#let’s just say EVERY Mikey in the perimeter is on him and their brothers for their unhealthy coping mechanisms
thejadecount · 1 year
Most AU Leos: Has killed a few guys, AngstyTeen™️, has hates/argues-with-splinter-and-Raph Syndrome
B.e.a.s.t.! Leo walking in, cracking jokes about how he and his brothers have been responsible for genociding an entire alien race: I’m about to ruin these guys careers
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novasintheroom · 4 years
Ooooo a fresh blog! Heyo there! So, my first request is some head canons, if you write them anyway, for the each of the turtles having a s/o who is usually the purest of beans. Like— she doesn’t get angry, usually shy when meeting new people, very humble, sweet and caring— but for the first time she does it’s like she realizes she’s frustrated and mad about something that happened during the day and it’s the first time she’s expressing it. the turtles notice her come in knowing something is off about her behavior when she’s usually so cheerful. Almost like “Sometimes it just makes me so— it makes me so... so...! Angry!” But she actually gets super surprised with herself realizing she’s actually venting just to say she’s fine in the end after bottling up for so long. The turtles just looking at her and asking if she’s okay 😂 If that makes any sense.. sorry if it doesn’t.
Oooooo my first ask!! I’m so nervous and excited! I think I got the gist of what you’re getting at. Thanks for sending this in, it means a lot to me! <3
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·         Honestly caught off guard when you come in steaming
·         Your calm and sweetness is something he loves and looks forward to – it’s hard being the firm leader in his family when everyone pushes back, so you’re a pleasant break from the arguments and sassy remarks
·         Not today
·         It’s loud in the lair – Raph and Mikey are doing something with a basketball and hula hoop that’s got Raph raging and Mikey screaming, Donnie’s got a power tool going on the truck, and Splinter’s Celine Dion music is blaring to drown it all out while he works on pruning his plants
·         Leo’s up in the concrete rafters with a book, glancing down every other minute to make sure Raph doesn’t kill Mikey
·         He would have completely missed you coming in if Mikey hadn’t thrown the ball toward the entrance
·         You dodge the ball before it hits you, but instead of laughing it off like usual, you throw a dark look at his brothers and beeline toward the dojo.
·         Woah, that’s weird
·         Avoidance of his family = big red flag
·         You didn’t even say hi to him??
·         Hops down and follows, waving off Mikey’s calls to you
·         Finds you in the corner of the dojo, bag thrown to the side and hands smoothing out the sand of his small zen garden
·         Feels a bit awkward honestly
·         Listen, he’s getting better at it, but he’s not the best at feelings
·         Especially girl feelings
·         He knows something’s up though, and he wouldn’t be a good beau if he just let you simmer
·         Spooks you when he asks if you’re okay
·         Darn those ninja skills, how is someone as big as him so silent?
·         You sigh and just say you had a fight with your roommate and that it’s fine, you just needed some quiet before you went to his family
·         Okay, coolcoolcool. He can work with this. He and Raph fight all the time! “What was the fight about?”
·         Cue explosion
·         “She doesn’t pay her part of the bills on time, and she has her boyfriend over constantly and I can hear them through the walls when they’re screwing because the stupid cheap apartment has stupid cheap thin walls, and she leaves her dishes everywhere even when I ask her to not be a slob, and the landlord is getting after me for her rent when– “
·         W o w
·         He didn’t think you knew any swear words, but the names you’re calling your roommate would make even Raph blush
·         Your rant goes on and on
·         Anytime he tries to suggest a solution you get angry at him like why can’t he just listen omg
·         He shuts up quick
·         Somewhere in the process he sat down and your head moved to his lap while you laid all your problems out
·         By the time you’re finished your chest is heaving and it’s been an hour
·         Leo’s scared to say something in case you go off again lmao
·         He just plays with your hair and hums while you calm down
·         Finally you look at him with wide eyes, “Wow, geez, I didn’t think I was that mad.”
·         He can’t help but laugh, “Me neither.”
·         Your smile is back, though, and that’s the best thing he’s seen all day
·         “You feeling better now?”
·         You say yes, and give him a good hug and kiss as thanks for his patience
·         He asks you to come to him if things start building up again
·         Seriously, start talking to him – I don’t think the poor guy can handle another explosion like that lol
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·         Raph knows anger
·         Does he know how to deal with it? Ehhh that’s hit-and-miss
·         But he knows it
·         So seeing your tense shoulders, clenched fists, grinding teeth when you walk in – he knows you’re angry
·         It’s a bit off-putting tbh – you’re the calm to his rage, the quiet touch to wind him down when something gets under his skin
·         What happened to make his quiet girl so mad?
·         Did someone say something about your family?
·         Or something about your outfit?
·         Did a skeevy guy try to touch you?
·         Did someone try to kiss you?
·         Okay, now he’s getting mad
·         Decides to take a page from Splinter’s book and pulls you aside to talk
·         “What’s the matter?”
·         You pull at your sleeves, looking anywhere but him
·         You just mumble you’re fine, and that you’re hungry and try to move to the kitchen
·         Nuh-uh, that don’t work with him
·         Catches you by the arm and gives you a look, “Somethin’s bothering you, and you’re gonna tell me what it is.”
·         “And what if I don’t wanna talk about it?”
·         “Tough luck.”
·         Your glare could curdle milk, but you don’t say anything
·         Alright, you wanna play it that way? He’s got three brothers he grew up with; he can get it out of you.
·         Hauls you up and tosses you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and takes you to his workout station
·         Ignores your screams of outrage and the beating fists on his shell
·         They’re like little kitten paw pats; he can’t help but smile at how small you really are
·         When he sets you down in front of a world-weary punching bag, he crosses his arms and waits
·         You’re red faced and snarling. “What are you doing?”
·         He raises a fist, and gives the bag a good punch – “That’s for when Mikey backwashed into my water bottle today.” He throws another punch, “And that’s for Donnie’s stupid snorts waking me up last night,” and another, “and now I’m back on Mikey’s backwash!”
·         He stops the bag’s swaying and gestures for you to take a turn
·         Realization dawns in your eyes. You look at your fist and throw a pathetic punch at it. “That’s…for my fifth plant…dying this week?”
·         He almost laughs, but nods encouragement
·         You punch again. “That’s for whoever stole my lunch out of the fridge at work.”
·         And again. “And for those kids who spit on that homeless guy!”
·         And again. “And for Gina’s face when she made fun of my teeth!”
·         Punch after punch, you let out your anger and frustrations that boiled over today
·         Raph’s impressed – not just with how much crap happened to you, but how long you held it in
·         You’re a lot stronger than he gave you credit for
·         He’s also a bit freaked at seeing the rage in your eyes
·         Is that what others see when he comes at them?
·         Yeesh
·         You feel a lot better after the session, if sheepish for letting so much anger show
·         But he brushes it off, “Hey, you see how I am. It don’t bother me none, sweetheart.”
·         He pinches your butt for good measure as you walk back to the lair and laughs when you punch him in the arm
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·         The one that takes the longest to realize something’s up
·         He can’t help it! He’s busy making sure his family is safe and hidden! He’s gotta keep the firewall up-to-date from all the new viruses being put out, check the perimeter lasers so that no one sneaks up on them, change the oil in the Turtle Tank, and why is the computer sparking over here, he needs to ask Raph or Leo to come with him to get new parts at the junkyard, but if he –
·         Bumps into you and is like ‘oh. how’d you get in here’
·         Delighted to see you though! It’s like all his worries suddenly vanished when he realized ‘oh yeah! I have a girlfriend!’ and that’s you!
·         Missed you a lot since it’s been a few days since you could visit
·         Starts showing you all of the progress he’s made on certain things, asks you how school’s going, how was that group project you had, did you get that interview for work?
·         It’s your clipped and short answers that finally makes him take a step back and really see how you’re doing
·         You’ve always been enthusiastic about his inventions, even if you don’t completely understand every technical thing he talks about. He thought you guys were past the awkward conversations too.
·         Clipped answers are a big no-no – it makes him shrink inside, like his words and ideas don’t matter
·         Takes a few seconds to look you over – awkward seconds, ones where you look down and away and not at him
·         “Are you alright? Did…something happen?”
·         You take a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself, but then the words just start pouring out: “I’m sorry, it’s just, I can’t stop thinking about how my supervisors treated me the past few days. They scheduled me to work a triple shift! Without asking me! And I told them I had a date with you, and a million other things to do, but – “
·         You lay it out for him, apologizing every other minute for just putting this on him out of the blue, that you tried really hard to be happy coming to the lair but your boss just text you that you have another shift tonight instead of getting to hang out with Donnie, and –
·         Donnie sits you both down in a couple of chairs, his hands holding your own as you keep talking and venting
·         Rubs circles into your palm, eyes never straying from your own watery and frustrated ones
·         A breath out of the nose is the end to your rant, and you lean to put your head on his shoulder. “I just hate when people spring things on me! I just wanna stay with you and hand you tools to work on stuff.”
·         His heart warms at this, even if he’s sad at how sucky your job is
·         And it gives him an idea
·         He manages to hack into your work’s scheduling system and put your supervisors or fellow employees in your place for the night
·         Even sends out a text masked as your head boss to whoever he put, letting them know they’re on the job and that you had an emergency
·         You’re torn on this – those people had things they had to do too
·         But Donnie reassures you: “If they’re as bad as you say, then getting more people mad at them might just make them change. If not, we at least get to have our date night, right?”
·         Well, when you put it that way…
·         He gets a big, long smooch for pulling it off and for listening to you
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·         Listen, this boy is intuitive when it comes to emotions.
·         He kinda has to be with the type of older brothers he has lmao
·         Instantly knows something’s up by the sound of your feet coming down the tunnels – heavy, like you want to stomp them but don’t know how
·         He’s geared up though – his baby girl’s coming!
·         Hops off the couch and has the biggest grin for you when you walk in
·         Doesn’t even falter when he sees the glower on your face
·         Says something stupid to test the waters – “Woah, babe, I’m gonna have to call the cops – I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to be as fine as you are!”
·         Not even a smirk.
·         Okay okay. Obvi you’re not in a happy mood.
·         Man, he was hoping for a little blush at least!
·         Takes that heavy bag off your shoulders you’ve been lugging around all day and corrals you back to the couch
·         Grabs some sodas and a few chocolate bars from his hidden stash in the kitchen
·         He knows you need it more than him right now
·         Sits down and calls out to the lair that “we’re making out on the couch!!” Def keeps his family from coming in and interrupting lol
·         Isn’t even phased when you explode about your day – your coworker had it out for you, your professor told the whole class that your paper was what not to do if you wanted a good grade, etc. etc.
·         Mikey accents your day with “No!” and “He didn’t!” and “What a jerk!”
·         It’s cathartic to hear someone agree with you like that
·         He takes you in his arms when the frustrated tears start falling and you start to wind down
·         “It just makes me so angry, and I hate feeling embarrassed and…”
·         Rubs circles on your back to help calm you, just like his family did to him growing up
·         After a minute you’re better, and back to your sweet, happy self, if still a bit stuffy from the tears and snot
·         You’re surprised and apologize for your emotions, but he stops you
·         “Hey, everyone has their bad days! Sometimes you just gotta let it out, y’know?”
·         You give him a big kiss for being so sweet
·         Makes the day a lot better after that with the soda and candy and some video games
·         He’s a good turt <3
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❛ ROJO ❜
Songfic with ‘Rojo’, J Balvin.
Translation of the lyrics.
with Nestor Oceteva.
Request #1: Can you maybe do a Nestor imagine where you're Emily's cousin or half sister and you're living with Emily and Miguel temporarily. You've been flirting and teasing him and it finally comes to a head. Smut involved please?
Request #2: hi hi! I have a steamy request~! (If it's not a bother, of course) Nestor + reader are at a club and they keep teasing him,, maybe you can include lines like “shit, mami, you made a mess” and “you just want the others to hear me fuck you, huh?” 😗👉🏼👈🏼 thank youuu c:
BY @glitchinqhoul.
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Warnings: nsfw, smut.
Word count: about 3.6k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author, I found it on google.
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A quién le mientes si en tu soledad quieres verme otra vez. Por ti respondo lo que tú me das, lo que nadie sabe…
Being Emily's half—sister hasn't been easy. She was a good student, the modelic daughter, always being kind, correct and polite. You used to be like the day and the night. But you supposed that this has to be with the fact that your blood isn't the same. She's american, and you're half—mexican. Different cultures, different cities, different people… Different lifes. But that wasn't a problem to adore each other. Emily and you have been best friends since ever, and even if you're the wild side she doesn't have, you admire her temperance.
When your college in Mexico told you that you could do the MIR at Santo Padre, you both were screaming by the phone for two minutes non-stop, until you heard Miguel telling you to stay at his home. That wasn't a bad idea, keeping in mind that you also could see Nestor every day, for the next six month. That man drives you insane since you met him, and he isn't very sane either.
You're checking the hour on the clock of your car, almost reaching the border with California, checking again that your passport and your papers signed for the University are on the copilot seat. So, when you stop at the frontier, you just have to roll down the window and offer them to the agent. Once that you're actually in American territory, you speed up by the empty road a little confused from not seeing any cars. Actually, you're just tired after almost two days driving. Because yes, you could have flown to San Diego, and rented a car. But you like your old Mustang. He has been with you since seven years ago. Coming back to reality, you see through the rearview two big black SUVs coming closer until one of them places itself after you, making you a signal to stop.
Stopping by a side, you step out of your car as Emily does, both running to each other to collide in a happy hug, screaming again and almost jumping.
“Look at you, doctora!” She says laughing and holding your hands, pulling herself away some seconds, before hugging at you again. “C'mon, let Frankie drive your car, so you can rest a little in ours”.
To your surprise, Nestor isn't the one who is driving, supposing that he's in the other black car before yours. But you're sure he's as excited as you are, waiting to have five minutes alone.
Me decido por ti, te decides por mí, a la misma hora. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
Miguel has organized a party with his sober friends. And you're not in the mood to partying, but the tequila helps a little. You're jumping from senators and other politicians, to lawyers and other rich men, just because your brother-in-law is proud of you. And that makes you feel good, but it's kinda boring. So, when you find a space to disappear, you do it at the speed of the light. Finding shelter in the big garage between expensive cars of different sizes and kinds. Resting your back against the classic red Porsche, you light up a smoke among your lips to take a deep drag. You appreciate all the love that Mikey feels for you, and all the help he always gives you, but you're not the kind of girl who has these kinds of parties.
Turning around for an instant, when you hear the door getting opened, to watch Nestor walking towards you. Rolling your eyes, you smirk at him.
“Ay, ya, no me digas que te pusieron en modo perrito guardián, flaco”. (C'mon, don't tell me that Miguel made you be a guard dog). You laugh shaking your head.
“Más o menos”. (More or less). He says taking you off the cig to smoke from it.
“Okay, ládrame, ándale”. (Okay, bark at me, go ahead).
“Soy más de morder”. (I'm more into biting).
“Mírale… Isn't too early to start with that game?”
“Nah”. He replies bowing to the floor to leave the cig, before placing both hands on your ankles, pulling up the long white skirt of your dress too slowly.
Your eyes are fixed on his, getting somewhat darker as his fingertips touch slightly your skin, until he's able to settle between your legs, that you have been opening for him unconsciously. Soon, his lips find your neck, twisting it enough to give him all the space possible. Your hands go to his head, uttering a soft moan when he nails his hands on your ass under the dress. This is your game. You have it since you met, and it's one of your favorite things. A tug of war to see who gives more.
“Fuck, Nestor”. You mutter biting your lower lip, at the same time his teeth catch your skin, putting himself somewhat closer.
Te quiero sentir aquí. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
“Hey, teens in heat, we're going to serve the coctel!” You can hear Emily's laughs from the other side of the door, making you feel your cheeks burning.
“We're going!” You reply a little loud, with Nestor chuckling against your neck.
Pulling him away to put on your dress well, you arrange your mane behind your shoulders before starting to walk back to the house. But when you're about to open the door, he grabs your wrist to make you turn around. Crashing your mouth with his, the man kisses you trying to hide how much he has missed you after five month without seeing each other. Even so, it becomes softer, slow, as if you have all the time you need. His arms surrounding your waist, and yours the back of his head. You're sure that he has never kissed you like that, but it feels too good. Nestor's touch has been ever so warm that could melt the coldest heart, actually, more or less like yours.
Tres y cuatro de la mañana, ven, mata estas ganas. Vamos a llegarle a mi cama, que todo lo he ignorado por ti, todo ha sido por ti. Mi cuerpo sin saber te llama.
You like to eat. You enjoy eating, and that coctel wasn't enough for you. So, waiting by reading some emails until the family is already sleeping, you step out of your new room silent like a cat. Going downstairs, you walk towards the kitchen to assault the freezer.
“Bendito Miguel”.
You whisper finding all the chocolate ice cream he has bought for you. Grabbing one of the tubs and a big spoon, you sit at the island in the center of the kitchen, with the lights off. And you were so concentrated on your task, that you didn't hear Nestor coming. Not even noticing his presence until he nails a second spoon into the tub.
“Shit! Nestor! Fuck… You're gonna fucking kill me one of these days”. You mutter, placing both hands on your chest, with the covered inside your mouth.
The man chuckles almost in silence, having some ice cream.
“Seriously, you need to stop of being this fucking silent”.
“Yeah, I know you like me being loud”.
Raising your eyebrows, you finally shake your head before such an occurrence.
“What about the kiss?”
“What kiss?” He asks a little confused. “Oh! Ya. What happens with that? It was just a kiss?”
“Yes, for sure”.
“I was just happy for you being here. We're friends, it's been five month since we met last time”.
Right in the friend-with-benefits zone, while you were thinking that finally he was catching the same feelings you have for him.
“It sounded as if I just stabbed you”.
“Why would my friend like to stab me?”
Y estas no son horas de llamar, pero es que el deseo siempre puede más. Podemos pelearnos y hasta alejarnos, pero cuando llega la hora.
You didn't know that Miguel was a friend of the director of the hospital you're going to work at. And he settled a dinner to meet him. Another boring one, and you start to think that your brother-in-law wants to kill you and doesn't know how to do it. You love your work and what you do, but the work stays in the hospital, and you were too distracted about Nestor's words last night. You have been avoiding him the whole day, not even looking at him in the dinner, placed some meters away from the table studying the perimeter. And you know that he's getting more nervous as the hours pass by.
After finishing the meeting, you finally can breathe again inside the big car, checking some messages from your father asking how everything is going. You better don't reply. Keeping it inside your small bag, before leaning towards the front seat with both arms on them.
“Hey, Cartel daddy”.
Your sister breaks into laughs because of the sophisticated name, while Miguel turns at you frowning.
“Listen. Why don't I pull out the stick inside your ass and we go to a real party, ah? There's a new club some minutes ago from Santo Padre, and looks cool”.
“Did you ca—”.
“Hey, Pocahontas, that's the address”. You say to Nestor, offering him your phone to grab it.
Emily is drowning with her own laughs by your side, making you laugh too, when she remembers that you're not allowed to drink red wine because of this. You have the mania of giving funny names to everybody around you.
“What? Cartel daddy and Pocahontas. Sounds like a bad netflix tv-show I would watch”.
Tratan y se caen de la mata, quieren comprarte siempre con plata, pero ese tesoro tiene pirata. Me voy a toda por ti.
While the men prefer a reserved, watching the whole dancefloor from there, and talking about business and appointments, Emily and you enjoy a bunch of mimosas among the crowd jumping and having fun. You really needed it. And you're aware that she already knows that something is happening between the head security and you. Something bad. She doesn't have to be the most intelligent person of the world.
“I would tell him what I feel!” Your sister says, trying to make you hear her above the noise.
“He kicked my ass to the friend zone last night!” The blonde wrinkles her nose confused, seeing you nodding and drinking by your straw.
“Are you kidding me?! He was super excited to see you again! Like super excited!”
“Yeah! He kissed me! But he kissed me like Miguel kisses you! Then he told me it was just a kiss!”
“He's in love with you!”
“No, sista! He's only in love with your husband and with himself!”
“Tell him you don't want to be just his friend!”
“Me?! Oh, no, darling! I'm not gonna humiliate myself like that!”
“C'mon! You fucking pendejos!” She pouts at you.
“You just want Nestor to have a girlfriend, so you can spend more time with your husband! Bitch, I know you better than anyone!”
“I want my little sister to be happy!”
“You want your Cartel daddy!” Breaking into laughs, you place an arm on her shoulders to come back to the reserved.
“What's so funny?” Miguel asks pouring some champagne on two glasses.
“Your wife wants to settle me on a blind date”.
Me decido por ti, te decides por mí, a la misma hora. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
“I'm not going to let you go on a blind date”.
You were refreshing your nape and wrists with water, when you heard him coming closer after locking the bathroom door of the reserved Miguel rented. Looking at him through the mirror, you give him your back to grab some paper and dry your hands. Throwing it into the bin, you turn around to face him.
“It's dangerous”. He just says, tangling his hands on a fist under his abdomen.
“You stabbed me last night, and I survived. I'm pretty sure I will survive to a blind date”. Good point, taking the advantage to pass him away.
But he stops you with an arm surrounding your waist. His chest meeting your back, while his free hand wraps your throat. You're feeling the characteristic heat that Nestor produces in you being so close, running up your legs to your low belly. His thumb caresses your skin, over the jugular vein, leaning towards you to kiss the line of your jaw. Biting your bottom lip, wrapping his wrists letting the free hand goes down by your stomach with a clear destiny.
“We are made for each other”. Nestor mumbles into your ear with a horse tone of voice.
“Yes, to be friends”. You tease him, grabbing his wrist to make him stop, wanting to hear the reality coming from his mouth.
“To be together”. He corrects you then, without a single doubt hitting his vocal chords and turning you under his hands.
Crashing his lips on yours, he makes you walk backwards until your body finds the cold wall. He's as eager as you are, lifting up a leg to surround his waist, while his hand toures your skin until being able to squeeze your ass with a warm growl dying inside his throat.
“I want you in all the ways possible, (Y/N)”. He mutters, trying to hide the anger he feels imagining you with another man. “I want you with me. Only with me”.
Pulling him to the black and golden velvet armchair, you watch him undoing his belt and his pants zipper, noticing the rock under his clothes. Seeing him rolling them down his legs to his ankles, while you take off your dress to leave it over the sink, to sit over his lap with his body between your legs. You haven't taken off the white lace panties, because you know how much he likes the friction of them in every move he does, on a side of his sensible skin. While one of his big hands massage your breast with some strength, the ringed one strokes his needed cock, lying back on the couch.
“Do you wanna fuck me?” You whisper into his mouth, unbuttoning his shirt to stroke his bare chest.
“You don' know how much I need your pussy, cariño”. He just says, looking at you with parted lips grabbing his erection between your fingers.
“I don't think that's enough”. Teasing him, you guide his throbbing and warmth glans to your folds, pressing it against your wet clit and swinging softly your hips.
“I've been waiting five months for you jumping over my cock, mami. You know I am fucking desperate for your soaked pussy suffocating me and pushing me into the limit”. Nestor almost begs, placing his hands on both sides of your waist. “Ride your cock, baby. Look at how hard it's because of you. It fucking painful”.
“And what if I punish you about what you said last night… putting my clothes on again and leaving you there alone, ah?”
“Don't do that shit, (Y/N). I fucking implore you”. He quickly complains pecking your lips with short kisses. “You're already fucking killing me”.
Leading a little back his hardness between your legs, you dig it into you slowly, feeling every inch of his erection pressing your tight walls. He's thicker than you can remember, having passed too much time since the last time, needing some seconds to mold your body to his. A soft moan escapes from your mouths when his glans pushes your g-spot, urging you to spread more your legs forcing you to feel him completely. And you can't describe that sensation.
“Tell me you didn't miss my cock…” He chuckles, erasing that fancy smile from his lips by swinging your hips just one time.
His growl echoes throughout the bathroom, before catching your lips between his to bite them, making you dance on top of him. The pleasure is immeasurable, bouncing over his hard rock once and again. Once and again, arching your back under his arms, while his mouth now devours the skin of your neck, wetting it with his saliva and marking every inch with his teeth. The pace becomes rough and faster, slapping your ass with both hands to squeeze your buttocks so needed that you're desiring to feel his cum filling you up. But you like his cock pounding you.
“I'm going to make the others hear you being fucked by me, mi amor…” He bellows, making you beg when pulling out himself from you to get up.
Guiding you quickly to the sink and giving him your back, placing a hand on your nape, he makes you lean over the sink before putting aside your panties to thrust his soaked cock back to your pussy. The scream you utter when his pelvis hits you so rough, isn't normal. Being sure that your sister and Miguel already heard you. His hands nailed on your hips make each lunge deeper, watching him through the mirror the pleased look on his face, while his gaze is fixed in your. He enjoys seeing you bite your bottom lip and closing your eyes, every time he slaps you with his ringed fingers, knowing that this pleasure it's going to fuck you up tomorrow. But you love the way he has to uninhibit himself, after being the whole day following orders.
“Shit, baby… I want you all my fucking life”. He gasps leaning his head back with closed eyelids, impaling you against the marble counter of the sink.
Maybe you should have taken off the heels to not lose the balance, but you didn't think about it, and now you're fighting against your shaky legs.
“Look how good you take it all… my fucking god, (Y/N). You're fucking drenching me”.
Yes, you can feel it. You can feel your juices and his slipping down your thighs, producing a soaked dirty sound every time his body collides with yours so hard. Urging you to incorporate your chest from the sink with a hand grabbing your throat and the other arm surrounding your waist, Nestor arches your back, placing his face on your shoulder.
“Drown my fucking… dick with your cum, mi amor…” He begs you, biting your love, without removing his darkened orbs from yours, through your reflections.
“Shit, Nestor…” You're not sure when you start to cry because of the pleasure, needing more, needing to reach the orgasm. “Fuck me harder, I fucking beg you… Por favor”.
You can't barely breathe when his finger finds your clit, stroking it with the same pace he's embedding you against the furnishing. Your moans dance all around the bathroom, while he's gasping over your ear how much he wants to fuck you for the rest of his life, everywhere, at anytime you want it. And by crying out his name and clinging to him, a lash of heat evolves you, making your pussy twitch uncontrollably as the tears fall down your cheek. Your palpitating walls clenching his cock, making his vocals get louder as long as he continues diving his warmth hardness into you, closer from his own ecstasy.
You don't need to tell him that you want him to cum inside you, mixing it with yours, because he already has other plans. Pulling himself out and jerking off his dick, he spills his seed over your wet panties, bathing them on it as his throat collapses because of the pleasure. But don't waste time putting them to the side again to pound you again, pressing his body against yours as much as he can, holding your anatomy into his arms.
Te quiero sentir aquí. Me dan ganas de ti, te dan ganas de mí, a la misma hora.
It's four am and you can't sleep thinking about what he said to you. Sighing, you sit up on your bed, curling your knees against your chest and surrounding them with both arms. He already told you that he wants you, but was he talking or his jealousy? You're doubting about going to his house, or texting him, or doing anything. Grabbing your phone from the nightstand and a cig from the packet, you step out of your dorm to walk downstairs towards the terrace. Sitting on one of the sofas outside, you light the smoke to have a drag, unlocking your phone. Your trembling fingers touch the screen over the keyboard; writing and deleting, writing and deleting. But you're unable to send any message. Feeling stupid, you finally write him that you can't sleep, listening the ding of your own notification so close that makes you frown confused.
“Me neither”.
With your lips pursed and a leg curled over the sofa, you turn ashamed towards him. Nestor is wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a white big shirt. You're sure that you have never seen him before without wearing a suit. And you are falling loudly for him much more than ever. Putting out the cigarette, you stand up on your feet to lead them towards you.
“Stay with me, at least tonight”. You mutter, tangling your fingers with his.
“But move with me tomorrow”. Nestor asks you then, before hugging you as close as he can.
“Deal”. You reply, placing your chin on his chest to look at him, receiving some short kisses all around your face that make you laugh.
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nights-legacy · 4 years
Another...Sea Turtle?-TMNT
Requested by @moonlightprime​
+The boys reacting to another mutant, sea turtle that is female.
2014/16 Turtles
     The Sea Turtle girls were mutated by some escaped mutagen that got onto the beach. The girl as a baby sea turtle wandered into the mutagen and was found by a kindly human that raised them as their own.(The pics of sea turtles are how the girls shells look.)
Leo: Curiosity and Concern
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It was on a mission down by the docks that brothers and i met Y/N. There had been reports of strange activity by the dock workers. They said they kept seeing a humanoid figure creeping around and swimming in the waters. The strange part was that the figure seemed to have something big on its back. We split up and i was investigating the water front under the docks when I saw it or more like her. I froze with my katanas at the ready, not sure of what I was seeing.
“Please, I don’t want trouble.” The girl whimpered and backed up into a support beam. I looked her over, taking her in. Long red hair, glowing green eyes, and a turtle shell adorning her figure?
“You’re a turtle.” i stated the obvious. She nodded but then shook her head.
“A sea turtle actually.” She whispered. I stepped forward and she pushed farther back, eyes locked on my katanas. I quickly put them away, having a feeling she wouldn’t attack, and knelt in front of her. She looked at him and he gave her a soft smile.
“Are you alright? Are you alone?” Leo asked. She nodded and looked off in the distance. I looked her over again, seeing scars and dirt scattering her skin. But this didn’t cover up the beauty she held.
“My mother didn’t wake up. She took care of me until then.” She explained. I connected that her mother was dead. “I have been hanging around her because I don’t know where else to go but the men here are mean. They throw things at me while I’m swimming.”
“I’m sorry. People just don’t understand people like us.” I held out my hand. She looked between my eyes and my hand. Shaking, she reached forward and grabbed my hand. I pulled her to her feet. “I’m leo. What’s your name?”
“Y-Y/N.” She said before her stomach growled. I looked at her with concern coursing through me.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N. How long has it been since you’ve…”
“Yo Fearless! Find anything? Woah.” I heard Raph come up as well as the other two. I turned and looked at them. They all had surprised looks on their faces.
“Guys, this is Y/N.” I looked back at her. “Y/N these are my brothers and if it’s alright with you, I think we need to take you to our home to make sure you’re okay?” She nodded after a minute. I smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You can trust us.”
Raph: Abrasive but Intrigued
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Damn Mikey and his fluffy nature. Damn Leo and his high & mighty ego. Sending me off to do the patrol around the water front all because of one little cut on Mikey’s head. I never thought that this patrol would lead to a discovery Donnie would be kicking himself for missing.
“Damn you Fearless.” I growled as I jumped from rooftop to rooftop. Out of nowhere, a loud commotion caught my attention. I skidded to a stop and listened. Once I caught the direction of the sound I ran for it. I looked over the edge and saw a group of men surrounding a crouching figure. I couldn’t make out what they were yelling but jumped down and interrupted. “Can I join the party?”
“Another one!” I furrowed my brow ridges at the statement but fought them off til they were running.
“Another one?” I turned to the figure and finally saw them clearly. My eyes widen when I saw a redish turtle shell acomponied by blonde hair that nearly hit the ground and dark eyes. “Who the hell are ya?” I said roughly.
“Some hero you are. Help drive those guys off then yell at me.”
“What do you expect? It’s not every day I stumble upon another turtle mutant!” I snarled while pointing a sais at her. She rolled her eyes but flinched and clutched her side.
“I’m a sea turtle mutant. Get it right.” I took a big breath and looked her over. How was this possible? Another mutant? “Why are you staring at me like I have two heads?”
“Just trying to figure out how there are more mutants running around.” I said truthfully. She shook her head and looked down. I saw her pull away her hand from her thigh and saw blood. “I should probably get you to my brother. He can fix that up quick.”
“Quick? So you can throw me out again to get another tomorrow?” I chuckled at her defensiveness.
“I may be an asshole but I’m not heartless. My brothers, father, and I know what it’s like to be on the outside. We won’t let someone we can help live the same way.”
Donnie: Inquisitive yet Mystified
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I was out in the sewers checking the perimeters and security systems. Lately, every now and again, an anomaly was showing up on the scanners but it was there and gone so quick, it was barely picked up on. I made to the area and started the check on the system.
“Nothing wrong on the placement, nothing on the clarity, nothing…” A crunch behind me cut me off. I reached for my bo slowly and listened for more. Quiet footsteps walked toward me and a shadow appeared from behind me. I grabbed my bo entirely and whipped around knocking the person off their feet.
“Ahh!” A female voice caught me off guard. The next thing that threw me off was the person that laid before me had a shell. A Sea Turtle shell to be specific. I squinted my eyes and cocked my head in confusion. The female whipped around and looked up at me frantically. “Please, I…”
“Are you a mutant? Wait dumb question, of course you are.” I shook my head. I returned my bo to its place and moved my goggles down to analyze her. “Are you alright? I didn’t hurt you did I?”
“No. Just spooked me.” I heard her stifle a giggle. Her shoulder length brown hair bounced as she did. I lifted my goggles and looked at her eyes and saw they were bright blue.
“How did you become this way?” I asked as I was entranced by her eyes.
“My father said he found me next a puddle of green goo on the beach when I was a baby. He took care of me even though I was different. That is until he died some months ago,”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I nearly lost my father once and couldn’t imagine it actually happening. I don’t think my brothers could either.” I helped her up. “How did you end up down here?”
“A storm. Where I was staying flooded and washed me down here. It’s a maze down here and I got lost easily.” She looked around in fright. My heart leapt with something I didn’t recognize. But I did recognize the bruises and abrasions that littered her skin.
“Let me take you to lab and take a look at you wounds. Then I can get you some hot food and some water. You’re not lost anymore and there’s no reason to be afraid anymore. You’re safe with us.”
Mikey: Excited and Scared
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I loved the sound of wheels on the concrete. Skateboard wheels to be exact. I was taking my normal skate through the sewers and listened to the echoes of my board. It was a small cry that came one of the openings that turned the echoes turned to crashes.
“What?” I mumbled as I rubbed my head. I looked back at the tunnel and slowly got up. I picked up my board and went closer. I peeked around the corner and looked over the dark area. I didn’t see anything at first. I walked in and got a closer look. “Anyone there?”
“Yes. No. Um…” My eyes darted to a pitch black corner where the small voice came from. I saw movement. I tensed. I set my board on my back and grabbed my chucks.
“Who’s there?” I called out. I didn’t like that someone was this close to the lair. I moved forward and my eyes adjusted to the dark. A figure was huddled into the small alcove. “How did you get down here?”
“I fell.” The voice sounded feminine. All of a sudden, a set of purple eyes peaked out, I gasped and took a small step back but I could see intense fear in theirs.
“Hey I’m not gonna hurt ya.” I placed my nun chucks away. They were still for a second before they crawled out. I was taken back by seeing another turtle, but not just that but a girl turtle with short black hair. “Yo! You’re a chick and a mutant. But you don’t look like be but you’re a turtle. What gives?”
“Haha.” She giggled through the tears I just noticed. “I am a sea turtle, mister. I’m Y/N.”
“Mister? Haha. The names Michelangelo. But my family calls me Mikey.” She smiled. “I like your name. This is so cool another good guy mutant!” I fist bumped but stopped short. “You are a good guy right?”
“I think so. I haven’t done anything wrong before. I’ve been hiding most of my life with my mother. I don’t want to be called a monster again.” She looked down. I sympathized with her.
“I get it. I really do.” I set my hand on her shoulder. “But you found yourself a safe place. Me and my brothers and my dad are all mutants like you.” She gave me hopeful eyes before shivering. “Come on with me back to the lair where it’s warm and we can get you some food. Do you like pizza?” Her eyes lite up.
“Of course!” I whooped and helped her up. I started to show her the way as a thought came to mind. How many other mutants are out there?
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spectrumscribe · 7 years
Halcyon Days
For @tmntflashfic’s wonderful Spring prompt, a fic that is sort of a sequel to my ‘April-joins-the-Foot-clan-post-season-4′ fic, but can be read as a standalone.
Have some soft family fluff and mutual grieving between the murder lady trifecta and the four chaos brothers + Casey. Main focus is on Karai and Leo, enjoy them being adults and (mostly) stable individuals together.
Karai leans her head back against her seat, idly watching the country side rush past her window. She blinks slowly, eyes feeling tired from the abrupt time change she’s experienced coming back to America. The sounds of April and Shinigami in the front seats chatting quietly further soothes her nerves, because their familiar voices have long since become staples in her life, and she can always depend on them to anchor her.
Karai feels their car turn, and shifts her weight as they begin the journey up the farm house driveway. April’s voice picks up a note of excitement, and Karai smiles to herself at the red head’s eagerness to see the other half of their family.
As they keep driving, Karai sees the car following them suddenly stop and then park in the middle of the road. It’s one of four in the area, with three or two Foot soldiers in each. Extra protection, just to ensure they aren’t interrupted during the celebration.
Karai’s men and women are good soldiers, now that they’ve served a solid ten years under her reign as clan leader. She made sure that none of them were anything less than perfect, and knows she can trust her chosen subordinates to guard the perimeter. She can let go of her constant vigilance, at least for tonight.
Karai eases the last of her leaderly stress from her mind, and finds herself grinning as the farm house comes into view at last. Just a fourteen hour flight from Japan, and then four hour drive from New York, and they’re finally here.
The hulking, nightmarishly sized bipedal crocodile and similarly giant, but still much smaller, bipedal gecko in the front yard are welcome sights. Even more so as they raise the alarm that Karai, Shini, and April have arrived, and a flood of impossible beings pours out of the house.
Before Shini has even parked the car fully, April is unbuckling herself and flying out the passenger door. Karai chuckles as her third in command runs across the lawn like she’s fifteen and not nearly thirty, and flings herself at the collection of turtle brothers and the lone human in their odd group. It’s always a sight to see, the six of them reuniting. And the obvious affection the boys have for April is always clear in the way they hug her, and in how they, very often, sweep her off her feet to be passed around for even more hugs.
Karai knows she’ll be getting a similar treatment, the moment she gets out of the car, and she smiles as her brothers catch sight of her setting foot on the grass.
She shuts the car door behind her, and catches Mikey as he barrels towards her. He’s always the first, because despite having grown taller than her, he kept the lightning speed he’d had as a teen. Followed quickly is Leo, then Raph, and finally Donnie, who is so tall these days, he has to stoop to hug her properly.
The Mutanimals, an even odder collection than Karai’s siblings are, begin to encroach on the reunion. Now that Karai is here, with April returned to her boys, and Shini’s arm winding around Karai’s waist, everyone is accounted for.
“Welcome back,” Leo says over the clamor of everyone talking, smiling wide enough his left eye’s scar crinkles.
“Good to be back,” Karai replies truthfully, returning a smile just as wide.
Mikey then exclaims loudly over the group’s noise “THE PIZZA-BURGERS!” and makes a mad dash back towards the house. Karai guesses that whatever ‘pizza-burgers’ are, it’s what she’s having for dinner. After spending months without tasting Mikey’s… curious cooking style, Karai figures she can handle whatever abomination her brother has created this time. If only for him to be happy.
Leatherhead lumbers after Mikey first, Mondo trailing along with him, and then their group disbands completely. Karai follows Leo back into the house, keeping her fingers laced with Shini as Shini chats with- or more accurately- teases Casey.
The house is loud, and too full of moving bodies, and smells like grit and dampness; courtesy of all the less than human inhabitants. Karai winds her way through the crowd, minding Slash’s spiky shell, and stepping over the ever growing, pit-bull sized Chompy who gallops between the legs of everyone. Shini’s hand doesn’t leave her’s, and when they finally make it to the couch for a breather, the farm house has returned to being packed to the gills with guests, and there is barely a chance of being able to hear one’s self think.
Karai drinks in the dissonant chaos of it all, relaxes with Shini as Leo goes to get them tea, and enjoys being with her strange family once more.
Later, when things have become a bit more organized, and Karai drifts from the party. She opens the backdoor of the house, leaving behind the lights and warmth of friends and family, and goes out into the late spring evening.
She approaches the gravestone, set in front of a shady tree, and kneels quietly in the grass. No moss or discoloration has grown on its surface, mostly likely due to upkeep and care from Karai’s younger brothers.
It’s been a full decade now, and Karai sighs as an old hurt rises once again. She bows her head for a moment, and closes her eyes as she kneels at her father’s grave.
After a soft, unspoken prayer, Karai lifts her head to look at the words carved into the stone before her. They still read the same as they had when she’d first seen it, but she reads them again regardless. There is always a chance she won’t be able to see it again for herself, living the life she does. It’s best to make the most of this moment while it’s here.
Quiet wind blows through the grass, rustling it as the world cools towards night. Fresh spring life fills Karai’s senses, and because she has spent the last months smelling only city grit, she darts out her forked tongue to properly taste the sweet air. A moment of inhumanity, accepted and welcome in the current company she’s keeping.
She hears purposefully made footsteps come up behind her, and Karai turns her head.
Leo stands in the low evening light, holding plates of food for himself and Karai, and he smiles down at her.
“Feeling hungry?” He asks, offering a plate to her.
Karai smiles, brushing away her years old sadness, and takes the plate of dubious food. “I think the better term would be ‘feeling adventurous?’”
Leo winces and then laughs, because Karai is right. There is always a fifty-fifty chance whatever Mikey has made will be near poisonous, and why they keep letting him cook is a mystery to Karai.
Of course, as she bites into the meaty, cheesy, saucy patty on bun, she remembers why they do, and enjoys her supper.
There are already offerings placed around their father’s grave, flowers and wreaths, and a lone picture frame with the single family photo they ever managed to take. Among all the chaos of wars and fighting, there had been an evening, once, where Karai had deigned to stay in the lair for more than a few minutes. Someone had found a camera, that someone being April, and had taken a photo of Karai, her brothers, and their father all together.
It’s a messy photo. Raph’s arms are half blurred as he wrestles with Mikey, and Leo’s face is a priceless look of panic as he dodges the sudden quarrel. Karai and Donnie, standing together to the side of the fight, have matching looks of unimpressed condescension, and she figures it’s an obvious sign of their relation.
Their father, in a rare moment outside his stoic nature, is smiling at them all in a warm, amused manner. It’s the only photo they have of him smiling so freely in, with Karai in the shot as well. It goes on the grave every year, when they all gather to celebrate Splinter’s life, and is taken home again when they part ways once more.
Karai has a copy of it, in her main sleeping quarters, in her main base, and she smiles every time she sees it. That doesn’t change now; looking at the original print, set against the grave of the father she never got to know.
Karai finishes eating with Leo on the grass in front of the grave, and they talk about their lives recently. How many dimensions Leo and his brothers have traveled to lately, how many misadventures they’ve had in those dimensions, how many clans have attempted to challenge Karai’s power hold of Japan, and how many of those she’s destroyed or taken into the Foot’s territory. Normal things, for them at least.
“So how has Pimiko been doing lately?” Leo asks, leaning back comfortably on his hands. “Last I heard, she’d caused a full scale revolt in one of your training camps.”
Karai rolls her eyes at the mention of her potential successor. “She didn’t succeed with that one, as hard as she tried. We managed to get her and her preteen army when they tried to capture the kitchens. And she’s actually been behaving really well lately. Though, I’m also suspicious of whether or not she’s planning another coup.” Karai grimaces to herself. “Who knew twelve year olds were such a handful?”
Leo laughs at that, voice filled with humor and just a hint of roughness. The scars on his neck and chest still stand out, even after time has dulled them. Similar scars had once crossed Karai’s chest as well, from the same blades, the same enemy, but she’s long since shed that skin. Literally. The perks, she supposes, of being a mutant snake woman.
“One of these days, she might actually succeed in overthrowing you,” Leo says, teasing quirk to his smile.
“She can try,” Karai says with a hint of dry humor. When she’d picked Pimiko up off the streets, brought her into the folds of an ancient ninja clan in hopes she’d become more than a street fighter, Karai hadn’t been expecting just how difficult or strong-willed she’d turn out to be.
One of these days, Pimiko likely would overthrow Karai’s reign of the Foot clan. And when that day came, Karai would lower the kabuto onto her head willingly, and feel utterly proud of the spit-fire she’d raised.
But, that is not a day coming soon, because Pimiko is small and reckless still, and Karai can beat her six different ways in as many seconds.
“How’s your side of things been, then?” Karai asks, shifting the subject.
“Oh you know, same old same old,” Leo says with a shrug. “Three brothers to keep track of, plus Casey, dimension hopping every second day, negotiation of non-terran supplies with our space duplicates. The usual. Space Casey and Donnie blew up a small moon the other day. It nearly caused the destruction of a whole ecosystem.”
“Sounds hectic,” Karai comments in an amused tone. She leans onto her knees as she draws them up, and tilts her head. “You five planning on going up again any time soon? I have some material requests for space Donnie.”
“I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to provide,” Leo says, closing his eyes and sighing. “Sometimes, I wonder about those six up there. I can’t imagine what led them to being space pirates of all things, as interesting as that sounds.” Leo pauses for a moment, and then says, “Maybe I can get space me to switch places again. I want a vacation.”
Karai scoffs a laugh. “You’re nearly thirty, and yet, still such a space nerd.”
Leo tilts his chin upwards in a haughty motion, and replies, “I’ll have you know I’m a very serious leader fifty percent of the time. I’m allowed to use the other fifty percent for space enthusiasm.”
Karai elbows Leo, and he elbows her back. It’s a nice exchange, since skype calls will only communicate so much of the back and forth affection they want to express. You can’t elbow your brother through a screen, after all.
Leo notices then, the ring on Karai’s finger, and his eye ridges move upwards behind his ever present blue mask. “That’s new. When did that happen, exactly?”
Karai puts her hand over the smooth metal on her ring finger, and smiles fondly. “Two days ago. Shini wanted to wait for our anniversary, but Pimiko… might’ve gotten into things she wasn’t supposed to, and spoiled the surprise.”
“Congratulations!” Leo says happily, moving over enough to put an arm around Karai’s shoulders. He gives her a tight squeeze as he holds up her hand to see the ring better. “You promised you tell us right away when it happened, though. I’m disappointed in you. Mikey will be disappointed in you.”
Karai rolls her eyes, and gives Leo’s side another elbow. “It was two days, you nosy busybody. I was going to tell you all tonight.”
“I’m surprised April didn’t spill to Donnie and Casey,” Leo remarks, releasing Karai’s hand again. “It’s hard for them to keep anything from each other.”
“April is a full kunoichi, she can keep a secret for at least a few days.”
“And yet, everyone always knows what they’re getting for Christmas anyways.”
There’s a comfortable pause after that, during which the muted sounds from their family inside is all that’s heard. It’s a nice sort of pause, though. Familiar because of how long it’s been since they were children, and how long they’ve now known one another.
A gentle grief wells in Karai suddenly, and she sighs as she looks at the photo of their family. “I wish I’d gotten to spend more time with him. I only knew him for a year and a half maybe, and I only got a handful of days with him, really.”
Leo’s arm tightens again, and Karai puts her own across his shell.
“I know,” He says, quiet and tinged with grief. “I wish that too. I think you two would have had a lot in common.”
“Oh yeah?” Karai asks dubiously, looking at the rat man in the photos. “How so?”
“Well. You’re both terrible about confiding your fears in others, and about asking for help, and about being stubborn, and-”
“Oh shut up,” Karai groans, shoving Leo off of her. He falls sideways, laughing, and she responds to his mockery by getting larger than him.
Her second form, sleek and powerful as always, glides over her human body to elongate it. In a mere second, Karai is twice Leo’s size, and can comfortably flop over him so he can’t escape.
“You always do this,” Leo grumbles from under Karai’s coils, sounding like his younger self had whenever Karai would beat him at something.
Karai hisses a laugh, and shifts her long body enough for Leo to sit up again. She stays coiled around him though, comfortable to have the security of the position. There are so many mixed and crossed wires in her brain, courtesy of her mutation, and somehow, even in this reptilian form, she feels even more protective of those close to her.
Karai tastes the sweet air of the evening again, and lowers her head- heads- to lie on her top most coils. Leo settles, apparently resigned to being captured, and pats the closest snake head/hand to him. Karai shuts her eyes, and enjoys his company while she has it.
With sea and continents between them, it’s rare for her to see her brothers more than a few times each year. Running an empire requires so much attention; Karai can’t afford to take many vacations. When she does though, they’re always either to France, because her fiancée is a huge fashion fanatic, or back here. To her first real home, with her first real family.
“So when’s the date?” Leo asks after a while, still absently stroking Karai’s scales. “I’d like to know when I have to corral everyone and drug them long enough to ship overseas.”
Karai hums, thinking happily of the event coming soon. “In a few months. It’ll be quiet thing, on the Hamato estate. No fuss, probably no assassination attempts. I’ll send tranq darts and the times for a private jet flight when I get back.”
“I’m happy for you two,” Leo says, a warm smile in his voice. “It’s good to see you getting to be happy, Karai.”
Karai hums again, and thinks the same. “You’re happy too, Leo. Gallivanting across space and time with your brothers and friends still. Obviously a very satisfying career of heroics.”
“I’d like to think so,” Leo replies. “I’m not sure what else I’d do with my life if we weren’t.”
“You’d find something.”
“Probably, yeah.”
They sit in silence for a while after that, enjoying the spring air and nighttime sky. Enjoying being able to let down their guards completely for a night, and be close to someone who won’t potentially stab them in the back. And, the chance to share mutual grief and love for someone they’ve lost.
Karai opens her eyes for a second, to look at Leo, who is slouched in a relaxed manner against her coils. His eyes closed and breathing even. She looks at the scars he’s gained over the years, and though some carry hardships, most carry assurance that they’re all still alive.
After Splinter had passed, and especially after April had chosen to join the Foot clan, Leo had become withdrawn. It’d been a hard fight to bring him back to himself, but now, years after that fight, Leo’s complexion no longer has sallow grief, and he carries himself strong and proud.
They’d had their fights during his darkest period, during which Karai wasn’t sure how to help him, and it had been a few years before they found easy ground again. But, they had, and now they are here. Content with how their lives have gone, and content with being close to one another once more.
Karai closes her eyes, and smiles at how well they’ve both grown up. The first months of running over rooftops together seem far off now, and yet like they’d only happened yesterday. Karai thinks she might be getting a bit old and sentimental, but here, with her brother, she thinks that’s just fine by her.
The cooling evening air isn’t cold enough to drive them inside yet, so Karai settles back into a pleasant drowse. At peace beside her father’s grave, and more than comfortable with her younger brother.
Then, in a complete disruption of the quiet atmosphere, something goes crashing out the backdoor of the house, and causes both Karai and Leo to startle out of their comfy pile.
Raph and April shriek at one another as they spar across the lawn, and Casey plus Donnie are hot on their tail as they encourage the brawl. More spectators follow them out; Slash and Leatherhead carefully extricating themselves out the door, with Mondo, Pigeon Pete, Dr Rockwell, and Chompy tagging along behind. Shini and Mikey rush out after them, both of them looking all too pleased with themselves, and likely being the original culprits of the erupting chaos. Mr. O’Neil wanders out last, after the group of insanity clears the way, and watches the procession from the porch step with a resigned and mildly anxious expression.
There are throwing stars and flying cutlery being tossed through the air, bets being placed on which red colored fighter will win, and an air of excitement and good-natured fun. Also hollering for blood and gore, from Casey, Mikey, and Shini, but that’s beside the point.
Karai huffs softly, watching her fiancée and commanding officer make fools of themselves, and thinks that this is why they should come home more often.
“We should probably break that up,” Leo says calmly, watching his brother and April attempt to beat each other into paste.
“Probably,” Karai says equally as calm, as April starts to get the advantage, and flips Raph off his feet in a sweep of psychic power. Bets are yelled over the ruckus of Raph’s cussing, and it seems the favor of the crowd has turned to April.
“I’m putting ten on April,” Karai says.
“I have five on Raph.”
“What, no equal bet?”
“He’s Raph, and she’s April. I’m not losing money I don’t have, because he’s definitely going to lose.”
April flips up into the air, eliciting a wave of cheers from the crowd, and narrowly misses driving her heel into Raph’s chest as he rolls away.
“That’s fair,” Karai says, smiling with her thin silver lips. “I’ll call her off when he knows he’s been beaten.”
“Raph never knows when he’s beaten, though,” Leo points out.
“Exactly,” Karai chuckles.
Leo laughs, and stands up slowly from their pile. Karai unwinds herself, and follows him towards the jostling crowd of mutants and humans. She shifts from slithering to walking as she does, and wraps her arms around Shini’s midriff when she reaches her. There’s barely a pause to quickly kiss Karai’s cheek, and Shini goes right back to encouraging April to demolish Raph. Karai rolls her eyes, and grins as April and Raph keep fighting.
The fury of two trained ninjas, and the cheering of too many over-enthused observers, fills the air of what most would consider a somber event. But ever since the first time Karai visited her father’s grave, none have been that. With her family, there is always life, always insanity. Never a dull moment, and hardly a pause for real sadness.
It’s a warm and familiar feeling, being with them, and with her fiancée held close, Karai wouldn’t have it any other way.
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spectrumscribe · 8 years
It’s better with five, not four.
Part of my Voltron/TMNT AU, Karai’s back home but the desert is on fire.
Previous fic.
“Oh you’ve got to be shitting me.”
Donnie looked away from the explosion in the distance, towards Leo, who was holding the one pair of binoculars they had. He adjusted his glasses, which had gotten dislodged in the shock of the desert suddenly being ablaze. “What? What is it?”
“It’s Mike!” Leo exclaimed, and Donnie raised an eyebrow at the growing anger in his brother’s tone. “I’d know those curls anywhere! That little shit!”
“What?! Gimme those, Leo- I wanna see too!” Raph made a grab for the binoculars, but Leo dodged away, already scrambling to get down the slope. Raph yelled, “Leo! Wait!” after him, but Leo was already booking it for the bottom. Raph threw his hands up, growling, and gave chase.
Donnie was left blinking, and then he shook his head, and started running after his siblings.
So now they had Mikey in the mess too, apparently. That made all five of them. Beautiful.
Donnie left the cussing to his other siblings, and focused on using his long legs to cross the now deserted perimeter, and get to his older sister. She’d need medical attention likely speaking, and as much as Donnie wanted to let his panic and frustrations cloud his thoughts, he put those feelings aside for now.
By the time he got inside, Leo had already slung his arm underneath Karai’s free side, and was angrily talking at Mikey. At, not with, because Mikey was ignoring him.
Donnie’s attention zeroed in on the pale scar across his sister’s face, and her overall poor condition. Karai looked like she’d been through hell, and Donnie was momentarily overwhelmed by both relief that she was back, and by a spiralling question of just where she’d been.
And, just where their father was.
Donnie tried to get close enough to his siblings, tried to get to Karai and check her over properly- because those military fucks hadn’t even given her a once over, just sedated her like some animal and if Donnie had Raph’s strength, he would’ve- but Raph’s strong arms pulled him away, and Donnie was forced to follow back outside again.
Mikey’s skimmer was waiting where he’d parked it, and as Donnie clambered on, he found himself tasked with keeping his unconscious sister from falling off. It gave him a chance to at least check her pulse- going strong, thank god- but then they were off, and he had to focus entirely on not being thrown off.
Not how he expected his evening to go, being chased down by the garrison forces. It was safe to say his cover was probably blown. But, with his sister clutched tight and breathing steadily and actually there- Donnie couldn’t have given less fucks.
“Mikey- give me the controls, you’re going to get us all killed! And where did you even get this thing?!” Leo was yelling over the wind, to which Mikey answered “I bought it! And get off my back, I’m doing fine! Raph, lean left!”
Donnie clenched his muscles, and swallowed a small shriek as their ride tilted violently leftwards.
Mikey and Leo were both fighting, and Donnie could hear Raph starting to get sick behind him, and Karai was still unconscious in his arms, and honestly-?
The only thing they were missing now was their father giving them stern glares and a reprimand for fighting while flying.
Ah family. Donnie had nearly forgotten how chaotic they could really be, gathered all together. This was very, very similar to some situations they’d gotten into as kids; if with admittedly higher stakes and more military involvement.
His reminiscing was then interrupted, because Mikey flung them straight off a cliff, and Donnie let loose the scream he’d been holding back.
    “Out! Out!” Donnie demanded, shoving his brothers out of the shack Mikey had brought them to. He ignored their protests, and slammed the door shut in their faces. He heard fighting start a second after, Leo’s voice and then Mikey’s and finally Raph’s- and Donnie couldn’t be assed to care. Sighing, Donnie locked the door, and turned back to his task.
His sister lay on the pullout couch, which was probably where Mikey slept, breathing quietly. Donnie was the only one with proper medical training- because he’d had some spare time one summer, and had felt like trying a new challenge- and it was up to him to make sure Karai didn’t have any life threatening injuries or extraterrestrial infections.
No pressure. Just that his sister’s life could be in his hands and on the off chance that she wasn’t okay they wouldn’t be able to go to a hospital for help without getting arrested and Karai carted away again. Yup, no pressure. None at all.
Donnie dropped his jacket on the floor, grabbed the disinfectant wipes and first aid kit, and got to work.
First once over examination- her metal arm was located a second time. It wasn’t bleeding or causing Karai obvious pain, so Donnie set it aside. He could deal with that and its non-terrestrial technology origins later.
More pressing were the hundreds of scars, up and down his sister’s body. Every time he revealed another bit of skin, there were more. Some dark pink, showing that they were maybe only weeks old; others turning light silver, those ones being months old.
Donnie’s eyes stung as he carefully pulled his sister’s shirt back over her skin, laying her down again. The worst ones were on her back, and Donnie felt a maelstrom of fury and sadness at the sight of the thick scars.
But. Karai was breathing, for the most part intact, and didn’t seem to have any injuries in need of treatment. That was something at least.
Donnie hesitantly moved his hands to the metal arm, and wondered what he should do with it. A prosthesis of this complexity- there wasn’t anything like it on earth. The compounds in the metal didn’t seem to be from earth either, and that was even more mysterious.
A part of Donnie rejoiced- aliens were real! They existed and they were intelligent! He’d been hearing voices and radio chatter for weeks now, but there’d still been a doubt if they were real or not.
But, even as the curious part of Donnie was excited, the larger parts of him reeled with horror and grief. Aliens were real, and they’d kept his sister from them for a whole year. And, from the looks of things, put her through more than anyone should ever experience.
Even it was nonsensical and impossible, Donnie wished he could have found Karai sooner, and gotten her away from whatever had done this.
He slowly touched the palm of the prosthesis, wondering if had nerves or sensors to relay physical sensations- and jumped as it suddenly tightened around his fingers.
It was a painful grip for only a split second, but it released as a groggy “Donnie…?” came from Karai.
Donnie’s relief swelled and he gripped Karai’s metal hand. “Yeah, it’s me. Welcome back, sis.”
She narrowed her light gold eyes, and then let out an even groggier- “What’s all that crap on your head? And- you’re wearing my earrings too. Okay. I’m definitely dreaming.” She smiled wryly. “It’s a nice change from the usual ones.”
“No- no I’m real, you’re home, Karai,” Donnie said, giving her hand another squeeze. “You made it home.”
Karai didn’t seem like she believed him, so Donnie slid an arm underneath her back, and helped ease her into a sitting position. “Look around, where does it look like you are?”
“In some decrepit shack,” She answered, and the dry tone in her voice comforted Donnie more than anything. Because that was just how Karai was, and he’d missed her fiercely. Karai blinked slowly, and seemed to finally shake off the last of the sedatives in her system.
As she looked again at Donnie, with clearer eyes and a new grasp on reality, she breathed, “Donnie.”
She raised her arms to wrap around him, but Donnie grabbed her in a hug first, and held tight as he could. Karai’s arms snaked around him right after, and even with the unfamiliar feeling of metal against his spine, it felt the same as it always had.
Karai let out a choked sound, and Donnie’s own breathing hitched.
She was home, and Donnie was holding her. Karai was on earth and real and Donnie had her in his arms. He didn’t plan on letting go of her ever again.
About a second later, the door behind them popped open, Mikey rushing in as he dropped what looked like lock picking tools- and Donnie and Karai’s hug was joined by their youngest sibling, Mikey’s arms latching onto both of them desperately. Leo and Raph followed closely, and Donnie couldn’t even feel mad that they’d all probably been watching through the windows.
His elder brother and his twin’s arms went around them all, and Donnie felt like something was slotting back into place. They hadn’t been together in months- hadn’t been whole in months. Not without Karai, not without their father.
He’d missed this more than he would ever admit. The chaos, the closeness. His family.
Donnie buried his wet cheeks in his big sister’s shoulder, ignoring the smudges he was getting on his glasses, and held tight as they all wrapped themselves around her.
next fic.
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