#lesserafim fics
imfearlessfics · 2 years
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Chapter 5: The Antagonist
Song: Into the I-LAND by I-LAND, A Song Written Easily by ONEUS, Blueprint by Stray Kids
Pairing: Yunjin x female reader
Genre: Romance, forbidden love
Warnings: mild language
Word count: 2.5k
It’s been a few weeks, and I’m really starting to feel like I’ve settled in. There’re still some boxes strewn about my room, and I haven’t quite gotten the subway system down, but I have a routine. I wake up around 5AM, get ready, and head to the subway where I proceed to look hopelessly at the train schedule until I find my stop, then arrive at work almost two hours early. (I refuse to arrive late and risk the wrath of President Hwang. As kind as she is, she didn’t make it to where she is without cracking the whip here and there, so sitting in the cafe while I practice my Korean and look over my schedule for the day makes the early ass mornings worth it.) Then after my morning status meeting, I shadow other employees. All. Freaking. Day. Long. 
I get that I’m new here, and I totally understand wanting to ensure I comprehend the processes and inner workings of one of the biggest companies in the world, but for the love of GOODNESS I want to get some actual work done! What is the point of a status meeting when my status is always “still learning the ropes and prohibited from creating content on my own”?! I shouldn’t complain too much, though. It is a huge company, literally and figuratively, so having this much time to learn the ins and outs has been helpful. I shadow someone new everyday - that’s how many employees work here! Sometimes it’s the studio engineers and sometimes it’s the baristas at the cafe. I never have a predictable day, that’s for sure. 
Last week, however, I finally started shadowing the actual department I was hired for: the marketing team. I can tell you this for free; They don’t mess around. The way that they approach styling to comebacks to tours is meticulous. Every little thing down to the polish on the idols’ nails has a reason and a story, and I’m slowly realizing just how huge my role is in all of this. The TikToks that I’ll be making in the coming weeks will be the first glimpse into their new comeback, and we’re hoping to keep elevating LE SSERAFIM on a global scale. It’s been extremely hush hush, but today, the comeback content meetings begin, and free time will cease to exist. I’m booked from morning til night every day for weeks, and that’s just getting all the ducks in a row. The teasers won’t drop for another couple of months, I’m told. 
I haven’t been able to see the girls too much since my schedule is mostly just getting to know the company, but I pass them every once in a while when I’m shadowing. They always greet me happily, like we’ve already become the best of friends, and it makes each day a little brighter. And while I love seeing all of them, there’s one in particular that makes my workday exponentially better. 
Ever since that day in the practice room, there is a tiny flutter in my heart that beats to the sound of her laughter. My cheeks flush at the sight of her smile, and my hands tremble whenever she waves at me, and I … I can’t believe how sappy I sound right now! 
Y/n, get it together! Some crush on an idol you literally work for is only gonna distract you!
But in between the meetings and the shadowing and the constant hustle and bustle, I can feel myself cringing at the word “crush”. Just a couple of hours around her and there’s now a constant pull to want to be near her. The desire to feel just as carefree and happy and fearless as I did in that room. Because for the rest of the day, I couldn’t stop stealing glances at her and wanting my jokes to be funny just to see her chuckle, but feeling acutely aware of a pair of eyes tracking my every move. I would’ve been paranoid about it, but I was having too much fun with them, so I wrote it off as me just imagining things. 
I have the marketing meeting in a few minutes, so I pack up my breakfast and head to the conference room. As I’m settling in, one of my coworkers, Lee Ha-Rin, enters the room. And how do I know that she entered the room? Because she made a spectacle about it - loudly talking about her absolutely wild weekend, laughing at a joke that from what I could understand was not even that funny, and making sure to bat her eyes at just about every male employee in the room. 
I am a woman that supports women, and I never want to speak poorly about another woman for being unapologetically herself, but from the moment I met Ha-Rin, she’s made it abundantly clear that she looks down on me for being a foreigner with such little experience. 
“Oh my goodness hi! You must be the new girl - y/n, was it? I’m Ha-Rin, the leader of Le Sserafim’s marketing team for this comeback. You must be so overwhelmed! I’m sure that nothing you’ve ever done until now has been quite on this scale, right? Don’t worry - I’ll help you every step of the way” I don’t think it occurred to her the entire time she spoke that I didn’t get a word in, but she just continued to speak at me rather than with me, and I have never gotten good vibes from people that do that. 
“It’s kind of crazy that you even landed this position! I wasn’t yet assigned to be the leader of this project, or I may have tried to find someone with a little more experience, but that’s what we’re here for, I guess! To walk you through the processes.” She had a smile on her face the entire time, but the tone in her voice was unmistakable, and the sting from her words has been lying just beneath the surface ever since. 
She gets to the front of the room and begins her presentation on the schedule for the next couple of weeks, and I can see on the calendar something that fills me with equal parts dread and excitement - my name! Next to the words “Content Meeting”! I get to run my very first meeting in … in four days? Hold on, how is that possible? I haven’t even officially begun working with the members yet, and I have to lead an entire meeting on potential content ideas? Contrary to some people’s beliefs, TikTok is not just some “social media app” - it’s a science. It is the number one way that artists are discovered, it has over a billion monthly users, and it’s used daily in over 150 countries across the globe. Knowing how to use this app correctly to build communities and fan bases is … well it’s a pretty valuable skill! One that took me years to hone in and develop. Just creating a posting schedule is extremely specific and time consuming, so you can imagine how tirelessly one would have to work to also create the content itself. And Ha-Rin has given me four days to do both! How can this be fair? She sees the look on my face and, to my delight, decides to comment on it in front of the entire room. 
“Y/n? Is something wrong?” She makes a fake show of looking back at the screen with concern on her face, “Oh…is this too much for you? Should I push the meeting back for you?”  
“Not at all. It’s just that I haven’t even worked with the members one-on-one yet, so I am concerned about organizing a meeting without having the proper information yet.” I don’t know how I manage to keep composure in the midst of the panic brewing inside me, but I continue with only a slight tremor in my voice, “I am happy to spearhead the meeting, but I’m afraid it will be unrealistic to expect a comprehensive schedule for 2 weeks of content without proper interaction with the members.” Damn, I sound smart. 
The slightest twitch in Ha-Rin’s eye tells me I struck a nerve by advocating for myself in front of all our coworkers, but she can’t show that she’s shaken. “Well, as luck would have it, you’re actually scheduled to shadow them for a few hours everyday starting today. Will that be enough time, y/n?” 
She and I both know that it isn’t, but unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of say. I’m the newest addition to this team, and while I don’t like how she openly condescended me for it, she’s not exactly wrong about me not having experience working with this level of stardom. At the end of the day, I’ll get this done because I have to, and that might be a good way to prove my value to the team. I’m gonna have to spend a lot of time with the members, though, and … wait. That’s actually the best possible thing I could have hoped for! Okay, pity party over. 
“Yes. That should be plenty of time. I will need to spend the next few days exclusively shadowing them, though, so I hope some adjustments can be made to my schedule to accommodate for that. Will that be possible?” Fear seems to make me impervious to death glares, which is exactly what Ha-Rin is shooting me right now. I would care more, but this is my job, and moreover, this is their comeback. Nothing can be rushed, and even Ha-Rin has to respect that. With a smile so tight I fear her face will snap in two, she just nods and continues with her presentation. 
As we all pack up to get on with the day, she stops me just before I can escape. “Y/n, can you hang back for just a moment?” Crap on a cracker - I knew blind bravery was gonna bite me in the ass. 
“What can I help you with?”
“Just want to make sure we are on the same page about your upcoming content creation for the group. You know, it is very important that you don’t have any biases. You must plan in accordance to the guidelines we give you, not according to your own personal preferences. Does that make sense?” There’s still a few stragglers, so the show she’s putting on right now could win her a damn Oscar for “Genuine and Kind (but actually cunning and conniving) Boss”. Though, I am not sure what she’s playing at right now. I’ve barely spent more than a few hours with them, what is she even talking about?
“Biases? I’m not sure what I have done to indicate that I’m … playing favorites. Unless you’ve been seeing something I’m not aware of?.” The tension is palpable, and I’m pretty sure some of my coworkers are procrastinating just to see this go down. 
“Oh no, nothing crazy. I mean, if I had seen anything out of the ordinary, say longing stares or lingering touches with one particular member, I would certainly bring it to your attention. You’d know the repercussions of such actions, right?” 
The silence that follows is suffocating - there is no way I have been that obvious. No. I might look Yunjin’s way when she’s around, but I couldn’t have been so conspicuous as to catch anyone’s attention. Even I’m not that dumb. Unless…shit. I knew I had felt someone watching me the last few weeks. I had chalked it up to me being the new girl. Harmless curiosity! But if Ha-Rin has been out for me since day one? If she’s been purposely looking for a reason to cast me out? Then of course she’s picked up on my crush (read: ever growing infatuation and hopeless longing). I have to do damage control - and my job has barely even officially started! 
“I’m not sure what exactly you’ve seen, but I am simply doing my best to develop rapport with the members and my coworkers. I only hope to treat each member fairly and within the guidelines of the company. I’m sure that is okay to do? Considering I’ll be spending so much time with them?” 
She flashes that tight smile again, it’s like someone is pulling her cheeks back as she fights back. “Of course. We couldn’t be more thrilled to have such a … dedicated team member on board. We’ll talk later, y/n. You need to get to the members, yes?” She saunters out without another word, and I let out a shaky breath. 
Gathering all my strength, I make my way to the practice rooms where I know the girls are practicing. I make sure not to walk in while they’re dancing, so I wait outside for a few moments to let the song finish. Of course, my eyes wander to one member the fastest. She’s glowing, and the confidence she emits puts me at ease a little. Her stage presence is magnetic, and I almost miss that the song has ended and I’m good to head in. 
“Y/n! Hi! Oh my gosh is it finally time? We get to start working together?!” Sakura beams at me. The rest of the girls greet me with such enthusiasm, I decide to forget about my stare down with Ha-Rin. I’m not going to let her superiority complex ruin this opportunity. 
“Hey everyone! Yeah, I guess this is my first official day with you! I’m not filming anything quite yet, but I’ll be taking some notes and getting reference shots. I won’t be in your way, I promise.” 
“Don’t be silly, y/n, you could never be in our way,” says Yunjin, and I (internally) scream. 
“What do you need from us, y/n?” says Chaewon. I get a glimpse of what a good leader she is. Her immediate reaction is to ensure everyone’s work can go smoothly, and I appreciate her attention to detail. 
“So, I would love to take your group’s core concept as the inspiration for the content we put up in the next few months. Your message surrounds the concept of fearlessness and self-confidence, right? It’s that authenticity I want to capture. Rather than having all the videos be staged, I’d love to get candid shots of some behind the scenes work going into this comeback. Strip back any illusions of perfection and focus on your individual approaches to a comeback. What do you think?” I’ve actually been pretty excited about this idea. It took me a couple of weeks to flesh out how I would approach this without risking spoilers, but I think filming some of the highs and lows in a polaroid film style would not only be in line with their upcoming comeback concept, but also their identity as a whole. 
“Y/n, that’s really good! I love it, and I think our Fear-nots will be thrilled,” Eunchae says. 
“Yeah, I can’t wait to start! Plus I love that we won’t really have to memorize anything extra. We just get to be ourselves.” Kazuha seems particularly pleased, and I feel so proud. 
“Just as I expected - y/n is a genius,” Yunjin winks at me. I beam back, and I make a mental note to wear a face mask any time I’m in the same room as this woman. If I blush any harder, I’ll glow. I get my notebook and phone out, “Alright - let’s get started.”
Y'all! I did not realize how long it had been since I last posted, but thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has liked the chapters! It makes me so happy!
I was sick for a while and then there were a lot of life changes going down, but I am back! I hope y'all like this - we have a new character and we may or may not hate her a little. What do y'all think?!
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leaderwonim · 7 months
꒰ 사랑𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆: 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧. 🫀
✴︎ 006: smile if u like park sunghoon
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synopsis. you’re a newly debuted girl group under belift, and in order for your group to gain more popularity, your ceo offered you the lead role in a new romance kdrama. this all seems great, so what’s the problem? well, for starters, your co star is your senior, park sunghoon from enhypen, and he doesn’t seem too happy about being in a romance drama. especially when your fans have started to ship the two of you!
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ssivinee · 20 days
➢ 𝙳𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐
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IVE! Band! Yujin x Band! F reader: You and Yujin didn't have the best relationship, and it has only gotten worse over the time you've known her. Although she doesn't expect those feelings and emotions to change overnight... but it does?
Word Count: 4.4k
Author's Note: This song is used in the fic, but the lyrics I've gone with are the English version just so it isn't confusing. BUT GUYS THE SONG IS SO GOOD. I HEARD IT ON BUILD-UP AND NEVER LOOKED BACK🥹.
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It was a normal Friday at a rented studio. The sound of vocal warm-ups and the quiet strums of a guitar filled the air. Ningning sat on the velvet blue sofa, relaxing her mouth as she let out several loud, odd noises. Karina sat behind her drums, beating the snare drum lightly while waiting for everyone to get ready. 
Winter and Giselle could be found sitting next to Ningning, checking out their guitars. The four girls' peaceful ambiance lets you sit on the plush yellow lounge chair, legs crossed, as you focus on the pen and notebook in your hands. 
Your eyes never wavered off the paper as Ningning stood tall and proud from her seat, “I’m ready!” Her loud voice echoed throughout the room. Winter chuckles, “Of course you are,” and shakes her head. Giselle grabs your bass, heading towards you to give it. “She finally ready to go?” you ask your unnie as you shut the book and take your instrument. Giselle nods, shaking her head at Ningning’s usual antics. You sling the guitar strap over your shoulder, walking to the center of the room.
“So, what songs are we playing for this setlist?” Winter asks, tuning her guitar slightly. “As far as I’m aware, the owner wanted Spicy, Armageddon, and Lucid Dreams,” Karina tells you. “Isn’t that such a super short set?” You ask, and the others look at each other, “what?” Ningning rubs the nape of her neck, “It’s cause Yujin’s band is a majority of the first set.” 
Winter nudges the younger girl, and you can’t help but roll your eyes when hearing the name. Ahn Yujin is the girl you deemed to be your rival in every aspect. It wasn’t a secret that you two hated each other. You were sure everyone who knew the two of you was aware of that.
It all started when you and Yujin were six years old, both small girls from Daejeon who loved discovering new hobbies and talents. The two of you met in grade school and have been getting along well since you first met. You remember it so clearly: Yujin came up to you during recess, her puppy-like eyes sparkling as she gave you the friendliest smile you’ve seen. “You're the pretty girl who sits in front of the class, right?” You were taken aback at her enthusiasm and compliment, “Uhm, I do sit in the front?” You say, more as a question.
“You are her! Y/n, right?” Asked with her jumping in excitement, “Yeah?”
“I’m Ahn Yujin,” she introduces herself with her arm reached out. “Cha Y/n?” You shake the girl's hand hesitantly. “Let’s be friends from now on!” Yujin gave you no choice, which still confused you, but in the long run, you didn’t seem to mind it. You enjoyed the newfound friendship, sitting next to each other in class, hanging out at each other's houses, basically, everything you’d expect friends to do. At some point, you even believed that she was your best friend. You guys had much in common: wanting high grades, loving music, liking sports, and even your favorite songs were the same.
It all changed when you guys turned ten years old. You began feeling resentment from Yujin, and you believed it was because people began heavily comparing you two. Being super alike didn’t really help; your parents, friends, teachers, and practically everyone seemed to say something good about the other and then proceeded to belittle the other. I was like a broken seesaw.
“Yujin is such an amazing singer, probably because she took vocal lessons. I told you we should’ve enrolled you in those classes,” your parents would say as you ate dinner.
“Yujin-ah, Y/n’s grades are spectacular again this year! All A’s again. You're like a daughter I wish I had,” Yujin’s parents would say when picking up Yujin from your house.
“Yujin is the MVP of this football (soccer) game. You were a close second, though, Y/n,” one of your friends said.
Those little comments slowly caused a rift between you two, and soon, the two of you began competing to be the best at anything the other was interested in. Yujin began participating and studying in school to try and beat your grades. You began to take vocal lessons and practice at home while watching YouTube videos. You would run around more in physical education to better your endurance for any sport. 
By the time you both reached middle school, you had lost any friendships. Both find new groups of friends, become popular, and even compete in that aspect. In the early days, you were hurt, and it felt like Yujin was slowly becoming your ‘enemy,’ but that all went away once you heard Yujin talking about you behind your back while you were still “friends.”
You were going to turn the corner of a corridor when you heard a familiar voice using your name, “Oh, Y/n?” Your steps paused, and you could recognize your “best friend” 's voice from a mile away. You stood still, back leaning on the wall as you listened. “I’m better than her at everything. I mean, come on, I’m the Ahn Yujin. I sing better, play sports better, have better grades, better friendships. I’m basically the better and prettier version of her. Don’t you agree?” You hear her new friends giggle and agree, feeling yourself fuming with anger from what you heard.
That's when you decided to stop being friends with her, and every interaction that followed was hostile and always had an insult. 
When college came around, you were still fated to be in the same school, and the competition stayed in course. The popular girls of the university were known as sworn enemies by everyone. During that time, you joined bands around the same time and graduated. Now, here you were, feeling as if Yujin was haunting you even when she wasn’t around.
“Are you kidding me?!” you scoff at the news Ningning shared. “You guys always seem to share the spotlight,” Winter points out, and you roll your eyes again. “Yeah, and for once, I’d like the world to divert our paths.”
“Hey, it’s not so bad. We’re going to be recognized even more because of this gig, and I know you know this, but your gonna have to suck it up, baby bear,” Karina voices, and you nod reluctantly. “Now, how about we get to practice? We’ve been here for thirty minutes, and we haven’t started. Chop chop girlies,” Karina says as she hits her drumsticks together to get us all in place and to get this show on the road.
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The five of you entered the buzzing club, equipment and instruments hauling behind you. Hearing the blaring instruments on the speaker, you began nodding your head to the song. You kept appreciating the music, and you went through the sea of people through the back but quickly halted once your eyes lingered onto the stage. There you saw them, Elysium.
They were good, and they always have been. You weren’t going to deny that, but your eyes traveled to her, holding the mic stand as she sang her heart out. “This must be their new song,” you hear Giselle say beside you, and you shake your head. “Like I could give a shit,” you express. You’d rather be caught dead than be seen by Yujin ‘admiring her work’ as she would like to say. 
Since college, every performance Yujin caught you watching had her irritating you every chance she could. You knew Yujin’s flirty personality when it comes to women, but you knew she did it to you just to get on your nerves. The winks, smooches, comments as she looked at you dead in the eyes. It was all a scheme to piss you off. So you decided to ignore it usually, and this time, like usual, you did as you all made your way to the backstage area.
The five of you changed your outfits and checked on your equipment. After 20 minutes of doing that, club music began blasting on the speakers, and Giselle suggested, “Maybe we should take a small shot before our performance tonight.”
“I’d be down,” you say, standing up from the guitar case on the floor. None of you were exactly lightweights, so a small shot would help calm everyone's nerves. Going back into the sea of sweaty drunks wasn’t usually your cup of tea, but you did just to get to the bar area. “Hey, five tequila shots, please?” Karina asks the bartender, who quickly whips up the drink. The four girls begin talking as you observe the location in your world, standing at the edge of the five girls.
“Well, if it isn’t the famous Cha Y/n,” you bite your lip in annoyance at the voice and turn around to see no one other than Yujin herself, holding a cocky smirk on her face. “What do you want?” you said, practically sneering at her as she took a swig of her drink. “Can’t I just greet my long-time friend?” she says, leaning into you. You stand your ground and stay in place. “Did they let you out of the psych ward again? The delusions are kicking in,” you tell her, and the latter raises her brows. “Fighting back again, I see?” 
“When haven’t I stood up against you, Ahn?” you tell her, straightening yourself and getting more in her face. “Didn’t say you never did. You’ve just never won against me.”
“Says who?”
“Says me, babe,” she says, emphasizing 'babe' as she gets even closer to your face. “Babe, my ass, Yujin. Now maybe go talk to someone else who might give a shit about anything that comes out of your mouth.”
“Feisty, just what I’ve always liked about you, Cha,” she says, finally ending the annoying interaction as she walks away, not without giving you a seductive wink. “Maybe, I don’t know. You guys should just fuck and let bye-gones be bye-gones,” Ningning butts in as they hear the end of your conversation, taking your attention off of Yujin’s dramatic exit. “Girl, I’d have to be trying to get out of a crime for you to even get me there,” you joke, and she giggles.
“She isn’t wrong, though. I know you always say she does it to piss you off, but the damn sexual tension couldn’t even be cut by a damn chainsaw,” Giselle says with her brow raised as she holds the tequila shot in her hands. “You guys know she does that to get a rise out of me.”
“Well, clearly it works since you don’t back away from her when she comes close to you,” Karina says and hands you the shot, “but enough of Y/n’s weird dynamic with her mortal enemy, let’s have a good time since we aren’t here for a long time,” the eldest declares as she raises her shot glass for a cheer.
You all follow and down the entire shot, feeling the warm liquor cascade down your throat. You wince at the feeling but feel refreshed as you bite the lime. “Alrighty then, let's head on back so we can set up the stage?” Winter suggests, and you all agree, following one another to the back.
Once you guys finished setting up and were given the okay to go on stage, you stood on the right of Ningning, holding your cherry red bass in your hands. “What’s up, everyone!” Ningning says, the crowd already cheering at the sight of you five. “Well, we hope you guys are having a fantastic night, and we hope we can make it even better! So enjoy our first track, Lucid Dreams.”
You quickly came in on the intro, and to your surprise, many people in the club began singing along. Your smile grew wide as you chuckled, combing your hair back slightly to focus on the crowd. Without a care in the world, you strummed your bass as you got into the groove, your head lightly moving to the rhythm. 
Yujin watched from the far corner of the crowd, admittingly enjoying the view. She wasn’t going to admit it to your face, but you were beautiful, and the bass made you very attractive in her eyes. The way you focused on playing, not caring about all the eyes and people that drooled over you. It was a pleasant sight, almost reminding Yujin of your old self back in the day. Those thoughts took her by a wave of emotions, her slight smile slowly disappearing. 
She didn’t know where it all went wrong, but she did know that most of it was her fault. Yujin couldn’t blame you for the attitude that you always gave her. Did she hate you? She would've said yes if you asked her that ten years ago. Now, it was just something she got used to. After some time, Yujin couldn’t find the heart to ‘hate’ you any longer, but the constant fighting and bad-mouthing just became something that she was used to. Maybe she found comfort in it? She wasn’t too sure herself.
It’s why, when you got into college, she just decided to interact with you more through teasing and flirting. It felt as if she missed the person you once were or the friendship you once had, so to feel that old feeling, she resorted to this. Her thoughts get cut off by the sound of Spicy beginning to play.
Yujin’s eyes find your figure on stage again, and she sees you as the background vocals for the song as you sing lightly into your microphone. Your delicate-sounding voice and Ningning’s power made the song even more fun. The song called for sassiness and a lot of personality. Your playful facial expressions entertained Yujin as your eyes took a glimpse at the crowd. Your smile was addicting, causing Yujin to reciprocate it.
Was it possible to go back to the way it was?
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That event was a month ago, a month of peace and quiet.  You, Ningning, and Giselle decided to spend the day at Karina and Winter’s apartment. Winter had to run small errands, Karina was fixing clothes in their room, and Giselle and Ning chose to watch some Netflix. You sit in the balcony area, the same notebook and pen in hand, scribbling a line and revising it to your liking.
Your eyes followed the pages of lyrics, and after a year of working on it, it finally felt completed up to your standards. Ning peeks her head out and finds you closing the thick book. “Finally finished the song?” she asks as she reveals the rest of her body. Yeah, I think I finally have,” you nod with a tinge of happiness filling your voice. “Take a look?” you ask, handing her the notebook with it open to the pages. “Drowning?”
“Yeah, it felt fitting, you know?” You say as Ning reads the book, looking like she’s immersing herself in the book. “Y/n! This is so good! What key are you envisioning the song being in?” She asks, continuing to read the lyrics. “I was thinking an A flat major like,” You then begin to hum the melody, and Ning smiles at it. “It sounds amazing, baby bear,” she squeals excitedly. 
“Guys! Come look?” Ning yells as she brings your book back into the apartment, and you follow. You see, Winter was just getting home with grocery bags in her hands while Giselle and Karina were now sitting on the couch. “She finally finished it?!” Giselle claps as she recognizes the book in Ningning’s hands. “Finally,” Karina says, smiling, knowing you’ve been working really hard on it. “Do you have the melody in mind?” Winter says tiredly as she plops her body down on their egg-looking chair.
“I do, but I still have to record the arrangement. I’ll send it to you this week, unnie?” You ask Karina, and she nods, “Well, I think I’ve found the perfect time for you to debut the song,” she says with a mischievous grin. “They actually responded?” Winter’s brows go high while the rest of us look evidently confused. “So wanna keep us in the loop, or are we invisible right now?” You asked.
“So last week I reached out to the Blackout, the venue that went viral on TikTok, and they replied that they wanted to hear our songs. It sounds pretty promising, so I’ll send them our tracks and tell them we have one we want to debut at their place.”
There was a pause, which felt like an eternity before the other four of you began jumping and cheering like excited little puppies. “I’ll literally work on it first thing in the morning and send it to you ASAP!” You collected your things and dashed out, making your way to your apartment. You dashed into the recording room that you set up and worked your magic.
…You basically stayed up all night to finish, but by eight in the morning, you sent the track with the vocal demo to Karina and were knocked out. 
Within the next week, you were finishing up your part-time job at the local cafe in your area and felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You take your time slot card out of the machine and head out, fishing your phone out. It was the band's group chat and Karina chatted.
MinMin Unnie🤓 FYI Blackout confirmed our schedule on Saturday night  Be there or be square
You chuckle at the ‘loser’ like comment in the end as you put on your headphones, listening to the proper recording of ‘Drowning’ on your phone. You and Ningning decided to record the vocals of the song last week, and it sounded perfect. It was the first time your voice was being used as a lead vocal in the song. It was a pretty nerve-wracking experience for you, but Ningning assured that you sounded great. So now you guys find yourself at Blackout, setting up ahead of opening time.
“This is actually happening?” You hear Ningning ask, almost as if she was spacing out as she unraveled the mic cord. “Yeah, Ning, come on now,” Giselle giggles at the girl as she shakes her head. “You think we’ll fill out the venue?” You ask as you sit on the edge of the stage with your bass in your lap. 
“You guys sure will,” You hear, and you turn to see the owner coming into the building with the social media manager. “Did you guys even check Blackout’s story?” The manager says, pointing to her phone. Karina gets her phone from her bag, tapping away and gasping once she sees something.
All of you looked at each other and rushed to her side to see what was so surprising. You see the long, messy line everyone was forming outside. “Are you kidding?!” Winter asks the two, and they nod, “Well, before anything even happens tonight, I’ll say congrats. You guys are gonna be a big hit.”
“Holy shit-” You voice, still staring at the story from Karina’s phone. “I know we’re all really excited, but it's time to get ready in the back guys.”
You all make your way to the back, doing hair, make-up, outfits, and warm-ups. Feeling pumped for tonight, you were just filled with excitement. Little did you know, Yujin’s bandmates informed her of your band’s performance, so they all decided to check it out. The line was horrendous, though, and the group felt bored despite nearing the front of the line.
“Did they actually get this many people to come watch them?” Chaewon asked, genuinely surprised at the fans you all garnered. “I didn’t know they were this well known,” their tall youngest asked. “Wony, I’m sure it's a mix of their fans, regulars, and tiktok fanatics that saw the venue,” Yena said as she saw so many people on their phones, watching the exact video that went viral.
After about forty-five minutes, the four girls make it into the venue. Yujin’s ears practically only heard the bass of the music, and it was so loud near the entrance. Her eyes scan the large building, the place already being halfway filled, in spite of the long line that was still outside.
She feels her hand being dragged deeper into the crowd, shimmying through the sea of bodies. They somehow made it through to the right end of the room to find the bar. The bartender was just being swarmed with people; the group just sat down and waited till everyone settled down.
“Can we get one old-fashioned, two mojitos, and one club soda, please?” Chaewon says, ordering for everyone. The three other girls settle beside her, and Wonyoung scrolls through her phone to see their promo set list for tonight. “Have you guys seen this? I think they're playing a new song tonight,” she flips her phone to the front, showing her unnies the question mark on the end of the setlist next to the number 10. “I guess we have to wait and see then,” as if on cue with Yujin’s words, you and your band step out onto the stage. Everyone in the venue is hyping you guys up, whistling, cheering, and even just flat-out roaring. Yujin and her girls couldn’t help but look at your guy's outfits, finding the slight hints of coordination pleasant. As Yujin’s eyes linger on your body, she almost has to do a double-take. She had never seen you look so… hot.
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Yes, she admits you’re usually attractive, but fuck, did you look good. The tight body suit clung onto your upper half, showing so much skin. You practically glistened under the stage lights. Your set began, and these were all songs that the group had heard before. However, that didn’t stop the four girls from dancing hard with the rest of the crowd.
As you were on stage, the higher production of lights caused you to see less of the crowd, but you didn’t mind as it calmed the nerves for tonight. Due to your lack of vision, you focused on playing like no one was in the room. It actually felt freeing to play this way despite having one of your senses practically taken away from you. 
Yujin, not noticing how many songs had passed, was surprised when the group began speaking. She sees Ningning smiling at the crowd, her exhaustion evident due to the heavy breathing. “So~, how did you like our songs, guys?” Everyone cheered at Ning’s words, which caused you to smile. “It has been a great show, huh? But like all good things, they must come to an end,” Karina tells the crowd, everyone responding in sadness. “Okay, maybe a little too much. We’ll always have more shows to come,” You say while looking at Karina, who laughs at you, calling her ‘too much.’
“Well, you all must be wondering what this last song is?” Winter asks the crowd, and you hear small ‘yeahs’ from around the venue. “We’re actually debuting a new song tonight, and you guys get the first listen,” Karina says in a hushed manner as if it were the biggest secret in the world. You hear the buzzes of ‘oh’ and ‘ah,’ and you feel the butterflies in your stomach already emerging.
“So this song is actually composed and produced by my lovely best friend, Y/n, here,” Ning states, giving you a side hug as you give a small bow at the hyped-up crowd. “She’s actually the one singing our final song tonight.”
Ningning’s words rang heavily in Yujin’s ears. You were gonna sing? Tonight?
Only if she had a seat on hand, she would’ve been sat already. She watches you come up to the front and center of the stage, bass carried behind your back as you speak into the mic. “So for the for time, you guys are gonna get to hear me sing,” many of your fan girls respond with ear-piercing screeches.
You chuckle, leaning your head back slightly so it wouldn’t pick up on the mic so much. “Well… are you guys ready?” Everyone cheers again, and the lights dim down low. 
The silence killed people until they heard Winter’s guitar strumming a grungy yet slow and mellow sound. Then Giselle’s guitar comes in, layering the two sounds as the lights begin increasing a bit in brightness. The slight pause in the song counts you, Karina, and Ningning in, and people begin to hear your voice.
I was madly in love We argued so much You left first It's been raining all day here It quickly reached the tip of the chin I'm out of breath
Yujin listened to your velvety voice as it filled the entire venue. Everyone almost listened in silence, not only because it was a new song but also to cherish their first time hearing you. The lyrics interested the girl, and many thoughts flowed in her mind. ‘Who was this about?’ She thought. 
The pendulum of my heart holds me deeper and deeper
Ningning seeming sang the backup vocals, having everyone nod their head through the build-up of the song. 
Oh, I'm drowning It's raining all day, yeah-yeah (Yeah) I can't (Yeah) breathe, yeah Oh-oh, I'm drowning Oh, I'm drowning Oh, I'm drowning Oh, I'm drowning You're taking my life from me
Hearing the words, Yujin couldn’t help but think this was about her but in a love song. Feeling conceited even thinking about those words. Your emotions were overflowing, and everyone felt them while listening intently. You seemed to be expressing the hardships and burdens you felt in your heart.
As you sang the chorus, you kept your eyes shut, and the R&B sounds with hints of soul, no one in the crowd realizing that this was the voice you’d hidden from them. It was powerful; Yujin almost felt her skin crawl because of your voice. Your face somehow looked in pain, yet as the spotlights focused on you, Yujin couldn’t help but just stare. For the first time, Yujin saw you in your element.
It made her almost tear up; the way you sang tugged on her heart, and she felt as if she had to protect it by keeping her right hand on her chest. “You feeling okay?” Wonyoung asks, and the latter can only nod, just paying attention to you and only you.
After a few seconds, you seemed to get into the groove, as you looked much more relaxed on stage. You release the mic stand, and your hands find the strings of your bass easily without any hesitation. The realization settles into Yujin as she blanks while staring at you, just admiring every part of you.
…Is she starting to actually like you? 
“Im so fucked.”
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Taglist: ⟪𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽⟫
@lorenztired @1luvkarina @yuyuy90
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earlff · 7 months
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when we disco.
260224 – capa teste;
em caso de inspiração, me credite.
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phamminji · 2 years
for you
huh yunjin x fem!reader
synopsis: you didn't expect yunjin to be at your door, when she clearly told you she was going out on a date with someone else.
wc: 1.8k
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jenn 💝 y/n/n
jenn 💝 could you open the door?
jenn 💝 it's kinda cold outside
you read the messages as your eyes flickered towards the clock, stating that it's 8:28pm.
her date ended early... was the only thought in your mind as you rushed to greet a shivering yunjin at the door.
"any minute later, i would have froze to death n/n."
you rolled your eyes at your best friend, "you're being dramatic, jenn." as you ushered her inside your home. "come with me. i'll grab some of my clothes for you and you're gonna take a warm bath, lady."
"okay mom."
you shook her head at the name she gave you. "can you not call me that?" you clicked your tongue jokingly as you rummage through your closet, finding a suitable pair of shorts and a hoodie for yunjin to wear.
"okay babygorl." yunjin's voice went up by a tone or two, and you know whenever she speaks in that voice, it's usually used to tease you.
your hands stop searching for the clothes as you turned back to glare at the taller girl, "huh yunjin."
"alright alright!" yunjin raises her arms in surrender, fearing you who had just used her government name.
"how was your date, by the way?" you asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. part of your heart was curious, but the other part of your heart didn't want to know how your best friend's date went actually.
you knew you liked yunjin. the huh yunjin. your best friend. best friend. maybe if you had more courage to admit your feelings towards the american, you would have gone on a date together with her today.
and because you didn't, now you would have to listen to how lovestruck yunjin was. how the other person probably made her so happy, and possibly go on another date or two.
another date or two.
the thought of yunjin going on another date or two with a person that wasn't you had irked you. you remember yunjin getting all so excited while you were on a call with her that morning. her asking you questions about how she should dress, what kind of perfume she should spray on.
the questions didn't help in any way though, to you of course. all you could think about was how pretty and gorgeous she looked over the phone screen, as you smiled to yourself.
"you'd look pretty in anything, jenn."
"stop flattering me y/n."
a wider smile threatened to grow on your lips, but it turned into a frown once your best friend mentioned about the other guy.
"do you think he would like this?" "what kind of gift should i get him?""don't you think he's cute, y/n?"
you recall the feeling of you thinking how lucky the other guy was. how whenever yunjin talked about the guy, your heart sank. how you wished you were in his position. to be on a date with the huh yunjin. you couldn't blame yunjin or the guy though. it wasn't their fault, and it was clearly yours.
if only you plucked up your courage to tell yunjin how you felt.
if only you were a little braver.
if only you could be more than best friends.
countless 'if only' thoughts flooded your head as you tried to snap yourself out of it.
you don't know how long you had been standing in that position for, in front of your wardrobe, in silence, as you turn to look back at yunjin, who hadn't said a word ever since you asked her that question.
"huh?" yunjin's eyes widened slightly, as if you popped her out of her little bubble.
"you alright?" you concerningly gaze at her.
"yeah. i'm okay." yunjin gave you an uncertain smile as a frown grows on your face.
"sorry, what was the question again? i didn't catch it." yunjin apologises as your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. something was definitely being a bother in the taller girl's mind.
you know yunjin well. this was one of the things you liked about yunjin. you liked the way how she would give her full attention to whoever the speaker was, making sure they felt like they were being heard and never left out. always looking at them in the eyes and never anywhere else until they're done speaking.
"i asked you how was the date."
"oh..." was all you heard for a minute. "well... it was... okay... i guess..."
i guess?
the amount of hesitation in her voice made you turn around to face her. seeing her shuffle her feet and shifting her weight from one leg to the other. how her fingers were fidgeting nervously. you observed how she was biting on her bottom lip. you could also see how she was slightly breaking out in cold sweat.
cold sweat? didn't she say she was cold earlier?
you knew yunjin was lying. but why?
"jenn. it's not my first day knowing you." you reached out for her hand and squeezed it gently. "are you sure it was okay?"
"no..." you sighed softly, a small smile on your face.
"you wanna tell me how it went?" as you tilt your head and leaned a little closer to her, trying to get a closer look at her face.
"it's okay if you don't want to tell me about it, jenn." you gave her a tight-lipped smile, "did it go well though?"
the shake of her head and her gaze dropping to the floor was all you needed to pull her into a hug.
"it's alright, jenn. you'll find someone better." the words rolled off your tongue bitterly, having to think about yunjin finding someone better, maybe even better than you.
you rubbed her back soothingly and patted it gently. you tried to pull away from the embrace, only for yunjin to grip onto you tighter.
"yunjin?" you turned your head, trying to get a look at the taller girl. however, she didn't give you the chance to, as she laid her head on your shoulder.
"you're so warm. please hold me for a while more."
her words sent a flush to your cheeks.
"i could hold you forever." was what you would have said. but once again, the words couldn't come out of your throat, running away like a coward.
"you need to go and take a bath, jenn. i can't let you catch a cold." you made up an excuse, trying to get away from yunjin. you were trying your best to keep your emotions at bay, hoping that she doesn't hear your rapid heartbeat, threatening to jump out of your chest.
"i'll tell you what happened during the dinner," as yunjin tightened her hold around you, as if you were going to disappear into thin air.
"w-what happened?" you stammered a little, trying to prepare yourself for whatever yunjin is going to say.
"he... stood me up." you can feel yunjin gripping onto the back of your shirt even tighter.
"it's okay, jenn. he doesn't deserve you."
do i deserve you?
"i waited for about... three hours? i messaged him but there wasn't any reply, then i came here." you could tell yunjin was upset, but not to the point of tears as you rubbed her back once again.
"so you haven't had dinner?"
yunjin let out a dry chuckle, "nope. he said he was going to pay so i didn't bring my wallet with me."
"you didn't know he was going to be an asshole and ghost you just like that. how could he?" you ranted as you felt an anger bubble rising in you.
"some people are just like that, i guess."
you pull away from the embrace and suggested, "how about this? why don't you go and take that warm shower and i'll try to cook something up for you?"
"you don't have to put in all that effort for me, y/n."
"why not? i'm doing it because it's you. because it's for you."
the words that came out of your mouth surprises not only you but yunjin as well.
"i- i said i'm doing it because it's for you?"
"oh- oh..."
a silence came across the both of you and you played with your hands, not knowing what to do.
you stared at her lips unconsciously, and you swear you saw her eyes flicker to yours too.
i like you so much but i can't... say it to your face... your lips... look so kissable...
"i- i like you too y/n."
"i said i like you too."
you stared at the girl in front of you, who's still a little bashful, right after confessing to you.
putting everything aside, "are you a mind reader...? or what? how did you know what was i thinking?"
"you were thinking aloud...?"
"oh..." as your voice grew softer, your face flushing crimson red in embarrassment. "w-what about the guy? i thought- you... liked him!"
"i've always liked you from the beginning. it's just... it seemed like i didn't have a chance with you..." yunjin trails off.
"are you kidding me? i thought i didn't have a chance with you."
"both you and i have a chance now. and should i pretend that i didn't hear how you said my lips were so kissable?" yunjin teased you with a playful glint in her eyes.
"i said that too? oh my god. shut up, please don't talk about it." you were sure yunjin could see steam coming out from your reddened ears as you tried to cover your face that was burning up.
"it's a good thing i like you back, n/n." yunjin smiles at you, seeing how flustered you got gave her an extra boost to mess you up a little more, "your lips are really kissable too by the way."
your eyes widened as you didn't know how to function. hearing yunjin's giggle, you could feel your face heating up once again as your heart swelled for many reasons. "i'll go... and make the food- right. yes. see you later." you rushed out of the door with yunjin's laughter filling in the background as you accidentally closed the door a little hard, too occupied with muttering curses at yourself and smacking your forehead.
yunjin's heart raced and she internally screamed as she replayed your words in her head.
"because it's you. because it's for you. your lips look so kissable..."
she couldn't tell how red her face blushed as the warmth she felt minutes ago was now gone. she missed having your arms around her. she missed the warmth you gave her.
yunjin stuttered over her words, her strong front crumbling down now that you were not in the room with her as she made her way to the bathroom with a love-stricken smile, "i c-can't believe y/n just said- just said that."
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happy valentines day everyone!
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siotport · 7 months
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— o dia em que caí d'olimpo
24.02.18 pedido pessoal
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chanyouchan · 1 year
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⌕ kazuha, a jujubinha
⚠ em caso de inspiração, me credite.
📆 09/08/23 | ✎ @mnini (psd), pngs
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ifdimpeul · 11 months
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“patricinha até demais para mim” com chaewon e kazuha.
adote sua capa aqui.
status: indisponível.
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hoongiri · 2 years
when you're cold — le sserafim headcanons
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˚. ⋆ ☄︎ 🔭 how le sserafim would react to their s/o being cold
 pairing — ot5 le sserafim x gn!reader
 genre — fluff, slight crack
 warnings — none
✧ sakura
"kkura, i'm cold."
as soon as she heard you she immediately looked up from her phone
her love?? cold?? that simply wont work
she instantly looked around for a blanket or jacket that she could tuck you into
.. which made you giggle because she was literally wearing a jacket
it took her a little bit to notice but when she did, you couldnt help but chuckle at your adorable girlfriend
"wah- here! i can't believe i didn't notice sooner..."
she draped her jacket over your shoulders, making sure to position it so it wouldn't slip off
insert a very happy sakura proud of herself for fulfilling your needs
you weren't completely satisfied, though .. now kkura was going to be cold :(
she kept insisting that she was fine, but you weren't satisfied
"kku, c'mere! please, please, please!"
she finally gave in after you pleaded for about two minutes
she usually gives in pretty quickly tbh so this didn't surprise you
cue a cuddly sakura and her cuddly s/o
you were basically trapping sakura in your arms but did she care?
of course not
she's 100% whipped for you (as you are for her)
this was initially what you had in mind to warm you up, but you couldn't complain that you got her jacket too
you two would stay there for a few hours until one of you has to use the restroom and then you'd return to this position
✧ chaewon
she's such a tease
literally replied with "okay, cool" when you told her you were cold
which made you playfully punch her arm in response
"what do you want me to do?!"
she obviously knew what you wanted, and she couldn't help herself from giggling at the pout on your face
cue lots of pouts and whines from you and even more giggles from chaewon
"i'm cold, too, but i suck it up!"
she didn't seem to be budging so you turned away from her direction to proceed to pout
"fine, come here."
grabby hands <3
once you're close enough, she wraps her arms around your waist and she nuzzles her face into the crook of your neck
this was definitely one of your favourite positions to be in
taking in the smell of her perfume, your body relaxed at her touch
"is baby happy now, mm?"
you muffled a response that satisfied her
after a few moments of comfortable silence, however ...
she saw this as an opportunity to tackle you to the ground
"chaewon!!! >:("
you couldn't really complain though
i mean you're still in her arms
so why not just spend some time laughing on the carpet with your beloved girlfriend??
✧ yunjin
tease pt. 2
"hi cold, i'm yunjin"
as soon as you start to get pouty though she caves
"love, noooo..."
BIG cuddler
loves trapping you in her arms
"i've captured you >:)"
you call her your personal heater
she's so sweet
"is this comfortable?"
always makes sure you get exactly what you wanted <3
she likes comfortable silence but it really depends on the day
sometimes she'll sing to you as she warms you up
THE huh yunjin.. singing just for you.. omg
she loves to play with your hair as she does this too
depending on how long your hair is, she'll make little braids with it
"yun, what are you doing?"
"appreciating you, my love." <3
while being affectionate like this she loves to use so many petnames
her favourites are love, my love, baby, sweetheart, and any short version of your name
you two often take turns rambling / listening to the other person
she's comfort personified honestly
can and will spend the rest of the day holding you
✧ kazuha
she's the sweetest
"okay, what would you like me to do?"
immediately goes to her closet to pick out your favourite sweater of hers
she even puts it on for you :( <3
"all better?"
will sit next to you to keep an eye on you as you warm up
she's so comfortable with you
checks in on you every few minutes
"doing okay?" "mhm!"
will hold your hand as you both are scrolling through whatever on your phones
i feel like kazuha is the type to feel sleepy with those she is comfortable with
so eventually she puts her phone down and rests her head on your shoulder
sleepy kazuha is so cute
before she falls asleep though she definitely plants a sweet kiss on your forehead
"goodnight." <3
she doesn't seem big on affectionate words, but she for sure shows you love through her actions
her falling asleep on you is basically an honor since it shows that she trusts you to see her like this
eventually you fall asleep too, and you two enter dreamland together <3
✧ eunchae
eunchae is the cutest baby angel in the world
if you told her you needed something or were hungry, too cold/too hot, etc, she would honestly panic
like oh no they need me right now.. what do i do?? how do i fulfil my girlfriend duties??
most likely her first relationship
"eunnie, can you hand me the blanket, please?"
she will NOT stop there
she feels the need to go above and beyond for you to make sure that you know how much she cares for you
"i won't just give you the blanket, i'll wrap you in it! >:)"
insert manchae turning you into a blanket burrito
she's so proud of herself too
standing there like >:)
literally celebrates herself for doing something for you
will eventually second guess herself though
"do you want another blanket? more pillows? plushies?"
don't be surprised when she makes you a whole pillow fort
you two are NOT moving for the rest of the day
the members have to come bring you snacks and drinks as if the pillow fort is your hotel
she just cares for you so much and wants to take care of you because she is always taken care of <3
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hoonieyun · 2 days
oblivious (coming soon)
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pairing: jongseong jay park x reader “y/n”
genre: dark, serial killer!jay, slasher
warnings: murder, violence, death, drugs and alcohol, manipulation, assault, very dark themes and as always, MDNI 18+ (lmk if i forgot anything)
summary: for the last few months, a serial killer named “nightbird” has been causing chaos and havoc in your small college town. it’s the start of your final year of university and everyone is walking on eggshells. your town has created a mandated curfew since the summer started, fearing that they might be the nightbird’s next victim. after being convinced to go to a halloween party at one of the university frat’s, you find yourself the possible target as the nightbird’s next victim. you were the perfect victim, clueless, helpless, and oblivious. just how the nightbird likes them. 
park jongseong “jay” - the nightbird
reader “y/n”
lee heeseung
sim jaeyun “jake”
park sunghoon (ex!sunghoon)
kim chaewon
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imfearlessfics · 2 years
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Chapter 4: The Tour 
Song: Choices by LESSERAFIM, Dreams Come True by aespa
Pairing: Yunjin x female reader
Genre: Romance, forbidden love
Warnings: none
Vocabulary: unnie = older sister, refers to older female with whom you're close, maknae = youngest member of the group
Word count: 2.2k
Peeling my eyes away from Yunjin long enough to come back to reality was agonizing. I can’t tell if I made up some cosmic connection just now or if I could see her eyes glistening as well, but I can dwell on that later. Either way, it doesn’t really matter considering this meeting is still in session. 
“Hi, I’m Yunjin! It’s so nice to meet you! You’re from the states, right? It’ll be nice to have someone new to share some stories with!” She shakes my hand and chuckles and my heart snaps in two. She’s just as kind as I’d hoped she’d be. Too often you hear stories about people meeting their idols and being horribly disappointed, but she’s so warm and welcoming that I almost feel like I belong. 
“Yeah, I’m from the states! t’s nice to meet you too.” My face is beet-red, and the butterflies in my stomach are so wild I swear she can probably hear the fluttering of wings. She’s just so pretty. 
The girls make their way to the table while everyone fills them in, and I can feel myself staring at her. It would be truly pointless to try to find a flaw, and I can’t help but curse the universe for pouring every ounce of effort into this one woman and leaving the rest of us to pale in comparison. But as welcoming as she is, I can’t help but to feel so small right now. These women have inspired me - been my driving force - for months now, and here we are in the same room together. I still can’t even wrap my brain around landing such an incredible position! I know it will take time to truly feel like I belong, but for now, I will relish the fact that I get to be around such strong women day in and day out.  
The meeting drones on for another hour, and by the end of it, my brain is fried. I get ready to pack up my things when President Hwang pipes up, “Y/n, you can go set your things in the girls’ dorm for now, and then you can start your tour of the building with them.” With them?! Like…alone, with them?! Can my heart catch a break?! 
“Yeah, follow us y/n! We will make sure you know your way around.” Sakura chimes. It’s hard to feel worried around her - she’s such a ray of sunshine. Plus, it’s not like it’s her fault that I’m absolutely starstruck right now. 
As I’m about to pick up my laptop case, Yunjin’s hand reaches down and brushes mine like we’re in some sort of rom-com. She’s really gonna carry my case for me? She could stand to be less perfect, then I might actually have a shot of not becoming even more enamored with her. I start to say that I can grab it myself, but she insists.   
“Oh my gosh please, let me. You’re taking on a lot by working with us, so this is the least I can do!” She says with a smile on her face. I know my cheeks flush, and I catch Eunchae looking at the two of us out of the corner of my eye, each of us with one hand still on the case. I quickly remove my hand and look away - I don’t think anyone can see how much Yunjin affects me yet, but I have to be safe. I can’t risk my career this early in the game. 
I gather up the rest of my things and we all file out of the room and into the hallway. This building is massive, and it’s a little overwhelming how many celebrities’ faces are plastered everywhere. 
We make our way to their dorm on the second floor. They open the door, and I can’t help but feel like I’m intruding on something very private. I look around expecting to see awards lining the shelves or stage outfits hanging on gold racks, but the living room is … normal. Just like you’d expect a typical apartment to look like. There’s some clothes scattered about, books on a shelf in the corner, and a couple dishes on the counter. Nothing out of the ordinary, and in that moment, they all become so much more human. At the core of it all, they’re just young women following their dreams, and I feel a huge sense of relief. 
“Where do you wanna start, y/n? The studios? The practice rooms? There’s a lot to see, and we have plenty of time.” Kazuha says with a kind smile. 
“Have you eaten, y/n? It’s been a pretty busy morning for you, so we can all grab some food real quick and then head on the tour?” Chaewon suggests. Everyone starts to agree, throwing out different cafes in the building when Eunchae interrupts.
“Oh my gosh! I completely forgot that I have a performance check-in tomorrow, and really need to practice and get some feedback.” She would almost be believable if it wasn’t for a little glint in her eye that only I seem to catch. 
“What are you talking about? Didn’t you have your check-in earlier in the -” Chaewon starts to mention, but Eunchae cuts her off again. 
“No! No, you must be thinking of the week before. I really should get a little feedback to make sure I’m ready, though, so maybe one of us can hang back with y/n to grab a snack, and we can all meet up in a few?” I don’t know if it’s a maknae thing, but this has “ulterior motive” written all over it. There’s no way she would just “forget” about a check-in with their choreographer, but she is adamant, and I want to know why. 
Sakura starts to say that she will hang behind with me, getting ready to turn my way when Eunchae stops her, “Oh no, that won’t do, I think I especially need some notes from you. Hey, here’s a totally random thought! Maybe since Yunjin unnie and y/n are both from the states, they can hang for a little! I personally think that is a great idea and there’s really not enough time to go back and forth about it so let’s go! See you two in a bit!” Everyone chuckles at her urgency, but no one seems to think this is out of the norm. Definitely a maknae thing. She’s up to something for sure, but I can’t help the rush of excitement that fills me at the thought of one-on-one time with Yunjin, so I brush it off.
Yunjin laughs in exasperation at their maknae’s antics, but as the four of them walk out, she turns to me and just shrugs her shoulders. “She’s usually pretty weird, but even I don’t understand that girl sometimes.” She grabs a sweater and her bag and notices that I’ve barely moved in the last 5 minutes. “Y/n, you can relax now. This is your new home! You can set down your things, I promise we don’t mind.” 
“I think I’m still a little starstruck, to be honest.” I admit, “I don’t wanna sound weird or anything, but I’m a huge fan of yours…” I trail off because I feel too exposed, but she doesn’t seem like the type to judge, so I continue. “There was a long time where I didn’t think I would ever leave my hometown, and I just felt so…trapped? I guess? And then I heard your guys’ music for the first time and I just, I don’t know, I just felt kinda free.” She looks genuinely interested in what I have to say, and I know I shouldn’t feel the pitter-patter of my heart so strongly because of that, but I don’t know if it’s up to me at this point. “Moving here was my way of hitting the restart button, ya know? Just starting from scratch and doing something I’m actually passionate about for once. Does that make sense?” I realize I just word vomited for no reason, and immediately feel embarrassed. I look down and chuckle, “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. You definitely didn’t ask to hear any of that.” 
She looks at me with warmth in her eyes. “Y/n, if anyone can understand that, it’s me. Please don’t feel embarrassed about sharing that kind of stuff with me. There was a long time where I didn’t know if it would be possible for me to pursue my dreams either, but music is what got me through. I don’t think it’s weird at all that you felt inspired by us - I’m actually really flattered.” Yeah, she definitely doesn’t realize the effect her kindness is having on me, but I don’t really want to cry in front of the woman I’m low-key crushing on, so I try to break up the atmosphere. 
“Thank you for not making me feel weird about…telling you my life story.” She chuckles, and some of the heaviness dissipates. “I’m really excited to get to work with you all, and I hope I can stick around for a while. Did you want to grab a snack before we catch up with the other girls?”
“Yeah, that sounds great” She makes sure I have my things, and we head to a little cafe on the first floor before making our way to the practice rooms.
“I figure it’ll be easier if we’re all in the same area of the building, plus you can get a feel for the space so you can plan out the best way to film the videos.” She explains. We ended up getting something small from the cafe, but I can barely focus on forming sentences right now, let alone choke down a whole meal! And even though I’m terribly nervous to be alone with Yunjin, something about this feels seamless. She’s so easy going, and she’s going out of her way to make sure I don’t feel too overwhelmed on my first day. Making sure we go to the least busy cafe, taking backways to avoid bumping into too many new people. She already feels like a friend I’ve known forever, but something deep inside me feels a twinge at the word “friend”, and I internally scold myself for that ridiculous feeling. This is just a little crush born from all the excitement of your first day. She’s beautiful and friendly (and perfect) and you’re overwhelmed by all the changes going on in your life right now. That is all this is. 
We finally make it to the practice rooms, and she opens the door to one of them to let me inside. It’s kinda crazy to see this in person. I’ve seen countless videos filmed from inside these rooms, and now, it’s basically my office! 
“So most of our dance practice videos are taken in this room, but sometimes we film in the bigger rooms for the like … dance challenges or if we’re doing a TikTok trend or something. I can show you that one later, but that might be where Eunchae and the girls are right now. For now, do you wanna set down your stuff, and we can try filming something right now? I don’t know if you need to like … adjust the lighting or find a certain spot in the room or something. I’m not a professional like you.” She chuckles and looks almost…bashful? I have to be making that up, so I rid my mind of the thought. 
“Yunjin, I think it’s safe to say that you’re the professional out of the two of us. You’re an idol, and I’m just barely starting my career! But you’re right, it would be good to get a feel for the room and what spots will be best to film in. Lemme just get my camera set up.”
I fiddle with my camera while she goes to the computer to put on some music, and “Choices” starts playing through the speakers, but instead of doing the official choreography, she does something completely unexpected. She’s flailing her arms, pretending to twerk, and leaping around the room, and I start laughing hysterically. 
“Come on, y/n, let’s see your moves. I know it might be hard to keep up since I’m an idol, but I gotta see what you can do” She calls out, still running around the room like someone who’s never even heard the word “choreography”. I stare in disbelief at this woman who’s a certified trained professional. A woman who probably took classes in poise, grace, and presentability. A woman who is making a fool of herself just so that I can let my guard down and enjoy this experience. 
I carefully set my camera down and hurry over to join her in the center of the room, both of us dancing like morons and just appreciating a moment between two newfound friends living their dreams. 
We are laughing and moving around so much that we don’t notice the 4 girls peeking in through the window on the door, wondering what on earth has gotten into us. Eunchae is the first to pop in, almost immediately joining in on the chaos. The other girls are soon to follow, and soon we are all having the time of our lives just messing around. 
And in the midst of utter nonsense, I realize then and there: I’m gonna be okay. 
Hi everyone! I'm sorry it's been over a week; I was having some health issues, so I couldn't get to my laptop for a bit! I hope you enjoy this next chapter :) Lemme know what you think of it so far!
Also! When the dialogue is italicized, it's happening in Korean. If it's not italicized, it's in English!
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enluv · 1 year
000: pinkerton freaks! – y/n’s close friends
scroll below the read more for details about the characters !
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Y/N: literally just a gal trying to get by in life with her great dane pup named pinkerton! she’s fresh out of college with her dream job lined up and waiting for her, but is in desperate need of a place to live closer to it because her current apartment with heeseung and sunoo is way to far away - read: a broke college graduate who will do ANYTHING to get a home near her new job.
NINGNING: one of y/n’s best friends, she considers herself to be a “cool aunt,” if you ever need anything she has it, that may have to do with her being a kindergarten teacher though, she also teaches karate on the weekends at her local dojo, probably the most responsible of the group and that says a lot because they’re all pretty silly! read: mom friend of the group but is just as insane as the rest of them yet somehow she’s the most sane…
HEESEUNG: y/n’s ride or die (his words not mine), biggest pot head you’ll ever meet but funny enough he’s the richest of the group because he owns his own bubble tea shop by accident, he’s the type of person who will literally do anything for his friends, most of his money is spent on the devils grass or pinkerton (his son as he likes to claim)! read: pothead who loves boba so much he accidentally bought the shop when he thought the owner was offering him free boba once but hey he’s rich now!
SUNOO: y/n’s baby, like she loves him so much he can do no wrong ever (lie), frequently starting fanwars on twitter, knows every single secret ever from all his friends, he’s currently in college practicing law which was a bet from heeseung when he first went into school but he later found that he really enjoyed it so it stuck, lives with heeseung and often steals from his boba shop! read: gretchen weiners irl his hair is full of secrets!
YUNJIN: puddings momma (that’s he cat pls respect her), she’s actually in line to inherit the record shop she currently works at because the owner adores her so much, in school for fashion and is a long time bass/guitar player, lives with ningning currently and trust me if y/n ever needed anything this girl would stop at nothing to get it to her! read: she’s freaking awesome gf?!
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TGOY TAGLIST! - @odxrilove @kjrcrz @captivq @chaerybae @xiaoderrrr @mrchweeee @aerivrs @yunjinsbbg @meiinumaki @enhastolemyheart @teddywonss @enhaz1 @i-yeseo @stilesks @soobsnow @haechan-nahceah @wonhoonsluv @ice-dandan20 @rshmra @nhularin @binchanluvrr @fakeuwus @sunghoonluva @enha-cafe @maybee-may @stariszn @alanniys @yannew @ilovewonyo @moonlighthoon @mykalon @flwrshee @byunrieu @stealanity @luvistqrzzz @manooffline @malarign @haechansbbg @lemons4u @sngvhs @spilled-coffee-cup @hoonvrs - bold can’t be tagged!
— taglist is open - please send an ask or dm to be added!
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ssivinee · 20 days
➢ 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙰𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚕 𝚁𝚎𝚐𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚜
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⚠︎ Directions ⇒ Main | Chapter 1 Elysium- Once the party girls of Langso University. The four met during a mutual friend's party. Yujin, Yena, Chaewon, and Wonyoung become close as they practically partied weekly with each other. Soon, the girls find out Yujin's love for music finding it interesting.
When the girls found out Yena's older brother had multiple instruments, the Choi household became their hangout spot. They fooled around with the guitars and drums until they became a real band.
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Ahn Yujin 03' Liner | Lead Vocalist A girl who realized her massive ego had come in the way of her many friendships. Every enemy she had made throughout her life was because of her own jealousy and insecurity as a child.
Your former best friend turned enemy. Yujin loves flirting with anyone and everyone, but when it comes to you, you always feel like she just wants to torture you with her 'charms.'
Things Yujin has said: "Stop trying to fool yourself. You're clearly falling for me." "I can do anything and do it perfectly." "Y/n? She's a hot girl who hates me. Is the feeling mutual, though?... I'm not too sure anymore."
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Choi Yena 99' Liner | Drummer As the party host of the group, Yena had been the girl who was known for holding the grandest of parties during their university days. She met the girls through her friend, Minju, who invited all of them to her 'first day of school party', and she hit it off with the three.
Yena's older brother was previously an independent artist who decided to not pursue the career, instead heading into an office job. After knowing the girls for some time, their hang-out spot would usually be Yena's garage, which held all her brother's old instruments.
Things Yena has said: "You guys wanna see me do a backflip into my bed?" "I have this new mix of drinks I wanna try. Come try it with me, please~?" "I literally came to class five minutes late because I almost ran over a squirrel... How is that my fault?"
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Kim Chaewon 00' Liner | Lead Guitarist Chaewon, the so-called 'responsible mother' of all three girls, had always been the partier who took care of all their friends. She would stop them from drinking too much on school nights, have one drink as she was usually their designated driver, and put them into bed if they were too out of it.
Funny enough, Chaewon and Winter had been friends during university due to their similar appearances but soon drifted apart. Chaewon met all the girls at the party only because she was holding Yena's hair up after a long night of drinking and took care of the three afterward.
Things Chaewon has said: "Pabo-ya, I told you not to drink so much. Now you're throwing up like your lungs are about to come out." "You guys know you're not paying me to be your driver... right?" "This is so embarrassing. Wony, please teach Yujin how to use the formula for her physics class."
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Jang Wonyoung 04' Liner | Lead Keyboard, Rhythm Guitar, Maknae The baby giant of the group, Wonyoung, was known for her studious ways. She held herself to a high standard in school all the time. An old friend of hers suggested to go to the first day of school party Yena held so she can come out of her shell, and she did.
Wonyoung had her first drinks, parties, and every fun experience you could think of with these girls. She was also the one who initially suggested forming a ban when they were fooling around in Yena's garage as a joke, but two weeks later, they turned it into a serious thing.
Things Wonyoung has said: "Guys, I have an exam tomorrow morning, I can't party too hard." 3 hours later: "The professor loves me. He'll let me take a makeup exam." "If two plus two is four, and five times five is twenty-five, then you and Y/n equal what kind of fuckary?"
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earlff · 8 months
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★ easy.
110224 – capa teste;
em caso de inspiração, me credite.
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perfectsunlight · 2 years
(𝟏𝟏) - 𝐛𝐚𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: 𝗇𝗈𝗇𝖾
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ ┊ ☪︎⋆ ⊹ ┊ . ˚ ✧
you and jimin met as trainees before she debuted, and you two never felt more in love. however, once she breaks up with you before her debut, you completely leave SM entertainment under the notion of needing a fresh start. you eventually debuted a few years later in le sserafim, where you met huh yunjin and have slowly started developing feelings for the idol. much to karina's dismay, she hates to see you have moved on, but deep in your own heart, you still can't help but feel as if maybe she has forgotten about you.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @captivq , @wonyoluvr , @yunalvrrr , @spritin , @babycubchae , @vnschldd , @sserafimez , @chaersly , @rosiehrs , @baldd , @bwljules , @jenaissantesworld , @jennasluma , @dream-chasers-things , @lcv3lies , @elyds , @archerheejin , @vnschldd , @skisk1 , @cfvgbhndun-new-blog , @silantryoo , @phamminji , @bzeus28 , @writingficsblog , @strangegirlcode , @uzumakioden , @noiacha
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siotport · 11 months
— e sobrou apenas os coelhos
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23.09.09 pedido pessoal
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