#let me sleep without a wack ass movie playing in my head
sunflowerrboyy · 1 year
had the weirdest dream about my former partner, a cat, my old neighbors, and my ex-dad ??
wtf was my brain on last night ?
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
One. Part 2
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Taking in a deep breath, you know how hard it is to not want to pick Imani up and take her up the stairs. Her adamant self-wanting to go up the steps herself, she is doing this one by one too. This is very boring but also tires her out, she is always the one awake, but we have an early flight out. What I mean by that is that we are flying out at four in the morning so these girls will need to be awake, it’s really going to be me holding them and dragging them onto the flight, but it’s getting then to sleep is the issue. It’s barely nine so I hope the other two are attempting to go to sleep “why have you just restarted that!? Imani, you were on the right path” I know this girls isn’t restarting the stair count “doesn’t matter now, we are here” unlocking the stair gate at the top “one, two. I do it dad” can she hell do it, she thinks she can. Pushing the gate open, grabbing her arm and lifting her over the gate, she ran off and of course is going into her sister’s room. Closing the gate behind me, Rylee and Tianna both share a room, we let the girls decide and they wanted that but they argue constantly so I think we will be splitting them up soon, it’s Imani that has her own room but she doesn’t need her room when she sleeps in my bed every time “are you girls ready for bed” looking down at my phone, I have many messages right now that I need to read “dad, we decided” looking up from my phone “Imani, get out of Rylee’ bed now. Yes baby?” Rylee has a plan “we really think you’re terrible at hair, we also think we should do movie night in your bedroom tonight oh and also we should get the phone back” she tries it “no because you both can’t be nice but how about we try and call mommy?” Their faces lit up; I say they I mean the elder two. Imani is just herself “come on, we will do it together, and nobody mentions London, that is the rule ok?” Making my way to Tianna’ be “move up” these little ass beds “dad you’re big” I chuckled getting comfy, Rylee jumped right on me “ah! Damn girl, what is this?” She jumped from one bed onto me “I am getting comfy” Imani eventually made her to me “look at your top mama, you are a mess” she got half her body out of her top, she is crazy. Grabbing Imani and lifting her onto the bed “right, after this. Please girls, go to sleep. I need to pack, and I don’t need the drama” these girls are climbing on me, literally climbing all on me to get the best view. Moving my head to the side to see my own phone, they really miss their mother.
I cringed at the FaceTime not being answered, I did it twice too and the anticipation of her picking up with the girls I felt that and now I feel bad that she didn’t pick up “mom is busy I think” Rylee said “it’s my birthday still” Tianna was quick to add, she really isn’t letting it pass with Robyn not communicating with her “let’s try Mel, auntie is always on her phone isn’t she” trying to play it off, nobody said anything but I tapped on Mel’ name and hoped for the best “I already spoke to auntie though?” Tianna whined out “it’s not about you” Rylee retorted “be quiet the both of you” I felt a sigh of relief when she answered, waiting for it to connect properly “god damn, I look awful” I laughed at the pixelated image “you good, you good” I said laughing “awww is my little angels ready for bed?” Mel said seeing our faces “I am thank you” I answered laughing “negro!” She spat at me, looking from the background Mel is there for what show will happen “ain’t it like the middle of the night there?” I questioned “yep, things happened that had to be dealt with. I miss you girls so much, I really do” that is not the point I need Robyn to speak to the birthday girl “where is Robyn?” I questioned; Mel paused looking away from the camera “Jah! Where is Robbie?” Mel shouted, Tianna little face is really upsetting me right now “Ti, I told you that you need to be a big girl” Rylee said but Tianna is crying now, she is in tears over this “mom loves you Ti” Rylee consoled her this time without being a pain, watching her hold Tianna’ face in her hands, she means business my eldest “she loves us all! Just she has been really busy, we know mom is going to be back soon!” Looking back at Mel; I don’t even care like that now Robyn has no choice but to do this “girls, daddy needs to pee. Tianna baby, mommy is coming to the phone don’t worry” getting up from the bed “Imani, no” she is going to follow me, of course she is.
Imani followed me to the bathroom “Imani, what are you doing?” She is getting unchanged right now “Mel, like what the hell you doing? Don’t you know where she is?” Looking at the phone, she looks lost. Changing the FaceTime to a call instead, placing it against my ear “not that, she is talking to a big boss of LMVH. He’s here so like it’s hard to get her attention, I’ve asked Jah to say but he won’t because of him being the big boss pretty much “Mel, Tianna is crying because she hasn’t said happy birthday to her. I expected her to at least be around for when they go to sleep, why hasn’t she said it to her? I don’t get it, it’s one fucking minute, Imani! What are you doing?” My daughter has really just got butt naked, I died a little inside because the way she is staring at me and peeing on the floor “wow, you’re a nightmare” now she’s made more mess for me “you know what Mel, tell her forget it” I can’t even chase her about this, the cries of Imani now, this is crazy “it’s busy there, I’m sorry” disconnecting the call “why are you crying?” She pointed at the Bath sobbing her little heart out “I want that” she cried pointing “so you peed on the bathroom floor so you can have a bath knowing I am busy already? Thanks” I huffed out, walking to the door and unlocking it. Dragging it open “Rylee!?” I shouted, looking back at Imani “don’t you dare move!” I shouted at her, she fell to the floor and cried more “yeah dad?” She is sheepish; she is up to no good “I would appreciate it if you can get Imani night clothes out for me on her bed and pass me a towel too” Rylee is trying to peak in “is mom not answering? Can we please have our phone?” Shaking my head “just do me that and then go to bed after that” Rylee nodded her head and walked off, Imani is a pain.
All that commotion and Imani making it about herself my two eldest daughters have fallen asleep, in the same bed. I don’t know what they were gossiping about, but they are asleep and that is the main point, I need to pack their things, but I will have a nap before I do “ssshh” I said to Imani, she isn’t asleep. She is really annoying, and I think that’s because she’s like me “let’s go to bed” I still can’t believe she stripped naked, peed on the floor because she wanted a bath, she is something else that girl. My phone started vibrating in my hand, it’s Mel. She has been calling a few times so let me answer this “yo” answering the call “damn nigga, take your time answering” I laughed leaning down to grab Imani’ arm, she is going to run off like she does “I know, busy guy. It’s hard taking care of three kids, you know” I dragged out “I totally understand that Chris, as I was saying that she was with the big boss, and we didn’t want to say anything but now she’s walked off again. But she mentioned it, and when she talks about it she cries, I’m not even putting it on so I think she’s just closed off from it but I guess it’s not possible? My little ninja is asleep?” Sighing out “she is, there is one that is awake though. You know what I will do anything for my daughters, I would stop an event for them” the line went silent, closing the bedroom door “that’s between you both, but she is suffering Chris” Imani ran off as she does, she will be back “I’ll be in London for her event, I know how important this is and the girls will be there. Surprise for her, don’t say it to her though” Mel gasped “no way; she is going to cry. It’s been the hardest time anyways, keep in contact with me. Is TJ coming?” Shaking my head “just me and the girls” Mel cooed out, I am just not happy about this at all “call me though, like I know this has been hard. I just wish it was different for you both, but she is going to be happy to see you all” I feel like not going now “to be honest just don’t let Robyn call me, I don’t want to speak to her. She hasn’t bothered to even care to call Tianna, it’s not cool. Imani! Get out now, I mean it. I am sick” she is being so naughty right now “the favourite, I adore her so much” she should have went with Robyn “then take her, damn” since she loves her that much “is it Chris?” oh Robyn is there, I am not in the mood for her.
There was a silence, while there was I placed Imani on the bed, she can just start getting comfy “I am sorry” that is the first thing Robyn said “I don’t need the apology, it’s the girl that was crying on me all day on her birthday. You are wack for that, I don’t care if you are upset about it she is a fucking child. You’re a grown fucking adult Robyn, are you serious?” I did say I would be good, but I can’t help it “I know, I did call you, but you didn’t pick up. Then I got side tracked with this, I will make it up to her. Don’t be like that with me Chris, when I said I would be away for a while we both agreed, I even said bring the girls here and we can just get a private tutor and you said no, you will keep them there. I am suffering too, I miss them. I am working my ass off while you send me cute pictures and spending time with the kids, I miss that, I do and you’re there judging me” I didn’t even say anything, but she is crying “can you just relax, you need to sleep. Just let me know, keep in touch with me, we are going back to the house, I will tuck her in bed, take care” Mel said, she knows I am judging her. This is why she stormed off the phone crying, I dislike arguing when she is so far apart from me, but it just annoyed me, I won’t call her back or anything, but I will just text her to say it’s ok, soon we will be united and whatever “Imani, why are you like this? I feel like you should have been my son, lay down in bed now” reaching over and snatching the remote from her, she keeps playing about with the TV “peppa pig” she pointed at the TV “my ass, in bed now” her fat ass all out of breath from being a menace.
I literally bought the girls in their nightclothes; I don’t know how I did this, but I did it. They all half asleep just going through the airport but the lady in business class has been so kind and got the girls extra pillows “early start for them” the flight attendant said, I grinned “for me too, I was the one dragging them out, it was a mission to do this. I thought let’s just keep the clothes on and get them on here, we can change after” she cooed out “they are so sweet, exhausted too. They are going to wake up on the plane and going to a different country. Well you are lucky, you have business class all to yourself so if you need anything then let me know” it’s kind of dope that we the only ones in business class, shit is dead as fuck. I was going to get the jet but if I did then Robyn would know, just because Tina would tell her, and I can’t be bothered to tell Tina too, so I just got on a plane but going there in comfort of course. I guess I can relax, the girls are asleep. I can sleep for a little and then start getting them ready once they wake up, I packed a whole carry on case just for this moment. I packed badly but we can always buy clothes while we in London anyways.
My daughters are so beautiful, like it makes me smile how beautiful they all are “dad you really matched us like this?” Rylee said pulling a face “honestly I didn’t do it on purpose, I needed to leave so I saw these Burberry dresses and I was like we got to go, grabbed them and got the shoes. But look how beautiful you look and you want to say thank you to the lady, she did your hair” Rylee looked behind her “it’s not like my mom” Rylee says this all the time “I agree too” the flight attendant said “but thank you, it’s better then my dad” the flight attendant laughed “not a problem pretty” Tianna is watching something on her tablet with Imani at the side of her, she is quiet so I will take that “dad” Rylee sat on my lap “this sounds like you’re going to ask me something, did I ever tell you that your mannerisms is like your mom?” she nodded her head “everyday but mom is amazing, but dad. Ti really wanted a party right, I think we should do a big party. She didn’t want one without mom” raising and eyebrow “you tease her all day every day and now you nice” she laughed “because I can” shaking my head “be nice, but we shall see what we can do. Also you’re going to hate me, I left your phone that you both share at the house, I only got the tablet” now she is not happy “how am I supposed to message my friends now dad!” she got off my lap, well that got her off my lap then.
Rylee and Tianna pushing Imani in the stroller while I deal with the luggage “you two, can you now run with her like that please” I had to put Imani in a stroller, she would run off without a care “I will!” Tianna shouted, walking through the airport with these three is no fun, we had two toilet breaks before we got passed security. The major thing here is that we made it, we are in London “worst part here is I need to pee, but I don’t trust anyone or anything to be just leaving them, so I am going to be a big boy and hold it in “how much more walking dad?” Tianna asked “just a little more, we are nearly there. See the driver is there” I can see my name written “Chris Brown?” he said, nodding my head “welcome to London sir, let me take your luggage” all I can think is thank god but I don’t even know where we are going, I will call Mel and meet up with her “follow me sir the car is just there” looking to the side of me, some random people started waving at the girls “these are Rihanna daughters” waving the girls over “here, come. Let’s go, thanks brother” the driver took the bags for me “let me push the stroller, you walk in front now” this is hectic as hell, I ain’t ever doing this again in my life.
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Drive in movie date with Erik.
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“What showing did you buy tickets for?”
You wait for Erik to find the both of you a good spot closer to the front. He parks the car, pausing his music that he had playing through his Bluetooth.
“Candyman,” he says while showing you the tickets for that, “And...Lost Boys.”
You give him a huge smile, “YESSS! You remembered how much I love Lost Boys.”
“Y/N, your annoying ass practically begged me every damn day about seeing it.” He reminds you with humor.
“Well, you listened to me so that’s all that matters. Promise me something,”
Erik looks at you before opening his car door to grab snacks, “WHAT?”
He knew it was going to be something that would irritate him.
“Can you please not complain while watching it? I don’t wanna hear all that.”
He looked down at you with a mug, “Girl, who you talking to number one, number two AINT nobody tryna disturb your movie. No cap, if it’s wack I’m going the fuck to sleep.”
You groan loudly like a child, “You’re so aggravating.”
Rubbing your temples you open your door to leave only for Erik to stop you with his bark of a voice. He steps out, walking to your side, opening the door himself. You roll your eyes at his dramatics but this was Erik being a gentleman and it was cute and nice of him.
“Thanks, asshole,” you kiss his cheek, “Now lets go so you can buy me some popcorn and candy.”
On your way to the consession stan you swing Erik’s hand in yours, uncaring that he looked down at you like you were crazy. He couldn’t stand when you did this but he never stopped you. The line was pretty decent, moving at a steady pace. The minute it was your turn to order, Erik pulls out his wallet, eyes focused on the menu.
“Can I help you?” A young girl spoke while scratching her weave.
“Yeah, let me get a large popcorn-HOLD UP.”
The young boy behind the girl was already filling the bucket before Erik could finish.
“I want my popcorn layered with butter.”
The teenage boy dumps the fresh popcorn out to give Erik what he wanted.
“I also want some M&Ms, sour patch kids, and one large soda with one straw.”
“Just the one straw?” The girl asks with a strange expression.
Y/N, being the defensive one, decided to reply for Erik.
“YES. One straw. That’s my man, if we can share body fluids then we-“
“Y/N,” Erik spoke low but with warning, “stop tryna scare the girl off like that. She only 16.”
“Whatever.” Both Y/N and Erik spoke in unison without a thought.
Huffing, the girl with her claw nails finished ringing in their total, “It’s gonna be $20.89.”
Erik handed over a fresh $20 dollar bill with some change before grabbing his snacks and popcorn. Y/N took the empty cup to fill up. She mixed grape and orange soda together. Finally back at the car, Erik placed the snacks on the roof of the car, walking to his trunk.
“It’s gonna get a little chilly so let me get the blanket out.”
“It’s the fluffy one right? Not that itchy one?” You ask him to clarify.
“The fluffy one, Y/N. I gotchu, baby, don’t trip.”
You open the door, placing the soda in the cup holder. Erik opens his door, tossing the blanket in the back before entering with the popcorn spilling over in one hand and the candy in the other. You help him out by grabbing the popcorn, placing it within your lap. Unable to help yourself you start eating it, humming in satisfaction at the extra buttery flavor.
“Lost Boys starting in like five minutes.”
Throughout the movie you would steal glances at Erik to see his reaction to the 80s cult classic. So far so good, he actually loved everything about it so far from the aesthetic to the music.
“This is real cool, Y/N. I think you just gave a costume idea for tomorrow night,” he playfully pinched your cheek.
“This is gonna go down in history. Finally you like something I choose to watch for once.”
“It’s only cuz I’m rubbing off on you.” He teases. He just had to turn the conversation back to him.
“I know I’m good looking Y/N,” he was referring to your constant staring, “Take a picture babygirl, it’ll last longer.”
“Fuck you, you ain’t even all that,” you point to the screen, “now pay attention.”
The ending fight scene played through and Erik was so into it he was shouting at the screen. He even cringed a little at some of the deaths and that made you laugh. He was so cute, especially when he was the most chill.
Once the movie finished the both of you decided to go for a bathroom break. Sadly you had to wait in a line to get in which pissed you off because most of the chicks weren’t even in there to use the bathroom. They were either fixing their hair, taking selfies, or applying more makeup because they either gave their man some “suckie suckie” or kissed during most of the movie. Once you got to a stall you groan with disgust. You covered the toilet with so many sheets of toilet paper you would think someone needed to help you from how long it took.
Finally out, Erik gave you a “WTF” look, throwing his hands up.
“The movie is about to start what the fuck was you doing?”
“You not about to play with me it was a long line and the bathroom was stinky and messy.”
“You had me out here telling shorties my girl got a sixth sense whenever some chick tries to talk to me and ain’t no stopping her cuz she got hands.”
You look up at him with a sexy smile, “Ooo, you told them bitches back off, huh?”
He shook his head at you, “Duh. You mines, right?”
Candyman started up the second the both of you reached the car. Inside Erik grabs the blanket, stretching it over the both of you while you lean over to rest your head on his shoulder. Candyman was always a fear of your since you were a little girl bout you haven’t seen it in years so you agreed to watch again.
Already you had Erik’s hand in yours, him knowing how afraid you were. He smirks, eyes still on the screen and noticing how jumpy you became during certain scenes.
“Are we gonna have to sleep with the lights on when we get back home, baby girl?”
“Shut up.” You turn away from the gore, “yep, I’m reminded why I don’t like this movie.”
“Whose complaining now? I liked your movie now sit back and enjoy mines.”
“If I leap in your lap DONT get mad.”
Erik half shrugs, “You say it like it’s a problem.”
Things went quiet as the movie continued, your hand squeezing Erik’s from time to time but you watched it all the way through. Once it was over the eerie “The End” in 1920s Hollywood script flashed across the screen in black and white.
“You gotta go pee pee before we leave?” Erik laughs.
“No, we can just go, I’m tired.”
He tossed the blanket in the back seat, turning on his car to leave. Luckily they decided to leave now before the traffic really started up. You ask Erik to play his music on the ride back, curling up in your seat with sleepy eyes.
“Aye, it ain’t your bed time yet. You still gotta do what you promised for me when we get back home.”
You look over at him with sass, “And what’s that?”
“Girl, some pussy, what you think?”
“If I can get that scary ass movie out my head then yeah.”
He throws his head back against his seat with a chuckle, “My fault, baby.”
“Yes, your fault.” You pout, “now I’m gonna have nightmares.”
“Not while I’m around, chump.”
“Next drive in, let’s watch some Romance movies.”
You knew he hated the mushy stuff. Romeo and Juliet was a must see and also Love Jones. You saw the Ad online for those movies at the next drive in.
“I should’ve never told you about this place.” He complains while accelerating down the lane.
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Things I’ve heard high schoolers say pt 3
Person: it’s to early for me to be alive right now
Teacher: who invented math? Student: Lincoln.
Teacher: You feel as if you get low marks on this 5 paragraph essay you’ll end up poor and homeless and addicted to drugs. Student 1: Yes. Student 2: That’s exactly how it works. Student 3: I mean… you’re not wrong.
Student: It’s called panic and I do it well. I do it very well.
Student 1: I need to get glasses. Student 2: I need to get a will to live.
Student: Physics eats brains for lunch and sucks ass for dinner.
Student: Fuck you Perry the platypus!!
Student: he’s an Asian white supremisist. How does that even happen.
Teacher: After treating him like dirt for 7 years what is he to me? Student 1: Friends? Student 2: Lovers?
Teachers: We can’t have poor people running the place, that’s stupid.
Teachers: It was illegal to be alone because when you are alone you commit a sin.
Student: They play with your intestines? Like jumprope???
Student 1: you make me want to kill myself Student 2: Bitch please! I’ve been making myself want to kill myself for years.
Teacher: If you’re in my class don’t be acting the fool
Student: that’s it! You’ve lost your titty privileges
Student: I have the bladder of an octopus please let me go to the bathroom
Teacher: America broke up with Britain through text and by telling all of their friends but not actually telling Britain.
Student: my peripheral vision up is about as good as a fucking snail’s.
Student: I am allergic to myself.
Student: she brought my coconut juice. I’m going to cry.
Student: my name is Bitch.
Student: my elevator is literally a vsco girl
Student 1: what do you think? Student 2: I think I’m a fucking slut.
Student 1: I look like a lightbulb Student 2: A cute lightbulb. 10/10 would screw you (in)
Teacher: No one likes Axe, but its your friend.
Student: I am a flaming homosexual and that is why I want to dye my hair pink in honor of the women that I love so much
Student: oh my god it’s Michael fucking Jackson! *screams*
Student: Im 16 but not even very much 16.
Teacher: Theres a reason my cousin Neil trades three shifts of paramedic work so he doesn’t have to work on the night of the full moon.
Student: I know it sounds scary running from the police but it’s actually just leisurely walking away from them.
Student: I was washing my hands after lunch and this guy just started bleeding out next to me.
Student: I’m just saying, I would wear a full out prom dress to school and no one could stop me.
Student: I have the strength of a roasted peanut.
Student 1: Avacodo’s are thicc though. If there was a sexiest food event then avocado would win hands down. Student 2: what about peaches Student1: I would 100% fuck an avocado.
Student: chicken nuggets re the dad bod of the food world.
Student: in conclusion: gay.
Student: Hey Mr (Teacher) can you please elaborate on your outfit choice today?
Teacher: Dueling? You know the 10 paces fire? The thing that Hamilton is known for but he was a lot better at?
Teacher: Dreams are kinda wack Student: But this is another level of wack.
Student 1: Im just saying you could totally suck a dick by mistake. Student 2: How? Student 1: Like if you’re watching a movie and he’s holding a soda bottle between his legs and you want a sip but it’s dark you could totally accidentally suck a dick.
Student 1: hurry the fuck up Student 2: that is not how you treat people, you need to have some respect. You say PLEASE hurry the fuck up.
Student: You know, Stockholm syndromes. Like when someone is kidnapped and then catches feelings for their master, daddy kinks, that kinda shit.
Student: IF I were to eat Donalt Trump’s ass it would be so white I’d get retinal cancer just from looking at it.
Student: You were texting her which made us loose the quizlet live game! She is a whore!
Teacher: you’re a dirty old man, you read the script
Student: you’re my hwb. Homies with benefits.
Student 1: I’m a shell 2: I’m a crab. 3: what do crabs do to shells 2: I’m going to go live and eat inside you then eventually leave you for another
Student: Ayyyy!! We’re getting mono!!
Student: Stop catching feelings you dumb emotionally suicidal bitch!!!!
Teacher: *Student’s name* you need to find friends who love you.
Student: Is that a kneecap? *fake cough* Slut. *fake cough*
Teacher: Yah Buccanan was our first gay president. Student: But he was a Democrat! Teacher:… you DO know that people can be gay and a democrat.
Student: This whole book was just a giant KFC commercial.
Student: he other day I tried to zoom in on a book.
Student: every time I head an Indian person talk it’s like they’re raping me but in a good way.
Student: You canned corn of a human.
Student: you look like a broken piano
Student: There’s no room for Jesus! I don’t want to see him!
Student 1: Tiger sharks are the goats of the ocean. Student 2: Wrong. I’m the goat of the ocean.
Student: Florida is the Bermuda Triangle of stupid shit.
Student: Jesus has a plan for me, and I don’t think it’s in his textbook of an agenda.
Student: did you talk to her? Because I’m pretty sure blowing up a school is frowned upon.
Student: and that’s on period no tampon.
Student 1: what would your stripper name be? Student 2: Ruby. Teacher who over heard: Excuse me. Teacher here, stripper conversation over there. Please move the inappropriate conversation somewhere where I can’t hear it. Vanilla Pudding. (the thing about this one, was she was telling us that in the past, her stripper name was Vanilla Pudding)
Student: (Different student’s name), if I told you that I was possessed last night would you believe me?
Student: (Teacher) I was possessed last night, is there, like, biology to support that?
Student: Could I theoretically live forever if I drank infinite 5 hour energies.
Teacher: I have more glue sticks I just don’t put them out because the freshman eat them.
Student: drinking chocolate milk isn’t good for you it just like tragic.
Student: who do people even get stds, I can’t even get dms
Student: Tell me you’re kidding. Tell me you did not find my house by looking at snap maps. YOU HAVE MY ADDRESS!!!
Student: Hey you lived in Africa right? Does that mean you can say the n word?
Student: Someone threatened to open up my chest, piss in it, and close it back up.
Student: For how good I am at catching feelings, you’d think I’d be better at sports.
Student 1: I’m a Taurus. Student 2: I thought you were gay.
Student: So if I ate a tide pod then ate a t-shirt what would happen?
Student: Buddhism is just a series of vibe checks until eventually one works.
Student: why does bugs bunny have so much cleavage??
Student: Don’t underestimate snoopy you fucking heathen.
Teacher: So what you’re saying is when the okay boomer generation dies we won’t be racist anymore?
Student: Venus is in retrograde and that’s why Im not dealing with your bullshit.
Student: What is wrong with you. No sincerely. What made you think that eating a green banana is okay.
Teacher: You know Up? In the movie there’s this dog and when he’s talking then he’ll turn and say squirrel. That’s like me. I think I have adhd.
Student: you absolute tea drinking taxes liberal.
Student 1: if you see my cat run. She’s psycho. Student 2: Can I run her over with my tires?
Student 1: I will drive us through the gates of Shaw and into the water. Student 2: I hope we blow up underwater.
Student 1: Juxpositioning my rain boots with my lingerie. Student 2: those rhyme. Wait no they don’t!
Student: when he says he has a tenor recorder, but really we all know he only has a soprano recorder.
Student 1: you’re shoelaces are untied Student 2: I know. I hope I trip on it and die. Student 3:I felt that
Student: Every time I see a 9/11 ad I always pretend to have a panic attack.
Students chanting: Eat the rich. Eat the rich. Student 2: Rich, more like Bitch.
Student 1: UWU I’m going to lock you in my gas chamber Student 2: Primes flame thrower UWU
Student: I’m not Like other girls. I die on command
Studrnt1: Turkey bitch Student 2: she just called you a turkey bitch Student 1: yes you specifically are a Turkey bitch
Student: I will eat a bitches dick. Gobble gobble motherfucker.
Student 1: he opens my snaps in 10 seconds Student 2: that’s love
Student 1: My for you page is almost exclusively gays, theatre, and Percy Jackson at this point. Student 2: Those are all the same thing basically.
Student: I would have kicked so much ass freshman year if I wasn’t depressed.
Student: Navy blue is the white kid who thinks he can say the n word of the color world. He thinks that he’s black.
Student: Your nose hairs look fragrant. Would you mind if I took a taste?
Student: Boxed water tastes like what I imagine trader joes to taste like as a water.
Student: The water from Moana would be a gentle lover.
Student: we feast tonight brother. I found this in the trash can.
Student: Okay, but I cry myself to sleep BETTER than you.
Student: Can you Venmo me some titties please?
Girl holding hands with another girl: It’s a good thing we’re dating otherwise this’d be pretty gay.
Student 1: I just wanted to know if you knew Lincoln personally. Teacher: What? Student 2: We think you’re a time traveler.
Student 1: Sweetie, you’re having a breakdown over rocks. Student 2: I really hate that class!!!
Student: I love being the joker when we play chess
Student: are you saying that you finger fuck your eurethra?
Student 1: Honestly sometimes I just go onto that lofi hip hop radio, beats to relax/study to thing and just get into a fight with someone in the comment section. It’s fantastic. Student 2: Sometimes they do give good advice though, once I asked if I should ask out this guy and they responded with “No, guys ain’t shit” and I was like “aight you right, you right” Student 3: Sometimes it gets weird though, like once I went on and everyone was talking about how sex and money have become the new gods of our time, and how someday a future generation will die without ever seeing the light of the sun. Student 1: Okay but are they wrong though?
Student: It doesn’t matter if you’re a boy or a girl or something in between or something else entirely. A bitch is a bitch, and you sir, are a bitch.
Student 1: so last night I killed and area few of your kids, I hope you don’t mind. Student 2: nah I don’t really care.
Student: what size pussy your phone got?
Student 1: I listen to songs about Greek gods and being polyamorous Student 2: I listen to songs about... smashing.
Student: Motzarella cheese is the pastel pink of the cheese world.
Student: Someone who can bench press 200 has nothing on someone that can just double fist eat Costco sized pound blocks of cheddar cheese.
Student: I will drag you down to hell and make the devil give you therapy so help me. Student: You see, we don’t conjugate words in English, much less math.
Students: well the thing about gamers is, you know they’re good with their hands.
Student: Oka first of all, we’re all on the same planet, so that’s already real small. Then, what are the chances that we were born the same species, like I could have been born a platypus. I could have been a mealworm. Then the chances that we’re in the same country then the same state then the same school like damn. Imma just vibe now.
Student 1: You’re built like a baked bean Student 2: IDK why that hurt me so much but it did.
Student: If I don’t get a hug in the next 10 minus, I’m going directly to the pentagon to tell Trump to suck my dick.
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lucifrogg-moved · 6 years
Some BNHA Headcanons
Warning, some of these are a bit sad, but I'm just rambling
-Ever since getting attacked by the sludge villain, both Bakugou and Midoriya hate touching anything slimy or goopy, as it brings up bad feelings from that experience.
-Kirishima, despite not being able to understand it very well, loves American rock songs. He especially loves rock from the 80's and 90's.
-Whenever Uraraka sleeps, she wears gloves so she doesn't make herself or anything on her bed float in the middle of the night.
-Kouda is very well-versed in both JSL and ASL since he is selectively mute. Midoriya, Iida, and a few other of their classmates start learning JSL for him.
-Shouji and Kirishima are competing for class 1-A's best hugger. Kirishima never wins, but keeps on trying nonetheless.
-When the class moves into the dorms after the Kamino incident, some of them go to Aizawa when they have nightmares. One night, not long after moving in, most of them are restless and a few wake up from nightmares, so they all wake up Aizawa and All Might and they all have a movie night together. Satou, Bakugou, Momo, and All Might make snacks for everyone. Aizawa, Uraraka, Hagakure, and Mina all gather blankets and pillows and stuffed animals too. Kouda brings out his bunny for people to cuddle with. Eventually they all fall asleep, happy and content.
-Sometimes Shinsou joins 1-A for class-only activities and they all unofficially accept him into the class after one legendary karaoke party that may or may not have ended with getting Aizawa to sing.
-After a while, most likely 2nd or 3rd year, Bakugou has significant hearing loss due to his quirk. For a while, he was really angry at himself for it not even crossing his mind that something like that would happen. But the Bakusquad and Kouda help him out a whole lot with adjusting to it. Kouda teaches him and the whole Bakusquad JSL and they have a lot of fun times actually, mainly because Bakugou immediately looked up all his favorite curse words and aggressively signs them during their sessions.
-Tsuyu secretly starts a "Down with Mineta" club. It's not really much of club, it's just her and the other girls ranting about their terrible experiences with his wack behavior.
-Kaminari keeps a tally for the amount of times Bakugou curses each day. One day, Bakugou was having a particularly bad time and Kaminari recorded 256 swears that day.
-Kirishima isn't entirely convinced that he was the only person who could be the one to take Bakugou's hand during the Kamino incident.
-Iida and Momo are secretly competing at "Who can refrain from cursing the most?" Momo is winning because sometimes Iida can't help but let certain things get to him.
-Jirou has written at least one song for each of the kids in 1-A. She's also written one for Aizawa, All Might, and Present Mic. She won't admit it, but she has a lot for Momo and Tooru. Also, for Midoriya's birthday she wrote him a song centered around All Might and he definitely cried listening to it.
-Todoroki makes the absolutely funniest timed comments from the back of the class. One time, without skipping a beat he muttered, "If it were not for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you," when Mineta said something perverted. He quietly quotes various memes/vines seeing if anyone hears him, and often times someone does and has to try with all their might to not burst out laughing.
-Unknown to her, a lot of the students actually fear Tooru's abilities, because "Her quirk only makes her invisible... how truly powerful is she really?"
-Once in a while when Aizawa wakes from his slumber during class, he finds sticky notes on his face, sleeping bag, and/or desk with random questions or comments from the kids. Sometimes they have drawings on them or reminders to do something.
-Bakugou and Todoroki suffer from nightmares the most out of all the students. One time they both ended up finding each other in the common area of the dorms and stared at each other like deer in headlights. Strangely enough they talked to each other about the different things they've gone through and what their nightmares were about. Bakugou constantly feels as if it's stupid for him to talk about what he's been through because Todoroki's been through "worse," but he does always feel a bit better after talking. So him and Todoroki have more than just Midoriya and Kirishima to talk to now.
-After All Might is forced to retire, there's a lot of uneasiness about the way he looks. He's always been a strong, radiant pillar that everyone could depend upon, but now he looks... older, a shell of what he used to be, making a lot of people a bit sad or upset. But, his most loyal fans don't hesitate to love him even more than they did before. He's a hero, their hero, no matter what he looks like on the outside. Some people feel even more inspired to become a hero because, "All Might was the number one hero, despite being kinda sick all this time! So, if he can, maybe I can too!"
-Midoriya was raised on the idea that crying is a healthy thing. If you're sad, really happy, angry even, it's okay to cry! He's not ashamed to be emotional and teary-eyed, and neither should anyone else be.
-When Ojiro is super excited or angry, his tail fluff poofs up a whole lot, kinda like a cat.
-Tokoyami, unbeknownst to the most of the class, actually sleeps with a lot of lights on because he's afraid of Dark Shadow being rowdy in the middle of the night. The only one who knows this is Hagakure, because he asked her for a night light once.
-Kaminari loves to dance and sing, but he's not the greatest at it?? So when he found out he was pretty good at playing the bass/guitar when the Cultural Festival came around, he was super happy. Even after the festival, Jirou gave him one of her guitars and she teaches him, Tooru, Uraraka, and Mina how to play. Eventually he learns how to play Allstar and Jirou is LIVID.
-Sero loves sticking random objects all over the dorms to see who finds them. Most of the time it's small little figurines, notes, pencils and erasers, but once he stuck an entire package full of kazoos on the ceiling and it stayed there for 2 months before Bakugou pointed at it when he was laying on the ground. Sero absolutely lost it when Tsuyu grabbed it with her tongue and all the kazoos spilled out of the packaging.
-Kirishima will headbutt random objects once in while to see if he's gotten any stronger. Once he got the sudden urge to headbutt something while hanging with the Bakusquad and just rammed his head into the nearest pole. Kaminari and Sero were both concerned, while Mina giggled, and Bakugou just shook his head saying "he does this all the goddamn time, no wonder his grades suck ass. I swear one day he'll be just as brain dead as Pikachu over here."
-Todoroki sneezes and icicles or small flames shoot out his nose or mouth. Midoriya was amazed when he first found that out, while Iida couldn't help but giggle a bit when he witnessed it.
I'll come up with more soon!! Anyone is welcome to request a character to find out my headcanons for them, and even suggest headcanons and things for me to write about!!
//EDIT// LMAO I posted this on the wrong blog, go follow @groundzero-katsu
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injusticeff · 6 years
Chapter Ten
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I was going over ninety miles per hour in a fifty-five zone because honestly, a nigga don’t know what a “speed limit” is when he gotta be somewhere soon. I only had about a fifteen minute window to pull this off successfully so I ain’t have no time to spare.
I only had one thing on my mind the entire time that I drove, not letting anything distract me from the mission at hand. I already had my fix for the day and honestly, I was feeling good.
Good enough to pull off what I needed to pull off.
I'm not trying to have my son around none of the bullshit. Pulling up to Junior's daycare, I hoped and prayed that Simone didn't transfer him to another one but then again, she broke and don't got shit going for herself so I doubt it.
I hopped out the car and made my way through the front entrance, immediately smiling once I saw my boy playing with some of the toys that rested on the floor. "Junior!" I called out to him causing his attention to avert over to me.
"DADDY!!!" He stood to his feet and ran over to me, wrapping his tiny arms around my legs as I chuckled and leaned down to hug him back. "Where you was daddy? I missed you." He questioned with a small pout and whatever little heart I did have basically shattered in my chest.
"Me and mommy haven't been on the best terms but she said you could come stay with me for a couple weeks so go get your stuff and come on." I lied.
He wasted no time in going to grab his things from his cubby, excitedly clapping his hands together on the way there and back. Looking around to make sure none of the staff was watching, I lifted him into my arms and walked out of the establishment without signing him out. Although, even if they were watching, they've all seen me pick up Junior before so I'm pretty sure they didn't think much of it anyway.
I carried him to my car and tucked him into the front seat, making sure the seat belt was tight enough for him to be secure. "You're gonna be a big boy and ride in the front with daddy today."
Making my way around to the driver's side, I sped off in the direction of my crib before anyone could stop me from leaving because they realized I didn't sign out or worse— Simone and her new bitch ass nigga pulled up. I didn't have the time for it today, I'm on a tight schedule.
It took no longer than fifteen minutes to arrive at my house. Junior was singing about how he was a big boy the whole ride and honestly, if I would have known it would have made him this excited, I would've had him riding in the front with me a long time ago.
"Daddy, can we get ice cweam?"
I gave him a playful but knowing look. "Now, how you gon' ask me to go out as soon as we get home." I replied with a low chuckle. "Come on, you lucky I got some in the house."
Unbuckling him from the seat, he immediately hopped down and we both made our way to the front door. I had some business to handle later so I was just going to have to take him to my mom's in a couple hours. I know he's not going to like it but shit, right about now, he doesn't have a choice.
Once we watched a movie and ate our ice cream, I began to put on his shoes for him as I let him know that he was going over grandmas house. Just as expected, he gave me the pouty puppy dog eyes. "Come on lil man, Ima come get you later on tonight. I promise."
That made him a little happier but of course, he was still sad that he had to leave so soon.
I grabbed his book bag filled with some of his favorite snacks and took his tiny hand in mine, guiding him side by side to my car. I hadn't actually told my mom that I was going to be dropping him off but she loves him too much to say no; plus, she hasn't seen him in almost four months so I doubt she'd complain.
It was a silent drive to my mom's house because Junior can literally fall asleep in a minute with no problem, especially if he's in the car. I'm slick jealous. It always takes me a while to fall asleep and sometimes, I don't even get any type of rest before the sun is coming up again. You could probably say a nigga got insomnia but you ain't a doctor so...
Knocking on the door once I finally pulled up to my mom's house, I instantly furrowed my eyebrows when I saw a nigga I've never seen before answer the door. "Who the fuck are you?" I spoke in a cold tone, looking him up and down completely forgetting I had a sleeping Junior in my arms.
"Who's that baby?" I heard my mom's voice come up from behind him before she came into view, her smile instantly fading once she caught sight of me. "Dominick? What's going on? What you doing here?"
"Who's this ma?" I asked her, not once taking my eyes off of the nigga in front of me. Ole dude looks about my age.
She sighed as she stepped in front of him. Little did she know, I'm good at maneuvering around people so that shit wasn't going to save him. "Dom, this is my boyfriend Miles. Miles, this is my son that I was telling you ab—"
"Boyfriend?! What? You a cougar now?"
"Dominick James Lewis, you better watch your tone when you're talking to me. I am a grown woman and I am very capable of making grown decisions without my son's opinion."
I smacked my lips. "Yea yea, we'll talk 'bout this later. I need you to watch Junior for a few hours, I'll be back to pick him up tonight."
"Dom," she spoke to me through clenched teeth, "I have company."
And? Like I was supposed to give a fuck about her wack ass sugar baby. "Okay? And now you got more. Look, I gotta go." I replied as I placed Junior in her arms and jogged to my car before she could give him back. She really just pissed me off and I wanted to handle that so bad but I was already late to a meeting.
I sat in the diner, my feet tapping rapidly against the floor as I checked my watch for the third time. Muhfuckas can never be on time, I swear.
After a couple more minutes of me impatiently waiting, I was about to stand up and take my ass back home until I saw her slide in the booth with a tan trench coat, a fat ass church hat, and sunglasses on. I couldn't help but to laugh at her goofy ass.
"Girl, why you got that clown ass disguise on?"
She frantically checked our surroundings before responding. "I didn't need anyone to know it was me coming to see you. Nobody even knows we still keep contact with each other." She said just above a whisper.
Alright, now my amusement was turning into annoyance as I snatched the hat off of her head.
"Tiarra, take all that shit off. You attracting more attention to yourself than if you would have came dressed like a normal human being." I gritted out, shaking my head. This bitch so damn dumb bruh.
She glanced around a second time before slowly sliding the sunglasses from her face causing me to finally notice the major scarring on her face. I let out a low laugh.
"Damn son, who beat yo ass?"
She rolled her eyes in a huff. "Your scary ass baby momma."
"Simone did that to you?" I looked over all the scars once again with a slight nod. "I'm proud of her."
Rolling her eyes again, she sat back in the booth and crossed her arms over her chest like that was supposed to scare me. If I want to clown yo ass, I'm going to do it but she lucky we're not here for that because I had so much more I wanted to say. "When's the last time you talked to her?" Of course I still wanted to keep tabs on her. She was mine whether she liked it or not and there was no way she could get away from me unless she’s trying to move to another country. And even then, it’s not a guarantee.
"Three months ago before she did this bullshit." She responded, pointing to her face as if I didn't already see how fucked up she was.
All I could do was nod in response. Three months? She couldn't really give me any recent information so this meeting with her was pointless. I think she just be wanting to see a nigga. Weird ass.
Standing up from the booth, I gathered my things and started to make my way out of the diner before feeling her grab my arm causing me to quickly snatch it away. She buggin' right now. "W-Where are you going?"
"To my damn house, we ain't got shit else to talk 'bout. I'll fuck witchu later though." With that, I exited the establishment without so much as looking back because these hoes will mistake that for you wanting them to come with you or some shit. Tiarra's a freak but she the type of hoe that tries to stay the night and shit, I don't have time for all that.
Besides, what I look like being laid up with Simone's sister around my son. Around anyone for that matter. I already know for a fact that she gets around. When my niggas ask where they can get a quick fuck, half the time I just send them her way. Don't tell her that though, I just continue to let her think she's the shit because, I mean, what else does she have besides her ego?
The fine white powder made its way up my nose, a smile gracing my face soon after as I started to feel its effects. The more I get, the more I want. It was a never ending cycle that had me in pure ecstasy every single day.
All I was waiting on was a call from her. Why? I don't know because everyone that knows me, knows that I absolutely fucking hate waiting. In fact, it's one of my biggest pet peeves. But fortunately for her, I got something to keep me company.
I was about to snort my last line before my phone started vibrating in my pocket, causing me to sigh in frustration but still answer it once I saw the caller ID.
Me: What's good?
Her: Hey, did you get the info I sent you?
Sure enough, no more than a second later, my phone vibrated again but this time indicating that I had received a text message as I immediately clicked on it to copy the text in the message and paste it into another message before pressing send.
Me: I got it... Aye, you sure this the right address?
Her: *sighs* Don't you think I would know?
Without another word, I ended the call. For one, I don't fuck with the attitude bullshit and two, I had another call to make.
Scrolling through my contacts, I was a little disoriented so it took me a little while to find the name I was looking for but as soon as I did, I swiftly called my hit man's number. He was one of the best and I was paying him a lot of money for tonight even though he's my potna so I'm expecting at least some blood to be shed tonight. And I honestly didn't care who's blood it was. I just know I wanted to be able to make blood angels in it if I tried.
He picked up on the third ring; he'd been waiting for my call too.
"Yo." His low voice rang through the speaker as a devious grin couldn't help but to form on my face as I spoke my next words.
"Get in position, the dogs are in the kennel." Was all I needed to say before hanging up.
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I pressed my lips against his soft pair with a smile that one wouldn’t be able to miss, even if they were miles away.
“If I could stay here with you forever, I would.”
He chuckled in response, pecking my lips once more. “I guess we’ll just have to settle for growing old and crusty together, huh?”
I couldn't help but to smile in response. I had the sweetest man anyone could ask for. Well, sweet to me at least but I'm definitely not complaining about that one.
The fact that he's been being one hundred percent honest with me only made things all the more better for our relationship.
And I swear that I wanted to be completely honest with him too but I just couldn't work up the courage to tell him about Antonio. I can't even lie, after that day, whenever me and Xae would have a big fight, I would go to see Antonio at the restaurant just to brighten up my mood a little bit. But it was only a couple of times and nothing happened other than us talking.
I could tell that he was really starting to feel me more and more each time I went to visit but he still respected the fact that I was in a relationship. And although, I would be in a horrible mood when I got there, I still respected my relationship too. So I don't think talking to him is really that bad.
He's just... someone I could confide in without feeling like I'm being judged.
Sometimes I feel bad because I feel like I'm taking advantage of his kindness even though, he assured me all the time that he just wants to see me happy. Just thinking about the memories with him made me smile to myself, immediately being caught off guard when Xae presses another passionate kiss to my lips.
I swear, his kisses are the best. His lips are so soft and always moist like he just licked over them. I still couldn't help thinking about what Antonio's lips might feel like against mine though. Probably perfect. Most likely perfect.
Shaking that thought out of my head, I focused on my man. He was so handsome. His freckles dressed his face nicely and his pretty brown eyes always looked down at me with love and adoration. A small smile graced my face causing him to do the same.
"Nothing," I stated simply as my smile turned into a smirk, "You just look so sexy when you look at me like that."
He licked over his lips, giving my body a once over as if he hadn't seen it a million times before. Warmth instantly formed at my center once I noticed his eyes lower with lust. "Is that right."
I decided not to answer him with words but with a kiss instead; his tongue immediately roaming my mouth as his hand found itself gripping me behind my neck. Wasting no time in straddling him, I didn't dare to break away from the kiss. I was already wet and I could feel him hardening beneath me by the second causing my hips to unwillingly grind back and forth against him as I moaned lowly against his lips.
He palmed my ass hard making an even louder moan leave my luscious pair. Trailing his hands underneath the hem of my shirt, he swiftly pulled it off with my help, exposing my small and perky breasts. He instantly gave them a light squeeze.
"Take all yo shit off." He spoke in a husky tone as I hopped off of him and stripped out of my shorts and panties in response. While I did as I was told, he took it upon himself to remove his own clothing and his hardened member immediately sprang to life once it was released from its clothing prison. I bit down on my bottom lip as I watched what was all mine.
He then grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him, trailing light wet kisses slowly along my neck and collarbone. Every move he made tended to each desperate need that was now coursing through my body.
Easing myself on top of him, his gaze never left my nude appearance as he tucked his bottom lip between his teeth, letting out a low grunt once my pussy fully consumed him. I immediately started bouncing up and down, my loud moans now filling the room along with the sounds of our skin coming in contact with each other. I would miss this shit even if he gave it to me half an hour ago.
"Fuck baby!" I threw my head back and closed my eyes, trying to expertly take all of the deep strokes he was giving me as I rode him.
He sent another hard slap to my ass causing my mouth to fall ajar, inaudible moans threatening to escape. Using that same hand, he wrapped it around my neck loosely which already sent me overboard as we both met each other's thrust, fighting for dominance. I opened my eyes and gazed down into his, keeping that eye contact as I slid up and down on his dick, him using the hand that was around my neck to bring me down harder and harder each time.
The tip of his length never failed to ram into my spot with each bounce causing my orgasm to quickly build between my legs. Damn. It's never happened this quick before. I was in pure ecstasy. "Just like that baby." I let out a breathless moan, my toes curling as I came making a smirk form on his face but do you think that stopped him? Hell no.
He continued to stroke upwards, forcing me to ride out my entire orgasm while my eyes rolled to the back of my head. I tried to hold out my arm to stop him from going so deep but to no avail. His horny ass was not letting up. Meanwhile, I was already approaching my second one.
He suddenly stopped causing me to pout a bit before he stood up with him still buried deep inside me and laid me down on the bed, propping my legs up on his shoulders. Wasting no time whatsoever, he instantly began ramming into me, pushing himself deeper with each thrust.
"FUCK! XAE!!" I screamed out, feeling him all the way in my stomach. "S-Stop... I can't..." I could barely make out what I was saying since he had me cumming once again. By now, I was completely out of breath and I don't know if I could take anymore.
He looked at me with hungry eyes. He knew exactly what he was doing to me and he was enjoying every second of it. I, on the other hand, was trying not to unravel from it all. I couldn't keep up with him.
Gripping the sheets tightly in my hands as I shut my eyes, I turned my head into them to stifle my moans but my baby wasn't having that. He roughly gripped my chin and turned my head back towards him.
"Hell nah, look at me."
I opened my eyes, noticing every little thing about him as he rammed into me with no remorse; the way his muscles bulged with each movement, the sweat beads dripping aimlessly down his forehead, even the veins threatening to burst out of his skin. I felt myself growing wetter from just the sight of it all.
"Shit." He grunted out lowly. I guess he noticed it too. "I'm finna nut."
He gripped both sides of my hips, hitting me with everything he's got causing me to yelp out in pain mixed with pleasure. This nigga was hitting my damn cervix. I couldn't even form any words. I couldn't move. I just had to sit there and take it.
Feeling his warm thick liquid spill out inside of me, I let out one last moan as he collapsed on top of me; both of us out of breath from everything that just took place. My chest was heaving, as was his, and I couldn't help but to giggle.
He leaned up a bit to look at me as a smile graced his own face. "What?"
"I think you broke my pussy."
He chuckled and shook his head before standing up and slowly pulling out of me. He always did it slowly because he says his tip gets sensitive after he cums. Sometimes I take advantage of that and torture him by continuing to ride him after he nuts but this time, I could barely even move. Matter of fact, my legs were still twitching.
I heard the shower start running before Xae came into my view again, holding his hand out for me. Bracing myself for a couple of seconds, I took it and stood weakly to my feet, following him to our bathroom.
After a long warm shower with my man, I did my hygiene routine; putting on my deodorant, lotion, and all that good stuff before getting dressed in something comfortable. I didn't bother to put on any panties because my pussy was still sore and I didn't need anything rubbing up against it right about now... unless it was Xae's tongue, of course.
I laid down next to Xae with a content sigh, allowing my head to rest on his chest. I could faintly hear his heartbeat, getting faster when he inhaled and slower when he exhaled. It was actually pretty peaceful to just sit there and listen.
After a few minutes of that though, I decided to break the silence by looking up at him causing him to do the same, but at me.
He furrowed his eyebrows with an amused look on his face. "So?"
"Our relationship is steady getting better everyday. It's even better than it was before." I couldn't help but to smile because it was true. We rarely argued and that was a blessing because whenever he wasn't at work, we were all up under each other just enjoying each other's company. Laughing and talking about every little thing, no matter how random it was.
"I know, I'm glad I can make you happy again. I started slacking. Forgot what I had until I almost lost it."
I slightly frowned in response, raising my hand up to caress his cheek. "Baby, you always make me happy. Regardless of any problems we have, I always know this is where I want to be."
"Same here. We been together for a while and we've been through everything together. I can't even imagine being with anyone else."
For some reason, just hearing those words made me sigh in relief. I was beginning to think that he didn't know what he wanted a couple months ago but now I know that it was just a phase he was going through. A weird phase but whatever. I accept him and all his flaws. I'm just glad he finally realized that he didn't want to give what we had up for nobody.
"So... I was thinking... did you want to rethink that marriage proposal?"
I was a little nervous to even ask because neither one of us has brought it up since I turned him down. I've been thinking about it a lot, I just didn't know when would be the right time to bring it up. I just couldn't hold it in any longer.
I want to be his wife so bad.
He was silent for a few moments as if he was thinking about it before reaching over to his nightstand and pulling out the velvet box that he originally proposed to me in. I can't believe he kept it after all this time. He must have known that my sap ass was going to ask about it again.
A huge grin grew on my face as he removed the ring from its spot and slid it on my left ring finger, pressing his soft lips against mine. I tried my best to kiss back but I was still too busy smiling and looking down at the ring that now dressed my finger. "I love you." He pulled away only to look at me. I'm sure anyone could tell that I was ecstatic right about now, there was no hiding it.
"I love you too baby."
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“Hurry that ass up. You know Junior don’t like waiting when he ready to go.” I called out to Simone who was taking half a century just to throw on some sweats.
She came out of the bathroom in her bra and some adidas joggers just to wave me off. "Junior ain't the one driving."
Letting out a low chuckle, I shook my head. "Just put ya shirt on so we can leave." I retorted causing her to stick her tongue out at me in response. Ole childish ass.
It took her at least ten to fifteen more minutes to finish getting dressed because she decided to put her hair in a low ponytail since she didn't feel like straightening it. By this point, I had been laying down watching TV for almost half an hour already. I swear you got to tell her to get ready at least an hour and a half in advance if you want to be even remotely on time.
I can't even lie though, my baby still looked fine and she wasn't even trying hard. Now when she does try, you got to warn her like three hours in advance or you'll miss your reservation. It's happened once before and believe me, I learned my lesson ever since then.
Once she got her shoes on, I grabbed my keys, my phone, and my wallet before following her out of the door and to the car, making sure to lock my house up as always. A nigga been robbed before and I got too much valuable shit in there to just be careless.
After we got settled in the car, we were on our way to the daycare to pick Junior up. By this point, I had memorized the route and didn't need the GPS for directions anymore. I pretty much got a photographic memory so it really wasn't even that hard but I'm not going to cap, directions are not my forte at all. If it's somewhere new, I'll get you lost in a heartbeat.
The drive there was pretty much like any drive we usually have, the music was playing lowly while we talked and laughed about random shit. This time though, she wanted to play and covered my eyes with her hand for a split second.
"Nigga, is you tryna die?! We on the highway."
She only giggled in response. "Relax, I didn't even put it on there for long. It was like a blink."
"Wasn't no damn blink, you tryna kill us..." I mumbled under my breath while shaking my head. This is the second time I'm saying this and I already know it's not going to be the last: ole childish ass.
It didn't take too long to arrive at the daycare although Simone's ass was over there licking on my neck and rubbing me down. I almost pulled over on the side of the highway and gave her some of this dick but honestly, we were already running a little late.
Once we finally got there, we walked into the building and headed straight for the sign out sheet since we were going to need to do that anyway. Simone scanned around the room, her eyebrows instantly furrowing when she didn't see Junior.
"Excuse me, where's Junior? I don't see him." She quickly asked one of the ladies who usually watched over the kids.
Simone impatiently rolled her eyes. "Dominick."
The lady turned around and eyed all of the kids in the classroom before turning around with a puzzled expression on her face which instantly placed worry in my heart. I could only imagine what it's doing to Simone.
"I'm sorry ma'am, I don't see him. Let me check in the bathroom." The woman quickly moved around us and made her way to the back.
Simone couldn't stop fidgeting with her hands as she continued to scan the room in hopes that her eyes had deceived her the first time. Her attention then averted over to the cubbies to look over that too. There weren't that many children still here so it wasn't full and crowded like it usually is.
"Saint... I don't see his bag."
Although parents weren't allowed beyond a certain point passed the mats, she barged right in there and made her way towards the cubbies to get a closer look. I followed but as soon as I got there, she was frozen in place. My eyes followed her gaze to where Junior's name was and sure enough, his cubby was empty.
"Ma'am, you're not supposed to be in here." The lady who previously went looking for him came out from the back and called out to us.
Simone quickly whirled around and zeroed in on her. "Where is my son?" At this point, I could tell she was fuming. That was the only thing keeping her from breaking down: anger.
"I-I'm sorry but I couldn't find him. I looked everywhere he could go but..." She trailed off for a second once she noticed Simone gritting her teeth. She was so angry that I don't even think she knew that she was crying. "Maybe someone else picked him up—"
"THERE IS NO ONE ELSE THAT SHOULD BE PICKING HIM UP!" She shouted back in response, earning the attention of everyone in the room. Even the kids. "HOW COULD YOU TAKE YOUR EYES OFF HIM?! HOW COULD YOU NOT SEE WHERE HE WENT?!?"
I began to try to grab for her to calm her down but she swiftly pulled away from me to inch closer to the woman. "WHERE IS MY SON?!" By now, most of the anger had died down and became sadness as her tears just started dropping aimlessly. They just couldn't stop.
Wrapping my arms around her, she immediately buried her head in my chest and continued bawling. I could feel my shirt becoming wetter and wetter by the second. I didn't even want to believe that this was happening right now. We had been good and without worry for almost four months now, she was finally getting to be happy. Actually happy.
"We have to find him..." Her voice was muffled as she spoke into my chest but I understood what she said perfectly.
I'm not resting until we find him.
Draping one arm around her shoulder, I guided her out of the establishment since I figured her crying probably made her vision blurry. Once we got into the car, I started it up and turned to her. "Where do you think he would be?"
"I don't know. The only place I could think of is my baby daddy's house. I don't know how to get to his mom's house by heart because he always took Junior there himself." She spoke as she began to wipe some of the tears that still stained her face, sniffling lightly.
"Do you know how to get to his house?"
She nodded. "Yes, of course."
That was all I needed to hear before pulling out of the parking lot. I was driving well over the speed limit as she told me the directions, I didn't want to waste any time. I was sick of her always getting hurt by a nigga she wants nothing to do with and I honestly want him to be home with every bone in my body because my fist just want to talk. Something's got to give.
Although I was speeding, it seemed like it took forever to finally get to this nigga's crib. I could tell the anticipation was killing the both of us. Once we finally got there, I was barely able to put my car in park before she hopped out and went straight up to the front door, knocking on it violently. I was right behind her once I actually stopped the car and got out. By the time I caught up with her, she already knocking again but this time, it was much louder. It sounded like she was about to break her knuckles or something with how hard she was banging.
"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR DOM, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!" With that, she began kicking the door as small dents started to form each time her foot came in contact with it.
Noticing some of the neighbors start to come outside due to all the noise, I cautiously tried to pull her back but she wasn't having that. She just kept at it until I finally was able to yank her back towards me. "Babe stop, I think I see someone calling the cops."
"I DON'T CARE, I WANT MY FUCKING BABY!" She slipped out of my reach and ran up on the door again, giving it one last kick before I quickly pulled her off the front step, nearly dragging her back to the car.
She tried to get away every chance she got but she can't find Junior if she's locked up, I'm only trying to look out for the both of them. I was finally able to forcefully sit her in the car before looking at her as I held her in the seat. "Look bae, he's obviously not there. We can go to the police station and report Junior missing but I don't want you getting arrested."
Just as I said that, the waterworks started up again because she knew I was right. And if we both got locked up, I wouldn't be able to bail her out. Once she calmed down, I made my way to the driver's side and quickly pulled off before any other nosey ass neighbor decided to get the feds involved in something they know nothing about.
I did just as I said and took her to the nearest police station. There was a lot more people there than I thought and I'm not going to lie, I was feeling a little uncomfortable. I'm not going to lie, me and the cops don't really have the best track record but I was willing to do just about anything to get Junior back.
It took us a little while to finally be able to speak with someone and when we did, I had to ensure Simone that she can't be cussing out police officers because she was just that close. The guy kept telling her to calm down and she wasn't really appreciating that considering her three year old son was missing. Eventually, I had to speak for her because she got so irritated that every word she said was laced with pure attitude.
Once we finally got home, she immediately began to start pacing back and forth in the living room. I locked the door and dropped my things so that I could hold her, halting her in her tracks.
"I just don't know what to do... anything could be happening to my baby right now and I can't even do anything about it. It's all my fault, I should have—"
"Hold up," I quickly interrupted her, "You can't possibly think that any of this is your fault. You did what you do every weekday and sent him to his daycare, you couldn't have known this was gon' happen."
She let out a low sigh as she kept her attention down on the ground, not daring to look up at me. "I know. I just... I don't know."
Burying her face in my chest for the second time today, this time she wrapped her arms around me with a tight ass grip on my torso.
"Damn ma, you tryna break my spine?"
She finally looked up at me and let out a low giggle in response. I wanted to at least cheer her up while the cops did what they did. I honestly didn't even want to wait for they asses to supposedly do their job because half of the time, they be bullshitting so they can get their day over with. It be taking months for them to find someone.
Hearing a sudden loud bang, I quickly turned my attention in the direction of where the sound came from and instantly noticed a large black hole in my wall, already knowing what it was.
"Get down!!" I yelled out to her as more shots started to come through the enclosure of my home. She ducked down behind the couch but I knew that wouldn't be enough to protect her so without a second thought, I placed my body over hers and covered her from the direction of where the drive-by was coming from.
Feeling the scorching hot steel of a couple of the bullets pierce the skin of my back, I sheltered Simone from the spray of shots being fired at the house.
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armystringsexo · 6 years
Happy Ending
☆*:.。. .。.:*☆
Jongin x Reader
Request: you write wonderfully and I would like to ask a scenario where the reader is ex-girlfriend of sehun and ends up falling in love with kai, thank you very much ✨🌼
Angst, Sweet
☆*:.。. .。.:*☆
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The sound of the front door shutting caught your attention, making you peak your head out from the kitchen. Your boyfriend, Sehun had just gotten back from practice, luckily in time for the dinner you had made. "Babe! I made dinner, feel free to wash up in the shower before eating!" Sehun gave a wave of dismissal before he walked upstairs for a shower. You furrowed your brows at his odd behavior but shrugged it off, practice must have gone bad.
After about ten minutes Sehun came back downstairs. His hair dry and in another set of clothes. You smiled and sat down at the table with him. The two of you ate in an awkward silence. You stayed quiet in fear of upsetting him but you could tell Sehun was thinking. He seemed more distant and pushed around the food on his plate.
"Y/N," You looked up at Sehun, he wasn't looking at you at all. "We need to break up." Your eyes widened and you sucked in a small amount of air. "What?" You questioned, everything was doing good wasn't it? Or maybe it wasn't...
"You heard me the first time. I packed some of my stuff already. I'll be back tomorrow for the rest of it." He spoke as if he had rehearsed it. Sehun had planned this out, and you were oblivious the whole time. "Okay." You had so many words that you wanted to say but none of them felt right. Sehun visibly tensed from the other side of the table.
"Is that all you have to say? All you're gonna say is 'Okay' when I'm breaking off our 2 year relationship?!"
"Well what do you want me to say? To get on my fucking knees and beg for you not to go as if I'm a damsel in distress? I'm not your fucking puppet, in not here to entertain you. If you wanna break up, then fine, just get out of my house. Yeah I'm upset, i feel like bursting into tears, but I'm not because if it's that easy for you to throw away a relationship then it's easy enough for me to move on."
The two of you held your breaths as you maintained eye contact. The tension was thick and sat heavily in the air. Finally Sehun broke eye contact before he grabbed a few bags and left, the door slamming shut and rattling the decorative items near it. You sighed into the empty abode. Within the span of thirty minutes your entire mood had been flipped. You had spent about fifteen to twenty minutes wallowing in your misery.
All the energy inside you seemed nonexistent, all of it having been drained during the argument. You pushed yourself up from the kitchen seat. The rest of the food had gone cold and your appetite was gone. You sluggishly walked up the stairs to your room. The walk was tiring and the once lively home now seem bland and depressing.
You slipped under the covers of your once shared bed. It was cold without Sehun. You heard your cat meow at you before she jumped on the bed and began moving to lay next to you, her paws and head resting on your shoulder. At least you had some form of comfort, you thought bitterly. You pulled out your phone and called your work, telling them that you were sick with the flu. It was a white lie but you needed to rest. You shut your phone off and put it on the bedside table. You pet your cat's fur softy before you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep.
It had been nearly two weeks without any contact with Sehun or the other members, except for the occasional text that Jongin sent asking how you're doing. The sound of your phone vibrating made you look at it. The screen lit up with the name name: NiNi flashing across it. It continued to vibrate, meaning he was calling.
You grunted as you reached over to grab the device, clicking on the answer button. You quickly put him on speaker, not wanting to bother holding the device as you pet your cat who was beside you, asleep.
"Y/N, oh thank god you finally answered. Everyone was worried about you. I hope you're doing better. Sehun is dick and when he told Minseok what he did, Minseok whooped his ass."
Jongin's last sentence made you laugh, he was always a friend you could lean on when needed. "I'm going to be honest, I'm not doing very great. I really loved him and he just dropped it like it was nothing and my emotions are out of wack now. It could be worse though. I'm glad you worried about me, at least someone cares. Can you tell Minnie I said thanks? And you of course deserve a thank you. So thank you." You rambled as you curled up under the bed sheets.
"Everyone needs a helping hand every once in a while, Y/N," You could hear the concern in his voice as it crackled from your phone speakers. "I'm at the store near your house, what do you want?" You didn't even hesitate before taking him you wanted candy and sweets.
"What kinds?"
"All of them."
"I'll see you in ten."
There was a knock at the door before it was opened. You could hear the sound of plastic bags being set down as you stepped downstairs. "Nini! You actually came to see me!" You cheered before jumping at him in a hug. The lack of physical contact with other people took a toll on you.
"Of course! I couldn't have my best friend being all alone!" Jongin let out a chuckle before handing you a bag of sweets. You felt giddy, like a kid. You sprinted over to your living room and jumped onto the couch. "Nini!! Hurry!" You yelled out.
From in the kitchen Jongin smiled. He was glad you were doing a bit better. Sehun had told the members what he had done. None of the members were happy, seining as you were funny and quite likeable. Everyone missed hearing your voice, even the manager was worried about you. A week after the two of you had broken up, Sehun brought home another girl to the dorm; causing a fight between him and Minseok. Jongin loved you, will every atom and fiber of his being. Every time he saw you smile, his heart would begin to race, he'd smile at you every time you spoke. Even if you were talking about a cute dog you saw on the street, he'd be listening to you, hanging onto every word that came from your lips. He was in love with you.
Jongin walked into the living room, stopping you wrapped in a blanket and looking at him intensely. "What took you so long?" You asked. Jongin shrugged and sat down next to you before grabbing the remote and pressing play. The intro to the Disney movie he had seen plenty of times played on the TV screen. The sound of a bag being opened made Jongin look at you. You were shamelessly shoving candy into your mouth as you intently watched the movie.
Thoughts of the argument poured into your mind in a sudden tsunami of emotion. Your eyes began to sting as tears filled your eyes. You let out a shaky breath and moved to lay on the couch. A hand moved to scratch against your scalp softly, gently calming you. You leaned into Jongin's touch.
Months had passed since the breakup between you and Sehun and unlike most, you didn't regret leaving him. You had at first but eventually you had forgotten about him. You smiled fondly at the memories and looked towards he clock in your office.
You silently cheered that your shift was over, grinning as you grabbed your purse and walked towards the elevator. You smiled at your co-workers who looked at you, bringing a small smile to their faces. You pressed the button to go to the ground floor, shaking with excitement.
The moment the elevator opened, you were rushing through and out the front doors. You walked towards your car and unlocked it laughing as you tossed your purse into the passenger seat before sitting in the driver seat. You pulled off your heels and put them next to your purse, stretching out your muscles.
You started the car and pulled into the street, jamming out to the music on the radio. Happiness radiated off of you and affected those around you, even the people in the car next to you while you danced around at a red light. You were in a good mood, and you loved it.
You parked your car in front of your house, the sight of it made you smile because you had worked hard to get a promotion and earned more then you did before. You unlocked your door and stepped in, neatly placing your shoes and purse by the door. You grabbed your phone and charger and ran to your room, completely prepared to change into your pajamas and relax.
You walked in and stripped of your work clothes. Rummaging through your drawers you managed to find your Mickey Mouse pajamas. Past you seemed to think ahead and laid out a white t-shirt. "Thank god I'm somewhat smart!" You laughed and pulled on the shirt.
The cold air made you smile, it was a nice feeling compared to the burning heat outside and in your office. You stepped down the hallway, confused as to why your kitchen lights were off. You stepped inside and turned off the lights.
Your eyes widened in shock, a gasp slipping past your lips. Jongin grinned at you, holding a puppy in both arms. He moved forward, the puppy looking up at you in curiosity. "I know this is sudden but Y/N I love you. Not just as friends but something more. I was hoping we could both raise him as something more than friends."
He loved you
You're face morphed into one of complete joy, your eyes shining brightly as your hands grabbed Jongin's face. "Yes! A million times yes!" A smile graced his own face as your lips connected together. Happiness and peace took over the two of you.
This was your happy ending.
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ritchiestories · 7 years
chapter 1
I walked into the party around 10 PM. Shit usually didn’t Jump off until around 11 with this crew, but Chance got pretty stingy with his parents liquor around them and started pulling out the cheap shit he got from his brother and i wanted to have a sufficient buzz before that happened. Once your palate becomes accustomed to Tito’s, nothing else will do. I parked my car and walked up Chance’s excessively long driveway to the front door. There were already a decent amount of cars since most people came straight here after the charity gala. I unfortunately was one of the lucky few who got to stick around and chat with the Dean of Admissions at Howard who just happened to be at the table my dad bought for this wack ass function.
It wasn’t all bad though, I got to swipe the last few shrimp and grit puffs from the night. For a food pastry combo that sounds so unconventional, shit was really fucking good.
I loosed my tie and rang the doorbell to Chance’s house. His crib was probably the biggest on the block considering his mom owned the only black movie streaming service in the world. “Niggas really love Brown Sugar bro.” Chance would say anytime people asked about how his mom got so rich. Not that many people asked this since we all came from families with excessive amounts of money but, I think people just have this strange fascination with making sure you deserve the excess for whatever reason. Chance opened the door after about two minutes.
“What up lil nigga?” Chance said as he let me in. “How you gon’ be late to your best friend’s function? We only pull that CP time shit for the Chad’s bro.”
Chance and I had been best friends since the 2nd grade. Partially because our parents met at a Jack & Jill mixer and realized we were the only two black kids in our class. Mostly because we couldn’t properly roll a joint without the other’s assistance. He’s a bit louder than me, and he has an affinity for snapbacks that I find hard to support, but I couldn’t do this “black man in a white world” shit without his ass.
“Sorry bro,” I said as I stepped over the threshold. “Dr. Williams was at my table and my dad wanted me to talk with him for a bit.”
“Damn again? Your dad always has you kissing that nigga’s ass. Did you fondle his balls this time too?” Chance said as he closed the door behind me.
“Do you actively try to be this fucking gross? Or is it just habit for you?” I asked rhetorically.
I walked into Chance’s kitchen where there were already about twenty other kids from our school. I gave a few smiles and head nods, but nothing too personal. Chance was the people person in our friendship. I didn’t even know half these kids by name.
“Yo, come here,” Chance said as he leaned down to a cabinet under his sink. He came back up with a full bottle of Tito’s vodka. “I got what you’re bougie ask asked for. Why can’t you be into peach Ciroc like everyone else?”
“You know how many fucking additives are in that shit? I like my binge drinking to be organic.” I said as I topped off the red solo cup in my hand. “Plus bougie is my aesthetic.”
“Whatever dude.”
Chance and I shot the shit for a while as more random niggas strolled into his crib. He started trying to convince me how he’s going to try to be the black Gordan Ramsey when he grows up, traveling to different soul food restaurants across the country and making their shit better. I told him that wouldn’t work because no soul food restaurant in the country would let him talk to them the way Gordan Ramsey does. About forty five minutes later Chance left me to go tend to the AUX chord (someone had played Bodak Yellow one too many times for his liking.), so I went to mingle through the party. Per usual I didn’t know a damn soul so I made my way outside to Chance’s backyard.
Chance’s house sat on one of the highest residential hills in the neighborhood, so the view from behind it was pretty amazing. After you walk past the combination pool jacuzzi setup there’s a set of couches that look over the entire city. “I be on some Big Brother shit up here,” Chance would say whenever we sat outside. “I can see everybody and everything, but nobody can see me.”
Being by myself at these things was pretty normal for me. I didn’t really need a whole bunch of friends, Chance was really enough. The more people you let in your life, the more people gotta know shit about you. And the more people that gotta know shit about you, the less shit you have to your self.
I sat on the couch and pulled a joint and lighter from my suit jacket pocket. I placed the joint in my mouth and sparked the lighter. I inhaled the first puff and resisted the urge to cough. I exhaled and watched as the wind pushed my weed smoke past me back to Chase’s house. I sat back as “911” by Tyler the Creator blasted from the stereo.
This was a normal Saturday night for me, finding a pocket of solidarity in a crowded room. Not on some loner Jared Leto in My So Called life shit though, this rich kid shit was just getting tired.
I closed my eyes as my body started to go slightly numb. I started thinking about the leftover shrimp and grit puffs I was going to enjoy in about 15 minutes. As thoughts of Old Bay began to fill my mind i was interrupted by a small shatter. A flower pot had fallen off its stone pedestal erected next to a sliding glass door. Two kids came from behind the pedestal to pick it up. The first was Larson Clark. Larson Clark is the son of the Mayor of Baldwin Hills. Larson Clark exclusively wears vintage Yale sweatshirts and loafers like he’s always auditioning for a J Crew shoot. Larson Clark is the editor in Chief of The Union, our school’s literary magazine ran by a bunch of hotep niggas who think they’re better than everyone just because they read the Malcom X biography. Larson Clark is an asshole.
The second kid was Sydney.
“Oh shit..” Larson said tumbling past the spilled soil, “this shit is wrecked.”
Sydney pushed Larson in the chest. Not that it did anything, the nigga plays rugby.
“Shut up and help me clean this up.” she said, bending down to pick up the broken glass. Her curls swooped down into her face and she pushed them back behind her ear to see better.
“Oh fuck that, its not like he’s gonna know who did it.” Larson said, picking up Sydney by the waist. “Besides, his mom just signed that development deal with that chef dude, she can buy like twelve more.”
Larson and Sydney playfully struggled for a couple seconds before giving up on the vase and walking away. Larson grabbed Sydney’s hand and led her across the backyard back to a set of double doors that led to Chase’s entertainment room. I took a drag from my joint and unsuccessfully held back a cough. Sydney looked right in my direction.
We made eye contact.
She stopped in her track for two seconds. I sat up and adjusted my tie.
“Yo, you good?” Larson tugged at her hand to get her attention.
Sydney came back to reality. “Yeah, I’m fine.” she said, as they continued to walk. They disappeared behind the double doors.
I sank into the couch. I couldn’t tell if it was because of how high I was, or if it was because of what I saw. I took another puff of my joint as the music transitioned. “Mr. Lonely” started playing from the stereo.
I can’t even lie I’ve been lonely as fuck.
I can’t even lie I’ve been lonely as fuck.
I can’t even lie I’ve been lonely as fuck.
I stared out at the city. The lights started to blend together like stars. the cars stopped looking like ant and more like centipedes. A warm sensation emitted from my chest and flowed into my fingertips and toes. I tilted my head back resting it on the back of the chair as I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.
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words-from-the-soul · 8 years
This is Why I Don’t Stay Home
Reader x Dean
Hello fellow fanfic readers! I know I’ve been distant, but it’s because of school, work and I just haven’t had anything come to mind… UNTIL NOW! If you guys know what the game Hastune Miku: Project Diva F (the first game) then that’s all I have to say.
Warning: language, but is that really a warning?
You crawl out of bed and notice Dean is still asleep. This is the first time in forever that Dean hasn’t woken up at the crack of dawn. You have been worried about him since Mary left. 
He’s been off, like really off. You’ll wake up without him in the morning and find him asleep on the couch with his phone in his hand. It’s been weeks since she’s talked to him and seeing him like this breaks your heart. The fact that you met her when she had to exercise a demon out of your body isn’t the best first impression, and then she leaves.
You bend over to his stubbly jaw and kiss it. He smiles and his eyes flutter open.
“Good Morning (Y/N),” he mumbles. He caresses your cheek and you look into his half slit eyes and brush your palm over his face.
“Sleep more, you need it.” You say as you stand up and walk out. “I’m going to cook breakfast for you guys.” you then walk over to the kitchen and there is Sam pounding on the keys of his laptop. You then peer onto the screen and see all these tabs open for different cases.
“Those seem promising, really trying to get his mind off of things, huh?” you say taking a sip of his coffee. Sam gives you a look and then nods. 
“There seems to be some disappearances actually around town, so we won’t have to leave a different state and get a motel.” Sam says. A smile comes upon your face as you hear that. 
The motels have been eerie and creepier than the next, it will be nice not to hear banging on the opposite side of the room and not have to deal with the smell of urine concealed into the carpet and furniture.
Dean walks in with his hair all out of wack and grabs Sam’s coffee and sips it. Sam looks over to Dean and then looks at you with a face full of disgust. You giggle.
“I know, it’s too bland, right? needs sugar and creamer in my opinion.” You say to your boyfriend who nods in agreement. You then lay pieces of bacon onto the sizzling pan. 
“You two clearly belong together.” he says as his eyes scan the screen.
“What do you got for us Sammy Boy?” Dean asks. Sam takes his coffee out of his brother’s hand and spins the computer with the other hand to show him.
“Right in town, there have been disappearances all the same way.” You slide the plate of bacon onto the table and you start making french toast.
“How do they all seem connected?” Dean asks as he reaches for the bacon.
“Well look for yourself.” he says as he moves the plate away from Dean. They exchange looks and Dean continues to look at the the screen to look at the details.
“So, what do you think?” you ask as you laying the bread on the pan.
“Well, one lost an ear, one got their eyes gauged out and another got their-,” Dean closes the computer and shakes his head.
“That sounds like something we do.” You say to them.
“Either that, or some serial killer is on the loose.” Dean replies. You serve them their french toast and kiss Dean on his cheek.
“This is what we need boys.” you say grabbing your plate and sitting down.
It’s been three days and you guys are getting close to this thing, it has to be a ghost. You slip your jacket on and head out the door.
“(Y/N), where do you think you’re going?” Dean asks behind you.
“I have this feeling I need to be there, want to join?” you ask. He catches up and wraps his arms around you and cocks his head.
“Just us, sounds hot I’m not gonna lie.” he says kissing you. You giggle against his lips and he backs you into the side of the Impala and he moves his lips to your neck and you grip his hair.
“Oh Dean, this is how the all couples die in every movie.” You say as he lifts his head up. He sighs and kisses your cheek.
“But we’re the hunters We actually know how to kill these things. Come on Baby, don’t you want a little fun?” he tries to seduce you as he leans in to kiss you again.
“How about after we check out that house and afterwards we can have a grand ole time in the house, sound crazy enough for you?”
“Oh, look at you, just turning me on even more.” He kisses you one last time and goes into the car and you plop into the passenger’s seat. You guys blast the old rock and sing on the top of your lungs all the way there. Once you both finally get to the house and you both exchange looks.
“Well, let’s get our ghost!” You say with excitement. Dean takes your face and kisses your lips. 
“Let’s go.” he says. You both get out to the trunk of the car and grab the rock salt rifles. 
As you stalk into the house, you turn the the light attached to the gun on to search to see any trace of the ghost. You walk up to a picture of a woman and four children. 
Each child was missing something; a boy with hearing aid on, which obviously means he was deaf, a girl with dark shades that meant she was blind, another girl with her her mouth open as if she was laughing, but her tongue was not visible and then a girl with her a missing leg, as she leans on a crutch. 
Suddenly, it hits you. The woman in the picture is your ghost and she is trying to get her children back by taking the missing elements on each child. As you must tell Dean your theory.
“Dean,” you whisper and shine your light around so you can find him. He’s not in the room with you, what if the ghost got to him. As you are about to bolt to find him you feel an instant chill down your spine. You shiver and see your breath right before your eyes. You stay still as she approaches you closer and closer. You feel her ice cold presence against you and quickly spin to shoot, but you freeze at the sight of her. She dives for your leg and snaps it; as if she is trying yo rip it off. You collapse to the floor and start to scream in pain. 
There’s heavy footsteps as you hit your head on the carpeted floor and the sound of your rifle shooting the ghost as you drop it. The ghost disappears. There’s a high pitched ringing in your hears and the last thing you see is Dean holding you.
You wake up and find yourself in a hospital room, lights blaring at you and the sound of beeping is on a constant beat. You sigh and move your head to the right. Dean is asleep in a chair it doesn’t look comfortable.
“Dean?” you whisper. His eyes shoot open to the sound of your voice and he leans forward to hold your IV-ed hand.
“(Y/N),” was the first thing that came out from his lips. He leans over and kisses your forehead.
“Wh-what happened?” you ask slowly sitting up. Dean assists you and clears his throat. 
“You got attacked by that ghost. Do you remember anything?.” You close your eyes and sigh.
“I remember looking at a picture of a woman and her four kids and I had a theory of what she is trying to do. I was looking for you, she caught me and-”
“She snapped your leg.” You look at your leg in a complete cast.
“Did you catch her?” He shakes his head. 
“When you collapsed, you dropped your rifle and the gun shot making her escape. And since Cas is on off the radar, I needed to get you help. So I got you into the Impala, called Sam to meet us here and got you in here.” Dean says as Sam comes walking through the door.
“Hey (Y/N), I’m so glad you’re okay.” He says with a smile.
“So what are we going to do about this ghost boys?”
“You are not doing anything (Y/N), Dean and I can take care of this.” Sam says. You look to Dean to hopefully back you up.
“But I know what she wants, I have this in the bag! You got to-”
“Nope, You are sitting this one out and that’s final.” Sam says. You sigh and close your eyes.
Once you are discharged from the hospital, You and Dean are in the Impala driving back to the bunker as Sam drives his car following you guys.
“So, what is this theory you have about the case. Sam and I need all the information we can get.” Dean says as he looking in the rear view mirror at you. You look at the mirror and sigh.
“Oh, now you need my help, but not my physical help.” you say.
“Come on (Y/N).” He says. You roll your eyes at him and shake your head.
“She is trying to have her children brought back to her. In the photo each child was missing something. One was deaf, another was blind, a girl was missing a leg and then there was one who was missing a-”
“Tongue, and so she was trying to break your leg off to have the final piece of the puzzle.”
“Bingo.” you say with an annoyed tone. The rest of the car ride is in complete silence.
Once you get to the bunker, Dean helps you with your crutches to your room and you see that Sam has your bed all set up for you. He took out your pain killers, bottles of water, snacks, all the remotes to the television and tons of pillows everywhere. Sam leaves you two alone and you rest your crutches on the opposite side of the bed as you balance on your good foot. Dean helps you to your side of the bed and lays you down. 
“Do you need anything else?” Dean asks as you get comfortable.
“I’d like to actually do something than sit on my ass and do nothing. But instead I’m here.” Dean gives you a look.
“Seriously(Y/N), get over it. Besides, if you came with us, you’d do nothing but slow us down. I don’t need to lose you too!” He yells. You look away and don’t say anything. “Got nothing to say now, huh?”
“Can you go away?” You say to him coldly. He stares at you for a bit and then leaves the room angry. You grab the Playstation 3 remote and turn it on. You haven’t played this system since Mary came back. So the last game you were playing was Vocaloid Hastune Miku: Project Diva F.
You then see Sam from the corner of your eye and look at him.
“Dean and I are heading back out. If you need anything, call me or Dean.” You ignore Sam and keep your eyes glued to the screen. Sam sees the screen and his eyes are amused. “You haven’t played this in a while.” You just stay silent. Sam leaves and you start to play your game. 
The next morning, Dean and Sam arrive home and the sounds of Japanese, auto-tuned catchy music is filling the house. The boys walk in and you haven’t put that controller down since they left last night.
“Have you been playing this game all night?” Sam asks as they both stare at you.
“Wait, she was playing this when we left?” Dean asks exchanging looks from Sam and you. You finish the level and look at the boys.
“Yup.” You say. “There is a reason why you shouldn’t leave me home alone.” You stretch your arms out and Dean goes over to you and sits on the bed with you. Sam walks out and then you look at Dean. 
“You’re never going to lose me Dean, and you were right, to be honest, I’m actually glad I stayed here, I didn’t have to deal with reloading my gun with rock salt, run for my life and getting a stiff neck from falling asleep in the car. It felt refreshing to relax.” you say with a small smile. Dean rubs your upper thigh and leans in to your lips.
“Well, when I was gone, I really missed these.” He says kissing you. You smile against his lips and lock your arms around his neck. 
“I missed yours too.” you say between kisses.
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