#let’s go martens!!!!!
clairauswolfus · 4 months
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FINALLY I've made OC x Sun/Moon artwork YIPPEE!
This comic came to me in a vision. Piney really likes to push Sun's buttons.. But also she loves having a dance partner that can keep up with her! This girl can tear it up on the dance floor!!
Sometime soon I wanna make a comic of Piney's interactions with Moon just to show off the relationship dynamic these three have. Sunny is confident with performing with Piney, but shyer about being honest with his feelings.
Moon is totally the opposite lol. He's incredibly forward and sometimes even crude with it in a joking manner. He is a prankster after all! But his confidence in making jokes and making Piney laugh falters whenever it comes to being in the spotlight.
I'd love to make a thing that involves all three but I gotta figure out how I want to go about it. But for now have some short comics!!
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lilnasxvevo · 6 months
I got twooooo new pairs of boots after not buying any new shoes for a long-ass time and I’m so happyyyyyy
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wososhine · 2 years
The biggest thriller of all thrillers was played in Sheffield, Sunday July 17th Netherlands Switzerland
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Goal after goal. After VAR after OFF side
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dollnightfall · 9 months
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crowley1990 · 10 months
I honestly feel naked if I’m outdoors wearing shoes that don’t cover my entire foot all the way up to my ankles. What are “Mary Janes” and “ballet pumps”?
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cyanoweasel · 2 years
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i noticed pegasus was visible the other night... old friends saying hi :>
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hiddenworldofmary · 6 months
my beloved worn all the time 12 year old soft black dr martens boots are starting to fall apart again (they broke last winter but i had them glued together) and i’m absolutely devastated and i could probably buy an identical new pair and let them die in peace but instead i’m having my 10 year old not favourite but still loved purple pair delivered (thank you parents) and planning to have the black ones fixed again 🖤
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shit-zu · 10 months
I just think that when you tell people not to wear something because “it’s not as radical as you think it is” you sound like my mom when she tells me my skirt is too short. just something to think about!
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spacelesscowboy · 1 year
i ❤️ you facebook marketplace
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ellecdc · 3 months
I have been summoned by the Poly!Wolfstar notification!!!!
I’m always a goner for brother’s best friend trope and this time it’s best friends so literally double the fun ☺️ This is just so soft and adorable pls you’re spoiling us, queen!
Part 2 where they tell Jamie and he actually already knew? Cause the joke is always James can be oblivious most of the time, but they don’t know it doesn’t apply to his sister so he already knew, most likely even before she knew herself cause he’s a sweet brother like that.
*sigh* I want a big brother
Love you queen! 💕
hahaha awe you're so right babes. it's really funny because I have this request and then the exact opposite version of this request - so it will be fun to write the other one too! it'll take me a lot longer though, angst always does.
part one here - but can be read as a stand alone
poly!wolfstar x potter!reader - you & the boys tell James
“You’re going to wear a hole in the rug there, dolly.” Sirius drawled in faux nonchalance as the two of you waited in the boys’ dorm room for Remus to return with James.
You were going to do it. Today. You were going to tell your brother you were dating his two best friends.
No big deal, right?
Except it was a big deal and you were absolutely losing your bloody mind.
And then your boyfriend had the audacity to be sitting on his bed, leaning against the headboard, casually telling you to relax like he wasn’t also shaking in his boots Doc Marten’s. 
Remus had volunteered to be the one to retrieve James for the lot of you. Mostly because you would have likely broken down in a mental state if it had been you, and Sirius likely would have blurted it out on his way up the stairs.
The door clicked and you could hear the quiet mumbling of your boyfriend and the much louder mumbling of your brother as the two entered the room. Based on the smiles on their faces, particularly James’ who eyes crinkled in delight, they were talking about something funny.
“Oh! Hey bug.” James called to you, seeming surprised you were here but not perturbed. “Hey Pads; Moony said you guys wanted to talk?”
Remus stayed standing near the door and you paused in your nervous pacing whilst Sirius scooted to the end of his bed, elbows on his knees and feet resting on his school trunk.
James didn’t look at all disturbed or uncomfortable. In fact, he looked completely at ease, here in the room with three of his favourite people in the whole world. Remus, the person who he goes to when he needs to feel grounded. Sirius, his best friend and partner in crime. And you, his twin sister and other half.
What were you doing here?
Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe you shouldn’t tell him. This could ruin him; this had the potential to ruin three of James’ most precious relationships. How could you have been so selfish? He didn’t need to know, the least the three of you could do is keep this to yourself. Abort, abort, abort.
“So?” James asked, looking around at everyone with a raised eyebrow. “Are you finally going to tell me the three of you are dating?”
You were sure your heart stopped. Remus blew out an exasperated laugh and Sirius choked on air. 
“You knew!?” Sirius screeched.
James smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah?”
“How?” You whispered.
James’ face softened significantly when he took in your face that was drained of all colour. “Well, Pads here is about as subtle as an erumpent. Moony has been mooning over you since like third year. And I’d have to be blind – do not joke about my eyesight – not to notice the way you look at them.” He offered simply.
“So, you’ve known all this time and just let us tiptoe around?” Sirius asked, sounding a little miffed – at his friend for allowing him to make a fool of himself, or at his apparent lack of discrepancy, you weren’t sure.
“I figured you guys would tell me when you were ready.” James said simply again.
“Are you mad?” Remus asked quietly, pointedly looking at you ask he asked. He knew this was your biggest fear, the potential fallout. You weren’t sure what you’d do if James refused to accept your relationship with Remus and Sirius. You couldn’t bear the thought of breaking up their friend group; three people would lose if that was the case, but it would only hurt you if you were the one to step away. 
“No.” James said as he moved his head back and forth slightly. “I guess I was hurt you didn't tell me, but I could also understand why you didn’t. But no, I’m not mad.”
You blew out a breath at that, but it came out incredibly shaky. Unfortunately for you, no one in the room missed it.
“Awe bug. I’m sorry.” James said as he stood and offered his open arms to you. You took him up on his offer and accepted his hug, leaning your head onto his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Jamie.”
“Don’t be, yeah? I’m happy for you, really.” He assured, rubbing roughly on your back. 
“Yeah?” You asked as you pulled back to look at him. You couldn’t see any contradictions on his face, only love.
“’Course. You’re the best, and I want the best for you.” He shook your shoulders a little, smiling like ‘did you seriously think otherwise?’
“Are they good to you?” He whispered, and though you knew your werewolf boyfriend and your canine animagus boyfriend could both likely hear the conversation, they allowed this moment to be yours and James’ alone.
“So good, Jamie. Promise.” You said, feeling tears prick at your eyes. 
“You’ll tell me if they’re not?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, but James wouldn’t let you pull away as you wont to do. “I wouldn’t involve you in it, James. They were your friends first; I’m not going to come between you.”
James’ brows furrowed a little as he seemed to ponder your words. “Perhaps...but you were my sister first. If anything, they’d be coming between us.”
You opted to smile at your brother and pinch his side like you knew he hated. “Never. That’s impossible.”
At that he finally let you go, returning your smile ten-fold. “That’s what I’ve been trying to say! So? Are we good?” He asked, turning to the rest of the room.
Remus had a proud and slightly emotional smile on his face while Sirius just stared between the two of you, eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed. 
“I’m sorry. What just happened?” He finally spat.
Remus groaned and rubbed a hand over his face. “Sirius, please. This went about as well as we could have hoped.”
James’ head popped up at that. “Oh! Sorry, did I make that too easy on you all?”
Sirius let out a scoff that sounded like “uhm, duh?”
“I could make it harder on you?” James offered.
“Please do.” Sirius said eagerly, causing you and Remus to groan in sync. 
James offered a quick ‘okay’ and cleared his throat, allowing silence to settle throughout the room as he picked up a stray book off his school trunk. 
Suddenly, he threw the book onto the ground, creating a booming thump. “MY SISTER!? ARE YOU KIDDING? YOU’RE DATING MY SISTER!?”
“JAMES PLEASE, JUST HEAR US OUT!” Sirius shouted back just as passionately. 
James scoffed in derision. “HEAR YOU OUT? HEAR YOU OUT. I THINK I’VE HEARD ENOUGH!”
“IT MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME!” Sirius called back, dropping to his knees on the floor in front of James. 
You shared a look with Remus as the theatrics continued, knowing this could go on for hours.
“Should we leave them to their drama?” Remus asked you.
“Please.” You nearly begged, taking his hand and exiting the dorm, catching one last sentence before the door clicked shut behind you.
“I DON’T CA- wait are you really? That's so cute!”
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prazinos · 2 years
Art Come To Life
Summary ~ Xavier Thorpe was an interesting outcast to say the least. He had the power to make his art move, which is why it comes in handy in times like this.
Disclaimer ~ I do not support Percy Hynes White, this is about the character and not the actor.
WARNINGS: Smut | Handjob | Masturbation (M) | Oral (F) | Fingering (F) | Squirting | PiV | Unprotected sex (seriously wrap it before you tap it | probably bad | MINORS DNI |
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You were walking to your best friends dorm, waving to Enid and Wednesday as they walk past, your legs growing tired from how large the school was and it didn’t help you were still in your school uniform and your brand new doc martens hadn’t broken in yet. Your feet were killing you
you finally had reached Xavier’s dorm and knocked on the door only to have no answer. You sigh pulling out the spare key Xavier had given you after Rowan had been expelled (or according to Wednesday, killed).
Opening the door you saw Xavier slumped back in his desk chair. You squinted at him before he let out a moan. The blush quickly rising from your neck to your face as your thighs clench at the noise. Your eyes widen, you can’t really have walked in on your best friend masturbating and then have found it hot, there’s got to be something wrong with you. Xavier lets out another loud moan and you whimper at the sound. Immediately he closes his sketchbook and whips his head around covering himself.
‘What are you doing here Y/N?!’
‘I’m-I’m so sorry Xavier I was, I was just coming to see you because I um got some weed from, from uh from Ajax and I was going to smoke um some with you’
‘God this is so humiliating’
You took this as a chance to tease him, while cruel, it was slightly funny
‘Were you really jacking off to a drawing you did?’
‘What? No I had my um my phone on my sketchbook’
He looks mortified and you only feel slightly bad when you reach to grab the sketchbook. He attempts to grab the book before quickly going to cover himself again.
As you flick through the pages, you can see him squirming in your peripheral.
Your eyes widen when they land on a drawing, a drawing of you and Xavier, but it was you riding him. Your eyes dart back to his face and he looks like he’s going to explode.
You smirk at him before placing the book down.
‘Make it move Xavier’
‘Make the drawing move’
He moves his hand over the drawing and it immediately starts to move. Your eyes trail over your naked drawn body, bouncing on top of Xavier. You watch as your drawn self throws her head back. You look over to Xavier and notice he’s palming himself slightly. Smirking, you reach over to his hand and remove it from his hard cock, you glanced at it, taking it in, it was at least 8 inches, it was thick but not to the point it would hurt, the tip was an angry red and you took in the neatly groomed pubes at the base.
You brought your hand to your mouth and spat in it before wrapping your hand around his cock. Immediately Xavier’s head was thrown back and you saw as his hands gripped the armrests, his knuckles turning white.
You smiled at his reaction. Your hand started moving up and down his cock at a fast pace, you rub your thumb over the slit of the head and he whimpers loudly, tears sprouting in the corners of his eyes. He looks at you in the eyes
‘Please, please Y/N, let me cum I need it so bad’
You smile at his begging and nod. You lean down and lightly lick at the precum on the tip, his hips bucking harshly as he cums down your hand.
He’s a panting mess when he comes down from his climax. Whispering quiet thank yous. You smile before licking the cum off your hand, you groan at the tangy musky taste that’s just so Xavier.
You turn around, bending over, rummaging through your bag before finding the weed that Ajax had given you. You toss the bag towards Xavier, he always rolls better joints. But instead of opening the bag he slams it down on the desk startling you.
You stand back up and notice Xavier’s dark expression. He stands up taking long strides towards you and you start walking backwards before your back hits the wall. Xavier smirks at your nervous expression. He leans down smashing your lips together.
You kissed him back just as feverishly as he was kissing you. He tasted like nothing you have ever tasted before. Your hands reach into his long hair and pull lightly, making him groan. He bites down on your bottom lip, making you gasp. He takes it as an opportunity to slide his tongue between your lips and into your mouth. You’re taken aback by the sudden confidence.
He finally breaks the kiss and you take in his swollen lips and tussled hair. He suddenly picks you up, hands under your thighs as you wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He smiles when you gasp as he squeezes your thighs.
He tosses you onto his bed and you kick off your shoes and socks. Tearing off your jumper and attempting to unbutton your blouse before you’re stopped by Xavier. He rips your blouse open and you glare at him as he chuckles darkly. Hearing the buttons hit the wooded floor you groan internally as when you ask Enid to fix your now ruined blouse she will ask how it got damaged.
You could have sworn Xavier’s eyes bulged out of his head for a split second as he takes in your deep red lacy bra. You shrug the blouse off and unclip your bra as he rods himself of his own button down and took off his already opened pants.
You reach down to rid yourself of your skirt and when you do, you attempt to take off your panties as well. But Xavier stops you. Pushing you down onto his bed, you lean on your forearms to see what he was doing and you could feel yourself getting extremely wet as you watch him take your panties off with his teeth.
He spreads your thighs licking his lips and you stop him, clamping your thighs shut and he looks up at you expectedly
‘Xavier wait, you don’t have to do that, I know guys don’t really like doing that’
‘Oh Y/N, I’ve been wanting to taste this sweet pussy for months’
He pushes your thighs apart once more before licking a stripe up your dripping cunt. You groan in unison, Xavier starts to devour you as your hips buck into his face he stops you by placing a hand on your hips pushing you down. You feel as his tongue plunges into your dripping hole before sucking on your clit, he was so talented with his mouth.
You didn’t know where to put your hands and as you looked down you nearly came at the sight of him making eye contact with you as he sucks on your pulsing clit. He notices your hands hesitate before he grabs them to place in his hair. He smiles as you grip his hair tightly, once again bucking your cunt into his mouth. He pushed your hips down and bit your clit lightly, not hard enough to hurt but enough for you to yelp and get the message that he wants you to stop moving.
You didn’t think you could feel anymore pleasure but Xavier surprises you by plunging his fingers into your cunt, curling them, you feel yourself clenching around his fingers, he continues to thrust his long fingers into your g-spot and suck on your clit. You felt like you were going to pee, trying to push Xavier’s face away
‘Xavier please ‘m gonna pee’
He ignores your pleas and doubles down smirking into your pussy
You heard it before you felt it, a loud gushing noise as you felt a liquid shooting from your hole. You moan loudly as Xavier works you through your intense orgasm.
As you come down you begin to feel too sensitive. You pry his face away squirming back before looking down at him once more, noticing his chest and chin are soaked in juices.
‘Xavier I’m so sorry oh my god I didn’t even know I could do that’
‘You have nothing to be sorry for, that was so hot Angel’
He stands up before lying down on the bed. He motions for you to sit on top of him and you obey,
‘Shit, I don’t think I have any condoms’
‘It’s okay, im on birth control but if you feel safer with the condom and don’t want to do this anymore-‘
He cuts you off with a searing kiss
‘Oh baby and miss the chance to feel you cum on my cock? I want you to ride me to oblivion sweetheart’
You blush at his vulgar words before nodding. You align his hard again cock with your entrance and slowly lower yourself, you moan loudly and he whines, you start to bounce on top of him, throwing your head back with another loud moan. You bounce harder. Xavier’s hands coming to your hips to slam you down onto his cock, you let him guide you as you continue bouncing.
Xavier’s hands leave your hips and you whine at the loss of contact before whining as you felt his fingers come down onto your clit, rubbing it furiously as you feel yourself get closer to the edge you looked down at him, he looked incredible. So fucked out, so fucking hot.
‘Shit! Fuck oh Y/N ‘m gonna cum gonna cum’
His moans get louder as he reaches his climax, the hot spurts of cum tipping you over to the edge as well, as you moan loudly, bouncing on his dick a few more times as he whimpers from the overstimulation.
You collapse down onto his chest, feeling hot, sweaty, and need of a shower.
You look up at Xavier to see him staring back at you
‘I don’t know if you can tell but I really love you Y/N’
‘I love you too doofus. Have for months’
‘Well I’ve loved you since you transferred here’
You did the math realising he’s liked you for over a year.
You smile and kiss him before getting off him
‘Y/N how did this happen exactly?’ Enid questioned looking between you and the ripped blouse
‘Um well you see I kinda got attacked by a um a wolf’ you responded scratching the back of your neck
‘More like you got attacked by Xavier’ Wednesday mumbled. You snapped your head around to Wednesday glaring at her
‘Oh my god!’ Enid yells
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A/N ~ I’m not sure if this was good but please let me know if you liked it by commenting, liking, or reposting
Thanks my loves <3
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444rockstargf · 2 months
"heard that you like the bad girls." | spencer reid
video games. - lana del rey
⊹₊⋆ synopsis: when the black cat meets the golden retriever.
fill out the taglist form!
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female!reader x spencer
word count: 1.2k
contents: opposites attract, spencer being a sweetheart, fluff, not proofread
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it had to have been a cruel joke played by the universe when you and spencer were assigned to work on a job together.
your interactions with him had never gone past glancing at him as he passed by or blankly nodding at the factoids he spat at 100 words per minute. he was a self-proclaimed genius, equipped with intelligence that many could only aspire to obtain. so it didn’t make sense to you why it was always as if his IQ got slashed in half whenever he spoke to you.
spencer was a sophisticated individual, particular about everything from the way he carried himself to how each chestnut-brown strand of his hair was laid. while you were the polar opposite. you went with the wind, going wherever the night took you. your attire consisted of dark colours and you put minimal effort into making yourself look professional, though you suppressed your style just a little to help it meet the nonexistent workplace requirements. even with your lack of interactions, spencer could tell you had a bold personality. and he longs to search and explore every part of it.
the first step he took in getting to know you was offering to give you a ride to work. as usual, you were running late. he’d said that he’d be at your place by 7:30 and you watched the long arm of the clock tick to 7:29. you slipped on your dark brown sweater, letting it rest on top of your pleated black skirt. you hastily put on your dark tights, finishing off the look with your black doc martens. you looked at yourself in the mirror, making sure you didn’t look as crazy as you felt you were going.
as the clock hit 7:30 the doorbell chimed, perfectly on cue. you quickly grabbed your bag, dashing down the stairs until you reached the front door, seeing spencer through the lens of the peephole. you let out a soft breath, taking in the 6 feet of elegance that awaited you on the other side of the door. the bright morning sub made his hair appear to be made of one million pure gold threads, his eyes turning into soft pools of honey.
with a deep breath, you opened the door, greeting him with a warm smile. he met your eyes with warm eyes and the softest smile you’d ever seen. he stared at you, not saying anything for a good moment until you cleared your throat to catch his attention. he ran a hand through his hair, blinking himself out of his smitten daze.
he couldn’t get over how much he wanted to know about you. you were attractive in a frustratingly effortless way, like you just so happened to roll out of bed looking like a goddess. he had gotten lost in your gaze again, finally coming to his senses after another long minute. “g-good morning.” you laughed softly as he stammered. “morning, doc.” you teased, never having bothered using such formalities before.
he went to extend a hand toward you before thinking that he was moving too fast. “shall we? my car’s in your driveway.” you nodded, walking out the door and shutting it behind you, making sure to lock it as you and he strolled over to his car. he opened the door for you and you hopped in, slightly flattered by his chivalrous gesture. he got into the driver’s seat next to you, stealing a quick glance in your direction as you buckled up his seat belt. he’d never been able to take his eyes off of you, but the feeling got even more intense when you were this close, your scent filling his nostrils. he started up the car, pulling out of your driveway.
you yawned, rubbing your eyes as he began to drive down your street. he raised an eyebrow. “tired?” you nodded. he began to speak again, his eyes lighting up in the way that they usually did whenever he went off on irrelevant tangents. “for optimum health and function, the average adult requires around 7-9 hours of sleep to function properly during the day. but studies show that 60% of women fall short of that goal.”
you laughed a little, amazed by how quickly he could pull the facts out of his head. he pulled out of your street, driving in the opposite direction of the workplace. “how about we head down to that coffee place across from your house? i saw it when i was coming earlier.” and he absorbed knowledge like a sponge. you smiled. “yeah, that’d be great. thank you, spencer.”
you could’ve sworn you heard him squeal when you called him by his name. you pulled out your mirror, fixing up your hair as he pulled into the parking lot. “i’ll be back in a minute, okay?” he walked into the cafe before you could respond. and he hadn’t even taken your order. you were willing to bet a large sum of money that he’d draw an assumption on how you liked your coffee. you took it black, no cream and no sugar. but no guy had ever guessed that right.
you flipped through the radio channels, searching for something good to play. you assumed that you’d be waiting for him for a while. but he walked out of the shop before you could even settle on something to play. he hopped back into the car, holding two large coffees in his hand. your eyes were wide. “that was quick.” he nodded. “i ordered ahead of time. i had a feeling you wouldn’t be used to heading to work this early.”
you rolled your eyes, accepting the cup he held out to you with a smile on your face. you took a slow sip of the drink, eyes growing with surprise as you tasted the familiar, bitter mixture. he was watching you with a stupid little grin on his face. “no cream and no sugar, right?” your eyebrows inched up on your forehead. “how’d you know that?” he shrugged, putting the keys back into the ignition. “i see you everyday. it’d be a shame if i didn’t know how you took your coffee.”
you felt a sizzling sensation spreading in your cheeks. you turned away slightly, watching the atmosphere change as he drove away. the car fell silent, something you’d never expect from spencer. then he opened his mouth to speak again. “h-hey, i’ve been meaning to ask you something…” you tilted your head to the side, curious at what he had to say. he took a deep breath, trying not to sound as awkward as he knew he was. “all this work stuff is pretty hectic, like all the time. but you seem… i-i dunno. you always listen to what i have to say and never act like i bore you. s-so… i was wondering if you’d like to try out that new restaurant that opened after work…?” 
he regretted asking as soon as the word came out, but you were grinning from ear to ear as you heard him speak like a normal, nervous guy instead of the genius he was. “you asking me out on a date, spencer?” he swallowed hard, quickly looking over at you. “i guess you could put it that way…” you stayed quiet, watching as he squirmed in his seat. you found that you liked getting him all riled up. you lifted up in your seat a little and pecked him on the cheek, his face immediately flushing with crimson. “pick me up at 7:30. don’t be late.” 
you and him both laughed at the irony of that statement.
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author's note: i need to rewatch criminal minds. i've completely forgotten everything about it
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luveline · 10 months
id love to see eddie and a shy!reader at a concert. r is overwhelmed with the crowd and eddie is being his usual lovely reassuring self
love you sm!
ty for ur request! —eddie insists on taking care of you when you get overwhelmed in the middle of a concert. fem!reader, 1.3k
"This is insane, right?" Eddie asks. Or, yells. 
The ground thumps with music. The drum feels as though it's being beaten against your own chest, heat at every angle, lights flashing above and roaming downward. You blink against the purples and blues, your hand sweaty in Eddie's. 
"I'm sorry!" you shout, nodding down at your joined hands. 
Eddie tucks a limp curl behind his ear. "I'm gonna give you the sweatiest kiss anyone's ever given!" 
"Gross," you say, a half second before Eddie's pressing his lips to yours. You can feel the vibrations of the instruments through his skin. It almost tickles, but Eddie's rough touch helps. 
It's a nice kiss, but there's so much going on. The crowd swells with a unanimous cheer as one song ends and another begins. Eddie yanks himself away from you to grin at the performance, whooping as his favourite guitarist takes centre stage for an intro. You gulp in dank air, the person standing behind you treading on your shoes for the tenth time in as many minutes, the person to your right smelling of pot and beer, sticky thick. 
A firm arm curls around you. "You wanna go up on my shoulders?" Eddie asks. He must be pumping with adrenaline, his kisses quick and plentiful over your cheek as you attempt to answer. 
"As if, Eds." 
"What, you don't think I can get you up there?" 
"I know you can't." 
Eddie visibly registers your shifting mood. "Hey," he says, giving your shoulders a jog, "are you okay? You look like you're having a whitey without the smoke, babe!" 
"I'm okay, I…" You blink sweat from your eyes. "I'm really hot." 
"Take your jacket off, baby. I can hold it for you." 
You shrug out of your damp jacket but feel the same. Still, when Eddie says, "Better?" you smile and wrap your arm around his. 
"I'm good. Now shut up! This is my favourite one!" 
You're not telling the truth, but your enthusiasm fools him. Eddie slides an arm behind your back and you hug each other from the side to sing along. You like the music and you love Eddie, you're not interested in ruining the precious couple of hours you have here tonight. You can grin and bear it. You have been for a while. 
Or, you think you can, but you feel something warm on your leg, and you know it's just beer spilled from a crushed plastic cup, but your ears ache as the drum solo starts and fireworks burst at the front of the stage less than forty feet away. The crowd closes in. It's too much. 
"Eddie, I think," —he turns to look at you, eyes sparkling— "I need to go to the bathroom. Okay?" 
"I'll come with you!" 
"No! No, stay here, we'll never get this close to the front again!" 
"Are you kidding? What if something happened to you? I'd lose my mind!" Eddie nudges you toward the back of the venue. "Babe, I know the kind of creeps that hang around, I'm not letting you go by yourself!" 
You're sick of shouting at him to be heard. "No, I'll hold it!" You won't ruin his night. "I'm okay, I– I swear!"  
"Don't be stupid, let's go! It'll be nice to have a break from Doctor Marten," he says, looking quickly behind his shoulder at the perpetrator in question, the guy who keeps nipping your ankles with his thick gummy soles. 
You shake your head. Eddie shakes his head back at you incredulously, twining your fingers together as he starts to fight his way through the crowd, dragging you with him. People are ten times as likely to let you move backwards rather than toward the front, and soon the air is cooling, your skin damp and cold as the fresh breeze finally reaches you. The crowd thins. You can stretch your arms out without touching anyone for the first time in nearly an hour. 
The relief is enough to have you closing your eyes, savouring the sudden lack of input. 
Eddie pulls your hand between both of his, calluses and rings and all the things you love about him scratching your hands as he squeezes you. "Feel better?" 
You should've known he knew. Nodding sheepishly, you say, "Yeah." 
Your breathlessness must endear you to him. Eddie's on you like a rash. Your jacket slips where it's tucked under his arm, but he doesn't let go of your hand, stepping with one foot between yours, his long hair brushing your chest as he closes the space between you.
"It's a lot, I get it," he says. His voice is rough from yelling, scratchy as hewn stone. "I meant to bring you those ear plugs and I forgot. I'm sorry." 
"That's not your responsibility," you say, frowning. 
He smiles at you. "You're my girl, aren't you? I look after you 'n' I like doing it." Eddie laughs, the sort of laugh that says, I'm really happy, I love you, and it's easy. 
Or maybe you just want it to say that. Regardless, he bumps his forehead into yours and closes his eyes for a few seconds, rubbing your fingers between his mindlessly. "Take a minute. Chill. We can stay on the outskirts for the rest of the night if you need to." 
You can deal with being uncomfortable, just not to the level you had been. That was dire. This is fine. 
"Sorry for losing our spot," you say, pulling away from him. 
"Sorry for putting you in a tough one, babe. How do you feel now? Any better?" 
"Yeah, definitely." You pull your elbow up to wipe your burning cheeks. 
"Better enough for a very public and disgusting kiss?" he asks. 
"How disgusting?" you ask.
"Tongue, for sure." 
"That's not that bad." 
"Didn't say where, did I?" he asks. 
"If you lick my ear I'm gonna have to go hide in the girls bathroom," you warn, flushing at the thought of it alone.
Eddie doesn't give you the kiss he threatened you with, only throws his arms over your shoulders to cup your head, lips pressed to your temple. He rubs your shoulders, and after a moment he starts to sway you both from side to side in time with the slightly less hectic song being performed by the band. 
"Chill out," he murmurs. "I don't care where we're standing if I get to stand with you, loser." 
You hug his back. You're uncomfortably warm still, but his touch is a remedy for the general frazzle of white noise that had been fizzing between your ears. 
"Come on, let's go back," you say. The band starts on a song you know Eddie loves, you've heard it enough. 
"I wanna be like, oh, no, I can't tear myself away from you, but I really fucking love this one," Eddie says. He gives you no less than six apology kisses against the bridge of your nose before spinning on his heel to usher you back toward the crowd. Not in the throng of it, but at least you're facing the right way. "Whoo!" he yells.
"Play it louder!" you shout, knowing no one can hear your individual voice over the cacophony. "My boyfriend loves this one!" 
"I love this one!" Eddie shouts at the top of his lungs. 
Your heart lifts at his huge, beaming smile. All the sweat and noise and raw ankles are worth it just to see him this ridiculously happy. He makes it easier, checking in on you periodically for the rest of the night, and persuading you to leave a little early to escape the rush. When he swings your tired arms between your bodies and declares it the best night ever, you know you can keep on coming to gigs no matter how crazy they get. 
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janeyseymour · 4 months
hiii!! i love your writing and i hope you’re doing well <3 i was hoping to request a melissa x reader with “causal” work crush between the two of them. reader is a very put together teacher during school hours but a trendy aesthetic person off campus. mel comes across reader at the grocery store and is astonished at the revealing alternative style and sexy tattoos. reader gets super nervous and shy once mel teasingly approaches. no one at work has ever seen her like this but especially not her crush melissa
oh wow, this one... nice. written as i procrastinate cleaning my house!
Personal and Professional
wc: ~2.4k
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You grew up hearing from both of your parents that you should never mix the personal with the professional. So you compartmentalize. You’ve always done it. You kept school life away from home life when you could, and now you keep your work life away from your home life. That’s not to say that you aren’t friends with your coworkers at school. It’s just that it’s much easier to keep professional Y/N and personal Y/N separate.
And the personal and professional you are two entirely different people.
You see, at school, you’re ‘Miss Y/N’. You keep it all together. You’re buttoned up, you’re conservative in your clothing style, and you strive to maintain that aura of professionalism that you see coming off of people like Barbara Howard. You’re pretty damn good at it too. You’re kind, you allow your coworkers to see small bits of your home life (“Oh, I’ll probably just do some grocery shopping before laying on my couch for the entirety of the weekend… maybe I’ll go to the gym,” is your usual response when they ask what you’re doing over the weekend), and the teachers have all come to respect you once you settled into your position.
But once the school hours are over and you can let your hair down, both figuratively and metaphorically, you trade out your blouse and sweater or blazer for more form-fitting and revealing shirts, pants that aren’t slacks, and you change your flats to your doc martens that you’ve been rocking since the eleventh grade. You take out the clear stud and put in your nose ring, and exchange earrings different from the delicate hoops you wear to school. Your multiple tattoos show in your street clothes, and you love it. 
You’re not entirely sure how your coworkers would feel if they knew that this was how you presented yourself outside of the school, but it doesn’t matter. They’re so used to seeing you all done up to teach that even if they did see you outside of school, they probably wouldn’t recognize you. You sure as hell wouldn’t go out of your way to say hello if you saw one of them outside of campus.
But then things start to change about six months into working at Abbott.
Shit. You have a thing for one of your coworkers- Melissa Schemmenti to be exact. It’s a very casual and silly thing the two of you have going on, really. She flirts with you, you flirt with her; it’s all in good fun. You know that you’ll never act on it though because you keep your many lives as far away from each other as possible, even going as far as grocery shopping a few streets over from where you know most of your coworkers go in order to not run into them. You’ve never had an issue with running into anyone outside of the school anyway- why would that change?
“What are your plans for the weekend, hot stuff?” Melissa flirts with you while you’re eating lunch. “And don’t give me your usual answer… you gotta have more of a life than what you lead on, miss mysterious.”
You roll your eyes. “You wish I was with you.”
She hums in lieu of an answer before asking you again, “What are your plans for the weekend?”
“Honestly?” you chuckle. “Probably some grocery shopping, I have a friend coming over tomorrow, and then Sunday is a day to grade and veg out on the couch while I catch up on some shitty reality tv.”
“Sounds riveting,” the redhead jokes.
“Well, what do you have going on?”
“Nothin’,” she grins. “I fully plan on staying in my Eagles sweatshirt and catching up on laundry and some chores- probably have some wine while I’m at it. Care to join me on Sunday after I go to church?” She’s never asked you if you wanted to hang out outside of work before, and it throws you for a loop. You nearly choke on your salad.
“Oi,” she huffs playfully. “I was just messin’. I don’t want to have to endure any of that shit reality tv in my house.”
“Yeah,” you chuckle. “I wouldn’t want you to have to sit through that either.” The two of you finish up your lunches and head back to your classrooms to deal with your monsters for the rest of the Friday.
“See you Monday, babe,” Melissa winks at you as she closes the door to her classroom and locks it.
“Oh, counting down already, I see,” you roll your eyes. “See you Monday, babe.”
When you get home, you change out of your stuff work attire and into a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. You change out your jewelry for the things you prefer. You fully plan on laying on your couch with a bottle of wine on this lazy Friday night, but when you get home you realize that you finished off your favorite white last weekend. With a sigh, you go into your bedroom to change into some nicer street clothes- you would rather be caught dead than wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt out in public. At the front door, you pull on your docs, and then you’re off to the grocery store.
If you’re there now, you decide it’s best to just get your grocery shopping for the week out of the way. You grab a cart and start perusing the aisles like you usually do.
You have a few things in your cart when you find yourself in the aisle with the wines and beers, and you’re currently pouring over the selections. What would your friend want? Probably just some Yuengling. So you throw a case of that into your cart before turning to look for the wine that you love. Little do you know, Melissa is turning her cart down the aisle that you’re currently in, and she recognizes you almost immediately.
You look so starkly different than she’s used to seeing you. If she’s being honest, she’s a little thrown off with your outfit. She’s so used to seeing you in your work attire, your hair either in a neat, low bun or down. But here? This look is entirely different from what she was expecting you to be done up in outside of work. She of course knew that you wouldn’t always be dressed like a teacher, but wow. She was not expecting this. You’re in a pair of tighter, ripped black jeans, you have a tank top on, and your hair is thrown up into a stylish messy bun with a few pieces strategically pulled out to give off the appearance that it’s an effortless look (it is for you). Is that a tattoo on your shoulder that she sees? And a tattoo on your arm? How has she never noticed that before? You have a cartilage piercing, bold earrings for your first and second, and… is that a nose ring? She didn’t even know you had your nose pierced. If Melissa’s honest with herself, it only makes you that much more attractive.
You turn, satisfied with your decision, and pop the bottle into the top of your shopping cart. You make eye contact with the redhead that is practically drooling over the sight of you. You give her a shy wave, but you don’t dare to interact. Don’t mix the personal from the professional. The woman snaps out of her own trance and waves back with a curious look.
You continue down the aisles, and you think that you’re in the clear from Melissa- you acknowledged her, that’s all you had to do. She goes on her way too, but the two of you run into each other again during checkout.
“Hey there, hot stuff,” she winks at you as she starts putting her groceries up on the conveyor belt. “Never pegged you as a beer girl.”
“Hey,” you say softly, shyly. “It- it’s actually for my friend.” That also throws Melissa for a loop. At school, you’re so confident, quick to make a remark. But now, you sound like you have something caught in your throat, and you nervously tuck one of the loose strands of hair behind your ear, as if that would make you more professional looking. “I’ve never seen you around here before?”
“I usually go to the one that everyone else goes to, but they were out of my wine, so…” she gestures to it before putting it up on the belt. “It was worth the extra ten minute drive though if it means I get to see you.” She winks at you with those emerald green eyes of her, but you don’t reciprocate. You nervously worry your lip between your teeth, as if you have no idea what to say.
Melissa understands your hesitation and shrugs. The two of you stand in line together awkwardly. She’s rung up, and as she leaves, you call a gentle, “Have a good weekend, see you Monday.”
She turns and blows a kiss your way, waving flirtatiously before leaving.
Your weekend is nice. Your friend comes over, you go out to the clubs, and you almost forget about the encounter that you had with the hot redheaded second grade teacher.
The small break from work is over all too soon, and you find yourself somewhat dragging yourself into Abbott on Monday, but duty calls. You’re back to wearing your lightly colored blouse and a sweater over top to cover the tattoo that you didn’t feel like putting makeup over today, you’re back in your dress pants and flats. You didn’t even bother to do your hair, just simply brushing it and letting it cascade over your shoulders instead.
You enter the staff lounge and it’s empty, as it always is. You’re always the first one in. Whoever comes next is always a mystery, but today, it’s Melissa Schemmenti. Of course it is. Without anyone else there to buffer, you know she is absolutely going to bring up your meeting on Friday night.
“Hey there, gorgeous,” the redhead says suavely. “Have a nice weekend?”
“Yeah, babe,” you shoot out. The coffee pot dings. “You want some?”
“You know I always do,” she sighs out as she makes a move for the cabinet with the mugs inside. She grabs hers before sauntering over to you. The second grade teacher hands you the mug before cozying up to you.
“For you,” you roll your eyes as your pour the scalding hot liquid into her cup.
“Thanks, babe,” she smirks and winks. “So… when were you goin’ to tell me about this little number?” she rests a gentle hand on your shoulder- the one with the tattoo.
“What do you mean?” you chuckle.
“That tattoo,” she licks her lips.
“I forget it’s there,” you roll your eyes. “Young Y/N mistakes.” Not true at all. You love that tattoo, and most of your street clothes show it off. 
“It’s sexy,” she tells you lowly. “Kinda like the ear spike and the nose ring I had no idea you had.”
“I’m a different woman outside of school, babes,” you tell her, smirk evident as you start to fix your own coffee. “Didn’t realize I had to tell you about it all.”
“You don’t,” she shrugs. “I’ll find it all out myself… little miss alt girl.”
“In your dreams,” you fire out, and you get pretty close to her.
“Oh, every night,” she challenges you and moves even closer. At this point, the two of you are nose to nose.
And wow, it wouldn’t take much more for you to-
“Good morning!” Janine bursts in through the door, not knowing what she’s walking into.
You and Melissa couldn’t jump away from each other faster. The young, energetic teacher starts to ramble on all about her weekend, and your other colleagues start to make their way in. When it comes time to watch the news, Melissa settles herself in next you. Her hand finds its way to your shoulder, and she starts to trace the outline of you tattoo. Then, you feel the redhead’s hand make its way to your arm, where the other tattoo is that she saw. You didn’t know she saw that one too. She lets her fingers lazily trace around that one as well. All of your coworkers are too enamored with what’s happening on the screen to really notice, and Melissa’s green eyes are trained on the television as well. You could not be further from what’s happening on the screen. All you can think of is Melissa, and the things that she’s doing right now are driving you crazy.
Soon though, the kids will start to trickle in, and you know you have to get to your classroom. So you head out, a flirtatious smile and wink thrown the second grade teacher’s way before you close yourself into your room. You take a deep breath, and get ready for your day.
As you’re about to make your way out of your classroom, you hear heeled boots clinking along the linoleum floor, and you know those boots belong to the redhead that’s been on your mind all day.
“Hey, babe,” you says, back turned to the door, but you know it’s her. “Come to walk me out?”
The clicking gets louder, and before you can even think, Melissa has you pinned up against your desk. You can feel the corner of it digging into your back, and then you don’t because all you can feel are her lips on yours. Instinctively, you kiss her back. It’s better than you had been dreaming of. And then she pulls back, wipes away the lipstick she left smudged, wipes her own mouth to fix her own lip, and then winks at you.
“I’m done pretending that all this flirting we do is harmless,” she says once she’s righted herself. “You, me, dinner tonight at The Capital Grille. 6, sharp.”
You don’t know what else to do other than nod.
“And don’t come dressed in your teacher outfit,” she instructs. “I want the babe that you are… Ear spike, nose ring, tattoos out.”
With that, she turns on her heel and makes her way out of your room. As she’s making her way down the hall, you hear her call over her shoulder, “Don’t miss me too much!”
So much for not mixing the personal with the professional.
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shares-a-vest · 6 months
@steddiemas Day 16: Angst-Themed (Saturday Sentence Starters)
wc: 1k | Rated: T | cw: Steve’s parents are arguing (he is overhearing it briefly but there are some descriptions of yelling), toxic family dynamics, unstable marriage, cheating
Tags: Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unstable Marriage, Toxic Family Dynamics, Cheating
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“I don’t want to fight with you, Caroline,” Steve hears his father bellow from downstairs, “Not tonight.”
He snaps his comic closed and tosses it on the floor.
Steve has no idea what his parents are arguing about. Hell, they don’t even need an excuse these days, he thinks. Someone can so much as fart and it will start a goddamn screaming match.
He guesses he shouldn’t be surprised. It’s the holidays and his parents are both off work until the beginning of the New Year. It’s snowing heavy out so they can’t go down to the Martens’ house – their best friends-come-buffer zones.
“Oh, John!” his mother chides before there is a lower muffle that he can’t quite make out.
While being hard of hearing allows him not to hear anything below a shout, the broken argument is still frustrating.
His parents might not need an excuse to fight, but he’d still like to know what it’s about. Gain intel for the inevitable coming days of being stuck in the middle.
Steve has a few guesses as to what it could be.
His mother bought a new car with her Christmas bonus finally topping up her bank account and thus justifying an indulgent and expensive purchase. His father always hates that.
Steve smirks.
If his father didn’t like that kind of independence, why did he marry a high-paid lawyer?
But, the more likely scenario considering his father’s apparent insistence he ‘doesn’t want to fight’ is that he is cheating again.
Cindy, his secretary, or someone new – take your pick.
The telltale signs have been there for a month or two. A renewed cheery attitude, longer office hours, a fresh haircut and new clothes.
Actually, now that he thinks about it, it might be a little bit of a motivator behind his mother’s car purchase too – 
“ – Cindy!” his mother shrieks.
Yep, there it is.
Steve rolls off the bed, planting his feet on the carpet right by his shoes.
“Fuck this,” he mutters, scooping up his keys and wallet from the nightstand.
He’s just about halfway to Forest Hills, driving at a snail’s pace because he can’t see for snow, when he begins to regret his decision to leave the house.
Maybe he shouldn’t just barge in on the Munsons unannounced. Like sure, his friendship with Eddie is… teetering on not being entirely platonic. But this might be too much.
He always thought it was too much when he’d walk down to stay at Carol Perkins’ house for an impromptu sleepover. And there was always this awkward, knowing going on with the Wheeler’s when he was dating Nancy and spending a lot of time just hanging about.
Lingering for too long in the kitchen chatting to Karen or watching a game with Ted until the guy started snoring too loud to hear the commentators.
It was all there but largely unspoken.
Only Robin knows the details. And even then, he’s sure that her father’s friendliness towards him was partly due to his daughter telling him all about the trouble at the ‘ol Harrington house. He doesn’t blame his best friend for likely doing so. And he doesn’t consider it blabbing, either. Robin’s parents – her whole family – are amazing.
But some of his parent’s shit is stupid at best, hard to take at worst.
And he is scared to let Eddie in on it.
It’s too much.
He’s too much.
Being a Harrington is too much.
Wayne answers the door with a cup of cocoa that seems glued to his left hand in winter.
“Steve,” he says, voice gruff as ever despite a warm smile.
“Hi,” he replies, looking down at his snow-covered boots, “Eddie in?”
Of course, he’s in, his van is parked outside.
Steve can feel the warmth from inside the trailer. See the twinkle of lights from the Munson’s small, but heavily-decorated, Christmas tree. The smell of cocoa overpowering the ever-present hint of cigarettes.
“Eddie!” Wayne calls over his shoulder, “Steve’s here.”
In a flash, Eddie runs to the front door and practically bumps into his uncle.
“Come in!” he insists, wide-eyed as he looks past his shoulder at the falling snow.
And before Steve can even step in, Eddie is pulling him by his parka sleeve. He only just manages to scrape off his boots on the ‘Home Sweet Home’ adorned welcome mat.
“What some cocoa?” Eddie offers, eliciting a grumble from Wayne.
“I asked if you wanted some,” he chides.
“But Steve might want some,” Eddie grins.
“How about I heat up a pot now, and whoever wants some’s got it?” Wayne suggests, pursing his lips at Eddie and moving to the stove before his nephew can make any more requests.
“Follow me,” Eddie says, grabbing his hand, “I made cookies.”
He wiggles his brows and begins leading Steve to the kitchen.
As he is pulled along, Steve tries not to think about the fact that they are holding hands. Or how he wishes his fifteen-minute-ago Self had thought to bring an overnight bag and allowed himself to assume the Munsons would allow him to stay the night.
But it might be even harder to stop himself from squeezing his friend’s hand and lacing his fingers with Eddie’s.
Eddie lets go of his hand to gesture to the tray of Christmas-themed shapes, all looking a little too dark for gingerbread as they rest on the kitchen island.
“Pick one, Big Boy,” Eddie beams.
Steve reaches for a reindeer, flexing his fingers as he goes and commits the feeling of Eddie’s rings to memory.
“No!” Eddie shrieks, lightly smacking his hand enough that he drops it, leaving the cookie to snap in half as it falls back onto the tray, “His antlers are broken.”
“Christ, boy!” Wayne curses, stirring the pot on the stovetop.
Okay, a tree then…
“The star is missing!”
A bell?
“That was already snapped in half when I got them out of the oven”, Eddie admits with a tight-lipped smile.
Steve places his hands on his hips and rolls his eyes. To him, they all look at least a little crumbly – some he would even describe as lightly charred.
“How about you pick one for me then, Betty Crocker?” he chuckles.
Eddie giggles, twirling a lock of his hair as he carefully considers the tray of mostly broken, dry cookies.
He watches Eddie for a long enough time that Wayne pushes a mug into his hand, the warmth of Eddie’s hand remaining in place due to the heat of the cocoa. It’s a Chicago Cubs mug, one that he finds himself holding at some point each time he is here as if Wayne considers it Steve’s own.
He smiles for the first time in three days.
608 notes · View notes
kquil · 1 year
SUM. : you thank your heroes with home made lunch at their work place, leaving with a temporary tattoo and three men wrapped around your little finger.
TAGS. : modern au ; muggle au ; tattoo artist sirius ; tattoo artist james ; piercer remus ; innocent reader ; all three are smitten with you ; all three also being casually dominant with you ; sweetheart reader x rough tough men is the trope! ; prepare to be as obsessed as i am over these men! ; marauders with tattoos and piercings are hot
LENGTH. : 2.6k
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“Well there’s a familiar face,” Remus greets with a smile as you step into the shop. You timidly smile back and wait for him to wave off a customer with their care kit before stepping forward with your heavy tote strung over your shoulder, “do you have an appointment for a tattoo or a piercing?” he asks, eyes trained on the tablet at the front desk. 
“Oh, no no,” you bashfully stammer, “I’m not here for any of that, I’m scared of needles,” 
“That’s a shame,” Remus contemplates and you look up to see him leaning over with a thoughtful look, his elbows on the counter as one hand holds his chin up - he’s so handsome. He has several piercings decorating his ears and an eyebrow piercing to accentuate the angles of his brows. As he moves his chin off his palm to caress it in contemplation, he continues to take you in as you also take the opportunity to admire some of the tattoos on his arms. There are some phrases in different fonts, an impressive vision of a wolf with a full moon and a minimalist set of the moon phases alongside much more, “you’d look good with cute little piercings on your ears,” he finally comments, reaching out to point at your ear. 
“Th-thank you,” you subconsciously reach up and touch your ear, his statement making you briefly consider his suggestion.
“So what are you here for if not for a piercing or tattoo?” straightening up into his full height, Remus lets a light scowl take over his face, “Is that bastard troubling you again?”
“It’s alright, don’t worry, I told my manager and he’s been banned from the pub I work at so I haven’t had anymore bad encounters,” 
Remus smiles at your precious appearance, you really look adorable being all timid in front of him, “I’m glad,” his voice is warm and comforting, different to the roughness brought on by the ink on his arms. He was dressed in a white shirt under a sleeveless brown sweater vest, high-waisted, tailored pants with the bottoms just about reaching his Doc Martens - he’s a good balance of soft but edgy. It’s a unique charm of his, you gather.
“I-I just wanted to say thank you to you guys,” you gesture to your tote bag, “so I made you some lunch, I hope that’s okay…” 
“Free lunch, home cooked by the most beautiful lady I’ve ever seen?” Sirius interrupts, stealing your attention as he appears from a corridor to your left with a boyish grin. He reaches for your hand and brings your knuckles up to his lips for a soft kiss, “what an honour,”
Your cheeks heat up incredibly at the gesture, “it’s really nothing, you guys saved me last night, it’s the least I could do,”
Sirius smiles down at you and after sharing a look with Remus he begins to lead you down the same corridor he had just appeared from, “well, you have the most perfect timing, darling because it’s a slow day and almost our lunch break,”
“I’ll tell James and help him finish up with his last client for the day. We’ll see you in a bit,” Remus announces as he flips the sign at the door to ‘CLOSED’. You wanted to protest and say that you didn’t want to waste too much of their time but the mousy haired piercer smiled and that was enough reassurance for you to hold your tongue. 
“Let’s go love,” Sirius leads you down a corridor to a room with rock posters and varying pieces of art decorating the wall as sofas lined half of the walls with varying aesthetics, one was very much distressed but still cosy looking, as the other was of a sleek, black leather. Thankfully, there was a pretty large coffee table that you could set your tote bag on and slowly began to take out the food you had cooked. On the distressed sofa behind you, Sirius admired your tentative figure and appreciated your stark difference in aesthetic to the room around you. Your style fits close to Remus although more feminine and carefree. There was a cosy structure to Remus’s fashion but with your long flowing white skirt, chiffon blouse and delicate jewellery, you embodied a breath of fresh air under the summer sun, “what a beauty,” Sirius says to himself, arms resting along the back of the sofa as you finally settled down.
Thinking he meant the food in the tupperware, you smile, “you like the food already?”
“I’m talking about you, darling, although the food does look delicious,” Sirius chuckles under his breath as you timidly tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Th-thank you but really, I hope you like the food,” 
“I’m sure I will,” silence slowly permeates the space between you as you wait for Remus and James but it was still comfortable, not awkward at all. In that time, you both take in each other’s appearance. Sirius wears a white tank that clings to his toned figure and ends just under his belly button, showcasing a majority of the tattoos that embellish his skin. He’s also in black jeans and a pair of worn combat boots. The tattoos on his arms and those that peak out from his torso and chest don’t have a visible theme but they all still go together somehow. There are many unknown symbols and long winded sentences written decoratively around said symbols and the occasional elaborate illustration. There are some doodles dedicated to music, some to inside jokes you would guess and you want to ask questions but you bite your tongue. You didn’t want to be rude. 
“Curious?” Sirius asks, having noticed your wandering eyes and smiling at your kitten-like interest. 
“A little bit…”
“Ask away,”
When James and Remus finally join the two of you a few minutes later, they see you fully turned towards Sirius on the sofa, eyes focused on a tattoo on his chest that he was explaining the meaning of, catching you in a trance with his voice. The tattoo artist has his tank top moved down and to the side as you absentmindedly reach your hand up to his tattoo, almost tracing the ink on his skin with your delicate fingers. From the grin on Sirius’s face and the love-eyes he was watching your face with, they could tell he was smitten with you, which was rare. Sirius was very much a ladies man but you’ve managed to rope him in with hardly any effort put in. Remus doesn’t blame his friend, though, you’re very captivating. 
The chuckle from both Remus and James pulls your attention away from Sirius who smirks up at them, unbothered by their interruption.  
“I heard a pretty lady was treating us to some home made lunch today,” James eagerly sits down in the space beside you as Remus sits atop the far right of the coffee table. 
“Y-yeah, I hope you like it, please dig in,”
“Don’t mind if I do!” James cheers and promptly consumes his share of food, giving the occasional groan of satisfaction from the taste in his mouth, “Sho good!”
“Don’t speak with your mouth full,” Remus corrects with an amused smile before turning to your with an appreciative grin, “Thank you, truly, (Y/N), I was getting tired of take out,”
“Home cooking is the best,” Sirius groans from your other side, already half way through his share, which makes you giggle in happiness. Your heart swells with joy knowing that you could properly thank your heroes. Speaking off, you finally get to admire James in better lighting than the street lamps. He isn’t nearly as decorated with ink as Sirius but there was a pretty illustration of a stag on his forearm that you admired. You hadn’t wanted to feel awkward so you brought some lunch for you too and ate alongside the trio, stealing secret glances at James who remained oblivious, too engrossed in his food. He’s in much cosier attire compared to Srius and Remus. Hanging from his broad shoulders was an oversized, faded shirt and washed-out jeans with the bottoms rolled up to showcase his high converse shoes. Framing his face was a charming pair of round glasses and, matched with his unruly curls and tattoos, made him a pictured balance of casual and wild that suits only him.
Lunch passes and James was the first to finish between the trio, quickly proceeding to pull puppy eyes at his two friends in a soft plea for them to surrender some of their food to him but they firmly decline. 
“I’m not letting you have some of my lunch just because you finished yours too quickly,” Sirius huffs, pulling his tupperware closer to him. 
“Sorry Prongs,” Remus laughs, “those puppy eyes aren’t going to work on me, our dove’s cooking is too good to share,”
Unable to resist James’s pouting face, you hold up a spoonful of your meal, “it’s okay James,” you bring your spare hand to sit under the spoon and move it to James’s lips, “here, say ‘ahh’,”   
With a boyish, golden-boy grin, James happily accepts the mouthful and moans in happiness, chewing away like a happy squirrel. Enjoying his glee so much, you happily feed him the rest of your lunch, saying that you were already far too full to eat any more so that Remus and Sirius didn’t scold James too much. It was partially true though because seeing James eating was enough to make you feel full already. 
Once done, you set aside the tupperware and was completely unprepared for when James kissed your cheek as thanks for feeding him the rest of your lunch, “you’re too kind, angel, thank you,” he whispers into your ear, his breath brushing against your sensitive skin and sending a shiver down your spine. You could only muster a timid nod in response. 
When lunch ended, casual conversations started which slowly divulged into the boys wanting to give you a temporary tattoo as thanks. You wanted to protest the redundancy of their actions but were quickly convinced by the verbal pleas of Sirius and James as Remus simply stared at you with interested eyes.
“What tattoo would you like, doll?” Sirius asks, smiling at your pondering face. You're far too cute for your own good.
“Surprise me!” you finally chirp, missing the roguish grin the three men share. 
Not too long after, you were brought into a room with a computer connected to a specialised printer against one wall of the room. Remus and Sirius immediately move to prepare the temporary tattoo on the screen and set up the printer while James leads you to the tattoo bed in the middle of the room. 
“This can fold into a chair but that’s a bit of a hassle right now, do you mind sitting on the bed instead?” James asks as you shake your head and reassure that it’s alright. He loves how compliant you are and watches for a moment as you struggle to get on the high bed before offering assistance, “May I?” his hands hesitates just before they reach your figure but you pay his touch no mind and nod, moving your hands to rest on his shoulders as he secures his hold on your waist. With a small countdown, James lifts you onto the tattoo table with hardly any effort. 
Shuffling back, you smile up at James who remains taller than you on the table as he stands between your thighs, “Thank you, James,” the tattoo artist smiles when you say his name but frowns at the distance you’re sitting at the table. 
“No worries sweetheart but you we need you a little closer than that,” without another word, James grips your thighs with his large hands and pulls you with some force to sit closer to the edge of the table, which also pulls a surprised squeal from your lips, “sorry sorry,” James chuckles softly his hands still on your thighs and shudders at your proximity when he looks down to see your skirt bundled up, accentuating how close your hips were to his. Stepping away, James tidies up your skirt as you giggle and thank him once more for his assistance. He smiles at you before being called over to the computer, trading places with Sirius. 
“Where would you like your temporary tattoo, love?” he asks gently, opening a packet of sanitising wipes as the sound of the printer starts and whirrs in the background. 
“Hmmm…even though it’s temporary I want it to be easily hidden,”
“Such a shy princess aren’t you?” Sirius comments with a smile, “it’s so cute,”
Ignoring his comment, you rush to think of the perfect place for the tattoo and distract from your racing heart, “how about here?” you point to your chest, just above your breasts and below your collarbone. Sirius immediately recognises the placement and raises an amused brow. 
“Like my tattoo?”
You timidly smile, “yes please,”
“Very good choice,” Sirius praises playfully as pride swells within his chest, “but we need to get to that spot first, love,” you look down at your blouse and curse under your breath. 
“Umm…” you try to pull down the collar but it was a small cut and the fabric resists. The temporary tattoo finishes printing and Remus approaches the table with James to see you struggling with your blouse.
“Where does she want it?” James asks as Remus carefully holds the small tattoo. 
“Where mine was,” Sirius points to just below his collar bone, “but her blouse is in the way,”
Remus nods and approaches you, “that blouse is going to have to come off, dove,” his brown eyes watches you gnaw at your lip, it’s a hesitance he’s familiar with so he knows what to do, “don’t worry, you have nothing to be scared of, okay?” he gives you a warm smile when you look up at him and soon feel assured enough to untuck your blouse and pull it over your head, “good girl,” he praises with the same soft tone. You feel silly, these men give tattoos and pierce people’s skin, you’re sure that they’ve seen plenty of shirtless women in only their bras. Remus especially…he’s an expert piercer and has probably been asked to pierce lady parts that weren’t…very common.
“I’ve got to prepare your skin, love,” Sirius holds up the wipe and once you confirm exactly where you wanted the tattoo again, he wipes the area clean. Your skin is soft and slightly bouncy as it leads down to your breasts that makes the tattoo artist wipe at your skin a little longer than normal. After Sirius finishes prepping your skin and letting it dry, Remus steps up and applies the tattoo as best as he can without wrinkles. He swipes over the tattoo with his fingers and smiles at the handiwork. Beside him, Sirius and James admire the temporary ink, all three internally screaming at what you had let them ink you with.   
“Wait a full hour before you peel off the applicator,” Remus gently instructs, “and try to avoid sweating or showering for the next 6 hours okay?” you nod and Remus pats your head in approval with a contented hum. You put your blouse back on and let James help you down, laughing brightly when he raises you up high and spins you in the air before he finally sets you down, laughing alongside you. 
The boys still have a business to run so you collect your empty tupperware and wave the three goodbye before hurrying home, excited to see what tattoo they had given you as they were adamant at keeping it a surprise from you. When you finally arrived home and got a hold of a mirror, you examined the tattoo with your blouse off and felt your cheeks gradually heat up as you trace the differing fonts of the three names decorating the space beneath your collarbone. 
Their names in their handwriting. James, Sirius, Remus.
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A/N : i'm becoming more and more obsessed with this au - i couldn't stop writing! if i'm going down, im bringing your darlings with me! no survivors allowed! maybe i'll make a part 3? i don't know yet. again, i've added additional tags of the people who have expressed interest in more parts for the timestamp. tell me your thoughts, lovelies!
TAGLIST : @melinajenkins ; @astonishment ; @until-i-found-you ; @goodoldfashionedluvergirl ; @tiensmamains ; @manical-heaven ; @ch3rry-pops ; @unholyhuntress ; @animeluvr99 ; @peppers-library ; @thepowerthismanhasoverme ; @buck-fics ; @bohemian-lavender-girl
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