hermavvan-blog · 2 years
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• CONGRATULATIONS • Your photo was chosen for us to repost ------------------------------------------ The best photo from IG @pandurahadian • • • • • • Jatiwangi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Bapak Leswen a.k.a abah iweng saat kecil bernama Samin. Jatisura . ------------------------------------------ Jangan lupa follow dan tag instagram @_humaninterest di foto yang kamu upload Gunakan hastag #_humaninterest Bila ada kritik atau saran silahkan tulis di kolom komentar atau DM ------------------------------------------ https://www.instagram.com/p/CipF-kvv8LI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Larkspur finishes her side quest after her, Elladan and Elrohir raid a dungeon and kill a cave troll. 
In the beginning of her side quest session, Elladan recites to her a poem titles “Oh Larkspur” which was actually a late birthday gift from the DM to her player IRL. 
I don’t remember most of Larkspurs encounter because I was in the othe room while it was being done, I do remember however that she is a day ahead of us, and they get the shard back, so Larkspur can now Naruto run back to us.
So the remaining Super Best Friends have made a bargain with the Barrelers but they have a few hours to kill. They decide to go to Rocks family inn to embarrass them meet their parents. 
Now, Rocks has told their family of their adventures so far, conveniently leaving out the parts where they almost died. They had also told their group of their family situation, but dwarves apparently aren’t good at listening.
Erindur comes in and see’s two human women, and looks at Rocks confused. Rocks explains again they are adopted. They also explain that their 10-year-old siblings, Wayford and Fearn, are big fans of the group except Leswen and Rocks, who they have decided are lame for being support roles.
Leswen and Frank both try to flirt with Rocks moms, Daralis and Harva, but Leswen is too shy and Frank just makes a bunch of dick jokes and offends them.
When the kids come in, Erindur is a bit overwhelmed by the ‘confusing’ family dynamic and walks out for a puff of pipeweed or something. Frank decides he is going to juggle these children, but accidentally grabs Belladonna as well.
Right before we leave, Leswen decides to buy some liquor for molotov cocktails. However, she is still really bad at bartering. She keeps asking how much she can buy for x amount instead of just asking how much a bottle is. She does eventually buy some leaving a generous tip as goodwill, but also flirting somewhat.
They head to the Harbor, but they get mugged along the way. However, Frank straight up pummels a guy so bad the rest of the ruffians run away. He doesn’t kill the guy, but threatens him and says he should stop being a criminal before dropping him in the water.
We continue out way.
Once we get to
the shipyard district there's a riot. We sneak around the riot and go into the warehouse. Belladonna scouts ahead by climbing into a window she jumped into and sees we are around a bunch of easily climb able floor-to-ceiling shelves. She calls us in. Frank and Erindur can get in, but Rocks needs assistance, they climb onto Franks shoulders and tells him "No one tells the elf wanderer about this" because Larkspur is always trying to pick them up but they hate being picked up/carried. 
 The DM turns to Larkspurs player and is like "While you are running to Mirkwood, your ears start to twitch. You feel as though someone is talking about you." We IRL talk about other superstitions, such as where you sneeze suddenly when someone is talking about you, or shiver when someone in the future is walking on your grave.
 Once we're inside we try to sneak past the brawl going on inside but the dwarf doesn't pass his stealth check and sneezes really loudly. The brawl of Munroes goons and barrellers look at us. Frank tries to push a whole industrial shelf on them, and Erindur helps. Once the shelf crunches the brawling group we continue our way to Monroes office. The bleeding hearts Leswen and Rocks aren’t happy about this since the barrellers are our allies, but the DM insists that even though the brawlers were hurt badly none of them died. 
In Monroes office, we all roll for perception and investigation; we find that most things are hobbit sized, but Belladonna notices that the bookshelf is not hobbit sized, it is human sized. (Rocks doesn’t notice bc I rolled poorly, we justify it that Rocks was raised by humans and is only used to things being human sized)
We find that there is a space worth five books, and five books on Monroe’s desk are a mix of red, green, and yellow books. So we figure they probably need to be put in a certain order to trigger the secret door that is definitely in the book shelf.
Rocks is standing at the height needed to see a riddle written in the shelf - I forget the exact room but it was something along the lines of “Two cardinals in an evergreen tree fly towards the sunset and viridian leaves.” So the order is red-red-green-yellow-green. Frank puts them in the a secret door opens into an even more secret subterranean dungeon.
Heres the highlights of the dungeon;
Belladonna finds a multitool that ‘makes her feel something similar to when Leswen found the blue robe/tome. This is hinting towards Belladonna being close to unlocking her secret class
Leswen, Belladonna, and Erindur go into a room with some barrels and a steel chest.  Erindur and Leswen try to see if the food in the barrels is poisoned (dwarves are immune to poison and Leswen is wearing a bracelet that makes her immune to poison), but the other barrel explodes. Belladonna escapes damage using uncanny dodge, but Leswen would have died if not for Erindur burning an inspiration to make an extra move to block most of the explosion from her, since he’s bulky enough to tank the damage, she would have died if he didn’t. Erindur unfortunately has some of his prized beard burnt off.
We find a room with thugs and the evil human guy who ran away from the outpost during session 4, the guy who threw Frank into jail and Monroe’s No.2. His name is Doorune by the way.
While 2 of the goons are killed outright, one runs away; Rocks and Leswen who are at the entrance of the door let him through, because he’s running away and they are pacifists. But Erindur, still cheesed at his beard being burned, kills the guy.
The group all piles on killing Doorune, but as he is dwindling to critically low health Frank does something unexpected and calls the battle to stop as Doorune falls to the ground.
Doorune, close to death, is trying to rip his helmet off, but it is padlocked on. He cannot talk because he doesn’t have a tongue.
Frank, Leswen and Belladonna all help Doorune - Frank tosses his weapon out of reach, Leswen pulls an arrow out of his helmets eye hole and heals him a bit, and Belladonna undoes the lock to get his helmet off. When it’s off we can see his head is deformed; dented in. 
Doorune smiles and dies. The DM tells us we fulfilled his wish of dying with his helmet removed.
Erindur picks up Doorunes weapon
Rocks: New toy for you, Dwarf Slayer?
Erindur: No... *positions Doorune to be sitting up with the weapon in his hands*
Rocks prays / does whatever the Middle Earth version of ‘final rights’ is over Doorunes body since they can’t bury him. The session closes.
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tinfoil-jones · 4 years
DnD: Adventures in Middle Earth
I’m going to start posting about a Dungeons and Dragons: Adventures in Middle Earth campaign. It is based in the Lord of the Rings universe a few years after the events of ‘The Hobbit’
We have an artist in the group who draws (usually) 1 page of our adventures during that session. So with her permission, I have scanned/edited the pages so far.
Playable Characters;
Gerold ‘Frank’: Human Warrior (later Knight). A murder-hobo beorning man. He’s not very big (this was his beta design) He’s from Beorn, where he was basically a babysitter with three children. He was later framed and sent to prison because of a hobbit villain from Lake Town.
Belladonna Noakes: Hobbit Treasure Hunter (later Burglar) Basically a scout/rogue woman from the Shire. The NPC, Grypho, is her best friend. Although a burglar, she also serves as an Assassin and has more kills under her belt from the shadows than the resident murderhobo.
(In-game Me) ‘Rocks’:  Hobbit Warden (later Herald) Non-binary and the resident ‘edgy white-haired’ character of the party, they were Driven from the Shire when they were young and don’t remember why, or their real name. They were adopted by a lesbian couple in Lake Town, then joined a traveling Circus where they happened upon the party in their second session.
(The artist in-game) Delphinium ‘Larkspur’: Elf Wanderer (Later Hunter of Shadows). A lighter-than-air flower child from Mirkwood and lover of nature, she has her heads in the clouds but excellent intentions, she serves as the guide. She also has a special interest in hobbits and how cute and small they are.
Leswen: Elf Scholar (Later Master Healer) A smart ass but kind scholar/healer, and also a tsundere. She studied in Laketown and the quest seems to revolve her growth into a secret class. She claims to not care about Larkspur, but her longing gaze says otherwise.
Nimrodel: Elf Warden (Later Bounder). She doesn’t join the party until the third session. An absolute tank with great bow when she works with Frank. She frequently disappears for secret missions (her player IRL works a lot)
Non-playable characters;
Grypho: Hobbit Scholar, he is not a combatant at all and a bit of a marshmellow. An absolute bookworm. He is best / childhood friends with Belladonna. A lot of the quest revolves around making sure he is safe, and sometimes we just leave
Arendir: A Dwarf Slayer (later forhammer) from the Lonely Mountain. He is very tall for a dwarf, looking like a small human man (5′3) not being much smaller than the human Frank. He is one of the most powerful members of the party. He is also one of those people who secretly loves drama but pretends that they don’t.
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Session 7
After taking out orcs and hobgoblins, the Super Best Friend continue their merry way, but after some ways they hear approaching hooves. Larkspur and Leswen use their super elven bullshit vision to see a band of Riders of Rohan approaching. They explain it to the party, and Rocks the only one who has profieciency in Traditions deduces that they need to speak to the spokesperson (Leswen) and another human (Frank) because they don’t know what Hobbits are and would clash with the dwarf and other elf.
So Arendir, Belladonna, Rocks, Grypho and Leswen hang out in the back as the party takes to the side of the road.
Sure enough the Rohanians stop by them and say that they have been sent by Leswens colleagues from the University in Laketown to bring them back. Leswen rolls perception and see’s that the Rohanians are hiding something, so she presses them for information and they confirm they were hiding something, but it was that the party has been followed by Orcs. Time is pressing.
They once again have to offset paying King Thranduil because now they have to go to Laketown. So they allow to Rohanians to escort them via horse. Not before this exchange though;
Rohan captian: *looks to the three Hobbits* Why are two of your children barefoot?
Frank: These are my charges and I let them do their own thing.
Each party member is with one Rider, with the Hobbits being held in front because of their small size and being mistaken for human children.
Eventually, they are attacked by Orcs riding on Direwolves, and combat begins. Arendir is terrified of horses, so he’s rendered unable to do anything (the *poke* thing is a boner joke we made IRL about that being the real reason he couldn’t fight)
Belladonna using some of her five million Treasure Hunter / Burglar bonuses, takes out most of the Orc riders in one shot, to the absolute shock of the Riders who now think Belladonna is just a demon child. Rocks is just singing their Songs of Slaying, to the *confusion* of their Rohanian.
Leswen spears an Orc to Death, and Frank the absolute mad lad jumps off of the horse and attacks and Orc Rider.
Combat ends, Leswen recollects her spear, the Rohanian who was Belladonna’s Rider is too freaked out to ever mention what she even did.
They continue their way to Laketown, and go to the University. Most of the party stands idle while Leswen talks. They talk about the shards they’ve found, but then one of the evil Hobbit Munroe’s lackeys appear, and he reveals that Munroe actually has another missing shard. They present evidence that Munroe was trying to instigate a race war, and the lackey runs away after Frank threatens him.  
Then we go onto a fellowship phase. (Basically a timeskip) Although we go a little bit past a timeskip in the second page, where Leswen (with her *season 2* design) is very bad at haggling. The original price was like 40 gold, we told her to lowball, and she lowballed a bit too much... 
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Session 6
Now that the bear has been killed the party loots his hoard, finding a shit ton of treasure and grisly bear meat. The problem is, they have to talk about how to split it, and also how to actually carry it. There’s so much loot, they actually have to talk about weight.
Belladonna obvious gets most of it, because most of the rest of the part isn’t that interested in treasure (Rocks is of a prosperous culture, and Larkspur only cares about nature) They end up burying several barrels worth of gold ore rocks, with Arendir having the discern which rocks have the most gold in them.
Rocks at some point pulls Arendir to the side. They go off on a long-winded story of how they used to do a lot of shrooms when they were young, and now they think this ‘rock’ they found is actually some kind of drug rock (they thought the power of the seeing stone giving them visions was hallucinogens) So they give it to Arendir because dwarves have knowledge of rocks and stones. He realizes the power of the stone and shows it to the party, not before berating rocks for keeping to to themselves. 
“In all fairness, do you really think Human Warrior can handle hallucinations? Have you met the guy?” -Rocks.
Leswen tries to use the seeing stone, but because of her player IRL poor rolls, she doesn’t see anything. Frank takes a jab at it, and by using a SICK RHYME (and his player IRL getting a good roll) not only is he able to use the seeing stone, he can use it to the extent he can actually see EXACTLY where the Munroe, evil hobbit in Laketown who put him in jail, is. He can also see he has another piece of the shard.
Much like the interrupted session from last time, they talk about the anti-poison bracelet, silver sword, and magic ring.
The bracelet is given to Leswen, the silver sword is given to Larkspur. The ring is given to Arendir by Frank. We IRL joke about how Arendir and Frank are now engaged.
The bit about Rocks showing the other hobbits a fidget spinner is a reflection of how I, their player IRL, use a spinner throughout the session for hours because my usual method stimming is crunching dice in my hand, which causes Leswens player to have over-stimulation. 
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Almost out of Mirkwood, they come across a shoddy camp of Goblins and Orcs. The party sans the pacifists like Leswen and Rocks decides to kill the party to get them out of the way.
Larkspur and Belladonna decide to sneak inside, they eventually get caught and a fight encounter is started. We have to work our way around poisonous briars and mushrooms in this fight.
Frank takes a rage potion that makes him super strong, but super out of control because neither his race nor class (knight) are adept at handling rage like Arendir. 
We joke around how Rocks singing ‘Songs of Slaying’ is basically heavy metal death growl singing.
Larkspur has seal/cat teeth. She looks cute until she yawns, and then just sharp teeth. 
Around this time, Leswen starts to show how much of a tsundere she is. The party name actually comes from Leswens player IRL calling her and Larkspur ‘super best friends.
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This will mostly have illustrations by me because Larkspurs player wasn’t involved because her side quest was a day ahead of us.
Now that Doorune is dead, we continue through the evil underground lair and explore a bit - we find a hatch that leads into the lake, some supply rooms with rotting foods, and a ladder that leads to a sewer grate of a street in Laketowns shipyard district. We keep this in mind for when we’ll have to leave later.
So after going through most of Monroe’s evil unground lair, we come to the secret room in the back that seems to be his evil underground office. He isn’t there, there's just a bunch of treasure and a mahogany desk. 
After the incident with the exploding the desk, Leswen, Erindur and Rocks stay in the hallway while Frank and Belladonna investigate the room.
While Belladonna looks around the treasure for Monroe’s shard, while Frank tries to figure out the desk. Turns our the desk is some kind of puzzle with mechanisms to unlock the drawers. He takes time to figure out; in the drawers there is nothing, except the top one has an unopened letter. 
He opens the letter, and inside there is only a calligraphed phrase;
W A S T E D 
“Knowledge is power.”
Suddenly, we hear clicks from the hallway walls and a bunch of explosions - it turns out the desk was a trigger to set off the self-destruct of the underground dungeon. Water begins rushing in through the collapsing walls.
It was a trap. Monroe knew the party was coming.
The party @#$%-ing books it. When we get to the hallway with the escape ladder, the water is at waist level. Frank grabs Belladonna and Erindur grabs Rocks because they are hobbits and too short for this water (also, Rock’s can’t swim. This will become a running gag) Frank swims no problem, but Leswen is swept under the water so he swims back for her and takes her to the ladder after dropping off Belladonna. He attempts to do the same with Erindur.
“NO ONE PICKS UP A DWARF.” Erindur shouts - his mouths foams a bit as he activates his slayer rage ability so he can angrily just march through the water instead of swim, he’s tall enough that the water is juuust at his sternum. Rocks, who is clinging to his back, just hopes that he doesn’t just carelessly throw them onto the ladder. (Spoiler: He totally does.)
When the party gets through the sewer gate, they realize the explosions weren’t limited to the underground lair. It was going throughout the entire shipyard district.
Also, there’s the sound of warhorn. Frank recognizes it because he has proficiency in shadow lore - it’s an Orc warhorn.
The mood of the party entirely is panicky - there’s explosions, people screaming, fire, and orcs. However, something about this situations resonates deeply within Rocks in particular, to them, something about this is hauntingly familiar.
They feel themself getting pulled within themself, but they shake it off for now, refusing to give into this haunting deja vu for now. They ground themself to reality by making an angry statement to the party instead.
Rocks: Monroe didn’t have to be like other hobbits, he didn’t have to be like humans; he didn’t ever have to be anyone but himself! But he shouldn’t be like Smaug! 
(Rocks and Leswen were both around during Smaugs temper tantrum destruction of Laketown, so both of them remember it quite clearly)
There’s a huge explosion and the party whips their heads and realize with horror when they see a large rising column of smoke that it had come from the college! All of Leswen’s colleagues, including Grypho, and the shards we’ve been collecting, were all there.
Rocks panics for a minute, freaking out that their family and their inn might have been targeted by Monroe also since who knows who they are, but Erindur assures them that he doesn’t see any smoke coming from that district. 
The party run in the direction of the college, but some docks collapse and form a rift in front of them so to continue they have to find a way past this large gap. No one has the skill to just jump it because it’s that wide, so we have to climb to the bottom and swim across, and climb back up.
Problem: Rocks, despite being from Laketown, can’t @#$%ing swim. Once again, they have be carried; Frank does it this time. 
So the party climbs down the dock, swims across, and climbs up the other docks. Erindur has trouble doing this because of the heavy armour he’s wearing, but manages to make it. Once they are all up there, Leswen watches as other inhabiotants of Laketown who’ve been caught in the crossfire struggle to repeat that the party had just done and she is conflicted.
As a healer, it is her nature to help people in need, it is instinctual for her to stay and help these people; but she manages to rationalize that she will ultimately save more people by continuing with the party, because most people from Laketown don’t have a problem swimming. 
(IRL the entire table looks at me with a look that just screamed “Except for you. Your character is the only Laketownian who can’t swim.”)
So they continue sprinting, and although they make it mostly out of the Shipyard district into the residential District, the party is split by a bunch of rubble falling, separating Leswen and Belladonna. 
Belladonna attemptsd to climb the mountain of rubble, but get’s stuck at the top. She fails a strength check and mentally curses herself for never doing pull ups so she’s stuck in the ‘hanging in there’ position holding a disjointed pole. The frustraton gives her a temporary shadow point.
Leswen has good rolls and manages to climb up the mountain of rubble and plucks the angry hobbit from her hanging spot and safely brings them both down to the other side where Frank, Rocks and Erindur are waiting for them.
They party makes it out of the district, but right before they get to the college they come across a group of civilians being waylaid by orcs and hobgoblins. The party rolls initiative.
The same haunting familiarity rolls over Rocks again - and this time, they give in. They collapse, and hallucinate themselves falling.
As they are falling down a void, they hear a song around them, and above them they can see a giant eye. It constantly shifts colour, but is focused on them. The song is ancient and cacophonous, but the one thing Rocks can focus on about the song is a single phrase;
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“The First Theme.”
Rocks has been shown the first of three parts of the First Song that created Middle Earth. Because of how much a pacifist coward merciful hero Rocks has been, the Valar have deemed them worthy of their secret class - Herald of the Valar. This makes Rocks the first of the party to unlock their secret class, and the only one so far to do so without any prior hints.
However, once the song ends, Rocks is thrown into a flashback
And it becomes clear why the Orc attack on Laketown was so familiar
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They see a village burning down - their original home in the shire, it was being raided by Orcs. Bravely, a Ranger had been felled trying to protect the village. 
A young Rocks was being told by their family to run away to safety - and they do so. They a bunch of other hobbit children escape into the Old Forest - but they are all picked off until only Rocks remains.
They flash foreword to when they had stumbled into the Barrow-Downs - a haunted area outside of The Shire. There, they come face-to-face with  a Barrow-Wight. 
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(I do not own this image)
It had been this encounter specifically that terrified them so badly, that when combined with the trauma they just went through, they lost colour of their hair and eyes, and also their memories prior. (Marie Antoinette Syndrome)
Their memories are hazy from here, and the next thing they remember is somehow ending up in Bree, where they are found and adopted by Daralis and Harva, who who traveled to Bree for trading.
Although Rocks in unable to remember their birth name, or the names and faces of their family and friends, one thing does stick; they are a Stoor-Hobbit.
They go into another vision; but this time they are naked and looking at their reflection. Except their reflection is their true self; brown-haired and blue-eyed.
Rocks and their reflection reach out to each other, and then touch hands.
In real time only like six seconds passes and a wave of radiant energy pulses from Rocks into the immediate area. Although unconscious, Rocks’ white hair suddenly turns brown and slightly curlier, with only a few white streaks left. 
Leswen rushes over and pulls Rocks into her lap, putting a wet cloth on their forehead. She does a medicine check and finds that Rocks seems to have been suffering from a fever for a while, and they were pulsing energy she identifies as coming from the Valar. 
The fever and the Valar energy disapates and Rocks wakes up - now, their right eye is blue instead of grey.
“I j u s t s a w g o d.” Is what Rocks basically manages to stagger out, being very enthralled and disoriented.
“Sure you did buddy.” Leswen comforts, believing them to be delusional “Your hair changed.”
“I just learned a new song...“ Rocks says, standing up and picking up their shortsword that they dropped - and they begin singing The First Theme.
The First Theme works similar to the Mass Heal spell - it charges for two rounds, and them begins healing allies. It also exudes radiant energy.
The rest of the party don’t really pay attention to their Warden because they are still fighting Orcs and Hob Goblins, however, now that there’s another healer this means Leswen can now fight as well. She takes out a few hob goblins that try to attack her and Rocks, because they really don’t like this song.
The rest of combat is uneventful, but the party is successful.
The sessions ends here, but not before the party stares wide-eyed at Rocks, who doesn’t know that their appearance just drastically changed.
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The obligatory shipping page courtesy of myself and @bluemewqt​
Leswen x Larkspur because they’re both elves and the players are dating IRL.
Belladonna x Frank because they’re both bloodthirsty vicious killers. And their players are also dating IRL. 
Rocks x Larkspur because their players are the ones drawing the shipping pages. 
Bonus page; the real reason why Gypho is so useless during encounters
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I can;t draw the same character the same twice in a row. Sue me.
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Session 3
We have our first true dungeon crawl. Belladonna is the scout so shes the one who inactivates all of the traps so we don’t die.
Larkspur calls Arendir ‘Hurdurdur’ because his name was initially hard to remember.
Frank is, as mentioned several times before, a murderhobo. While his IRL player tries to say he isn’t a stereotypical fighter/warrior, the only thing atypical about him is being shorter than his variety of human. 
We find a crypt with a female orc skeleton (you can tell its female because there is a bow on its head) wearing blue robes. We also find a secret library where Grypho goes HAM and obsesses over the books, which he does for like 2 more sessions. 
Franks irl player asks if he can just take an entire bookshelf with his massive strength, while technically possible it’s not advised so he just fills his backpack instead. 
The blue robe on the corpse is taken by Leswen, who feels a connection to it and mysterious tome in the library.
They investigate and sneak attack some goblins.
NOT SEEN - they go into a tomb where they find a body holding a piece of something, they take the piece from the body and experience hallucinations and feelings of danger so intense they *&^%ing BOOK IT. With Frank picking up all of the Hobbits at once to the displeasure of Rocks.
Once they finally get outside, they are ambushed by an Orc hoard. Arendir, Nimrodel and Frank, who are the heaviest hitters, keep the orc hoard from advancing so the others can escape. 
Rocks is the last to escape, but the DM hints that another hoard might be coming from behind so quickly they take the lantern from Grypho who left right before them, emptied their bag of the wood they gathered last session, and threw the lantern on it setting a fire block in the cave so the other hoard can’t come through (goblins are afraid of fire)
Once everyone is out of the cave, Arendir, Nimrodel and Frank follow, they get far enough away that they have enough of a head start for Arendir who has a skill in carpentry to build a very rough raft and float down the river.
After two days of silently floating down the river, they end of at the Old Ford, which is owned by the Beornings. The session ends as we are saved by Franks people.
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Session 2
After we almost die at the hands of orcs after a DM asspulls us out of a TPK, we take our time a little more with things. We start covering our tracks more as we continue out of Mirkwood.
We had Nimrodel the elf join us around this time along with the dwarf Arendir. Nimrodel is also an Elf, and while technically elves don’t really need to sleep, you can see the three elves ‘meditating’ instead. 
To tell the difference between the elves when not coloured - Larkspur has the hair things (which is sprigs of delphinium/larkspur) and bangs. Leswen has braids framing her face and kind of looks like Princess Zelda. Nimrodel has her hair pulled back and no bangs. 
Here the player who plays Frank start expressing that Frank isn’t actually a beefcake - he’s only 5′8 and ‘doesn’t look like a stereotypical Beorning’. The artist starts drawing Frank to look like his player more.
Larkspur’s player IRL had a bad roll and accidentally broke the string of her elven bow.
NOT SEEN - We were ambushed by thieves with a cart, and Frank killed most of them by throwing an entire wooden cart at them after rolling a NAT 20 for strength. They dumped the bodies into the nearby river, along with most of the cart. Rocks collected as much wood from the cart as they could fit in their bag.
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Some stuff from our Fellowship phase
Frank spends this time learning a cultural virtue where he lives in the woods like a bear. Thing is though, he has three adopted children to attend to. When the DM is narrating what Frank has been up to, he talks about how he learns how to catch fish with his bare hands and mouth like a bear.
Here we have Rocks taking their adopted human siblings Wayford and Fearn out for a walk around Laketown (they look so weird without a cape/cloak on but meh)
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In regular DnD at level 5 you’re a renowned hero with a following. The thing is though, Rocks siblings think they’re lame because they’re 
A) A warden, so basically a bard 
B) They’re in a support tole, not directly fighting a lot 
C) Only 2′6. An average human 10-year-old is 4′5 (the scale for this sketch is not proper, Rocks should only come up to their bellybuttons)
The twins area more enthralled by Rocks party members sans the Healer. Being kids, they are more excited about combatants.
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Finally, here we have Leswen and Rocks hanging out at a tavern. They were both in Laketown for fellowship since they live there.
 Elves seemingly don’t get drunk off of non-elven alcohol, so Leswen isn’t affected. Rocks, the second smallest being Leswen has ever met, doesn’t fare very well against her. 
Dauntless is a Herald ability in Adventures of Middle Earth where the character can regain use of their Wardens Gift Die after a short rest rather than a long rest. 
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Franks only real difference is that he wears a bear mantle/cape now, because during his Fellowship phase he did a culture virtue that allowed him to live like a bear for a couple of months.
Arendir now has an undercut (inevitable)
Leswen cut her hair short and wears her Order of the Blue Cloak
Rocks finally decided to wear a cloak like a regular cloak instead of like a cape like a twat.Interestingly, their current cloak gives them an appearance reminiscent of their Shire-self.
Belladonna mostly hasn’t changed. But she’s one of the richest people in Middle Earth now
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So I am quarantined (again), so I have to miss the next DnD session probably (we will try videochat tho) so the DM considered running me as a NPC.
I had the crazy idea that maybe Monroe being an evil genius, who does in fact know who all of us are (didn’t bother going after Leswen or Rocks during fellowship for some reason, DM probably just didn’t think about it), probably put up a trap for Belladonna specifically since she’s our key to getting through dungeons (Burglar class is basically rogue in Middle Earth). A trap made specifically for Hobbits. Belladonna gets past it, but Rocks, who is basically just a human in Hobbit form, does fall for the trap.
Again, this doesn’t really happen, it’s just an idea I had in my head. 
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Session 8 “We make a lot of Naruto references”
So after a Fellowship phase where we all biggered our brains and also muscles, we all return to the University of Laketown where we discuss helping Erindur taking back an untakable mountain, but in the months we’ve been gone The Evil Hobbit of Laketown Munroe has gone into hiding because the evidence has now put him wanted in the eyes of the law after years of weaseling his way out of legal trouble. The people of Laketown are in an uproar asking for his arrest for now it’s up to the party to find him, especially since he still has one of the shards.
(Also, during the Fellowship phase we forgot to pay King Thranduil after using the path on Mirkwood. Larkspur doesn’t get in trouble but her king does the whole “I’m not mad I’m just disappointed” and she glares at Belladonna who is now one of the richest people in Middle Earth)
The scholars tell us that the local gang, the Barrelers might be willing to help us if we can convince them.
Frank talks about how he is going to kill Munroe and all of the twisted murderhobo methods, but Rocks steps up and says they should spare him and allow the legal system to deal with him. The gear-turning noises bit is Franks players face IRL being like “Is this hobbit being #$%#ing serious right now”. 
Rocks goes into a monologue about how years ago a former adventurer of Laketown had once gone to the nearby forest after reports of a baby goblin messing with small game traps, and when they cornered it she pulled her bow back, but she stopped and assessed the situation to see it wasn’t a baby goblin at all, it was just a feral child. Then Rocks mumbles something, but claims that sometimes the answer isn’t violence, it’s mercy. 
Belladonna is constantly saying “So was it you?” but they don’t answer. Although this hilarious exchange does follow;
Male Elf Scholar: That is very profound story, for a child.
Rocks: ...Sir, I’m 30.
Male Elf Scholar: But you’re-
Rocks: I’m a Halfling
Male Elf Scholar: But you’re wearing shoes
I IRL look over at the DM and he says until my character stops wearing shoes they will continue to be mistaken as a human child. (Challenge accepted)
Leswen is reminded to use the ‘Drug Rock’ (code name for the Seeing Stone) to maybe find him, but her player rolls bad again so she basically OD’s and attracts the attention of everyone. The Scholars berate us for keeping the stone a secret, because the item lets the Dark Lord Sauron see us. However, Frank takes it and does a rhyme to find Munroe, and his player IRL gets like a NAT 20 so he see’s exactly where Munroe is; he has an subterranean secret base under the harbor district.
The Seeing Stone is put into a case and covered, Belladonna asks for it back but the elves say that it belongs to the elves and also it’s evil. She threatens to steal it and the party tells her to calm down.
Also we all forgot Grypho was there the whole time.
Two legendary elves, Elladan and Elrohir burst into the University and state that the shard they had was stolen and they need help. They take Larkspur since she knows her way around Mirkwood. And now she has her own side quest going on. All three of them Naruto run to Mirkwood.
Rocks tries to ask any of the scholars if they are going to help them get Munroe since they are now minus an elf, but because I IRL used the term ‘college nerd’ which was counted as saying in-game so the Male Elf Scholar feels insulted.
Male Elf Scholar: Oh? You’re calling me a nerd?! Didn’t I see you holding a sign outside of an inn a few weeks ago? *leaves the room in a huff* (Rocks had to learn Trader Savvy during the Fellowship phase so they worked in their families inn as customer service basically.)
So the main party starts towards the Barrelers territory. They pass Rocks families inn, but one of their moms, Daralis, see’s them and Rocks tries to rush them past but Daralis greets them anyways. They say their in a hurry, and continue after Rocks, being a terrible liar, is shushed by Erindur after they almost let is slip they are looking for shards.
So they talk to the Barrellers but they will only take two people to see their leaders. Rocks, the only one with proficiency in traditions and can roll for advantage with charisma, decided to take Frank because he is human.
They are taken to a warehouse with basically a maze, Frank tries to mark their way with this chalk he brought. But one of the barreler grunts sees him doing this.
Grunt: *takes the chalk from Frank* You can have this back when you leave!
(We make a bunch of school teacher jokes at this)
We see the Big Boss of the Barrellers and he’s this huge dude, like 6′5 and throwing full barrels with his bare hands and also no shirt. He and Frank are seemingly very similar.
Rocks is like ‘Hey I’m a Halfling Herald and this is a Human Warrior, we’re after Munroe, you in?’ and the Big Boss is in. The problem is he wants to talk about how he feels like his gang is doing all the work so he wants a 70-30 split instead of 50-50 with the Barellers taking the lions share. 
Rocks gets a nat 20 from advantage, and since they can double the proficiency bonus of persuasion they end up with a 30, so they get the Big Boss to agree to 50-50, so his gang will cause a riot/distraction while we sneak in and get Munroe
Frank gives the guy a map leading to Munroes base, and also makes a monologue about how indiscriminate and destructive fire is. However, this triggers the big boss because Smaugs attack was a mere seven years ago. 
Rocks and Frank leave, but Frank hangs back a little because he’s planning something, no one knows what though.
In her sidequest they make it to Mirkwood and Naruto run through the trees but they find a group being attacked by orcs. They save the group, but Elladan falls through the leaves onto his ass and Larkspur calls up “Are you okay?” Normally a three-story fall would grievously disfigure a man if it didn’t outright kill him but because of  elven bullshit magic he’s totally fine, just stunned.
A bunch of bats show up and attack the trio so they have to kill all of them (the bats are Saurons remote control drones eyes and ears) One of the bats turns into an attractive woman / vampire.
They defeat the bats, Larkspur gets a shit ton of experiance and their session ends. Of of the BAMF elves decides to write her a poem.
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So after the dungeon crawl where we managed to escape by floating down a river for a couple days now we’re in Beorn the Town, staying in Franks house to recover. Frank is allowed to stay because he’s a Beorning, but the others only have like 3 days.
Nimrodel the Bounder disappears on a super secret scout mission during this time. Her player IRL had an interview that day. 
Leswen studies the tome she found super hard because she feels like it is part of her destiny. Behind the scenes, she is advancing to her new secret class. 
We seek audience with Beorn the Guy. Beforehand Rocks used their Warden ability Ever Watchful to gather information from the town. They learn that two Beornings were killed at the Old Ford under mysterious circumstances with arrows that looked like the Wood Men used it. Rocks, who has the highest score in traditions, seeks audience with Beorn the Guy with Frank because you can only see Beorn with a Beorning representative. He isn;t very trusting of Rocks initially, not because they are a hobbit, but because they’re of Laketown, and Beornings hate Men of the Lake. 
He gives them the quest anyways. 
They can’t take Grypho with them because he’ll get in the way, but he’s obsessing hard over these books and they have to snap him out of it. Rocks, who has high charisma, tries to tell him that he can only stay with the Beornings if he’s useful because of their ‘everyone does their part’ mentality, but then he wig snatches takes Rocks’ ENTIRE SPINE and says something along the lines of “Oh, YOU, the one who scoffs at our people and walks around acting like they’re a human, are asking ME for something?” Giving Rocks an identity crisis. However, they manage to convince Grypho to stay and teach Franks three children to read. 
The night before they leave, Rocks has a heart to heart or at least tries to along the lines of “You guys know I’m don’t think I’m human right? I know I’m a hobbit.” And Belladonna rebukes them saying basically “REAL hobbits don’t wear shoes” because her payer IRL doesn’t know about the Stoor Hobbits. Rocks BFF Frank tries to say that their race shouldn’t matter because they are who they are regardless, but it isn’t too comforting for the struggling Warden. Arendir is just not so discreetly enjoying the drama with a wine glass in hand.  
So on their way to the goblin lands they meet Radagast the Brown. Who gives them a temporary boost in survival.
They manage to mostly go undetected in the Goblin lands, but Rocks who is still insecure, decides to go out of their way to ‘prove’ they’re a hobbit by foolishly foraging for mushrooms. They end up getting almost ambushed by Goblins, but run back and throw themselves at Frank like a scared cat, and a fight in initiated. 
They go off and find a human outpost where the guy who put Frank in jail is. Frank spends the entire time glaring at him. Frank, Leswen, and Rocks go to the outpost and pretend to be there for support. Rocks had dyed their white hair black with ash so they don’t look very exotic.
Leswen also considers making herself look like a ruffian to blend in better, but decides against it after Rocks offers to pierce her ears like they did their own (Rocks’ ears are triple-pierced by dogs teeth) 
Arendir and Larkspur are hiding out in the tallgrass outside some ways away.
Belladonna sneaks inside and hides in their food store where she eats a bunch of their food undetected. Rocks uses Ever Watchful to also find out information, they can safely do so because of their short stature and the fact that they wear shoes and coloured their hair, is assumed to be a human child. 
Leswen heals a bunch of dudes to get information, where they basically tell her they were Men of the Lake who were working with Orcs and Goblins to frame the Woodmen for killing Beornings to incite war. 
A fight happens. Arendir and Larkspur are ambushed, so are the party at the lookout, but only Frank is considered a combatant, because Leswen is a healer who just healed a couple of them and they also think Rocks is just a child. 
Belladonna, who’s been hidden this whole time starts lighting shit on fire, everyone notices the fire so Rocks lights their arrow on the campfire for this turn so they can start a fire on the other side of the wooden lookout to make it burn down faster. They get an attack of opportunity on this guy who wants to hit Frank, so Rocks shoots them instead, and the surprise attack with the added fire damage is enough to kill them via massive damage, losing them their noncombatant status 
Someone else gets an attack of opportunity on Rocks, so Belladonna using her sneak attack gets enough bonuses to merc the guy who tried to shoot them. Now Rocks is considered a demon child where anyone who approaches them is killed instantly.
Larkspur shows up and shouts “Arendir is in trouble!” Before passing out; Leswen heals her and runs to aid Arendir. Arendir is doing a solid 1v12 right now, and almost depleted of health even though he killed or mortally wounded a few of them, Leswen manages to heal him back to full health. But then one of the bandits stabs her through the stomach to death. She manages to pass her constitution rolls and passes out instead of dying. 
Larkspur runs back and drags Leswen away, somehow managing to save her from death using her innate elven bullshit magic to heal her a tiny bit. The near death experience gives her a shadow point.
The watchtower burns downs, and the rest of the party helps Arendir kill the rest of the bandits. 
Combat ends and so does the session. 
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