#legitimate!sophie gunningworth beckett
apinchofm · 2 years
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She was a you-know-what.
A bastard. Sophie had never been afraid of the word, because her father loved her. That is what mattered.
But Benedict, from such a prestigious family, loved her when he should not. They were utterly u n s u i t a b l e
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sxphiebeckettt · 1 year
The Lady Sophia Maria Beckett, daughter of the Earl of Penwood.
POV: if Sophie was legitimate
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silverhallow · 4 months
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Sophie Beckett was a bastard.
Everyone knew, well everyone around Penwood Park did.
Even Sophie knew the truth but she knew that it was a secret…
So secret that when the then 3 year old Sophie was dropped off at Penwood Park by her ailing grandmother, the new Earl had taken one look at her moss Green eyes, dark blonde curls and knew instantly…
The tale was told around the village that little Sophie was the orphaned child of his cousin Elizabeth, who, along with her husband Charles Beckett had died in a tragic house fire and little Sophie had only survived thanks to a maid throwing her from the second story window to safety.
Life had been simple for Sophie, but as the years passed and The Earl had tried to find a suitable wife, someone to have an heir with, who would raise his ward as their own… he had been unsuccessful and it was during Sophie’s 14th year when the Earl died suddenly. He had returned to Penwood after a season in London and told Sophie he was to marry a woman with two daughters, he was to return to London in a few days and she was to go with to meet the woman and her daughters but the following morning, tragedy struck and the Earl died, leaving Sophie as a true orphan…
Her Aunt Sarah, Richard’s younger sister took her in and raised her.
But now in 1813, an 19 Sophie Beckett is about to enter the marriage mart, the very image of her Gunningworth relatives, with a dowry befitting a legitimate daughter of an Earl…
Can she find a place in this world or will her true identity be discovered?
A Place in this World… a Benophie AU
✨Coming soon ✨
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apinchofm · 1 year
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giving a glowing review
Sophie Gunningworth wanted to see the season in London, having spent her entire life at Penwood. When she meets the dashing artist, Benedict Bridgerton, she finds her life is no longer a bore as she navigates London society.
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apinchofm · 2 years
“Please, don’t leave.” Benophie
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Sophie dressed, choosing a pink dress today. Another long summer's day at Penwood. She would go for a walk in the gardens, maybe for a ride.
She was surprised to see a young man in the drawing room, where she usually liked to break her fast. Young men did not come here, especially not young gentlemen. He was well dressed, with a beautiful blue jacket and light blue cravat that matched his eyes.
"Hello, sir," She greeted.
"Ah, hello!" He greeted, "Is Lord Gunningworth about?"
"He is in a meeting," She said. He nodded and went to leave.
“Please, don’t leave.” She blurted out, taking his arm. It rather surprised him, but he was more intrigued, "It is just we do not receive many visitors."
"Ah. Well, I apologise. May I introduce myself? Mr Benedict Bridgerton." He bowed to her, making her giggle.
"Miss Sophie Beckett." She replied. She wondered how he would react, but he merely kindly smiled.
"Shall I call for some tea?"
Lord Gunningworth was rather surprised to hear his daughter's laughter coming from the drawing room. She was a rather shy thing, so there was something so warming hearing her laugh at a male voice telling her a story of a corgi chasing a man.
"Ah, Mr Bridgerton." The younger man stood, putting his cup down, "I trust my daughter has been hospitable?"
"Your daughter has been most accommodating." He said with a warm smile, "It is a pleasure to see you again, my lord."
"Papa, you did not tell me you were to have another portrait done!" Sophie said to her father.
"That is because I am not. You are." Her eyes widened, "If you are to debut in London, you should have a portrait befitting your station. Mr Bridgerton comes highly recommended from the Royal Academy."
"Oh, papa!" She said, hugging and kissing him excitedly.
"But, papa. Devrait-il vouloir me peindre?" She asked him in a hushed voice and he
"I would be honoured to paint you." Benedict chimed in, and she turned to him, surprised, "That is if you should like to be painted."
"I would like that very much, Mr Bridgerton."
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apinchofm · 1 year
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Chapter 3: meetings and musems
"You should be careful, My Lady." She warned, "Men like him, those artists, they all have their lines and pretty words. What you need is a reliable nobleman."
Sophie merely smiled at her maid, "You are so harsh."
"It's kept me sensible." She said pointedly, with a gentle smile.
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