neodreamzenie · 1 year
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Stop Eating l.mk
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Genre: Fluff, Angst
Wc: 0,2k
Warnings: Hate speech, angst (slight)
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You were having an argument with your boyfriend, right before school was starting. It was for a stupid reason. "It isn't like what you think!" You said in a loud tone. "God, stop eating for once. You're just a fat hypocrite. Stop it!" He yelled back even louder. He suddenly snapped back. Fat...? Why would he ever say that? Your weigh was one of your biggest insecurities - he knew that. You've been ignoring him for the rest of the day. The next day he showed up with your favourite chocolate and flowers. You guys sat down and talked about it. You said everything was fine now, but honestly, it wasn't. "Here, I brought you your favourite chocolate." He said. You wanted to take it but the words he said yesterday kept ringing in your head. 'Stop eating for once.' Maybe you should've listened. "Oh, it's okay. I'm not hungry." You smiled. But actually you haven't been eating since yesterday and you felt like you were starving. "Don't do this now." He said, knowing you wanted to take the chocolate. Later that day he left and you took another look at the chocolate. It had a letter attached to it, full with the things he loved about you, signed with his name. 'Lee Mark'
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renchim · 11 months
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chaoshoranghae · 1 year
Dreamies during a drama 🫶
Broken melodies gifs <3
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He would happen to walk into the living room where ur watching a kdrama and would get invested easily
Completely distracting him from whatever he was previously doing
hides his blushing face behind a pillow
gets to the kiss scene and he's cheering
he would try to copy a scene but gets too giggly
would enjoy music based/ secret dating dramas
"Dude like that is us"
Might get a little lost in the political if watching
Would have to explain it or just skip over it
Friends to lovers troupe, or like idolxfan, slowburn
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I love this move it's so cool to me
he would scold you for talking/interrupting his drama time
do not interrupt his drama time
would recommend good dramas<3
would base them off of what troupes you like and which ones you've seen and enjoyed in the past
would point out the unrealistic aspects of it
Likes the law or crime dramas
Enjoyable tho, being able to rant to each other about it
Ur guys traditions on like a Friday night yk, cozy under a big blanket with tea and snacks to watch the drama
you would do the kabedon to him jokingly and bro flips it around and takes control
Academic rivals? debate team rivals to lovers? Medium pace yk not as oblivious as mark but the pacing
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Would bully you about watching it
" I could do better then that" "really? Then do it" as then he recreates a scene from the drama
Gets jealous when you spend all night watching the drama instead of paying attention to him
But also is 100% invested in it
gets mad if you watched an episode without him
wants to see some real drama happens, complains about the tight lipped kisses
Saying he could kiss better
action dramas 100%
If you find a move cool in the show or blush bro would copy it and do it to you all the time
Gets to find out what you like thru them and makes a little list
def thinks about all the things he could be doing to you or replaces fl with you instead
Enemies to lovers <3 fast pace 😭 bro would shut her up in the middle of a debate by kissing her or smth like chapter 3
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leemarkiee · 2 years
i guess i will never get over this
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daydreamingyuta · 2 years
Croissants & Roses │Mark Lee
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Mark walks into the dance studio with his hands full, barely able to open the door by himself. In his hands were his dance practice bag, a water bottle, and a box full of handmade chocolate croissants. Yuta holds the door open for Mark when he sees him struggling and then takes the box full of pastries away from him. 
Yuta looks down at the box and reads the label on top of it. “The Sunshine Bakery”. Yuta softly chuckles at this because he knows exactly why, for the past three weeks, Mark has gotten baked goods from The Sunshine Bakery every chance he gets. 
The smell of the croissants wafted through the practice room and they smelled amazing. Not able to say no, the members gather around and grab one for themselves. The Sunshine Bakery was known for their handmade baked goods that would melt in your mouth. They were freshly made every morning and the whole block around the building was filled with the amazing scents of whatever today’s special was. 
Mark smiled happily watching the members enjoying the croissants. The bakery is definitely out of his way so he has to wake up extra early to go, especially since there is usually a long line out the door. But seeing the members happy from a little act of kindness was why he was glad to go to The Sunshine Bakery any chance he could. 
Well that’s at least why he started getting little treats for the members. He was hoping that the amount of times he has been going wasn’t getting suspicious to the members. Only Yuta knew about his crush on y/n.
You had opened The Sunshine Bakery right after college and the little bakery was your passion. You loved waking up everyday, excited to make the days special and all your regular treats. You were surprised by how well received your bakery was, everyone seemed to love it, which just made you even more motivated to work hard every day. 
Practice went well and afterwards Mark was tired so he just decided to go back to the dorm. He took a shower and when he got out, he saw Yuta sitting on the couch waiting for Mark to be done.
“Hey.” Mark said drying his hair off with a towel.
Yuta just smiled up at Mark while setting the book he was reading down.
“Why do you keep giving me that look?” Mark saying trying to hold in his smile because he knows exactly why. 
“I just think it’s cute what you’re doing. But at some point you have to do something other than buy pastries from her because right now all you are to her is a customer.” Yuta tells him.
“All I can be to her is a customer. I don’t have time for dating or anything. Plus I’m sure she’s dating someone else. How could she not be? She has the prettiest smile, more gorgeous hair, and she’s always so kind and-”
“Mark. As much as I love getting macaroons, doughnuts, and the best strawberry shortcake I’ve ever had in my entire life, you can’t keep going there every other day. I’m not saying to ask her out or anything just yet but I think that you should at least talk to her. At some point, the version of her that you have in your head is going to be too far off from how she actually is because you don’t know her. I just want you to be happy so I can’t let you keep fantasizing about her in your head when you could be talking to her in real life.” 
Mark stands there thinking about what Yuta just said. Honestly a big part of him is just scared. But he knows that he is right. 
Over the next few weeks Mark thought about going to The Sunshine Bakery but then decided not to when he thought about having to talk to y/n. Even the other members started to notice because at this point they were expecting some pastries. 
Finally he decided to go one morning on his day off. He woke up early, made sure he looked nice, and left. Once he got there, he saw that the line was much shorter than usual. He got there an hour after he usually gets there so the morning rush was probably over. When he walked into the bakery, the bell on the door sounded making you turn around to greet the customer. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw him, even though you knew that feeling this way was a bit unprofessional, you couldn’t help it. Especially because you hadn’t seen him in weeks. 
“Good morning! It’s nice to see you again. I was getting worried that the chocolate croissants I made were horrible and that’s why I haven’t seen you in a while.”
Wait was it weird to remember the last thing he ordered after weeks had past? Before you could cringe too hard at yourself, you saw Mark’s big smile.
“No! They weren’t horrible at all, they were great. I’ve just been.. busy.” Mark says shyly. 
“Ohh! Yeah you usually get here during the morning rush and I know waiting in line can take a long time sometimes. But I’m glad you came today.”
Mark looks down, hoping it hides the blush that just appeared on his cheeks. Not knowing what to say next he just starts to say his order.
“Can I ge-”
“Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt you.” You say nervously laughing.
“No your good, what’s up?” Mark says smiling.
“Oh I was just going to say that, well it’s totally up to you but, I have this one regular customer who’s a CEO so she has a super busy schedule and I gave her my number so she could send a text of what she wanted each morning. This way I could have it ready so she wouldn’t have to wait in the long line. And since you have been a loyal customer, we could do the same thing. If that’s alright with you.” You say in a little bit of a jumbled mess but Mark definitely seemed to understand you. 
“That would be great!”
“Okay! here let me write it down for you. So I update my website everyday on the new specials we have so you can just check the website real quick to see what you would like and then text me and I’ll have it ready by the time you get here!” You say while handing him a post it with your number on it. 
“Thank you!” Mark says as he takes your number and begins to walk out the bakery, too caught in his own happy thoughts to realize that he didn’t even order anything. 
The next morning Mark checked the website and saw that the special for today was heart shaped jelly doughnuts. He took longer than he cared to admit on the text message to you. Somehow a simple order of a dozen doughnuts turned into a whole entire paragraph and every time he rewrote it, the text just kept getting longer. Finally he settled on sending a simple text.
Mark: Good morning y/n! This is Mark (from the bakery yesterday). I would love to place an order for twelve of the jelly doughnuts please. Thanks!
Y/N: Yay! They are amazing (am I allowed to say that even tho I made them?) anyways I’ll have them ready for you when you come by and feel free to skip the line :)
Mark: :)
When Mark got to the bakery he skipped the line which was way longer than usual. he went straight to the counter off to the side where you pick up your order. You saw him walk in and went to quickly pack his order in the box. 
“Here you go Mark! I hope you enjoy them!” 
“Thank you!” Mark says grabbing the box.
Mark noticed that you looked more frantic than normal. As he looked around the bakery he noticed that the two other employees that are usually there, weren’t. 
“Hey are you the only one working today?” Mark asks, worried.
“Yeah, its fine though! I’ve got everything handled.” You say.
But while you were talking to Mark you got distracted and accidentally grabbed a hot pan without any gloves on. You gasp pulling your hand back, causing the pan to fall onto the floor ruining a whole batch of snickerdoodle cookies. 
Mark sees this and immediately gets behind the counter and grabs a paper towel and runs it over some cold water. He grabs your hand and dabs the cold paper towel on it. 
“Did it burn you really bad?” Mark asks still holding your hand.
“No I only touched it for a second. It kinda still hurts but I think I’m fine.”
“Do you have an ice pack?”
“Yeah, I’ll go grab it I think it will help.” You say walking away into the back.
When you come back with the ice pack on your hand you see that the cookies have been picked up off the ground and thrown away and Mark is taking customers orders. Your heart melted at the sight. Until you realized how incredibly unprofessional and probably illegal it was to have a customer behind the counter taking orders. 
“Mark thank you so so so much! I can handle it from here.”
“No I have to help you y/n. you’re injured.”
“I’m fine really I’m hardly injured.”
“Y/n do not make me walk out of here leaving you will this many customers, no help, and a hurt hand. I can’t do that to you.” 
You finally decide to let Mark help you. Within no time the line dwindled down and everyone got their orders. When the bell at the door rung, signaling that the last customer in line had just left, you finally felt like you could breath again.
“That was fun!” Mark said smiling at you.
“No that was exhausting. Thank you so much for your help!”
Mark just smiled at you, genuinely so happy that he could help you in any way.
“So why are you the only one working today?” Mark asks
“This is so embarrassing but, honestly I wasn’t going to open up today. I’ve been working a lot lately without a day off so I thought it would be nice to have today off. This is so dumb but i got your text and I kinda wanted to see you.” You say hiding you face in your hands. 
“I already told everyone that they could have the day off so I didn’t want to call them in last minute. I thought that i could do it by myself but I really under estimated just how many customers I get and how hard it was going to be.”
“Wait you decided to open the bakery today to see me?” Mark said feeling conflicting emotions. 
He was feeling a warmth inside because how cute it is that you did all this just to see him. But at the same time he was feeling guilt because you did all of this just to see him. 
“I know! It’s so weird and I’m sorry. If you never want to come here again I will totally understand. I don’t know why I do thing sometimes.” 
“Y/n this is a lot of things but it’s not weird. Well maybe it is a little weird but I don’t think so. Actually I’ve been coming to this bakery for months just to see you so honesty we’re even.” Mark says laughing softly. 
“Wait really!” You say with fake surprise.
“You knew!” Mark says in a high pitch that makes his voice slightly crack.
“I mean no, I didn’t know for sure, but I was suspicious. My baking is really good but not that good for the amount of times you come in every week.” You say while you both laugh. 
“Well you know what? Since you were already going to be closed today, why don’t you close now and... I don’t know like go out on a date with me if you want to??” Mark say nervously while playing with his hands trying to distract himself.
“Honestly I made a promise to myself to not go out with anyone for a while. It’s just that I don’t think I’m really ready for anything yet but everything in me is telling me to say yes.” 
“That’s exactly why I didn’t say anything earlier I don’t think I’m ready for anything yet either but there is just something about you that makes me not want to listen to the logical side of my brain.” 
“Then, I think that we should give us a shot. Just as long as we take things slowly.” You say relieved that you and Mark are both feeling the same way. 
“Yeah I agree!” You and Mark both smile at each other.
Later that evening you both had agreed to meet up and go on a date. Or was it really a date? Mark wasn’t sure since you have both agreed to take things slow. But it also wasn’t just two friends hanging out. All Mark knew was that he was very serious when he said he would take things slow between you two. He didn’t want to mess anything up because he could feel in his heart that there was something special about you. 
You had decided to meet up at a causal dinner spot that the both of you happen to love. Mark thought that getting you a bouquet of flowers would be too much so he decided on a singular red rose. 
He had only ever seen you in your work clothes with the occasional specks of flour spilled on you. When he saw you wearing the cutest sundress with your hair in a half up half down do and the prettiest smile he’s ever seen, he was left speechless. 
“You look... so pretty” Mark says in awe that he gets to take you out. 
“Thank you, you look very handsome. Your hair is different almost every time I see you and somehow it only gets better every time you change it.”
This made him blush. Every since Mark has started to grow his hair out more he had gotten so many compliments on it but none of them were as sweet as yours. He had asked his stylist to put some curls in it since that’s the style everyone seems to love the most on him and he wanted to look his best for you.
“Is that mine?” You ask pointing to the rose.
“Yes! I hope it’s not too much or anything. I didn’t want to get you a whole thing of roses because that felt like too much but now I feel like one is also too much. Should I have gone with a more causal flower? Like a daisy? I’m not even really sure what I’m talking about right now.” Mark rambles
“No! I love the rose, they are actually one of my favorite ‘non-causal’ flowers.” You say laughing. 
When you got into the restaurant there wasn’t a line so both of you guys were seated right away. You two sat down and you started looking at the menu even though you knew exactly what you wanted. This restaurant had the best dumplings ever. 
“There dumplings are literally amazing! Have you ever tried them from here?”
“Yes! That’s what I was going to order too. I love the Xiao Long Bao dumplings and the Mandu dumplings. I’m not sure which to get. Which one are you getting y/n?” 
“How about we get both and then share!” You say excited because those were also your two favorite.
When the waiter came by to take your drink orders you felt your heart stop at the sight of him. You had no idea that he even worked here and he was the last person you wanted to see, especially while on a date. He hadn’t even seen you sitting at the table yet, otherwise he probably would have walked away and let someone else take care of your table. 
“Hello my name is Jae and I’m going to be taking care of you guys this evening. What can I get your guys to-” He stops when he sees you.
“Drink.” His whole demeanor changes and he is clearly angry at the sight of you on a date, which doesn’t surprise you as you know him to get irritable at the smallest things.
You two order your drinks and he walks off. 
“That was weird, his whole attitude changed in the middle of his sentence. I hope he’s okay.” Mark says worried.
“He’s fine. He’s just still pissed at me.”
“Wait you know him? How can anyone be mad at you?”
“We used to date. He basically treated me awfully and when I was starting the process of opening up the bakery he got angry with me because he said that I was wasting my time and money. That a bakery in that location wasn’t going to do well. Anyways I broke up with him after that but I never gave him a reason why. I just left because I was done. And he clearly is still mad.”
“Dude he’s a jerk. How can you talk about someones dreams like that? I’m sorry.”
“No I’m sorry. Literally the first thing on the list of what not to do on a first date is talk about your ex and of course he has to be our waiter.”
“No don’t apologize you didn’t know he was going to be here. If you’re too uncomfortable we can always go somewhere else to eat.” 
“Do you honestly not mind? I mean we’re already here and we had our orders ready and everything.” 
“No I don’t mind. The last thing I want you to feel on a date with me is uncomfortable. let’s go.”
You and Mark leave the restaurant immediately. You were very thankful to get out of that situation. You had been daydreaming about spending time with Mark for a while now and you weren’t going to let anyone ruin that. 
You two decided to go down the street to where they have a bunch of different food trucks. You and Mark both got tteokbokki and by the time you ate it you were so hungry it tasted like the best thing in the world. You two ate outside on the bench while the sun was setting. 
Once you finished eating Mark threw the trash away. Mark noticed you shiver a tiny bit because it was getting dark and cold out and all you were wearing was a sundress. He took his jacket off and draped it over your shoulders. 
“Awe Mark you don’t have to.”
“I can’t have my girl getting cold.” Mark says giving you a silly little wink. 
The rest of evening was so pleasant. It had gotten even colder as the sun was fully set so you put the jacket fully on and zipped it up. You guys decided to take a walk and occasionally Marks hand would brush up against yours. Mark wanted to hold your hand so badly but he didn’t know it was too much too soon so he decided to be content with the small little touches for right now. 
When it was time to say goodnight you both found yourselves not wanting to leave each other. 
“I had a good time with you today. Thank you for helping me out at the bakery and for taking me out!” 
“Please tell me we can do this again?” Mark says hopefully.
“Yeah, I would really like that.”
There was a pause where you both just looked at each other, softly smiling. Then Mark looks down and grabs your hand. He takes you hand and places the softest kiss on the back of it. 
You two say goodbye to each other. Mark can barely contain his smile the whole way home as thoughts of you fill his mind. 
It had been a week and a half since your first date with Mark. You two had been texting almost everyday since, but had not had the time to see each other again. Between his busy schedule and yours, it was hard to find the perfect time to see each other.  Finally you both decided that a quick coffee date this morning would be perfect because you two just wanted to see each other again. Mark deliberately came right after the morning rush so that you could let your employees look after the bakery for a while. 
You two go over to the cafe right across the street. It’s actually a cat cafe and you regularly go when you are feeling stressed out because the cats are too adorable to be in a bad mood when you are around them. 
The cafe is filled with cat related decorations, cat trees, and of course, around twenty cats. You two order your coffees and sit down at a table where a fluffy brown cat with a white spot around its eye plants itself on. You start petting the cat but its really not paying you any mind. She is staring at Mark.
“Hi!” He says smiling at her. 
She continues staring at Mark like she's waiting for something. 
“I think she wants you to pet her.” You say smiling at the cuteness of Mark with a cat. 
Mark starts petting her and immediately she starts purring. Your heart melts as she gets up and leans on Mark so that he can pet her easier. 
“It’s a good thing when a cat likes you.” You say.
“Is it?” Mark asks smiling, still petting her.
“Yes, I’ve always said that cats can tell when someone is a good person. Not to bring up my ex again, but Jae’s cat hated him.”
Different cats come and go from your table as you two drink your coffees and talk. Once you finish your coffees, Mark grabs a little mouse cat toy and throws it and three cats run after it. Mark does this a couple more times before you decide you want to play too. As you reach down to pick up a toy Mark also reaches for the same one. One the way down you both accidentally hit your heads together. 
“Oh! I’m sorry.” Mark laughs.
Without hesitation he reaches up and grabs your face and gently pulls you closer to him. He places a kiss on your forehead where he hit you. 
“Does it hurt?”
“No I’m fine.” You say blushing. 
On the way back to the bakery, Mark spots a rose bush on the other side of the street. 
“Wait here!” He says while jogging over to the bush. 
He picks two roses out, Making sure they didn’t have any thorns. When he comes over he hands you the roses. You happily took the roses, as the first one that he gave you was starting to wilt. 
Only a couple days later, Mark was already planning your next date. You both had been really wanting to see this new movie that everyone has been talking about. It was a romance so Mark thought it would be perfect. 
Mark picked you up about an hour before the movie started because he wanted to have a chance to walk around and talk with you. You two visited some shops that were around the movie theater and you two even got some snacks to sneak into the theater. 
There was still about twenty minutes until the movie started so you decided to eat some of the snacks you bought while sitting outside.  
“Wait so you had to kick the customer out?” Mark says while popping a skittle in his mouth.
“Yes! I was not about to let him fight that old lady, even if she was being rude.” 
“Wow that’s crazy. To be fair, I would also fight an old lady over one of your scones so.”
A huge gust of wind came by and blew your hair in your face while you were talking. 
“The movie is about to start.” Mark says as he reaches up and moves your hair out of your face, tucking a strand behind your ear. 
The movie was actually really cute and you both seemed to enjoy it. In the middle of the movie Mark even did the yawn thing to put his arm around you, which you found both hilarious and cute. 
After the movie was over you went to the trash to throw everything away and when you got back to Mark you noticed he was typing something very fast on his phone. You didn’t mean to peak but you eyes happened to glance over at what was on his phone. You saw that he was on the notes app and you saw the words “back rubs.”
Back rubs?
You had no clue what possible reason Mark would be writing about back rubs in his notes app for. But then you thought about the movie you just watched. The guy in the movie gave the girl a back rub when she was feeling stressed out. That was his cute little thing that he always did for her and you thought it was adorable. Was Mark keeping a list in his notes app of cute things to do for you? You didn’t want to ask him because he might get embarrassed but the ideal of him doing this for you made your heart melt. 
At some point during the time you two had spent with each other Mark had mentioned that he had never really be in a real relationship before. He said that if it seemed like he didn’t know what he was doing at any point, it was because he didn’t. You thought he was doing a fantastic job and it was adorable that he was keeping a list of cute things he wanted to do for you to show his feelings towards you. 
The car ride home was nice because Mark could not stop talking about the movie. It seems like he really enjoyed it and the little plot twist at the end really got him. Halfway through the car ride Mark grabs you hand so he can hold it. He doesn’t let go until he gets to the front of your house, occasionally rubbing his thumb against your hand. 
He gets out the car to walk you to your front door. 
“I had a really good time with you and I loved that movie!” Mark says. 
“I did too.” You say smiling. 
You two stare at each other for a minute and you can visible see Mark get nervous. He gives you a quick hug and turns to leave. Seeing that he just got a little nervous, you stop him by grabbing his hand and pulling him back towards you. 
Too embarrassed to say what you really want, you just look up at him a bit shyly.
Finally after you can tell he doesn’t get the hint you say, “I know we said to take things slow but... you can kiss me if you want too.”
He gets close to you and grabs your hand. 
“You want me to kiss you on the hand?” He says as he pressed a peck on the back of your hand. 
You can tell he’s fully just teasing you now.
He gets even closer. “Oh, you want me to kiss you on the forehead?” He says as he places the softest kiss on your forehead. 
“Mark!” You say laughing now.
He stops and smiles at you for a few seconds. 
“Come here.” He says smiling. 
He grabs you and finally kisses you. You forget how to breath for a second but then you kiss him back. Something happens to your heart when he’s kissing you. A feeling you’ve never felt before, almost like nostalgia, but not quite. It’s kinda like the feeling you would get as a kid on Christmas, or how you feel on the first snow day of the winter season, or how you feel singing along to your favorite song at the loudest volume. 
All these feelings don’t exactly describe it, but they come close. This overwhelming feeling of happiness that is so intense you could almost cry when Mark pulls away from the kiss. 
“Y/n?” Mark says, clearly in the same blissful state that you are in. 
“I really like you.” 
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dojae-huh · 6 months
huhnim i tried to hold not to write. .... But if I don't pour my heart to someone I don't knw I could sleep tonight.....
So ty is leaving!!u knw what he said to at the last ment, take care of his boys while he is away for military!!! U knw huh nim I am a dy biased soul, but ty without 127 is a head without a body for me.... He is the leader charismatic central visual of the 127.....nd he is leaving!! I knw blabbering about this doesn't make changes..... But u knw I really hope he just go there with full of satisfaction!!! U knw what he said on this muk2u episode.... He wanted to go a tour with his memebrs, that they didnt ever get a chance to!! I hate the fact that they had to work this harder to be where they are and even can't go for a tour to enjoy themselves..... Now that everyone is gonna sperate I don't knw what to say about it.... I hope once everything settle down he can go with his members, only them only for their enjoyment....
Nd my jae, he is preparing his solo , nd his movie is gonna come out soon, which I have a great expectation..... I hope this year may kind to him so that he could achieve everything that he wanted.... Like his acting and his solo everything.... More thaan that I am waiting for his solo to see how much he linked dy in his songs.... U knw I still think horizone is for dy.... Nd I have my theory I will just write about it another time.... Today my heart is aching ... I can't focus on anything rather than 127 ..
Jungwoo is really popular than he think he is...or is ot just me....anyway he is popular nd a veriety member...atleast that's what they want from him, nd he won't dissappoint us in that matter....may be we could get his solo next year, but not rush he have time....ofcrs he had lot of other opportunities to watch....i think he would get casted on some veriety show as a per member i gues....i hope it happens....i think he would be the most emotional when the memebrs go one by one to military!! He nd ty got close this year nd when dy goes bet me he would cry his heart out....but what i truly impressed by him that he broke the wall of mark nd got close to him nd made into his bestfriend position.... U knw mark won't open up to ppl that easily, even if he does best friend??...no.... Nd that's why haechan is a younger brother nd dy is a drinking buddy nd a mother to him.... Not best friend.... Anyway I am glad they got eo...
Johnny nd yuta......i really need them to have their solo schedules as a singer not in any other way around....i mean they both are successful as a fashion brand ambassador s nd model etc....but as a singer they need to shine more...yuta is really improve so much from his debut vocally....nd he kinda want to show his vocal skill to the world...so I really hope he gets it in a way he wanted!! Not rushing only if he is ready to do it....nd jhonny i realy pitying him for losing his dj schedule...i mean fate really snatched it from him....it was a really good opportunity for him to shine his own...u knw he has that Chicago hot guy vibe, nd he could slay it easily.... So i really hope he gets opportunities on that field and also all those field where he could show his veriety skills... Nd also his singing skills too.... U knw this way 127 won't get forgetted too.... If the members are active one by one.....
Nd mark nd haechan.....my heart aches when I think about them....no idea how they gonna survive this seperation...u knw mark and haechan could work on dreams nd their solo schedules more when 127 is not in active....but i knw they hate the fact that it is gonna happen soon....markhyuck hates it when we ask them to take some rest... Such a workholic....nd i knw how much 127 meant to them...haechan always says his team is 127, nd the way mark, leemark cried on the last day on the unity soul really made me think that they are really really sad about this....nd i can felt it that's the worst part!! Huhnim do u knw hat haechcnie said today!! He is gonna comeback as 127 haechan Soon!! 😭😭😭😭......
Taeil......i can't even talk about him.....what in the world that tragedy had to happen to him that he lost the most precious time of his life...with his memebers his fans nd his career....just becoz of someone's mistake he lost the good part of his life...nd even if he recover nd come back woud he get enough time to show his solo? Would they enlist him soon after he come?!!! I hope he exempted from that thing so he could achieve evrything that he lost in this time....huh nim he is the best vocalist for me.... I want the best for him!!
Nd last my dy, my one nd only love...I heard a teriifying rumour about dy..that the reason behind them rushing his solo is, he gonna enlist soon....probably the end of this year.....no....huh nim.....he is preparing his solo that is the one thing he is most excited about... I want him to enjoy the each and every moment not rushing.... I want him to have everything, a well planned solo debut, promtions, fansighn nd solo tour everything!! I would be the first one to glad if dotae could spend the military tgthr, coz I love them nd don't want them to sperate!! But no dy need his time to do everything that he wanted in a way he wants....!!!! Without rushing and enjoying the evry moment of it..... I like it when doyoung brags when he is excited!!! Nd want him to become a million seller solist in that pink company!!! 😌😌..... I hope that is just a romour....
Nd my real concern.....huh nim do u think 127 didn't got a proper chance to whom they are really??that if they get more opportunity than this they would have been more successful?? Fate and also some factors did snatched most of their opportunity,but still they are successful in their own way with thier uniqness nd skill..... Everyone is talented in their own way... But it's thier 8th year nd they only got 3 world tour without proper mangemnt, still the boys shined very well with their own skill...i do think they deserve better... I hope they success more in the future!! But I am scared would they get an opportunity after military!! Most of the team lost their shine after the military.... Huh nim I am so scared that it might be their last con as a whole 127..... I can't even imagine the fact of them separate forever.. . I knew everything is not gonna last forever!! But u knw they hav lot of sparks within them to show to the world.... I don't want them lose the chance to show their skills.... It's like my boys are running out of time..... Do u think they get enough chances after the military??... 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Huh nim let me apologize for blabbering my thought and the message....but writing this to someone who knws what I am talking about really made me feel better, even if it's for a lil.....thanku for this blog.....nd i really i hope u won't close this if 127 gone.... 🥺🥺🥺🥺...... It would be like losing everything..... It's all my thought, coz my heart feels heavy..nd eng is not my first lang .. If something hurts you or my tone made u offended, I am sorry!! Pls forgive this pure soul who's mind is not working becoz of 127...Nd thankyou once again.... Have a nice day..
Psychiatrists say that half of the time they do nothing but provide an ear, people get better just by venting out their feelings and thoughts. It helps to process thema and let go, unload. So you are half-way to a recovery after this long post, heh.
Enlistment is a huge change for Taeyong. He has been running for 12 years non-stop, and not he will dissapear to another dimension, away from the fans, celebrity life, his friends - everything. It is taugh, and he has an example in Taemin who couldn't cope (he had mental issues while in the military), but I believe in Tae's resilience. He will be able to receive calls from family and friends, so he will have the support.
Another burden is that 127 if going into unknown, many groups lose members after 10 years, some don't return after everyone finish enlistment. However, SM's bg groups have longevity, and Tae will be back after 1,5 years, a shorter time than the pandemia lasted. We survived that interruption in normalcy, we will survive this one as well.
127 won't dissapear for 5 years, they will continue to release songs. They did a whole tour without Taeil. They can make albums with absent members. Exo did that. It won't be a complete group, but, on the brighter side, it will allow for a change in highlighted members. Like TaeMark were the centre of all title tracks for a long time, or how Taeil was responvible for all big notes, now it will change.
I'm sorry, but Jaehyun better not release anything sooner than Autumn... I need time to save money... heh. There is one month break in Dream's schedule, in July. Thus I expect both units to have anniversary activities. Jae's movie will be in summer as well, won't be surprised if he will sing an OST for it. It will make sense to release a solo after the movie. End of August-October is the window, probably.
I doubt Jungwoo will get a solo next year. He is still hesitant about his vocal abilities. He came in as a dancer with a dream to entertain rather than to sing. He has been improving, the producers praise him. I think we can expect a single. Maybe an OST or a special stage for SMTown? He hasn't really started his solo path yet. He has no solo covers, not duets.
Johnny won't be a singer. Not in a soloist sense. He never improved during his time in NCT. I think he will comeback to DJ-ing this year.
Yuta will get a solo album in Japanese eventually. It could be promoted only in Japan though, with little advertisement in SK. TVXQ releases are that way. With the tour over, I'd expect him to return to Japan to shoot in another tv-series for now.
The sooner Do and Jae go to military, the sooner 127 will be back as a complete unit, actually (there is a break of few years before Woo and Hyuk). Tae and Do have a half year difference, so him leaving half a year after Tae makes sense. Although I don't know how exactly the dates are counted, but I think one has to go before turning 29?
I'm ready to sactifice DJJ this year if TaeDo go together to the same location, lol. I'm sure some members of groups serve together.
With Do's current popularity he won't be a million seller with his first solo. But we know him, the bunny always achieves his goals, he will be with his next!
Actually. 127 is way more successful and famous than I expected them to be when I joined the fandom in 2018. Back then everyone looked down on them because they didn't repeat Exo's rapid raise to fame. And look at them now, they sold albums in millions and gave concerts in NA and Europe. 127 is famous. Most importantly, they have legacy (the songs that everyone knows), they are the idols of idol-wannabees (Hanbin&Jaehyun, Ryo&Doyoung, to give an example).
Yes, 127 didn't have luck with tours. It's a fact. But then, many groups simply disbanded for good because of the covid... and most teams never give solo concerts in domes. The members achieved those dreams they had when preparing to debut.
A couple of years ago I used to think that some members will leave. However, seeing how their bond became stronger in 2022-2023, I think from now on only external factors can prevent them from continuing to be a group.
NCT isn't going anywhere. The members who won't go to the military will still have NCT U.
Heh. Everyone dreads the upcoming period, and only I sigh with a relief of "Finally, I'll have time to catch up with all the content released over the years and watch past concerts". WayV and Dream, mayhaps your time has come...
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en-boyz · 2 years
don’t you sometimes just
uh ? you think ya big boi, throwin three stacks. ima show you how to ball, you a miss match. opinionated but im always spitting straight facts. throwback i might throw this on an eight track.
or is it just me??
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Am I the only one who see's the resemblance?
Kim Soohyun Lee Mark
ACTOR Kpop idol(NCT)
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hqtxmi · 3 years
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fymarklee · 3 years
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©markofnct at twitter
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irregularmassive · 4 years
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popfizzles · 4 years
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Commission for @leemak!
[Patreon] || [Ko-Fi] || [Commission Prices]
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Lumark smut reccomendations!
Hello, fellow Lumark shippers (waves from the distance). I myself find it very hard to find good Lumark smut since we have such a small community of shippers. So I have some recommendations for you: 
There's a lot you can find out during never have I ever, and for Mark that includes finding out your best friend is a virgin in every sense of the word. So, what else was he supposed to do other than help Yukhei find out just how good his body can feel? But, what happens when feelings are thrown into the mix?
Mark doesn’t splutter, doesn’t choke- fights against the urge to tug Yukhei down by the collar of his shirt and wipe that irritatingly attractive smirk off of his face. He holds fast against the scarlet blush tinting his cheeks and ears, ignores the heat sweeping across his neck and collarbones.
Stubborn and unyielding, Mark doesn’t want to give Yukhei the satisfaction of seeing his effect.
Yeah, that lasts about 0.2 seconds, because Mark is so focused on not reacting that he doesn’t realize he’s not breathing.
“So. I’ve heard you’ve been having dreams about me.” Yukhei’s voice is firm and very much there. Mark is definitely not in another one of his dreams. Yet, there’s still an easy lilt and rise in Yukhei’s tone, like he’s talking to Mark about what entree off of the Olive Garden menu gives you the best value.
(I’ll add more as I find them)
Feel free to send me some if you know good ones because all the ones that I have found I have read already. 
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sparkleeemarkleee · 4 years
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not mine but why i m dying of laughter
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losersoot · 5 years
broken hearts
[ mark lee x neutral reader ]
mark always manages to make you smile, even when he’s breaking your heart and leaving you with nothing but a key
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“i’ve fallen in love with someone else”
never, in a million years you would have expected mark, your boyfriend of 4 years, to say this to you. you had both loved each other, it was obvious. the words said between the both of you, the moments you shared.
“have you.. been cheating on me with them?”
mark shook his head and grabbed your hand. “i would never, i just wanted to tell you and end this before your heart was broken even more.”
this was always one of the many reasons you loved mark, he was so understanding and he wouldn’t dare hurt your feelings, he would protect you and would always immediately apologise if he did something wrong.
and you appreciated him so much more than you ever did in this moment, even if he was breaking your heart, leaving you. he was still trying not to hurt your feelings. you could never stay mad at this boy, for these reasons.
“i understand, thank you mark. i appreciate you, i hope you have a good relationship!”
mark pulled you into a hug and ruffled your hair, he smiled at you “thank you so much, seeya squirt” he kissed the top of your head and grabbed your hand, he placed his key to your apartment into it. then he walked out.
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I decided to show my face for the first time on this app, made this edit with my NCT biases with the tik tok trend. This took me ages so pls help me fellow Kpop blogs by not letting this flop and get me some clout 😂😂😂
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