#let the who ever have a uterus or could get pregnant do what they want
cameronspecial · 11 months
Birthday Surprise
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.1K
Summary: With Drew's birthday on the horizon, Drew's daughter and wife wanted to do something special for him.
A/N: Happy Birthday to someone who absolutely makes butterflies in my stomach! Hope this day is amazing!
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November 4th. The day Josepth Andrew Starkey entered the world thirty years ago. Drew doesn’t like to do anything big for his birthdays. He prefers to spend the day with his family rather than partying in a crowded club with annoying drunks, but for this milestone birthday, his family had other ideas. His daughter wants to make a big deal out of her father’s birthday and has helped her pregnant mother plan a surprise party for him. This has been kept from the man up until the morning of his birthday. Y/N is up earlier than expected because of the tiny kicks the human growing in her uterus is giving her. Her rolling back into bed in a struggle pulls Drew from his dreams of his wife and daughter. “Is mini-me giving you a hard time again?” he whispers, bringing her back into his hold. She nods against his chest, “Yes, the little bugger seems to think my bladder is a kickstand.” Drew gives a small chuckle, pressing a kiss to her forehead and then her stomach. “I’m sorry, Sweetheart. You only have three more months,” he reassures, rubbing her belly to help soothe her. Her hand finds his, “It’s okay. It will all be worth it in the end. Happy Birthday, my love.” 
She leans over her stomach and kisses him on the lips. He smiles in the kiss, “Thank you. Ugh, I can’t believe I’m thirty. I’m so old.” “No, you aren’t! You are young at heart, love. Just yesterday you were eating an Uncrustable and colouring in a book,” she giggles. The image of yesterday comes to his mind, “I was only doing that because Millie wanted me to do those things with her. Speaking of Millie, what time did you guys go to bed? I swear I felt like I heard you guys up pretty late last night.” In her tiredness and pregnancy fog, Y/N lets the secret slip out of her mouth. “She went to bed at twelve and I was in bed by four I think. I was going over everything for your surprise party so it took me some time because I kept getting hungry and needing to pee.” Her eyes rival the size of the moon when she realizes what she has done, her hand finding way over her mouth. 
Drew chuckles as he processes the words and tries to end her endless apologies, “It’s okay, Sweetheart. You didn’t mean to. You were up late and have a lot on your mind.” “Right. Well, you have to act surprised at the party. Millie is so excited to surprise you; it would crush her if she knew I spoiled it,” Y/N warns, looking him directly in the eye to make sure her point is getting across. Drew gives her a nod, “Got it. I’ll be so surprised that it’s almost like I act for a living.” Y/N giggles at his joke and her smile grows at the pitter-patter of their three-year-old’s footsteps. 
Millie shooed her father out of the house right after lunch, sending him with a laundry list of things he needed to do before he got home. As he drove around doing the chores, his heart would warm every time he looked at the non-sensical scribbles that were his daughter's “writing”, which had a translation written by Y/N beside each scribble. Even if he didn’t know about the party, he knew he would gladly do these errands for his girls on his birthday because all he could ever want was to take care of them. 
His hand meets his front door and he takes a second to get into character, almost like he is on set. The handle is pushed down to reveal a dark room, which is suddenly set alight with the screams of ‘surprise’ by his family and friends. He lets his shock show on his face, both hands covering the o-shape of his mouth. “Wow, this is amazing. Thank you guys so much,” he thanks the crowd, looking around for his girls. It isn’t long before Millie is running into her father’s arms. “Happy Birthday, Daddy,” she greets him, letting herself be picked up into the air by the older man. He gives her a massive grin, assaulting her cheek with multiple kisses and thanks. “Daddy, your moustache is tickling me,” she complains with joy in her voice. He pulls away, letting the hand not holding up his daughter adjust the dad hat on his head, “I’m sorry, Baby. Maybe Daddy should get rid of his moustache.” 
“No! Mommy likes it. But Daddy… Were you surprised by my party?”
“Yes, I was, Baby. I was so surprised. I love it so much.”
She looks at him in disbelief, “You are lying! You weren’t surprised.” Drew doesn’t know how his acting doesn’t seem to fool his daughter. “No, I’m not. Daddy really was surprised by the party,” he promises, starting to bounce the girl, who is about to cry. “Okay, maybe Mommy accidentally told Daddy, but it’s okay. Daddy still doesn’t know what you have planned for me.” This causes the girl to pause her cries, “Can we have cake now? I want you to see the cake.” Wanting her smile to return to her face, he nods his head, booming to his party guest that it is time for cake. Nobody objects that the cake is being served before dinner or other party activities. Instead, they all gather around the kitchen table and begin to sing the famous song. “Happy Birthday dear Daddy! Happy Birthday to you.” Millie’s loud singing is the one mainly invading his senses. Maybe because of her proximity to him with her being on his lap or maybe because his focus is mainly on her. “Make a wish, Daddy,” she orders. He obeys, blowing on the candles in the form of a thirty.
“What did you wish for?” she questions. Her eyes bore into his with curiosity. He is about to tell her when Y/N speaks up, “If Daddy tells you, Millie, it won’t come true.” Drew shakes his head, smiling down at his daughter. “It’s okay, my wish is already coming true so it can’t hurt to tell. I wished for more happy days with you and Mommy and everyone else that I love.” The crowd awes at how adorable his words are. “And the baby?” Millie clarifies with concern that her father forgot her baby brother or sister. He nods, “And you baby sibling.” He gives her a kiss on the forehead, allowing her to help him with cutting the cake. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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honeyedmiller · 1 year
I love your writing. I was wondering can you please write a pedro×reader when they realize that they're pregnant and it's just so sudden and unexpected and shock them both?
aww tysm, and yes omg. Pedro would be the sweetest dad ever 🥺
warnings: mentions of nausea and getting sick, unexpected pregnancy, little bit of angst, fluff. no use of y/n.
word count: <1k
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“I don’t feel so good again.” You groan, slowly getting up from bed. Pedro watched you worriedly as you scurried to the bathroom to puke out all of the contents in your stomach, again.
You’d been feeling really nauseated and fatigued the past few weeks, and Pedro was getting really concerned about your well-being.
You felt him rub your back gently as he held your hair back, comforting you through your illness.
“Maybe it’s time we go to the doctors, honey. I’m getting really worried about you.” His voice is soft, full of concern.
You nod your head in agreement, tired of feeling like this nearly twenty-four seven now.
So, the next morning, Pedro took you to a private clinic near his house.
“Good morning Mr. Pascal, Mrs. Pascal,” The doctor said, and you blushed at the assumed last name. It made you blush even harder that Pedro didn’t even try to correct the doctor. “What brings you in today?”
“I’ve been feeling really ill recently. I’m constantly nauseated and so exhausted. I thought it was stress from work but I don’t get like this usually when it becomes tough-going.”
The doctor nodded at what you were telling him, and he hummed. “Have you taken any pregnancy tests lately?”
And just as fast as the color rushed to your face, it drained. “No.” You say meekly, looking over at Pedro who looked just as stunned.
You both tried to be so careful… there’s no way you could be pregnant. Right? Right?
“Well, let’s not be too hasty. Let’s run some tests but I will have you take the pregnancy test just to be sure.” The doctor said, and you nodded.
You proceeded to do a series of tests, but the doctor quickly came back with the shocking news.
“It seems you actually are pregnant, ma’am.” He confirmed, showing you the test results in black ink. You couldn’t believe it.
“But I– I don’t understand. I just had my period a few weeks ago.”
“That could’ve actually been implantation bleeding. I’ll give you two a couple of minutes before I get a sonographer in here to do an ultrasound on you, okay? Congratulations.” He smiled at you both, exiting the room.
It seemed like ages that both of you sat in silence before an overwhelming sense of panic surged over you, and you started to cry.
“I’m so sorry.” You kept muttering, covering your face with your hands. Pedro immediately pried your hands from your face as he embraced you tightly, kissing your head.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, honey. It takes two to make a baby, right? I have every much responsibility in this, too.”
“But, what are we going to do? You have filming coming up soon, I have my job… we’ve only been together for a year, Pedro. This is–”
“Sh sh, hey, it’s okay. It’s okay,” He cooed, rocking you back and forth slowly. “We’ll figure it out, okay? You can quit your job. I make plenty for the both of us. You can come with me to Vancouver, if that’s something you wanted to do. I’m in this with you every step of the way, baby.”
You cried in his arms for a bit before the sonographer came into the room, rolling in the ultrasound equipment.
She smiled sympathetically at the two of you before instructing you to lay back and lift up your shirt.
“The gel is going to be a bit cold. My apologies.” She says before squirting some onto you, taking the wand and moving it around. You could see a tiny figure in the darkness of what you presumed was your uterus.
“There’s baby,” The sonographer said with a soft smile, pointing to various parts of the body. “Looks like you’re about six weeks along.” She concludes, taking snapshots of the screen.
“Little baby Pascal.” Pedro whispered, looking at the screen and then down at you. His grip on your hand got tighter as he brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it.
The more you both stared at the screen in wonder, the more you both fell in love with your little creation. You knew it wouldn’t be easy with your hectic lives, but if you were to do this with anyone, you were so glad it was with Pedro.
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sequinsmile-x · 8 months
Buy the Promises - Chapter 3
It gets harder to keep the promise as time goes on, as Emily goes from his girlfriend to his fiancée to his wife. He wants nothing more than to put Elizabeth in her place, to stop her from hurting her daughter in a way that only she could. 
AKA The three times Aaron doesn't tell Elizabeth off, and the one time he does
Chapter 3/4
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Hi friends,
Thanks so much for the love on this fic so far - as always it means so much to me!!
This is the last chapter where our dear Aaron bites his tongue...in the next one he will finally tell Elizabeth off.
Please let me know what you think &lt;3
Warnings: Infertility, struggling to conceive
Words: 3.1k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily is just leaning in to check her reflection in the bathroom mirror, double checking that her hair and make-up look good, when the alarm she’d set on her phone just three minutes ago makes her jump. 
She turns it off quickly, well aware that her husband would have heard it too, the brief pause in his footsteps around their bedroom all the confirmation she needs. 
The mix of hope and anxiety as she approaches the counter she’d laid the pregnancy test down on is familiar. A feeling that had become commonplace ever since they’d started trying a year ago, quickly followed by the searing disappointment every month when the tests would come back negative, her period often following only a few days later, a cruel reminder from her body that she didn’t have what she desperately wanted. 
They’d gone to her doctor before they’d started trying. She’d been told in Paris that her fertility had a question mark over it, that whilst the table leg Ian had driven through her hadn’t done any specific damage to her uterus, the overall trauma to her body meant she might struggle to conceive. At first, it had been a blow but it was one of many at the time. She was dead to almost everyone who knew her, forced to hide away as Ian was still at large. Then when she came home she thought about it a little more, but it felt like a moot point if she didn’t have someone to have a baby with.
Then Aaron happened. 
He’d been the first to mention having another kid. It had been a random Thursday evening at his place, just before she’d moved in, and he’d watched her as she helped Jack with his homework. Once the little boy was in bed Aaron had asked her if she ever thought about having a child, citing how good she was with Jack, how much he wanted to see her with a child that was half him and half her, and it had left her breathless. For a moment she’d struggled to explain just how much she wanted it, how she’d been thinking about it since the moment it became clear Aaron was just as in love with her as she was with him, but the doubt that it could ever happen was a mark on the future she imagined with him.
He’d, of course, been nothing but understanding as she told him what the doctors had told her in Paris, and he’d gone with her to all of her appointments she had to have to try and find an answer. He’d held her hand through all of them, assured her afterwards when her anxiety was at an all-time high that he didn’t need another kid to be happy, and he’d shared in her joy when her doctor confirmed she saw no reason why Emily wouldn’t be able to get and to stay pregnant. 
They’d started trying immediately, and since then they’d got engaged, moved into the house they were now living in and got married. Her life was what she once thought it wouldn’t be, full of love and joy but the disappointment that she hadn’t become pregnant yet lingered at its edges. Her hope dwindled with every negative test, and the feeling that she was doing nothing more than letting Aaron down only increased. 
She blows out a breath as she looks down and she shakes her head at herself when there is only one line staring back at her, the treacherous hope that had lingered in her chest turning to anger, bitter and burning as she berates herself for getting her hopes up again. She closes her eyes and clears her throat, giving herself a moment before she opens them and throws the negative test into the trashcan. 
“Sweetheart…” Aaron says as he walks into the room, he drifts off as he looks at her, the expression on her face all too familiar. He looks down at the trashcan and sees the empty pregnancy test box and the negative test on top of it. He allows himself to feel his own disappointment, his own sadness, for a second before he pushes it down, her feelings far more important to him than his own, “Em-”
“We need to go,” she says, cutting him off and walking past him into the bedroom, “Otherwise we’ll be late,” she forces a smile at him, “We both know how my mother feels about tardiness.” 
He sighs as he looks at her, the anger and irritation at herself thrumming under her skin, making her practically vibrate with it as she picks jewellery from her dresser, a barely discernible shake to her hands as she slides a bracelet he got her for her birthday over her wrist. 
“We don’t have to go, we can just stay home.” 
She chuckles bitterly and shakes her head, wishing that it was that simple, that her mother would accept them cancelling at the last minute with a feeble excuse of not feeling well. 
“No, we can’t,” she says, looking at him desperately, “Because then she’d ask why and…I don’t want to get into this with her.” 
He wants to argue, wants to tell her that he’ll call her mother and say they weren’t coming, but he knows that won’t help. Instead, he nods and crosses the room to pull her into a hug. She melts into it, her grip on his back so tight he idly thinks about the creases it will form in his jacket. 
“I love you, sweetheart,” he says, knowing she always needed reassurance after a moment like this, and he’d always be willing to give it to her. 
“I love you too,” she says, pulling back and looking at him with a shaky smile, “We should get going.”
He nods and tucks some of her hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering on her jaw before he pulls away, “Come on, I’ll take you to any drive-thru you want on the way home,” he says, kissing her forehead before he pulls away, linking his arm through hers as he leads her out of the bedroom, “We both know you’ll be complaining that the food she serves doesn’t fill you up.”
She squeezes his arm, grateful that he loves her enough to change the subject, to try and distract her, and she scoffs lightly, “It wouldn’t be enough to satisfy Sergio, honey, and you know it.”
In a strange way, she’s almost glad they’d already agreed to go to her mother’s for dinner. 
She feels her walls go up as soon as they park up on Elizabeth’s driveway, and the automatic reaction Emily can’t remember life without. A reaction that was planted in her childhood and then cultivated throughout her adult life, protection of herself against her mother and the way she always knew how to press her buttons. 
She’s grateful for Aaron, for how he sits by her side through dinner, his hand on her knee as he laughs and jokes along with everyone else as if he’d been born into this life. It makes her love him even more, how he accepted this part of her, the part she couldn’t escape despite years of trying to. He’d always say it was his job that made him good at it, that politics was so deeply ingrained in his role that it came naturally to him now, but she knew it was more than that.
It was because of the same reason he would practically vibrate with fury every time her mother upset her, his shoulders tense like he was a caged animal of sorts, the promise he’d made her a muzzle that kept his need to protect her from the one person who should truly love her back in his chest. 
He loved her, thats why he did all these things, and all she could ever do was hope that he knew she loved him back just as fiercely. 
She feels Aaron squeeze her knee a little tighter, and she realises she’s drifted off. Lost in her own thoughts about the negative pregnancy test in the trash and the box of ovulation tests in the cabinet that never seemed to do her any good. She looks up at him and he nods over to her mother, whose eyebrow is raised at her, a look she would have once gotten for scraping her knee just before she had to be at an event of some sort.
“Sorry,” Emily says, clearing her throat, “I was miles away.”
“Margaret was asking you a question,” Elizabeth says, and Emily turns to her mother’s friend, a woman she’d met countless times who always seemed the strangest mix of overly interested and completely bored by everything. 
“Elizabeth tells us you got married recently,” Margaret says, her smile as fake as the veneers that sat behind it. 
“Six months ago,” Emily says, flashing her eyes to her mother’s, “It was lovely. It’s a shame it clashed with one of Mother’s assignments.” 
Aaron coughs from next to her and she shares a quick smile with him when she realises it was so he could cover a laugh. She feels a sense of satisfaction when she looks at her mother and sees a flash of irritation passes over her face. 
“Well, what about grandchildren,” Margaret says, clearly trying to change the subject, “When are you going to make your mother a grandmother.” 
It feels like a punch to the gut and it briefly does take her breath away, her mind immediately back on her bathroom and the negative test and all the ones that had come before it. She places her hand over Aaron’s on her knee and links their fingers together, squeezing so hard she’s sure if she could see their hands their knuckles would be white. She opens her mouth to speak, to say something, anything, to move the conversation along.
“We have Jack already,” she says, smiling tightly, “He’s Aaron’s son from his first marriage and we’re raising him together.” 
Margaret reaches for her wine glass and smiles, “I mean a child of your own.” 
She can feel Aaron’s hand grip her knee even tighter, his irritation forcing his shoulders tighter together. She’s about to say that Jack is her child, that blood has nothing to do with what makes a family, but she’s cut off by her mother.
“Oh, Emily is far too interested in her career to have a baby,” Elizabeth says, chuckling softly, wholly unaware of how her words felt like a dagger to her daughter’s chest.
Emily isn’t sure whether it’s the irony, the fact her mother of all people was saying she was too focused on her career to have a child, or the fact she’s so determined to not cry that causes her body to force out a laugh. It’s wry, and tastes bitter on her tongue, something she chases away with a sip of wine before she stands up. 
“Excuse me,” she says, clearing her throat, “I need the bathroom.” 
She’s up and out of the room before Aaron can react, his hand slipping from her leg down to his side. If he thought he’d been angry at his mother-in-law before he was wrong. This was a new type of fury, one that he hadn’t experienced in years, that made him feel a little bit too much like his own father. He has to remind himself that Elizabeth doesn’t know, that she has no idea that having a baby was something they’d wanted for so long, but he knows that’s also her fault. Emily never spoke to her about anything like that because she didn’t trust her, because their relationship simply wasn’t a typical mother-daughter one. 
He almost says something, a scathing comment on the tip of his tongue before he reminds himself of the promise he’d made, and the fact he wouldn’t be able to say anything without telling Elizabeth, and her friends, the very thing Emily hadn’t wanted to share with even their close friends. It was something just between the two of them, something they shared and grieved together every month when it didn’t happen. He’d encouraged her to tell someone, especially since Penelope kept on asking them when they’d have a baby, but she’d refused. A sad smile on her face as she shrugged and said her best friend already knew because he knew. 
He clears his throat and he stands up, throwing the napkin in his lap down onto the table with more force than necessary, and he looks at Elizabeth, hoping he’s somewhat able to keep a neutral expression.
“Excuse me,” he says, leaving the room without any further comment. He walks quickly to the bathroom and knocks on the door, “Em? Sweetheart, it’s me.” 
The lock unclicks and he pushes the door open, his heart aching as he sees her leaning against the counter tears she won’t shed here shining in her eyes. He purposely keeps his distance, not wanting to touch her and send her over the edge, to force tears to breach the dam she’d kept them behind with nothing but a comforting hug. 
“She really does have a knack for pushing my buttons,” she says, her arms crossed tightly over her chest, “Even the ones she doesn’t know are there,” she presses her lips together and shakes her head, “It’s quite the skill.” 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. Do you want to go home?”
She nods, “Yeah, I do. I don’t think I can sit there through dessert. I might just say I feel sick,” she smiles wryly at him, “It wouldn’t be a total lie.” 
“We’ll go home then,” he replies, and he reaches for the door, ready to go out and tell his mother-in-law in no uncertain terms that they were leaving. 
“Aaron?” Emily asks, drawing his attention back to her and she bites the inside of her cheek, “This might sound juvenile, but can I have a hug before we go back out there?”
He’s across the room in seconds, enveloping her in his arms as he kisses her forehead, “It’s not juvenile,” he says, kissing her forehead again, “The only reason I didn’t is because I didn’t want to make you cry.” 
She chokes out a sound somewhere between a laugh and a sob, “Not here,” she says, resting her cheek on his shoulder, “Maybe when we get home though.” 
He pulls back and smiles at her, and he wipes away a stray tear, not acknowledging it any further, “Good thing I stocked up on Kleenex and your favourite candy.” 
She gets into bed as soon as they get home.
Aaron gives her some space and takes some time to put away some dishes and do some laundry, purposely going slowly. When he makes his way upstairs and into the bedroom he’s quiet as he walks into the room just in case she’s fallen asleep, but she’s lying on her side, his pillow cuddled to her chest as she stares at the wall. 
“Do you want me to leave you alone?” He asks as he sits on the edge of the bed, reaching over and placing his hand on her waist, his thumb stroking at the base of her ribcage, “I have paperwork I could do-”
“No,” she says, shifting her gaze so she’s looking at him, “I don’t want you to leave me alone.” 
He feels relief in a way he can’t really explain and he nods, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead before he stands up, “I’m just going to get changed and then I’ll be back, okay?”
She hums, “Okay.” 
He doesn’t think he’s ever gotten ready for bed faster. His clothes barely make the hamper, and he just about brushes his teeth. By the time he climbs into bed with her, she’s put his pillow back, and she curls around him the moment he’s settled down. He doesn’t say anything, knows that there is nothing he can say, and he simply pulls her closer.
“What if it never happens for us, Aaron?” She says eventually, her words quiet in the darkness of their room, “I want a baby with you so much but…what if it just doesn’t happen because there’s something wrong with me?” Her voice cracks at the end of her sentence and he feels hot tears fall onto his t-shirt, her sadness burning him
“There is nothing wrong with you, Emily,” he says, kissing her forehead fiercely, wanting nothing more than to be able to press his love into her skin, “We can go back to your doctor, figure things out. I’ll get tests too - it could be me.” 
She scoffs and pulls back to look at him, “You have a son, Aaron. We both know it’s not you.” 
“We don’t,” he says, cupping her cheek and wiping tears away with his thumb, “I’m eight, almost nine years older than I was then. And my body has been through a lot. These things change,” he says, and she shrugs, totally unconvinced and he sighs, “Em, I want you to know even if this doesn’t happen for us…” he drifts off as she stiffens in his embrace, her eyes immediately shinier, “Even if it doesn’t, nothing will ever change how I feel about and our life. I love you.” 
It’s something she hadn’t realised she needed to hear. It would devastate her if she was never able to have a child with him, but she knew that they’d move past it together. That they’d love their life no matter what direction it took them in. 
“I love you too,” she replies, leaning forward to kiss him quickly before she rests her head back on his shoulder, “How close did you come to yelling at my mom?” 
He hums, turning to kiss her head before he answers, “Closer than I did after the wedding dress incident.” 
She shakes her head at him, “If we do…” she clears her throat, pushing down the emotions that start to climb up it again, before she continues, “If we do have a baby, and she ever says anything remotely mean about them or Jack you have my permission to break your promise.” 
He hauls her closer and runs his hand up and down her back, his chin resting on top of her head as she settles further into him. 
Tag list :
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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"What's Your Name?"
kai anderson x female reader part 2.
part 1!
content: reader is pregnant, doctors appointment, cuddling, mentions of death, just fluff.
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Kai picked you up from your home about a week later, the two of you heading to the doctors appointment that was schedules for today.
The car ride was silent. It was a mix of awkward and comfortable silence. There really was nothing to say.. what were you supposed to say?
It didn't take long to get to the building, heading inside and taking the paperwork before sitting a whole chair apart from one another. A random person would have thought you were two people here for unrelated reasons with how Kai just scrolled through Facebook and you filled out paperwork.
Exchanging no words until the doctor calls your name, inviting you to the back.
As you stand up, Kai follows with a hand on your shoulder closest to his, letting go at the door.
The ultrasound was ready and you saw the screen. "There's nothing there." You say.
"That's not your uterus.." The doctor giggled softly, leading down the weird camera thing.
"There still isn't anything there." You start to believe the tests could have possibly been wrong.
"Right here." She points at a small pea sized little dot.
Confusion lingered on your face. "That's my baby?"
The doctor again giggles. "Yes ma'am." She says before the camera zoomed in to show something that was very evidently a baby.
All you could do was stare at the screen as the doctor left the room for a moment. Oh my god. This was your child you were looking at. You look at Kai, who's looking at you.
Sighing and looking away, throwing an arm over your eyes. "I'm so tired, the lights hurting my eyes."
"You sleep bad last night?" Kai asks.
"Horrible. I felt so sick and hot and uncomfortable." You groan and take your arm off your face. "I wanna take a nap after this."
"We're gonna get lunch first."
"What are we getting?" You ask, intrigued and sitting up to look at him better.
He shrugs, "Whatever you want, mama."
And there the two of you went, to go get lunch.
Afterwards, Kai brought you a different way from your house.
"You missed our exit." You yawn in tiredness.
"I know, I want you to come to my place. I'll let you sleep there; I just wanna talk to you first."
And so he brought you to his home, where he'd being you to the basement and sit you down at a table where he'd sit across from you.
Kai held up his pinkie, "Take my pinkie."
Holding up your own before chaining it to his.
"Promise to tell the brutal truth?" He asks, raising his brows and you nod. "Do you get scared easy?"
"No." Is all you reply with.
"What if I was a killer?"
"Then that'd be pretty unfortunate if you killed us." You say, referring to yourself and your baby.
Kai smiles softly. "Have you ever killed someone?"
"Almost. I was about.. maybe seven when I caused a fire on the playground. I tried for days to light a fire with two sticks, when I did I was so surprised I threw the sticks down and all the wood chips went ablaze." You giggle in the memory. "I wish that bitch caught on fire."
"So you've wanted to kill someone before.?"
"God knows I'd set the world on fire if I could." You think for a moment. "Kai?" Your eyes lock. "Are you a killer?"
He hesitates, "I'm a mastermind. I'm a leader, the leader of vengeance."
"Cool. What do you mean leader?" You ask, yawning.
"A cult." He takes his pinkie away, standing up and taking your arm. "Now you're gonna go nap."
Walking with him as he leads you to a mattress lying on the floor. "Wait I wanna know more."
He lays you down and you pout. "Tell me about your cult, Mr. Anderson." You pat the side of the bed next to you as you lay on your side, facing him. He crawls onto the bed and lays down as you snuggle into his side.
There was only one pillow, so you chose to use Kai's chest as your pillow and he'd use the other one.
Kai told you about the killing, how he's city council, which you didn't know because you hate politics.. How he had Meadow attempt to assassinate him. The masks. Basically everything I needed to know.
And to that, you fell asleep in his arms to his raspy voice talking about his plans as city council and how he's gonna take over.
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luluscoff1n · 10 months
PS Head cannons
Just some things I think (& most likely realistic things) my favorite characters would do, if you had a pregnancy scare 😨
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Damon S
He wouldn't know what to do. He said he didn't want you, he just wanted to make Elena jealous so she would get back with him. You cried and screamed at him, cause you had been together for months and this was it?
You called Stephan and talked to him and confided in him about Damon, and what he said. He took you to the hospital and got told it was a false positive. You were upset and Stephan could tell. So he took you back to where you had been living with both boys. He let you sleep while he talked to Damon and Elena. Damon ended up cuddling you and apologizing, saying it just scared him cause he thought you cheated since, yk, he's a vampire and he can't get you pregnant.
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He would believe you cheated. You showed him the test and he did not like that at all. Since he is dead, he doesn't want to believe he can get alive people pregnant. He yells and screams at you, and the other boys take you to the hospital to see. It was a false positive, and you were super upset, but David was happy. The boys comforted you and let you know it was gonna be okay.
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When you showed him the positive, he wasn't the happiest man, but he wasn't mad either. He just was kind of awkward about the topic.
"that's uhm-. Great?"
He doesn't know what to say. But you got your period a week later. He was Happier about that. You were very upset, but you knew a kid would be a lot.
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He would be so happy. You didn't even show him after you took the test, you just threw it away and was going to but abortion pills. You told him and he got upset with you. He made you stay on the bed and not move. But he took you to the hospital to make sure the baby was okay, and found out it was a false positive. He was not happy. But he told you he was gonna get you pregnant, and he kept you up for two days straight trying. Let's just say he was happy with the results.
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Klaus M.
He screamed, threw stuff, and broke stuff. He wasn't happy at all. He kept saying you cheated on him. And he was gonna call off your entire wedding because of it. His brother, Elijah, helped him think it through and took you and him to see some witches. It was wrong, you knew, but the witches told him there was nothing in your uterus, no baby at all. He apologized and gave you a side hug. "I apologize, love." And both of you went home.
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Klaus H.
He didn't know who you were at first. So he just tried to walk away, but you stopped him and had to talk about it, he didn't believe you, but you showed him the sex tape he wanted to make with you, then he believed. He started to freak out, talking to himself. You both went to the hospital and they told you it was a false positive. He sunk down in the chair with a sigh of relief. And smiled awkwardly at the nurse and you, who btw were staring at him. He apologized and sat up. You walked with him to his house and he asked if you ever wanted to hang out again. You said yes.
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Tom Riddle
He took you to a hidden room and sat you down. He asked if you were sure, and shrugged, not knowing because you didn't feel any different, but you explained that he was the one to take your virginity. He awkwardly smiled, and nodded. He insisted to not tell any, afraid to be expelled from Hogwarts. He said you could both deal with it when school is on holiday. You agreed, but within a week you got your period and you told him. He was beyond enthusiastic. He hugged you tightly and kissed you, pushing you into the wall.
"How about when we go home, I fuck you harder for scaring me."
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You and him had kept your relationship a secret from many others. Not wanting to be dragged into his reputation and he didn't care. But he said you would have to choose soon.
When you had told him, he insisted that you tell everyone and get the tattoo. You said no cause you didn't know if you wanted to keep it. He was more than angry. He locked you away and told you to think and choose. But after being there for a month, talking to your belly, you got a sharp pain and got scared. Only to check, it was your Aunt Flow to save the day. You told him and he was visibly upset, but you chose him and he was happy and it made up for everything. He pet your head and smiled. Taking you to your own sleeping quarters, to rest and eat.
˚.༄ ✩. ੈ˳ ☆ ˚.༄ ✩. ˚.༄ ✩.ੈ˳
Well- now you know more about me? Yes I simp for those men. I know Tom and Voldemort are the same person, but what if you dated each time of him? Idk, this is how I imagin them. Also I love toxic men 🤷‍♀️
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id-rather-be-home · 3 months
Hiii I’m the a/b/o biology girl. I love that you mentioned female alphas bc in that same fic Nancy was an alpha and Jonathan an omega and all the fic really mentioned was a claiming ceremony where Nancy bit Jonathan along with them not wanting to have kids atm but I’ve always wondered what if they did, would both of them essentially be intersex and that’s how Nancy would get Jonathan pregnant but besides that the questions I mentioned about the anatomy chart I seen were mostly abt how if the male has a uterus basically behind their sex organs and connected to their rectum could you be able to see that before they ever know they’re an omega through like an x-ray which would mean you could also somewhat determine who’s an alphas/beta or would it be a thing that like it magically appears during puberty and if so I was wondering abt the biology behind all that of basically your body growing an entirely new organ/how on a cellular level that would happen and how the endocrine system among other systems must play a role in it those are just my initial thoughts if you have any please tell me so I can ponder over them also like I said before combining real life biology with fantasy is so fun I’ve even thought abt the concept/pregnancy of vampires in twilight and werewolf genetics in teen wolf in order to better understand and pass my biomed class 😅 if you ever want to hear my in depth but very likely improbable thoughts on those as well at any point
oh my gosh i ADORE alpha nancy and omega jonathan!!!! the more i learn about this fic the more upset i become that i missed out on it lmfao
for female alphas i always imagined that they are also intersex the way male omegas are but would likely have a harder time getting pregnant compared to male and female omegas, and female betas. so female alphas that are with another female partner or a male omega typically wouldn't be the one to carry the baby - it would probably only happen in cases where they really want to or it's a happy accident. female alphas' biology is essentially hardwired to breed, not get bred so i can definitely see jonathan being the one to carry their pups! especially with how driven nancy is career-wise, it'd make since that jonathan is the biological mother since they have that option
as for the anatomy and how it develops!
i know that there are a lot of authors who write a/b/o sex characteristics in a way so that they manifest over time with later onsets of puberty (usually ages 13-18ish with 18 being a late bloomer) while betas simply never present. and that makes sense if there isn't intersex anatomy in the universe, but i've always preferred it so that male omegas and female alphas are intersex with different secondary sex characteristics (aka alpha versus omega instincts)
i kind of doubt that an entire sex organ would develop outside of the womb (i feel like that would take entirely too much energy from the body), so it's more like some of those hormones are just more dormant for a period of time until the omega or alpha is in their sexual prime (aka when their heats and ruts start)
if we're going off the picture that you saw with the birth canal being connected to the rectum (which isn't my favorite interpretation, but i guess it'd be the equivalent to a cloaca) then parents wouldn't know the status of their child until presentation or if they get an x-ray done to see the organs
i'm thinking that most families wouldn't do this since they wouldn't particularly care, but the ones that have bias against male omegas (and omegas in general let's be honest) might. lonnie would be the type of person who would insist on getting the x-rays done for both jonathan and will when they're little and then bitching about them being omegas and blames joyce for making them that way cuz he's a piece of shit
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shibe-myths · 1 year
so did your family just never move out of the small town with poor sex education? because I don’t see how the adults in your family continuously let teenagers get pregnant without understanding the responsibilities time and time again. especially since you’ve been pregnant as a teen as well.
Hi, so this anon is coming from a comment I made for a character from an entirely DIFFERENT If Game. (Sebastian from @infamous-if ) Who was a teen Father. Something I could relate to. This ASK is not Forgotten Tales: Lich Gate related. So normally I wouldn’t post it onto my profile. But honestly I’m so disgusted and pissed off right now, I’m going to answer their SHIT heeled question and leave it up for a couple days. As a shame post.
You really should have gotten off of anon and said it to my face.
Trigger Warning; GENERATIONAL ABUSE, teen pregnancy, pregnancy, miscarriages, and other IRL shit. I do not suggest reading beyond this unless you are this ANON!
Anon. You’re ask really isn’t the win you think it is. It honestly comes off as HUGELY fucking inappropriate. Without going into too much You should realize that there was A LOT of abuse and neglect in the generations before my mother. With most of my grandmothers and aunts getting baby trapped by grown ass men and forced to be married off to preserve the family’s ‘honor’. And no it wasn’t always small towns. It started off in Fucking NEW YORK until my family got to Florida.
None of the adults were ever fucking happy about teen pregnancy. Even when it came to me. We always were told SINCE childhood about the trials and tribulations of pregnancy and how damaging it is to have a child. I probably knew more than most of my peer group about sex Ed. But shit happens. Birth control fails, condoms break, your partner can STEALTH the condom off. Did you want me to be a celibate until my FUCKING THIRTIES? To wait till marriage? Because I tried EVERYTHING. I wanted SO GOD DAMN HARD to not be another teen mom.
But it happened.
I was 17 and 21 the TWO TIME I EVER GOT PREGNANT in my life. Both of those times I was with my LONG TERM partner and now EX-FIANCÉ who did very inappropriate things to baby trap me. My family wasn’t happy but I had options.
Now, if you’re wondering. Why don’t I have two kids? Well, Both times I got pregnant I had a miscarriage within the first four months. Because, guess what, I’m fucking INFERTILE. If I had gotten to give birth, sure my life would have been different, but I wouldn’t have had to go through with the fucking trauma that is learning that your uterus is a death sentence.
So you coming onto my FUCKING game development tumblr and SHAMING ME and my family for being ‘uneducated’ just because we had children young (most of the time against our fucking wishes) when it’s the exact opposite is some bullshit. Everyone in my family is college educated and SO GOD DAMN BRIGHT. I just- cannot.
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90363462 · 2 years
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Birth Control 101: Choosing The Best Contraceptive Method For You
There's short-acting, long-acting, and barriers of protection. Which one suits you?
Shonda White
Sep. 23, 2020 08:00AM EST
I remember the day of my wedding…when I started feeling my contraception ring coming out of my vagina. I had only recently started using the ring even though I was more used to taking the pill. There I was in the bathroom stall with one of my bridesmaids, and she was literally helping to guide my ring back up into my vagina because I could feel it slipping out of me. Although quite embarrassing, let's just say that we're forever bonded by that experience. So, have you ever tried a new birth control method that wasn't the best for you but it seemed to work well for others?
During a recent interview with Board Certified Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Dr. Chimsom Oleka, she provided a list of all of the birth control methods currently available, which can potentially serve as a starting point for those of you who may be exploring new contraceptive methods.* As you continue reading, you'll notice that the list is organized based on what Dr. Oleka refers to as Short-acting (hormonal and non-hormonal), to Long-acting, to Barriers of Protection. 
Before we dive into the list, let's first clarify specifically what birth control does. As. Dr. Oleka explained, for most methods, birth control releases certain hormones in your body which contributes to the ultimate end goal: block ovulation or keep an egg from being released, thicken the mucus in the cervix so that sperm can't pass through, and/or thin the lining of the uterus, which decreases chances of implantation. Each birth control method is designed to do each or all of these things, but depending on the method, they will either do them better, worse, or not at all.
Choosing The Best Birth Control Method For You
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Note: Throughout this section, you will notice references related to "continuous" or "extended" usage. As Dr. Olekaexplained, many of us have a false idea of what the period is supposed to do. Contrary to popular belief in terms of what our menstrual cycle does and why it's "necessary" every month, ultimately its main purpose is for pregnancy. That's it.
As Dr. Oleka expertly pointed out, "It's the birth control's period, not your period. Your birth control will start stimulating the lining and doing all of the things that cause you to bleed." So, as long as you have a hormone that's assisting with protecting and keeping your uterus lining thin, and as long as you've consulted your physician beforehand, then you don't have to necessarily worry about shedding the lining every month (i.e. having a period).
Consider, for example, women who have bleeding disorders (i.e. their bodies bleed too much or won't stop bleeding), female athletes, as well as those who may suffer with things such as menstrual migraines…situations like these support the case for continuous or extended methods.
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Method: Birth Control Pill (Hormonal - Estrogen and Progesterone)
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How It's Administered: Self-ingested orally, daily
Efficacy: 7 to 9% failure rate (i.e., approximately 1 in 10 will get pregnant)
Description & Overview:
Birth control pills usually come in 28-day pill packs (four rows of seven pills) including a week of placebo, non-active pills. There are different variations as well, but it's critical that you take it every day at the same time.
The most commonly used pill has both estrogen and progesterone. With estrogen, it tends to help provide more stability of the lining. However, some people may not want estrogen or they may have an underlying medical issue that conflicts with the estrogen. There is a risk of blood clots, although fairly low, but the risk of this goes up when you're pregnant. With the pill, it helps regulate the bleeding, which in turn, helps make it predictable. It's known to have protective benefits such as helping to decrease risk of certain cancers and it can help reduce symptoms related to fibroids.
Also, you can use this method, as well as other methods, continuously or in an extended way so that you can delay or skip the bleeding (i.e. going on vacation). For example, if you wanted to try an extended use, then you could delay the withdrawal bleeding (period) for a set number of weeks or months by skipping the last row for let's say two months. Then, you would take the last row of inactive pills the third month, so that you would only bleed approximately every 10 weeks.
On the other hand, if you're someone who decides "I don't want to bleed at all," then you could skip the last row of inactive pills and move forward with starting the new pack each month. Keep in mind, if you don't bleed or you bleed too heavily already, there may be other medical issues going on, so as always, you'll want to consult your physician about this.
Side effects can vary, but some of the most common side effects include: nausea, breast tenderness, and initial irregular bleeding.
Method: Birth Control Pill (Hormonal - Progesterone Only)
How It's Administered: Self-ingested orally, daily
Efficacy: 7 to 9% failure rate
Description & Overview:
This method basically works pretty much the same as the first pill mentioned above, but it doesn't include estrogen. It only includes progesterone.
Progesterone-only pills can be harder for some women to use because you have to be really consistent. If the daily pill ingestion time is missed by as little as three hours, then it loses its efficacy. Hence, it's critical that you take the pill every day at the same time.
With the progesterone-only pill, there's also a greater chance of irregular bleeding. Hence, this method is usually recommended by the physician if there are estrogen-related conflicting medical issues.
Method: Vaginal Ring (Hormonal – Estrogen and Progesterone)
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Michael Kraus/Shutterstock
How It's Administered: Self-inserted through Vagina
Efficacy: 7 to 9% failure rate
Description & Overview:
The vaginal ring is a soft, flexible ring approximately two inches wide and four centimeters thick that is self-inserted and removed in/out of the vagina. Some women will tie a string to the ring and there's also an applicator that can be used to assist with insertion and removal.
The vaginal ring stays in for three weeks and releases hormones every day. Once removed for seven days, it allows withdrawal bleeding (period) to occur. Then, a new ring is inserted every four weeks. This method can be used continuously if you bypass the seven days and move forward with inserting the new ring every three or four weeks, or in an extended way if you bypass the seven days every few months or so.
The ring has been known to cause breakthrough or irregular bleeding. Not to mention, there are times when the ring can slip out during sex, which of course can directly impact the efficacy.
Method: Copper IUD  (Non-hormonal)
How It's Administered: Inserted vaginally by physician (through opening of cervix, into the uterus)
Efficacy: Less than 1% failure rate
Description & Overview:
Similar to the IUD previously mentioned, the copper IUDis a latex-free, t-shaped, plastic piece but it also includes areas of exposed copper. By releasing copper salts into your body, the copper tricks the uterus into thinking something foreign is inside, creating an appearance of a "chaotic" environment in your system, which ultimately blocks sperm and prevents reproduction. It can last for 10 years, but it has been known to be effective for up to 12 years.
The copper IUD is ideal for someone who doesn't want to deal with hormones, or someone who is certain they don't want children for a long time. There are instances where it can be used as emergency contraception but it won't work if something has already been implanted.
Because this method doesn't affect ovulation, this method is also ideal for women who want to continue bleeding or women within certain cultures where the idea of contraception isn't readily accepted. This can serve as contraception method without anyone else truly knowing that you're taking it because you will still have a period as normal.
The most common side effects usually include more painful cramping or heavier bleeding.
Method: Contraceptive Implant (Hormonal – Progesterone Only)
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Michael Kraus/Shutterstock
How It's Administered: Implanted in arm by physician
Efficacy: Less than 1% failure rate (the most effective method)
Description & Overview:
The contraceptive implant is a flexible, plastic rod that's placed inside the upper arm. It's small and thick - approximately 4 cm long and 2 mm thick. It releases hormones daily, and lasts for three years, although recent data shows it may last longer than that. After three years, you get a new one if you choose to do so. Otherwise, you will return back to your baseline fertility.
Some of the most common side effects can include irregular bleeding, no bleeding (approximately 6%), or heavier bleeding. For those who experience irregular bleeding, there are ways to decrease it and make it more manageable. Also, there are rare occasions where, if placed improperly, it can shift or migrate.
The most common effects for any of the following methods can include vaginal discharge and irritation. After the use of these, the return to fertility is usually fairly quick.
As it relates to a lot of these barriers of protection, Dr. Oleka likes to think of it this way, "Condoms should be used more so for STD and HIV/AIDS protection, and less for pregnancy prevention." Nevertheless, they are still considered methods for both pregnancy and STD/HIV prevention.
Method: Male Condom (Non-hormonal)
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Michael Kraus/Shutterstock
How It's Administered: Applied by male on his penis
Efficacy: 15% failure rate (research across the board states this although it seems quite questionable by both the expert and the writer)
When to Apply: Right before sex 
Description & Overview:
Condoms are usually latex or you can opt for lambskin if you're allergic to latex. However, anything non-latex has been known to be less effective in preventing pregnancy as well as STDs. With condoms, common things like inconsistent use, slippage during sex, and the risk of it tearing are a few factors that can directly impact the overall efficacy. 
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Featured image by Shutterstock
The Difference Between Your Period And Ovulation - xoNecole: Women's Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty ›
Birth Control - Mayo Clinic Health System ›
Which Birth Control Method Is for You? 19 Types, Pros, Cons, More ›
Find Your Birth Control Method 2020 | Power to Decide ›
Choose the Right Birth Control - MyHealthfinder | health.gov ›
5 types of birth control options: which is best for you ... ›
Birth control options: Things to consider - Mayo Clinic ›
Best Birth Control For Me Quiz | Choosing the Right Contraceptive ›
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briamichellewrites · 10 months
It was Brad versus Brad. Bria was torn between them. Mike did not want her to marry Brad Pitt because he needed to focus on his sobriety, but he wouldn’t rule out a relationship. But, he also wanted her with Brad Delson because he would never hurt her or Tiny. It was ultimately up to her to decide. He couldn’t make that decision for her. If she decided to go back to Brad, she needed to be upfront with Delson so he could move on. It would be extremely unfair to lead him on.
During a serious conversation, Delson expressed how much he loved her. She was the most incredible woman he ever met and he didn’t want to lose that. Initially, he was okay with their hooking up. Until he realized he was falling in love with her. He wasn’t trying to manipulate her, that was just how he felt. Yeah, Brad could give her a lot more than he could.
He preferred to show his love emotionally, instead of financially. As much as he loved her, he didn’t want to be a second option or the guy she went to when Brad broke her heart. It took a couple of days before she got back to him with her decision. She texted him to see where he was. He was in the studio by himself. She was free to join him if she wanted. He got a reply saying she was on her way. His mind went through every possible scenario while he waited.
She showed up looking beautiful like always. He hoped she wasn’t there just to break his heart. What did she decide? She decided to give the guy with the curly hair a chance. He asked if he was her second choice. No, he was her first. She just needed a kick in the ass. He smiled in relief as she came in between his legs. She kissed him and he pulled her closer to him.
He wanted to make love to her on the couch again but the band was coming in, so that wasn’t an option. It was later that he found out that she was possibly pregnant. She was gathering up the courage to go to the doctor for a test. What were her symptoms? She was more tired than usual and she was late. It was too late to go to the doctor, so they looked into urgent care. They found one that was still open. After grabbing his keys, she followed him out to the car.
Urgent Care wasn’t busy, so they were seen quite quickly. She filed out paperwork while they waited to be called back. The nurse asked her what she could help her with. She asked for a pregnancy test. The nurse went over her symptoms and she did an examination. She then took a sample to test for hCG hormones in the blood.
Brad was nervous. His parents were going to kill him because he wasn’t married. At the same time, they would welcome her and their baby into their family. After what felt like forever, they got the results. She was pregnant. The nurse advised her to make an appointment with her primary doctor to get started on prenatal care. She would do that. They thanked her on their way out. She had to pay, so they went to do that. His mind was spinning. I’m going to be a father.
When they got back to her place, they sat down to talk about their situation. He hugged her and let her know how happy he was. Was that the reason why she chose him? It was somewhat. She also knew that there was no way she could have a baby with Brad because she couldn’t guarantee he would be sober. He would be a great father to their baby.
He kissed her forehead before joking about his parents killing him. That made her laugh through her tears. The next day, Mike asked if he talked to Bria. Yes, he did. They all wanted to know the update. What happened?
“Bria’s pregnant.”
They were in shock! Congratulations! He laughed and then thanked them. When did they find out? They just found out the night before. When she showed up later with her new kitten, Garfield, they congratulated her. Chester jokingly asked her if she had heard anything called ‘birth control.’
“No uterus. No opinion”, she shot back.
They laughed.
“You watch Friends”, Joe asked.
“Just bits and pieces.”
“Who’s this little guy”, Rob asked.
She introduced Garfield. He was a twelve-week-old orange and white Domestic Shorthair kitten, who was very curious and friendly. Did he like lasagna? Probably not. They laughed while they took turns petting him. Garfield didn’t know where he was, but he liked the attention the humans were giving him. He sniffed their hands. They smelled funny and nothing at all like him.
Has he met Tiny yet? Not yet. They were on their way home when they dropped by. She didn’t think she would have a problem with her new brother. What breed was she? She was a Scottish Fold. Rob couldn’t remember what it was called, though he remembered her ears being different. They were folded over making her look like an owl. They laughed. Were there any French breeds? There was but she couldn’t remember what they were.
“What about your baby? Will they be French?”
“I’ll teach them French like my father taught me. Maybe even Spanish and Japanese.”
“Plus they will learn Hebrew”, Brad said.
“You guys will have a baby Einstein. They will graduate college before they turn four”, Rob joked.
They laughed. Garfield didn’t know what a baby was. Was that like a kitten like him? He hoped so because then he could play with it. Mike was thrilled that Bria had chosen Brad. Yes, nineteen was very young to have a baby but he knew they would make great parents. She was already a great mother to Tiny. Their baby was going to be spoiled with love from Brad’s family and the band. He wished she had a family to help her through her pregnancy.
He could see her being a stay-at-home mother while they worked and toured. She couldn’t travel whenever she wanted to anymore. That meant no more flying to France on a moment’s notice. It would be a huge adjustment, but he had faith she could do it. Maybe Brad’s parents could take her in and help her. They seemed like the kind of people who would do that.
Garfield got up on his hind legs and swatted his paws at Joe’s hoodie strings. He laughed as they all watched. His nails caught it. He put it into his mouth and bit down on it. It tasted funny. Chester scratched his head, but he was too focused on trying to climb up his sweatshirt. He meowed when he got his paw stuck. Help! Rob unhooked him before putting him around his neck like a scarf. They laughed and took pictures.
These humans are strange. Garfield was happy when he was given back to Bria. She scratched his head as she held him in her arms. It was time for a nap. He stretched his paws out before closing his eyes. The band decided it was time to go home. They packed their stuff up and then said goodbye to her, Garfield, and each other.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia
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purplesurveys · 11 months
What is a smell that you absolutely cannot stand? Smell of people’s body odor. 🤢 < This is always a correct answer. Also the combination of having been sweaty + being under the sun for a long period of time. That one's a common encounter where I live because it's very humid here, and it's not a pleasant smell to be around.
When is the last time you felt adrenaline moving through your veins? September. It was a work event and the organizers we tapped were doing fuck all and were nowhere to be found for most of it, and I had no choice but to step up and oversee every single moving part of the event from the second it started and ended. Internally our team was in absolute chaos as we were deciding most things on the fly, but it was a team achievement that we managed to make it not look that way for everyone who attended.
When is the last time you bought new shoes? What kind of shoes are they? I got Dunk Lows in June for my Thailand trip.
Do you know anybody who snorts when they laugh? Who? I know a few people who'll unconsciously let out a snort mid-laugh. It's super endearing and we always end up laughing even more when it happens.
Have you ever been hit on by a stranger? Flattering or creepy? I have. I found it flattering mainly because they were extremely polite when I turned them down.
Do you remember the first Rated R movie you ever saw? What was it? I do – it was The Exorcist. I saw it when I was I think 11 or 12.
What is something good that happened to you last week? Something bad? Something good: I presented a pitch to a potential client. Pitching is one of my least favorite parts about my job because it demands a lot of pre-work/research, then I also have to worry about how I sell our business and our credentials and our team...but I think I handled last week's presentation pretty well, considering that's my first as a director. At this point I'm not worrying too much if we win or lose the account, and am simply satisfied with how I performed.
Something bad: Finding out about Matthew Perry's passing. I first read of it through Reddit and spent a good deal of time denying it until I had to come to terms with the fact that it was true.
Are you afraid of any animals? Well yes; I wouldn't exactly be thrilled if I come face-to-face with one that's very much capable of ripping my arms and legs apart.
Do you put your elbows on the table when you eat? Do you think it’s rude? I do when I'm just at home or with people I'm comfortable with. Internally, I honestly couldn't give less of a shit but for politeness' and manners' sakes I keep them off the table only in work/professional settings.
Have you ever gotten into a fight with somebody over the internet? A few. For the most part I just end up blocking the other person once they start sounding ridiculous; but there was one time I allowed myself to have a little fun going back-and-forth because I wanted the guy to continue expressing (read: exposing) how stupid he was being.
Do you think that you listen to your head or your heart more? Head.
If your mom told you she was pregnant today would you freak out? I would certainly be in shock considering she's had her uterus removed.
You trust all of your friends completely, true or false? True.
How many buttons are on the clothes you’re wearing right now? They don't have any.
If you could re-paint your bedroom, what color would you choose? I'm already content with it being white.
What has been the best night of your life so far? Why? Seeing Yoongi in concert for sure has to be up there. I never ever expected to see BTS in any capacity as soon as I had, so the whole journey of me and my friends desperately getting tickets for all of us all the way down to buying plane tickets and building up our Thailand itinerary from scratch will always be a cherished memory.
I will say that our time immediately post-concert was a bit of a downer because I didn't expect the Bangkok nightlife to be as dead as it had been. It was midnight and my friends and I were walking...and walking...and walking...trying to find some sort of bar – any bar – and ended up with nothing so our adrenaline quickly died out and we merely ended up at a McDonald's, lol. Still a fun night.
Did you learn to read before, during, or after kindergarten? During, I think. I was a big reader as a kid but didn't start having my nose up in books until Kinder 2, a whole year after I first started school. 
Has anybody ever thrown you a surprise party? Nope. I wish I could have at least one of those.
Would you ever even think about taking part in a wet t-shirt contest? If a ridiculous amount of money was *guaranteed* I don't see why I wouldn't.
What is the last thing you lost? A hair tie, as I do.
Have you ever pretended to be sick to get out of something? Yep, a few work meetings I didn't want to bother with.
Who is somebody you know who is spoiled rotten? Not really, no.
Would you rather visit Poland or Portugal? Poland.
Have you ever seen somebody give birth? Never.
You have 10 minutes to make dinner for two people, what do you make? Chapaguri with pork.
Have you ever borrowed something and never gave it back? What was it? I never did give my sister's yellow jacket back to her, lol.
What is one thing you wish you understood about the opposite sex? How to have them talk more. Most guys I've talked to have been straight-to-the-point with their answers and usually the responses are also very short, and I've always found that jarring.
Is you hair color the same as it was when you were a baby? Nope, it's purple now.
Have you ever been in trouble for being too loud? I've been seriously called out once, in grade school. Apart from that I stay quiet when the need be.
Honestly, have you ever given somebody a sucky gift? I have. It was in high school when my family wasn't exactly financially comfortable yet and I had to get someone a gift with the little allowance/savings I had. I felt so shy that I had to walk away from the group when we were opening the presents.
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How to Improve your Chances of IVF Success After Failed Attempts?
Common Factors Responsible for Failed IVF cycles
What investigations do you need after a failed IVF cycle?
IVF Failed—How to move forward?
What are your Chances after IVF failure & How to Boost them?
Solutions to IVF failures at MotherToBe IVF Clinic in Hyderabad!
Failed Attempt!
 It is the IVF outcome that you do not ever want to think about! 
You have worked so hard, invested a lot of time, paid so much, and endured considerable physical and emotional trauma, all hoping for one result-A successful conception-a baby! 
Failed IVF could be devastating for couples who are yearning for parenthood. While success rates for IVF treatment are at their highest, and ART technology and care are only getting better and better. But still, there are those odd occurrences where IVF fails. Regardless of whether you know or not the reasons, it hurts deeply. 
Here is the fact-IVF is not a Guarantee!
It is a very fact that IVF is a service to assist you in achieving what you want.  No matter what and where you are seeking fertility treatment though, you should be given a complete picture of the odds that you will walk away pregnant. 
Fortunately, Endometrial Receptivity Analysis otherwise called ERA Testing, Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS), and immunologic tests, now exist and can improve success rates. But other factors such as age, egg quality could work against even the best technologies. 
Here is some useful information regarding what’s the next step after an IVF failure and what fertility doctors can do to improve your chances of getting pregnant and also know about some solutions from  MotherToBe. Keep reading to know more:
Let’s discuss what went wrong:
Sometimes it is a matter of just trying again. But especially in cases of more complex treatments such as IVF, identifying where things fell through may help improve your odds of success next time. 
Common Factors Responsible for Failed IVF cycles
IVF failure can be a vague term, that can refer to multiple situations:
IVF cycle cancellation, owing to a low number of follicles produced at the time of egg retrieval. And also when the patient develops medical complications such as OHSS(ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome).
The retrieved eggs are inadequate or not of high/good quality. 
The retrieved egg doesn’t fertilize well enough.
No embryo present during the transfer into the uterus.
Implantation Failure-Transferred embryos might not implant due to various reasons.
Due to various infections such as TB, Gonorrhea, etc. 
Due to male factor infertility-( like less motility, high DNA fragmentation rate, etc.)
IVF failure due to Inadequate Ovarian Stimulation.
Inadequate Endometrium thickness and receptivity.
Polycystic ovaries 
What investigations do you need after a failed IVF cycle?
Potential causes of IVF implantation failures should be investigated in order to plan the next suitable  treatment options There are various tests and screening available that can aid pinpoint what are the issues may be, here are some test options below:
Uterine Evaluation or Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
Hysterosalpingogram is an evaluation of the uterus which is done before the IVF cycle. This is a test of choice where it adequately looks at the uterus and the fallopian tubes. A hydrosalpinx (a condition where the fallopian tube is filled with fluid and blocked) can reduce implantation by 50%, so you and the IVF specialists do need to know the tubal status while going for IVF.  
Sperm DNA Fragmentation Test
Another test that has gained traction is the sperm DNA fragmentation assay, which examines the integrity of DNA in the sperm. Some study data suggest that if the assay value is abnormally high, it can lower the fertilization rates, implantation rates, and even higher miscarriage rates might result. 
Men with normal semen analysis results can do have abnormal DNA fragmentation results. This test is used to better understand male fertility and gaining more interest among fertility specialists. As its key role is still not clearly defined, and further data is needed to determine the usage of these tests.
ERA-Endometrial Receptivity Assay Testing
Since 1990, a series of tests have been performed on the endometrium/uterine cavity cells to determine if there are any certain chemical/genetic markers that predict the receptivity of the endometrium to implantation. The ERA is one of these tests, in which a biopsy of the endometrium is performed and hundreds of genes are investigated to predict the receptivity of the uterus to implantation. ERA could also provide clues regarding the implantation window and the ideal time to transfer the embryos. 
Formerly popular as PGS-Preimplantation Genetic Screening,  for most couples, embryos created in an IVF cycle may have an abnormal number of chromosomes. Transfer of such abnormal embryos fails to conceive or even results in increased rates of miscarriage and abnormal births. 
PGT-A is one of the genetic screening procedures in which cells are removed from a developing embryo and then tested its chromosome content. Embryos that have a normal number of chromosomes are selected for transfer, this procedure helps results in improved pregnancy rates and reduced miscarriage rates.
PGT-A improves the ability to achieve conception with a single embryo which can reduce the risks related to multiple pregnancies faced by mothers & babies. 
Some immunologic tests can also be done to detect various immunologic abnormalities and this can help in improving clinical outcomes for patients with repeated implantation failures.
IVF Failed—How to move forward?
At this stage, you have two considerations, the first one is you need to process the emotional distress and response to the loss and then the next medical choices that need to be taken regarding the next steps in your fertility journey. 
Take a break—
It is essential to take a well-deserved break after an IVF loss. The entire process up to this has taken a huge physical and emotional toll on your body. Take a break from everything, so that you can nurture yourself. It is also a great idea to seek support from a specialized counselor. At MotherToBe, we have experienced professionals, expertise staff to provide comprehensive care and emotional support to you and your partner to overcome your grief.
Talk to the Fertility Specialist 
After allocating some time to express your emotional anguish, it is necessary to consult your fertility specialist, where the physician will review complete details about your IVF cycle beginning with the results of ovarian stimulation, or any egg quality/quantity issues, or even embryo development or transfer issues. 
Proceed with a more informed treatment plan 
After evaluating the previous cycle results the fertility specialist suggests the next course of treatment plan where you can discuss new pieces of information that has been learned from the previous failed IVF cycle with a  more informed treatment plan for the next IVF cycle.
What are your Chances after IVF failure & How to Boost them?
Couples with failed IVF cycles often ask this very reasonable question. And women have good chances of a second IVF pregnancy where cumulative live birth rates range between 51%-70%.   
However, the chances for happening a successful IVF depends on various factors. Including:
Age of the female partner
Egg quality & quantity
Sperm quality 
Quality of the ovarian stimulation
number of quality eggs retrieved 
egg retrieval & embryo transfer skills 
uterine issues 
embryo developmental rates 
genetic & chromosomal competence of the embryos.
In order to maximize your chances for a successful second IVF try, make sure that your fertility doctor has carefully reviewed the above issues. 
Conception is achievable even after failed IVF cycles!
Hope in the form of Real Data & Statistics!
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The above graph is a CDC report which shows data on IVF success by age and IVF tries whether it a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th attempt after previous failed IVF cycles.
At MotherToBe IVF Clinic our Approach is Different!
An unsuccessful IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) cycle could be really frustrating & disheartening. We know this well because most of our patients have had unsuccessful IVF attempts elsewhere before at other fertility centers. At MotherToBe, we specialize in helping patients with consecutive or recurrent IVF failures and varied tough cases of infertility.
Solutions to IVF failures at MotherToBe IVF Clinic in Hyderabad!
Our assurance on this issue derives from the fact that we have a successful track record of treating so many patients in the past few years to conceive, despite their long histories of failed ART treatments. After reviewing the events of previous unsuccessful cycles, some adjustments can be made in the next IVF attempt to make it successful.
Repeat IVF treatment 
Follows same protocol with some suitable adjustments (medications, Genetic screening like PGD/PGS)
Adding ICSI to standard IVF (aid in fertilization of the eggs)
Assisted Hatching to assist with implantation
Egg donor IVF is recommended in cases of poor egg quality or premature ovarian failure or low ovarian reserves.
If you are one of those patients with failed IVF cycles elsewhere, consider contacting MotherToBe fertility center for a second opinion. book an appointment
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siegelst · 2 years
people that don't have a uterus should stfu about not liking abortions.
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My dear lgbt+ kids, 
“Why would a trans man ever want to get pregnant?!” 
I almost find it funny when people ask this as if it’s a big confusing mystery - when the answer is the exact same one as for cis women. 
If anyone tries to get pregnant (or plans to try to get pregnant in the future), there is only one possible reason for that: They want a kid.
They wish to become a parent and decided that pregnancy is the way they want to go to reach that goal. 
Why would pregnancy be the way they want to go - and not adoption or surrogacy? What about letting their partner carry the child? Well, those first two options are not accessible or affordable to everyone, and are not even legal in some places! And for the third one, maybe their partner is not able to get pregnant or does not wish to be the one who carries the baby or, you know, happens not to have an uterus. 
But with all that being said: it’s not always because pregnancy is the only option for them. It might just be their preferred option! Maybe they WANT to experience pregnancy. Maybe they want to carry their child and are actually excited about being the one to do so. 
When we talk about pregnancy and trans men, people suddenly act like cis women get pregnant to (somehow, magically) double up on womanhood and like it’s therefore completely unimaginable what a trans man could ever get out of it… They get a baby out of it. 
Pregnancy doesn’t make a cis woman more of a woman (just like never getting pregnant doesn’t make them less of a woman!) - and therefore it doesn’t make a trans man less of a man. 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Dad 
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vithyahairandmakeup · 3 years
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For years I have been receiving the question “when will you have a baby?”
When I first received it over a decade ago, I cried myself to sleep. Today, I just answer back with sarcasm.
I have a scarred Uterus, also known as Asherman’s syndrome, over a horrific incident that happened to me in my late teens. I was told then that I would struggle to conceive, but due to my trauma I never looked into it and kept thinking I had time.
On my third date with my ex-husband, he told me he didn’t want children. He gave me a few days to think about it, but I didn’t need to think, I thought it was a great escape. Usually everyone blames the woman for not bearing children, but in this case I didn’t have to explain to him that I couldn’t conceive anyway. I said yes, we got married, and divorced four months later. Not because of this, but good thing it didn’t work out anyway.
I got married again three years later, and in the first ever conversation with my husband I told him if he would be ok with no biological children, as I couldn’t conceive. He fully accepted it and it was much easier for me starting a marriage where I felt accepted and understood.
My husband understood, and to this day my Mother-in-law never pressured me either, but my own mother asks me and demands that I give her grandchildren, when she knows that 5 different doctors from different parts of the world told me that I couldn’t conceive due to my scarred uterus.
I argue with my mother over this on a weekly basis. It is exhausting and upsetting, but I refuse to let it ruin my mood or allow it to get to me.
What is a scarred uterus? Or Asherman’s syndrome? What does it mean?
When a woman becomes pregnant, the embryo implants in the endometrium (uterus wall). The damaged endometrium can obliterate the normal cavity and interfere with conception. There is an increased risk of miscarriage or complications later in the pregnancy. In my case, I have not been able to conceive at all. My embryo doesn’t even get to attach itself onto the endometrium.
Yes, the uterus can be fixed with surgery. Or I could resort to surrogacy (someone else carrying our biological child), or even adopt, if having children was that important to me, but I have learned to live with it and accepted my body a very long time ago, and I simply refuse to put my body or my mind through more trauma.
This blog is by no means to have you feel sorry for me, or pity me. I also don’t want to start getting messages about other treatments or options of getting pregnant.
This blog is for all the women out there who cannot conceive like me, and the women who can conceive but choose not to have children. I absolutely understand both and respect and stand with both.
Why is it that being a mother should define us as women?
I respect and admire alot of my friends who are mothers and do a fantastic job at raising them. Some are housewives and some have a full blown career, and they are both happy and content and deserve a trophy for multi-tasking.
I also respect the women who choose not to have children and focus on their career or travelling or whatever it is that makes them happy and content. They also deserve a trophy, simply because they have to deal with society and our community discrediting them as women for not having children.
Then there are mothers who don’t particularly take good care of their children, who were maybe pressured into having children or are struggling to cope with motherhood. There are so many women in different situations.
As a woman ourselves, why do we judge another woman? Why do we ask them the sensitive question? Why do we pressure them? I deal with it on a daily basis. I personally deal with it pretty well now, but imagine the women who cannot deal with these type of questions? I know of a woman who died by suicide during lockdown because she couldn’t bear the thought of not having kids, as she tried for over a decade. It broke my heart when I heard the news. More so for her husband who adored his wife and was totally accepting of not having children.
We never know what another woman is going through. And asking her the questions “Do you have children?”, “Why don’t you have children yet?” can potentially trigger them and push them over the egde. That question is not out of concern but curiosity, and it’s none of our business what a woman or a couple decide to do.
So let’s make a conscious decision to be more thoughtful, mindful, respectful, and understanding when we meet another woman face-to-face or virtually, and treat them the way we want to be treated.
Sending you all love ❤️
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americxn · 3 years
“What happened? What the hell happened. Why do you make it so hard to love you?”
Kai Anderson x GN!Reader
This is definitely not good enough to enter, but I used the prompt from @tatesimper anniversary writing competition so I guess this is my entry? (fig, I’m so sorry for butchering such a good prompt lmao)
also, I realised when writing it that this could serve as a prologue to this fic:
wordcount: 2.5k
warnings: genocide/murder mention, swearing (this is based off episode 11 of season 7)
The night air was cool on your exposed face as you took the front steps to the door of Kai’s house, not bothering to knock as you pushed it open, the warmth and light from within spilling onto the smooth concrete of the front step and pooling around your feet; having been in a committed relationship with Kai from a year and a half now, this house was practically your own. Stepping past the front porch after abandoning your shoes and jacket, you entered the uncharacteristic quiet of the house, scanning the hallway for any signs of life, usually abundant within these walls in the form of Kai’s blue shirt-clad, blindly deferential followers. 
 “Okay. A little bad news to start,” your body instinctively angled towards the voice, distinctly Kai, that sounded through the empty hall from the back room. You set off down the hallway, his voice growing in volume as you approached, somewhat confused. He hadn’t notified you of a scheduled cult meeting that evening and yet his tone of voice was threaded with the assertive cadence that he utilised only when addressing his followers.  “It turns out finding a thousand pregnant women to murder is super hard. No one will ever accuse me of lacking ambition.” He continued as you reached the threshold to the large room at the back of the house that served as a secondary living room; breath catching in your throat, you halted, your hand reaching for the wood of the doorframe to steady yourself as the meaning of his words settled into you. To murder? “So, Night of a Thousand Tates is off.” A ripple of groans and dejected sighs rose from the small sea of men at Kai’s words, quickly falling silent to allow him to continue. “But, Night of One Hundred Tates is on.” His words sent a wave of prickly dread spider walking down your spine; he hadn’t told you about any of this. Killing a thousand pregnant women? You wanted to stride into the room with a bright laugh to wave away his abhorrent words and demand for the real reason that he had called a meeting. But you knew. A terrible, truth filled part of you was all too aware that he was deadly serious A chorus of thrilled cheers drifted up from the small crowd in twisted elation with the newly revealed knowledge that their hands would still be stained with blood by the end of the night. Your breath became too loud in your ears, your mouth turning utterly dry as you examined your suddenly empty mind for a solution to Kai’s monstrous plan that you could use to convince him to call it off. But you came up short, taking a small step back into the safety of the dimly lit hall, your back coming to press against the wall beside the open doorway to ensure that nobody would be able to see you eavesdropping from within. This was too far. Kai had done many questionable, twisted things over the past year but this... this was too far. You were full of self hatred for the amount of things that you had stood aside for and let Kai go ahead with, but not this. You refused to take so much of an ounce of accountability for this. Pulling your phone from the confines of your back pocket, you drew in a shuddering, grounding breath, your thumb working on the keypad. The digit shook as it pressed onto the screen, your teeth catching between your lower lip as your gaze flicked from the brightness of the device’s screen to the open doorway at your side. The sequence of 911 you had typed glared up at you, bathing the underside of your jaw in artificial light as you craned your neck, leaning forwards slightly to peer into the room. Kai stood by the far wall, his men arranged in a neat group before him, all sitting straight backed to attention on their chairs.  Just behind Kai, displayed on the low table pushed against the wall were two silicone models of a woman’s torso, ripe with the swell of a baby within; one was positioned to the side as a cross sectional diagram, the other facing straight on, the small model of a baby in the third trimester curled up within the artificial uterus. Your attention snapped back to Kai as he took a step forwards to address the group.  “Look under your chairs, I’ve handed each of you a unique list of targets, all ready to pop.” Your stomach twisted in horrified disbelief as the men all shifted in unison, pleasure curling the corners of their lips upwards as they read the names of the people they were soon to mercilessly slaughter. You watched with teary eyes as an impressively built, stocky man who you didn’t know the name of slowly lifted his hand to the ceiling, Kai’s eyes immediately flicking to him in agitation. “You raise your hand one more fucking time and I will cut it off.” The powerfully built man visibly shrunk down into his chair at Kai’s hissed statement of reproval but timidly uttered his question of “how do we know they’re all pregnant?” Kai’s eyes flashed in impatient annoyance as he tore his eyes off the man, flicking them briefly up to the ceiling before deigning to answer. “Because Gutterball pulled the rosters of four ob-gyns, two Lamaze classes and a Momtra Yoga over on Main. Great job, Gutterball.” The blond man who went by Gutterball, sat on the front row of chairs close to Kai, beamed in self-gratified delight at Kai’s gracious recognition, lifting a fist into the air in triumph. Kai smiled proudly down at him before turning to address the group as a whole once more. Your eyes flicked down to the bright screen of your phone, the numbers displayed there beckoning. Your thumb twitched, a conflicted frown creasing your forehead as Kai continued on, pulling your attention back to him. “Manson’s family - I admire them, but they did get a little sloppy.” You watched on in nauseating alarm as Kai pulled a large blade from the black sheath at his hip with a flourish, the metal glinting in the light of the room. “Their message got lost in their mess. What we are doing requires more precision. It is imperative that both mother and child are impaled. Don’t fuck this up.” He scanned the gathering before him, gaze as sharp as the knife clutched in his grip before turning to the models behind him.  “Aim for the belly button but stab in a downward motion. If you stab straight,” in one fluid motion, he had buried the curved tip of the blade in the portion of the fake uterus just above the baby’s head with a solid thunk, “you miss the baby - and our entire message is lost.” Withdrawing the knife, he turned back to address his cult, the weapon hanging loosely from his fingertips by his thigh. “Tomorrow night, when your blades tear open one hundred pregnant bellies, you will be releasing a power into the universe. Detonating a neutron bomb of truth, blood and amniotic fluid. You will be galvanising an army.” “With their sisters gutted, women everywhere will be forced to react. They can’t ignore an injustice this brutal. They’ll have to rise up, and in their collective rage, they will train it on Senator Jackson, on all incumbents, on any of the people in power who failed to keep us safe. As the most vulnerable are slaughtered, as the pregnant bodies pile up on Senator Jack-off’s watch, we will be surfing an electoral bloodbath straight to Capitol Hill. And then… the White House.”  The collection of cult members all voiced their assent in a chorus of whoops and ovated cheers, a nauseating sense of unease dragging it’s claws up the length of your spine. You turned away with hot tears blurring your vision, not wanting to hear more, your phone a heavy weight in your hand and the decision it presented even heavier.
Sat on the edge of Kai’s large bed, your knee couldn’t cease it’s anxious bouncing, your lower lip chewed raw by your teeth. The door swung open suddenly, sending your heart leaping into your throat. Kai stepped into the room, the small smile stretching across his lips broadening as he beheld you perched on the mattress’ edge. “Hey, when did you get here?” He questioned, reaching to tug you to your feet and wrap his arms tightly around you in a warm embrace. “I only got here like five minutes ago.” Your lie was muffled into the thin shirt at his shoulder, his hands splayed flat on your upper back as he held you close to him. Withdrawing yourself from his grasp, you frantically scanned his face, heart sinking at the pleasure dimly glowing in the depths of his dark eyes, pleasure fuelled not by your sudden appearance, but in anticipation of the merciless slaughter that he would be carrying out in mere hours time. “What?” He asked curiously, his head tilting slightly in concern as his smile faded, caught in the grave despondency of the stare you had him pinned under. His tape-wrapped hands settled on his shoulders; shaking him off, you stepped away, your chest bubbling with emotion that was dangerously close to spilling over. Dropping your gaze to the floor, you pressed the heels of your palms into your eyes, forcing the tears that threatened to flow to stay at bay. Groaning through clenched teeth, colourful sparks flashing through your blocked vision from the force with which you pressed your hands into your eyes, you blindly felt Kai’s warmth as he stepped forwards to comfort you. Dropping your hands, you retreated another step, Kai stilling at the look of stangled confliction latching onto your features. “What happened?” Voice breaking, you brought a hand up to press against your forehead, icy panic unfurling in your gut amongst the turmoil of roiling distress flooding through your insides. Kai looked utterly lost, his eyes boring into yours as he searched for an answer to the question that he couldn’t understand. “What the fuck happened to you, Kai?” His heart splintered at the raw anguish in your choked, lamenting tone, automatically taking a step towards you, wanting nothing more than to smother the emotions swarming your features. “I used to be so, so happy with you.” His lips parted in disbelief as you continued. “I would’ve done anything for you.” You couldn’t help the tears that spilled over, your voice pushing past the quivering of your lower lip and growing in strength, your breaths turning sharp and rasping as they were sucked in between your passionate words. “Y/n…” He didn’t know what to say as he watched you struggle to keep a grasp on coherency.  “I don’t know what happened to him. To the Kai that I fell in love with. But he’s gone now. He’s gone and I don’t know how to get him back.” Sorrow gave way to desolate fury as you plowed on, your jaw clenching as you stepped towards him to deliver a harsh shove to his hard shoulders. Kai fell utterly silent, stumbling back slightly under your touch, unnerved and unsure by the eruption of messily confessed words that spilled from you, seemingly out of nowhere. “Answer me.” You demanded gruffly, shoving at his solid frame once more. “I… y/n, I don’t know-” With a third shove, his eyes flashed in agitated warning, silently daring you to repeat the action a fourth time. You did, shoving at him with as much force as you could muster, breathing hard when he took ahold of your wrists, pulling you to him and pouring his branding stare onto you. “Stop.” Your face was flushed, plump tears cutting through your face and dripping from your chin as you plowed on. “What happened, Kai?” His nostrils flared, eyes wide in confusion as he battled to grasp onto your thoughts, to make coherence of the biting words falling from your lips. “What happened? What the hell happened. Why do you make it so hard to love you?” Your ragged breaths filled the sudden silence in the room, the roaring silence infiltrating Kai’s head drowning out all other sense as he stared down at you in cold disbelief, your eyes wild and face screwed with festering ardour, raw and demanding, your lashes damp with bitter tears. A symphony of surprised shouts echoed up the stairs from the ground floor of the house, Kai’s attention snapping to the door at his back and eyes flooding with sharp panic. He released his hold on you as the cries from below grew in volume, laced with alarm. A single gun shot rang out and it was your turn to take ahold of Kai, the tape wrapped tightly around his wrists warm under your fingers. His head whirled back to you, his eyes alight with uneasy confusion, his gaze frosting over. Bringing your face closer to his, you laid a single, lingering kiss to his lips, your own wet against him. “I’m sorry.” You said quietly, several heavy sets of footsteps sounding from behind the door as they thundered up the stairs. Kai’s eyes frantically searched yours as he pulled against your unrelenting grasp, his gaze briefly parting from yours to snap to the door as the sequence of footsteps and shouts grew louder. “But I can’t let you do this.” His throat bobbed, his eyes widening in terror as the reality of the situation settled over him. “I sentence you to rot.” Tugging at his wrists, you forced your face closer to his before muttering to him, your breath hot on his face and the recognition of your betrayal manifesting in the cold fire smoldering in his gaze: “Just like how my love for you has turned to rot.” His face contorted in rage as the bedroom door was forced open, the panel of wood swinging open and hitting the adjacent wall with a bang, several armed policemen flooding into the room. You loosened your grip on his wrists, stepping away as two of the men took ahold of Kai by the back of his shirt, twisting his arms behind his back. He shrieked in rage, straining to turn his head towards his assailants as they began to pull him from the room. Sinking down onto the edge of the bed, you locked eyes with Kai’s as he turned back to you, cool rage simmering in his dark gaze, his lip curled into an enraged snarl. He pinned you with his stare, not even bothering to fight against the men holding him as he was pulled from the room, a savage promise glittering in his unrelenting stare. A promise of vengeance. Of suffering. 
taglist: @kitwalker02 @three-eyed-snail @forevercountess @kitwalkerangel @milly-louise @thecountessesglove @undeadcortez @kitwalker64 @samsassinparvismagna @xmaximoffic @divineruler @liandav @tatesweaterweather @evanmybeloved @tatelangdonsupremacist @ikkleroniekins @ananad1 @shlutnutt @mossybank @tatesimper (dm to be added or removed <3)
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mrskurono · 3 years
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title: fertility ;| Rintarou Suna x Fem!Reader a/n: here I go again, comfort writing with Suna. And bc my notes have taken a dip and no one likes to reblog stuff anymore I’ll probably never open requests again and just write for myself  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ word count: 1.4k tags: timeskip (duh). real life situations, established relationship (your married), language, fertility issues (either Suna has low sperm count or reader has PCOS reader’s choice I didn’t specificy), medical terminology/situations, angsty, fluffy, IUI, vent writing ish, nothing bad happens just trying to get pregnant unconventionally, unedited character(s): Rintarou Suna (hq)
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“As soon as you quit trying it’ll happen!”
“We didn’t even have to think about it and wow three kids later!”
“Your young don’t stress about it!”
“But you don’t look like it’s hard.”
You stare up at a mostly white wall. Textured fine and certainly not as renovated as the lobby. It still feels oddly like home even with the disposable blanket draped over your naked lower half. Perhaps what made it really feel like home was Rintarou’s hand on your thigh.
Staring long gone as your eyes drop onto the dark haired man who’s stare was directed at the closed door. He’s quiet. As always but you’re unsure to attribute it to the fact it was before nine A.M, or because the nurse practitioner said they were going to get the specimen. 
“Third times the charm you know,” Rintarou’s voice surprises you. Even though you were staring right at him. When he spoke facing away you couldn’t help but jump. His hand squeezing your thigh tight.
You’re quiet for a second. Third time was supposedly the charm. For a second you wonder how many friends, family and acquittances might have had the same thought.
A sigh leaves you and like the other attempts before you finally relax back into the exam chair, “We were in this room the first time right?”
Rintarou looks at the tapestry on the wall directly behind the two of you. Dark brows pinching a little he thinks for a second, “...I thought the first room had the quilt thing with kids hand paints on it?”
“There’s the flower one I think.” You mention the other piece of art you can vividly recall.
“Was it these or was it that flower one that looks like a vagina that was the first room.”
“Rintarou those were labias.”
“Yeah, and the other one looked like balls.”
“Oh but you remember the pussy looking one?”
“You mean labias.”
You squint your eyes at him and wordlessly mouth a mockery towards him. Forgetting for a second how nervous you were. He doesn’t forget how nervous you are though. Rintarou takes the mocking tease in stride when he bends down and presses a kiss to your scrunched forehead. Timing impeccable as always for the middle blocker as the nurse comes back in just as he stands back up.
Just like the three times before, the nurse stands with awfully ugly blue gloves on, the thickest looking catheter you ever swore you saw and papers clasped in their other hand. And just like the other times there was always a spiel to go with it all.
“Are we ready?” They looked at both you and your husband. Rintarou remained quiet but with a deep breath you nodded, “Good. Well- As always-” They hand the sealed and capped syringe to Rintarou, “You know the drill, body temp so if you don’t mind holding onto this.”
He nods. An otherworldly feeling to be holding onto what was basically the essence of his semen. But the tight grip the EJP middle blocker held it with was far more tight than any volleyball he’d ever held. 
“Here’s the papers as always,” The nurse wheeled over to your side of the exam chair in the small room, “Mobility looked great today. A 3.7 for them. Um- Unthawed at 6:34 this morning after the call, everyone looked lively in there and all there’s left to do is send them on their way! Are you ready?”
You take a deep breath. Looking at your nurse. Then looking to Rintarou. The hand on your thigh no longer there. Instead he’d taken your hand in his the second he was handed the sperm. You nod and squeeze his hand before looking at the nurse, “Third times the charm.”
There’s a faint smile on your husband’s face. Something you hadn’t seen once at these appointments. The way it tugs on the corner of his lips and Rintarou looks down at you even as someone gets between your legs, you can’t help but laugh to yourself. You’d be fucking him right now for that smile if there wasn’t KY jelly being smeared on your vaginal opening in preparation for a speculum to being inserted.
“Any plans for the rest of the day?” Utter casualness as someone only a little more than an acquaintance pulls your labias back right in front of your husband.
“Breakfast probably.” You look up at Rintarou who nods, “And then absolutely nothing.”
“Oh no practice today then?” Your overly friendly nurse glances up to Rintarou as the metal dipped down into you. 
It’s uncomfortable. Certainly not something you’d ever want to add to your bedroom antics. Each touch of their glove around your bits and pieces is something your not sure you can get use to but as they crank it to latch and your left knowing your cervix is exposed as Rintarou hands them the syringe, there’s something so strange. Your not sure you have an emotion for it actually.
“I just take them off normally,” Rintarou answers the person who’s now readying a thin catheter full of your husband’s separated and washed sperm to be inserted into your uterus on a Thursday morning. And Rintarou is talking to him like he does Motoya at the end of practice like its nothing.
“A couple this morning said they were going to try the new bakery down town,” Their hand goes to your thigh to let them know they’re going to touch you, “Alright deep breath, just a little discomfort and cramp.”
This is always the time you fall silent. Eyes fixated up on the ceiling even as you death grip Rintarou’s hand. It’s not a poke. Not like a needle. It’s cramp worthy but at the same time it’s so foreign that by the time it’s all said and done. They’re tossing the empty contain into the hazard bin and taking off their gloves.
“We have a shop we really like,” Rintarou replies calmly even though you’re sure your crushing his hand, “But I think I heard of the place.”
“Well-” The nurse smiled with their fingers crossed, “Here’s to hoping I can tell you about the bakery in two weeks.” 
They of course remind you of the drill. No checking before two weeks. False positives are rampant then. You get handed the papers. Which Rintarou always takes for you as you lay there on the exam table. Told to take your time for the ten minute wait period and then feel free to get dressed and head out. And like always you thank the person who just shot your husband’s sperm directly into your cervix.
Ten minutes. Then you could leave. 
Ten minutes you might as well sit in silence.
“...third times the charm you know,” Rintarou reminds you, as well as himself, after the nurse left. Big hand still clasped over yours as you lay there on the exam table.
“...I can feel lube stuck all over me,” You grimace at the coolness. It certainly is the same lube you use at home. An attempt to make this all more light hearted at best but it quickly falls flat.
You think for a second. All that advice you’ve gotten as you both try for your first. Don’t use lube. Use lube. Don’t do it on a Tuesday. Do it on a Tuesday. Don’t eat spicy. Ok maybe eat spicy. It all filters into your mind as you lay holding your husband’s hand in the stillness of the clinic room.
Rintarou snaps you out of it when he leans over. All 6′3 of him bent in half as he rests his ear against your chest and looks up at you.  Giant ass head in the middle of your chest and looking up at you. God he looks uncomfortable like that. But doesn’t budge an inch. Instead bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing your knuckles gently.
“Boy or girl?” You ask him the same question as the two times before.
He shakes his head. Lifting himself up to lean down and kiss your lips softly, “Doesn’t matter to me as long as it’s a baby.”
His assurance makes you sigh. Undoubtedly he was nervous too. At least here he kept it together. Though you were sure the staff probably thought your husband was a mute for the most part. You knew different. 
Reaching up you cup his face and bring him down for one more kiss, “...Here’s to the third time.”
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