#lena luthor in suits and blazers is everything
ashen-hands · 4 years
Oh you are an insignificant man. I'm more of a man than you'll ever be.
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Source: @narraboths
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thebluewritingbench · 3 years
so originally inspired by this lovely art by @thebreakfastgod, a bunch of us made some little creations based off the prompt of Lena with short hair, so here's my contribution!
“Are you ready?”
Lena meets eyes with her reflection in the mirror. She’s drawn, pallid, the circles under her eyes dark and pronounced. There’s still makeup smudged in old tear tracks around her eyes, though the rest of it is long gone, and it makes her look sunken in.
She’s still shaking a little, just a tremor in the end of her fingertips, noticeable only in the unsteady sound of her sigh.
“Ready,” she says.
Kara’s hand squeezes her shoulder. She’s late-night soft, the oversized t-shirt that hangs off her shoulders long enough to cover her shorts completely, her hair pulled up in a messy bun. There’s a faint scratch across her forehead, but other than that it would be impossible to read the events of the day in her appearance. Lena watches in the mirror as she lifts a long strand of dark hair, takes a deep breath, and closes the scissors on it with a soft shink.
Lena’s breath hitches. Kara gently places the hair on the edge of the sink, and then brushes comforting fingertips against the side of Lena’s neck.
“You're going to be okay,” she whispers.
Lena nods and closes her eyes. She feels Kara lift another strand of hair, hears the snip of her scissors again.
It’s probably been a long time coming, thinks Lena, because her hair is damaged, has been for a long time. Granted, there’s a lot about her that feels damaged, but her hair is a physical manifestation of it. Singed by chemicals in lab accidents, pulled out by her own hands in moments of stress, fried from overuse of heat. Her hair has been a pain to style for months, even when cut and parted specifically to hide the damage. It catches on her hairbrush and tangles into knots in the shower and she tries to keep it looking perfect and silky smooth but it’s work.
And now, today, half of it singed off in an explosion that she’d really thought would be the end of her for a moment, before Kara swooped in.
She’d been sitting in a chair at the DEO, a heavy blanket draped around her shoulders, still strangely empty as she watched Alex and Kara talk in hushed voices, when she lifted a hand to run through her hair. It was the texture that was off first, crumblier than hair had reason to be. Then she felt the give, the too-easy way her hand slid through. She pulled her hand away, staring down incomprehensibly at the charred strands in her palm.
That was the moment she started crying.
It wasn’t so much the hair, really. In the grand scheme of things, her hair is far from important to her. It was just after everything that had happened today, seeing her hair come away in her hands at nothing more than a gentle touch was the breaking point. Not the explosions or the running or Supergirl yanking her to safety at the last second. Not the millionth interrogation at the DEO. Just her hair, singed to destruction, lying across her palms.
The scissors snip again. Hair flutters past her ear.
Her hair isn’t important. It’s hair. It grows back. And yet…
It feels like her hair has been an integral part of her identity for so long. It’s been long since she was a child, thick and shiny and silky. It’s an identifiable trait of Lena Luthor, something recognizable about her, and who is she if she’s not Lena Luthor, strutting into a board room with her long ponytail swinging. She’s been fighting for her way in the corporate world of old white men for long enough that it always feels like a victory to walk into a room with her long hair, thinking I look like someone you don’t respect, and yet I’m in charge here.
She can’t risk a look in the mirror yet, but she squints her eyes open to look at the hair in the sink. There’s so much of it, piles of damaged dark hair against white porcelain.
It was already dark by the time they made it home. As soon as they had walked in the door, Lena tossed her blazer onto the couch and strode into the bathroom to stare at her reflection in the mirror, pulling her hair forwards and twisting around to try and get a good view of the damage.
“We can probably salvage some of it,” said Kara, coming up behind her resting her hands on Lena’s waist. “It would have to be a bit shorter but I’m sure we can rearrange it so you can keep most of it.”
And Lena stared at her reflection, breath tight in her chest, and said, “No.”
“I don’t want to salvage it. I just want it gone. I can’t… I can’t deal with it anymore. I’m done, I just want, I just want it all off, I need to...”
“Okay, okay,” said Kara, placating. “We can cut it off. Then you won’t have to worry about it anymore.”
“Yes,” said Lena. “I won’t have to worry. It will be gone, and I won’t have to worry.”
Now, the blades of the scissors slide together a few more times, above her ears, at the nape of her neck. There’s a pause, and then the click of metal on porcelain as Kara sets down the scissors and says, “Done.”
Lena opens her eyes.
Her hair is shorter than she can ever remember having it, cropped close around her ears and a bit spiky on the top. Still long enough to dig her fingers into, but short enough that she won’t really have to worry about styling it. It’s not perfect, a bit uneven in places, but Kara’s done a good job, overall. She runs a shaky hand through the soft strands once, twice.
Kara’s hands squeeze her upper arms, and she tucks her chin over Lena’s shoulder so they’re side by side in the mirror. “It looks amazing on you,” she says. “Like, it really, genuinely suits you so well. What do you think?”
Lena stares at her reflection and thinks Lillian is going to hate it.
She feels lighter. Freer. A metaphorical and physical weight lighted from her shoulders.
“I love it,” she says, and means it.
(here are some of the others, for your enjoyment: x | x | x | x | x )
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Hold It Together (As We Fall Apart) - Chapter 3
Thanks for all of the likes/reblogs/messages. Hope you guys like this chapter! Violence warning?
“Nia!” Nia was stirring copious amounts of sugar into her morning latte when she heard her name being called. Her brow furrowed in confusion, she looked up, turning her head to see Alex walking toward her with Kelly hot on her heels. “Hey, Alex.” Nia glanced over Alex’s shoulder at Kelly. “Morning Kelly.” Kelly offered a smile of her own in response but she didn’t have time to say anything before Alex cut in. “Is Kara avoiding me?” Nia blinked at Alex in surprise. “No? Why would she be avoiding you?”
“We were meant to meet for lunch yesterday and she didn’t show,” Alex explained, concern evident on her face. “That’s not like Kara. Late? Absolutely. But she never just doesn’t show up for something. At least without letting me know first.”
Nia opened her mouth to answer but she was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. She noticed a line forming behind her and her eyes widened. “Oh! Sorry.” She quickly put the lid on her coffee and moved out of the way to allow people access to the counter. “She probably just forgot, Alex.” Nia reasoned as she made her way out of the coffee shop with Alex and Kelly. “She has a lot on her mind.” “Like Lena?” Alex guessed. “Yeah. She’s just confused. Trying to figure everything out.” Nia sat down at one of the outside tables and took a sip of her coffee. “I don’t think she even really knows what all of this means yet.” Alex sighed. She didn’t want to admit it herself. “I think it’s obvious what it means.” “Yeah to me and you but Kara’s too focused on what it means now that Lena ‘hates her’.” Nia frowned at the thought. She was sure that wasn’t true. She hoped it wasn’t, for Kara’s sake. “She doesn’t want to be rejected.” “Wait...what?” Kelly glanced between the two, noticing surprise on Nia’s face and confusion on Alex’s. “Something tells me that the two of you aren’t talking about the same thing.” “Oh!” Nia’s eyes widened in realization. “Kara hasn’t...I thought she’d spoken to you about…I’m just going to shut up now. Actually, I’m gonna go. I realized I have a-a thing…see you two later!” Alex was silent as Nia hurried away with her coffee. “Alex?” Alex slowly shook her head. “Kara is in love with Lena Luthor. How didn’t I see that coming? Of course, she’s in love with her.” Kelly sympathetically rubbed Alex’s arm. She was well aware of how close Kara and Alex were and she knew that Alex would be beating herself up over not being able to recognize Kara’s turmoil for what it was. “Why wouldn’t she talk to me about this?” Alex seemed to be talking more to herself than to Kelly. “When I realized I had feelings for women she was the first person I spoke to.” “It’s a little more complicated for her,” Kelly said gently. “It’s not every day you fall for someone who used to be your best friend and now potentially hates you...is it?” Alex let out a heavy sigh. “I really need to talk to my sister.”
------- “Is it time yet?” Lex rolled his eyes skyward at the gruff question from the impatient speedster in front of him. He reclined back in his chair with a soft exhale. “I told you, it will be the time when I say it’s the time.” Lex drawled, looking away from his chessboard to watch white lightning crackle over the suit of the speedster. He supposed he should be at least somewhat afraid of the self-proclaimed god in front of him yet all he felt was irritation at the incessant questioning, coupled with excitement when he thought about what was to happen. He almost wanted to draw it out for the sake of the anticipation. Still, he thought, he couldn’t put off the chance to take down a Super. With all of the resources, he could hope for at his fingers, courtesy of the Monitor, he would be a fool to wait. He got to his feet, reaching into the inside pocket of his blazer to draw out what looked like a ceremonial dagger. “Here.” In a flash, the masked ‘man’ across from him moved over and took the knife from his hands. “Careful,” Lex warned as he sat back down. “What you’re holding may be impossible to recreate.” He was sure he was the only person in the universe to ever have created such a thing. He was sure not even his sister had considered fusing two types of kryptonite together. She didn’t have his ambition. His drive. “What is it?” Godspeed looked at the dagger, noticing the metallic purple hue to the blade. “A Kryptonian’s greatest weakness,” Lex replied smugly. “Do you have the V9?” “Yes.” “And you remember what I requested of you?” Godspeed nodded in response. “I know what must be done.” Lex nodded and turned back to his game, moving his knight further onto the board. He would kill Superman but not before getting rid of the Kryptonian’s cousin first. ------- Nia walked out of the elevator with her head lowered, her rapidly cooling cup of coffee held in her left hand while she gripped the strap of her bag with her right. She couldn’t believe that she had outed Kara after all she had done for her. She had just assumed that Kara would have spoken to Alex already. It seemed to her like the Danvers sisters could speak to each other about anything, not like herself and her own sister. Given that she was staring intently at the floor as she walked, Nia didn’t see the woman walking toward her until it was too late. She walked right into Lena Luthor. Lena grabbed Nia’s arms to steady them both and gasped as coffee spilled onto her white blouse. Fortunately, it wasn’t hot.”Damn it…” “L-Lena!” Nia squeaked out, surprised to see the woman at CatCo. She looked down at the coffee stain on the front of Lena’s blouse, her own hand dripping with the warm drink. “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Lena grimaced as she tugged at the front of her shirt to keep it from making contact with her skin. “Evidently.” Nia swallowed thickly. She glanced around and quickly Lena over to a nearby desk so she could put her coffee down. “Here, I-I’ll give you my sweater to wear. You shouldn’t walk around in wet clothes. I’m so so sorry.” “It’s fine,” Lena replied simply. She watched, trying to hide her amusement as Nia tugged off her sweater, leaving her standing there in a black t-shirt. “There’s really no need.” “No, it’s fine. This is my fault so I insist.” Nia pushed her sweater into Lena’s arms. “Your um...blouse is turning see-through.” Lena pressed the sweater close to her chest. Of course, the one day she’d left her blazer at home would be the day someone would spill coffee all over her. “I’m sorry, I was lost in my own thoughts,” Nia apologized again, guilt written across her face. “Wait...why are you here? Did you come to see Kara?” Lena’s mood soured at the mention of her ex-best friend’s name. “You mean Supergirl? No. I had a meeting with Andrea, that’s all.” “Oh…” Nia bit her lip and perched on the edge of the desk they were standing next to. She was relieved that there only seemed to be a few people in the office that early in the morning. Certainly, nobody who’d be interested in overhearing their conversation. “Kara told me she went to see you last night.” “Did she now?” Lena raised a questioning eyebrow. “Why is that?” Nia sheepishly shrugged. A few weeks ago she wouldn’t have felt so anxious around Lena but now that she knew Lena was angry with them she couldn’t shake her nerves. “I asked her where she was and she told me. She’s...she’s sorry, you know. She feels terrible for what happened.” Lena shook her head slightly. “Sorry isn’t good enough. She kept this from me for years. And yet...she told you after a few months, didn’t she?” “I-It’s complicated. She was trying to help me.” Lena pursed her lips, staring intently at Nia for a moment. “I should be going. Thank you for the sweater.” “Of course.” Nia quickly stood up as Lena started to walk away. “Lena!” Lena turned to Nia. “Yes?” “Kara being...you know who is a big deal. I get it.” Nia stepped forward, her hands clasped in front of her. “But it’s not the most important thing about her. There are a million things more interesting about her than this. I don’t think there’s much you don’t know.” Lena let herself think over that for a moment before she shook her head. “Have a good day, Nia.” Nia sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping. 
---- Alex turned away from the screen she was staring at as she heard Kara land in the DEO behind her. “Anything?” Kara grimly shook her head as she walked forward to meet Alex. “Just some debris. I didn’t see anything else out of the ordinary.” Alex let out a heavy sigh and glanced back at the screen. “No evidence of where it came from? Nothing?” “No,” Kara replied sheepishly. She wished she could say more. “There doesn’t seem to be anything that would cause this. Brainy?” Brainy was staring at the screen intently from his seat. “I am in agreement with you. From what you described nothing seems to be especially unusual. Certainly, nothing to cause this...dark matter to seep through. Supergirl, you mentioned that you’ve seen something like this before?” “Maybe. I don’t know.” Kara frowned, rubbing the back of her neck. “Not on this earth. Barry mentioned it a few times. But I don’t see how it could have gotten through unless someone from his earth somehow traveled to this earth.” “We know it’s possible,” Alex said thoughtfully. “We’ve done it ourselves. But how would anyone get their hands on an extrapolator? Unless…” Kara shook her head in response even as her heart rate quickened at the thought. “Barry is fine. He has to be.” “Barry?” Brainy questioned, raising an eyebrow at the conversation between the Danver’s sisters. “The Flash from Earth 1. He’s…” Kara was cut off by the sudden sound of an alarm. “BREACH!” Alex yelled, quickly drawing her gun. Around her, she heard agents unholstering their weapons. She held her gun up in front of her, slowly turning to scan the perimeter but as suddenly as the alarm had sounded again it fell silent. “False alarm?” Brainy turned to his computer to run a security check, worry evident on his face. He hadn’t noticed any issues with the system. “A-Alex…” Alex turned toward Kara. She noticed her sister was suddenly deathly pale and instinctively jumped to the conclusion that Kara had seen something nobody else had. “What’s wrong?” “I…” Kara drew her hand away from her stomach, shock evident on her pale face as she held it up. Alex’s gaze drifted to Kara’s hand and a jolt of panic ran down her spine at the sight of blood dripping from Kara’s fingers. Her eyes flicked to Kara’s stomach and she inhaled sharply when she saw a circle of dark blood spreading out over Kara’s suit, originating from a clear puncture in the supposedly impenetrable material. Her gaze locked with Kara’s wide, fear-filled blue eyes and for a moment Alex found herself glued to the spot, her heart in her throat. Kara started to fall forward though and Alex sprung into action, rushing to catch the Kryptonian before she hit the ground. Alex barely managed the catch Kara and she was forced to her knees from the impact of Kara falling against her chest. “Alex.” Kara choked out, tears at the corners of her eyes. “Alex...” “I’m here. I’m here, Kara. I’ve got you.” Alex pressed her hands to Kara’s wound, struggling to stop the Kryptonian’s bleeding. Kara’s eyes widened suddenly. “L-Lena.” She hit her fist against the floor, trying in vain to push herself up. She barely managed to push herself up an inch before she collapsed back down, darkness forming at the corners of her vision. “She...She needs...me…” “Kara!” Alex exclaimed, her own eyes flooded with tears as Kara’s eyes fell shut. “Wake up! Supergirl!” She looked up, looking around to find agents gaping at her. Even Brainy looked too beside himself to do anything. “Somebody get me a gurney! Brainy, help me get her to medical. Agent Dox!” Brainy finally seemed to snap out of it and made to move forward only to stop as Kara seemed to disappear right in front of his eyes. “KARA!” Alex fell forward into the pool of blood Kara had left behind, her arms suddenly empty. ----- Lena sighed softly, tapping her pen against her notebook. She needed to focus on her work yet her mind was constantly straying back to Kara Danvers. Supergirl. No matter how hard she tried, her mind kept going back to the Kryptonian. Even something as simple as going for lunch led her to think about the many lunches she’d shared with Kara. She set her pen down and leaned forward, bracing her elbows against her desk. She wearily rubbed her temples, closing her eyes. She needed to focus. “Lena Luthor.” Lena flinched at the sound of a gruff voice saying her name. Her eyes flew open and she instinctively jerked back, pushing her chair back from her desk at the sight of the suited man standing in front of her. Lightning crackled around his body, seeming to emanate from him. “Oh my god.” The man gave a dark laugh. “That’s right.” Lena swallowed thickly and reached into the pocket of her suit jacket, shakily gripping the watch. She gasped as a gust of wind whipped her hair up and the watch seemed to be torn from her hand. The stranger who’d stood in front of her reappeared again, a couple of steps from where he’d been before. He held up the watch by the strap, inspecting it closely. He pushed the button himself before he dropped it to the floor, crushing it beneath his boot. “Don’t worry. Supergirl won’t be coming to your rescue.” Lena stood up on shaky legs, unconsciously counting the seconds until Kara showed up. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Don’t I?” The man held up his right hand and for the first time Lena noticed he was holding a knife, blood glistening on the blade. “A final gift from your brother.” Lena felt her heart sink at the comment. “You’re lying.” Even as she said that she realized something was wrong. Kara should have been there by now. It had been almost a minute since the button had been pressed. The speedster shook his head before he zoomed out of the room, white lightning trailing behind him. For a moment Lena felt relief at the fact that he’d left but after what could have only been five seconds he was back, unceremoniously dropping a limp Kara onto Lena’s desk. “You’re welcome.” 
Lena was sure that her heart stopped as she saw the bloody wound on Kara’s abdomen. She leaped forward, frantically pressing her hands against it to stem the bleeding. “Kara?! What the hell did you do to her?!” “What you couldn’t.” The speedster answered, moving his hand to brush his lightning emitting fingers over Kara’s hair. “Shame. She’s a pretty one.” Lena lashed out automatically, slapping the man’s hand away. “Don’t fucking touch her!” She growled as tears prickled at her eyes. The man stared at her for a long moment before he took his leave, running from the room in a flash of lightning. “Kara?” Lena leaned over her desk, one hand going shakily to Kara’s neck to seek out a pulse. She felt one, but faintly. “Kara, can you hear me?” “Lena…” Kara rasped, the corners of her lips turning up for a split second. “I’m right here, Kara. I’m…” Lena gasped as Kara started to seize on her desk. She quickly did what she could to hold Kara down, fumbling for her phone in her pocket. Tears tracking their way down her cheeks, she dialed a familiar number while trying not to let Kara throw her to the ground. “Alex?! I need help!” Kara would be okay. She had to be okay. TBC. 
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fernwehbookworm · 4 years
Woke The F*ck Up- Chapter 29
August 15th, 2018
Three concerts down in her current world tour and Lena is crashing down from the high of it fast as she paces the new hotel room. Lena had released an album so shortly after her last that when it was announced that she was stepping back from music for a while, every venue sold out within the hour of tickets going up for sale. Right now though, she’s half-dressed in a new blue suit. The black pumps are waiting by the couch, and the jacket hangs by the door. She hates that she had to fly back to National City for this, but she has to see this through. Lena turns on her heel and paces the other direction while rehearsing in her head what she has to say.
“Lee,” Kara says softly from the couch.
Lena startles, forgetting her girlfriend is there. She turns to face Kara who has been watching her spiral into a near panic, pulling her out just in time. Lena smiles softly at her savior and goes to sit next to Kara. Kara immediately grabs both her hands, warm on Lena’s cold, nervous ones.
“Babe, you are going to be fine. I know it will be hard, but you can do this. We are all with you.”
“I know. I know. I got through Lex’s trial. I can get through Lillian’s. It’s just so personal this time. She kidnapped me, hospitalized you. It’s so much more emotional this time.”
“And you are even stronger.” Kara presses her forehead to Lena’s, and Lena closes her eyes and just absorbs Kara’s supportive presence.
A soft knock at the door and Lena’s assistant, Eve, calls that the car is waiting for them. Kara calls back that they will be right there, but she continues to sit with Lena for a few moments more. It’s going to be a long day. With a deep breath, Lena stands and Kara quickly follows. Kara holds Lena’s hand as she slips on her shoes and helps Lena into her blazer.
“In your own words, can you explain how you saw the events of the past year and a half?” the prosecutor asks Lena.
Lena’s pointer finger digs into the side of her thumbnail as she tries hard not to fidget. She has been briefed on this part and has practiced it over and over to try and be as calm and unbiased as possible.
She takes a deep breath. “It is no secret that I was estranged from my family. I took a path that was seen as unacceptable. My father did, however, leave money and a small percentage of the LuthorCorp stock in a trust fund before he committed his crimes that lead to his death. Before my brother was arrested, he legally transferred his shares to me as well. That left me with the majority and appointed me as the CEO of LexCorp, which my brother had changed the name to. I, however, have never had an interest in the corporate world. But as the new CEO, I had a very specific life insurance policy that essentially paid out large amounts of money to any kidnappers for my safe return.”
“And the defendant was aware of this policy?”
“I am sure she was. My father and brother had the same policy.”
“Did the defendant try to contact you before the alleged kidnapping?”
Lena tightens her hand into a fist at the word. There was nothing ‘alleged’ about it. “Yes. Several times. But after my brother’s arrest, I wanted nothing to do with my family. I already had an acting CEO managing the company as I decided what to do. My mother called and left messages that I ignored. She had made offhand comments about immigrants and the state of America before. I believe it alienated me even more. She was also not happy with my sexuality and people who were like me."
Jane Ramos paces in front of Lena as she pauses for the next question.
"How sure are you it was Lillian Luthor that kidnapped you?"
"One hundred percent. She was in my rental car when I was leaving National City Airport. She sprayed this aerosol spray in my face, and the next thing I knew I was waking up blindfolded and tied to a chair. She then proceeded to lay out her plan that either she would get the money from my insurance policy or would get to kill Power Girl when she came to save me. Or both. She was really hoping to Kill Power Girl and get the money. Cadmus had run out of funds since my brother's arrest."
"But you never saw her face after losing consciousness?"
"No. But that voice. I would recognize it anywhere. It has haunted me all my life."
"Why was your captor so sure the Power Girl would save you?" Jane asks.
"Power Girl was on a mission to end Cadmus. I'm sure she had made the connections. I'm also sure it could have been anyone that Cadmus took, and she would have been there."
"So Power Girl obviously rescued you. How?"
Lena knew this was coming. But she couldn't exactly put on record a secret government agency was working with the vigilante, who she was dating and whose sister was in that agency.
"I don't know. I was blindfolded the entire time. I remember hearing explosions and gunfire. A lot of shouting. Then something was tied around my waist, and I was hoisted upwards. Suddenly, I was on the roof with Guardian, and he was telling me to stay put while he went down and helped Power Girl get out. She took me on this zip line then and drove me to the police station. That was the last time I saw my mother before today."
Lena glances at the woman then. Lillian sits at the table next to her lawyer as stoney-faced as ever. She is careful not to show any emotion, but Lena almost cowls under the heat of fury in Lillian’s eyes. The lost little girl still trapped deep inside Lena wants to run away. Lena takes a deep breath.
“My mother is a very greedy person. She married for money and not love. She seized power wherever she could. Through connections or money or blackmail. The price of that greed has cost her more than she could ever imagine. Her husband is dead, her son is jailed, and her daughter never wants to see her again. In the end, she was the poison that tore our family apart and drove me away. I just hope our justice system doesn’t fail because my mother should not be a free woman.”
Murmuring ripples through the crowd in the courtroom following Lena’s statement, but Lillian does not make the same mistakes her son did. She stays quiet and allows her lawyer to cross-examine Lena. He tries to make it seem that since Lena never saw Lillian after losing consciousness that it could possibly have not have been Lillian afterall. After about twenty more minutes of questions, Lena is released from the stand and back to her waiting girlfriend and friends. Sam and Ruby sit in the row behind with Alex as Lena squeezes between Kara and Jess. Winn sits in the third row with Eve.
The rest of the day drags on as more witnesses are called and questions are asked. Jane warned Lena that this trial could go on for several days due to the sheer mass of crimes and how money was funneled in and out of the country. Honestly, Lena has planned to just come for this first day and then for the sentencing day. Kara squeezes Lena’s hand every once and awhile. After the lunch recess, the Arias women and Alex don’t return to the courtroom because of an increasingly bored eleven-year-old. Ruby has grown fidgety and her phone is no longer entertaining. Lena can’t blame the girl. She is going a little stir crazy also. Eventually, the judge calls a recess until the next day. It is so much like Lex’s trial but all so different. Cameras still camp out front, but this time, Lena leaves with Kara instead of Kara disappearing ahead of time. Jess, Eve, and Winn trail behind them. It touches Lena that she has more than Kara for her support. She actually has a support system with multiple friends. With a family that chooses her for everything she is.
In the end, Lillian is also sentenced to spend the rest of her life in prison, and Lena feels like a giant weight has been lifted off her chest. She returns to her tour feeling lighter and happier, going along even better with the brighter sound of her new album.
September 1st, 2018
“What do you mean you have to go? This was your night off! We haven't had any time together in weeks. Ruby starts back to school Monday, and who knows when we will be free again?” Sam stands in the living room on the opposite side of the couch from Alex as she slips on her jacket and pulls her gun from the wall safe behind a picture of Sam and Ruby. Alex had installed it when she started spending more and more time at their house.
“I’m sorry. But this is a high value target that they are bringing in. He’s been at the top of our list for awhile, and the task force finally nailed him.”
“But why do you have to be there? The whole point of this was so you would have more regular hours. All they are going to do is throw the man in a cell and fill out paperwork.”
“Because it’s my team! How can I expect them to look to me if I don’t show up?” Alex slides her gun to its holster with a bit more force than necessary. Alex reaches for the door knob and pauses. “I’ll be back in two hours. We can talk then.”
“Don’t fucking bother! Stay at work. It’s obviously more important.”
Alex tenses, ready to bite back with something that she knows she would regret. Instead, she bites the inside of her cheek and twists the door knob. Alex heads off into the night fuming and leaves her girlfriend near tears in the living room.
It only takes Alex about fifteen minutes to realize how big of a mistake she made. Another twenty minutes to get to the closest store that sells flowers and buy the biggest bouquet possible. Alex is back on Sam’s doorstep before the hour is over. She has called and let the Agent in charge of third shift know that she isn’t going to be in.
Sam answers the door, wrapped in a blanket and red eyed. “What?” she snaps.
“I was wrong. And an absolute idiot. You were right. I don’t have to be there for everything. I have to learn how to balance work and personal things. But you were wrong, work is not more important. You are. And Ruby. I’m sorry I lost sight of that.”
Sam stares at her, long and hard. She looks from Alex, to the flowers, and back up. Sam considers Alex’s words. “You are an idiot. But You are my idiot, and I love you.”
“You love me?”
“Yes, you big idiot”
“I love you too. Does this mean we are done fighting?”
“Take me to bed, Director Danvers.”
“Oh, gladly.”
December 20th, 2018
Lena’s bag feels heavy on her shoulder as she gets off the plane. A whole nine days off, but she is scared out of her mind because she’s spending them in Midville. To meet Kara’s mother. Lena takes a deep breath and walks through the airport to find her beautiful girlfriend. This is going to be a long break.
“Lee!” Kara’s voice rings out among the din of the busy airport.
Lena turns in a circle until she spots Kara. Kara hurries to her and sweeps her up in a tight hug before kissing Lena deeply. It’s been three weeks since they had last seen each other. Lena takes a deep breath of Kara because she’s missed her so much.
“It's not too late. We can get on the next flight out of here and run away.”
“Don’t tempt me. No, I should actually meet your mother. Even if she probably hates me.” Lena pulls away and fits her fingers between Kara’s to walk towards the exit. It’s a small airport about an hour from Midvale and amazingly peaceful with no cameras in sight. Kara walks Lena to the car she’s borrowed from Eliza.
“Eliza doesn't hate you. She’s really glad you are coming.”
“Glad to tell me off for breaking her daughter’s heart?” Lena slouches in her seat and crosses her arms.
“No, Lee. She’s glad to meet the woman that makes her daughter happy.”
“You’re probably right. Still, I’m worried.”
“Come on, time to cheer you up with some tunes. Alex and the Arias women will be here in three days. I need you in the Christmas spirit by then.” “Aren’t you Jewish?”
“Yeah, but the Danvers’ aren’t, so I was introduced to the joys of it. I still follow some of the bigger traditions like lighting the menorah and making latkes. Even though I don’t really follow it for the rest of the year, it’s a way to connect to my parents over the holidays. But it’s already over this year. It was at the beginning of December.”
Lena reaches over and takes one of Kara’s hands. “That’s very sweet.”
Kara glances at her with a small smile before looking back to the road, after a moment she says, “I have a whole Christmas movie lineup that starts tonight. Be ready.”
“For you, I’ll do anything.” Lena kisses the back of Kara’s hand and settles back into the seat for the rest of the ride while Kara sings to the radio.
It’s a beautiful landscape that leads to the seaside home, and Lena squeezes Kara’s hand tighter as they get closer. By the time Kara can shake her hand free from Lena’s grip to put the car in park, she can feel the blood rush back into her fingers as a thousand pricking needles. Kara unbuckles and turns to face her girlfriend. Lena bites her lip nervously and stares at the door.
“Just be yourself.”
“Myself is the problem.”
“Was. But now, we have been through a lot and are different people than we were.”
Lena takes a deep breath. “Okay. Let’s do this.”
Kara grins and kisses Lena’s cheek before popping the trunk to get her bags. Lena opens the door and gets out. She takes a deep breath of the salty, fresh air and instantly starts to feel better. It definitely feels like a place to raise kids and call home. It feels safe. The door opens, and a blonde woman appears with a smile.
“I thought I heard a car door. Glad you made it back, Kara. Lena, it's nice to finally meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Danvers.” Lena holds out a hand as she closes the door.
Eliza pushes it to the side and wraps Lena up in a hug. “Oh, please. Call me Eliza.”
Lena hesitates before wrapping her arms around the woman. She squeezes her eyes shut and let’s Kara’s mom hug her in a way that she hasn’t felt in a long time. Lena is fighting tears by the time Eliza releases her, but she doesn't say a word about Lena’s shining eyes. Eliza just cups Lena’s cheek briefly before turning to her daughter.
“All right, Kara, take those up to your room. I put the air mattress in there. Alex and Sam will be in the guest room, and I have the pull out in the den ready for Ruby”
Kara blushes scarlet. “Eliza—”
“Kara, I’m old. Not senial. Nor do I have any delusions about my daughters. I was your age once. At least I don’t have to worry about an unplanned pregnancy.” Eliza laughs and heads inside.
“See, she loves you already.” Kara says from behind Lena as they watch after the woman.
“Fine. You were right. But I’m still waiting for some sort of talk.”
Kara sighs and leads Lena inside.
Lena watches quietly from the doorway as Kara sifts through boxes of ornaments to decorate the tree Eliza has already purchased. Kara had been incredulous when she found out Lena had never decorated a tree before. The Luthor's home was always professionally done, and she didn't celebrate Christmas on her own. She never felt the need to. Kara has insisted that Lena help while they put on Christmas music and drink hot chocolate.
"Lena, dear. Would you mind carrying that tray for me."
Lena moves back into the kitchen to take the tray Eliza gestured too. It is laden with chocolate chips, marshmallows, marshmallow whip, candycanes, and whipped cream. "What is all this for?"
"The hot chocolate, of course. Kara loves adding so many things to hers that it becomes a meal."
Lena laughs because that is so much like Kara. She glances back through the doorway to the woman in question when a warm hand covers hers on the countertop.
"Listen, Kara didn't tell me everything that happened between you two. But she did say you both made mistakes. Whatever those were, I'm glad you two are working things out. She's happier than I've ever seen her. All she's talked about for the past two days is you," Eliza says softly, clearly not wanting to alert Kara to their conversation.
Lena takes a deep breath and smiles back at the older woman. "I'm glad too. Even if we had never worked things out,  Kara made me a better person. Made me want to be one. She showed me that I deserved love. And I would never have stopped loving her for that."
Eliza squeezes Lena's hand as Kara shouts for them to hurry up, and Jingle Bell Rock starts playing from the speakers. It isn't the harsh talking to she’s been expecting from the mother of the girl's whose heart she broke. It’s… nice. Lena isn't sure what to do with that or the warmth she still feels on her hand even though Eliza has left the room with the tray containing the cups of hot cocoa.
The evening blurs into a flurry of sparkling lights and shiny tinsel and holiday music. By the time they finish, Eliza pops some popcorn on the stovetop and Kara has picked out a holiday movie, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Kara insists Lena has to watch all the classic claymation movies. Kara and Lena cuddle together on the couch while Eliza takes a comfy recliner. She disappears about halfway through, and Lena is thankful for her giving the two of them some alone time. Lena burrows deeper into Kara’s side, and Kara tightens her grip on Lena’s thigh, basically in between Lena’s legs. Kara just chuckles at something in the movie and reaches for another handful of popcorn. Lena watches Kara watch the television in the soft glow of multicolored lights.
Lena could write a whole album about this woman. Well, she technically already did, but Lena could write another one. And another one. She could write a thousand more and still not feel like she’s captured the beauty of this moment. Lena admits defeat and decides instead to just rest her head on Kara’s shoulder. Soon Lena drifts off to sleep. She eventually is vaguely aware of Kara helping her to her feet and pulling her upstairs.
December 23rd, 2018
The kitchen is covered in about a dozen different types of cookies and holiday sweets. Lena sprinkles more powdered sugar on the marble slab to roll out the sugar cookie dough while Kara selects another shape to cut out. A finger darts out in front of Lena and swipes up some sugar.
“Hey!” Lena exclaims as she turns to face the culprit.
Kara wipes the sugar on Lena’s nose with a laugh. “You’ve got a little something right there.”
“Huh, wonder how that happened.” Lena reaches for a hand towel to wipe it off when Kara’s hand stops hers.
“No worries, I’ll get it,” Kara says as she leans in and kisses Lena’s nose.
Lena scrunches her nose up with a smile. “Did I get any anywhere else?”
“Hmm… Yup. There is some right here,” Kara kisses one cheek. “And right here,” she kisses Lena’s other cheek. “And… right… here.” Kara kisses Lena’s lips.
Lena deepens the kiss and pulls Kara closer. Kara’s hands cup Lena’s cheeks while Lena’s hands cup Kara’s ass. Kara’s tongue darts out between her lips to brush against Lena’s and Kara chuckles. Lena smiles back and gives a couple more soft pecks.
“I know you’re sweet usually, but the sugar is just an added bonus to kissing you.” Kara teases.
“Oh, come on!”
The exclamation breaks them apart. Kara looks over her shoulder to see Alex and Sam laden with baggage and standing in the doorway. Sam turns and laughs into Alex’s neck as Alex fumes and blocks Ruby’s view of the kitchen shenanigans. Lena lets go of Kara and goes to hug Sam and Ruby. Kara hangs her head before turning to her sister. Alex is holding back laughter by the time Kara gets to her.
“What’s so funny?”
“You have sugar handprints on your ass,” Alex tries to say low enough that Ruby can’t hear.
Lena does cover Ruby’s ears. “That’s because she has a sweet ass.”
“Not in front of my daughter,” Sam exclaims.
“Relax, I covered her ears.”
“Not well.” Ruby laughs.
Sam shoots Lena a glare, and Lena just laughs and kisses the top of Ruby’s head. It’s getting harder and harder to do with each passing week as the girl becomes just as willowy as her mother.
“I heard voices, are the girls here?” Eliza calls from the den that doubles as her office.
“Yeah, Mom!” Alex calls.
Eliza emerges from the other room and hugs her daughter before being introduced to her girlfriend and girlfriend’s daughter. Eliza shows Ruby where the den is while Alex and Sam take their bags up stairs.
“Well, that was embarrassing.”
“Please, no worse than when you were fucking me on the pool table. Or when I walked in on them topless in the living room.”
“You what?”
“Oh, yeah. They planned a date night, sent Ruby to a sleepover, but forgot to tell me. I had spent thirty-six hours in the studio and went home to shower and sleep. Unfortunately, it was after dinner and wine but luckily before the pants had come off.”
Kara laughs and goes back to cutting out cookies. “At east for us we were in my apartment behind a locked door.”
“Very true. Come on, let’s get these cookies in the oven so that we can all decorate.”
December 24th, 2018
Christmas Eve brought about a party in the Midvale town square. Lights were strung up and local lenders had booths. A mix of barrel drums and outdoor electric heaters kept the temperature bearable for folks to laugh and play carnival games. Hot drinks flow freely with shots of alcohol available for purchase for the adults. Lena questions the fact that no one seemed to be ID’ing anyone, but Kara just explains that the town was so small that if you’re underage and wanted alcohol, you have to go at least two towns away to use a fake.
Ruby excitedly jumps from game to game, flitting back once in awhile to get cash from her mother for food or to introduce a new friend. Eliza is busy running a booth so it leaves the four women on a double date, sitting at a picnic table sharing stories and snacks.
“Yup, and then she left me with this poor clingy girl who just wanted to dance with her favorite star.” Sam laughs.
“Okay, but she was insane. You left out the part that she followed us to three different clubs, jumped a VIP rope, was tackled and thrown out of the first, dumped a drink on another girl for asking for my autograph, and told me she would lick my feet. That girl was off her rocker.”
“And you climbed out a bathroom window and only texted me twenty mintes later once you were safely home.”
Alex and Kara laugh at Sam’s eye roll as they continue to exchange story about one another. They also take turns getting drinks to warm themselves, alcohol spreading through their bloodstreams. Eventually, Alex and Sam drift off to join the festivities, and Kara sits sideways to wrap her arms around Lena.
“Hey,” Kara whispers close to Lena’s ear.
“So since we are all here…”
“That means no one is at the house.”
“I like where this is going…”
“Have you ever done it on an air mattress?”
“I’ll try anything once. Come on.” Lena excitedly grabs Kara’s hand and pulls her to her feet.
They try not to run back to the house, but Lena is way too excited. It’s been weeks since she and Kara had been intimate. With Eliza just down the hall, Lena hasn’t been willing to risk it. They manage to make it all the way to Kara’s room before removing clothing and tumbling onto the air mattress wedged between the twin beds. The alcohol makes everything blurry and warm, and before Lena knows it, she is riding three of Kara’s fingers as Kara lays under her. The orgasm that takes her is slow and sure, but then a wave hits her and Lena sits down hard and chokes back a moan. Lena faintly registers a soft pop and a hiss.
“Oh, shit.”
“What?” Lena asks lazily.
“Ah… I think we popped the mattress.”
Lena realizes then that Kara’s hips are sinking as Kara’s head gets closer to Lena’s. Lena rolls off of Kara with a laugh, and the hiss seems to get louder as she lays down beside Kara on a rapidly deflating bed. Kara starts laughing with Lena, and they stop suddenly when they hear the front door and muffled voices from downstairs.
“Come on, we can sleep on the twin beds.” Kara whispers.
“Beds?” Lena whispers back.
“Or we can squeeze onto mine.”
“That sounds better. Plus then I can fuck you in your childhood bed.”
“Later, babe. We have a full house again.”
Lena pouts while Kara struggles to get out of the bed and throw Lena a shirt and shorts. It takes a few minutes, but they finally settle in the narrow bed with Kara spooning Lena tightly. Kara glances at the digital alarm clock that used to wake her up every morning. 12:01.
"Merry Christmas, Lee."
"Merry Christmas, Kar."
December 25th, 2018
Kara is woken by a ball of cloth thrown in her face. “What the— Alex!”
“You two snuck off last night. Here’s your pajamas.” Alex stands in front of the bed with her Arms crossed. “And now I know why. How did the mattress get deflated?” Alex raises an eyebrow, pointedly.
“Oh, sweet. Eliza went with elf pajamas this year. Did she get Ms. Claus for herself?” Kara accuses her sister’s accusatory looks.
Alex rolls her eyes. “Just be glad that I came up and not Mom. Be downstairs in five, or we are starting without you.” She turns on her heel a little dramatically and exits.
“I’m sorry, what did I miss here?” Lena wipes the sleep from her eyes and Kara kisses her lips before climbing out of bed over top of her girlfriend.
Kara strips off her sleeping shirt and pulls on a long sleeve button-up that looks very elf like. “Every year, Eliza and Jerimiah would give us pajamas to wear on Christmas Eve. Eliza still keeps up the tradition. I just assumed she wasn’t doing this year with all and the Arias’.” Kara pulls up the long pants that are red and green to match the shirt. “Here, there is a pair for you too. I wondered why she asked for your clothes size.”
Lena sits up much slower, glancing at the clock which reveals that it is still before eight. Lena wipes at her eyes again before standing and taking the clothing from her much too peppy girlfriend.
“You are lucky I love you,” Lena grumbles as she begins to pull off her shirt and put on the Christmas colored clothing.
“I count my blessings every day.”
“You are too cheesy sometimes.”
“You want me to stop?”
They make it downstairs before the five minute deadline and settle onto the couch with hot cocoa, despite Alex’s glare and Sam’s suppressed laughter. True to Kara’s word, all the women are wearing elf pajamas, and Eliza is wearing a set in red with a white apron printed on the front, very Mrs. Claus. Eliza hands Ruby her first present, despite Sam’s protests that it isn’t necessary, and then Ruby takes turns handing out gifts from youngest to oldest.
Colorful wrapping paper soon litters the floor as gift after gift is opened. Most are from Eliza to Ruby. The other women brought gifts for each other too, adding to the paper carnage.
“Alright, my turn.” Lena says and gets up. Instead of grabbing one from under the tree, Lena goes to the front door. “What are you doing babe?” Kara asks.
“I was warned you are a notorious present peeker.” Lena says, as if that explains everything.
“Am Not!”
“Are too!” Alex yells back.
“Am Not!”
“Are too!”
“Not!” Alex repeats.
“Too!” Kara exclaims, before groaning and slapping a hand to her forehead.
“Hah!” Alex sticks out her tongue at her sister.
“If we are done, your present should be here right about…” a knocking on the door, “Now.” Lena opens it to a warmly dressed personal currier with a large box. She balances it awkwardly as it seems to shift, and Lena pulls out a wad cash to generously tip the man working on Christmas. Lena walks awkwardly back towards the couch and carefully sets it down.
“What—” Kara begins to ask as the box shifts. Kara notices the holes in the said of the gift wrapped box and looks at Lena excitedly.
“Go on. Open it,” Lena urges.
Kara rips into the paper and hurriedly unfolds the top. A soft excited yip accompanies a shaking of the large box. Kara squeals and reaches inside, pulling out a white, wiggling, little fur ball. Everyone gasps and begins cooing about how pretty he is. Kara turns him to face the room revealing the black patch of fur stretching over one brown eye. The other was a bright blue that matched his new owner’s.
“What’s his name?” Kara asks.
“Hold on, I have the paperwork in my purse.” Lena grabs the envelope and hands it over the Kara who tries to open it and hold on to the squirming fluff ball at the same time.
When she manages to get the papers out, Kara scans them quickly. “It says Krypto.”
“Actually I think it’s supposed to be Klepto. The shelter said he kept stealing all the toys and treats and hiding them under his bed. It was an issue in the home his litter was born in, and because of his splotch no one wanted to buy him. So the shelter named him Klepto.”
Kara gasps and covers the puppies ears. “How could they do such a thing to such a beautiful creature.”
“Well, people buying purebred American White Shepherds usually do it for a show dog. The discolored fur wouldn’t look good. It’s technically a genetic mutation.”
“What a terrible thing. But don’t worry, you will be loved. And no more of this Klepto business. It’s Krypto now. Like the dog in the comics.”
“Whatever you want, babe. He’s yours now.”
Kara squeals again and lets the dog lick her face. Lena just watches her girlfriend for a few minutes before Ruby whispers in her ear. Kara gasps and hands Ruby the puppy as she sprints towards the back of the house.
“Where is she going?” Lena asks.
“To get your present.” Ruby says matter of factly.
“What do you mean? She already gave me the leather bound notebook and fountain pen.”
“You’ll see.” Ruby returns to playing with the puppy.
“Merry Christmas, Lee. I guess great minds think alike.” Kara arrives in the room room holding her own fur ball, this time black. Two little ears peek up above the Christmas bow tied to its neck. The kitten turns to the room and opens it’s green eyes, the pitch black fur only interrupted by a white streak over one eye. “One of the women in town had a litter and was going to give them all to the shelter if no one would take them, and you said you needed at least one cat.”
It’s Lena’s turn to get excited and she hops up to take the kitten. “What’s its name?” Lena lifts the cat above her head to check it’s rear end.
“I was Thinking Harry, like Harry Potter. You know, because of the ‘scar’ above his eye.”
“Hate to break it to you, but this little guy is a girl.” Lena cuddles the kitten back to her chest after being sure.
“Harriet Potter?” Kara tries again.
“Ah, no.” Lena sits back on the couch and scratches behind the kittens ears to begin the purring.
“I’ve been calling her Streaky.” Ruby chimes in, while trying to contain the squirming pup.
“You have?” Sam asks.
“Yeah, they kept her in the den with me, and Eliza made me promise not to tell. I had to call her something. She has a white streak on her head. Plus, she’s very fast, and ‘blur’ didn’t have the same ring to it.”
“She’s really that fast?” Kara asks and takes the puppy from Ruby to try and let the puppy sniff the kitten.
The kitten stiffens in Lena’s arms as the sniffing nose gets closer. Then, before Lena can blink, the kitten is gone from her arms, and Krypto is scrambling to chase her. Lena and Kara look at each other before scrambling after the animals, Kara basically vaulting over the coffee table. Laughter erupts behind the couple as they chase the animals into the hallway and then into the kitchen. Lena worries about the chemistry of the two and hopes this won’t end poorly.
By the time they get to the kitchen, Krypto is pinned on his back while Streaky bite s playfully at his ear. Krypto’s growl is less than impressive as he tries to escape while also trying to bite Streaky’s tail.
“Look, they are friends already.” Kara grins.
“And adorable. Look at them, complete opposites. Black and white, dog and cat. He and she. Yin and Yang. So adorable.” Lena tries to catch her breath while still laughing. They leave the animals to continue their play.
Back in the living room, clean up is happening before they finish cooking brunch together. Ruby has disappeared to set up her new Nintendo Switch in the den. Kara puts A Christmas Story on the television in the living room. It’s an all day marathon, Lena has learned, and Kara intends to watch it at least twice.
Lena just goes along with all the Danvers family traditions, including making these fried dough things rolled in cinnamon and sugar. Kara informs Lena that they dubbed them Elephant balls as Lena takes a big bite. Lena almost chokes as a laugh escapes.
“They are what?”
“Well, they taste like the elephant ears you get at the fair. But in ball form. Hence elephant balls.”
“Well despite the name, they are delicious.” Lena grabs a second one.
After a brunch to rival all brunches, Kara pulls out a winter themed puzzle that they work on while the movie plays in the background. When that’s finished, Alex pulls out Clue. Then Sam drags Ruby and her new gaming system back into the living room to share and play some of her new games.
It’s the best Christmas Lena has ever had. It was the best holiday Lena has ever had. They didn’t do anything but spend time with each other. For dinner, they order Chinese food from the only Chinese restaurant in Midvale. Lena does coax Kara into actual clothes to take a cute picture sitting in front of the tree. Each of them hold their gifted animals and face Alex who is taking the picture. Then, while the animals face forward, the couple kisses. Alex is a fantastic photographer, and Lena tells her so when she gets her phone back to judge the image. Lena sends it to Kara so they can post it on their respective Instagram accounts.
Sometimes, your opposite can make you whole. Lena types out. Kara kisses her when she sees it.
Not as good with words as my girlfriend so… ditto.
Lena laughs and kisses Kara back. Then they both turn off their phones to rejoin their family for the rest of the evening. Later that night, Lena convinces Kara to let Lena return the favor. Kara cumming quietly while biting her own forearm and Lena’s tongue moving between her legs.
“Best. Christmas. Ever,” Kara whispers as Lena lays on top of her.
“Ditto,” Lena sighs out.
December 30th, 2018
Kara follows Lena from Midvale to Metropolis to support her as she sings for the Glenmorgan Square New Years Eve Party. It is blistering cold and windy as Kara drinks spiked, hot apple cider to try and stay warm. Even the VIP section is crowded as Kara waits for her girlfriend to be introduced. The VIP section is to the side of the stage on a raised platform so Kara will be able to see the performance and the crowd. Alex steps up and joustles her from one side, Sam shouldering in on the other as they try to share body heat. They have left Ruby with Eliza and the new animal family members and made the drive into the city. Lena has rented a suite of rooms in a nearby hotel for the four of them to stay in.
Lena’s nervous. She’s seen Kara a couple of times on tour, but this is the first time she’ll be singing in front of her. She’s told Kara as much, and Kara has kissed her deeply enough to make her blush in front of the stage hands. Now Kara is waiting as the minutes tick closer to midnight. Lena has a three song set that goes straight into the ten second countdown for the final stretch of the ball drop.
A hiss sounds softly over the crowd as smoke fills the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you… Lena Luthor!” An announcer yells over the crowd before the opening notes play.
Take your clothes and rip 'em, rip 'em off
Call these hoes and tip 'em, tip 'em off
Lena rises up from below the center stage to the cheers of thousands. She’s in full on Lena Luthor mode, and Kara is enraptured.
You can tell them you are mine
I'm sick of, sick of games
No more time, you lit the, lit the flame, yeah
We live in an age where everything is staged
Where all we do is fake our feelings
I've been scared to put myself so out there
Time is running out, yeah
Need to let you know that
Last night I woke the fuck up
I realized I need you here, as desperate as that sounds, yeah-eh
Last night I woke the fuck up
I realized I need you here, as desperate as that sounds, yeah-eh
Take these walls and rip 'em, rip 'em down
Take my (uh) and snip 'em, snip 'em now
I will tell them I am yours and very, very proud
I am forced to give in, give in now cause
Kara watches and sips her drink as her sister and Sam flirt with each other and share a night free of responsibilities. Kara has heard all of Lena’s music at this point, but watching her perform has made her more and more sure that they are heading down the right path this time. Kara is rubbing shoulders, literally, with famous people, but all she has eyes for is Lena as she begins her second song.
I was just an only child of the universe
And then I found you
And then I found you
You are the sun and I am just the planets
Spinning around you
Spinning around you
You were too good to be true
Gold plated
But what's inside you
But what's inside you
I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you
But not as much as I do
As much as I do, yeah
'Cause you're the last of a dying breed
Write our names in the wet concrete
I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me
I'm here in search of your glory
There's been a million before me
That ultra-kind of love
You never walk away from
You're just the last of the real ones
You're just the last of the real ones
Kara laughs to herself. Lena told her this song was about Power Girl. It was Lena accepting that Power Girl was a part of Kara, but also sharing how much she needed Kara even though the city needed her too. It was sweet, and heart breaking. But Lena told Kara it was a good song. One that helped her process her feelings.
I'm here at the beginning of the end
Oh, the end of infinity with you
I'm here at the beginning of the end
Oh, the end of infinity with you
I'm done with having dreams
The thing that I believe
Oh, you drain all the fear from me
I'm done with having dreams
The thing that I believe
You drain the fear from me
Almost everyone around Kara is now fully focused on the performance. The crowd below is singing along, and it’s amazing. Just over four minutes are left until the new year as Lena begins her final song.
Out of the seven billion people in this world, there's only you.
Almost a million words that I could say, but none of them will do.
So many years that I have lived, but it feels like I've just begun.
Out of the seven billion people, baby, you're the only one.
I've been too many places. I've seen too many faces.
I wrote too many pages; never found a love like you. (Love like you)
I don't know how to say it. It's been more than amazing.
My whole life, I've been waiting; never found a love like you. (Love like you)
Sleep, dream, you, repeat. Live, die next to me.
Sleep, dream, you, repeat. Sleep, dream.
Out of the seven billion people in this world, there's only you.
Almost a million words that I could say, but none of them will do.
So many years that I have lived, but it feels like I've just begun.
Out of the seven billion people, baby, you're the only one.
You were unexpected, when our lips connected.
I was resurrected; never found a love like you. (love like you)
Don't care where I'm headed when the world is ending.
'cause you are my heaven; never found a love like you. (Love like you)
Sleep, dream, you, repeat. Live, die next to me.
Sleep, dream, you, repeat. Sleep, dream.
Out of the seven billion people in this world, there's only you.
Almost a million words that I could say, but none of them will do.
So many years that I have lived, but it feels like I've just begun.
Out of the seven billion people, baby, you're the only one.
Surrounded by numbers.
(Numbers, numbers, numbers)
You're the only one.
(Numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers)
You're the only one
You brought me back to life.
You did the unthinkable.
Yeah, you are my miracle.
Out of the seven billion people in this world, there's only you.
Almost a million words that I could say, but none of them will do.
So many years that I have lived, but it feels like I've just begun.
Out of the seven billion people, baby, you're the only one.
Surrounded by numbers.
(Numbers, numbers, numbers)
You're the only one.
(Numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers)
You're the only one.
Surrounded by numbers.
(Numbers, numbers, numbers)
You're the only one.
(Numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers)
You're the only one.
On one of the big screens behind Lena, just under the Giant Ball slowly dropping it’s way to the new year. Just a few inches are left as the number ten flashes on the screen and switches to a nine. Lena calls out the numbers as the crowd joins.
“Here, hold my drink.” Kara calls to her sister, not waiting for a response before shoving it in her hand.
Alex sputters a protest as Kara grips the railing and vaults over it. “Hey!” her sister calls after her, but Kara sticks the landing eight feet down and strides across the stage.
“Three, Two, One!” Lena calls into the microphone.
Kara sweeps Lena into her arms as the confetti cannons explode and dips her into a kiss. The confetti swirls around them and leaves them in their own little world. Kara pulls Lena back up and kisses her again. Lena pulls confetti from her girlfriend’s hair, even though it’s pointless.
“Did you just jump onto stage to kiss me?”
“I had to kiss my girlfriend at midnight.”
“Just had to, huh?”
“I had to start the year off right. I have a feeling that it’s going to be a good one. “
“Me too.”
They kiss again before the calls of Sam and Alex pull them apart. “Ready to party?” Lena asks.
“Ready to babysit our friends? Because I’m pretty sure Alex is already drunk.”
Alex is. Lena and Kara spend the rest of the night dancing at a party while keeping one eye on Sam and Alex. Around three, they decide to lead the two back to the hotel. Alex and Sam have been slumped together in a booth saying some not so PG things to each other. Not that either are in a state to follow through on those things. Once both are laying on their hotel bed, Lena goes to get some water for both of them in the morning along with some aspirin to leave on the bedside tables.
Kara manages to take off their shoes and outer layers before Alex throws her arms around Sam and completely passing out. Sam has already beaten her to it. Lena comes back in to set the glasses and aspirin down.
“One more drink before bed?” Kara asks.
“No. No I don’t think so.”
“Do you want something else?”
“Yeah. I think I do. Kara, I want kids.”
Kara gasps, not expecting that revelation. “Really?”
“Yeah, really.”
Kara kisses Lena then, and Lena begins to push Kara back out the door towards their own room. They start tearing off clothing and tripping to get there faster. Kara chuckles a couple of times.
“Sorry, did you mean you want kids right now? If so, it’s about to be pretty disappointing. Also, I think I should maybe teach you about the human reproductive system.”
Lena laughs too. “No, not right now. Later you can give me a refresher course, but right now, how about we get some practice in?”
“I like practice.”
“Then shut up and fuck me.”
“My pleasure. And yours.” Kara adds cheekily before pulling Lena into the room and shutting the door.
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fictorium · 5 years
"I wish I could take the pain away" for the supercat prompts?
Kara nods at the armed guards as she makes her way along the hospital corridor. Some are CatCo private security, men and women who have been responsible for Cat’s personal safety since long before Supergirl ever accepted a job in the building. Others are DEO, led by Vasquez who’s guarding the last door alongside Marcus, Cat’s first-ever bodyguard. They’re armed for a warzone, which just confirms how far from normal things are for Cat right now. 
It’s strange to be back in regular clothes, and Kara isn’t sure that her pastel-pink blazer and skinny black jeans are even all that appropriate, but her sensible flats are quiet against the linoleum as she approaches the door and knocks.
There’s no answer, of course, so Kara waits a moment before entering. Usually she’d slip her glasses down her nose and check the lie of the land before interrupting, but it feels like an intrusion too far. 
“Hey,” she says by way of announcement, closing the door as quickly as she can to preserve the quiet. There’s just the beeping of monitors, and steady breathing. No screens are lit up, and even though Cat is in the room, she doesn’t have her permanent soundtrack of overlapping CatCo channels. 
Cat isn’t holding a phone or checking a tablet, the only place for her hands right now is to have both of them clasped around one of Carter’s, placed with meticulous care to avoid jostling the IV port that’s taped in place on back of his hand. 
Clearing her throat, Kara decides it’s better to ask than add to the stifling silence. “Is there...”
“No.” Cat does look away from her son’s face for even a second. “God, Kara. Don’t you think if there was anything I’d be screaming it from the rooftops right now.”
“Okay, okay,” Kara soothes with a hand on Cat’s shoulder, relieved when it isn’t shrugged off. “I know you need to be here, of course you do, but is there anything I can get for you?”
“You’re not my assistant anymore.”
“No, but I’m your...” Kara doesn’t have an end for that sentence right now. Employee? Friend? Ill-advised fling? Surely not girlfriend, not with the furtive way they’ve been sneaking around in the past few weeks. 
Cat does look up at that awkward pause, leaning back in the uncomfortable plastic chair. All her money and private clinics, but when it comes to emergency treatment, Carter is safest and best looked after here like everyone else. The private room, well, wing technically is the best Cat has been able to do so far. 
“If you’re looking for reassurance, Kara, you’ve picked one hell of a time,” Cat says, taking one hand away from Carter to run through her hair, pulling it loose from the short ponytail that was already halfway out. “If we hadn’t been...”
She loses it then, for the first time since they’d first heard the news from Carter’s school. Kara watches on, helpless, as heavy sobs wrack Cat’s petite frame. It’s only when she slumps forward on the bed, letting go of Carter for the first time, that Kara feels able to step in and gather her into a careful hug. 
“I’m so sorry,” Kara murmurs, on her knees to support Cat fully as she slides from the chair to let Kara hold her. They’re basically on the floor, and for once Cat isn’t complaining about germs or whether that’s even appropriate. “I wish I could take the pain away, Cat. For you and for Carter.”
“I know,” Cat says, gathering herself with a shuddering sigh and wiping her eyes as best she can. “Have your secret agent friends found out anything about who did this? Why Carter was targeted? If it’s something to do with CatCo, some cause I’ve supported, I’ll sell the whole damn thing right now. Lena Luthor has been sniffing around for months.”
Kara’s stomach sinks. Cat giving up her company is unthinkable, and the first thought is one Kara doesn’t dare express: that Cat will need work as a distraction if Carter doesn’t come through this. Whatever the toxic gas released in his classroom is, even the DEO hasn’t encountered it before. 
“Let’s not worry about that yet, okay? Everyone is doing everything they can, and I’m here for anything you need.”
Cat shakes her head, pulling back from Kara and easing back into her chair. “That can’t be an option, not now. If we hadn’t been having one of our little afternoons out of the office, they might have reached me sooner.”
“But Cat, what could you have done?”
“That’s not the point!” Cat snaps. “I am his mother and I wasn’t here when they first brought him in. I’ll never forgive myself Kara. I’ll...”
‘‘...never forgive me, either,” Kara finishes for her. “Because every time you look at me now, this is what you’ll think of.”
Somehow the quiet shrug of acknowledgment is worse than if Cat had just said something cutting. 
“Then you understand. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to be alone with my son. The doctor will be in soon, and I need to prepare.”
Kara feels almost human in her numbness, every bit of movement seems harder than it should be, as though her arms and legs have turned to concrete. She looks to the door, decides she can’t face walking back through all those people. Instead she goes to the window, spinning into her suit with a quick glance to Carter to see if it might have roused him from his coma. 
“You know where I am,” Kara says, sliding the glass open with a heavy heart. “I’ll be doing everything I can to help, and when we find who did this...”
Cat waves a hand in acknowledgment. They’re back to avoiding each other’s gaze. Easing through the window, Kara hesitates only to close it behind her before darting up into the clouds. She doesn’t let herself until she’s high enough for the tears to freeze. 
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queercapwriting · 5 years
Could you write something like Lena and Sara meeting and sharing a look™️. Because they just know the other is gay.
It’s the annual Supercorp Mid-Winter Ball.
Because of course Supercorp has an annual Mid-Winter Ball. 
It doesn’t get that cold in National City, but it gets cold enough. And really, any excuse to host a ball-that’s-really-a-fundraiser-for-alien-and-human-refugee-children-and-their-families is a ball that Lena Luthor wants to throw.
Not everything about being a Luthor is terrible, after all.
She does know how to throw a killer party. Without, of course, the killing.
Kara’s invited everyone from all the Earths that she knows, because of course she has, and because she’s been missing Cisco and Iris and teaming up with Barry to annoy the crap out of Oliver.
Which means, naturally, that Lena is both extra excited and extra terrified.
“Meeting the extended Superfam was horrific for me, too,” Maggie sympathizes as she stands in Lena’s walk-in closet, catching the outfits Lena tries on then angstily rejects.
“How did you cope?” Lena pouts, and it reminds Maggie so much of the trademark Danvers girl pout that she smiles despite Lena’s distress.
“Sorry, Luthor, you’re just adorable. Try that green dress,” she suggests as she smooths her own blazer. “And honestly? Both the Danvers girls are pretty good at not standing on protocol. Like, you know how you’re nervous about the big things? Like people judging you on your family name and all that? They’ll protect you, like literally punch across the room anyone who thinks that. Not that you need it, I’ve seen your right hook. But you know what I mean.”
Lena smirks over her shoulder as Maggie helps her zip up that green dress.
“But I also mean, you know how you also get nervous about the little things? Like if someone says ‘nice dress’ and you say ‘you too’ by instinct, except they’re wearing a suit? Kara and Alex don’t care about little slip ups. They know what really matters. And what really matters to Kara is you, Lena. Okay?”
It might be the most Lena’s ever heard Maggie speak. Not that they don’t know each other, they do – well enough for Maggie to be helping her get ready for this party, obviously – but Maggie usually leaves the rambling to Alex. 
Maybe they’re rubbing off on each other.
Lena chuckles inwardly at her brain’s choice of words.
“Thanks, Maggie,” she says simply, because she knows she doesn’t need all that many words for the detective to understand her. 
Maggie’s grin proves that she’s right.
And Kara’s hand, locked in hers when she picks her up, is all the proof she needs that Maggie was right.
They get separated at the party, though, when Kara launches herself – full speed, which makes Lena very grateful she instructed the designers for the party to temporarily bolt all the furniture to the ground – at Barry and Caitlin to say hello after a few months’ separation.
She gulps and tries to appear graceful and in control, a good host and a steady force, as she turns to welcome someone who simply must be Oliver Queen to the party.
But before she can offer her hand, her eyes lock with a gorgeous blonde in a low-cut black dress, all the way across the room.
She blinks, and then the other woman nods.
She nods back, a smile playing on her lips.
Definitely bisexual. Or gay. Or a little bit of both.
She feels more than sees the woman crossing the room toward her, and – to Lena’s slight surprise – she nearly tackles Oliver in a bear hug when she gets within range.
“Ms. Luthor,” Oliver grins over the woman’s well-defined shoulder, “this is Sara Lance, an old and dear friend of mine.”
“Please, Oli, I’m younger than you, don’t call me old.”
“Sara Lance?” Lena repeats, her eyebrows raised slightly. Of course. She smiles deeply. “If my girlfriend’s right, Mr. Queen might have a point: I hear you spend most of your time traveling through it these days.”
“Your girlfriend?” Sara smirks, smug and content, and Lena knows that Sara knows that they were right about each other. “Luthor. Lena! Host of this gorgeous party, and girlfriend to that one over there, I take it. Oh god, Oli, do you wanna rescue him?” 
Lena and Oliver follow Sara’s gaze until their eyes fall on Kara, whispering something to Iris that is making Barry’s face turn as red as his day-job suit.
“Not even a little,” Oliver smiles, and Sara arches an eyebrow in approval.
“Fair enough,” she grins, and takes Lena’s arm.
“I already know your girlfriend, Lena. Wanna meet mine?”
Lena grins victoriously and nods, happy to have finally found something that feels like… family.
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gabsrambles · 6 years
Prompt: Alex and Lena making out in secret and things are getting heavy— hearts racing and what not... Supergirl bursts in thinking her two favorite people are in danger. Embarrassing hilarity ensues.
Lena is a mistake Alex only meant to make once.
Or you know, not make at all.
But then she made it, so then it was supposed to stay in the ‘Once Only’ column.
And Alex blames the whiskey the first time, anyway. Not at all her fault. It was purely alcohol and the fact that, well, fine, Lena is really, actually, very, very hot. Like, painfully so. Alex’s Big Gay Awakening happened and she only had eyes for Maggie but then that ended in a way that still makes her stomach twist achingly (how can you be so, so good with someone yet have the one fundamental thing that makes you incompatible? How?) and Alex started to notice other women.
And Lena is really hot.
Like, yes, the boss will see you now hot. Sam was also attractive and maybe Alex thought for a little while that was going to build into something, but Sam, all traumatised (understandably) had to get away from where everything went down.
The woman who serves Alex coffee is really cute, with dimples in her cheeks and eyes that sometimes, when Alex isn’t drowning in the self doubt she smothers with faked bravado almost every moment, she swears rake up and down her when she hands over the coffee.
Attractive women are just everywhere. They have so many qualities. Laughs, and collarbones, and legs for days. Bright eyes and curves and, well, Alex was learning she didn’t really have a type.
Women are hot.
Lena is exceptionally so.
But Alex kind of noticed it distantly. Because she’s Kara’s best friend and she doesn’t know Kara is Supergirl and Alex knows it isn’t the nicest thing, but she still doesn’t entirely trust Lena to any great capacity.
Alex is trying. She moved past pinning it on the last name that Alex knows follows Lena like a thick coating of ash she can never entirely beat out of the cloth on her skin. But then the kryptonite. And the shady comments.
And she’s so fucking intelligent.
She is, categorically, a danger.
A really hot danger.
But that was a distant acknowledgement. Until Alex went to L-Corp to question Lena about something and Lena rolled her eyes and gave her a drink and they sat while Lena didn’t even blink as Alex fired question after question about the Kryptonite protection suit and what it all meant and then two hours had passed and they’d drunk a little too much of the whiskey and had moved to the couch and she was close and Alex hadn’t been touched since Sara and had spent the next week after it wrapped in guilt and never really got to enjoy it. Lena’s knee bumped against hers and Alex didn’t pull away and then they were kissing, Lena’s fingers against her jaw and then her palm gliding along her cheek until her fingers were in Alex’s hair.
She was a great kisser.
It was kind of annoying, that she was that attractive and intelligent and really, really good with her lips.
Something that Alex found out in more detail not long after as they pressed against her throat and then her chest and then her stomach where Lena pushed up the shirt Alex was wearing. Her fingers were fumbling with Alex’s belt and then her boots and there was a minute where they were both laughing because getting undressed isn’t actually always the sexiest thing but then Lena’s lips were on her and her tongue and Alex came embarrassingly fast.
In her defence, so did Lena when Alex pushed her onto the carpet and her hand crept up that skirt that was now bunched around Lena’s waist.
But after all the breathy moans and flushed cheeks, the awkward aftermath settled over them and Alex kind of…tugged her pants back on, gathered her jacket and skedaddled.
One time.
It was supposed to stay one time.
Except that night she didn’t sleep even with the alcohol because she was staring at the roof remembering the damp feel of Lena’s breath against her ear and the desperate canting of her hips and the needy sounds that spilled out around them and instead of feeling sated Alex wanted more, legs shifting restlessly under the heat of her sheets.
But it was a mistake.
A one time mistake. Once. Uno. No more.
They are not a good match. At all. They come from polar opposites of everything and the whole, Kara’s best friend who can be a bit shady thing. And not knowing Kara is Supergirl.
And the whole, just…the whole thing.
A one time mistake.
But then they all had drinks in a bar a week later, and Kara brightened next to her and Alex followed her line of sight to see Lena walking in and she was wearing a dress that should be criminal and all she did was raise one eyebrow at Alex in greeting like nothing had happened while Alex squirmed in her chair, cheeks burning, as Lena chatted with Brainy and J’Onn and Kara as if last week she hadn’t grunted “fucking harder” in Alex’s ear before Alex had done just that and Lena had—
But no. Lena was fine.
But then Kara was pulled away for Supergirl duties with her usual lame excuse (her sister is so badly at lying sometimes Alex wonders if the entire city knows her identity and is just humouring her) and Brainy followed her out. J’Onn got a message and was gone, and it was Lena and Alex left with all the memories of what they did rising between them.
Alex, of course, fled to the bathroom to try get herself together.
Lena followed.
And then pushed her against the gross, dirty wall and kissed her and she is genuinely that good at kissing that Alex was convinced in 0.1 second that maybe two times would be okay. Lena whispered in her ear that the bar was gross and why not go back to her place.
So they did.
And technically it wasn’t really two times after that but six, but really, it was only two occasions so whatever.
It turns out that Lena was hot in a the boss will see you now way but also in, well, a lot of ways. The way she arched under Alex. The way she grinned right before she ducked her head to press her tongue against her. The way she went boneless after her third orgasm and just smiled lazily up at the ceiling, and then at Alex, eyes so damn green.
How in the morning, she made them coffee in just an over-sized hoody and her underwear, hair piled on top her head with tendrils escaping all over the place, and casually asked Alex about particle displacement in interdimensional portals and Alex’s damn heart gave a deceiving, sharp thump against her rib cage.
After the second-slash-sixth time, she didn’t even bother trying to convince herself it wasn’t going to happen again.
So now it’s been happening for a month and it’s still a mistake, probably.
Kind of.
But maybe it’s not a genuine, painful mistake, but a mistake like if you walked into the wrong class in college and sat down and figured you were there anyway so you may as well listen and it turns out it was super interesting and made you realise you shouldn’t be majoring in literature but instead biochemistry and you wouldn’t have known if not for the first mistake.
That led to something fun.
Because, and Alex has no idea how she got here of all places, Lena Luthor is fun. They argue over stupid science theories and one time she made a joke that was super complex but made Alex snort her wine, and when Lena laughs, it’s so loud and real and, almost…startled, like she still isn’t used to doing it so genuinely.
She shows up sometimes after a night Alex has been beating up bad guys and is super sweaty and instead of being grossed out her pupils blow wide and Alex ends up against the wall. And then in the shower.
Just not alone.
They drink coffee in the soft light of morning when they both avoid the fact that they have to go to work. They eat dinner sometimes in Lena’s office and share wine in a bar down the street for Alex’s apartment.
They send each other messages with emojis and Alex wonders who the hell she’s become.
They have a lot of sex.
And Alex learns she likes the way Lena thinks. She considers everything. It’s different to Alex, who can have a one track mind. Lena…she sees everything in grey.
They both avoid talking about what it is and telling people and they never talk about Kara, but it doesn’t really matter because whatever it is is fun and sexy and Alex’s heart does that hard thump more often than she wishes it would, like the great betrayer it is.
Then one night Kara’s on patrol and Alex is bored because the city is under control so she goes to L-Corp and finds Lena on the balcony with a whiskey. When Lena turns around, it’s with the skyline behind her and her face lights up, a slow smile as her gaze definitely drops down Alex’s body to meet her eyes again, that smile turning into a smirk that makes Alex’s stomach bottom out. Alex walks forward and takes the glass from Lena’s hand, their fingers over each others until Alex tugs it away and takes a slow sip, Lena’s eyes never leaving her face.
It’s been days, because they’ve been busy. They’re both always so busy.
Lena’s kiss is hungry and Alex stumbles backwards, the glass left on the railing and her hands fisting Lena’s blazer, the silk of her blouse against her knuckles. She almost falls once as they blindly make it into the office, Alex’s leather jacket on the balcony and her shirt pulled out from where it was tucked into her jeans. Lena’s hand glides over her stomach, Alex’s muscles jumping, and over her back under her shirt. Before she can fall, her ass hits Lena’s desk and Lena’s kiss doesn’t stop even as she manages to push papers to the floor that fall with a fluttering sound. The desk is cold even through her jeans but she sits on it anyway, Lena between her legs and Alex’s wrapped around her to pull her in tighter. It’s impossible to stop, and they’ve gotten so very, very good at this.
Lena’s buttons come undone slowly, their kiss slowing to match the pace and Alex can feel Lena’s heart racing against her fingers when they graze over her sternum. She pushes the shirt off her shoulders but then holds it there, trapping Lena’s arms in place and pulling her tighter against her front, the lace of her bra soft against Alex’s chest, her own shirt thrown behind them at some point. She squeezes her legs tighter, and Lena presses more firmly against her. Lena finally pulls back to gasp, her lips so red and pupils blown so wide all Alex can do is grin before pulling her back in.
There’s a thump, a sound like wind that Alex knows far too well and then an actual yelp.
They freeze, everything freezes, or Alex wishes it did, forever anyway, because she knows exactly who that was and what’s happening but for the shortest of moments Lena has pulled back and they are just staring at each other, wide-eyed, horrified, because surely Lena knows too.
“I’m sorry!”
Lena twists enough in Alex’s arms to see behind her, and Alex tilts just slightly to the right to look. Behind Lena, in the doorway, just like Alex knew she would be, is Kara.
Rather, Supergirl.
But right now one is just as bad as the other.
Her hand is literally clapped over her eyes and her face is redder than Alex has ever seen it and Lena’s shirt is still clutched in both of Alex’s hands against the back of her arms, and Alex very much does not have a shirt on and all Alex can feel is annoyed because this was going to be some very, very good desk sex.
“Sorry!” Kara says again.
“Why are you here?” Lena asks.
She doesn’t move but really Alex can’t blame her because pulling away would mean having to awkwardly clasp her shirt closed in front of her and at least this way they’re both kind of covered.
Alex hates her sister.
But also, slowly, she’s realising this is awkward as hell.
But mostly, right now, she hates her sister because Lena was very much about to push her back on this desk and it was going to be amazing.
Kara’s hand is still slapped over her eyes and her other hand is held up like she could ward them away or something, and Alex may be about to hysterically laugh so she bites her lip but her smile escapes anyway.
“I heard—I just…” Kara sighs heavily, that hand holding off evil lowering to her side. “Can I look yet?”
“Sure,” Alex answers.
She drops her hand—as if she doesn’t have x-ray vision—and when she opens her eyes she yelps again and slaps her hand back. “You haven’t moved! You’re still…almost naked.”
Lena turns to look at Alex, raises her eyebrows and sees Alex’s grin. Her eyebrows rise higher. She pulls away with a sigh, and tugs her shirt together and Alex jumps off the desk, grabs her own off the floor and holds it against her front before sitting on the edge of the desk next to Lena, who’s arms are now crossed to hold her shirt together and is watching Kara with her head tilted to one side.
There’s a slight red mark blooming on her neck Alex doesn’t even remember making.
“You can look now.”
This time, Kara spreads two fingers and looks between them cautiously. “You couldn’t get dressed properly ?” she asks, before letting her hand fall away. Two high spots of colour are sill on her cheeks and she fiddles with her cape with one hand.
Alex still just wants to laugh.
“Well, I think we would both like to get back to what we were doing,” Lena says.
Kara’s mouth drops open and Alex chokes on her snicker.
“I—was that necessary?” Kara shoots at Lena.
Lena smirks. “Yes. Again—why are you here?”
Kara sighs. “I heard—I heard your heart beats. They, um…” She’s completely red again, just like before. She avoids all eye contact. “They were fast, both of them, in the same location. I thought you were in trouble.”
“Nope,” Alex says. And maybe she’s having too much fun with this, especially considering how worried she was about Kara knowing she was banging her best friend. But seriously, her sister looks like she’s about to melt through the floor. “Not in trouble.”
Kara’s gaze is on the ceiling. “I get that now.”
Lena clears her throat.
Kara’s neck is also red.
Alex is plain grinning.
“So…we’re fine, Kara.” Alex’s head whips around to stare at Lena, eyes wide, mouth open. As does Kara’s. “You can go.”
“Kara?” Kara squeaks. Alex is squinting at Lena, who is staring straight at Kara unblinking. Looking like she’s enjoying every single part of this far too much. “Why, uh…why would you call me that?”
Of course she knew. Of course.
Luthor. Intelligent.
Of course Lena knew. She’s probably known for a very long time.
Alex’s grin is back.
Lena rolls her eyes. “Maybe we can get into that another time, Kara?”
Kara gives a high pitched laugh. “That’s not my—not my name.”
Alex looks to Kara. “I think it’s blown.”
Kara seems to deflate on the spot. “Oh. Um….”
“Another time?” Lena asks.
“Of-of course. You’ve got things to do.” Kara’s eyes widen. “Oh my god, one of which is my sister.”
And with that, she simply backs out the door and disappears, and Alex can practically hear her mortification.
Lena turns her head to look at her, and Alex turns hers. Slowly, like she’s not sure if Alex is going to back away, Lena leans forward and drops a kiss to Alex’s bare shoulder and Alex lets her smile soften.
When Lena pulls back, relief is in her eyes and Alex should be concerned about a lot of things.
But she’s just not.
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zoeekar · 6 years
Going through all Lena Luthor scenes with my best friend (season 3 edition, pt6)
03x15 In Search Of Lost Time
Her: Hmmm… I’m not feeling the hair this time… Or the dress, actually.
Her: Aww she (Lena) gave her (Sam) a picture of her and the girl, that’s so sweet.
Her: So… She’s gonna wake her up? Isn’t that dangerous? She’s always putting herself in danger, she needs to stop.
Her: Still love it when she talks science. And she’s like so organized too. What, compiling lists and everything. She really does think ahead.
*Sam says she’s not Reign* Her: Can she not recognize her own face?? It’s right there!
Her: Awww, she (Lena) is about to cry again? Someone should give that cutie so many hugs.
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Her: Hooo… I’m feeling this outfit and hair, though.
*Sam: You ask a Luthor, they’ll tell you you’re a supervillain.* Her: Okay, that was uncalled for. She’s only trying to help, damn. 
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Her: Nooo, why is she so mean to her, look at that face.
*James’ college roommate story* Her: Oh look at that. A convenient story that will help her (Lena) move forward with her “employ who has a problem”. Oh, how unexpected!
*Sam: If I had hurt people, I would remember.* Her: *groans* Whyyyy is it so hard to understand that she and Reign are separate and that one doesn’t have any memory of what the other one does?? Wasn’t that the whole thing, to begin with? That she had memory lapses and she couldn’t remember where she was and what she was doing? And now it’s all like “oh no, I would remember!”. Ugh!
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Her: Oo this is getting serious. And kinda hot…
Her: *laughs* The way she says “Supergirl” is so funny and cute. (she’s right, Katie’s “Supergirl” is so cute)
*Lena: Having your fist connect with something so solid, so powerful.* Her: *laughs* Lena. Calm down, god *laughs* When did she even feel Supergirl up to know that? Me: Bridal carry *winks* Her: Oh yeaaah. Nice.
*Lena: You’re not a mother. You’re a monster.* Her: Ouch… Shit.
Her: *replays the “evil” Lena scene three times* Me: You okay there? Her: I can’t believe I didn’t realize she was Morgana from the beginning…
*footage of Sam turning into Reign after the “evil” Lena scene* Her: *laughs* This is so cringy, oh my god!
Her: Aaaw, poor her (Sam), though!
Her: Should she (Lena)… Should she be getting in there like that? What if Reign comes back up?? Does she want to die? 
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Her: Ugh, I love them. They make me feel things.
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Her: Stop. This is not okay.
*Lena and James scene* Her: Aw, see, that’s sweet. 
Her: Okay, so… Where’s Kara in all this? Doesn’t she care that her best friend is missing for… however long it’s been? She needs to work on her best friendship.
03x16 Of Two Minds
Her: I know I’m getting repetitive, but why are her clothes always so inconsistent? It’s either suits and blazers, which I love, unflattering dresses or not-suitable for work dresses. Me: Where does this outfit fall into? Her: Probably unsuitable for work dresses, did you see that cleavage? But I really like it, to be honest. Me: Hair too? Her: Hair too.
Her: Shouldn't she (Lena) give her (Sam) something to bite on if she’s gonna electrocute her?? I need something to bite on when I’m getting my hairs lasered and the pain doesn’t even compare!
*Lena talking about the parallel dimension* Her: She (Katie) is talking fast again and it’s still funny.
*Lena: I need to increase the voltage. I need more time to observe Reign.* Her: Why would the increased voltage give her more time though? Won’t it have the same results? Her (Sam) and Reign will still be at that parallel dimension together no matter the intensity of the shock, right?
Her: What’s that green thingy she (Sam) has on her chest? I just noticed that. Me: It’s Kryptonite so Reign won’t be too powerful. Her: Oooh, smart. Me: Supergirl won’t think so. Her: Eeeh, it’s still smart.
Her: I mean.. Are we absolutely sure there’s no other way? She (Lena) seems kinda extreme…
*James: Winn and Alex are sick.* Her: Wait, what happened to them?? Me: *realizes I forgot to tell her about Pestilence**proceeds to do so*
Her: *laughs* She was like “I’m glad you called.” and just hang up on him like that. No bye no nothing! Rude.
*Lena: I’m the only one who can do this.* Her: Uuuuhhh…. Why?
*Lena: I’m not gonna let her hurt Ruby. Ever.* Her: This is gonna end so bad. I can already feel it coming.
*Supergirl and Co arrive* Her: Ooooh shit.
*Lena: I was gonna tell you. Supergirl: Tell me what?* Her: Ooooooooh shit.
*Supergirl: Sam* Her: Is she (Supergirl) even supposed to know Sam in her not-Kara form? Me: Not exactly. Her: Sooo…? Me: Bad writing. Her: Thought so.
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Her: *laughs* Who types like that?
Her: Oooh so she (Purity) is like that blonde girl in Injustice I used to play as kinda? (she means Black Canary) Me: Cause she screams? Her: Yeh. (can’t argue with that)
Her: She (Lena) must be suffering from serious headaches by now. She’s always getting hit over the head.
*Reign: El Mayara.* Her: What now? Me: El Mayara. Means “stronger together”. It’s like their motto.
Her: Supergirl is noooot happy…
Me: Next one is the one we watched last night. Her: After watching the entire arc, kinda, I have feelings about what we watched last night. Me: Not too good? Her: Not too good. Me: Wanna watch the scenes again? Her: Eh, sure. Might as well.
Sia watches the Lena Luthor Show Season 2          Season 3 Part 1 (x)          Part 1 (x) Part 2 (x)          Part 2 (x) Part 3 (x)          Part 3 (x) Part 4 (x)          Part 4 (x) Part 5 (x)          Part 5 (x) Part 6 (x)          Part 7 (x)                          Part 8-?~Coming Soon
21 notes · View notes
broodyjc · 6 years
She Is Everything And More (She Is Home To Me)
Her eyes speak a thousand words she couldn’t say, choosing her words carefully until she settles with “You love my daughter, don’t you?”
And she’s taken aback, because it shouldn’t be this obvious. She shouldn’t know. No one was supposed to know. Well, Lena had just found out herself, with the warmth that took over her chest last night when Kara didn’t think twice before hugging her by the waist and tugging her closer.
Sometimes, being ignorant was the best way of self-preservation. She lusted the moments before she knew, she lusted being able to put those thoughts back, to just be. Because now that she knew, she couldn’t unsee it.
There was something on Eliza’s knowing smile that almost made it too easy blurting out the truth, blurting out that love was too little of an emotion for what she felt. But she knew better than that.
“She’s my best friend.” The words sound wrong to her ears, they taste bad on her tongue. “Of course I love her.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
The first time Kara takes Lena to Midvale
Also on AO3 here 
For @ratherembarrassing.  I'd like to thank this prompter for the amazing ideas and say that it was really hard choosing between them (I loved both and really wanted to write them, but with only a two-days notice I couldn't). Anyway, I hope I made justice to this one and I'm sorry in advance.
Lena should’ve said no.
It’s actually really simple once she stops to think about it. She just had to say “no”. And she wanted to say it, the word was already at the tip of her tongue. But she made the mistake of looking into pleading eyes and that stupid pout, and the word “no” was still in her mind. She found the word “yes” slipping from her lips instead.
It’s the only reason she finds herself retrieving a bunch of clothes from the back of her closet because Kara insisted on “packing comfy”. And sue her if her only comfortable clothes were from her time during college.  
Faded jeans from her time back on freshman year, sweaters she doesn’t even remember buying, shirts she was sure once belonged to Lex and maybe one or two from Jack, her National City University hoodie she bought as a joke on her last year there. She even shoved a pair of flip flops for good measure. Not that she would ever wear them. Ever.
Kara Danvers and her stupid not good enough excuses (because saying I’ll be all alone because Alex will take Maggie and James will be with Winn and I just don’t want to be on my own the whole weekend was not good enough) are the only reasons she’s packing a duffle bag at Thursday night. A weekday. A work day.
Hours she could be using to go over the inhuman amount of contracts she had to sign, both for L-Corp and CatCo. Precious hours she’s wasting to look for clothes she hasn’t seen in years, just to make Kara smile.
Kara Danvers and that stupid smile were the reason after all.  
Which reminds her of why Kara had asked in the first place. Lena sighs, takes her phone.  
Kara Danvers was the reason her last Google search was “How much can you spend on a present for someone else’s mother?”.
“I’m sorry they demanded your presence.” Sam’s voice is as apologetic as one can be and it’s all it takes to prompt a single wave from Lena as she settles down in one of the uncomfortable chairs. Feels good to know Sam keeps at least some of her old habits, getting everyone and anyone unsettled, even if it’s only physical. “They wouldn’t let go.”
“Well, I can’t say that a meeting through all morning was my ideal Friday, but shutting down old, white, misogynistic men improved my mood.”
Sam takes her seat behind the desk, a board smile on her lips and a simple nod moving her head.
Lena takes a moment to look at the CFO, from the matching gray blazer and trousers, to the red button up, stopping at the relaxed shoulders and soft expression she was sporting. Lena thinks this place really suits Sam.  
She wonders how can one change so fast, and forces her own shoulders down, forces a deep breath in.
“Lucky Kara.” Lena raises an eyebrow at her, Sam does the same, they share a quick smile. “How did Kara convinced the so busy CEO to take four days off?”
“I came into work on Friday and I’ll be back Monday evening. That’s hardly four days.”
“You don’t sound like the Lena Luthor I know. So? What did she say?”
“She asked.”
And Sam stares at her, tries to see the woman behind the blank expression, but there’s still that soft, little smile at the corner of Lena’s lips, so she knows there’s nothing but truth in her words.
“Let me get this straight: she asked. And that was all the convincing you needed? You’re going back to her home town, pilling up work, to celebrate her mother’s, a woman you don’t actually know, birthday, because she asked you to?”
“It sounds insane when you put it like that.”
“You were the one who said it. I didn’t call you insane.”
Lena chuckles at that, her eyes lingering on her own watch. Slowly, she gets up, takes her (Alex’s really) duffle bag and heads to the door.
“Thanks again for letting me borrow your office, Sam.”
“It’s still yours, Lena. You’re my boss.” Lena’s hand lingers at the handle, eyes bored on Sam’s face until she receives an encouraging nod. “Have fun with your… Kara. Have fun with Kara.”
“Don’t work too hard, Miss Arias.”  
Sam waits for the sound of heels fade before going back to work.  
Her employers look weirdly at her. She realizes it during her ride down the elevator and she feels all set of eyes on her. On her hands. As if they knew whatever she was doing, as if their suspicions were growing and they couldn’t hold back.
So, when it finally stops and the doors open, she is the first one to move, to cross the lobby with confident steps and only a slight bounce provided by the bag rhythmically hitting her ankle. Still, it all seems too much. With every person watching her and the spacious lobby suddenly too small.  
Lena doesn’t stop. She nods at anyone who locks eyes with her and even smiles at one of the doormen when she’s finally out.  
It’s quite chilly, she notices first, not at all strange during the end of winter, even welcoming the way her lungs burn as she breathes.  
The second thing she notices is the black SUV haphazardly parked right in front of the company.
The third and final thing, the one that makes her stop dead in her tracks, is the blonde woman casually leaning against it, arms crossed in front of her chest and a serious expression on her face. The stance lasts until she looks around and sees Lena, a huge grin taking over instead as she comes closer.
“I’m pretty sure those are not comfortable.” Kara reaches over to take the bag from her hand and Lena feels herself blush under the once over. “I’m pretty sure heels and power suits aren’t the definition of comfy.”
“I wasn’t about to leave L-Corp in jeans and a hoodie. I have an image to uphold.”
“You actually packed jeans and a hoodie? You actually have jeans and a hoodie?" Kara laughs, Lena doesn't find it in herself to be mad after the sound. "Come on, we have a nine-hour long drive and we have at least two stops to make.”
Lena doesn’t spare another word before following Kara. The door is opened for her, the leather seats clean, not a single paper out of its place. Lena raises an skeptical eyebrow at Kara.  
“Did you rent a car? You could’ve asked me.”
“It’s Alex’s. They went on James’ car and she let me borrow it.”
“Doesn’t Alex own a bike?”  
“We are on a tight schedule, stop questioning me.” Lena snorts, which she would absolutely deny if anyone asked, and takes a step closer to the car.
“You’re driving?”
“I can drive, Lena.”
“Whatever you say.”
“I only took the license test three times, okay? I can drive! And on that second time, that old lady shouldn’t be there!”
“We are on a tight schedule, Kara, stop arguing with me.”
Eleven minutes into the trip, Lena turns the radio off for the total displeasure of Kara Danvers.  
It’s going to be nine long hours.
They are late. They are an hour and twenty-two minutes late and there's only one person to blame: Kara.
But then again, all it took was a "please" and a pout, and Lena couldn't say no. That's not entirely her fault, even Alex had a hard time telling Kara no and they've been sisters for over a decade. But her inability to deny anything would be her downfall. At least when it came to Kara. So, there was one person to blame: herself.
When Kara takes one last turn left, Lena releases her hold on the seatbelt (Kara was a bad driver, terrible even, and she couldn't be more relieved that Maggie would be driving them back) and takes a deep breath.  
“I may have taken the driver’s license test four times.”
“No shit.”
“Or five.”
“It doesn’t surprise me.” Kara chuckles, Lena joins in a beat later. "I'm just glad it's over."
They come to a rather abrupt stop in front of, what Lena suspects, is Eliza's home.  
It's a two-story house, high white fences around it, a simple gravel path leading to the uncovered garage with two parked cars taking all of its space, a yard that seemed to extend until the back of the house and, surely, Lena could see Kara Danvers growing up in the epitome of middle class suburban home.
She wonders now how many things from Kara she will be able to learn, how many things she’s yet to learn. She looks at Kara, who’s already leaving the car and going to the trunk, and she knows there’s much she’ll never understand.
She’s much less enthusiastic to leave the car, maybe because of the strange mix of tiredness and nervousness, but she forces her head up nevertheless and follows Kara. And, perhaps, the nervousness is dissipating, giving space to her body to feel how tired she actually is. At the moment, any surface would be appropriate for her. She’s not entirely proud of that.
Eliza Danvers, she learns, is as sweet as Kara and, at the same time, as terrifying as Alex. Maybe it was the terrorized idea of meeting Kara’s mother, a person she’s not sure where she stands with even after all of Kara’s friends taking her in, or maybe it’s the fear of doing something wrong, the fear of not being enough for yet another mother.
“Mom, this is Lena Luthor.” And with a push on her lower back, she’s standing barely two feet away from Eliza. “Lena, this is my mom, Eliza.”
It’s excruciating, to say at least. The hard gaze she’s met with is not one she’s unused to, it’s the same gaze everyone looks at her, to see how long it’ll take her to break. She never does.
Somehow, she thinks that blue eyes, much like Kara’s in a weird sense, will be the first ones to achieve such accomplishment. Instead, they turn warm and, then, warmer when a smiles makes itself noticed.
“Make yourself at home, honey.” She doesn’t know at who it’s directed, but, by the grin on Kara’s face, she has a suspicion. “Let's get you two settled.”
It takes her thirty minutes, after Kara urged her to the bathroom at the first floor with a change of clothes, a towel and instructions to her bedroom.  
She takes her time, her movements slow as she takes off her heels, the aching on her ankles settling down at the lack of pressure; untucking her button-down from the hem of her slacks, she relents on the feeling of fabric moving against her skin and she feels the CEO stance leaving her face a little more at every drop of clothes and at the motion of retrieving her contacts; fingers moving up to retreat the pins that held her hair in a tight bun, which has caused her an headache in hour two of the drive, and set it free; she welcomes the feeling of warm water hitting her back, her collarbones, her neck. At the end, it's hard leaving the relaxed state she found in there.
Even after she’s out, dirty clothes pressed to her chest as she takes her surroundings, she takes her time. As she looks at the walls, she can’t help but remember about her own house and the one previous to that, the bare, white walls, the minimalist furniture and the lack of the feeling of a place that was lived in. Except, of course, for the simple frame of herself and Kara, sitting securely on one of her book shelves.
Lena doesn’t dare to stare at the family pictures on the wall, she knows what she’ll find. She’s not sure she wants to see it, the reminder of the father Kara lost just after she got him. A reminder that herself and Kara had more than a few things in common.
At the top of the stairs, she turns left, as Kara instructed, to be met with an empty hallway. She stops at the first door to the right, painted in simple, worn out white, and gets in.  
The bedroom is... not what Lena had expected. She had expected light blue and green walls, shelves filled with books, trophies for whatever fair Kara had participated, pictures of young Alex and Kara. The last ones were there, hanging on red and yellow walls among painted canvas, but they were accompanied by more recent photographs.  
She takes a step closer to them, the blurred silhouettes making her attempts of distinguishing who they are harder. It takes her a minute, but she sees it. Lucy, Alex, James, Maggie, Winn. Herself. She takes a look closer, it's a picture she has never seen before. At it, she's laughing sitting in, she bets, Kara's couch on a game night, her hair down and head thrown back. She looks carefree, young. She wonders how Kara got that one.  
The door opens and clicks shut behind her, she doesn't move. Kara stands on her side, it doesn't take her long to talk after that.
"You looked different that night."
"Should I take that as a compliment?"
"You should." Kara chuckles, Lena turns to face her. "Last time I came home I hanged them here. It felt right having the most important people in my life around me, I don't know. Sounds a little silly when I say it out loud."
"But it's not." Lena reaches out, holds Kara's forearm. "It's flattering. Really. And the paintings?"
"It's what I remember from-" She never finishes it, she pushes her glasses up instead, as if to keep her grounded, and lets out a small sigh. "It was home."
Lena tears her gaze away, a feeling of wrongness taking over the pit of her stomach. It felt wrong learning about Kara's past when it wasn't told by the woman herself.
"Well, anyway, I just came here to make sure you have everything you need for the night."
"What do you mean?" Kara takes a step back towards the door, already ready to leave the room.
"The rooms is yours, I'm sleeping on the couch."
"Don't be ridiculous, Kara. It's your house, I'll go to the couch." She's already shaking her head even before Lena finishes her last sentence. "Then we don't have an agreement. I'm not kicking you out of your old bedroom."
They stare at each other for a minute and when Kara drops her shoulders, Lena knows she has won. She's already moving back to retrieve a duvet and a pillow when Kara speaks again.
"We could share, I mean, the bed is big enough for two and we've fallen asleep on the same couch before, it can't be that different, right?"
As a matter of fact, it is.
She ends up laying on her back, body completely stilled and hands folded across her stomach. She doesn't dare to move, neither does Kara by the lack of movement to her left.
Until, of course, Kara rolls to her side, drops an arm around Lena's middle and whispers "Do you mind?". She shakes her head slightly, but Kara's apparent comfort is enough to make her relax.
If they wake up next morning tangled from the waist down, they don't mention it.  
Alex developed the habit of waking up early on the weekends during her teenager years. It had started a couple of weeks after her father’s death, when Eliza was too busy with work and someone had to take responsibility.  
The fact that Kara couldn’t wake up before ten to save her life made the choice a little more obvious for them. And a few months were all it took for Alex to start actually liking it. As much as anyone possibly could.
Somehow she found herself looking forward to it. After discovering the quietness during the mornings, the absence of fights for the remote, time to make an actual breakfast, the peace to read while watching the sunrise. Alex ended up liking it way more than any teenager should.
So, when she wakes up a little over fifteen before seven, she doesn’t complain before getting up. Even though, leaving Maggie clutching at the pillow she was once resting  will probably be her hardest decision on the day.
With an over lasting stretch, Alex crosses the hall, the idea of finding an empty, silent house warming her up enough to keep her going. She thinks about what it will be like once they all wake up, with Maggie, Winn and James talking way too loudly, her mom and her sister with way too excited tones, Kara trying to show Lena around in a couple of days.
Lena. Alex actually stops at the thought. She had arrived last night with Kara, after everyone had found their bedrooms, and Alex would bet she was already up. Alex doubts Lena would take lazy mornings no matter how much Kara pouted.
When she reaches the first flight of stairs, her suspicions are confirmed: Lena sitting by the corner of the dining room table, in a soft looking pair of pajama pants and a simple too big shirt, nursing a mug of coffee.  
She looks young, without the weight of carrying a company that made too many mistakes in the past, and Alex is struck with the reminder that this woman is barely twenty five. Alex almost breaks the moment, the need to make her presence known instead of scaring the woman growing faster. But she doesn’t move. Not when she notices the second person on the first floor.
Kara appears, two plates with a pack of pancakes on each, barely holding the bottle of maple syrup between her teeth. Honestly? Alex is going to scream so hard at her later. Instead, right now, she can only stare, mouth slightly ajar.  
Her sister is awake, not only awake but making breakfast for someone else other than herself. While smiling.  
She watches as Lena chuckles and retrieves the bottle from Kara with a small shake of her head. And watches as Kara runs back to the kitchen and Lena uses the seconds she has to slip three of her own pancakes into Kara’s plate. And watches as Kara finally settles down with her mug of cocoa (Alex doesn’t even doubt what her sister will be drinking) and the pot of coffee for Lena, who accepts it with a grateful, small smile.
Maggie was right. Her sister got it bad.
“Morning.” She says as she steps down, both pair of eyes coming to lock on her. Kara grins with her face stuffed, Lena manages to be more polite, with a nod and offer for coffee. “How was the drive?”
“Tiring.” Lena answers after she went to the kitchen, fingers eager after her own mug.
She hears a chuckle, cutlery clinking and rushed whispered words.
“There is pancake dough by the stove.” And Alex is sure, just by her sister’s tone, Lena had forced her to say it.
It takes her eight minutes. Exactly eight minutes to go back into the dining room, her own breakfast in hands and eyes trained on the two. When she settles down, she sees Lena sliding her plate with her last two pancakes over to Kara, who doesn’t even think twice before stuffing her face again.  
Alex raises an eyebrow at the fond smile on Lena’s lips, they look at each other and the younger woman blushes before finishing her drink.
"I told you not to wear heels." Kara states simply after another one of their stops because of an almost fall from Lena, prevented only by Kara's arm around her waist.
Twenty minutes ago, it hadn't been there. Also, twenty minutes ago, Lena's feet hadn't slipped even once.  
And then, it happened for the first time, nothing but a bounce on her walk and a mumbled curse under her breath. It didn't take more than an offer of her right forearm and a firm grip on it for Lena to regain her balance, and keep walking. The hand never left its place.
It proved to be the right choice when she slipped again two blocks down. The chuckle was almost bursting out of her lips when Lena just looked at her, green being replaced by a light gray because of the lighting, or lack thereof. She couldn't bring herself to laugh anymore. Instead, her arm had snuck around a thin waist and flushed Lena's side against hers.  
Lena had taken solace on it, then. With her head resting on Kara's shoulder and slow steps down the streets, they had walked for longer than Lena could count. She didn't mind, not when Kara's fingers started drawing patterns against the fabric on the side of her coat. For once, she felt completely and utterly relaxed. The rhythmic beat of heart proved it.
"I refuse to wear flip flops. You'll never see me in one."
"Well, I was thinking about sneakers, but I bet I can change your mind."
Kara doesn't try to hold the conversation for longer, and appreciates the fact that Lena seems to share her wish. Especially so, when Lena snuggles closer, and hesitantly puts one of her arms on the same position as Kara's.
Still, she can't help but take one last disapproving glance at the pair of black high heels at Lena's feet.  
She tries to ignore it, she really does. She tries to keep her mind on the welcomed cold wind, so different from National City, tries to point out all of the changes from her so well-known path from home. She finds out she can't.  
Because the clicking of heels gets too high and she just can't numb the super-hearing. Not with this. Not when Lena curses under her breath one more time and winces, actually winces, after another step.
"I could carry you." It's out of her mouth before she realizes it. Lena raises an eyebrow at her, that single change on her expression speaking volumes, and smirks.
"As tempting as the offer sounds, I'm afraid I'm a little too old for piggyback rides."
"Then, please Lena, take them off. You're gonna end up hurting your feet."
Lena halts their movement, the arm around Kara easily sliding against the fabric of her sweater until it settled around her wrist. She looked forward, since, because of the so offensive heels in Kara's opinion, they were the same height, and tried her best reassuring smile.
For the look on Kara's face, it hadn't worked out that well.  
"I appreciate the concern, but, Kara, I have an image to keep."
"You don't have to be CEO Lena Luthor around me." Kara knows she's won just from the drop on Lena's shoulders and the visible sigh. She pushes just a tiny more, bright smile full on display. "I'll even join you."
With secured heels on Lena's right hand and the left back into place around her, they go back to walking a couple of minutes later. She keeps her promise, pair of shoes being carried in her own hand, as she uses the other to keep Lena flushed at her side.
There was a time, Kara remembers, that was the hardest for her to try and pretend how satisfied she was at settling down. There was a time, even before that, she wondered what a close friendship was like.  
She looks at Lena, all flushed cheeks from the cold and still muttering under her breath every once in a while, and she knows she doesn't have to wonder anymore. It only meant that she had to try her hardest to pretend the close friendship was all she has ever wanted with Lena.  
They stop at the block of Kara's old school. It's much the same, blue bricks with peeled paint, grass that has seen better days and a gray steel double door at the entrance. She takes a right turn, bringing Lena closer to her and continue walking.
"Where are you taking me, Kara?"
"It's a surprise."
It doesn't take long after that. Five more minutes and they are standing next to a low wood fence delimiting the edges to the hillsides and the Midvale largest lake on the middle of the plain field.
"We walked forty-five minutes for a lake?"
Kara wants to laugh at the disbelieving tone on Lena's voice. She nudges, her side instead.  
"It only took that long because you wore heels. And, for your instance, it's an ice-skating ring."
"It's not frozen."
"Maybe we are a month too late for the ice-skating season, but it's not why I brought you here." Kara shoves her free hand on her pocket, if only to hide the shakiness of her fingers. "This used to be the place everyone went out on dates, it's beautiful during winter."
"And young Kara Danvers had lots of dates here." Kara actually laughs at the teasing tone this time.
"I've never been here with someone. Not until you." She feels the blood running to her cheeks, hopes Lena shakes it off as being the cold. She hears a low gasp, followed by a clearance of her throat. "I guess there's no one rather than you I'd like to share this memory with."
Maybe because that's the only way I know how to tell you I'm in love with you, she thinks. She never says it out loud. Seemed like she was a coward, after all.
They don't talk anymore after that. Not as they stared down while Lena clutched at her coat for warmth, not when they took an even longer path back to the house.
(Not that Lena would ever admit it, but she had accepted the piggyback ride on the last couple of blocks.)
That afternoon, Alex comes down the stairs after a shower (not with Maggie, and said woman was definitely not still under running hot water) to find Lena Luthor, legs tucked under herself and thick book in one hand, sitting on the living room couch with Kara Danvers lying down, head resting on Lena’s lap.  
It’s the first time she sees them this way, not with all the intimate touches, no, she was there during the shared looks and the hand holding during movie nights. What she had yet to see was the look on their faces when the other wouldn’t be able to see. Again, she sure had seen the stolen glances on both parts, but it was never as intense or as long as this.
Because Lena, dear God, Lena wasn’t even making much effort to pretend her eyes were focused on the words written on the pages. Instead, her eyes trace the lines on Kara’s face with such reverence that makes Alex take a breath longer.  
She is unsure someone has ever loved her sister that much. And, in some way, she is glad this person is Lena.  
She may stare a bit too long, or maybe time just passes too fast, because sooner than she anticipated, fingers assume the place eyes once looked. The touch seemed so light, just the pads touching smooth skin along her cheek, her temple, her forehead, her brow. The glasses sat untouched on the bridge of Kara’s nose. Alex stares long enough to see the small tug of lips on Lena’s face, a smile she had never seen.
Maybe that was the effect of having Kara Danvers on their lives. And, as she looks at her sister, as peaceful as she has ever been, she wonders what effect having Lena Luthor on Kara’s life they would all have.
“I didn’t see you there.” Alex snaps her eyes back to Lena, who now had her fingers stilled, but the soft expression had yet to leave her face.
“I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“You didn’t.”
Alex doesn’t know what to say next, and it seems that neither does Lena, so she forces her eyes back to the book. She never turns the pages, her fingers find Kara’s hair instead.
“I could take her upstairs if you wanted.”
Lena looks puzzled for a second, before she shakes her head and lets out a small chuckle.
“It’s okay. It’s not the first time.” The pause makes Alex wonder if she would continue, if they had more words to share even though the feeling of invading something so personal grew stronger at every heartbeat. “Kara tends to be the first one to fall asleep on movie nights, she claims I’m a great pillow.”
Her chuckle is low, but it’s enough to make her sister stir. Both pair of eyes turn at her, hand coming up to wrap around the hem of Lena’s shirt.
“Did I wake you?”  
And, yes, Alex might have seen the soft side of Lena Luthor when they talked, she might have seen the woman without walls guarding her every movement, but she hadn’t seen the woman she became when Kara was around.
It was a whole new level of discovery. It was an experience she never thought she would be able to see. How a woman became so different, as if Kara had handed her a new universe just by smiling sleepily at her.  
Maybe Kara had. Because Kara had seen Lena Luthor as Lena, that itself was another reality to the woman. Yes, maybe Kara gave her another universe.
“Mmmh. ‘S okay.”
And Kara turns on her side, buries her face on Lena’s stomach and lets out a shaky breath.
Maybe Lena had given Kara a universe too. One where she could be just Kara.  
Maybe sharing this, a place where no last names nor titles were needed, was what her sister needed all along.
Alex had never been more glad for a person on Kara’s life.  
Lena’s last experience in a family dinner wasn’t exactly, well, pleasant. That being said, not so pleasant was an understatement for the hell that surfaced on the last time she was put together with Lillian and Lex for more than an hour.
It had happened before Lex’s downfall. It didn’t mean he hadn’t already lost him mind. Because he had. She just had been too blind to see it.  
Sometimes, she thinks she should've been more aware of the signs, she should've paid more attention to the details. Other times, she just wonders if it had already been too late. Most nights, she thinks that nothing could've stopped him back then.
Family dinner four years ago hadn’t been an experience she would like to repeat. Hearing her mother’s speeches and her brother’s plans for Luthor Corp for two hours before she snapped and left were not her number one choice on how to spend her evening.
That said, she couldn’t help but feel a little wary of dinner with the Danvers. And Kara’s reassurances were little to no help at all. Still, the uneasiness on her chest diminishes at every smile from Eliza, or the light banter between Maggie and Kara, or at the very appreciated motion of Alex getting her a glass of wine.  
Still, she can’t quite hide the shakiness of her fingers and, by the way Kara comes closer to her as they set the table and rests her hand against her lower back, Kara can sense it too. She forces a smile out, leans a little more against lips that had found her temple and sighs.
“If it gets too much, please tell me and we’ll go upstairs.” Kara whispers, Lena tries to fight the shudder down her spine. “I know we can get kind of intense.”
“Thank you.” Her words are soft and low, but Kara hears it anyway and her only response is to leave another kiss at Lena’s forehead.
Her heart rate does not decrease, though. She’s not sure whether it’s because of the proximity, since sharing her personal space is not something she’s very fond of, or because of the fact she’s not entirely too comfortable yet.
“Come on, we always give the presents before dinner.”
That’s how, on a Saturday evening, she finds herself squished between her best friend and the armrest of the couch as she watches everyone slowly getting up to hug Eliza and nurses her second glass of that bottle of wine she’s been sharing with Alex.  
She had laughed at the nervousness on Maggie’s face as she handed her joint gift with Winn and James and the pleased expression on Eliza’s face at the words stumbled out “It’s for the next time you’re in National City for more than a couple of days. It’s the best spa we could find”.
And she couldn’t help but send Kara a warm smile when she and her sister got up to embrace their mother and show her the simple golden necklace with a photo pendant and said “That’s our last family picture, when dad was still around”.
Suddenly, the card on her back pocket feels wrong. But she can’t back away when Kara is by her side again, hand desperately trying to find Lena’s. And she lets her, wraps their fingers together and leans her head against Kara’s shoulder. It feels nice until she has to ignore the tilt of Alex’s head and the excruciating gaze.
“Guess it’s my turn now.” With one last reassuring squeeze, Lena gets up and takes the card out. “I know it’s not much, but Kara mentioned your interest on bioengineering and L-Corp is making some progress in the area. So, next time you’re around just handle this over to reception and one of our doctors will accompany you through ours labs.”
“That’s very sweet of you, Lena. Kara told me how protective you are of your company, so it means a lot.”
“It’s nothing, really.” Eliza grabs lightly at her wrist and runs the pad of her thumb against its inside. “Happy birthday, Eliza.”
“Thank you, sweetie.”
Lena turns around to be met with five bright smiles.
Perhaps family dinner’s aren’t that bad.  
Eliza had had the opportunity of seeing her daughter fall in love; seeing someone else fall for her daughter; seeing love nourish when the time just wasn’t right.
When Kara was fifteen, she was asked to prom by a senior. Alex had given him the answer instead. But Kara was relentless and it was the first time Eliza understood Alex could never say no to her sister. Like that, Alex was going with her friends, Kara, with her date.  
When the boy had arrived, five minutes before he was supposed to, Alex had only stared. Eliza never mentioned how they arrived two hours later, Kara with red eyes and Alex’s arm wrapped tightly around her shoulders. She hates to think about how that was Kara’s first heartbreak.  
She still remembers how, shortly after meeting Winn, how Kara had called and spent half an hour about how amazing her new friend was, until maybe a week later when she called again to tell her Winn had tried to kiss her. And she was there at every phone call as they worked it out. Now she knows Winn, she’s never been more grateful for what they shared because it brought them closer.  
Cat Grant’s son came after that. She never had the chance of meeting him, she had to create her opinion on him by what Kara and Alex decided to tell her. Somehow, she was captivated. He sounded nice, and after every call from Kara she knew what kind of relationship her daughter was in: a nice one. She knew it wasn’t what Kara had dreamed of. Adam didn’t last long.
Then James Olsen was there. Eliza believed he had always been there, since he moved to National City and she knew all it took was a smile and a greeting. Kara never really stood a chance. She had been there, seeing the two dancing around each other until the inevitable. It was the first time she believed two people could fall in love in the wrong time and, with that, feelings just weren’t enough.  
Being honest, Eliza would never have imagined the scene unfolding in front of herself a couple of years ago. Everything was so domestic it brought a warmth to her chest she couldn’t quite describe. It felt like coming home for the first time since Jeremiah was gone, for the first time in years.  
Because Maggie and Alex had claimed almost the entire couch, leaving just enough space for her to slip between them and the armrest. They are the first ones to arrive at the living room, and they can only watch as James and Winn race inside the room to guarantee their places at the single chairs next to the couch. They fall into easy conversation, while her eyes linger on the doorway.  
Her daughter takes a while longer to come in. Eliza is sure none of the other pair of eyes are on them, but she can’t help it. They walk in side by side, Kara with her head bowed down because of the couple of inches she has on Lena, their bodies almost molded into each other’s side, and the small smile on Lena’s lips because of whatever, Kara told her.  
With no other sits available, Kara puts two cushions on the floor by the couch, settling down with her legs tucked under herself and extending her hand towards Lena, who doesn’t need another moment to accept the offer.  
They never stop holding hands. And Eliza wasn���t stupid not to notice the shared looks, the blushing cheeks and the happy little smiles on their faces. But it’s only when Lena leans over to rest her forehead against Kara’s shoulder and her daughter does the best she can to turn around and wrap her free arm around Lena, lips easily finding her temple as if they’d been too many times before, that Eliza knows for sure.
She had seen Kara in love before and this, without a doubt, is it. She just doubts Kara has even realized it yet.
She takes one last look at the two women, at how they try to snuggle even closer, at the low sigh Kara lets out when Lena turns her head enough to brush her lips against Kara’s neck, before she finally opens her mouth to drag Winn into a chat.
Maybe this is the right time.
“If you’re reading your e-mails, I promise you I’m throwing your phone away.”  
Lena looks up to the open door, where Kara is standing at the doorway in nothing but a long, white button down and what Lena guesses are boy shorts. She tries to ignore the fluttering on her chest at the thought.  
“I’m not doing anything related to work, then.”
“Good.” She receives the biggest smile she has ever seen, fingers rapidly reaching up to adjust her glasses on the bridge of her nose. “It’s a break, Lena. It loses its meaning if you spend it working.”
“No buts.” Kara walks in, arms crossed, legs bare, and Lena uses all of her self-restraint to keep her eyes on blue, instead of falling down to tanned skin. “Please.”
This time, Kara didn’t even need the pout to make Lena relent. She desperately needs to learn how to say no to Kara, because she feels her downfall slowly approaching by every step Kara takes, by every word that leave Kara’s lips, by every smile Kara gives.
She turns off the Wi-Fi, puts her phone into airplane mode for good measure, before tucking it at the nightstand by her side.  
Kara smiles at her antics, tales long, confident steps towards the bed after she turned the lights off. Somehow, with only the low lights of two lampshades, Kara seems even more at peace. Even more human, without all the weight she has to carry.
That’s another thing Lena doesn’t want to think about. Because as much as she wanted to be trusted, she understood the need of being vulnerable and having someone to be vulnerable with. That part she was willing to play, even if it meant never being told.
And she watches, transfixed, as Kara came closer, loose strands of hair glowing at the yellow light that was supposed to make Kara look less… breathtaking. But there were no other words to describe Kara at any given moment. She was utterly breathtaking, no matter the situation. In a quick motion, she slips off her glasses, keeping them just close enough at the nighstand, and under the duvets.  
It feels so natural as if they’d done this a million times before tonight, sharing a bed, sharing so little space doesn’t make Lena feel uneasy. At the contrary, her heart rate settles down and she can’t stop the lazy smile grazing her lips.
Without another word, she mirrors Kara’s position, lying on her side, hands almost touching at the middle of the bed. It would’ve been so easy to slide her hand a couple of inches to just hold Kara, even if it was something so simple. It didn’t feel simple, though. It felt the most intimate thing they could share.  
Lena forced the thoughts out of her mind when she realizes Kara was talking again.
“Thank you. For everything.”
And she understands. She does. Because she hears everything that lies behind the words, the unspoken for being here, for not giving up on me, for caring, for helping, for not giving up on yourself.
It’s not hard, then, closing the distance between them, not when Kara does the same. And their legs end up tangled, faces mere inches away.
“I know you almost couldn’t come, since you have a lot on you, but it means a lot.”
“I wanted to.” For you.
“Thank you.” It’s too sincere, Lena realizes then. Like Kara tries to compensate her one secret by being her truest self with everything else. “Would you” she stops herself, takes a deep breath in then shakes her head “sorry, it would be weird. Night.”
Lena finds out it’s easy, then, once she started acting on her thoughts. Kara is already turning around when fingers wrapped around a thin wrist and tugged at it.
Wordlessly, without giving it another thought (because she was sure if she gave into reason over emotional, she would never find the courage) she placed Kara’s hand on her waist. With a nod of permission, she slid her body closer to Kara’s, tucking her head under Kara’s chin and fingers in a deadly grip on the hem of a white shirt.
“Thank you, again.” Kara exhales contently, as an arm slips around her middle, while fingers come up to caress her hair. “I haven’t been able to sleep well since the invasion. Yesterday was”
“I know.” Lena closes her eyes, she feels the warmth of Kara’s skin brushing against her lips where they rest against her neck. “Me neither.”
Lena knows Kara’s fingers shouldn’t make her feel so calm and loved. She knows the heavy breathing against her ear shouldn’t bring her comfort. She knows her heart shouldn’t feel this calm at the mere presence of Kara. She knows, rationally, that they were never friends. Never only friends.
And that annoying fluttering at the top of her stomach is nothing but a reminder of how good at denial she’s become. Because that feeling has been there for as long as she can remember. She just didn’t want to acknowledge it.  
Because acknowledging it would mean having to deal with it. And that was something she didn’t look forward to do.  
Lena realizes what all the strange looks she’s been getting from Alex mean.
She’s in love with Kara.  
And Alex knows it.  
She doesn’t sleep that night.  
She slips out of Kara’s hold after three hours of drifting in and out of sleep. Her brain won’t shut up, especially so when Kara has the cutest frown on her face and she readjusts herself on the now empty bed, arms stretching to the place Lena was supposed to be.
And her brain won’t calm down because all she wants to do is go back, let Kara’s arms hold her, let the intoxicating smell of Kara’s shampoo lull her into a troubled sleep. Unfortunately, her heart seems to be in sync with her head for once, and she feels every beat against her ribcage. It’s unsettling, to say at least.
There was a time Lena relented the fact she never had much experience on the nuances of friendship. Or dating. Or relationships in general. It had affected the beginning of her interactions with Kara, it had made her confuse the way friends were supposed to feel.
She told herself that every innocent touch, every lingering look, every gesture that could be described as more than friendly, the way the words always seemed to be phrased with a deeper meaning between them, God, Lena told herself all of that was nothing but friendship. She never knew what friendship was before Kara.  
I’ve never had a friend like you before, Lena had said. I’ve never had a true friend before, is what she meant.  
Couple of years from now, Lena will deny, even if only to herself, that she had mistaken romantic feeling towards Kara with platonic feelings. Couple of years from now, Lena doubts she will be over Kara. She doubts anyone can actually get over her.
With light footsteps, she turns around and closes the door as quietly as she can behind her. With even lighter steps, she moves her body to the only place she can think of to get peace in Eliza’s home.
It’s how Lena finds herself sitting in the hammock at the porch at four in the morning.  
When Lena was younger, she used to slip out of her bedroom and go into her father’s study. He mostly just sat at the couch with an open book she could barely understand what was about at five years old. It was the only place on the house she felt like she could just be, the only place she felt completely calm.
It had lasted until one day Lionel found her. He was never a bad father, he wasn’t the best either. Lionel had sat by her side and he had read for her. It’s the best memory she has of her father.  
Lionel had started to lock his study after that. Lena never found another safe place again.
Then, Kara Danvers had arrived and Lena found out safety wasn’t just a place, but a person. For her, that person was Kara.
Looking at the stars (God, she can’t even remember the last time she was somewhere she was able to do that) now, she feels the same wave of calmness she was hit with over twenty years ago.  
It’s a cold dawn, Lena realizes it fifteen minutes after she sat down at the edge of the hammock, pajama shorts not covering enough skin and her stupid college hoodie that’s way too thin for the weather. She welcomes it, though, with a deep breath in that leaves her lungs burning from the cold.
She doesn’t turn around when she hears the sliding door opening and closing with a soft thud. She doesn’t turn around when she senses the sweet smell of cocoa. She turns her head when the hammock bounces slightly, and Kara is by her side, filled mug being offered to her as she tries her best to wrap a soft blanket around themselves.
Lena accepts it all.
And when Kara moves closer to place an arm around her shoulders, Lena curls up around her side and sighs, face buried against Kara’s chest.
“When the Danvers took me in,” Kara starts and Lena tries her best to look at her face without getting too much space between them. She sees nothing but blue eyes staring at the beautiful, open sky in the same reverent way Lena had “Alex and I had a rough start, things weren’t easy between us, then she found out I used to slip through my window to sit on the roof and look at the stars. She came with me one night, things got easier after that. It felt”
“Yeah, safe. She started making me hot chocolate at the second month, we never talked about it. It was just, I don’t know, one of those things that happened.” Lena didn’t know what to say, silence seemed like a fitting answer for Kara. “You were gone for almost an hour. I got worried.”
“We used to live in this mansion quite far from the city, when I first arrived at the Luthor’s.” She doesn’t know why she says it, but it seems right, it seems fitting for the timing. “It wasn’t far enough for the sky to be this clear. I wanted peace and quiet, and this was the first place I thought of, it reminded me of times that weren’t that bad. I’m sorry if I overstepped. And that I woke you up.”
Kara is shaking her head no before she even finishes the sentence.
“I want you to be comfortable, if this is where you feel like that I never want you to apologize for that.” Kara tugs Lena closer, arm wrapped around a slim waist and sides completely pressed together. Lena exhales shakily at the increasingly unsteady beating of her heart, closes her eyes and tries her best to enjoy the moment of peace. “And I told you, I don’t sleep well without you.”
She doesn’t know if the statement comes from a sleep deprived Kara, who doesn’t understand the weight her words carry, or if it comes from an over analyzed place, at where she knows what it entails and all the consequences of it.  
By consequences she means the way her breath gets caught in the back of her throat, the way her heat rate gets even more erratic, the way her stomach won’t stop moving around until she can’t take it anymore.
Lena doesn’t try to look at Kara’s face, she’s not brave enough to do that. She is not brave enough to know the answer to her question. And, from the place her head is tucked in, she doesn’t hear any traces of sleepiness on her voice, only the steady heartbeat. Somehow it’s enough for her.  
Being in love with Kara Danvers was the easiest realization she has ever had.
Being in love with Kara Danvers was the best thing she has never asked for.
Being in love with Kara Danvers had the potential of breaking her. Then putting her back together.  
“Does it still hurt?” She asks minutes later.  
She doesn’t know how many, she doesn’t care. But sleep isn’t coming and silence was becoming heavy.  
“Mon-el. Mike”
Kara lets out a soft “oh”, as if this was the last thing on her mind, as if this had happened years ago.  
It had been eleven months.
Eleven long months of seeing Kara try and fail at doing better, at showing people she was okay. Eleven long months of late phone calls and way too many nights at her office. Eleven long months of doing her best and still not being enough.
As Lena thinks about it now, she realizes how many similarities they share. They understand each other. It gives them so much potential, so many opportunities to grow together, to always bring out their best.
Then, “No.” A beat. “I did. A lot, actually. But a few months after he went away, I understood we wer- he wasn’t good for me, because he brought out my worst. I guess the worst part was losing the idea I had of him, losing a person I could be myself with, someone who reminded me of home. Even the bad parts of home.”
“You can always be yourself around me.”  
Kara nudges her head until she’s looking up at her eyes. Clear. Open. Loving. And she feels the blush on her cheeks, because it wasn’t meant to be said out loud, she wasn’t meant to be bold.
And it’s with all the honesty she has ever seen on Kara’s face that the next words come out, in a string of revelation that leaves Lena at the verge of doing something stupid. Something very stupid. Like kissing her best friend. Or kissing her and telling she’s in love with her, a feeling she has barely come in touch with and is already dying to let out.
“I can be my best around you.”
It sure feels like an I love you.
Lena brushes it off (later she would come to the conclusion she chickened out), sets her head back in the same spot on Kara’s shoulder and takes a sip of her hot cocoa.  
The first time in years she has watched the sunrise (since her over nights in college to study), she has Kara Danvers by her side, Kara Danvers’ hand on her own, Kara Danvers on her mind, Kara Danvers’ perfume around her and the taste of hot chocolate on her lips.
Nothing could be that perfect, she reasons.  
When Maggie finds the two of them in the morning, she doesn’t find in herself the courage to disturb them. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t take a picture, just in case she needs it in the future.  
“Do you think they know it?”
Alex tries her best not to stare again, at least not after such a short notice. But it was hard not to look.
Three hours ago, Kara had dragged a chair to the open space by Lena's left. It was nothing but a friendly gesture, Lena was her guest after all and her best friend on top of that. But at the mark of two hours and fifteen minutes ago, Kara had taken one of Lena's hands on hers to trace light circles at its back, until, fifteen minutes later, she gave up and intertwined their fingers. Lena never stopped talking to Winn, as if Kara's actions felt completely natural to her.
At the mark of one hour and forty minutes ago, Lena had leaned in and brushed an out of place lock of hair from Kara's face, then proceeded to brush Kara's cheek with her thumb as she received the biggest smile her sister could muster.  
At the mark of one hour and seven minutes ago, Kara had gotten up to grab a burger from a tray Maggie had just finished making before going back and settling next to Lena and offering, offering, a bite.
At the mark of twenty minutes ago, the two found themselves in a deep conversation with Maggie. It had lasted until Kara leaned in and whispered something in Lena's ear that made her giggle, actually giggle in front of five people other than Kara. A commentary that led into shared looks and rushed words.  
Which brought them back to this moment, after Maggie had given up on gtting their attention again and gotten up to stand next to Alex at the far corner of the backyard, where the table with the drinks were settled.
Their shared spot gave them a perfect view from everything. From James' turn to look at the grill, to Winn and Eliza just walking out of the house to join them one more time, and, finally, to the two undoubtedly oblivious idiots, who, in Alex's personal opinion, didn't need two chairs by the way they stared at each other.
She shrugs, though, shakes her head before resting her hands at her front pocket.  
"I don't think they have realized it."
"I think Lena knows and she's just messing with your sister until she gets that Lena has been flirting with her this whole time."
Alex chuckles at that, takes a step closer to her girlfriend who welcomes her with and arm wrapped around her waist and a kiss on her cheek. She doesn't mention how Maggie had to stand on the toes to complete the action, they have bigger subjects to approach at the moment.
"Wanna bet?" She turns to Maggie, eyebrow raised and smirk at the corner of her lips. She could, and it would've been really easy, to just lean down and wipe it away. Alex glares at her instead. "What?"
"We said we would stop with the stupid bets."
"It's your sister's love life!"
When they first got together, Alex had thought winning a fight with Maggie would be easy. At first, all she needed was a glare and a long minute of silence to make Maggie agree with her, sometimes she even cheated a bit and used the same pout she learnt from Kara. Back then, Maggie had lost half a dozen of arguments.
But the weeks turned into months, and the months passed until they became years (almost two, she remembers, and the secured ring on Maggie's finger for the past months is nothing but a reminder of their time together), and Maggie, unlike her when it came to Kara, had learnt.  
Now, Alex didn't always had things in her way in the relationship, and they adapted, got more mature, came into a consensus on their wishes. Still, there were some things Alex would not relent. The bets, in example, especially when they were about her little sister.
They had been fun at first, an unharmful way to keep their minds busy in the middle of too many things happening all at once. Alex had started looking forward to it. Then, they weren't all that... nice. (Winn took the worst of it in an incident they promised to never mention again.)
So, when Maggie looks at her with pleading eyes and the smallest pout she's ever seen (it could, and would, rival Kara's), she needs all her strength to keep a straight face. And, if the ringing of her cell is the only thing that keeps her from breaking, she would never admit it.
The DEO's calls came in the worst times, Alex found out years ago. And she's proven right one more time while she stares blankly at the screen of her phone. She looks at Kara, who's in the exact same position she is in, and can only watch as her sister whispers something on Lena's ear that makes her nod slightly, before getting up and walking towards them.  
"Did they call you too?"
"DEO?" Maggie asks, they both nod.
"Yeah, I just don't know what they want me to do. I'm nine hours away from National City."
"Well, I'm only five minutes away."
"You'd go?" Her sister nods, a motion that seems more to herself than to Alex, and manages a small smile. "Are you sure?"
"They need me." And that's explication enough for her. "Can you give me the car keys?"
"You're flying?"
"But I already told Lena I had to go to the grocery store because I drank all of Maggie's horrendous vegan milk?"
"And she bought it?" She raises a skeptical eyebrow, Kara answers with a bright smile.
"I'm really good at keeping secrets."
Maggie scoffs at her side, they don't mention it.  
"Can you do me a favor?" The "anything" slips fast from her lips, but Kara's next words topple over anyways, as if she's trying to say them before she loses the courage. From what she hears, that's exactly the case. "Take care of Lena. Not that she can't do that herself, but sometimes, she forgets to do things like sleep or eat, so, if I take too long, make sure she does that?"
"You really care about her, don't you?"
It's Maggie who says the sentence that's been on their minds for the past couple of days. Weeks. Months.  
And Kara stops, fidgeting all over at once. Her hands still around the keys she had just taken from Alex, her eyes fix on the two, she squares her shoulder, ready to defend Lena in any capacity.
But, then again, she also has the warmest smile Alex's has ever seen, she has this glint in her eyes that Alex can't quite place but has already seen before, she has a blush on her cheeks and neck. Alex had seen her like this before, and she knows there will be no answer from a flustered Kara.  
Yet, it's with all confidence that the next words come out of her mouth.
"No." It's when Alex thinks Kara will just turn around to leave that her sister shakes her head slightly and says "Caring feels shallow compared to what I feel about her."  
That's when Kara leaves, with a fast wave to Lena and a simple kiss on Eliza's cheek.  
But Alex never sees the last, because she's too concentrated on the younger woman barely six yards away, and who keeps her eyes glued to the door Kara just passed. Lena never looks at her, but she doesn't have to.
"She's definitely handing her gay panic better than you, babe." Alex elbows Maggie's ribs playfully before turning and leaning down.
"Shut up."
Lena waits five minutes before going back inside for Kara, only to find exactly what she was expecting: Kara had left, clothes in a messy pile by the floor and glasses on the arm of the couch.  
They needed Supergirl, and Lena knew Supergirl needed them just as much.
That doesn’t stop her from chuckling as she bends down to retrieve and fold Kara’s clothes, mind already going to the stupid excuses (buying vegan milk can only last a few minutes and she has this suspicion Kara will be gone for hours) she’s bond to listen once Kara comes back. And she finds out she doesn’t mind. Somehow, she doesn’t. Not if it means she’ll be able to hear the little sigh Kara let’s out when she is sure she’s fooled Lena. Lena is a goner. She doesn’t mind about it either.
She’s just finished folding Kara’s shirt when Eliza joins her in the living room. She closes the sliding glass door behind her as quietly as she can, trying to claim as little attention to them as she possibly can and, at first, Lena looks over her shoulder; to where Alex is still in a light conversation with James; to where Winn is trying to open a bottle of beer with his hands for Maggie as she laughs at him; at where her family is.
They don’t notice the absence of the two. And it’s enough to make Lena look at Eliza’s eyes, to find a glint of mischievousness that, for once, doesn’t make her want to flinch.  
And she finds out it’s easy to reciprocate the warm smile, she finds out it’s easy to fit into this.  
“Kara is not really subtle about it.” Lena follows her line of sight, to the white shirt neatly folded on her hands, the jeans lying on the floor, the glasses. She doesn’t even chastises herself for the snort she lets out. “She still thinks you don’t know.”
“I like to let her think she’s sneaky, but she made a hole through L-Corp's roof last month and there have been complaints about clothes being left in bathroom stalls at CatCo, so it’s getting harder to pretend.”
Eliza smiles brightly at that, it’s a smile she has only seen on Kara and she wonders how alike they were. Based on how openly Eliza has received her, she thinks that maybe they are exactly the same.  
She sets the shirt on a cushion, making quick work of folding Kara’s pants and leaving them right at its side and turns to retrieve the glasses to be met with Eliza standing next to her.  
Her eyes speak a thousand words she couldn’t say, choosing her words carefully until she settles with “You love my daughter, don’t you?”
And she’s taken aback, because it shouldn’t be this obvious. She shouldn’t know. No one was supposed to know. Well, Lena had just found out herself, with the warmth that took over her chest last night when Kara didn’t think twice before hugging her by the waist and tugging her closer.
Her heart wasn’t supposed to beat that fast as she tried to remember herself they were friends. Her mind wasn’t supposed to go back to the night Kara stared at her for a second too long before answering Sam. Her hands shouldn’t shake as she brought them up to rest them against Kara’s forearm and all she could see was the way Kara looked at her as Lena begged her to let her go.  
Sometimes, being ignorant was the best way of self-preservation. She lusted the moments before she knew, she lusted being able to put those thoughts back, to just be. Because now that she knew, she couldn’t unsee it.  
There was something on Eliza’s knowing smile that almost made it too easy blurting out the truth, blurting out that love was too little of an emotion for what she felt. But she knew better than that.
“She’s my best friend.” The words sound wrong to her ears, they taste bad on her tongue. “Of course I love her.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
Lena smiles shyly, her eyes fix on the floor as if it was the most interesting thing she’s ever seen. It’s not.  
And Eliza’s hand finds the small of her back, Lena fights back the overwhelming want of letting the tears roll down. Because admitting it out loud is taking one step closer to losing Kara, and that’s something she could never endure.  
But Eliza grounds her, makes her feel valid, makes her feel like everything will be okay at the end. She wonders if that’s what having a mother should be like. It doesn’t help shaking the tears away.
“Yes.” It’s barely audible, and for a moment it feels like there’s no longer a weight over her chest, because someone else is helping her to carry it. Still, she can’t help but say “I’m sorry.”
The words don’t match the powerful image Lena has created for herself, the words don’t match the too mature for a still too young CEO façade Lena Luthor puts on every day. They are nothing but a soft admission of the girl she once were, just Lena.  
“What are you sorry for, sweetie?”
Suddenly it’s too much: the admission, the love she hears on those words, caring, the tears still threatening to fall. It’s all too much, Lena realizes.  
Lena takes a step back and Eliza lets her. When she looks up again to blue eyes, so alike Kara’s, she loses her breath for a second. But she locks her jaw the same way she learnt years ago and forces the words out.
“I know you don’t want someone like me loving your daughter.”
“Someone like you?”
“With a lot of baggage. With the family I have. Bad. Broken.”
“Oh, honey.”
She’s hugged before she can take a step back, and it takes all of her self-control not to break. It would’ve been too easy, Eliza has this effect on her. Anything and everything sound too easy.
“You’re not that. And I am so glad you love Kara, because she needs this. She needs you.”
“I’m sure she doesn’t need unrequited love. Not again.”
“No, she doesn’t. And that’s why she needs you.” Eliza loosens up her hold, she leans back enough to force Lena’s eyes back on hers, so she can see nothing but determination and truth. “You might not see it yet, but she is in love with you. I know that because I know my daughter. Sometimes she just takes a little longer to realize how she feels. And, other times, she takes even a while longer to act on her feelings. She’s not the most enlightened woman in the family.”
Lena manages a chuckle after that, takes a step back to create the much needed distance before it all became more than she could handle, but allows Eliza to keep a hand on her forearm.
“Now, you should take five minutes on the bathroom to recompose and then meet us outside, because I’m pretty sure Alex won’t save us any food if we take longer. She has survival instincts from growing up with Kara.” With one last squeeze of her fingers, Eliza lets her go and turns at the glass door, already striding to the backyard. She stops, hand smoothly placed over the handle and looks over her shoulder. “This stays between us for as long as you want.”
For the first time she feels a very welcomed tightness on her chest.  
She wonders if that’s what feeling cared for feels like.
Lena tries to stay awake, she really does. But the minutes rapidly turn into hours and before she understands what is happening, is already one in the morning and she can’t find any more strength to fight the heavy eyelids.
It lasts until she feels the slow dip of the mattress behind her and the warmth of the slim body settling down. She gathers all the willpower she has to turn around, fingers easily finding the soft material of Kara’s t-shirt to tug her closer.
And it’s almost ridiculous how fast they find a comfortable position, with her head tucked under Kara’s chin, lips resting against the tan skin of Kara’s neck, while the latter arms find their way around Lena’s body, fingers dipping just below the waistband of her pants and resting calmly on her hips.
“Is everything alright?”
“Shhh. Sleep.”
She feels the ghost of lips against her temple and she finds it harder to disagree with Eliza.
Maybe it’s not that unrequited after all.
Kara is leaning against the kitchen sink the morning they have to leave. It’s way too early for Kara to be in a good mood, because six am on a Monday is just hellish, but she’s not in a bad mood. Not when she has Lena in front of her.
Not when she has Lena, in a soft sweatshirt and jeans, her glasses still framing her eyes and hair slightly disheveled as if she hadn’t bothered on fixing it after waking up. She looks up at Kara as she cradles her mug of coffee, eyelids dropping from tiredness but, still, she manages to send the smile she reserved for Kara and Kara only.
It makes her snap.  
Kara never thought she could enjoy the taste of coffee. It’s bitter, it’s strong and even the smell makes her sick. But when the taste is on Lena Luthor’s lips, it has the potential of getting her addicted.
It doesn’t feel like a first kiss, not on the way her hand easily cups Lena’s cheek as her other hand rest on her waist. It also feels like a first kiss, on the way it’s barely a press of lips and the short gasp it prompts from Lena.
Their first kiss happens because Kara couldn’t take it any longer, because Kara needed it after all the times she wished Lena had been the one kissing her. And Kara liked to brag about her lack of addiction (Alex would always scoff and mumble "potstickers"), but, Rao, she was already addicted to the feeling of Lena’s soft lips on hers.  
And she thinks she’s fucked up. Because Lena doesn’t move at first, she hears her heart race and the way her breathing changes, but she doesn’t move. Not until she takes a step closer, fingers grasping at the hem of Kara’s shirt and presses harder, tongue shyly seeking its way out.
Kara relents. If she had thought about the feeling of Lena’s lips, she surely wasn’t ready for the feeling of Lena’s tongue. She sighs, gets closer still and allows her hands to wander.  
Hands find waist, lower back, the hem of light jeans, up to ribs, collarbones, neck. It’s with a hand at the soft hair on the base of Lena’s neck and the other with its fingers hooked loosely around belt loops, that Lena bites her lower lip for the first time. It’s something Kara never knew she needed.
There’s a moan, Kara doesn’t know who it belongs to, but it has the desired effect. Kara’s body heaths, her palms start to sweat, her heart beats as fast as Lena’s. And she hears the tiny, little gasps the girl she’s been in love with for weeks (months) lets out, she hears her nails raking up her back, she hears the low sound of skin brushing.  
Suddenly, it’s too much, because she hasn’t been this overwhelmed since her first months on earth, she hasn’t felt this much in over a decade. So she takes a step back, a low whine ripping through Lena’s throat, and a simple chuckle from the blonde.  
“I’m sorry, I should’ve asked but you just looked too cute not to be kissed.”
“Smooth, Miss Danvers.” And she has an answer, but then Lena’s fingers start running against the skin just above the waistband of her own jeans, and words become a too complicated concept. “You kissed me.”
“Yeah, I did. I wanted to do this for weeks.”
She takes a moment, then, just to look at Lena Luthor, eyes still closed behind the lenses, swollen lips curved into a content smile, the shyest tingle of red threatening to appear on her cheeks.
Lena Luthor had to be the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. Sleepy, recently kissed Lena becomes her favorite version of the woman.  
“I’m glad you finally did.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
She just shakes her head no, a low humming sound coming from the back of her throat.
“We can talk about this later.”
Kara couldn’t agree more, especially so when Lena tilted her head and kissed her harder.  
Alex walks in on them ten minutes later, when Kara has Lena pressed against marble, when hands are under clothes and lips are no longer on lips, but exploring newfound skin instead.
She clears her throat, it still takes two seconds too long for Kara to bring her head up from Lena’s neck and she swears she tries not to stare at the reddening spot just below her jawline.
“I’m glad you figured it all out, but we’re leaving and Maggie is driving, so if you want to make out for nine hours at the backseat, it’s not my problem.” Lena laughs, Kara can only hide her blushing cheeks by burying her face against a pale neck. “But, please, don’t make out.”
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wr8tur · 7 years
RACOON RUN (Day 1 First Meeting AU)
The bright green light beckons to her, inviting her to move forward, to cross the four-way intersection. She presses onward, eager to get home, to succumb to the comforts of her bed, close her eyes, let the day fade, and have the night take her completely.
Sleep. It’s what she desperately needs after spending hours negotiating the terms of her deal with Toshimura Tech.
It’s all very exhausting now, dealing with people who think so lowly of her because of her surname. At least before, before her brother’s insanity took the lives of thousands, they’d hidden their contempt. But now, they’re so willing to openly disparage and belittle any one with the name Luthor.
She doesn’t need to wonder why they’re still willing to deal with in spite of their apparent hatred.
Money makes for marvelous motivation.
So people come, propose their deals, continually buy Luthor merchandise, so her stocks maintain and never plummet, all thanks to their genius bloodline.
But unlike the Luthors before her, she doesn’t care about the glory, the prestige, the wealth, or the power. She ultimately doesn’t even care about what they’re saying or how they feel about her family. They are but faceless strangers who spout their opinions as though they mattered when in reality they’re unwarranted, unwanted, and ultimately meaningless.
It’s not like she committed the crimes herself so she doesn’t harbor guilt. There’s no real reason to be obligated and absolutely no desire to pay for what her family took.
So why does the youngest Luthor continue on this path?
Because the Luthor in her craves to subjugate, to see those who feel as though they walk amongst the clouds, those who believe themselves superior, those who feel they are beyond reproach quiver in fear and look upon her with a mixture of defeat and awe as they realize that Lena Luthor is damn good at what she does.
She relishes in the feeling of her victory, revels in their defeat, committing to memory how her heart races, how adrenaline fuels her, how charging warms her veins from her spine to the tips of her fingers.
Depending on who her partner is because she has had some rather euphoric entanglements, it’s almost better than sex.
A blur, golden and blue with a hint of red, crosses the street.
Luckily she’s an adept driver with quick reflexes so her foot finds the brake pedal easily and the tires screech, the brakes howl, as the car skids along the road.
She stares at the obstacle. Before her is a gorgeous woman, of blonde of hair, statuesque build, wearing a blue blazer, navy jeans, and an apple red collared button up shirt, sky blue eyes wide with panic looking like much like a deer caught in headlights stands unmoving.
Lena isn’t in the business of helping others.
But there’s just something about the woman not just her obvious attractive looks because she’s encountered her fair share of beautiful women in her line of work, models and actresses and the like, that prompts the businesswoman to step out of her car and offer her aid.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” the stranger begins. “There were raccoons!” she exclaims suddenly and receives a raised brow.
Lena grasps the door of her car, perfectly manicured nails displayed, as she leans gently, openly observing the stranger she almost ran over. She tilts her head and allows her curiosity to get the better of her, allowing herself to engage the other young woman openly.
“You were running away from raccoons?” Lena doesn’t bother to hide her amusement.
“Yes!” the blonde explains as she holds her hand up where a black ball of fur situates safely in her palm. “I was walking and I heard crying, so I checked out what it was. There were these raccoons, huddled together around a box!” she continued, frantic and breathless and utterly so worried. “They were going to eat her so I fought them off and took her and I was running but they were chasing me and then I crossed the street.” Lena didn’t think it was possible but the stranger’s eyes widened even more. “I never jaywalk but I felt the situation called for a little law breaking,” the woman, breathless by now, explains. “I’m sorry if I got in your way! It’s just I had to save her.”
“It’s quite alright.” Lena can hardly find herself to be angry with such a beautiful and good Samaritan. “And how are you both doing?” it occurs to Lena then, that this conversation might be better had somewhere off the road.
“I’m fine but she’s bleeding horribly.” the woman looks at the injured ball of fur in her hand.
“Hop in,” Lena gestures to the empty passenger seat.
“Oh uh…” the businesswoman can hardly believe it but the woman’s panic visibly spreads on her features.
“I promise I’m not some sleazy stranger who’s going to drug you before I have my way with you.” she teases, hoping it’ll ease the woman’s nerves. “I’d rather you be fully conscious and aware for that.” perhaps it’s taking things too far, but Lena isn’t one to half ass anything.
“It’s not that!” and Lena waits for the blushing blonde’s excuse. “Well, I couldn’t possibly trouble you any more.”
The youngest Luthor regards the woman, observes her, and sees that she’s radiating with honesty and regret that’s so pure and tangible that it practically lingers in the air. It’s so unlike what Lena encounters. She’s too used to backstabbing and greed and lies and deceit and underhandedness and the darkness of man’s heart but now she finds a light so bright it’s nearly blinding.
A smile forms, genuine and warm and inviting.
“You should put aside your modesty,” the businesswoman advises in a gentle manner she never believed she could possess. “I don’t think the puppy should wait any longer for proper medical attention.” her reasoning is sound so the blonde nods, jumps into the car, completely throwing her previous reticence out the door.
It takes a while but after Lena makes a call to her assistant, they manage to find an emergency animal clinic near the outskirts of the city.
As soon as she parks the car, the woman rushes inside, leaving Lena to grip onto the steering wheel. She’s served her purpose, brought the package both safely to the intended destination, so now she’s wondering why she’s leaving her car and walking toward the building to follow after the stranger and the stray.
Just as she opens the door, she’s met yet again with bright blue eyes and golden hair.
“You’re still here.” the blonde visibly brightens and Lena can’t remember a time when her presence ever had such an effect on anyone. “I thought you’d left.” the stranger seems to realize the negative implications of her statement. “Not that I’d blame you! I mean, you already did enough driving us here after I almost made you run me over.” Lena finds her hand reaching, fingers moving to tuck a stray hair behind the stranger’s ear. It’s completely involuntary and Lena can’t think of the last time she acted without calculating her movements with precision. “You don’t have to stay.” the stranger says, calmer than before, but the look in her eyes tells the young Luthor she doesn’t want her to go.
“I’m not one to leave during a crisis.” Lena finds herself willing to stay.
“She was missing a leg, that’s probably why they threw her away.” the blonde murmurs as she looks behind the doors, where the injured creature is currently being attended to. “I did a piece on puppy mills a few months ago,” the stranger informs. “They throw away the ones they can’t sell.”
“Not all life is precious.” Lena can’t help the words flow from her mouth.
“Isn’t that a bit harsh?” the blonde queries, not biting or acerbic in any way, seeming completely unfazed by the raven haired stranger’s nihilism.
“Perhaps, but it’s my truth.” it’s a harsh lesson she learned early on.
“Why are you here then?” her tone is cautious and curious, eyes filled with gentleness that allow Lena to know she isn’t being judged. “I don’t want to sound rude or anything,” she pushes on and the businesswoman waits patiently for her to clarify her earlier query. “But you seem like a busy woman what with the fancy car, the assistant, and your suit…” her cheeks are tinged pink as she her eyes trail over the businesswoman’s attire and Lena realizes that attraction is probably reciprocated. “But you’re waiting here with me…” their eyes meet and bright blues peer into hers, not with expectation, but with genuine concern like she absolutely cares about what Lena has to say.
“If I maybe be honest,” Lena can’t remember the last instance when she was completely truthful. “I find myself wanting to stay for you.” she doesn’t bother masking her intentions because today’s events prove one should live in the moment.
“Me?” it’s apparent the stranger doesn’t want seem to believe she’s worth Lena’s attention as she fidgets in her seat, completely flustered.
“Well, mostly you.” she clarifies. “And a little for her.” she gestures toward the door. Lena isn’t met with skepticism so she ventures on. “See, animals are different.” Lena answers, letting her know she isn’t offended. “They react according to their nature while humans, most humans,” because the stranger is clearly unlike anyone Lena’s encountered, “Well we pretend we’re civilized but in the end we lie and cheat, ultimately answering our baser instinct we struggle to mask.”
“And what would that be?”
“We covet.” she sounds much like she’s told the stranger one of her most guarded secrets and Lena supposes she has. She’s never had the opportunity to share her insights. “Humans are instinctively greedy.
“You don’t think animals are the same?” the blonde’s forehead creases adorably.
“Most take only what they need while humans take everything they want.” Lena shakes her head, offers a bitter smile. “My apologies, I should be lifting your spirits, not dampening them.”
“You’re perfect.” Kara’s eyes bulge, shocked at her own forwardness, while Lena merely smirks. “I mean you’re fine,” she shakes off her nerves. “I mean it’s fine.” Kara’s mentally kicking herself but those green eyes just renders her speechless, they captivate her full attention and apparently turn her brain to mush. “I like hearing what you have to say.” the blonde assures. “I’m so used to people sidestepping my questions but you, you answer them so honestly.” she appreciates the sentiment greatly. “I’m sorry too, for asking so many questions, reporter’s habit I’m afraid.” Lena’s hand itches by her side as she finds herself wanting to comfort this stranger.
“But how ever will we get to know each other if we don’t ask questions?” and she finds herself almost desperate to know this woman who doesn’t seem to have an inkling as to who she is. “So long as it’s all off the record.”
“Of course.” the blonde promises as she raises her pinky toward the businesswoman.
“I can’t say I remember the last time I was made to pinky promise.” Lena says as she lifts her own hand and links their pinkies together, receiving a blinding smile from the blonde whose eyes are also twinkling in delight.
“Well, I take my pinky promises very seriously.” the stranger remarks resolutely.
“I don’t doubt that.” it doesn’t escape her that neither of them had moved to disentangle their appendages. “So I suppose this means you aren’t in the habit of making pinky promises to complete strangers?”
“You’re my first.” she peers deeply into the Luthor’s eyes.
The businesswoman’s response is cut short by the ringing of a cellphone. She looks at the blonde’s blazer where the sound was emanating from and watches as the stranger seems to realize she’d been staring like the emerald pools hold all the answers to life’s questions.
The blonde fishes her cell with her freehand, seeing as the other is still linked onto Lena’s, looking at the caller ID before glancing up at Lena.
She can easily see how torn the stranger is between her and whoever is calling. Lena gives the blonde a nod, detaching their link before stepping aside, moving toward the chairs in the lobby to give the stranger space to take her call. The blonde smiles apologetically before answering her phone and Lena takes a seat in the lobby, trying not to listen to the phone call.
She can’t help how her eyes remained glued to the woman whose name she has yet to learn.
The stranger fidgets, allowing the businesswoman to discern she feels guilty. Lena notes how the blonde’s shoulders relax, perhaps she’d offered compensation for whatever grievance she’d caused and has now been forgiven.
It’s clear that whomever is on the other end of the phone is important to the blonde and the youngest Luthor can’t help but be curious. The stranger refocuses her attention toward Lena after hanging up on the phone. She sits beside the businesswoman, smiling, but it’s clear that the tension hasn’t completely left her body.
“Boyfriend?” Lena asks because she’s direct and doesn’t see the point in torturing herself over it.
“No boyfriend.” she responds with an emphatic shaking of the blonde’s head. “No romantic entanglements whatsoever at the moment.” the businesswoman smirks as the blonde blushes, clearly they both know she’s announcing her availability a little bit too eagerly. “That was my sister.” she’s all too quick to assuage Lena. “We were supposed to have dinner tonight but you distracted me.”
“I hardly think I deserve all the credit.” she gestures her head toward the doors and Kara nods.
“Well you and the puppy.” bright blues follow her gaze. A crease begins to form as worry takes over her features completely. “Think she’s okay in there?” Lena reaches out, boldly taking the stranger’s hand in her own.
“I’m sure they are doing the best they can.” she doesn’t want to give the stranger false hope because even though they haven’t really met, Lena doesn’t think she can bare to see the brightness fade from her captivating blue depths. She links their fingers together, offers soft reassuring squeeze that seems to relieve a little of the blonde’s worries.  “And you know, we must not forget the raccoons you were running from.” she looks thoughtfully. “I’ve never known raccoons to give chase.”
“I probably shouldn’t have kicked them but I didn’t know how else to save the puggy.” she shrugs. “Lex, my older sister,” Lena can feel her heart caught in her throat upon hearing the name. “Oh she hates it when I call her that.” the blonde shakes her head, no doubt mentally chastising herself for her error. “Alex, always worries about me.”
“Oh?” Lena can’t help the crackling in her tone.
“She thinks I’m reckless.” the youngest Luthor listens and can’t help bit think there’s truth to Alex’s words seeing as the blonde seems to be prepared to share her entire life story to a complete stranger. “I’d like to think I’m just a little impulsive.” she asserts. “But over all I consider myself responsible and independent given that I have my own job, my own apartment, I vote, and pay my taxes.”
“You sound like an upstanding citizen.” Lena continues to tease.
“Well, I wasn’t lying when I said it was my first time jay walking.” the blonde responds appreciatively, knowing that the businesswoman isn’t just asking questions to get to know her but is also hoping to ease her worried mind.
“You mean you’re not always rescuing puppies from being eaten by rabid rodents?” she receives a playful shove in return for her teasing.
“I’m having a lot of firsts tonight.” the reporter discloses.
“You’re not the only one.” Lena assures because it’s important for the woman to know that she too isn’t in the habit of helping strangers. “You know, I think our first reaction speaks a lot about the kind of person we are.”
“And what kind of person do you think I am?” the blonde looks upon her, doe eyed and innocent.
“You’re obviously very helpful.” not many people would risk rabies just to help a half dead pup in a box. “Compassionate.” she peers deep into those bright blue depths. “Exceedingly kind.” Lena compliments. “Astonishingly beautiful on the inside and the out.” she’s rewarded by a shy smile accompanied with burning reddened cheeks.
“Now who’s being exceedingly kind?”
“I’m only being honesty.” Lena asserts. “It’s very rare that but I find myself trusting you so easily.” her upbringing taught her not to trust so easily because all people want is to take advantage.
“Well, I would never betray a pink swear.”
“Of course not.” because this stranger before her is so obviously open and trusting. She’s everything Lena is not, everything Lena long thought gone from this world. “You have a big heart.” Lena finds herself turning away. “You should be careful who you give it to.” because there’s darkness in her heart, one that could easily temper the blonde’s light.
The stranger’s response is cut off when the doors open, revealing the vet standing with a kind smile on his face, and suddenly she can feel it easier to breathe.
“She’s doing fine.” he assures. “She’s resting.”
“May I see her?” Lena looks at doctor pointedly, because her assistant called ahead to let the hospital know so they could ready the accommodations of Lena Luthor and an injured puppy. “I know it’s late but…”
 “You’re certainly welcome to.” he leads the way after giving Lena a reassuring nod.
They stand by the operating table, watching as the fragile puppy breathes easier, the blood cleaned off her fur, looking much more relaxed despite being wrapped in bandages. Much to her surprise, she reaches out before the blonde can. Her hand makes contact with the puppy’s head as she gently begins to run her fingers through her soft fur.
It’s hard to imagine that this pitiful creature could warm her heart, but she finds herself succumbing to the puppy’s charms, to the way the pug practically melts into her hand when she scratches just behind her ear.
The blonde reporter reaches out to pet the puppy as well. When her fingers brush against Lena’s, a small blush stains her cheeks.
Their eyes lock and they smile.
For the first time since the death of birth mother, Lena finds herself hopeful. She looks forward for tomorrow and what the future holds for herself, the kind hearted stranger, and the recovering pug puppy.
They walk toward the entrance of the apartment building, shoulders brushing against one another due to their close proximity.
 “I just realized my apartment doesn’t allow pets.” the blonde recalls as they stand directly outside the entrance of her building. “I mean, I’m sure it’s going to be a while until she’s released but I suppose I should start finding her a home soon.” her brows furrow as she lists all the people she knows that are dog enthusiasts.
“I could take her.” Lena finds herself saying. “But,”
“But?” she waits, looking as though her entire life depends on Lena’s words.
“I will need help in her care.”
“I could help!” she’s quick to offer her aid. “I’ll walk her, feed her, I’ll even help potty train her and buy her food, and toys, and oh she’ll look so cute in a dress! I mean, if you’ll let me.” she tries to reign in her excitement but she’s practically bouncing on the balls of her feet and all Lena can do is sport a smile that threatens to cut her fact in half.
“You almost died saving her I hardly think it appropriate to separate you two.”
“So I have visitation rights?” her head cocks to the side and Lena can’t help but think that she’s welcoming two puppies into her life.
“You make it sound like we’re some divorced couple sharing custody over our child.”
“Don’t we have to get married before we get divorced?” the blonde riposte’s congenially.
“A proposal already?” Lena teases, unable to help her playful mood. “We haven’t even been on a date yet.” she shakes her head humorously. “Hell, I don’t even know your name.” the businesswoman can’t remember the last time she’d held a conversation with someone whose name she didn’t know, someone who didn’t know who she was.
“I’m Kara.” she extends her hand. “Kara Danvers.”
“It was certainly a pleasure meeting you, Kara,” she takes Kara’s hand into her own, memorizing how warm it feels against her skin, how the simple contact sends tingles down her spine. “And our daughter who we have yet named.”
“Oh right…” expressive blue eyes bulge upon realizing they haven’t named the puppy yet. “What would you like to name her?”
“Since you gave her a second life,” she doesn’t think she deserves the honor of bestowing a name to something so precious. “I’ll leave the naming up to you.” the right and privilege belongs only to Kara and Kara alone.
“I think I’d like to call her Cerberus.” she answers almost automatically.
“Cerberus?” the woman doesn’t cease to surprise. She’d expected some kind of fluffy name to the puppy. “The hound of Hades and guardian of Persephone.”
“I’ve always been fond of Greek Mythology.” Kara confesses. “And I just read this book, The Dark Wife,” for some reason, she doesn’t feel silly telling the stranger all this. “It’s…” she’s kindly interrupted by the raven haired businesswoman.
“A lovely retelling on the lore of Persephone and Hades.” Lena compliments.
“You’ve read it.” Kara finds herself in awe. “Well I just think it’s appropriate for you and I.” and it’s easy to see where the blonde is coming from because Lena is the alluring and mysterious Hades while Kara is the bright and hopeful Persephone so of course Lena finds herself nodding in agreement.
“I’m glad to have met Cerberus and you as well, Kara Danvers.” they continue to stare into each other’s eyes, not searching for anything, but finding comfort in looking into one another’s soul.
“I suppose I, we’ll see you tomorrow for a visit?”
“Of course.” she reluctantly disentangles her hand from Kara’s as she fishes the reporter’s phone from her blazer pocket. As expected, the trusting blonde’s phone is not encrypted. “Call me.” she displays the screen and the blonde’s face turns red as her mouth begins to hang open as she reads the contact name that the businesswoman assigned herself.
“Is…” she gathers her feelings. “May I know my Future Wife’s name?”
And Lena bites her lip, looking down and momentarily breaking eye contact, before regaining the confidence to face Kara head on.
“It seems untoward to ask, given that we’ve only met and haven’t been on a date yet, but may I kiss you, Kara Danvers?” she says her name like she’s committing it to memory as she steps into Kara’s personal space, leaving enough room and opportunity for Kara to back away should she choose so.
“I mean, I think it’s perfectly fine, given that we do share custody of a living breathing creature.” Kara reasons as she finds herself leaning closer.
It’s Lena who ultimately brings their lips together. It’s meant to be a peck, neither wanting to take advantage of the kindness and trust that’s being shared, but as soon as their lips touched, their passions surged and electricity coursed through their veins.
They kissed as though they weren’t sharing their first kiss, both hoping it certainly wouldn’t be their last.
“Lena,” she whispers against Kara’s welcoming lips. “Lena Luthor.”
It dawns on Kara, then, why Lena asked for a kiss first. The youngest Luthor probably thought she would run upon discovering who she really is.
Lena Luthor, daughter of the deceased yet still renowned merciless mogul Lionel Luthor who was notorious for shutting down plants and displacing the livelihood of thousands of his workers. Lena Luthor, the younger sister of the imprisoned Neo Nazi head Lex Luthor responsible for the deaths of hundreds of minorities. Lena Luthor who is now the head of L Corp.
But all Kara sees is a beautiful woman with the most striking green eyes she’d ever beheld and a heart that’s guarded but still willing to love.
So Kara Danvers finds herself smiling because Lena being a Luthor doesn’t change anything. She presses their lips together once more, determined to show she doesn’t care about the businesswoman’s surname. As soon as they meld, Kara can taste the relief on Lena’s mouth just like Lena can feel her sincerity in her kisses.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Lena Luthor.” her thumb trails along Lena’s bottom lip, cleaning her smudged lipstick from the sides of her mouth.
Lena Luthor stands, watching as Kara Danvers enters her apartment. She runs her tongue down her bottom lip, reveling in the taste of the blonde reporter, the proof that what transpired had been real. Lena turns, heading toward her car.
She slips inside and is about to start her vehicle until her phone buzzes in the cup holder.
A message from an unknown number.
She opens it hastily and isn’t the least bit disappointed when she reads Kara’s introduction. Lena saves her number, dutifully following Kara’s request as she types in Kara Danver’s contact name as Future Wife with hearts and all sorts of lovesick emoji’s around.
She screencaps the contact page, sending it to Kara, who immediately sends her an emoji blowing a heart.
Lena Luthor laughs, loud and carefree, knowing her life will never be the same.
All thanks to a stranger who was running from raccoons.
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sapphicscholar · 7 years
A/N: I got a few requests for more of this story, so I’m back with a second part! As I mentioned in the first chapter, Lena didn’t feel like getting into all the baggage that came with her family name, so she only ever talked about herself as Lena, a grad student at MIT. This chapter borrows a bit from the dialogue of 2x01 as I reimagine what that interview might have been like had they already known each other…
Chapter Text
As they walked through the streets of National City, looking every bit the part of two ordinary human citizens, albeit more attractive than most and looking, at times, a bit too forced in their clumsiness, Kara tried not to let her excitement about spending more time with Clark—as both reporter and superhero—become too obvious. But it had been a long few weeks at the end of a long year, and there was something nice about being out with someone who knew what it was like to nearly tiptoe their way across the city streets, to shake hands and offer hugs that barely registered as effort.
So she made her way cheerily along with him, ready to see Clark Kent, ace reporter, at work, ready to see a form of justice being served that didn’t result from her fists or the intervention of the DEO. And sure, maybe she hadn’t quite put in the work of researching the subject of their investigation before they headed off to interview this Lena Luthor person, but in all fairness, she’d been a little too preoccupied with attempting to come up with an answer for Cat about what her future career would look like and trying to figuring out why things weren’t working with James—he seemed like everything she wanted, but should couldn’t help the way her heart wasn’t in it, the way her mind continued to drift back to thoughts of the all too brief fling she’d had with a beautiful, brilliant woman on the beach two summers ago. So she walked into an interview with almost no preparation or background knowledge, save for the few headlines she vaguely remembered seeing about a younger Luthor taking over the family business. She’d always been too disgusted by the last name to look into them, too horrified by what Lex had done to Clark to want to know about his company returning to the public eye.
“You ready?” Clark asked, grinning at Kara and pulling her out of her thoughts.
Of course, it wasn’t quite so simple. Instead, they waited for several minutes as the guard checked them in and guided them through the metal detectors. (“You’d think they should make the Luthors go through the security, not their visitors,” Kara snorted.) Finally, they were escorted upstairs and directed to a check in desk where a young woman in a well-tailored black suit waited for them.
“Can I help you?” she asked.
Stepping forward with his press credentials ready, Clark adjusted his glasses and smiled brilliantly at the woman, catching sight of her nameplate. “Good morning, Jess! Name’s Clark Kent, I’m here about that interview with Ms. Luthor for The Daily Planet. I believe my boss, Perry White, already called about setting it up, but I can get him on the line in a jiffy if you need anything more.”
“That’ll be fine. I’ll let Ms. Luthor know that you’ve arrived,” Jess said, dismissing Clark and Kara, clearly unaffected by the aww-shucks charm that worked such wonders on most.
“Thank you.”
Clark carefully lowered himself into one of the few chairs, smiling over at Kara as he pulled out his reporter pad and pen and watched as Kara did the same. After a couple of minutes, the clicking of heels from far down the hallway drew their attention up, and a few moments later the newest Luthor Corp CEO appeared.
“Ms. Luthor, a Mr. Clark Kent from The Daily Planet is here, along with his…assistant, perhaps,” Jess explained, gesturing toward her two visitors.
Kara was too busy trying to keep her mouth closed to bother correcting Jess’ assumptions. Because standing in front of her was the very woman who had taken up so much of her mental energy these past few weeks—if she were being honest, she’d been a somewhat constant presence ever since those few days together two summers ago. She looked less the part of the grad student on vacation and more a corporate CEO, dressed as she was in a black pencil skirt and blazer with a red top that drew Kara’s attention to her chest, then up to her red lips in ways that really were not appropriate for the situation.
“Clark Kent, nice to meet you,” Lena finally said, giving no outward indication that her heart had sped up ever so slightly, that her thoughts were winding their way back to some of the happiest memories she had from the past few years—some of the only happy memories she had since Lex turned, if she were being honest with herself.
“I wish I could say we were meeting under better circumstances, Ms. Luthor,” Clark replied, tipping his head slightly even as Kara heard the hint of steel and accusation beneath his otherwise friendly tone. “I saw that you had a ticket for the Venture launch yesterday, and I couldn’t help but notice that you never did claim your seat.”
Lena strode forward, guiding the pair—though she could only focus on Clark, the one asking the questions, right now, lest her mind get bogged down with other questions and memories—into her office. She tried not to notice Kara holding her notebook at the ready. Apparently she’d survived her time as Cat Grant’s assistant and done well enough to earn a promotion.
In a clipped tone, Lena sighed, “There’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for why I wasn't aboard the Venture yesterday.” She strode across the room and hung her coat up, studiously avoiding eye contact with the blonde. Had she looked back, she might have noticed Kara looking a bit like a deer caught in the headlights, clearly deliberating between what she knew of Lena from their admittedly brief time together and what she now believed she knew based on her last name and the slightly mysterious circumstances surrounding the Venture explosion the day before.
Kara was too distracted to hear Clark’s follow up question, tuning back in only when Lena spoke once more, explaining something about a company emergency, something about renaming Luthor Corp. She let her gaze drift around the office, not willing to have it settle anywhere on Lena’s person just yet, not ready to feel the way her stomach swooped at the sight, at the memories that came flooding back to her.
“Ah, lucky,” Clark declared, and Kara felt her stomach clench at the idea that somehow she might be forced to choose between her cousin who, despite everything, she still idolized, and the woman she could have sworn she knew better than this.
With a chuckle and a smirk that finally drew Kara’s attention away from the large office with its stunning view to her painted lips and the thoughts of all that they had been capable of doing, Lena drawled, “Lucky is Superman saving the day.”
“Not something one expects a Luthor to say,” Clark countered.
“Right.” Lena fought the urge to roll her eyes, knowing exactly how this kind of interview went when she was already being reduced to her family’s name.
“And Supergirl was there, too!” Kara chimed in, somehow still needing Lena to recognize her achievements as both Kara, who she had been so quick to support during their days on the beach, and Supergirl, even if she had no way of knowing the two people were one in the same.
“And who are you exactly?” Lena asked with a faint chuckle, knowing it was cold and cruel and everything Kara probably already assumed about her as a Luthor.
“Um…” Kara paused, wondering if Lena really didn’t remember. “I’m Kara Danvers.” With Lena’s back turned to her, she had no way to know whether there was any glimmer of recognition there. “I’m not with The Daily Planet. I'm with Catco magazine.” Realizing this woman was already on a first name basis with Cat and might somehow mention it to her if she stayed out of jail, she amended her statement: “Sort of.”
“It’s a publication not known for its hard-hitting journalism,” Lena scoffed, letting herself be every bit the part of the cold CEO as she swung her hips and settled in at her desk. “More like, ‘High-Waisted Jeans: Yes or No?’”
Refusing to let her disappointment show, Kara simply nodded, gesturing half-heartedly with her hands as she explained that she was just tagging along for the day.
“Right.” After a pause, Lena arched a brow at Clark, who still hadn’t gotten to his questions. “Can we just speed this interview along? Just ask me what you want to ask, Mr. Kent. Did I have anything to do with the Venture explosion?” She looked down at her books, unwilling to look to see whether Kara looked as suspicious as her companion, as convinced of her guilt.
“Did you?”
“You wouldn't be asking me if my last name was Smith.”
“Ah, but it’s not. It’s Luthor.” Kara turned to look at Clark; sure, she wasn’t a fan of Lex either, but it couldn’t be fair to treat the woman like this, like she was guilty until proven innocent.
“Some steel under that Kansas wheat,” Lena purred, spinning in her chair and crossing her legs, knowing exactly what she was doing and refusing to let herself consider how much lower Kara’s opinion of her must be sinking. But eventually she gave in and turned to Kara, her tone softening slightly. “It wasn’t always. I was adopted when I was four. And the person who made me feel most welcome in the family was Lex. He made me proud to be a Luthor.” Seeing the way Kara looked at her—the way she looked at her like she wanted to believe she was innocent, like she was willing to listen to her, to fall back into the easy rapport they once had—became too much. She spun in her chair, missing the way Kara and Clark turned to assess her office as she continued: “And then he went on his reign of terror in Metropolis. Declared war on Superman. Committed unspeakable crimes.” She swung back around and pulled up slides on the large wall-mounted monitor. “When Superman put Lex in jail, I vowed to take back my family’s company—to rename it L-Corp, make it a force for good. I’m just a woman trying to make a name for herself outside of her family. Can you understand that?”
And Kara knew that maybe she was reading too much into it, knew that maybe Lena’s words weren’t meant as an explanation for why she hadn’t given Kara her last name those years ago, but she couldn’t help the surge of sympathy she felt, couldn’t help the way she thought back to Astra and Non and their quest to save the planet at the expense of its inhabitants, even to her mother, the judge who she once thought could do no wrong. “Yeah,” Kara said softly with a small nod, ignoring Clark’s curious glance over at her.
“I know why you’re here. Because a subsidiary of my company made the part that exploded on the Venture. This drive contains all the information we have on the oscillator. I hope it helps you in your investigation.”
“Thank you,” Clark said, accepting the flash drive.
“Give me a chance, Mr. Kent. I’m here for a fresh start. Let me have one.”
“Good day, Ms. Luthor.”
“Good day,” Kara added, feeling the need to say something, anything, to acknowledge her presence in the room, especially after Lena’s speech. Even if it had been a line for the media, something fed out to keep Clark off her trail, Kara felt it resonate with her, wanted to give that chance to Lena to start fresh without any preconceived notions.
Once she and Clark made it out of the building and into the streets of National City, Clark spoke up. “I didn’t see anything when I x-ray-visioned the room.”
“Yeah, me neither. What do you think?” A part of her hoped he would confirm her suspicious that Lena seemed innocent.
“I’ve learned through hard experience not to believe anything a Luthor says,” Clark said, stuffing his hands into his pockets as they crossed the street.
Even though Kara wanted to trust her cousin who had so much more experience with this—both reporting and dealing with Luthors—than she did, she couldn’t help but push back a little. “Yeah, I know I’m not a reporter or anything, but I kinda believed her.”
Before Clark could respond, his phone rang, a small photo of Lois popping up on the display. She watched as the suspicious reporter seemed to transform in front of her. No matter how much he smiled with her and even with Lena, there was something so much softer to it now. She chuckled as Lois asked if he was being careful. “I love that she worries about you,” she said after he hung up.
“Yeah, me, too.”
“How do you do it all, Clark? You're an amazing reporter, a great boyfriend, and Superman. I mean, I love being Supergirl. That part of my life is clear. But the rest of it…” she trailed off, unsure how to put into words the fact that she just couldn’t seem to make it work with the man who was so absolutely perfect for her on paper. He knew her secret and was supportive; he listened to her, no longer turning to call Superman whenever things looked dicey, trusting her to handle it herself or ask for help if and when she needed it. He was kind and sweet and exceptionally handsome. And yet…
“You mean Jimmy?” It took Kara a moment to remember that Clark’s Jimmy was her James.
“How’d you know that?”
“It’s super telepathy. It’s a power you'll get someday.”
Kara’s head popped up at that. “Really?”
“No. Jimmy and I are friends, we talk,” Clark explained with a sympathetic smile.
“For so long, I kept my head down and moved forward. And life was simple.” Well, as simple as it could be when she was an alien balancing a secret identity while working two demanding jobs as Cat Grant’s assistant and the protector of National City. “And now I have all these options. An amazing guy and any job I want and I’m…I’m stuck.”
“I’ve been where you are. You know, trying to figure out how to be Clark and Superman.”
“Yeah, but you made it look so easy,” Kara interrupted.
“Well, it wasn’t. It’s still not,” Clark admitted. “Look, all I know is that being Kara is just as important as being Supergirl.” Kara nodded; that was something she absolutely understood. “Come here.” She let herself be dragged into a hug, trying not to panic too much as Clark told her to trust herself and listen to her heart when it came to things with James, especially when her gut and her heart both seemed to be guiding her back to a woman that was suspect number one for the Venture explosion.
As much as she hated flying, even if she had the facts and statistics that showed it was technically safer than other modes of transportation, Lena was at least pleased to have some distraction from the thoughts of Kara that hadn’t left her since their interview that morning. She wondered if she had imagined the softening of Kara’s expression before she left, wondered if it was just the effect of some residual optimism that hadn’t been wiped clean after Lex’s rampage. It wasn’t like they had stayed in touch after that summer—they’d agreed it would be best kept as fond memories, and Lena hadn’t particularly wanted to know what Kara thought when she found out that she was a Luthor—so the idea that the blonde lifeguard she once knew still felt some kind of affection for her was probably ludicrous. The fact that she still felt something for Kara mattered little.
The sight of a large drone flying at their helicopter quickly drove all thoughts of Kara from Lena’s mind, and before she knew it, they were under attack. She closed her eyes and tried to make peace with how she would be leaving things. Sure, they weren’t perfect, but, she supposed, at least her reputation wouldn’t end up like Lex’s; she’d never have time to find out what a long life seeped in power and money would do to her.
But before the drones could kill her, the telltale red and blue blur of Superman swooped in along with the caped blonde she’d learned laid claim to the title of National City’s own resident hero. Within seconds, Superman was off to protect the city while Supergirl darted through the air, blocking fiery blasts and taking out the drones. Try as the Supers might, Lena was left to watch the helicopter pilot die in front of her, felt herself and the helicopter falling from the air—until suddenly she wasn’t.
“You’re safe now,” Supergirl told her once she lowered the helicopter back down to the landing site, checking for obvious injuries, then feeling for a pulse on the pilot.
“What the hell was that?” Lena demanded, too much in shock, the adrenaline pumping through her veins and narrowing her thoughts to fight or flight instincts, to notice the striking similarities between this caped hero and the lifeguard with perfectly chiseled muscles who picked her up as though she weighed nothing.
“Someone’s trying to kill you.” Oh, that was comforting. Perhaps not unexpected, but still never the thing one wants to hear. She lost sight of Supergirl as she was led to the EMTs, then finally allowed to go back to her office—shaken but undeterred from her mission to make Luthor Corp a force for good.
Kara listened and rubbed at her eyes as James told her he felt her pulling away, told her he knew he wasn’t imagining the way that things between them just didn’t seem to work anymore. And she wanted to object, to remind him of just how much chemistry they’d had together, the way they could and should have worked in reality. But after seeing Lena, after all those memories came flooding back with a force that shocked her even after years of having them slip back in dreams and, if she were being honest, fantasies, she couldn’t deny that things with James didn’t feel like that. So she let him end their relationship before it really began, watched him walk away with a wistfulness that felt more like nostalgia for something that never was than regret over true loss.
And then she listened to Cat talk to her about taking risks and chances and coming out as a brand new person—something that terrified her but also excited her, made her think that maybe, just maybe, there were things for her outside of the safe, predictable advertising job her online quiz had recommended or the sensible relationship she might have pursued with James. She knew Cat was only speaking about work—though the woman had a way of telling her things just when she needed to hear them, even when it had nothing to do with work—but she couldn’t help but think about what it might mean to take that leap with Lena, to trust this woman despite her last name and insist that, yes, they had called it a fling; and, yes, it had only lasted a few days; but, dammit, she wanted to see what it might become if they let things happen once more.
A voicemail from Alex informing her that Lena was the target, not the perpetrator, of the attack sent her running to Lena before she could dwell on her thoughts any longer.
“Lena, look, I know that you don’t owe me any favors, but please, please, would you postpone the renaming ceremony?”
“Kara, I appreciate that you care…despite everything. But if I don’t go through with this ceremony, they win. Lex and all of his supporters and the men who have been sent to kill me—they all get their way.”
“But what if they only got their way for a week? And then you can have the ceremony with a much greater security presence. We would have time to secure the area, make sure there weren’t any hidden bombs.” She didn’t point out that there had already been a hidden bomb under Lena’s seat.
“We? Are you telling me you’re a cop by night?” Lena arched an eyebrow in a playful challenge.
“Oh, well, uh, no,” Kara laughed, pushing her glasses up her nose and turning on her heels to follow Lena, who had grabbed her coat and was making her way toward the elevator, clearly intent on making it down to the ceremony. “They’ll win more if you die!”
“Very articulate,” Lena teased, wondering how easy it might be to fall back into old habits, to let themselves sink into the casual touches and the witty banter that had once masked a passionate heat between them.
“What would convince you?” Kara asked, stepping slightly into Lena’s space in the elevator and hearing the small hitch in Lena’s breathing, the slight acceleration of her heartbeat as Kara leaned in closer.
“I’m afraid I can’t be convinced.” Though, god, did this woman make it tempting to accept the offer.
As they strolled through the courtyard behind the soon to be L-Corp headquarters, Lena surveyed the sparse crowds. “My brother’s serving 32 consecutive life sentences. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised there isn’t a bigger turnout.”
“You’re taking an awful risk, going ahead with the renaming ceremony with your life in danger,” Kara said in a last-ditch effort to change Lena’s mind. But she had glimpsed just how strong the woman was—from the few days they spent together, to the way she carried herself during their interview-interrogation and even the way she kept her panic in check while almost dying in a helicopter.
“I won’t have a life if I can’t make this company into something positive. All it will be remembered for is Lex’s madness.” And Kara found she couldn’t argue with that logic, so she went to stand by Alex Alex and resigned herself to forming a part of the small crowd gathered, resolving to protect Lena at all costs.
“I want to thank you all for coming,” Lena began. “My brother hurt a lot of good, innocent people. My family owes a debt, not just to Metropolis, but to everyone. I intend to pay that. By renaming my company L-Corp, we will usher in a new age of cooperation and community. Together, we will chart a brighter future.”
For a moment, Kara let herself smile along with Lena, let herself be swept up into the feeling of hope that seemed to swell in her chest at Lena’s inspiring words. But all too soon that moment was shattered as explosions rocked the plaza, flames bursting behind Lena. With confirmation that Alex was after Corben, Kara took off to keep the building from collapsing.
“Officer!” Lena yelled, darting from the stage and away from the flames and the chaos into which the ceremony had devolved.
Only when he turned to face her, he had his gun drawn and a malicious grin on his face. Once more, she found herself being saved by another one of the beautiful, powerful women that National City was apparently full of, though all too soon, the man had the woman pinned, his gun trained on her as Supergirl tried to talk him down.
The news that Lex had hired the man to kill her, that he had turned on her after years of being her only real friend and family, barely phased her at this point. It was just confirmation of every fear she’d ever had. And it was with that same sense of cold determination that she raised her gun and aimed it at Corben—aiming to wound, not kill; she wanted the man to talk, to rot in prison. She didn’t have the time or energy to try to parse out what Supergirl’s expression or her joke about having help meant, but, oh, those blue eyes looked too familiar—looked like the pair that had searched her face and her office behind a pair of black-framed glasses just this morning.
The next day, Lena found the pair of intrepid reporter-superheroes in her office once more—this time invited by her. Holding out the day’s issue of The Daily Planet, Lena smiled at Clark, perching on the edge of her desk. “Thank you, Mr. Kent. This is exactly the kind of press my company needs after yesterday’s attack. And thank you for including that part about me shooting the guy. That’ll teach Lex to mess with me. He’ll be the laughingstock of cell block X.”
“Well, that’s not exactly why I wrote it. I wrote it because it’s the truth. I was wrong about you, Ms. Luthor. I’m sorry.” Lena was nothing if not a pragmatist, but the way Clark spoke, she couldn’t help but believe him.
“Well, if I can make a believer out of Clark Kent, there’s hope yet,” she joked. But in the back of her mind, she couldn’t help but wonder about Kara…would she be as easy to bring back? Figuring it was worth a try, she turned a flirtatious smile on the woman who was once more dressed in her cardigans and glasses. “What about you, Ms. Danvers? I didn’t see your name on the byline.”
“Uh, well, like I said, I’m not a reporter,” Kara answered with a chuckle and a shake of her head.
“You could have fooled me.”
In that moment, it was like everything clicked for Kara—all this talk of wanting to be in advertising because it was secure or had good hours meant nothing in the face of a career that could represent “truth, justice, and the American way” on its own.
“I hope this isn’t the last time we talk,” Lena added, settling in at her desk and looking only at Kara.
“I hope not either.” And Kara found that she meant it. Despite the way so many parts of her life seemed uncertain, despite the fact that she would be starting anew once more in a career and giving up the security of the job and boyfriend she knew, she found herself excited, feeling far lighter than she had been in years. And if Jess slipped her a business card from Lena with her personal cell and a note that read, “Dinner? Call me,” scrawled across the back—well, that was just an added bonus.
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ashen-hands · 5 years
Lena in more suits: ✅
Lena in the crossover: ✅
Lena with her hair down: ✅
Chynikazie in a scene together: ✅
The only thing left now, Jessica Motherfuckig Queller, is to make
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Or don’t,
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