#lego monkie kid li jing
peasantflour · 2 months
(LMK Season 5 Spoilers Ahead)
You guys know that scene where Nezha goes against his father to let everyone escape?
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I fully expected this to be the aftermath:
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Would it have happened? Probably not. But it’s funny to think that it could have.
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so hey. lmk. do you want to talk about those lotus doors in li jing's pagoda-
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dez-ku · 3 months
I'm actually on my break and decided to draw for fun... This gave me mixed feelings 😭
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siulas-10 · 1 month
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This is for a reddit voting thing btw
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theycallmeazalea · 3 months
My thoughts #6
Hey is it bad that I feel nauseous when I see Nezha and LJ actually “bonding”?
Like that smile on LJ’s face makes me wanna puke, idk if in lmk LJ harmed Nezha in his childhood but knowing that’s mostly how Nezha’s backstory is portrayed is making me think that actually happens.
And seeing LJ (presumably) not getting punished for his actions of harm to his kid and getting so quickly redeemed in lmk season 5 is for me sickening..
I don’t like people who treat their children so poorly, I actually hate it. Just the thought of it makes me wanna puke. Maybe that’s why I feel so nauseous and disgusted when I see LJ?
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onesaltybagel · 3 months
Ok so I've watched the first two episodes of Season 5 after much procrastination and it HURTS. IT HURTS SO MUCH
spoilers under cut!
I did NOT expect for Wukong’s scream to hit me as much as it did. I mean, we haven't really seen the guy in pain yet, have we? The spider mech web stuff doesn't really count because he was consistently joking and able to break free but here, he's immediately depressed about it and comes to terms with the fact that he has no idea how to get it off.
Oh my GOD the Dadsy moments. I'm so fucking happy he finally said it. The writing team said “screw what we made him say in season 4, he's his dad” and its amazing. The caressing his cheek?!?!?!? GSJSGSHSH Dad! Dad! Dad! Best dad! Brilliant dad!
Nezha screaming Wukong while covered in clones made me snort, I don't know what it is about his voice actor but the angry scream is so on point
I'm saying it now, if we don't find out who the hooded guy is ill throw up.
Macaque where tf have you GONE come BACK you've left your (ex) husband alone!! GET OUTTA THE PAGODA
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hamlet-yam · 2 months
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day 7 nezha and Li jing
Maybe my least favorite so far right now.had a forgetful moment today so tried to finish as quick as I could.knew I was gonna struggle with the pagoda but thought I was gonna have more time.
wanted to add li jings little hexagon looking magic but again time
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glitcheslikeslego · 22 days
sits and stares at my laptop like it’s a camera
okay SO–
my Li Jing Parenting Analysis (this right here) has been getting many mixed replies, and i wanted to make this post to sorta explain something to everyone.
every single one of my Li Jing Analyses are based on the LMK story and LMK alone, mainly what’s shown on screen in the show. LMK is very loose when it comes to JTTW and any other mythos it's based off of, since it’s not technically a direct continuation, but instead a lego show with it’s own spin and adaptation on the original story.
that’s what i’m basing my analyses on and not anything from the original mythos and stories, since it’s been shown time and time again how these legos are completely different to the actual original versions, aside from sharing certain defining characteristics and names.
so long story short, LMK is technically it’s own very, very loose adaptation of JTTW that can technically act as a standalone story and not lean on the og mythos heavily aside from characters that show up, and that's the version i use for my LMK analyses since……. it’s LMK characters i analyze. 
and i want you to sit and think for a second
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y’all are arguing over this ^
a literal piece of plastic that sells for $36 at the highest, and $25 at the lowest
literally the only way this piece of plastic can hurt you is if you step on it, and i think that says more about you than anything :/
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arifeathers · 2 months
I’m probably gonna die for this but-
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lego-loving-loser · 3 months
Immortals! What are you guys' fav flowers?
I need to know... for science...
🌺 anon
I do not understand why you need to know, but if you must, I've always been fond of yellow roses.
It may be a surprise, but spring crocuses. Despite being the "Third Lotus Prince", lotuses are not very high on my list...
Zinnias! They're so bright and pretty, plus they remind me of the sun!
Heliotropes. You can do your own research. -💜
Bluebells! They're so pretty, though not the best for cooking considering they're poisonous. Learned that lesson the hard way....
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littleroseprince · 18 days
TW/CW: This comic depicts a parental figure manipulating their child.
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"demon child"
i think lmk li jing should have been worse :)
"Father-" Nezha's mech takes a step forward, metal clanging against the asphalt.
Li Jing swirls around, glaring with a gaze filled with both anger and fear. "SILENCE!" He snarls, lifting the pagoda in one bracelet-clad hand. "Do not make me subdue you once more, Nezha."
Nezha is no fool. He knows all of them can see him flinch, even through the layers of iron and steel. He knows all of them can see the spear waver in his mech's fingers, foot shifting backward out of defense.
Ever the savior, Wukong steps forward to his defense, brown-orange fur bristling. "Hey, what the fuck, Li?" He snarls, tail swishing in agitation. "Us I get, but your own son?"
Nezha's father raises his pagoda, glare tightening the wrinkles around his eyes. "You have no right to judge me, simian. Or shall I remind you-" the seal upon the circlet reactivates, and Nezha can only watch in horror as Wukong cries out in pain, dropping to his knees. The rest of his friends- can Nezha even call them his friends, with how little he knows of them?- try to resist the tug of the pagoda's magic, but their feet start to slip.
He doesn't want to go back to that lotus-painted door again. He doesn't want to be crushed and confined under a heavy floor again. He doesn't want his tongue silenced and his actions subdued again. He doesn't want to be trapped ever again.
...But isn't he now?
Trapped in compliance, frozen in time as he watches them lose this fight?
Nezha is no fool.
He knows he is a hound that has been muzzled and chained- he knew that when they took away his strongest weapons and raised a pagoda at him for harboring the slightest thoughts of disobedience. He has always known.
But for the sake of the trust MK talked of, for the sake of what Nezha once stood for- a two-handed spear breaks through the pagoda's cyclone, severing the magic. Nezha can only watch as the dragon girl yells for Mr. Tang, everyone staring at him with confusion and pity as a golden glow takes them far away.
He knows his punishment. He knows why the pagoda was created.
He leaves his mech, bowing his head before his father as he awaits what is due.
"...Return to the Celestial Realm."
He is given a mercy. An unexpected one, at that, but one that makes his bowed head sigh toward the asphalt with relief. As of now, his use outweighs his disobedience.
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He watches his father take off toward the horizon, mumbling an apology as he disappears from the festively lit alleyway in a swirl of lotus petals. He knows what it's like to be a chaos child, destined for destruction- he can only hope MK will have a happier tale than he did.
"...So hey, are we just going to gloss over what the fuck just happened with Nezha??" Mei asks once she's back on her feet within the mountain cavern, gesturing wildly at Wukong to explain.
"He-" Wukong starts, then stops, scratching his arm. "His dad... I knew something about it, but I always thought people were exaggerating. Cause c'mon, Nezhy? I know he's got a temper, but that-"
"Monkey King, WHAT are you talking about?" MK scratches his head, leaning on Mei with a similarly confused expression.
Wukong hesitates, pacing against the stone ground of the temple, then sighs. He opens his mouth-
And is beat to it.
"That pagoda was created to subdue Nezha." Tang interrupts. He pushes his glasses farther up his nose, focusing his gaze on crumbling towers high above. "...I remember the story now."
When he's finished regaling the tale in a quiet tone, the Monkie Gang has reeled through a rollercoaster of emotions- anger, disgust, pity, sympathy, and rage. Pigsy rolls up his sleeves, marching out towards the nearest wall with a loud "I'm gonna go back and give that fuckin' 'father' of his a piece of my goddamn mind-"
Sandy lays a gentle hand on his shoulder, steering the chef back. "Pigsy. Not right now." He says, although nobody misses the clenched fist of his other hand.
Wukong sighs. "...I always thought people were playing it up, but... I guess not." He closes his eyes, trying to reign in the feeling of guilt bubbling up inside him. To think he bullied Nezha for it, not understanding just how conflicted he must have been... Most definitely not for the first time in Wukong's life, he feels like an idiot who failed a friend. But there's nothing he can do about it now- so he rolls his shoulders back, settling his bristling fur as he waves everyone towards the stone passageway. "Welp! Traumatic backstories aside, time to get the world-saving-adventure underway, everyone!"
As for Nezha... They'll all just have to hope he's alright.
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journeytothe-legos · 1 month
Li Jing, Good to see your handsome, human face has returned, sir. Though, I will say, you were quite adorable as a cat!
I would love to meet you and your wife in person someday, perhaps for tea. But for now, I'll be fine sending these letters to you both. ❤️
Your most loyal servant, -🐺
Ah, you again.
I'd rather not speak of that accursed form, it was incredibly embarrassing.
Continue sending these letters if you insist.
She'll probably enjoy the company if you do.
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Macaque spent the whole season Big-Damn-Hero-ing and was NOT happy about it xD
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onesaltybagel · 4 months
Season 5 trailer spoilers! ‼️‼️‼️‼️Since you all liked my last doodle so much I gave you….NO WUKONG SUFFERING HAHA GET JUKED!!!
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Me last doodle: what if Macaque is more worried about himself than Wukong when he saw the fillet?
Me now: hee Hoo Hoo ex husbands!!! Macaque doesn't like seeing him in pain!!!
I forgot that Macaque was also wearing that funky jumpsuit at first and didn't want to draw it again because I really liked it! Why does Wukong looked babygirled in the second to last panel though lmao? Macaque vision?
I wanna do a proper cool lmk drawing soon on my tablet but It might be a while until I get it back waaaa so doodles is all you're getting!!!
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smallpwbbles · 4 months
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There is a perfect opportunity to have the monkey trio straight up revert into feral monkeys and I will gladly take and enjoy it
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