#lemme get through this trimester man
cyhyr · 3 years
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The Sixth Day of Whumpmas:
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: M
Pairing: implied Kakashi & Iruka
WC: ~2550
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: omegaverse, mpreg, omega!Iruka, baby OC, Danzō, pregnancy, depression, labor & delivery, hate speech, mentions of abortion
A/N: This is in the same verse as On a Need To Know Basis (Rated E) and Reunion (Rated T), but timeline-wise it's right smack between the both of them. I should come up with a title/tag for this verse, huh? Thoughts, anyone?
Tagging: @kelkage @atereal
Anyone else who wants in on the tag list lemme know!
Iruka flicks through the calendar, counting each month as it goes by until he gets to nine, and then selects the date he’s pretty sure he can expect the pup to be born. He circles it and then sighs, dropping the pages to flutter back to the current month. He drops his pen.
Eight months to go.
He has to let the principal know about his new “status” and he is not looking forward to it. The man’s had it out for him since he started as a teacher’s assistant, clearly being discriminatory towards Iruka’s Uzushio heritage. But he makes sure that his clothes are neat and his hitai-ate is positioned correctly, and he treats this just as he would a field diplomacy mission.
It still doesn’t go well.
At least at the end of it he still has a job, but for how long is the real question.
Iruka stops by the hospital after school to have his first check-up. It’s disgustingly invasive, and he nearly sobs during the pelvic exam as the doctor slides the speculum into him without even slicking it up first. He supposes that she is in a rush, or maybe she is a new doctor and simply forgot, but that doesn’t change how much it hurts as the cold metal drags along his inner walls. He holds himself together until after the exam and when he’s alone and dressing again he lets a few tears fall.
He limps home. His initial count for the due date was fairly accurate. He was only off by a few days.
Seven months to go.
Iruka frames his sonogram printout. His pup looks like a little alien, but they’re still cute. Once he gets onto the other side of this first trimester he’ll start thinking about names.
On his way home from the hospital he notices that he’s being followed, and he looks up to see a small squad of ANBU peering down at him from the rooftops. His breath comes shakily and he squeezes his eyes shut, placing a hand protectively over his belly. Iruka continues on to home and seals his apartment up tight once he’s inside.
There’s no bump to see yet, but his scent has started to change. The people on the street stare, and more than once he’s gotten odd sneers from the mated betas who run the market. They hiss and whisper behind their hands, and if Iruka wasn’t shinobi he probably wouldn’t have to hear what they say.
“Unmated and pregnant? How awful.”
“Why hasn’t he aborted?”
“Aborted?! He should have been on birth control!”
“Wonder where the alpha parent is…”
Iruka curls up at home and tries not to cry.
Six months to go.
The first trimester is done and he plays host to Danzō again.
“You’ll need an alpha for after the pregnancy.”
“I really don’t,” Iruka assures him. “I already asked about needing alpha pheromones for the pup’s development and they said—”
“I’ll determine if you need an alpha.”
Iruka growls low. “I should think that my doctor would make that determination.”
“Yes, normally; however, you are carrying the future of a strong clan line and have no alpha to advocate for you. Therefore, it falls to the Council.”
Iruka doesn’t know enough about parental rights during pregnancy to rise back. He’ll have to spend his weekend in the archives instead of at the Mission Desk. He stays silent.
“You will choose from the selection I’ve given you. If you do not choose, an alpha will be assigned to you.”
“Wouldn’t it make more sense to just call Kakashi back?”
Danzō curls his lip. “That’s not a valid option at this time. Hatake is needed in the field, and his mission can easily last long past the birth.”
Then he leaves, a small pile of dossiers left on Iruka’s kitchen table along with scent samples. Iruka flips through them all. None of them smell right; none of them are Kakashi. He falls into bed and groans, holding his belly and trying to keep himself from crying. Have they even sent a messenger to Kakashi telling him he’s to be a father?
Probably not. Danzō likely doesn’t want Kakashi to know, so that he can claim the pup for the village when they’re born.
Iruka gives in to the tears.
Five months to go.
He tries to get outside, to lay in the sunshine and warm himself, but with his bump so obvious now and his scent fully changed from unmated to pregnant, people stare worse than before. Iruka has even had a student ask him why he’s growing a pup but has no mate, and he had to quickly change the subject because it’s a new term of his employment with the Academy that the students remain uninformed about why he’s decided to keep the pup.
One little boy outright asks him why he doesn’t get rid of it. Normally Iruka would just… make excuses and move on. But the principal is right there, and he has to ignore the student and he’s never ignored a student before.
He is taken aside during a free period and informed that this is his last warning. “I won’t have some Uzushio slut poisoning the future of Konoha. The fact that you caught is proof enough you’re not fit to be a role model for these children, but I won’t have you excusing your behavior to them.”
Iruka doesn’t fight it. He just finishes his day and reminds the students that asking about another person’s body is inappropriate.
He lays in the park on his back, desperate to feel warm again. He instead feels shifting in his belly and rests his palms over the slight swell, trying to smile. Trying to find a brief flicker of happiness in the life he’s growing. But he’s being forced to carry this child and he doesn’t even have a way of telling Kakashi of what had happened.
The sun is cold. He shivers and goes home.
Four months to go.
Anko throws him a baby shower, and if nothing else it’s a nice change from having eyes watch him with disgust and pity. Instead, all afternoon he fields questions about names and parenting books and when is it appropriate to get the little one their first kunai set?
Iruka enjoys the positive attention, but it’s exhausting. And it’s clear by the end of the day that even his friends don’t see him as Iruka anymore, but as an incubator for the pup.
Anko, Izumo, and Kotetsu all stay later to help him set up the gifts in the spare bedroom in his apartment, the one that Naruto sometimes stays in. Anko and Izumo go out to get dinner halfway through putting the crib together.
Kotetsu, who stays with Iruka, says, “Y’know. No one would have blamed you for wanting to abort. It can’t be easy, being pregnant and unmated.”
Iruka drops the screwdriver he’d been using with a snarl. “Why does everyone want me to abort this pup?! Why can’t anyone be happy about this?!?”
“Iruka, that’s not what I said—”
“Isn’t it, though?! It’s certainly what you meant. I—” Iruka swallows a sob and continues, “I did this to myself and it’s not the pup’s fault that I went through a heat without protection. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t abort anyway!”
“... What?”
Iruka chokes on his words. “N-nothing. Forget it.”
“What do you mean you can’t—”
Iruka slides back down to his knees and picks up the screwdriver. “Hand me the next packet, please.”
“Iruka, what’s going on? Are you being blackmailed into having this pup? Whose is it?!”
“The next packet, please,” Iruka says harder, holding out his hand.
He stares Kotetsu down until his friend sighs and drops the issue. He hands Iruka the next baggie of hardware, but makes sure to say, “You can talk to me, y’know. I’m your friend and I care.”
Iruka takes the baggie and thanks him, then turns back to the crib.
Three months to go.
The first school day of the third trimester, Iruka goes to work to find that his class is being taught by someone new. She informs him that the principal wants to see him, and he knows that he’s being let go. He holds his head high as he listens to the principal go on about safety and how larger teachers aren’t as agile and how he’s sure Iruka would appreciate the time to get his house together for the pup.
But he collects his things and stops in to say good-bye to his class.
He doesn’t get an offer to return to teaching after the pup is born. He wasn’t expecting one.
Iruka goes home and curls up on his bed, feeling his pup kick and roll around, and stares off into the room. For a week, he does nothing but feel and stare, with the occasional trips to the bathroom and kitchen.
The obstetrician asks him how his class is doing. He answers honestly, “Last I knew, they were great.” She hums and continues her exam. He stares at the ceiling and hopes it’ll be over soon. He’s sick of being pregnant.
Two months to go.
Danzō visits again and demands that he make a decision. Iruka stands in his kitchen and shrugs, drinking the fifth glass of water he’s gotten himself today—it’s only ten o’clock. He might have a problem.
“If you will not make the decision, I will do so for you.”
Iruka shrugs again. “You’re already controlling the rest of my life, why not my choice of alpha too?”
Danzō, it seems, doesn’t like Iruka’s snark. “Watch your tone. If you would step up and make a decision I wouldn’t have to—”
Iruka scoffs. “It’s just us, Danzō-dono. Let’s not lie to each other and say that you’re not pleased as shit that you get to control who’s going to provide alpha pheromones for my pup, who just so happens to be of a clan stock that is nearly extinct, yet known for having a very strong genius gene.”
Two of the ANBU in the room with them flicker to his side and each put a kunai to his throat. Iruka doesn’t flinch, and takes another sip of his water.
Danzō growls lowly and stands up. “We’ll be in touch.”
“Of course we will.”
He and his ANBU leave and Iruka barely makes it to the sink to throw up.
One more month
He goes in to see the obstetrician and hugs his belly the whole while. She tells him that she’s received orders from the Council to induce labor on his due date if he hasn’t already started. She asks if he’s aware of this decision; he shrugs and asks if it’s healthy for the pup to be forced out of him before they’re ready.
He goes home and sits in the nursery. He hasn’t had the energy to set up anything yet. Aren’t omegas supposed to get nesting instincts sometime in the third trimester? Is he really so broken that he can’t even nest correctly?
He looks at the box of clothing he had been gifted, and tries to find the will to at least wash them. Most still have tags. His pup can’t live in just a diaper…
He needs to get diapers, too. And wipes, and crib sheets, and bottles, and possibly formula—he doesn’t trust himself to produce. Instead, he sits in the room and watches the shadows creep across the wall and the sunlight fade to night.
He wipes his face; his cheeks are damp.
None of the alphas Danzō has shoved toward him want anything to do with him. They all say that he smells sour and of rot, and that omegas should smell sweet, especially the pregnant ones. Iruka stands in front of the Council and wavers from side to side; with the way the pup keeps kicking and flipping around all hours of the night he’s barely getting any sleep. Tsunade-sama at least has the decency to look truly worried.
Danzō finally snarls and stands. “I’ll do it, if none of the ANBU will step up.”
Iruka picks his head up and growls back. “My pup will not be raised as a weapon.”
“You waived the right to make that choice when you spread your legs and began to—”
“That’s enough!” Tsunade roars, slamming her fist on the desk. “I won’t sit here while you degrade one of my shinobi."
“For the good of the village, that pup will need an alpha’s influence—a strong alpha—and this I will do,” Danzō steps towards him and turns up his nose. “I will mate you, and you will—”
“I am not giving you a choice.”
He bares his teeth and readies himself to bite, and Iruka puts his fist into Danzō’s fangs and knocks him back, having gotten him off-guard. Then he throws down a tag and activates it, escaping through the window to his left during the flashbang.
Iruka runs, getting deep into the woods behind the Hokage mountain before needing to stop and—
“Oh gods, no, not now, not yet—you can’t come now!”
The first contraction hits him and he whimpers and sits himself down against a thick tree. He throws his head back and grunts through the next one when it comes almost ten minutes later.
By the tenth contraction they’re coming five minutes apart. Night falls. Iruka pulls a scroll out of his pouch and unseals a pile of blankets and a pillow. It’s a terrible nest, but any nest is better than no nest, and he curls up on his side to ride out the next few hours.
It’s the most agonizing night of his life, alone in the woods giving birth to his pup on the ground. He finally pushes the pup out, screaming and burning, while on his hands and knees.
She lands on soft blankets, bloody and loud, a pair of lungs to alert all of the Land of Fire of her presence. Iruka wants nothing more than to hold her and clean her up, so he cinches and cuts the cord first and then picks her up and presses her close to his chest. She grizzles and roots for his nipple, and though he’d already made the decision to bottle-feed her, he follows both their instincts, takes off his shirt, and lets her take her first feeding from his body.
Labor continues as he nurses her, Iruka pushing the afterbirth out into the nest with a wrinkled nose. The first beams of sunlight come through the leaves of the trees as he, exhausted and proud, looks down at his pup—his daughter, with tears in his eyes. He wraps her in one of the few clean blankets and sets her down on the pillow just long enough to redress himself.
Then he picks her back up and pushes his nose into her silver fuzz and mutters, “Hikari, my little love. I’m sorry you had to be born like this.”
Tired, dirty, and holding his daughter tight, Iruka makes the slow trek back to the village. He and Hikari will need to be admitted to the hospital and checked over. He needs to ask Tsunade-sama for assistance in keeping Danzō from claiming his pup for the village. He needs to get Hikari a bottle and a diaper.
Did he ever buy bottles and diapers?
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nev3rfound · 5 years
drowsy nights : b.b
brief summary: being pregnant and waiting for bucky to come home from a meeting 
word count: 1k requested: yes by @tearsforhan warnings: none that i’m aware of, but a short blurb of fluff
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Bucky sighed heavily as he glanced up at the clock. It was the latest he’d been out since you entered your second trimester and evenings weren’t the easiest for you. Most of your nights were spent on your back, feeling the baby start to kick and you cried, a lot. 
Emotions were back in Bucky’s system, but processing so many at once was a skill he was slowly relearning to have. He’s adjusted quickly to your pregnancy hormones and learnt to love them for what they’re doing and creating. 
“Steve, how much longer are we goin’ be in debriefing?” He desperately turns to Steve who stifles a yawn before shrugging his shoulders.
“I don’t know, Buck. Could be ten minutes, could be an hour. Depends how Fury is feeling.” Steve merely stated and Bucky fell back into his chair, feeling it begin to spin as his mind drifted to you back at home. “She’ll be alright for a few more hours, she’s stronger than you think.” Nudging Bucky lightly Steve smiles to himself, picturing you back at home cooking or chatting away to your stomach.
But the reality was far from that. 
Instead, you collapsed into the armchair, desperate to try and stay awake for Bucky to come home, but your body refused to allow you to remain wide awake. The book you’d been reading began to drop in your grip, the words blurring together on the page. 
“Come on, baby lemme read at least another page.” You moaned through a loud yawn, glancing over to see the time. 11pm. He was due back at least an hour ago. “Just imagine, someday we’ll be sat in here and your daddy will walk in, all tired from a long day of being a superhero and you’ll make his day with your smile.” Gliding your fingers along your small stomach you couldn’t stop your smile growing as your eyes closed. 
Unable to fight any longer you gave in to the fatigue controlling your body and found yourself falling asleep, missing the sound of a car racing down the road.
Bucky was the first out of the meeting, not even sticking around to hear when they’ll next meet to discuss potential missions. He knew Steve would inform him anyway, and time was too precious to waste on the news he’d find out when necessary.
Driving like a mad man he luckily made it to your home without any incidences, just. 
In his head, Bucky had planned a long apology, how much he loved you and hoped you weren’t mad. But as he climbed out of his car he noticed all the lights were off, par one lamp in your living room. 
Slowly he walked towards the door, unlocking it and poking his head through. “Doll?” He called out hesitantly before entering entirely, locking the door behind him.
Turning his head to the right he could smell the dinner you must’ve cooked. Upon closer inspection, it remained all plated and covered, just for him to enjoy. “Oh sweetie,” He mutters under his breath as he turns in the other direction where the light is shining flatly in the living room.
As Bucky enters the room he covers his mouth, preventing himself from letting out a small laugh at the sight of you passed out in the armchair. Your hand is outstretched towards the now closed book whilst the other rests instinctively on your stomach. 
Kneeling in front of you, Bucky places his hand on top of yours, soothing over your skin with his thumb. “I’m sorry I’m home so late, Fury wasn’t pleased how the mission went.” He grumbled, still frustrated he was made to stay back like a child in detention. “But on the plus side, I’m not going anywhere til our little one is at least twenty.” He chuckles under his breath, wishing you could hear what he was talking about. “And you, if you can hear me in there.” He whispers into your stomach, kissing your shirt that covered the bump. “I love you so much and it is killing me inside that we have to wait for you to get here.” 
“Killin’ me too, can’t stay awake anymore.” You muttered and Bucky quickly lifted his head noticing you smiling sleepily down at him. “Hey Buck,” You smile as you raise your hand to rest on his cheek. 
Usually, you would play with his long hair, brush it back to soothe him. But from the moment you found out you were pregnant, Thor immediately told Bucky to cut his hair so it wouldn’t endure the babies grabs that are as deadly as the hulks grip supposedly. 
“How you feelin’ today?” Bucky asks you softly as he rises to his feet, pulling you up to join him on the sofa. 
Cuddling against his chest you feel instant comfort in being wrapped in his warm embrace. “Lethargic.” You say through a yawn and you can feel his chest rising and falling with humour. “All I want to do is read my book, but little one won’t let me.” 
“He or she knows what’s best, doll. You gotta rest somedays more than others.” Bucky reminds you once again. Even though he sees you as a true superwoman, you’re human and even humans have their limitations - especially ones who have babies fueled by a diluted version of the serum. “So for now, let’s just sleep, yeah?” Wrapping his arms around you to ensure you wouldn’t fall he could feel his eyes drooping. 
“Goodnight, Buck.” You whispered as your eyes closed within seconds. “And I heard it all,” The words left your lips heavily with a smile, one Bucky could just about see and smiled to himself.
Leaning down he presses a kiss to your temple, brushing your hair out of your face as he finally allows himself to shut down, knowing you’re safe in his arms.
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mulderitsme · 5 years
Vienen / Alone recap, and then it’s on to the season finale! i can barely wrap my head around it, how have i watched 8 seasons of this show already. anyway, here we go
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lmao i don’t know what’s funnier, mulder’s face or scully’s. this idiot. it’s like he enjoys being a thorn in the side of the powers that be, and lbr, scully loves him for it, but it doesn’t make her life any easier. “hey scully, remember when we used to piss our bosses off constantly? surprise!”
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listen, i love watching scully autopsy people. it’s badass. and here she’s doing it while being well into her third trimester. even more badass. let the waddling forensic pathologist through, people! she’s got places to go!
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again, this comforts me in my reading of Empedocles: they did have The Talk. he knows. the baby’s paternity is no more in question. this is a father talking about his unborn child. he’d have no reason to say this otherwise. 
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i really like this duo anytime they’re working together. skinner is the one person scully knows she can turn to when mulder isn’t around. they’re so protective of each other, and even if skinner doesn’t understand, he trusts scully’s judgment. he takes the blame for his people when kersh asks who shut down the rig. scully flinches when kersh threatens not only her, but skinner too - she made the choice to follow mulder until the end, but she doesn’t want skinner to suffer the consequences of their actions. there really is a lot of respect and care between these two, and i like that we got some scenes that echoed how they worked together when mulder was missing. i wouldn’t be surprised if she asked him to be her child’s godfather (pls tell me he is)
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oh the bittersweet ending. their relationship has been a rocky one - distrust, anger, jealousy - and i’m glad they’re parting on this note. they’re not friends, but they’ve come to respect each other. doggett finally saw that mulder’s wacky theories weren’t all that wacky, and what the pursuit of the truth can cost. mulder knows now that doggett is a man of principles, which is all the x files have really ever needed. as long as they are carried by people with integrity, they will live on. as personal as the x files started for him, they’ve now become his legacy, and they will outlast him. he can let go knowing it’s in good hands. 
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THEY’VE COME SO FAR YOU GUYS i love their relationship so much. i love that s8 has made both mulder and scully expand their relationship outside of each other and form deep, meaningful bonds with other people. doggett cares for her so much, it’s written all over his face. she’s come to truly appreciate him, for both his integrity and his deep respect for her. the keychain she gives him has no value, it’s the meaning she chose to apply that makes it such a touching gift. it’s a symbolic representation of true partnership, a thank you for having her back, for being there for her when no one else could or would. for carrying on the burden of the x files with respect. 
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height difference. gah. 
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WHAT DOES THAT MEAN is this scully’s goodbye to the x files as well? did she and mulder decide to focus on the little bun she’s cooking now that mulder is out of the Bureau? do they trust doggett to carry on their legacy? this is some mona lisa mystery smile lemme tell you 
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exhibit 5 in why i believe mulder knows who the baby’s father is (it’s him) and they are definitely co-parenting that child: this scene. he’s accompanying her to a Lamaze class. he’s watched Oprah to prepare himself. this is an expectant father ready to father all over the place. adorable.
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scully told him about the baby but she’s keeping this one close to her heart. i don’t even know if she knows. i like to think she wants to be surprised, and she wants mulder to be, too. not every mystery needs to be answered. let it be a mystery a little while longer. 
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pregnant rogue forensic pathologist is at it again, dissecting a body she has no business poking into. how does it feel to get busted by your partner, agent scully? 
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he’s so excited and happy for them. i love doggett the nugget. and their respective reactions are hilarious. scully is like “dear god no i still got time for that, i’m NOT pushing this baby out of me yet”. mulder’s just plain excited. it’s very clear to me that scully’s pregnancy isn’t just her pregnancy anymore. mulder is 100% in on it. he wants to be there. he’s the father. 
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BICKERING LIKE AN OLD COUPLE. because they are. a couple that is. best banter between these two so far. 
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ginnyweatherby · 7 years
No Matter What (Part 3)
Gaston’s feeling a little insecure.  Leave it to Lefou to figure out why.
(Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
Gaston walked into his dorm, desperate for a nap, to find someone already taking one.  “You know, she sleeps a lot,” he observed, eyeing Madeline snoozing on Lefou’s bed.
“She has an excuse, what’s yours?”  Lefou deadpanned, as Gaston fell into his own bed.
“My excuse is I’ve been awake since four thirty this morning to train,” he stifled a yawn behind his hand, “we’ve got a big game coming up, and my coach has been on my case about slacking off on my training,”
Lefou was sitting at the foot of his bed, his laptop open.
“Doesn’t she have her own room?”  Gaston asked, fluffing his pillow a bit.
“She does,”  Lefou said, “but we were hanging out, and she just kind of... passed out,”
Gaston stripped off his shirt and pulled the blankets over his waist.
“Jacqueline has called three times this week,”  Lefou said, just as Gaston began to drift off.
“Hmm?” Gaston murmured, his face smashed in the pillow.
“My sister,”
“I know who Jacqueline is, Lefou,”
“Well, she keeps calling,”  Lefou said, “apparently she can’t get over the fact she’s going to be an aunt and keeps telling me about cute baby things she’s seen,”
“Are they the same baby things you keep showing me?”  Gaston asked, rolling over so he was facing Lefou, his eyes half-closed.  He could just make out Lefou looking down at his phone.
“No,” Lefou said, testily, “they’re just clothes, mostly.  Shirts that proclaim he or she has the ‘Best Aunt Ever’ or something... although I’m sure Madeline’s sisters might disagree,”
“If the baby is only the size of a plum, I don’t think he’ll be wearing shirts any time soon,”  Gaston pointed out.
“... you think it’ll be a boy?”  Lefou asked, a little breathlessly.
“Oh, uh, I dunno?”  Gaston didn’t know why he had said ‘he’, it just sort of slipped out.
“What if it is?”  Lefou asked, quietly.  “A son?”
“Then you’ll... uh, have a son, I guess,”  Gaston said, feeling rather dumb, but that’s what happened when people talked to him when he was trying to sleep!
“A son,”  Lefou whispered, “I’ve never really thought about what that might mean... my own little boy...”
“It could be a girl, though,”  Gaston said, before Lefou got too attached to the idea, “I’m not even sure the baby has decided, yet,”
“Of course,”  Lefou said, with a small smile.  “A daughter would be wonderful, too... do you think he... or she... will look like me?”
Gaston rolled back over on the bed, facing the wall.  “There’s no denying your hair and eyes are dominant genes... although Madeline’s nose and chin might make an appearance,”
He heard Lefou let out a happy sigh.  “He... or she... sounds perfect,”
It was a Friday night, and Gaston was bored.  He was laying in bed, flipping through a magazine, but wasn’t paying much attention to what he was seeing.
“Why don’t we go out tonight?”  Gaston said, suddenly, pushing the magazine away from himself.
“I’m busy,”  Lefou said, typing furiously into his computer from his desk.  There were a few papers scattered around, that he would reference from time to time.
“Doing what?”
“Applying for jobs,”  Lefou answered, distractedly.
“You have a job,”
Lefou snorted, turning around in his chair, “I hardly want to be working in fast food when the baby comes.  I want to be a good role model, and I’ll need better wages to help support them,”
“Doesn’t Madeline work, too?”  Gaston asked.
“For the time being,”  Lefou said, “but her job is about as good as mine, and she’ll have to take time off to recover after the baby is born,”
“Are you planning on... supporting her?”  Gaston asked, carefully.  For people who claimed they weren’t together, they seemed to spend a lot of time acting like a married couple.
“Somewhat,” Lefou said.  “I don’t want to leave her to everything on her own... I got her in this situation, after all,”
“I mean... I get that it’s your baby or whatever,”  Gaston waved his hand in the air.
“Or whatever?”  Lefou quirked an eyebrow.
“You know what I mean,”  Gaston said, rolling his eyes, “it’s just... you’re a generous person, and I don’t want to see Madeline take advantage of you,”
“You mean like you do?”
“Exactly!” Gaston said, before realizing what he’d agreed to.  “Wait, no. I mean...”  Gaston didn’t really know what he meant, actually.  He just felt like he was spending less and less time with Lefou, and now that Madeline was in her second trimester, he knew things were getting more serious, and he was afraid for what that might mean.
“This isn’t about Madeline, is it?”  Lefou asked, seeing through Gaston, as he always did.
Gaston shrugged.
“It’s about change,”  Lefou said, confidently.  “It’s about the fact that I’m technically younger than you, changing careers, spending most of my time studying to stay on top of my classes, having a baby for pete’s sake, and you’re not sure what you’re having for dinner tonight,”  Lefou seemed to be able to voice the insecurities that Gaston himself was struggling to pinpoint.
Gaston opened his mouth to answer, but no words came out.  Now, that was something he wasn’t used to at all.
“Well, it’s okay, neither do I,”  Lefou said, pulling a takeout menu from a desk drawer,  “but I was thinking pizza.  Okay by you?”
“As long as we can get mushrooms on it,”  Gaston said, perking up a bit.  It wasn’t as good as going out on a weekend, but pizza with his best friend didn’t sound too horrible.
“Who would I be to deny you of that?”  Lefou asked, putting his phone to his ear to order.
“Have you considered psychiatry as your next career?”  Gaston asked, pulling another magazine from the bedside table and opening it.
Lefou laughed.  “You know, it hadn’t occurred to me, but it sounds like a bit of a shift from my theater majo- hello, I’d like to order a pizza... extra cheese, yeah...”
Gaston yawned as he opened the door of his room.  Lefou was sitting up in bed, rubbing his tired eyes.  Who was knocking before eight ‘o’ clock on a Saturday morning?
“It’s happening,”  Madeline said once Gaston focused on her face.
“M sorry?”  He mumbled, as he opened the door wider to allow her to walk through.  Apparently she was a morning person.  Hopefully the baby inherited Lefou’s fondness for sleeping in, Gaston didn’t want to deal with morning-Lefou on a regular basis.
“It’s happening,”  Madeline repeated, flinging herself onto the bed next to Lefou.  Gaston knew she preferred to stay backstage, but he wondered if Madeline had ever taken center stage, she could be just as dramatic as their friend when she wanted to be.
“What’s happening?”  Lefou grabbed his eyeglasses from his nightstand, perching them on the end of his nose.
“I’m showing,”  Madeline said.
“Isn’t that normal?”  Gaston muttered, falling back into his own bed. This clearly wasn’t a discussion he needed to be included in.
“It is!”  Madeline said, excitedly.  “It means the baby is growing!  Look!”  Gaston rolled over to face the wall, but before he did he saw Madeline pulling her shirt taut against her middle, presumably for Lefou to see her protruding belly.
“That’s amazing,”  Lefou commented.
“I noticed it when I tried pulling a pair of pants on this morning and they weren’t quite fitting right,”  Madeline said, “I’ve never been so happy not to fit in my clothes,”
“How big are they now?”  Lefou asked.
“The size of a lemon,”  Madeline said, immediately, “I checked this morning,”
“I guess we’ll have to make a shopping trip this afternoon,”  Lefou said, “Gaston, you wanna come?”
“Shopping for girls’ clothes?”  Gaston mumbled, only half conscious, “I can think of better ways to spend my weekend,”
“We can look for stuff for you, too,”  Lefou said, “I know you said you needed more workout clothes,”
“... Lemme get dressed,”  Gaston said, pulling himself out of the bed for the second time that morning, “while I’m not a shy man, Madeline, I’m going to change, so while it doesn’t bother me...”
“Right,” Madeline said, a pink blush spreading across her cheeks, “I’ll wait outside,”
After Madeline scurried out of the room, Lefou shook his head.  “Do you always have to be gross?”
Gaston nodded, feeling a mischievous smirk cross his face.  “It’s what I do,”
Summer hit Villeneuve with a vengeance.  The day Gaston flipped his calendar to “June”, the weather seemed to take the hint.  The air was hot and sticky, and nothing felt sweeter than the relief of a good fan when entering a room.
Gaston loved it.  He thrived in summer, the lack of any real responsibility, being able to spend nearly every waking hour in the pool, and to get a nice tan.
Lefou had always spent a lot of time at Gaston’s house over the summer, and now Madeline joined them on occasion.  On a particularly scorching day, the trio were sitting outside Gaston’s house, him in a lawn chair, focusing on evening his tan, while his two friends waded in the pool.  Lefou wasn’t a big swimmer, but he borrowed one of the inflatable floaties that Gaston’s mother kept and was content.
After over an hour in the water, Lefou and Madeline made their way onto the grass, playing with Gaston’s dogs.
“This one knows something,”  Madeline laughed, as the smaller of the two dogs kept sniffing around her middle.
“She’s probably looking for treats,”  Gaston snorted.
“Animals have good senses, you know,”  Madeline said, scratching behind the dog’s ears.  “When I first came home, my cat kept sitting on my stomach and purring... it’s like she’s trying to protect me and the baby,”
“That’s so sweet,”  Lefou said, as the larger dog licked his face.
“I thought s-”  Madeline cut herself off with a gasp.
“What happened?”  Lefou’s eyes widened in concern, and Gaston sat up in his chair, lowering his sunglasses to look at her properly.
“I just... whoa,”  Madeline breathed the last word, “I think I just felt the baby move,”
“Seriously?” Lefou gently pushed the dog away from his face.  “What’d it feel like?”
“Kind of... weird,”  Madeline admitted, “like popping popcorn,”
“It’s pretty hot out,”  Gaston said, “have you eaten any popcorn kernels recently?”
“Gaston,” Lefou said, exasperated.
Madeline still had one hand on the dog’s curious head, but moved the other to her own belly.  “It was only for a second, but that was amazing,”
Lefou smiled, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead, “At least we know everything is going well in there,”
Madeline tapped her fingers on her little bump.
Gaston leaned back in his chair, lowering his sunglasses over his eyes, and couldn’t help but smile a little at his friend’s happy grins.
According to Lefou, Madeline was at the “halfway” point of her pregnancy, and everyone was getting excited.  On one hand, time seemed to be crawling by, but on the other, it seemed to be flying.  It was hard for Gaston to believe that in a few more months, his friend would have a baby.
Madeline was getting bigger, and had complained about not being able to get comfortable, and was having trouble getting to sleep at night.
Lefou couldn’t be happier.  Well, not about Madeline’s discomfort, of course, but he was more than happy to stop by the convenience store to satiate her junk food cravings, and help out whenever he could.
Madeline and Lefou’s parents were beginning to accept the fact they were having a baby, and had even bought the baby a few new things.  Jacqueline was over the moon, and jabbered on about the baby almost constantly.
Lefou had started a new job, and even though it was a more “grown-up” position than he’d been used to, he seemed to be adjusting well and the stress of unemployment was no longer lingering over his head, resulting in him being in a better mood overall.  Madeline was taking a few summer courses to get ahead on her schoolwork before the baby came.
Gaston was never insecure type, but he couldn’t help but be a little jealous that his friends seemed to be getting their lives put together, while he had eaten four day old leftover pizza for breakfast that morning.
Don’t misunderstand, he was excited for them.  Lefou had even begun to refer to him as “Uncle Gaston”, and while he would never admit it, he loved the title.  He’d even managed to find a onesie that proclaimed “If you think I’m cute, you should see my uncle!”
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csjmadhouse · 7 years
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SALVATION|DAMNATION, the debut album from “metal-pop” singer/songwriter Cody St. John, accumulates many of rock’s sub-genres into one complete body of work. Touching on sexuality, mental health, religious frustrations and drug use; the Texas native delivers raspy vocals accompanied by soft, soothing backtracks to create a ‘battle of sounds’ that allows listeners to feel the internal conflicts St. John felt while recording the album.
Allow me to introduce myself  No, not him Not the boy with his eyes on the ground Afraid to make a sound  Allow me to introduce myself No, not you Not the guy that keeps it bottled up  Until he has an overflowing cup  Allow me to introduce myself  No, that’s not right Not the man who still cries  Over little white lies  Allow me to introduce myself  No, I don’t know who I am  I’m learning and growing everyday  But you won’t like who I am today Allow me to introduce myself  Now that’s more like it  Meet Mister ‘There’s always tomorrow"  Before he’s swallowed up by his sorrow Allow me to introduce myself  Now that you can see  Right through the cracks in my soul While I’m being fed from an empty bowl  
You think good boys gone bad are sexy I’m a bad boy cuz I had to be To make it out alive Won’t be your fetish Turn the key Just drive Let me tell ya a little somethin Bout a kid who was given the world All he had to do Was stay on his knees And not question a word
Well I was bad at it Bad Bad Was no good at it Gave up all I had Got up from my knees Stand firm on my feet What can I say I’m good at being bad
Didn’t like bein yelled at For doin no wrong So I started breaking rules Rebel heart got strong And the more I said no To the people with their chins High up in the air The more powerful I felt Far removed now From the shitty hand I was dealt
And I was bad at it Bad Bad Was no good at it Gave up all I had Got down on my knees But not to worship at His feet What can I say I’m good at being bad
Dumping church wine down the drain Replacing it with Jack Is that the name on the bottle Or the boy scratching down my back Who even knows I zoned out when he lost his shirt Don’t remember what came next Just know it hurt Only at first Then it got good I fell for the man After they told me I never could
And he was good at it Good Good Was so damn good at it Gave up all I had Got down on my knees He swept me off my feet What can I say I’m good at being bad
Caught her eye with my abs Taking to the bag with some jabs She was in the gym to pick me up I was there to get jacked up Sorry pretty lady to crush your dreams Everything is not as it seems I want a lady in the streets But I was told I had to choose one So I only allow men in my sheets
Eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye candy Lemme feast upon this Ohhhh she looks so sweet But I ain’t allowed to taste it, no Eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye candy Why don’t you feast upon this Ohhhhh I taste so sweet But I need a man to take it Don’t mean I won’t be your Eye candy
Ohhhh she’s working those legs In a circular motion Hoping she’ll get My full devotion Too bad my sights Are set on her trainer Still she’ll catch these side eyes Come on, how could I blame her Walked in smelling like sweat and cigarettes Got me wanting sex and cigarettes Sex and cigarettes Let’s sweat out these cigarettes
Eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye candy Lemme feast upon this Ohhhh she looks so sweet But I ain’t allowed to taste it, no Eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye candy Why don’t you feast upon this Ohhhhh I taste so sweet But I need a man to take it Don’t mean I won’t be your Eye candy
I ain’t sayin’ never, baby Let’s both break a sweat I’ve been inside girls like you before Never said I wouldn’t again Right now men give me my rise But a girl like you could be my demise Why don’t you ride that bike one more time I really wanna see those thighs Might have a taste for guys Most of the time Right now I’ve got a craving For some cherry pies Oh-oh-oooooooohhhhhh
Eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye candy Lemme feast upon this Ohhhh she looks so sweet And I really wanna taste it, yeah Eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye candy Why don’t you feast upon this Ohhhhh I taste so sweet Think it’s time for a girl to take it Until then, I’ll just be your Eye candy
Layin here shackled to the bed Eyes shut blockin’ out the harsh light Broken bottles from another wild night Looks like me and Mr. Right Picked ourselves another fight Sorry, Sheriff, please release me Didn’t mean to do the dirty things I’ve done Sorry, Sheriff, please release me Then you can join me on the run
Mustang’s tires Kickin’ up the dirt Kick, kickin’ up the dirt Got the sweat runnin’ All down your shirt Down, down your shirt While my hands creepin’ On up her skirt Up, up her skirt Hands up now Nobody’ll get hurt Hands up now Nobody’ll get hurt Tail end'a my car’s The last thing he saw Never gonna incarcerate This outlaw
Found me hiding out Like a sex crazed bandit With my pants 'round my ankles Caught me red handed Put those red limbs in some chains Made me watch as you took a needle And pumped mud in your veins Your eyes are gone, Sheriff Is anybody home? Your eyes are gone, Sheriff Now you’ve left me alone
Mustang’s tires Kickin’ up the dirt Kick, kickin’ up the dirt Got the sweat runnin’ All down your shirt Down, down your shirt While my hands creepin’ On up her skirt Up, up her skirt Hands up now Nobody’ll get hurt Hands up now Nobody’ll get hurt Tail end'a my car’s The last thing he saw Never gonna incarcerate This outlaw
Can someone post my bail Right now I’m s'posed be setting sail Tug at these chains to no avail Looks like I’m stuck Why’d I take the bate Why’d I come home late Now he’s so irate And he wants to fuck Ahhhhhhhhhh! Breathing in his exhaled smoke Hand on my throat making me choke Exposing my body to new pains Cotton mouth hoping that it rains
Mustang’s tires Kickin’ up the dirt Kick, kickin’ up the dirt Got the sweat runnin’ All down your shirt Down, down your shirt While my hands creepin’ On up her skirt Up, up her skirt Hands up now Nobody’ll get hurt Hands up now Nobody’ll get hurt Tail end'a my car’s The last thing he saw Never gonna incarcerate This outlaw
Blonde hair slicked back Reflects the sunlight from above Gives him the appearance Of an immortal deity Don’t be fooled By his glowing appeal He’ll get close to your heart Something he wants to steal He’ll hit and run Faster than he can Get that condom on Don’t believe him when he says He won’t do what scares you He’ll leave you with a baby And no father that cares too
Don’t you Don’t you put your hopes on him Don’t tell him your horrors and your fears He’ll crush you with it Kill you with it Use it to break your heart He looks oh so charming Too bad he’s really Prince Harming
Second he told you To call him daddy You should’ve ran Now it’s too late Deep into third trimester I don’t think you can Turn back the clock Erase his betrayal He was a devil in disguise And you fell for his portrayal Of an angel from the skies
Don’t you Don’t you put your hopes on him Don’t tell him your horrors and your fears He’ll crush you with it Kill you with it Use it to break your heart He looks oh so charming Too bad he’s really Prince Harming
Did dirty deeds Careful, he’ll air your dirty laundry Those things he said he’d keep secret Have now been aired to thousands Shunned by your neighbors Got a baby With no aunts or uncles to be found Till you find a girl just like you She’s the fox, you’re the hound Burned that bridge years ago But with no one left And half siblings in hand You’ve both fallen victim To the devil’s demands
Don’t you Don’t you put your hopes on him Don’t tell him your horrors and your fears He’ll crush you with it Kill you with it Use it to break your heart He looks oh so charming Too bad he’s really Prince Harming
Lost at sea I was flailing I was a victim Of your reckless sailing Cried out for a life vest And you threw me an anchor Sealed my fate when you kissed your girl Do me a favor, you be sure and thank her
Was I just your shipmate Your co-captain Your emergency sailor Explain to me then Was that not your seed I sat in Fit so tight custom made by a tailor Was I just your shipmate Or your deep blue secret
Takin’ on water now Down we go We’re sinking at the bow This ship’s met its demise Cast off as the SS Bullshit That ice on her finger Gave the hull a nice slit We’re takin’ on water now Down we go Punished for the outcome Of the captain’s show
Was I just your shipmate Your co-captain Your emergency sailor Explain to me then Was that not your seed I sat in Fit so tight custom made by a tailor Was I just your shipmate Or your deep blue secret
Waters raging Waters raging Waters raging in I will die I will die I’m dying for your sin How do I How do I How do I swim Waters filling Waters filling Waters filling to the brim
Was I just your shipmate Your co-captain Your emergency sailor Explain to me then Was that not your seed I sat in Fit so tight custom made by a tailor Was I just your shipmate Or your deep blue secret
  There I was thinking  We were on the right track  But I guess with you  I can never know for sure  You’ve flipped the script  Yet you’re still in the same role  Turned the tables  But still eat the same meal  Guess we’re not so different after all  Looks like we’ve hit a wall  Can’t waste anymore time  Acting like we just need to heal  Maybe there was hope once long ago But months have passed  This bed is still cold And we still haven’t closed the deal  Do we just not click Or are we too scared  I rarely take the blame  But on this I’ll share it  Frostbite on my neck  From where your kisses should’ve been  I’m chilled to the bone  And I can’t bear it  Should I try one last time To heat these sheets  Or just migrate  To another man’s home  I’ve always dreamt of wandering But I would’ve stayed for you  But it’s too damn cold  Now I have to roam  Fuck that, lets backtrack  What happened that night  When you didn’t hold me  In a room with no light  Now I remember  I could’ve grabbed you  Had a heart whisper 'do it'  While a brain cried 'don’t!'  Have you ever had a battle  Raging inside of your head  Where what you want is subdued Because your mind just won't  Hold me, please just hold me  Built a wall before I knew you  And now I can’t let you in  Until you bring your wrecking crew  Break me down  Wear me out  I’m exhausted from fighting  This thought of me and you  How’d I find myself  In yet another cold bed  Chills not from the blades Spinning hypnotically in the corner  Frozen from the sight of your back  Miles away on this four foot mattress  Throw more blankets on me  But this frigidness is still torture
Warned you about my ways  Guess you should’ve listened  Before I torched the fucking car That we first kissed in You’re tangled in a maniac’s web Now that you’re stuck  Where you gonna go You’ll never find a better fuck  The way I played you  The way I used your heart  I can see you wanna break away Too bad ya don’t know where to start
Bum did-di-dum-dum Bum did-di-dum-dum Bum did-di-bum-bum-bum I got your heart beating  Got your heart beating I got your heart beating Like a mother fucking drum 
Told you I was a sorcerer  Really more like a warlock  If that scares you Maybe you shouldn’t have sat on my cock  Listen now, mortal man It’s really not so bad  Can’t blame yourself For the power we sirens had  Reeling you in  Like a mindless seaman  Listen to the drums  They’ll have you screamin’
Bum did-di-dum-dum Bum did-di-dum-dum Bum did-di-bum-bum-bum I got your heart beating  Got your heart beating I got your heart beating Like a mother fucking drum  Bum did-di-dum-dum Bum did-di-dum-dum Bum did-di-bum-bum-bum I got your heart beating  Got your heart beating I got your heart beating Like a mother fucking drum
Waves are crashing down  Can you hear that sound Waves are crashing down  Surprised you’re still around Days are growing dark Somehow you’re still here  Days are growing dark Do you really feel no fear Sabotaged to save myself  Yet you’re still in my bed Sabotaged to save myself  Are you dumb or are you dead
Bum did-di-dum-dum Bum did-di-dum-dum Bum did-di-bum-bum-bum I got your heart beating  Got your heart beating I got your heart beating Like a mother fucking drum  Bum did-di-dum-dum Bum did-di-dum-dum Bum did-di-bum-bum-bum I got your heart beating  Got your heart beating I got your heart beating Like a mother fucking drum
You-ou-ou Taught me the game Made me a player Stained my name You-ou-ou Broke my heart Made me a cryer Dodged the blame You-ou-ou Can’t run from me I am the slayer I’ve come unchained
Better dig deeper If you wanna find my heart Better dig deeper If you don’t know where to start Better dig deeper To find what makes me tick Better dig deeper That grave ain’t deep enough For you and your sins So you’d better dig deeper!
You-ou-ou Imprisoned me Envisioned me In celibacy You-ou-ou Made me ashamed Of the way I was laid You-ou-ou Told me To get to the gates I had to stop the debates
Better dig deeper If you wanna find my soul Better dig deeper If you don’t know where to start Better dig deeper To find what makes me tick Better dig deeper That grave ain’t deep enough For you and your sins So you’d better dig deeper!
If you wanna bury Your dirty laundry Then you’ll need a bigger shovel If you wanna bury Your enemies Then you’ll need a bigger hole If you wanna bury The dirt that’s on these hands That wrapped around a man’s pole Then you’d better dig some more
Better dig deeper! If you wanna find my heart, Better dig deeper! If you don’t know where to start Better dig deeper! To find what makes me tick Better dig deeper! That grave ain’t deep enough For you and your sins So you’d better dig deeper! Deeper! Better dig deeper If you wanna find my soul Better dig deeper If you don’t know where to start Better dig deeper To find what makes me tick Better dig deeper That grave ain’t deep enough For you and your sins So you’d better dig deeper! Dee-ee-ee-per!
Cultured by a cult  I was drowning in holy water  It wasn’t my fault I couldn’t swim Was praying for a life preserver But they nailed a cross to my back It’s no coincidence  That they’re shaped like anchors  Made jokes at my expense  While my lungs filled up Burned from the inside  By something that’s supposed to save  I wish my money was all I gave  Because once I handed them my soul Became bound to their ways 
Was I under a spell Before I moved to hell Mom I might like boys But I’ll never tell Been staring for so long Don’t know how you missed This boy I kissed I can see I pissed Off the Enchantress
Attempts to run  Were met with guilt  Because of course Jesus knows best  Look how much of His blood was spilt  Lord, when I screamed out  From the bottom of that font  You were nowhere to be found  You give what we need not want  I think my life was needed then It’s sure needed now  Got this bottle of pills filled as a taunt  This is not, this is not what I want  Please don’t kill me Please don’t go  Don’t make me the star  In the hangman’s show 
Was I under a spell Before I moved to hell Mom I might like boys But I’ll never tell Been staring for so long Don’t know how you missed This boy I kissed I can see I pissed Off the Enchantress
I will rise Into bluer skies When my time comes  When my body dies Naturally, that’s satisfactory At times it’s hard  But I can wait  Till my last breath  Runs away on its own  And I’m just bone
Was I under a spell Before I moved to hell Mom I might like boys But I’ll never tell Been staring for so long Don’t know how you missed This boy I kissed I can see I pissed Off the Enchantress
Si coierit cum vir virum Sicut fit unum cum femina Et quod ex illis fit ut quia abominatio Welcome to the homo hanging show!
Tied me up Then held me down While my soul teared Spewed words like venom Held your hands high while I screamed Passed it all off as a prayer I had no demons To exorcise I was your challenge I’ll see to it that You never get your prize
Tried to turn me Yearn for me baby You haven’t earned me Showed no concern for me lately Called me a little faggot Blamed me for your hurting I’m a proud little faggot Commence the burning
Shined brighter than your lord When you set me ablaze You get so much joy From abusing the gays You hear the crackle Of these flames They’re gonna haunt you Make you remember our names Can’t extinguish a fire you started Time to join the dearly departed
Tried to turn me Yearn for me baby You haven’t earned me Showed no concern for me lately Called me a little faggot Blamed me for your hurting I’m a proud little faggot Commence the burning
What sweet bitter irony is this After threats of hell for so long You’re gonna be the one to burn Satan’s gonna make you his bitch Burn witch, burn bitch No sweeter revenge Than fucking one of God’s own Take it like a man Don’t you dare cry now Or all the little hellions Will call your soul a faggot While your body’s devoured By Earth’s hungry maggots
Tried to turn me Yearn for me baby You haven’t earned me Showed no concern for me lately Called me a little faggot Blamed me for your hurting I’m a proud little faggot Commence the burning
Nolite iudicare et non iudicabimini Nolite condemnare et non condemnabimini Dimittite et dimittemini Don’t you ever cast a stone at me!
You made my heart race in the worst way  Had my mind in a whirlwind out of control  Tried to beg you to stop  No sound would come out So you just kept me spinning Round and round this madness-go-round Taking back the wheel  To my own life I’m the only one allowed to drive me crazy  You can bet on that, baby 
I’m a mad man  A fucking lunatic Baby I’m sick  I’m a mad man  A fucking lunatic Baby I’m sick 
Ain’t gonna reward no bad behavior  Knocked on the wrong door If you came searching for a savior  Warned you I’d only drag you down Why’d you try to fly with me Now that we’ve both crashed and burned  Think it’s funny how these tables turned 
I’m a mad man  A fucking lunatic Baby I’m sick  I’m a mad man  A fucking lunatic Baby I’m sick 
Came at me with open arms When he should have brought a needle He played it cool Knew when I brought the heat he’ll Crumble in my hands  Oh no, looks like I broke another man  How does this keep happening  In this jungle I dress like the prey Don’t be confused, I’m still the king Crown me now before I condemn you Got me craving a cigarette So I can smoke you out from the inside  Ashes to ashes, yeah the dust may fill you  But in the end it’s the lust that’ll kill you 
I’m a mad man  A fucking lunatic Baby I’m sick  I’m a mad man  A fucking lunatic Baby I’m sick  I’m a mad man  A fucking lunatic Baby I’m sick  I’m a mad man  A fucking lunatic Baby I’m sick 
Heart hijacked by the rhythm of the drum Bodies all over soaked in whiskey and rum Outsiders thinkin’ we’re all dumb  They need some green, aye, come and get some Guitar strumming Planes are humming  We’re all on something  Heeeey! Thanks for coming!
Got a million hands raised to the sky  Come on, angel, teach me to fly  Smoke touches the clouds as we all get high Come on, angel, teach me to fly  Fly! Fly! Fly! Flyyyyy! High. High. High. 
Brain hacked by the rasp in my voice  Move your feet, you don’t have a choice Scream out loud, wanna hear you rejoice  Don’t care if you came by bus or Rolls Royce Guitar strumming Planes are humming We’re all on something  Heeeey! Thanks for coming!
Got a million hands raised to the sky  Come on, angel, teach me to fly  Smoke touches the clouds as we all get high Come on, angel, teach me to fly  Fly! Fly! Fly! Flyyyyy! High. High. High. 
Come on!  Woooo! Yeah! Yeeeeeaaaaah!  Ohhhh, slow it down now.
Poppin’ pills right here at center stage  All the while the crowds still rage  Keeping this story stuck on this page  Let’s relive this forever, let’s never age
Got a million hands raised to the sky  Come on, angel, teach me to fly  Smoke touches the clouds as we all get high Come on, angel, teach me to fly  Fly! Fly! Fly! Flyyyyy! High. High. High. 
©2017 YM Records / Republic Records
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