#less than 10 pages lmaooooo)
lonely-night · 7 months
is there a way to replace/repair moleskine notebook cover? because mine is starting to like... sheds???
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quiescentdestiny · 4 months
Decidedly started wayward son now (finally). Now that I've finished both the AOUV books (that brain rot is gonna be there a WHILE though ngl. I'm gonna be thinking about those books forever too.) But I also (finally) have a physical copy of Wayward Son. And the third book, so I don't have to stop.
anyways. contemplating just putting my thoughts live-streamed once more, but I might have already read 20 chapters (RR why. why are there so many chapters in these books. it's too many.) (I live-streamed the first 20 chapters to a friend on discord lmao.
Spoilers under the cut I guess?
It's good to see that Agatha is one step away from trading one magickal cult for another less magickal one lmao poor girl 🤣
Me three pages later: well at least she knows 🤣 God, I love her.
fun fact! everyone on goodreads hates Agatha. I think they're wrong and am even more convinced that a bunch of people who like to review things on goodreads, cannot, in fact, read.
Oh boy Penny. Well that is certainly a decision. BF hangs up on you, show up in America to surprise him. what could go wrong.
oof. yeah that. that could go wrong.
No no, Baz is right I'd also be mad if I had to spend an entire day driving through Nebraska. Road trips suck. 😌
I agree with his entire fucking list. Illinois also sucks. And Kansas.
Poor man. At least he got cheese cake factory out of it I suppose. Does cheesecake factory really not exist in Europe?
Simon having all this idealistic wonder about fucking Iowa is hilarious 😂 man Baz is so real. the last road trip I went on was 16 hours to the coast of Texas. you know what's even better than Iowa being so similar to Illinois that they may as well not have separated them? driving ten hours in one day and still being in fucking Texas.
Glshdvdisbksa reading a British perspective of a Renn Faire is absolutely fucking thrilling. I love this book.
lmaooooo fighting vampires at the renn faire 10/10. as an American, who has in fact been to multiple Renaissance Faires I love this book.
dfghdjkfsgh man this poor kid is not dealing with being in a civilian after war very well at all, but man the moment something interesting happens he's like ✨😊 meanwhile I AM CRYING ABOUT IT. how is the trauma going there Simon?
"I was being poetic before, about America being endless. But Nebraska really is endless." my lord this man really just sums up road-trips.
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tuxedo-floracat · 3 years
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seriously considering buying a new hibden tab just for my trigun fandragons since i currently have 21 and plans for many more.... the fandragon tab now has a population of 62 which is by far my largest lair/den tab. i prefer having smaller populations per tab just for my own brain’s enjoyment of organization/viewing purposes. hard to explain. but fandragons tab already is being split into multiple pages (unlike any other tab i have) just for further sorting of characters by type of media and the trigun page is the most populated (every other page has less than 10 lol). and since trigun has kind of a split between manga/anime/movie characters and especially with characters like zazie who have totally different character designs/designations in the anime&manga i’m having trouble sorting them all on this one single page in a way i find pleasing/coherent at this point. also would help with keeping characters side by side like livio&razlo, nebraska&gofsef, and amelia&gasback, they keep getting disrupted whenever i move someone in front of them in the tab and in smaller pages they won’t constantly be thrown out of alignment and idk i am just so picky with ordering my dragons to begin with lmaooooo i just want 3 million tabs
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ladytalon1 · 8 years
What Do You Wish To Know?
Tagged by @page-mistress
Nickname: Katie...Kate, for the rare few.
Star Sign: Capricorn (I am a horny old goat so it fits perfectly)
Height: 5′4 1/2″ - the half-inch is REALLY IMPORTANT
Time Right Now: 10:43 PM
Favorite Music Artists: STING!!!!!  I would take a bullet for him and I’m not even kidding here - I’d do it for Trudie too tbh, The Moody Blues, Genesis (plus all the band members’ solo stuff), Robbie Williams, Metric, Marina & the Diamonds, INXS, Bond, P!nk, Depeche Mode, Eliot Sumner, Katzenjammer
Last Movie I watched: Anděl Páně.  If Mr. LadyT is around, we’ll usually watch a Czech movie.  We actually saw this one when it premiered at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival...that year they had a giant baby carriage that you could pay to take rides in but I never got to and I’ll never get over it.
Last TV Show I Watched: Puss in Boots (yes really shut up)
What Are You Wearing Right Now?: Grey/blue pajama set with tiny foxes all over the pants - the top says FOXY on it, it’s super cute - and black skunk slipper socks.
When Did You Make Your Blog?: November 10, 2010.
What Type Of Content Do You Post?: Whining about how the Dr. Light tag is full of Megaman shit, tbh, groaning over how much I love Arthur Light, Borderlands, reblogging cute animals and whatever makes me laugh.
Do You Have Any Other Blogs?: Yes, I have three others.
Do You Get Asks Regularly?: lmaooooo
Why Did You Choose Your URL?: I have been in love with Malcolm McDowell for years and years.  One of his characters is named Lord Talon, so I’m his Lady bc I’m really that ridiculous!
Gender: Female.
Hogwarts House: I’d always insist upon Slytherin bc that was the ‘cool’ house but I’ve finally come to terms and embraced my inner Hufflepuff.  I’m sneaky as hell, but I work hard at it.
Pokemon Team:  N/A
Favorite Color: Blue
Average Hours of Sleep: ~7
Lucky Numbers: N/A
Favorite Characters: Anything ever played by my husbando Malcolm McDowell, tbh (not the child molesting cannibal though!!!), Jazdia Dax, Ned Blanco
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep Under: No less than four.
Dream Career: I’d love to be on the Prima Marketing design team.
Tagging: @carriefishersmiddlefinger, @noah-kuttler, @weazelnews, @madgirlwithbooks, @xandgunn, @quicksilvermad
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amandamadethisup · 4 years
Doing an ask meme, but it’s 20 questions and I’m answering all of them
1: Describe the plot of your current WIPs in a single sentence each.
TCM: Angry 20-something joins a cross-country road trip of self-discovery to expose the goverment and further a debate about hope vs. reality.
WDMTU: Sometimes journalism and human nature have to coexist; pretending otherwise is dangerous.
2: Do you have anything published? If so, where?
I have a personal essay published on PillPack, but I’m not going to link it in the interest of protecting my last name.
3: Do you own any books on writing? If so, which is your favorite?
I do; in terms of the writing style, I enjoyed Stephen King’s On Writing the most, but I got the most out of John Casey’s Beyond the First Draft in terms of practical, applicable information.
4: What are some of your favorite tropes?
(All of these come with the “if done well” caveat) Enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, found family, mentor/mentee bonding
5: Which OC deserved better?
Elia and Ricky
6: Which OC did you forget about?
Page lmaoooo
7: What was the first novel you ever tried to write? If you've never tried to write a novel, then what was the first story you ever wrote?
TCM lol I stopped and started it so many times
8: Which OC is your favorite?
To write? Jess. To think about? Ricky.
9: Which OC is an absolute pain to write?
10: If you had to write a novel about one of the side characters in your current WIP, which character would you choose?
11: Share the last paragraph you wrote.
I know he’s watching me. I can feel his eyes burning a hole through the space between my shoulder blades, but I don’t turn around. If he wants me to come back, he’ll have to ask for it.
12: Share a dumb line from an old WIP.
I don’t have any old ones lol
13: Do you prefer writing with small casts of characters or large ones?
Eh, they both have their merits and it depends on the story. 
14: How long does it take you to write 500 words on a good day? On a bad one?
I never timed it. Maybe an hour on a good day? And not at all on a bad day lol
15: How do you name settings/characters?
I usually don't name settings unless I absolutely have to, and my characters all come into my brain pretty much fully-formed with their names attached, and I just never change them lol
16: What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever done with your WIP?
Entered Author Mentor Match and had to format an entire manuscript in less than 48 hours.
17: How far along are you in your current WIP? How long have you been working on it?
I’m currently on my final round of revisions before I start querying !!! and I’ve been working on TCM since I was 12, so almost 10 years.
18: How many titles has your current WIP gone through? Which one of your WIPs has had the most titles?
Just the one; I don’t name things unless I’m 100% sure I won’t change it
19: What does your editing/revising process look like?
I went through TCM twice for continuity and content and brought the word count up from 50k to almost 72k. I then edited for mechanics. Then I passed it on to a friend for editing and also got feedback from an AMM mentor.
20: What's the most time you've ever spent on one WIP?
Ten years lmaooooo
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