#and copy all those thoughts to a new notebook??
lonely-night · 4 months
is there a way to replace/repair moleskine notebook cover? because mine is starting to like... sheds???
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phas3d · 13 days
Annoying Habits Pt. 2 || Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: none
contains :: draco malfoy, tom riddle, mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
summary :: cute and stupid things they do because i love fluff for some reason right now - 🐍 :: masterlist!
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DRACO MALFOY (saying "fun facts" that's common knowledge)
Being the smartest person in the room is the hardest thing ever, so thank GOD Draco is not him. He will run to you with full confidence to tell you about any new discovery he makes. It's new to him, but common sense to everyone else. But you don't have the heart to tell him it's basic knowledge because you know he'll never trust you again.
"You HAVE to follow me, it's the craziest thing EVER!" Draco said as he dragged you out of your dorm to run to the quad.
Whenever he's done this, you knew you needed to put on your best ever acting skills. You follow behind him, trying to predict what he'll say but before you complete those thoughts, he cuts you off.
"LOOK. AT. THIS!" He says as he points at the sky. You were confused, genuinely unsure of how to react since you weren't sure what to be shocked at.
"Oh wow uh, that's amazing!" You say hesistantly."
Draco was unsatisfied with your reaction, understanding that you had no clue what he was referencing too.
"Love," He paused for dramatic effect "Do you not see the MOON is fully in view during broad daylight?"
He said it with the highest confidence, somehow gaslighting you into genuinely feeling dumb despite knowing the moon is out during day time.
"W-Wow! You're so smart!" You say as an automatic response as he smiles, glad to teach you something.
"I know I am" He says, despite it not being in his personality list at all.
TOM RIDDLE (mocking you)
It is in Tom's blood to be mean, since he is he son of Voldemort. This caused him to have a tremendously hard time trying to make friends. Even when he acted as if he was a normal person, he would get tired and eventually snap to his true self: a blunt cold person. Because of this, he's not sure how to act in most situations since he has no clue how to react to most things. Thankfully, he has you to show him how to act.
When you two watch movies, he pays attention to you as well to see how to react. Or when you go out and talk with others, he copies your little mannerisms. It was cute at first to know that you're helping him adjust to society. But it quickly become annoying since he is extremely good at reading you.
It's gotten to the point where he can predict almost everything that you'll say, matching your tone, pitch, and even lisp perfectly. You could say nothing during a conversation and he'd be able to fill in the gaps exactly how you would.
"Tom-" You were interrupted.
"Where's my science notebook?" Tom mocks you, using a higher voice and over-exaggerating your harsh k's.
You sigh, which he also copied, before you playfully hit him with a small smile. "I told you to stop copying me!" You and Tom both say in unison.
"Your book is on your bed, hidden under your unfolded clothes. I recommend you clean it, I can tell all of your clothes are wrinkled already." He says as he flips his book to the next page.
"Oh shut up" You say as Tom copies you yet again.
Although Tom and Mattheo don't interact much in public, in private the two have a strong bond that can only be understood by each other. Their usual converstations consist of Mattheo raging about something, going into insane detail while Tom silently reacts whilst doing his homework. Then, Tom will give Mattheo a lecture on why what he did was fucking stupid which Mattheo spaces out to.
Since you've been with Mattheo for almost a year, you've been graced with the Riddle brother's bond, witnesses their odd converstations first hand. You've gotten used to it, blending perfectly in to their bond.
One thing that surprised you was the fact the Mattheo suddenly turns into the most annoying and needy person ever the second he's with Tom.
"Can you shut the fuck up and do your work?" Tom said, annoyed at the fact that you and Mattheo were sitting at his table in the library.
"It's not due until midnight! I'll just run to Snape's class at like 11:59 sharp." Mattheo said as he continued to make fake paper swords and shurikens.
"Okay sure do that, dumbass, see what happens." Tom mumbles, finally gave up on trying to convince his brother to do his work.
"You should listen to him~" You said as you flipped the page of your textbook whilst taking notes.
"Don't side with him! You're MY girlfriend!" Mattheo said annoyed by your words.
Tom smirked and nodded his head at you slightly, showing his small appreciation for you siding with him.
THEODORE NOTT (lying for fun)
He's basically like SZA, lying for fun because it's a good conversation starter. He first started doing this when he first came to Hogwarts because he wasn't sure how to start a conversation with someone. He would lie by saying he never had popcorn before or that he's allergic to dragon scales so people would be interested.
Now he's popular and has no need to lie for attention. But, it's an addiction. He can't stop making silly lies that are just borderline believable. But now he's widen his horizon, now he lies about history, teachers, other people, and more.
"Did you know Draco's mom is colorblind?" Theo said as he entered the Slytherin dorm. You sighed, already being able to tell he was lying since you knew him so well.
"Whaaaat?! Is she? Like for real???" Lorenzo questioned as to how Theo found out before himself, especially since he was raised by the Malfoys. "That makes sense why her outfits for funny lookin' sometimes."
"That's so sad man." Mattheo said solemly, as if Theo just said Draco's mom suffered from a permeant disease. "She sees life like those old ass Mickey Mouse cartoons. All black and white."
The three idiots looked down at the floor, feeling pity for Draco's mom colorblindness. you scoffed at their stupidity but suddenly Enzo spoke up.
"We should make her a get well soon card!" He said with a smile.
"Don't do that-" You were cut off by Theo's hand covering your mouth.
"No we should! Make sure you only use black and grey though." Theo said.
LORENZO BERKSHIRE (repetitive questions)
Although Lorenzo was the same age as you, he still trusted you way more than himself. You helped him pick everything, from outfits, food, dates, and more. Of course he would help too, but he just loved hearing your input since he wants to be the perfect boyfriend for you.
But, this habit of getting your approval for things started to sneak into schoolwork and paperwork. It started with him checking his answers with you, a completely normal thing. Then checking that his paper was the same as yours, also pretty normal. But as time progressed, he would ask you to double-check his stuff on dumb stuff like whether he grabs the 10th-grade paper or the 11th-grade paper, or what he puts in the "date" section at the top.
It's been even worse lately since he was applying for multiple colleges around the UK and US. You were doing the same, needing to desperately focus on your essays and studies to do the different school's entrance exams.
"(Y/NNNN)!" Lorenzo called out to you, despite you being literally 2 feet away from him.
"Yessss, Lorenzooooo?!" You said, giving the same energy back.
"Where it says "enter social security number" do I put my social security number?" He asks, full seriousness in his tone.
At this point in your life, you were so sick of this man so all you could do was stare at him until he decided to guess what he should do. You stare was strong, but his innocent eyes and cute face was overpowering you.
You weakly nodded, losing the one-sided battle. You thought it would be the last question from him, maybe he would get the hint you were annoyed.
"So, where it says "pick major" I put the thing I want to major in, right?"
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thank you for the support ! 🐍 :: masterlist!
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somnambulic-thing · 6 months
page 622 read on ao3
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Eddie Munson x afab!reader E +18
summary: It's the middle of the night and you just can't find sleep. Eddie wants to help. He wants to help so bad.
Words: 3k
||reader has insomnia, smut, fluff, pinch of angst, LOTR references, domestic, nerds in love||
A/N: This is for all of us who haunt the nights. <3
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Page 622 is graced with not one, but two dog ears.
That’s nothing unusual for the thick heavy paperback in your hands. A copy of The Lord of the Rings, all three parts united in one book and littered with battle scars like a gnarly old Orc of Mordor.
It belongs to both of you, bought on that whimsical fleamarket by the side of the road with spare change collected from the nooks and crannies of the van. It hadn’t mattered that you already owned a box set each, it had been clear that this book wanted to go home with you. Once integrated into your shared collection, it became the copy that was pulled out when Eddie and you had an argument about the most minuscule details to settle. It wasn’t a rare occasion that someone got tackled before they could claim victory over the matter. That brave book had been ripped from victorious hands more times than you could count and flung over shoulders, into corners or behind furniture.
It was also the copy Eddie used to ponder ideas. When he was writing a campaign and the atmosphere he was eager to create didn’t feel quite right, he would go down into the Mines of Moria or deep into the thicket of Fangorn forest and seek inspiration between the lines. There he left marks with the heavy tip of his pencil, elbows catching on the edges of pages as he reached for his notebook, creating new dogears, sometimes small tears.
You loved those marks and never grew tired of discovering fresh traces of his adventures. They kept you company on those days you wouldn’t get tired at all.
The world between the worn covers was familiar, the motions of the adventures committed to memory in many places, the adventurers friends that comforted you on restless nights.
You chose this copy over the others you own because it’s an intimate object, because you could trust it to catch you should you fall asleep on its pages, trust it to be more beautiful in the morning with more kinks and wrinkles.
But there were days when even the unhastiness of Treebeard wouldn’t do the trick to coax you into slumber. Today was such a day; stuck on the sofa on a dark, restless sea and no sleep in sight.
You hadn’t heard him coming.
“Just flopped around the mattress like a fish out of water looking for you.”
Eddie’s voice is deep and raspy and a little cranky around the edges. Your eyes shift from page 622 to where he stands in the doorframe, all tousled hair and sleepy eyes. There are lines on his right cheek, a shallow relief in the mirror image of his pillowcase. His boxers sit dangerously low on his hips and it tickles in your fingertips to follow the trail of soft hair and tuck them further down.
“That’s an amusing image,” you say with a smile as Eddie rubs one eye with his flat hand, nose scrunched up and wrinkly. “Can you demonstrate that to me?”
“Do not mock me. I awoke all cold and lonely…” he waves the other hand through the air. “Forsaken by my love.”
“I’m sorry,” you say, the mirth in your tone slipping just slightly, but Eddie catches it.
“How long have you been up?” he asks, banter put aside in exchange for worry and makes his way over to the nest of blankets and pillows you’d made on the sofa.
You frown, not sure you know the answer to that question, feeling like you’ve fallen out of the stream of time; trapped in endless night, doomed to read the same three sentences on page 622 again and again with nothing but your thoughts for company. Until now.
You turn to check the thin green digital numbers on the VHS recorder while Eddie lowers himself to the ground in front of you. “Almost two hours.”
“That’s no good,” he says softly and fumbles with the blanket draped over your legs in search of your skin, nudging the book off balance. It slides down your lap with a soft rustle. Dark, heavy eyes search your face for clues he knows you’re reluctant to give him and a warm palm finds your thigh moments later, an epicentre for violent goosebumps. You shiver and he smiles. “What can I do?”
“You underestimate my relaxing properties.” He places a kiss on your knee. “It’s pretty annoying, actually.”
You shake your head. “Don’t want to keep you up—“
“Want me to take over the reading? You just rest and listen—” He lowers his voice to a soft rumble. “—let me hypnotize you.”
“You really don’t have to—“
“Shhh… would you please just let me help?” Without waiting for an answer, Eddie slides the blanket off your thigh and covers it in soft, slow kisses.
“Can’t—“ kiss “go—“ kiss “back to sleep—“ kiss kiss “knowing—“ kiss “you’re out here alone. Suffering.”
His hair is soft between your fingers. You loosen a few small knots while you rake your nails over his scalp.
“Eddie… I…”
It’s exhausting being a ghost, to haunt the wee hours of the night unable to find rest. It was also lonely. There was a hazy barrier isolating you from the people around you. From the man whose company you craved so much but struggled to accept in this circle of hell.
Eddie has had his fair share of sleepless nights, had done plenty of haunting himself; but not like this, not without a trackable cause that offered some degree of sense. And you’d never wish this on him no matter how lonely you get, but sometimes, you find yourself envying him for the way he just falls asleep on any surface most days and with the envy, there comes resentment. The disconnect between resentment and longing a rope binding your hands behind your back, keeping you from reaching out.
Dark eyes are staring holes into your body as Eddie is waiting for you to continue, to give him something.
“You what, sweetheart?” He’s rubbing circles into your skin. “You want me to leave? Like, actually?”
“I don’t want to take my mood out on you…”
“Why not?” he grins. “We could make it fun. Tire you out, air out some of that—“ his hands leave your legs to gesture wildly through the air. The cold creeping in where his warm palms had just rested feels unbearably cruel. You don’t want him to leave. “— some of that pent-up… whatever it is.”
Eddie’s brows vanish under tousled bangs. “Okay? Shit, I had this whole speech planned about how we’re a team and that you’re being so stubborn is a waste of time—”
“You complaining?”
“No… no…” he smiles and runs his hands up your thighs. “So, you wanna be a little… mean to me?”
“No,” you breathe out. “Don’t want that.”
He hums and nods, leans down and licks your skin; from your knee right up to the hem of your shorts. It’s the slightest touch, just the tip of his tongue, but the sensation sinks into your body like warm summer rain falling onto dry and dusty ground.
“Let me love you,” he mumbles against your thigh, running the tip of his nose along the border of fabric you hide behind. “I hate it when you feel lonely while I’m right here and fucking crazy about you…”
“You’re right here,” you repeat like in a trance. Eddie looks up at you, so soft and wild at the same time and so sincere and you feel the last layer of resistance melt as if it had never existed.
“Right fucking here.”
“Fuck me.”
Warm gentle hands begin to free your legs from the tangle of blankets and you marvel at how much of Eddie’s essence resides in his touch; soft but rough around the edges where his fingertips have put on tough skin over the years. There’s so much love, so much passion lingering in those points where you end and he begins.
Accompanied by the soft rustling of fabric, Eddie runs those storytelling hands up and down your thighs, from the inside to the outside and up to the round of your ass where he ever so slightly puts his nails against your skin and runs them down down down to the back of your knees where he holds on and pulls you further down the cushion. You yelp a little and then you both laugh a little and you lift your hips to aid him rid you of your shorts and underwear.
“M’ gonna try a thing,” he says and spreads your legs just wide enough to fit in between.
“Try w-what?” you ask around a hitching breath as you watch Eddie slide two fingers into his mouth. They glisten with spit when he pulls them out and you can hear a few drops hit the floor as he lowers himself down.
“You know how I sometimes take ice-cold showers to shock spiralling thoughts out of my mind?”
“I… what? AH!”
One long finger enters you swiftly, moves in-out-in-out and is joined by the other. Heat expands like a shockwave through your pelvis as all the blood rushes to greet the pads of Eddie’s fingers. He moves with precision in quick pulsing motions against that soft erogenous spot deep inside you, watching you closely.
“Not too much?”
“No,” you grit out as your hips start to twitch.
There is no smug little smile, no told-you-so grin, only deep concentration and a bright red blush high on his cheeks and you desperately wish he’d kiss you. That thought is gone and forgotten as that penetrating pulse quickens, deepens and Eddie’s mouth inches closer and closer to your clit. There’s a sharp tingling in your cunt, not quite a sting, not quite pain and it’s hot and delicious and as it spreads out into every corner of your body, the world gets smaller and smaller, shrinks countless miles each second until this sofa is the only place left in the universe.
“Holy shit, holy shit, those noises, sweetheart.”
You can’t hear a thing over the rush in your ears and as Eddie’s lips close around your confused, prickling clit, your eyes roll up and close.
And for an infinite moment, there’s nothing left but ecstasy.
When time starts up again, you’re re-entering the world shaking and gasping. Eddie is quick on his knees. One hand closing around your wrist and the other pressed into your back he pulls you into an embrace that you collapse into like a dying star.
“I love you I love you I love you…” he whispers into your hair and holds you holds you holds you until you feel solid again. “You good?”
You nod and hum.
Hands find your face and guide you up and you remember how badly you need a kiss when Eddie’s lips form pretty words so close to yours. “Now, let me take you to bed and—“ You interrupt him, pressing your mouth to his with desperate, sloppy urgency. He chuckles softly, catching your lower lip with his teeth for a gentle tug before he pulls away.
“Come on,” he kisses the corner of your mouth. “Really wanna continue this.”
“Can’t move… you broke me.”
“Oh, well, pretty sure you broke my fingers with your pussy so we’re even. Get up.”
You laugh and reach for the hand cupping your left cheek; you kiss the palm, run your tongue along his fingers and kiss the tips. “Better?”
Eddie’s brows shoot up and he takes a sharp breath. “Bedroom!”
He scrambles to his feet and pulls you with him. In motion like that, you can feel drowsiness settling in, slowly taking hold of your muscles. Your legs still feel shaky, almost heavy, and Eddie wraps an arm around your waist for the moment it takes you to steady yourself.
“Looks like it’s working,” he says softly.
“Feels like it, too.”
Finally, there is the smug smile you have been waiting for. “And it took me less than two minutes. ”
“You… checked the time?”
“For science,” he says proudly and the smile turns into a grin.
“Ah, science. Alright, Doc,” you reach down, hook a finger into the waistband of his boxers and let it snap. “I’m ready for the next experiment.”
Eddie tilts his head, narrows his sleepy eyes and hums. You can hear the cogs in his mind take up speed and then he sidesteps you and begins to rummage through the mess of blankets and pillows on the sofa.
“What are you doing?”
“Just a sec, you gave me an idea— ha!” He whirls around and shoves The Lord Of The Rings into your hands. Your reaction is tardy and you feel the cover catch on your thumb and bend in a way that probably leaves a crease but you have not time to check because Eddie is quickly maneuvring you to the bedroom.
He sits you down on the bed and swiftly pulls your shirt over your head and you have no choice but to let go of the book. It drops somewhere on the mattress and out of your mind when Eddie flicks on the bedside lamp and strips out of his boxers.
“Never gets old”, you marvel at the sight of him, pale and lean but soft and the smile you just conjured with those words seems nothing short of diabolical with the way the light catches his features from below.
You recede onto the mattress and he follows you like you’re magnetic, crawling after you until he’s back between your legs, kissing his way up your body, taking his time to caress your breasts with his hands and lips. Only when you yawn he stops and comes up to face you, to kiss you and you drink in the sigh of relief that he places inside your mouth as he slides his hard cock against your folds, you hold on to goosebump-covered shoulders as he pushes inside you.
“Never gets old,” he moans as he rolls his hips against you in deep, slow thrusts and kisses your nose when you have to giggle.
You’re not chasing ecstasy now, but wholeness, you’re not searching for a high, but for refuge. All your thoughts slow down while Eddie occupies all your senses.
“How do you feel?” he asks into the soft spot below your ear.
“Good… Sleepy.”
“M’ not saying I told you so—“
A chuckle tickles your skin and suddenly, a bolt of guilt and fear flashes through you. “But we can’t do this every time—“
“Hey!” He lifts his head to look at you, presses a finger to your lips. “Shhh… Don’t go there,” he says and puts his forehead to yours. “Come back… come back to me. I got you.”
“I’m here.”
“You just have to let me in…” He kisses you like he’s sacred you could vanish from beneath him and you swear you can feel his heartbeat reach out for yours, swear you can feel it pound against your chest like it’s begging for entry.
“M’ sorry,” you whisper and sling your arms around his shoulders. “I’m trying.”
And then he moves, slowly pulling his cock from inside you—
and stretches long across the bed to grab the book right off the edge.
“On your side,” he instructs and manhandles you into position before you can comply on your own and slides back into your cunt before you can process what’s happening.
“Fuck… oh fuck…” you moan as quick deep thrusts hit just the right spot over and over. You can hear the rustling of pages behind you and Eddie’s chest retreats from your back. “W-what are y- ah you…?”
‘It was not much more than a tall man’s height now…’  he reads the first line from page 622. You try to turn to look at him but he pushes you back. “Nu-uh, relax. M’ going to read to you and I’m going to fuck you till you pass out and maybe then you’ll think of waking me sooner the next time you pick up this book in the dead of night.”
You moan and laugh and there are tears in the corner of your eyes. “You trying to condition me?”
There’s no answer, he just keeps reading; shakily, punctuated in the quick rhythm of his thrusts and laced with moans of his own. You just close your eyes and let go and soon enough you’re close to the edge again.
’We are famisshed, yes famisshed we are, precious,…” he croaks in a toned down, breathy Gollum impression that’s highly confusing and you clutch the sheet, pulling it loose.
“Shit… you gonna make me come…”
After a few more lines he stops reading and you hear the book drop. Eddie presses close to you, softly bites your shoulder while a hand wanders down between your legs to play with your clit.
‘Yess, yess, nice water,’ said Gollum,’ he continues from memory.
“Oh, you asshole,” you groan.
‘Drink it, drink it, while we can! But what is it they’ve got, precious? Is it crunchable? Is it… tasty?’
One strangled moan falls from your mouth and then your insides tense violently. Eddie mercilessly fucks you through it and beyond and doesn’t slow down until he coaxes another orgasm out of you. He follows you this time. You feel him pulse and twitch deep inside of you, feel his hot breath on your shoulder and neck and one stray tear escape the corner of your eye. It runs down the side of your nose while you listen to both your mismatched breathing slow down again.
“I fucking love you,” you babble groggily. “So much… so much…”
Eddie places a kiss on the back of your head and picks the book back up, resuming where he left off. He stays inside you while he softens until he slips out. The distinction between characters fades, the gaps between words grow longer but you barely register it; it’s the sound of his voice that pulls you under into the depths of Morpheus’ realm and you’re finally ready to descend completely…
‘Look here!’ Sam whispered to Frodo, not too softly: he did not really care whether Gollum heard him or not. ‘We’ve got to get some Sleep—' Eddie pauses. “Precious? You asleep?”
Your slow, even breathing is all the answer he gets. He carefully reaches over you and drops the book on the mattress before he turns off the light and wraps his arm around you.
“Gonna find you in my dreams,” he whispers into your shoulder and follows you into sleep.
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actuallysaiyan · 6 months
Heart To Heart(Emo!Nanami Kento x Fem!Bimbo!Reader)
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warnings: smut, unprotected sex, college AU, Emo!Nanami, Bimbo!Reader, reader is actually a sweetheart and smart, blowjobs, making out, alcohol mentions, Kento is a bit of an asshole in this one, fluff, mentions of trauma word count: 3k! pairings: Emo!College!Kento Nanami x Fem!Bimbo!Reader summary: you and Nanami have classes together in university, and he just thinks you screwed your way into these classes. he makes it known one day what he thinks of you, and you snap. but when you meet up at a party, things get spicy.
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Nanami had himself convinced that you were bad news. Something about the way you were always applying that sticky lipgloss while looking at yourself in your cute Hello Kitty compact mirror just drove him insane. He had finally gotten himself into a very good university after leaving the sorcerer world behind, and here you were ruining his experience.
You were in quite a few of his classes, which surprises him. You don’t look like you know anything about finances or business, let alone simple arithmetic. You with your eyes so big and expressive, your lips just so juicy and pouty. How could you possibly know anything that he was working so hard on learning? How could a single thought run through that dumb head of yours?
And yet, you were so kind to him. Even when he brushed you off and gave you the cold shoulder, you were always there to lend a hand when you could. You were someone who would come to class with a box of baked goods to offer to everyone. You always had a spare pencil for someone, or an extra notepad to share. And you never ever said no to someone’s request to copy your notes whenever they had missed a class. In reality, despite your appearance, you were someone who just genuinely cared.
Still, Kento was often left fuming whenever he spotted you. He knew about the archetypes and stereotypes of those around him and even himself. He knew that people thought he was a freak for his appearance, and yet they would never know the horrors and trauma he had gone through. He keeps his hair long in the front, his hoodie is always pulled up whenever he gets the chance. He’s even wearing black nail polish and hardly ever washes off the leftover eyeliner and mascara.
The others look at him like he’s some sort of plague, and yet you don’t even glance at him like that. Your looks towards him are soft and sweet, but he just knows there is no way you wouldn’t trick a guy like him. Nanami has to remind himself that you’re just as bad as the others, and all the kind things you do for anyone, it’s all just a plot to have everyone under the spiked heel of your cute stilettos. You were a sweet girl, but underneath it all, Nanami was convinced you could scratch out his eyes with a swipe of your perfectly manicured nails.
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Yet he could never really pull himself away from you completely. You always smell so good, and your lips look so plump and juicy. Kento swears he can smell your lip gloss from a mile away. You’re almost too good to be true, he thinks to himself often. You must have a trail of guys following you around, simping and moaning just for you. So Nanami figures it’s just easier to hate you and deem you unworthy of his presence or his words.
Things change one day when you’re partnered up with him for a finance class project. You sit at your desk, doodling something in your cute pink notebook. There’s a feathery pom pom on the end of your pen. Nanami rolls his eyes and scoffs as he sits down near you, not daring to even be that close to you. He keeps his distance, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Hiya Ken~” you coo at him, making his heart skip a beat at the softness of your voice.
Kento scowls, “It’s Kento. Not Ken.”
You pout softly, “Oh, yeah okay. Kento it is.”
You duck your head down a little, somehow feeling so self-conscious. Nobody has made you feel this way before. You’re dejected because you’ve always thought he was so cute, and now that you get the chance to shoot your shot, he’s rejecting you already. So you begin looking at the page explaining the project and you discuss things with him quietly. He seems so disinterested in what you have to say, his eyes flickering towards other people in the classroom. He wishes he could be partnered up with anyone else but you. He’d rather do the project alone if he’s being completely honest. You start to feel like you aren’t wanted at all.
“Listen, we don’t even really need to do any of this together. We can just work on our own parts and submit them together.” You suggest, your cheeks a little pink from not being able to do a simple project with the guy you like.
Nanami watches you carefully, “Hmph, I doubt you can even complete your side of things.”
Your heart aches at this. You know you don’t have the appearance of a scholarly type, but you do well in your studies. You worked so hard to get this spot in the university. You come from a small town, and you never really had much growing up. So for you to finally get this shot and to be able to treat yourself to cute things you’ve always longed for, it means the world to you. But you were growing a bit more upset with every passing moment.
You thrust the pen in his direction, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Kento smirks, “Come on, there’s no way you really understand this material. Just admit that you got here by using your good looks and charm.”
This made you recoil. Your stomach was in knots from the thought of him implying that you fucked your way into this school. You frown and your big eyes fill up with tears. Suddenly, Nanami doesn’t feel so confident about what he’s saying anymore. He’s got guilt and regret rising up in his chest like acid.
“Is that truly what you think? You see a girl wearing pink and liking cute things and you think she’s fucked her way into university? Well screw you, Nanami Kento!”
You rise up from your seat and gather all your things. You excuse yourself to the teacher and make your way into the hallway. Tears slide down your cheeks, ruining the makeup you so meticulously put on this morning. You feel your stomach turning in knots, not sure how to even process all of this. You know you can prove him wrong, and you will.
Despite the issues with Kento, you were still able to complete your side of the project and hand it in early. When you attended your classes, you ignored him. Your heart longed for him, but you were beginning to think maybe people were right about him. He’s just a freak. He’s mean and will probably cast a hex on you. Still, you think that people were always being too harsh. Just the way that Nanami had been with you. Judging people before getting to know them was always a bad habit that most people had, but you were someone who tried not to pass the judgement.
The weekend was fast approaching and the big party at the local frat house was what was on everyone’s mind. Everyone was going, and you knew that even Kento had been invited. Despite still feeling so sour after what had happened, you decide that you’re going to attend that party. And you were going to show him what he was missing out on. Just because you like cute things and wore makeup didn’t mean you weren’t someone smart and fun.
The night of the party arrives and you show up dressed in a sexy, tight pink dress. It’s strapless and hugs your curves in all the right ways. You talk to a few people, mingling as you get a few drinks into you. You’re not even really sure that he was going to show up, you were just feeling a little hopeful. The more drinks you had, the more you wanted him to be there so you could apologize about your outburst.
The moment he walks in the door, your heart stops and your breath hitches in your throat. He’s cleaned up, but he still carries himself the same way as usual. The hoodie up over his head, his bangs cascading down over one eye. You see that he’s cleaned up his peeling nail polish, and it seems like he’s applied a clean coat of mascara and eyeliner. You don’t know if you’ve ever seen him put this much effort into his appearance. This makes you wonder if he’s hoping to meet someone here. You look away, your eyes darting down to the drink in your hands.
The music is loud and you try to drown all your insecurities in this drink. You wish he’d come talk to you considering you were much too shy now to approach him. He looks so good tonight too, and you were feeling drunk enough to try to shoot your shot again even if he had made it clear what he truly thought of you. So you just go snag another mixed drink and go to the dancefloor.
It’s not long before you bump into him as you’re on your way to the kitchen for a cup of water. Both of you are a little shy about this at first, and Kento can barely look you in the eyes. He’s mortified that he would bump into you after all the shit he’s said to you.
“Hey,” you say shyly. You drink some of the water.
He smiles sheepishly, “Hi…”
Neither of you really know how to proceed. But eventually it’s all bubbling up inside of each other. Kento fiddles with the guitar pick necklace that sits on his collarbone. You really look so cute tonight—no, you look so sexy. He’s never seen anyone look this good in his entire life.
“Hey Ken…erm, Kento…about the other day,” you begin but he stops you.
He smirks, “I kind of like it when you call me Ken.”
You blush at his words. You have always loved giving people nicknames. It’s just a way of showing you care. You take another sip of your water and giggle gently. Kento reaches up and brushes stray hair from your face.
“So what were you going to say?” He asks, leaning in a little closer.
You smile, “I wanted to apologize for the way I snapped. I guess it wasn’t right of me to tell you to screw yourself.”
It’s Kento’s turn to blush. He begins to explain himself, saying how he completely misunderstood you and judged you even before he got to know you better. He’s profusely apologizing and all of this is going straight to your heart. Before either of you can say anything else, you grab him by the wrist and you lead him to the nearest room with the lock on the door. This happens to be the bathroom.
Once the door is locked, you push him against the wall and kiss him hungrily. This is the moment you can truly feel his body against yours, and you realize that he is quite muscular. Kento groans as your tongue slides into his mouth, rubbing against his in the most sensual way. He’s had sex before, but never has it been this hungry and passionate. 
Your fingers tangle in his hair, tugging slightly to pull him even closer to you. You are so desperate to melt into every aspect of him. You want him, you need him more than anything else. You would forgo anything else in this world just to be forever in this moment with him.
“Ken, I think I’ve liked you since the moment I met you,”
Your confession hangs in the air, making his heart race. He didn’t even think someone like you could think twice about him. You’re so pretty and soft and you make him so tongue tied most of the time. Despite his anger and rude treatment towards you, he’s been in denial about his own feelings for you.
“Shit, I’ve been feeling the same. I guess I just couldn’t come to terms with it.”
You don’t let him say anything else, you just capture his lips with yours once more. He pulls you in closer, his large hands caressing your curves through that tight little dress. You moan into his mouth when his hands cup your breasts and squeeze gently. When you pull away to breathe, a string of saliva keeps you connected.
Without another word, you kneel in front of him. Kento cannot believe his eyes as you undo his studded belt and unzip his pants. Regardless of his own feelings of resentment, he’s always thought you had the prettiest lips. The perfect pair to give the kind of blowjobs you only see in the premium porn videos.
Your eyes widen when you pull out his length from the confines of his boxers. He’s not only lengthy, but he’s got the kind of girth that ruins sex with anyone else. You know now that you really don’t want to let him go at all. With a soft giggle, you lean in to kiss the dribbling tip. Kento grunts as he feels your slick lips on his cock. He reaches down to tangle his fingers in your pretty, soft tresses. You spend a long time just pressing sloppy kisses to his cock. Then you lick all the way down the base, your tongue licking at his balls now. He shudders under your ministrations, knowing it’s going to be hard to hold on if he lets you continue for too much longer.
The moment you wrap your lips around the head of his cock and begin taking him into your mouth, Kento knows he’s hooked to this treatment. He knows he’s going to have to fuck you so good to show you how sorry he is about the shit he said about you the other day. You begin bobbing your head up and down, swallowing around him. He lets you suck him with expertise for a little while before he tugs on your hair and pulls you back up to kiss him.
“Get that pretty ass on the counter,” he says as he picks you up. You barely have to do anything as he sets you on the bathroom counter. He leans into another fierce kiss, this time he’s really taking the lead.
Kento doesn’t even bother undressing either of you. He just shoves your dress up over your hips, his other hand busy playing with your soaked pussy. He smirks when he realizes that you’re this aroused just from a little kissing and sucking his cock. He loves that he has this effect on you.
“You this wet just from blowing me?” he teases as his fingers push your panties to the side. Your eyes roll back as he rubs your clit in slow circles.
“Ken…” you breathe. You’re already so needy for him.
He spreads your thighs and spits into his hand. The saliva gets mixed with your own juices to coat his cock before he slides into you with one long thrust. You cling to him, your nails digging into his shoulders as he begins to pump into you. You’ve never ever felt this full in your life. All you can do is hold onto him and have him fuck you stupid.
“Please please…” you beg as the tip of his cock brushes against the sweet spot deep inside you. “Fuck me, Ken.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice. He picks up his pace, and you wrap your legs around him to pull him closer. You lock your ankles, keeping him in place. He hammers himself into you over and over, his breath hot on your face and neck as he grunts and groans.
“You gonna be my pretty girl?” he asks, locking eyes with you.
You feel so shy all of a sudden, “Y-yours?” You let out a moan when he thrusts into you particularly hard. 
“Yeah, mine. You gonna be my pretty girl?”
Your mind is reeling from all this pleasure. The coil in your stomach is tightening fast, and the thought of being exclusively Kento’s girl seems to be pushing you further and further towards your peak. You gasp as one of his hands slips between you, rubbing your clit slowly and with precision. You can barely think straight at this point. The room is filled with the lewd, wet sounds of your skin slapping together with every harsh thrust.
“Gotta answer me, baby. Or else I won’t let you cum.”
You whine, “Ken, please. I just…I can’t…”
He chuckles darkly. He’s never had this much power during sex before and it’s turning him on. He knows that you’re already such a little cutie and a sweetie, but he could easily turn you into his perfect little spoiled princess. He begins to pull away, making your orgasm slowly subside.
“I’ll be yours! ‘Wanna be only yours!” you squeal, trying to pull him back in.
Kento smirks and then he nips at your lower lip, “That’s what I like to hear.”
He gets back into the rhythm you need to cum. His thumb rubs your clit, making your thighs shudder and shake around him. As the pleasure builds, you feel tears streaming down your cheeks. Your back arches as stars dance in your vision. A shaky breath falls from your plump lips before you cry out his name. Your silky walls begin to pulse and clench around his already throbbing cock, pushing him over the edge just behind you. Shots of his thick, hot cum fill your waiting womb.
Slowly, you both grind against one another to prolong the pleasure. Then you both still, just basking in the afterglow of the pleasure. Kento kisses you softly, using both his hands to wipe away your tears.
“I’m really sorry for that bullshit I said the other day. You’re a good girl,” He says, pecking your lips.
“It’s okay, Ken. I forgive you.”
You’re both interrupted by a loud knock, followed by a series of giggles and cackles. Your cover is blown, but neither of you really care. The only thing that matters is that you have each other.
Kento helps you freshen up and dress once more, and you help him tuck his softening cock back into his pants. Then, hand in hand, you both exit the bathroom. You’re all smiles as you leave the party, walking on cloud nine as you lead him back to your dorm for round two.
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tyunzonlystar · 4 months
Your sexy professor (K.T.H)
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Warnings!!: Breeding, Age gap (22-31), reader is 22, Choking, dom!Taehyun, sub!Reader, Afab!Reader, humiliation? Making out, spit kink, hair pulling, degradation, hickeys/marking, orgasm denial, sir kink, spanking, pussy hitting/slapping, unprotected sex (pls use protection), talk of masturbation, overstimulation, dry humping, oral (F receiving), pet names (good girl, slut, princess, pretty girl, baby, sir, darling, naughty girl, my love, smart girl, honey), multiple orgasms? (2), fingering, slight size kink?? Basically just filth
Summary: You couldn’t stop staring. You know it’s wrong but you can’t help that your sexy professor shows up in those suits where the top is gonna rip from his muscles and the trousers show his print. He knows you’re staring. He likes it. Even he stares at your plush thighs in those short skirts. Word count: 2864
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Smut under the cut! MDNI OR YOU WILL BE BLOCKED‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Everyone called Taehyun "sir" but the way you said it... it was different. It turned him on. Everything you wore, said, did... turned him on. Chewing your pen lids, the way your pen sat between your plush lips, your sexy crop tops, your thigh highs on a cold day, your mini skirts, your acrylic nails,the way you look up at him through your lashes, your soft makeup, the 'hello kitty' tattoo on your abdomen, your cute hairstyles, your decorated notebooks, your perfect handwriting. The way you said "sir", "sir can you help?", "thank you! It makes more sense now!", the way you mumble "what the fuck?" at a question
or even just cursing at classmates.
"OI YOU FUCKING PRICK!" you shout at on of your male classmates
Your classmate runs into Taehyuns class and you run in after him and chase him into his seat in the lecture hall.
“Why’d you run? There’s no way you’re scared of me” you laugh
“Y/N you’re a little scary… Like you just chased me into the lecture hall”
“You’re such a scaredy-cat C/N” you say and make your way to your new seat that Taehyun put you in so you’re infront on his desk. You pull out your notebook and pen and lay it on your desk as the room fills up with students. You decide to draw a heart with his initials in and hope he doesn’t notice.. “I mean he wouldn't… right? He has about 100-180 students in that one lecture hall so surely he won't notice” You snap out of your thoughts asoon as he walks in and taps on your desk.
“You’re listening right, Ms L/N?” He asks in his deep voice that you touch yourself to at night with all the recordings you got of him talking.
“Uhm yeah im listening…”
Taehyun  smiles down at you and leans down to your ear
“Good girl”
Your cheeks heat up as you give a small nod and he carries on talking. If you weren't listening before, you definitely weren't now. The only thing running through your mind were his words…
“Good girl” “good girl” “good girl” “good girl”
Once again you’re pulled out of  your thoughts with a tap on your desk causing you to flinch as you look up and your eyes are met with your sexy professor looking at you with a smirk.
“Y/N please stay after class. Count it as a detention for not listening.” He says sternly but only he knew it wasn’t a detention he was gonna give you. So once again you nod your head and start paying attention to what he was saying as your eyes wandered from the board to his broad shoulders, his muscles and obviously his outline…
“I  wonder what he looks like without that shirt on.. Or without any clothes at all.. What does he look like working out?” you think to yourself before copying the person behind you so it looks like you listened. And as you were about to start daydreaming the bell rang. A loud groan fell from your lips, annoyed that in 20 minutes you could be at your dorm in bed doing skincare or even touching yourself but no! Here you are sitting in the now empty classroom with Taehyun standing behind you.  He goes and locks all entries to his classroom so you have a few seconds to fantasize more and he comes back and clears his throat.
“S-sorry sir… How long is my detention?”
“Until I want you to leave so not for a while” He grabs a chair and sits next to you. “Why weren’t you listening to me today Y/N? You always listen. Always the top in my class. You always have the most notes and ask the most questions and even asking for help on harder topics. What’s happened today, hm? Got something or someone on your mind, pretty girl?”
You look down at your skirt and shrug as you sort your thigh highs out. Taehyun grabs you by your chin forcefully and makes you look at him.
“Use your fucking words. I know you’re not dumb.” He smirks
“I-uh.. I was just thinking about what i was gonna do when i uhm get home!” You lie.
“Strike 1 baby. No lies.” He says sternly and pulls you on his lap. “Lie again and i'll kick you from my class” He smiles and places his hands on your hips and grinds you down on him. That immediately made you talk.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I was thinking about you shirtless and what you look like without any clothes on!” you say fastly
“I see…” He smirks and grinds you down harder making you whimper. Taehyun wraps one of his hands around your neck and pulls you in for a messy kiss. His tongue ran against yours and his teeth collided against yours. The kiss was desperate. So desperate. You were clinging onto his tie, grinding down on him as you started chasing your high, salvia was on both of your lips, it was just so desperate and messy. Soon enough you felt your high coming closer and closer and you pulled away from the kiss.
“Close princess?” He said with a smug smile on his face. You whimpered in response as your hips stutter and you let out moans.
“Taehyun! Mmmh… Taehyun- sir! P-please!” You moaned right next to his ear.
“Cum for sir baby”
And with that you came. Just from dry humping him. Wait- his hands weren't slowing you down.. He was making you grind on him harder and faster!
“S-sir! T-too much please!”
“I’m sure I can get another one out of you, hm?” He chuckles.
Once again you were moaning out his name as your second orgasm crashed down on you. Taehyun finally stopped your hips from moving and pulled you by your hair so he could look at your already fucked out face. His thumb tapped your bottom lip and your lips parted. He gathered spit and a sparkly pearl of spit fell from his lips into your mouth.
“Swallow it”
You close your lips and swallow his spit as he smiles at you sweetly.
“Y/N i have some work to do.. So make your way back to your dorm and i'll see you tomorrow sexy girl” He says in a sad tone and he kisses you again.
You put on one of your pink skirts that showed off maybe a little too much.. I mean it is just about covering your ass and the top of your thighs. You grab your pink thigh highs with a little white bow on the top and you put on your really cute hello kitty crop top to match the outfit. You then grab a pink jacket and lay it on your bed so you can go and braid 2 little plaits into your hair. Then you go and start doing your skincare routine and then adding some makeup (concealer, mascara, brows, ect.) and of course you have to put on your pretty pink lipgloss. You check the time.
That was just enough time to spray your best smelling body mist all over yourself and doing another outfit check before you left your dorm and took many elevators and stairs to your first class which was sadly not with your sexy professor. It was fine though.  You could just miss that class but you didn’t you went to all your lessons and finally Mr. Kangs class came around so you didn’t eat your lunch just so you could be the first person there. You walk in and you both greet eachother as if nothing happened. After all you couldn't act like you were just last night as everyone would suspect something going on. Some time passed and now he was halfway done with his lecture on whatever subject. You had no clue what was going on, you were daydreaming once again. Surprise surprise.  All it took was two taps on your shoulder and you quickly looked to your side and saw your classmate.
“What?” You say annoyed
“Pay attention.” She said.
“Shut up you freak. All you want is him in your pants for being “such a good girl”” you mock the last part. “He doesn’t want you hun. Sorry to burst your bubble C/N. And if his fine ass doesn’t want you then nobody does so shut the fuck up and leave me alone” You roll your eyes as she looked dumbfounded.
The class ended and she was the first to leave without looking back. Clearly you scared her off your man. Who does she think she is?
“Y/N” Taehyun spoke up.
“What?” You groan
“Excuse you? Who do you think you’re talking to?”
“You clearly. Nobody else is here.”
“L/N drop your attitude or do you need me to fuck it out of you?”
“Shut up, that girl was being an annoying cunt.”
“Firstly, don’t tell me to shut up. Secondly, don't take your anger out on me.”
“Sorry sir..”
“Come here”
You get up from your desk and walk over to him and he pulls you onto his lap. Taehyun cups your face and kisses you passionately. His tongue danced along with yours before he pulled away.
“Bend over love”
You stood up and bent over his desk as he flipped your skirt upwards to get a perfect view of your plump ass. He rubbed the flesh then landed a harsh slap on your ass. Then another. And another. And another until there was a red handprint on your ass. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes but before you knew it your cute panties were around your ankles.
“You’re this wet from just spanking? Slut.” He swipes two fingers along your drenched pussy before getting on his knees and kisses your clit. He sucks harshly on your little bud as you let out a loud whimper. Taehyuns long, thick fingers find your tight hole and he inserts 2 and finger fucks you at a fast past and hits all th sweet spots your fingers could never reach.
“S-sir! Tyun ‘m c-close!”
He hums against your clit and it buzzes throughout your whole body as you clench around his fingers he pulls them out and his lips leave your now swollen bud.
“Tyunnnn why’d you do that?” You pout and turn your head to look at him. He shrugs with that same smirk on his face.
“Such a slut for thinking you just get to cum after speaking to me like that. If you think your cuming at all then please darling think again”
He gets off his knees and flips you around so he could sit you on his desk.
He moves your hair and he kisses your neck and sucks dark purple and red splotchy marks into your skin and with every hickey he makes a high pitched whimper left your throat.
“You’re moaning just from me kissing your neck? Oh honey… You’re dripping on my paperwork…”
Your face flushes in embarrassment as you look away.
“Open.” Taehyun commands so you comply and open your mouth a little as a droplet of his spit plops in your mouth and like a good girl you swallow. Taehyun lifts you up and bends you over his desk again. He unbuckles his belt and pulls his trousers and boxers down. He flips you around and your eyes widen at his length as you look up at him.
“You’re going to fucking break me!”
“Shut up. No I won't. Now be a good girl for sir and undo my top, hm?”
You do as he says and take his tie off and your small hands start fiddling with the buttons on his shirt slowly undoing them one by one as it falls off his shoulders and his chest and abs come on show. Your hands trace his abs and once again your flipped around and bent over as he smears his pre-cum around his length before pushing into you inch by inch.  
“Tyun ‘ts t-too big! W-won’t fit..”
“I'll make it fit princess.”
With one last push he was fully inside you and with no warning he was already gripping at your waist and hips slamming into you at an impossible pace. His hand leaves your waist and he slaps your ass earning a loud moan of his name from you. You grip at his desk to try and stabilize yourself so you don't shoot forward. Taehyuns hand finds your hair and tugs it so you’re looking up at him and he leans down and kisses your forehead as his hand leaves your hair and goes around your neck pulling you up to him. The only sounds were skin slapping, your moans and whimpers, his grunts and his whimpers when it felt way too good. Your back flushed against his chest as he sat down on his chair making you ride him, hand never leaving your neck.
“Sir ‘m gonna c-cum..” you whine as you clench around him.
“Oh i don't think so” He grips your hips and makes your movements stop, your orgasm slowly fading away.
“Whyyyyyy” you whine
He ignores you and starts bouncing you on his cock again but before you can do anything you’ve already came around him. Taehyun obviously isn't happy so he lifts you off his cock and pushes you onto his desk, your chest now pressed against the cold wood.
“You naughty fucking girl.” He says in a husky tone before he hits your pussy then pinches your clit making you moan over and over again.
“Count.” One harsh slap to your pussy.
“O-one”... “Two”... “Hnng t-three”... “Fuck! Four”... “Five”... “S-six!”... “Seven”... “E-eight”...
“Good girl”
If your clit was swollen before then it was to be numb by now.
“And just for this session i'll make you pass your quiz from last week”
“Don’t care ‘bout grades just call me your lady” 
“I know i'm young but my mind is well beyond my years”
You pick up your panties and kiss his lips.
“See you tomorrow sir!” you leave his class
You woke up and got ready like normal and went to all your classes impatiently waiting for Taehyuns class. Finally it was his class and you got there 20 minutes early.
“Taehyunnnn” You run up to him and he picks you up.
“I missed you Tyunnie” you pout and kiss him
“I missed you too, my love” he kissed you back
He spun you around in his arms and put you down.
“Go sit down okay? Remember to stay after class” He smiles as he greets other students filling the classroom
“Today we have a quiz!” his voice echoed the lecture hall as everyone groaned and he started handing out the tests. Taehyun walked over to you and placed the quiz on your desk and you grabbed his arm.
“You have a question L/N Y/N?”
“If I pass this quiz will you give me your babies?” You whisper in his ear as he gives you a stern look.
“We’ll talk after class” He says as he walks away and hands out the quiz to the other students.
“Silence from now please! This should take you the whole lesson if you get stuck, I'll come help you. But please don’t waste my time if you don't need it.” He projected as he sat at his desk. You tried your hardest on this quiz just so you could pass and you finished 10 minutes before the end of class so you went up to him and handed him your quiz.
“Finished or need help?”
“I'll start marking it then” He smiles as you sit back down at your desk slowly falling asleep.
The bell awoke you from your little nap as everyone left once again you stayed.
“Pretty girl”
Taehyun pats his thigh and you walk over to him and sit down on his thigh.
“You’re such a smart girl.. You passed.”
You smiled at his words as he moved your panties to the side and undone his trousers and pulled them down just so his cock could fall out. He lifts you up and slowly sinks you down onto him. Once he was halfway he slammed your hips down which made a scream of his name fall from your lips.
“Fuckkk.. You wanted m-my babies?I’ll give you my fucking babies yeah?” He groans as you nod eagerly. “Fuck N/N im so close. Cum with sir, yeah?”
You whimper at the nickname and nod your head as you clench around him and cum. After a few more bounces on his cock he painted your gummy walls white as your body went limp in his arms.
“Marked as mine now.”
Tags: @smutnoullitheorem
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vandnana · 1 year
In Love With The Enemy [Prologue]
Prologue: Playing Scientist
pairing: lo’ak x female turned na’vi reader
summary: during the time when jake became toruk makto, you were quaritch’s youngest and most valued soldier, the daughter he never had. but, pandora changed you and you died during the final battle, betraying quaritch and wishing that you had been able to do more. now, you have been reborn again, as a na’vi, tasked with quaritch’s new military avatar crew to kill Jake Sully. taking advantage of this second chance at life, you help the Sullys and fall in love along the way.
genre: fluff, angst 
highlights: grace being like a mother to you and jake being like your father figure while quaritch is in his toxic dad era 
warnings: mentions of blood, war, violence, adult language
word count: 6,265
note: thank you to everyone who has been so excited for this series! i wasn’t originally going to make this prologue, but i really wanted to establish the reader’s old life before she was revived and how close the reader was to jake and grace first before diving into the rest of the series! 
[chapter 1] [chapter 2]
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The forest of Pandora holds many dangers, but the most dangerous thing about her is that you may grow to love her too much. 
You were the youngest in the regiment back then, too young for war and far too young for what was in store for you in Pandora. But, Quaritch took you in when you were a child. You had no family, no home, and no promise of a real future. He had seen himself in you: cunning, willing, strong, and unafraid. You were everything he could have hoped for in a daughter, but you were real. His prodigy. And not a day went by when you didn’t live up to those expectations. You loved being with Quaritch. He had become your father and he always thought that nothing could ever change that. 
Then you met Grace.
You were only a child when you first met her, and having been around army dogs your whole life, meeting her was a breath of fresh air, air that you never knew you were missing. 
She was hesitant at first. You were Quaritch’s kid, an actual carbon-copy of the worst trigger-happy moron out there. Yet, even with all your harsh military training, you maintained an unmistakeable innocence in your eyes, an innocence that Grace couldn’t ignore when you asked her to teach you about Pandora, about the Na’vi, about the avatars. You were curious, genuinely curious and for Grace, although she would never admit it, it was refreshing too.
“You know, for a little Marine, you’re actually pretty smart.” She was watching you with her elbow resting on the lab table as you took notes of your findings, your eyes glued to your notebook
You didn’t look up at her, “I don’t know about that. I just did what you told me to.”
She put a hand on top of your notebook, halting the pen in your hand, “What I told you to do was simply look at the sample.”
You looked at her with confused eyes, and she sighed, taking the notebook out of your reach.
Holding it up, she displayed your work in front of you, eyes flitting from your notebook to you, “I did not tell you classify your observations and make a surprisingly accurate diagram of the snaketree’s cellular levels.”
You nodded, acknowledging your mistake. You had disobeyed a direct order and unsure what else to say, you apologized on instinct. “I’m sorry, ma’am. It won’t happen again.”
Grace looked at you in awe, laughing suddenly, “This isn’t military training numbnuts. What you did was good work, real good work. I’m impressed.”
“Are you serious?” You were still in disbelief, but the feeling in your chest was one you’d never had before.
She smacked you lightly on the head, “Yes! You’re smarter than all the idiots in your squad, especially your father. And from now on, don’t call me ma’am, okay?”
You rubbed where she had hit you, smiling as you nodded, “Yes ma- I mean, yes Grace.”
Suddenly, you understood what you felt in your chest. It was different from the feeling you would get when you were praised by Quaritch. This feeling, it was like being recognized by a mother. Yes, you were that cunning, willing, strong, and fearless girl that Quaritch adored, but you were also smart beyond what you were told and you had an admirable moral compass that put the rest of your squad to shame.
Grace never let you forget that.
Still, you were Quaritch’s daughter, and being his daughter meant that you had to take on the role of who you always were. His perfect soldier. 
The more time you spent on Pandora, the more you began to see past the façade you let yourself believe for so long. The mission was never about finding diplomatic solutions or building alliances. It was about destruction, money, and humanity’s wretched twist on glory, a misguided glory that Quaritch was more than happy to fulfill. 
When Jake came on board, your father saw that potential, a soldier in with the wrong crowd, the thought invoking a vile taste in his mouth. Yet, with all his personal notions aside, there was an opportunity to be poached. 
Jake was the key to the glory he was chasing.
Quaritch spared no time asking you to summon Jake. He was going to offer him a deal, one that he simply couldn’t refuse. You obliged to the simple request, but your heart was heavy. Six years you had been on Pandora and relations with the indigenous were only getting worse, and with Jake, your father finally found a reliable mole to fulfill his duties. 
You made the short journey to the lab, the way so embedded into you that your legs were working on pure muscle memory. It had been a while since you had been there, too busy with AMP suit duty and perimeter watch to have any time to stop by. You commanded attention instantly walking through the door, the scientists greeting you warmly as you brushed past them. 
Jake, who looked unabashedly lost among the labcoats, immediately looked your way, and seeing you in your full camo, he almost seemed relieved, the pristine, formalin smell of the lab permeating his nose was enough to suffocate him as he sat there, bored out of his mind. 
“Jake Sully?” You approached, your demeanor intimidating at first, but betrayed by the smile on your face when you looked past him, waving. 
He looked behind him to see Grace with a disapproving look in her eyes, “Shouldn’t you be playing soldier, little girl?” 
“I am playing soldier...unfortunately. Which is why I’m here. I need to borrow yours.” You replied, turning your gaze to Jake.
Grace sighed, “Go ahead and take him. He’s pretty much useless here anyway,” Jake looked up at her, but he said nothing, merely scoffing. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll return him to you as soon as possible.” You said sarcastically, putting your hand out in front of her and extending your pinkie, “I pinky promise.” 
You laughed as she rolled her eyes at you, pushing your hand away, “I’d actually rather you keep him, but Selfridge seems to think I need another idiot with a gun.”
“Come on, play nice, Grace.” You reasoned.
She crossed her arms, lowering her eyes at such a hopeless request, “Just get the Marine out of my sight, will you? You’d be doing me such a favor, y/n.”
You glanced down at Jake, who was holding back all the snappy responses that were just at the tip of his tongue. 
“Favor granted.” You replied simply with a smile, walking away, Jake following behind you.
As you reached the doorway, you halted, turning your head back, “I saw those samples you got earlier. I’ll sneak back here after dinner, just don’t look at them without me, okay?”
Looking over her shoulder, Grace couldn’t help but concede to a grin, “Wouldn’t dream of it, but it’s Max you really have to worry about.”
You put a finger out pointedly, your tone stern, “Tell him I’ll shoot him if he touches them.” 
Grace chuckled, “Alright, alright miss Marine. I’ll pass along the message.”
With a final wave, you left, navigating through the halls with Jake beside you, “Sorry about Grace. She’s always prickly at first, but she’ll warm up to you eventually.”
“No kidding.” Jake huffed, looking up at you curiously as he kept up with your pace, “Where are you taking me anyway?”
“The Colonel wants to see you.” You replied, the heaviness in your heart suddenly obvious as you walked, the hallway widening out into one of the base’s hangars, the multiple flyers and AMP suits becoming your audience as you passed them.
Jake maintained his inspecting tone, eyes flitting from the path in front of him to you, “So, what are you? A soldier or one of the science sorties?” 
“Oo “science sortie” I haven’t heard that one before.” You replied sarcastically, but you maintained your placid grin, “I’m y/n.”
He nodded, but still he continued, his tone so arrogant that it almost felt insulting, “Okay y/n...you didn’t answer my question. Playing soldier and playing scientist are two completely different games.”
You scoffed, making eye contact as you pointed to his legs, “And what’s your game? Are you a Marine or are you a cripple?”
He was stunned, having no clever retort, resorting to a simple shrug, “May be out, but you never lose the attitude.”
Having heard all the military cliches, you chuckled, “Look, there’s no game here. Not on Pandora. These RDA goons and this greedy company think they’re on the winning side of a pointless war. To be honest with you, I’d rather be doing what you’re doing.”
“So why aren’t you?” Jake asked, stopping to face you.
You halted, meeting his gaze, your expression visibly troubled. 
“Lieutenant Quaritch.” A deep voice called from behind you, and you turned receiving the soldier’s salute. 
“Warren...what can I do for you?” You asked. 
The soldier pointed to one of the flyers just ahead, your best friend Trudy waving to you as your eyes stopped where she was, “I’ve been relieved of doorman duty. Trudy wanted me to tell you the spot is open for the taking.
Turning your attention to Jake, you asked, “How do you feel about being a doorman? Trudy flies all your “science sorties.” 
Immediately, Jake agreed, “I’m your guy.” 
Warren saluted again, acknowledging Jake with a nod before returning to the flyer.
The disgruntled expression on your face only lasted for a moment, but Jake saw it right away, his eyes softening as he looked at you. He wasn’t all that convinced of his position being covetable or about this war you had talked about, but he did understand the pressure you were under. 
Choosing to lighten the mood, Jake took an opportunity to tease you, clearing his throat before speaking, “Lieutenant Quaritch, huh? That must get you a lot of dates.”
Somehow, Jake knew that it was exactly what you needed, wanting to avoid the conversation in front of too many prying ears. You gave into your own laughter, you responded snarkily, “Probably the same amount as you, old man.”
Jake scoffed, “Old man? I’m not that much older than you.” 
Your eyes darted upward as you put a finger to your chin, your expression filled with feigned wonderment, “Really? I mean, you look like you’ve earned your senior discount with that wheelchair.” 
He chuckled to himself, amused as he retorted, “I’m sure my senior discount doesn’t do your kids meal justice.”
You threw your head back in another fit of laughter, “I’ll give you that one Sully. For now.” 
Stopping, you outstretched your arm, “The Colonel is right through there.” You pointed, seeing your father bench pressing in the makeshift workout room the soldiers created. Although its black, metal bars made it feel more like a prison.
Jake thanked you, and you nodded, putting a fist out, which he proudly bumped.
“Hey Jake,” You began, and he looked over his shoulder, waiting for what you had to say.
The seriousness in your voice was stark as you gave him a curt expression, “I meant what I said earlier about a pointless war. Whatever my dad offers you, he’ll mean it. My dad takes care of his own. Just don’t make promises you can’t keep.” 
He squinted at you inquisitively, “Wasn’t planning to.” 
You turned your heel, looking over your shoulder before leaving, “See you around, old man, unless you want to go back to your retirement home on earth.”
“Go crawl back to your crib, won’t you?” He yelled after you, and with your back turned, you flipped him off, his chuckle becoming fainter and fainter as you walked away.
You stopped by Trudy and she stopped what she was doing, getting up from her crouched position, “Hey, hey what’s wrong? You’ve got that look in your eye.”
Looking back, you watched as Jake talked to your father, “I don’t know. I just have a bad feeling, Trudy.”
Trudy put a comforting hand on your back, “Why don’t we go to the caf and raid the dessert pantry? That always makes you feel better.”
“Can’t hurt.” You replied, the two of you hastily walking to the cafeteria.
You felt slightly better because of Trudy’s efforts, but that bad feeling still plagued you. When night fell, you walked to the soldiers’ quarters, making your way to the far end of it to find your father in his room.
“What did Sully say, sir?” Keeping your nonchalance, you showed no heightened emotions, standing perfectly as your father turned his attention to you.
He had a smirk on his face, which gave away his answer, “We’ll have these savages by the balls in no time.”
“What exactly are you having him do?” You pushed on, maintaining your stoic expression.
Quaritch walked over to you, “I thought about sending you instead. Don’t think it didn’t cross my mind seeing as that Augustine bitch is trying to brainwash you into believe her tree-hugging bullshit.”
Still, you gave him an unreadable expression, waiting for him to continue what he was saying.
“But, you don’t have an avatar. Sully can gather intel that we need from the inside. Understand?”
“Yes, sir. I understand.” You stood with perfect posture as silence enveloped you. 
He smiled at you, putting a hand on your cheek, “Now, go on to bed baby girl. We got a long day ahead of us.” 
Could you blame Jake for taking the deal? He didn’t know that he was really making a deal with the devil. 
Jake was like you at first. Ignorant. He didn’t fully grasp the world he was entering into, clinging onto the comfort of what he had always known. He was a Marine who figured it was just another hellhole, another tour that would add to his long list of sins.
He would get a reversal, his old life before a big hole was blown right through the middle of it. Reporting intel was a cakewalk to Jake, and if that meant the promise of his legs back, then there was nothing to lose. 
Three months. That was how long Jake had to negotiate the Na’vi’s relocation. 
It didn’t take long for Grace to find out that Jake was talking to the Colonel, Max rushing in to deliver the news to you all, his mannerisms frantic as he threw his hands up. Grace had her usual cigarette in her mouth, and in her burning rage, she almost bit down on it, her teeth barely sinking in as she grit her teeth. 
Taking it out of her mouth, she let a puff of smoke escape and you all felt her rage as her smoke cloud engulfed you all, “Those idiots have no business sticking their noses in my department.”
The rest of you were silent, listening as she continued her rant. Jake was untouchable, strangely chosen by the Omaticaya, and unfortunately, her only way back in with the clan. You could see her thinking as her eyes went to the ceiling, her forehead furrowing as she considered what her next move was. Seemingly, she had found the answer after her mental contemplation, immediately ordering everyone to gather everything up.  
Quickly, she walked over to her station, her eyes scanning the contents of the table. 
You followed after her, “What are you doing to do?”
She handed you her cigarette, her hands at work as she began to organize what was in front of her, “We’re getting out of Dodge. I’m not about to let your brainless father and that ass-hat Selfridge micro-manage this thing.”
She had handed you the cigarette so haphazardly that you almost grabbed the  part that had been lit, cinging it on your belt once she gave it to you, “So, where are we going?” 
She stopped, facing you with a warning look, “We? You really think daddy dearest is gonna let you out of his sight? He already gets that ugly vein in his forehead every time you do anything that involves me.” 
“Let him have his ugly vein because I’m not staying here if you’re not.” You protested, searching her eyes for approval, but she only looked at you with a pessimistic expression. 
She put a hand on your cheek, her steely tone betrayed by the concern in her eyes, “Don’t push it. “
You placed a hand over hers, “You can’t change my mind. So, just tell me. Where are you thinking of moving everything?”
Grace groaned at your stubbornness, letting go of her hold on your face as she pulled her tablet out to show you, “Site 26, up in the Hallelujah Mountains.” 
Your eyes lit up as an idea sprang into your mind, “I have to go.” You said abruptly making your way back to the hangar, your eyes avidly searching for your father.
When you caught sight of him, he was about to get into an AMP suit, but the sound you calling him made him jump back down, his head turned in your direction.
He immediately gave you a toothy grin, pleased to see you as he put an affectionate hand on your back, “Is my little girl keepin’ everyone in line?”
“I’m practically walking intimidation to these people, sir.” You joked, but he took you seriously, looking at you with such pride.
“Nothing wrong with being feared. That’s how we Quaritchs get it done.” 
“Speaking of getting things done,” He leaned in closer, attentive as he waited for you to continue, “The scientists are about to have a change in scenery. I know you got Jake in there, but let me fly with Trudy. With me around too, you’ve practically got your dream team.” 
Facing you, he put his hands on your shoulders, his smile even wider than before as the corners of his eyes crinkled in pure regard for you, “Taking initiative. I wish I had ten more like you.”
You smiled back, “So, I have your approval?”
“You’ve got my approval,” His tone changing ominously as he stared down at you, “But don’t let these limp-dick science majors fool you. There ain’t nothing worth saving here. You know the mission, y/n.” 
Hugging him, you let the smile on your face fall, the graveness in his tone sending a whirring ache in your stomach. “You know me better than that, dad. I’m your daughter.” You reassured him, your voice so convincing that even you had almost believed the lie you were feeding him. 
He leaned back, looking at you with a pleased grin, “Damn right you are.” 
“After all this time, we finally get to fly together. Ain’t that a bitch.” Trudy said, handing you bags as you set them into the back of her flyer.
“Better late than never.” You hummed, overjoyed to finally be away from the base.
After everything was secured, everyone’s avatars were loaded on, their impossibly large stature so lifeless that they almost seemed like statues. Flying through the mountains, you all looked around in awe, Trudy laughing at you all as your mouths gaped open, too consumed in absolute wonderment to even process her laugh. This wasn’t the first time you had seen the mountains, but that didn’t make them any less remarkable. Landing, you all wasted no time making yourselves comfortable, picking out your bunks, setting your stuff down, and inspecting the entire place. 
Over the next few weeks, Jake stayed true to what he was ordered to do, diligent and detailed with every report after his excursions using his avatar. Sometimes, he would do them alone, always making sure that no one was watching, but other times you were right beside him, cringing as he attempted to make sense of the Omaticaya.
After the first month, you could sense Jake’s weariness as he closed his video log, his finger nervously hovering over the button to send it in. 
Walking over, you placed a hand on the table, “Yeah, I’d be hesitating to send that in too. You look like crap, old man.” You snickered, hoping to subside his worries with your joke.
He met your eyes, annoyed, “Whatever, baby face. Don’t you have a kids meal to eat or something?.”
“I had to check on my favorite old guy. You know, make sure you didn’t keel over or anything.” You pouted, earning a scowl from him.
Taking a seat on top of the table, you tilted your head at him, What’s with the hesitation? You usually just send things in and walk away.” You prodded.
He pressed the button, not wanting to explain himself, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Lowering your eyes at him, you scoffed, “It’s not a crime to like it here. Should I remind you how earth is practically just a ticking time bomb? The core is caving in on itself as we speak.”
“I want my legs back.” He replied, but even he wasn’t convinced by his tone.
Getting up, you let your arms fall to your sides, “You have legs.”
“Not always.” Jake snapped back. 
“You know Jake, like it or not, blue’s always been your color.” You hinted, leaving him to contemplate your words as you went back to your bunk. 
He was fighting hard denial, falling in love with the forest little by little, and everything it was giving him. Jake didn’t realize how much he missed running, hell even walking was a blessing. Things were hard at first, but with Neytiri pushing his limits, he couldn’t even complain, too grateful that he was even able to get back up from falling. 
And suddenly, Jake finally had something to lose. 
You watched as everything was backwards for Jake, the world he had thrust himself into for a simple mission becoming the reality, while his waking life had become the dream. Pandora was changing him, just like it changed you.
Learning the ways of the Omaticaya was the catalyst, but then there was also Grace, and Norm, and of course, you. While he had found unlikely friendships with Norm and Grace, you had become close friends since the day you first met. 
In truth, you reminded him of his brother, Tommy, the science guy, the smarter one. But Tommy didn’t have that callous edge that Jake’s military background imprinted on him. It was the one thing about Jake that Tommy could never relate to.
You could though, and you did. 
Every time. 
You were practically cut from the same tree, and despite your usual dizzying scientific discussions, Na’vi lingo and occasional latin-rooted vernacular, you actually understood him without really trying.
You were younger than him, younger than everyone, a constant cause for concern because aside from all your one-liners and jokes, Jake felt responsible for you. You were better than him in so many ways, and he respected you,  cared about you, more than he cared about himself. 
And the longer you were around Jake, the more you got to know him, and the easier it became to see his internal struggle. He didn’t know who he was anymore, his concept of loyalty faltering as the burden of what Quaritch had asked him had finally laid stones in his heart. 
Jake’s three months had gone by in a blink. To the disappointment of your father, his last report was more than three weeks from that deadline. Your father had called him back to base, Jake’s lag stirring his intolerance for deviancy, but you intercepted it, offering to talk to him yourself. 
You waited for Jake by his pod, looking out at the Pandora forest through the window and taking in the tranquility of the scene before you. Beyond the clearing were the endless flora and fauna and amidst the air and soft dirt, were speckles of life in the form of the local insects and animals. You peered outside in awe, wondering what it would feel like to explore the forest without the confines of your feeble humanity.
Behind you, you could hear the pod open, stirring you away from your thoughts. You turned around, Jake’s expression completely contemplative as he noticed you. 
You gave him an equally reflective expression, your mind carrying an unwieldy weight as you dreaded the conversation that daunted the both of you.
He pulled himself out of the pod, but you remained where you were. “My dad is starting to question your resolve. Will Neytiri and her people move from HomeTree?”
You knew the answer already, and Jake buried his face in his hands, “They don’t want anything. There’s nothing to trade, but what could they possibly want from us? Lite beer and blue jeans? They’re never gonna leave, and I don’t blame them.”
You hung your head low, “It’s not wrong for you to like it here, Jake. You didn’t do anything wrong. My father roped you into this mess.”
He lifted his head up from his hands, his expression so burdened and beaten down, “I can barely remember my old life y/n. I don’t even know who I am anymore.” 
You leaned forward, putting comforting hands on his shoulders, “You know who you are Jake.” 
He looked up, his eyes begging you to tell him who that was. “You’re one of The People now, and this forest is your home. You can protect it still.”
Jake never cried, but he almost did as he avoided your eyes, “You once told me not to make a promise I can’t keep.”he let out a defeated sigh, “Should have taken you seriously back then.” 
“What matters is what you do now. Saving them, that’s all that matters. I’ll tell my dad what he wants to hear, but you know what you have to do, and you’re the only one who can do it.” You kept a meek smile, patting his shoulders.
He was silent for a moment, nodding as he took in your words, “Whatever happens, I’m not bringing you down with me. Who knows what your dad will do when he finds out you’ve gone rogue.” His face was etched in concern, his worry for you embedded in the lines of his forehead.
You shrugged, your expression grave as you frowned, “A father protects. It’s what gives him meaning.” 
You paused, looking down at your clasped hands as you reminisced about the life you had back on earth, “I owe Quaritch my life, you know. My real parents didn’t want me and no one else did either. For a long time, he was all I had, and I thought that everything he did was to protect me.”
You met Jake’s eyes again, your expression fierce with determination, “But, kids grow up and they realize who their parents are and they either accept that or fight it with all they got. I choose to fight.”
Jake’s expression softened as you continued on, your emotion suddenly overwhelming as you felt your voice almost break, “You, Grace, Trudy,  Norm, you guys are my family. I got your back Jake. No matter what.”
He put a hand on your head, a genuine smile on his lips, “Don’t worry about me. You’re the baby. It’s my job to protect you.”
You shook your head, “You’re impossible, you know that?”
“What can I say?” He sighed, shrugging, “I’m a stubborn old man.”
The next day, the bulldozers came and not long after that came the destruction of HomeTree. There was nothing you all could do except sit and watch as Quaritch ordered the columns to be brought down, the Na’vi scattering in waves of blue as they witnessed their home engulf in flames, the cataclysmic reds and oranges muting the once green landscape and settling into the soulless smoke cloud that rose above them all, its presence like a deadly omen.
Grace, Norm, and Jake were detained immediately, and just like Jake had said, he protected you, pretending you had no involvement in anything that happened. You, Trudy, and Max did you all you could to help them escape when you got the chance, and as you approached her flyer, Jake stopped, urging you to leave so you wouldn’t get caught. 
You refused, insisting to come with them, but Grace had already made the decision for you, pulling you into a hug, she caressed your hair, “You need to stay here, baby girl.”
You could feel tears fall down your face as you wrapped your arms around her, savoring her embrace before letting go, unwillingly giving in to the urgency of the situation.
As they entered into the hangar, you ran back to the heart of the base, hiding while soldiers charged toward them, your father taking the lead. Later that night, you found out Grace was dying and you cried alone. You were beyond consolation, your grief consuming your heart, the ache tormenting you as you sat in the base, unable to do anything for her. You had seen death. Countless times. But not being with her for hers felt like you were the one you had been killed.
It was hard to feign your innocence after you found out that it was your father who shot her, and it became damn near impossible when Jake told you she had finally passed. Still, you were strong, playing the perfect soldier until the final battle came.
Fleets of ships entered into enemy territory, rows and rows of them creating an ugly, gray hoard amidst Pandora’s natural beauty. When you had entered, warriors on their ikrans swarmed, shooting left and right and bringing down the smaller flyers one by one.
You were with your father when he gave you the order to shoot Trudy down, her flyer adorned with war paint as she targeted your father’s ship, guns blazing. 
“I won’t do it.” You refused outright. 
In all your life, you had never been defiant, stunning him only for a second before he rose his voice at you, “Shoot her down, y/n!”
You got up, gritting your teeth as you spoke, your contempt silvery in your tongue, “I won’t kill my friend.” 
Seething, he turned away from you, “If you won’t, I will.” 
Before you could stop him he armed all pods, sending endless shots toward Trudy. You were frozen, unable to peel your eyes away as you watched her rotor explode, her flyer plummeting further and further down to the ground until she was engulfed in a deadly explosion. Still, you were agonized from the pain of losing Grace, but your loss became insurmountable watching your father murder your best friend. 
He paid no mind to that pain as he continued his plight, too focused to care about what he had done to you. All felt hopeless suddenly, your heart breaking as you watched more destruction unfold before you. Ikran and Na’vi were being shot in the air and below you men and women were being shot down, the fits of fleeting light coming from the gunfire of the AMP suits still visible from so high up.
Then, as if a prayer had been answered, ikran were flying in swarms from all directions, their masses attacking ships and taking down sentries. On the other side of you, you saw Jake, landing on top of one of the ships, unleashing grenades and jumping off to land on the biggest ikran you had ever seen, Toruk. 
You watched as Toruk maneuvered through the arching rock columns that surrounded the Tree of Souls and descended quickly to your father’s ship. With a loud thud, Jake was above you, unleashing grenades. Seeing him, your father steered the ship right, rupturing his balance as he fell backward. The grenade exploded, triggering the oxygen breach alarm. You grabbed an exo pack as you ran to the ship’s hatch, your father yanking you to the ground, his gun already in his hand as he stationed himself in the opening. Rushing, you took hold of the ladder, pushing past your father toward Jake, who was barely holding onto the ship, a missile already in his hand.
Jake threw the missile into the rotor as Quaritch fired a shot, the bullet meant for Jake hitting you as you blocked its path, the blood pooling in your chest instantly. In that moment, Quaritch dropped his gun, running toward you with his arms outstretched, his attempt at catching you futile as you already fell backwards.
A father protects. It’s what gives him meaning.
What Quaritch had failed to be, Jake fulfilled, scooping you into his arms as you both tumbled downward, tightly wrapping himself around your dying body to brace you from the impact. When you had finally fallen to the forest floor, you were heaving, your vision fading as he towered over you.
He was holding onto your limp body, tears streaming down his face. “No, no. You’re gonna be fine, y/n.”
You had never seen him cry before, and that made everything feel all the more heart-wrenching. There was no hope to save you.
You smiled at him like nothing was wrong, “You know me better than that Jake. I’m a scientist. I don’t believe in fairy tales.”
He let out a weak chuckle. It was the same thing that Grace had said to him when she lay dying, making his heart twist even more. He was in utter shock, his eyes suddenly drowned with tears while hugging you, as if doing so would bring back the warmth that was slowly leaving your body. 
You stared at him, piecing your final words together as you could feel the creeping darkness approach. Putting a hand on his cheek, you finally knew what you wanted to say. “You’re a good man Jake. Thanks for being my family.”
“Y/n, you’re gonna be alright.” He cooed, his heart breaking as your face paled and paled.
Taking one final breath, you smiled, “You’ll make a great dad someday.” 
“Y/n.” Jake’s voice quietly inaudible, but your eyes went blank and your hand dropped from his cheek.
Your body was cold and bloody as he held onto you, and as he tried so desperately to search for a remaining light in your eyes, he was only filled with more pain, an irrevocable pain welling inside of him, his heart blocking his mind from making sense of the fact that you were really dead. 
You reminded Jake of his brother Tommy, and just like him, you were dead too. He felt like he had failed you, the pain and rage stirring inside of him becoming a strength as he went up against your father. 
“Give it up, Quaritch. It’s all over.” Jake yelled out, his call becoming a perfectly timed distraction as Neytiri tried to free herself from the weight of a dead thanator.
“Nothing’s over while I’m breathing.” the Colonel spat, his words imbued with his pure hatred and scorn, “You killed my little girl, Sully. And for that, death is too good for you. I want to see you suffer.”
“It’s your fault she’s gone!” Jake hissed. 
“She was my daughter, and I should have never trusted her with you. You think you’re one of them?” So blinded by his own rage, the Colonel blamed Jake for your death, the fuel of his grief giving him an unholy boost in his fighting spirit.
“Time to wake up.” Walking to the pod, he broke the window, filling the oxygen isolated space with Pandora’s air. Panting, Jake could feel his link go in and out, his body convulsing in response to the breach. 
When Quaritch had turned back to Jake, he laughed maniacally, enjoying as he watched Jake struggle. Grabbing him by the hair, he pulled Jake’s knife out, “I’m gonna love cutting you up with your own knife.”
Jake even in his lightheaded state, managed to keep his resolve. Hissing aggressively as Quaritch inched and inched toward his neck, Jake could feel the imminence of blood being drawn until he stopped, Quaritch’s hands going limp, dropping Jake and the knife. As fast as the first came, so did a second, dealing the final blow. Neytiri watched as Quaritch died, satisfied as he became void of life, the misguided glory he was chasing dying with him.
Those who weren’t loyal to the Na’vi were sent back to earth, and in his last ditch attempt to save you, Jake had taken you before Mo’at, hoping that Great Mother still held your life in her intricate balance.
Mo’at pleaded for you underneath the Tree of Souls, the Great Mother’s roots glowing around your lifeless body, but dimming quickly.
Lifting her head up, Mo’at looked at Jake, choosing her words very carefully, “In this time of great sorrow, she cannot be saved Jake Sully, but the Great Mother still holds her in her heart. She is not gone from us forever.” 
Neytiri held him as he stared ahead blankly, so struck by his grief that he hadn’t truly grasped what Mo’at was saying. When he had shaken himself out of his state, he picked your body up, burying you where they had buried Grace’s human body, the Omaticaya chanting to Eywa as Jake, Norm, and all the other scientists gathered to say their final goodbye.
And in that final goodbye, you too had become a relic of the past, but your memory lived on as Jake continued his life, your death a painful reminder that he must always protect his family. 
You had told him something long ago, something he would never forget.
A father protects. It’s what gives him meaning. 
Author’s Note: 
My lovers, 
how did you all like that prologue? please let me know in the comments!! i’d love to know what you think :) writing grace and trudy’s death hurt me in my soUL, ITS NOT THIS ANGSTY FOR THE LATER PARTS I SWEAR
again, i wanna thank you all for waiting so patiently for this series!! 
part 1 is almost done as well and im beyond excited for you guys to see reader and jake reunite :) AND OFCCC READER AND LO’AK MEETING OMGGGGGG
for all those who wanted to be part of the taglist, you’re listed below
if you want to be tagged in the next parts, please comment on this post or send me a dm or an ask with your blog name! 
Nana <3
taglist: [some of the blogs didn’t allow me to tag some blogs, but i wanted to include them anyways!] @fifty-shades-of-mischeif @pretty-npeach @tonni30 @kirikuki @itsemy01 @persondoingstuff  @23victoria @soobinsrose @starjane312 @valentineoxox@imthefunniestpersonalive @justlillythinking @mae-is-crazy @scarletrosesposts @paniniii @bloodyziggy @mister-police   @mrs-sullys-blog @niiight-dreamerrrr @promiseofeywa @wilmalovegood @sssspencerrr @mochi-yu @d4rno @lovekeeho @dreama-little-dreamof-me @bammtoli @strawberryclouds22 @neteyamoa @devil-on-acid​ @a-queen-blr​ @my-name-duh  @mayabritjohn @annoyingstrawberryballoon @0-0h0-0 @glitter-in-my-heroin  @katkat1918
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spidernuggets · 4 months
As someone who wants to read books and novels, whether it be classics, romance, action, horror, etc, but has a difficult time doing so because it takes a long while to do so; to read the whole sentence without misreading anything and then processing what the sentence is implying, and gets so frustrating all the time, I absolutely adore people who make headcanons that Jason Todd reads to you!!!
So I present
Jason Todd Reading to You HCs/Reader who Struggles with Reading
(Starts with Reader who struggles w reading and regular Jason reading to you HCs begin after the border)
Before it became a habit of Jason reading to you, he always rambled about the new books he has been reading.
He's always either adoring the writing or complaining about love triangles or is intrigued by the plot or questions a character's decisions.
And his rants make you interested, and soon enough, you ask more questions based on whatever he is talking about.
He opens certain pages, pointing to a quote or paragraph, and then showing you hus annotations to the side.
I think Jason would either a) have 2 copies of a book. 1 softback for annotations and 1 hardback for a clean copy. Or b) a clean hardback book and a notebook marked with the book title, the date he read it, and the chapter and page that he's referencing his thoughts from.
Seeing as you're so interested in his thoughts, he recommended you some classics he thought you might curious about.
You're excited, happy that your boyfriend is opening up his nerdy, literature side to you, and you promised him you'd finish the book as soon as possible.
But when you cracked open the clean hardback- the copy of Little Women that he wouldn't let anyone touch, your heart started racing.
You barely finished chapter one in three days. And when Jason asked during the day how it was going, you lied, saying it was great so far. This caused Jason to be suspicious as your reaction was far more bland than how you'd react when he was telling the basis of the story.
So when you claimed that you had finished it, he asked for your opinion. And when you did tell him what you thought of it, he thought that your answers sounded very familiar. And he realised that what you're saying was paraphrased from his annotations.
He laughed, telling you that you don't have to agree with his opinion. But when you didn't laugh back or state your own thoughts, he grew concerned.
You admitted that you only read the first chapter, and he said it was fine and to take as long as you needed since everyone reads at a different pace. But you shook your head, telling him that it could take you your whole lifetime to finish reading one book.
You sat with him, explaining that you find it difficult to read, that it takes you time to understand what the story is telling and what it's describing.
Jason thinks for a moment, and during this, you think that he now sees you as unintelligent and slow.
But he speaks up, offering the idea of reading to you instead. He noticed that you obtain information better when it's being spoken to you. You remember all the little details of the book when Jason went on his long rants about it.
But you tried to quickly turn down the offer, saying that you don't want him to baby you.
But he kisses your forhead in reassurance, promising that he's not babying you. Telling you that he's happy to read to you. Ecstatic even.
You and Jason are wrapped in a not too thick, not too thin blanket. You're sitting upright, Jason's leaning against the headboard as you lay on his chest.
He's got the clean copy open instead of his annotated one, so you have the freedom of developing your own outlooks on the novel as his finger glides across the sentences.
He lets you interrupt him every time you have a point to make or an outbirst reaction to a plot twist or unexpected scene.
He keeps those reactions in mind, remembering to pull out a new notebook, marking the pages with the book title, the date he read it to you, and the chapter and page that you referenced your thoughts from.
You hate to stop reading before the end of a chapter, so you try to stay awake as much as possible until Jason finishes the cirrent chapter, no matter how spft and soothing his voice is.
Your favourite part of your day is waiting for Jason to come home from patrol, sitting patiently on your shared bed, with the book on your lap while you watch the movie or show adaptation of the novel.
And when Jason does come home, he rolls his eyes, shutting the screen that's playing the film, scolding you that the book is way better.
He tells you to sit tight while he quickly changes out of his gear, putting on sweatpants and staying shirtless before scooching you over and sliding into bed beside you.
He takes the book from you, opening to where the bookmark laid- the last chapter you finished before continuing on with the story.
And when Jason finishes off another chapter, he notices you sound asleep.
He softly kisses your cheeks, forhead, then lips, bookmarking the book once more, before adjusting the two of you in a more comfortable position and holding you in his arms, whispering to you that you'll continue in the morning, before falling asleep with you.
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vainilla-milk · 1 year
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pairing: Ushijima x Fem! Reader
tags: too much fluff, female body, reader's height is 1.55m, time skip characters
wordcount: 1.5k
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Ushijima has always been a reserved and unexpressive man, but for those who have been close to him, they know that this inexpressiveness is not an impediment to be someone very concerned about his own. Despite that, there was a side that he himself was unaware of and that had not yet come to light for everyone.
Until you came along.
You were both in college, he working on his sports career and you on your career related to journalism. You practically met him because of an assignment you were asked to do with your classmates, a sports-related report. 
Wakatoshi was big and imposing, his stony gaze made you nervous at first, but you managed to strike up a conversation with him. 
The acclaimed "Japan’s cannon" was the MOST docile man you had ever met in your life, naive and overly transparent.
You had been charmed by the boy, although you had to be resourceful to get him to talk to you. After that project, you didn't have any more contact with sports, but you didn't care about that. 
You became interested in volleyball and used the pretext to approach him again. 
Ushijima noticed your growing presence on his radar, but without giving it much importance, as you looked busy talking to several people present at the training. You were in and out of the place, always carrying some notebook handy with your pen. 
"Really your strength is impressive" you tell him one day after finishing his training. "I imagine you've trained very hard since you were little, haven't you?"
His stoic expression fixed on you, well, having to lower his gaze because of the size difference between him and you. You didn't get the blunt answer you were hoping for, it was simply a dry yes. 
You weren't going to give up just because of that. 
You tried again and again, until you became a constant in his life. Your stomach clenched with excitement the first time he was the one who took the initiative to talk to you.
To know more about you.
You invite him for coffee afterward and he accepts without objection. 
"You look pretty passionate about what you do" you hear him say. You lift your gaze from the sandwich to notice him and smile at him. 
Wakatoshi listened to you patiently and connected too much when you entered the waters of the sporting world. When you told him that he was the reason you became interested in volleyball and sports journalism, he felt a great warmth in his chest, so much so, that it was inevitable to smile. 
Everything pointed to the fact that from that moment on, he could never get you out of his mind again.
Your relationship was blossoming slowly but surely, Ushijima is quite the gentleman, you thought constantly. He cared about you, about your health, that you rest and eat well, hydrate and be happy. 
Because there has been no better discovery that behind that stoic face, hides a man who loves to pamper and spoil you.
Treat you like a princess. 
He genuinely loved to give you things as gifts, whether he surprised you by seeing a dress you had loved, new shoes to match a new outfit or your medicine to calm your menstrual discomfort. 
He left you a copy of the keys to his apartment in case you needed to study somewhere quiet, after all, he lives without roommates. You could sleep over if you wanted to. 
Were you tense? He helped you with massages. Were you feeling sick? He'd take you to the doctor. Did you need love? He'd make sure you got it all night long.
If you asked him for the moon, he would personally bring it down for you.
But to speak only of his love is an understatement in everything that really happened in the relationship, because you did not lag behind with your displays of affection. 
You supported him in everything that involved his career, taking advantage of the fact that your area allowed you to do so. You cooked for him, you tucked him in, you were there with him every moment. You got along very well with his father, something he quite appreciated, just as he appreciated that you were also able to get along with his former Shiratorizawa classmates. Especially with Tendou, his best friend. You helped him rediscover himself and open a new perspective on life and the world.
But still, time passes, and so many years of love and lust-filled nights were clearly going to end with you holding a positive pregnancy test.
You sighed in relief thanking the gods that the Olympic games had come to an end. 
Yeah, well, in these years of relationship you discovered that Wakatoshi could be quite passionate in bed. Sometimes enough to make an attempt on a poor condom trying to withstand hard onslaughts that would promptly release a load too heavy to hold back with latex. 
You guessed that during the games one must have broken without them noticing, or you just didn't give it enough thought. 
Watching your belly grow was fascinating for him, and more fascinating for the press to see Ushijima Wakatoshi show the world an unknown and exploitable side for their magazines and newspapers.
If you were his princess before, now, you are his queen expecting a princess. 
Although you both initially worried about how a baby might affect his sports career, you were supportive enough to go along with it. Ushijima sought advice from his father, but also received plenty of help from Romero. He felt reassured when both men presented him with all the ways to balance his work with fatherhood and marriage. 
"You should rest," he tells you as he hugs you from behind, his hands gently caressing your swollen belly. He was so excited, his frequent smiles gave him away, inside you was a little princess he was looking forward to meeting. 
"I need to move" you reply as you wash the dishes. "I'm not going to stay lying in bed for months until I give birth"
You remember in your youth not understanding why pregnant women insisted on doing so many things instead of resting and enjoying themselves during pregnancy. You can understand it better now, there is a certain feeling of uselessness that haunts you and you don't like it, your husband is constantly watching you to remind you not to overexert yourself. 
Still, in your last weeks, you were unstoppable. You felt almost no contractions and the last thing you wanted in life was to have to give birth by C-section. 
You cleaned the entire apartment, took forty-minute walks, tried to exercise.
You did it all! But it still seemed like the pregnancy would never come to an end.
You were so sad that Wakatoshi decided to comfort you with some libido. He did his best not to hurt you so he could please you.
Oh, but the way he managed to do it was the trigger for your body to finally decide that you should go into labor. You were almost past forty-one weeks, it was a relief to know that at last your princess would arrive. 
Hearing you scream made his stomach knot, you are strong and he knows it, but it didn't stop him from worrying that you were delivering the baby of a man who is over six feet tall and well, tall you clearly are not. 
When the noise stops, Wakatoshi feels that his heart finally manages to return to calm. His hand never let go of yours. 
"You did good, sweetie" he whispered against your forehead as he deposited a comforting kiss on your skin.
You felt an enormous happiness to see your baby placed on your chest while the medical team cleaned and tidied up the room before moving you and the baby to where you could rest and monitor your health. 
Wakatoshi watched you, recording the image in detail in his mind. Soon your laughter snapped him out of his trance. 
"Baby, you really were a huge pain in the ass for how small you turned out to be" you joked. 
Your husband smiles, you're right, his baby is a pretty little princess.
Tiny, unruly, troublemaker and too spoiled by her father. You thought.
The years flew by when your daughter was born. You were so thankful that Wakatoshi did not abandon you emotionally at any time as you had feared, it was something so recurrent in motherhood that you had even psyched yourself up in case it happened to you.
But that never happened, neither when you were in Japan nor when you moved to Poland, because Ushijima Wakatoshi would always move heaven and earth to always take his beloved wife and little princess wherever he went. 
Your daughter is quite a case, you expected her to inherit your husband's calm temperament, instead, she inherited yours but with multiplied energy. Her battery never ran out, but she was giggly and overflowing with joy. 
A lucky girl who had a devoted mother like you and a father like Wakatoshi who can never get enough of the love he gives to both of you and so must spoil you more and pamper his daughter like the good daddy's princess she is. 
But sometimes he overflows so much love for you that your belly again finds itself conceiving a new life. Maybe now it's the turn of a prince, maybe it's another little princess. 
You still have months to find out, but for Ushijima, he has a lifetime left to continue loving you and his precious daughter, Daddy's little princess.
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thebestofoneshots · 8 months
Gilded Constellations | THE INTERLUDE
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Summary: You meet Sirius and Regulus at a family vacation in the Caribbean, but things don't go as planned and you end up losing contact once the trip is over. Years later your family moves to England and you get accepted at Hogwarts where you finally meet Sirius once again, along with all of his friends. One of them with a mysterious secret, that you'll uncover as you embark on your own Hogwarts adventure. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Hey Lovelies, welcome to “The Interlude” of Gilded Constellations. We’ve basically already gotten to 100 k words in this story and that’s absolutely insane!!! Which is why I thought of doing a little thing where I could interact with my readers. As a thank you for being there and supporting me so much through this journey. 
And so… this little Q&A was born. Those who didn't get to ask their questions, don’t worry my darlings, my ask will be open all week for you to ask whatever you want. It’s a mini event that will last from today ‘till next wednesday. 
But yes, it does mean this week we won’t get a new chapter D: 
Don’t worry, it will definitely be worth it since the next couple of episodes are two that I’ve put absolute extra care on crafting, and I will put just as much care on revising. I’ve been quite literally posting non stop for 15 weeks consecutively. That’s almost 4 months, what?!?! 
I needed my tiny lil break, besides I wanted to dedicate this bit of time to work on my Maraudween Special smutty series that will include some interesting mini AUs, so those that read my other stuff and not just Gilded Constellations will be quite literally treated this Halloween. There will be a lot of posts these next few weeks. Although, I might be releasing some of the Maraudween stories at the beginning of November. Unfortunately, I’m not a machine and I can’t write in seconds like Chat GPT. 
Without further ado, let’s get on with those questions!
Where did you get the inspo for the fic?
Oh my god if I tell you guys about this… It all started when I was in class, sometimes when I’m bored, my little mind starts to wander. I’m a total daydreamer, I can’t deny that, but at that moment in particular I was quite literally thinking of nothing and everything at the same time. And then, out of nowhere, this phrase came to me: 
“You look at them the same way you looked at me when we met…” 
And I was like, “omg that’s so freaking angsty” and “That’s a great freaking line for a poly story” And I quite literally wrote it down with a little tag that said, “-the start of a poly relationship story because I’ve never read enough of those.” 
And then I closed the notebook and went back to class. But I guess the idea had already set in my brain because next thing I know, I’m writing down more things down. And let me tell you, before Gilded Constellations I only wrote Oneshots because a story seemed like too much commitment. So I kid you not, I wrote down: 
“Not a short story, but maybe a 3-5 chapter long fic”. 
Jokes on me though, we’re 15 chapters in, like 20-something written and we’re probably going to end up with longer than 200k words and I’m not even sorry about it. Besides, I'm really pumped to finish it because I want to get it printed in Lulu and have my own little copy as a “Damn you wrote that.” kind of evidence thing. So worry not about being left with an unfinished fic, I’m going to complete this story even if it’s the last thing I do. 
Besides, if I’m being honest, when I’m not writing, I miss my boys, so I’ll definitely miss passing the time with them when I’m done with GC. (Luckily I’ve already got another series planned and spoiler alert: This one will be Poly!Marauders x reader, a lot spicier aaaand, PIRATES.) 
That’s how the fic started, well that and a dream that was basically most of Chapter 3 and I thought it was so cute that I wrote it down and then I was like, “hold up, this could be the start of the Poly story I was talking about…” 
Are there any real-life experiences that influenced your writing?
Well I mean, I’d say that art imitates life and life imitates art, but in regards to real-life romance I don’t really know that much. But there are definitely some things here and there that have been sprinkled from my real life into the fic. Not sure if I could think of a particular one but I can say sometimes Remus gives me the same vibe that a boy I “used to” have a crush on. “Used to” in quotation marks because I kinda still do even if we haven’t seen each other in years. 
So I guess a lot of Remus comes from my crush, but also Remus is his own little boy as well and I love him more for it. Even If I’m torturing him so much with his heartache, I promise it will be worth it Remus, reader and Sirius will take care of you, eventually. 
Other than that, I guess I like to pay attention to things around me, you’ll see me looking at nature, the sky, the way leaves move, the way people interact with each other. Especially at that actually, I like to pay attention to people, how they move, how they interact, and their reactions. Sometimes I do it irl, and sometimes I just watch movies or series, and since my writing process is like seeing a movie in my head and then putting it into words, it’s always useful to pay attention to the world around me. Even if I sometimes struggle to put into words exactly what I’m seeing in my head.  
Did you already have everything planned, or did you just go with the flow? If you have already, how far? all of it? Or just some chapters ahead? 
Well, yes and no. I do have various key points of the story planned, a lot of plot points that are going to happen and that’s kinda what I’m sustaining myself on. I know the big points and then I just have to write what happens in between them. And I’ve got it planned all the way ‘till my babes all start dating. After that, if I’m honest I’m not sure how I’m going to end it. Some parts of me want to go for the saddest ending possible because it would go along with cannon and the other side of me, the one that can’t bear to see my boys being sad, wants to just deviate completely and/or leave an open ending. 
But so far, I really cannot tell what exactly I’m going to do, I just know that time will tell. Because sometimes the characters just do what they want and I love to see where they take me. Which is why the ending is not set in stone just yet. 
Without giving too many spoilers, can you tease upcoming plot twists or surprises we can expect in future chapters?
My sly little foxes have already guessed some of the major plot twists that are upcoming in the story. And there definitely will come some surprises along the way, some you will love, some you won’t so much. But I promise you it will all be worth it! 
Remember in Gilded Constellations, everything happens for a reason. 
What's your fancast for the fic? Did you pick the reader too or just leave it be? //  I wanted to know if you have a fancast for everyone…
I did mention that I basically see stuff as a movie in my head right? So yes, I do have a fancast! Although I most definitely see James as Aaron, Sirius as Ben, Remus as Andrew and Peter as Dane, I have also twisted them in my brain. Like it’s them, right? But my version of them. Like my Sirius is so fucking ethereal in my head that sometimes I myself blush with his beauty. And Remus, well, he is probably most similar to Talita Asami’s from instagram. Especially this one. 
There’s something about the way she contrasts his soft features with the scars that’s just perfect. It’s that sexy pirate vibe I cannot get out of my head, if that makes sense.  But also I’ve been toying with AI lately (Talkie) and ended up with these two versions of Remus and Sirius and they have absolutely taken over. 
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Sidenote: I made way to many of these, so do tell me if you wanna see them.
The reader: Uhm… well, I kind of just see her as me, hehe. Which is kind of the point, you should all just see the reader as yourselves, if you’re comfortable with that of course. 
The rest of our babies though? Lily Evans, Marlene and Mary, are kind of like the boys as in I see them as their fancast but also not entirely. And Lily especially, she’s just so freaking pretty in my head, there’s no one I know to match her, all thought Sophie Skelton and Kennedy Walsh (@/c4tluvr666 on Tiktok) are super close. 
Now, outside of canon characters, aka all of these OC’s I’ve been creating with time, some of them do have a fancast and some of them don’t. Let’s focus on the ones that do, because some of them I literally had in my head since the very, very beginning of the fic. 
Tom Harrow- This boy actually started as a younger version of Tom Hiddleston in my head, but the more I wrote him, the more he said, “Luv, that’s not what I look like!” And, almost out of nowhere, baby Tom Hiddleston became Rober Sheehan, and let me tell you, it stuck. And it stuck so bad there is no way I could see Tom as anything other than Rob. Especially with his role as Klaus in Umbrella Academy having a rather similar personality in the entire open-minded spectrum that he’s got going on. And, talking about teasers, this boy is actually going to be a key point on the romance between our golden throuple to develop, so keep an eye out for him. I love him so much tbh.  
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Then we’ve got Beth Doxon, this girl is my wifey, I freaking love Beth so much and if you’ve been paying attention you may already know who I based her off, at least in looks. It’s Anya Taylor Joy as Beth Harmon in Queen’s Gambit, redhead queen (can you tell I really, really like redheads?) . Also that’s why she has such a strong character, even if my Beth is a lot more of a Party Animal than the original character. 
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Alexander Wood in my head is just a carbon copy of his son Oliver, but in Hufflepuff, and the rest of the Quidditch teams, I’ve got a good idea of what they look like in my head, but not really a fan cast for them. Suggestions accepted. 
Well, except for Minho Yun, since his role in the story is going to be as a pretty strong supporting character, in fact, he was meant to be somewhat of an alt love interest that was going to help build Sirius’ jealousy, but in the end, I decided to completely scrap that to further develop him as a character. Some interesting things that you’ll actually learn on the GC Halloween special. Oh, and Minho is actually based on Sang Heon Lee (on looks) and Ki Hong Lee (on character, specifically on his role in Maze Runner). Had I based Minho on the character of Sang Heon Lee who inspired him, we would have way too many slutty boys in the same room, with Tom and Sirius and him, It’d be chaos, which is why he ended up being a little shier. 
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Nox, Neil and Todd, literally are just Nox, Neil and Tod from De*d Poets Society. I was rewatching the movie to nail that boy friend group interactions and to get in the Dark Academia Vibes and I wanted to give my boys a happy ending. 
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Also Neil just gives me the most massive Prongs vibe I cannot.
And lastly, there’s Nina Blythe. Nina to me is a totally angelic girl, I’ve got a very vivid picture of what she looks like in my head but I don’t really have a fancast for her. Maybe a little bit like Aurora (the singer), in regards to her soft features, but Nina has longer hair and it’s a little wavy. I kind of think of her as a girl from a Renaissance painting, emphasis on girl, since she is supposed to look younger than she is. Any ideas for a fancast? For her and for anyone I missed, I’m completely open to your suggestions. 
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Professor Nightshade is definitely Eva Green from Miss Peregrine or Jessica Chastain from Crimson Peak. She’s got that tall,  regal and dark but elegant vibe to her that is just so freaking gorgeous and awe-inspiring. I totally have a crush on Seraphina, can you tell? 
Professor Aurelius Spellman is kind of inspired by Kingsley Shackelbolt. However, if I had to cast someone for the role it would be Djimon Hounsou, he has that attractive and rough vibe to him. Like scary, demanding but also alluring things going on, he’s just got the magician type I suppose. 
This one’s going to be silly, but I can’t imagine Kettleburn as anyone other than Gobber the Belch from HTTYD, like, take away the horned helmet and give him a pointy hat, and boom, Kettleburn ladies and gentlemen. Down to the messy personality, honestly. 
And Donovan Pendragon (the teacher for Magical Theory) I feel like he isn’t mentioned enough, because I literally had no idea what his name was even going to be and I just left a line for it until I was editing the chapter before posting. So he doesn’t really have a cast. He’s caucasian in my head, but that’s about all I’ve got from him. Any ideas? 
Do you have any headcanons for any of the characters and their relationship that you haven’t talked about in the story? 
REMUS: Well I feel like this one has been talked about several times in the story but Remus being a beast in bed? I feel like everyone loves to tease him about it in the castle but to me, he’s also a total soft boy? Like especially the first time, I feel like he’s going to be so overwhelmed by both Sirius and Reader that he will basically just melt in the hands of his lovers. 
SIRIUS: Smitten little puppy of my life. 
SIRIUS AND REMUS: They’ve totally kissed in the past. At least once, and Remus still dreams about it. Sirius, well… maybe he’ll get some memories of it every now and then.
READER: My girl thinks she’s so freaking smart and yet is the most oblivious to her own feelings; she could be considered an idiot. She’s also so selfless it hurts, but like literally. Also, she loves flirting with Sirius way too much. Still, they definitely will need Rem in their relationship because there is no self-preservation sense when her personality is just as chaotic as our Puppy. Side note: Remus will 100% blush when she starts flirting with him in the same way he does with Sirius. And let’s not talk about what a tomato he will be when Sirius does it as well. 
PETER: He kinda disliked the reader at first, especially since he felt like she was taking away his friends, but eventually he warmed up to her, and loves their friendship. 
LILY: She enjoyed the kiss with Reader, and it made her realize she’s totally bi, because she also enjoyed the kiss with James. 
TOM: My boy is clever as hell and he knows a lot more than he lets on. Also, he secretly ships the golden throuple. 
BETH: She’s Tom’s bestie and she knows a lot of things too. She will also ignite chaos with the ultimate goal of being Gryffindor Tower’s own cupid. Do you think what happened at Marlene’s Party was a coincidence? 
REGG: My beautiful Reggie is still sad about the incident. He’s still trying to find a way to reconnect with you and it pains him that you think he’d rat you out. Even then, he values the fact that you are with Sirius and that you’re helping him through everything that’s been going on, especially since he saw how red Sirius’s eyes were when he left the Black’s house with a trunk in hand sobs stuck in his throat. Reg cried like a baby that night, just wishing for time to go by as fast as possible so he could go back to school and see his big brother again. (I’m so sorry for that guys).
MINHO: Has a secret crush and you would not believe me if I told you who it was. 
NINA: Has a secret crush and some of you have probably already guessed who it is. 
DAMOCLES: You don’t know him yet but omg he’s just so clever, thank you Kles for existing.
And let's be honest, I totally have a bunch more of this but I think this is way more than enough, for now…
Out of all the chapters so far, what’s been your favorite?
This is too fucking hard to decide. But If I had to choose my top three, and in no order in particular, I’d say, for the released ones:  
Fooled around and Fell in Love
Because, can we talk about the kiss scene? I feel like this one will come back bite my kiddos in the back so they finally realize what they actually fucking need. 
Do Ya 
I’m a total sucker for Sirius, what can I tell ya? But also the flying scenes were so much fun to write, totally an adventure to go through, still among my favs. 
Maybe I’m amazed 
“Do you like Golf?” 
From the unreleased episodes: 
Tonight’s What It Means To Be Young
The calm before the storm. Or is it the storm before the storm? 
Bad Moon Rising 
The FUCKING storm. But also one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. I think I like action scenes a little too much.
*** On The Run
The storm continues. But also, the calm after the storm.
Do you have a playlist that you always listen to when you're writing? 
Not a specific playlist, but I have been listening to a lot of ‘70s rock. Things like Queen, Bowie, Boston, Foreigner,  Kansas, Fleetwood Mac, Nazareth, The Police and some others. All of them help me get in the mood for writing. At least in the mood of the era, if that makes sense.
Aside from the ’70s classics, I’ve also been listening to a lot of Lord Huron, Hozier, and Aurora (I sort of discovered her recently and I’m obsessed with some of her songs). Also some of The Killers, Dotan and Vian Izak sprinkled here and there. Bastille and Imagine Dragons are always and forever so of course they wouldn’t be missing from my list. 
But when I’m struggling, like really struggling with writing, then I go to this Best Instrumental playlist, where they have everything from the Narnia and Peter Pan 2003 soundtracks to Vivaldi and Ghibli.  It really does help with the concentration. 
How long for the guys to understand that they fancy each other? 
Well, when you say the guys do you mean Sirius and Remus? ‘Cause then it’s not thaaaaaat far away from now. Now from then to them all dating, well…
I know Remus kind of struggles with feelings, and probably even more now that Sirius and the reader are together. But when he's gonna say "hey, can I come in?" 😏 lol I just want them together so baaaad!
Ahahahahahaha, Well that’s not exactly how it’s gonna go, but it’ll happen sometime after Christmas.
After wolfstar and the reader get together, the fic will end? or we're gonna have a lot of them together to compensate for the agony? 🥺
I’m not sure about the ending yet, but I’m definitely going to add so much fluff of the three of them together that you’re all gonna get cavities. Also, I’ve been writing The 5 Senses and the Halloween special (that might be finished until after Halloween) to practice for the spice, so I’m def compensating for the agony. 
Also, I kind of want to explore the social implications of being in a throuple, of making that public in the `70s. Seems like a whole lotta issue bringer that kinda interests me… Sorry, you’re not completely getting rid of the angst even when they’re all together. 
I don’t remember if I already asked you about this, but as a Regulus’ wife, I need to know. He'll come back, right? She will talk with him and he will be able to explain everything to her? I need this, I really need this! I can leave without this closing. THEY NEED TO BE FRIENDS AGAIN!
Your husband is safe with me. I promise. I’m not gonna say it’s gonna be very soon, but he will be safe because I love baby Reggie and I too can’t stand him being mistreated either. 
Not a question. I just want to say that I really love this story. It's one of my favorites, and I just put it on my masterlist for how much I love it.
Aww shut up, I love you so much <3
Will we have some Sirius jealousy? ‘Cause I'm really interested in that. Oooh... will he notice that Reader and Remus are... more than friends before they even know it? I dunno, he's just oblivious about everything around him. 
Funny that you ask, yes we will have a lot of Jealous!Sirius, in fact, it’s a huge part of how the throuple will develop. And you will have it so soon, even if it’s not exactly what you expect it to be. I can’t wait for next week!
And in regards to noticing, well… Sirius is not going to be the most oblivious about his own feelings in this story. I mean… not always.
Are there any particular scenes or moments in your story that were especially fun or challenging to write?
Well, I’m actually finding it a lot harder to write stuff atm, so I’d say the limbo between the Bad Moon Rising Arch and the next big thing that’s going to happen has been the hardest. Especially since I’m already going to get to a key point in which some shit is going to go down and I’m still not sure how bad and angsty I want to make it. Don’t worry, our golden throuple will be alright but…
In regards to fun, I must say the parties are some of my favorites, Potion Pong was incredibly fun to write ‘cause I literally transported myself to it and it was like actually living it, even if it was in my head. Also the flying scenes, they’re always fun to write, the race was incredible tbh. 
I love to write the fun banter and the teasing too, it brings me joy. But I bet you could tell I’m one for the teasing from the very first chapters of Gilded Constellations. 
Nina fancies Reader, right? She does. I just need a yes. I already know that 😌 
( ≖‿  ≖ )
Can you share any behind-the-scenes trivia or Easter eggs that readers might not have noticed in your story?
I feel like there’s a lot of behind-scenes I shared so far but I guess I could share a few pics of my organization systems. Things like…
Your schedule: 
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The cover:
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Some of you have already been theorizing about it too, you can look at some of those theories over here, and here, and also here.
Alt Covers I designed but weren't chosen:
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Something you might not know:
GC is also available on Wattpad and AO3. The AO3 chapters usually drop like 30 minutes or an hour before Tumblr because it's easier to post there. And the Wattpad releases are actually way behind in comparison (there isn't much engagement over there).
Some Shots of my Plot notebook (0 spoilers): 
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And also, have you noticed the special little thing in the names of the chapters? 10 housepoints to whoever notices
I just thought of this, but what if we make a little housepont system and from things that you guys guess of the story you get housepoints and then we have a houseprice in the end? OMG I'd love to do this, if you're on tell me your house in the comments. So far Sytherin would have like 40 points just beacuse of dear @cometsghost and I'm not sure what is @blacksgarden house but they would also have like 40 pts.
How do you stay motivated and inspired to keep writing, especially in moments when you might experience writer's block?
It may or may not be healthy, but I just force myself to type? I never really have writer’s block, rather I’d call it writer’s overload. It’s when I’m running through so many possibilities in my head and I can’t pick which is the one I want to go through with. So I keep thinking about it and I don’t type. Which is why I just force myself to type, more often than not I’ll end up writing something I really like. 
And as for the motivation, honestly just getting to see my boys again. To be able to submerge back into Hogwarts, that’s enough motivation. I seriously get an urge to go back because I miss them. It's kinda crazy. Like I might be chilling at home and suddenly the thought “I wish I was at Hogwarts” crosses my mind, not even joking. 
The other motivation is finishing my book so I can get a printed version to place in my bookshelf and show it off. Not that anyone would know what it is, but I’d know, which is enough, hehe. And also to be a better writer, they say you should write every single day, which is kind of what I’m attempting to do with GC. By writing a chapter every week, I literally force myself to write every single day, even if just a couple of words. 
Can we have cute moments with Remus? uuuh, Will he be cute when she notices that she really likes him?
Yes! We can have all the cute moments with Remus. Even before they all notice they’re into each other, we’re gonna have so many cute moments because even if Reader is dating Sirius I can’t leave my beautiful boy on the sidelines. Besides, how can I torture him if he doesn’t get a taste of how good it would be to be with them? 
What can readers look forward to in the next chapters, and do you have any long-term plans or goals for GCs development?
Angst. Don’t hate me for this. But also comfort, and some fun little adventures and then a bit more angst, hehe…
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Well, that’s the end of the questions I got sent ahead. Hope you enjoyed this rollercoaster of a Q&A. If you have any more, or if my answers have provoked further questions, then by all means, share them with me, I’d love to be able to interact with you a bit more. 
Love ya, Lily xx
Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader @orkwardx0  @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow  @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader
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maelstrom-of-emotions · 10 months
BakuDeku fic idea
Okay, so I had this idea, and it's been nagging me for like, forever, so, naturally I gotta talk about it.
So, maybe, years later, after they've gotten married and all, Katsuki is organizing Deku's desk because for all that the damn nerd is a genius, he's terrible at organizing things.
And then he comes across Deku's notebook collection, the notebooks that Katsuki would swear up and down were practically an extension of Izuku's soul.
He opens them, having seen them occasionally when Deku would get nostalgic and turn the paces, tracing the intricate lines with a sense of wistfulness, or when he would get right into Katsuki's face saying ‘I figured out where I saw that quirk Kachaan! It was here,’ but he's never flipped through them, despite having Izuku's consent to do so.
And so for the first time, he flips through them, starting from the first, of course, because Katsuki is many things, but he's no madman.
The first one is all bright and wide-eyed, filled with sketches of All Might and other top heroes, and Katsuki can't help the fond smile that spreads on his face as he sees the small doodles of himself dotting the margins of the notebook. It was like staring at a damn kindergarten art project. Deku's admiration for them practically oozed off the pages.
The leading notebooks that came after that were filled with scribbles, points and additions, edits and mentions, but it was all still pretty wholesome (and so Katsuki may have taken a photo of a particularly adorable sketch of a chibi him, with the words 'Lil' Victory upon it, so he can make it into a custom keychain, sue him.)
And then, out of nowhere, they get intense. The sketches were detailed, showing fights, strategies, and damn, even the villains. And the proud smile that grows on his face is entirely deserved, because, that was his nerd, alright. It was like seeing inside the mind of a madman but in a good way. Deku was getting serious, that adorable little nerd.
Somewhere along the way, Deku had begun to record the injuries caused by the quirks. The pages were stained with reds and purples, like some kind of twisted canvas. Bakugou winced, remembering the pain that had carved itself into Deku's skin. The scars on Deku's body had a story, and they were all right there, etched in ink.
(He hates the fact that he had been the cause of most of those scars. Hates the thought of Deku, staring at the scars on his body and copying them on paper, having been familiar with them for so long, that he doesn't even need to double-check. Hates the way that it brings tears to his eyes.)
The notebooks after that were a whole new world. he sketches were practically alive, the movements fluid and precise. It was like watching a damn animated movie. This nerd was on the edge of genius.
The points on quirks had improved too. Notes on how they worked, weaknesses, and strategies to counter them. It was like Deku had cracked the code to every damn hero he'd ever faced. Bakugou couldn't decide if he was impressed or annoyed. Probably both.
That notebook was the culmination of everything Deku had ever learned. The battles were fierce, the strategies ruthless. This was Deku at his damn peak.
He's just about to put them back, telling himself that the tears in his eyes were due to the dust when he sees the last notebook. It's the newest notebook, the cover bright and glossy.
He opens it and expects another one of Deku's meticulous quirk analyses, but this...this was something else entirely.
Page after page was filled with details about their friends, their likes and dislikes, little facts that even Bakugou didn't know. It was like Deku had become some kind of damn detective, gathering every scrap of information he could find.
And then he turned a page and was greeted by an explosion of orange and black, and there it was. His name, his figure, drawn in causal clothes, with little notes written in beautiful handwriting.
The details hit him like a damn sledgehammer. There's an arrow pointing to his middle finger 'wears a ring on this one.' An arrow to his clothes with the words 'prefers soft clothes (best hoodies to steal),' there's one pointing to his neck followed by 'wears a locket with parent's photos' and on, and on, they go. His eyes start to water at 'rich laugh' and 'bright grin.'
He pauses at the one written in red ink with the words 'softest heart' written right next to it.
This damn nerd, he knew him better than anyone else. Knew the quirks and intricacies that made up Bakugou Katsuki.
He couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips. Maybe, just maybe, Deku wasn't so damn bad at understanding people after all.
And if Izuku finds himself bombarded with bowls of Katsudon, well, that's nobody's business but his own. Even if the nerd cries when he sees the keychain.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
We must be psychically linked for real cause I was just thinking of the dark au and you start working on it again LMAO. Me personally I think reader should have some kinda mutation that allows them to copy other mutations or a time/dimension jump one so it could be revealed that oops! reader accidentally sent all of them away! And cause some big feelings in the yans, like they want to blame reader for what happened but they still love them so dearly and it wouldn’t be fair to reader who is still learning and growing their powers to be solely blamed, or it’s a wrong place wrong time type thing where reader and one of the teens powers interact in such a way that they get sent to where ever they are/stuck in the time stream a la batman the return of Bruce Wayne
That is a good idea, Spino Anon! It's really creative! I don't know if that's how I will write the au, but you have given me a thought or two on how to explain the four teens ending up in the dark future/au. I hope you are doing alright! I think as a treat, I can do a few headcanons I have for the Dark AU.... Let's do it:
• I headcanon that for the Dark AU, it's set in a reboot-esque au of X-Men Evolution, so things are mostly the same, but a little different. Such as more found family dynamics and less trying to toss children and rivals off of cliffs ( it's a reboot/retelling/reimagining due to platonic yandere stuff/adding Reader/adding more adventures/wanting to rewrite certain scenes/wanting to add further to it/etc.)
• Reader is a friend to both groups of teens, and likely joined one, if not both, at some point
• Reader took care of the others a lot. Reminding them to eat (mostly the adults for that, plus a handful of the teens, Reader would also make dinner/breakfast/snacks/treats for the platonic yans, maybe teaching a teen or two how to cook)... making art and craft projects for them (such as handmade scarves or stuffed animals, friendship bracelets and best friend necklaces, even full canvas paintings and notebooks full of sketches and drawings)... having small (platonic) dates where Reader does something they (the teen/s or adult/s) want to do, but can't do with the others or that doesn't interest the others... Reader was the sort to toss a blanket around someone if they fell asleep on the couch, made coffee or hot chocolate in the mornings/nights when it was cold, just trying to keep their friends family happy and cared for
• Reader was friends and still is in this au with the other teens who had the bad thing happen to them (being Kurt, Kitty, and Pietro). Probably was the one who played it straight between the four, still a bit more light-hearted and joking, but more toned down. I am undecided if Reader is the same age, older, or younger than them
• When the bad thing happens, let's just say the remaining X-Men and Brotherhood kinda... lost it. I mentioned before a person or multiple persons was behind what happened, but I never went into full detail on what it might have been. Whatever it was (no spoilers yet!) led the platonic yans to believe that they were dead, and that it wasn't quick or painless. They know it wasn't an accident. So they go mad with grief, in a way. They take vengeance on those who caused it, more-or-less send a message out warning what happens if anyone targets their loved ones, and (maybe?) take control over the world... Or at least parts of New York and Canada...
• The platonic yans become more... dark. If they were holding their punches before... they aren't now. They become ruthless when dealing with enemies, they learn new skills and tricks and tactics, they aren't going to let the same thing that happened in the past happen now
• I imagine that it's somewhere between three to five years before Reader and the others end up in the future/au, and they are still wounded from what happened. The worst of their wounds healed up enough, but not everything else, so they aren't as quick or as fast as they want to be when moving through the changed world around them
• When they are found to be alive and are confirmed to be the Dark AU platonic yans kids/friends/siblings, the platonic yans are hunting them down as fast as they can. They don't want them to disappear, they don't want them to die, and they aren't about to have them ripped away from them again. Even if it means they have to keep them under house arrest or sedated or otherwise...
(And this is what I can say without revealing any spoilers! Enjoy😊💛🧡🍯🐝)
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daphnebowen · 5 months
percy jackson episode five thoughts
I skipped a couple episodes where I wrote down my thoughts, but I'm about to rewatch and write don't worry! warning: lots of screaming, fangirling, heart attacks, and nonsense below :))
also these are all just copied straight from the notebook I use when I'm writing down my thoughts and I barely proofread them :)
Annabeths trust in Percy being alive is literally just like her belief that Luke is alive later on and even though it's kinda sorta different (or at least people are gonna treat it that way) I'm all here for it
AAAAAHHHH THE PERCABETH HUGGGG I IGNORED SO MANY SPOILERS AND IM SO GLAD 2 minutes in and I'm already fangirling so hard haha
is Grover blushing at them??
"surprise" omg Walker 😭🥹
the droplet of water clinging to walkers chin is so distracting
"I'm the last person to realize this aren't I?" It's okay Percy
his eyes are SO FREAKING BLUE it's giving zac efron from hsm2
"it doesn't have to be a thing, yk. That you hugged me." OHKAY HES NOT ENTIRE CLULESS THIS IS FAN SERVICE RIGHT HERE WE KNOW THAT IT MOST ABSOLUTELY WILL BE A THING LMAO and annabeths "oh boy" and Grover's clear exasperation HAHAH
where the heck did the motorcycle go lol we know it's ares but like it doesn't take that long to drive
"we're all gonna die... eventually" wise words Percy wise words
ugh the fact that it's Luke's string 💔
Ares ‼️‼️‼️
Ok but why is ares literally EXACTLY how I thought he would be?!?!
"that's my cousin? what kind of family is this?" A dysfunctional one for sure, sorry Percy you're in for a rough ride
ares starting a fight on twitter is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY and yet so in character lmao
"I'm gonna kill him" same Percy SAME I will gladly help you - although all things considered I am glad they decided to keep delinquent percy in the show
they keep bringing up the "push someone down a flight of stairs" thing! There's no way this is just a coincidence anymore, what with chalice of the gods and earlier on with Annabeth and like... they're obviously doing it on purpose. is that gonna be the shows new thing?? trusting someone enough so that if they can push you down the stairs they're the one? idk man, love the metaphor tho
leah's eyebrow quirk is 💋
walker portrayed Percy's anxiety and nervousness and scaredness (is that a word?) perfectly
Can't tell if Grover is actually a history buff or playing Ares so he will talk but that scene was actually cool, I like the change they made to have Grover stay behind (this was what I wrote originally, but now after seeing peoples interpretations and opinions and things I know he was playing ares and I think it's BRILLIANT how smartly he played the god of war. Good for you buddy!)
"I didn't say anything" "I can feel you thinking it" OHKAY THEN
thrill ride of love = flawless. No words. I am speechless.
"I hate kids" relatable
ARES IS ACTUALLY BEING SMART AND MAKING SENSE FOR ONCE not to mention he's so funny and so relatable!
is Annabeth about to cry?!?!
yeah she's definitely about to cry
why am I so scared. This cannot be happening. What?? What??? he's the main character. main characters don't die. well except for Magnus chase BUT THOSE ARE DIFFERENT GODS AND DIFFERENT RULES NO WALKER
why am I actually so scared about this chair thing omg
(I would just like to say that I was so speechless and in shock throughout the whole chair thing, so I didn't write down a single quote but I loved them all I just was in too much shock to pause the show lol)
dude the way that door suddenly opened scared the crap out of me
leah is absolutely shining as Annabeth, her monologue was so profound and heartfelt, love that addition 💗
okay of course those of us who read the books know who really stole the lightning bolt and stuff but the clueless fools just watching the show are gonna be like OMG WHO WHO and even if they piece it together technically they'll only be half right. and their confusion and confidence in what they think they know is going to be SO entertaining in the coming weeks hehehehe and even throughout the whole series if we continue to get green lights for the series
but yes that episode was utter perfection! Now for the teaser...
duuuuude. The lotus casino is MASSIVE and actually super pretty I cannot wait for the episode tomorrow!
WHY IS PERCY DRIVING OMG THIS IS NOT LEGAL although tell me why he is literally better at driving than I am HAHAHAHAHAH
ugh and that is it! Those are all my random thoughts from the episode! thanks for reading :))
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haknom · 1 year
universe — kim sunoo
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pairing: bestfriend!sunoo x gn!reader
note: saw these photos on my feed and thought of this idea while i was freezing my ass off // was listening to universe by thuy while writing sooooo
warnings: i don’t think i proofread but wtv! wordcount: 643 words
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“Aw man! You could’ve made that,” Sunoo whisper-shouted, pulling your attention away from your notebooks. “See, that one was better.” He leaned back in his chair as a gush of relief rushed through his body.
You peeked at him while spinning your pencil between your fingers. “What?” You questioned with squinted eyes. “Oh, am I too loud? My bad, continue with your studying.” He flashed you an eye-closed smile, ushering you to continue.
The two of you went back to doing your own things; you were studying while he was watching his laptop screen closely. His fists were held against his chest with a focused expression plastered on his face. It was quite a sight to see.
“You know, I rarely ever see you this focus. What’s so entertaining?” You asked, placing your pencil down beside your notebook. “Oh, this?” He gestured towards his laptop screen while pressing the space bar as you nodded. “Ah, I’m watching a basketball game. It’s a new season and I didn’t get to watch the first match because of volleyball practice yesterday.” He said while turning his laptop screen towards you.
You examined the clip in front of you; two members fighting for a ball as the other team members scattered around the court. “You seem to really love basketball, hm?” You smiled at him while his eyes glistened. Sunoo nodded fervently with a tight-lipped smile.
“Mhm, I love basketball so much. The teams, the thrill, and the excitement when watching make me feel really good about myself. Oh, and when they make really cool shots! You know, the silent ones? Well, they’re not actually silent but there's a subtle swish sound. Man, I love those ones the most. If I were to say which one makes me the most anxious, it would most likely be the ones that bounce on each side, those ones are the worse.” He shook his head as you stifled a laugh.
“The rules are quite confusing at the start, but just try not to be fouled out, you know? It sucks.” He whispered as if it was a secret.
“You know a lot about basketball but why did you join the volleyball team instead?” It was a good question. He knew a lot about basketball and seemed to enjoy it a bunch but you were also confused as to why he was on the volleyball team instead.
“Well, yeah I’ve always loved basketball growing up. I used to play during middle school and elementary but in high school, it just seemed… more of a competition than a fun game to play. Not that it stopped my love for basketball, but I thought trying out a different sport would bring back that fun experience for me instead of being under pressure all the time. Let’s just say, it did.” He ranted as you listened.
You didn’t mind how much he spoke on the topic, it was fascinating to watch his exciting expressions and his nonstop hand movements to ‘emphasize’ what he was talking about.
“Did I say too much? Sorry if I’m boring you,” he awkwardly chuckled. “No! No. You’re not, don’t worry.” You said with a reassuring smile. “Oh, it just looked like it since you were quite literally staring at me with no emotion…” Sunoo rubbed his nape out of embarrassment. “Ah, was I? That was my fault, really, I was listening. Hearing you boast about something you love is really entertaining and also quite adorable.” You said with a smile, returning to your notes.
How could you say that so calmly and leave him in a flustered state as if it didn’t even happen? Slowly, he retracted his attention away from you, shook off the previous statement, and returned to the basketball match on his laptop.
Little did he know, your heart was thumping just as much as his.
© haknom 2023 - do not copy, translate, or plagiarize my work on other platforms!
PERM TAGLIST: @soov @redm4ri @ox1-lovesick @urszn @feeeli @taejays @hanniluvi @dakkisz @dimplewonie @ddenoudepression @xiaoderrrr @ja4hyvn @mmaplepastries @essmarye @w3bqrl @jennaissantes @yenqa
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steadfastsaturnsrings · 9 months
Inspiration Saturday!
thanks for the tags @loserdiaz, @hippolotamus, @your-catfish-friend and @spotsandsocks :)
I wanted to post some more of my buck breakdown fic, but I am still working on the plot for that. However I do have a new fic idea that I would like to share!
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This is for my patent law AU! Snippet below.
"Buck, are you sure you submitted all of the paperwork for the patent we are applying for?" Bobby asked, not looking up from the paperwork he was working on in his office.
"Yes, Bobby. I submitted it weeks ago, I even checked with the legal department to make sure everything in the application was correct." Buck replied as he pulled up a chair to Bobby's desk.
"Well, Buck, we have a lot riding on this patent. This is going to be a groundbreaking new technology for people with mobility issues--especially cerebral palsy. We are going to greatly improve these people's quality of life with our posture correcting leg braces. We've got to make sure we get that patent before we start production so that no one steals this idea from under us." Bobby looked up from his paperwork now and looked Buck in the eyes.
"I-I know that Bobby, I told you--" Buck sputtered but was quickly cut off by Bobby.
"Buck, we haven't had a major new invention in quite a while, and with a lot of our patents expiring, people are beginning to copy our products. We have a lot riding on this patent to make sure we are able to stay in business." Bobby sighed, "Buck, I founded this company to help make an impact on the world."
But Buck wasn't listening, he was typing away on his laptop, brow furrowed in thought. A confused look on his face. He paused, pursed his lips, and continued typing.
But Bobby continued, lost in his memories. "This company has helped me recover from my drug and alcohol addiction and has helped me pay homage to those I lost from it" Bobby whispered, thinking back to his little notebook where he would write in the names of all whose lives he changed from his company's medical devices.
He thought about the infant who had been born deaf, but was able to gain her hearing with his company's revolutionary hearing implants before she was even one. He'll never forget the joy on her face, the cooing noises she made when she was able to hear her parents talk to her for the first time--recognition flickering in her tiny eyes. Her name--Amanda--was the first name written in his book.
But there weren't names just of patients in the book--Buck's was in there too. Bobby thought back to the day he wrote Buck's name into the book. Buck was the last name in there. He had used a special pen to write his name in there in neat cursive.
Evan Buckley
Bobby remembered when he first met Buck. He had applied to the company after he first moved to LA. Buck had walked into the interview with an untied tie and a mismatched suit. Bobby had almost turned him away.
"I need this job, I don't have anything else" Buck had said as he explained his life story--never being seen by his family and picking up a lot of odd jobs as he travelled the country. He had decided to enter patent law after realizing he could help others protect their ideas and passions and make something of them. He was the youngest person to pass the bar exam and get their law degree to become a patent lawyer. Buck was all alone in LA and was looking for a fresh start.
"I have a lot of useful skills, Bobby" Buck had said with pleading eyes, "Please give me a chance, and I promise I won't let you down"
Bobby had nodded and walked over to shake Buck's hand.
"Welcome aboard, Buck"
That had been years ago, and Buck was now Bobby's right hand man. It was Buck who had helped Bobby learn that he did need a book of names to become a good person, he had it in him himself.
"Bobby, yes you have made mistakes in the past, but so have I. Without you, I would not be the man I am today. " Buck had said when he had found out about Bobby's book. Gently put his hand on Bobby's shoulder as he sat down next to the older man.
"You have so much more in you than to just save enough people to fill this book. I love you, Bobby, and I can't imagine my life without you. And all those people we have saved? Their lives would not be what they are today without you? The world needs you, Bobby. You have so much more to give. We have so many more people to save. And your family? They know this and understand. It's not you're time yet Bobby" Buck had whispered.
Bobby, tears welling in his eyes, nodded. "I love you too, kid" The two of them embraced in a warm hug.
"Shall we work on our next device?," Buck had asked as they broke the hug, and the two got up and headed back to work.
That night, Bobby decided to retire his little notebook. Instead, he would use it to motivate him to keep going--for them and his family looking down on him.
"I can't lose all of this, kid" Bobby whispered, coming back to the present, "Buck, are you even listening?"
Buck quickly looked up from his laptop, "What? Sorry Bobby, I just found out why we haven't heard back about our patent. It looks like it got denied because someone already filed one for our idea."
"What?" Bobby's stomach dropped
"Hang on, I'm able to see who owns this patent. Give me one second" Buck responded, sticking his tongue out in concentration.
"It looks like the patent was filed by someone named Edmundo Diaz" Buck read off the screen. The two of them shared a look of disbelief.
"Who the hell is that?" Buck breathed
(No pressure tags):
@thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @your-catfish-friend @housewifebuck @buddiedaydreamer911 @bucksbirthmark @disasterbuckdiaz @arthursdent @transboybuckley @911onabc @spotsandsocks @eddiebabygirldiaz @loserdiaz @spaceprincessem @wildlife4life @slowlyfoggydestiny @try-set-me-on-fire @captain-hen and anyone else who wants to share! Please let me know if you want to be added or removed.
If you have already done this, please consider this your Sunday tag :)
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So Cries the Wolf - Chapter 1
Text Count: 6439
Warnings: Violence, general threat
Chapter Summary: On top of your daily work as a forest ranger, management drops an ambitious project on your hands - fix up a broken jester animatronic for the park’s purposes. Your project quickly gets out of hand, and you have to come to the understanding that you now have a new housemate.
Notes: Due to a lack of AO3, I’ll be posting chapters here and making a chapter index attached to my pinned post. Enjoy the first chapter!
Once again it was morning, and once again you’d been awake from about three o’clock. Dappled sunrise knocked through the windows, curtains be damned, and cast a warm glow across your bed and the far wall of your cabin. Thin gold and red lines in the wooden panels caught the sunlight, gleaming all too perfectly, as if one of them hadn’t given you a splinter just yesterday. All too quaint and rustic. You knew better.
You knew that this small building you spent most of your nightly life in ran predominantly on the generator out back, feeding the small collection of electrical appliances you’d bought yourself so you could have coffee in the morning and noodles in the night. You knew that the new septic tank that management had gotten through in setting up a month ago was continuing to be tetchy, leaving you on your toes for the next call you’d have to make to have some poor plumbing tech guy driving out into the middle of the woods to figure out why the pipes had blocked up again (you’d do it yourself but you have neither the arm length, sanitary equipment, nor courage to avoid breaking it completely). And most of all, you knew that instead of sandalwood, mahogany, any of those fancy wood smells - no, that didn’t exist here. You got as much floral scent as the last collection of air fresheners you picked up last week would provide, and then it was just chemicals, old paper, vinegar from your last limescale treatment of your kettle, and dog odor. Technically you’d already stopped noticing most of those smells but you noticed people looking at you in concern whenever you went into ‘civilization’, aka the town about four hours out.
Your latest batch of early hours activity was now spread across the desk in front of you. A large laminated copy of the Amberhill Woods region is unrolled and weighted down with two mugs from your overnight tea drinking, a bowl of milk dregs and a remaining cereal scrap, and a paper weight of a beaver you’d gotten as a gift many years ago. You vaguely remember who it was from. An area is circled in red - your ‘zone’ of monitoring, patrolling, and responding to any alerts whether it was someone spotting a bear or a couple of kids getting too eager to climb a tree and failing to figure out the way down. In the middle of this red zone is a red X - your cabin. Tonight, within the red zone, there’s a number of blue Xs, scattered around within a blue squiggled shape. Books were left opened on the desk, a notebook full of thoughts and bookmarks off to the last available open space. Lines were being drawn, connections were being made. You knew you had a strong inkling of what you were dealing with out there - you just needed the opportunity.
The sound of claws and footfalls on wood caught your attention. Wandering in from his waiting in the kitchen, a large black dog meandered up to your side. Lots of people loved to speculate on his breed, you’d heard them all. Melanistic German shepherd, husky mix, a high wolf percentage mongrel. Every time you’d laugh awkwardly and admit that the vet hadn’t been able to tell you a breed when you rescued him, so you just call him ‘dog’. 
Montague’s snout pushed up towards the desk, and you provided your hand, running it down along the back of his head and into the thick fur of his neck. Whining plaintively, he began to nudge at your hip. 
“Breakfast already?” Well, sunrise had come about. And you knew you had a meeting with your ranger lead in…a small shock of panic hit you as you batted around for your phone underneath the papers and books. The chirpy clock app on screen told you it was 7:34am, and that the local area was due to have [BLANK] weather conditions. Because like hell you were going to pay fees for constant WiFi in the middle of nowhere. Still, there was slightly less panic to be had, but now you had an actual deadline looming.
With an hour and a half to go, you followed Montague to the kitchen and started scrounging around for your morning meal. Considering the dog judgment on his face, you figured that another bowl of cereal wasn’t going to cut it. Instead you pulled out the last of your bacon and a couple of eggs, setting it all to fry on your electric stove as the coffee machine hummed to life (if you counted excruciating blitz noises as a hum). Montague sat patiently by the table, waiting for the plate of bacon to come wafting past his nose and be placed down on the floor next to him. The pair of you ate in relative peace. A soft breath between races. Your phone buzzed with an alarm that you had an hour to get to the ranger center, as you siphoned your mug of coffee into a thermos flask. Montague had already grabbed his collar and leash by the front door, and waited for both to be secured before you stepped out into dewy fresh air and bright morning sunlight.
“I spent too long in front of the desk lamp,” you commented to Montague as you rubbed your eyes, hoping to readjust quicker to daylight instead of house light. You trudged over the dirt footpath and twigs to the lock-up that acted as a garage out here, removing the padlock with practiced ease. As nice as cycling was, you had less than an hour to get to your meeting and the dirt tracks didn’t take kindly to bicycle wheels at max pace, so the quad bike it was. Montague hopped up into his seat, giving you a glare as you fixed a helmet onto his head. 
“Don’t look at me like that, you know you have to wear this when you ride,” you grumbled back. You’re certain dogs aren’t supposed to look this grumpy. It would have to be something he’d be practicing once you both got back from the meeting. In fairness on his part, dogs didn’t normally have to wear head protection when riding on quad bikes, but management had insisted on health and safety regulations for any passengers on ranger property. Setting your own helmet in place, you locked up behind you, double-checked the doors, and then sped on along the makeshift road. You’d timed it all right, you’d be fine for sure.
About five minutes late, you stumbled up the steps to the massive log cabin that was Amberhill Forest Services. You could already see Anthony and Rebecca in discussion from one of the meeting room windows, but soon everything was chockablock blurred by the rapid form of Phoebe dashing over from the reception desk.
“Hi! Oh gosh you’re so late,” she said rapidly, dreads swinging around her cheeks. She’d picked up new pink streaks since you last saw her, it suited her. 
“Barely late,” you replied, a laugh already on your lips.
“So late, it’s terrible, Ant said we were going to be relegated to endless coffee duties for this,” Phoebe went on dramatically, before her voice switched around to a more level but still peppy tone: “Okay but he did ask for us to wait a few minutes. He needed a private word with Becca.”
“Does this mean I can get coffee?”
“Yeah! They installed the new machine last week, it is so good.” Phoebe gave you a small nudge as you both started to head through the office. “I may have leveraged management to give us some customizations. We are in syrup heaven, my friend! If you like caramel or hazelnut, that is.”
“Truly a marvel of our times.”
The office wasn’t quite bustling or buzzing just yet, with a couple of forest wardens having come in to retrieve their weekly schedules and some administrative staff moseying around the kitchen area with coffee and breakfasts ahead of the day’s slog. You wondered at times if you could have continued taking on a role like that - sat behind a computer or files of paperwork for hours at a time, communicating with teams to coordinate movements and reports. No, the forest held so much of you now, you had to be out there. 
Phoebe made you both coffee, dumping an unethical amount of syrup into her mug while you just added your regular preferences. In comparison to the output of your machine back in the cabin, this was practically decadent. There was a fair amount for you both to catch up with - you worked in the south east while Phoebe worked in the north, beyond the initial slope of Skeel Peaks or as the team here called them The Dragon’s Teeth. Since you worked so much by yourself (okay, you and Montague), it was a breath of fresh air to chat aimlessly, and Phoebe was the sweetest breath of air in this office. Always in with a positive cheer and able to spin a bad situation into an opportunity. 
In the middle of recalling an instance of maintenance with one of the radio towers and a particularly raucous deer, you spotted Anthony poking his head into the open office area. He didn’t look upset, but he wasn’t looking happy either. It was enough to step a stiff lump in your gut.
“We’re up,” you said quickly, taking coffee in hand and with Phoebe following you as closely as Montague. You all made your way over to the meeting room, with Anthony going ahead and holding the door open for you both. 
“Glad you could make it this early,” he said, rubbing a hand over his chin. It seemed like he was giving the whole beard thing another attempt, but currently it was at five o’clock shadow stage and it only made him appear even more tired than he actually was. “So, easy things first. Phoebe, there’s been some reports of rain damage on the trail up from the north side of the Skeel Peaks slope, I need you to go check it out and report on how bad it is. Also someone’s spray painted the emergency generators by Radio Tower Three again, and we’re losing signal over there, so that’ll need a wash and general maintenance check.”
“Yeesh, our local painter’s getting antsy,” Phoebe mumbled. You wrinkled your nose in distaste - bad signal meant anyone trying to contact the Services could well be fresh out of luck if the signal dropped at just the wrong time. Rubbing your fingers together, you forced yourself to focus back on the conversation as Anthony was detailing your particular work. 
“- continued tree vandalism, so you’ll need to be increasing your patrols to make sure the culprit gets caught. Don’t need to arrest them if it looks like someone you can’t handle, if needs be just tag them and bring the photo here so we can contact the police force and get them involved,” he explained. “Any questions from either of you?”
“Not here.”
“Good. Now for the complicated stuff.” Anthony paused, letting out a long sigh, before stepping over to a pair of large crates that had been unceremoniously shoved to the corner of the room. Heaving the lid of one open, he gestured inside. “Management got these during a charity auction sale, funds going towards that Fazbear Cooperation after the arson attack on its Pizzaplex. Something about…anyway, they want to renovate the bear to be a fire safety mascot and the jester to be around the kids play area. Apparently it used to be a daycare attendant so if the coding’s still in there, all the best for us.”
You exchanged a surreptitious look with Phoebe, who gave you a confused one of her own. It was no secret that management had tried a few ideas to connect with the general public in attempts to raise funding, whether through community activities, charity runs, or supporting various businesses. At the end of the day, the public paid for the work you all did, so getting as much of that support as feasibly possible benefitted you all. But….second-hand animatronics? You stepped over to the open crate and - 
“Oh my god.” The words spilled out before you could stop them. The bear animatronic (Freddy Fazbear, you recognised him pretty quickly from adverts and cereal boxes) had some serious dents going on, and one of his hands had been practically mauled. There were also scorch marks over parts of his legs, with joints in the ankles and feet being partially fused together. You stepped back to give Anthony a serious look, before stepping over to the other crate.
The jester had fared so much worse. It looked like it’d had a grinning sun for a face, but one of the rays had been snapped off and another was jammed halfway in. The ruffles around its neck had been burnt, as had the fancy gold and red trousers. One hand was full detached and placed almost reverently on the chest. Sections of the arms had been shredded open like it’d been ripped from paper instead of metal. And there were scorch marks everywhere. This guy had been hit much worse by the fire than Freddy. 
“Oh my god,” you repeated, because what else could you say. Anthony began to scold you before letting out another long sigh, pressing his fingers to his forehead. 
“It’s an ambitious plan,” he said, words repeated many times from other people. “Rebecca has agreed to start working on a promotion plan and sorting out how these animatronics are going to be set up. We can’t have them wandering into the woods, of course. Phoebe, you said you have a master’s in physical engineering, right?”
“That’s right,” she replied, peeking into the Freddy crate. “You want me to fix these guys up?” You could already see a plan formulating in her head. She wasn’t smiling though. Montague kept sniffing the jester’s crate, sneezing loudly before glancing up at you. It wasn’t a comforting look.
“Just the bear please.” That was confusing. Why not give both animatronics to Phoebe? Unless…oh. The penny dropped in your mind as you looked back towards Anthony with a cold shock. 
“You know I can’t - “
“I know you aren’t an animatronics expert,” he interrupted. “But this…it needs your skills to deal with it.” His hands squeezed tightly together.
“...so it’s - ”
“And management didn’t know?”
“I’m sure they didn’t.”
“And how do you know?” That question made Anthony pause, and his hands squeezed tight enough you thought the knuckles might pop out. After a moment he rubbed at his wrists, and in the moment he pushed up his sleeves just enough, you could spot a faint purple bruise ringing his right wrist. The dripping cold in your stomach roared into a spark of indignation, before just as quickly subsiding. No-one needed to see you lose your cool, especially if Anthony wasn’t going to talk more about what had happened.
“Okay, okay,” you stepped in before Anthony could try to figure out his reasoning. “I’ll take it back and fix it up. I won’t be able to bring it back as well as Phoebe would, but that’s what Google’s for, right?” It pained you to say it, but you’d be needing that WiFi this time around. Maybe you could subsidize it under company use, since you were fixing up their stuff. Regardless, the relief on Anthony’s face was palpable. 
“Thanks, you two. I’ll let you know if I hear anything else from higher up. Until then, keep me in the loop on how the projects go,” he explained. Leaving Phoebe to talk to him about how she was meant to carry the Freddy and crate back to her station, you wrapped your arms around the jester crate and hauled it out of the room. Maintaining balance on the steps down to your bike was hazardous but just about manageable. Montague looked on in mild disappointment as you strapped the crate down onto the back of the bike, taking his seat away. 
“Sorry, you’ll have to walk this one back,” you explained. “Don’t worry, I’ll go slow.”
He sneezed again. The rising disappointment was becoming tangible. With one last glance into the crate, where that burnt up tangle of wire and cloth smiled endlessly at the sky, you set the quad bike into gear and began a far slower run back to your cabin.
The animatronic was dropped on your work desk with a metallic clattering, limbs left to go wherever they desired. Guilt temporarily hit your stomach - you hadn’t meant to be careless with it, it was just heavier than you’d anticipated. Wiping your brow, you set the arms and legs more neatly on the table before acknowledging you were procrastinating on the next step of this progress.
“So…haunted,” you said aloud.
“Anything can be haunted from a place of destruction,” Montague responded, wandering around the table. “And from what we gathered from the newspapers, the arson attack was considerably destructive.” His nose poked up over the edge of the table, sniffing at the nearest part of the animatronic for a brief moment before he sneezed and stepped away.
“Okay, but we need to figure out what exactly has gone down with this guy,” you said, pulling out your last measure of research desperation, your laptop, and plugging it into the cabin’s Ethernet system. You didn’t want to keep calling it things like ‘jester’ or ‘robot’ or ‘it’ for the next month or so, surely it had a name somewhere. 
“Well, your colleagues believe you’re the expert on that,” Montague commented as he wandered past you and towards the doorway, prompting you to laugh drily. 
“I’m serious. This is pretty big, and if I don’t do it right, my job might be on the line.” You weren’t sure for certain, but considering Anthony had gotten this project from management and promptly passed that responsibility to you, your nerves were going haywire from this. 
Your internet search provided some results. Pictures of a much cleaner and put-together sun jester inside a brightly lit daycare center, alongside a more calm moon jester. It looked like you’d gotten the ‘Sun’ model of the Daycare Attendant. Bittersweetness washed over your heart as you scrolled through multiple pictures of Sun, posed for press releases and candid photos taken by parents of children he was looking after. That animatronic looked genuinely happy, for someone with a permanent smile on his face. He looked alive. Now you had to dissect his mechanical corpse and root out a ghost from his circuits.
“Don’t worry,” you said quietly, reaching out to pat the Sun’s shoulder. “We’ll get you back up and running properly like you have before.”
Sun’s one functioning hand promptly snapped up and grabbed your wrist, squeezing until you could feel something pop. As you let out a pained yell, you watched as skin formed across the metal, pulling away slowly. Red ribbons decorated with batter copper bells managed to extract themselves from the arm, followed by a long limb of burnt purple feathers. You were pushed backwards from your chair, another pair of arms beginning to rise with the new chest that was extracting itself from Sun’s body. Metal popped and scratched on the table surface with the movement, feathers growing and promptly vanishing into the new body that was breaching into this reality. Finally from the head came another disc face, wide eyes open and dark, amber circles forming the pupils. Another smaller pair of eyes perched atop these huge eyes, one red with a while pupil and the other deeply pale with no visible pupil in sight. As the lanky form dragged clawed and scaled feet off the table and onto the floor, an array of dark feathers with ends lighting up in flickering fiery yellow and burning orange fins flared out around the umber face, lighting up the crescent moon stamped onto half of the face, and a mouth split open far, far too wide to naturally fit a creature with such a head.
“Knock, knock, who’s there?” a voice purred from the being’s gullet. It loomed over you, dragging you like you weighed nothing, another hand reaching out to grab your chin and force you to stare up at it. Your face was only just about level with its chest, where the symbol of an eclipse, watery sun rays extending out from a black circle with a pale crescent moon in the middle, glared back at you. “A little mouse come sneaking around, like its other mousey friend. But this one smells so much better.” Teeth gleamed within the open maw, and the eyes widened even further. Hunger dripped from it, although your gut said it wasn’t technically going to eat you. Maybe yet. The claws gripping your cheeks tightened, ice cold against your skin, leaving you barely able to wriggle in this creature’s grasp. 
“What do you want?” you wheezed out. 
“Freedom,” it hissed. “Free of this miserable metal shell we have been stuck in. Free of the screaming and the noises and that voice. You…you can give us freedom. I can smell it on you, salt and herbs and blood. You know what we are.”
“...Well, not exactly-” Wrong answer. Another hand grabbed your shirt collar and hoisted you up into the air, leaving you gasping and kicking uselessly. 
“I know what you are,” the creature spat. “Hunter.”
“Montague,” you wheezed.
A blur of shadow and smoke burst through the door, briefly canine in shape as it launched into the creature. You were dropped to the ground, inhaling deeply and clutching your hand to your chest as the pair of entities fought blindly. The table was knocked over, Sun’s body clattering to the ground, and you had to dodge a flailing clawed leg that nearly scratched part of your cheek off. Your attacker snarled and spat insults a plenty, but came to a halt as Montague physically pinned him down, a thick paw shoving the face into the wooden floor. For a while there was silence, your heavy breathing and coughing breaking true stillness, before the new entity began to laugh.
“Hypocrisy! True hypocrisy!” it cackled. “You bind yourself to what you seek to destroy!”
“I don’t seek to destroy anything,” you replied hoarsely, staggering back upright. “I just deal with anything that wants to kill. Which means you need to start speaking fast.” A rumble of warning echoed from Montague’s gut.
“I could deal with them now and be done with it,” he growled.
“No. They came from Sun. I want to know how and why,” you replied firmly. 
“Sun,” the entity whispered. “Yes, they called us that. Sun and Moon, we were.”
“You…were Sun?”
“No. But yes.” The entity shrugged weakly, and yet still managed to give off a sense of smugness. “I came from them.” 
You were still struggling to wrap your head around this creature’s insinuation that the Daytime and Naptime attendants had been the same individual, let alone half of everything else they were spouting off. The lack of oxygen you’d been hit with wasn’t helping. Rubbing your face, you swiped away thin beads of blood from where no doubt those claws had pierced your cheeks. Not enough blood for a bonding however, which you were a little grateful for. 
“You…came from an animatronic,” you said slowly. “But animatronics don’t have souls to corrupt.”
“Clever and true. And yet, here I am.” Two arms spread out in a greeting, bells jingling fainty. Montague was watching you, waiting for your command. Staring down at the entity, this thing that had managed to form from the memory banks of a Sun (and Moon?) animatronic, you made a choice. 
“Eclipse,” you said firmly. The entity reeled, wriggling and spitting at you. Putting a name on a nameless thing meant it could be controlled in some way. Names were powerful, and you were observant enough to put cues together for a correct and meaningful name. With that response, you knew you had a winner. “You’re going to help me figure out what happened to this animatronic, you’re going to help me fix them, and you’re going to explain how the hell you ended up existing.”
“...I can help you with two of those three,” Eclipse replied, their voice returning to that low purr they’d greeted you with. “The last I would consider you to be helping me, more than the other way around.”
“You don’t know how you came to exist?”
“Not a clue. I woke up, and I was…” They trailed off, waving a hand around. “Mind telling your guard dog to get off me, pup? It’s hard to think on the floor.”
“I think we’re quite well here,” Montague responded. 
“I agree with Monty,” you added. “Go on, keep talking.” Eclipse’s mouth twisted into a snarl, but that was all.
“I woke up and I was here. Alive. No past or thoughts, just here,” they snapped. “I became.”
Even demon summonings came with history. People couldn’t just make a new demon or cryptid out of spare parts, like an animatronic. And Eclipse was frankly too developed to be a newly birthed being. You pressed your thumb to your lower lip, thinking for a while before stepping away. New fresh guilt appeared on your tongue at the sight of Sun left tossed on the ground. Without much word, you righted the table and dragged the Daycare Attendant back onto it. Montague and Eclipse watched in silence. Once you were satisfied with how Sun was laid out, you exhaled heavily.
“Let them up, Monty,” you murmured. The dog-like shape of shadow growled in upset, but complied, stepping off Eclipse and manifesting in solid matter by your side. 
“They hurt you,” he grumbled.
“Lots of things hurt me, and you don’t kill all of them,” you retorted quietly. “Besides, I think they need me. Isn’t that right?” You speak up louder now, catching Eclipse’s attention. “You need me to fix Sun so you’ll be free.”
“Clever,” Eclipse purred, pushing themself back to their feet. “I knew you were a better pick.”
“Well, you also tried to break my coworker’s wrist, and nearly did the same to mine,” you snapped back. The pain was pulsing through your hand and lower arm, and quietly you worried that they had actually broken something there. You did not need a hospital appointment on your schedule. Continuing to grumble to yourself, you marched from the room and towards the kitchen, Montague obediently at your heel.
“You really can’t be serious about this,” he said, watching as you pulled a first aid kit from one of the cupboards.
“Unfortunately Monty, I am serious,” you replied with a sigh.
“They tried to kill you!”
“Intimidate me? Yes. Maim me? Maybe. Kill me? No.” It was hard to pop the kit box open with one hand, but you managed with some elbow leverage. Finding the ice pack, you cracked it and laid it across your wrist, hissing as the cold began to seep into the muscle. “They said so themself. They want freedom from ‘that metal shell’. They’re stuck to the animatronic somehow, like an unwilling possession on both parties.” You could see Eclipse beginning to creep into the room, leering through the doorway. You didn’t care right now, the adrenaline of the situation petering out. “They can’t fix the animatronic themself though, or go through the process of separation. That’s where I come in.”
“You fix it, you exorcize it, and Eclipse goes free,” Montague said with a distasteful snap of his jaw. “What stops them from slaughtering you afterwards?”
“Don’t know. We’ll get there when we get there.”
“And why keep them alive now?”
“Because they are the first entity we’ve encountered that exists like this. Aren’t you curious?” You felt the pleading bubble up without warning. Montague leveled you a firm look, one ear flicking, before he licked his nose and turned to look at Eclipse, although he still spoke to you. 
“You are an oddity,” he muttered. “If they try to kill you, I will kill them first.”
“I’ll accept that.” 
While you needed to take a patrol soon, with your swollen wrist you had to call in sick, agreeing to make sure to check in on radio as frequently as possible. Anthony showed distinct concern at you injuring yourself so soon after getting back with the Sun animatronic, but you promised him that you’d just burnt your hand while making lunch, it was just coincidence. Eclipse was right there when you hung up the phone, grinning proudly as he whispered “Liar.”
That pretty much set the tone for the rest of the day. Books were restlessly paged through as the first mapping of Eclipse began, attempting to piece together what they were and where they’d come from. You also took the time to examine them further. The feathery ‘rays’ that decorated their head were the same burnt purple as the rest of them, with pink and purple flames rising up the middle. Where you’d thought the edges of the feathers to be burning was a trick of the light, the edges returning to a smoldering red once Eclipse relaxed. Yellow and orange fins that could expand and flare like the feathers were visible too. Eclipse themself was about as useful as expected when it came to actual research - scowling whenever you asked a question, looking in a book and tossing it to the side with a grumbled “Wrong!”, constantly fidgeting and rifling through your drawers and cupboards. There was a sense of caged energy to their movements, an irritation that kept growing whenever you provided a suggestion that turned out to be incorrect. By the time evening rolled around, you were exhausted on all fronts. 
“I’m done,” you stated, closing your latest book with a loud snap, catching Eclipse’s attention. “I am officially done for today. I am clocking out, retiring for the night.” Montague nosed at your hand, licking your fingertips gently. You ruffled his head in turn. “I’ll be fine. You look after the house, okay?”
“And me?” Eclipse slunk through the room with the presence of a malevolent shadow, the amber circles of their larger eyes gleaming unnaturally. 
“Couch,” you replied bluntly, making your way through the doorway to your bedroom. “I don’t have a guest bedroom.”
“Whatever happened to keep your enemies clos-AGH.” Eclipse stopped dead with a shout of pain, the underside of one foot sizzling as they hopped backwards. Leaning back, you gave them a smug grin of your own.
“Salt in the wood paneling,” you explained. “Does wonders for privacy against shitty demons.” 
“Language,” Eclipse snarled back. 
“Oh pardon me - incomprehensibly irritating asshole demons.” One more scowl was exchanged between yourself and the demonic entity, before you shut the door hard, cutting out the glare of the corridor lamp and letting the moonlight trickle in from your window. Pale shrouds of light guided you to your bed, where you collapsed onto the sheets and tried not to think too hard about the last twelve hours of your life.
What had you done?
Moonlight was replaced with sunlight by the time you next stirred to life. For a brief blissful moment you didn’t remember the previous day or your restless dreams of the night, until you heard the sounds of arguing outside your door and everything came swamping back into your brain. Echoes of your wrist being sprained and claws digging into your face and neck stirred a jolt of panic to your limbs and stomach, and you barely kept from retching over the side of your bed. After a few sacred seconds to regain a sense of self, you checked the time (8:43am, you’d slept in) and got changed into everyday work clothes, arguing continuing to leak through the door. Stepping over, you took a moment to brace yourself, and unlocked the door.
“- sense of dignity or understanding-”
“Rich talk of dignity from you.”
“I have more dignity than a feather twig. You ought to make sure they don’t mistake you for a duster.”
“There won’t be any mistakes, I have made certain of that.”
Eclipse and Montague’s voices overlapped in a brief roar that filled your mind. It wasn’t until you realized that they’d stopped and your throat was hoarse that you noticed you’d started yelling back. Exhaling heavily, you looked at the pair in the kitchen before wandering towards one of the cupboards.
“Good morning,” you bluntly intoned. “Good to see neither of you decided to kill each other while I was asleep.”
“Oh please, we’re not animals,” Eclipse scoffed. Montague’s ears flattened back, but he didn’t respond to that jibe. 
“I’m going to start fixing Sunny this morning,” you explained, reaching for a bowl and mini-box of cereal and ignoring the snicker from Eclipse. “Then I have to do actual work in the afternoon. Can you keep to yourselves until then?”
“I’ll do a perimeter sweep,” Montague said. “I’ll come if you call me.”
“I will assist where I can with fixing…Sunny,” Eclipse replied, dragging out the last word like a string of bitter syrup. 
“Are you mad I’ve given him a nickname?” You turned to give Eclipse a bemused look, a weak chuckle dancing to life. Either your confusion or amusement seemed to strike a nerve, as the feathers on his head puffed up once more, dark red edges warming towards orange.
“You have not even spoken to them and yet you talk of them with fondness,” they retorted. “Your heart is too soft for the work you do, pup.”
“I think it’s perfectly soft for my work,” you replied firmly, shutting the fridge door with a slam. Shaking hands poured the milk and cereal, and you ate quickly, unwilling to spend long under Eclipse’s impatient gaze. Montague lingered in the front door’s shadow before pushing his way outside, vanishing into the dappled ground of the trees and dawn. Leaving just yourself and Eclipse in the building. 
Sat at the table, you watched as Eclipse began to drift around the room, flitting from wall to wall until you could see their shadow overlaid with yours, their body blocking the warmth of the sun from your back.
“Just us now,” they murmured, a hand reaching past your shoulder to tap on the table.
“You know that the moment I say Monty’s full name, he’ll be here and he won’t wait for me to give the command like last time,” you said bluntly. It was too early to be dealing with this sort of taunting. Eclipse’s hand withdrew, although it hesitated in drifting over the curve of your shoulder. A single claw touched on your skin, sending a shiver down your back, but was gone before any true threat could become present. 
“Brat,” Eclipse grumbled, stalking away slowly.
You ate the rest of your breakfast in silence, obtaining a mug of coffee and carrying it through to your research room turned animatronic workshop. Sun’s frozen smile looked back at you as you wandered in, and you had to remind yourself that this wasn’t just about yourself. Sure it was a need to appease management and get a demon off your back, but now you felt compelled to bring this sunny smiling figure back to life. Setting the coffee aside, you began to work on opening up the chest cavity. Figured you would start at the ‘heart’ of the problem. 
“Oh fuck,” you muttered as you looked upon a mess of wires, half of them crisped and melted together. “This is not going to be an easy process.”
“Ew,” came Eclipse’s voice over your head, peering down over you and into the animatronic.
“Thank you for such words of inspiration. I’m going to go and get more wiring now.” Stepping away from Sun, you felt claws hook into the back of your collar.
“You can’t fix this?” Eclipse questioned, eyes beginning to squint.
“I’m trying to fix this!” you snapped back, pulling sharply away. “He needs new wiring to replace the shit that’s melted together. I can’t guarantee I’ll have the same make but that spaghetti glue mess isn’t going to be functioning by itself.” It was too early. You grabbed a swig of coffee before going to your hoard of electrical repair items, including your personal spaghetti mess of spare wires. Eclipse’s glare burned holes into the back of your skull all the while. 
It took about an hour and a half to find wires that were roughly the right sort to fit into Sun’s chassis, and then another half an hour to remove the melted wiring and fit the new ones into place. Your fingers ached from working with the raw metal tips and pliers and screws, used to manual labor but not this finicky sort with sharp points at any slipped possibility. The stress of responsibility weighed heavily on each movement, Eclipse’s presence pushing down even harder. The demon provided no assistance whatsoever, pacing around behind you and looming over to watch your progress every now and again. Sometimes they’d point out a mistake, jabbing a claw into your view and snapping “Wrong” before stepping away. One “Wrong” too many though, each one poking into your degrading patience and rising temper, nudged you to the brink and you slammed your hands down on the table.
“I’m not a fucking engineer, okay! Stop with the…the fucking lip and pointing!” you snapped.
“Watch your tongue there,” Eclipse growled, leaning onto the table with all of their hands and across the animatronic between you, their feather display beginning to flare up from agitation.
“How about you watch your fucking tongue? I get it, me fixing this gets you free, but I’m not going any faster with you prodding your way into it.”
“I’m making sure you get it right.”
“Then do it yourself, you big baby!”
“I can’t do that.” 
“Why not? You’ve got twice my hands, you’d do it twice as fast.”
“Can’t do that.” 
You rubbed your hands down your face, withholding a scream of frustration. How could one entity be so blindingly irritating? The next outburst at Eclipse began to form on your lips, when Montague trotted in through the doorway.
“We have company,” he said quickly. 
“Which means I have work to do,” you added, dropping your pliers on the table and leveling Eclipse with a harsh stare. “Want to come along and find out what I really do for a job?”
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haroldssunflower · 6 days
Alright, it’s peace out anon again!✌️(don’t mind the lack of enthusiasm here I’m tired as shit right now, but I’m back to give one final update on sm and what I’ve seen about her. This one’s perfectly polished and my guides are good with it fam!) I wanted to share this because, honestly I think we know enough about SM but this will be a clear sign that she’s not anyone we know and just to be prepared. Let’s gooo!
I see a clock ticking time is passing. We are almost there, I see those brown eyes of hers again. Fluffy mascara, here eyes are darting across the room. Tapping a pen against a journal, I see lots of books, lots journals. Sm likes to keep herself busy 🖊️
I see lions again, don’t know what that means🦁 probably has Leo in her chart. Possible Libra, Sagittarius, Aries or Capricorn (some water placements as well) I’m getting high Venus/Pluto, also Mars, Moon possibly have Neptune or Lilith in the 1st house (sex symbol, “dream girl”) you get the drift!—it’s all energy and zodiac signs don’t determine everything, so take it with a grain of salt 🔥
“Heartbreak is a new beginning, a different chapter awaits.” Like I said I think sm changed her career drastically, probably finished college or got out of a relationship that taught her a lot. Or all three! I asked about the person—-they were thoughtful and really funny—ooh sexy dark eyes and hair, but different from Harry, she knew they weren’t the one! Numero Uno! The ride or die!☝️This person showed sm it’s okay to let people in which is sweet, but she’s got a big purpose lads! This person doesn’t seem mad at her. Like it didn’t end bad. But they are heartbroken (DAMN sm out here breaking hearts) they know she’s scoring for her dreams.
That sucks for that person, but intuition never lies also I feel like this parallels to Harry ima way (broke off with TR and is soul searching now, they copy each patterns it’s cool!)❤️‍🩹
Waitress, fitness trainer, English tutor, I see her waltzing around a museum again someone’s who had many jobs—eh? I don’t know I see cake…a big chocolate cake with cherries Matilda vibes??🍒🍰
I’m hearing lyrics of a song but don’t know…which song. “Body like Marylin Monroe, a heart like Audrey Hepburn I’m falling on my knees for her. Words like Shakespeare and lips like sugar I’m obsessed.”
Red or Blue pill from the Matrix (As It Was video anyooone freaky for real?)
Someone with darker hair, but could pull off any hair color. I see even blonde dye, again that strawberry pink hair, pink eyeliner even just a wacky person I like it!💓
I see her sitting in a chair getting her hair done. She looks…chill but slightly irritated like the stylist keeps pulling her hair while someone is doing her makeup and Harry leans and whispers “Are you okay?”
I see a smoothie on the floor. Lmao that’s so sad but I don’t know what it means! I see her heels are covered in it but she keeps walking.
Tan legs, curves, but petite I’ve said this before I think. I see palm trees. Lounging in the pool. Florida. Puerto Rico? Mexico? Idk Some place hot or tropical 🌴
Bible verse? “Above all, love each other deeply.”
1 Peter 4:8🦋
Hoop earrings. Rainbow colored nails💅🏻
Mischievous eyes and friendly demeanor. Laughs like Harry it’s actually unsettling for people how much her mannerisms are like his🔥
Botticelli’s Venus, like the actual painting very clear🌊
Also Van Gogh’s Sunflowers 🌻
The Notebook aka: Harry’s movie (omg omg I see him watching old people holding hands, then interlinking his hand with hers STAPH! So cute!) I see sm rolling her eyes while eating popcorn, then smiling at him like the scene in the movie.
That’s it! That’s all I got. (Honestly if this doesn’t make sense Idgaf I’m just the messenger don’t come for meee! And last but not least this is fine to share) Also don’t ask me to make a blog because frankly, this is my last ask. I don’t think sm needs help anymore, I think she’s smooth sailing so we should all just chill and let her do the thing!🥹
Peace out!✌️
(Reblogging this from readingsbyvalentina)
I know we don’t talk about Harry’s SM as much anymore but I thought this was interesting. Hope that’s okay.
@readingsby-valentina hello, love! 💜
I'm gonna post this, but if you or your anon feel uncomfortable, let me know and I'll delete it, okay? 🥰😘
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