ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Let me help
So I officially started college yesterday. I was gonna write this yesterday after I got home but I passed out on the bed till today akshajdhajhd. Anyways, I read the first chapt. of the enstars main story and ofc got some ideas for some fics. Do they all involve Hiiro and Aira... maybe LOL. What can I say? I really like the 2 of them.
Hope y'all enjoy!
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Hiiro x Aira (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Aira
Ler: Hiiro
Warnings: Tickles! Foot tickles!
It had been a long day for the members of Alkaloid. They had been training very hard on a new routine, which was coming along great, but it left some of it's members heavily exhausted. Once practice was over, Aira and Hiiro headed back to their shared room. The blonde let out a soft groan as he layed down on the comfy bed.
"Aira, are you okay?" asked the redhead in concern as he sat down next to his partner.
"Yeah I'm just exhausted... my feet are killing me..!" Aira threw his arms over his head all dramatically.
"Oh... I know! How about I give you a massage? I'm pretty good at them~" said Hiiro with a confident tone.
"Ehh I don't know if I believe that...".
"C'moooon it'll make you feel better. Please, let me help?" Hiiro gave his best puppy eyes to the shorter male. Aira tried averting his gaze but in the end he didn't have the heart to reject his offer.
"Ugh fine.. but just for a bit!".
Hiiro instantly smiled as he carefully placed Aira's socked feet on his lap. "I'll start slowly" he softly began rubbing along the blonde's feet, making sure not to hurt him. His worries went away once he heard Aira let out a sigh of satisfaction.
"Wow, that actually does feel pretty nice".
"See? I told ya~!".
Aira rolled his eyes fondly at the redhead. He then got into a comfier position and folded his arms behind his head, allowing himself to relax at the soothing touch. He felt so at peace he could feel himself slowly drifting into dreamland. As his eyes were starting to shut down, he felt Hiiro start to rub along his arches. His eyes shot back open as he chocked on a laugh, he couldn't help but feel a bit ticklish to the touch.
"Aira are you okay? Did I hurt you?!" afraid that he had hurt his partner, Hiiro lightened up his touch. Which only made it tickle more for poor Aira.
"I-I'm fihine..! It juhust tickled a bihit..!" the blonde spoke in a soft, flustered tone. His face starting to turn into the color of Hiiro's hair.
Once everything clicked in Hiiro's head, he couldn't help but smile at the comment "I didn't know you were ticklish~". Wanting to test his partner's sensitivity some more, he gently flicked a finger up the blonde's sole.
"GAH-! H-Hiro dohon't!" Aira tried to sound as serious as he could, but his goofy smile and cute giggles only made Hiiro want to tickle him more.
The redhead decided to play dumb and playfully scribbled all over Aira's feet. "Don't what? I'm just giving you a massage".
"GYAH! Ahahahahaha! Nahahahaha!" the blonde let out a shriek at the sudden tickles before dissolving into cute, bubbly laughter. He scrunched up his feet on reflex as he wrapped his arms around his torso, but didn't do much to stop his playful partner.
"Haha! You're very ticklish Aira!" Hiiro mused out loud as he lightly scratched along his arches.
"S-shut uhuHUP!" Aira's laugh raised in octave when Hiiro reached the more sensitive spot. He tried muffling out what he considered his embarrassing laughter by turning his head to the side against his pillow.
"Aww don't hide, I wanna hear more of your cute laugh!" suddenly, Hiiro stopped his tickly torment on his feet and hopped right into the blonde's waist. The blonde shrieked once more when he felt the redhead on top of him, playfully tickling his sides up and down.
"GAH! HIIRO NOHOAHAHAHA!" Aira squeezed his eyes shut as he glued his elbows down his sides. His loud laughter echoing along the room, it was like music to Hiiro's ears. Even if Aira felt like he could die of embarrassment at any moment.
"I'm not stopping until I see your cute smile~" Hiiro teased as he poked and pinched at the shorter one's sides.
"EEP! AHAHAHA! O-OKAHAHAY!" Aira layed flat on his back, his flushed cheeks and wide smile out for everyone to see. He opened his eyes a bit only to be met with Hiiro smiling down at him fondly. The blonde couldn't help but feel even more embarrassed with the other staring right at him. As promised, Hiiro slowed down his fingers, opting to lazily trace random patterns along Aira's sides. Enjoying all the hiccupy giggles that poured out of the blonde's lips.
"Ehehehe- *hic*! Ihit still tihihickles!" the shorter one hugged his sides as he giggled himself all silly, tears starting to prick the corners of his eyes.
"Sorry, I just really like hearing you laugh" replied Hiiro in all honestly. If you thought Aira's face couldn't get any redder well you thought wrong. At this point his cheeks felt like they could explode at any second from how hot they were.
Finally, Hiiro stopped the tickling. Getting off of his partner in the process. "Are you okay? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable... you just looked like you were having fun and I couldn't help myself and-".
"Hiiro" Aira broke him out of his ramble "I'm fihine..! I didn't mind, it was kihinda fun actually..!". He spoke through soft, residual giggles as his body was overtaken by sleep shortly after. The blonde probably didn't realize what he said in the moment, he was very tired after all. But Hiiro couldn't be happier to have heard that. He'll definitely have to test out his other tickle spots some other time.
Ok but like I also wanna write something with Mayoi and Tatsumi, so if anyone got any ideas feel free to let me know :3
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teasinterests · 1 year
29 with alkaloid please 🥺 anyone from there honestly I just want these babies to be loved--
I’ve never heard you laugh before!
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Holy shit I finally finished this after struggling so hard to think of a scenario.. I wanted it to be focused on everyone, as a treat 🥹 but omfg do I kinda struggle with writing groups..
Characters: Aira Shiratori, Hiiro Amagi, Tatsumi Kazehaya, and Mayoi Ayase
Ler & Lee x Everyone.. ( except Tatsumi bc he’s being a lil shit )
CW / TW: Nothing much other than tickles & family bonding time (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
“It’s soo good!! Thank you for buying me one Aira!!~”
“You’ve said that like, five times now, Hiiro.. it’s only a Starbucks drink. It’s not that special!”
Aira pointed out as Hiiro excitedly slurped from the straw. Aira simply ordered two chocolate cookie frappe’s for the both of them. Though specifically ordering Hiiro’s without the coffee additive.. he didn’t need that.. not that all the sugar helped anyways, but thankfully the redhead still seemed to enjoy it!
“Haha! Well it is to me! Aira picked out this drink for me to try! Plus I’ve never had this before.. it seems so fancy and expensive.. AH! And Tatsumi-senpai and Mayoi-senpai’s drinks look good too!” Hiiro beamed as he held up the little drink carrier. A black tea latte for Tatsumi, and a hibiscus refresher for Mayoi!
“Do you think they’ll let me taste it..?~”
“Don’t go trying to sip off their drinks, Hiiro!” Aira complained before the both of them came to a pause outside of the training room. It sounded like loud laughter was emitting from behind the closed door. Aira and Hiiro exchanging curious glances.
“Is that Mayoi-senpai?” Hiiro questioned before opening the door. The duo peeking inside to see Tatsumi seated on top of a hysterical Mayoi. Frantically trying to push the taller idol off as Tatsumi skittered his fingers around the others sides and ribs.
“Eh? Mayoi-senpai is ticklish?”Hiiro said with a head tilt, whilst Aira quirked a brow in turn.
“Isn’t everyone?”
“Just because you’re super ticklish doesn’t mean everyone else is.~” Hiiro teased before Aira punched his shoulder. An embarrassed blush taking place from the redheads laughter. Only to suddenly jump as their names were addressed.
“Hiiro-san, Aira-san! I see you two have returned!~” Tatsumi beamed as he got up off of the panting Mayoi. Whom was also frantically trying to get back to his feet as their juniors entered the room.
“We have!! Sorry for standing outside for so long!~”Hiiro beamed whilst handing the two their drinks.
“We just didn’t want to interrupt you..”Aira replied as Tatsumi sipped from his cup with a hum of content.
“Ah, you weren’t interrupting much—“
“Y-YOU SAW ALL THAT?!” Mayoi exclaimed as he accepted his cup from Hiiro. The redhead merely laughing in response.
“Uh-huh!! I’ve never heard you laugh like that, Mayoi-senpai!~” Hiiro beamed as Mayoi’s face flushed red.
“Hiiro… can’t you read the room?” Aira complained with a laugh followed up by Tatsumi. “Sorry, sorry.. it’s a bit true though.~ Mayoi-san rarely ever laughs so freely. I enjoy hearing it coming from him, so I couldn’t help myself.~”
“Tatsumi…” Mayoi complained as the unit moved to settle down in a circe. Tatsumi smiling all innocently as he sipped at his latte.
“I understand!! Aira is ticklish too! And he gets all grumpy afterwards.~” Hiiro grinned as Aira shot him an embarrassed look.
“I wouldn’t be if didn’t you win our fights all the time!!” The blonde exclaimed as Hiiro laughed from the reaction. Only to let out a surprised yelp as Aira suddenly grabbed at his waist. Nearly spilling his drink as giggles burst out of him. “H-Hehehey you’re gohohonna mahahake mehehe spill!!”Hiiro exclaimed as he batted at Aira’s hands.
“Fufu, our children are so playful.~” Tatsumi hummed before eyeing Mayoi with a faint smirk of amusement. The purple haired idol shrinking away. With drinks set aside, a startled yelp was quick to leave Mayoi as he was grabbed.
Seems as if pairs have been formed at this point. With newfound laughter bursting out of Mayoi, Tatsumi pulled the younger idol onto his lap. Effectively digging and wiggling his fingers against Mayoi’s tummy.“WAHAAHAEehehe Tahahatsumihihi!! Y-Yohohou alreheheady tihihickled meehehee!!” The purple haired idol exclaimed as he tried scrambling off of the others lap. Though Tatsumi held him close, squeezing the other tightly with a smile. “I know but I can’t help it! Your laugh is so adorable, Mayoi-san!~”
Their attention was suddenly directed towards the juniors as their positions were drastically changed. With Hiiro now sitting on Airas back, scribbling his fingers up and down the blondes sides. “You should really join the karate club with me, Aira! It’d do you good with those combat skills!!” Hiiro exclaimed with a laugh as Aira squealed and kicked his feet against the ground.“NAHAOHOHO GEHEHET OFF MEEHEHE!!” Aira complained with his laughter growing harder as Hiiro reached his armpits. Quickly snapping his arms down.“Then don’t get upset for losing so easi— WAH?!” The unit leader yelped as he was suddenly lifted off of his friends back. Being held just beneath his arms, he was surprised to look back and see Mayoi behind him. “EH?! Mayoi-senpai?!”
“It’s not nice being so unfair to Aira-san y’know.~” The purple haired idol said with a less than innocent smile. Whilst Aira quickly scrambled to his feet with reddened cheeks.
“Mayoi-senpai, my hero!~” Aira beamed as Mayoi’s grin grew wider.
“A-Ahh.. don’t say such a thing about me. I’m undeserving of being a hero to someone like you, Aira-San!~”
“Just hold him still for me!! Hehe.. finally now’s my time to shine!!” Aira grinned as he wiggled his fingers within Hiiro’s direction. An anxious smile growing upon the redheads features. Whilst Tatsumi sat silently off to the side.
“Ah.. what a lovely family.~” The priest hummed whilst sipping from his cup.
“AHAHEHehehe! Wahahait t-thihihis is mohore than unfahair isn’t it?!” Hiiro exclaimed as he squirmed around within Mayoi’s hold. Aira’s fingers scribbling across Hiiro’s tummy, then up his sides and ribs. “No! It’s always unfair! You’re stronger than I am and get me all the time!” Aira pointed out before Hiiro’s laughter intensified as Mayoi’s fingers began to wiggle against his pits.
“I would be upset too in Aira-san’s situation, Fufu.~”
“Is that supposed to mean something, Mayoi-san?~”Tatsumi questioned with a gentle smile. Mayoi immediately jolting upon hearing the others voice.
“EE— NO! Not at all, Tatsumi-san!!”
“Why don’t we all settle down for now? These drinks will go to waste if we ignore them.. plus we’re supposed to be relaxing from training.” Tatsumi pointed out as the duo paused their tickling.
“Eh? But I’ll never get another opportunity like this!”Aira complained, just before Hiiro had jerked from Mayoi’s hold. Quickly rushing away and diving behind Tatsumi to hide.
“HAHAHA! FREEDOM!~” Hiiro beamed as Tatsumi pat at his head a few times. Aira’s pout only adding onto the amusement as Mayoi quickly settled back down.
“Well he does have a point, Aira-san.. getting all tired like this won’t be good for our training..” Mayoi pointed out as Hiiro snuggled up against Tatsumi with a grin. “Yeah! And our fray-pays will get all melty!!” Hiiro exclaimed as Aira came settling back down with a pout.
“Hmph, fine, fine!! …and it’s Frappe! Stupid Hiiro..”
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Crazy:B Tickle Headcanons
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Honestly, I just think their dynamic is really cute? Like, it's so...crazy? No shit it's called Crazy:B for a reason--
But I meant that their relationship with each other is something I find very very wholesome? It's so hard to not like them (..for me at least. Sorry if you can't tell I really am into a certain borderline-blue-and-gray-haired-man-who-will-literally-die-if-not-fed).
Rinne Amagi
He's like, moderately ticklish from what I see him as but I can definitely see that he's more often the ler than lee.
That's pretty obvious considering his personality but...I can't see him as full ler?
As a ler, Rinne now would be really really playfully aggressive? Like he knows when to stop but he'll probably go a biiiit beyond that if it's someone he's ridiculously close to.
For example, he knows the spot that will get his victim instantly go to hysterics and will torment that, and probably that spot only.
He teases but not in the way that really flusters the lee, but more of the kind that's like "oh? Let's test this spot then! You probably won't mind considering you're not saying anything!" Because you're laughing your head off.
His main victim is Niki currently since they're both really close but I don't think he's exactly like this to his other unit-mates or Hiiro.
I can see that he'll probably be more of an actual teaser to them but less aggressive on tickles? Like quantity than quality for them ig?
As a lee however, he's really difficult to tickle if you're really intending to kill him. If you're just testing the waters out he's probably gonna let you by just like, not laughing or letting out a few giggles and go like "having fun?" And then tickle you back instantly.
However, if you do try to make him laugh-laugh, then you need someone or to find a way to get his worst spots without getting pushed or tackled by him.
Once you do, it's pretty easy and him laughing is usually filled with empty threats of him saying he'll get you back in a way.
He can stand most spots and can hide his reactions but he usually just chooses to let his giggles spill, but if you want him squirming and hysterical, go under his knees or go for his lower back.
His laugh is... pretty...out of character. It's actually pretty low and soft and when he goes hysterical it's just mostly breathy laughter coming from the fact he tries to speak alot when he's tickled.
Niki Shiina
I feel like Niki is somehow the second to the least ticklish from Crazy:B? Like, Rinne being the 'least' since he's so good at controlling himself but he still is, Niki is just sliiightly more sensitive than him.
Niki is also like, mainly 50/50 but he doesn't get involved in lots of tickling so both are a fairly low count...
As a lee, Niki is fairly squirmy and his laughter is mainly filled with squeals and shrieks with a few bits of giggles here and there.
His main ler is ... pretty obvious. A certain red-head who really enjoys to be with him.
But other than him, he doesn't get often get tickled by others, the only other few are his other unit-mates and it's usually on accident really.
Sometimes he allows his roommates to tickle him though. They get so enthusiastic about it and really love to be playful. When he does though, he really tries his best to squirm less by just shifting more but it's not really a problem considering Hiiro is...fairly strong.
He's not that good at hiding his reactions and he doesn't even try to, so tickling him at the most generic spots gets him to react with a shriek then followed by a downpour of giggles. Like "GAH-- Wh- Oi what are you- ahahahaha!!...stop iHihiT!!"
But if you want him hysterical with squeaking and squealing, best area to go for is digging at his hipbones or kneading his tummy, it's gonna get you far.
As a ler though, he's mostly just playful? He tries to be a bit more aggressive if it's revenge tickles but he can't really go far even if he tries.
It's mostly skittering and pokes, but he doesn't usually knead or full on attack them, more of little attacks that keep them giggling for so long.
It's usually so cute too cause his teases are just like "hehe you're so ticklish!" Or "ah? Ah! It tickles doesn't it? Cootchie cootchie coo!!~"
Ah HiMERU is canonically ticklish!! That's so cute!!
I can imagine him actually being the most ticklish out of Crazy:B since he's the one that easily reacts to it the most out of them all.
He doesn't exactly scream 'lee' but he's more often lee than lee though.
As a lee, his reactions would be pretty entertaining as being poked, or having a ticklish spot brushed on, or getting tickled by objects will get him to immediately just drop the "haha... please don't do that, HiMERU is ticklish" since he does try to be as "uptight" as possible.
But then if you persist, he gets a bit more flustered and then tries to actually hide his reactions and it's not working! Like it's so cute seeing him go red and say something like "a-ah.? P-Produhucer what are you-- ahah...!".
If you really do tickle him, he just tries to curl up on himself than fight or try to push you away to avoid hurting you, but his reactions are so precious since he's trying to keep his cool persona but it's falling apart.
His worst spot is his neck actually and it's really cute to see him scrunch up and lose his ability to use words properly ~
As a ler though, he's similar to Niki in a sense? He doesn't tease alot, it's mostly just statements like "...HiMERU was just curious." After he playfully scribbles on someone and considers that a revenge tickle.
He could go more aggressive for people that deserve it but overall he's really gentle.
Kohaku Oukawa
He's probably the second to the most ticklish (after...HiMERU) and it's so cute to think about since the first thing they comment on about him is usually how he's "so mature for his age yet shows his childish side" too.
He's also mainly a switch but more of 70% lee and 30% ler, not cause he's not good at it, but mainly cause he doesn't have that much victims? Victims is such a funny word tbh.
At some point he probably tickled Aira as a small playful act but didn't do it all throughout, mainly just those playful pokes to get him to smile and all.
Same with his unit-mates, but he probably only tried to tickle them once and dipped since they're all older and act like brothers to him so they immediately got revenge tickles on him and he never tried again.
He can probably stand a chance though if someone were to help.
As a lee though, he's also squirmy and he really really tries to get away! Like a fish out of water.
His laugh is so free and bubbly that the ler can't help but smile when tickling him cause even if he tries to punch or kick you, you can't help but feel entranced with his laughter.
It's so childish and carefree even if there's empty threats mixed in.
It'll take a bit more effort to get him to giggle so he doesn't react to like, single pokes or accidental brushes.
His worst spot is probably his sides and usually when people just start squeezing non-stop his laughter gets really high pitched and panic-y while he starts flailing around not sure what to do with his hands.
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tickle-page · 2 years
Hello!! Would you mind writing a fic where koga is getting gang tickled by the characters from enstars (whoever is the lers is definitely up to you)? hehehe, have a nice day!! I just read your hcs from your old account about koga and I love it so much, I wish to see more XD P.S. no foot tickling if possible hehe (not really my cup of tea)
A/N: You are absolutely the best anon, my first ever ask on this acc!! I’ll try my best to make it to ur liking, promise.😌 Have a nice day too!! Feel free to ask for more prompts if u have any left.
Truth or Dare Tickle
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Summary: Koga’s roomate, Tatsumi, decided to invite his group over to hangout for the night. It was suppose to be a simple game of Truth or Dare, but what followed made the white haired men wish he didn’t stay.
“Truth or dare…. Koga!” Tatsumi pointed at him, which only led the latter to roll his eyes and sigh. Honestly, why did he choose to stay here out of all people?!
“Ugh, why me?” Koga leaned his head back, making the others get slightly annoyed by him.
“Listen, you chose to be here. No one forced you to stay.” How much Koga hates to admit it, but Aira was right. He did in fact choose them over his annoying friends.
“It was this, or go to Adonis’s house w/ his three annoying older sisters who pins you down and put make up on you.” Koga blushed at the memories of Adonis’s older sisters grabbing the white haired’s arms, stretching them above his head. While the oldest sat on his waist, squeezing his chin with her hand, as she desperately put lipstick all over his mouth, getting some around it to where it touches his ears. At this point, he looked like a clown which was now on the girl’s lock screen on their phone. Though, he shrugged the memory off, answering with a “Dare.”
“Ok, I…dare…you…to… Wax your armpits!!” Tatsumi exclaimed, as he jolted up to get the oddly placed wax strips that was just chilling in his dresser “unexpectedly”.
Koga never once waxed any part of him, let alone let people put the strips on, so he doesn’t know how he’ll react to people touching his… armpits. From past experience with his parents, he already known he was ticklish, just a subtle scratch gets him cackling. He managed to hide his ticklishness since he entered the school, so hopefully he won’t wig out and cause a scene… He’s really hoping he won’t do that.
Koga took off his shirt, making him blush tenfold because his current situation was really embarrassing. He never showed this much skin, even just walking around his parents’ house, only when he’s at the beach or the pool. It’s not that it’s making him uncomfortable, he’s just not use to all of…this. “Alright, let’s get this thing over with already.”
“It’s better if you like lay on the ground while Aira and Hiiro pins ur arms above your head.” Tatsumi tried not to sound intimidating or sadistic, if you wanna call it that.
This made Koga blush madly, “What?! Why?!”
“Because your just gonna pussy out, and your gonna start jumping and wiggling if we don’t pin you down like I said.”
Koga was hesitant, but he didn’t wanna whimp out making the others think he’s some type of quitter, so he obliged.
Aira pinned his left arm, and Hiiro pinned his right arm, Mayoi was just watching patiently because he had no role that was assigned to him, while Tatsumi sat on his stomach, “wohohw, Your growing a jungle under there, Tarzan.” Tatsumi laughed, while opening up the wax strips, placing them both on his outstretched hollows, causing Koga to jump, but he had enough stigma to keep down his giggles.
“Omg! Would you hurry up?! And don’t call me Tarzan! Not my fault I’m way more manly then all of you combined.”
Tatsumi made sure the strip was plastered on tightly by scratching up and down with his index knuckle, creating enough pressure to tape it down some more. “Watch it, or I’m gonna make this into the most excruciating pain you have ever experienced.”
By doing God knows what with Tatusmi’s knuckle, Koga giggled. Wether it was from being nervous of the pain he was about to endure, or the constant tickling on both of his armpits, in which Tatsumi was oblivious to. He was persuading his mind that it was bc of the pain he was about to feel. “Ohhohohohokay, huhurry-AH!“ He screamed after Tatsumi picked one corner up on both strips and just yanked them off without any warning.
The sniggers alone set the four men off. Did Koga really just giggle? Only one way to find out. Mayoi just had to get the answer, “Koga… did that tickle you?”
Damnit, they figured him out already, what’s he gonna do now? A. Lie? B. Kick and run? C. Tell the truth? Or D. Stay silent? There’s only one obvious right answer to this question and it’s, “Have you guys ever heard of nervous titters? I was nervous about Tatsumi pulling off the strip. Now let me up because my armpits are all soar now, thanks to a certain somebody.” Koga glared.
“I’m not buying it,” Mayoi skittered his fingers in the latter’s now red, soar, bare armpits. “Your basically saying that this doesn’t tickle you? Well, by the constant giggling, begging, and jumping, your proving your accusation to be false.”
“Alrihihihight! Fine, Ihihihihi’m ticklish, leheheheht mehehehe up now!!” Koga scrounged and begged, but his pleads seems to be invalid to the three remaining lers. Aira didn’t wanna be a part of the tickling, so he let go of Koga’s wrists, making Hiiro take his place while he was in a cradle position, wanting to leave, but didn’t know where to go or how to without someone asking him why he’s leaving.
“Awww, this is too much valid information I can save for later~” Mayoi squeezed his sensitive ribs, while Tatsumi used his blunt nails to tickle his bare sides.
“Plehehehehehase!! Stahahahahp, I get tihihihickled way too much!! Ihihi’m tired ohohohohof it!” Koga’s ribs started to get red due to the various direct tickling that was taking place there.
Hiiro wanted in on the action, sitting on his pinned wrists to drill his index fingers in his exposed armpits. Somehow, this tickled way more than just scratching the hollows. Koga really wish this ended soon, if not, now.
“Wow~ you are really ticklish! This will be a delight finding out your death spot. Considering your already this jumpy.” Hiiro laughed.
God, Koga didn’t want them finding it out, but it is so fucking obvious. How can he hide his death spot if it’s right there in the open for the world to see? He’s gotta think of something that’ll either distract them, or push them off. His best bet is to distract them because he’s way too weak when he’s tickled to just pull them off. He’s gotta think smart and rational, though he can’t really think at all with Tatsumi’s constant thumb drilling on his waist, plus Mayoi was way too close to his death spot, making his head all fuzzy and hot. Tatsumi started to rub roughly on his sides, creating a system like he was fondling dough. Koga’s soft skin making it more ticklish every second of every rub he creates. His use to be white skin is now as red as a sunburn. His smooth and slick flesh now roughy after the hard rubbing that was just being processed on his sides. All that could be heard on their floor was the loud cackles and laughs from the always stoic character.
How no one came to check up on them was unknown. Koga didn’t care though, he just wanted the tickling to be over with.
Mayoi crawled over to his legs sitting on his knees, scratching the parts where his hips meets his thighs, like the center crevice area. Kneading the attacked area, making the latter cackle, increasing his movements and possibly strength. “STAHAHAHAHHAAH—STOP!! GOHOHOD I HATE THIHIHIIIS SO MUCH!!!”
“But we love the sound of your laughter.” Thanks to Hiiro’s position he has the upper half, from his armpits to his ears. And he loves exploiting that area, giving him a ticklish wet willie, holding his head back, scratching his adams apple and the sides of his neck. “I can’t tell if your neck’s red because of the tickling or ur blushing because of the tickling. Hahahaha.”
“Ohohohohokay, please stohohohohp. Hahahahhave mercy!! MERCY!!!” Koga screamed after his death spot was violated by Tatsumi’s ruthless fingers. With 5 fingers scratching up and down, while the other 5 traced the outline of his abs. Aira was just blushing at the scene from the beginning, wanting to escape, but was intrigued by Koga’s reactions.
“GUYS!! GUHUHUHUYS STOP!!! PLEASE, PLEHEHEHEHASE!!! ENOHOHOHOUGH!! I’M SERIOUS!!!” There was tears coming out of his eyes like a waterfall, telling the others that it was time to stop.
“*Sigh* You… guhuhuys… suck ass! Never do thahhat again.” Koga panted with remaining giggles spilling out.
“Ok, ok, but your laugh was too cute!!” Mayoi squealed like a little girl who was just gifted a small puppy on Christmas.
Koga got rid of the rest of the giggles, planning long and hard on his strategy of getting revenge on anyone who tickled him. Starting with the one who initiated it…
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
HELLO BUDDY!! I hope you're having a wonderful week so far! May I request for Ler!Hiiro or Aira with lee!Mayoi? His such a shy baby, deserves all the love!
Cheer up
HI PATTYCAKE! I finally got some inspo for this fic so I hope you like it~ It's been thundering very loudly in my area and idk my brain was like 'make that into a fic' so here I am lol. Idk if Mayoi is afraid of thunder but he shrieks a lot so I imagine he can get startled easily (and is in need of cheer up tks akdhkahdja)
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Mayoi x Hiiro (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Mayoi
Ler: Hiiro
Warnings: Tickles!
It was early in the afternoon, although anyone would've confused it with being late in the evening from how dark and grey the sky looked. It had been raining abundantly for the past few hours, even rays of thunder struck every so often. Because of the horrible weather, idol practice had been cancelled for the time being and the members of Alkaloid found themselves cooped up in their shared room. Hiiro looked like a hyperactive kid who was put in timeout, not being able to stay still in the same spot for more than two seconds. On the other hand, Mayoi was cooped up under his blankets, the loud thunder made him very uneasy. Hiiro noticed how Mayoi's body shook out of fear. "Hey, are you alright?".
Mayoi softly nodded his head, but not long after another ray of thunder struck, it was so loud even the windows vibrated. The purple haired male couldn't help but shriek out of fear, hiding deeper under the covers.
He didn't like seeing his friend all scared like that. Hiiro thought for a moment on what he could do to help distract Mayoi in the meantime and that's when it hit him. While Mayoi was too busy hiding under the covers, Hiiro started to poke at his covered torso, blindly seeking out any of his tickle spots.
"EEP! W-what are you doHOing?!" Mayoi would squeak at each poke, his body now trembling from the ticklish shocks he felt.
"Cheering you up of course! Now let's get this pesky blanket out of the way~" Hiiro felt way too giddy in this situation. He playfully tugged at Mayoi's covers, exposing him in one fell swoop. "That's better~ Now... smile for me!" the redhead lost no time scribbling his fingers all over Mayoi's torso, making sure to attack every spot he could find.
"GYAAHAHAHAHAHA!" Mayoi was still shrieking, but atleast now it wasn't because of the thunder. He didn't do much to defend himself, he just hugged his torso and got lost in his bouts of laughter.
"Tickle tickle tickle~" Hiiro would tease as his fingers flew from one spot to another. One moment he'd be digging into Mayoi's ribs, then he'd shove his hands up into his armpits, and then he'd softly scribble along the sides of his neck. Always keeping him on edge on where he'd strike next.
It was a very effective technique as Mayoi would shriek and dissolve into bubbly laughter every time Hiiro hit a new spot. His smile was so wide even his flushed cheeks started to ache a bit. Not that he minded, his obnoxious laughter managed to drown out all the noise from outside.
Seeing as his laugh was starting to go silent, Hiiro decided to stop tickling him. Mayoi instantly gasped for air, his soft, leftover giggles still filling up the room. The redhead couldn't help but laugh along with him. Once their laughter had calmed down, they noticed that it was awfully quiet out. Looks like the rain had finally stopped. It was embarrassing to admit, but Mayoi felt much more at ease thanks to his partner's tactics.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
OK OK OMG so i saw you started taking requests for enstars so. one word. lee mayoi. the ler dosen't matter. just lee mayoi. OKAY MAYBE THAT WAS TWO WORDS BUT-
Ice breaker
Ok but like we are now besties KSKAKSJAKS. Mayoi has quickly become one of my faves so you can imagine my excitement when I saw this. Such a scrunkly weirdo, he definitely needs lots of tiggles~
For the ler I decided to go with Hiiro 'cause if I remember correctly he said he enjoys physical touch + I find it funny how he just asserts his friendship onto the others forcefully lol
Anyways hope you like it!
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Mayoi x Hiiro (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Mayoi
Ler: Hiiro
Warnings: Tickles!
After a long day of hard idol work, the members of Alkaloid were finally free to do whatever they pleased. It was already late at night so the others called it a day, but Hiiro was still feeling fired up and decided to follow Mayoi into his room. After all, he wanted to get to know him better and become good friends. Mayoi tried getting him to leave, he really did, but Hiiro looked like a lost 'lil pup trailing behind him, how could he deny him entry into his room?! That's easy, he can't.
The purple haired male settled down on his bed, Hiiro doing the same but more energetically. "So what do you like to do for fun?!" he asked with a big smile on his face.
"Uhm...sometimes I like to make sweets..." replied Mayoi as he fiddled with his fingers. He was feeling nervous and a bit shy, he wasn't used to having company over, especially this late at night. Hiiro noticed the way he would awkwardly shift under his gaze, he didn't want to make his friend uncomfortable.
He started thinking on how he could make Mayoi feel relaxed and then it hit him... "Hey Mayoi, are you ticklish?" asked the redhead with a mischevious grin.
Mayoi was instantly taken aback by the sudden question, his face starting to heat up "W-why would you ask that?!". Hiiro gave no response, he only wiggled his fingers teasingly towards the purple haired male. Mayoi let out a squeak at the sight and tried to bolt on out of there, but Hiiro was too fast and tackled him across the bed.
They both struggled around but Hiiro managed to pin his arms above his head. "You didn't answer my question, are you gonna tell me or do I have to find out myself?" he looked down at him with a teasy smirk.
Mayoi felt like he was about to errupt from how flustered he felt. "D-do your wohorst..!" he blurted out without thinking. Hiiro grinned at him, accepting the challenge. He then started squeezing at Mayoi's side with his free hand.
"MPH!" Mayoi chocked on a laugh as he tried his best to hold it in, he didn't want to give in so easily. Although his plan was flawed considering how horribly ticklish he is so it wasn't long until he started laughing. "Wahait Hiiro- NAHAT THEHERE!" he screeched out when Hiiro started poking at his tummy.
"Wow! You're so ticklish here, how cute~!" the redhead playfully teased as he started scratching at the tickle spot.
"AM NAHAHAT CUHUTE! AHAHAHAHA!" Mayoi threw his head back in laughter as he started kicking his legs out.
"Of course you are! So don't start talking bad about yourself...or else~" Hiiro playfully threatened him as he started squeezing at his hip.
"GYAHAHAHA! I-I'M SAHHAHARRY!" poor Mayoi bucked around but Hiiro's stubborn hand wouldn't stop squeezing that dreaded spot.
"You suuuure~?" he then gave his tummy a few playful pokes, enjoying the cute squeaks that escaped the purple guy.
Hiiro noticed how his eyes were starting to get watery, not wanting to push his boundaries he got off of him, giving him a well deserved break. Mayoi just layed there all limp, panting and taking deep breaths as if he had ran a marathon. His face was fully flush and a few tears ran down his cheeks, but there was a big genuine smile plastered on his face. The redhead smiled fondly down at him as he wiped away some of the stray tears.
Once Mayoi regained his composure, Hiiro bombarded him with yet another flustering question "Hey Mayoi...do you like being tickled?".
Well... if Mayoi wasn't flustered before, he definitely was now. He had to be honest, he wasn't always fond of others touching him, but with tickling it was a bit different... it felt nice. "Uhh... I-I guess...?" he answered with an awkward smile.
Hiiro looked at him for a moment before speaking up "Cool! I like tickling too!". The redhead said with zero shame. "It's fun getting to make others laugh, including you~" he said as he playfully poked Mayoi's side.
"Eek!" the purple guy jumped at the sudden poke. Not gonna lie, he felt a bit better after that exchange.
Before he could even think of a response, Hiiro was already saying his goodbyes. "Well I should get going now, don't wanna disrupt your rest. But we should totally do this another time!".
"Yeah... that'd be nice" Mayoi spoke without thinking, a soft smile grazing his lips. Hiiro couldn't help but smile back as they both waved goodbye. This weird yet wholesome situation made the two of them feel a bit closer.
Sorry if this isn't supper accurate. But I still think it ended up pretty cute~
Feel free to leave me more enstars reqs. 'cause I'm too obsessed atm LOL
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
I MUST request for Hiiro Amagi from Enstars to be wrecked, if not him do Mayoi OR someone you are comfortable with, ANY LER, ANY SCENE, ANYTHING, WE NEED TO BUILD A ENSTARS WALL
Tickly punishment
Just gonna pretend I didn't see that first sentence
Anyways, I got so happy when you requested lee Hiiro, he's one of my faves~! (I have a lot of faves in this game KDJAKSJAJSJS). I'm still in awe from that scene where he said he likes physical touch (ofc that must include tickles LOLOL). For the ler I went with Aira as I find their friendship to be quite cute and funny.
We really need more enstars content🥺
Hope you enjoy~!
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Hiiro x Aira (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Hiiro
Ler: Aira
Warnings: Tickles!
After a long day of idol work, Hiiro decided to spend his free time over at Aira's room. They were both good friends and friends go and raid each other's rooms... yeah that's what friends do (atleast according to Hiiro). Anyways, Aira was a bit taken aback when Hiiro suddenly showed up, but he didn't mind the company so he allowed him to stick around. Although his patience started running thin once Hiiro started to poke around at his idol merch.
"Wow, you have so much of this stuff! You must really like idols" mused out the redhead.
"Yeah well I've always admired idols- WAIT HIIRO DON'T TOUCH THAT!!" suddenly screeched out the blonde when he saw Hiiro try to touch at a signed poster. Without thinking, Aira tackled Hiiro onto the floor. A big 'oof' escaped both of them as they came crashing down, with Aira on top of Hiiro.
"Ahh! Hiiro are you okay?! I'm so sorry!" cried out the blonde as he sat on top of the taller's hips.
"Y-yeah I'm alright, just wasn't expecting thaHAt-?!" the redhead let out a startled giggle when he felt the shorter one's hands resting on his sides.
"Hm? I'm sorry, am I hurting you?" asked Aira with a look of concern as he gently massaged Hiiro's sides.
"N-nohoho..! It juhust tickles!!" he giggled out as he brought his arms down his sides out of reflexe. A dorky smile starting to make it's way onto his face.
Suddenly, Aira could feel a mischevious idea starting to form in his head. "It tickles, huh? Well consider this your punishment for almost ruining my poster!" yelled out the shorter one as he started squeezing at the redhead's sides with vigor.
"GYAH! Wahait Aira dohoahahan't!" Hiiro bursted out in cute laughter as he threw his head back. All while trying to grab at Aira's hands.
"Sorry but you must endure your punishment~" teased out Aira, a goofy grin of his own forming across his lips. He had to admit, it was pretty fun to mess with the redhead. He then moved his hands up his ribcage and softly dug into the ticklish bones.
"EEK! Ahahahahaha! N-nahat thehehere!" poor Hiiro tried to curl up on himself as he wrapped his arms around his torso, but with Aira on top of him it was impossible.
"Not there? Then what about here~?" he asked with a teasy smirk as he started to gently scratch at the taller boy's belly.
"AAH! HAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHA!" Hiiro screeched in laughter as his face started to match the color of his hair.
"Ooh did I hit a good spot~?" Aira softly chuckled as he skittered his fingers along the middle of his tummy.
"Y-YEHEHEAH! AHAHAHAHA!" the silly redhead responded in all honesty through his hysterics. Not like he minded it, he found tickling to be pretty fun!
Hiiro squealed and cackled as his friend kept tickling that dreaded spot. Once his eyes started to get a bit watery did Aira stop his tickly torment. He gently patted at the redhead's tummy as Hiiro took in deep breaths, still giggling himself silly from the ghost tingles.
"Are you okay?? Sorry if I took it too far..." sighed out the blonde looking a bit dejected.
"Ahahaha..! Dohon't be, it was fuhuhun..!" giggled out the redhead, a cute smile on his face as a soft pink blush adorned his cheeks. Aira couldn't help but smile fondly down at him. Maybe it wasn't so bad having Hiiro stick around.
I'm still feeling unwell from my surgery, so this was a nice distraction. I hope it ended up well.
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Knights Tickle Headcanons
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Honestly I don't...know much about them? I mean I do but, not in depth in comparison to other units like my knowledge of most CosPro units unfortunately. I really like CosPro but I really wanted to write for Arashi!! She's so cute I can't help it!!
Also how does...one put a 'read more' option on mobile...?
Because of that...she gets to be first--
She's one of my favorites how can I not?
I have this major headcanon that she herself isn't that experienced with tickling? Well, on the receiving end anyways?
Ever since she got out of her "situation" (I won't spoil!) She immediately got the feeling that she needed to fill the role of an older sister, therefore she usually has the role of the ler and she's really good despite being a gentle tickler.
She doesn't move around much or tickle too aggressively, in fact it's really really gentle but it's very playful! Constantly switching spots, teasing, compliments, there's so much of it...
And (Fortunately? Unfortunately?) Her usual victims are Mika (of course they're besties!!), Tetora (being her roommate!), and the Knights in general. Sometimes Anzu as well when she tags along because I find it really really adorable that Arashi is fond of her!
They can't help but love her back considering these tickles she gives feel so comforting!
She thinks she can handle it because she's so used to giving it out and she just knows it feels good because of laughter.
But once she's tickled? She loses control and immediately squirms despite not wanting to. Her laughter is just as cute and graceful with little words just getting all jumbled too??
Like imagine her just getting so flustered she's not sure if she wants to move away, take it, or have fun and it's so cute to see her at conflict with herself!
She's ticklish on the usual spots but they only get her to jolt or move away. Though, her laughter gets a bit more frantic around her torso like her sides or armpits!
Her worst spot is her hips and I can see someone just digging into the hip bones and she just loses it with bright squeals while she blushes and everything!!
Arashi is so cute!!
Unfortunately I don't know much about Leo? But he's super cute in my eyes! He's so enthusiastic and bubbly!
I feel like he's a bit similar to Arashi in terms of being a ler? Like, he would be playful too like her, switching spots and everything but, the main difference between them is that he's a bit rougher? Not enough to hurt though!
Rough in terms of maybe being a bit more dynamic and all? Like accidentally pinning you down with him grabbing you to tickle you better without realizing it.
He means well though! He just gets carried away since he's having a lot of fun!
Usually he targets Tsukasa, but I think in general he would go after anyone that's currently feeling down or at least not in their best mood?
It would be cute if everytime he notices Alkaloid (especially Hiiro!) Being a bit upset with themselves due to being underachievers, he just starts a random tickle attack and they never see it coming!
As a lee however, I think he's even squirmier than anyone! Well, for knights at least.
He's really ticklish so any spot works! However if you really want him to be hysterical, try his ribs! It seems like a really really good spot!!
I can see him having like...that one laugh where in it's mostly like, really really loud? Not irritating but intense!!
And he snorts when you get to a really bad spot!!
I...don't know much about Izumi unfortunately...
It's not that I didn't read his lore but, it's more of I'm unsure if I can grasp his character correctly as of now? So I just did my best¿
I feel like Izumi is rarely a ler since he prefers to keep himself composed to keep his "figure" at best. Aka his looks.
If anything though, I feel like he's very unskilled because of this so he's not that good of a ler, but he can still tickle people!! It's just messy and he usually only does as revenge...
I feel like he's frequently a lee than a ler though?
Like, since he's so focused on how he looks, not alot of people understand when he is and isn't serious? Or not get it when he says something? So he usually gets tickled for being cocky or so.
But I can definitely see him get tickled by his unit-mates just for fun though! He's gonna keep saying he hates it but...does he really? He loves them doesn't he?
Similar case with Makoto! He will probably say something that objects the fact that he won't tolerate tickling but then it's obvious he's giving him a free pass cause he likes him--
He's somehow good at keeping his composure so you need to break him down by tickling him under his chin or neck, or more sensitive spots like under the knees or hips.
But I headcanon that his worst spot is his lower back and I can't explain why or how? It just does...?¿
I genuinely feel bad I know the least about him with the knights, but like Izumi I'LL DO MY BEST!!
Tsukasa is probably the most balanced out of the knights? 50% lee, 50% ler?
He gets tickled pretty frequently because he's so uptight and of course to cut the unit and himself a slack they'd tickle him until he agrees to take a break.
However, he also tickles pretty frequently because he's not one to initiate it, but usually the one who wants to end it. Usually it doesn't and it just creates a cycle of tickle revenge if anything. (Mainly applies to Kohaku and Leo).
As a ler, I can imagine he's doing his best to threaten but he smiles while he tickles his lee it's hard to take him seriously!!
And he looks so determined too it's really difficult to feel any sort of danger when he's tickling you.
As a lee though, I feel like he squeals, a LOT. He's the type to rarely laugh but you can hear his high pitched voice peak so many times when he gets tickled.
The only time he laughs is when it's mixed in with other reactions like hiccups already when you hit a really bad spot.
Like Leo, he's ticklish in the usual places so it's not hard to get him to laugh, even when he's trying his best not to. He's so easy to crack.
Though in my eyes, his worst spot is armpits! You could just shove it in there and he'll start squealing so much and trying to figure out how to stop it, but he clamps harder and now he can't get away!
Oh Ritsu...
I don't know how to write him because if anything, he scares me. /j
Similar to Arashi, he's more often the ler than the lee. It's not because he's not used to receiving it, but instead it's because people don't find his reactions interesting so he's "safe" more often than not.
Like, he could poke someone like Mao or Tsukasa and get a reaction but they'd be disappointed in trying to get him back with the same method, he's just so good at hiding his reactions.
His technique is just lazy tickles like tracing or pinching, it's just to test reflexes than full-on-ler-mode really
Probably the least ticklish out of them but it doesn't mean he won't laugh!
I can see him those types you need to crack then all of a sudden, giggles just pour non-stop and even when he tries to it just won't!
And usually to get him giggling you either have to tickle a spot long enough, or find more sensitive areas.
His worst spot is his stomach and I find it cute that I headcanon this? Like, he just curls up but your hands are just trapped! So he can't really do much but giggle more.
Raspberries and nibbles are the only time you get to see him hysterical and frantic! Like he'll start trying to push you off or start kicking the bed and squeal so much! It's so cute!
Save me idk how to add a read more 😔
But I really want to rework on these when I do learn more about them because they're just, so cute? ☀️
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teasinterests · 1 year
Crazy:B TKL HCS !
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Part 3 of the wether they enjoy tickling or being tickled 🥹
Rinne- It’s like.. a Yes / No situation. He hates it because it ruins the persona he tries to build up, yet if hes close with his partners, or someone he’s willing to open up around. He actually quite likes the attention, even if its a bit embarrassing. As a ler he’s pretty much an asshole and picks on anyone whenever he can. This constantly gets his unit mates annoyed.. specifically HiMERU & Kohaku.
Niki- He kinda.. doesn’t mind? It’s just whatever depending on the person. He constantly has tickle fights with Rinne, so it’s somewhat a common occurrence at this point. But, if it were by HiMERU or Kohaku he’d probably be nervous as hell since they don’t typically play around like that. As a ler he’s pretty easy going as well and finds it more amusing. Unless its against Rinne, then he really gets bloodthirsty.. not literally.
HiMERU- No he doesn’t like being tickled that much, though I do think he’s incredibly good at hiding such reactions. Even though he giggles, and mentions it in game, I think its just his way of expressing Kaname’s cuter side. HiMERU himself isn’t as sensitive as Kaname would be. As a ler he’s also not as expressive, though occasionally he’ll smirk, or smile quite endearingly.. depending on the person of course. Perhaps he kinda finds it fun as well..
Kohaku- Depending on the person no. He’ll threaten to break your fingers or something whilst holding one in a death grip. Though if it were someone he trusts heavily like Aira, he’d be less violent about it. He still doesn’t particularly enjoy it, but he does enjoy seeing Aira so happy. As a ler he kinda.. doesn’t really play that role all too much. Unless he gets dragged into it by his unit or other friends, he doesn’t typically try targeting someone so playfully. Though of course, he has played with Hiiro and Aira more comfortably.
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teasinterests · 1 year
Alkaloid TKL HCS!
This is specifically for wether they actually enjoy tickling / being tickled or not. I’ll probably..? Go thru every unit on this 🥹
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Tatsumi- Huge yes, this is a given. 🥹 Though he specifically enjoys the attention more from his partner(s) he still doesn’t mind if his friends, or unitmates tickle him for funsies. If they’re having fun & he’s having fun then there’s really no harm found. Being the Ler on the other hand.. he still doesn’t mind! Though he’s more lee preferring than anything, but again, he enjoys tickling his friends or partners when it comes to his more playful & childish side.
Mayoi- No…. Yes…? He’s quite indifferent, more so not really letting people tickle him as much. It startles him at first, so maybe something more gentle to get him to relax a little would be best. But, even then he would demand not to put your hands on him as he’s “undeserving.” Most of the Alkaloid members ignore this though, since Mayoi doesn’t truly seem to mind as much as he might say. Being the Ler is much more preferable to him, especially when he’s with his Partner(s). Being able to analyse and figure out where they’re most ticklish, and where triggers the cutest reactions. Y’know.. think of a natural Mayoi mind instead of me typing it out..
Hiiro- Yess…?? Hiiro is also extremely indifferent, basically he doesn’t enjoy it, but he doesn’t hate it, he kinda just doesn’t care? If people close with him tried tickling him he’d probably just let it happen, say with Alkaloid. Though getting into a tickle fight with Rinne they’d probably actually start fighting, but in a playful way! Hiiro is also pretty aggressive when it comes to being a ler, but he’s quick to pick up on cues as to when he should stop, or give his friend/partner a break!
Aira- No, he finds it embarrassing, especially when it comes from Hiiro with all of the teasing and how easily Hiiro can win when they start wrestling each other on random occasion. On occasion does he try tickling his friends/partners. Mainly Hiiro or Kohaku, as he constantly wants to get the “upper hand” on Hiiro one day. As for Kohaku..? It’s from Aira, he probably just gets all giggly and Aira finds it absolutely endearing.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
I'm gonna put all my enstars fics here before it gets out of control lmao. This'll be linked in my pinned post
Entranced (Wataru x Eichi)
Ice breaker (Mayoi x Hiiro)
Challenge time (Switch)
Big sister magic (Arashi x Tsukasa)
Tickly punishment (Hiiro x Aira)
Let me help (Hiiro x Aira)
Wake up tickles (Arashi x Ritsu)
Relaxing date (Arashi x Mika)
Nickname (Natsume x Tsumugi)
Distracted (Leo x Tsukasa x Arashi)
Tickle fight (Ra*bits)
Cheer up (Mayoi x Hiiro)
That's cheating! (Kaoru x Chiaki)
Shut up (Rei x Eichi)
Loosen up (Leo x Tsukasa)
Wake up (Mao x Ritsu)
Don't be so grumpy (Hiyori x Jun)
Ghost hunting (Crazy:B)
The hyena's revenge (Hiyori x Jun)
Wake up! (Leo x Natsume)
Rumors (Aira x Koga)
Let it out (NagiBara)
Happy birthday Tsukasa! (Tsukasa x Izumi)
My turn! (IbaYuzu)
Ler!Izumi x gn!reader
Persuasive methods (Rei x Eichi)
Squishhh (Tsukasa x Izumi)
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ticklish-n-stuff · 10 months
Hiii!!! I'm so glad that your tickletober event is open!! Can I have lee hiiro, ler hokuto for number 9 (lie), I think both of them would be perfect Have a nice day!! P.S. please no foot tickles hehehe
I don't really keep up much with enstars lore, so I'm not really sure what I'd do with them. So I'm gonna decline
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tickle-page · 2 years
Hii!! I just started playing enstar this month and this game have become my comfort place hihi. I was wondering if you have time, please consider writing lee producer, lers hokuto and hiiro (two of my bias), probably the producer decided to treat trickstar and akaloid to a vacation thanks to their hardwork. But during the vacation the producer cannot stop talking about works. So at night while in onsen (the other members have asleep) the two leader decided to tickle the producer to help relax and enjoy the vacation? hehe tysm!
I am terribly sorry, but I don’t weight anything for Lee women. Idky, it’s just not as exciting or my cup of tea. Please find it in your heart to forgive me anon!!! Though, you can request something else wether it be enstars or another fandom your interested in!!😊
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Pending Requests
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A/N: please look at the 'A/N' below for context!
UNDEAD Headcanons (UNDEAD supremacy!)
5 eccentrics (hm...not exactly sure how thisll work yet)
Leo/Natsume fic (I don't have anything solid for this idea yet but will do!)
Lee!Chiaki + Ler! His entire unit wrecking him basically
Lee!Koga + Ler!Undead
Lee!Mayoi or Lee!Keito (Hello Hiki! I'm glad that I get to see a request from you first follower :D )
In Progress:
Old Methods (Hiiro/Rinne)/Ensemble Stars (PLATONIC.)
Welcome Back! (Hiiro/Hinata/Niki)/Ensemble Stars
Self Care (Adonis/Souma)/Ensemble Stars
Brother Figure...? (Crazy:B)/Ensemble Stars (PLATONIC.)
Identity (Yuta/Hinata)/Ensemble Stars (PLATONIC.)
Curiosity (Arashi/Izumi) / Ensemble Stars
Charm (Niki/Rinne) / Ensemble Stars
General Ideas:
A/N: 'Pending' is referring to requests given to be through the ask box! And since I follow a pattern of request >> own idea >> request >> own idea, the 'In Progress' section is fics of my own ideas and are not requested by anyone! General Ideas are fics I'm not so sure if I'd write them or are ideas given at random! Like...think of it as a...ramble area.
Also if I add like... relationship markers like platonic/romantic/etc. I just want to make sure it gets tagged right! Most of my fics are up to interpretation but some fics I really prefer noting what relationship I'm trying to portray!
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