#let he who reads fanfiction without sin throw the first stone
nomercifulpercival · 2 years
taking my tags from a different post and posting them because i do be having A Lot To Say
the thing about current discussions about censorship on ao3, and antis willfully or uncritically claiming that people who dont want censorship are just ‘pedophiles’, is that they are missing the whole goddamn point.
whatever you personally choose to read, if we allow censorship to take hold on ao3 eventually your preferred fic will be eroded. 
to demonstrate i present,
Things Antis Have Claimed Are Problematic and Should Be Banned:
the omegaverse - either for fetishising trans people or introducing hetero dynamics into queer relationships
chidhood friends to lovers - for sexualising children's friendships or shipping 'sibling coded' characters
age gaps between adults - from age gaps of like 40 years to age gaps of like six years (looks hard at anti-sheiths)
furries/anthro - because ‘bestiality’
enemies to lovers - for 'romanticising abuse'
any exploration of unhealthy dynamics done in a way that isnt simply 'one person is the victim and escapes their abuser'. 
mutually unhealthy relationships. power dynamics such as teacher/student or boss/employee that would be unhealthy or immoral irl. 
vent fiction that explicitly describes the writer's trauma - they claim people should just go to therapy instead of processing their trauma through fiction and sharing it online. (The Reality of This: i go to therapy - my therapist encourages vent fiction - i post vent fiction - i get told to die - rinse and repeat)
noncon fics that are written as erotica - i really need to impress upon antis that some people have noncon kinks! it’s not even that rare, according to one study, 62% of women admitted to fantasizing about being forced to have sex. IRL they probably explore this via consensual non consent or simply by fantasizing, and in fiction you can read about eroticised non con, get your jollies and it hurts no one in real life. 
The thing about banning ANY of these things is that everyone will have different opinions of what is 'moral' or 'ok to write about'. Everyone will have different boundaries and triggers and squicks. AO3 allows you to ACTIVELY AVOID things that squick you 
(and before anyone says ‘I’ve seen these things untagged’ - the AO3 rules require works to either be tagged with the relevant warning (Underage/NonCon/Graphic Violence) or ‘Author chose not to use archive warnings’. you can report improperly tagged works; they are literally against AO3s rules)
so truly the best option to keep works you like protected on AO3 is to accept that people will be writing weird shit on the internet, but you actively do not have to see it. Because otherwise they WILL ban YOUR weird shit.
*points aggressively at FFNet*
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Headcanons + Making this to replace my old headcanons post.
Disclaimer: JUST GOING TO SAY NOT EVERYTHING I GIVE THEM IS SOMETHING I AGREE WITH! like Some characters will have a headcanon that’s more because I can ACTUALLY SEE Them enjoying an activity but even if they do I DON’T their are things that these characters would do that I DON’T think anyone else should do EVER!
Has a safe space in his room where he can be himself. It’s a place where He gets to let his guard down. that is his earth room
Has a tendency to be more attracted to those with a darker tone then him. then again its not really hard to have a darker complexion then him. (Regardless of race someone could have a tan or something, or just be a bit darker than him.) He himself hasn’t noticed this and probably never will.
Mirage sleeps in his room
If Rhys somehow got really sad and mopey he’d locate that ice cream truck and angrily threaten the ice cream man to give him all of the ice cream or DIE. Or he’d just want the entire truck, & if no one stopped him then he’d throw it through Ava’s window into her apartment.  
Sometimes late at night when everyone’s sleeping & Asch can’t, he summons Rhys to his room and forces him to read him a bedtime story. Rhys used to do this when Asch was younger as well. He really likes Rhys’s voice. 
If he was a human he’d probably be some NEET gamer who spends all his time roleplaying on World of Warcraft or something and he’d always rage about bad plot points or game mechanics in Anime & Video games.
The most likely to dirty talk
He sneezes like a kitten and when he does fire comes out. 
Would be god awful at pole dancing
 He doesn’t know what to do when it comes to love and isn’t used to physical affection.   Its.....very pleasant whenever he gets it...but it also feels too comfortable for him. He’s scared of comfort, despite loving it.  
Later on once he embraces affection he becomes absolutely addicted to it and is by far the most passionate of them. Though that angry scowl never leaves unfortunately . His passion rages on like a burning flame, like....an intense RUSH of desire. It can be overwhelming at times. 
In fact he DEMANDS the affection. 
In battle he’s more brutish than the others by far. A giant barrage of flames being sent EVERYWHERE . 
One time he read a fanfiction & thought it was 100% Canon. & when anyone said otherwise He screamed angrily and shot fire balls at them; Even when they weren’t physically there. Of course since they weren’t there he just  ended up burning the phone Ava got for him, but you know, whatever.
Loves curry 
Really likes chocolate and caramel for whatever reason, but he can’t stand other sweets. he also likes strawberries 
He enjoys the video game Indivisible, & some war military tactic games. He also likes rage games for some reason too even though he hates them, its complicated but he can’t stop playing, he gets too into it and too angry. He also enjoys racing games & MARIO PARTY, Especially when he wins.   
His favorite animal is the bull  
Dhaur is his husbando 
His sin is wrath  
 Used to hate Steven Universe at first then grew....to like it. then love it. It seemed so dumb to him at first but as he watched it he came to understand it more. 
Asch trusts Rhys more than the other daemos. He’s known him the longest and believes in his judgement he doesn’t think Rhys would EVER lie to him or deceive him.  Because of this Rhys is the only person Asch is ever fully open with. He wouldn’t leave anyone else he was this open with back on daemos. He is quite FOOLISH to believe this however. :) after all Rhys is working with Lady Grandma. 
He once dared Leif to eat a cactus after getting particularly angry in a game of truth or dare 
 Him and Rhal never get along ever. They always yell it eachother, and get into arguments.
Rhal has far more Knights than Asch 
As for Lady Bish. Asch is completely indifferent towards her.  
He doesn’t know why but he keeps on sniffing Ava’s bra for reasons obvious to the rest of us. Regardless he destroys them just the same
Smell/sweat Kink bitches 
 Probably into S&M.  
 He sometimes rehearses villainous Dialogues with himself in the mirror when no one’s around. 
He also does this with Rhys on occasion...if he’s feeling particularly BRAVE that day
Holds up a lot of pent up emotions and hides it pretty well. He prefers to let them out as anger instead..but when he gets drunk it all just POURS out of him. He just sobs and cries and hugs and kisses and laughs. just...everything. ALL OF THE EMOTIONS BESIDES ANGER he expresses openly. He doesn’t become a completely different person he just becomes far more open. He compliments a lot as well.
He got drunk once and decided from that day NEVER AGAIN! 
 Though when he first got drunk he really liked it. Despite the flavor. and downed like 3. 
 That was a #Mistake 
His favorite Crystal gem is Garnet, or Sapphire? Its hard for him to choose between them. 
 The thiccest of the daemos on earth. By that I mean he has the biggest butt 
 What I mean by that is he does a lot of squats, & Glute exercises. He also has a magic that makes all the fat he gains go to his butt but that’s not important. Its not always in affect only for emergencies.   
Would be VERY interested in science if he knew what it was
He would eat pizza with a fork
Gluttonous in any task he enjoys. When he eats he eats ALOT, sex would last a long time with him Though not many people know this about him because he takes his time. 
The  common one is Research, reading, observing, & ESPECIALLY LEARNING.
 He also adores validation give him it.. Wears a long trench coat to hide his big butt from the world well not hide but-. 
 specifically daemos since some uncultured daemos tend to be quite handsy.
 It doesn’t always work but whatever trench coats are cool. 
 has frequent discussions with Asch in his room. He’s the only one Asch is completely honest with. Asch trusts Rhys with EVERYTHING. 
If he was a human he would be a college student studying to be a scientist of some kind. 
He would also work volunteer jobs at the retirement homes. 
If he was a human he’d probably meet Asch by working as his grandmothers nanny. I don’t think Asch would live by himself.
has a tad bit more fat on him than the others. but his muscle can distract from that. Plus his fat isn’t even noticeable outside of his ass His lover would nickname him sunrise, because his smile can chase the night away, cause his face is what brightens their day, because he is the beginning of something new bright and beautiful. 
loves Rubix Cubes If he romanced Ava it wouldn’t be because he likes her it would be because he wants to use her. mostly for her nonexistent power ((magical and political)) 
Loves sweets more than the rest of them
I think I had enough for him last time. 
His mother and Asch’s were close.  
Spends waaayyyy too much time trying to over analyse tv shows he watches 
Is a big fan of Pheonix wright, Fran Bow, Gravity falls, Danganronpa, Dr. Stone, Dr. Who, Fnaf, & pretty much any other game or TV show that either gives you a lot to think about after the episodes/playthrough, is chock full of thousands of possibilities and theories, or requires a lot of thought and problem solving to play. He also likes strategy games like Fire Emblem, & Final Fantasy Tactics. OH! And Pokemon but not for the normal gameplay for the competitive scene. 
Due to having the element of water he is  usually cool calm and collected. but he also is able to flow with a situation if needed. He’s passive  
 Often reads to Asch because Asch has a harder time reading. Him and Asch went to school together when they were younger and thus have a closer bond than the others.  ((Lady grandma forced Asch to go)) 
Once asked Ava if she had any more of those porn magazines. Was pleased to find that Ava had an entire closets worth. Though not all of it was the fighting techniques he was looking for. 
He  has no fucking idea how a vagina works in the slightest. or what vagina’s even look like? Despite his extensive knowledge sex is one of the places where he knows the least. Because he has no idea what lesbian sex is he is completely oblivious to the fact that he’s been staring at 2 girls fucking it on in those magazines he’s found underneath Ava’s bed. 
 He once had to help Leif out with the creation of the Furby organ. It was incredibly difficult for him but also very insightful 
 The Furbies terrify him though.  That STARE its..just...ugh 
 The best at pole dancing. 
Is far more elegant on the battle field than the others. His attacks are more precise and careful than theirs are. 
He’s also the best at dancing...well fancy dancing. like ballet,  and slowdancing. 
Sleeps in Ava’s fridge sometimes. 
Starting teaching Noi how to read a bit more after they went to the mall. The shops are cataloged after all
 Is cold resistant to a point. I mean ice magic CAN still hurt him but like...less. I’d liken it to a Pokemon. 
His favorite crystal gem is garnet. If your talking singular gems then I’d say Ruby. But...like Garnets amazing why would you want to choose just ONE of them as your favorite when..
 Likes classical music, R & B, Soft...indie songs, Soft pop, Trap music & Bossa Nova 
If Ava did marry him she’d probably get locked into a loveless marriage for power that doesn’t exist 
If he found out about Ava’s lies he might have a fucking meltdown. :D like everything he was working towards EVERYTHING would have been for nothing. 
That is until the prospect of watching how the human world continues to function without magic...he’d realize they have TECHNOLOGY and how...amazing it is. 
The more he likes you the more he’ll want to stab you. Just how it is
The more he’s attracted to someone the more he’ll want to stab their guts out. he’s weird like that.
Big sadist I mean we already know this but like in all the ways? ya know?Like he literally gets an orgasmic feeling in his veins when he slices someone open kind of sadistic.  
If he was a human he would probably be a doctor or surgeon who only has his job because it allows him to legally cut people open.
would’ve probably been one of those school bullies who only bullies someone because he’s in love with them if he was a human
You could literally get him to do anything by being like “ I bet you couldn’t do that. “ or saying “ ____ go get the ____ for me” He makes everything into a competition.
Broke EVERYTHING when he was a child. 
Tried to eat a cactus, because Asch dared him to.  
Asch didn’t think he’d actually do it. 
 His sin is PRIDE of course, which is why he feels like he has to prove everything and lives to have his ego STROKED.
Later he tried to shove a cactus up his ass because a stranger on the internet said that only cowards don’t use cacti as dildo’s 
He had to go to the doctor many times. 
He really liked the large amount of sharp objects in the hospital room 
He may or may not be banned from that hospital
The nurse had to file a restraining order it was a sad day.  But they got the pricks out!! and that’s all that matters! PLUS Leif got a new thumb to add to his collection!
He really likes it because its a special decorated one. With PAINT on the tips. its weird and shiny. The nurse probably won’t need it anyways. 
He has a rotting placenta in his bedroom no one knows where he got it!(AND NOBODY ASKS) but it still has the umbilical cord attached no baby though :(   
He isn’t allowed outside anymore for obvious reasons
He found out what Furbies where and fell in love with them instantly . He stole 20 
He made a Furby organ. why? Because its infinitely stupider and more terrifying than a regular one. He forced Rhys to help cause Rhys is smart. It still took like 90 tries and costed Ava alot of money, and Furbies.
He keeps it in his room and he plays it constantly. Mostly to annoy Asch, Ava, and everyone else around him. He also loves the fact that its called an organ. 
He was dared to eat a jar of nails and he fucking did it. 
He obviously had to use healing magic on himself 
He’s really hot for Noi. Like...a bit too much no one notices though.
 A bit hotter for Ava than Noi though, That’s why he keeps wanting to penetrate her with his knife. The more he threatens to do this the more he likes you. 
His element is Life, or earth. Mostly life which is why he’s so vigorous and excited. 
This is also the reason why he’s so obsessed with killing things. when you live your ALWAYS killing, every move you make you end thousands of lives just like that!  Daemos of the life element seem to want to enjoy life to the fullest and never look back. EVER 
As such he’s also good at cultivating life, weather it be a plant or an animal. Everyones always surprised by this
Back on Daemos before his snap he’d actually be alot kinder to Noi, ((IN the first 4 episodes whenever Noi got hurt he was the only one to ever show any concern. I find that interesting in contrast to how he threw that out in some of the later ones. )) He’d often be the one that consoles noi or talks things out with him. 
Leif is more aggressive, energetic and far more cruel in more docile environments. He becomes much more empathetic, & Calm in hostile ones. ((Like that time where he actually got on Rhys’s case for being too hard on Asch, or the times when he was like “Hey are we actually going to let Noi die” and offering to heal Noi when he was writhing in pain when they came to earth.  ))  
He’s actually more perceptive then he seems, he cares about those around him NORMALLY its just going this long without killing anything is maddening for him. HE NEEDS TO KILL. to let it all out, once he does he’ll act as he normally does.  
He was the only one even remotely kind to Noi back on daemos, that changed when they got to earth. (besides Pierce. ) 
 Though due to his normal lack of empathy in a world where he’s human he’d probably be one of those people who just don’t care about how what they say affects those around them. Doing and saying whatever he wants regardless of how others may interpret that. 
He LOVES Skullgirls. He really likes the character designs and the fact that double always has organs or something hanging out. 
 He also loves all horror movies and video games where he gets to cause mayhem; Like Saints Row, or Grand Theft Auto!  
 He’d be the only one of the daemos that is fully accepting of the weird side of the internet. You know the WEIRD side. He’d be into all of the bizar kinky fetishes you’d find on Furraffinity you just know it.  
 He doesn’t actually like Ava he more-so see’s her as a trophy? I mean well he DOES but he’s mostly in the whole fight for her thing to win a prize. And she’s the prize.   ((Well at least before the newest episode)) 
The most Physically affectionate of the daemos even more so than Noi
Big buff bara man. LIKE BY FAR THE BUFFEST 
Would probably run an animal shelter or something if he could
Would be running an animal shelter or something if he was human
Likes….fluffy. waayyy too much 
He’s by far the most empathetic of the daemos. Yes even Noi then again Noi isn’t very empathetic. 
 Very tired 24/7 needs coffee to sustain himself. 
 Often by himself in the quiet. sometimes while alone with his thoughts they spiral out of control, Regret, Doubt, Despair, Uncertainty, Fear, Insecurity.  All at once. Does he cry not at all. He suffers as he stands Silent. ultimately its impossible to tell when he’s having one of these moments as he doesn’t show it on his face.    
 Big PP 
He is very loyal but his loyalty isn’t...friendship. He doesn’t really like Asch very much, but he does trust his judgement and follow his orders. He’s a knight after all, besides he appears to have some connection to one of Asches family members ((The daemos in that Flashback had a crown on their horn)
He likes standing because when he stands theirs no threat of getting too comfortable, no chance of falling asleep and drifting away, no chance of drifting into sleep and deciding to never wake up again, no chance of getting lost in the comforts of the object beneath him. 
He is the one that cares for Ava the most  
 Doesn’t really care about the cultural norms on daemos. he flows free like the wind and accepts any new and sudden changes. 
Heavyish sleeper, gets grumpy when woken up.  Like if your trying to kill him his instincts will kick in and he will wake up but otherwise he’ll just stay asleep. LIKE THROUGH EVERYTHING 
Though while he is the most empathetic of the Daemos he’s also prone to intense levels of apathy, where he just shuts down silent lost in his thoughts unable to be disturbed. these are only momentary  
His element is air. Because of this he’s mostly just free and flowing.  
 Sometimes gives Ava Piggy Back rides to make her feel tall 
 Potentially one of the only one of the Daemos that genuinely care about Ava. 
But also potentially only see’s Ava as a cute pet to love on rather than a person in and of herself. But ultimately he does also care about her feelings, and her opinion on things.
 I prefer to think the latter rather than the former. 
one time he accidentally befriended a large swarm of bee’s and they followed him to Ava’s house. 
 Gives Ava piggy back rides 
Out of the Daemos he’s the one who Ava is closest to. The others have yet to even notice this. 
 One time the boys found porn on the phone and just gathered around the phone looking at it confused all bug eyed. Pierce saw the filth on the screen and made the executive decision to yeet it out the window. 
Ava had to buy a new phone 
 Has a rough yet gentle touch. he takes care and caution when dealing with life. 
because of the above him and Leif have an impossibly hard time cooperating when its just them. 
The best with animals. 
 When not caught up in apathy he is the exact opposite. He becomes far too 
He would enjoy fortnight if he played it
Would thrive off of old memes 
If he was human he would be that one friend you wouldn’t want to hang out with because he fortnight dances, dabs, uses outdated memes, rick rolls people, and everything unironically.
 The least muscular & Thicc by far. he doesn’t have any meat on his bones, unlike the other 4. Flat boney ass. 
He’d probably be some sort of social media icon or a street performer if he was human. He thrives off of validation. Though because he’s a clumsy fuck street preforming wouldn’t be the best gig for him.
Likes music the most
Would probably be the first of the Daemos to watch and enjoy Steven Universe. ((Though I’d bet the others would come around. They always come around))
 He Rick Rolled Rhys one time. 
 His sin is Envy, he often feels insecure about himself, and he looks up to everyone else seeing how “Cool” or great they are. ALWAYS saying “GOOD JOB ____” whenever they do something cool, he’s always excited but with that excitement comes the thoughts...Why can’t I do things like that? I wish I COULD BE STRONG LIKE PIERCE, I wish I COULD BE SMART LIKE RHYS, I wish I could be PAMPERED LIKE ASCH, I wish I COULD BE HANDSOME LIKE LEIF. That’s why he’s so focused on being better than everyone else. I wanna try! Let me see it! LET ME TRY FOR ONCE. that comes from not only desire but ENVY. he just channels this envy in a much healthier way than most would. *Cough* Leif *Cough* 
 He has EXTREME insecurity problems and longs more than anything to be better than the others. 
After he found out what breakdancing was he dedicated SO MUCH of his time trying to learn how to do it. 
He may or may not be obsessed with that 
 He also really likes Ava. But he’s moreso in love with the idea of her? He doesn’t really listen to much of what she says due to the fact that he’s so scatterbrained and spacey. He just likes when she talks. He mostly fell in love with Ava because she was the first person to present themselves towards him as an option. back on Daemos he was relatively low class. Thus he was viewed as unmarriageable, worthless, dumb, WEAK, & Poor, So trying to enter a relationship with ANYONE was out of the question. The boy thought he would die without finding love.
 He thought Ava was actually GENUINELY interested in romancing him and because of that it excited him. NO ONE HAD EVER actually wanted to romance him. Back at home NO ONE liked him, no one was ever kind to him. Well Leif sometimes was pierce would show some kind of a...paternal affection rarely. But Leif also treated him cruelly and insulted him like the others.
Due to how loving and compassionate he is he was kicked  out of his household. 
 Despite this Noi isn’t exactly empathetic. He doesn’t pay attention to the emotions of others he’s far too caught up in himself.  
In the first 2 days on Earth He & Leif would shit talk Asch behind his back. Mostly talking about how they didn’t really like this plan and just vent their frustrations out at eachother 
Starting on episode 5 him and Leif just kinda. He became too scared of Leif to even approach him as much and thus he kinda grew apart from him. thus causing him to latch more onto Ava. AVA likes him, unlike them. HE HAS PROOF after all. 
 He’s also far too stuck up in the idea of a powerful princess loving him a lowly peasant a low ranking knight someone who.....who wouldn’t be worth anything to her.
If they were to find out about ALL of Ava’s lies he’d take it the 2nd hardest. Asch would be the first, Rhys the 3rd. Leif the 4th, & Pierce the 5th. 
 Mostly because the only reason why she chose him, the only reason why they went on a date wasn’t because she was interested in him but because she didn’t want her cover blown. He thought she actually loved him not to say she doesn’t care for him but-...he thought she WANTED him you know? 
She wouldn’t be a powerful princess, she wouldn’t be a cool sorceress, she wouldn’t be this big thing that he wanted so much she’d just be herself and then Noi’s fantasy would crumble. 
Its the dream the fantasy that someone so powerful so strong would set aside their time and pay attention to him take him out in hopes of COURTING him that he fell in love with. Not ava herself. 
That being said he does like Ava and even prefer spending time with her to half of the main cast.   
Has to take Prescription drugs
Ate cat food once when she was five
Probably into pet play
Really likes collars
One time she went to some bitch in her high schools  Quinceañera to release a box of 4000 angry bees upon it and run
 Spends alot of her time watching Anime when not with the Daemos
 Her favorite Crystal Gem is Amethyst because god damn
 No where NEAR as thick as Aphmau is. She’s alot more twiggy. 
Would totally do the WEED if her dads weren’t hovering around her 24/7 
 Has a lot of Girl on girl porn in her room. Specif under her bed and in her closet.
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I love Hazbin Hotel and an idea bothers me all day, also i will use an oc that belongs to me,this is not romance, so don't even think about it even for a second, i love platonic bonds/family vibes etc! Alastor can't love but i love to think that he would protect you if he cares enough about you! ERROR 404: not found, i know that is not possible but i don't care and also 100% true fact: when i saw him in the pilot for the first time i was -> I see no evil there even when we get a little backstory i was -> Are you sure about that, are you sure he is evil? Because i can't look at him and see the evil part! Still i see no evil ! Enjoy! *evil laugh*
Update 1: In my defense, i want to say that it's practically screaming at me this idea to write it, it's like: do it coward, write me just do it! I'm so weak and guilty can't talk my way out of it, can I?
Update 2: Before i go into the story (fanfic) i want to say a little bit more: 1. this is not conon, it's a fanfiction don't take it too serious! 2.Some of the information comes from the Wikipedia and that being said i will use censor and i won't go into details for some characters! My advice is to use your imagination if you read it!
For this FanFiction we will have:
Mother figure: Charlie
Aunt figure: Veggie
Cousin figure: Angel Dust
Uncle figure:Husk
Little sister figure: Niffty
And of course big brother figure: Alastor also knew by her as a protector angel type...You would say wait what? He is no angel! If you will read this fanfiction you will understand why i say that, but again this is not connon, is a harmless little fanfiction nothing more and nothing less!
So, if someome already has a problem then i suggest not to read this!
3. Warning: This may contains anxiety, some gore, blood, delicate subjects and all the feels i am feeling at the moment when i write the parts so...if you think that is a little bit too much or shady/grey/waste of time it is because of how i feel! *sigh*
Update 3: In very excited to write this fanfiction and all smiling, i have so much fun, hope i can end this right and thank you for reading it, it's a harmless little FANfiction don't take it too extreme!
Disclaimer: I DON'T own Hazbin Hotel or any characters that belongs to Hazbin Hotel! They belong to vivziepop!
The Red "angel" is watching over you!
Cap 1. The first meeting
(About nearly 12-13 years in the past from the present)
It was just an old house...old as the long cracks in the walls in which the grass grows, a stone alley, who knows what secrets holds...
It was a late warm summer, when they first met, a 13 years old was waiting for her father to come home after 9 months of being away, her attention was caugh by a butterfly that was on the ground. It didn't fly away as she was approaching to him, it was too caught searching for something, it was still a hot day after all!
A tall figure dress all in red was passing by at that moment, he had a large smile on his face, another deal made, another poor victim in his hands, oh the fresh sweet blood. You see, it was not his fault that some greedy poor old bastard contact him, give the poor sucker what he want and then take what it's rightful yours, in that case another soul, that is how things work when you make a deal with the...His ears twitch as child giggle, among the decayed brown wood planks, he could see the little girl sitting on her knees trying to give water to a butterfly, it was hilarious how some people still didn't know that such things only lived for a day! Yet, for some unknown reason he couldn't move, the butterfly finally took off, surrounding her 3 times as a thank you it flies away!
"Your welcome! And if you know any butterflies that needs water please tell them to come here, i want to help them too!"
As he wanted to move his foot meet a broken twig, the cracking noise caught the girl attention, she could feel she wasn't alone, the stranger was now looking at her as she was looking into his red eyes, curiosity made it's presence!
"Hello! Would you like a glass of water, mister?"
"I never seen such a deep red color eyes, mister, it's so unreal!"
(Back in the present-that would be 4-5 months after the pilot)
Another day in Hell, nothing new, the same old boring smell of evil and despair, another souls of sinners, the same usually day at the Hazbin Hotel! Unlike the first time he arrive there things where going good, slowly but good, baby steps as the blonde once said, it was hard for the "wonderful" occupants to strictly follow the same rehabilitation routine that's why they have sketches of activities, 120 souls to take care of every 24/7, someone really needs a break!
"Good evening wonderful employers of this wonderful hotel! I must say, i just found out i have a new relation with this word wonderful since i'm here, this is the new next thing in the social civilization i didn't know i had in me!"
"Good for you Alastor! Now can we discuse the real problem here? When can i get my day off? I really have an emergency i want to take care off! See, i'm a good boy, now I do not disappear so suddenly, i'm making serious progress right here people and i also didn't use that special word for almost a week if i may add!"
"Friends let's calm down and take a deep breath!"
"That is a wonderful idea, Charlie, now if you all excuse me i have to excuse myself i can't stay much longer to listen to this wonderful speechless discussion!"
" You barely stay for what like 2 minute and now you leave? WHAT in the boulevard of the sins do you think you are going?!"
"Rude! Never ask a man where he goes, my dear!"
As soon as he left the hotel an unusual scent of vanilla, oranges and caramel meet his nose, almost making Alastor to turn around except there was something that for some unknown reason he couldn't ignore it for too long. The scent lead him to a not so friendly part of the town, usually it was quiet but only fools would take the bite and Alastor was not a such thing, it was probably worth for a challenge but the big catch was always hidden in the dark, so he didn't pay too much attention to the details, for him it was like a boring long walk anyway. Two musculars demons were caring after them a dirty old medium size potato sack with a strange shape that was moving emaning the sweet scent, as if that didn't caught Alastor attention enough, ten eggs come from behind the larger demons so their boring foe snake was again planning something unholy that wasn't new under the sky...
" Good evening! I couldn't help but notice what a little patato sack you have there for two bugbear,my suggest for you is to leave it and run if you value your pathetic lifes! Alastor could always get under his enemies skin if he wanted to, smiling and throwing insults to demons just to crack them up, those weaklings fools are a good start for him to warm up, the overlords how ever were another story not that he cared too much at that moment.For a second he looked confused then his smile appeared, what kind of twisted fate was this, he never could forget a face that easily and of course she had to be here, doesn't it?
"You are the child with the butterfly!" The voice was stady, barely the radio vibe could be heard, the red eyes searching her with interest, at first sigh Fabia didn't appear to be harmed more like confused...Fabia on the other hand, was very happy, she didn't see him for such a long time, what a happy reunion minus the kidnapping part, she couldn't explain why she was attracted by this misterious person, maybe because she always wanted a supernatural adventure of her own, that was kinda weak reason...
"As you can see I'm not a child anymore, i have grown, 13+ years more than the last time we meet!"
" I see, well my darling we should move and go to somewhere more safety but first you need better clothes; which colors are your favorite?"
"Orane, dark green and red maybe?"
"This should do it for now and one last thing from now on your name will be Fabia! Do not say your real name to any of them, trust me it's for your own protection!"
The place wasn't something like from the old movies she saw last month, the kind of black and white with girls possesses by demons who were defeated by crosses, holy water and salt, it was real and it smelled awful, needs a fresh air or at least they should take baths she thought, did she really had any reason to be afraid, the answer was yes-no?
"This is Hell and it's real, i'm not dreaming or something? This isn't one of my nightmares?"
"How did you end up here? What is the last thing you can remember?"
Was Alastor just implied that she was dead, she tought, excuse her, Fabia couldn't be like real dead, Alastor has a very dark humor in him, just a dark humor, some sweat begin to form on her forehead but what if it was true, didn't felt like a dead person!
"I was coming back from the shop-store when i assume that they were the ones who put a bag over me because this place is the next thing i see!"
"That wasn't very helpful, do you feel a sharp pain probably caused from a bullet or anything like that?"
"No, why would I? Oh no, do you think some lunatic tried to kill people in the middle of the day?"
"How should I know, dear, i wasn't there?! Since you are here, i suggest we keep moving, this hotel we are going to will be your new house, so you better start enjoying the new after-life...You will love it and the hotel staff, yes, i have a good feeling about that!"
Fabia took the news quite well, new faces, a new place to stay, new job haven't she be here before, the real question was would it better then her previously miserable life? Anyway what was great to be by yourself in a new town, without your family in an old and smelly apartment with an over-time job just to earn some money to barely survive, was there something good in her life? Probably the butterflies, how she miss those innocent days as a kid chasing and playing with them in the garden at her grandparents house, when did the nostalgia hit her as a train again for like 9999999 times already?
The first impression Fabia had when she arrived at the hotel was kinda grey, wasn't sure if the builing was even safe for someone to live in it, maybe because of the sounds that the wooden floor was making, it was nice and very warm but it should have been more colorful, that color was too screaming for her, at least it smelled fresh and clean not the outside dead scent, it also has some interesting decoration, it was clear that whoever decide to put them on the walls had a good sharp eyes.
"Fabia, allow me to introduce you to one of the greatest innovative hotels here in Hell, Hazbin Hotel and here we have the busy dedicated workers in the hotel: the none-others then Angel Dust, Niffty, Husk, Veggie and of course, the unique royal princess herself: Charlie!
"Nice to meet you all, it's great to see you and thank you for allowing me to stay here, i appreciate and i would love to help you with the hotel tasks."
"That is great, we are just about to take the dinner so take a seat! We didn't expected more people at this moment, so tell us about yourself what sins do you commit and how long have you been here?! How did you and Alastor know each other?"
There sure were a lots of questions here, becoming a quick interogation, Fabia already felt she would have a identity crisis as if being dead wasn't bad enough, poor her, trying so hard to digest the situation and be the most relaxed a person could be, all the discomfort Fabia felt at that moment, lucky for her Alastor decide to take all the possible asks it could take place, after all why all the fun must end so abruptly, she could tell he has his fun and the bad jokes as well?!
"She is new, had a recent death, i know Fabia accidently, i went for a walk, here we are, had to cancel my previously plans and i couldn't let a woman in her time of needs, i'm not a beast as someone here will say about me!"
"Thank you and as for sins when i was 10 I ate the whole box of chocolate candies and then put stones in the original packaging so noone could figure it out what i did, once i stole a lollipop from the store, i once told a lady how bad her new hairstyle is, she looked like a crazy duck with that hair, on my 14 birthday i drank my first two alcoholic beers that was one time and some things i regret i said and all the oyher times i was nervous because you know how is at work, the boss should just shut up! I guest i have a little bit of every sin in me, couldn't helped myself!"
There was a long silence before everybody in the room returned to their plates and start to eat, at least for a while it will be quiet and peace and Fabia loved that, she wasn't the kinda person who would talk more like the quiet type, hasn't she been all her life? Now the more she thought about it the more she realised that maybe this was the place for her, here in Hell, she wish she could laugh like a madman at the irony but then again Fabia wasn't alone, maybe later!
"You aren't eating anything?"
"No, it's not like i'm not hungry or that i don't appreciate all the effort but i'm vegetarian and meat is not my kinda thing, is it alright if i can have just salad?"
"Oh sure, no problem, good to know, more reason to cook more dishes, that is wonderful!" Charlie voice was sweet and cheerful as always, it was good to know that her new life didn't affect the others, didn't want to make them feel bad, Fabia already felt like she belong there as a new family member! The food was looking good however as soon as Fabia took a bite it feelt like she was eating dirt with pieces of papers and had a very hard time to actually want to just eat!
"Are you alright?" Charlie asked her looking worried for her new companion while the others just stare except Alastor making Fabia feel uncomfortable...
"Yeah, just the salad is wither and has this taste of mold!"
"Maybe you are just tired, room 194J should be alright, it's more private and for a lonely girl it's perfect, nobody will bother you!"
"Thank you Veggie, that is nice, i would love to lay down a bit, now if you all excuse me, i wish to go to my room, have a wonderful evening!"
After she excuse herself, Fabia found her new room quickly, it was very tired being dead the whole situation and the clothes, why Alastor insisted to put so many clothes on her anyway? Was she that ugly?
"I hope you excuse me dear, i haven't knock on your door!"
"Ah, Alastor! Do not do that again, you can't go into a lady room like that, where is the privacy?"
"It isn't what a gentleman like me would usually do, i just want to tell you not to change, we will be going out as a celebration of your death day!"
"You have a celebration day?"
"Not really! But is one of those rare occasions you can find here in Hell, so, you better start to enjoy little things, tomorrow it will be chaos again!"
"Why do you use the word dear so much?"
"I use it as an insult or to piss of somebody that would be Veggie, to make someone fluster or not a really particular reason i would say!"
"Veggie and Charlie would you like to come with us for the celebration day?"
"No, tomorrow my parents will come in visit i will have to do a lot of stuff in the early morning, sorry!"
"I have to help Charlie and support her, sorry Fabia! Have fun!"
"This is not fair, i want to swear but no swearing in the hotel, afterlife is so bor-iiiiii-nnngg!"
"Angel Dust if you want to swear why not use the shortcuts? For example: D.S, A.H, M.F, U.W etc...nobody will actually notice you insult them, because they don't know what you are really refering to and the best part you can easily escape, if they ask what D.S means you can say something like Deep Strawberry is a flavour for milkshake!"
"That is a great idea, why didn't it hit me before? Damn, my fluffy chest looks horrible and i need my beauty sleep! I heard you and the answer is no, how do you think beauty is made of? Have fun!"
After two more fail attempts, Nifty didn't want to go and run into a bunch of bad breaths, dirty places and many others she couldn't exactly find the right word to describe it and Husk having a hard time being on his own two feets if there was something he loved was the drinks on the hotel, he didn't have time for sobber situations, Alastor and Fabia was already at the hotel door ready to see the new show of the night, each of them having different thoughts.
Nothing was better then clowns with low taste of humor and some old circus music, on the streets there where many interesting forms of demons: small, large, tall even with ten eyes, so many come and go, occasionally put small smiles on her face and have fun only to return to her original state.
"Having alcohol on empty stomach is not the wiser decision!"
"Then how about a caramelized apple? Would you love that? Try not to look suspicious after all this is not a place for a saint, Fabia, you might get into lot of trouble!
"Who is this diamond behind your back? She is so cute, i would love to crack her open!"
"Ahahaha, she is off limit, don't even think touch her even with one finger!"
"Touché aren't we monsieur? *Vous pouvez dire que vous avez trouvé le contraire, non? **Un cœur doux et attentionné, oui?
The strange lady whisper something in Alastor ears, made Fabia feel very uncomfortable for many reasons and Alastor just keep his smiling face the whole time, he had no problem and it look like he was enjoying the show. After the woman finish it was his turn to say something, Fabia couldn't hear any words of their silent conversation and then she just go leaving her and Alastor alone.
"Come on Fabia, we don't want to miss the fireworks show, it should begin in a few minutes!"
"Fireworks? I should go back to the hotel..."
"Why? Did something happen? Hm, are you afraid of fireworks?"
"When i was 6 on the New Year time a firework rachet couldn't fly to the sky and it explode near me, i was alright but the sound and the colorful powerful fire that it made scared me so badly...I never recovered from that trauma, i know i have a problem since then but i'm still hoping that it will pass!"
"Seem like you have all the reasons not to be here, come on, i know the perfect spot we can admire the fireworks and the sound won't make you feel stressed! Do you trust me?"
"Thank you, it's wonderful, takes your breath!"
"Glad i could help you, it would have been a shame if we couldn't stay at the final!"
"How was it for your first day of the rest of your afterlife? Did you have fun?"
"It was alright, i did have fun! Can I ask you something?"
" It depends on what you want to know!"
"Would you...um...like and want to tell me about your life? I would love to know more about you, i'm a curious little bean!"
"My...my...you sure are a curious...little bean! Maybe! This will be a story for another time!It's late, good night Fabia!"
"Good night, Alastor!"
*You can say you found the opposite, right?
**A sweet and caring heart, yes?
Till next time!
Note: I know that the action and dialogs are a bit in a rush but i tried to make it a little more realistic, when you are new in Hell you don't actually have time to stay in a place and have a long nice talk with your "friend"! It's hard to have any secrets with the person you trust the most and Fabia has no problem being around Alastor, she is a bit naive and to be honest here you can't make a deal having a fake name so Alastor can't make any deals, and he doesn't know or want to know Fabia real name, so no souls to eat in this fanfiction!
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