secretleeblogging · 2 years
And For fics could I Maybe suggest Something to do with IWBFT, Maybe lee! Jimmy and ler! Rowan and lister? its okay if You don't want too, But I Love your account and i think you have some really good potential <3333
Have a wonderful rest of your day :)
A/N: hey!! thank you so much for your request, i appreciate it sm!! I haven’t read IWBFT in a while so i hope i can live up to your expectations a little haha
Fandom: IWBFT
Word count: 948
We’re here for you…
Touring had been a pretty heavy burden on Jimmy, and though he did his best not to show it, he was struggling now. They only had 4 more cities left on their tour, but having been away from home for almost 2 months, he was starting to get extremely homesick and also quite irritable. At the same time, though, Jimmy also dreaded going home too. He wanted home, but the routine he’d created on tour would be uncomfortable to abandon, and so now each hour that wasn’t spent rehearsing or sound checking or doing press or actually performing, Jimmy was sat in his own world, fidgeting uncomfortably and staring out the window.
“Are you alright?” Rowan asked him one afternoon as they sat on the tour bus, breaking Jimmy’s train of thought. He looked up, suddenly, and nodded.
“You don’t look fine,” Lister chimed in, who had just walked out from the bathroom and overheard this snippet of conversation. “Rowan’s right, you’ve been off recently. Is it the tour? We only have a few-“
“I’m fine, Lister. Both of you. And i know we only have a few dates left, i am keeping track,” he snapped back, a little harsher than perhaps either of them were expecting. There was silence for a second, and Rowan stood up, walking over to the sofa where Jimmy was sitting, staring out the tiny little window to his right.
“Hey, bud…” he said softly, sitting down at the end of the sofa and looking at Jimmy, who was purposefully ignoring his gaze. “Listen… i know it’s been hard these last couple months, me and Lister are tired too-“ he was interrupted by Jimmy laughing, quietly and sarcastically, “-and… and I also know that going home will be hard too, for you.” Jimmy hadn’t been expecting this, and for the first time, looked up at him through messy hair. He needed it cut, bad.
“If there’s anything we can do to help when we get home- or even now- please let us know… I mean, obviously we have to get back to our lives a little and chill and all that, but if you want us to come over or just want quiet company, you’re welcome to… just talk to us, okay?” he said softly. Jimmy was smiling now, just a little, and nodded a little. “Thanks,” he mumbled, and though he didn’t say much, he did greatly appreciate his friends’ support. It meant a lot, just to know they were there and supported him.
Rowan grinned and leaned over, ruffling up Jimmy’s hair which he quickly swatted away, hitting his arm gently. When Roman poked his side in retaliation, Jimmy squeaked, quickly arching away from the touch and holding his hand, looking at Rowan warningly and trying to hide his smile. “Don’t-“ he said, breaking into a grin.
Rowan looked over at Lister and smirked, and Lister, who had been standing to the side nervously (he was never much good at advice like Rowan, mostly just hugs and emotional support) smirked back, stepping forward.
“Y’know-“ Lister said slyly, “we haven’t seen you laugh in a very long time… not properly laugh-“
Jimmy was shaking his head, beginning to giggle and scan for escape routes. “Guys, hang on- let’s talk about this-“ he pleaded, but Rowan had already got ahold of his arms and was starting to hold them up. Jimmy slid down through his squirming, half laying down and half leaning on Rowan now as Lister came over, wasting no time in attacking his ribs. Jimmy shrieked, legs kicking wildly as he burst into hysterical laughter. “NOOHOOO!! LIHIHISTEEEEHEHER!!”
Of course, Lister aimed for a death spot first. Typical move.
Lister had to sit on Jimmy’s legs to stop him kicking so much, fingers digging into his sides and lowest ribs. He tugged tremendously at his arms, to the point where Rowan was struggling to keep ahold, and was using almost all his strength. Jimmy squirmed and screamed, cackling loudly and begging through his hysterics, attempting desperately to curl up and failing.
“PLEEHEHEHEASE!!! NOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEEREEE!!” he wailed, and Rowan nudged Lister with his foot. “Hey, bud… lessen up-“ he said softly, and Lister paused, looking down at Jimmy and realising how there were already tears in his eyes. Stopping for a moment to let him breathe, he went a little red, embarrassed that he went a little too far.
Instead, he switched to scratching at his belly, resulting in a string of high pitched giggles to pour from Jimmy’s mouth. He squirmed less now, wiggling around and trying to hide his face in his outstretched arms with the biggest smile on his face. It was incredibly endearing, seeing that smile, so clearly loving it but denying it every second. “Lihihihisteheherrr… gehehehet ooohohohohoffff!!” he snorted, trying to turn away and escape the tickling. It only lasted a little longer before he did let go, and the second his arms were released he curled up in a ball, hiding his face in a pillow and continuing to giggle for a second. “Youhuhuhu guys are the wohohorst…”
Rowan shook his head and ruffled his hair again. “You love us,” he grinned, and Lister laughed a little.
“Sure you still wanna stay with us after the tour?” he teased, and Jimmy nodded a little as he looked at the others. “Yeah, i’m sure… just don’t be doing that-“ he laughed, trying to rub away the feeling from his ribs that still lingered after.
Lister chuckled and hugged him, and Jimmy instantly relaxed. “Thank you…” he said quietly, and quickly, Rowan nodded. “Of course… y’know we’re always here for you…”
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tickles-in-ficland · 1 year
I’m on a Chris Evans kick lately 😂 Enjoy this short fic!
Summary: Feeling unworthy of being with someone just named “The Sexiest Man Alive” Chris shows Y/N just how deserving they are. Ler!ChrisEvans x Ticklish! GN!reader
Word count: 1,241
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You were so proud. Truly you were. You were beaming with pride. Your boyfriend, your love, your best friend in the world had just been named “Sexiest Man Alive 2022” You always knew he was sexy, as did everyone else but now it was official. Even with all the excitement surrounding him, a tug of guilt and self deprecation was eating away at you.
What did you to deserve this man? You were decent looking you supposed, and Chris often told you how beautiful he thought you were but it wasn’t why he fell in love with you. Even still you didn’t feel like you deserved him. You two were introduced through his brother. Your niece went to school with his and you had hit it off instantly. Not only was he an amazing person who made laugh, and made you feel more loved than you ever had, he could literally have any super model he wanted, what made you special?
The internet didn’t help either. Normally internet trolls didn’t bother you, but people could be really mean out of jealously. An average girl with an A lister like Chris Evans? Who even is she?
You bit your lip as you scrolled through your instagram comments, a tear threatening to fall from your beautiful Y/E/C eyes.
Y/N is so average looking. Chris deserves someone who’s as good looking as he is.
Why is he with Y/N? A 2/10 at best. Someone that sexy should be with a 10/10
Y/N’s not even that cute. He would be happier with someone of his status. Y/N is probably only with him because he’s famous.
“Hey sweetheart.” you heard Chris’ smooth deep voice call from the doorway to the bedroom.
Not wanting him to see me that you were about to cry you quickly wiped the tear that threatened to fall. “Hey baby.” you said plastering on your best forced smile.
Seeing right through the facade, Chris’ brow furrowed as he sat next to you on the bed.
“Hey. “ Chris whispered quietly, tipping your chin to look at him, your eyes now brimming with tears. “Baby what’s wrong?”
You sniffled. “N-nothing. I’m fine.”
Chris shook his head. “No you’re not fine. Talk to me. What’s going on?”
You sighed, turning your phone so he could see what you were looking at. Letting out a deep sigh, Chris tossed the phone to the side and took your hands in his.
“Baby, you can’t let those trolls get to you. They are miserable people who like tearing others down.”
“Bu-but they’re right. I don’t deserve you. You’re this big movie star, the sexiest man alive according to literally everyone and rightfully so, and I’m just a nobody from a small town in Massachusetts. You deserve someone in the same league.”
You tried standing up but Chris gently guided you to sit back down.
“Firstly, it’s just a title. It means nothing at the end of the day. Secondly, You are not a nobody. You are the best person I’ve ever known. I never wanted to be with someone who was equally as known as me. I always wanted someone down to earth who could be my safe space from all that. You are that safe space baby.” he said stroking your cheek adoringly.
“And as far as your looks go, I think you are absolutely stunning and I find it hard to take my eyes off of you. But it’s not why I’m with you. You’re kind, compassionate, caring. You make me laugh with your goofy antics and your cheekiness. I couldn’t be more in love with you if I tried.”
Now wracked with sobs, you fell into his arms as Chris stroked your head gently, as your body shook with your cries. After a moment you sat up, sniffling and looked at your boyfriend who was staring so adoringly at you.
“I thought I didn’t deserve you.” you whispered wiping your tears.
“We deserve each other.” he said planting a gentle kiss on your forehead before lifting your chin slightly to meet his lips to yours. You melted into the kiss, pulling him close and tight wanting to savor every moment.
“Mmm.” Chris smirked pulling away from the kiss. “Now that’s more like it.”
You giggled slightly as you leaned back on the bed.
“There it is.” Chris smiled warmly. “There’s my favorite smile. Let me see it again.”
Your eyes sparkled with playfulness as you sat up and shook your head. You knew where this was going and you secretly hoped for it.
“No?!” Chris asked. “Guess I’ll just have to take care of that.”
With a gentle shove, you fell backwards on to the mattress. You turned your body slightly to try to scramble away but with a swift tug at your ankle, you were right back where you started.
“Chrihihis! Nohoho!”
“But I want to see my beautiful love’s even more beautiful smile.” He chuckled, his own beautiful smile taking up his whole face.
“Come oooon. Where is it?” he asked poking up and down your sides.
You shut your eyes tightly trying to push away the tickly sensation running through your body but nothing was working.
“Bahahbe! Plehehease!” Sporadic bubbly giggles spilled over as Chris began digging more forcefully into your sides and over your tummy. You batted at his hands weakly, a smile tugged at your lips as you attempted to suppress your laughter.
His eyes narrowed at you playfully. “Come on Y/N. Tell me where your smile is or this is going to get worse for you. I see it peeking out but I want the full smile. I know you can do it.”
“Nehehever!” you scoffed with a laugh.
“Oho! Nehever? Challenge accepted.” he declared.
Before you could say another word, his thumbs began to drill into your death spot. The crevice between your hips and your thighs. A scream of a belly laughter rang throughout the room.
“Hey!” Chris cheered as he continued his tickle attack. “There it is!”
“NAHAHAHA NOHOHOT THEHEHERE!” you laughed in ticklish agony. This spot was the absolute worst and Chris knew it.
“But I finally found your beautiful smile baby. I’m not letting it get away again.”
“FIHIHINE! IHI AHAM SMIHIHILIHING!” you said plastering the biggest, cheesy smile you could muster.
Leaning down and blowing possibly the biggest raspberry possible in the crook of your neck, your laughter turned silent and it was then Chris knew you had enough.
He sat up with a smile watching you take deep, hungry breaths, your bright bubbly laughter still lingering as the ticklish sensation had not worn off.
“I don’t want you to ever feel like you’re undeserving of my love. Understood?” he asked helping you sit up.
A now real and genuine smile graced your face. “Yes Captain.” you said saluting him as a tease to his role as Captain America.
With a playful growl, he once again tackled you to the bed. With a surprised yelp, you giggled as you pulled him down to capture his lips with yours.
Breaking from the kiss for a moment he held your cheek in his palm. “I love you Y/N. With all my heart and more.”
“I love you too Christopher. Always and forever.”
“Always and forever.”
His lips once again crashing on top of yours, he showed you all the ways he loved you and never again did you believe yourself to be undeserving.
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halomiles · 2 years
❝𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒅❞ — 𝗮 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻.
avisos de gatilho: menções de relacionamento abusivo, problemas de autoestima.
quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2022.
horas tinham se passado e todas as lágrimas de miles tinham secado. tudo o que restava agora eram seus pensamentos e sentimentos, o que, de certa forma, era pior. ele estava muito além de pensar sobre o que tinha acontecido naquela noite; agora miles pensava e remoía toda e qualquer ação e decisão de sua parte que levara ao fatídico acontecimento. a culpa era inteira e completamente sua.
ele sabia como conseguir o que precisava encontrar. subiu as escadas para o sótão com cuidado, para que sua mãe e seu padrasto não acordassem. a caixa lacrada estava ali, esperando por ele. parecia pulsar. o caderno antigo retirado dali também parecia convidar o lister de uma maneira enjoativa, quase tortuosa. miles sentiu os primeiros sinais ao ler todas as composições, textos e palavras desconectadas. o tremor nos dedos. a respiração entrecortada. a tontura. a escuridão. a garganta ameaçando fechar completamente.
sim. era chocante invadir o diário de seu eu adolescente e perceber que ele era o culpado por estragar tudo. e perceber que ainda se via naquela pessoa. naqueles pensamentos feios.
𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛, 𝑖 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑, 𝑠𝑜 𝑖’𝑙𝑙 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑖 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒
tudo o que restava naquele caderno era uma página vazia antes de miles vasculhar a caixa e encontrar um lápis. a mão, antes trêmula, agora estava firme, ao contrário do resto do corpo. as palavras eram registradas com uma certeza que ele nunca tivera antes. e que nunca mais teria.
miles era famoso por escrever sobre sentimentos românticos. amor. ternura. felicidade. tristeza. era o que fazia de melhor e de maneira mais bonita. não haviam falhas. não tinha nada a temer quando se escrevia sobre outras pessoas e seus relacionamentos. até mesmo quando escrevia sobre si, sempre fora em um viés romântico. porque era bonito, cuidadosamente esculpido, mesmo que triste. era arte.
𝑖𝑡 𝑠𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑠, ‘𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔’𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑒. 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖 𝑐𝑎𝑛’𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑦 𝑖’𝑚 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒, ‘𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑠𝑜 𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑘
isso? era o completo oposto. olhar para dentro de si mesmo e tirar de si todo o amor e todos os sentimentos para com os outros era feio, agonizante, repugnante. odiava cada segundo que realmente passava dentro de sua mente, sozinho, preso, enterrado em fatos e histórias que deveriam ter sido levados para longe há muito tempo. nomes, gritos, frases que machucam disfarçadas de boas intenções, risos maldosos, manipulação, amor, encontros arruinados, segredos, sugestões inocentes.
amor? não. não tinha sido amor. ele sabia disso. 
miles sabia de muitas outras coisas também. sabia que não tinha nada de errado consigo. sabia que preferir o silêncio não era ruim. sabia que ninguém se importava com nada do que estava debaixo de suas roupas, ou até com os tipos de roupa que usava. sabia que se apresentar ao mundo com coração sempre à mostra era algo bonito, admirável. tinha plena consciência de que era importante e querido. e que era suficiente. por todo o conjunto de coisas que o faziam ser o que era, miles lister era suficiente.
mas ainda assim...
𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑖’𝑚 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑘𝑦; 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢’𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑘𝑎𝑦, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢’𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡. 𝑠𝑜 𝑖 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒, 𝑎𝑚 𝑖 𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛? 𝑦𝑜𝑢’𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑖 𝑠𝑎𝑦 𝑖𝑡 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑑
...parecia ter se esquecido.
estava se afogando no silêncio ao invés de encontrar conforto nele. fotos e vídeos causavam reações palpáveis novamente, mesmo que, racionalmente, miles soubesse que não havia problema algum. a vergonha o paralisava. se sentia idiota por usar o coração o tempo todo, porque significava que era fraco, que se deixava ser machucado. tudo sobre si estava errado e era tarde demais para qualquer conserto. todos esses pensamentos, ditos a ele tantas vezes no passado, estavam voltando para lhe assombrar. não importava quantas barreiras estivesse tentando construir, quantos bloqueios racionais estivesse impondo. não adiantava repetir para si mesmo o quanto tudo aquilo era ridículo e o quanto sabia que nada era daquele jeito, que tudo o que era feio na verdade tinha um propósito e até mesmo uma beleza.
porque miles lister sempre foi uma pessoa regida por sentimentos.
mas nem sempre sentimentos bonitos.
𝑖 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠𝑛’𝑡 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡, 𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑖’𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑. ‘𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦’𝑠 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑’𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑟, 𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒.
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yeah-yeah-beebiss-1 · 5 years
predictions from 2021
president beto o’rourke faces scandal when his old funnyjunk account is leaked to the press
nintendo breaks all-time sales records with their 2021 pokemon release, Pokemon Sword/Shield But This Time There’s Mewtwo In It
PepsiCo purchases tumblr, user experience is pretty much the same except now there are mountain dew ads everywhere
someone on tumblr draws that creepy frosted mini-wheats mascot as a blonde white dude in a suit and creates a sexual phenomenon the likes of which haven’t been seen since bowsette or the once-ler
disney and marvel studios have responded to the box office success of avengers: endgame by upping marvel studios’ output to eight films a year and very rapidly runs out of A- and B-listers to make movies about; we finally get steve buscemi starring in a live-action M.O.D.O.K. movie
we have seen one (1) new trailer for the final fantasy vii remake
blizzard finally confirms that there is canon micropenis representation in overwatch; refuses to say which hero they’re referring to fueling months of heated fan debate
HBO announces Game of Thrones: Brotherhood, a remake that will follow the trajectory of the books that weren’t released at the time of the original series, but has to cancel it when they realize george rartin rartin martin still hasn’t written any more books
avatar 2 comes out, breaks box office records, nobody remembers a goddamn thing about it
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anasticklefics · 4 years
wouldn’t anne lister from gentleman jack be the perfect ler or is that just me
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omstreifere-blog · 6 years
Sanger fra ei tom whiskeyflaske
Sarah Shook synger om alle feilene hun har gjort i livet. Om rotete forhold og et liv som har havnet i grøfta igjen og igjen. Publikum er de hun kan dele historiene med.
Sarah Shook & The Disarmers spilte på John Dee i slutten mai. Etter konserten fikk Omstreifere en prat med frontfiguren i bandet.  
Tekst og foto: Henning Benjaminsen
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John Dee i Oslo er ikke stappfullt, men det har samla seg en god gjeng foran scenen. Etter å ha vært på mange country-og americanakonserter i hovedstaden de siste årene begynner jeg å kjenne igjen fjesene som har dukket opp i kveld. Sarah Shook skal spille for Oslos country-og americanamenighet.
Med trange jeans og Gretsch-gitaren over skuldra smeller hun og bandet i gang konserten. Sarah Shook er en vever skikkelse med en ubestemmelig alder. Hun ser ut som en tenåring samtidig som hun utstråler levd liv. Øynene hennes, de gangene vi skimter dem bak det lange håret, er intense og man blir raskt sugd inn i de utleverende tekstene hennes.
Sarah Shook synger fra bunnen av ei whiskeyflaske. Det høres i hvert fall slik ut. Tekstene handler om å gå på trynet, reise seg igjen, for så å gjøre de samme feilene en gang til. Etter 3-4 låter har Sarah Shook & The Disarmers satt fyr på et overopphetet publikum.
- I hate fucking bullshit, flirer hun før bandet teller opp på ny.
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Kontrakt med Bloodshot Records
Sarah Shook og gjengen hennes slapp debutalbumet «Sidelong» i 2015. De ga ut albumet sjøl og begynte å turnere. Men det var først i 2017 da anerkjente Bloodshot Records skrev kontrakt og ga ut albumet på nytt at jungeltelegrafen begynte å rope om dette særegne bandet. Musikkblogger og forskjellige nettmagasiner har skrytt av musikken og bandet har fått rykte på seg for å holde minneverdige konserter. Albumet «Sidelong» dukka opp på diverse årsbeste-lister på tampen av fjoråret.
I april i år slapp bandet sitt andre album, «Years». Et album som har mottatt mange godord fra anerkjente musikkforståsegpåere. Countrypunk er en betegnelse som går igjen når journalister skal forsøke å beskrive musikken til Sarah Shook & The Disarmers.
Kø for signering av plata
Etter et par røyk og en samtale med noen svært begeistrede publikummere finner jeg meg et bord i en krok ved baren. Der sitter jeg og noterer litt i boka mi, mens jeg innimellom studerer signeringskøen borte ved scena. En smilende frontfigur sitter henslengt på scenekanten, mens hun villig signerer vinylcovere, deler ut klemmer og kikker inn i mobilkameraer. Jeg har blitt lova en prat når signeringskøen er unnagjort.
Spilte gitar i trærne
Sarah Shook forteller at hun ville bli musiker, eller i alle fall at hun ville skrive sanger, fra hun var rundt ni år. Kanskje tidligere. Hun forteller at hun vokste opp i en fundamentalistisk kristen familie, et livssyn som ikke hadde mye rom for annet en klassisk musikk og kristne sanger.
- Vi hadde et piano som det var greit å spille på, men det var ikke spesielt populært at jeg begynte å spille gitar, smiler hun.
Hun lærte seg å spille gitar i smug, helst sittende høyt oppe i et tre. Jeg klatra mye i trær i oppveksten, ler hun.
I trærne fikk hun være i fred. Hun forteller at hun følte seg ensom som barn og hun var ekstremt sjenert. Foreldrene ble bekymra da hun slutta å snakke. Sarah Shook ble sendt til forskjellige psykologer og terapeuter.
- Det hjalp ikke akkurat at vi flytta så mye rundt. Når jeg endelig hadde fått kontakt med noen måtte jeg si adjø. Det ble en del tunge brudd, sier hun og kikker ned i bordet.
Gifta seg etter to uker
Sarah Shook har et intenst blikk og hun snakker nærmest uten filter. Det virker som om ordene kommer rett fra hjertet. Sarah Shook ler mye når hun prater, men plutselig må hun holde tårene tilbake. På et tidspunkt, da hun var rundt 20, måtte hun bryte med det livet hun levde. Det var for mange fordommer og for få muligheter til «å se utenfor boksen».
- Kristendommen jeg var omgitt av var veldig begrensende for meg, forklarer hun.
­Sarah Shook ville bort og vekk hjemmefra. Hun møtte en fyr på nettet som hun gifta seg med.
- Vi gifta oss etter et par uker, etter to måneder var jeg gravid etter et år var jeg skilt, smiler hun og tar seg en slurk av plastglasset på bordet foran seg. Plastglasset er skjenka godt opp med whiskey.
- Jeg har alltid følt meg annerledes, ja, så lenge jeg kan huske. Jeg forstod tidlig at miljøet jeg vokste opp i var feil. Jeg kom meg i alle fall bort, fortsetter hun.
Samhold med publikum
Virkeligheten er ofte brutal og jævlig, mener Sarah Shook. Hun forteller at det hun har opplevd i livet gir henne kraft og en mening med det hun holder på med. Når hun er på scenen og synger opplever hun et samhold med publikum. De er noen hun kan dele sine historier med.
- Hver eneste gang jeg står på en scene og ser utover publikum, ser jeg at tekstene mine treffe folk. Jeg ser at folk kjenner seg igjen i tekstene mine. Vi har opplevd de samme tingene, eller ting som likner. Jeg ser det i øynene deres, forteller hun.
Da den amerikansk musikkbloggen Saving Country Music skrev om den siste plata hennes. Var det en mann som kommenterte under artikkelen. Han kom med både homofobiske og sexsistiske uttalelser mot hennes livsstil, men han skrev også at han likte plata og ble berørt av tekstene. Shook mener dette gir håp. Hun tror musikken hennes traff noe i den mannen og håper hun det fikk han til å tenke seg om.
- Kanskje folk kan innse at det ikke betyr så forbanna mye hvem man ligger med likevel, sier hun.
Sarah Shook er politisk aktiv og har engasjert seg spesielt i saker vedrørende LHBT-bevegelsen. «I’m a vegan, bisexual, atheist, civil rights activist, female in a country band in the South», skriver hun på hjemmesida si.
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Amerikanerne holder fasaden
Shook mener at det amerikanske samfunnet og musikkbransjen er preget av å holde en fin fasade med «candy og kaker», sier hun.
Shook reagerer på at innholdet i både de gamle og nyere countrysangene vi hører på radio er så fjernt fra virkeligheten. Hun mener at hovedpersonen i sangene, som oftest en mann, nesten alltid blir fremstilt som et offer. Mannsfigurene i tekstene oppdager at kjæresten har ligget med en annen og Shook har ofte spurt seg hva jeg-personen i sangen har gjort. Hva var det som gjorde at kjæresten dro eller at hun fant seg en annen? I tillegg mener hun at mange av sangtekstene i den tradisjonelle countryen er urealistisk, det blir for rosenrødt.
- Et brudd er jævlig. Det kan være noe av det kjipeste du har opplevd, noe som er med å prege deg resten av livet. Jeg har driti meg ut mange ganger, ja og det har vel de fleste andre også, sier hun engasjert.
Shook forteller at det er slike følelser vil skrive om. Hun vil at de som hører på musikken hennes skal forstå at det hun synger om er ekte.
Sarah Shook sier hun ikke hører så mye på tradisjonell countrymusikk, det går mest i gammel punk. Men hun elsker Hank senior.
- Det første bandet skikkelige bandet jeg spilte i, Sarah Shook & The Devil, gjorde halvparten med Hank senior låter og resten var egne låter. Da var også mitt eget materiale nærmere tradisjonell countrymusikk. Punk-elementene i musikken kom helt naturlig da jeg for alvor begynte å konsentrere meg om å lage mitt eget materiale, sier hun.
Sønnen er hennes største helt
Sarah Shook sier hun elsker å være på turné og hun elsker å være på vei fra sted til sted, men hun savner sønnen sin noe skrekkelig. For annen gang under intervjuet sliter hun med å holde tårene tilbake. Den 11 år gamle sønnen er hennes største helt. Det er han som gir henne kraft til å karre seg opp igjen, sier hun.
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Bandet er familien min
Sarah Shook synes Skandinavia har vært helt fantastisk. Shook beskriver midnattssola hun og bandet opplevde nord i Sverige som en helt ekstraordinær opplevelse.
- Jeg trodde det skulle bli kaldt her og pakka luer, tykke gensere og et par jakker, men det er jo t-skjortevær. Jeg fryser vanligvis hele tida men her kan til og med jeg gå ute i t-skjorte. In fucking Norway, utbryter hun.
På gata utenfor John Dee tenner hun en røyk, Sarah Shook vil videre. Hun har fått anbefalt puben Revolver. På veien snakker vi om musikkmiljøet i hjembyen hennes, Chapel Hill i North Carolina. Hun forteller om mange bra spillesteder som er samlet i en del av byen. Hun er glad for at folk der er åpne for ny musikk og nye impulser. Slik jeg forstår det var det i dette miljøet hun traff resten av bandet sitt. Gitarist Eric Peterson og bassist Aaron Oliva er passert 50 og har vært aktive musikere siden begynnelsen av 90-tallet.
- Jeg elsker bandet mitt, sier hun og veiver med sigaretten. De er familien min, de er «freaks» akkurat som meg, sier Shook.
Sarah Shook & The Disarmers er fortsatt i Skandinavia. Bandet har spilt en rekke konserter i Sverige og Norge, pluss en liten tur innom Danmark. Turnelista viser at bandet spiller i Gøteborg 13 juni, i Uppsala 15 juni for så å avslutte denne turneen i Stockholm 16 juni.
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maianavieira · 4 years
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Olá, pessoas, tudo bem? Espero que sim! Hoje temos a resenha de "Medicina dos Horrores", da dra. Lindsey Fitzharris, da @intrinseca! AVISO: Este livro contém descrições detalhadas de cirurgias, especialmente de amputação. Imagine uma época onde se fazia cirurgias sem nenhum tipo de anestésico. Uma época onde as chances de morrer no meio da operação ou depois eram tão altas que era melhor ficar em casa, esperando a morte chegar. E onde os hospitais cheiravam muito mal e tanto as roupas quanto os instrumentos cirúrgicos não passavam sequer por uma limpeza mínima. Imaginou? Pronto, então você está no meio do século 19, onde o livro começa! Nem foi muito longe, não é mesmo? A obra conta a história de Joseph Lister, médico cirurgião inglês que, determinado a combater as razões que causavam altas taxas de mortalidade nos hospitais da época, acabou criando métodos antissépticos que acabaram revolucionando a história da medicina. Através de suas pesquisas ele descobriu que muitas das ideias de seus antecessores eram obsoletas e até prejudiciais para os pacientes que tratavam. Porém, como é bem retratado na obra, a resistência da maioria da classe médica foi um grande empecilho para que suas técnicas fossem conhecidas e difundidas mundo afora. Nada diferente do que vemos nos tempos atuais, né? O livro apresenta uma linguagem de fácil compreensão e bem fluída, então quem não é entendide dos jargões médicos pode ler sem receio. Ao final tem várias notas dos documentos e fontes consultadas para a composição do livro, o que ajuda muito quem pretende se aprofundar no tema. Aproveito para agradecer à equipe envolvida na composição da edição brasileira. Espero que não tenha sido muito complicado produzir esse trabalho com tantos detalhes... Sangrentos, por assim dizer. 😆😆😆😆 Eu gostei muito da leitura e recomendo para quem pretende se aprofundar na história da medicina e sua evolução, especialmente na área da cirurgia. Fui com um pouco de receio, mas acabei me surpreendendo positivamente! Quem diria que antes das salas de cirurgia de "Grey's Anatomy" os hospitais eram sujos, hein! Nota: 10,0 #pracegover https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSBPZHjs-s/?igshid=ti8560pga0if
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secretleeblogging · 2 years
The Ark, Lee/Ler Headcannons
A/N: Lol there isn’t enough osemanverse tword content so I thought I’d make some myself :)
Rowan Omondi
He is probably the least ticklish out of the three
That doesn’t mean he won’t laugh, though
When he sees someone’s about to tickle him he just sort of raises a brow at them and watches
Usually it’s too intimidating for them to continue
But if they do he just sort of, chuckles?
He won’t push them away immediately, he’ll let them have a couple seconds of fun where he’ll just snicker a bit
But if they come across a spot that gets more of a reaction than that?
He’ll push them off while he laughs and just says, ‘okay okay, alright, enough now’
But, if that person has a death wish, and they pursue a death spot
Let’s be real, we all know I’m talking about lister
His laughter gets real bright and surprised
It’s slightly higher than his normal voice, and quite fast but it’s sort of.. gruff, if you know what I mean?
It’s adorable, I’m telling you
His worst spots are his lower back, shoulders and feet
If, for whatever reason, something has possessed Rowan Omondi to tickle you
I wish you luck my friend
He’s not as ruthless as Lister, but he is just so tactical and precise it’s almost worse
He’s that agonising mix of rough and light that just kills
He knows everyone’s worst spots, mostly just from watching lister get other people, but he keeps this information totally to himself
It’s terrifying, I’m telling you
He doesn’t tease all the time, but he will
‘Are you seriously this ticklish?’
‘You’ve got to be kidding me-’
‘Here too?’
In conclusion, never do anything that might make rowan tickle you
That is, if it’s to put you in your place
If he sees that you need to cheering up?
He’s a lot more considerate, and gentle.
He knows everyone’s limits and rarely ever goes over them
Yeah basically he’s just a mean ler. Send tweet.
Jimmy Kaga-Ricci
Arguably the most ticklish out of the three
It’s a toss up between him and Lister though
But they’re such different lees it’s hard to tell
Jimmy is less comfortable with letting people touch him, let alone tickle him
So honestly, it’s only really Lister and Rowan that get to see him like that
He’s the type of lee who backs up into the corner
When they do get him, he sort of tries to not laugh?
Fails basically every time
He gets super giggly, it’s adorable
His laugh is a little panicky and frantic at first, or when they get near a bad spot
His worst spots are his stomach, neck and sides
If they do get a bad spot his laughter goes up three pitches i swear-
He’s not much of a squirmer, he just tries to curl up and prays they’ll stop
Again, quite a shy ler, doesn’t do it often
much to Lister’s disappointment
He’s not the type to just spontaneously tickle someone
There has to be a reason
And lister basically always gives him one
Okay enough with the jimmy/lister stuff bug
He’s quite gentle at first, will aim to get some giggles from his lee
But if he finds a bad spot, he will go a bit rougher there
Sort of does little experiments to see what makes his lee laugh more
He doesn’t tease (it embarrasses him too much) but will laugh along with his lee
Lister Bird
I swear this man is the cutest lee
It’s hard to tell if he or Jimmy are the most ticklish
But the difference between him and Jimmy is that Lister will ask
Okay, rarely, but it happens
Normally he’ll just bug people until they do it
Doesn’t take long
He is so LOUD
He will scream even if they’re barely doing anything
He’s so dramatic it’s hilarious
He thrashes and squirms a lot
Like, a lot
Honestly you need a helmet or something
There have been instances where Rowan was wrecking him and had to stop because he was thrashing too much and he got kicked in the face
Then Lister complained until Rowan continued
His worst spots are everywhere
jk jk
Thighs, stomach and armpits
He is rough
And not necessarily in the sense of pressure
although this is true in most cases
He just does not let up
Lister will not stop until he has you wheezing and crying
A lot of times Rowan has to step in and stop him manually or Lister will just get carried away
Does not have much of a concept of people’s limits, though he never has bad intentions
He just enjoys both receiving and giving the tickles
Teases are DEATHLY
‘Uh oh!! Is the little giggle bug too tiggwish?’
‘1... 2... 3- hey! Stop squirming, you’re making me lose count!’
‘Where’s that cute little smile, huh? Kitchy-kitchy-coo!’
Jimmy dies of embarrassment every single time
He is a lot less tactical than Rowan, so in some ways its less torturous
But dear g o d
Whatever you do
Do NOT let this man find your death spots
He will literally never stop and will continue to get you there every single time he tickles you
Don’t say I didn’t warn you
In conclusion:
Well that just about sums it up. Now I’m in the mood to write some IWBFT fics :/ Thanks for reading!!
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tickles-in-ficland · 2 years
Destination: Laughter
Summary: Reader meets her favorite actor while traveling. He finds out something about her that peaks his interest.
Warnings: Literally one curse word. All fluff otherwise.
Word Count: 3,202
Pairing: Chris Evans x Female!Reader & Ler!Chris Evans, Lee!Reader
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It was your first time going to Los Angeles. You were spending the summer with your aunt that lived out there. You were so excited because your aunt worked in production for different films and television shows. She was definitely the “cool aunt” in the family. You didn’t know what she was currently working on but it didn’t matter. You were just excited to spend the summer in a new city with your favorite aunt. 
While from a small town in Connecticut, you were flying out of Boston seeing as that was the only airport that had flights to California that week.
You hugged your mom tightly, a slight tear falling from your eyes. “I’m going to miss you mama.”
Your mother gave you a final squeeze and kissed your cheek. “I know baby. I’ll miss you too but you’re gonna have such a great summer with your aunt. I’m always only a phone call away okay? And if you’re really miserable, we’ll get you back home.”
You nodded with a small smile and gave your mom one last hug and kiss on the cheek before heading into the terminal. It was it’s usual busyness, travelers coming and going. People coming into town for business, others coming home to their families, and people excitedly ready for a vacation. Passing through security quicker than expected, you passed the time browsing the shops and getting something to eat while you waited to board. After what seemed like forever it was finally time. With an excited bounce in your step you grabbed your carry on, having already checked in your big bag and handed the airline employee your ticket. Stepping on to the plane and politely greeting the flight attendants you anxiously looked for your seat. You hated keeping people waiting while you awkwardly searched. Finally finding your seat you groaned when you realized it was a middle seat. The two seats on other side of you were open for the time being. Maybe you’d be lucky and have the row to yourself you hoped. Putting your airpods in and already being engrossed in your movie you didn’t hear or notice someone approaching your aisle. A light tap on your shoulder got your attention when you heard a gentleman speak.
“I’m sorry to bother you, I’m in the window seat.” said the deep voice.
You froze. You knew that voice. You knew that Boston accent. Your eyes flitted up to be greeted by the sheepish smile of no other than Chris Evans. Your breath caught in your throat. There was absolutely no way this was real. This had to be a dream.
Chris cleared his throat, snapping you out of your daze.
“Oh! I-I’m sorry.” you said standing up to allow him in.
Chris gave you a polite nod and smile. Once getting himself situated and sitting down you tried to take some deep breaths without him noticing. There was no way this was real. There was no way you were spending the next six hours on a flight next to Chris freaking Evans. You’d been a fan of him and Marvel for years. You didn’t want to appear like an overzealous fan so you stifled your excitement. No one else ended up sitting on the other side of you and you contemplated moving to the aisle seat to give the A lister space. You wanted to speak to him but didn’t know what to say or disturb him. He wasn’t working, he was by himself. He gets bombarded by fans all the time, he probably just wants peace and quiet.
Shortly after take off the two of you sat in silence as you each watched something on your phones. You turned your phone slightly hoping he wouldn’t catch on that you were watching one of his movies.
You felt a nudge on your shoulder and turned to glance at Chris. His piercing blue eyes staring back at you while a soft smile tugged at his lips. “I’m sorry I haven’t been very chatty. I’m usually a social seat mate. I love talking to people but you seemed pretty engrossed in what you were doing so I didn’t want to interrupt.”
You gave a tiny smile in return, trying to slow your heart rate. “N-No it’s okay. You’re not bohothering me.” you said as a nervous giggle escaped your lips. You hoped he hadn’t noticed. He did.
“You know…” he said turning to face you slightly. “Normally when I meet fans they’re a lot more vocal around me.” he said in a teasing tone.
Your eyes widened as you shook your head. “I-I’m not quite sure what you mean.” you said attempting to pretend you had no idea who he was. You weren’t doing a very good job.
Chris chuckled. “So that’s not Age of Ultron you’re watching?” He asked his eyes twinkling as he tapped your phone in his direction.
Your cheeks flushed pink as you covered your face in embarrassment. There was no use pretending at this point. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to bother you. You deserve peace and quiet on a flight not fans gushing over you.”
“Well that’s very thoughtful of you. I appreciate the gesture but I really don’t mind talking. Before you noticed me standing next to you, I saw what you were watching and I could tell by your reaction you recognized me.” he said with a smirk.
You groaned and covered your face again. Chris chucked and pulled your arms down so your face as visible. “And when you didn’t immediately talk my ear off or demanded a photo and respected my space, I was pleasantly surprised.”
A smiled tugged at your lips as you held out your hand. “I’m Y/N. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Chris took his big hand in yours giving it a firm shake. “Nice to meet you Y/N. I’m Chris.”
This time a full laugh bubbled from your chest. “Yeah. I know. I am a big fan. You’re very talented.”
It was Chris’ turn to blush. “Well that’s very kind of you to say. Thank you.”
“I’ll let you back to what you were doing. But if you get bored on this long flight, I’m a great listener.” you said with a casual shrug.
“Good to know.” Chris said with a wink.
An hour passed by and the two of you sat in silence, each engrossed in your own activities. Occasionally glancing at one another and a friendly smile before putting attention back to your separate forms of entertainment.
You gently tapped Chris’ arm to get his attention. Taking his airpod out of his ear and looking in your direction you looked down, embarrassed to ask. “I-I’m sorry. I was wondering if we could take a photo together. I didn’t want to bother you but wanted to ask before we land and it’s hectic getting off the plane. I’m sorry I’ll leave you alone.” you said turning back to your phone before Chris’ warm hand touched yours.
“Hey it’s okay! I really don’t mind. Here give me your phone.” he said holding his hand out. Handing your phone to the super star he turned it on selfie mode. Unexpectedly he reached around to put his arm around your back to pull you in for the photo. His fingers accidentally digging in to the spot by your ribs, causing you to squeak in surprise.
“Oh I’m so sorry, did I hurt you?” he asked genuinely concerned.
You shook your head frantically, embarrassed at the fact that Chris Evans had accidentally tickled you.
“No no. Just surprised me.” you said trying to play it off.
Chris raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. Placing his hand back on the spot for the photo he felt your breath hitch in your throat and smiled to himself. After taking some smiley selfies and a some goofy faces he handed you back your phone.
“Thank you Mr. Evans.” you said placing your phone back on the tray table.
“Please. Call me Chris.” he insisted.
“Thank you Mr. Ev-Chris.” you fumbled but gave him a smile.
“So what are you traveling to LA for?” he asked causally as he placed his airpods back in the case.
You were amazed that a huge celebrity like him was even the slightest bit interested in your life. But you obliged his question and told him your summer plans with your aunt. He seemed genuinely interested in hearing about what you wanted to do while in LA. He gave some suggestions about fun non touristy things to do and even wrote down some places he thought you should check out. You in turn asked him what he’d been doing in Boston and he shared he was visiting his family before filming his next movie which would take a couple months and he wanted to see his family before then.
“Well that sounds like a great visit. I’m excited to spend time with my aunt but I miss my mom already.”
Earning a sympathetic smile from Chris he nodded. “I understand. I miss my family a lot when I’m off shooting. It’ll get easier.”
You nodded in agreement and reached over to grab your charger from your bag only to have it slip out of your hands and fall to the floor.
“Shit.” you grumbled unbuckling your seatbelt to search for it.
“Need help?” Chris asked.
You shook your head. “No no. I got it.” You said straining your arm down to reach the cord but ended up knocking it further away.
Growling in frustration you started to stand up when Chris put his hand out. “I got it. I feel it at my feet hold on.” He said as he unbuckled his own seat to maneuver his way to grab it. Unknowingly using your leg to brace himself as he stood back up, he gave it a squeeze as he pushed himself back up into his seat.
A high pitched squeal escaped your lips as you covered your mouth. Chris’ lips curled into a mischievous smirk. “What was that? Are you okay?” he asked.
You gave him a smile, hoping he wouldn’t acknowledge the noise that came out of your mouth. “Totally fine. Totally.” you said shifting in your seat.
“Are you sure? You seem really jumpy all of a sudden.” he said handing you your charging cord before folding his arms and leaning against the window with a sly smirk.
“Nope. Totally fine. Just didn’t expect you to use my leg as leverage.”
Chris searched your face for a second before a deep chuckled rumbled through his chest. “Ah I see. You’re ticklish.”
You choked on your drink as you took a sip and looked over to a smiling Chris. He was throughly enjoying watching your squirm. He had just met you but he was genuinely enjoying your company.
“Am not.” you said firmly crossing your arms.
“Ah okay. So I didn’t accidentally tickle you when we took the photo? Or just now when I grabbed your knee?”
“Nope.” you said emphasizing the P.
Chris nodded. “Gotcha. So if I did this.” he said this time giving your knee a firm squeeze. “Doesn’t tickle?”
You barked out a laugh and held up your hands in defense. “Ohokay! Mahaybe a little bit. But I usually don’t expect my seat mate to tickle me on a flight. We just met!” Truthfully you didn’t mind being tickled but you certainly weren’t going to disclose that. Especially not to Chris Evans.
Chris laughed. “True. But we’ve been talking for several hours now. I like to think us friends. I’ve enjoyed your company.”
You blushed as your eyes glanced up to his. “Likewise. I didn’t expect my favorite actor to be so genuine. It’s…. refreshing.”
“Well Im glad to be so. I guess I am pretty awesome.” he said with a wink.
With a teasing smirk, knowing you were now egging him on, you rolled your eyes. “Spoke too soon. Ugh. Actors are such divas.”
Chris’ eyes widened at your cheeky comment. “Hey!” he said with a slight pout. “That’s not very nice.”
“I’m sorry you’re right. Actors aren’t divas. Just the Marvel ones.” you said with a teasing tone in your voice.
“Okay that’s it.” Chris said dropping his phone on the tray table before digging his fingers into your side, giggles pouring from your lips as you squirmed away from his fingers with nowhere to go.
“Ch-Chrhihis!” you hissed slapping at his hands.
“What?” he asked innocently but mischief danced in his eyes. “Oh!” he said as his fingers danced up and down your side as you turned your body trying, but not really trying to get away. “Does that tickle?” he smirked.
“YEHES!” you said your laughter increasing as his one hand rapidly squeezed your knee and the other scribbled into your side. “Ihit tihihihickles!” you squealed trying to cover your mouth to muffle your laughter so you didn’t disturb the other passengers. After another minute he let up, allowing you to sit up and collect yourself. You couldn’t believe what had just happened. You had been tickled by Chris Evans. On an airplane of all places.
“Thahat wahas mehehean!” you said running your hands through your hair trying to catch your breath from the sudden tickle attack.
Chris smiled bashfully and shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe. But it was adorable.” he said giving you a friendly nudge.
Your cheeks turned pink as the heat rose in your cheeks. “Not adorable.” you said shaking your head.
Chris grinned before giving you a few final pokes, earning a few quiet giggles from you. “Yes. You. Are.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled at him before returning to your movie. The rest of the flight was pretty uneventful. The two of you sat in comfortable silence, occasionally asking a question or two before going back to what you were doing.
Around 30 minutes or so before landing, you felt your eyes getting heavy. Resting your head back on the seat you shut your eyes and dozed off. Unknowingly your head began to slip and gently landed on Chris’ shoulder. Surprised by the sudden weight on him, he turned to see you asleep on him, your chest slowly falling and rising as you slept, your mouth open slightly and your eyelashes fluttering every few minutes. He couldn’t help but smile to himself. You really were adorable. He looked down at you with a smile, not wanting to disturb your peace. He looked at you again, trying to guess how old you were. You were definitely an adult but you were so petite you could easily pass for a teenager. He’d only known you for a few hours but it was very rare to find people, women especially who didn’t fawn over his every move. He appreciated how you treated him like a normal person but still shared that you were a fan of what he did. He went back to reading his book while you snoozed.
As the pilot came over the speaker to announce that the plane would be landing shortly your eyes fluttered open. Realizing the position you were in you immediately jolted up.
“I’m so sorry! I did not mean to fall asleep on you. You should’ve woken me. I’m really sorry.”
Chris shook his head. “Y/N It’s okay, really. I didn’t mind. You looked peaceful I didn’t want to wake you.”
You searched his face, your mind convincing you he was just being polite. “Are you sure? I feel bad.”
Closing his book he turned towards you with a smile. Giving you a quick poke causing you to squeak and jump back he insisted it was okay.
“Alright, if you say so mr. movie star.” you said with a playful shove.
Chris began to dig through his bag as he searched for a pen and paper. “Here.” he said handing you the paper and pen. “Write down your info. I’ll send it to my assistant and she’ll give you a call so you can come see the set. Get the full “Hollywood” experience. Bring your aunt too. “
You looked at him stunned. “Oh Chris I can’t ask you to do that. You’re probably so busy, we would just be in the way.” you said attempting to hand back the paper and pen only to have it pushed back to you.
“I insist.” he said gesturing for you to write down your info.
Reluctantly doing so, you handed him back the paper and pen which he stowed back in his bag. “I’ll send this to her and she’ll reach out to you soon.”
You simply gave him a smile as the plane made its landing and approached the gate. The two of you made small talk for a few minutes before exiting the plane.
“Well Y/N this is where we part. It was wonderful meeting you. Thank you for your company on what would’ve been a boring flight.”
He opened up his arms for a hug which you happily obliged. He wrapped his arms around you and giving you a gentle squeeze before giving you a quick poke to the side making you jump back with a ticklish grin on your face.
“HE-HEY!” you chastised playfully.
Chris laughed. “Sorry. Had to. I’ll see you soon new friend. Enjoy LA!” he said with a wave before turning on his heel to head to the car that was most likely waiting for him.
Trying to navigate LAX was a lot harder than it seemed. Eventually while on the phone with your aunt you found her waiting for you by the baggage claim. Running into her arms you held her tightly. You really had missed her since she moved to further her career.
“Hey kiddo!” she said giving you a tight squeeze.
You laughed pulling away from her. “Auntie! I’m not a kid anymore. Well not legally anyway.” you said with a smile.
Your aunt smiled as she brushed a strand of hair from your face. “You’ll always be a kid to me Y/N. Even if you are all grown up.” she said giving you a chaste kiss on the head. “How was your flight?” she asked as you made your way out of the airport.
“It was good. You’ll never believe who I met.” you said as you picked your bag back up, throwing it over your shoulder. You told your aunt the tale of sitting next to your favorite actor and showed her the pictures you took. You left out the part of him tickling you. She wouldn’t believe it anyway. She might think it was weird. Or weird that you enjoyed it.
“You ready for the best summer ever?” she asked linking your arm with hers.
Your mind wandered to Chris. You convinced yourself he was just being nice since you were a fan, but he wasn’t actually going to invite you to come visit him on the set of the movie he was working on. Even so, you glanced down at your phone at the selfie you had taken and then back up at your aunt.
“Born ready.”
If you only knew.
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Himmelen bak huset
I dette innlegget vil eg peike på nokon narratologiske skilnader og likskapar mellom Gaute Heivoll sin biletbok Himmelen bak huset og filmadaptasjonen av boka. Fyst vil eg gi eit kort samandrag i frå innhaldet i boka.
I Himmelen bak huset møter leseren den vesle guten Jon og faren. Moren døde da Jon var liten. Jon og faren bur i eit hus ute i skogen. Kvar kveld kjem mora til Jon for å seie god natt, men ein kveld kjem ho ikkje. Då finn faren fram ein rød genser som mora hadde strikka då han vart liten, raknar den opp og binder tråden rundt faren sin stortå slik at Jon kan dra i tråden når han blir redd. Men når kvelden kjem og Jon drar i tråden fordi han blir redd, kjem ikkje faren. Jon lister seg ut av rommet og ser at tråden ikkje leder til faren sitt rom.  Tråden leder ut i mørket, i skogen. Jon følgjer tråden til han kjem til trehytta som ligg bak huset. Her møter Jon sin mor, far og kleda som har fått ansikt. 
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Boka er presentert med eg-forteljar, Jon. Noko som gjer at vi kan sjå tankane til Jon. Mens i filmen har dei løyst det med å ha ein forteljarstemme. Boka er ganske trist og mørk både i det visuelle og i verbalteksten. Filmen får også fram det triste, men endå meir gjennom musikken. Vi høyrer også i boka at faren ler når Jon springer rundt i stova, noko han ikkje gjer på filmen. Dette gjer at faren til Jon ser «tristare» ut enn han gjør i boka.
I boka til Gaute Heivoll er det en open slutt. Det er rom får å tolke om Jon drømmer eller ikkje. Imens i filmen får vi sjå at han vaknar opp i senga etter ein draum. Dette synest eg at filmen har fått fram på ein fin måte. Filmen starter også med eit frempeik, ein prolepse der vi følgjer Jon som går ut av huset og inn i trehytta i skogen. På vegen forteljar forteljarstemmen om at mora ikkje kom inn til han kvelden i førevegen, noko ho pleiar. Ved hjelp av frampeiket, musikken og når Jon vaknar opp i senga si er det tydeligare på filmen at mora har døyd og at vesle Jon har drøymt.
I boka er den raude tråden eit gjennomgåande symbol. Boka er nokså gjennomgåande svart/kvit, unntatt nokre bildar med glimt av rød farge, den røde tråden, kanten på boka og den at det er ein rød tråd som er fysisk som eit bokmerke i boka. I filmen er det tatt vare på den røde tråden som Jon følgjer. I filmen er den røde tråden ein kjernefunksjon. Om ikkje Jon hadde følgt den røde tråden ut til trehytta, ville det ikkje vore ein adaptasjon av boka.
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bigbunsusagi · 6 years
Billig gulvfirma Glamsbjerg-gulv-specialisten
Normalt slibes der omtrent 0,5 - 1,0 millimeter ned i dybden.
Oliebehandlede parketgulve
Ring til os for at få flere informationer om, hvad I skal lægge vægt på, når I skal vælge nyt trægulv.  gulv-specialisten
Parketgulve i mange flotte farver udføres på bræddegulve med gulvafslibning og overfladebehandling.
Afhøvling af spisebord
Nogle trægulve kan i nogle tilfælde give problemer at de ikke rigtig kan lysne op som ask eller bøg der de er meget lyse i forvejen.
Behandlingen med lud kan ikke stå alene som en overfladebehandling.
http://gulv-specialisten.dkGulvafslibning og gør det selv maling af gulv
Den har samme effekt som hvid lud hvor man stadig kan se træets knaster og struktur.
Finishen bliver som et levende og naturligt trægulv, som er lettere at vedligeholde.
Trægulv bambus
Gulvafslibning Helsingør
Gulvmoppe til trægulv
Gulvafslibning Kirke Hyllinge
Trip trap trægulv
Gulvafslibning og maling
Gulvafslibning samt trægulve garant
Til nye afslebne gulve bruges oftest en ønskede gulvbehandling som kunden foretrækker.
Dygtig gulvmand Næstved.
Hvordan fjerner man stearin fra trægulv
Afhøvle parketgulv
Gulvbehandling faxe
Trægulv direkte på beton
Få viden om lak i en gang
Ved en afhøvling af gulvet er det ekstremt vigtigt, at man får professionelle til at udføre opgaven.
Bejdse, lak, lud, voks og olie
Klinker og sintrede fliser fås i et væld af farver, spættede og flammede, afhængigt af brændingen og den anvendte ler.
Egenskaber for blank lak på bræddegulve i et kontor.
Gulvafslibning samt billig gulv oslo
Når man udfører afslibning af køkkenbordplade, er det normalt at man kun sliber bordplade og ikke lister.
Lakken er bygget på den 2 komponent erhvervslak og er derfor endnu mere slidstærk end den almindelige.
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commixus-blog · 6 years
Gulvafslibning eller gulvafhøvling?
Det anbefales derfor, at du indhenter tilbud på gulvafslibning eller gulvafhøvling hos flere forskellige gulvfirmaer. Afslibning af et trægulv er noget, som mange af os kender og ofte får foretaget i forbindelse med renovering af boligen.
Billig gulvafslibning priser København
Det kræver erfaring, og derfor anbefaler vi, at man vælger en professionel for at få det pæneste resultat. Gør det selv er meget populært men kunden får sjældent det resultat de ønsker og spare faktisk ikke ret meget.
God gulvservice
Når det drejer sig om trægulve og servicering af disse, er det vigtigt, at man overlader dette til eksperter, der er uddannet indenfor gulvservice
gulvlakering gravid
gør det selv gulvafhøvling
junckers nørre alslev
kurt gulvmand anmeldelse
Gulvet kan slibes mange gange og både stå lakeret, olieret eller sæbebehandlet.
Afslibning af køkkenbordplade
Når man udfører afslibning af køkkenbordplade, er det normalt at man kun sliber bordplade og ikke lister. Gulvolien er ikke hårdfør nok til at klare den udendørs opgave.
trægulv odense
gulvlak vandbaseret
trægulv ovenpå beton
ludbehandling af fyrretræ
Det kan ikke anbefales at man, som uerfaren, giver sig i kast med afslibning af trapper. Det er vigtigt at arbejdet udføres korrekt af en fagmand fra starten.
Håndværksmæssig ekspertise
Ekspertise og håndværksmæssig erfaring gør os i stand til at rådgive vores kunder om den bedste løsning. Afslibning af dørtrin Er det nødvendigt at foretage afslibning af dørtrin? Parketgulve er således langtidsholdbare og dermed en god boliginvestering.
Olie og oliebehandling af gulve
Olien trækker pigmenter op af træet og afslører hvis gulvet har skader og ujævnheder. De samler ikke støvmider til fremkaldelse af allergi som tæpper gør og trægulve er stort set vedligeholdelsesfri, samtidig med at de er meget nemme at rengøre.
Hvis du ringer til os for at indhente tilbud på afhøvling el ler afslibning af gulve. Vi er specialister indenfor nye og moderne teknikker og metoder, der betyder, at man som kunde kan være sikker på optimale løsninger og resultater med trægulve Sjælland.
for mere information besøg
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