tokuvivor · 1 year
DuckTales Character Songs! (Part 2)
Alright, now we’re cooking here! This time around, I’m going to be focusing on important recurring characters that debuted in Season 1.
Again, giving some brainstorming credit on this to @glowyjellyfish, plus, also, a little bit to @shychick-52, since one of these is in her pinned list.
Flintheart Glomgold
Rasputin by Boney M.
Ah, Rasputin. The Russian mystic who wouldn’t die. And like Rasputin, Glomgold is a very fiery, polarizing character who will say and do anything to get to the top, even if he has to resort to power beyond his normal means (not unlike The 87 Cent Solution!)
Bradford Buzzard
Takin’ Care of Business by Bachman-Turner Overdrive
He didn’t really have a bigger role until Season 3, but he still counts for here! Anyway, Bradford is very serious, by-the-book, and business-oriented, so this song works perfectly for him.
Ma Beagle and the Beagle Boys
Bad Boys by Inner Circle from Cops
Pretty self-explanatory here. Moving on.
Gyro Gearloose
The Scientist by Coldplay
Yes, the title is obvious. But the lyrics can be seen as speaking more to his guilt over his past actions (“Nobody said it was easy, it’s such a shame for us to part,” “I was just guessing at numbers and figures, pulling the puzzles apart,” etc.), such as what happened at Tokyolk and with the Spear of Selene.
Demons by Imagine Dragons
All throughout Season 1 (and even in later episodes), Lena had personal demons regarding Magica that she couldn’t easily shake. Like the lyrics said, she wanted to hide the truth from Webby and everyone else, but there was nowhere to hide. And she always kept up walls that prevented her from getting too close to people (“Don’t get too close, it’s dark inside.”) And even after she broke from Magica’s control, she was worried that she could still turn out bad, but with the help of others, especially Webby and Violet, she was able to overcome those demons in her mind.
Gladstone Gander
Life Has Been Good to Me by Randy Newman
Gladstone is a naturally lucky character. Whatever happens in the game of life, the dice roll in his favor. I guess other than the events leading up to and within The House of the Lucky Gander!, life is good to him.
Mark Beaks
How Bad Can I Be? by Ed Helms from The Lorax
Life is all about survival of the fittest at times. You gotta do what it takes to survive, even if it means screwing others over. That mindset is 100% Beaks to me. The last half of the song, especially, where the Once-ler is bragging about his business and building an economy, absolutely screams Beaks to me.
Zeus, Storkules, and Selene
Zeus: The Gospel Truth by Lillias White, LaChanze, Roz Ryan, Cheryl Freeman, and Vaneese Thomas from Hercules
Storkules: The Harder They Come by Jimmy Cliff
Selene: Song About the Moon by Paul Simon
I feel it would only be appropriate if I put the three deities of Ithaquack together. First off, I kinda had to throw a Hercules song in there somewhere, and this one brilliantly tells the story of how Zeus came to power. On the second note, Storkules is absolutely a pillar of strength, and he’s very determined, too. Just like the real-life myth and the movie, he will take on any and all opponents, no matter how big or daunting they may be. Finally, we have Selene, the goddess of the moon. The moon is very powerful, graceful, and beautiful, just as she is. The song here explains how in order to write a song about the moon, you need to capture its features, its essence. And in order to write a song about the heart or a face, tie it back to writing about the moon. It just shows how influential the moon can be, just as Selene is in making decisions as a goddess.
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Hello gigglers!
It’s been forever since I wrote a tickle fic, let alone a Hamilton one, so please forgive me if this is a bit meh. Anyways, I haven’t been in the Hamilton fandom for a while, so my characterisation won’t be perfect, but I hope the cuteness remains intact! 
Requested by: @crispygalaxypanda 
Fandom: Hamilton
Prompt: Lee!Laurens Ler!Hamilsquad
Summary: Laurens is desperate to be the centre of attention, so the gang grant his wishes. 
“I have seen wonders great and small!”, John Laurens proclaimed, standing upon a pedestal of his own making: a mini wooden chair. Marquis Lafayette and Hercules Mulligan nodded in agreement, while Alexander Hamilton tried to pull Laurens from the chair, fed up with his antics. He hadn’t had a single drink, yet the man had been in lunacy since they’d arrived at the deserted pub, dangerously jumping from chair to table and putting on a show for his three best friends. Whilst two of them appreciated it greatly, one of them was beyond sick of it, as he was the subject of his friends’ jokes. 
Laurens kicked gently at Hamilton as the short man yanked at his arm, causing the latter to stumble backwards. “See, if the Tomcat can get married”, John teased, shaking his head at the defeated man, “Well, I guess there may be hope for our asses after all!” Lafayette slammed a glass against the table, Mulligan bent his knees for a rhythmic sway, and Hamilton stared at Laurens with a murderous gaze. 
“I find it ironic how we preach about freedom”, Lafayette chimed in, “When Hamilton will never see freedom again!” They all laughed, including Hamilton, which he hated to admit. 
“Ah ah ah!”, exclaimed Laurens, pointing directly at Alexander, “Was that a laugh I just heard”. 
“Oh shut up!”, the short man snapped, trying to sound intimidating but not being able to hide his true feelings of playful joy. Yes, he would have to spend plenty of time with his wife for the rest of his life, and as much as he loved her, it was nice just hanging out with his friends and acting like children. Suddenly, Aaron Burr entered, carrying a newspaper, (honestly, who reads those in 2023? Why couldn’t he just listen to a Podcast or something?).
Burr smiled brightly at Alexander, coming to congratulate his friend with a formal hug, not noticing the banter in the air. “I see the whole gang is here”, he remarked, looking to the other three. Laurens’ eyes glinted: a new man entering the bar meant a new target. He jumped off the chair with a loud thud.
“Well I heard you've got a special someone on the side Burr”, Laurens stated, patting the other man’s back with force. 
Burr stumbled forward, “Wh-what?”
“A lady!”, Laurens announced, “Burry is getting busy with a chicky!”
Burr shook his head and rolled his eyes towards Alexander: “He in one of his moods?”
Hamilton sighed, “I’m afraid so”.
“What moods?”, Lafayette tempted, “Laurens is behaving normally, he always gets jealous when he isn’t the centre of attention!”
Laurens glared at him: “Am not!”
“Are too!”, Hamilton said, glad he could tease the other man back, “Your jealous that I got a wedding yesterday and all you got was a uniform suit and a bag of flowers!”
Laurens was about to retaliate, when Burr said, “Now don’t be mean to the guy. If he wants attention, just give it to him”. Burr: the practical one, not influenced by playful pressures.
Just than, Laurens jumped up onto a chair, wishing to declare his point with majesty, yet tripped and fell clumsily onto his back. Burr’s eyes widened with worry: “Are you alright!?!” The others just snickered, knowing the guy would be fine. 
Laurens groaned and rubbed his head. “I’m ok”, he admitted, “Can I stay lying here? It’s nice. I like staring at the roof and contemplating what an attention seeker I am”.
“Aww, John, don’t be like that”, Burr said, “They were just teasing, weren't you?”. He looked towards the other three, standing next to each other in a line. “Well actually-” Laf interjected, before receiving a slap from the men on either side of him. 
“Yeah”, Hercules said, “We were just having a go at you”.
“Though if attention is what you want”, Lafayette said, running up to Laurens’ side to avoid slaps, “Than I’d be happy to give it to you-”
Laf ducked down and smirked at Laurens, who was still lying on the floor. “Wait-”
Before he knew it, Laf was digging his fingers into Laurens’ sides, causing the freckly boy to laugh and toss around against his will. 
“Nohoho!”, the boy laughed, “Anythihihing buhuhut tihihihickles!”
Hamilton looked a little flustered, standing and watching the whole ordeal. Burr just shook his head and crept up beside Laf; “Come on guys, really?”
“GUHUHUHUYS?!?”, Laurens exclaimed, his laughter growing louder as Laf began pinching at his sensitive ribs, “THIHIHIS IHISHISN’T MY FAUHAHAHLT!”
“Well what did you expect?”, Burr explained, looking away from the mess below him, “You act a certain way, you should expect this sort of behaviour from your friends.
Laurens let out some high-pitched giggles as Lafayette creeped one hand under his left arm. In a high pitched voice, he uttered: “Ohohoho come on Buhuhuhurr! Lihihike your above thihihis! EEE!”.
Aaron looked down, noticing that John’s freckled cheeks had gone all pink. He walked up to the men on the floor and smirked: “Above this? I never claimed to be”. 
Suddenly, Burr thrusted his hand under Lauren’s right arm, causing him to screech and toss from left to right as both underarms were attacked.
Herc nodded to Alex, as if making a mutual decision, and they each stood on a side of Laurens and focused on poking at an unprotected spot. 
Whilst Laurens was collapsing in high pitched and blushy laughter and giggles, Laf was tickling his ribs, Burr was tickling his underarms, Hamilton was poking at his sides and hips and Mulligan was gently squeezing his knees. 
Laf smiled brightly, kneading towards the side of Laurens’ ribs, which he noted were significantly more ticklish, “Isn’t this the attention you craved?”
Laurens scrunched his eyes shut and shook his head, biting his lip to supress laughter.
“Well there’s hardly a point if he’s not laughing”, Burr commented, before standing up. Laurens shook the after-tickles from his arms, as the other three began to back off. Laurens panted, stood up, and smiled at the others.
“Maybe you guys were right”, he said, grinning brightly and swinging an arm around Hamilton and Lafayette’s shoulders, “Maybe I did just need attention all along”.
Hamilton chuckled and shook his head, “Okay, sure, just don’t make fun of me again, or there will be seconds!”
Laurens gasped in mock offence, grinning widely, before jumping onto a different undersized chair. 
“Raise a glass!”, he declared, lifting an air-glass, “To the Tom Cat!”
Maybe Laurens hadn’t had quite enough of the attention he craved.
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s-tarplatinum · 7 months
O MISTERIOSO CASO DE STYLES | Agatha Christie, 1920
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— Mon ami — respondeu Poirot muito sério —, quando você perceber que as pessoas não estão lhe dizendo a verdade, tenha cuidado! [...]
Sobre o enredo:
Mr. Hastings volta para casa como inválido da linha de frente nos tempos de guerra e ao reencontrar John Cavendish e aceitar o convite para passar sua licença na mansão Styles, se depara com uma tragédia — o assassinato de Mrs. Inglethorp.
A história trata do testemunho de Arthur Hastings a respeito de "O caso Styles" e, sendo assim, narrado pelo ponto de vista do visitante, fornece fundos sobre os personagens, bem como suas próprias opiniões e nos apresenta o detetive belga Hercule Poirot como amigo próximo, a quem encarregou a resolução do caso.
John e Lawrence Cavendish são filhos adotivos de Mrs. Inglethorp, uma senhora que detém posse do patrimônio do falecido pai deles. A consideram como mãe, já que foram criados desde muito cedo por ela, mas a narrativa tem como pontapé inicial seu novo matrimônio com Alfred Inglethorp — primo de sua velha criada, Evelyn Howard.
O homem que parece estar dificultando a vida de todos, até mesmo de Miss Howard, que expõe furiosamente seu desprezo, e por gostar demais de sua senhora, não aguenta e deixa seu serviço na mansão, com uma advertência: esse homem é capaz de matar a própria esposa! Ele é mau!
Sobre a leitura:
Novamente uma leitura de ônibus, mas dessa vez decidi concluir em casa, no conforto da minha cama. Decisão muito boa, considerando que não acho livros muito anatomicamente confortáveis para as minhas mãos com o corpo deitado.
Terminei-o em poucos dias, mas chegou um momento que eu simplesmente me neguei a continuar lendo, novamente, acho que é uma mania do consumo rápido da leitura. Apesar disso, gostei bastante e me lembrou o formato de "Noite Sem Fim".
O livro possui um final alternativo com a ideia original da autora — que tem a revelação do esquema criminoso durante o julgamento, com Poirot prestando testemunho, e a ordem de leitura que segui foi justamente essa: capítulo 11 - apêndice - capítulo 13.
Apesar de só ter passado os olhos pelo capítulo 12, conclui que concordo com John Lane pelo fato de que não faz sentido para mim o detetive se apresentar como mera testemunha, que apenas expôs e conversou com o juiz durante todo o ato, tendo muito mais impacto elucidar o caso na sala de estar.
É uma narrativa proveitosa de se ler, mas agora que finalizei sinto que deu muitas voltas para concluir algo que já estava estabelecido desde o início — a culpa de Alfred Inglethorp e o "ódio: estranho de Miss Howard por ele. A mesma velha que pensou o crime, o entregou. Um relacionamento nojento entre eles e coisa e tal (lembrando que são primos), fora a motivação, que pelo terceiro livro que leio, é dinheiro! Sempre, dinheiro e testamentos.
Opinei em certo ponto que as ideias de Mr. Hastings eram o que possivelmente atrasava a trama, mas as conclusões dele diante dos fatos eram sempre plausíveis e ele chegou a estar certo. Poirot mesmo que buscava confundir, talvez o leitor, ou ele mesmo estivesse confuso. Pontos que não gostei tanto.
Apesar de não me agradar muito o que citei, achei que os desvios característicos que ela faz, dando atenção às ações de outros personagens, como o relacionamento de Mary Cavendish, esposa de John, com Dr. Bauerstein, são sempre muito bem desenvolvidos.
Vou dar um desconto porque é o primeiro livro dela, tem 100 anos e preparou terreno para a obra prima que é "Noite Sem Fim". Em geral, uma boa leitura para passar o tempo.
O próximo e último livro da autora que possuo se chama "Cai o pano: o último caso de Poirot" que encerra a jornada do detetive, aparentemente, retornando a Styles.
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liandrabell · 1 year
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✨ Conheça a Artista ✨
Hoje é meu aniversário 😆 e, pela primeira vez, consegui fazer um “meet the artist”. Já faz MUITOS anos que eu queria fazer isso, mas autorretratos sempre são complicados, então precisei de várias tentativas até finalmente conseguir finalizar uma e ficar satisfeita o bastante com ela.
💖 Curiosidades e informações adicionais:
✨ Os detetives fictícios que conheço até o momento são: Adrian Monk, Sherlock Holmes, L Lawliet, Victorique de Blois, Hercule Poirot, Tommy e Tuppence;
✨ Além dos meus hobbies mais “sérios” (desenhar, ler e escrever), tenho também alguns hobbies “casuais” como tricotar, assistir animes, séries e tocar flauta doce;
✨ Quero muito publicar (ao menos) um livro de ficção;
✨ A primeira melodia que aprendi a tocar na flauta foi a abertura de “Gravity Falls”;
✨ O primeiro anime que comecei a ver foi “Fairy Tail”, mas até hoje não terminei 😅;
✨ O último anime que assisti inteiro foi “Spy x Family”;
✨ Minha principal motivação para estudar inglês é conseguir ler mais livros do Brandon Sanderson, e minha principal motivação para aprender a desenhar homens de meia idade é fazer fanarts de “Mistborn” 😄;
✨ Durante o Ensino Médio eu fiz um curso técnico em Biotecnologia;
✨ Estou na metade da faculdade de Nutrição;
✨ Gosto muito de estudar a Biologia do corpo humano, e todos os cursos de graduação que cheguei a considerar eram da área de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde;
✨ AMO Biologia; gosto de Matemática (básica), Gramática Portuguesa e Filosofia; ODEIO Física;
✨ Não gosto de desenhar nada que seja reto o bastante para me obrigar a usar régua.
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vampirecorset · 4 months
🕸️⋆˖⁺‧₊☽𝕵𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖑𝖞 𝖓𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖇𝖔𝖗𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖍 𝖛𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ 🕸️
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So I guess I should probably do an intro- (read this then scroll for my t-word info)
Im Not new here… like at all
Been on tumblr for a couple of years now
Butttt I dooo need to explain what I’m about on this blog, and why not with an intro post!!
So hi my name is Chloe, not bedda that’s just the word for pretty in Sicilian
I’m mostly Sicilian and native but I’m also Irish and German so ye
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Tickling for this blog is completely… erhh drum roll please-
And please understand by that I just don’t allow nudity or sexual content, like I’m perfectly fine with t-word torture and intensity but if it’s pörn then nah no thanks.
Also another big bullet point, uh guys-
*surprised picachu face*
I’m a 16 year old, and I have my birthday in said bio.
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Fun facts about me, let’s goooo!
I’m a Roman Catholic! Please don’t worry, I really do keep in mind to respect others no matter who they are or believe in so don’t be worried hun I won’t harass you lmao
Mm I’d say my style is more vampire romantic goth, kinda 90s goth if you will
I speak a Little German and I’m learning Sicilian and Cherokee as of rn!! So if I say any of those languages on there and I say some thing wrong please inform me :)
My favorite animal is a Siberian tiger 🐅
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Those are the genocides I worry about the most, however I will reblog what information I find about others
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I’m 10000000% lee, I’m not gonna be your ler so sorry pfft
I’m don’t mind teases dm to me or in asks, in fact please please PLEASE send me asks and fic recommendations!!
I’ve never been tickled in real life sooo I have no idea where I’m the most ticklish at 🧍🏼‍♀️
I think my fav tool with have to be a good old fashioned feather
And honestly if I had to guess I feel like I’m the type of person to have a ticklish belly button so…
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But I’m always gonna be the lee cause your girl is a horrible ler
Btw when it comes to messages, I’m very  inconsistent with responding cause I’m a busy Highschooler in all honors classes
So please don’t take offense if I don’t answer, sometimes I’m not ready to reply and sometimes I get nervous so please be patient
Id consider myself a shy person too so don’t be surprised when you gotta tease first or make the first move cause Yeahh 😭
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My fandoms‼️‼️
•Heathers (the movie and musical)
•Fire Emblem Warriors
•Seraph of the End
•Vampire Knight
•The Case study of Vanitas
•Monster High
•Avril Lavigne
•Welcome Home
•Demon Slayer
•Obey Me!
•Ouran High School Host Club
•SpongeBob Musical
•Legally Blonde
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January, 26th, 2024
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booksthabi · 2 years
Precisando de alguma indicação de suspence com um toque de halloween pra comemorar o feriado? Aqui vai uma.
A noite das bruxas
Em uma festa de Dia das Bruxas organizada por Mrs. Ariadne Oliver, Joyce, uma adolescente com o costume de mentir para chamar a atenção, revela já ter testemunhado um assassinato. Ninguém acredita nela, mas, poucas horas depois, seu corpo é encontrado afogado próximo a uma bacia cheia de maçãs. Diante de um caso tão tenebroso, Mrs. Oliver decide pedir ajuda para a única pessoa que considera capaz de encontrar o culpado: Hercule Poirot.
Uma frase pra te fazer querer mais ainda ler esse livro incrivel.
“- Porque eu não sabia que era um assassinato quando o vi. Só muito tempo depois foi que comecei a compreender que fora um crime. Alguma coisa que alguém disse só um mês ou dois depois me levou a pensar subitamente: Ah, aquilo que eu vi era um assassinato.”
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(warning: 150+ f/o’s)
Cage Lackmann – The Graves of Whitechapel
Calvin Evans – Lessons in Chemistry ( book + TV series )
Dr. Henry Jekyll – Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( book + musical )
Fred Weasley – Harry Potter saga ( books + films )
Jacopo Ortis (poly) – Ultime Lettere di Jacopo Ortis
💌films/series/tv shows
Agent Stepdaughter + Gretel + Hansel (poly, with agent stepdaughter + Gretel) – Secret Magic Control Agency
Alva + Jesper Johansen + Mogens (poly, with Alva + Jesper) – Klaus
Anglaigus – Astérix: le Domaine des Dieux ( film + comic )
Aziraphale + Crowley (poly) – Good Omens
B.E.N. – Treasure Planet
Ballister Blackheart (poly) – Nimona
Benjamin Dunn – Mission: Impossible saga
Betterfly – Miraculous World: Paris, les Aventures de Toxinelle et Griffe Noire
Bruno Madrigal – Encanto
Camilo + Carlos Madrigal – Encanto
Chuck – Angry Birds duology
Cinderella – Disney’s Cinderella trilogy
Clopin Trouillefou – Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Cloudy – 7 Zwerge trilogy, 💍24.01.2021
Dan – The Voice in Your Head
Diaval – Maleficent duology
Ebenezer Scrooge – Scrooge: a Christmas Carol
Eugene + Rapunzel Fitzherbert (poly) –Disney’s Tangled
Félix Fathom – Miraculous: les Aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir
Fix-it Felix Jr. – Wreck It Ralph
Grand duke Rainier (nnic) – Disney’s Cinderella trilogy
Griffin – Hotel Transylvania saga
Grinch – Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch (2018)
Harrison Knott – Press Play
Héctor Rivera – Coco
Hermes – Disney’s Hercules
Hickory – Trolls: World Tour
Highston – Highston
Jack + Kio + Noki + Pino – Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarves
Jaq – Disney’s Cinderella trilogy
Joe Bradley – Roman Holiday
John Watson (poly) – BBC’s Sherlock Holmes
Lieutenant Columbo – Columbo
Luke – The Strangers: Prey at Night
Lumiére – The Beauty and the Beast ( films )
Major Major Major – Catch-22
Megamind – Megamind
Miles Miller – Bad Times at the El Royale
Mr. Tumnus - The Chronicles of Narnia
Mugman – The Cuphead Show!
Ned McDodd – Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!
Once-ler – Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax, 💍24.07.2022
Owen Taylor – The Starling Girl
Pasunmotdeplus – Astérix aux Jeux Olympiques
Peter Graham – Hereditary
Rhett Abbott – Outer Range
Rigolin – Pil
Robert Floyd – Top Gun: Maverick
Snake – The Bad Guys
Stanley Uris – IT (2017-2019)
Stephen Meeks – Dead Poets Society
Tadashi Hamada – Big Hero 6
Tatsuhiko Shibusawa – Bungō Stray Dogs: Dead Apple ( manga + film )
Thomas Keefer – The Caine Mutiny Court Martial (2023)
Thranduil – The Hobbit trilogy
Timon – The Lion King trilogy
Tin man – Legends of Oz / Fantastic Journey to Oz (separately)
Tristain – Pil
Tulio (poly) – The Road to El Dorado
V – V for Vendetta
Victor Van Dort – Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride
Vincenzo Santorini – Atlantis: the Lost Empire
Aesop Carl – Identity V
Akihiko Satou – Ikemen Vampire
Anatoli – Alchemy Stars
Azul Ashengrotto, 💍06.04.2024 + Jade Leech – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Barbatos + Beelzebub + Lucifer – Obey Me! duology
Barton – Alchemy Stars
Charon – Alchemy Stars
Daniel Schwartz – Alchemy Stars
Dire Crowley + Rook Hunt – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Faust – Alchemy Stars
Florine – Alchemy Stars
Gertzurde – Alchemy Stars
Jane – Alchemy Stars
Johann Georg Faust – Ikemen Vampire
Jola – Alchemy Stars
Jomu – Alchemy Stars
Julian Devorak + Lucio Morgasson – The Arcana
Leo – Alchemy Stars
Leyn + Matthieu – Alchemy Stars
Luke – Alchemy Stars
Moon + Sun – Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach
Narrator – The Stanley Parable
Novio – Alchemy Stars
Roy – Alchemy Stars
Sariel Noir – Ikemen Prince
Steel – Speedy Ninja
Trey Clover – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
💌other type of source
Adam – Hellaverse
Adrien Agreste – Miraculous universe
Alastor + Vox – Hellaverse
Asmodeus + Fizzarolli (poly) – Hellaverse
Bane – DC universe
Beetlejuice – Beetlejuice ( musical )
Caine + Jax + Kinger – The Amazing Digital Circus
Doppo Kunikida – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Edward Nashton – DC universe
Ethan Green – Hatchetfield universe
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald – Bungō Stray Dogs universe, 💍09.06.2022
Gabriel Adrian (nnic) – Hatchetfield universe
Hank Miller – OC
Henry Hidgens – Hatchetfield universe
Howard Phillips Lovecraft + Nathaniel Hawthorne – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Johnathon Ohnn / the Spot – Marvel universe
Joker – DC universe
Grell Sutcliff – Kuroshitsuji universe, 💍03.09.2022
Knuckles – Sonic universe
Lucifer – Hellaverse
Luigi – Nintendo universe
Luka Couffaine – Miraculous universe
Marc Anciel + Nathaniel Kurtzberg (poly) – Miraculous universe
Marcus Cubitus – Astérix universe
Mark Connor (nnic) – The Simple Plot of... ( music videos )
Millie + Moxxie Knolastname (poly) – Hellaverse
Motojirō Kajii + Ryūrō Hirotsu – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Mountain ghoul + Swiss Army ghoul – Ghost ( band )
Nathalie Sancœur – Miraculous universe
Night Owl – Miraculous universe
Ōgai Mori, 💍01.11.2022 + Yukichi Fukuzawa (poly) – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Patrick Waff + Peter Roghlow (poly) – @scimmy’s OCs
Sparrow – Miraculous universe
Spiderman Noir – Marvel universe
Stolas – Hellaverse
Ted Spankoffski – Hatchetfield universe
Zestial – Hellaverse
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jaimendonsa · 2 months
O Mistério do Trem Azul, Agatha Christie
"O Mistério do Trem Azul" foi serializado no jornal “The Star”, de fevereiro a março de 1928. Agatha Christie afirmou que o escreveu em um momento difícil de sua vida, após a morte da mãe e a infidelidade do marido.  
Quando o Trem Azul chega a Nice, o guarda encontra Ruth morta.  Ela foi assassinada com um golpe na cabeça e seus rubis foram roubados. Hercule Poirot suspeita do marido de Ruth, Derek, e investiga o crime, e a viagem para encontrar o assassino presente a bordo.    
"O Mistério do Trem Azul" não é tão conhecido quanto aos outros trabalhos de Christie, mas ainda contém um enigma interessante, e perguntas perspicazes sobre a natureza humana.  
Leia, gratuitamente, "O Mistério do Trem Azul", de Agatha Christie, acessando link, na descrição.
--------para ler: https://tinyurl.com/bdhnnp3s
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livrosivinhos · 7 months
Assassinato no Expresso do Oriente
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Quando você pensa que já tem todas as respostas, nada é o que você pensa ter entendido.
Escolhi ler, ‘Expresso do Oriente’, pois queria me afastar um pouco dos romances tradicionais, quando comecei o projeto, queria ir além do que eu tenho costume de ir para coisas que poderiam me prender. Por se tratar de um livro lançado e relançado várias vezes e completamente fora do meu habitual, demorou um pouco para me acostumar com sua forma. Palavras e formatos me incomodaram um pouco, porém eu não sou de largar nada pelo caminho. O livro me pareceu um pouco tediante, mas dividido em três partes, só a primeira se sucedeu dessa forma, quando finalmente embarcamos no Expresso, a história toma outra guinada, presos no meio do nada, tudo acontece, inclusive um assassinato. 
Hercule Poirot é sem dúvida um personagem excepcional. Com seu jeito reservado e intrigante Poirot é o detetive perfeito para o crime quase perfeito. Como toda investigação são colocadas testemunhas e fatos diante de você. Mas aqui, nem tudo é o que parece realmente ser. Primeiro você ouve/lê, depois você pensa e então você toma as suas decisões. Mas eis o truque, aqui a verdade não é toda a verdade, é apenas uma fração da realidade. E tudo se conecta a um passado que parecia estar esquecido, mas como todos sabemos o karma vai te perseguir até você pagar pelos seus pecados, e alguns são pagos com sangue.
Mas o ditado é certo, a verdade sempre vem à tona. E como era de se esperar veio, porém sempre resta a pergunta, até onde você está disposto a ir para estar certo? Saber as respostas nem sempre significa o melhor resultado, às vezes mentimos para poder proteger ou simplesmente para não magoar outras pessoas. Mas a justiça sempre vem, de uma forma ou de outra, seja fazendo o que é feito pelas razões certas ou pelas, talvez, erradas. 
Assassinato no Expresso do Oriente, nos levar a mensurar se saber a verdade realmente é a melhor resposta. Talvez certas resoluções precisam ser tomadas por outras mãos, afinal nem tudo tem a resposta que queremos ou que merecemos.
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duckymcdoorknob · 4 years
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Two Pints ‘A Sam Adams.
Prompt: The night after the Winter’s Ball, the guys hang at Laf’s house to discuss their luck. A very drunk John gets the blues when he learns Alex met someone. Until Laf gets an Idea...
Warnings: drinking, tickling, A N G S T Y.
Ships: Lams
Word count: too fuckin many. Probably about 2.5-3k
1780, A winter’s ball. And Alexander was the envy of all. Well, just of his friends. The guys were gathered around Lafayette’s coffee table, reminiscing the night’s events...
“She was totally into you Laf.” Hercules chimed.
“She was! But Alex over ‘ere...” Lafayette spoke with a condescending tone.
“Okay you may be right...” Alex replied fearfully
“But...?” Hercules asked lifting his brows.
“There is no but. Angelica was totally hot, I wanted to try my luck.” Alexander spoke with a smirk.
“You asshole!” Lafayette playfully hit Alexander’s shoulder
“Well I heard...” John finally spoke up, “that you met a special someone tonight...”
“What are you trying to ‘ide, Alex?” Lafayette asked raising his eyebrows twice
“Nothing! Nothing! John is just shit blasted, that’s all.” Alexander laughed off Laf’s question.
“Fuck off, ‘lex! I’m fINE!” John replied with a huff.
“John.. that’s your third pint of Sam’s.” Hercules interrupted.
“I’m not even wasted yet! Fuck you!” John yelled as he took another swing of his alcohol.
“Annnnywayyyys...” Alexander responded, drawing the attention back to him, “I did meet someone”
Hercules turned to face him, Laf’s eyes lit up and John was... scowling?
Alexander went on to talk about Eliza. He talked about her eyes, her smile, her personality... everything. Lafayette left to grab John some water, so he wouldn’t pass out and die.
As Alexander went on, John found himself fighting away his tears. “Why is she so special? I have pretty eyes! And a dazzling smile... and a... tolerable personality.” John thought to himself. He sulked down into his chair, plastered an interested grin and toned Alexander out. His own mind turned on him, putting himself down until he didn’t believe in himself anymore. John brushed it off, he always felt this way. He didn’t feel good enough. It wasn’t until after a few glasses of water, and a little bit of sobriety, when he noticed he was actually hurting.
“John?” Alexander’s voice suddenly sounded, “John buddy are you okay?” His voice was full of concern, as he awaited a response from his friend.
“Alex what’s wrong? Oh shi- John!?” Hercules scooted towards the man.
“Shit guys ‘mfine... what are you all-“ John pauses abruptly. He looked down at his pants to see they were covered in wet spots. He was crying. “Oh yeah... haha that’d probably concern you. This just happens when I get drunk.” John was practically sober now. It wasn’t from his drunkness, it was from Alexander.
“If you say so... we wouldn’t want anything to happen to you. We love you man.” Alexander replied.
“Heh. Thanks.” John replies with a sniffle. “Except you don’t... you love Eliza...”
The guys went back to shooting the shit, leaving John alone in his thoughts once again.
Lafayette looked up at John, who had his hands balled up into fists. He clung tightly to the material on his pants, teeth gritted, eyes watering. Laf figured it would be best to not make a scene, so he slowly inched toward John. Once he was near him he ever so carefully brought himself up to John’s level. “You don’t seem fine mon ami”
John looked up at Lafayette, who wore a concerned face, with sympathetic eyes. He then hung his head in shame... how embarrassing, Laf caught him crying, again.
Alexander and Hercules went into the kitchen to grab some food, too immersed in their conversation to notice what was happening.
Lafayette helped John to his feet, and helped him out the front door. It was a mild night, the heat had not yet broken in the city. The crying man collapsed on the soft grass, Lafayette soon sat down criss cross. “Now please, John. Tell me what’s wrong”
John immediately broke down, wailing as he buried his head in his hands. Lafayette practically flung himself to embrace the crumbling man in front of him. “Everything’s going to be okay mon ami. Shhh. It’s okay.”
“He... he... Im just-“ John tried to manage through his hysterics.
“Take your time.” Laf said as he rubbed John’s back.
“I’m... I’m just...” John sighed, he couldn’t take it anymore, “I’m just gay, Laf.” He hung his head in shame, expecting Lafayette to scold him.
“Oh John...” Laf spoke up, “I’m not going to shame you for who you are”
John sighed in relief; tears continued streaming down his face.
“I catch you staring at ‘erc and Alex’s asses all of the time mon ami.” Lafayette said with a chuckle. “Come on, let’s go back inside.”
Laf wipes John’s tears away and helps him to his feet. On their way in, Laf sees the curtain ruffle quickly. Hercules and Alex has seen everything. When they open the door, Alex and Hercules were back in their chairs talking about random things.
“Oh. Hey John, hey Laf! Where’d you guys go?” Alexander questioned with fake interest.
“Oh uh... on a walk.” John said quickly
“To the store.” Laf said at the same time
“To the st-“
“On a walk.” They replied at the same time once more.
“On a walk to the store, yeah...” John replied
“John... dont bullshit us, we heard everything.” Hercules said quietly.
John hung his head in shame. Why couldn’t he just be normal?
“John listen.” Alex said with a half smile, “we aren’t friends with you because we thought you were straight. We’re friends with you because we love you for who you are. Also, how’s my ass look?” He said as he turned around and wiggled.
John let out a genuine laugh, “peachy keen good sir!” he said with a bow, “Thank you guys but.. I just don’t feel good enough for you.” He sighed and looked everywhere but at his friends.
“Well this is quite the dillema we’re in isn’t it.” Lafayette said as he looked at the other group members.
They all plastered the same grin, they knew JUST what to do.
“Come here John everything is fine.” Hercules said as he opened his arms. He pulled John into an embrace and sat down on the floor with him.
“Okay Herc thats enough hugging... seriously let me go.” John said as he tried to wiggle his way out of Herc’s grip. He got stuck at about his chest, he couldn’t move a muscle! “Hercules I mean it! I’m stuck!”
Alexander crawled towards the duo, with an evil grin on his face. “You know John, I think you need to lighten up a bit.” Alex said as he sat in front of them. “You just need to see yourself from our point of view.” Alexander pulled John’s blue shirt up to reveal his toned stomach. “Wow! You’ve been working hard, you’re looking great.”
John hid his head in Hercules’ arms, “Alex you’re embarrassing me.”
“Well I don’t want you to feel down upon yourself! Let’s get our old happy John back! Shall we, Laf?”
Alexander then rested his fingers on John’s stomach.
John yelped and squirmed in Hercules’ grip. “You wouldn’t fucking dare.”
“Yes we fucking would.” Lafayette responded as he gave John’s knee a squeeze.
The two got to work on John. Alexander spidered his fingers all over John’s stomach and sides, while Laf squeezed his knees and thighs.
John felt giggles bubbling up inside of him. “C..come on guys! You d-don’t have to d-do this!”
“But we do!” Alex responded as he changed his attack. He began to squeeze at John’s sides and stomach.
“S-sohohon of a bihihitch!” John whispered as he started giggling.
“That’s the sound we’re looking for!” Lafayette chimed as he straddled John’s legs.
Hercules pinned John’s wrists to the floor with one arm. “Sorry buddy, but it’s for your own good.” He said as he spidered his fingers into John’s clothed underarms.
The man thrashed under all of his friends’ attacks. “Nohohoho! Stahahahap ihihit!” He could only lay on Lafayette’s hard floor and endure his torment.
“Ooh Laf! You thinking what I’m thinking?” Alexander said as he let up his attack.
“Right ahead of you mon ami.” Lafayette responded as he slowly took off John’s boots.
Hercules was still enjoying his time working on John’s underarms. “N-n-nohohoho! Lahahahahaf! Plehehehehahahse dohohohohnt!”
“Sorry John! It’s for your benefit!” Laf chimed in response as he took off both of John’s boots.
Hercules let up his attack, “this should be fun.” He said with a chuckle. He held down both of John’s arms in preparation.
“WAIHAHAIT! PLEAHAHAHAEHESE!” John cried as Laf brought a finger towards his most ticklish spot.
“Such a beautiful sound, John! I think we should hear more!” Alexander said while straddling John’s hips, “ready, Herc? Laf?”
Hercules nodded and the men assaulted their spots. Herc worked his fingers around John’s underarms, Alexander drilled his thumbs into John’s hips, Laf masterfully assaulted John’s socked feet.
John yelled in protest as his friends’ attacks were almost overwhelming. “GAHAHAHA- OH GOHOHOHOD PLEEHEHEHEAHAHSE STAHAHAHAP!” He pounded his fist into the hard floor beneath him.
“ ‘ey! be careful with my floor! Don’t you dare brea-“ there was a knock at the door. “Come in!” Laf chimed happily. The three men stopped their attacks, expect for Alex who would sneak a few squeezes to John’s stomach.
The door opened and standing in the doorway was an intrigued Aaron Burr. “What in the hell are you three-“ John yelped as Alex poked him again, “four doing?”
“John is sad. He needed a laugh.” Alexander said giving John’s side a firm squeeze.
“Burr! Buhuhurr you gohohot to hehelp me.” John said panting
“Well I was going to come to talk about the ball but... hey. No reason to wait for it.” Aaron rolled his sleeves up and positioned himself at John’s side.
“Im doomed.” John said with his voice an octave higher.
Lafayette took his opportunity to peel off John’s socks. “Burr ‘es a screamer. Prepare yourself.”
Aaron chuckled and hovered his hands teasingly over John’s stomach.
Giggles poured out of him and he writhed about to get away from Burr’s torturous hands.
“Im not even touching you! What’s so funny?” Aaron after fake offended.
“Where’d you learn to tease like that?” Alex said with a chuckle.
“Only the best.” He nudged Alex’s shoulder.
“One.” Hercules spoke up suddenly.
“Two.” Aaron said as he positioned his fingers above John’s writhing figure.
“THREE!” They all yelled. John said his prayers in his head as he knew he was about to be wrecked.
Lafayette held back John’s toes and began to rake his fingers up and down the poor man’s most ticklish spot. Aaron squeezed at John’s stomach, Alex drilled into the man’s hip bones and Hercules was content at his underarms.
John cried out in agony as his attackers overwhelmed him.
“Yo! There’s no fucking cursing in my ‘ouse!” Lafayette barked as he stared to spider his fingers along The ball of John’s feet.
Tears of mirth formed in John’s eyes as he could only sit and endure his torment. His laughter flowed out of him. His eyes were tightly squeezed shut and his whole body was shaking.
Hercules gently put his knees on John’s wrists. Careful as to not hurt him, and pulled John’s shirt over his head. He then began to spider his fingers along the sides of John’s arms, up into his underarms and all over his chest.
John smacked Hercules lightly in the back, but gave up and endured the hell he was facing.
Aaron stopped his attack, audibly apologized to all his friends for what he was about to do, and prepared his next assault. “Watch this.” He yelled over John’s thick laughter. Everyone’s attack stopped and John took this time to breathe. “I learned this from a friend of mine.” Burr said while bringing him head down towards John’s stomach. He put his lips together a blew a fat raspberry into John’s stomach.
The trio took this as their final stretch before John would be too tired. They all increased their attack tenfold and watched John move into hysterics.
Everyone stopped immediately and got off of John. Alex gave one last poke to John’s sensitive stomach. The man yelped and curled into a ball.
“Nohoho... nohoho mohohore.” He said in soft laughter as he felt a pair of hands on his body.
Lafayette picked up John like a baby and put him on the couch.
The three other men chatted with Lafayette as they let John rest. Nearly an hour into their chat, Alex spoke up.
“I think he feels much better now.” Alex brought up quietly.
“Agreed.” Hercules responded
“What was he upset about in the first place?” Aaron inquired.
“I don’t know.” Lafayette lied, “maybe ‘e was upset that ‘e didn’t bring ‘ome a date.”
John sighed in relief from his spot on the couch. “Thanks Laf.”
Hercules and Alex looked back at John, who was still smiling.
“Well.” Aaron said as he stood up from his chair, “I best be going”
Just as Burr went to open the door, the sky opened up and it was pouring outside.
“Since you cant go anymore.” John spoke up, “C..can you um... c..can you do that again?” He said with a flushed face as he looked to the floor.
Burr smiled evilly and sighed. “John Laurens, are you trying to tell me that you enjoyed us completely wrecking you? And now you want us to do exactly that once again?”
John tried to stutter out a response
“I wouldn’t be opposed.” Aaron interrupted, “gentlemen?”
The quad smiled evilly and charged at John, then they soon had him on the floor in the same position.
John’s sweet laughter was heard echoing for hours again.
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Hello, this is my first ask and sorry for my not perfect english-
Can you do tickle fic with ler Laffayette and lee Hercules from hamilton?
Thanks if you do that :D
Sorry I can’t really write fics atm 😔
Your English is fine btw! (:
Thanks for the ask anyways.
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s-tarplatinum · 7 months
CAI O PANO: O ÚLTIMO CASO DE POIROT | Agatha Christie, 1975
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"[...] Agora, você precisa saber de uma coisa Hastings. Todo mundo é um assassino em potencial. Em todos nós, surge, ocasionalmente, o desejo de matar, embora sem a determinação de matar [...]"
Sobre o enredo:
O capitão Hastings retorna à Styles, após longos anos, a pedido de seu querido amigo Hercule Poirot. A mansão agora é uma pousada dirigida por um casal de idosos e hospeda suspeitos inusitados do novo crime que Poirot previa estar prestes a acontecer. Uma nova cena de assassinato em Styles.
Nos deparamos com a filha do capitão Hastings, Judith, entre os hóspedes. Uma jovem cientista, dona do próprio nariz, que trabalha com um médico focado chamado Dr. Franklin, esposo de Barbara Franklin, uma inválida hipocondríaca, cuidada pela enfermeira Craven.
Do casal que dirige a hospedaria, a sra. Lutrell é quem dá conta da administração e finanças. Completamente temperamental, humilha o marido por diversas vezes. Nos encontramos também com William Boyd Carrington, homem agradável, conhecido de juventude da sra. Franklin. Stephen Norton, aparentemente inofensivo, cujo hobby é observar pássaros. Allerton, um galanteador de má fama e uma mulher por volta dos 30 anos, a srta. Cole. Pessoas maravilhosas, nas palavras de Poirot. E um deles é o assassino.
Poirot, já idoso, paralítico, expõe cinco casos, supostamente desconexos, ao capitão Hastings, e pede que seu amigo seja seus olhos, ouvidos, braços e pernas, pois há um envolvido X entre esses casos, e haverá um assassinato em breve.
Sobre a leitura:
Um livro relativamente curto. Leitura boa, porém as últimas páginas sempre tem aquele gosto de "não acredito que chegou ao fim", pelo menos para mim. Terminei no horário livre da faculdade, em uns três dias, acredito eu. Gostei bastante da proposta do último livro de um detetive, afinal, quem melhor para cometer um assassinato perfeito do que o próprio?
A moral da história pode ser resumida como: não coloque a mão no fogo por ninguém. Nem por si próprio.
Todos estamos sujeitos ao desejo de matar, basta que esse desejo se encontre com a determinação e as circunstâncias certas. Quantas vezes não mentimos para nós mesmos dizendo que nunca faríamos algo e hoje vivemos exatamente isso? Quantas vezes não nos desmascaramos hipócritas diariamente? ou mesmo, quantas vezes confiamos cegamente no que as pessoas dizem? e, quantas vezes somos influenciadas pelas pessoas nas nossas ações?
São questões a se refletir quando você se depara com uma figura de justiça, que passou a vida inteira dedicando-se a defender os inocentes, chegando ao fim de sua carreira com um assassinato. Poirot matou. Arthur Hastings também matou. Stephen Norton, principalmente, se mostrou o verdadeiro vilão da trama: sempre no lugar certo, com as palavras certas, para as pessoas certas. O nível de manipulação dele nos cinco casos e durante os acontecimentos em Styles mostrou que Poirot chegou ao seu extremo, completamente desafiado. Todos chegaram ao seu extremo, na verdade. Tudo completamente calculado.
Uma história em que eu não tive empatia por nenhum personagem, para ser sincera — exceto pelo Hastings, porque Poirot estava meio de lado, pela sua condição. Não gostei de ninguém, haha. Mas vale a pena passear pela forma que a história é delineada. Cada livro, um tipo diferente de assassinato, algo novo, um formato que não tinha lido dela antes. Acredito que a sequência que li as obras foi sensacional e não deveria ser de outra forma. Leituras proveitosas, vou sentir muita falta (meus livros físicos acabaram, li tudo). Tentarei me programar para ler outras coisas e outros autores, mas não garanto nada.
Au revoir, mon ami Poirot.
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randommusicalfluff · 5 years
Peace At Last
Hercules grumbles as he walks down the street. He just got into a massive fight with John. This was a very rare thing and when it happened Hercules would break down. In anger or in sadness.
He soon stopped walking at his and Lafayette's dorm building, walking inside and going straight to their dorm and entering.
He was greeted by the tall, beaming Frenchman almost immediately.
"How was it, love? Did John take your advice?"
Hercules sighs and sits on their couch, bringing his knees up to his chest.
"Not at all. He told me to 'fuck off.' because he knows how to run his own life. And I told him when his plan to get with Alex crashes and burns don't came to me. And he agreed. I really messed up, Laf."
Lafayette's eyes widen, pulling his boyfriend into a hug.
"Non non non! If he didn't take your advice then screw him! If he thinks that being a shithead to Alex will get him to be with him then so be it!"
The taller male huffs, planting kisses all over Mulligan's face.
Which caused him to start to giggle, his face turning red.
"There it is! The adorable laugh I've been waiting for!~"
Lafayette grins, poking at Hercules' stomach, eliciting a squeak and him trying to get out of his boyfriends grasp.
"Yes, mon petit amour chatouilleux?~"
Hercules face flushes red at the nickname, lightly pushing at the Frenchman.
"Lehehet me goho-!"
"Hmm.. I don't think I will."
Lafayette smirks evilly down at Hercules, moving his hands up to lightly scratch at his ribs causing the shorter to squeal and cover his sides.
Lafayette coos out an 'aaaaww!' at the adorable noises coming from his boyfriend as he continued his "assault".
What really drove Hercules up the wall was when Lafayette started tracing little shapes  into his hips, which threw him into a fit of bubbly laughter and snorts.
And oh was it adorable to Lafayette.
Hercules leans forward and buries his face into Lafayette's chest as he laughs, his face turning red.
Lafayette slowed his hands, smiling down at his boyfriend as he regained his breath.
"You are truly adorable, Amour."
"S-Shut up!"
"Lying is a sin, Herc."
"Then you're going to Hell!"
Hercules retorts, snickering.
"Whatever! You know you love me!"
"True. And you love me."
Lafayette smile and pecks Hercules on the forehead.
Peace at last.
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                             Um mistério sem carisma 
Livro: A Mansão Hollow
Autor: Agatha Christie
Ano: 1946
Editora: Nova Fronteira
Páginas: 252 
       Escolhi começar o ano com um livro da Agatha Christie, nunca tinha lido nenhuma obra da autora antes, e confesso que sempre tive curiosidade em conhecer mais sobre a “Dama do Crime”.
       A Mansão Hollow não figura entre as obras mais famosas da autora, apesar de ser um caso do detetive Hercule Poirot, seu mais famoso personagem, que para mim, se mostrou um personagem muito interessante, com um sarcasmo afiado, que apesar de falar pouco, é muito inteligente.
       Com uma ótima introdução, a autora logo te prende na história das sete personagens principais, fazendo com que o leitor aos poucos vá supondo quem vai morrer, porquê e por quem, e vá assimilando suas histórias de vida com todos os acontecimentos no fatídico fim de semana em que o crime acontece.
        Passada a excelente introdução, a história vai ficando arrastada, sem grandes acontecimentos e até artificial, apesar de bons diálogos, todos envolvendo Hercule Poirot. No final das contas, o mistério em si não empolga tanto quanto suas personagens, deixando o desfecho sem clímax e bem modesto.
- R.J
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smaylendo · 2 years
Primeira leitura de 2022
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Finalmente o primeiro post do ano e do blog de leitura!!
Decidi começar os trabalhos do ano com o livro “A Noite das Bruxas” da Rainha do Crime, Agatha Christie, publicado pela primeira vez em 1969. Christie é uma das autoras mais publicadas de todos os tempos, sendo superada somente por Shakespeare e pela Bíblia.
Meu primeiro encontro com uma obra da autora aconteceu por volta de 2011/2012, o livro na ocasião era “O Caso dos Dez Negrinhos”, atualmente rebatizado como “E Não Sobrou Nenhum”. Nessa época não cheguei a terminar a leitura, mas o nome do livro continua na minha mente até que consegui reler pelo Kindle.
Mas antes de chegar a “E Não Sobrou Nenhum”, coloquei minhas mãos em “Morte na Mesopotâmia”, uma leitura bem leve e que deixa preso do início ao fim, com certeza Agatha Christie sabia o que estava fazendo, sendo assim não considero que seja tolice ser conhecida como a Rainha do Crime.
Tenho preferência pelos livros que contam com a participação do charmoso e inteligente detetive belga, Hercule Poirot (tentei ler “O Adversário Secreto” que conta com o casal de aventureiros Tommy e Tuppence Beresford, mas infelizmente achei maçante, mas tentarei mais uma vez).
Ainda não tenho muito para escrever uma resenha sobre “A Noite das Bruxas”, sinto que o livro não irá decepcionar minhas expectativas... Ou será que vai?
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menshusband · 3 years
💌 romantic f/o’s
💍: engaged/married
Aesop Carl – Identity V ( videogame )
Anglaigus – Astérix: Le Domaine des Dieux ( film + comic )
Aziraphale + Crowley (poly) – Good Omens ( TV series )
B.E.N. – Treasure Planet ( film )
Bane – the Dark Knight Rises ( film )
Barbatos – Obey Me! ( videogame )
Barton – Alchemy Stars ( videogame )
Benjamin Dunn – Mission: Impossible ( films )
Bruno Madrigal – Encanto ( film )
Cage Lackmann – The Graves of Whitechapel ( book )
Caine – The Amazing Digital Circus ( yt series )
Calvin Evans – Lessons In Chemistry ( book + TV series )
Camilo + Carlos Madrigal (poly) – Encanto ( film )
Charon – Alchemy Stars ( videogame )
Chuck – Angry Birds ( films )
Clopin Trouillefou – Disney’s the Hunchback of Notre Dame ( films )
Cloudy – 7 Zwerge ( films ) 💍24.01.2021
Dan – The Voice In Your Head ( short film )
Diaval – Maleficent ( films )
Doppo Kunikida – Bungō Stray Dogs ( manga + anime )
Edward Nashton – DC universe
Ethan Green – Hatchetfield universe
Fix-it Felix Jr. – Wreck It Ralph ( film )
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald – Bungō Stray Dogs ( manga + anime ) 💍09.06.2022
Fred Weasley – Harry Potter ( books and films )
Gabriel Adrian (nnic) – Hatchetfield universe
Grell Sutcliff – the Black Butler ( manga + anime )
Grinch – Dr. Seuss’ the Grinch ( film (2018) )
Hank Miller – OC
Harrison Knott – Press Play ( film )
Héctor Rivera – Coco ( film )
Henry Hidgens – Hatchetfield universe
Hermes – Disney’s Hercules ( film and cartoon )
Hickory – Trolls: World Tour ( film )
Highston – Highston ( TV series )
Howard Phillips Lovecraft – Bungō Stray Dogs ( manga + anime )
Jack – Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs ( film )
Jax – The Amazing Digital Circus ( yt series )
Joe Bradley – Roman Holiday ( film )
John Watson – BBC Sherlock Holmes ( TV series )
Johnathon Ohnn / the Spot – Marvel universe
Joker – DC universe
Julian Devorak – the Arcana ( videogame )
Kinger – The Amazing Digital Circus ( yt series )
Kio + Noki + Pino (poly) – Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs ( film )
Knuckles – Sonic universe
lieutenant Columbo – Columbo ( TV series )
Lucifer - Obey Me! ( videogame )
Lucio Morgasson – the Arcana ( videogame )
Luigi – Nintendo universe
Luke – The Strangers: Prey at Night ( film )
Lumière – the Beauty and the Beast ( films )
Major Major Major – Catch-22 ( miniseries )
Marcus Cubitus – Astérix universe ( animated films )
Mark Connor (nnic) – the Simple Plot of… ( music videos )
Megamind – Megamind ( film )
Miles Miller – Bad Times at the El Royale ( film )
Moon + Sun (poly) – Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach ( videogame )
Motojirō Kajii – Bungō Stray Dogs ( manga + anime )
Mountain Ghoul – Ghost ( band )
mr. Tumnus – The Chronicles of Narnia ( films )
Mugman – The Cuphead Show! ( cartoon )
narrator – The Stanley Parable ( videogame )
Nathaniel Hawthorne – Bungō Stray Dogs ( manga + anime )
Ned McDodd – Dr. Suess’ Horton Hears a Who! ( film )
Ōgai Mori 💍01.11.2022 + Yukichi Fukuzawa (poly) – Bungō Stray Dogs ( manga + anime )
Once-ler – Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax ( film (2012) ) 💍24.07.2022
Owen Taylor – The Starling Girl ( film )
Pasunmotdeplus – Astérix aux Jeux Olympiques ( film )
Patrick Waff + Peter Roghlow (poly) – @scimmy's OCs
Peter Graham – Hereditary ( film )
Rhett Abbott – Outer Range ( TV series )
Robert Floyd – Top Gun: Maverick ( film )
Roy – Alchemy Stars ( videogame )
Snake – the Bad Guys ( film )
Spiderman Noir – Marvel universe
Stanley Uris – IT ( films (2017-2019) )
Steel – Speedy Ninja ( videogame )
Stephen Meeks – Dead Poets Society ( film )
Swiss Army Ghoul – Ghost ( band )
Tadashi Hamada – Big Hero 6 ( film )
Ted Spankoffski – Hatchetfield universe
Thomas Keefer – The Caine Mutiny Court Martial (2023) ( film )
Thranduil – the Hobbit ( films )
Timon – the Lion King ( films )
tin man – Legends of Oz / Fantastic Journey to Oz ( films )
Tulio – the Road to El Dorado ( film )
V – V for Vendetta ( film )
Victor Van Dort – Corpse Bride ( film )
Vincenzo Santorini – Atlantis: the Lost Empire ( films )
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