How about a collection on AO3? Not sure how many people post their works there but it could be a collection for all years and previous works added to it as well. :)
That's a great suggestion! I just need to figure out how to do it. :)
Eta: here is a link to the collection for anyone who wants to add. It’s moderated to make sure the correct works are added. I’m not sure if I did it right, so please let me know if you're having any trouble.
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flourchildwrites · 6 years
Ooooh, I saw Havolina on the tags :D :D :D 66 and 77.
A/N:  Thank you for the ask, @lessonsfrommadamexmas !  You requested numbers 66 (it’s not you, it’s my enemies) and 77 (in vino veritas) with a havolina ship.  I will admit, 66 was a tough concept for me.  I had to sleep on it, and I hope you’ll like what I came up with.  And since I’m a “show, don’t tell” kinda gal, I’ll just write a little bit out for you.  I may have gone a little overboard…  This earns a solid “M” rating.
Please keep in mind I know very little about Call of Duty and video game tournaments in general.  Forgive the inaccuracies and suspend your disbelief as this fic will focus on what happens around the tournament as opposed to the gameplay itself.
Read on AO3
“This is bullshit, and you know it!” Rebecca screeched.  With furrowed brows and nostrils flaring, she stared down Roy Mustang, captain of the front runner team in the Call of Duty tournament.  How dare he try to poach Riza, Rebecca’s actual friend, her teammate and the best damn sniper in the amateur bracket, right under Rebecca’s nose!  She wouldn’t have it, and that pretty boy had another thing coming to him if he thought she’d let Riza go on her merry way without a fight.
“This isn’t poaching.  It’s a couple after dinner drinks, Becks,” Roy said with amused exasperation.  “Riza’s not my mark.  She’s my girlfriend.”  As if to make some salient point - that Rebecca was completely uninterested in, the dark-haired man slipped an arm around Riza.  His fingers stretched, seeking purchase on her slender waist as he pulled the blonde closer, too close.  In the darkness of the hotel bar, Rebecca’s equally dark eyes flashed dangerously.
“She’s not your girlfriend during this competition,” Rebecca lectured.  To drive her point home, she brandished her pointer finger in Roy’s direction and thrust it toward the center of his chest.  “While both our teams are in the running, she is an important member of the East City Strikers, and this year we will see you in the finals.”
“Enough,” Riza interjected.  Ever the picture of poise under pressure, she wiggled out of Roy’s arms and grasped Rebecca’s bicep, leading her down the long granite bar.  When Riza began to speak again, her voice was just above a whisper.  
“You two got off on the wrong foot, I admit; however, Roy has been nothing but friendly toward you since we started dating,” Riza stressed, “Also - I say this with a lot of love - you are starting to sound like a deranged lunatic.  This is just a game.”  
“No, it’s a 500,000 cenz grand prize,” Rebecca retorted defensively, not caring to control the volume of her voice.  “You promised there would be no fraternization during the tournament.”
Riza rolled her eyes and sighed, heavily.  “The tournament starts tomorrow morning.  After the opening ceremony I will be 100% committed to the East City Strikers, but tonight-” Riza paused; she glanced over her shoulder in Roy’s direction, gazing at her insufferable boyfriend with a pair of soft eyes that she wore only for him.  “I’m going to have a few drinks with my boyfriend.  And before you ask, yes, I intend to spend the night with him.  And furthermore, because we are not in kindergarten, you are going to back off and act like an adult about it.  Okay?”
Becca crossed her arms with an agitated huff, barely able to meet Riza’s pointed look.  She hated Roy and all of Team Mustang.  She hated that, after the East City Strikers’ crushing defeat in the semifinals last year, Roy had gone to great lengths to talk to Riza, inexplicably seduce her and then, just to add insult to injury, ask her to be his girlfriend.  The very notion of this grievous injustice gnawed at Rebecca’s pride.  For as certain as the sun would rise, she believed it to be a long con to ensure Team Mustang’s supremacy at the tournament this year.
“Fine,” Rebecca muttered.
She watched Riza cross the glitzy hotel bar, hand in hand with the competition and did the only thing a well-adjusted hardcore competitor with a grudge to maintain could do.  She ordered another pinot noir and told the bartender to leave the bottle.
One by one, the other members of the East City Strikers attempted to lighten Becca’s mood, except for Olivier who suggested they turn in early for the evening to leave Rebecca alone with her anger management issues.  Sheska followed Olivier’s lead, hopping to the tune of her command like a pup adhering to its master’s will.  Maria stuck around the bar for a few more minutes to offer Rebecca a few well-worded pieces of advice.
“When Olivier tells you to lighten up, it’s time to rethink your strategy, my friend,” Maria opined, knocking back the rest of her cosmo.  “Ri is a smart girl.  She knows how to compartmentalize.”
Rebecca took another sip of the dark wine that matched her lipstick to a tee.  “I care too much, Maria,” she explain.  “Unless everyone’s plans change, this will be the East City Strikers’ last tournament.  I want to go out at the top of our game.”
“Then just play the best you can,” Maria stated matter-of-factly like it was a simple thing to do.  “If the best we can do is to get beat in the semifinals again by the team that goes on to win it, I’m satisfied.”
“I’m not.”
“That’s why you’re team captain, and I’m just your average first-person shooter enthusiast.  Ri brings the deadly accuracy, Sheska’s got that crazy agility, Olivier gets us the little real life luxuries that keep us sane, but you have the fire.  You inspire us to go up against the boys every year and spank ‘em until they beg for their mama. We’ve come a long way from East City, Becks.  We couldn’t have gotten here without you.”
With a flushed face, Rebecca grinned, comforted by her teammate’s thoughtful perspective.  “And what would you say you do for us?”
Maria sat back from the bar and smirked in a way that crinkled the beauty mark under her eye.  “I give the good advice, and my advice for you tonight is to take advantage of the fact that your roommate isn’t coming back.”
Rebecca struggled to take Maria’s words of wisdom to heart, but the emptier her bottle of wine became, the easier it was to let her guard drop.  Her taste buds drowned in the tart tang of cranberry with hints of tobacco.   Her competitive glare grew blurry around the edges as the pop music funneled in through the speakers went straight to her hips.  As the time ticked by, the hotel bar became flush with men of all models and makes, but like a hunter taking stock of the available prey, Rebecca waited patiently for signs of intelligent life.
As it turned out, she wasn’t the only one on the prowl.
“Hey, you’re Catalina, right?”
Rebecca swiveled on her barstool to better view the owner of the husky, baritone voice.  The sight that met her was definitely easy on her eyes.  The fair-haired stranger’s frame was muscular, especially his well-defined arms which extended from the unseasonable short sleeves of a black graphic tee.  Rebecca’s eyes flitted over his figure in a flirtatious manner as she swirled the wine in her glass and finally met his blue stare.
“Maybe” she shot right back at him.  “Who’s asking?”
The young man chuckled lightly under his breath and shuffled his feet.  “I’m really no good at this am I?” he said, scratching the back of his head in a way that flexed his chest muscles through the flimsy cotton.  “My name’s Jean.  I couldn’t help but notice that your friends left a little while ago, and seeing as mine ditched me too, I was wondering if you’d like some company.”
Rebecca’s head tilted to the side as she fought the urge to bite her bottom lip.  She patted the seat next to her casually, inviting Jean to sit.  “You’ve got me at a disadvantage, Jean,” she said, relishing the way his name rolled off her tongue.  “I’m Catalina, though I prefer Rebecca.  Have we met before?”
“No,” he replied, sliding onto the stool.  “Not formally, anyway.  I’ve seen you play a few times, and I’ve always meant to talk to you.  I remember your name Catalina_the_wine_mixer.  It’s unique, a Step Brothers reference, right?”
Rebecca groaned playfully, covering her forehead with her free hand.  “It is,” she admitted sheepishly.  “The name sounded so cool when I first started playing, and after my first tournament, it stuck.  I’d change it if I could, but you know… name recognition means something.”
“Tell me about it,” Jean sympathized.  “Between this year and last, I found my way to the gym and kicked a few bad habits.”  Jean scratched at the nicotine patch peeking out the sleeve of his shirt.  “Now, it’s like I’m a complete stranger.”
“So what’s your screen name?” she asked with genuine interest.
Rebecca laughed so hard snorted.  “Don’t take that the wrong way.  It’s cute and… a little familiar.”
“Oh, I agree.  It’s terrible, but I can’t change it now,” he stated.
“Why not?  Name recognition?”
“Because it made you smile.”
Rebecca Catalina was smitten.  Between the gregarious crinkle framing Jean’s baby blue eyes, his adorable country accent and their witty banter, she’d never stood a chance.  All things considered, Rebecca thought it was nothing short of kismet that their paths had crossed on this, the calm before the storm.  The one and only time she’d ever dared to let her hair down at the tournament.
“Maybe I’m too hard on my team,” Becca mused, allowing maudlin emotion to taint her giddy buzz.  “We haven’t made it official, but this is probably going to be The East City Strikers’ last year.  Riza, our sniper, is good enough to go pro if she wanted to, but the rest of us… We’ll have to give this up and focus on boring, practical careers when we graduate.  Except for Olivier, the scary one.  She’d be the first to tell you that her trust fund lets her do whatever the hell she wants.”
“Your sniper’s good,” Jean admitted, “but she’s got competition.  That sniper from Team Mustang, for example.  I think he’s pretty good.  You ever heard of that team?  I think they won the amateur bracket last year.”
“They did,” Rebecca confirmed.  “I know of Team Mustang.  I mean, I don’t know any other them personally, except their captain, Roy…  He’s dating Riza.  We lost to them in the semifinals last year, and one of those guys tried to congratulate me after, but I blew him off.”  Rebecca frowned at the memory. “I- I’m not a gracious loser.  I called him scrawny and said he reeked of cigarettes.  It was terrible of me.”
“Everyone has their bad days,” Jean said.  “And, come to think of it, you weren’t wrong on either account.  But let’s talk about something else.  You said you weren’t good enough to be a pro.  Why?  I’ve seen you rack up crazy amounts of points.  Low on deaths and high on kills every single time.”
“Thanks,” Rebecca offered.  Suddenly, she wished she could place his username and compliment Jean on his gameplay in return, but the gears in her mind wouldn’t turn properly, influence by red wine and those blue, blue eyes.  “My record’s good, but I’m not twitchy enough. You know?”
Jean smirked.  The expression that flashed across his face made her toes curl.  “Don’t be so sure,” he said low and slow, “with the right technique, I bet you’d be very twitchy.”
Any other day, Rebecca would have rolled her eyes and walked away.  But her empty hotel room beckoned and Maria’s advice ricocheted through her mind.  Becca told herself that she deserved nice things from time to time.  She needed to let loose, and Jean seemed nice, respectful even.  If he wasn’t she’d ask Olivier to kick his pretty boy ass all the way back to his family’s rural grocery store.
“Wanna show me your technique?” she chanced flirtatiously.  “It just so happens my roommate’s not coming back tonight.  I’d like to see your moves.”
“What a coincidence,” Jean responded.  He slid from the stool and stood.  His head ducked downward to capture Rebecca’s plump lips in a searing kiss.  “I’d like to show them to you.”
It was a great day to be alive.  The sun was shining.  The birds were singing, and Rebecca’s morning mountain dew tasted like victory.
“Someone’s in a good mood,” Riza observed, popping a piece of fresh fruit into her mouth.
Becca didn’t deny it.  TheJeanMachine had certainly lived up to his name.  And if her uncharacteristic good mood didn’t give away the fact that she had gotten laid the night before, the trail of hickeys on her neck and chest, artfully concealed by one of Olivier’s vintage Hermes scarves, would have cleared up any lingering confusion.
“Wonder why that is,” Maria quipped with a playful nudge.  Even the stoic Olivier grinned at Rebecca over the brim her morning cup of Earl Grey. Sheska giggled scandalously as she polished off her turkey bacon.
“Alright ladies,” Rebecca declared.  She straightened her custom team jersey, and stood, ready to tackle the day.  “I checked the brackets this morning.  Our first game is in the Shambala conference room against The Ishvalan Supremecy.  They’re good, especially that Scar guy, but we’ve got this!  Let’s get there early and get a feel for the room.”
“Can we stop by the Aruego room first?” Riza asked hopefully.  “Roy’s team is playing there in a few minutes, and I’d just like to wave hello.”
“Sure.  Why not,” Rebecca merely shrugged to the collective astonishment of the East City Strikers.  “We can scope out the competition.”
The quintet of gamers made their way through the crowded hotel lobby and took the elevator to the fourth floor.  There, on the Aruego stage, Riza spotted Team Mustang, decked out in dark blue shirts opposite another formidable team dressed in black from head to toe, the Briggs Bears. A small audience had already gathered.  Starry-eyed fans and fierce competitors sat in between the two teams, gazing up at a huge monitor that showcased the player’s screens and scores.
It was easy to get lost in the sea of old and new faces, but Rebecca focused in on Team Mustang with a confident smirk.  Roy and the rest of his boys were going down, and Rebecca only hoped that the East City Strikers would be the ones to finally knock them off their pedestal.  Sure, the Briggs Bears were also good, but Miles2Go’s reaction time was notoriously wanting, and that wasn’t even considering…
A familiar face caught Rebecca’s eyes, sending a shockwave along the length of her spine.  Rebecca craned her neck, shifting in the crowd to get a better view of an unfamiliar face amongst Team Mustang.  And when, finally, she saw the fair hair and toned muscles of the man she’d spent the night with wearing Team Mustang blue, Becca’s temper flared.  The name… That familiar name… TheJeanMachine.  The puzzle pieces sickeningly fell into place in a way that made her stomach drop.
“Oh, is that blond guy new?” asked a nearby girl with equally blonde hair.
Her companion, a short boy with a braided ponytail and a sophisticated automail arm scoffed.  “Shows how much you know, Winry,” he said.  “That’s Jean Havoc.  Team Mustang’s sniper.  He’s been with them from the start but went on a health kick after last year.  Stopped smoking like a chimney and put on some muscle.”
“I bet he drinks his milk,” Winry responded, albeit under her breath.
Rebecca didn’t want to hear another word.  She tore from the room, breath coming hard and fast as she weaved through the crowd.  Last year’s events flashed before her eyes enhanced by adrenaline, caffeine and the early morning light.  Jean had been the guy who tried to talk to her last year, and he’d most certainly known that last night when they’d…
“Ugghhhh!” Rebecca exclaimed, overcome with anger and ashamed of her impulsive behavior.  The young woman was so wrapped up in her internal conflict that she didn’t hear her teammate approach from behind.  Rebecca shrieked as she felt the pressure of Sheska’s hand on her shoulder.
“Good gracious, Becks,” Sheska said, straightening her glasses.  “I didn’t mean to scare you.  Are you alright?”
Rebecca looked back at her bespectacled teammate with a cold gleam in her dark eyes.  She vowed to get her revenge on Team Mustang at all costs.  “It’s not you,” she said intently, narrowed eyes darting to the screen now prominently displaying TheJeanMachine in his element.  “It’s my enemies.”
Like what you read?  Send me a FANFICTION TROPE MASH UP ask. 
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miralia · 4 years
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My submission for @fmasecretsanta2020 to @lessonsfrommadamexmas! Have the Tsundere Mechanic x Hot Topic Obsessor and the Alkahestry Kids™.
Merry Christmas!
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criis55 · 5 years
Character tag!
Thanks a lot to @icameheretowinry for tagging me😊!!
Rules: Name ten favourite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) then tag ten people. (I'm gonna list them in no particular order)
1. Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist
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2. Leo Valdez from The Heroes of Olympus
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3. Sango from Inuyasha
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4. Carole and Tuesday (there's no one without the other, right?)
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5. Makoto Kino (Sailor Jupiter) from Sailor Moon
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6. Misty (Kasumi) from Pokémon
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7. Toothless from How to train your dragon
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8. Caitlyn Snow from The Flash
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9. Jane Austen from Becoming Jane
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10. Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
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And I'm tagging: @aryllahiruelric @winryofresembool @roboticrainboots @automail-freak-and-alchemy-freak @randomlyopeneddictionary @kittykatz009 @drrockbell @stephysketchy @luffywhatelse and @lessonsfrommadamexmas !! Feel free to do it if you want😄!
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flamegodess · 6 years
21 Questions
Rules: answer these 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me @ruikosakuragi it was fun to learn so many things about you and I can't wait to share all this stuff with you guys:)
Here we go:
1. Height: 167 cm, 1.67m. Idk how to say that in inches or feet or whatever.
2. Zodiac: Gemini
3. Last movie I saw: The Book Thief
4. Favorite musician: I like bands more. Linkin Park, Imagine dragons, Fall out boy
5. Favorite Author: I... I don't have one I think. I never read books from the same author. Jojo Moes and J. K. Rowling I guess.
6. Favorite fanfiction: That's difficult... There is It's Not That Simple by @felixfeliciswriterblog , May I feel(all the royai fans know this one) and everything @edxwin-elric (I love Checkmate and Burning especially ) and @1st-time-caller (Under Pressure it's so intense=))) )write:))) Oh, let's not forget about Present us,past us by @juliatheanimelover7 . These fanfics are part of the Harry Potter, fmab and Inuyasha fandoms.
7. Favorite movie: Mamma Mia and the Taken trilogy. I grew up with these movies. Oh and Tangled and Frozen as animations.
8. Favorite anime: FMAB ofc, Inuyasha, Your lie in April, Violet Evergarden, Shaman King, RWBY
9. Play any instruments? : Nope.
10. Random fact: During the 8th grade I was staying up till 2 in the morning writing fanfiction and listening to music. The good old days...
11. Lucky number: 14
12. Do you get asks? : Rarely. But I love them
13. Favorite fandom? : FMAB and HP
14. Favorite song: Viva la Vida by coldplay for now. It's the second time this becomes my favourite song.
15. What are you wearing? : like, right now? Dark red socks, dark blue leggings and a grey blouse.
16. Hair color: Light brown
17. Eye color: from exterior to interior, light green, dark green, brown.
18. Favorite food: Rice totally. My mum cooks the best rice.
19. Hobbies: writing, drawing, listening to music, looking at people, watching movies.
20. Favorite weather: cloudy and rainy but after sick a grey winter I'm sick of cold weather. Bring the sun on.
21. Favorite superheros: Wonder Woman totally. And Spiderman.
Everybody is free to answer to these funny question post, however I will tag @juliatheanimelover7 @edxwin-elric @1st-time-caller @mimitheroyaishipper @caesurables @fwtcanimelover @lessonsfrommadamexmas @propermaniac @edwardslostalchemy @miles-from-home @iamthepandacorn @falloutjosie @mcornilliac
Also don't forget that you can read my royai vampire AU fanfic on my profile page. All you have to do is to look for the Let The Darkness Fall tag:)))
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royaigarbage · 6 years
thank you so much for 500 followers, i can’t believe that many people want to engage in my antics. i love you uwu
and a special thanks to @lessonsfrommadamexmas and @ruikosakuragi who have been following me forever and still put up with my account :,) you guys rock
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ruinsofxerxes · 6 years
tagged! :0
by @lessonsfrommadamexmas thank yoooOOOOUUU!! :DD
Rules: answer these 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
1.) Height: 5′2 or about......like 158cm
2.) Zodiac: Aries!!! (ง'̀-'́)ง 
aries season is comin up next month y’all better prepare ur gifts for me 
3.) Last movie I saw: oh jeez oh jeez i’m not much of a movie goer......um....in theaters I think it was A Star is Born with my mom....but just like, on tv, I watched Room most recently....also with my mom. 
4.) Favorite Musician: Sleeping at Last and Radical Face!! Do not!!! mAke me choose!!!
5.) Favorite Author: NEAL S H U S T E R M A N definitely!! He’s been my fav since like............................2009  we’re p chill, i did art for his website a few years ago, and he sent me a care package of some of his books so i have so many signed books and other memorabilia by him now lmfao
6.) Favorite Fanfiction: Stairway to Paradise, that shit still holds up even tho I started reading it in like 2013 hsakdljasldjasl
7.) Favorite Movie: oh gosh......Wreck-It Ralph, Mulan, How to Train Your Dragon, Brother Bear.................IDK!!!!
8.) Favorite Anime: do i even have to say it
9.) Play any instruments?: not really! I used to play the trumpet, guitar and piano but it’s been YEAAARRSSS since I’ve practiced
10.) Random fact: i graduated high school early because i started taking high school classes in middle school so i ran out of classes to take my senior year lmfaooooooo
11.) Lucky number: 24!!!!!
12.) Do you get asks?: yep!!!! i’m sorry if i don’t respond sometimes i forget and then they get buried under other asks bUT I APPRECIATE THEM ALL THANK U......
13.) Favorite fandom(s)?: I gotta say fullmetal lol I’ve been here for almost seven years so I can’t imagine feeling this comfortable and established in any other fandom
14.) Favorite song: *softly* dont’ do this to me............ok I’ll give a few of my allt-time favs: Jupiter by Sleeping at Last, Wrapped in Piano Strings and Severus and Stone by Radical Face, Get Up by Barcelona
15.) What are you wearing?: a nightgown! even tho it’s 1pm and i have class in like an hour. i dont give a hECK it has an elephant on it and it says “that’s irrelephant!” HA!
16.) Hair color: dark brown
17.) Eye color:  .......also dark brown
18.) Favorite food: ANY kind of dessert. I have the biggest sweet tooth you’ll ever see. But um, if we’re talking about like...actual food, I’m a sucker for fish and chips hhhhhhhhhh
19.) Hobbies: TOO MANY!! Art definitely!! I also love to read and write!!!! I enjoy cooking/baking too but don’t really consider it a hobby :o
20.) Favorite weather: Snow!!!! It’s actually snowing a lot right now and I’m hoping for class to be cancelled..........but no luck so far
21.) Favorite superhero(s): I actually don’t care for superheroes! I’ve never read the comics and haven’t really seen any of the movies. Idk!! Just never got into them so idk!!!!
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midwayhope · 6 years
Ty for the tag @lessonsfrommadamexmas :0
rules: bold what you prefer and tag people you want to get to know better
coffee or tea / early bird or night owl / chocolate or vanilla
silver or gold / pop or alternative  / freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks / ivory or scarlet / flute or lyre 
butterflies or honeybees / macarons or eclairs / rooftop or balcony
typewritten or handwritten letters / spicy or mild / london or paris 
secret garden or secret library / potions or spells  / ocean or desert
vincent van gogh or claude monet / denim or leather / mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party / sun or moon / herbs or flowers
pearls or diamonds / watermelons or peaches / tattoos or piercings
beauxbatons or durmstrang / candles or fairy lights / classic or modern art
paintings or sculptures / hot or iced / glitter or matte
scorpio or cancer / silk or lace / new york or los angeles
mountains or fields / thunderstorm or lightning / egyptian mythology or greek mythology
eyes or lips / witch or fairy / opera or ballet / spring or fall
@goawaycordyisnothere @blueboltkatana + anyone who wants to do it
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shirozoid · 5 years
I love your Avatar art!! Especially the ones with Kiyi, they're so rare to find and we need more of those siblings dynamics.
Hi! Thank you so much!
I completely agree, and Kiyi is the nicest part of the comics in my opinion Haha. Really hope they get to meet at some point again (but nicer this time)
And I plan on drawing them together a lot more now :)
Have a good day and thanks again 😊
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Thank you to @flourchildwrites , @lessonsfrommadamexmas , @1221bookworm , @riza-hawkeyes for participating in Mom's Made Fullmetal Week.
If you posted but it is not reblogged, please contact me here or at @waddiwasiwitch.
Still feeling inspired? I'll be following the hashtag #moms-made-fullmetal-2k18 for the next few weeks for any late entries.
If you haven't checked out the awesome fic yet, please do!
Happy holidays everyone!
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flourchildwrites · 6 years
I was tagged by @lessonsfrommadamexmas ! Thank you for thinking of me.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes, I’m named after my great grandmother though we spell it a little differently.  My parents thought they were having a boy, and when that did not go as planned they had to scramble for a name.  
2. When was the last time you cried?
I got a little misty-eyed at a funeral this weekend.  It wasn’t a particularly sad affair, but I wear my emotions on my sleeve. 
3. Do you have kids?
Yes, one son.  He’s one and a half, and you can bet your ass I gave him a gender-neutral (ish) name.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. Whats the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes, windows to the soul and all. 
6. Whats your eye colour?
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending.  If I wanted to be frightened, I’d consider the amount of laundry I’ve neglected.  That’s a lot faster and more effective than watching a movie.
8. Any special talents?
Writing perhaps.  Many of my joints also hyperextend.
9. Where were you born?
A very small town in the South that never felt like home. 
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, baking, drinking coffee, rearranging the furniture, neglecting the laundry and buying things at Target I didn't know I needed. 
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have a cat.  His name is Sebastian.  He hates me and every other person on planet Earth except my husband.  And yes, he was my cat first. 
12. What sports do you/have you played?
I dabbled in volleyball, but I sucked.  I danced for eight years, but I gave it up to focus on band.  I was pretty good at winterguard.  I excel at procrastination. 
13. How tall are you?
5′4″  I’m fun sized, and I own a large collection of high heels.
14. Favourite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
Most days, I’m living my dream.  I’m an overeducated SAHM who spends her child’s nap time writing fanfiction.  The only thing that could be better was if I wrote fiction for actual money.
Anyone else want to do this question thingy?  It’s excellent procrastination.  I tag @vino-and-doggos @ruikosakuragi @bearonthecouch and anyone else who wants to do this!  No pressure.
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winryofresembool · 6 years
lessonsfrommadamexmas replied to your photo “There can never be too many fluffy pics of them, can there? ”
beautiful! have you drawn any EdWin playing hockey/ ice skating?
Sort of, yes (however, they’re not doing it together in these pics)! Here are 2 pics of Winry in her figure skating outfit and here’s Ed playing hockey! Also, the wonderful and talented @colonelhotstuff drew this and equally wonderful and talented @winrystan drew this and I love them ♥ (If you want to see more of my ice skating au EdWin, I hope I’ll be able to draw them in their regular outfits today :) And I’m sure I’ll draw them more in the future bc this au is my baby!)
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areyousanta · 6 years
Tumblr media
@lessonsfrommadamexmas and a Nonny requested this and I’m still cackling 
edit: fixed the word I spelled wrong....
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criis55 · 6 years
11 Questions!
I was tagged by @icameheretowinry , thank you ;)
Answer the 11 questions you've been asked.
Nominate 11 other bloggers.
Ask your nominees 11 questions.
Let them know you've nominated them.
1. What countries have you traveled to?
Ha, like if I traveled! Okay, I went to Switzerland with school to see the particle accelerator and 2 years ago I also went one week to Berlin with my friends.
Well, may I add that 2 years ago I also went to Andorra for a day with my family and we also crossed the border with France, but nothing else...
2. If you found $100 on the ground, what would you do with it?
Buy a tablet so I can draw digital art... Maybe It's not enough (idk I haven't checked the prizes) but then I'd save it in order to buy one!
3. What was the last gift you received?
Mmmh... I'm afraid the last thing I received were my Reyes Magos gifts😅 in particular a certain FMA book which arrived here week late...
(But now that I think about it... I also received a postcard from my friend from Finland and I consider that a present too😊! So that's gonna be the most recent one!)
4. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Noooo I love al lot of kinds of foods!! And I think that if I was only able to eat one of them I'd end up hating it😖 that's why I don't wanna choose a fave food here... Ugh, I'd die from hunger, next question!
5. What is your favorite holiday?
Mmm... Maybe Christmas? I'm not a religious person but it gives you the chance to reunite yourself with the family and receive some presents too...🙄
6. What qualities you value the most in a friend?
Loyalty, kindness and honesty.
7. What's the best thing that happened to you this week?
Mmmh still on monday and it's not been my best tbh... But I have to admit that last week I enjoyed the updates of a certain fic🙄... (LCMTI)
8. What do you do when you're bored?
Check tumblr... Tbh I should open this app less frequently for my own good but sometimes life is too much and I just wanna disconnect (that's what I'm doing rn answering this)
9. What movies have you re-watched the most number of times?
Peter Pan and Peter Pan Return to Neverland were my absolute favorite thing when I was little, I watched them every night before going to bed! (Also now that I'm older, whenever I have the chance, I still search in the sky for the second start to the right, I'm not joking...)
10. Have you read anything good recently?
Ha, bold of you to asume that I've read something after finishing FMA... (but really I used to read a lot back then but since the 6th of june of 2018 I've not finished reading anything!!! What did this series to me???)
Anyways, before manga arived to my life one of my very fave fantasy books, which I'll never stop recommending, was Uprooted by Naomi Novik, seriously, that book is pure magic, I could feel the magic through the words!! Go read it.
11. What's your favorite song of all time?
I guess that depends on the moment in my life... Latey I've been listening to the Inuyasha OST a lot bc it's so relaxing and it helps me concentrate while doing homework/drawing.
My questions:
If you could have a super power, what would it be?
Are you a cat persn or a dog person? Why?
Which languages would you like to be fluent in?
Which was your first fandom ever?
Ultimate OTP of otps. Explain your choice.
Favorite book of all time?
Do you have a favorite OST? Which one?
Which one is your favorite Ice Cream flavor?
Explain with photos in your galery your current mood.
Do you regreet doing something in the past? What is it?
Which thing are you grateful for in your life?
My nominees are...
@randomlyopeneddictionary @aryllahiruelric @roboticrainboots @winryofresembool @automail-freak-and-alchemy-freak @relatablepicsofedwardelric @luffywhatelse @kittykatz009 @lessonsfrommadamexmas @dragonfire00002 and @edwardslostalchemy ! Do it if you want :)
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criis55 · 6 years
Bold tag!
Rules: bold the statements that are true and tag 15 people.
I was tagged by @icameheretowinry and @kittykatz009 to do this, thank you girls😊!
I’m over 5'5 / I wear glasses/contacts / I have blond hair / I wear sweatshirts a lot / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings (more than 2 earrings count?) / I have at least one tattoo / I have blue eyes / I have dyed or highlighted my hair / I have gotten plastic surgery / I have had or had braces / I sunburn easy (en verano soy una gamba xd) / I have freckles / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile / I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear a baseball hats backwards
✴hobbies and talents✴
I play a sport / I can play an instrument / I am artistic / I know more then one language / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe (sometimes) / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing / I can do origami / I prefer movies to tv shows / I can execute a perfect summersaut / I enjoy singing (but I'm not skilled lol) / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new book series this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work breaks / I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship / I have been single for over a year / I have a crush / I have a best friend I have known for ten years / my parents are together / I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / my crush has confessed to me / I have a long distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online😭
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sun rise / I enjoy rainy days / i have slept under the stars / I meditate outside / the sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like / I listen to music to fall asleep / I enjoy thunderstorms / I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire / I pay close attention to colors / I find mystery in the ocean / I enjoy hiking on nature paths / autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / I live by a certain quote / I am the mom friend / I like the smell of sharpies / I am involved in extracurricular activities / I enjoy Mexican food / I can drive a stick-shift (idk what this means😂) / I believe in true love / I make up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed / I am multi-racial / I am a red head / I own at least three dogs / I am lgbtg +
I'm a rulebreaker and 15 are too many people (I don't have as much friends here lol) so I'm tagging: @randomlyopeneddictionary @roboticrainboots @aryllahiruelric @automail-freak-and-alchemy-freak @winryofresembool @relatablepicsofedwardelric @luffywhatelse @drrockbell and @lessonsfrommadamexmas do if if you want and sorry if you've been already tagged😅
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royaigarbage · 6 years
another ask meme
thanks @lessonsfrommadamexmas for tagging me! you’re the best!
nickname: abi
zodiac: aries
height: 5’4 (1.63m)
last movie you saw: blazing saddles
favorite musician(s): lights, chase atlantic, blessthefall, taylor swift, plumb, etc.
song stuck in your head: madness by royse
other blogs: i don’t have any other blogs
do you get asks: not really
following: 227
followers: 458
amount of sleep: usually 5-6 hours
lucky number: 23
what i’m wearing: sweatpants and a t shirt
dream job: psychologist
dream trip: iceland and tokyo
favorite food: pho
languages: the only language i’m fluent in is english (and pig latin if that counts for anything) but i know a bit of spanish and latin
favorite song(s): open water by blessthefall is my all time favorite
random fact: i write my own original novels
describe yourself as aesthetic things: books, red, pillows
i’ll tag @ruikosakuragi and @edxwin-elric if y’all are up for it :)
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