#leo the lab rat
toastybugguy · 2 months
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polished up my EF suits plus played around w New Era AU Leo ideas… the hoes r gonna LOVE this
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phewgitoid · 2 months
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scribbly experiments
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nickfurysrighteye · 1 month
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Some rare/unseen lab rats cast pictures I found scrolling on tiktok (on @/labratsicon)!! the last one is william with one of the writers of lab rats 2 DAYS AGO!!!!
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fandoms-run-my-life · 4 months
Thinking about Lab Rats as I often do. What would sleeping standing upright in their capsules do to their bodies after... what 20 years?? That can't be good for their knees. Did they have to sleep standing as babies, or did they transition when they got old enough? How did Donald train 2?3?4? year olds to sleep standing up? Did he strap them in until they could do it on their own??
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neurodivenport · 1 year
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wdym this isn't how lab rats vs mighty med went
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fuzzpetalz · 5 months
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leo dooley from disney xd sitcom lab rats
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leo-dooley-lab-rats · 5 months
Something I’ve always liked about Lab Rats, even back when it first aired, is how untraditional the family structure is. Not only is the family a mixed race, but is also blended family.
Once you add the idea of Donald being the biological uncle of Adam, Bree, and Chase it doesn’t take away from Donald being the father figure to the trio and they don’t start calling Douglas ‘Dad’. Donald raised them. Douglas even moves in and he’s more like uncle to Leo and the trio despite being the biological father. Going even further, Donald is father figure to Leo yet Leo never calls him dad. In fact, the trio doesn’t call him dad either. Still it’s very clear that Donald is the father figure.
What is even more interesting is how quickly Leo and the trio accept each other as siblings. It’s never step-siblings or adopted siblings, it’s always brothers and sister. This happens in like episode 2. The fact that Leo and trio are siblings are never questioned by anyone. It’s just accepted, even the villains.
Tasha from what we see from the show is quick to accept Adam, Bree, and Chase as members of the family. She even seems to pretty okay with Douglas. Granted, she never really interacts with Douglas, but we are never given any reason to think she has any issue with Douglas.
I think Daniel even adds another layer to this messy family. He’s sibling no one knew about, but calls Douglas ‘dad’. It always felt to me as someone trying really hard to fit in when calls Douglas ‘dad’. It’s implied that Daniel has an adopted family that he is very close with. Still, everyone just accepts Daniel as family right away. Daniel is interesting, unexplored, and underdeveloped part of the show.
The only person who has an Dooley-Davenport Family as unit is Rose Dooley aka Leo’s grandma/Tasha’s mom. She doesn’t like Donald all that much and seemed a little freaked out by Adam, Bree, and Chase. She never interacted with Douglas as far as I remember(correct me if I’m wrong). The narrative of the show frames this as wrong point of view. Rose is always has to learn the lesson that Donald and the trio are family and good for Tasha and Leo.
The Dooley-Davenport family is messy and confusing from an outsider’s point of view. There are tons of people in real life with confusing family structures like this. Some people are raised by grandparents or uncles or family friends. Sometimes, people can be close to cousins like they are siblings. Families are messy, but that’s okay as long as there is love. That’s really why I’ve always loved the Dooley-Davenport family it’s messy and non-traditional like so many people’s in real life.
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sinceisawviennaa · 5 months
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this woman was out here committing literal war crimes and it was just? chill?
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thelittleangryitalian · 5 months
Leo: Is anyone in this house straight?
The Elite force: Oliver
Oliver: I’ll have you know I kissed Kaz once
Chase to Kaz: You kissed Oliver?
Kaz: We were twelve!
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tabl3 · 8 months
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rip quality
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rumoredtoexist · 6 months
does ANYONE HERE like LAB RATS??!?
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Davenport-Dooley Driving Headcanons
Generally a pretty safe driver, especially when other people are in the car.
Forgets about/misses some road rules at times, though, like straight up forgets 'turn right on red' & 'right of way'.
Pays a lot of attention to other cars bc he's always anxious about other people not knowing what theyre doing/watching where they're going.
Will swerve to avoid hitting worms on the ground.
He once left the engine check light on for a solid month because he "liked the way it looked".
Drives like a little old lady: slower than cold molasses & obeying every. Little. Rule.
No, he will NOT go a single mph over the speed limit, Bree, I don't care what everyone else is doing.
He's read the entire manual cover to cover & treats his car like his first born child. Probably named it and everything.
Pedal to the metal the whole time, everyone's screaming, everything's in chaos, she's cursing the whole time because it's "soooo slow".
Gets insane road rage & screams at other cars, lays on the horn every chance she gets.
Hates traffic, if she's ever stuck in traffic she just abandons the car & runs to her destination.
Needless to say, she's not allowed to drive anymore.
Passenger princess, hates driving and does not get his license until he's at least 20, & even then he still makes other people ferry him around.
If Marcus can drive then he was taught by Douglas Davenport, which tells you all you need to know.
Even if he's never touched a steering wheel in his life, he'll insist he knows how to drive, after all how hard can it be? Then he instantly drives off a cliff.
Genuinely makes you question whether he even knows what a car is. He's going 30+mph over the speed limit, HORRIBLE at predicting what other drivers will do, probably not even in the right lane.
You WILL get to your destination. Just maybe not in one piece.
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nickfurysrighteye · 2 months
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me and the other five lab rats fans pulling up to the function:
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lettingthoughtsflow · 1 month
in the first lab rats episode, Tasha is seriously disturbed when Adam, Bree, and Chase are first introduced. but it IS NOT because they're bionic. she's uncomfortable because there are three teenagers who have never left this lab in her basement. Her husband never mentioned them and probably wouldn't have if Leo hadn't found them. also, davenport doesn't acknowledge them as human, which is why it's so easy for him to dismiss the kids. Tasha is disturbed because these kids are trapped in this room, sleep in tubes, eat pellets, and only have one purpose and no freedom. within two or three days after meeting the kids, Tasha is ready to help Bree get ready for a party, reminded Davenport that they are teenagers, and told the kids to be safe and stay warm at Facility X. This woman saw these kids as growing teenagers in ~3 days, sooner than Davenport did in ~15 years
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