#leetle freak boy.............
jinouchibhue · 1 year
*Climbs in through a window and flops on your furniture* Bestie you aint gonna believe this shit-
So i was talking to a friend about the drama- and we play ark together right?
Well when they're out gathering resources i like to tend to the base and tame! Anyway-
So we shooting the shit and suddenly they panic. They had taken the tek strider to go gather resources, and well, we didnt know a giga could spawn in the area (rarely)
So suddenly, drama forgotten, im hauling ass to go find them, i took THEIR TAME- (which i NEVER touch because its their baby, and we discussed the only time that its okay is an emergency. And boy!!!)
So idk how to pilot this guy, hes got a jet, im smacking buttons, we are both losing our shit. The giga is blood, the striders almost dead-
(This giga, btw, has been bred to hell and back. Charon the Giga has a stat of 99 melee)
and god the adrenaline 😭😂😭 told them i had no clue ark was a fuckin horror game!
👉🏽👈🏽 and then i kinda had to find their tame for a leetle bit cause i did get him lost just a smidge in the commotions and is now safetly back at base.
And Ark buddy, sometimes kinda like ARK senpai, and said i did such a good job and was so smart to carry charon/giga in my hotbar and-
I needed to share that with somebody who gets the viddy game 😭💕💕💕💕💕 IM RIDING THAT HIGH 😭💕💕💕
Ahajsjdhdjdjshshshdhsh oh hay what's UP
The worst thing on Ark is a surprise giga 😭
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excvlsior · 4 years
about: *gunner paxton.
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full name: gunner brick paxton meaning of name: gunner = ‘warrior’, brick = ‘good man/solid’ nickname: g age: 22 date of birth: july 30th, 1998 hometown: laramie, wyoming nationality: american ethnicity: irish, french gender: cis-male sexuality: bisexual spoken languages: english profession: in lovell verse he’s a student and part time librarian, in carina he’s mooching off the rhodes family while looking for a job >_>
height: 5′7″ harry_styles_grimace.jpeg
eye colour: blue
hair colour: mousy brown/lightens to dirty blond if he’s in the sun enough
voice: used to be occasionally hoarse/rough from disuse now it’s just sort of permanently like that, smoking didn’t help either he kinda rly does sound like a chain smoker, with the slightest wyoming drawl
tattoos: fox on his forearm
piercings: n/a
clothing style: outfits consist of only thrift store finds which wouldn’t be an issue if he knew how to match outfits together or what his size is, always wore hand me downs and has never been properly measured so all his clothes r practically hanging off him; almost always wearing an 80′s style ski jacket, shoelaces as belts, mismatched shoes that are a size or two too big in and of themselves; took piper dressing him for him to start wearing outfits that actually fit and they’re usually all black cuz he still can’t style or match colours together even with her tips
physical ailments: reoccurring right shoulder pain, reoccurring dizziness/migraines/memory problems due to multiple concussions, asthma
neurological conditions: major depressive disorder, anxiety
allergies: tree nuts, peanuts, shellfish, citrus fruits, red food dye, cow’s milk, soy, grass, pollen, latex, bees, cats
sleeping habits: prefers irregular 20 minute naps throughout the day instead of 8 consistent hours of sleep cuz he claims its ‘more natural’
exercise habits: n/a
sociability: generally prefers to be alone, has a small, solid group of friends he enjoys spending time with but even then only has so long before he needs his own time again
drink / smoke / drugs: socially / quit but can be caught sneaking one every now and again / socially
positive traits: calm, dedicated, forgiving, hard-working, imaginative, loyal, patient, resourceful
negative traits: aloof, cowardly, detached, grumpy, narrow-minded, pessimistic, quiet, secretive, vague, weak-willed
goals/desires: i think rly what he wants more than anything is to find out what ever actually happened to wyatt tbh
fears: everything around the situation with wyatt, kinda held on to the notion that wyatt isn’t alive anymore mostly because he was too scared to think of what could have happened/be happening to his brother after all these years, his dad, losing control of himself and his environment
hobbies: creating weird freaky little old horror movies that would probably make people cringe, creating soundtracks for said movies, reading, gaming, baseball
habits: avoids eye contact, bites/picks the skin around his nails, clears his throat when he’s uncomfortable, gives awkward thumbs up, his mouth always hangs open without realizing it when he plays video games, makes a flicking motion a lot with his hand even when he’s not holding a cigarette
weather: thunderstorms
colour: n/a but purple if he really had to choose
music: he never really got to explore outside of the realm of his parents’ fav music genres growing up, dad’s was classic rock and mom’s was 80′s pop so that’s 90% of what he listens to, but he enjoys hozier/greta van fleet and some other modern rock artists, anything really out of the norm experimental sounding he likes a lot too
movies: foreign art house films, horror, nothing too jump scarey but more the psychological thriller ones
food: a nice Thick steak thats really rare like the freak he is
drink: almond milk, coors light
father: john paxton, never really had a solid job tbh he would do a lot of random odd things or would con people out of their money somehow then would spend days at a time at casinos until he lost it all
mother: jessica paxton, also never really had a solid job LAWL mostly conned people out of money by pretending to be a psychic and then after wyatt’s disappearance spent her days either in bed for weeks or manically tearing their trailer apart trying to redesign their tiny space with money they didn’t have
siblings: older brother need . to work on that now LKHSDGKLHSDG and wyatt paxton who’s assumed to be deceased
pets: golden retriever named duke when growing up, he passed away a year before he left wyoming but gunner considered duke his best friend until then
significant other: piper rhodes in carina verse, their summer fling just ended in lovell verse
family’s financial status: lower class
zodiac sign: leo somehow
mbti: istj - the logistician
enneagram: the observer
temperament: melancholic
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
moral aligment: lawful neutral
primary vice: envy
primary virtue: temperance
element: air
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lockandkeyhyena · 3 years
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im sobbing im crying i love these nake boys so freaking much im gonna cry so mucn looka t him look at himmm leetle feetsy streschy assdvevvw asscutie dvxvspieWaAssfv
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jezkier · 3 years
Hansa Wolfpack Daemon AU
this au has lived rent-free in my head for months. The worldbuilding has been fun and I wanted to put it somewhere. It's just a pile of silly headcanons without an actual narrative
The concept is this:
the entire hansa has wolf daemons. all of them. they are the strangest, most ragtag little pack anyone has ever seen.
This is mostly the product of me imagining a pile of wolf daemons asleep on top of each other. a whole dang pack. and Geralt's daemon is at the bottom of the pile so she and Geralt can't slink off in the middle of the night bc Geralt got too broody and wanted to be Noble and Self-Sacrificing and Not Endanger His Pals
I also think it's really funny to imagine Cahir staring into a campfire, thinking about things, and then out of the blue he says something like "Does anyone else think it's a little strange we all have wolf-shaped daemons? That seems... weirdly serendipitous." and the rest of the hansa looks at each other for a moment. and then they're all simultaneously like "uh. no? not even a little, wtf are you on about" and he drops the subject forever
Geralt's daemon is this beautiful, gloriously fluffy white wolf, BUT she is very much the smallest of their patchwork pack. She is always brushed and clean and groomed and her ears are small and kind of rounded. She's dangerously close to adorably cute. which drives both her and Geralt nuts because they're supposed to be Big Fierce Scary Monster Hunters. But it also means that sometimes kids' daemons will approach her out of curiosity in villages where they don't get visitors very often and then skitter back, terrified, when they realize she's a witcher's daemon
the rest of the hansa's daemons joke among themselves on the reg that they have to Protect The Sweet Leetle Baby At All Costs, which makes Geralt want to commit arson
Dandelion's daemon is a gangly, rangy, feral-looking, patchy brown she-wolf that he absolutely adores. He loves her so fucking much and won't hear a word said against her. Just think she hangs the moon or whatever. It drives him batshit insane whenever people confuse his perfect beautiful goddess of a daemon for Geralt's. (Because lbr, it's very easy for the average person to assume that the scruffy, flea-bitten wolf daemon belongs to the scruffy, flea-bitten witcher) In this universe, Dandelion starts up the whole White Wolf schtick bc he's sick and tired of random townspeople confusing his beautiful sweet perfect darling with Geralt's daemon when they travel together
Milva's daemon has no problem going after Geralt's daemon when she and Geralt are in a Mood. He doesn't hesitate to nip at her, or lick at her, or straight up sit on her, mostly because his tolerance for sulky brooding is much lower than Milva's. And her tolerance for that type of nonsense is already pretty damn low. Her daemon would rather get the pity parties over with ASAP and doesn't mind speeding the process along however he sees fit
He kind of freaks Geralt & his daemon out at first, bc no one's daemons (with a precious few exceptions, like Dandelion/maybe the other wolf witchers/Yen) have any interest in getting close to a witcher's daemon.
Angoulême's daemon is the biggest of the bunch. He's a scary-looking boy. All big muscle and coarse fur and gravely growling. He radiates "no NOT fuck with me." But he's also a huge goof and extremely playful in a very wolfy way when he and Angoulême let their guard down. A literal giant puppy. He takes to the little pack immediately. The first night Angouleme was with the rest of the hansa, he dropped his fat ass on top of the daemon cuddle puddle without asking and made himself comfortable. He snores when he sleeps on his back. Angouleme's pack of boyfriends in Toussaint think he's hot shit. He and Angoulême bicker pretty frequently and have a whole array of rude names they call each other. But for as often and as publicly as they fight, they rarely don't make up within a day. (He settled at a much younger age than most people)
Higher vampires didn't have daemons until after the Conjunction, and even then not all higher vampires wound up with daemons at all. Regis and his daemon don't know what to do with each other at first. Regis misses being able to fly sometimes, but he's v fond of his daemon and wouldn't trade her for anything. But she's terrifying to regular humans, and has been mistaken for a shuck or a grim when they weren't careful. She can kinda sorta change her shape a little to make herself less scary, but if she does it for too long, it gets uncomfortable for both her and Regis in an itchy sort of way
Geralt learns first hand that the idea you can identify a higher vampire by all their canon traits AND their lack of a daemon is wrong in about 95% of cases
Other daemons don't think she looks scary for some reason. They get kind of confused when their humans get freaked out by her. it's a vampire thing
Cahir's daemon is officially recorded as being "high percentage wolfdog." wolf daemons are outright banned from miliatary service bc of "a high incidence of unpredictable, disloyal conduct." It cost Cahir's family a boatload of money for the seal on that document, but the worse part is that anyone who looks at his daemon for more than 3 seconds can tell beyond a shadow of a doubt that there's no dog anywhere in her. No one seriously questions it though (at first)
Yen's raven daemon tends to be a bit standoffish, but that has more to do with the fact he's a raven and ravens aren't usually interested in slobbery roughhousing. He will admit this to exactly no one, not even Yen herself, but he likes to privately imagine Geralt's daemon's long winter coat is feathers so he can pretend he's grooming her properly
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
The Copper Wars
Chapter 3
Tw:MC gets triggered.
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By the time it was night jerico had finished the blueprints for his New invention.
A thirty feet tall robot, called The Forge, he couldnt wait to make It,but first he should change,and Grab something to eat,maybe even go to town and see whats up.
He took a quick shower,and changed,walking to the kitchen with his cats following behind him
--Hey guys whats up--jeri said non chalantly.
The mercs couldnt help but stare, he was wearing tight black pants,a dark green sweater, his hair tied in a bun while some stands fell loosely on his face.
--We uh...we were just about to eat-- engie mustered up, Serving the food.
--Nice, oh also! Ill go into town, anybody wanna come with me?
The men , except for pyro,soldier and heavy looked at eachother,before an argument broke out about who should accompany him.
--ya should let me go!, im super fun to be around!
--What ye goen ta get is this little shite talking yer ears off-Demo said drinking from his beer.
--Oh yeah? Well ya cant even stay still!youre drunk off ya ass!
--Id offer myself,I could use a break from workin'
--Ja!so would I!
--I zhink I could use some fresh air zoo
Jer stood there thinking--What if all of Us go?we could also use it to know eachother.
The mercs look at eachothern,and with grumpy looks they nodd.
And so, after eating off they went to town.
When they arrived the place was absolutely bustling with life,in the main plaza there was music playing, and jerico really wanted to dance!
The tune was so catchy!, and it reminded him of how much he and his dad would dance.
He took a quick look to his companions,but he could tell nobody was onboard.
So he just,stands there, pouting and his arms crossed.
Until a hand softly poses on his shoulder,he looks at engie who smiles and lends out his gloved hand.
Jer suddenly smiles, a huge smile on his face as he takes It.
The rest couldnt help but feel their chest warm up,he had a beautiful smile.
The music changes to a more softer one,and engie sweats bullets as jeri puts his arms around his neck.
--oh shit sorry i--
--No no,its alright uh aint used to dance with a Man thats all
--Theres always a first time,though if you want you can go back with the rest
--Its alright...this...this is fine
Both danced slowly,hesitant and unsure,but eventually they warmed up,and absolutely Killed it!.
Jerico was having so much fun.
Suddenly the texan Man dips him in, and he hugs his neck as jeri feels hes going to fall.
Engineers arms hug his waist,and with red cheeks they got back on their feet.
The texan knew hed get teased by scout, but seeing his companion happy made him feel giggly like a schoolgirl.
While walking through the local feria,jer fidgeted as he saw the stalls,so Many Many pretty things!.
He ran around, scout following him as he also got excited by all the things people sold.
--anyzhing Catching your interest?--spy sneaked behind the New merc, his french accent made a shiver run down his spine.
--Beejeezus!you scared me!
--my most sincere apologies,but please answer
Jeri just shrugged--Nothing really I mean they are pretty but,nothings like...'wow I want to buy that',besides you dont need to get me anything
--Consider it a welcome gift,if you need anyzhing or change your mind,let me know,our revoir
And the frenchman left.
While the rest were exploring,jeri sat on the empty stage, he then saw a Man,struggling to get his kid to calm down, the same Man was trying to play something on his guitar to no avail.
So he approached the dad, and asked if he needed help.
--You can try
Unaware of his team watching him, he sat on the floor with the kid,And softly played the guitar.
Jeri smiled,the kid mumbled things in what could be understood as spanish, and an idea appeared on his face.
--Hoy voy a hablarte
De mis héroes, que me vieron crecer
Desde el león que se hizo rey
Hasta la princesa que rompió la ley--He sang,gaining the kids attention--
Si me preguntas a mí
De ellos aprendí
Que hay personas por las que vale la pena derretirse
Que todo es posible, incluso lo imposible
Las virtudes a veces están bajo la suficiente
La belleza esta en el interior
Recuérdame aunque te diga adiós
Debo dejar de ser algo que no soy
Llorar me tranquiliza los problemas de la vida
Elimina de tu vida si elimina tu sonrisa
Hay una lágrima por cada risa
Eres más valiente de lo que crees
Porque tenemos que crecer
La segunda estrella a la derecha todo recto hasta el amanecer
Aférrate a aquello que te hace diferente
Si esperas el momento oportuno, era ese
Ohana significa familia, familia estar juntos siempre
Que tu alma libre esté
Que nunca es tarde para ser joven--his team had Walked closer.
The kid slowly calmed down as he sang, and quietly joining him.
Jer had a huge smile on his face,pouring his heart and soul as he sang with the kid who did the same,enjoying the music-- Boo
Sigue nadando
Sigue nadando
Quiero ser cómo, tú
Hakuna matata
Vive y deja vi bibidibabidibu
Hay un amigo en mí
Tan blandito que me quiero morir
De ellos aprendí!
Both ended their singing and the kid started to giggle and laugh, jerico gave the Man back his guitar and watched them walk away, with a warm feeling on his chest.
--recruit is good with little kids--heavy said.
--back in my home I had a lot of siblings,you end up learning I guess
And they spend the rest of the night enjoying the town.
Once back at his bedroom, just as hes about to sleep, he notices a pacage on his desk.
How...how did that get in here?
He got out of bed and Turned on the desk lamp.
--Que carajo...?--(what The fuck?),he then opened the small box to find a beautiful book,with carved details,painted gold.
'Since you too design things I figured this would suit you best.
Said the note on the wrapper of the box.
He smiled and left it there,already too tired.
He then when back to bed, and fell asleep with his cats on his chest.
The morning sun filtered through the old blinds,jer hears his alarm go off,smacking the button of his alarm with a groan.
Suddenly he jumps as loud noises and shouts reached his room.
--la re puta madre!--he cursed sitting Straight,vica stands on their two back feet and with his front paws Cling to his unbuttoned shirt.
Jer picks them up,as illa jumps on his shoulder,and he walks to the source of the noise.
--Can I know what the fuck is going on?--Jerico asked,grumpy and a bit anxious.
--zhis idiot tried to Cook a pie,and somehow left zhe fork inside of it--medic said looking at scout.
Suddenly, scout screamed at the top of his lungs to defend himself,with a stupid argument.
Jer jumps back and hugs his cat, who purss and licks his hand.
His breath hitched as hes barely able to say--scout shut up!
His broken voice is enough to make the whole Room shut up and look at him.
--leetle Man feels bad,whats up?‐-heavy tried to Grab his shoulder but jeri stepped away.
--Scout give him a glass of vater-medic approached jerico softly, guiding Him to sit on the table--...how jou feeling now?
The New merc drinks the glass of water as he brokenly tries to steady his breath.
Vica sits on his lap,and illa jumps on the table, purring into the hand thats holding his head.
--I...I think im alright--jeri straightened his back--sorry,shouting And and loud noises make me anxious, try and Keep it quiet for now please?
--Ja, Ve'll zry, oh, by zhe vay,breakfasts ready
Engenieer was so kind to make the New merc breakfast with some home made applepie(without the fork inside of it)
Jerico Drank his tea, while his carts sat besides him curled up in a ball.
--So,jerico right?--engie said
--Yeah,whats up?
--Why dontcha tell Us about yourself huh?
Jers hand buttonned Up his shirt as he finally realized he was still in his pjs.
--Well,i moved in with my dad when I was a teen,worked in a bakery--scout chuckled condecenfingly--wich means I can make better pies than scout,and I Will not leave a fork inside of it,a part time artist, when I was like....twenty I did my phd in Steam powered engenieering,and when I could id go learn blacksmithing in one of my dads Friends house,nothing much
--nothin freaking much?!--scout said surprised-- you learnt blacksmithing and you think thats nothing much?
Jeri laughed snorting--well yeah blacksmithing is pretty cool
The Bostonian boy sunk in his chair and hid his face with his cap, as his cheeks Turned Pink.
--Oh and engie,I have the blueprints done,we can get to work in the wiring after this
--Alrighty then!
The rest of the breakfast was spent in quiet chatter, and jerico went to take a shower, closing the courtain.
The warn water hit his body and his shoulders and back relaxed.
He stretched his neck and washed his hair.
After the bath, he changed and went to Grab the blueprints and the notes he'd made in the notebook spy gave him.
He Walked to the door of his room,feeling excited to make this proyect of his into reality.
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rm-renfield · 6 years
When I was leetle bebe boy I watched part of that Scary Movie where they parody The Ring and my babysitter told me what the actual The Ring was about, and then my mom came home and I got in trouble for watching Scary Movie. Because of this, I associated The Ring with getting In Trouble, and I was also really freaked out by the whole plot of it because leetle bebe me loved TV. For months after that I was afraid to be in a room with a TV that was turned off because I thought it would turn on to static and Samara/Sadako would come out and get me. I feared this to the point that it made me feel sick to my stomach. I would have to leave the room any time there was a TV on a static channel because it straight up made me panic. I honestly think the main source of my fear was just that I associated that movie with feeling guilty, because I was terrified of being In Trouble. I finally saw The Ring when I was, like, 19. I thought it was ok.
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melonoverlord · 4 years
Ask meme for my leetle Bluebeary
Which parent do they look the most like?
He has his dad’s skin, nose, and eye color, but his mom’s eye shape and hair color. He’d probably say he looks closer to his dad if he ever knew what they looked like. But he knows absolutely nothing about his folks.
Is there a name they were almost given (either by their parents or during character creation)?
During character creation, Teddy’s character picture was in the running to be Holland, but after the good tiefling girl was chosen to be petty sister, the fish kid stayed and Teddy (who was originally in the running for Liam’s name) was born.
What were they like as a kid (if they’re currently a child, what would they be like as a teen)?
It depends on the path he takes. If he gets more indoctrinated into the mafia, Teddy would simultaneously have a huge head at the fact that his sisters are the top dogs of the Family, and be a bit more mellowed out because he has to follow their example. Meaning the little Bluebeary would be just a little scarier as the Loch Ness Monster as the youngest Panahi killer.
On the other hand, if he can get out and shown that there is a way to have a healthy family, Teddy would still be mellowed out but with a stronger moral compass, still annoying at times but wanting to do right by his family and friends. In the end, his greatest strength and flaw is his loyalty to family.
What’s their drinking tolerance and what kind of drunk are they?
He’s just a baby right now, but his drinking tolerance would probably be the highest of his siblings. Water genasis can filter a lot of toxins so he would have a pretty hard time getting drunk. However, once he is drunk he would be the type who just straight up leaves a bar or party because he’s bored and wants to find another party, leaving everyone to freak out where he is. Suddenly Novi and her missing boot is not the only Panahi Cinderella story.
Where do they like to be touched?
Teddy always liked pats on the head, even if he outwardly tried to get away from them. It was the most affection Holland could give him and the most he was willing to accept in public. But he likes when his sisters ruffle his hair. It makes him feel loved.
What’s their favorite position (top/bottom/switch/pillow princess/etc.)
What are their kinks?
How do they feel about adrenaline (roller coasters, extreme sports, etc.)?
Oh he adores it. He shares Holland’s love of racing, both sisters’ love of hitting things, and the universal love of going very fast. He hasn’t been to many amusement parks, but he wants to ride every roller coaster whenever he goes.
What is their fight or flight response?
Teddy definitely leans more flight just because of what he was taught-- he’s not strong enough to go into a fight so hide. But the more he’s on his own without anyone to fight for him, he’s much more likely to go into thing head on just so he can prove himself and help his sisters. He’ll become a real Action Lad.
What’s their pain tolerance?
That being said, Teddy does have the advantage of being a little more sturdy than the average child. He grew up training alongside his sisters, even if he wasn’t doing any fighting so he’s a pretty athletic child (he likes to say this helps him be a ladies’ man, a fact that no one else agrees with), so when he does get hurt, he only complains if it’ll get someone else in trouble.
What character archetype are they the most like (the Innocent, the Hero, etc.)
He’s the only current child involved right now, he’s the only part of Novi’s life that’s relatively normal and domestic, and through Novi’s actions and decisions he may have to deal with a loss of innocence. So he’s definitely The Child.
What TV-Tropes trope would they be?
Let’s be honest, he’s Novi’s Morality Pet. He’s the real reason Novi does (or doesn’t) do a lot of things and help Novi realize that things in the mafia are fucked up, even if she doesn’t realize it for herself yet.
What John Mulaney quote/bit do they most embody?
“God, I guess they’re finally going to kill us all. All right. This is younger than I thought I would be but we are pretty big assholes.”
With the exception of love interests and immediate family, who are they closest to?
He hasn’t hung out with anyone outside of his sisters, but if he met the squad, he would probably get along with Kris. He loves animals, he’s cool and a criminal, and he would want to hear all about Kris’ exploits while on the run. It also helps that Kris is good with kids and he’s best friends with Novi.
What is their moral alignment? What would have to happen for it to shift?
Probably closer to Chaotic Neutral. He cares about his sisters and his image and really that’s it because he’s also sipping that mafia juice right alongside Novi. But if he leaves and gets new friends who care him, he can see the good in the world and want to do good by it. But for now his loyalty is to his big sister.
Are they a morning person? What are they like before 8am?
He’s a dumb little boy who would get up at 1 everyday if he could. The only thing he wants to do when he gets up (especially if he’s woken up early), is eat whatever food he can find and grouch around in his hoodie. He’s so gotdamn grumby and sleeby. No talk him.
What are they like when they’re tired?
Teddy would never tell anyone this and only Novi knows this but he’s pretty cuddly (a cuddlefish if you will) when tired. It’s usually with Keanu because it’s not as stigmatized for a boy to cuddle his doggo, but when he was younger he would slump against Novi a lot before he drifted off to naptime.
What are they like in arguments?
Although he’s annoying in any conversation, he’s even more annoying in arguments because he always wants his way and so will not let things go unless someone threatens consequences like Novi or Asazi. It sometimes helps that he’s so stubborn because he can think for himself if he needs to, but his strategy is if you can’t change their mind, annoy them until they stop fighting.
What is their dominant hand?
Out of 10, how happy are they? How happy do they think they are?
For a mafia kid he’s pretty happy, especially compared to his sisters, but recently he’s been a lot lonelier with Novi and Hol on the run without a way to really contact them without getting in trouble. He’s at a 7/10 right now just hoping he can have his family back.
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