piracytheorist · 1 year
Favourite Disney movie? (non-Pixar)
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This movie was its directors' dream project and labour of love and it shows. It has so much heart and passion and self put to it. With every scene they know what they're doing. The characters are perfect and perfectly flawed. Their dynamics are inspiring and touching. The animation and landscapes are astonishing. The music transcends it to a whole other level. The story is both badass and heart-warming, and all that to the point of making me say the story and characters were presented so much better than in the original book, Treasure Island.
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This film has touched pretty much everyone who bypassed Disney's efforts to bury the film, to the point of adoring the film in its entirety, and for good reason. Even years later it invokes something in you that I simply cannot describe. You either love this film or you didn't watch it at the right time, there's no inbetween. It's one of the fictional media I feel lucky to have discovered at the right time, it really speaks so much to me.
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The British car industry ain't what it used to be, I miss manufacturers like Austin.
true, and same. they really don’t make ‘em the same
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rlbbackup · 1 year
fav 50s movie?
Annie Get Your Gun, Cinderella (animated), Scrooge, Othello... Gosh I didn't realize how many I'd seen!
Uhhh probably Scrooge or Othello!
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laffytale · 1 year
Have you attempted to write fanfiction before?
yeah, i have an ao3 account w/ a diff username but theres only 1 fic there. any other fics ive ever made are gone tho
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spencer-is-dead · 1 year
fanfic ask 🦅
Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
My method is kinda weird. I usually come up with key scenes, and play connect the dots lmao
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aerequets · 1 year
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based off a pic (below) that @lentachorum sent on the server, it's just So Loid
(could not decide whether he should be holding a baby or a puppy. both. both is good)
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ninadove · 6 months
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Thank you Bee! 🩵💙🧡 (<- These are now your Nina-brain-assigned colours, because Bloom)
Tumblr shut down on its own as I was writing this… The audacity…
In no particular order:
Remember Them from EPIC: The Cyclops Saga
But really, what I mean by that is the Remember Them + Ruthlessness + Monster triptych. Alternatively, the entirety of EPIC.
The end of this song (starting from 3:06) makes me think of Argos in Emotion. I might try to sketch a rough animatic! 💜🦚
The Reason by Hoobastank
Because of a Clemmy story my best friend and I wrote over a decade ago. 💙💛
Guns and Ships from Hamilton
Because of an inside joke with @dragongutsixofficial! 💖🌊
Still Holding My Hand from Mathilda The Musical
Discovered through @paracosmicat. The official Shadow Strike theme song. 💚💜
The Last Of The Real Ones by Fall Out Boy
Because Feligami. N°1 of my 2023 Spotify Wrapped. 💜🦚❤️🐉
Bonus! 🎶
How about I nominate @dragongutsixofficial, @paracosmicat, @lentachorum, @luckychatons, @graythegreyt, @neumannhartwig, @nebulousboops, @yardikins, @fishagain5846, @jay--hawk and @capricious-lily? No pressure of course! 💖
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jade-efflorescence · 7 months
the second tag game is a song-inspired one!
spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters
Thanks for tagging me @whenthegoldrays!
this is gonna be long oof. for anyone that was tagged, this is completely no pressure :) love you!!
joy by for king and country (@entomologistologist)
after like by ive (@milkteawithrusk)
decode by sabrina carpetner (@bethestars)
enchanted by taylor swift (@foaming-sea)
fighting by bss (@howtotrainyouragents)
farewell, neverland by tomorrow x together (@teateaaxx)
fireflies by owl city (@firefliesdies)
letter to my 13 year old self by laufey (@daydream-of-a-wallflower)
outdoor pool by maisie peters (@bodybetters)
runaway by onerepublic (@leaskisses444)
evermore by taylor swift (@firewoodfigs)
september by earth wind and fire (@lentachorum)
cate's brother by maisie peters (@talldarkandsuperman)
emily by jeremy zucker and chelsea cutler (@svnflowermoon)
new emotion by the aces (@tru-blubelle)
complicated by avril lavigne (@mollyhale)
eve, psyche and the bluebeard's wife by le sserafim (@michinaaa)
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rafaron1223 · 1 year
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Forger Crymes
commissioned by @lentachorum, and inspired by the album cover art of "Nursery Cryme" by the rock band Genesis.
This one is a Dark Yor AU, I'd love to know the story behind this one. Overall a fun experience while I gave the album a listen. Seven Stones 👌
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kidpix-album-covers · 5 months
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Can - Ege Bamysai (1972)
(requested by Instagram user lentachorum)
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juuyeah · 1 year
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Request from @lentachorum a given palette !
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piracytheorist · 1 year
What's your take on Fiona Frost?
Quick reminder that I don't read the manga so all my views here are only from what the anime has shown! Which, considering she's only been in like, 3 and a half episodes, it's a lot. (I also don't want spoilers for what happens next!)
I enjoy her presence in the story purely for the dynamic she brings in. I don't like her character, I don't like how she treats others (even with Twilight whom she supposedly cares for, her adoration is completely unhealthy for both of them) but I like how, because of her obsession with Twilight and how actually good at her job she is, we get to see a side of Twilight we weren't allowed before. I like that she's not a mere romantic rival to bring tension and an always unnecessary love triangle (love triangles are stupid fight me on this). First of all, I don't think anyone's naive enough to think she poses any threat to twiyor, so she barely even counts as a "rival", but she's also not as shallow-written as most such rival characters are.
She is delusional about Twilight's feelings for her (or his potential to grow feelings for her), she is obsessed and willing to throw others under the bus to get what she wants, but she's calculating and perceptive in parts that make her an interesting part of the story. If she were less obsessed and perceptive, she wouldn't have noticed the truth behind Twilight's smile in episode 21 (that scene is an entire changing point of the family dynamic you cannot change my mind). If she were less ambitious and confident that Twilight could become her partner, she wouldn't have pointed out that truth in the smile because it wouldn't have hit her as hard. In her mind, it's a given that she'll end up with him, there is absolutely no question about that. And it's exactly because of that that she's able to notice and confirm to the audience what we've been sussing all along; that he's slipping and falling in love.
Now, you'll tell me, you enjoy a female character's existence in the story only because she promotes a man's story? Well, here's the thing, Nightfall has something most such characters don't have; surprisingly honest methods. While she's fully willing to step on others to promote herself, she doesn't use deception. She doesn't make herself look better, nor try to make someone look worse than they are. Her intentions with Yor are to expose any weak spots Yor may have that would make her a bad asset in Operation Strix. And as for Twilight, she wants him to see the real her. She wants him to admire her for her true strengths and skills and achievements. And that's honestly quite rare for romantic rivals - usually they're depicted as sly snakes that will use any means necessary, first and foremost lies and deception. But Nightfall actually strives for honesty. She knows that a good relationship needs honesty, she craves for Twilight to respect her for who she is (and is confident enough about who she is that she doesn't seem to give a shit about what other spies say about her behind her back, pretty much to the detriment of her romantic plans), and she is unwilling to make up false weaknesses about her enemies.
With all that, she's pretty fucking interesting and I hope that down the line we get to see more of her, that her place in the story grows past the "plot device to prove to the audience that Twilight is actually growing FeelingsTM" and that her dynamic grows past her "notice me senpai" thing. I'd like to know her backstory and what inspired her to become a spy (we know that having Twilight as a mentor inspired her to work hard but I'd like to know how she got into that line of work in the first place) and I'd like to see her grow into a person whose happiness doesn't depend on a single person noticing her, who can define herself outside from how that person perceives her, and who will stay the fuck away from Yor and Anya until she learns to control herself XD I think just from her short appearance in the anime there was enough given from her that such a progression can be justified. Maybe I'm a little too hopeful, but Endo's writing seems so conscious and well-informed that I can't help it XD
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strangeduckpaper · 1 year
First Line // Last Line
I'm gonna say I was tagged by @rlbbackup, so here's six stories from completed stuff, and I'm including anthologies as one work.
Blooming Lycoris Under A Hunter's Moon: He really needed a break. Like, really, really needed a break. // He disappeared into his bedroom, the lock clicking shut before she could muster the nerve to ask if she could join.
Roses At Twilight: “You-You’re the spirit of these woods, correct?” Yolanda Briar, Princess of Neilsberg asked of the being before her, a shadow brought to life and marked by ever changing stars, a pocket of smoke and night folded into the shape of a man. // So when she’d been informed of Operation STRIX, an open ended mission to get close to Donovan Desmond, preferably by finding and/or seducing a man with a child old enough to attend Eden College…well, she doubted she was in a position to refuse.
The Weight of Secrecy: So. Today hadn’t been a good day. // “Alright, my dear,”
Speeding Bullets: “Well, what do you think?” // “Wanna go again?”
Minthe: “Sleep, baby, my dearest, Hushabye, a-bye,” the lullaby escaped the girl in a hushed, teary whisper, the words unable to drown out the sounds of slaughter. // She’d find another opportunity to end that monster’s unearned happiness, even if she had to make one.
The Apple of Knowledge: The mission is simple: Retrieve a defecting scientist integral to Project APPLE. Pick him up, escort him to the drop off point, make sure he’s safe. Simple. Easy. // Now then, what to do next.
Tagging @lentachorum
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mannatea · 1 year
Tagged by @lentachorum here to give three random facts about myself.
Despite the fact that people have always associated me with equine things, I have never ridden a horse, let alone owned one.
I used to play the clarinet.
I chopped off my hair last night because I felt like it. lol
Tagging: @3am-cheerios, @highwind91, @absolutebearings, @kidlightnings, and @nami-castle.
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spencer-is-dead · 1 year
Tagged by @lentachorum
First line/last line tag game
Show the first and last lines of your fics without context!
Sorry it took so long, I was working on another fic and wanted to get it out beforehand.
When winter is over: You grow used to the cold after a while // The ice was starting to thaw
The servant of the witch slayer: The Briars had protected Nielsberg from witches for nearly two centuries // He stepped up to the door, and knocked.
The Eden kids are not okay: Almost everyone seemed to have taken a liking to Loid Forger // “Now, let’s get back to that math problem.”
We’ll make this hell our home: She wondered what the world saw // “Let’s go.”
Haunted by pinky promises: She still remembers it like it was yesterday, snow piling up on the windowsill, Spy Wars playing // She was happier
I think I’ll tag @niobiummm and @peanutseagle (Ik you only have one fic bestie but I have no friends)
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ninadove · 7 months
Lil’ ask game I was tagged in by @midartbelike! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to ramble!
1. Are you named after anyone?
A character from a book series my mother loves! Thankfully, it’s also a very common name, and really pretty me thinks.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Five minutes ago, reading The Ties That Bind by @thevioletthread. 💚💜
3. Do you have kids?
Nope! I’m open to the idea, but only through adoption, and after a lot of work on myself.
4. What sports do you play/have played?
I took dance and swimming lessons as a little kid! Aaand I was pathetic at all other sports. Except skiing maybe, I did OK despite starting quite late and ACTUALLY HAD FUN.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I try not to, unless the person in front of me is really pissing me off. Then it’s on.
I do have a very sarcastic mind, though, and love to express it in my writing (notably through Clive and Felix)!
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
The red flags
7. Eye color?
Brown! 🤎
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings.
[Shocked gasps from the audience]
9. Any talents?
I won a writing competition in college! 🎉
10. Where were you born?
[Daveed Diggs voice]
F R A N C E 🇫🇷🐓🥖🐸🥐🐌🇫🇷
11. Hobbies?
I write and draw a lot! Video games help me relax, but I’ve been so motivated to work on my WIPs that I have barely touched my Switch these past few months.
I’m also a big fan of history and mythology (specifically Greek and Egyptian), and used to have a Tudor hyperfixation in high school.
12. Any pets?
I wish! My grandparents had a yorkshire terrier when I was little, so he’s my dog in my heart.
13. Height?
Smaller than my baby sister 😔
14. Favorite school subject?
Literature and history!
[More shocked gasps from the audience]
15. Dream job?
Writing Professor Layton games. They should let me make Clemmy canon. I know what I’m doing guys I swear.
Tagging @dragongutsixofficial, @paracosmicat and @lentachorum, but everyone is free to participate! ✨
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