chaosdemonwrites · 2 years
PJO #1
Prompt: "Don't set fire to the…oh my god" ---just-plenty-of-prompts (the tired parent friend #8)
It had turned out to be the start of quite a cold winter at Camp Half-Blood. With the vibrant green of surrounding trees turning to warm reds and oranges that cascade down with the cold breeze that blew now and then, not many of the children wandered outside of their cabins, preferring the coziness of the indoors. Though that didn't stop a particular group of friends as they made their way around campus, filling the once silent crisp night air with jokes and chuckles. The time had to be almost ten at night by the look of the lit-up sky filled with shining stars. It wouldn't be too long until curfew began though the group wasn't ready for their moment to end. So, with hushed whispers and light footsteps, they made a path away from the core area of the camp and up to a hilltop where they huddled closely, still occupied with their conversation.
That was until the harsh wind blew, sending cold chills down everyone's spine. For a moment, their smiles faltered, voices went quiet, and concerned gazes were thrown about the group until one of them stood.
They muttered amongst themselves for a moment, debating softly on whether or not they should get a fire started. If so, they could risk getting caught being awake past curfew due to the smoke and light it would produce, but if not, they'd have to find another way to warm up. Deciding not to risk anything, the group, still throwing jokes and jests with one another, made their way back to camp. After choosing that sneaking into one of the cabins closest was the easiest and better option, they all silently crept, trying not to step on any branches or leaves that could give their presence away, and slipped into Jason's cabin.
Everyone was already asleep when their group settled in, hushing one another to be quiet. Each cabin, for the cold nights of winter, had a fireplace built into it. Whether for specific offerings for their godly parent or to keep them warm, it was a blessing for moments like this. The fireplace for the Zeus Cabin had a dwindling fire, previously filled with good wood but now mainly just ashes and a few twigs left over, which wouldn't be of much help in the state it was currently in for the group. After another little bit of talking among themselves, they all came to an agreement that a few of them would head over to the Hephaestus Cabin to grab some of the materials to make a new fire. Those going on the mini adventure consisted of Leo, Piper, and Jason.
It wasn't much of a walk from Cabin 1 to Cabin 9, though the three wanted it quickly over and done. Leading up to the doorway of the cabin, the pathway was covered in fallen leaves and a rather dark and obscure liquid though it was hard to see what it was entirely.
"Be careful… seems quite slippery", Jason whispered, peering to his side to see Piper gazing at the puddle.
"What is it?" She had stepped a little closer, eyes squinting to get a better look in the dim moonlight. Leo hummed as he stood beside her, squatting down and dipping a finger into the substance to hold up to his face.
"Maybe it is just gasoline or something, not unusual for this cabin…" He pauses for a brief moment as if contemplating something. He continues, "There is a way we can find out."
Piper and Jason both share a look of confusion until a lightbulb lit up in their minds.
"Don't set fire to the…oh my god"
But it had been too late. The flames had begun to spread more feverishly and had gotten the surrounding area flashing bright reds, oranges, and yellows. It was warm to the touch but disastrous as Mr. D would have their heads for the damages caused to the Cabins entrance…so they ran as they were too ill-equipped to handle this situation this late at night and booked it back to Cabin 1.
They managed to get away, but they were correct in thinking that some staff would be upset about the damages caused to a Cabin as they soon heard distressed shouts coming from the direction of the Big House. Needless to say, Chiron gave quite the lecture in the morning on fire safety.
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chaosdemonwrites · 2 years
Batfam Daily Life
Prompt: "I guess I shouldn't have said you couldn't do this" "no, no. It's good. Spite is the only thing that really motivates me" ---daily-prompts (Prompt 1999)
The day had started as any other within the Wayne Mansion. All of the occupants had been scattered around within the many rooms of the giant household doing various tasks. Some sat quietly reading, writing, or enjoying a nice cup of coffee, while others were training or meditating. It all depended on the person.
Everything was seemingly calm…until Jason Todd entered the kitchen where the youngest Wayne had been residing for the past hour or so. The predicament that the second oldest caught witnessing for the youngest was quite surprising. Considering that Damian was climbing the cabinets above the kitchen counter as if he was Spiderman or a monkey trying to reach the highest shelf for something unseen. Seeing the potential blackmail, Jason reached for his phone that resided in his sweatpants pocket but got caught by the monkey that had decided best to give up and started to climb down.
"Todd, what are you doing here?"
Green eyes glared quite fiercely at the man standing a bit away.
As always, the question had a bite to it but Jason couldn't care less. The kid is always like this. Instead of an actual answer, he could only laugh. How could he not? The most stoic person aside from his father caught doing something childish was quite funny.
"Well, I was going to grab something to eat though I guess I am not the only one wanting to get cookies."
Finishing his sentence with a mocking tone, Jason starts heading further into the kitchen, standing beside the much shorter male, and began looking to see where exactly the cookies were on the shelf. Smirking, Jason looks back to Damian, who let out an audible huff, and a devious plan strikes.
"There is no way you can get to the cookies."
The boy only scowled and folded his arms. Determination and irritation flared within Damian as he was not going to let his brother get his way so, in his true fashion, Damian turned to Jason.
"There is a way though it doesn't concern you, Todd."
The last name was hissed out as a nerve had been struck harshly. Though Jason only smirked, his head tilting to the side in amusement.
"How's this then," Jason began, "If you can get to the cookies before Alfred returns from Bruce's room, they're all yours."
Damian hesitated for a second. Obviously, there has to be more to it than just that. Knowing Jason, there was always a trick of sorts.
And he was right in believing so.
"Again, that is if you aren't caught. If you are, then they're mine."
With that, Jason turned to the kitchen island and took a seat, only to give a mocking thumbs up and a little snide comment about how he couldn't do it to Damian, who was still trying to make his plans for navigating the cabinet.
Only a second later heard a coming from the hallway were someone's footsteps. The footsteps that were fast approaching most likely belonged to the beloved butler, making his way to the kitchen for some butlery duties. Meaning, Damian only had a little time to climb the cabinet and reach the prize that awaits him.
"Better hurry Brat… he's almost here."
Not wanting to cause a scene, Jason had to whisper yell this to Damian, who had finally kicked into gear and begun his climb. It wasn't long for Alfred, followed by Alfred the Cat and Titus, to make his appearance.
Damian had to hurry as he could hear the greetings being exchanged between his family members. So far, Alfred had not paid any mind to the young boy, who had resumed his original position as a monkey, and walked to the fridge. The fridge was located on the other side, opposite the cabinets. So far, so good, though it was still risky. If Jason or the animals made him blow his cover, he would not be thrilled to receive a lecture from the butler…or their dad, for that matter. He needed to prove to Jason that he could achieve this.
Jason could only sit and act. As if everything was fine, he calmly talked with Alfred. It was only a couple minutes or so that they had been in conversation but when you are trying to sneak glances to observe a little boy's progress climbing cabinets, it is hard to pay attention. Luckily though, Jason and Damian didn't have to wait much longer as Alfred, with a cup of water in his hands, said goodbye and left. Though, Alfred the Cat and Titus had decided to stay, telling by the meowing coming from the ground.
"You're in the clear, Dami…."
As Jason began his sentence, he turned his head from the entrance of the kitchen back to the cabinets thinking to see Damian still trying to climb but saw nothing, cutting him off in confusion.
He knew what that meant. With an irritated smile, Jason turns to the sound of a plate being slid across the island, stopping after it hits his forearm. The said plate had chocolate chip cookies neatly stacked. He did it.
Picking one up, he only smiled and closed his eyes.
"I guess I shouldn't have said you couldn't do this"
Only a hum resounded as a response as Damian, who had snuck his way to the island after receiving the cookies, was finishing his bite before speaking.
"No, no. It's good. Spite is the only thing that really motivates me."
With that, the brothers continued to eat quite happily, with the occasional cookie steal as one tried to grab a certain one.
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chaosdemonwrites · 2 years
About Me (?)
As you can see, I enjoy writing, hence this blog. Before posting anything, I thought it would be a good idea to write a lil thing on what to expect here so...
1.) I can write for different fandoms whether it's as headcanons, x readers, or lil stories on what I can see being the every day life for a character(s)
(Fandoms included: TMNT, DC and Marvel, Assassin's Creed, PJO and etc.)
2.) I can write background stories for characters as well! (honestly one of my favorite things to write as a DnD player)
It will be a mixing pot of many things so I will try to keep things organized as I write more. Thank you for the time to read this and hope you enjoy.
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