#let me not ramble more 👍🏼
malenjoyer · 4 months
Good morning 🙏🏼
I want to thank everyone their support with reblogging my stuff over the years and reblogging some of the context of the situation.
Tumblr and Instagram is filled with the most supportive people I’ve ever had the chance of meeting. The last time something like this happened, I didn’t have much support, not even from people I thought were close to me. It took me a year or two to be okay with being perceived again in fandoms. So I’m very grateful for everything.
I just wanted to post that I appreciate all of the asks and I’ve been reading all of them. I actually get anxious I’m spamming everyone too much so I probably won’t reply to everything. Please don’t feel pressured to support me financially, there’s is a free option on patreon to follow. I’ll post future project plans and occasional updates because I still love comics and I still love DC/Marvel. I do enjoy having people following along for my art/reading journey so I would always be okay with people just following for free. My brain is telling me this post is too long now so I will go 🙏🏼😭
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I'm so glad I didn't let my sadness today consume me completely. I was able to muster up enough courage to go for a walk and read a bit.
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girlboypersonthingy · 7 months
Hazbin gals reacting to their s/o saying "I love you" for the first time? (totally not self-indulgent, not at all)
Hell Yeah, indulge baby!!! I love me some sapphic hazbin fluff. The only ‘gals’ I write for are Charlie, Vaggie and Velvette. I hope that’s cool 🙂 👍🏼 if anyone wants part two with other characters… *cough* Lucifer *cough* let me know 😙 ENJOY ANON~
TW: swearing, Vaggie in lingerie, Velvette gets a little assertive 😉 mostly fluff tho
Hazbin Gals- First ‘I Love You’s 💘
Charlie ❤️‍🔥
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Sitting on one of the couches in the lobby of the hotel, you watch with a content smile as your girlfriend paces back and forth, rambling on about her plans to save sinners and her mixed feelings about having a meeting with heaven. Charlie takes a few steps and pivots around before taking a few steps the other way, her fingers nervously fiddling with each other all the while her smile never fading.
“I’m just…I’m feeling so…AH! Ya know?” She finally scurries over to you and plops down on the couch, resting her hand on your knee. “Well I’m very proud of you, babe.” You respond with a smile but your eyes are fixed on her hand on your leg right now. As she continues her ranting, her words start to sound more like a song, the actual words not computing in your brain any longer. It’s just her pretty voice accompanied by her gentle touch. As if you couldn’t lose focus anymore, her hand shifts a bit, further up your thigh.
Her words stop abruptly, the silence causing you to look up at her. Her smile shrunk just a bit as she watched you, tilting her head to the side, her long hair swaying as it followed her movements. “What’s up, babe? You look like you’ve got something on your mind.”
“I-I uh…I love you.” It tumbles from your lips before you can stop it, before your brain can even register that you are speaking right now. The damage is done. All you can do now is stare at the gorgeous blonde in front of you with wide, expectant eyes and a worried, tight-lined frown on your lips.
Her face was…hard to read. Which is strange because the princess was usually so loud and dramatic and over exaggerated and so animated with her facial expressions. But this expression was one you’d never seen before. Her mouth was hanging open slightly, revealing her pearly white fangs. Her light yellow eyes were wider than you’ve ever seen them and the apples of her cheeks were nearly glowing red.
“Charlie? You…okay?” And like a switch being flipped, her expression changes completely. Now, her eyes are squinted up tight due to her huge, giddy grin. She’s holding her hands together tightly, slightly bouncing in her spot in front of you, soft giggles starting to sound from her.
“AWWWWW (Y/N)~” Charlie drags out saying your name, diverting her gaze elsewhere then bitting her lip shortly after. “I love you too. WOW!!! It feels so good to say that out loud and know you feel the same.” Her pale hands reach out for yours, squeezing your hands slightly as she looks into your eyes. “I love you.” She repeats at a much lower volume, making sure the words really sink in. Then she yanks you forward, wrapping you in a tight hug as soft giggles and dreamy sighs leave both your lips.
You’re not sure when she started crying because her body was once shaking from happy laughter and now, her body shakes as a soft gasp sounds from her, sniffling following shortly after. You pull away quickly to see her still sporting a big, goofy smile but with tears running down her cheeks. “You-you really l-l-love me…? AWW WWHAAAAA.”
Good job. You’ve reduced the princess of hell to a puddle of happy tears right in your lap. What else did you expect from the drama queen herself? Get ready for an all night cuddle session, complete with on and off kissing and crying.
Vaggie ⚔️
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“Hey, hun. Good morning…” Vaggie mumbled softly to you as she groggily strolled towards you. This was a daily occurrence, a normal start to your morning- both of you getting ready in your own rooms then meeting in the lobby to say ‘good morning’ and then continue your day together. You had been dating for a good minute now but still haven’t moved into the same room. You decided a small boundary would be good for now until the relationship feels ready to move forward.
Today, a Saturday, you both thought it’d be fun to stay in your pajamas and have a lazy day. There were no solid plans today and you’ve been missing your girl so when you brought it up to her last night, Vaggie was more than happy to spend a lazy day with you. But holy hell…you’re at a loss for words when you realize her pajamas weren’t just pajamas. She had this absolutely gorgeous little white nighty on, a thin silky dress that barely covered her crotch and ass, hardly leaving anything to the imagination. Was she wearing it for this occasion, just to impress you? Or…is this what she always wears to bed?
All your blood rushes to your face within seconds, even your ears were fire red as your eyes stayed stuck to her frame in that night dress. She normally dressed pretty feminine and cute but you never expected her to wear such adorable lingerie to bed. Vaggie seemed to catch on immediately, looking down at herself briefly before looking back at you with down turned lips and furrowed brows. “Too much?”
“Oh shit, I-I’m sorry. No! Just caught me off guard with your…pajamas. You’re just so cute. Shit, sorry, lemme stop talking now.” You couldn’t bring yourself to look away, eyes frantically scanning over her small but toned little body. You felt like such a perv, suddenly looking away and trying to hide your embarrassed and ashamed face in your hands.
Vaggie sympathizes, understanding that you’re flustered but also very into her but also trying not to stare. She steps closer, gently grabbing both your hands in hers. She lifts both your hands up and gently interlaces her fingers between yours. Your clasped hands were sweaty as hell against hers, making her smile grow a little bigger. “I can go change.” She mumbles softly, her eyes scanning your expression, waiting for you to make eye contact with her again.
All you could muster up is a low hum in response as you shake your head ‘no’. “Oh so you like it then?” She steps even closer, her barely clothed body nearly pressed against yours now. You swallow thickly, your lip quivering ever so slightly as you inhale, scrambling to find the words to reply to her.
“Oh y-yeah, I love it actually! I love you.” Your hand comes to your mouth as if trying to shove those last three words back in. You can’t help but stutter your way through a second response, but Vaggie throws her own reply in as well. “You do?” Vaggie is nearly whispering now, watching as you panic. “Fuck! No, that’s not what I meant. I mean-Well, wait…I-I…” She can tell you’re malfunctioning and probably very close to imploding in on yourself as you decide what is the right thing to say next. You shake your head vigorously, waving your hands in the air as if trying to clear your foggy brain. When you finally take a breath and look back to her face, Vaggie is smiling sweetly, looking as though she might just melt straight down into the carpet below you.
“Oh, (Y/N/N)~ I love you too.” She closes in on you fully, her arms quickly finding themselves comfy around your neck, her blushy face just inches from yours now. “Hmm…you think it’s too much for everyone else to see?” She has a smug smile on her face now. She was trying to tease you at this point, seeing just how far she could take this before you’re collapsing into her arms.
“Are you suggesting we go some where more private?” You try to flirt back but your voice cracks and you can’t maintain eye contact for longer than a second or two. Your attempt at flirting yanks a loud laugh from her, making her throw her head back momentarily before she pulls back and grabs your hand. She begins leading you towards her room, replaying your voice in her head over and over as you said ‘I love you’. She’s gonna ask you to say it again once you’re in private.
And you just can’t stop glancing down at her barely covered ass and her fully exposed legs in that cute nighty as you follow behind her. I mean who can blame you?
Velvette 💀
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Your girl is going off right now, having just gotten into some stupid fight with Valentino. You’re so super sure he’s the most toxic being you’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting and it irked you even more that he was her business partner, her roommate. This is a regular occurrence- Val barging into Velvette’s studio drunk as hell, yelling and smoking the whole room up. And every time, Velvette gets pissed and instantly starts spewing rude names and swear words at him. It’s honestly pretty frightening to have to sit back and watch, eyes darting back and forth between them as you cower in your seat, knowing that if you even try to intervene you might end up double dead.
But now, Val has been gone and out of sight for at least ten minutes now but Velvette is still completely irate. She’s now sitting beside you on a couch, just the two of you taking up space in the studio. You watch as she rants and rambles, her expression full of rage, her voice booming with a slight growl to it. You weren’t sure how to talk her down from this one, you don’t think you’ve ever seen her so…stressed.
You decide maybe a gentle touch would help pull her attention to you so you can further try to calm her and get her mind off Val. As your hand slips into hers, she holds it firmly but continues to vent, telling you all about her feelings. “Like what a fucking dickhead! Ugh! I don’t storm into his studio and interrupt his fuck fest.” Your other hand moves to join the one that’s already holding Velvette, gently rubbing up and down her arm. “Yeah, Im sorry, V. He’s the worst…”
Still, Velvette is talking at a rapid pace but her voice has become much softer, her face seeming to relax a bit as her eyes move to focus on the gentle hand on her arm. “Is there…anything I can do to calm you?” You try to interject, hoping to stop her train of thought from going crazy and derailing. “No, darling. No. It’s alright. I’m sorry you have to see me get so nasty and ugly like this. I just can’t control my temper sometimes. Oh, I’m so ashamed.” She turns her face away from you- this is a side of Velvette you’ve never seen before. She gets mad often, she does have a fiery temper and you’ve seen that well enough by now but you both know she’s never been this pent up and pissed off. The more she calms down, the more insecure she becomes…a side of Velvette no one has ever seen.
“Oh, no! Don’t apologize. I know you’re not yelling at me, you’re more…yelling to me. It’s good to vent, to get it all out. Don’t worry, babe. I love you-“ and her head turns so fast, you’re concerned about her neck for a second. It’s almost like she processed your words before you did. “Did…you just say you love me?” She leans back, not to get away from you but to get a better look at your face right now.
And now you’re burning up, feeling sweat start to form under your arms and on your forehead. Oh and your hands? Yeah, They’ve been sweaty! “Uh no, no…I uh…” You can’t even come up with an excuse or any kind of comeback before Velvette is on the move, slowly crawling over you with a devious smirk on her thin lips…excruciatingly slow…
“Nah ah ah. Don’t lie to me, darling.” She continues her pursue on you, pushing you back into the couch as she towers over you now, her hands on your wrists as she pins them back against the cushions. “Say it again.” With her so close to you, fully on top of you now, it’s becoming extremely difficult to avoid her gaze or try to escape the situation. “C’mon, I wanna hear it again.” She teases, leaning in to gently tap her nose on yours. Your breath catches in your chest, your stomach feeling warm and bubbly as you close your eyes, focusing in on her soft breaths wafting across your lips.
“I love you…” You finally get it out again, not daring to open your eyes. You’re pretty sure if you opened your eyes and looked up at Velvette right now, you’d completely erode away from embarrassment right before her eyes, just a pile of dust. Hearing the words again sends a jolt of electricity to Velvette’s brain and all her courage suddenly swells in her gut and she leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. It’s quick and soft and somehow better than every other kiss you’ve ever shared. Maybe it’s just the heat of the moment.
Finally, she got you to open your eyes again. The shocked look on your face makes her want to go even harder, tease you even more, turn you into a bright red jittery idiot right here right now. “I love you too, my darling little angel baby.” Velvette loves to call you that, she figures she’s more evil you’re more good, you balance each other out, yin and yang. Aaand yep! She was right, calling you cute pet names would break you even further.
Velvette sits back on the couch, cackling, gasping for air, trying her best to keep her eyes open through the tears so she can see your face. She’s not making fun of you…but she’s kinda making fun of you. She’s so very flattered you love her but you get so jumpy and shy when she presses you like that, she can’t help but take advantage sometimes. She adores the hell out if you and often wonders how a soft, gentle, kind heart like yours could truly be in love with a heart like hers.
“I love you more, (Y/N).”
Aaannddd cue the make out sesh
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lixenn · 2 months
Crochet corner
It's time, my dear internet people! It's time for me to babble about one of my numerous hobbies. And as the title arleady suggests, it's creative in nature, involves copious amount of yarn and often robs my bank account at gunpoint.
Yes, it's crochet! My beloved! That one activity that I have neglected for the past... who knows how many months.
But! I'm back! And I'm here to share my projects and progress and just generally ramble about fiber arts.
I won't do this in any particular order. I will talk about current, past and future projects. I will most likely complain about my inability to count and read crochet patterns. If it's in my ability to do so I will also share the patterns and tutorials I used to make my stuff, in case any of you people want to join me in doing fiber arts. (Please keep in mind that some of my patterns are in German, so I will probably only share the english ones unless requested otherwise.)
Now, let's jump right in the yarn pool with my current project (@upsilambic I'm tagging you since you seemed interested in my crochet adventures)
Triangle scarf for my mum
So, here I was chilling in the yarn store, two skeins for my planned project (mesh gloves) already in hand after consulting with the store clerk, fully intending on just buying those and instantly leaving before all the fiber goodies seduce me into making another purchase.
My mum had other plans though since she was already inspecting some of the bags that where spread out on a table. Each bag contained a set amount of skeins in prepicked colours and a pattern on how to make certain items. My Mum was intrigued... the colours spoke to her... and yes, you might have already guessed, dear reader, we walked out of that store not only with my yarn but also with one of those bags. The pattern was for a crochet scarf and my mum asked me if I could make it for her. I took a look at manual and was confronted with the absolute gibberish in the form of an unfamiliar crochet pattern. My brain offered me the nostaligic tones of the old windows shut down noise in response, so naturally the answer to my mum's questions was yes. (The motto of any fiber artist: Fuck it we ball.)
Once again I talked to the delightful sales lady, asking questions about the pattern and she was a great help. Let it be known that yarn stores are fucking awesome! I have never been in a yarn store where people weren't kind and welcoming and sweet. It's like entering a different world, one full of peace, fluff and most importantly: yarn! A yarn store is one of my favourite places to be right next to a bookshop and my bed.
Anyways, we got my stuff and we got the additional stuff (that I thankfully didn't need to pay for 🫡👍🏼)
It did take me a lil bit to fully puzzle out the scarf pattern but with some trial and error (I needed to frog once because I forgot in which row I was and tired evening!Lix didn't write it down) I'm now in the game.
Here my current progress:
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The colours are more intense irl but no matter.
I will need to weave in so many ends after finishing it, I'm already regretting all my life choices *traumatised stare into the distance*
Weaving in ends is one of my many evil foes and unfortunately I still haven't defeated that one yet (I doubt I ever will). Everytime I reach that step in my work I want to set myself on fire because after couple dozen times it really does get quite tedious. It also doesn't help that I still haven't found a method where you really can't see that you have weaved in the ends (and is also secure).
But this will be a concern for future Lix 👍🏼
I will continue to crochet and watch my Let's Player (Magemasher22 on Youtube and Twitch, yes I will namedrop him, I love this guy so fucking much. He's a gem) play Honkai Star Rail.
If anyone has any questions you know where to find me 🫡
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Hey phoenix how have you been this is scar anon if you still remember me! Anyways I just have your laxus fanart rotating in my brain again and I am having so many thoughts like,,,I wonder how he got that scar yknow it's such a prominent part of his character but as far as I can recall (which is admittedly not very much considering I haven't watched or read ft in a hot minute) mashima never explained where he got it? God I wish there was an angsty backstory to his scar (or honestly more laxus backstory in general) but if we're being honest he probably just ran headfirst into a pole or smth.
Anyways sorry for my ramblings this was a poorly disguised request for some laxus headcanons if you have the time! (Can you tell he's my blorbo? That fanart you did genuinely restructured something in my brain and I still can't stop thinking about it to this day) Aight that's it from me have a good day! 👍🏼
Finally i can get around to answering this lol
With regards to Laxus' iconic eye scar I don't really think there was any deep reasoning or logic behind it on Mashima's end (from a character design stand point at least) other than having it be a visual tell that yup, this guy's got lightning powers so he's got a lightning shaped scar to let the audience have a clue about that. It's a similar thing with like, giving your fire characters flame printed clothing, or your evil characters red eyes or your yugioh character crazy hair to let the audience know that this is the protag.
It's more of an element to add some interest to his design and key readers into his magic before the big reveal than something i think was definitely added to tie into any backstory related thing.
And if it is connected to anything backstory related that was revealed later down the line a la 100yr quest i dont care because i dont care about anything to do with the sequel lol.
That being said, i've had this old ass concept regarding Laxus' scar that i've always meant to get around to and you've given me the perfect opportunity to talk about it.
So like, in my head and my tweaked version, Laxus' scarring is instead of a random cool looking lighting scar it's literally lightning scars.
Like scars you get from being struck by lightning. Lichtenberg figures.
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(Took off his tattoo and guild mark for the sake of clarity)
Enter Phoenix- verse Laxus lol
Reasoning for this is because I've always figured that the operation that dropped that lacrima in him was a botched one. A sorta test run of making a 2nd gen slayer to work out the kinks down the line for better and smoother operations.
So that being said, in the initial months after the operation the lacrima did not adjust smoothly to being in Laxus' body and adapting to work with his natural ethernano so the lacrima would often times send out shocks through his body during that time as the dragon lacrima's and his ethernano particles would slowly sync up and work in unison
Hence resulting in the all over lichtenberg scarring starting from his chest (i always hc the lacrima's somewhere in the chest near the heart or so) and going through the head, arm and leg as exit points for the electricity when he used to get those shocks.
And the scarring would sorta wrap around his head too! If you shaved his head (sorry King) you would see that it would stretch across the scalp as well.
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This whole thing also left his right eye slighter weaker than the other (not enough for him to be completely blind in it but it goes kinda fuzzy sometimes).
The whole full body scarring never really raised much questions though, a lot of people who see it just assume that it was a really bad magic accident (I hc that some elemental magics are more volatile and trickier to master due to the danger they could pose to the user so stuff like lighting and poison for eg are less commonly used than say water or air related magics). But those who know, know (Hello Makarov and Thunder Legion).
So uh, yeah. My headcanon and slight redesign regarding Laxus' scarring lol. Probs a lot more extra than you were bargaining for but i wanted to be able to visualize my idea properly 😅
Also bonus the scarring glows when he uses his magic :]
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waitingonavision · 2 years
Bruno Figure Mini-Review
That’s “review,” as in mostly incoherent rambling. Image-heavy post!
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First of all: shaped like a friend.
Let’s go~
His hair is maybe a bit wonky (not as wonky-looking as the McDonalds toy, though). However, I appreciate this detail:
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His uneven cuffs! Right pant leg is rolled up a little higher. It’s one of my favorite little things about Bruno’s character design. ‘Cuz he’s got other stuff to do, rats to feed - ain’t no time to worry about his pants. Also, they did a good job with his nose.
Actually, the first thing I noticed as I was taking him out of the packaging was how soft his ruana felt.
It’s a soft plastic/vinyl, fairly malleable. Hmmm. Not the hard plastic I was expecting for a figurine I thought was going to be kinda “basic” (in a good way):
Sure enough. There’s more!
Cue me going, “Wait. Wait. Wait.” ...as I realized what a soft plastic ruana might potentially mean and turned the figure around:
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ANYWYA (typo that I am keeping), you can take Bruno’s ruana off.
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Like so:
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...which, I'm not gonna to lie, felt a bit awkward to do. A very likely unpopular opinion: generally speaking, clothed Bruno > unclothed Bruno.
The separable piece is a +1 in the interactivity department, though 👍🏼
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He can sit!
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And cover his eyes in a gesture that I’m sure says, “pls don’t” as I (again, self-consciously) take this photo for Shape purposes. NOT that I’m throwing this figure into the belly saga debate. Because I’m NOT. But, for what it’s worth, definitely not a bean. -1000 points.
Also... not even a long-torsoed, short-legged bean (his proportions in the film are Like That).
Hourglasses, out of 5 (it’s the end of the review and I literally just decided I’d use hourglasses for this): ⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳ because I’m a soft grader, easily satisfied, and have zero regrets buying this. 5 hourglasses despite the lack of pancita and grey hairs.
In conclusion: Recommended.
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decembermoonskz · 3 years
Ah cUtE?🤢 Thank you! that's okay, I'm here because of you aren't i? It's nice to be here
It's okay, thank you for being upfront with me! I also apologize if i already made you feel awkward or uncomfortable.. i totally understand that. I might be sometimes too kind so i apologize beforehand, i try to be more reserved. Also another thing i should apologize for is that I'm talking a lot... If that's something what makes you uncomfy too please tell me🥺 -✨
And please don't feel bad about taking time.I mean- you need to first get to know someone to call them friend, right? You should know what type of person you're letting in your comfort zone, so take all the time you need! I'll be here till you say you don't want me around.
yayyy!! glad to have you!!
and thanks so much for being understanding, it’s very much appreciated. please do not worry you didn’t make me uncomfortable at all, I just am a bit more open about telling people my boundaries after learning and what not.
Also do not worry about talking too much it doesn’t make me uncomfy at all! I talk a lot actually so dw dw 😂👍🏼👍🏼 go ahead and ramble if you want I may do the same!!
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lixenn · 2 months
three questions for you! ( 1 ) song recommendations ? ( 2 ) Do you believe in the paranormal? Why or why Not ? ( 3 ) Share a topic you can talk about for hours ans hours if someone lets you ? ♡
MIMI!!!! Thanks for the questions!!
Have more Lixlore:
song recommendations
Oh I got a couple (<- loves recommending things)
This song... made me cry so much, it hits me right in the feels, love the way it portrays anxiety 🫡
Got that one through my friend because it was in her playlist and it's just such a vibe you know?
Same friend, different song (we have similar music taste which is fucking awesome 😆💪🏼) she was on a festival where that band played and then showed me that song afterwards (I remember it was during exam season). I also like the vibe of this one... it's kinda very chill? It also reminds me of the songs my dad would put on when we have guests over so it feels like home.
A different friend dragged me into Bastille and that's one of my favourite songs, it just really slaps 😆
Hmmm not really no. Probably because my inner scientist is too loud in the back of my head.
Yes, the world is fucking weird and we don't understand even a fraction of what is out there but this might just be because we don't have ability to observe and perceive it yet. If you babbled about genetics and antibotics and vaccine's to someone from 17th century they would think you are delulu and burn you at the stake too, so who fucking knows what we will find out about our strange world in the future.
Rambling topic
I'd say I could talk about my writing for pretty much forever, like the original story that I recently rediscovered? Could babble your ear off with that, because it's fantasy/sci fi with my own world so I can talk about world building, explain the power system, ramble about my characters and whooosh couple hours passed easy 👍🏼 (my friends can attest to that lmao)
3 things you want to know
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