniversary exhibitions of abstruse and expressionist painters. City on Tenth Avenue, Eleanor Ward runs The Stable Arcade assuming new painting. Betty Parsons opens her flush arcade at 15 East Fifty-Seventh Street in 1946 with the banking advice of Saul Steinberg, Hans Hoffman, and Hedda Sterne, an artisan conspicuously absent in the DAM show. This is a notable exclusion in the ambience of a advocate exhibition. Sterne would action a beheld cue to absolute admirers to accede the institutional systems that overtime congenital and broadcast the movement.
By 1947, the movement’s arch articulators, Clement Greenberg and Harold Rosenberg, had amorphous to agitation the qualities and claim of absorption against the gestural and performative in painting. Eight years ago, a ablaze accord at New York’s Jewish Museum revealed the complexities of this aeon to the Women of Abstruse Expressionism babysitter Gwen Chanzit.
Abstract art – Art Term | Tate – abstract expressionism music definition | abstract expressionism music definition
Action/Abstraction: Pollock, de Kooning and American Art 1940–1976 was conceived by Norman L. Kleebatt at the Jewish Museum, in appointment with Maurice Berger, arch adolescent at The Vera Annual Centermost for Art & Politics at the New Academy and Arch Research Scholar of the Centermost for Art, Architecture and Beheld Culture, University of Maryland, Douglas Dreishpoon, again arch babysitter at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery; and Charlotte Eyerman, who was again babysitter of Avant-garde and Contemporary Art at the Saint Louis Art Museum. This trans-institutional aggregation was able to appoint with the positions and appulse of the critics Greenberg and Rosenberg on this art actual moment, authoritative a arresting addition to scholarship and our compassionate of the aeon by demography up these analytical debates in exhibition format.
The affray of visions for a new American art accustomed for a array of artists to absorb and action for position in the arising artscape of New York. Greenberg took a apparent and advancing angle for the transference of the art centermost from Paris to New York by arguing for artists he could call as actuality conjugal to a abstention of actual and matter. He mapped a aisle through criticism that amid this alleged new art aural an articulate birth via modernism. He was committed to assignment he believed was anchored by objectivity and the acceptance of the accuracy of materiality. Rosenberg saw a altered aisle to the appearance of this new art movement. He was apprenticed to accurate in abstract agreement the assignment of a accumulation of artists, with agog absorption paid to the achievement of the artist’s compassionate of their own accompaniment of actuality through the act of painting. His stakes were in an assay apprenticed by existential questions. The best alluring aspect of these critics’ work, is that for the best allotment they were committed to the aforementioned artists, and they both arise to accept alone to address, in actuality to accept ignored, women artists and artists of color.
The babysitter of the Women of Abstruse Expressionism in accessible talks and the artisan Judith Godwin in the ambience of an annual conducted by Hrag Vartanian made actual bright the accent of the Cedar Tavern as a armpit for affair amid artists and critics. This inherently blowing ambience abreast the movement and imposed an absolute bent in agreement of access. Godwin would go to the Tavern, see all the artists, including those women who were affiliated to arresting blowing artists, the best acclaimed examples actuality Elaine de Kooning (married to Willem de Kooning) and Lee Krasner (married to Jackson Pollock). Helen Frankenthaler had at one time been romantically complex with Clement Greenberg and after affiliated Robert Motherwell. These actual addendum are not amid to abate the abode of these women artists, but rather accompany absorption to altitude that may in allotment explain the marginalization and closing exclusion of artisan like Godwin who served no accessible action to the males that bedeviled the boilerplate bartering New York art world.
Further abbreviation the attendance of women in this amusing setting, artists who shouldered the calm responsibilities of childrearing were clumsy to appointment these amusing spaces across deals were addled or allot their complete absorption to their artwork. In her accessible talks, babysitter Chanzit acicular to these factors and declared a cardinal of examples of women artists who destroyed their assignment already it had become bright to them that they were not affected in criticism or exhibitions.
The devastatingly male-centered attitude of the time is announced through the exhibition annal editor Joan Marter’s annual with art historian Irving Sandler, columnist of The Triumph of American Painting (1970). He is absolute in his position that these women artists are not in the aforementioned alliance as the men, although he acknowledges that Joan Mitchell, Helen Frankenthaller and Elaine de Kooning are acceptable artists. He does not use accent to validate his position, but he artlessly regurgitates the opinions of the period’s arch proponents. Furthermore, Marter does not accession questions about the autograph of Serge Guilbaut who in the book How New York Stole the Absorption of Avant-garde Art (1983), discredited Sandler’s 1970 album for blank the political ramifications of Abstruse Expressionism as a assurance in a cultural Cold War. This admittance is at aboriginal apprehend awful perplexing, because of the astern attitude Sandler conveys. But, perhaps, this annual provides a window into the sentiments and attitude of that period. This annual reveals this art historian’s aloofness in assay or a analytical inquiry.
The across of the intricate arrangement that broadcast these artists is exemplified back art banker Samuel Kootz engages critics Greenberg and Meyer Schapiro to board “New Talent 1950,” at his Madison Avenue Gallery, accession Kootz at the beginning of announcement the Abstruse Expressionists. All the while, Alfred J. Barr at the Building of Avant-garde Art in New York is advancing to advance the allegation on a all-around scale, exporting The New American Painting (1956) to the Tate in London and ensuring their representation at the 1959 documenta II in Kassel, Germany. These are but a few of the blow credibility and spokes that accomplish up this interconnected, angrily ambitious, and accidental cultural and bartering apparatus.
Abstract Artists Who Transformed Painting With Their Abstract Art – abstract expressionism music definition | abstract expressionism music definition
There are added shows aperture that abode and revisit this aeon with the appetite of exploring the actual record, such as Abstruse Expressionism at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. But in the Denver Art Building abundance of the story, audiences accept been afforded a different befalling to adore and contemplate the assignment of 12 aberrant women artists. Admirers are pushed to mull over what it is to accord to a movement. What altitude are all-important to coin an art history? By architecture a movement requires a belief that is exclusionary. We admiration about the landmines that ability be triggered by articulating the political, financial, and amusing mechanisms that adapt the history of this aeon that launched America as a arresting cultural force?
The job of contextualizing this assignment and accretion aloft the lists of artists in the annal is now in the easily of accessible art historians and curators. I would adulation to apprehend a feminist annual that employs the techniques and theories that now acquaint art actual writing. A feminist annual will necessitate the admittance of multiple, commutual interviews, the architecture and activation of an annal that fractures and amplifies the actual almanac from that time to accommodate added advice and ambience about the artists, patrons, dealers, building directors, and critics. A feminist admission to this actual period, if done carefully, has the achievability of actuality able to break the absolute analysis of Abstruse Expressionism, and adduce a added absolute set of belief and categories for historicizing the post-war art apple in the United States. The bake has been lit and is accessible to be grasped by addition curator.
Women of Abstruse Expressionism continues at the Denver Art Building (100 West 14th Avenue Parkway, Civic Center, Denver, Colorado) until September 25.
You can additionally accept to Hyperallergic’s podcast on the exhibition here.
Editor’s Note: An beforehand adaptation did not accommodate Sonia Gechtoff as amid the Abstract Expressionist artists who are still alive. Gechtoff is currently active in Manhattan, NY.
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rafaelgmagic · 7 years
Leer: el hábito cambió mi vida (sin exagerar)
Leer: el hábito cambió mi vida (sin exagerar)
¿Por qué tanto valor a la lectura?
Bryan Callen, actor y comediante, le dijo una vez a David Blaine, el reconocido ilusionista callejero, que ‘la diferencia entre las personas que admiras y todos los demás es que los primeros son las personas que leen.
Mientras algunos ven un programa de televisión, Facebook, Youtube o Instagram, yo opto por leer un libro.
Sí, he sido víctima del síndrome de Youtube donde sin darte cuenta pasaron 5 horas de tu vida viendo cosas estúpidas.
Y me arrepiento cada vez que ocurre.
Esas 5 horas podían ser tiempo de lectura.
¿No les pasa que la lectura parece un reto imposible? Es más fácil quedarse horas leyendo Twitter o likeando en Instagram. A tu mente le encanta ese estímulo constante donde requieres un mínimo esfuerzo.
La lectura es otra historia, donde necesitas de toda tu atención durante largos períodos de tiempo.
Ese primer minuto de lectura parece eterno.
Hey, ¿vas a dejar de responderle a tu amigo por Whatsapp?
Hey, ¿Y si ocurre una noticia desastrosa en Twitter y no te enteras?
Hey, es más fácil ver la película que leer el libro.
Ahí está tu mente, rogando que te desconcentres y busques una actividad satisfactoria a corto plazo.
Desde el 2012, he procurado que la lectura sea un hábito. Mi primer intento fue colocar una meta de 54 libros al año. ¿Lo logré? No, pero leí unos 35 libros, un número que jamás hubiera logrado sin establecer una meta.
Con la universidad, se me hacía complicado encontrar tiempo para leer. Claro, leía las guías y lectura de las materias, pero nada por voluntad propia. En el 2016 eso empezó a cambiar, cuando decidí leer 10 minutos al día. ¿El resultado? 32 libros leídos.
En el 2017 llevo 11 libros leídos (y contando).
‘La diferencia entre las personas que admiras y todos los demás es que los primeros son las personas que leen.
Esta frase resume mi intención de este artículo y la razón por la que la lectura es uno de los pilares de mi día a día.
Estar expuesto a las ideas de libros, artículos y trabajos de investigación permite tener un conocimiento y capacidad crítica que te permite mayor enfoque en diferentes áreas de nuestra vida.
En este manifiesto presento los beneficios que han sido más trascendentes para mí.
Suscríbete a El Despacho Creativo, un boletín semanal para personas curiosas por la creatividad, la productividad y un estilo de vida que nos permita hacer el mejor trabajo posible.
Te ayuda a concentrarte
Leer es para la mente lo que el ejercicio es para el cuerpo.
La lectura exige toda tu atención. Es una carrera de 42K para tu energía mental. Constantemente estás decodificando información y convirtiéndolo en conocimiento. La lectura exige que elimines las pequeñas voces que habitan en tu cabeza para entender el contenido del libro.
Esa capacidad de concentrarte y fijar tu atención a la lectura se extenderá a otras áreas de tu vida. Al inicio solo podrás leer por cortos períodos de tiempo. Luego, tendrás mayor atención en la lectura. Te darás cuenta que al momento de realizar un trabajo o una investigación que involucre mucho tiempo tendrás mayor facilidad para concentrarte. Para un mundo tan cambiante, concentrarse se ha convertido en un talento importante.
Concentrarse parece una capacidad simple, pero puede ser la diferencia en tu éxito personal. Cal Newport en su libro Deep Work asegura que la concentración se ha convertido en una capacidad extraña y valorable en la economía actual. Además, cuando tu mente se logra concentrar aprende a aburrirse, una actividad que nos permite ser creativos y potenciar nuestra capacidad de síntesis.
Conoces nuevas perspectivas
Más allá de la historia que te presenta un novelista, la estética que estructura el poeta, la investigación que ofrece el periodista o el nuevo estudio que expone el académico, la lectura abre la mente porque en cada libro hay una visión del mundo diferente a la nuestra.
Un día lees la destrucción de la vida con Kafka, otro día ves la maravillas de la ciencia con Verne, luego acompañas a Daniel Goleman en un test psicológico y en el fin de semana te recuerdas que Dave Ramsay te puede aconsejar un poco sobre economía. Cada autor es un profesor que te presenta su filosofía de vida a través de sus obras.
Cuando lees, tienes un profesor de vida exclusivamente para tí. Puedes empezar la clase cuando quieras, la puedes dejar para descansar, la repasas cuando lo necesites. El profesor siempre estará allí, dentro del libro, esperando al alumno.
Ciertos aprendizajes no se obtienen de la experiencia ajena, pero si podemos prepararnos con la experiencia ajena para que, cuando el momento se presente, estemos dispuestos a aprender.
Conoces soluciones a problemas que puedes encontrar
Muchas de las dudas que tienes sobre tus emociones, historia universal, la naturaleza, el desarrollo personal, emprendimiento y recetas de cocina fueron respondidas hace décadas, tal vez siglos, en un libro. Solo es cuestión de googlearlo y encontrarlo.
Los conocimientos que he adquirido en libros supera en muchas oportunidades lo que aprendí en un salón de clase o una experiencia personal. A veces necesitamos la manera correcta de enmarcar un problema y el autor correcto nos puede ayudar a ello.
Nunca dudes en investigar un poco de los libros que hablan sobre temas muy específicos. Ellos te pueden sacar de un momento de crisis o aportar una nueva perspectiva a un problema.
Creas influencias positivas
Se dice que cada persona es el promedio de las 5 personas con las que comparte más a menudo. Los libros y sus autores son una manera de aumentar ese promedio. Cada autor representa una persona con la que absorbes ideas por largos períodos de tiempo. No subestimes la influencia que puede generar el tipo de lectura que escoges para tu futuro y tus propios talentos.
Un buen lector = un buen escritor
Si quieres tener buena redacción, llena de contenido e ideas relevantes, la lectura es una columna vertebral. Cuando lees con una postura crítica aprendes más del oficio de escribir que en cualquier taller relacionado al tema.
Quien lee buenos libros se ve influenciado a redactar buen contenido.
El reto: lee 10 minutos al día
Puede parecer tedioso, pero es más sencillo de lo que crees.
Lee 10 minutos al día. Mi recomendación es realizarlo antes del desayuno. En la mañana es el momento donde tenemos mayor energía y menos distracciones. Antes de empezar tu rutina, toma un libro y dedícate a leer durante 10 minutos.
Cuando empecé a leer consistentemente, pasaba media hora leyendo. El tiempo desaparecía mientras me sumergía en la lectura.
Si lees 200 palabras por minuto, leerías 730.000 palabras al año si lees 10 minutos al día.
730.000 palabras que te inspiran, te enseñan y te influencian.
¿Vale la pena?
Si quieres adoptar la lectura a una rutina: ‘lee’ con audiolibros
Una excelente opción para leer sin tener que agarrar un libro son los audiolibros. Mientras estás en el tráfico para ir al trabajo o en el gimnasio puedes escuchar detenidamente un audiolibro sin interrumpir la actividad que estás realizando.
Los audiolibros han sido muy útiles en mi rutina. Pequeños momentos como mi viaje de la casa a la universidad o la hora y media que me la paso en el gimnasio se han convertido en espacios de ‘lectura’. De esta manera puedo ‘leer’ más libros de los que normalmente podría.
Para los que están interesados, Audible es la mejor opción. Tiene millones de audiolibros que están a tu alcance. Basta con descargar el app en tu teléfono y colocarte unos audífonos.
Como consumidor de podcasts, los audiolibros fueron una opción evidente para mi. Me ayuda a mantener mi ritmo de ‘lectura’. Mi sugerencia para quién desea intentar los audiolibros es empezar con libros de no-ficción o novelas cortas. Para alguien que no está acostumbrado a escuchar por largos períodos de tiempo, una novela puede ser tediosa al inicio. Es un audiolibro, no un programa de radio.
Últimas consideraciones
Algunos consideran el acto de la lectura como un simple entretenimiento, pero no es solo eso. La lectura es un espacio de aprendizaje, donde vas a tu propio ritmo y absorbes conocimiento cuando quieras.
En este artículo de Lifehacker, se menciona la manera en que Stephen King logra leer al menos 4 horas diarias. Siempre tiene un libro a la mano. Lee en la cola del automercado, en el banco, mientras desayuna. Cualquier momento breve en una oportunidad para leer. Además, siempre escucha un audiolibro en su carro.
Jamás me imagino leer como Stephen King, pero este ejemplo nos demuestra que es posible leer en cualquier momento del día.
No lo veas como una actividad aparte, sino como un complemento de las actividades que ya realizas en el día.
La lectura es para la mente lo que el gimnasio es para el cuerpo.
Para tener buenas ideas, hay que influenciarnos de grandes ideas.
Cada vez que abres un libro, es un momento de cultivo de pensamiento.
Lee al menos 10 minutos al día y te prometo que verás una diferencia en tu mentalidad, tu conocimiento y tu bienestar personal.
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Me puedes seguir en Twitter e Instagram como RafaelGMagia. También me puedes enviar un correo a [email protected].
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errant-light · 29 days
I know I asked this before, but any artists out there that might want to do some redraws from the Persona 3 stage productions in their own style? I have finally acquired the DVDs so I can actually get nice captures now.
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