#let me just put this out there and then ill work on a rolan and kain solo ones
leafatlaw · 10 months
im having such a hard time making this keeperschampion webweave because im like trying to capture all facets of their relationship but thats like... hard
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cambion-companion · 11 months
BG3 Companions on a Halloween Date
YES I was itching to do something for the BG3 gang for the season. You could say it's been bugging me. Hah. Ok sorry it's the influence of my pfp.
Let's start with
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You want a cozy night in under the covers, watching scary movies (or puppet shows or whatever the heck is the equivalent in Faerun) but he's not sold on the idea. "I've seen enough horror to last me several lifetimes, darling."
Instead Astarion would take you out in the crisp Autumn air, under the distant sun, for a walk crunching through the dried leaves of brown and red.
He'd want to go to the pumpkin patch to find the perfect gourd for a Jack-o-Lantern.
When the sun set so very early in the afternoon, you'd retire back to your cozy abode and set to carving faces into your pumpkins.
Astarion of course would make short work of his, dexterous as ever with those knives, and he would do his best to shape the face into what he hopes he looks like.
Either that or, depending on where you're at in his character arc, he'd remake Cazador BEFORE gutting it and making a whole show of utterly eviscerating the poor Halloween decoration. "Astarion, this is supposed to be relaxing." "This IS my ideal downtime."
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You want someone who will snuggle under the covers and watch Hocus Pocus with you? Wyll is your man. But sorry I'm trying to keep to a less modern AU.
Wyll seems like the kind of guy who would put on some fitting music as you two cooked together, dancing in the kitchen intermittently and almost forgetting to check on the cookies before they burned.
He's such a sweetheart, checking to make sure you're happy with just spending an evening indoors with him. "We can go out on the town if you desire, sweetheart." "No, Wyll, I've told you this is absolutely perfect."
Depending on the choices you've made with him thus far, Mizora might pop in to dip her finger in the batter and bamf out again, giving ya'll a cheeky wink. "Ta ta, love imps. You make me physically ill."
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Sigh, you're back for more bones hm?
Alright I'll entertain you.
You ask Withers to dance to Spooky Scary Skeletons. He looks at you, unimpressed. "Get thee hence." "Wilt thou harass someone else?"
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Ideally I would propose and she'd say "yes". Oh what? Sorry, I was miles away.
For a Halloween date. Hm. A corn maze. Definitely.
She'd be all about her tutelage under Shar's freaks followers and want to show off her sneaking skills.
It would turn into a game of hide-and-go-seek and then it'd get a little creepy before she'd inevitably pounce on you and you'd end of in a fit of laughter together.
"I wasn't going to hurt you!" "Well, Shaddy, sometimes I wonder." "Good to keep you on your toes, then." "Careful, I saw a pond on the way in."
Then you two would go and get some candied apples and chat about memories and flowers that bloom in the gloaming.
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Oh Gale.
He'd love to read to you out of a classic gothic novel (cough cough Dracula cough cough) while you two cozy up under some blankets.
He'd probably get fresh with you and run a hand up your leg or something, OH SORRY this is post the patch that fixed that? OK. He'd wait an extra hour.
Tara would curl up next to you and listen as he read from the book, the firelight crackling and warming your bodies as the night grows dark outside.
Afterward he would ask if you'd like to be guided into the Astral plane where you can look down on the All Hallow's Eve festivities below.
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yeah, gotta give Tiefling daddy some love. Especially since I still feel bad for massacring them all my last playthru.
Zevlor is another who has seen his fair share of horror, and he would opt to do something more lighthearted with you for a Halloween date.
He seems like a family kind of man, so I expect he would invite the whole gang over for a delicious dinner. Mol and her friends, Arabella and her parents. Rolan and Zorru and maybe even Auntie Ethel will sneak in there. Then it really WOULD be a Halloween experience.
After the dinner and the guests are snoozing or already left he'd wrap an arm around you and pull you close. "Would you accompany me outside? I would like to show you the stars and tell their tales. It's been so long since I've gotten to properly admire them. Or you."
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Of course I have to include the daddy devil, who do you think I am?
Raphael would take you to a haunted house, of course. OF COURSE.
Hell, what better house that is haunted than the House of Hope?
It would be horrifying for you, since the no touching rules don't apply there, and most amusing for him.
You'd practically climb the cambion in your efforts to avoid the ghosties, especially that one who constantly says "huuuurt meeee, pleeeaaase."
Raphael would enjoy watching you squirm, and remind you such a fate would not be yours only IF you followed his rules.
Oh yeah, and maybe if you're lucky, or perhaps very unlucky, he'll invite you to his Boudoir.
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Oak Father frowns on dissecting pumpkins for the sake of creating superfluous lanterns (or something...I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend, ok)
Instead, Halsin would druid craft you vines and harvest fruits in whatever shapes, sizes, and colors you desired.
He'd also want to go trick or treating so BADLY. "But Halsin, you're eight feet tall and built like a linebacker. No one is going to mistake you for a kid." Then he'd cast Disguise Self and you'd be forced to take him out on the town in hunt of candy.
Poor guy didn't have much of a childhood and wants to experience the finer things in life. Get those king sized candy bars...just once.
You are a bit huffy, having expected a more...romantic evening than this. But he'll make it up to you later winkwonk , till you can bearly stand it.
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You guys would get all CUTE and gussied up together.
Go out on the town.
Pick the best looking victim to be a sacrifice to Lolth.
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prompt-master · 7 years
Do you have any Jenna Rolan headcannons??!!!
You mean the damn sunshine of my life? Of course, anything for Jenna
-you know those light strings you hang over beds? Jenna has one for every other week and in December they’re festive
-Jenna absolutely adores art stores, especially those little figurines of just random objects? It takes her everything to not buy them just to have them
-at first everyone was like “lol Jenna in drama? How’s that gonna work” and then they heard her sing and - damn!
-“they see me rolan, they hatin!”
-has the god damn bEST sleepovers! Hell yes! She will give you a complete make over, you’ll all have so much fun.
-she invites Jeremy all the time to said sleep overs and gives him face masks and curls his hair, he actually finds it relaxing so he doesn’t fight as much as he used to
-somehow besties with everyone? Like yeah she lets every piece of gossip worthy material slip but she’s still fucking awesome.
-she has these 3D stickers of random cute shit that shell just stick to your binders and shirts
-a HELLA good dancer, go Jenna baby you’re doing amazing!
-she’ll take you out on the fucking town, she’ll treat you like damn royalty. She pays the bill for you no matter how much you insist and slips money in your back pocket if you manage to pay anyway
-she buys Chloe these candy necklaces a lot, Chloe chews on em when she’s nervous
-“alright bitches line up I got some juicy shit ready for the spilling”
-will shamelessly call you at ungodly hours, usually for stuff that really could wait till later
-do you know how many times she’s woken Brooke up with cat memes?
-used to have pig tails
- has this adorable pink polka for bikini and she freaking works it
-is that friend who uploads pictures of awesome food and places to her instagram, but never drops the damn location so you caN NEVER JOIN IN ILL FIND THAT BEACH PARTY JENNA
-is also that friend who messages you at random times with “this reminded me of you” and “btw you’re so amazing wth?”
-*someone does something minorly inconvenient* “straight people.”
-is not afraid to sweep you off your feet at any given moment
-gives some of the best hugs you’re ever gonna get in your life, you can’t beat a patented Rolan Hug
-has slapped a bitch in her friends’ honor
-is vegan!
-Jenna and Christine are the scrap book friends, they have so many pictures of the crew and some of them don’t remember them being taken
-“ok so you’re my best friend so listen up-” “Jenna I went to your house like once.”
-the best driver of the group
-has a lot of fashionable scarves and sometimes brings friends to her house just to dress up
-is the treat yoself friend, you best believe you gonna be treated good so long as Jenna Rolan is around.
-is over dramatic as heck, constantly yelling out and putting a hand to her forehead all “exCUSE Me?!”
-watches realty tv souly for the drama and hoping to see cat fights
-she loves the sound of heels clicking but she can’t really walk in them without tripping
-she isn’t Jewish but she did a lot of research on it when learned Jeremy was and surprised him by celebrating Hanukkah with him.
-she is kinda brutally honest if you look like shit. Sometimes she doesn’t even say anything though. She’ll fix your hair or spray you with perfume or shove an entire pack of gum in your mouth
-holds pool parties during the summer, but stopped having beers with them when Jeremy got too drunk and almost fucking drowned
-“you know…you were pretty quick to take the SQUIP…” “listen desperate times call for desperate measures and damn am I a wreck”
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Chaos and Adventure (ME Fic)
I was @qbert0​‘s Holiday Harbinger gifter, and wanted to write something to go with the dice bag. You mentioned that you liked fShep/Liara and Garrus/Tali as a secondary pairing, that you enjoyed the whole gang’s adventures in the Citadel DLC, and requested no heavy emotional angst, so I tried to write a bit of fluff that captured some of those themes. It was a fun piece to write and I hope you enjoy it!
Post-game, ambiguous as to ending but Shepard is alive, pretty much pure fluff.
Judging from the length of the line outside, the rebuilt Ryuusei’s Sushi Bar was even popular than the old one. Even in civvies, Shepard was quickly recognized and waved to the front of the line. Liara had wondered if she would prove to be on some sort of restaurant blacklist, but if the maître d’ was aware of Shepard’s role in the demise of the sushi bar’s previous incarnation, she gave no sign. “Welcome, ma’am, Ryuusei’s is honored to have you,” she said smoothly. “This way, please, the rest of your party is waiting for you.”
Liara took a moment to look over the place. The renovation had been extensive (and doubtless expensive). Fish swam contentedly below her feet, unaware of the tragic fate of their predecessors. The wood paneling was carefully aged as if to suggest that the restaurant had been in continuous operation for decades, and certainly had not been invaded by mercenaries or swarming with Reapers at any point.
The maître d’s brow was furrowed in a look Liara had learned to interpret as impatience. She fell in beside Shepard as they made their way across the restaurant. Garrus Vakarian gave a quick wave from across the way – of course, he had spotted them first. Tali’Zorah’s attention appeared to be completely absorbed by the “NEW Dextro Menu!” in her hands, but she quickly glanced up as the maître d’ pulled out Shepard and Liara’s chairs.
“Shepard! Liara!” she said. “It’s so good to see you!” Liara didn’t need to be able to see Tali’s face to know that she was smiling. “It’s been too long.”
“Well, if some people could tear themselves away from their homeworlds more often…” Shepard said teasingly.
Garrus spread his hands. “You know how it is, Shepard,” he said ruefully. “One meeting after another, datapad after datapad filled with decisions to be made… It’s enough to make a turian think about resuming his vigilante career. I’d have thought the Reaper advisor would be, eh, off the hook with the Reapers gone…”
“Ah, ah!” Tali waved a finger in mock indignation. “No Reaper talk.”
Liara thought back to the vidcall she’d received from Tali. “We’re coming to the Citadel!” Tali had blurted excitedly as soon as Liara took the call. They’d brainstormed about plans, and Tali had proposed a double date. “Some casual time together,” she’d suggested. “No fate-of-the-galaxy stuff, no Reapers, no bringing each other up to date on every aspect of rebuilding this and that. Just friends spending time together. Do you think you can get Shepard to sign up for this?”
When Liara had mentioned the location Tali had in mind, Shepard had countered with a “no discussing past sushi-restaurant shenanigans” condition, which Tali had accepted. Joker would be so disappointed when he heard they’d passed up the chance to rib her.
“I wasn’t talking about the Reapers,” Garrus complained mildly. “I was talking about my job, the one I still have for some reason. The position seems more escape-proof than Purgatory. Do you think the Admiralty Board would accept my application for asylum?”
“I’d have to ask the Admirals,” Tali said primly.
Liara brought to mind the reports of the Shadow Broker’s agents in the no-longer-Migrant Fleet. “I hear a certain young Admiral is the deciding vote more often than not, these days.”
“Time to upgrade our security systems again,” Tali said. She sounded rather as if she was looking forward to it.
The waiter arrived to take their order, and the conversation paused. Liara ordered something called the “Asari Delight,” which the waiter assured her was carefully selected to please to asari palates. He seemed unamused when Shepard asked if it contained any actual asari.
“Really, Shepard?” Liara asked after the waiter stalked off.
“Just looking out for you,” Shepard said unapologetically. “For all you know, Javik could be the head chef.”
“I can’t imagine that he could find the time,” Liara said. She turned to Tali and Garrus. “He sends me a new book chapter every week or so. Usually with instructions to throw the previous draft of the chapter out of an airlock.”
“How are they to read?” Tali asked skeptically.
“Arrogant, but interesting,” Liara said, smiling. She definitely found Javik easier to deal with at a distance.
“I guess you must be keeping busy, between editing and your Super Secret Other Job.” The capital letters were audible, and Tali went so far as to make air quotes. “What have you been doing, Shepard?”
Shepard waved a hand in the air. “Oh, you know. Lots of rehab, consulting on that thing we’re not supposed to be talking about, following the research on those other things that are banned from this conversation…”
The table was silent for a bit. Liara wondered if she should bring up their news, or if Shepard would. She felt oddly nervous at the prospect.
“So, ah, biotiball?” Shepard ventured. Apparently it wasn’t just Liara. “How about those Seattle Sorcerers?”
Garrus shook his head. “I don’t really follow the sport, Shepard.” Tali and Liara shrugged their agreement. “Has Cortez made a fan out of you?”
“I’ve really just watched a game or two,” she admitted.
Silence fell again. Maybe now she should…
“The, eh, weather has been nice,” Garrus offered.
Tali elbowed him. “We’re on a space station.”
“That’s a fair point,” Garrus granted. If he’d been a stranger, Liara might have thought the comment a cranky grumble, but she knew his subharmonics well enough to hear the underlying affection. So did Tali, clearly, as she inclined her head toward him. Liara glanced at Shepard and found her smiling fondly at her friends.
“I’m so glad you two are doing well,” Shepard said.
Tali said a warm, “Thank you.”
The waiter returned with their drinks. Shepard raised a glass. “To friends who fell in love.”
Tali and Liara clinked their glasses against Shepard’s, but Garrus’s attention seemed to be drawn by something to his right.
“Ah, don’t all look at once, but that turian tending bar – isn’t that Rolan Quarn?”
Liara, Shepard, and Tali glanced toward the bartender, more or less surreptitiously. The bartender did look rather like the turian she remembered from the casino. Quarn appeared to be engaged in animated conversation with a few of the patrons, but Liara couldn’t catch any words.
“Sure looks like him,” Shepard confirmed.
“Hmm. Think that he’s gone straight and is now earning an honest living serving drinks in a sushi bar?” Garrus asked.
Shepard snorted. “Want to make that a bet, Garrus?”
“I should go check in with him. Let him know I’ve got an eye on him.”
“Or,” Tali countered, “you could enjoy our date, and not plunge us into chaos and adventure.”
“It’s not as if you’re in C-Sec anymore,” Liara said.
Shepard added innocently, “I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for his being here.”
“Perfectly reasonable and highly illegal, at a guess,” Garrus said. He stirred restlessly in his chair.
Tali put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure he would never break the law. If it weren’t for a good cause, I mean.”
“How long are you two on the Citadel?” Shepard asked.
“Nice change of subject, very subtle,” Liara teased.
“Not very long, I’m afraid,” Tali said, keeping a firm hand on Garrus’s shoulder. “Just making some diplomatic contacts, attending some meetings, then heading back to the homeworld.” She sighed. “I think I preferred it when you were in charge and I could spend all my time in engineering.”
“Daniels and Donnelly got married last month, did you hear?” Shepard asked.
“I did,” Tali said. “I sent Gabby a card saying, ‘Good luck.’” Shepard barked a surprised laugh.
“What about you two?” Garrus asked, finally looking away from Quarn. “Are you here for long? I thought you were going to be on Earth a while longer.”
“We were,” Shepard said. “But the Extranet connections are still pretty unreliable, and that was making it too hard for Liara to get work done. And, uh” – she paused, smiled a bit nervously, and went for it – “there are much better asari physicians here.”
“Asari doctors? You aren’t ill, Liara?” Garrus asked. His visible eye narrowed. “Your vitals look all right…”
Liara shook her head quickly. Trust Garrus to wear his visor to a casual date. “No, no! Nothing like that, I’m fine.”
“Then why…” he trailed off.
Tali got it first. Liara could have sworn to the Goddess that she saw Tali’s smile radiating from under her helmet. “Oh, I’m so happy for you two!” She looked Liara up and down. “Is this something you’re planning, or are you already…”
Garrus looked back and forth between the women, still wearing a puzzled expression.
Liara nodded. “Yes.” She patted her belly. “Early days yet, but I can sense her in there.”
The light dawned for Garrus. “Oh!” He raised a glass. “Congratulations, you two.”
This time Shepard was the one who didn’t clink. Liara turned to see why and found her staring at the waiter taking a nearby table’s order, brow furrowed.
“I think he’s packing a sidearm,” she said with a frown. “At least, there’s a suspicious-looking bulge in his pocket. Liara, can you…”
“No,” Tali said, quietly but emphatically. “No chaos and adventure, remember? If he pulls a gun out, Garrus can overload it and Liara can dangle him from a singularity until he spills whatever he’s up to. Let’s talk about the important things. Do you have a name picked out? Have you told your father?”
“Not yet, and not yet,” Liara said. “It’s traditional to wait until there’s enough of an empathic connection to get her reaction to the name.” And as for Aethyta, or any asari for that matter, Liara was dreading the potential for aren’t-you-too-young-for-your-matron-phase conversations.
Garrus looked fascinated by that. “Your children get to vote on their names?” In the background, the suspicious waiter was conferring with a member of the kitchen staff.
“Mmm, it’s more of a vague empathic feeling, as I understand it…” Liara trailed off as she realized who the waiter was talking to. “Wait, what is Maya Brooks doing here?”
The words came out louder than she intended, and Brooks turned their way. As soon as she saw their table, she frowned and reached for something in her pocket, and the muffled thump of an explosion came from the direction of the kitchen.
“Chaos and adventure it is, then,” Tali said ruefully, as all four diners pushed back from the table and sprang to her feet.
“Someday I will actually get to eat here,” Shepard grumbled as they ran for the kitchen.
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