#lestat de lioncout
cbrownjc · 2 years
does it satisfy y'all psychosexually to be condescending and hoping loumand fans get egg on their face. y'all are so miserable you spend so much time on fans you don't like instead of like idk enjoying and talking about what you like
imagine how much happier you'd be if you left loumand fans alone to their "delusions"
but you have to feel superior for knowing anne's racist, sexist, homophobic, pedophilic books by heart
Oh look, I got my first anon hate.
Listen carefully Anon. No one is being condescending to y'all about what we're saying here. Nor are we miserable about it. Quite the contrary, from a little I've seen, some are even looking forward to laughing at ya'll about all of this . . . hell, I'm sure some are already doing it.
Also, you have clearly never read much of my Tumblr if you think I've spent all my time these past few months talking only about Louis-Armand shippers, good lord.
But some of us, particularly me, have been in and around fandoms for a long long time now. And have seen variations of this very same thing happen long before now. And it'll more than likely happen again after this in some other fandom too.
So the fandom drama regarding what's coming is pretty easy to see coming in that regard.
Because I have seen what probably you and others have said in other Anon asks to others here on Tumblr about this. And it isn't inspiring any confidence that it'll be any different than it has been before.
Look, no one has been telling you not to ship Louis and Armand. I mean, maybe a few hardcore people who only focus on ships - and Louis-Lestat in general - may have, IDK. But the Tumblr blogs I've seen and follow largely have not.
And I'm not telling you not to ship Louis and Armand. Knock yourselves out, enjoy it! Many already have been shipped them long before the show was ever a thing.
What some of us are saying however, and what we are just trying to warn you is that it might behoove you, however, to ship the characters as they really are and not what you wish and imagine them to be.
Because it's not going to make you happy in the long run to do so. You're just going to be angry and pissed off, and take that out not only on the writers and quite possibly the actors, (who aren't ever going to deserve it), but on those in the fandom as well.
I mean seriously. I've already seen what some of ya'll have said about Sam Ried, including via other Anon asks to other people. And it doesn't make y'all look good, okay? Or give me any incentive to think I'm wrong about what might happen to another actor after S2.
If it doesn't happen, I'll be shocked, and happily surprised. But again, I've seen this scenario before. More times than I've cared to. And hell, you are already doing it now to me and S2 hasn't even aired yet.
And again, we're not being condescending. All of this from some of us is no more different than trying to warn someone about playing with a loaded gun with the safety off who has no experience at all with guns.
Many of us are really, really just trying to be informative and not mislead you into what is coming. We want you to be informed and ready for it.
And mitigate the fallout when it does.
Again ship Louis and Armand to your heart's content. Love their characters all you want. I love them. Many of us do.
It would just better serve you, in the long run, to do so as their characters actually are, and not as some mirage you feel personally attacked about whenever someone rightfully points out that the house of cards you've built up - particularly about Armand's character - is exactly that.
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we're SO back
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happy pride month vampire lovers
@theater-fan24601 thank you pookie for the recommendation 😁😁❤️❤️ i love this show
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personshapedsplder · 4 years
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⚰️ lestat de lioncourt ⚰️
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mariana-gd · 6 years
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“If I am an angel, paint me with black wings”
Small tribute to The vampire Armand by Anne Rice :D
Artwork by me while I was doodling in school lol
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ferluccia · 12 years
I Want More - Lestat The Musical (Claudia's Song)
Really, this describes Claudia perfectly <3
Funny how everything is Lestat's fault HAHAHAHA <3
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personshapedsplder · 4 years
lestat trying to get louis to drink his blood after having received double vampire powers that he hates from akasha:
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