#I love the idea that out of all the au leos beast Leo’s the most fucked up one
thejadecount · 1 year
Most AU Leos: Has killed a few guys, AngstyTeen™️, has hates/argues-with-splinter-and-Raph Syndrome
B.e.a.s.t.! Leo walking in, cracking jokes about how he and his brothers have been responsible for genociding an entire alien race: I’m about to ruin these guys careers
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zondearts · 4 months
can you talk about wolf au. I'm like an ipad baby and PRSK AUs are how i stay occupied
Oh you don't know how that ask delights me!
It's gonna be a long dump (cuz I've been brainroting for a while) so all that stuffs under the cut
So the prsk Wolf au, was this lil stray idea I had around the time when the werewolf shiho card came out. Basically what if I write a fic in german to improve my german and use the german fairytale inspired set as a base. The original plan was to write a semi long polyneed/shihosaki fic, but that turned into me only writing about the world building and culture, which turned into me writing smaller sidestories to get back into the mood, what turned into... must be around 20k Mizuena slowburn. (but I still haven't managed posting anything aside from some art :P)
I will genuinely try my best to formulate anything coherent, because I am a scatterbrain who suffers under "has to mention small details lest they burst" disease.
Anyways the setting of the au is in the medivelesque city Diva in a country called Sekai. Sekai is a small to medium sized country, around the size of Bayern (the biggest German state) and is under the rule of the Ootori royal family. Next to them four other families rule over parts of Sekai, the Asahinas, the Hinomoris, the Tenmas and the Shinonomes, who all currently reside in Diva.
For each I have selected some symbols which appear in ornaments and patterns.
The Ootori naturally have the phoenix as a coat of arms, they're tbh the only family I haven't properly fleshed out, but they united Sekai (it previously was several smaller countries at war) and at one point almost seperated Sekai, yet that's all I managed.
The Asahinas are a more interesting bunch. Coat of arms and Ornament vise they mainly have symetric rootlike meandering purple patterns, with occasional snowflake-shapes, mostly to potray how the family is connected and interwoven in Sekais politics and how they uphold order. (Their territory is also more Renaissance esque for that reason) They are a family of perfection, which delights most and creeps out some.
The Hinomoris coat of arms is a white Hare looking at the moon. They also have a more forest animal theming, since they control most of the forestry and hunting. (architecturally they have more of a gothic architecture, but only for the nobles and the church (oh the church wai wai)) They're next to a massive forest which I oh so love thinking about. They are a old family next to old trees and in possession of an old church in need of restoration.
The Tenmas coat of arms is obviously the Pegasus (more of a alicorn, but psshhh Tsukasa said it's a Pegasus and his word is law). They have a rich mythological beasts theming, since they're from a long bloodline of dragonslayers etc. They're also paired with Lions, for example one of their cities outside of Diva's called Leo. They're somewhat the spirit of Sekai and enjoy allot of goodwill from the people. (They have a more romanesque building style)
The Shinonomes coat of arms are two Wolfs standing next to a color palette and chisel. Their theming is more prominent in their social standing as respected artist, but rotten family. Their wolves with turned heads, but still wolves. They don't own much land and only work in the arts, closed off in a giant building.
The church shows it's leoneed influences. First Miku is the main deity, the god who creates with song and put the world in harmonious order, which is the geocentric worldview (which I have thought about too much, like man alchemist sure as fuck loved they're geocentricm) besides her, the other cryptonloids are gods aswell. The religion is more music oriented, most prominent in the festivals each month (which I wish to elaborate on, but I can't make this dump that long)
The interesting part of the beliefs is what the heavenly order deems as good and bad, since those are the main sources of conflict here.
Because next to humanity and the gods are the others (die Anderen) a generalized group of those who are not part of the divine order. Those can be simply animals like Ravens, bats, wolves and cats, but also mythical beings like fae, fairies, elves etc.
The normal attitude towards them is neutral, stay away, don't call lest they answer and so on.
All fine and dandy, but the country has been hit by a wave of werewolves gone mad because of a bloodmoon (mythologically speaking, the wolf in the sky (inspired by norse mythology) bit the moon coating it in blood and declaring hunting season) muddying the already blurry borders between human and other.
That attack caused hate and unease to spread around, folks are willing to purge anything other to strengthen the borders between normal and abnormal, healthy and sick, good and bad...
Anyways all the blorbos are other in some way shape or form.
Starting from the ones who are other before the bloodmoon:
Shizuku and Airi:
So Shizuku is the future heir of the Hinomori family (becoming heir after her father dies a bit before the bloodmoon), but she's a bit of a clutz, a bit of an airhead even, so there's some obvious struggle there.
Well she once went into the forest in one restless night and attracted Airis attention. Airi is a Fairy who's also lord of the forest, the same the Hinomoris claim as their territory. Because of that Airi snuck into Shizukus house, hidden as a maid to test if she's worthy to be the "representative" of her forest. (she's just gay)
I have written a bit about their relationship at that time before the bloodmoon, exploring Airis conflicted feelings about where her feelings towards Shizuku belong. Typical "You can't love me! You're a girl and I'm a worm!" plot, mixed with the themes of wildness (symbolized by a lynx) and domestication (a dog). After the blood Moon Airi works with Shizuku, who kinda sorta is about to start a civil war...
Anyways Minoharu:
Haruka is a travelling hunter, who hunts down monsters and other beasts. Minori is a gay nature spirit....like...yk? I also considered writing about their relationship before the bloodmoon, trying to find the idol vibes in it. Atm it appears to be that Haruka hunts down the most unruly creatures thus garnering the admiration of the people and the others.
For most of the time the gratitude of the others would be expressed by odd gifts, like feathers, nuts, pebbles and flowers, for Haruka can't see them. Minorin (the gayass) has been following her for a while, occasionally aiding in Harukas hunts and gifting her stuff like the rest. At some point Haruka noticed her and they kinda sorta got to be partners (sorry didn't manage much development on that yet) After the bloodmoon Haruka got commissioned by the king to kill off the stray werewolves, that's when they started working with Shizuai.
Then Rui and Nene:
Rui is human born with hagstone eyes (dual colored eyes the center is a different color etc) he can see the others. Therefore he got ostracized, because of his weird behavior. Being a exentric doesn't help, so when he found a trapped Siren (Nene, who got kidnapped from her homeland and now chills with Rui), he decided to just... hermit it up, goes full on mad alchemist (raaah). His presence before the bloodmoon is during the Mizuena prebloodmoon plot. There he functions as Mizukis strange friend who asked them to transport riddled letters to An.
An here is a affiliate to Rui, ex knight and of a lesser known nobel family, she and Kohane are the owners of a tavern. Ans task is keeping check on Rui and smoothing relations between the town and the others.
Mizuki is a changeling chased out of their village after their family found out that they infact weren't their son. They wound up hanging out with Rui for a while, since they have a similar stance of being an unwelcome mix of other and human. On their journey to Diva they met Ena in a small town far from the city (she ran from her family for art reasons) Ena joined them in their journey, finding comfort in their relationship, since Mizuki doesn't treat her as part of "his" family. They bond together, Mizuki assists her in her impulsive new goal of becoming a knight, they have the classic Mizuena runaway story and wham. Gaē
I have written a lot about that in a fic (might finally manage posting the first chapter sometime, still it's in german soo...) focusing on falling out of humanity, searching a future etc. swell stuff to ponder about, but ngl I fear Ena got a bit too ooc
So...Kanade's dead...she died...womp womp. Aight lemme explain. Mafuyus presence before the bloodmoon is just being the friendly neighborhood knight, until she ends up standing in ominous mist, talking in a monotone hollow voice how people are cursed, or damning themselves. She has the same eyes as Rui, can see the other, but she's a Asahina, so that can't be, no good girl stares at the corner for hours tsk tsk. Welp that leads to some mental damage, seeing the tortured ghosts of the past, but pretending that everything is fine, mixed with the already present Mafu...trauma, yeagh not fun. Anyways one night Mafuyu heard a haunting song and finds out it's Kanades restless ghost, who cursed herself with the duty of singing prayers to save folks...so they ended up being besties :3
Now! To the after bloodmoon stuff:
So around the time before the bloodmoon, like around one/two months, Saki left the country to get some better help for her illness. While that happens the horrendous bloodbath occurred and Shiho (who was a knight atm) got bit by a Werewolf and spread the curse on Ichika and Hona before running off into the forest. Yay.
Since Shiho only was freshly turned Ichika and Hona got about...wowza two years until the curse takes hold on them. Naturally the panicked people aren't fond of two (there were more but...those didn't make it) future werewolves in their mids, but here comes Shizuku with a steel chair.
The Hinomoris are next to the Asahinas one of the most powerful families in Sekai (excluding the Ootoris) ,so Shizuku, the new head of the family, threathens a civil war if the city harms any people injured by the attacks. She got some backing, since the family helped out a lot of the people affected by the attack. This in mind they came to a conclusion that the cursed will live under their watch until they turn and welp...get executed.
Nice and dandy, back to Saki out of country.
Girl has no clue and will not have any clue for a while.
Her entire friendgroup affected by the perils, Tsukasa and Ichika came to the conclusion to not tell her the entire thing.
So after she returned, still stuck in a room with fabeled beasts painted on her walls, she listens to Ichikas monthly lies. It's all she has.
Until Ichika acts weird, Tsukasa kicks her out, leading to a debate between the Tenmas, where Saki hears the truth and runs away into the forest like Shiho.
There the plot scatteres.
So Ichika? she was under the surveillance of a troop of knights...to be precise niigo. Officially Ena and to balance it out Mafuyu, but Mizuki and Kanade are their plus ones. They have a sorta neat relationship, especially Ichimizu, which I really need to explore more. That aside, Ichika is about to go full wolf and niigo is in crisis mode. Mafuyu is of the opinion to kill her before Ichika reveals their secret. Ena is full, no...no we shouldn't?? unwilling to follow some orders and kill a bro. Mizuki and Kanade are the middle ground, going, hey so killing Ichika is bad actually, but if we let her run away, Ena will be blamed and might even get killed in her place.
They come to a conclusion that they have to surrender Ichika, but find Saki for her, who's disappearance was announced by a very concerned Tsukasa rushing through the streets.
On Honamis side, she already got put in a cell for being a bit too dubious at the monastery. She managed gathering some tolerance, by cutting of contact with Ichika and going full people pleaser, but one bad day and schwomp jail.
One day Emu just spawns in the jail, since a kind friend of her wound up getting put behind bars. Through the conversation Honami gathers that Saki vanishes and admits her concern, motivating Emu to go on a search for her.
And Kasa? his character is a fun one ngl. Tsukasa in this au is enamored by the heroic legends of his forefathers. He has a bit of a self-absorbed vibe for most of the time, but after Saki left he had to face the reality of his beloved fairytales.
So emu contacts him and leads him to her odd friends in the odd forest, Rui and Nene. So that forms the wxs Saki search party.
Aight now where's Saki?
In a gay cottage.
Yk Shiho running off into the forest? Yeagh she got caught by Shizuku. She and Airi put the Shiwolf into time out in the hidden Hinomori hut (hidden by Airi, for I love myself some twisting reality and creating hidden spaces :3. Rui does that as well)
Haruka and Minori who got commissioned to hunt down wolves like Shiho almost found her, but Shizuku managed convincing them otherwise, so they now hang out with Shiho.
How Saki ended up there? Shiho found her collapsed in the snow and idk man unnecessary feelings aside, she wouldn't let anyone die in the snow, let alone Saki.
So she brought her to Minoharu to care for and just hides in the sidelines to maintain distance.
The entire gay cottage part is just slowburn Shihosaki (at least that's what my notes say) and Saki getting the mobility aid she deserves.
Back to niigo, Mizuki managed getting close to finding where Saki may be, but got caught by Airi. Now Niigo has a new sidehussel, overthrowing the government (more precisely the Asahinas).
Luckily, since Ichika is...in prison, Mafuyu has to go back home, so Mizuki can follow her there and snoop around.
From that point things stop being concrete
Around some time, Wxs managed to find Saki, but now they have to figure out how to yk...not let the rest of leoneed get publicly executed.
And well there's a struggle, since even if they save Ichihona, they still have to completely convince a paranoid country, that the others are actually swag and maybe they should hold hands and make out with them.
Either that or run away, something that niigo suggests.
I still didn't manage to find out what is the best solution....
Aight so this is my...~2k long ramble about the Wolf au, only leaving out, traditions, the other vocaloids, myths, interesting motives, changing seasons, further political affairs, horses, different povs, my attempts in using the german language in a interesting manner and...Akitoya.
Idk if that dump is coherent, might make a more coherent one in my prsk account (to shill said account @sleep-deprived-luka )
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lackablazeical · 2 years
WOAH, I really love ur Addams/rottmnt AU! I really love their designs, especially April and Mayhem's! few questions
why is mikey so feral in this AU
Whats raph like? he's always so quiet and Donnie looks like an evil scientist
hows splints and casey(or Cassandra) in this au AKA Could you share some stuff on this beautiful au pls (don't mean to come off as demanding just in case XP)
But yes I do have some answers for these!
1. Mikey is feral mostly bc he's very spoiled and he grew up In an environment that encouraged behavior like that! He is the 'Mama's boy' (in the AU, Splinter and Big Mama are canonically married, Splints still lives in the NY sewers, BM still in hidden city and her hotel), and BM definitely encourages his bad behavior. No one really tells him no, and he's an attention hog. He likes getting reactions so doing outlandish stuff and saying cruel things gets him that reaction! He's also an adrenaline junky and a pyromaniac, he'll put himself/others into danger for fun! Plus, BM DOES treat him like a pet, what do you expect. Boy is flea ridden/hj
2. Raph is very quiet and stoic! He still hates being alone, but he also definitely Dislikes being bothered, teased, or pranked. While the most outwardly 'chill', he's very quick to violence. He is the reason Leo has those bite/teeth marks on his shell! Raph bit him <3. His comfort item is Mrs. Cuddles and he always has her with him, which definitely makes it a target for Mikey shenanigans and such! He does still love hugs and snuggles tho, and likes bows, sewing, and cartoons! He doesn't talk much, and he especially won't if his brothers aren't around. He doesn't care much about anything, he's just along for the ride! The brothers often try to, like, 'sic' Raph on eachother by blaming things or just asking REALLLYYYYY nicely (also yes, Don is definitely a mad scientist. Please get him some lab safety etiquette at least some lab goggles)
3. LEOSAGI <3333333 ACTUALLY JUST MY COMFORT CHARACTERS I SWEAR. I have a writer friend who enjoys making small snippets of this AU, and I may ask her if I can post them here or if she would like to post them on A03? So yall can get even more content of the Boyz <3 (NewFallenLeaves on A03! Check out her ROTTMNT stuff, it's wonderful)
4. APRIL AND MAYHEM YES!!!!!! They are both definitely some of my favorite designs of this AU, April is just so beautiful and Mayhem is such a little Creatur. Babey demon demigorgon. Evil beast/pos (fun fact! Mayhems face can split apart in 4 different ways, one way looking like a demigorgon! I'll probably post that sketch sometime soon!)
5. Splinter is great! As Lou Jitsu, he was a film star who behind the scenes was involved in a lot of crime, especially back in Japan with things like the Yakuza. As a rat, he is VERY MUCH based on Gomez Addams. He's fun loving, caring, and loves a good spar session. He may be a bit neglectful of his boys (same as in canon) but he loves and accepts their weird and wacky behavior all the same.
This is his design! Some bits may change but as it stands I am happy w/ it! :D
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He owns a decent of pieces of the Shredder Armour as, like, almost trophies? It also helps mean that the Foot will not build the Shredder fully, Aka none of that mess to deal with :]
As for Cassandra, she's not really in the AU at all! I just haven't really been able to think of much for her. As an antagonist, I didn't know whether to lean towards more Addams esque behavior or make her more 'normal' (as normal as she can be JSBSJEB) to have a type of parallel. Idk? Any suggestions and ideas for her would be welcome and I'd tag you if I ended up using/posting any of it!
As for extra content, tomorrow or in the next following days I will either post more random sketches, more Usagi lore (specifically his family) or maybe some finished refs? Whatever I feel like, so look for that >:]
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tending-the-hearth · 4 months
You seem cool to talk to! :D
Just got into transformers less than a week ago and Bumblebee is already my favorite yellow boy! Since you seem to like Bumblebee a lot too, what are your favorite Bumblebee moments? Also, WHAT'S THIS ABOUT HIM DYING TWICE?
(Also, I know you posted this like 3 days ago, but if you still want to talk about your ninja turtle angst, I'm also a turtle fan and I will listen!)
you think i'm cool omg giving you forehead kisses
favorite Bee moments!!!!
*shows up late to the big battle to save my planet* lol sorry there was traffic HE'S SO SILLY FOR THAT
also i really really loved Dylan O'Brian as Bee's voice at the start of the Bumblebee movie! Seeing as it's one of our only times hearing him within that universe, he did a fantastic job immediately adding the usual Bee mannerisms with his own twist!
all the Bee and Charlie hugs, they're soulmates your honor
the "oh captain my captain" line in the RotB movie 😭
Optimus confirming that Bee likes going to drive-in movies while he supposed to be on patrol
the Bee and Noah team up in the final battle of RotB
In Transformers Prime (one of my FAVORITE tv shows ever, and highly recommend if you're getting into Transformers!) Bumblebee's relationship with his human, Raf! They are THE big brother little brother duo
and yeah.... spoilers for the newer movies but he dies in the Bumblebee movie, gets revived by Charlie, THEN he dies in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, and he gets revived then as well! my poor boy is getting put through the wringer!!! let him rest!!!
the Mutant Mayhem universe becomes sort of like the "home base" for whenever the four groups get together, because they've got the biggest lair and it's very fun to hang out with all the other mutants as well without having to worry about getting hurt!
omg i have THE idea of the 2012 boys staying over in the MM universe, and ending up going to school with the MM boys, and being pleasantly surprised when they're greeted with smiles and handshakes and high fives, it's another reason they favor the MM universe
the Big Confrontation between 2012 Splinter and everyone else takes place on the 2012 boys' birthday 😌 that's all i'm saying
i want to write out a conversation between 2012 Leo and Bayverse!Splinter, because i love the idea that they click super well, so I can see Leo really opening up to him about everything that happened, especially considering the fact that Bayverse!Splinter, like MM!Splinter, was a rat before he was mutated
Because RotTMNT!Splinter was human before he was mutated, and therefore had a human history, i do think the 2012 boys take the longest to connect with him, just because they're worried history is going to repeat itself. they do have an emotional conversation with him that leads to Mikey calling him Papa Lou for the first time, and that's when that name catches on!
added angst is that Kirby died in this AU, so April gets some angst to since she's kind of always felt like a replacement for Karai, so dw my girl is gonna go through it as well!
the Bayverse boys + Bayverse!April and Casey are so so protective over everyone else, they are the most older siblings to ever older sibling, they love having little brothers and sisters, but hooooo boy during the Big Confrontation there is some cursing out and Bayverse!Casey may or may not have to be carried away by Mikey and Donnie
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muttkep · 7 months
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Greetings Rise fandom! I got another concept for you all!
This could be for its own au, but this is something I'm planning to add into my Dragon Turtles au. I got to thinking about how the turtles could advance with their mystic abilities after the events of the movie, and that's when I got the idea that the bros could gain familiars. Basically, think of these creatures as something like the Palismans from The Owl House, except instead of turning into staffs, they become more like totems, jewelry, or other small, inanimate objects that could be carried around in case of emergencies.
As for how they got them, I like to picture a sort of traveling market that popped up outside of Witch Town. That way all the bros can explore it out of curiosity without getting into trouble with the residents. And as for each one, they all chose the turtles based on a mystic connection. And each one is unique, so let's get into who got who:
Raph: Ursa Minor cub. Bears are classified as strong earth-based guardian spirits, but I wanted Raph's little buddy to be about more than just strength. I also wanted a mystic creature he could show a softer side with. One without worry of getting hurt by the amount of mental anguish suffered at the hands of the Krang turned possibly physical. Hence the decision to give Raph what is essentially a perfect sized teddy bear that also doubles as his mystic partner.
Donnie: Albino Basilisk. Now, I had quite a bit of debate on what to give Donnie as a familiar. I considered something like a rabbit or a cat, but that felt a bit too obvious or overdone. This version of Donnie deserved something unique, so I started looking for alternative animals. The basilisk stuck out to me in a few ways. One, snakes are usually connected to water. Two, making the creature albino means that it would have difficulties surviving, and would have to think outside the box to live in certain conditions. Kind of like Donnie and his soft shell. Making this serpent in particular a fast thinking/highly intelligent creature. Also, much like how Donnie could be misunderstood as a cold and closed off individual, so too are snakes. Snakes can be highly misunderstood as cold, efficient, killing creatures of evil, but some out there actually have calm and friendly temperaments. And while it would take Donnie a while to get over the creepy feeling of them crawling over him, the feel of the smooth skin would probably be great for someone who is theorized to have certain sensitivities to certain textures. Not to mention that the gentle massaging feels of them gently constricting him in a not-too-tight fashion could help keep him grounded in a mental spiral. (And yes, I based the design off of 2012's serpent Karai. it was an intentional reference)
Mikey: Phoenix. Mikey's was an obvious one for me to do. Being the most Mystically connected out of the brothers means he had the highest chances of bonding with a very powerful creature. Enter the phoenix, a firebird with the ability to be reborn from the ashes of an old life. Colorful, graceful, and powerful, the phoenix can also have a soft or even mischievous side to it. A fun-loving creature with great abilities to help a fledging mystic warrior like Mikey gain his proper footing in using them. Especially without hurting himself, like with the portal at the end of the movie. As well as helping him gain confidence to stand on his own when his brothers can't help him.
Leo: Kirin. Leo was also a hard one to figure out. I considered animals like stags, deer, elk and the like. But then, I remembered that Leo had a liking for Unicorns, however I didn't just want to give him a generic unicorn. That's when inspiration struck. I was revisiting the OVA series of Petshop of Horrors, and in the 4th episode, it talked about the Kirin. The Kirin is stated to be a holy beast, who serves no one but it's sovereign. Therefore, the person to gain possession of the Kirin, was destined to be a great ruler. That's when it all clicked into place. The Kirin is not only the Eastern equivalent to the unicorn, but a lot of what it represents could tie into Leo's struggles of being a better leader after the movie. Sovereign is another word for king or leader, and in ancient Chinese/general Asian lore, the arrival of a Kirin was meant to signify the coming or going of a great leading figure. A creature that was benevolent to its allies and had ruthless furry for its enemies. And not just anyone could choose a Kirin as a familiar or guardian spirit, it had to choose you. And after everything Leo went through, fears of failure, the pressures of leadership, the guilt of causing/nearly causing the apocalypse, he would need some kind of sign or reassurance that he was back on the right track. That he was improving and could be a good leader like Casey Jr. said. And what better way than to be chosen by a great mythic beast, with its own set of scars, to choose him to be its leader. If that doesn't prove Leo's leadership capabilities, I don't know what would.
Anywho, thanks for reading my crazed ramblings, and I hope you enjoy the content. Feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts on the concept. Hope to see you soon!
Characters mentioned are not mine, all referenced media belongs to their rightful owners. The artwork is mine only.
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juukeboxx · 2 years
TMNT Pokemon AU - pt.1
Hello everyone!
So I'm a huge Pokemon fan, I've spent a lot of time playing the games and watching the shows. It's become one of my favorite franchises ever. And I had the amazing idea to combine two things that I love: Pokemon and TMNT. This is just a fun idea that I've had in my head for a while now and I wanted to share it. Keep in mind that this is for no particular version of the turtles.
Word count: 1,146
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So to start this off, this is specifically looking at each turtle and the type they would specialize them if they were a gym leader. Other characters will come later.
The number of pokemon a gym leader has on their team depends on when the player faces them. So for example, the first gym leader will only have a maximum of two pokemon while the seventh gym leader would have a maximum of four. However, I'm going to give them a full team of 6 pokemon of the same type excluding mythicals, Ultra Beasts and legendary pokemon.
Each gym leader as one ace that they put into battle when they only have one pokemon left. I'll elaborate on why I think they would choose that specific pokemon as their ace.
First off...
Leo is unwavering and not the most flexible individual (let's be real, he's pretty stubborn). He is strong, focused and will do anything to protect his family. This is why I think he would be a steel type specialist.
Steel types have a few weaknesses: Ground, fire, and fighting. But many of the secondary typings that some steel types have turns super effective damage into not very effective damage. Many of the other typings can't do much damage to steel types as well.
Some notable steel types include: Lucario, Bisharp, and Dialga.
Here is what I think Leo's team would look like:
Lucario (fighting/steel)
Aegislash (steel/ghost)
Mawile (steel/fairy)
Corviknight (flying/steel)
Excadrill (ground/steel)
Kingambit (dark/steel) - Ace
I chose Kingambit as Leo's ace, first and foremost, because of the aesthetic. It also helps that Kingambit's shiny is blue. But I also chose Kingambit as his ace because of it's Pokedex entry in Pokemon Scarlet. It says, "Only a Bisharp that stands above all others in its vast army can evolve into Kingambit." To me this just really screamed Leo, because as we all know, he was the one chosen out of the four brothers to become the leader. Kingambit's Pokemon Violet pokedex entry states that it isn't good at stratgizing and will use it's brute strength to keep pushing which is something that Leo has done on multiple occasions.
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Next we have...
Now with Raph I didn't want to automatically resort to saying that he specializes in fire types. As we all know his hot temper is one of his most defining character traits. This may seem out of left field, but I think Raph would make a really good ground type specialist. Ground types, like steel types, are tanky and can hit hard (kinda like Raph).
Another reason I didn't go with fire types is although they have access to pretty powerful moves, they 're a lot more frail than ground types are. They lack that natural bulk.
It's important to note that ground types have an advantage against steel types and can hit them for supereffetive damage. I like to think that this could be representative of how Raph is always questioning Leo's authority and his decisions as leader.
Some notable ground types include: Geodude, Quagsire, Groudon
Here is what I think Raph's team would look like:
Torterra (grass/ground)
Krookodile (ground/dark)
Camerupt (fire/ground)
Mudsdale (ground)
Gliscor (ground/flying)
Garchomp (dragon/ground) - Ace
If you've played Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum or it's remakes you know that Garchomp is an absolute powerhouse. It's honestly one of the most well-rounded Pokemon out there. Garchomp is big, intimidating, and hits like a truck. You definitely don't want to get on the bad side of Raph or Garchomp, because if you do, it's over.
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Thirdly there's...
Like Raph, I was in a bit of a pickle when I was thinking about what type I think Donnie would specialize in. Obviously psychic types are a no-brainer because he is the smartest of all his brothers. But then I realized that Donnie is known for tinkering and inventing all sorts of things. So I finally came to the conclusion that Donnie would specialize in electric types.
Electric types only have one weakness in ground types, and can hot water and flying types for super effective damage. Electric types can be tricky to deal with because some will have an ability like Static that can cause paralysis, or have access to moves like Thunderwave that also inflict paralysis. They can be super annoying if used strategically.
Some noteable electric types include: Pikachu, Rotom, Zapdos
Here is what I think Donnie's team would look like:
Heliolisk (electric/normal)
Magnezone (electric/steel)
Rotom wash form (electric/water)
Luxray (electric)
Jolteon (electric)
Dracozolt (electric/dragon) - Ace
It was really tricky for me to figure out what Donnie's ace would be. Looking through the electric types I looked at any of them that had a design based around some aspect of science (Like how Magnezone looks like a UFO, but is also based around magnets and magnetism). I decided to go with Dracozolt, which is one of the two electric type fossil Pokemon introduced in generation 8. I think that if he were placed in the Pokemon universe Donnie would absolutely be fascinated with the fossil Pokemon and the science of the world as a whole.
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Last but not least we have...
Mikey was actually the easiest for me to figure out. Considering the fact that he's claimed to be the best at combat (not to mention he was the Battle Nexus champion in the 2003 series, and Rise!Mikey's insane strength which was enough to throw a building), it makes the most sense that Mikey is a fighting type specialist.
Fighting types are able to hit a lot of powerful types like steel and dark for supereffective damage. However, ghost types are completely immune and types like psychic, flying, and fairy are able to hit fighting types hard.
Some noteable fighting types include: Primeape, Machamp, Zamazenta
Here is what I think Mikey's team would look like:
Hitmontop (fighting)
Pawmot (electric/fighting)
Scrafty (dark/fighting)
Grapploct (fighting)
Gallade (psychic/fighting)
Quaquaval (water/fighting) - Ace
First off, I chose Quaquaval as Mikey's ace because it is (as far as my knowledge goes) based on Brazilian samba dancers like you woul dsee in a Carnival parade. Mikey has a lot of energy and I feel like dancing is just one of those activities he just likes to do. It was a little hard to choose a fighting type that really fit Mikey's vibe, and I landed on Quaquaval because it incorporates dancing into it's fighting style and Mikey is seen to sometimes have a unique fighting style himself (2012!Mikey for example).
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Thank you for reading to the end. This AU is just a fun idea that I want to develop more, so I'll be posting things every now and then. You'll be able to find everything related to this under the pokemon au tag on this blog.
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themafia-terrapins · 3 years
Into the night.
A/N: You should read the post before this to get an understanding of this AU. Fair warning, this is pretty long. Enjoy! 💚
Disclaimer: mention of child abuse ahead. Be warned!
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Cold. Merciless. Dangerous. Mysterious.
They were the only words that many used to describe the Hamato Clan. No one wanted to mess with them in fear of what they would do, countless stories were told of those who had double crossed them and in result, hadn’t lived to see the next day. The most feared gang caught in a dark and ruthless world of crime, violence, blood and lust. Others wanted their wealth and power but not everything is what it seemed to be. 
The cold breeze hit Leonardo’s face, as he gulped down air quickly into his lungs. He was sure those horrid nightmares would have stopped, it had been almost 11 years for God’s sake. Cursing under his breath, he knocked down the tub of medication which rattled on the floor. The view of New York was beautiful from all the way up here and as frantically as he tried to focus on it, those poisonous thoughts blazed through his mind and he had no power to control it. 
“Father please don’t leave again” The young teen cried, trailing helplessly after the rat who swore angrily. Being only 13, he wasn’t able to grab those supplies that his brothers needed. They were forced to rely on Splinter but he would hardly help them. They were lucky if he even brought down the bare necessities for them to survive on. 
“How many times do I have to tell you leave me alone?! Enough!” Splinter growled, loosening his tie as he made his way to the sewers steps. But Leo had to try for his brothers, he couldn’t look at their pain anymore. He couldn’t go back empty handed, to witness Raphael put up a brave front despite actively bleeding and bruised practically everywhere on his frail body. He couldn’t see Donnie on the verge of another panic attack because he didn’t know how to fix them. He couldn’t bear to see Mikey trying to hold it all together but breaking down in the bathroom , when he thought nobody was listening because he couldn’t live in this nightmare. 
“R-Raph is hurt and we don’t have any more bandages” Leo spoke timidly, trying to sound clear and confident but his voice trembled. Splinter stood still and the turtle could already smell the sour whiskey from his clothes. It had been a bad day, he presumed. Whiskey was only drunk whenever a loss was incurred. And that usually meant he wouldn’t be home for days, much o the turtle’s pleasure. 
“What have I said about speaking back?!” Splinter bellowed, his arm whacking Leo backwards until his shell hit the tunnel. The side of his shell had already been damaged due to constantly training day and night to perfect the routine Splinter had set them. But an audible crack had been heard and a small gasp left his lips, already seeing a trickle of blood roll down his skin staining the previous bandages. He hadn’t even time to register the pain until Splinter loomed over his body, his eyes black and dangerous. 
“Father I’m-” Leo’s breath hitched in his throat, tears prickling his eyes painfully watching his hand raise slowly. ‘Not again, please not again’
“You’re absolutely hopeless, you hear me?!” Again Splinter punched the turtle, laughing each time when the terrapin recoiled in pain. Leonardo held his tongue, scared to further anger the drunken rat. Every slap, punch and kick was taken without a sound because the punishment for wincing was double the amount than the beating now. And he wasn’t so sure his shell could take anymore.
“Look at you! You expect to take on my legacy acting like a pathetic little girl?! Get out of my sight before I finish you” With one swift punch to Leo’s jaw, Splinter left to go topside. He could hear his evil voice cackle on the phone to one of his partners in this mysterious business he refused to utter a word about.
“Why do you hit us so much? What did we ever do to you?” Leo sobbed quietly, curling into a little ball on the floor. The punch on his plastron seared throughout his body, burning in hot white pain. Yet it must be nothing compared to what his brothers were going through. They were awaiting Leo but the eldest could barely move, let alone walk to their home. 
Home, usually described at being comforting and loving but he hadn’t felt any of these emotions since they moved in. He used to yearn for a mother to come and take their pain away but as he grew, that dream slowly died as hope in him also began to wither. 
Maybe one day things would be different...
Blaring traffic shocked the turtle out of his trance and with a shuddering breath, he took several deep breaths. He l
“Why must I be reminded of such memories?” Leonardo sighed, his hand drifting over his temple to soothe the dull ache. No matter how long it had been, the wound from his past was still fresh. They say time healed all pain so why did his still hurt? Some nights it was bearable and some nights it felt like he was being suffocated in his mind, slowly driving insane.
Physical pain definitely was a lot more tolerable than verbal, even now he could still hear the echo of Splinter’s voice reprimanding him whenever he failed. Those stabbing words ringing louder and louder in his ears, berating him for being stupid and weak. Laughing at how his ridiculous attempt of leading a team. Leonardo never wanted anything more than to make Splinter proud but during his years, he realised that it was never going to happen.
Splinter only cared for himself and Leo, along with his brothers, were merely pawns in his cruel game.
But now was not the time to dwell on these matters, things had to be done and completed. His phone rang jarring him out of his thoughts and he picked it up rather reluctantly.
“What is it, Silas?” His assistant/companion spoke quickly, picking up the disinterest in Leo’s voice. He was never one for sugarcoating his feelings or emotions, if the boss wanted something done it was pronto.
“Beast is requesting dinner with capo and the mob. Your presence is required, sir” Holding his urge to groan, the turtle glanced down at the lights that decorated the buildings of New York. They were so beautiful but he couldn’t even take the time to appreciate it, reality had called and with great reluctance he had to answer.  
Beast... what was there to say? He was a snob, ignorant, extremely wealthy but lacked any common sense or values. Leo’s patience was practically non existent whenever he communicated with him. While he provided a great reference for other business partners, Beast himself was on thin ice with the brothers.
“Dinner at... 1am?” Leo scowled, looking at his watch. Beast, while had been an average business partner, had constant demands and ideas that were completely absurd. The brothers were tiring of his constant requests and awful timing.
“I did not suggest the convocation at this late sir” The assistant began but Leo interrupted him, wanting to end this conversation. 
“Be that as it may, unfortunately I cannot attend. Cancel my plans for tonight, I have a reconciliation to attend to and the conference will take up most my time” He ordered, observing the bonsai trees that stood on the balcony. One thing he grew to adore was his plants, they were simple and with enough care and love, blossomed into something gorgeous. 
“I don’t think Beast will be pleased with the rejection. He only wants a few words with the mob and especially you, Capo” Silas tried to reason but the terrapin was adamant.
“Enough. Reschedule this meeting tomorrow at 11pm sharp. Am I understood?” Leo commanded and Silas nodded, already writing it down in his notepad.
“Crystal. Enjoy your night sir” ‘Unlikely’... Hanging up, the blue cladded turtle inhaled a deep breath to collect his thoughts. Cancelling the meeting is a mistake but there were bigger fish to fry tonight. Other duties lay heavy on his mind and with a turn of his heel, he left his safe haven. 
As he entered his room, a young woman appeared at his door. Her heels echoed on the polished marble floors, grinding on his last nerve. God he really didn’t want to deal with her right in this moment. Her eyes settled on his and her face lifted into a small smile, one he did not mirror back.
“Katherine, what brings you to my quarters? Surely you’re old enough to understand you cannot barge in whenever you please” Leonardo watched as the young woman quickly stepped back, picking up the heavy discomfort that lay in the air.
“My apologies Leonardo. It’s Raphael, he said that you guys are attending a conference tonight but it’s our 3 month-”
“I fail to understand how this is my problem” He was quick in letting her know, he hadn’t the time to listen to her. Truth be told, he would never understand why Raphael stuck with her. She caused more pain and grief than anything to him.
“Okay... but could you tell me at least why?” She cocked her head and Leo turned, his face set in a hard frown.
“That is between me and my brothers Katherine. I do not appreciate when people interfere in my business. That much should be painfully obvious” His tone was calm but the harsh voice was clearly heard.
Opening his cupboard door, the small picture of Eva caught his eye. A small pang of sadness washed over his body before getting a grip on himself, refusing himself to succumb to the weakness. Eva was the past yet it seemed no matter how long the years had gone by, the yearn was as strong as ever. He wondered if he would ever be free from the shackles around his heart that locked tightly in his chest.
He had to accept that no matter how much he hoped on a wishing star or to the sky, she simply was not coming back. On the side showed a glass mirror, outlining all the features on his face. Sleep hadn’t come to the turtle much recently, he was lucky to get 4 hours and that was on a good day.
“You know you can just call me Kiki like everyone else” She raised her brow as he grabbed his navy blue velvet suit, the unreadable facial expression plastered on his face while his dark sapphire eyes burned into hers. Still standing at the doorway, she felt almost scared of him. Despite being with his brother for around 8 years, she never felt like she knew Leo. No one did, he kept to himself and only showed his true colours to those he cared about.
“Katherine, if that is all you have come to say then I highly suggest you leave me be now. It would not bode well for you to overstep your boundaries” With an almost snarl, he walked forwards and closed his door. 
“Would you like some champagne, Mr Hamato? It’s the one you specifically requested, Dom Pérignon” The waiter asked and Leo nodded his head, flicking through the newspapers as he awaited the rest of his brothers to join him. This meeting was better suited to the office, he didn’t need any extra ears or eyes to listen in on the information discussed between them. 
“God, I need a drink” He could hear the brute’s voice carry through the halls and into the meeting room.
“Right away boss” Greyson, his assistant spoke and vanished to make his preferred alcoholic beverage.
“What is the occasion, dear brother? As much as I like to spend time with you, I’m assuming you haven’t called us for fun” Donnie sat down, his ankle resting on top of his thigh as his attention diverted to his brother. Delicately folding the papers up and placing them to the side, Leo eyed his younger brother with a smirk. 
“Always straight to the point Donatello. And you’d be correct, I’ve called this meeting to discuss our next steps” He spoke authoritatively as the turtles settled in their seats, glancing at the board which held ideas and secret plans.
“Did ya cancel tha meetin’ with Beast tonight?” Raph asked, eyes skimming at the tablet. That was very unlikely of the leader, he was the one always nagging to keep up with business meetings and such. 
“Yes, I’ll be damned if I have to listen to another lie of his again. He cannot speak clearly and I have no time for beating around the bush. Once we’re done with this proposal, it will be a big relief to have him off our backs” Leo sipped his wine, flicking through his notes. A few names picked up but on the whole, everything seemed relatively calm. But there was no resting, they couldn’t afford not to be on their guard. Trouble was brewing on the horizon, he could feel it in his body. 
“Fuck sake, how many times do I have to tell you I hate when you organise my notes like this” Mikey sighed irritably as his brothers smirked, looking at each other with amusement. 
It was a running joke that Mikey couldn’t hold an assistant down for more than 2 months. Perhaps it was his picky way of being organised or that he had a short temper and hated his things being out of place, they didn’t know. This new assistant fumbled with the drinks, paling as his boss shouted his displeasure. 
“What happened to Donetti Licata?” Donatello asked, chuckling at his younger brother expecting another childish story about organisation as it as had been the story before. 
“Fired him. Caught him screwing Mia in my bed. Which reminds me I really need to employ someone who actually has a working braincell” Mikey spoke nonchalantly while his brothers looked at each other wide eyed.
“Oh... shit. M’sorry Mike, that must’ve been hard” Raph murmured, surprised at how well his little brother was taking the whole thing. Almost... too well in his opinion. Amelia had been the light of his life, his love at one point. They both brought out the best in each other but perhaps it was simply a mirage to the toxicity that lay just under the surface.
She wasn’t the Amelia he fell in love with and as he came to grips with that, the idea of losing her forever felt absolutely scary to him. He tried everything to put their relationship on track but it was Amelia who refused to partake in anything.
“Hmm? Oh.. yeah. It was tolerable once I beat the shit out of him. I can’t ever believe I trusted the fucker....” Mikey leaned back on his chair as another glass of wine was placed in front of him. Yet the lump in his throat felt unmovable, rendering him breathless. 
“Don’t tell me ya still wit’ her Mike. Yer deserve better than that” Raphael’s hand ached to knock some sense into the terrapin. Even if she would countlessly cheat on him, which she probably had done, all she had to do was flutter her lashes and sweet talk him. And just like that Mikey would forgive her in that second. In his eyes, Mia could do no wrong. She had Mikey on a leash but of course, he was oblivious to it all.
“You still with Kiki?” Mikey retorted, venom in his words while his eyes glared at his brother. Raphael’s frown deepened, holding his gaze. While he knew it was in the heat of the moment, he wished Mikey could see the damage Amelia was doing to him. Kiki was different only because Raph knew her past, knew that she was damaged too. How could he, of all people, leave her hanging alone?
“Children, behave. What do we do about these last few payments? I’ve talked to Xavier and he’s saying Gomez hasn’t responded to anything. It’s high time we pay a special visit, he’s got to know who exactly he’s messing with here” Donnie rolled his eyes at the quarrel and adjusted his glasses, raising them closer to his eyes. Leonardo seemed to be in deep thought for a few seconds before looking at his family again.
“If that’s the case then I want you and Mikey to check it out tomorrow. Me and Raph will deal with Beast, we all know how dramatic he likes to get when he doesn’t get his way” They all knew the last time they messed with Beast, how he threatened to take his money away and leave them bankrupt. Regardless of his filthy money, the turtles were not affected without it.
Years of investing and saving up had allowed them to live luxuriously. They had everything they ever wanted, Beast was just a liability to them. They needed him to increase potential business partners. To be able to stay at the top, they needed to associate with people at the top. If that meant doing business with idiots who couldn’t hold their ground and lacked any sense of morals and values, then so be it.
This was the mafia, after all. Nothing was pretty here.
“He’s clearly trying to inherit the property, why not just kill him altogether” Mikey pointed out, leaning back on his chair but Leo shook his head.
“Too risky. He may be a fool but he’s a smart one. He has plenty of connections with others, much powerful than the ones we have. We’ll keep him on the side but don’t turn your eyes, he will strike when least expected. Once we secure this deal, you can unleash all your anger on him. For now, we stay in his good books. However long that may be” He grimaced at the thought of the meeting they were supposed to have instead of this one. How long the turtle brothers would remain on his good side was unknown but hey, only a few more months of his bullshit and it was home run. The brothers continued to talk about upcoming events and nearing the end of the meeting, they all grabbed their belongings. 
“Wait a sec, Amara’s coming here tomorrow?” Mikey read out the small note on the board and Leo nodded, finishing off his wine. 
“Yes, well technically she’s visiting but we needed some help around here and she agreed to stick around for a while” She was a close friend to the turtles, meeting them after they newly escaped Splinter’s clutches. She had found them at a time when they were barely breathing and even without knowing who they were, she nursed them back to health. They all were indebted to her. Throughout the years, she went back to Italy since her father was part of their own mafia but her loyalty to the turtles never wavered. 
“At least we get ta see a new face ‘round here. But goin’ back ta before, I can’t wait ta finally kill that bastard” Raphael cracked his knuckles, unbuttoning his vest. He never was one to take orders from people, he was incredibly stubborn and arrogant to take commands from someone else. He barely followed Leo’s on a good day, let alone someone who continually threatened him and his family. If it were up-to him, he would have Beast’s head on a silver platter and sent directly to his team 
“All in due time brother. For now, let’s focus on getting our money back and dealing with Beast”
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I get that kind of! Similar boat with having au ideas floating around for ages but struggling to sit down and draw them. What's his relationship with Banette now? Did it take well to being captured by the person who abandoned it? The big question I suppose, how did he obtain Guzzlord and why is it boxed? Can other characters Mega evolve their Pokemon and what region is everyone from? Sorry for all the questions kjhgfds
No you're totally fine, I'm living for this
1. With Banette... It's tough to put into words, because you do need to have a close bond with a Pokemon in order to mega evolve it, according to the anime. I think that while Banette slowly grows to trust Sora as a trainer, it still holds onto that grudge against him, and if no other targets are around, it will play tricks on Sora if left unsupervised for any amount of time.
Their relationship does end up changing for the better though, but the specifics are something I'll hold onto for now since that's part of a big plot point I don't wanna give away yet.
2. Since Leo Akaba and his child soldiers could make use of technology that transported them between dimensions, and the Ultra Beasts happen to come from other dimensions, I like to think that the same technology exists in this universe. Given their raw destructvie power, I doubt that everyone in Galactic went out and caught their own, and instead sent specialized teams to go out and catch as many as they could for only their best trainers to use. Guzzlord is currently in the box because it isn't needed on everyday missions, and hasn't really seen action since the attack on Shun's home.
3. With Mega Evolution, I suppose anyone who has a Pokemon that Can mega evolve could in theory do it; it's just a matter of getting the stone and putting in the work. Yuzu, for example, has a Gardevoir on her team, but since Yuya and his friends are coming to Sinnoh from Hoenn, they haven't really gotten to try mega evolution before, and likely have only ever heard of it in class.
I Love the thought of Sora being the one to teach Yuzu how to mega evolve her Gardevoir just like he taught her how to fusion summon, and you can bet that's gonna be a thing in this au.
4. Borrowing from the other Pokemon au here: Everyone from the fusion dimension hails from Kalos, Yuya, Yuzu, and Gong come from Hoenn, the rest of the standard dimension gang come from Sinnoh... Hmm, I think that Rin and Yugo having originally been from the Orre region makes the most sense, specifically Pyrite Town due to the huge crime rates there. Orre is also where the Starshipping au is set, so it's perfect in my heart to have all the Synchro members live in Orre. That just leaves the Xyz crew to come from... Mmm... I'm going to say Unova. Unova is based on NYC, and I feel like it's the closest to Heartland in Zexal.
If it sounds like I'm coming up with some of this stuff on the spot, I am lmao. We've more been focusing on all the interactions where the cast is together than the origins for each dimension, though some of this stuff was already settled on once we really got going coming up with the plot.
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Owl House AU Ideas, ZA THIRD!!
Once more, I AM HERE! WITH AN IDEA! (Man I love how hammy All Might is) This next one is bit lighter-tempered than my prior ideas, and is a crossover to boot! This AU crosses the Owl House with one of my favorite anime and game franchises, so I hope you all don’t think less of me for putting it out there... ANYWAY ON TO THE IDEA!
Basically, my idea is a Crossover with Arc-V, with Hexside being an elite Duel School that had been assimilated by the Leo Institute, causing a huge number of students and faculty to leave out of protest. Of those left behind were the Blight Siblings and Lilith, who is teacher at Hexside in this idea, with Amity rendered bitter and despondent over all her friends leaving. While most of those who left Hexside go their separate ways, Luz and her friends, along with Eda, transfer over to You Show and become friends with Yuya and the gang. Hexside's tracks are different in this AU, with each track representing a type of dueling or aspect of the duel/entertainment industry. The Abominations track is replaced with the Summoner's course, specializing in the Extra Deck summoning methods and experimentation, as well as attempts to create new summoning methods. The Oracle Track is replaced with Analytics course, where students study up on how to best research duelists and decks and how to apply it, as well as Ritual Summoning and deck manipulation. The Construction Track is switched with the Industrial course, which teaches students how to build, alter, and repair all the gear that goes into modern dueling, such as Duel Disks and the ARC system, they are often taught Boring But Sensible plays, with decks that prioritize an effective win over a flashy win. The Beast Keeping Track is now the Designer's course, where aspiring card designers learn the ins and out of the industry, they often possess unusual decks with an emphasis on combos and making use of difficult to play cards (Note, many of the students in the Designer course believe in Duel Spirits). The Bard track is now the Idol course, which teaches students how to be dueling idols along with the skills needed to work in that section of the industry, with decks prioritizing deck outs and burn damage. The Illusions track is the Dueltaining course, which teaches the students showmanship and acrobatics, the students of this course often use resource intensive decks with a lot of flash. The Healing Track here is the Recovery course, along with teaching students how to best recover and manage their life points and deck resources, they also teach students how to treat any injuries that might occur during an action duel along with psychology to aid those who suffer traumatic accidents while dueling on an action field. The Plant Track is known here as the Resource course, which teaches aspiring duelists how to make best use of their decks and the cards within, with many duelists in it playing a Defend The Castle play style, building their entire decks around bringing out a massively powerful monster and Keeping it there by any many means they can. The Potions Track is now the Implementation Course, which teaches students dueling formula and strategy, with many of the duelists employing multiple decks so that they have an answer to any situation (otherwise known as Bastion's dream class). Amity is considered one of the best duelists of her generation, knowing all the currently known Extra Deck Summons, and picking up Pendulum Summoning after seeing it ONCE, and is capable of performing all the summoning methods on the level of their respective dimensions, something which severely unnerved Sora during the School Duel. Amity was known as one of Hexside's twin Queens, specifically known as The Apex, alongside Luz, The Rainbow. Luz promised Amity that they would stick together throughout their careers, and Amity was left shocked and hurt when Luz withdrew from Hexside following Leo's takeover, something she herself couldn't do as a result of her parents backing the transaction; during their next duel, Amity kept a stoic face throughout, until Luz's peppy antics caused her to snap at her in frustration, with the subsequent information that Luz's mom had withdrawn her without her consent nearly breaking Amity, who realized her anger was for nothing. Amity's skill quickly earned her a place as one of Leo's best, and seeing her being dueled so evenly, when none of the present Leo students had been able to make her so much as sweat, as well as be defeated, were left extremely shaken, with Henrietta herself completely floored, as her research had shown Luz to have no better a win record than Yuya did at the start of Canon (To clarify, Luz deliberately plays at the same level of her opponent(s) at all times, so that she can better help them improve their skills, which severely skews all known data on her, as she is actually on the level of a Pro by the time of Canon). In this story, the rift between the Clawthornes is rather different; originally, they were a dueling Tag Team at the very start of Action Duels, but a mishap resulted in Eda being seriously injured, sparking a huge safety reform, resulting in action duels being playable at a level safe for kids in the form of the Junior division. While Eda eventually recovered, her career as a Pro was essentially ended, sparking a deep bitterness against the Leo Corporation, who she held responsible for her injury. She and Lilith later joined Hexside as faculty, with Eda leaving in protest when the school was bought out by Leo; when she learned that Lilith had stayed, she grew angry and cut ties, in spite of the urging against the act by her friends and loved ones. Due to not being cursed, Eda is significantly more youthful in appearance than in The Owl House, possessing vibrant red hair. As a result of her sparking the mass exodus from Hexside, the Leo Institute and Corporation both received a lot of negative publicity, with the scrutiny resulting in frigid hostility from Henrietta when she and Eda met in the School Duel. On Lilith's side of the feud, the day prior to Hexside being bought, Lilith was offered and gleefully accepted a promotion (note, she and Eda already had a significant difference in position within Hexside, but neither let it interfere with their relationship, as Eda was always happy when Lilith rose through the ranks), but one aspect of the promotion was a contract which prevented her from quitting, something that left her horrified when she learned what had happened to the school. After coming to terms with her position, Lilith decided to use her situation to learn what had become of Leo Akaba, who she blamed for her sister's suffering, along with herself, and, in her words, "remove that worthless speck of a man from the face of the Earth." Lilith's position at Hexside acts as a calming incident for those students who remained following the exodus, causing her to adopt a pseudo-maternal role for Amity as compared to their cooler relationship in canon. Oh, almost forgot to mention, during their duel, Luz maintained a perfectly even head the entire time, only to be shocked when Amity Ritual Summoned, something she had known how to do in theory but had never actually performed up until then.
As Always, feel free to ask questions, give comments, or use the idea as you see fit, not that I think this’ll attract a very big audience. Just throwing it out there.
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snowbellewells · 5 years
CS Fic Rec Monday: Fics I Loved in 2019 /// July - September
Continuing my goal to celebrate the fics I most enjoyed last year, here comes by third list of great fics for 2019. Again, I am sure there were even more, but these were the ones I remembered or found in scrolling by through my history...
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“Break Me” by @thisonesatellite​ 
It’s hard to believe it’s really only been about six months since I discovered and started reading Stephanie’s incredible and affecting stories! And this one was the one that reeled me in! An amazingly unique, heartwrenching, and thrilling supernatural fic that you just won’t be able to put down. I certainly couldn’t!   (I also discovered her older short MC “it’s our scars that give us character” during this time frame, for a bonus suggestion. :)
“A Drowning Soul Will Clutch at any Straw” by @shireness-says​
This one shot was written for last year’s @cssns​ event, and features a pirate Killian and his discovery of a mermaid Emma. Where they go from there is so beautifully well-done it reads like a true classic fairy tale. It’s lovely and inventive, and I can almost guarantee you’ll want to go back to it again and again.
“Sadie Hawkins Dance” by: @searchingwardrobes​
Okay, so I just had to list this particular fic from Melanie’s Fandom Birthday Playlist separately, as it was written for my birthday!! ;) <3 I loved every little bit of it, but it feels particularly special since Emma and Killian are teachers like me in this modern au version, and it’s so touchingly sweet and perfect how they go from friends to more.  (Other birthday playlist highlights in this time period: “If I Fall” and “Your Love is a Song”)
“Just Human, Volume 2″ by: @donteattheappleshook​
This touching story is also from last summer’s @cssns​ event, and a take on the BBC’s show Being Human, with Emma, Killian, and David as the ghost, vampire and werewolf roommates. I love how emotionally affecting this was. It has really stayed with me ever since reading it.
“One Day” by @darkcolinodonorgasm​
Another @cssns​ fic that just reeled me in right from the start and hasn’t let go of my imagination since! I love the version of a cursed Storybrooke the author has created, and her Henry just struck me right in the heart. This WIP has me hanging on every update to see how things will finally be put right.
“Historical Inaccuracies” by @thejollyroger-writer​
This is a lovely July 4th flavored fic with a fun CS and Charming family feel and just a happy modern au one shot. Such an entertaining read with an adorable little Leo Nolan for added irresistibility. :)
“Rainbound” by @profdanglaisstuff​
This one shot sees Emma and KIllian stranded at his remote cabin, thinking they hate each other, but over the course of their time there, they find they have more in common than they’d realized. It’s beautiful how they come to this, and the connection that flares between them.
“On What They Fall” by @profdanglaisstuff​
This story of Emma and Killian as younger versions of themselves in a non-magic AU will tug on every single one of your heartstrings all throughout the course of it!  You will ache for Emma and for Killian both, even as they cause each other more pain with misunderstanding and self-doubt.  It makes the hard-earned ending all the more glorious a reward though! Plus, there’s lovely CaptainBook in this one as well - which I always love! ;)
“The Very Witching Time” by @profdanglaisstuff​
Oh my goodness!! This entry to last summer’s @cssns​ event features a witch!Emma and perhaps the most completely adorable version of Killian I’ve yet read.  I don’t want to spoil all the lovely thrills and chills of this one, but if you missed it, you’re in for a supernatural treat!
“Time and Again” by @kmomof4​
This engaging and completely romantic take on Killian and Emma as soulmates destined to meet even in a non-magical modern AU is wonderful!! It has mutiple chapters, but you’ll want to devour it all in one go to see as our lovely OTP’s connection strengthens and their True Love grows.
“Sick of Love” by @spartanguard​
This one was such an interesting take on the whole idea of soulmates and how they find each other. I could feel Emma’s pain and how torn she was all throughout it and how much Killian wanted to reach out to her. Neither of them could ignore how drawn to each other they were - really amazingly well-written!!
“Mistress of the Sea” by @let-it-raines​
This lovely short series of one shots has such an appealing take on the Captain Wench version of Emma and Killian. I love how they meet, how they completely charm each other - changing the course of both their lives up to that point - and set out together on their own new adventure! You don’t want to miss this one!!
“An Education in Southern Gothic” by @searchingwardrobes​
Man alive! This entry into the @cssns​19 event has just the right about of thrills and chills without becoming too much for a definite chicken like me. I honestly can’t resist Killian as a teacher/professor, which Melanie gives us here, and the mystery surrounding the school, as well as the still very real threat reaching its claws into the present will make you unable to stop reading this one until you reach the end. There’s friends to love romance, pining, suspense, supernatural danger, both Captain Cobra and Captain Book friendship, and just everything you could want in a fic really!
“Took My Soul, Wiped It Clean” and “Echo” by @shireness-says​
Two lovely, feelsy and AMAZING one shots I discovered during this time period. “Echo” is a much more deeply layered and affecting take on heart-sharing, and “Took My Soul, Wiped it Clean” has one of the most heartwarming daddy!Killian versions I’ve ever read (and one of the most engaging and perfectly formed CS kids I’ve read as well!)
“Until the Day Breaks and the Shadows Flee” by @searchingwardrobes​
This alternate take on the Cupid and Psyche myth also brings to mind previous of versions of the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale and gives nods to elements of the OuaT 5b Underworld arc (but much more affectingly written!) I loved Emma’s bravery in this one, and how she and Killian tentatively move toward affection and genuinely knowing each other’s hearts. Achingly lovely!!
“Life Meant Nothing Until You Used My Toothbrush” by @let-it-raines​
This one shot first written for last year’s @csseptembersunshine​ event is one of my favorite of Raines’ MANY awesome stories. I love the cozy small town feel of it, how it’s a bit of a mash-up with Gilmore Girls, and the friendship Emma and Killian have and the way it finally becomes romantic for them as well. :)
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jasmine2042003 · 5 years
Nico di Angelo x reader (soulmate AU)
My first Tumblr post of Nico di Angelo, a soulmate AU, specifically pain. I read an avengers x reader soulmate AU similar, all scars and pain (including emotional) is felt by the soulmate. Depending on how this does, I might make this into a series, as for now, it will be a two or three part one shot basically. Enjoy the chapter xxx
Nico pov
Finding my soulmate seemed to be an impossible task. On top of the fact that I was generally unlikable, I pushed away anybody who could possibly care for me and finally, the nail in the coffin (non-intended death puns), whilst my body was sixteen, my brain was seventy! Anyone who could have possibly been my soulmate probably died during World War Two, like I should have. I looked around at my friends, all of them in a couple, already having found their other halves. Percy had Annabeth, Jason had Piper, Frank had my sister, which I still wasn’t massively happy about. Everyone had someone, but me. 
At least, unlike Percy, I would be able to tell who my soulmate is. I mean come on, Percy knew Annabeth for years before he got it through his seaweed brain who she was. Before anyone asks anything, yes I had a crush on Percy, that is definitely over now, you didn’t get in the way of soulmates, that was like giving the three fates the middle finger. Anyway, I sat there in my natural gloom, making little skeletal things, partially because it was kind of comforting, but mostly because it freaked Leo out and that little elf had pissed me off for the last time. 
“Dude, come on!” Leo shouted, alerting some of the nearby campers, “You can’t still be angry at me,” I chuckled menacingly and raised an eyebrow at him. “You wanna bet?” I asked with an evil smirk, a trademark of my dad’s that I had perfected. I touched the point of my inky sword to the patch of dead grass near Leo’s feet, a skeletal hand reaching out to grab his ankle, causing him to screech like a five year old girl and run away. I carried on my evil laugh, my sister shaking her head at me, “Neeks, you need to stop that, he doesn’t mean it, he wanted to make you smile, something other than that creepy smirk that you’re doing right now.” Hazel had a point, I guess. That doesn’t mean I was going to listen. 
I shrugged my shoulders lightly, my smirk falling off my face when I saw, yet another pair of campers, discovering their soulmate. Hazel followed my gaze and looked at me, “Hey Neeks, can I talk to you?” She asked, I nodded and followed my little sister to some shade under Thalia’s Tree. I sighed and looked into Hazel’s golden eyes confused, “You’re not about to tell me that you and Beast Boy are getting married right?” I joked, letting a small smile slip through my blank facade. She giggled and shook her head, her face lit up when she laughed, I loved when I could make my sister smile, it made me feel like I wasn’t a completely useless big bro. 
Her face slipped into a more serious note, “I know you think you aren’t going to find them Nico,” Oh here we go, ‘Nico you’ll find her, it just takes some time,’ I didn’t need to hear this again. “If I was able to find Frank in a world that I shouldn’t have even been alive in, I’m sure the great Nico di Angelo can find someone from the twenties who was in the same boat as you,” She continued, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. I sighed and nodded along, the truth is, I was fine without a soulmate. I mean, I haven’t even felt anything from my soulmate, not since I was eight years old. I got a scrape on my knee from absolutely nothing, Bianca then decided to tell me about soulmates.
I felt the tears cascading down my face, my cheeks red and my hands clutching my bleeding knee. Mom and dad were talking quietly in the corner, their hands moving as they spoke, a trait my sister and I had picked up. Bianca ran over to me once she realised that I was hurt and upset, she lifted my pants leg to the knee and had a look. She gave me the classic mother look, “Aww *povero bambino,” She muttered under her breath, “Looks like your little partner in crime is playing rough,” She tried explaining, only for me to look on confused. She sighed, picked me up, brushed me off and sat me on the sofa next to her, kids running around the hotel, laughing and cheering. 
“Nico, when you were born, there were special people who chose the perfect person for you,” She started, now I was even more confused, like, someone who can beat me at mythomagic? Someone I can play games with? Bianca continued, “This perfect person is the person you will eventually fall in love with,” I must have made a face because Bianca chuckled, “Come on squirt, you’ll get used to it,” I highly doubt that. “Anyways, when your soulmate gets hurt, their pain and their injury, will reflect on you,” She said, patting my knee. So whatever my soulmate feels, I feel it too. I have so many questions, does emotional pain count? Bianca had to leave for school, so I had to save my questions for later.
Bianca gave me a kiss on the forehead and left me with mom and dad. I sat around for a while before getting a great idea. “Hey mom, can I borrow a marker?” I asked her sweetly, she smiled and gave me a bright red, washable marker. I went into the corner and sat down, crossed my legs and took the cap off of the pen, holding it between my teeth. I rolled up my sleeve and thought about what I would write. Might as well go simple, “Hi, my name’s Nico!” I waited and waited for a response. It was days before they finally responded, “Hello, I’m (y/n),” I smiled, (y/n), what a beautiful name.
Flashback over~
I smiled at Hazel and gave her a quick peck on the forehead, “Look at my little sister giving me life advice,” I cooed. She giggled a bit and pushed me away. “Shut up, I can be adult if I want to be, I’m only four years younger than you technically!” I smiled, a small smile, but she was one of the only people to have achieved that feat in six years. I chuckled and pulled her close to my chest again, the only human contact I’ve had in a while, most people would get freaked out by me hugging someone, but I’d already lost one sister, I refuse to lose a second. Hazel hugged me back, her head hardly came up to my chin, she pulled back and pushed me towards big house, “You need to go, Chiron said he was looking for you,” I nodded and headed for the big house.
Before I had made it past the cabins, I felt pinching on my arms, like needles, it didn’t really hurt but I was kind of confused. I’m not sure what I did, I hadn’t hurt myself and I hadn’t felt anything from my soulmate in decades. I lifted my hoodie sleeves, there were little specks of blood, I stopped in my tracks. Okay, I know I don’t have scurvy, so the only thing left is my soulmate, (y/n). It might seem weird that I remembered her name, we barely spoke, I knew her name and that she was my age, or at least she was when I was eight. I stared at the spots of red on my arms for while, until one was grabbed by a large hand. I looked up startled, meeting Chiron’s worried face. “Nico my boy, you’ll want to see this,” He muttered before leading me away from the big house and towards the infirmary, passing my friends as we rushed over. 
Stepping into the infirmary, the entire place was in chaos. Apollo campers were running around, grabbing things, bandages, medication, bottles and needles. What the Hades was going on? That’s when I heard it. Screaming. Crying. A girl. For some reason it hurt me, all of a sudden, my chest tightened and my breathe became heavier and more laboured. Why was I suddenly feeling this way? I was in Camp, there is nothing to be frightened of. I tried to calm myself down, the feeling going away and being replaced with pure confusion. “Chiron what’s going on?” I looked over at the centaur, he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, tension and stress radiating off the millennia old man. “We found someone a few years ago that we think might have something to do with you,” He said quietly. 
Why would this person have something to do with me? I followed Chiron into a back room of the infirmary. I saw Apollo cabin’s best healers working around a single person on a cot in the centre of the room. There was the girl, I’m assuming she was the one that was screaming, she was gorgeous. (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, the most innocent and adorable confused expression on her sweet face. What was I saying? I had no idea who this person was. “Nico,” Chiron started, “When we first found her, she had writing on her arm, this is a long shot, there are many people with your name, but we wanted to be sure.” Will Solace from the Apollo cabin, and a genuinely good friend of mine brought an accurately drawn painting that looked like a photograph of the girl’s arm.
There were two lines of words, one in red marker and the other in black. “Hi, my name’s Nico!” and “Hello, I’m (y/n),” Holy shit. It was her. “(y/n),” I whispered quietly. Chiron looked at me inquisitively, “You know her?” He asked, I nodded in response. “She’s my soulmate,” I muttered, even more quietly, causing Chiron’s eyes to widen. As if in a trance I walked over to her side, grabbing a pen on my way to her. I sat in a chair next to her, looking her in the eyes. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes, they sparkled as if containing ground diamonds. Dam it Nico, focus! Her eyes seemed to be stuck to mine as mine were on hers, I took the cap off the pen and held it between my teeth, just as I had all those years ago. I gently grasped her left forearm, watching her face in concern as I wrote a few words, before gesturing for her to look down.
(y/n) pov
I gasped as I awoke. Panic filling my body as I looked around the unfamiliar room. A white cot sat in a room with wooden floors and walls, flowers and medical supplies were sat on the tables around me and sunshine flooded through the open curtains. I looked down at my arms, needles and tubes poking out of my skin. In my panic, a few of them had been pulled out, causing spots of blood to begin forming on the surface of my skin. I suddenly looked up when I heard the door open. A girl carrying fresh flowers walked in, meeting my eyes and gasping at my consciousness. How long had I been asleep for? All I remember is running through the woods before seeing an archway, some writing I couldn’t see, before passing out. 
Before I knew it, half a dozen more people had entered the room, trying desperately to calm me down. I shook my head erratically and moved away from the groping hands. They were all teenagers, ranging from maybe fourteen to nineteen, that made me think. How old was I? That was the moment I had felt intense waves of serenity wash over, it felt strange though, as if they weren’t my own feelings. I had no time to rationalise that thought as the door opened once more, revealing a man, or at least his upper half was man, his lower half however had a horse’s figure and legs. A centaur, a voice told me reassuringly, I knew I could trust this man. Behind him, walked a boy and he was beautiful. Dark, messy hair that was long but not unkempt, onyx eyes that were intense and full of an emotion that I couldn’t read, as if there were many emotions rolled into one.
He looked up at me and locked my eyes with his, surprise etched into the linings of his pale face. I couldn’t bear to pull my eyes away from his own as he walked over to me slowly, picking up something I couldn’t see. He sat in a chair next to my bed, his handsome features even more defined up close, I noticed the object he had grabbed was a pen. He took the cap off and held it in his teeth, a very hot move if you ask me. He looked at me in concern as he took my left forearm, writing a few words down, all the while looking me in the eyes to make sure I was alright. After he had finished, he leaned back and gestured for me to look at my arm, biting his lower lip gently. I looked down and gasped, ‘Hello (y/n), its me, Nico’. I looked up at him, a laugh of relief escaping the smile I had on my face. Looking at his arm as he pulled up his sleeve, the writing reflected perfectly of his porcelain skin. 
Let me know if this is something I should continue. Leave a comment or a like if you want and feel free to find me on Wattpad (Crazy-Otaku-demigod). Thanks for reading this you guys xxx
Final Word Count:  2393
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imlaxdris71 · 5 years
OUAT Shadowhunters AU
Okay so this is a bit of a beast and I’m so sorry for how long it is. But this is the basic outlines of each character I thought of, although I may not include all of them in the story. I’m also still tweaking some ideas, but here’s how I kinda sorted everyone out. I want to work on a snippet, but it is very late so this is what I have! I hope you guys enjoy my late night rambling. @teamhook @kmomof4 @ultraluckycatnd @stahlop @therealstartraveller776
Killian Jones: Fae/Shadowhunter (26)
Killian is the second son of Alycia of the Fae Court and Brennan Jones, making him a Fae/Shadowhunter hybrid. He is extremely skilled with seraph blades and throwing daggers. His two most prominent runes are Calm Anger and Courage in Combat. Killian’s fae heritage means that he is seen as less than other Shadowhunters and has had to work twice as hard as other Shadowhunters to prove his worth. However, he is disturbed by the discrimination that downworlders face and often finds himself among downworld company. His best friend was David Nolan, but when they were nineteen, David was bitten by a werewolf and exiled from Misthaven. Killian was dating the werewolf Milah, but she was killed in a raid a few years previously and Killian has been investigating her death ever since.
Liam Jones: Fae/Shadowhunter (30)
Liam is the oldest of the Jones brothers and also a hybrid like his brother. Liam’s choice of weapon is a seraph blade, but he is also quite skilled with the stave, making him deadly at both range and up-close. His most prominent rune is the Angelic Power rune because, unlike his brother, Liam cleaves closer to his angelic heritage than his fae heritage. He works hard to make himself the perfect Shadowhunter so that the Clave doesn’t doubt his loyalty. He worries incessantly after his younger brothers and is slow to believe Killian’s theory that there is something rotten in the Clave. He is not overly fond of Emma at first, but is very interested in her young Warlock friend, Elsa.
William “Lee” Jones (Liam 2.0) (20)
Lee is the youngest of the Jones brothers and the result of his father’s second marriage Anne Whitlock. He is a full Shadowhunter, but still very much aware of the shadow that hangs over his older brothers. Lee is very talented with the crossbow and prefers to be able to analyze a fight before getting involved. However, he is as hot-headed as his brothers and his most prominent rune is Accuracy. He works alongside his brothers to stop whatever Gold is planning.
Will Scarlet (25)
Will is a good friend of the Jones brothers and parabatai to Robin Locksley. He prefers seraph daggers and his most prominent rune is Stealth. Will enjoys hanging around downworld bars and his quickly falling head over heels for the head of the vampire coven, Belle French.
Robin Locksley (30)
Robin and Liam are best friends, but Robin chose to form a parabatai bond with the young Will Scarlet because for all Will’s recklessness, he’s a good, passionate fighter and he needs someone with Robin’s head to watch out for him. Robin prefers the bow and his most prominent rune is Flexibility. Robin is in love with fellow Shadowhunter Regina, but Cora doesn’t think Robin has the right background to marry her daughter. 
Regina Mills (28)
Regina is a particularly talented Shadowhunter that prefers the electrum whip and her most prominent rune is her Angelic Power rune. She believes that she is superior, mostly because of the way Cora raised her. Born to one of the “original” families, Regina doesn’t think much of the discrimination that downworlders face, but agrees to investigate what is happening in the hopes that her mother will allow her to marry Robin. 
Robert Gold (52)
Gold is the Inquisitor and is known for doling out harsh punishments to downworlders and Shadowhunter sympathizers. He has been attempting to ruin Killian for years and sees downworlders as scum to be eliminated. Gold has teamed up with Cora Mills and Peter Pan to destroy the downworld and raise a new, pure order from the ashes. Gold orchestrates many of the murders and tries to pass laws that would place stricter regulations on downworlders. They would also forbid the Jones brothers from being Shadowhunters. His most prominent rune is the Power rune.
Cora Mills (50)
Cora is a skilled Shadowhunter that specializes in the electrum whip like her daughter. However, she also has impressive rune work with her most prominent rune being her Voyance rune. Cora believes downworlders to be a scourge and is working to eradicate them along with Gold and Pan. Cora had a daughter at 18 when she slept with a demon for fun. She cast Zelena aside and instead married into the high-class Mills family through Henry Mills. She has raised Regina to follow in her footsteps and does not approve of the lowly Robin.
Emma Swan (200+)
Emma is the High Warlock of Misthaven and takes great pride in protecting her downworld community from threats, both from demons and from the Clave. She is extremely skilled in defensive magic and her warlock mark comes in the form of white, shining stripes and glowing eyes. Emma is the current ward for a young warlock Henry and they have a mother-son relationship, especially since they share the same demonic parent. Emma first comes across Killian in the club she owns that he frequent, but their first official meeting comes when a young warlock is murdered and Killian comes to ask her about him. From then on, the two of them work closely together to solve the murders and they begin to develop feelings for each other. 
Henry Swan (12)
A young Warlock who was taken in by Emma when his birth mother abandoned him, Henry and Emma share the same demonic parent. Henry has similar stripes to Emma, although his are red, and he has small fangs. Henry is an excitable kid that doesn’t quite understand the discrimination the downworld faces. Emma is extremely protective of him. 
Zelena West (32)
A young Warlock, Zelena is the illegitimate child of Cora Mills, who had an affair with a demon, but cast the child off. Zelena’s angelic heritage makes her particularly powerful, but her bitterness at Shadowhunters makes her a nasty opponent. She works with Pan and Arthur in the hopes that they will double-cross Gold and take over. Her warlock mark is her green skin and she specializes in potions.
Elsa and Anna Fross (182, 178)
Elsa and Anna Fross are sisters born to the same mother. Their mother was part of a brooding den that was broken up by Shadowhunters. They saw the horrible things their mother experienced and hold kinder feelings than most Warlocks towards Shadowhunters. Elsa has a particular talent for water and ice magic and her warlock mark is her white hair and two horns. Elsa has begun to fall in love with Liam Jones and worries about what that might mean. Anna has less magical talent than her sister, but can also manipulate water, although she uses it for healing mostly. Anna’s warlock mark is the same horns as her sister, but she also has a white tail instead of white hair.
Snow White (30)
Snow is the Alpha of the Misthaven pack, along with her mate, David. Snow is a born werewolf and her wolf form has white fur, which is what earned her her name. She is well-respected among the downworld community and rules with a fair and firm hand. Her acceptance of David was much contested at the time, but he quickly proved to be an asset. She and David have a son named Leo, who is still a little puppy. She and Emma are good friends.
David Nolan (26)
David was once a shadowhunter who was bitten by a rogue werewolf during a mission gone wrong. He was close with the Jones family and didn’t much mind their half-fae heritage, especially since he was mocked for being from a lower-class Shadowhunter family. David met Snow’s pack after he turned and fell in love with the Alpha. David still keeps in contact with Killian, but it is sometimes difficult as Killian is closely monitored. David’s wolf form is russet and sandy-brown. His most prominent rune was Fortitude.
Ruby and Granny Lucas (29, 80)
Ruby and Granny Lucas are both born werewolves that run in Snow’s pack. Ruby is Snow’s Beta and Granny often advises Snow on difficult political matters. They two women are incredibly loyal, but have a severe distrust of Shadowhunters, especially since Ruby’s mother was killed by Shadowhunters when they declared her rogue. Ruby is a dark brown and black wolf while Granny is silver. They are both trained fighters, although Granny usually runs the restaurant, Lupus Diner, which is a front for the werewolves. 
Graham Humbert (31)
Graham was a human cop who was bitten by a werewolf and joined Snow’s pack. He is mated to Ruby Lucas and still works as a police officer. He is in charge of investigating the human connections to the Shadow World murders. He doesn’t really trust Shadowhunters, but doesn’t have quite the same hate for them as others. He is a brown and gray wolf.
Milah Auro (33)
Milah was a werewolf in the Misthaven pack and dating Killian, although their relationship was kept secret for obvious reasons. However, she was murdered by Pan and it was made to look like a Shadowhunter attack on a rogue werewolf. Milah’s death prompts Killian to pull away from the Clave and begin investigating Gold. Milah was a pretty black wolf.
Belle French (124)
Belle French is the leader of the Misthaven coven of vampires and an old friend of Emma’s. The two aren’t incredibly close, but they respect each other and will come to each other’s aid. Belle keeps her coven on a tight leash and does not wish to give Shadowhunters an inch when it comes to coven business. She has worked hard to change the vampiric image and the recent killings disturb her. Belle’s true love is her library, but the snarky Will Scarlet is beginning to turn her head, something that hasn’t happened in decades. She and Snow have a fairly amicable agreement between the vampires and werewolves.
Arthur Pendragon (600+)
Arthur is a very old vampire that remembers the times when downworlders weren’t beholden to the Accords and wishes to return to that time. He is working with Pan and Zelena to double-cross Gold and bring down the Clave, restoring downworlders to their place as predators. 
Victor Whale (107)
Whale is a vampire that was turned during World War II when he was serving as a doctor in Europe. Whale is in charge of getting blood shipments for Belle’s coven and mostly just wants to keep practicing medicine. He has found a few effective treatments for wounds dealt by Shadowhunter weapons or demon ichor.
Archie Hopper (300+)
An old vampire that often gives counsel to younger vampires and coven leaders. He is an oddly peaceful vampire who works as a therapist on the side. He is good friends with Emma and Belle.
Fair Folk
Tinkerbelle (Unknown)
A member of the Faerie Queen’s court, Tinkerbelle is a scout that often works with the Shadowhunters to bring murderers to justice. She is also the one who brings Pan’s plans to the attention of the Shadowhunters, but she doesn’t really trust them. She works mostly with Killian because Alycia was her friend and she trusts her sons. Tink is particularly deadly with a dagger.
Alycia (Unknown)
Alycia is a handmaiden to the Queen and a particularly trusted scout. She fell in love with Brennan and had two sons with him, but was forced to return to Court. She has little contact with her sons, but tries to let them know how much she loves them and how proud of them she is. Alycia has a son, Jefferson, from a previous relationship with a human.
Ashla, Aurora, and Philip (Unknown)
Fae knights that want to unite the Shadow World so they work with Jefferson and the Jones brothers.
Jefferson (73)
Jefferson is a relatively young Fae who chose to leave the human world behind and accept the immortality offered by the Fae Court. He serves as diplomat and knight to the Queen and wishes to get to know his younger brothers better. 
Peter Pan (Unknown)
Pan wants to rid the world of Shadowhunter influence and teams up with Gold to bring the Shadow World to the brink of war. He murders Milah and organizes the murder of both Shadowhunter and downworlder alike so that he can double-cross Gold and overthrow the Clave. 
So Gold wants to destroy all downworlders; he enlists the help of Peter Pan to sow discord in the downworld and Cora to spread hate rhetoric. He particularly targets the Jones brothers, and Killian because he has friends in the downworld, his supposed to be parabatai was turned, and he has a wolf lover. Pan kills Milah, but makes it look like a Shadowhunter attack. While investigating her death, Killian comes across several cases of what looks like shadowhunter-on-downworlder crime and downworlder-on-shadowhunter crime. Tensions are rising and the brothers are in the middle. They team up with the downworld and work to bring Gold’s horrible plans to light.
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astxriism · 5 years
Blood Moon Rising
Tumblr media
Title:  Pup
Featuring: Rowan & Luna, Rowan & Angelica, Rowan & Leo (flashback)
Summary: Not a man, nor a beast but something more. When Rowan awakens to find himself thrust into a world hidden from him for years. Finding himself a part of a pack, and to uncover the mystery of his heritage and the two people that seemingly know him better then he knows himself. A prophecy on the verge of fullfilment; will Rowan be able to face this new life and the people in it? Or will his destiny be to much for him to bear?
A/N: So I made an outline ( a very messy outline) and I have a clear idea on where I want this to go. Since I had a couple of memes from saturdays meme day that went unanswered (from Elly and Di) This is me blending them together for this part and adding on to it.  Hopefully, it works lol. Also, I’ve sprinkled in some of my other npcs that I now have to add to my growing list of thought babies on my character page. So, I’ll be updating that as well. Did I mention I love AU! Okay, on with the show. @storybot​ post
Cure, Uptown New Orleans
There were a couple of places in Nola that offered good food and drink. Rowan had preferred to stay away from the hussle of high tourist areas. Drunken frat boys, wild hen nights and boob flashing wasn’t really his scene anymore; if it had been ever. Cure offered him the good drink and food he craved without all the hoopla of what New Orleans was known for; party city of the western world.
“Penny for your thoughts.”
Rowan turned in his chair at the bar, looking at the man who took the seat next to him. Most people gave him a wide berth; tourist that happened upon him in the bar oftern didn’t stick around long because it was too ‘boring’. Locals, gave him a nod but mostly went about their business. Dark eyes ran over the man as he ordered a drink and asked for a menu.
He didn’t give off the appearance of someone unfamiliar to the area. But Rowan was sure he’d never seen him in the bar before. Six months, he lived in a small apartment near the french quarter. Six months he’d been coming to this bar. Seen many attractive men and women walk through the door, went home with a few of them too.
This man, was different.
“ My thoughts aren’t that intresting,” Rowan said.
The dark-haired man chuckled, turning his body towards Rowan. He liked his laugh, his was deep, resonating in his chest;  a slight huskyness to it.
“ I don’t know. Those frown lines on your forhead would say you have lots of ‘em.”
“Or I’m a natural brooder and I wake up like this.” he grinned.
The man shook his head, pointing a finger towards his own chest.  “ That would be me. I came out of my mother's womb with this scowl.”
Now Rowan laughed. He liked talking with him. Not just because he had the balls to approach him - because most didn’t. No, it went deeper than that. He had something, something that naturally drew him in. Tugging at the middle of his chest, leaving him feeling warm and safe in his presence. It should have been a warning sign, there was all sorts of strange and unexplainable things happening in this city. Happening around him, the reason why his memory was fractured and he couldn’t recall much— if any of his childhood. The people he came from, his family.
Solitude was all he knew, with the occasional dalliance here  and there. He had no family, no friends, no home. A tumble weed in a world that seemingly wanted nothing to do with him and always seemed to cut him off at the knees.
It should have been a warning sign, when he streched out his hand towards the stranger. He should have gotten up and left when he felt the jolt of electricity that ran up his arm when their hands met. He should have been nervous as a warmth spread through him, calming and alluring. Making him think of words like home. Instead, Rowan stayed seated, eyes on the other and spoke.
“Rowan Polat.”
The butterflies in his stomach took off, as a knowing smile appeared on the other man’s face.
“ Leo Ronan, it’s very nice to meet you Rowan.”
The Bayou, New Orleans (present)
“Watch out!”
The warning call was enough to pull Rowan out of his thoughts. His hand reaching out to catch the flying object just before it hit him in the face. A group of boys looking back at him wearily. Giving the closest, and seemingly younger boy a wink. Rowan tossed it over to him. Who smiled waving in thanks as he took off running ball firmly in hand as the others followed.
The party was still going, though now it was late afternoon. Apparently, they would stay here until night fall. Before making their way back towards the 7th ward. From what he could gather- and that wasn’t much-considering people were either intrested in drinking, eating, or they were busy trying to figure him out. Which left him confused and looking for the solitude he had lost.
Once he had his fill of ‘meeting the pack’. Rowan had found a tree and took refuge beneath it. Watched as Leo and Jude walked away arm in arm and that left him in even more of a sour mood. So, he nursed a botle of mead someone had made and sat down and people watched.
“ What crawled up your ass pup?”
Craning his head, at the woman that stopped a few feet ahead of him. Rowan decided to ignore her less then steller greeting and focused on one word.
“Yeah, it’s what we call first-timers. You did shift for the frist time last night right?” she said, arms crossed over her chest.
“ I did, i just didn’t think everyone would be calling me pup. You, Leo, that group of dick heads over there.”
The woman’s eyes followed where Rowan gestured. Burly looking men,  a few feet away. Loud, obnoxious, and giving other people a hard time when ever they passed them.
“Ah yes, the goon squad.” she mused shaking her head.
“ Ignore Dale and is acolytes. Between the five of them, they can’t even fire off one brain cell. Let alone oporate 10% of their own.”
Rowan eyed her a moment before he started to laugh. She was funny, moody but funny.
“Guess I won’t go to them for a philosophical debate?”
She shook her head, “ Not unless that debate involves using your fist or teeth.”
Looking away from Dale and company, their eyes met. A simliar a quizzical look in her dark eyes. He was about to call her on it, before she took on a neutral expression almost bored look.
“Come on, I’ve got to take you to Angelica.”
Letting out an annoyed sigh she glared at him, “ Does it matter, Leo told me to take you to her so that’s what I’m doing.” she quipped “- don’t be difficult. I’m not in the mood .”
Turning she began to walk away from him. The petty side of him wanted to stay right were he was under his tree. But the need to do as he’s alpha said took over and he, reluctantly,  jogging up next to her.
“You aren’t going to tell me your name?”
She raised a brow, “ Is that a line? Cause it needs work.”
“ I just meant everyone has introduced themselves in some way. Even your buddy Dale.” he chuckled at the look of disgust on her face. “ So no name then. Should I call you grumpy? You look like a Grumpy or maybe bit-”
“Geez, Luna alright. My name is Luna.”
Rowan grinned bumbing her with his shoulder,  “See, that wasn’t so hard was it?”
“It was, and you’re annoying.” she huffed increasing her pace
Rowan was able to keep up easily enough, chuckling to himself. Was it to early to say that he liked Luna? He didn’t think so, it was a welcome change. While she might give off the vibe of ‘ leave me be or I'll cut you’.  Rowan found he liked her energy.  It didn’t take long before they were infront of a large tent closer to the woods. Luna turned back towards the other, jutting her chin towards the tent. 
“ Go on pup, she’s waiting for you.”
Rolling his eyes - because the whole pup thing was going to get old real quick. He moved towards the opening.
“And Rowan...”
His footsteps haulted; turning to face her once more. As she ran a hand through her dark hair she gave him a little shrug and smirked, “ Welcome to the pack.”
For his part, Rowan mimicked her smirked giving a nod of thanks before entering the tent. The inside was darker then he would have expected. Considering they were now in the hight of the afternoon. A few candles were ablaze on a table. A wooden bowl in the center surrounded by the candles.  Rowan frowned as he entered. His eyes landing of the figure in the far corner. She wore a long flowy dress, bracelets clinking together as she worked on something. Dark curly hair sat high on her head as her caramel- mocha skin glisten in the candle light.
“ Angelica I take it.” he called .
His eyes continued to take in his surrounding. The collection of plants and bottles strewn around the diffrent surfaces.  When she finally turned around, he was met with the grey -blue eyes he had seen earlier with Leo, albeit briefly.
“ I am,” smiling softly; extending her arm towards the table and the pillow chair in the center. Rowan took the cue ,and made his way towards the table. It took him a minute to get comfortable. Sitting with his legs crossed and pulled under him. Resting his elbows on his knees as he watch her, effortlessly, take the seat opposite of him.
Angelica placed a knife next to the bowl in the center of the table. Her eyes never leaving his. A part of him, was wondering what was different about her. She was different, not like the others in the pack, more like him. Not that he could pinpoint how. Something akin to outer worldly in her eyes.  For the first time, he felt a little on edge under her watchful gaze.
A knowing smile graced her lips, and Rowan was sure that she could feel his apperhension.
“May I have your hand please?”
He raised a brow, eyes drifting towards the knife, “ Why?”
She giggled, “You have a lot of questions Rowan, and not all of them will be answered in a day. All I ask is for you to trust me, can you do that?”
No. He didn’t want to trust her. He shouldn’t trust her. Look where trusting a beautiful face got him. Rowan trusted Leo, a man he hadn’t known only spending a couple of hours with him.   Now he was a werewolf, surrounded by people he didn’t know but  did. His life turned upside down and he had the sickening feeling that his life was only going to become more topsyturvy as time went on.
Even with everything in him crying for Rowan to get up and run, run and never look back. Damn it if he didn’t feel some kind of security with this woman. So, he stretched out his hand towards her. Shivering as soft, gentle hands took hold of his.
Rowan watched as she looked over his palm. Her digits dancing across the lines indented in them. Whispering words underher breath that even with his improved hearing he couldn’t quite make out. It was a diffrent language though. French, Creole?
“Latin,” she supplied her eyes still on his hand.
Okay, that wasn’t creepy.
“Isn’t that a dead language?”
“It’s only dead to the people who no longer use it.” she giggled again reaching for the knife. The wolf inside him was stirring and Rowan couldn’t help but fidget a little in his seat. When her steel eyes met his, he calmed his wolf ready to attack if need be.
“Trust me.” was all she said before she dragged her knife along his palm. His blood filling the bowl in front of them. The pain wasn’t so bad, but his hand did sting. When Angelica released him, he snatched his hand away, looking down to see how bad the damage was. But there was no damage, the cut was gone. All that remaind was slightly pink new flesh.
“How did yo-”
“You’re a werewolf now, we heal faster then most.” she grinned.  “Ignis.”
Brown eyes widen as the bowl that held his blood became inblazed with the reddish, orange flame in the center. He was in awe as he leaned closer towards the flame. Passing a hand through it, he didn’t know what he was expecting. A hologram, some sort of trick of the eye? But as he felt the heat against his flesh he knew it was real. Eyes widen in wonder, he looked up at a very amused face of Angelica.
“Who are you?”
Giving a rueful shake of her head, she flicked her wrist as the flap of the entrance opened up, casting in the afternoon light once more.  
“You’ll find out soon enough, mon cher.”
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ohnomybreadsticks · 5 years
August AU Challenge 2k19 - Bonus Content
There was a lot of content that I made up for some of these stories that never made it in, just because of time/length constraints! But I still wanted to share, in case anyone wanted more of a particular story ;) Who knows if I’ll come back to any of these later, but for now that’s all folks! 
Under the cut because very long lol. Also cw for discussions of things like depression/suicide as they relate to certain stories.
Note: / denotes a pairing, & denotes platonic
1. RK Siblings Farmer’s Market AU
1.5 Reed900 Farmer’s Market AU
2. North & Nines National Park Rangers AU
As mentioned on the story itself, the tent situation is heavily based off a bon appetit video
3. Leo & Markus Wild West AU
Credit for the atmosphere and cowboy aesthetic goes to my convos with @sinclairsolutions and her fantastic cowboy fic that’s in the works
4. Conniel Reverse AU
Connor is a household android Hank hires to take care of Cole after the divorce, and Connor slowly becomes attached to both of them. When Cole dies, Hank becomes a depressed alcoholic, and tries to commit suicide. Connor deviates to save his life, and essentially takes him hostage in an attempt to keep him from trying again. After Daniel deactivates Connor post hostage-situation, Hank ends up…. ? either taking his own life or trying to turn it around
5. Kamski/Clyde Bakery AU
@minasnorma and I threw around ideas and realized that when they move in together, these two dorks have to have two separate fridges, one for vegan only and one for non-vegan food
6. Simarkus Alien Encounter/Abduction AU
The lovely @jordyn3130 wrote a super cute follow up ficlet of sorts where Markus is actually an alien “exchange student”
7. Echo/Ripple Merpeople AU
For the first few years, Ripple just visits the beach to see her girlfriend, but eventually the separation is too much, and Echo becomes a mermaid to be with her and become her wife
8. Hankvin Star Wars AU
@connorssock shook me by the collar until a happy ending popped out - after everything, Hank and Gavin finally try again, Gavin convincing Hank to come with him on his ship. They’re happy for a while, until Hank starts getting restless, he hates space after everything that’s happened...but instead of giving up this time, Gavin gives in, and gets Hank a little house on a tiny rim world. That way his Jedi can enjoy the solitude, and Gavin always has somewhere to come home to, no matter where the lure of space takes him
9. Leo/RK900 Surfer Bros AU
10. Josh/North Les Mis AU
In a Les Mis AU, Markus is probably off swanning over noble-born Simon and fighting with his sense of duty to his compatriots leading the revolution.
11. Hankcon Dog Walker + Dog Owner Meetcute AU
I almost wrote this one backwards because I forgot the exact prompt, so Connor was going to be the dog walker, and the chihuahua was a dog Hank got for Cole to make him happy after the divorce lmao. Also Princey is what a friend calls her cat. There IS an Allen60 part to this story in the works, I just gotta actually write it down lol
11.5 Reed900 Dog Walker AU
12. Chloe/Kamski Cinderella AU
Almost wrote this with Kamski as the prince, but then I wasn’t sure what my little twist would be...so Kamski as the fairy godfather emerged!
13. Connor & Hank Arthurian Legends AU
14. Tina/Polly Starving Artist AU
15. Allen60 Pilots/Flight Attendants AU
There were two possible endings I tossed around for Connor in this one - I imagine he either gets transferred onto flights captained by Mr. Anderson, who’s just getting back into work as a pilot after getting his life back together OR Connor meets Mr. Anderson on a long haul flight and they end up falling madly in love!!
16. Tina/Stacy Librarian + Patron Meetcute AU
17. Reed900 LotR/Silmarillion AU
I legit almost gave them dumb Tolkien names LOL. I also played around with the idea of pulling a dumb “Gavin son of Gareth” stunt but saved all of you at the last minute XD This was also, for the record, one of my personal favorites and also one of the most fun to write
18. Simon/North Angel and Demon AU
DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS NOT TO JUST WRITE A GOOD OMENS RIP OFF?? It was very hard actually and I almost had it end with like ‘can I tempt you to get drinks with me?’ bit lol
19. Luthara Atlantis (Movie/Legend) AU
20. Polycho BE9/Elder Gods AU
Another personal favorite, mostly because I’m so excited to get to the Polycho part of BE9 lol
21. Jerralph Movie Stars AU
I almost had Ralph also as a costar on the set but then I wasn’t sure what the twist would be tbh
22. Gavin & Kamski Pirate AU
23. Kara & Alice Harry Potter AU
Someone smarter than me and better at HP houses should sort the Jericrew into their houses...but North is 100% a Slytherin in the best way don’t @ me
24. Gavin & Tina Victorian England (Steampunk) AU
I’d like to imagine that eventually they get the rocketboots working and fly all around the city lol
25. Chloe/North Beauty and the Beast AU
I worked really hard to try and subvert the usual Beauty and the Beast tropes, because I felt like the idea of keeping someone captive goes against EVERYTHING North stands for. 
26. North/Kara Grad Students AU
I flirted with the idea of having them fighting over Kara’s class running late over North’s, but I fell in love with the idea of them not knowing each other until the very end. Kara teaches English, btw, and is a big believer in alternate teaching styles and student-led learning 
27. Simon/Josh Shipwrecked on a Deserted Island AU
28. Convin Sherlock Holmes AU
29. Markus/Connor Vampire AU
This story almost went two directions: loaded comedic banter between Markus and Connor OR a darker more atmospheric thinkpiece about the nature of being a vampire hunter...instead we ended up with a mix of the two lol
30. North/Connor Vegan Restaurant Owner + Hapless Customer Meetcute AU
I wanted to subvert the ‘customer comes in and initiates contact with someone who’s on the clock’ trope, even though I’m always a fan of it in fictional contexts lol. 
31. Gavin/Tina Time Travel AU
I didn’t have time, but Gavin is jumping through time “to see if people are always terrible.” He had a pretty traumatic time growing up, and he wanted to see if humanity is always terrible or if it was just his lot to be treated poorly. The reason he’s so mean to anyone who tries to get to know him as he jumps from time to time is that he can’t let himself get attached to anyone in a different time period. Well, and he’s also just kind of a grump lol
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victorluvsalice · 5 years
AU Thursday: Once Upon A Time. . .Beauty and the Skeleton
So -- my pal Thedarkcountess1993, also known as The1920squeen on AO3, is currently doing a "Beauty and the Beast" AU for her OTP (female!Leo and Klaus from Blood Blockade Battlefront for the curious) -- "Tale As Old As Time." Reading that reminded me about Nebbychan's start on a Valice gender-flipped "Beauty and the Beast" AU (to go with her "Cinder-Victor" AU -- with Victor as Beauty and Alice as the Beast (using a combined version of her Hysteria and Ragebox forms)). And, is so often the case with me, that led to me thinking of my own BatB AU for the combined Corpse Bride/American McGee's Alice universe! Except mine isn't Valice, interestingly enough.
It's LizJangles.
Yeah, I was surprised too -- though maybe not that much. LizJangles has become easily my favorite side ship for Valice (and Vemilicia). And you gotta admit, being a skeleton would probably elicit a lot of the same reactions from someone as being a big old beast. :p Although given that Bonejangles in this AU isn't like the Beast in the movies -- well, why don't I just lay out the AU for you?
-->First things first, the main inspiration for this AU is me talking with DC1993 about how, for all her good intentions and desire to teach the Beast a lesson in humility (at least in the Disney variations), the fairy really did something awful to everyone around the Beast (did the servants really deserve to become OBJECTS??) -- and deciding that it would be interesting to do a variation on the story where the fairy is explicitly the bad guy. So! In this version of reality, the castle and its inhabitants are the victims of a cruel Fae, the Dollmaker, who in response to a perceived slight at a party, has cursed everyone to become mobile rotting corpses. Obliged to include an "escape clause" because of how the magic works, he says that if anyone from outside the castle can come to love any of them -- romantically love, that is; they've got to prove it with a true love's kiss -- any of them despite their appearances, he'll lift the curse. Of course, being an evil git of a Fae, he's not going to make it easy for them -- he magically shrouds the castle from the outside world so it can't be mapped, and those who stumble upon it generally end up either fleeing into the night in terror or being tormented and murdered by the Dollmaker. Bonejangles was one of the entertainers at this party, and spends most of his time trying to keep everyone else's spirits up with his songs, even as he starts to wonder if they'll ever see the curse broken.
-->The Liddells in this world live in a village nearby, with Arthur being the local schoolmaster. His eldest daughter, Lizzie, is recently of marriageable age, and as a result is being tormented by the attentions of one Dr. Bumby, the town physician, who is known by most of the town as a great altruist who supports orphans -- and by Lizzie as a self-important git who doesn't understand taking "no" for an answer. She's desperate to get away from him, and maybe even leave the village itself for a life of adventure somewhere else, but she loves her family (particularly her little sister, Alice) too much to just leave them in the lurch.
-->All that changes when Arthur, coming back from a meeting of schoolteachers in the city, gets lost during a storm and stumbles upon the castle. He's greeted kindly by the residents of the castle, and learns their story -- he feels genuinely bad for them, but isn't sure what he personally can do to help, given he's already married. The Dollmaker appears then and says that if that's the case, maybe he'd like to join them in their torment. Arthur and the others plead for clemency, and the Dollmaker, claiming to be in a "playful" mood, says that he'll consider a trade -- one of Arthur's family must stay at the castle in his steed. The Liddells are summoned -- and to Arthur's shock, Lizzie promptly volunteers to stay, seeing it as the perfect opportunity to get away from Bumby. He, Lorina, and Alice reluctantly leave her behind, promising they'll find a way to free her.
-->To Lizzie's surprise, the Dollmaker doesn't afflict her with the same curse as the others, like he threatened to do to Arthur. Instead, he treats her as an honored guest, giving her anything she asks for -- except her freedom, of course. Seems like he has some interest in Lizzie as well, to her frustration. Lizzie does her best to use her status to ease things for the others, and gets to know them. She and Bonejangles end up forming a connection, and it's not long before it's obvious they're starting to fall for each other.
-->Cue a temper tantrum from the Dollmaker, furious she's rejected him "yet again" -- and revealing that "Dr. Bumby" is the guise he uses when he wants to walk among mortals undetected! He locks Lizzie in a cell in a basement and uses his Bumby persona to mount an attack on the castle, intending to destroy the residents and "rescue" her to force her to marry him out of "gratitude." However, the Liddells, knowing the truth about the residents, manage to get to the castle first and help them hold off the invaders, while Lizzie breaks free of her cage. Bumby gets inside and duels Bonejangles -- Lizzie intervenes and ends up badly wounded, though she manages to send Bumby over the side of the highest tower. A horrified Bonejangles shares with her what they think is her dying kiss. . .
-->Oh hey, true love's kiss! Curse broken, and the magical reversal ends up hitting Lizzie too, restoring her to life and health. The double whammy of the curse being broken and his mortal shell being killed forces the Dollmaker to retreat back to his Fae lands, leaving the castle and the village in peace. The villagers, learning what's actually been going on, make peace with the castle residents, and Lizzie and Bonejangles marry.
So yeah -- I think that works as an interesting twist on the most common version of the tale! And it's nice to have another AU idea that puts Lizzie and BJ in the spotlight. Like I said, new favorite side couple. :p
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jerrykatt · 6 years
Voltron/Percy Jackson Xover Part 2
Here's part one. I'd recommend reading it before coming back to this.
And so, now we know that Leo was rejected by his mother's family, his own aunt labeling him a diablo, a devil. We know that he was shunted off into the system with little sympathy and even less kindness. We know that the memory of his mother's death haunts his steps like an eldritch phantom. But now another death plagues him with suffocating guilt. The death of the man who chose to be left behind in a firestorm, knowing that his death was mere moments away but willing to face it head on if it meant he could save one small fledgling life.
He didn't remember much in the aftermath, that much was certain what with the shock that set in.
The fire giving one last heaving roar, reminiscent of a dragon's destructive fury. The unnatural explosion of force rocking the building. A woman's silhouette, standing tall and sinisterly pleased with her spiteful vengeance, throwing one last malevolent sneer in his direction before sinking into the earth below her feet.
The ringing in his ears and the ladder being blasted backwards.
Falling and screaming. An unmerciful impact with the pavement and his vision going black.
Waking up in a hospital, alone and unwanted.
It was all too much of a blur for Leo's young mind to comprehend in his traumatized state. But one of the things he did remember, besides the hole in his life where his mother should have been, was finding out the fireman's name. Or at least, the last part of it.
(That's where we see Keith fit into this chapter of Leo's life.)
Like Leo, Keith was also unfortunately placed into foster care. I haven't decided yet on how they meet after the fire. Perhaps they were sent to the same group home? Maybe they ran into each other after running from their respective foster families, sleeping under the same freeway overpasses? Either way, they might've become friends for a short time and then the classic reveal happens - Leo finds out Keith's last name, and ultimately the fact that his father was Fireman Kogane.
Leo can't face him anymore, not with the knowledge that he was reason his friend's father went up in flames. His flames.
He runs. And Keith? Well...
His mother's glaring absence, His father's death, and now his friend's unexplained rejection.
Each cut into his chest like a knife, as sharp as the blade he kept strapped to his belt.
The same blade that gives him a goal. A purpose.
To find his past. To find some answers.
(Anything to distract from the gnawing resentment, the aching loneliness)
So yeah. Keith takes it hard. But this is the perfect place to pause and explain EXACTLY why I chose Krolia to be Aphrodite in this AU. And, ultimately, why I thought Keith being the son of the goddess of love made SO MUCH SENSE. AND ALSO LETS NOT FORGET SEASON SEVEN ADDING MORE SPICE TO THE MIX
Let's start with Krolia. Krolia and Canon!Aphrodite have... little in common when it comes to personality. At least with the depictions I've read in PJO where Canon!Aphrodite apparently approves of her children breaking hearts (It's apparently a rite of passage in Aphrodite's cabin if I remember correctly). And the fact that her negative traits could be summarized in how one of her demigod children turned out (I'm looking at you Drew). Anyways here's where my idea comes in.
Sit up and away from your computer screen and take a look around at the world. Times are changing, standards are being shattered and rebuilt with each passing day. The concept of beauty itself is being torn into different directions. We have people who still prefer the classic hourglass figure, the full lips and sultry eyes, the flawless skin and the soft spoken nature of a damsel in distress. People who want the pretty princess bride, the stay at home wives.
Not necessarily weak in some aspects, but definitely not at the strongest potential either.
Still, it is the usual form that Canon!Aphrodite takes with little difference made when approaching each potential lover.
And on the other end of the spectrum, we have people who are attracted to independence, intellect, and strength. They want someone as either an equal or more than that. They like big biceps and thick muscular thighs.
We especially have people who don't care for what their precious people look like and end up adoring every part of them anyway. These people are muddled in the middle of the spectrum. They want something more raw, more real. It doesn't matter if the person is thick or thin, hairy or bald, or if they're missing a limb or two. A big nose? Bad breakout of zits? Trust me, for these people, it only adds to the charm.
I'd imagine in this turbulent world where opinions of beauty were being bounced around like a particularly ill aimed bouncy ball (one that would more than likely smack you in the face rather than land safely back in your hand), Aphrodite would end up having an identity crisis.
God's and goddesses have a sustainability that is based on mortal's worship and the strength of their domain. Aphrodite had enough mortals immortalizing her presence in art and literature to keep her remembered, that certainly wasn't the problem. Neither was the concept of love. Love was universal, the goddess of love understood that more than anyone. The problem was that Aphrodite's physical form was constantly fluctuating due to her the part of her domain pertaining to beauty being... constantly reconstructed? Stretched thin? I'm not sure how to describe it. All I can tell you is that Aphrodite ran from Olympus as she felt her powers getting out of hand. Maybe Haggar/Gaea and Zarkon/Uranus had planned to amplify the effects of what a changing society can do to a godly being? Perhaps Aphrodite was chosen to be a test subject to see if such a thing could be used as a weapon?
Regardless of the cause, the goddess fell to earth. She crashed outside a certain fireman's house and when she woke, her form had settled into the one we all know and love - Krolia's. Yep, purple skin, dual toned hair, pointed ears, claws, inhuman eyes, the whole package. I'm not kidding. Also I'm pretty sure if she hadn't sustained a concussion (and hadn't been so... pleasantly distracted by Kogane nursing her back to health) she would have screamed bloody murder at her reflection. She's at least grateful that she managed to keep her mile long legs (even if they now had her towering over most mortals) As it is, her powers are temporarily rendered useless because of the strain of her transformation.
Also the panic attack that she had once everything registered didn't help. Thankfully Kogane managed to calm her down, with a soothing voice and gentle rough hands.
Things settle. At first when they make introductions, she mixes up two of her usual aliases "Kristine" and "Olivia" and ends up blurting out "Krolia" instead, much to her horror. And after an awkward minute of panic she also reveals more than what she was intending to bargain for. Oddly enough, the goddess reveals her true nature right off the bat and Kogane takes it in stride just like he did with the whole Canon!Alien issue. Usually she keeps her lips smartly sealed but.... right now? She's doesn't have the confidence that comes with her preferred, perfect yet almost plastic form. She's disoriented and confused and homesick and a little fucked up in the head right now.
Kogane helps her through it. And with him guiding her, she discovers new things about herself, and is reminded of the better parts of who she is and who she could potentially become.
To no ones surprise, they fall in love. And to Krolia's surprise, she ends up WANTING to stay, even -ESPECIALLY- after giving birth to this man's child. His son. Her son.
Their son.
But monsters from Tartarus have always lied in wait. She leaves just like in Canon. Because of one too many close shaves with beasts and traitorous gods alike trying to snatch away her new found happiness and self discovery. She leaves to protect the person she loves most.
Their son. Keith.
((Again I'm on a tight schedule (needing two jobs sucks sometimes) so I'll wrap this up and talk about Keith))
Now you may want to ask why I chose Aphrodite? Why didn't I choose Hades to be Keith's godly parent? It would have matched his basic demeanor, the basis to his character - the loner (also awesome undead powers would've have been a plus!!). Why didn't I chose Ares? Keith is a phenomenal fighter! Why not Zeus? His fighter pilot skills makes him second to none in the skies!!!
My answer is this: Keith has an unfathomable AMAZING capacity to love.
Think about it. Remember that the reason that he rejects people is because he knows just how much he's risking when he's putting his heart into someone's hands. You only see that in a person who's had their heart torn to pieces by the unspoken consequences of abandonment.
Finally, Look at what this guy has done for a dying man. IN CANON TO BOOT.
Look at what he's done for Shiro even back before his feelings evolved into what can be interpreted as romantic, when his relationship with the man was purely platonic in a mentor/student dynamic level. He SUPPORTS Shiro. He doesn't pity him. He doesn't coddle him. He doesn't look at the fact that Shiro most likely has only a few more years left in him before his body breaks down. He sees his friend that has every right to pursue his dream instead of wasting away on a military base that cares more for its fucking reputation than it's actual students (I resent the Garrison for lying about the mission, make no mistake. THEY EVEN TOOK THE SIDE OF THAT SHITTY BRAT WHO MADE SNIDE REMARKS ON KEITH PARENTS!!! WTF?!!).
This is the man that's promised to never give up on him. The one who reminded Keith that, most of all, he can't give up on himself. And Keith? My Defensive, prickly, hold-everyone-at-arms-length son? What does my firecracker boi do?
He takes it to heart. He fucking takes it to heart.
Now fast forward again - we have Keith beautifully beating the crap out of Iverson and other "high ranking" officials who essentially now see Shiro as a liability, as someone who cannot be let free with his new found knowledge on extraterrestrial life. We have him basically breaking multiple laws to get Shiro out and onto to his bike so he could drive them and their Tagalongs to safety. We have Keith running to Shiro AGAIN AND AGAIN. It doesn't matter who stands in his way - Zarkon could suck on a lemon and those wild beasts on that remote planet in 'Across the Universe'? They can Quiznak right off because He will never give up on Shiro. Enough said.
And one last thought. I'm sure you guys have seen the leaked scenes of Keith staying by Shiro's side while he's in the healing pod, his vitals showing that his conscious is not assimilating with Kuron's body. I'm sure you've seen how Keith pleaded with Allura to think of a way to help them. You probably heard Allura regretfully admit that there wasn't anything she could do to help anymore than she already had. You saw Keith in his disbelief, in his grief. You saw him slam his fist onto the healing pod, head hung low wand pleading to the man within to fight. To stay.
"You can't do this to me again"
And miraculously, Shiro wakes.
I didn't plan on giving Keith Charmspeak. I only planned on giving him an IMMUNITY towards other Charmspeakers. And even now I still stand by my decision on NOT giving him such a power. Because it makes this scene, when adapted into my AU, have THAT much more significance. He didn't need any godly gifts to bring back the man he loves, his own voice, rough and raw and full of desperation.... it was enough. It was MORE than enough.
"Keith you saved me." "We saved eachother"
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