#lee min ho wallpaper
7wallpapers · 2 years
Alchemy of souls
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hotteoki · 2 years
going into a haunted house with skz
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warnings : swear words
notes : was rewatching skz code and ep8 inspired me p.s. not proofread so it's probs scheisse
©️ hotteoki | do not repost
chan (방찬)
"but why do we have to? it's so dark and it freaks me out!" chan was extremely reluctant about this. "but that's the point of it, channie!" "...fine, but i'm only agreeing because you asked so nicely," he held your hand tightly as you both made your way into the unwelcoming entrance.
at every little motion, he jumped and kneeled on the ground, one hand covering his ear and the other still clutching your shirt firmly. you couldn't lie, you were unsettled by the realistic props and eery noises, but chan's subconscious singing drew you from your fear.
"la, la, la, la..." you patted his wrist gently, motioning that he was being too loud. chan indicated he understood by continuing his singing at a lower volume, ears still plugged in by his fingers.
"ahhh... i can't do this anymore," he whined, hands trembling. "shit!" you yelped at the creepy doll head dropping from the ceiling. chan mimicked your scream, falling to the floor again. "it's just a doll, it's not real," you repeated, attempting to calm him, but really, you were trying to calm yourself more so than him.
"yeah, you're right, it's not real, it's all fake," chan mumbled, following your words while switching in between korean and english, rising to his feet again. his head swivelled front and back so quickly you were slightly worried he would get whiplash.
when you both made it to the entrance, he let go of you immediately, feigning confidence, "that wasn't even that bad." you gave him a knowing look. "okay, that was terrifying. we're never going in there again," he mumbled, wrapping his arms around you firmly.
minho (만호)
he was the one to pull you into the haunted house, "come on! it'll be fun!" minho's smile was enough to convince you to step into the dark building. what a horrible idea that was. you yelped at the doll head that jumped out of the wall, pulling on his arm inadvertently. "yah! you scared the shit out of me!" he yelled at you. "it scared me first!" you retaliated. he faked an irritated sigh, continuing down the path.
"hey look! there's a prop that got stuck on the ceiling, i'm gonna get it," minho began bouncing on his feet, hand outstretched to whack the fake witch. "no, leave it be, come on..." you cried, dragging his other hand. "one second..." he faltered, finally reaching the sensor bar. the witch dropped right in front of you, causing you to scream and fall back to minho's waiting arms. he laughed at your state, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on your cheek, "you're adorable, come on."
minho continuously made spooky noises next to your ear, mocking your uneasy, hunched-over posture. he made fun of all the decorations before you, comforting you, "see? it's fake, you can even see the switch on the back." "that one just looks cheap, i could make a better one myself." "that kind of looks like dwaekki."
he took a few secret photos of you two, with his gleaming smile and your face buried in his arm. you best bet he's making that his wallpaper. minho did check up on you every now and then, "you okay, babe?" "are you still with me?" "come on, we're okay. i'll buy you whatever food you want later, okay?" although, he did get annoyed at every jumpscare you both came across, "tsk, these things are getting on my nerves..."
when you exited the haunted house, he grinned down at your terrified face, "see? that wasn't so bad, right?" "i hate you so much, lee min ho." "aw, i love you too, darling."
changbin (칭반)
he had insisted you'd drag him behind, making the trip slower than it should be. you had the first laugh when he screamed the building down at the jumpscare provided by the demon prop by the entrance. "it startled me, that's all," changbin sniffed, carrying on down the path. "i didn't say anything," you held your hands up in surrender.
he consistently created noises whenever he got surprised or scared of the decorations and music, and it was extremely amusing for you to see his originally confident front break down. "come on! hurry up!" changbin screamed at you, voice wavering, even though you were trailing right behind him.
"get over here, please," he cried, pulling your arm as he stared in fear at the actor stood in the path, clamping down your hand. as soon as the actor stumbled past you two, changbin flailed your intertwined fingers, mumbling incoherent words, you barely made out "did you see it?" "it was staring right at me!" "why didn't you hurry up?!"
"let's just get out of here!" changbin screamed once again. "okay, okay, let's go," you patted his shoulder with your free hand, feeling your trapped one lose its blood circulation at this point. "there's a witch over there!" before you could even follow where his finger was pointing at, it had already switched directions. "and there! the ghost is looking at us!" "keep your distance! babe, the zombie's walking towards us!"
when you both left the house, he regained his facade, "that was so easy! i told you! you just didn't move faster!" don't take his scolding personal, he's just scared, he'll be forcing you to cuddle him tonight to protect him.
hyunjin (현진)
why you two had decided to go into a haunted maze, you didn't know. "no... the left side looks too scary," hyunjin bounced up and down, swinging your arm and crying dramatically. "but it's the right way! it said that on the map by the entrance, remember?" you tried to reason.
"why..." he whined as you dragged him on. the path got darker and darker as hyunjin's complaints grew more and more frequent. "ah!" he screamed as a vampire started chasing you two from behind. hyunjin had his hand wrapped securely around your wrist, "come on! come on! i don't want to do this anymore!"
a few turns later and you lost the vampire. even after the coast was clear and the path looked safe, hyunjin continued screaming for the next minute for no particular reason. his free hand was placed over his heart as he took deep breaths, "i think i just saw heaven."
not even a second later, he stood up properly, brushing his hair out of his face, and sniffed, "okay, i'm fine now, let's continue." his sudden change in mood baffled you, but you allowed him continue pulling you. just as he had let you go, you stopped to tie your laces.
hyunjin, not realising that you were not behind him, went on. after a while, he turned to reach for your hand again. realising you were gone, he began screaming your name again, "where are you?! why would you leave me to be on my own!" you followed his yells and reunited with him. "never do that again, or i will actually die."
jisung (지성)
a gust of cold air blasted in your faces the second both you and jisung walked into the creepy building. as you were walking side by side, hands held together, he suddenly went to a stop. "what?" you asked, turning your head back to see him eying the staircase up front suspiciously.
you continued walking, him falling slightly behind. a doll jumped out from your right side, scaring you. "ah! i knew it," jisung commented, "i felt that there would be something." "then why didn't you tell me?" you hit his arm lightly. "yah... you're okay," he laughed, thumb rubbing your hand comfortingly.
not even a minute later, he stops again. jisung nudges your hip using your intertwined hands, "there's going to be something up front, by the way. so, just be ready to get scared." "why..." you cried, just about done with this whole thing. "it's okay, i'll go first, yeah?" he offered.
"hey that zombie over there looks kind of funny," he pointed. you stared at him, never seeing jisung being this calm. "how are you just fine with this, this is so scary," you frowned. "here, i'll give you a few tips. you see that security camera on the corner, barely covered by the fake webs, it's reminding me that none of this is real; and the actors over there that haven't seen us yet are too relaxed, not like real zombies would be."
his logic made your shoulders relax from their previous hunched position. you sighed, "you're right, you're right. as you always are. and as long as you're here, i'm fine." that last comment warmed his heart so much, that for the rest of the trip jisung swore to protect you whenever you were scared, because you had indirectly told him that you placed your entire trust into him, and he couldn't break that now, could he?
felix (용복)
"no, please..." he practically cried. the other members had already gone in, and you were left with felix, begging you to not go in. "but felix, the only way to meet them afterwards is if we walked the long road all around the park, and that would take at least half an hour!" he made a few more reluctant fake sobs, "fine, but you're going in first."
he screamed your ears off at the actor jumping out to scare you. "i'd rather walk half an hour!" he yelled, turning back around, only to meet a shut door. you held out your hand, waiting to him to drag his feet on the floor to clutch your index finger.
"i can't do this anymore..." he was squatted on the floor, taking baby steps. "lixie, wouldn't it be faster if you walked normally?" you laughed at his current position, he was just so cute. "you don't understand, the dolls are so creepy!" you were honestly too busy making sure felix didn't fall over or faint to even pay attention to the actual haunted house.
"they're not so bad-" you began, only to get interrupted by felix's explosion. "yes they are!" you squeezed his hand, "come on, i looked ahead for you, there's nothing there. there is a creepy skeleton up front at the corner, but just don't look at it, okay, lixie?" he nodded meekly, standing up, but still hiding behind you.
his strength kept you in place. "how about this, you hold on to my hand and keep your eyes shut, and i'll guide you, okay?" you'd never seen felix nod so quickly. though the house freaked you out, you did it for him, and made it safely out of the building.
"finally. we thought he fainted back there and you had to carry him or something!" changbin snorted. felix was still too frightened to even respond. "hey, leave him alone," you chuckled, rubbing felix's cheek soothingly. his face was still buried in your shoulder, and he remained in that position for a while out of embarrassment from the others making fun of him.
seungmin (승민)
"ah geez! why did it have to be in my face..." seungmin muttered, irritated over the fog blown straight to his face. his hand was being held firmly by you, forcing him to slow down. something brushed your leg, causing you to scream and jump into his arms. he bursted out laughing, you, on the other hand, were not amused.
"tsk, this web got caught on my shoe..." "why's there so much fog?" "ooh, say hi to the actor!" seungmin's light-hearted mood made it extremely hard for you to be scared, his laughter was contagious and his grip on your arm told you that he would always put you first.
"you know, this horror house reminds me of my childhood, dark and dismal," he joked, attempting to calm you. seungmin starts humming, indicating you to join him. when you started the next verse, his lips curled up subconsciously, taking out his phone to take a secret photo of you.
a zombie roared from behind you, causing both you and seungmin to jump up, startled. he put his fists up, "fight me!" you pulled him away, running from the zombie. "why would you threaten him like that?" "i didn't know what else to do!"
he eventually calmed down and remained carefree for the rest of the experience in the haunted house. "it wasn't even that scary," seungmin teased poor felix, who looked like he was about to faint.
jeongin (정인)
"it won't be that bad, right?" that was what jeongin had said right before you two made your way in. two seconds later, he was forcing you to walk first, muttering something along the lines of "this is so scary what the hell?" "i'm never doing this again" under his breath.
"ah... you're going first," he pushes you lightly, "i can see the thing at the front staring at us..." "you were the one that said you wanted to come here in the first place!" you yelled, pulling him in front of you. "ah..." jeongin grumbled, knowing you were right.
"jeongin, you're not moving." "i know, i'm just... taking my time." "we've been standing here for 5 minutes." "you go first then!" "fine! but you're holding my hand," you pushed your empty hand out to him. jeongin wordlessly took it.
at the first turn, you caught an actor unprepared, leaning against the wall humming. nudging jeongin and signalling him about your discovery, he couldn't contain his laughs. the actor, clearly stunned and embarrassed, immediately bowed in apology and left quickly.
after that encounter, both of you were clearly much more relaxed, but still slightly on guard. it was until jeongin got you two lost that really made you lose it. a nearby actor had to come to your rescue and guide you both to the exit.
it was an odd sight for passersby to see a couple laughing until they were doubling over after coming out of a haunted house, but the amount of inside jokes created from that day made it worth it.
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citandodoramas · 3 years
Lee Min Ho order
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xx-icons-xx · 3 years
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Drama: The Heirs
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cayendo-de-una-nube · 4 years
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-𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆, 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒂𝒗𝒆/𝒖𝒔𝒆
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party-in-hell · 7 years
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Lockscreens - Lee Min Ho
Requested by anon - hope you like them ; v ; <3 (Yes I gave him highlight in the second lock lol, I love doing it)
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random-wallpapers4u · 2 years
Alchemy of Souls
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sakurablossomsagain · 2 years
SHINee - Don't Call Me - Wallpapers for Desktop (Parte 3)
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Source: https://www.uhdpaper.com/search?q=shinee&by-date=true&i=0
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kiwibomb · 3 years
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'the king: eternal monarch' lockscreens!! please like or reblog if you save it!! 🌿
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mydramalandx · 4 years
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The King: Eternal Monarch
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editfandom · 4 years
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lee minho lockscreens
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glowdrama · 4 years
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Ig: Glowdrama
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citandodoramas · 4 years
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Kdrama: The king: eternal monarch ✨
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doramaslocks · 4 years
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the king eternal monarch; lockscreens
by: doramaslocks
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cayendo-de-una-nube · 4 years
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-𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆, 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒂𝒗𝒆/𝒖𝒔𝒆
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kpop-locks · 4 years
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lee minho; aesthetic
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