sleepysheepytea · 2 years
giggly gaara
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that is all
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pfpanimes · 1 year
oi meu amoor, seu blog é perfeitamente impecável tô aqui há tempos só admirando akajakja <3
quando vc tiver um tempinho, se não for incomodo reune alguns icons do Kankuro de Naruto, é complicado achar coisa dele mas ele é meu xodózinho akajakja boa noite meu bem!!
olá meu anjo!! eu de fico muito feliz em ler essas coisas, de alguma forma me inspira a continuar com tudo isso, muito obrigada de verdade🖤
agora, pesquisando imagens pra fazer os icons do kankuro eu percebi que é parecido com o problema que tive quando precisei fazer icons do izuna (naruto) é muito complicado achar coisas dele, até em galerias em wiki... mas encontrei e espero que vc goste🖤🖤
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shoto-chann · 2 years
Title: Don't Ignore Me
Ship: KanuKiba
Description: Ever since Kankuro got to the Leaf Village, all he's been doing is fix his puppets. And Kiba wants attention and hates being ignored. So he teaches his boyfriend to never ignore him again.
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Kankuro had just came to the Leaf Village to spend some time with his boyfriend, Kiba Inuzuka. He had just won a battle with another rouge ninja, so he felt like relaxing with Kiba and Akamaru to destress. However, during his battle, Crow got badly damaged and had to be fixed. So Kankuro sat there in Kiba's house trying to fix Crow. But Kiba's getting a little impatient.
"Come on, Kankuro. I'm booored." Kiba sank into the chair he was sitting in, trying to get his boyfriend to give him attention. "Hold on, Kiba. I'll hang out with you. Just give me time." Kankuro said without looking away from Crow. "But how much time do you need?" "Give me ten more minutes. I'll be finished by then." "You said that ten minutes ago!" Kiba groaned loudly. He was tired of waiting for Kankuro to be finished. He wanted attention, and he wanted it now.
"Come on, babe. You promised we could hang out today. But ever since you got here, you've been fixing your toy and completely ignoring me." "Okay, first of all, Crow is not a toy. He is a friend." "But Kankuro-" "Kiba, I promise we will hang out. I didn't come all the way over here just to fix Crow. I will spend time with you. But in a few minutes. In the meantime, take Akamaru out for a walk. When you come back, I'll be ready."
Kiba opened his mouth to argue, but stopped himself. He didn't wanna argue with Kankuro and make this a big deal. He could wait a few more minutes. Right? Kiba pouted and sighed before making up his mind. "Fine. Come on, Akamaru." Akamaru barked and followed Kiba. Kiba opened the door and walked out without looking back. He shut the door behind him and stated walking with Akamaru. Kankuro chuckled as he rolled his eyes and started to speed up. He wanted to get done as soon as possible. He hated whenever Kiba was upset and didn't want to keep him waiting.
Meanwhile, Kiba and Akamaru we're walking around the village bored out their minds for about eight minutes. They didn't know what to do today while waiting for Kankuro. They didn't want to train cause it was their day off. Most of their friends were busy. And he had the house to himself, so the family wouldn't entertain them until they got back, which wouldn't be for a couple of weeks. "What can we do, Akamaru?" Akamaru whined, suggesting that he didn't know what to do. Kiba sighed and just thought about going back bored when something got his attention. Well, more like someone. "What the hell?" Kiba and Akamaru went to investigate and found Choji laughing, with Shikamaru sitting on top of him doing something to Choji. "Plehehehehease! Shihihihihika! Ihit tihihihihickles!" Choji laughed as he squirmed and giggled as he tried to get away. "It's supposed to, Cho. That's how tickling works." The smirking Shikamaru said as he started tickling Choji's neck, causing the young Akimichi boy to squeal and giggle like a little kid. Seeing his friends like this gave Kiba a great idea. He grinned at the thought of Kankuro's punishment and started walking back to his house.
Kankuro sighed and rubbed his temples. He was stressed and exhausted from all the working. Plus, It's been nearly fifteen minutes and Kiba hasn't came back yet. He was starting to get a bit worried. Was Kiba that upset? He was barely halfway done too! Oh, what was he going to tell Kiba? He was so focused on worrying about Kiba that he didn't hear the door opening. He felt someone's chakra in the air, but was too distracted to consider who it was. Kiba, on the other hand, was sneaking up behind Kankuro with an evil grin. He waited for his boyfriend to let his guard down. And the second Kankuro raised his arms-
Kiba tackled Kankuro to the ground and pinned him with his arms above his head. Kankuro was completely taken by surprise as he looked and saw Kiba over him. "What the hell, Kiba? What was that for?" "That was for lying to me. You said you would be finished in ten minutes." Kankuro got a bit nervous. "Uh, well I, uh... I'm halfway finished...kinda." "Kinda? That's not good enough for me." Kiba eyed his ribs and tummy. Kankuro, completely unaware what Kiba was thinking, got a little more nervous.
"Uh, Kiba? Are you gonna say something? You're freaking me out by not saying anything and staring at me like that." Kiba snapped out of his trance and grinned even wider. "Oh, you're in trouble now, Kankuro." Kankuro was now confused. He knew Kiba would never hurt him, but the thought of what Kiba might do to him was killing him. "Uh, what does that mean, exactly?" "Oh I'm certain you know what's coming." Kiba leaned in and whispered something in Kankuro's ear. "We both know what happens when you ignore me."
Kankuro's eyes widened in fear, his expression growing more nervous by the second. He had forgotten all the tickling he would get from Kiba whenever he would ignore him. And now that he's ignored Kiba yet again, he was for sure going to get it. "Wait, Kiba. We can talk about this." He struggled more under Kiba's weight as he tried to escape. "Nope. You're not getting out of this one, baby." "Kibaha, plehehease." "This is for ignoring me all day."
Kiba started tickling Kankuro's sides vigorously, to which Kankuro responded with loud and cute giggles. "Kihihihibahaha! Stahahahap!" "No. I just started. Plus, you deserve this. You knew this would happen if you ignored me." "I dihihidn't mehean to! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Kiba snuck his hands in Kankuro's shirt and tickled his sides more softly, knowing that his boyfriend was much more weaker to soft tickles. "Kihihihibahahahahaha! Plehehehehease! I cahahahan't breheheathe!" Despite Kankuro's pleading, Kiba did not stop. That only encouraged him to continue. "Kihihihibahahahahaha! Stahahahap ihihit nohohohohohow!" "Hmm. I wonder if Akamaru wants in on the fun." Kankuro hated when Kiba would bring Akamaru into this. When Akamaru would tickle him, he wouldn't stop unless Kiba said so. "Dohohohohon't you dahahahahare!" "Or else what?" Kiba asked with a smirk. "Or ehehelse I wohohon't vihihisit ahanymohohohohore!" Obviously that was the biggest lie he's ever told in his life. But if it meant it could get Kiba to stop, then he was willing to try anything.
And it worked because Kiba stopped immediately and got off of him with a worried look on his face. "No! You don't mean that, do you?" Kankuro continued laughing, but not because he was being tickled. It was because Kiba actually fell for his trick. "Mahan, you're so gullible. No I don't actually mean it." As Kankuro continued laughing, Kiba sat next to Kankuro and pouted. "That wasn't funny." "It was prehetty funny." Kiba growled. "Oh, I'll give you something to laugh about then." Kiba reached out to tickle Kankuro again, but Kankuro managed to grab his hands in time and hold them in place. "Oh no. I don't think so." Kankuro said. Kiba tried with all of his might to get free, but couldn't move anywhere.
"Damn it, Kankuro. You're ruining my fun." Kiba pouted again. "Aww, come on, baby." Kankuro poked Kiba's sides. Kiba twitched and suppressed his giggles. He didn't want to give his boyfriend the satisfaction of hearing him laugh. "Baby, come on. Don't pout. Let me see that cute smile of yours." Kankuro continued to poke his sides. Kiba squirmed and tried to get free, but all he could do was sit there and take the tickles. He shook his head while trying to keep his mouth shut. Kankuro, knowing that he would have to try harder, started squeezing Kiba's sides and hips, hoping that Kiba would at least crack a smile if he was going to be stubborn. Kiba let slip a few giggles with a small smile, but kept his mouth shut, now able to crawl away.
"Oh, no you don't." Kankuro dragged Kiba backwards and pinned him on his back. He continued tickling Kiba's sides and hips, and Kiba continued to fight back his urge to giggle. "Oh, come on, baby. You don't want me to see that cute smile of yours? That cute little baby smile you have?" Kiba lost his ability to hold back the giggles and let them all out. Kankuro's teasing was always more than enough to fluster Kiba and make him giggly.
"Nohohohohoho! Noho teheheheasing!" "Aww, there's my baby's precious smile." Kiba hid his face with his hands. "Stahahahap ihihit!" "And why should I? You didn't stop when I asked you to. And plus, didn't you want attention? Well, I'm giving it to you, aren't I?" Kiba squirmed like a dog giggling his head off. Of course, he obviously loved when Kankuro tickled him. It was his favorite way of getting attention. But Kankuro was supposed to be the one to fall into helpless giggles and beg for mercy. That was the entire point of the plan. And now that was ruined.
Kiba tried tickling Kankuro back in hopes of escaping. "Oh no no no. Not this time." Kankuro shot his hands in Kiba's armpits. Kiba threw his head back laughing three octaves higher and squirming more viciously than ever. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHERE! BAHAHAHABY!" Kiba kicked his feet and continued to squirm while holding his arms at his sides, trapping Kankuro's fingers in the process. "NOHOHOHOT FAHAHAHAIR!" Kankuro simply chuckled as he continued to tickle the hell out of his cute boyfriend.
"KAHAHAHANKUROHOHOHO!" "Yes, my beloved baby boy toy?" Kiba's already red face went even redder than the marks on his face. Shaking his head violently, tears now streaming down his face, he tried everything he could to get free. "STAHAHAHAP IHIHIT NOHOHOHOHOHOW! NOHOHOHOHOHO TEHEHEHEASING! NOHOHOHO MOHORE TIHIHIHIHICKLES!" "And why not? Don't you want attention? Do you not want attention anymore? Does that mean I can get back to work on Crow now?"
That was the last straw. Kiba mustered the strength to overthrow Kankuro and pin him again. Regaining his breath, Kiba wipes the tears from his eyes. Finally being able to look down at Kankuro, he looked mad. "Uh, babe look. You tickled me, and I tickled you back. We're even now, right?" Kankuro was nervous. He was afraid of what Kiba might say or do. "Look, we can go hang out like you wanted to. How about a movie night? That sounds like a great idea, don't you think?" Kankuro tried to wiggle free, but found that he couldn't move. Mainly because of the fact that Kiba had his claws out. Kiba sighed and looked at Kankuro with a playful, yet menacing death glare. "Even? We're even? You tickled one of my worst tickle spots! So now, we're not even. I think it's time I get even with you..." "No. Kiba, you wouldn't." "Oh, I would." "Kiba, wait. We can talk about this." "It's too late for that."
Without giving Kankuro another chance to speak, Kiba attacked Kankuro's worst spot: his tummy. Kankuro bucked and howled with laughter as he was forced to endure the tummy tickles from Kiba. "WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kiba ignored his pleading. He raised his shirt past his upper belly and clawed at his tummy, specifically around the edges of his belly button. Poor Kankuro only laughed and squirmed like a toddler receiving tickles from their parents. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! KIHIHIHIBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kankuro tried to cover his extremely ticklish tummy, but Kiba's hands were too fast and kept on moving to different parts of his tummy. Kankuro kicked, screamed, and squirmed viciously, but no matter what he did or how hard he tried, he couldn't get free or slow down the tickles. All he could do was lay there and take it.
"KIHIHIHIBAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! I'M SOHOHOHOHOHORY! I'M SOHOHOHOHOHORY!" "How do I know you're not lying to me just so I can stop? And besides, you're adorable when you're being tickled. You're just my little tickle toy." Kankuro had now reached his limit. If he wanted Kiba to stop, he had to do it. He had to admit defeat. Kankuro hated admitting defeat against Kiba in their tickle fights. Usually it was Kiba who admitted defeat. But this time, if he wanted to live, he would have to swallow his pride, and a couple breaths of air, and admit his defeat. "UHUHUNCLE! UHUHUNCLE! I GIHIHIHIVE! I GIHIHIHIVE! MEHEHEHEHERCY!" Kiba could tell Kankuro was reaching his limit. And he felt bad about going on for this long. Well...kinda.
"Alright, fine. I'll stop. But...I have to do one more thing, my cute baby." Kankuro violently shook his head, knowing what Kiba was going to do, but couldn't say anything because of the tickling. Kiba took a long, deep breath, lowered his head, and gave Kankuro a giant raspberry. Kankuro absolutely lost his mind in that exact moment. "AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His laughter went silent in that moment, and that's when Kiba finally stopped. He got off of Kankuro and rubbed his back as he sat up and tried to steady his breathing. He even let Kankuro pet Akamaru to help him feel better.
After a few minutes, Kankuro could breathe again, but his goofy smile refused to leave. Kiba chuckled and grinned. "I see you had lots of fun there, baby." Kankuro pushed Kiba playfully. "Shut up. At least I wasn't the one crying in laughter." "You're the one who went into silent laughter." "You're the one who was extremely cute while being tickled like the little baby you are." Kankuro winked and pinched his face, making Kiba turn red in the face in embarrassment.
"All jokes aside, thank you, Kiba. I needed that break. A lot. I guess I shouldn't have been so focused on fixing Crow instead of you." Kiba placed a hand on Kankuro's back. "It's fine, babe. Honestly. I'm just glad you gave me attention and had fun." Kankuro smiled and gave him a huge hug, to which Kiba hugged back. After their big, they both looked at each other and kissed. They kissed for about a minute before breaking it and looking back at each other. "Oh, just one more thing." Kiba said before poking Kankuro's sides again. "Don't ever ignore me again." "Okahahay! I wohohon't!" Kiba stopped. Kankuro smiled at him.
"Can I get back to fixing Crow now? Please?" Kiba sat and thought about it for a bit. "Oh okay. I'll let you work on your toy now." Now it was Kankuro's turn to poke Kiba's sides. "Crow is not a toy. He's a friend." "Hahahaha! Okahahay! He's aha friehehehehend! A friehehehehend!" Kankuro stopped and giggled as he turned to work on fixing Crow. Kiba sat next to him and watched him for a while. Eventually, Kiba felt drowsy and fell asleep, leaning on Kankuro as he fell asleep. Kankuro looked at him and giggled as he reached for their blanket from the couch and wrapped it around them and Akamaru, who walked next to Kiba and started sleeping as well. As Kankuro finished wrapping the blanket around the three of them, Kankuro gave Kiba a kiss on his forehead. "I love you, Kankuro." Kiba said half asleep with a big smile. "I love you too, Kiba, you cute baby boy." Kankuro responded with his smile before turning to finish fixing Crow. After he was done, he would put Kiba to bed and cuddle with him for a bit. He deserved cuddles after today. And so did Kiba.
*Author's Note
I am a huge fan of this ship and will forever be here for it. I hope you loved this fic as much as I do. I think this is one of my favorite fics so far. If you want to see a headcannon for this ship or any other ship (from Naruto, My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, or Demon Slayer), my dms and asks are always open. I will respond as fast as I can. And don't be shy in asking. I don't judge and I'm willing to make friends.
That's all for now. Until next time,
❄️🔥Shoto-chann🔥❄️ out
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gridpudim · 7 years
Duas Vilas - Capítulo 08 - O Pássaro
- TEMARI, CADE VOCÊ, ESTAMOS INDO EMBORA – Kankuro entra em casa gritando, abre a porta do meu quarto e diz. – Ah, você está aí.
- KANKURO, que mania! – Acordei no susto, meu coração estava na boca, que ódio dele. – Não sabe bater na porta não? Já chega gritando.
- Nossa, desculpa, eu não pensei que estivesse dormindo. – Ele respondeu.
- Será que toda vez você irá me acordar assim? – Sentei na cama, e fiquei olhando para o rosto de Kankuro, eu estava meio desnorteada por causa do sonho.
- Foi sem querer, você sabe. – Ele se fingia de sério, mas eu sei que por dentro, estava rindo da minha cara, prosseguiu. – Vim lhe avisar que estamos indo já.
 Gaara parado na porta, com os braços cruzados, me diz:
- Espero que fique bem aqui sozinha. Se tiver algum problema, mande um pássaro a Konoha para o Hokage, ele me avisará.
- Tudo bem, façam boa viagem e avisem quando chegar. – Disse ainda sentada na cama.
 Resolvi levantar, eles se despediram de mim, e levei-os até a porta. Assim que a fechei, fui a cozinha e tomei um copo d’água, bebi metade, e fiquei olhando para a janela. Já estava entardecendo, e eu comecei a lembrar do meu sonho. O que foi aquilo? Porque eu estava desse jeito? Eu nem sei o que é esse sentimento.
 Resolvi fazer algo para comer e parar de pensar nisso, mas não adiantava. Eu começava a cortar os ingredientes e nem prestava atenção no que fazia, só pensava se algum dia, aquele sonho, iria ser verdade.
- AI! – Me cortei. Sai pela casa a procura de um curativo, fui ao banheiro e achei a caixa de primeiros socorros.
 Chegando na cozinha novamente, a água no fogo já estava borbulhando de tão quente. Quando fui pegar a panela, esqueci de pega-la com um pano, estava muito quente e acabei derrubando por todo o fogão, sorte que não pegou em mim, mas minha mão acabou ficando vermelha e ardida por conta da temperatura da panela. Pelo jeito, hoje eu teria que comer fora de casa mesmo.
 Próximo a minha casa, havia um bairro com vários bares e restaurantes. Eu fui em um restaurante pequeno que servia um yakissoba muito bom. Fiz o pedido e me trouxeram bem rápido. Estava comendo sozinha, quando de repente sinto uma mão em meu ombro direito. Era Nasako Hiroshi, um chunin de Suna, do estilo vento, assim como eu. Nós fizemos a academia juntos, mas virei jounin antes dele. Eu sorri para ele, e sentou-se ao meu lado. Perguntando-me:
- Olá, quanto tempo Temari-senpai!
- Oi, muito tempo mesmo. – Respondi terminando de engolir o macarrão que ainda havia em minha boca.
 Hiroshi e eu já saímos uma vez, para nunca mais. Ele era muito bonito e as garotas de Suna morriam de amores pelo seu jeito de galã, mas eu não conseguia gostar dele. Kankuro dizia sempre que ele era apaixonado por mim justamente por eu não gostar dele, era como se fosse um desafio, até que fazia sentido.
 Hiroshi era metido, e só falava asneiras. Seu clã era um dos mais populares de Suna, mas pela beleza, porque de inteligência, dava dó. Eu, definitivamente não tinha paciência com ele. Apesar da minha cara de insatisfação, ele continuou puxando assunto:
- Como está você minha princesa?! Fiquei sabendo que estava em uma missão complicada esses dias em um país diferente.
-Pera ai, você me chamou de sua princesa? – Eu fiquei furiosa, nunca havia lhe dado essa intimidade, a minha vontade era de jogar o resto do yakissoba na cara dele.
- Chamei sim, não pode?! – Me respondeu dando um sorriso.
- Não, agora me de licença, estou comendo! – Fui grossa de propósito, eu não o queria ali.
- Desculpa, prometo não a chamar assim novamente. – Desculpou-se, mas eu não respondi. E fez um pedido. – Por favor, um yakissoba!
 A garçonete o serviu. Eu, como já havia terminado, paguei e sai sem nem me despedir. Mas Hiroshi veio atrás de mim.
- Temari, por favor, vamos conversar? – Ele perguntou e me puxou pelo braço.
 Virei para trás nervosa, puxei meu braço contra meu corpo, e respondi ríspida:
- Conversar o que?
- Faz tempo que não nos vemos Temari-senpai! Quero saber como você está, como vai a vida, essas coisas... – Ele tinha um sorriso no rosto, e eu não suportava.
- Tá bom, tá bom. – Resolvi ceder, mas tinha certeza que iria me arrepender, cruzei os braços e o esperei prosseguir a tal conversa.
- Como está Temari? Pelo que vejo está sozinha, você também não costuma jantar fora de casa, aconteceu alguma coisa? – Ele perguntou.
- Estou bem sim, só resolvi não fazer comida hoje. – Obviamente era mentira, mas ele não precisava saber de tudo, na verdade eu não queria nem estar ali.
- Oh, vejo que está com o dedo machucado, está tudo bem? – Perguntou olhando minha mão vermelha e meu dedo com o curativo.
- Sim, está tudo bem, já estou melhor. – Eu estava pedindo aos céus para alguém o chamar, ou aparecer uma louca e agarra-lo, como de costume.
- Como você está bem, pensei em irmos em algum lugar, tomar um drink, conversar mais a vontade. – Ele colocou a mão na parede próxima, se apoiando, inclinado. Era tão clichê aquilo que eu me achava ridícula por participar desse momento, a outra mão ele colocou dentro do bolso, e deu outro dos sorrisos que ele costumava a dar quando queria algo de alguém.
 Eu nem o respondi, virei as costas e sai andando. E então ele veio atrás e puxou meu braço novamente. Isso me enfureceu demais. Dei meia volta e enfiei um soco no meio da cara dele. Nem vi se ele estava bem ou não, mas pelo tanto de mulheres que foi ao seu encontro, no chão, ele não morreria por falta de cuidado.
 Finalmente cheguei em casa, e resolvi tomar outro banho, fazia muito calor em Suna. Entrei no chuveiro para ver se me acalmava também. Hiroshi acabou com o meu humor, ele era muito inconveniente. Sai do banho, me sequei e coloquei roupas limpas, resolvi deitar para conseguir dormir de novo, dessa vez dormiria de verdade, Kankuro não iria atrapalhar.
 No meio da madrugada, um barulho na minha janela, eu já pensava que era uma gracinha de Kankuro, devia ter pago para alguém me encher o saco, ou Hiroshi, jogando pedra na minha janela, se a quebrasse eu quebraria a cara dele.
 Me levantei, assim que fui me aproximando da janela, vi um vulto pequeno, ao abrir as cortinas vi que era um pássaro, fiquei com o coração na mão, pensando ser dos meus irmãos. Abri o vidro da janele e peguei o recado que estava preso na perna do pássaro, comecei a ler.
 “Mais uma vez você me salvou. Mais uma vez você me bateu. Mais uma vez eu estou pensando nisso. Espero te ver em breve, Problemática.”
 Shikamaru. Quer dizer então que eu não sou a única doida que ficou pensando nisso? Eu não fazia ideia do que escrever, em resposta, a ele. Peguei um papel e uma caneta que estavam em minha mesa, e escrevi apressada:
“Da próxima vez, espero não ter que te salvar. Da próxima vez, espero não ter que te bater. Da próxima vez, espero que não seja um encontro breve. Bebe Chorão.”
 Amarrei o recado na perna do pássaro que ainda me esperava com a resposta, e ele voou. Pelo jeito, eu não dormiria essa noite!
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