#lee byeong heon
ohmycenchaheart · 1 year
Watching Dream on Netflix and there are so many Be Melodramatic easter eggs.. not to mention so many familiar faces from Be Melo.
Unsurprising because both are written and directed by Lee Byeong Heon, but I still find myself excited every time I spot a Be Melo reference.
Looks like another Be Melo rewatch is inevitable ^_^
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stuff-diary · 1 year
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Movies watched in 2023
Dream (2023, South Korea)
Director & Writer: Lee Byeong Heon
I'm gonna be very honest: I hate football/soccer and, initially, I only wanted to watch this because I adore IU. So, color me surprised, cause I enjoyed it a lot. I should have seen it coming tbh, cause I've always liked this type of inspirational-underdog storylines. Anyway, the characters were engaging, the script was really funny and witty, and the whole cast was great. IU does steal the show, proving that she has a natural knack for fast-paced comedy and one-liners (I swear I'm not being biased here). But all the other actors do an amazing job too! My only real complain is that the movie felt a tad too long, and the final act dragged a bit. But, besides that, I had a lot of fun watching it and I would definitely recommend it!
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popgirlnyc · 1 year
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Writer-Director Lee Byeong-heon at New York Asian Film Festival @filmlinc for Dream #leebyeongheon #iu #parkseojoon #leejieun
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kaipanzero · 6 months
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Extreme Job
극한직업 (2019)
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jawmidnight · 1 year
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qominsi · 8 months
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Dream | dir. Lee Byeong-heon (2023)
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jugeullae · 5 months
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However, I was thankful that our pizza-man-turned-builder left the TV on whenever he went to work. A drama channel at that.
CHICKEN NUGGET (2024, Lee Byeong Heon)
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iu-jjang · 1 year
[INTERVIEW] 230422 The Big Issue Korea <#DREAM> Special Edition - Full Translation
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Movie <Dream> IU
In a recent episode of ‘IU’s Palette’, Yoo Inna, who was a guest on the YouTube show, introduced her best friend IU as ‘a child who is like a bead that God made delicately and rolled down to the world’. A bead so precious that In Na would always ask IU to get home safely every time she drove the younger home in case she gets hurt. Someone who is like a bead made by all the precious talents gathered together, and now the bead grows so solid that it never breaks under any friction and shines as it moves here and there.
When celebrities had rarely graced the cover of <Big Issue> since the magazine started its publication, IU became a cover model and empowered it.
This time, IU plays a documentary producer ‘So Min’ in <Dream>, a movie based on the true story of individuals who sell Big Issue magazines for a living and try out for the Homeless World Cup. When IU received the script, she gasped “Oh, it’s Big Issue” with delight and sent her regards first. Although So Min, IU’s character in Lee Byeong Heon’s movie <Dream>, describes herself as someone ‘passionless’, she is in fact a bright and tenacious person who wants to give her best more than anyone else. IU liked the pure side of So Min and said that thinking about this movie reminded her of the sound of cheery laughter and filming in May.
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Q1. You mentioned in an interview before that you “always had a destination in mind, but nowadays, for the first time, you’re enjoying an itinerary without a destination”. How is it like for you now?
IU: I rarely have the time to think about what state I’m in these days. For now, my break has come to an end. (Laughs) I have to shoot a new drama and I’m preparing for a new album, so I’ve been super busy. Each day, after completing the tasks given to me for the day, I ask, “What’s the next mission?” and I’m simply focused only my work.
Q2. You mentioned on YouTube that “if 2022 was a period of rest, then this year would be a period of running (t/l note: being busy). It seems the start of your busy period is the movie <Dream>.
IU: I think the staff and actors have been counting down to the release of <Dream>. The same goes for me too. Everyone dispersed after filming ended, but once the release date was announced, everyone’s like, ‘What? We need to gather again?’ and met once again. Many actors were involved in the show, so the groupchats were suddenly bustling once again and everyone was cheering each other on.
Q3. This movie is IU’s first full-length film. How was director Lee Byeong Heon on the set?
IU: There was an overlap with the filming of <Broker>. We started filming <Dream> first, followed by <Broker>, but we continued filming for <Dream> even after that. In terms of the timeline, <Broker> was filmed within <Dream>. For <Dream>, there were distinct characteristics of director Lee Byeong Heon at the filming set. A question I often asked the senior actors while filming was, “Are filming sets usually like that?” (Laughs) He’s someone with a clear blueprint in his mind and would say, ‘Ok, cut’ with certainty.
Q4. Was it tough getting used to working together with the team quickly?
IU: I recall what it was like filming at the start.
In the film, it’s the scene when So Min makes her first appearance and I deliberated over whether to do it this way or that way and prepared a lot before I went. I gave myself mental preparation that there was long dialogue, so the filming would probably end late. But we started filming at 9am and we were done before lunch. If we capture the image that the director has in mind, the filming is done quickly. This speed is rare when filming a drama, so even when I heard them say that the filming ended, I asked, “Are you sure we are done filming?” I’m someone who takes awhile to warm up to others, so I was being cowardly initially. Also, Seojoon-ssi is very flexible and someone with an amazing ability to adapt to any environment. Hence, at the start I felt worried that I was lagging behind in my ability to work together with the rest. The filming set was fast-paced, filled with certainty, bustling and enjoyable. As a delightful movie, having filmed <Dream> in summer, it left me with a ‘green’ impression. Personally for me, it is a movie that lightened my mood too.
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Q5. Director Lee Byeong Hyeon tends to write lines that are not used in daily conversation, but show an individual’s character. In particular, So Min’s lines have the clearest signs of being written by director Lee Byeong Hyeon.
IU: I memorised all my lines, but I also felt pressured to go along with the rhythm of the film. During the start of the filming, the director suggested that I speak three times faster than my usual speed. He read out So Min’s lines and I thought right then, ‘Ah, so this is So Min!’, which helped me to find the vibe. The director was clear about what he wanted, so this was a piece of work that I pounded at the stone bridge that was the director to cross over. In a way, it’s a production that I received the most help from the director.
Q6. What was it about <Dream> that appealed to you?
IU: I received the script for <Dream> after <My Mister> and <Hotel del Luna> ended. Shall I say that I was kind of tired of playing characters with stories behind them one after another? I felt like acting as a character without a story and Somin in <Dream> was someone with the least story to her. I think I was waiting for a simple character like this back then. So Min acts instinctively, says right away what she thinks and is someone who is exactly the way she looks. I like that So Min doesn’t have a plot in mind and I think I figured out right away what kind of person she is.
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Q7. So Min describes herself as someone who “while receiving passion pay (t/l note: unpaid internship), her passion matches up to the pay.” (t/l note: This basically means she’s passionless.)
IU: She’s a child with a good social skillls, such as how to give a fake smile (putting on a smile for show), or faking her behaviour depending on the situation. But she’s basically a really cheerful and tenacious person. I felt that she would have been more passionate than anyone else in the past. She faced the world with her burning passion, but was disregarded and felt hurt, which made her rather cynical. To defend herself from being hurt again, she thinks to herself, ‘Alright, I’ll just do what I need to do and live in moderation.’ I felt that’s the mentality she had. In the film, So Min gives us the feeling that ‘It’s alright to do just this much. Let’s just do a rough job of it.’ Yet if you look more carefully, she’s actually working really hard. (Laughs) I felt that she’s someone who must have been really serious about her work in the past.
Q8. So Min reminded me of your YouTube character, Lee Ji Dong, since her role is that of a company intern.
IU: Lee Ji Dong basically finds any work really annoying. “You’re asking me to do that? I have to do that?” (Laughs) I listened to stories shared by my friends and unnies about their work life and often used that as a reference for Lee Ji Dong.
Q9. So Min often has a towel hanging around her neck. How did you get the idea for such an appearance?
IU: During shoots for variety shows, I noticed that the producers would wear towels around their necks like this, as well as comfortable attire and clothes that would absorb sweat well. I was thinking what kind of clothes to wear to film well at a futsal practice court and since So Min isn’t a PD with special equipment, I thought perhaps a cap or a towel. A short-sleeved tee, with arm sleeves (t/l note: for sun protection) and a towel around the neck. I suggested this to the director who said it was good, so I had my towel or arm sleeves with me on the filming set all the time.
Q10. So it was your idea. Just like how singer IU is the overall planner for your concerts and producing your albums, actress IU also enters the plans for the production team and becomes a part of the big picture.
IU: That’s the biggest difference when I’m being a singer and being an actress. As a singer, I often take the lead at the set, whereas for dramas and films, there’s a captain for me to trust and follow. I become one of the team members. That sense of belonging feels great.
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Q11. You said that you gain something from each production you work on, so what did <Dream> leave you with this time?
IU: Not to rely too much on what I came prepared with. (Laughs) You never know what will happen on the set and the way everyone works together might be different from what I had imagined. Due to the weather, an outdoor shoot might become an indoor shoot. I learnt that I had to react quickly to adjust to those changes. Watching the other actors flexibly deal with each take right away, I was motivated with the thought, ‘Amazing. I want to be able to do that too.’ I didn’t have much experience in comedy acting, so it was unfamiliar for me to cooperate with others on that. So I worked hard to catch up with the other senior actors. In particular, Seo Joon-ssi is a very flexible actor who left me amazed. Seo Joon-ssi became the perfect ‘Hongdae’ who annoyed me into giving reactions right away. (Laughs) At the filming set, there were things requested of us every now and then, but Seo Joon-ssi was able to flexibly pull it off. He’s an actor who made me want to become more flexible too.
Q12. You said before that you’re not someone who ad-libs on the set. You’re the type to stick closely to the script. Even so, are there any parts that were added to the script when So Min met IU?
IU: I discussed a lot with the director about the props to wbe used. Umm, I think out of the productions I’ve participated in, this is the one that I followed the director’s opinions most faithfully. Other people would be suggesting this and that, but eventually, the director’s idea would be the best. (Laughs) ‘After trying this and that, eventually the director’s idea is still the best!’ Because of that, there was barely any projection of my own ideas at the set.
Q13. From <Dream>’s Lee Byeong Heon director, to <My Mister>’s Park Hae Young writer and currently, <You’ve Worked Hard>’s Im Sang Choon writer, as well as <Broker>’s Koreeda Hirokazu director, you’ve worked with many outstanding storytellers. What does an ‘attractive story’ mean to you?
IU: Umm, for a start, if the character I’m given is someone I can’t identify with at all, that’s going to be difficult. It has to be within the category that no matter what, I’ll be like, ‘Ah, I know this feeling’, for me to be able to stretch out my hand for it. Whether my character is good or bad doesn’t matter, but I’m not confident in roles that are too bright or overly negative, so I have turned them down before. But the range within this is not narrow either. I’ve been lucky to be able to work with really outstanding writers and directors and what attracted me to their works was also that there were parts I found that I could relate to. Outstanding writers can write about a broad spectrum of human emotions, philosophies and thoughts. I think out of the proposals I receive, I find characters that those with individuality and three-dimensionality tend to appeal to me.
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Q14. Is there any particular theme you really want to try that comes to your mind these days?
IU: I mentioned in a previous interview about floating. Without a particular set destination in mind, even if my direction yesterday and today are different, it doesn’t matter and I just want to maintain being in a drifting state. My personality is such that if I decide to do something, I work really hard to achieve it. That might have limited me within those confines at times. I’ve relaxed my state a lot now and want to be more flexible.
Q15. Is there a sentence that touched you, or a sentence or memo you wrote that you feel describes you?
IU: Hold on. (Searches for her phone) Ah, here it is. It’s about a drifting spore. I’m currently writing a song based on this sentence, “She has decided to live as a spore instead of a flower.” The last thing I wrote… let me read it to you. “I just want to tickle the wind and fly now (nareullae). I just want to be myself now (naillae).” That’s what I wrote.
(t/l note: The last part rhymes.)
Q16. After filming for <Broker>, you donated to the Single Mothers’ Family Association and you’ve been regularly making donations every year. Also, at the end of the videos on your YouTube channel, there’s an advertisement for missing children with IU’s voice. What brought you to do all these?
IU: As long as it’s within my abilities, I would like to volunteer and donate more, but currently, I can’t do more than what I have done, which makes me feel sorry at times too. My mum likes to help others too, so I spoke to her a lot as well. For today’s <Big Issue> cover photoshoot, I also told my company since the start of filming for <Dream> that I really wanted to shoot something for <Big Issue>. When I took part in the cover photoshoot 11 years ago, I roughly knew <Big Issue> was a magazine with good intentions, but didn’t understand it as much as I do now. I found out afterwards that it’s really a magazine made with a big heart and found out that the company has been helping the homeless all along, so I thought to myself that I had to come back here again some day.
Also, when I first read the script for <Dream>, because I knew about <Big Issue>, I was feeling happy inside. (Laughs) I thought to myself then that when this movie is about to be released, I had to do something related to the <Big Issue> magazine. As I get older, I also wonder what’s the point of hiding my talents. (Laughs) I can help by singing too. I think it’s great that my actions can help others. When I do so, my fans volunteer at the places I’ve been to as well. I didn’t ask them to do so, but I think it’s really cool when I see them doing so together. I think of such things as ‘things we do together’. (t/l note: IUAENA 🙌🏻)
Q17. Uaena (IU’s fanclub) is famous for volunteering and donating frequently too right?
IU: I didn’t suggest to them to do so, but they did so by themselves. (Laughs) I do it of my personal accord, but I can’t place the burden on my fans to do so. My fans tell me, “We do it too because IU does it.” It is not easy either to put one’s mind to do so. It seems I’m competing with my fans for a good purpose. (Laughs)
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Q18. You seem to have a fond and special relationship with your fans. (Laughs)
IU: That’s right. I think the culture and atmosphere of fandom is really precious. We don’t take each other for granted. Ever since the beginning when we formed the fanclub until now, it has been the same. Let’s not take each other for granted. Always be grateful to each other. That’s the kind of feeling we have.
Q19. You mentioned before that you really enjoyed the first year of your 30s. What are your plans for this year?
IU: There are lots of things that I’m working on right now, so I’m just spending each day completing my tasks for the day. When I complete my tasks properly and feel satisfied, it puts me in a good mood.
Q20. Could you share with us more about the drama <You’ve Worked Hard> which you are currently filming?
IU: Umm, I play Ae Soon, a girl who lives on Jeju. I think it’ll tell the story of a long time period. We just started filming and I’m impressed by the props, art and directing teams that brought the script to life. I’m so proud to be part of this project filled with delicate touches.
Q21. The title of this movie is <Dream>. What’s your dream currently?
IU: I hope the movie does well. (Laughs) I don’t have big dreams usually. Rather than setting a big goal, I’m the type to attain anticipated goals at each point in time. My current goal is for this movie to bring joy to many people. I remember laughing a lot while filming <Dream> in the verdant field. It was so fun on the set that it felt like we were filming <The Game Caterers> every week. I hope those who watch the movie will enjoy a fresh sense of enjoyment.
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Translated by IUteamstarcandy with love
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iuteamstarcandy · 1 year
[INTERVIEW] 230422 The Big Issue Korea <#DREAM> Special Edition
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Movie <Dream> IU
In a recent episode of ‘IU’s Palette’, Yoo Inna, who was a guest on the YouTube show, introduced her best friend IU as ‘a child who is like a bead that God made delicately and rolled down to the world’. A bead so precious that In Na would always ask IU to get home safely every time she drove the younger home in case she gets hurt. Someone who is like a bead made by all the precious talents gathered together, and now the bead grows so solid that it never breaks under any friction and shines as it moves here and there.
When celebrities had rarely graced the cover of <Big Issue> since the magazine started its publication, IU became a cover model and empowered it.
This time, IU plays a documentary producer ‘So Min’ in <Dream>, a movie based on the true story of individuals who sell Big Issue magazines for a living and try out for the Homeless World Cup. When IU received the script, she gasped “Oh, it’s Big Issue” with delight and sent her regards first. Although So Min, IU’s character in Lee Byeong Heon’s movie <Dream>, describes herself as someone ‘passionless’, she is in fact a bright and tenacious person who wants to give her best more than anyone else. IU liked the pure side of So Min and said that thinking about this movie reminded her of the sound of cheery laughter and filming in May.
Q1. You mentioned in an interview before that you “always had a destination in mind, but nowadays, for the first time, you’re enjoying an itinerary without a destination”. How is it like for you now?
IU: I rarely have the time to think about what state I’m in these days. For now, my break has come to an end. (Laughs) I have to shoot a new drama and I’m preparing for a new album, so I’ve been super busy. Each day, after completing the tasks given to me for the day, I ask, “What’s the next mission?” and I’m simply focused only my work.
Q2. You mentioned on YouTube that “if 2022 was a period of rest, then this year would be a period of running (t/l note: being busy). It seems the start of your busy period is the movie <Dream>.
IU: I think the staff and actors have been counting down to the release of <Dream>. The same goes for me too. Everyone dispersed after filming ended, but once the release date was announced, everyone’s like, ‘What? We need to gather again?’ and met once again. Many actors were involved in the show, so the groupchats were suddenly bustling once again and everyone was cheering each other on.
Q3. This movie is IU’s first full-length film. How was director Lee Byeong Heon on the set?
IU: There was an overlap with the filming of <Broker>. We started filming <Dream> first, followed by <Broker>, but we continued filming for <Dream> even after that. In terms of the timeline, <Broker> was filmed within <Dream>. For <Dream>, there were distinct characteristics of director Lee Byeong Heon at the filming set. A question I often asked the senior actors while filming was, “Are filming sets usually like that?” (Laughs) He’s someone with a clear blueprint in his mind and would say, ‘Ok, cut’ with certainty.
Q4. Was it tough getting used to working together with the team quickly?
IU: I recall what it was like filming at the start.
In the film, it’s the scene when So Min makes her first appearance and I deliberated over whether to do it this way or that way and prepared a lot before I went. I gave myself mental preparation that there was long dialogue, so the filming would probably end late. But we started filming at 9am and we were done before lunch. If we capture the image that the director has in mind, the filming is done quickly. This speed is rare when filming a drama, so even when I heard them say that the filming ended, I asked, “Are you sure we are done filming?” I’m someone who takes awhile to warm up to others, so I was being cowardly initially. Also, Seojoon-ssi is very flexible and someone with an amazing ability to adapt to any environment. Hence, at the start I felt worried that I was lagging behind in my ability to work together with the rest. The filming set was fast-paced, filled with certainty, bustling and enjoyable. As a delightful movie, having filmed <Dream> in summer, it left me with a ‘green’ impression. Personally for me, it is a movie that lightened my mood too.
Q5. Director Lee Byeong Hyeon tends to write lines that are not used in daily conversation, but show an individual’s character. In particular, So Min’s lines have the clearest signs of being written by director Lee Byeong Hyeon.
IU: I memorised all my lines, but I also felt pressured to go along with the rhythm of the film. During the start of the filming, the director suggested that I speak three times faster than my usual speed. He read out So Min’s lines and I thought right then, ‘Ah, so this is So Min!’, which helped me to find the vibe. The director was clear about what he wanted, so this was a piece of work that I pounded at the stone bridge that was the director to cross over. In a way, it’s a production that I received the most help from the director.
Q6. What was it about <Dream> that appealed to you?
IU: I received the script for <Dream> after <My Mister> and <Hotel del Luna> ended. Shall I say that I was kind of tired of playing characters with stories behind them one after another? I felt like acting as a character without a story and Somin in <Dream> was someone with the least story to her. I think I was waiting for a simple character like this back then. So Min acts instinctively, says right away what she thinks and is someone who is exactly the way she looks. I like that So Min doesn’t have a plot in mind and I think I figured out right away what kind of person she is.
Q7. So Min describes herself as someone who “while receiving passion pay (t/l note: unpaid internship), her passion matches up to the pay.” (t/l note: This basically means she’s passionless.)
IU: She’s a child with a good social skillls, such as how to give a fake smile (putting on a smile for show), or faking her behaviour depending on the situation. But she’s basically a really cheerful and tenacious person. I felt that she would have been more passionate than anyone else in the past. She faced the world with her burning passion, but was disregarded and felt hurt, which made her rather cynical. To defend herself from being hurt again, she thinks to herself, ‘Alright, I’ll just do what I need to do and live in moderation.’ I felt that’s the mentality she had. In the film, So Min gives us the feeling that ‘It’s alright to do just this much. Let’s just do a rough job of it.’ Yet if you look more carefully, she’s actually working really hard. (Laughs) I felt that she’s someone who must have been really serious about her work in the past.
Q8. So Min reminded me of your YouTube character, Lee Ji Dong, since her role is that of a company intern.
IU: Lee Ji Dong basically finds any work really annoying. “You’re asking me to do that? I have to do that?” (Laughs) I listened to stories shared by my friends and unnies about their work life and often used that as a reference for Lee Ji Dong.
Q9. So Min often has a towel hanging around her neck. How did you get the idea for such an appearance?
IU: During shoots for variety shows, I noticed that the producers would wear towels around their necks like this, as well as comfortable attire and clothes that would absorb sweat well. I was thinking what kind of clothes to wear to film well at a futsal practice court and since So Min isn’t a PD with special equipment, I thought perhaps a cap or a towel. A short-sleeved tee, with arm sleeves (t/l note: for sun protection) and a towel around the neck. I suggested this to the director who said it was good, so I had my towel or arm sleeves with me on the filming set all the time.
Q10. So it was your idea. Just like how singer IU is the overall planner for your concerts and producing your albums, actress IU also enters the plans for the production team and becomes a part of the big picture.
IU: That’s the biggest difference when I’m being a singer and being an actress. As a singer, I often take the lead at the set, whereas for dramas and films, there’s a captain for me to trust and follow. I become one of the team members. That sense of belonging feels great.
Q11. You said that you gain something from each production you work on, so what did <Dream> leave you with this time?
IU: Not to rely too much on what I came prepared with. (Laughs) You never know what will happen on the set and the way everyone works together might be different from what I had imagined. Due to the weather, an outdoor shoot might become an indoor shoot. I learnt that I had to react quickly to adjust to those changes. Watching the other actors flexibly deal with each take right away, I was motivated with the thought, ‘Amazing. I want to be able to do that too.’ I didn’t have much experience in comedy acting, so it was unfamiliar for me to cooperate with others on that. So I worked hard to catch up with the other senior actors. In particular, Seo Joon-ssi is a very flexible actor who left me amazed. Seo Joon-ssi became the perfect ‘Hongdae’ who annoyed me into giving reactions right away. (Laughs) At the filming set, there were things requested of us every now and then, but Seo Joon-ssi was able to flexibly pull it off. He’s an actor who made me want to become more flexible too.
Q12. You said before that you’re not someone who ad-libs on the set. You’re the type to stick closely to the script. Even so, are there any parts that were added to the script when So Min met IU?
IU: I discussed a lot with the director about the props to wbe used. Umm, I think out of the productions I’ve participated in, this is the one that I followed the director’s opinions most faithfully. Other people would be suggesting this and that, but eventually, the director’s idea would be the best. (Laughs) ‘After trying this and that, eventually the director’s idea is still the best!’ Because of that, there was barely any projection of my own ideas at the set.
Q13. From <Dream>’s Lee Byeong Heon director, to <My Mister>’s Park Hae Young writer and currently, <You’ve Worked Hard>’s Im Sang Choon writer, as well as <Broker>’s Koreeda Hirokazu director, you’ve worked with many outstanding storytellers. What does an ‘attractive story’ mean to you?
IU: Umm, for a start, if the character I’m given is someone I can’t identify with at all, that’s going to be difficult. It has to be within the category that no matter what, I’ll be like, ‘Ah, I know this feeling’, for me to be able to stretch out my hand for it. Whether my character is good or bad doesn’t matter, but I’m not confident in roles that are too bright or overly negative, so I have turned them down before. But the range within this is not narrow either. I’ve been lucky to be able to work with really outstanding writers and directors and what attracted me to their works was also that there were parts I found that I could relate to. Outstanding writers can write about a broad spectrum of human emotions, philosophies and thoughts. I think out of the proposals I receive, I find characters that those with individuality and three-dimensionality tend to appeal to me.
Q14. Is there any particular theme you really want to try that comes to your mind these days?
IU: I mentioned in a previous interview about floating. Without a particular set destination in mind, even if my direction yesterday and today are different, it doesn’t matter and I just want to maintain being in a drifting state. My personality is such that if I decide to do something, I work really hard to achieve it. That might have limited me within those confines at times. I’ve relaxed my state a lot now and want to be more flexible.
Q15. Is there a sentence that touched you, or a sentence or memo you wrote that you feel describes you?
IU: Hold on. (Searches for her phone) Ah, here it is. It’s about a drifting spore. I’m currently writing a song based on this sentence, “She has decided to live as a spore instead of a flower.” The last thing I wrote… let me read it to you. “I just want to tickle the wind and fly now (nareullae). I just want to be myself now (naillae).” That’s what I wrote.
(t/l note: The last part rhymes.)
Q16. After filming for <Broker>, you donated to the Single Mothers’ Family Association and you’ve been regularly making donations every year. Also, at the end of the videos on your YouTube channel, there’s an advertisement for missing children with IU’s voice. What brought you to do all these?
IU: As long as it’s within my abilities, I would like to volunteer and donate more, but currently, I can’t do more than what I have done, which makes me feel sorry at times too. My mum likes to help others too, so I spoke to her a lot as well. For today’s <Big Issue> cover photoshoot, I also told my company since the start of filming for <Dream> that I really wanted to shoot something for <Big Issue>. When I took part in the cover photoshoot 11 years ago, I roughly knew <Big Issue> was a magazine with good intentions, but didn’t understand it as much as I do now. I found out afterwards that it’s really a magazine made with a big heart and found out that the company has been helping the homeless all along, so I thought to myself that I had to come back here again some day.
Also, when I first read the script for <Dream>, because I knew about <Big Issue>, I was feeling happy inside. (Laughs) I thought to myself then that when this movie is about to be released, I had to do something related to the <Big Issue> magazine. As I get older, I also wonder what’s the point of hiding my talents. (Laughs) I can help by singing too. I think it’s great that my actions can help others. When I do so, my fans volunteer at the places I’ve been to as well. I didn’t ask them to do so, but I think it’s really cool when I see them doing so together. I think of such things as ‘things we do together’. (t/l note: IUAENA 🙌🏻)
Q17. Uaena (IU’s fanclub) is famous for volunteering and donating frequently too right?
IU: I didn’t suggest to them to do so, but they did so by themselves. (Laughs) I do it of my personal accord, but I can’t place the burden on my fans to do so. My fans tell me, “We do it too because IU does it.” It is not easy either to put one’s mind to do so. It seems I’m competing with my fans for a good purpose. (Laughs)
Q18. You seem to have a fond and special relationship with your fans. (Laughs)
IU: That’s right. I think the culture and atmosphere of fandom is really precious. We don’t take each other for granted. Ever since the beginning when we formed the fanclub until now, it has been the same. Let’s not take each other for granted. Always be grateful to each other. That’s the kind of feeling we have.
Q19. You mentioned before that you really enjoyed the first year of your 30s. What are your plans for this year?
IU: There are lots of things that I’m working on right now, so I’m just spending each day completing my tasks for the day. When I complete my tasks properly and feel satisfied, it puts me in a good mood.
Q20. Could you share with us more about the drama <You’ve Worked Hard> which you are currently shooting?
IU: Umm, I play Ae Soon, a girl who lives on Jeju. I think it’ll tell the story of a long time period. We just started filming and I’m impressed by the props, art and directing teams that brought the script to life. I’m so proud to be part of this project filled with delicate touches.
Q21. The title of this movie is <Dream>. What’s your dream currently?
IU: I hope the movie does well. (Laughs) I don’t have big dreams usually. Rather than setting a big goal, I’m the type to attain anticipated goals at each point in time. My current goal is for this movie to bring joy to many people. I remember laughing a lot while filming <Dream> in the verdant field. It was so fun on the set that it felt like we were filming <The Game Caterers> every week. I hope those who watch the movie will enjoy a fresh sense of enjoyment.
Translated by IUteamstarcandy with love
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4seasonswithiu · 1 year
[TRANS] 230417 “Dream” Press Premiere and Conference Talk - IU (Lee Ji Eun)
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PART I: IU On Her Approach to Her Character “Lee So Min”, A Documentary Producer
IU: “Hello, this is IU who plays producer Lee So Min in “Dream”. Thank you all for being here today. 
I did not use many references to approach and portray my character. If I were to pick someone that I referred to most, it’d be director Lee Byeong Heon. (Reason being) He’d always carefully and meticulously coach not only me, but everyone on our characters’ dialogue and tone. So I worked hard to act as close as possible to the version of Somin that the director wanted.
Director Lee wanted me to say my dialogue 2.5 times faster than my original speed. He personally demonstrated how he’d like Somin to say her dialogue and told me “I hope you’ll maintain this speech tempo”, “I want it to be fast like this”. I loved the tone (of speaking) that he showed to me, so I tried to catch on it well. I think he really gave detailed directions. For instance, he’d ask me to “laugh, but do it like a crazy person that only your mouth is smiling/laughing (other parts of your face remain still).” Because to such detailed directions, I relied on and followed director Lee a lot on the set.
I was drawn to Somin because she’s a character that I’ve never tried before this. We’re alike yet unalike, but I don’t think we’re very different from one another. I debuted and started my career (social life) at a young age, so I think I’ve experienced a (momentary) lull in my passion as an adult like Somin too. Still, if there were parts of the character I couldn’t understand, I’d refer a lot to the PD’s directions or way of speaking like I said earlier. 
Thank you for coming and giving me many great questions. I hope this movie will come to the audience like spring. Thank you!”
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PART II: Park Seo Joon and IU On How They Feel About Their Bickering Scenes Together In The Movie
Park Seo Joon: “I think I’ve mentioned this before I still have vivid memories of that day. The weather was so hot then, but there was almost no shade except the tent on set so everyone was pretty exhausted due to the heat. So when the director requested us to speed up our dialogues, I remember discussing the scene with IU like “What do you think?” “Do you think we’re on the right track?” and we put a lot of thought in it. But indeed at some point, I found myself just simply copying the director’s demonstration from earlier because he gave such clear directions, so that was a very memorable scene to me.” 
IU: “I, too, share quite similar memory of that day. When I actually monitored myself in the camera, my eyes looked drowsy because of the heat, like an actual madman that the director wanted. Both of us wanted to pull off his direction well, so I remember we even asked director Lee to give us five mins so we could discuss the scene together. But looking at the final edited outcome, I’m once again impressed by director Lee’s skills because it turned out exactly the way he wanted. I also recall being envious of Seo Joon because he got an okay sign from the director first. (Park Seo Joon: Maybe because your part was more important for that scene lol…?) It made me think Seo Joon is a really flexible and amazing actor, so that was a super memorable day for me.”
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PART III: Director Lee Byeong Heon On His Reason For The Castings 
Lee Byeong Heon: “Frankly, we were able to film the movie because Park Seo Joon and IU joined the team and agreed to the message/ meaning that the story is trying to convey. But if you’ve watched the movie, it’s actually about people in the stadium. Technically, I love casting people based on their image. I don’t mean these people look homeless, or maybe a little (explained why he cast the remaining actors). They’re all actors that I want to work with for a long time together.”
Source: https://youtu.be/55-qwEJOQLE
Translated by IUteamstarcandy
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tomorrowedblog · 6 months
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Friday Releases for March 15
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for March 15 include Hey, Viktor!, Snack Shack, WORLD WIDE WHACK, and more.
Hey, Viktor!
Hey, Viktor!, the new movie from Cody Lightning, is out today.
Twenty-five long years after his time in the limelight, former child actor Cody Lightning tries to revive his fortunes with a self-produced sequel to Smoke Signals in this smart, irreverent new comedy.
Snack Shack
Snack Shack, the new movie from Adam Rehmeier, is out today.
Nebraska City, summer of 1991—Inseparable best friends AJ and Moose seize the opportunity to run the local pool’s rundown snack shack after their plan to gamble on dog races and sell home-brewed beer goes down the drain. Dreaming of striking it rich, things take an unexpected turn when they meet Brooke, an effortlessly cool lifeguard who puts their big summer plans and their friendship at risk.
French Girl
French Girl, the new movie from James A. Woods and Nicolas Wright, is out today.
Zach Braff, Vanessa Hudgens, and Evelyne Brochu star in this heartwarming romantic comedy. Gordon, a hopeless romantic, finds his proposal plans are thrown into chaos when his girlfriend is swept away to Quebec by a job offer from her ex, a sophisticated celebrity chef. Determined to keep their love alive, Gordon leaves Brooklyn for her hometown, only to find himself hilariously out of his depth in attempting to charm her hard-to-impress, French-speaking family.
Knox Goes Away
Knox Goes Away, the new movie from Michael Keaton, is out today.
When a contract killer has a rapidly evolving form of dementia, he is offered an opportunity to redeem himself by saving the life of the adult son with whom he had been estranged.
One Life
One Life, the new movie from James Hawes, is out today.
ONE LIFE tells the incredible, emotional true story of Nicholas ‘Nicky’ Winton (Flynn), a young London broker who visits Prague in December 1938. In a race against time, Winton convinces Trevor Chadwick (Sharp) and Doreen Warriner (Garai) of the British Committee for Refugees in Czechoslovakia to rescue hundreds of predominantly Jewish children before Nazi occupation closes the borders. Fifty years later, Nicky (Hopkins) is haunted by the fate of the children he wasn’t able to bring to safety in England. It’s not until the BBC show “That’s Life!” re-introduces him to some of those he helped rescue that he finally begins to come to terms with the guilt and grief he carried – all the while skyrocketing from anonymity to a national hero.
Prey, the new movie from Mukunda Michael Dewil, is out today.
After their lives are threatened by an extremist militant group, a young couple must flee their missionary post in the Kalahari Desert. But when their aircraft crashes in an animal preserve, they must battle man and beast in a fight for their lives.
The Animal Kingdom
The Animal Kingdom, the new movie from Thomas Cailley, is out today.
In THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, a visionary new thriller that drops viewers into an extraordinary world where mutations in human genetics cause people to transform into hybrid creatures, François (Roman Duris) does everything he can to save his wife, who is affected by this mysterious condition. As some of the creatures disappear into a nearby forest, François embarks with Emile (Paul Kircher), their 16-year-old son, on a quest to find her with help from a local police officer (Adèle Exarchopoulos).
Manhunt, the new TV series from Monica Beletsky, is out today.
Based on The New York Times bestselling and Edgar Award-winning nonfiction book from author James L. Swanson, “Manhunt” is a conspiracy thriller about one of the best known but least understood crimes in history, the astonishing story of the hunt for John Wilkes Booth in the aftermath of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination.
Chicken Nugget
Chicken Nugget, the new TV series from Lee Byeong-heon, is out today.
A woman steps into an odd machine and becomes… a chicken nugget?! Now, it’s up to her father and admirer to embark on a zany quest to bring her back.
Outcast - A New Beginning
Outcast - A New Beginning, the new game from Appeal Studios and THQ Nordic, is out today.
Explore the breathtaking alien world of Adelpha, support the local Talans in their struggles and fight your way through fast-paced battles against invading robot forces in this 3rd-person, open world, action adventure sequel to the 1999 cult classic.
WORLD WIDE WHACK, the new album from Tierra Whack, is out today.
Dirty Nachos
Dirty Nachos, the new album from Chief Keef and Mike WiLL Made-It, is out today.
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geekcavepodcast · 7 months
Chicken Nugget Trailer
Min-ah's father and admirer are on a quest to bring her back after an odd machine turns her into a chicken nugget.
Chicken Nugget, written and directed by Lee Byeong-heon, stars Ryu Seung-ryong, Ahn Jae-hong, and Kim Yoo-jung. The series is based on Park Ji-dok's webtoon of the same name.
Chicken Nugget hits Netflix on March 15, 2024.
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aliciaphen · 2 years
Hi. I've consumed more media this month than I have this entire year. Happy New Year everyone - I hope we all make the best of what's to come.
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022) dir. Guillermo del Toro, Mark Gustafson: I was really excited to watch this after seeing the trailer but I wasn't expecting it to be a musical. I loved that they used a biblically accurate angel for the Blue Angel rather than the traditional look. I can't believe it took like 15 years to make it.
Split (2016) dir. M. Night Shyamalan: I rewatched this because I needed Anya Taylor Joy content and I couldn't get through the first episode of The Queen's Gambit. It's still a pretty great movie, but I hate that cheesy ending line lol.
Anastasia (1997) dir. Don Bluth, Gary Goldman: I grew up watching this movie throughout my childhood, so I already have a huge bias toward it. It's so great. The characters and their dynamic is so likable and the songs are so GOOD.
The Mummy (1999) dir. Stephen Sommers: Another film I grew up watching. It's a lot more problematic than I remember T_T. Also cheesy but it was the 90s so you could kind of get away with it.
Emily, The Criminal (2022) dir. John Patton Ford: I was surprised by how much I liked this one. It's fast-paced, which is good for my pea brain. They make the character Emily easy to empathize with. Especially now when it's hard to afford to live, vulnerable people are targeted for these "get rich, quick" scams. I remember seeing so many of those ads whenever I went on YouTube for quite some time. Idk, I liked this one.
Bo Burnham: Inside (2021) dir. Bo Burnham: I always heard people talking about how great Bo Burnham was. I remember seeing his vines, but I never got into watching his stuff. I feel like the humour doesn't quite suit my taste, but I appreciate his work ethic and his capacity for making such a high-quality musical comedy. He's pretty fucking awesome.
Dreams (1990) dir. Akira Kurosawa: In a quest to research the Japanese folklore of fox weddings during sun showers, I watched this movie. It's just so pretty. I love the last story, where it's the small village and the funeral is more of a celebration. Just a gorgeous film.
Incantation (2022) dir. Kevin Ko: Heard from my roommate that this film was really scary. And I can confirm that it was. I watched half of it from between my fingers. Story wise, though, it was quite interesting. It’d be a fun watch for a group.
Atonement (2007) dir. Joe Wright: Another gorgeous film. I’ve always seen screen caps of it and have even watched Mina Le’s breakdown of the costuming from the film. I think the visuals are stronger than the story. Emotion wise, it feels like a less hard-hitting titanic.
Extreme Job (2019) dir Lee Byeong-heon: I watched this with my roommate! It’s a fun, chill watch. Just overall a good time.
The Volcano: Rescue From Whakaari (2022) dir. Rory Kennedy: Some time earlier this year I remember seeing volcanic scarring that looked like the most intense, painful thing someone could ever experience. And I read up about the victim and they were hurt during the volcanic eruption in New Zealand a few years ago. The documentary is quite tragic, and interesting if anybody is up to watch it.
Klaus (2019) dir. Sergio Pablos: Such a cute movie. The scene where the mailman is giving paper and pencils and stamps out like it’s a drug deal actually made me audibly laugh. I’m surprised its 2D animation. It’s a really great Christmas movie for the whole family.
Brave (2012) dir. Brenda Chapman, Mark Andrews: AH. I still love this movie after so many years. I first watched it when I was in grade 5 as an “end of year” trip. It’s so good, story wise. As a young adult, I feel like I can’t relate to it as much - to my surprise. I think my older sister could probably relate to it more. I have a good relationship with my mom, which I’m super grateful for. I want to make a film about ME. Lmfao.
The Wonder (2022) dir. Sebastian Lelio: I wasn’t as interested in this film. It’s rather a frustrating watch to be honest. If you want visuals of Ireland and Florence Pugh, I’d give this one a go.
Marriage Story (2019) dir. Noah Baumbach: Ever since watching this film I’ve been seeing Adam Driver everywhere, it seems. I didn’t expect to feel for this movie as much as I did. I think the pacing was done very well. The letter reading at the end is what got me. :’(
Alice in Borderland, Season 2 (2022): Season 2 was better than season 1. Because this world and its rules are already established, I think the show got to focus more on the characters and their relationships. The action sequences were quite fun and I am SO surprised that they didn’t end it in a shitty way. I’m happy the characters got their happy ending but that there’s still room for exploration into this world. The last challenge, though was a little TOO LONG. DAMN.
Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) dir. James Cameron: Okay so I wasn’t excited or looking forward to this sequel at all. I was quite indifferent toward it and wasn’t planning on watching it in theatres. But I ended up watching it with my family and it’s literally my new hyperfixation. I’m actually listening to the original motion picture soundtrack as I’m writing - and that’s not a joke. I’ve heard people say that the story is simple, and I suppose I can agree - its basically the family having to escape from the war and a revenge plot from the enemy side. And I’ve seen people wonder why its 3 hours long. And, it definitely felt like the film would never fucking end but, then again… did I really want it to…? In that time, I felt like I could actually get attached to the characters and this new family. I often really like media that makes me go through a lot of emotions and this was one of them. I need Avatar 3, 4, 5, & 6 and whatever else James Cameron is planning. I need to go visit Pandora in Disney World, even. Zoe Saldana, I love you.
Avatar (2009) dir. James Cameron: I ended up rewatching Avatar right after coming back from watching The Way of Water. I first watched this when I was 8 years old. I never really got to appreciate the absolutely insane world building that was put into this film, but now, as a student that wants to try pursuing film and maybe (?) visdev, I’m just astounded by the creatures and the religion and the plant life of the Na’vi people and how it’s been expanded on in Avatar 2. Again, a simple story, but I felt all the emotions so I love it.
Logan (2017) dir. James Mangold: Probably one of the best superhero movies I’ve seen. It still holds up today. Another emotional ride, so I’m inclined to say it’s a favourite. It’s almost… quiet. Like - it doesn’t do too much. All the marvel movies these days are doing too much. It’s kind of embarrassing. Can you tell I’m getting a little tired of writing about all the things I’ve watched? And I’m only on visual media. Anyways - this, the original Spider-Man movies, the last Spider-Man movie from MCU, and the Spiderverse movies and maybe Winter Soldier are the only superhero movies I have the patience to watch anymore.
Knives Out (2019) dir. Rian Johnson: It was so fun! Something I don’t have to pay that much attention to because I know I’ll likely never be able to solve it. I know they spent most of the budget of this film on the cast because everyone in there is fucking crazy.
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022) dir. Rian Johnson: I think the first one is better.
Lead Me Home (2021) dir. Pedro Kos, Jon Shenk: It’s only about 40 minutes, so it’s a quick documentary. It’s eye opening. Makes me feel bad because I’m one of those people that don’t look homeless people in the eye when I walk past them. But I don’t think that’s the point of the doc. There’s obviously something very wrong with the housing system and to see that anybody could end up in such an unfortunate situation is scary. It’s especially sad seeing the people who have family that could help them, but I also understand their point of not wanting to be a burden on their friends or family.
Music: December 2022 Spotify Playlist
Selfish - YooA: I saw people making fun of this song but I’m actually addicted to it. YooA in that one stage where she’s wearing that fringe shirt and pink pants with her hair in a bun looks so good.
Blood Moon - YooA: I feel like I’m in a mystery movie?? Like I’m a detective trying to solve a mystery.
In My Dreams - Christy Altomare: One of the best things to come out of the Anastasia Broadway production.
Ditto - NewJeans: The girls have done it again. This time, enjoy three minutes of teenage loneliness.
Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength) - The Weeknd: I wasn’t joking when I said I’m listening to the Avatar: The Way of Water soundtrack.
Into the Water - Simon Franglen: SO BEAUTIFUL. If you’re going to listen to any song from the soundtrack listen to this one.
Avatar: The Way of Water (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Simon Franglen, The Weeknd: Linking the album for good measure.
Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon: I’ve finished reading this book and it has inclined me to be better at consistently drawing in my sketchbook and journal.
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynn’s Jones: I plan on finishing this book this month. I’ll update you at the end of January.
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kaipanzero · 1 year
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드림 (2023)
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koreancinema · 5 years
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극한직업 (이병헌 2019) Extreme Job (Lee Byeong-heon, 2019)
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yamabracinema · 4 years
Lee Byeong-heon
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