#let’s just say my next pet is going to be a cat 🙃
random0lover · 6 months
Perfume, fleece & pigment <3
Ask game
I am super sorry for responding to this so late, at first I though tumblr ate the ask cause for some reason it’s been doing th at lately but it was in my drafts so here we go! Sorry this is so long but I wanted to share some pics of my dogs! @homicidal-slvt
Perfume- favorite scent?
So I love the smell of coffee but my favorite candle is Better Homes & Garden Warm Leather & Amber. I’m not sure why but I absolutely love the way it smells and every time I go to Walmart I stop to smell it!
Fleece- have any pets?
I’ve talked about this a little before but I have four dogs! (A lot I know lol they drive me crazy but I love them dearly) 3 German Shepherd mixes (1 girl 2 boys) and a beagle chihuahua mix (a boy)
This is Diamond (or Sweet Sweet), she’s the mom of our other two german shepherds and her favorite things are laying out in the sun and crying for attention all the time 😂
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Then this is Titan, yes his name matches how big of a dog he is. Sometimes I call him a “tank of a dog” or a “behemoth of a dog” but he loves playing and he can talk to you. For example he can tell you he’s really hungry, tell you he loves you, that he’s thirsty, and he has recently started asking us to not leave when we’re about to leave for work 😅
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Then there’s Chewie (technically my dog but he loves my dad a lot for some reason 🙄 he’s a ball of energy and likes to bite my arm like it’s a chew toy if he gets to excited 💀 oh and his favorite snack are Qtips and loaves of bread 😭 the amount of time I’ve had to dig around in his mouth for a Qtips is ridiculous *sigh*
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(he loves to sleep too)
The there’s the small little demon dog Boogie (technically his name is Max but we hardly call him that) and he loves to try and act like he’s the biggest dog lol him and Chewie have a love hate relationship cause one minute they’re laying with each other then the next it’s like their arguing over who gets to lay with me 😂
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Oh and he loves to claw the shit out of you 💀
Pigment- what color is your hair naturally? if you could dye it any color which one would you choose?
So I have naturally brown hair, it’s pretty dark but I do have red tones in it when I’m in the sun which I adore! Fun fact about me, I’ve never dyed my hair. I’ve wanted to and at one point I was actually going to get some like bronze or some type of red highlights but this was when I was like 12 so I don’t really remember but I have always loved the idea of doing some sort of dark purple! Most likely not all of my hair but like the lower half of it like a temporary dye or something? Tbh I haven’t put to much thought into it but yeah 🫠
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 11 months
Okay, hear me out… Tangerine is the type of bf/husband who puts on the tough guy act, BUT is bbg and WHIPPED beyond belief, but again, hides behind the tough bf act… Like his gf/wife and him are on a walk and they walk by a pet shop and she’s oooing and awwwwing about the cutest kitten? Tangerine comes home hours later with said kitten. Him shrugging as Y/n pretty much jumps on him in thanks, like “Oh you know, I was just in the area and thought, ‘why not get the cat?’”
Y/n is eyeing a pretty dress through the shops window? Tangerine buys one of each color and it just “shows up” in her closet the next morning.
Y/n is feeling super cuddly and pouts at him? Tangerine is just like, “Yeah yeah, c’mere” but on the inside he’s literally squealing in joy
Y/n likes to read? Tangerine immediately builds a library that rivals the library in the Beauty and the Beast.
Y/n says I love you for the first time? Tangerine nonchalantly says I love you back but on the inside feels like he’s going to explode in love and fights the urge to giggle
Someone makes Y/n cry? They get a… “visit”…. From Tangerine not even minutes after…
Y/n is interested in literally anything? Tangerine, with the money burning a hole in his pocket, buys anything and everything
Honestly I could go on but YESS TANGERINE IS BABYGIRL
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AAAAAAAAHHHH omg!! I had not single calm or sane reaction while reading that !?!? the frickin CUTEST ideas ever!!
and you’re so right, he pretends he doesn’t care, or isn’t effected but it literally will repeat on him every second of the day, maybe even the week, WEEKS, MONTH!?? like whatever was said or done will play over in his brain forever 😩 and he’d remember it and smile- like at a shop picking up items and he’d just grin to himself, hiding it in his hand so he didn’t look crazy
so let’s say you were texting him throughout the day (he’s at work) and you mention as a throwaway comment how you really want something specific to eat, on his way back home he’d get it (it could be MILES away from his route home) but he’d pick up said item, and be like “saw this on my way home, thought you might want it” and casually shrugs it off and stuff AAAAAAAA omg
he’d definitely go out of his way for his girl, FOR SURE
he definitely lies but they’re cute sweet white lies to pretend he didn’t do something that he definitely did
and I feel like he listens, like REALLY listens, like picks up on things, and reads between the lines. like you could mention something weeks ago, but he’d remember and keep it locked away, and then give a gift based around that comment, if that makes sense
I think he’d be really thoughtful and just UGHHH got me swooning OMGEE🙃
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fickleminder · 2 years
careful what you wish for
You and Satan find out that sometimes magic wishes have unexpected consequences.
Based on Satan’s Wish-Granting Charm Devilgram. I haven’t replayed a Devilgram so many times in ages; can you tell I’m a sucker for MC whump? 🙃
“I wish upon the moon of my heart...”
The cheesy-sounding spell makes you cringe internally (not to mention a certain pose comes to mind), but there’s no doubting its power when a black cat appears in the library, meowing loudly for attention.
Satan looks equally surprised. “I was just thinking about a cat, but I wasn’t really trying to summon one...” he says in wonder, reaching down to scoop the little kitten into his arms. It squirms slightly in his hold but eventually settles down without fuss. “If Lucifer sees this cat, we’re in trouble. Let’s take it to my room for now.”
Despite unexpected visits from several brothers, you and Satan manage to convince them to keep the feline a secret. You even make a quick trip to the kitchen for some milk, and the two of you watch as ‘Munchkin’ drinks its fill.
“If this little guy was summoned by my wish, then does that mean that the magic spell actually worked?!”
“There’s only one way to know for sure.” You shrug. Who would have thought that a spell from a storybook could work in real life?
“You’re right. Let’s try it again.” Satan’s eyes gleam with excitement. “Let’s see if it will grant one of your wishes. What do you want to wish for?”
“I want a holiday,” you say without hesitation. Satan laughs at the deadpan expression on your face. “What? We’ve had a lot of exams to study for lately. I want to take a break.”
“Okay, now say the magic spell.”
Crap, I forgot about that. But with Satan looking at you expectantly, there’s no way around it. You do your best to keep a straight face as you mutter the spell, but seconds pass and nothing happens.
“Well, I suppose with this kind of wish, we won’t know if it worked or not right now.” If Satan is disappointed, he doesn’t show it. “Let’s wait and see.”
It’s not your first time spending the night in Satan’s room, but you wake up the next day feeling groggy and lethargic.
Falling sick isn’t unreasonable; your immune system’s probably shot to hell and back after exam season, but you’ve never come down with an illness so suddenly before. Something’s not right...
“What? You want me to scratch behind your ears?”
You pry your eyes open to an endearing sight: Satan in his RAD uniform crouched on the floor, almost mimicking Munchkin’s pose as he speaks eye-to-eye with the cat.
“All right, all right. Come here. I don’t give special treatment like this to just anyone, you know? Just you.”
Not even me? You want to ask. Your throat doesn’t feel like cooperating though.
“Haha! You’re a cute little thing, aren’t you?” The rustling of his sheets finally catches his attention, and Satan quickly bolts upright, his cheeks a lovely shade of crimson. “...?! G-Good morning! Did you see that? It’s not what it looks like! I was just making sure it wasn’t injured anywhere.”
The shit-eating grin on your face speaks volumes.
“What?!” The demon’s indignant scowl fades into a worried frown as he notices your pale complexion. “You should probably take the day off. We finished the last of our tests yesterday. Why don’t you go to your room and rest?”
“Day off sounds good...” you manage to croak out, wincing at the hoarseness of your voice. Guess I’m getting that holiday after all...
Satan lets you pet Munchkin one more time before helping you to your bed. You sigh happily as he tucks you in and presses a kiss to your forehead, and you’re out like a light before he even leaves the room.
You wake up from your nap feeling much better, albeit not quite at 100% yet. A quick check of your D.D.D. tells you that there’s still about an hour before RAD’s classes end, so you have at least half a day to chill.
After making yourself some lunch, you prepare a saucer of milk and bring it to Satan’s room, knowing that Munchkin must be hungry as well. The kitten greets you enthusiastically and you spend some time relaxing with it, running your fingers through its soft fur as it laps at its meal—
A loud growl is all the warning you get before something big and heavy crashes through the door. Gone is the peace and quiet as one of Cerberus’ heads pokes into the room, snarling in your direction. 
“Cerberus? Easy boy, it’s just me...” You raise your hands slowly, trying to calm the angry beast down. You may not have Lucifer’s level of control over it, but the three-headed dog has never bared its fangs at you with such hostility before. “What’s wrong?”
Munchkin leaps between you and Cerberus with a vicious hiss, its hackles raised and claws unsheathed. It looks so tiny in comparison, and you scramble to your feet with fear as the rest of Cerberus enters the room.
A wave of nausea slams into you, causing your knees to buckle. What’s happening, you wonder hazily, struggling to string coherent thoughts together as your body starts to heat up dangerously. Did I stand too fast? No, this vertigo isn’t natural...
“Stop... fighting...” you slur, feeling every last drop of energy leave your body. Something is sapping your strength, forcing you to rest—
Just as your mind latches onto a theory, the world turns sideways and everything goes dark.
You blink in and out of consciousness, finding yourself cradled in Satan’s arms on the floor of his room. But he’s not alone: Beel and Asmo are flanking you worriedly, while a furious Lucifer stands next to his loyal hound.
From what you can make of the ensuing argument, it turns out that Munchkin is actually a demon in the form of a cat, and the first and fourth borns are back at each other’s throats about keeping pets in the house.
Your heart almost jumps out of your chest when Lucifer uses magic to forcibly get rid of Munchkin, but Satan counters by sealing the cat-demon inside a protective cage that deflects the spell.
“We need to get out of here. Beel, carry the cage!” Satan doesn’t bother helping you up and simply scoops you off the ground. You instinctively loop your arms around his neck as he hoists you into a bridal carry, and the four of you hightail it out of there with Cerberus hot on your collective heels.
“I think we lost them,” Beel says.
“I need to catch my breath…” Asmo whines, doubled over and panting heavily.
Satan sets you down on a nest of cushions, no doubt one of Belphie’s given that you’re seeking shelter in the planetarium.
“Are you alright? You passed out on the floor.” He presses a hand against your forehead. It feels blessedly cool to the touch; you close your eyes and lean against him. “Your fever’s gone up. I should’ve stayed with you today instead of leaving you by yourself.”
“S’not a fever…” you mumble, still feeling somewhat dizzy. It’s the spell, you try to rationalize while you’re still lucid. It makes me weak when I’m stressed…
You take some time to gather your strength as the others discuss amongst themselves. They correctly deduce that Munchkin had gotten into a fight with Cerberus in an attempt to protect you, but before you can share your side of the story, Lucifer appears at the doorway.
“That demon is controlling you, Satan.” He growls, marching into the room. There’s no sign of Cerberus, but no doubt he’s waiting outside and blocking off the only exit.
Tensions rise again, as does the pounding in your skull. Satan raises his voice as he defends Munchkin’s actions, and you’re too out of it to try and calm him down.
“You agree with me too, don’t you?” Satan finally turns to you, but by then it’s too late.
Your eyes roll back and you crumple to the ground again, barely registering a frantic Asmo patting your flushed cheeks before the darkness drags you under.
“Please, open your eyes for me…”
Your vision swims at first, but it gradually refocuses to the sight of Satan hunched over you. You’re back in your bed and tucked snugly under the covers. No one else is around.
“Are you awake? You still have a fever. Don’t try to get up.” Satan fusses, adjusting the damp cloth on your forehead and pulling the blankets up even further. “Are you hungry? How about something to drink? Let me know if there’s anything you need. I’ll go get it for you.”
“Just need you…” you murmur, reaching weakly for him. The demon immediately laces his fingers with yours. “Where’s Munchkin and Lucifer?”
Satan’s expression darkens slightly at the mention of his brother, but it’s quickly smoothed over. “Munchkin is safe. I worked something out with Lucifer, he won’t bother us anymore.”
Good, that means you should make a steady recovery. Then again, with all the chaos in this household, you might as well be terminal.
Satan listens intently as you explain your theory behind your sudden illness, and you can practically see the metaphorical light bulb go off over his head when all the pieces fall into place.
“In that case, I want to use our final wish right now,” he declares, squeezing your hand firmly. “I wish for you to get better soon.”
“Thank you.” You smile at him sweetly, delighting in the rosy hue of his cheeks. “I’ll get better just for you.”
The last of Satan’s restraint finally snaps, and he leans forward to hug you, careful not to crush you under his weight as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. “I was almost sure that I lost you for good, until you finally opened your eyes,” he admits quietly. “I was worried sick. I needed to make sure you were still with me…”
“I’ll always be here with you,” you promise, pressing a light kiss to his hair. With your heart overflowing with affection for your beloved demon, you can’t find it in yourself to cringe at the next part. “Now come on, time to say the magic words.”
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frankiemorales · 3 years
Me coming in to say fuck Boston forgetting I was baking cookies SORRY MY ANGEL 😭 But yes I was very happy LMAO I always tell my mom when they lose and she is not as loud as me but just lets out a little “good, as they should” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It was so good thank you :’) I got a steak burrito bowl!!!!! Almost did a burrito but idk I feel like I get so messy in the last half of the burrito and my cats always KNOW when I spill something 🙃🙃 BUT HOW ARE YOU MY SUNSPOT??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🖤🖤🖤🖤
(This is me giving you a hug if you want one ❤️)
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Ahahaha yes I love your mom!! And omg what kind of cookies?? OMG the pets always know when something is going down food wise👀🤣 Mo literally sits right next to me with some intense eye contact waiting for anything LOL
And I’m ~okaaay~ would love another long weekend to just mellow out but 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ how have you been honeybee???💛💛💛
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(And I will always accept hugs!! I’ve told I give pretty great hugs too by the way so imagine a spectacular hug in return💛💛💛)
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