gwydionmisha · 2 days
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studyartsy · 1 year
hi there! i don’t usually ask for any help on social media, but this is really personal and close to my heart case of emergency. unfortunately my brother got diagnosed with Leptospirosis (Weil’s disease) which infected his internal organs. currently he is in critical condition in Singapore’s hospital and he needs a medical treatment and intensive care.
i am asking for a big favor, if you can help in any way possible financially, please donate to this site: https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-a-young-life-from-a-recoverable-condition?qid=6a9ed829fd57abbf0f3c664648da5250
or reblog for more people to see.
thank you so much! 
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swagging-back-to · 11 months
hello yall. my dog esmeralda recently drank from a brook and ive been worried about lepto since. yesterday i called the vet and scheduled their lepto and lyme vaccines for the end of the month.
today i learned about all the adverse side effects from this poorly dosed vaccine, and how common death is-especially among small dogs. now im considering cancelling their lepto vaccinations.
so, im asking ALL pet parents.
please elaborate further! things you can include are
1. animals age when vaccinated and breed
2. whether they contracted lepto before or after the vaccination
3. any side effects they developed after the vaccination, how soon after did they show?
4. how is your animal doing now?
5. do you regret choosing to either give them the vaccine or to withhold it?
thank you.
please reblog so i can have a larger sample size!!
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carryeryhare · 23 days
Leptospirosis in Young Dogs: Everything You Need to Know
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lavaradeesculapio0 · 4 months
 Leptospirosis: una zoonosis de importancia global LA LEPTOSPIROSIS  DEFINICIÓN: La leptospirosis es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por bacterias del género *Leptospira*, que afecta tanto a animales como a humanos. Se transmite por contacto directo o indirecto con la orina de animales infectados, especialmente roedores. La leptospirosis puede provocar síntomas variados, desde formas leves…
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Just Published on On Saving Man's Best Friend Dog Vaccinations: The Importance of Protecting Your Pet's Health https://phillipmccloud.com/dog-vaccinations-the-importance-of-protecting-your-pets-health/ As pet owners, it is our responsibility to ensure the health and well-being of our furry friends. One crucial aspect of pet care is vaccinations. Dog vaccinations play a vital role in safeguarding your pet’s health and preventing the onset of various diseases. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of dog vaccinations, […]
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drugcarts · 1 year
A bacterial disease spread through the urine of infected animals.
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I'm calling the police!
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renediana2014 · 1 year
La leptospirosis siembre es un peligro
La leptospirosis siembre es un peligro
La leptospirosis afecta más comúnmente a personas de poblaciones de escasos recursos, lo que resulta en una morbilidad y mortalidad significativas.Se estima que la infección causa un millón de casos y alrededor de 58.900 muertes anuales, con una tasa de letalidad del 6,85%. ********** Les dejo para descargar el Programa Nacional cubano. Aquí ************ Historia Adolph Weil describió por…
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The zoonotic disease, LEPTOSPIROSIS is caused by the organism Leptospira which has more than 200 serologic variants. Humans are usually infected by this pathogenic disease by means of contact with the urine of the infected animals either directly or indirectly such as in soil, usually, from rats or those belonging to the rodent family. The bacteria enters through the cuts as well as abrasions in the skin, through the mouth, nose and eyes. In rare instances, person-to-person transmission is possible. This disease has the potential to be an epidemic in every country and has global morbidity and mortality cases of 1.03 million and 59,800 deaths respectively (Costa, et. Al. , 2017).
According to the Department of Health, Bicol was one of the regions that reached a high alert level with regards to leptopsirosis cases for the last couple of months. The Bicol Medical Center have admitted 99 patients with leptospirosis in 2020 and 100 in 2021, these admissions tallied 10 deaths for the latter and 8 deaths for the former. So far this year, the hospital has 37 admissions, 2 of which died; it is also worth noting that well over 90% of the patients are male (Bicol Medical Center Surveillance Unit, 2022).
Some of the common symptoms of leptospirosis are high fever, chills, joint and muscle pains, andominal pains, red eyes, tea-colored urine and jaundice (yellowish skin and eyes). Some of the these signs are common to other illness such as flu and dengue, that is why many people think and assume that what they are feeling are the aforementioned sicknesses; this leads to late detection and treatment of leptospirosis. Fortunately, there are now diagnostic tools in Bicol like the Leptospirosis IgG or Igm test which can determine the presence of leptospira organism in hosptals and laboratories. It is crucial to treat leptospirosis as soon as possible in order to prevent fatal complications such as kidney damage, liver failure, meningitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord) and respiratory distress.
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Leptospirosis has also myths and misconceptions surrounding it and its misinformation serves as barrier to its treatment. It is the belief of many that mosquitoes may transmit the leptospira to people. These microbes can only be passed on through the urine of contaminated rodents, the more common suspects are rats. There are also instances wherein infected dogs, cows, pigs and even humans are able to transmit this disease. Another false information is that once a patient recovers from leptospirosis, he can no longer be infected with it ever again. There are over 200 variants of leptospira microbes and there is a possibility that a former patient may contract this disease again. Lastly, a crucial and common mindset of number of Filipinos is that an acute kidney injury related to leptospirosis will need lifetime of hemodialysis treatment. The hemodialysis treatment will only be needed while the treatment of severe leptospirosis is ongoing. Once the antibiotic regimen is finished and the kidneys are once again in normal functioning state, hemodialysis treatment will not be necessary.
There are vulnerable populations and groups that can contract leptospirosis such as farmers, miners, sewer workers, slaughterhouse workers, dairy farmers, janitors, health care professionals, veterinarians and animal care takers as well as residents from floodprone areas. The population groups mentioned are all exposed to water and/or soil which are possibly contaminated by an infected rat’s urine. However, anyone is susceptible to leptospirosis but the good news is there are ways in order to minimize the risk of being infected with this dreaded disease such as eradication of rats in the house, maintain cleanliness of household, avoid swimming in the flood or dirty waters and use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Having gone through the brief details regarding leptospirosis, it may seem daunting at first. However, this communicable disease that is on a rising trend is easily preventable and treatable as long as the people, community and health leaders are equipped with the knowledge on its signs and symptoms, mode of transmissions, persons at risk, prevention, treatment regimen and its clinical facts. Health literacy regarding this matter will be vital in combatting this zoonotic disease which is leptospirosis.
Victor Raja David V. Gumabon
DOH Ambassador for Region - V
Research Gate
Department of Health
Bicol Medical Center Surveillance Unit
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ricisidro · 2 years
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#DOH reports that cases and deaths of #leptospirosis have increased. The health agency also reports that the incidence of #measles nationwide has more than doubled compared to last year. #Philippines #PH READ: https://bit.ly/3QgCtrG https://www.instagram.com/p/CiG7B0mrclG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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saludablementee · 2 years
Conoce la Leptospirosis
También conocida como enfermedad de Weil, la Leptospirosis es una enfermedad grave que afecta al hígado y otros órganos, y se contagia por medio de animales como los perros, cerdos y ganado en general. La más peligrosa de las variantes es la Leptospira Icterohaemorrhagiae encontrada en las ratas. Si eres una persona que trabaja en rastros, granjas, alcantarillas, plantadores de arroz o con bajas…
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teluguonenews · 2 years
లేప్టో స్పయిరోసిస్ జీవ రేణువు జనిత రోగమని మనుష్యులు జంతువులపై తీవ్ర ప్రభావం చూపుతుందని.ఇది జీన్స్ లెప్టో స్పయిరో బ్యాక్టీరియా కారణంగా వస్తుందని నిర్ధారించారు. భారీ వర్షాలు,లేదా వరదలు వచ్చిన తరువాత ఇది సంక్రమించే అవకాసం ఎక్కువగా ఉంటుంది... for more information visit teluguone.com
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
Lo que debes saber sobre la salud de tu mascota antes de viajar
#Sociedad #Turismo #Salud | Lo que debes saber sobre la salud de tu #mascota antes de #viajar
En un contexto vacacional, donde las mascotas están en contacto con otras personas que no son del núcleo personal y en un entorno que no conocen, es un buen momento para hacer un doble clic sobre su salud para protegerlas de posibles enfermedades. Además, hay que tener en cuenta que la temporada de invierno es, sin duda, una de las épocas del año en las que aumenta la incidencia de enfermedades…
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elcorreografico · 2 years
Lo que debes saber sobre la salud de tu mascota antes de viajar
#Turismo #Servicio #Sociedad | Lo que debes saber sobre la #salud de tu #mascota antes de viajar
En un contexto vacacional, donde las mascotas están en contacto con otras personas que no son del núcleo personal y en un entorno que no conocen, es un buen momento para hacer un doble clic sobre su salud para protegerlas de posibles enfermedades. Además, hay que tener en cuenta que la temporada de invierno es, sin duda, una de las épocas del año en las que aumenta la incidencia de enfermedades…
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sujatabirlahospital · 2 years
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Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection spread through urine of infected animals. It can spread through water or soil and the germ can enter the body through open wounds.
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