#let’s GOOOOO
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iiping · 6 months
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that-glitter-chick · 2 months
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Wether this movie ends up rocking or sucking, I wait happily in anticipation for all the teenage angst MegOp fanfics and fan art that will undoubtedly result from it.
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moonshynecybin · 17 days
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livingfandomly · 17 days
Yes, no Venom movie will ever be nominated for an Oscar but is it still fan-fucking-tastic?? Yes. Is it the most ridiculous experience of watching Sir Tom Hardy be an absolute raging action-comedy genius???? Yes. Do I love the tension between a hot man and his weird alien creature that people think is his friend despite that friend being INSIDE him most of the time??????? Very much yes. Please stop shitting on the movie, just go away. Thanks.
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infinit-y · 8 months
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gear 5
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brainman1987 · 2 months
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I’ve been erm. Thinking about this. I think it would be fun and cozy and what’s more cozy than a roadtrip? Idk I like driving and I like driving at night so that’s when most of the drawings will be (it’s a good horror vibe) and I’ve got some more ideas for some horror stuff (can you tell I like horror?) so I might draw em or try to write em out, but I’m no good at writing so not likely
I’ve actually got an idea from a wendigoon video that I think could make for some cool imagery so y’know. I’ll try that
(As always I’m always open to asks and your always free to use my art for pfps with credit of course)
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shiftperception · 2 months
pokemon go unsplit the avatar shop
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xjoonchildx · 4 months
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seokjin said LEST Y’ALL FORGET!
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justanotherrcblog · 2 months
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🍂 Nova, Onyx & Tallis 🍁
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
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nanocados · 4 months
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Fenglian Week ‘24 ||| Day 4: Unspoken
If only his heart had spoken up sooner, way back when…
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smtown-tourist · 3 months
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The first time we’ve heard from Jinki in MONTHS and this boy has the AUDACITY to say “Waited long?” 🤦‍♀️😅🐰💎
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go-see-a-starwar · 1 year
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topgun-imagines · 4 months
An angst prompt?! Don’t tempt me with a good time
I would really love to see something with the line:
“i loved you, you used me.”
Calm filled the atmosphere. The first few days after Valentine’s Day were usually slow. After all, most people in relationships blew their flower budget before the 14th. This led to the shop being empty for most of the day. Your regulars still stopped by, men who would bring their partners flowers weekly and widowers bringing flowers to their passed-on loved ones.
These were the ones that gave you hope that love still existed. After the past few weeks, you weren’t so sure.
It was then that the small bell chimed above the door. You shovelled the last spoonful of leftover pasta into your mouth before you rushed out to the front to greet the customer. Distractedly, you fiddled with your apron as you walked around the corner. Oh, how you wished you would have been looking up.
When you lifted your head, there was a large, beaming smile on your face. It was gone within seconds.
Standing in front of you was Jake Seresin, the man who ripped your heart out of your chest and stomped all over it.
Your face hardened into stone in a matter of seconds. The pilot looked like a kicked puppy, but that didn’t stop the vicious words flowing from your mouth before you could stop them.
“What do you think you’re doing here?” You hissed the words through clenched teeth, damn near spitting on him. “Honestly, Seresin, what the hell is wrong with you? You think you can just walk in here like this after what you’ve done?”
Jake was standing in front of you, mouth gapping like a fish. During your rant, the pilot had no chance to explain himself, not that you would give him one anyway. You finally paused. At this point, steam was nearly pouring from your ears.
When he didn’t say anything, you raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow, something that had changed since the break-up. That prompted him to speak. Your name was whispered quietly as he took a step forward.
With a scoff, you retreated behind your desk and began focusing once more on your pile of flower orders. It was then that he began speaking. From across your shop.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry.” That elicited a harsher scoff from you. Where did this man get the nerve?
“Hangman,” You never called him by his call-sign. That was enough for Jake to know that his chances were less than slim. “You do not get to do this. You do not get to come into my place of business to try and hash out your personal issues.” The only reason you paused was to suck in some air before you continued.
Ever so slowly, you set your pen down and walked around the counter. Once you were close enough, you jabbed your finger into his chest. “I loved you.” Your voice cracked and tears welled in your eyes.
Memories from the past came rushing back. Memories filled with nothing but laughter. Memories surrounding that one, fateful night. The night that you had come home, a week before Valentine’s Day, only for Jake to drop the bomb that he wanted a break. That he was no longer in love with you. As hard of a pill as it was to swallow, you had come to terms with the reality that Jake was never the man you thought he was. You had realized that everything, all the whispered ‘I love you’s’ and promises made meant nothing to him.
As hard as you tried, you couldn’t stop your finger from shaking. Regardless of that, your voice was firm.
Jake wasn’t one for crying. Hell, he hardly ever showed emotion. But as he stood in front of you, watching the consequences of his actions play out, he couldn’t stop the single tear from rolling down his cheek at your next words.
“And you used me.”
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Thank you for the request anon! Send in some angst from this list :)
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