#let's fight
kedreeva · 1 year
i was reminded of another food argument I've had
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awyeahitssam · 1 year
Never going to use this, but it was kinda a cute idea, even if I've forgotten what it was based on.
Voldemort’s smile is a wicked, terrible thing across Tom Riddle’s face. “Perhaps if you used your brain, your mudblood wouldn’t have lost use of two fingers.”
The worst part, Harry will muse later, is that he is genuinely hurt by the cutting remark. He'd been lulled by Voldemort’s false flirtatious and quick wit. Any compulsion to compliment brought on by the emerald lining of the Dark Lord’s robes is effectively banished. 
Harry wore this colour for a reason. To remind himself. To stop himself, because he’s been getting too fond of Voldemort-as-Riddle, too friendly with a man who was only kind when he had to be. 
They’d been using their colours like a game, a subtle war of punishment and amusement. 
It doesn’t feel like a game anymore. Harry won't follow the steps of this purposeless dance any longer. Harry stands and turns away. 
“Stop,” Voldemort commands sharply, his frustration at the dismissal is biting. “Where's your fight gone, Harry?”
Harry glances at him over his shoulder to see the moment Voldemort’s robes shift to the same crimson as Harry’s. 
The compulsion tugs at him, urging Harry to spin on his heel and return to Voldemort’s side, because there are so many things he could say, words that he knows would land and cut just as sharp and brutal as Riddle’s accusation. 
He meets red eyes and knows that he could decimate Lord Voldemort, because he’s come to know Harry, but that goes two ways. 
Voldemort who stands at the table now sans glamour, stiff and pale, jaw clenched. Furious Harry isn’t playing along. That he’s resisting the curse. 
Harry, head pounding, hands shaking, teeth grinding, leaves. 
“What was that?” demands Voldemort the next day. Harry smiles at him tightly, entirely false. 
“I needed the reminder,” he says.
“You—“ Voldemort’s lips purse. “You ignored the compulsion. That shouldn’t be possible.”
Harry rolls his eyes. “With a bit of motivation, anything’s possible.”
“And painful,” Voldemort spits.
Harry raises a brow. “Well yeah, but I think you’d enjoy hearing about that too much.”
“You forget yourself,” Voldemort hisses. “Forget what I can still feel—”
Harry purses his lips. “Maybe you shouldn’t have been a dramatic bitch and changed your robes, then,” he says sharply. “It was clear I was leaving.”
“Still the same brainless, self-sacrificing little hero.”
None of it registered as a compliment. Harry smiled at the momentary bafflement that rose in Voldemort.
“And I was told you’re ever-so good at flattery. Let me show you how it’s done, if you want things that are taken as compliments but meant as insults. You're ruthless,” he says, voice silken in a way Voldemort never heard from him before. “You are absolutely devastating in pursuit of what you want. Your aptitude with manipulation is only matched by the breadth of your ruinous charm,” Harry quirked a smirk, “and smarm, you absolute prat.”
The insult did little to temper his back handed flattery,  effective from the moment the word ‘devastating’ had curled into Voldemort’s ears. 
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forgottensebastian · 23 days
What Do You Think You Are Doing | Sebastian & Valentina
If Sebastian had come to know Valentina Malconaire through other means, he would have likely made excuses for some of her behaviors. He was someone who often found the good in everyone and was empathic to their situation and motivations, even if he couldn't agree with their actions.
But Valentina had crossed a line with him, when she had forced her step-daughters into servitude to help offset her own rather lavish lifestyle, while she saw to her own needs and the needs of her children, all while neglecting everyone else who counted on her.
Instead of seeing a woman who had only known what it was like to be royalty, who was then married to a man who was so devoted to his first wife and children, that Valentina could never hope to occupy a place in his heart as she once had -- Sebastian saw a scheming, selfish, and unfeeling woman.
In this vein, it did not surprise him that Eithne and Brigit, both, had been absent this evening. The Varmonts had been invited to dine with the Malconaire and Sebastian and each of his siblings had accepted the invitation.
Rose, Aoife, Edmund, and Cassandra chatted in one corner and all of Cassimir's attentions were upon Guinevere, while Valentina had set up Sonya and Arthur conveniently in another corner where he turned the pages for her as she played upon her lute.
Sebastian had been joining in with the others, but he found he could not concentrate on anything that was said when he caught Valentina's rather pleased expression. From her vantage point, everything was going as she planned. He felt something come over him, as his heart began to race and he could feel the blood running in his veins.
He hardly knew how it happened, but the next moment he was by her side and found himself asking her: "Where are your other step-daughters this evening, Lady Malconaire?" There was a sternness to his own voice that was foreign to him and he found that he had no desire to give her a smile.
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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blackberreh-art · 2 years
Madara should've been the final villain of Naruto; Zetsu and Kaguya were a mistake. Why did we have to include aliens when we had a perfectly good, complex villain right there that we had been building up since the start?
My guess is cause shonen jump didnt want their biggest series to end so soon so kishimoto was forced to stretch it out lmao
also i dont think this is an unpopular opinion lol
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what-the-hezmana · 7 months
i hope that one dude is elgar'nan! really wanna fight elgar'nan
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enemyoflactose · 1 year
In Yami Bakura voice: I lied. I don't actually like sex. Now put your clothes back on I'm explaining the plot of Beyblade Metal Fusion.
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multiversius · 2 years
Kaiju Tournament
So, let us introduce our competitors!
The King of the Monsters: Godzilla
The First Enemy Space Monster: Bemular
The Queen of the Monsters: Mothra
The Prince of the Monsters: Gomora
The Venomous Spider Monster: Kumonga
The Armored Ravager: Anguirus
The Ultimate Destroyer: Mechagodzilla
The Fire Demon: Rodan
The Guardian Of The Universe: Gamera
The Transcendent Space Dinosaur: Zetton
The Evil God Ryuseicho: Iris
The Super Flying Dragon: Megaguirus
The Symbiotic Queen: Legion
The Supersonic Genetic Monster: Hyper-Gyaos
The Composite Space Monster: Orga
The Anti-G Superweapon: Supermechagodzilla
The Skull Monster: Red King
The Cyborg Monster Zero: Mecha-King Ghidorah
The Destroyer of All Living Beings: Destoroyah
The Bodyguard Monster: Black King
The Giant Evil Monster: Guiron
The Twin-Headed Monster: Pandon
The Super-Mobile Combining Weapon: MOGUERA
The Chilling Monster: Barugon
The Demon Sea Monster: Dagahra
The Aquatic Freezing Monster: Lagoras
The Super Combined Monster: Super Grand-King
The Space Pedanium Robot: King Joe
The Guardian of the Seatopians: Megalon
The Civil Judgementer: Galactron
The Earth's Conquering Weapon: Mechagodzilla 2
The Cybernetic Terror: Gigan
The Empire Machine Soldier: Legionoid
The Super Space Monster: Monster X
The Subterranean Fierce King: Baragon
The Inferno-Demon Monster: Fire Golza
The Guardian Beast: Mothra Leo
The Unparalleled Iron God: Inpelaizer
The Space Dicharge Monster: Eleking
The Combat Creature from Space: Spacegodzilla
The Destructive Monster: Mons-Ahgar
The Regeneration Monster: Saramandora
The Dark Subterranean Monster: Telesdon
The Growing Creature: Zedus
The Horror of The Deep: Ebirah
The Dual Blade Mantis Monster: Kamacuras
The Electronic Robot: Jet Jaguar
The King Of Skull Island: King Kong
The Living Extiction Machine Monster: King Ghidorah
The Space Vampire Monster: Gymaira
The Ancient Parasite Queen: Muto 3 (Barb)
The Frozen Titan: Scylla
The Life Creating Monster: Behemoth
The Continent Monster: Methuselah
The Guardian of Okinawa: King Caesar
The Missile Terrible Monster: Verokron
The Moth Terrible Monster: Doragory
The Single-Horned Terrible Monster: Vakishim
The Hitman Terrible Monster: Baraba
The Giant Ant Terrible Monster: Aribunta
The Full Moon Terrible Monster: Lunaticks
The Poisonous Demon Beast: Jiger
The X from Outer Space: Guilala
The Deep Sea Space Monster: Zigra
The Space Divided Monster: Viras
The Magnetic Ancient Monster: Antlar
The Combat Beast of Destruction: Battra
The Despot Monster from the Vengeful Undead Monsters: Tyrant
The Ultra-Ancient Dragon: Melba
The Super Space Combat Beast: Super C.O.V
The Comet Monster: Dorako
The Hatred Fish Monster: Zoa Muruchi
The Super Synthetic Monster: Neo Darambia
The Absorber Space Monster: Bemstar
The Planet Eater Mega Lord Monster: Maga-Orochi
The Multipurpose Fight System Type-3: Kiryu
The Giant Sea Dragon Monster: Manda
The Invisible Monster: Neronga
The Legendary Monster: Yonggary
The TDG Combined Monster: Five King
The Bio-Beast: Biollante
The Subterranean Predator: Gudon
The Super Space Demon Beast: Desghidorah
The Cosmos Eater: Leugocyte
The Ultimate Terrible Monster: U-Killersaurus
The Freezerburn Space Sea Monster: Reicubas
The One-Eye Strange Creature: Gan-Q
The Huge Sea Turtle: Kamoebas
The Subterranean Ferocious Monster: Pagos
The Transformation Monster: Gazort
The Amphibious Dinosaur: Titanosaurus
The Wild Fierce Monster: Horoboros
The Molten Iron Monster: Demaaga
The Petrification Evil Monster: Gargorgon
The Ferocious Space Shark: Genegarg
The Destructive Fierce Dragon: Deathdrago
The Winged Membrane Dragon: Varan
The Primeval Fierce Dragon: Gorosaurus
The Ultimate Disaster Monster: Hellberus
The Dark Lord of the Monsters: Bagan
You can Choose 2-5 Monsters to fight the Others
Do NOT take only too much OP Monster, make a BALANCED TEAM not to make the others mad
May The Games Start
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witch0000 · 2 years
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Screen grabs from the Handmaid’s Tale Season 5 trailer. The widow Waterford features prominently, and I couldn’t be happier!
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Athena, goddess of wisdom, and all-powerful, being the only person that Annabeth could call on for help; being so cruel that she would be complicit in her daughter's death just out of spite.
Percy, age 12, weak and dying, having told Annabeth they could never be friends; not only sacrifices himself to save Annabeth's life without a minute's thought, but does it without her having to ask for help.
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jenny-from-the-bau · 2 months
In the mood to be mean as shit
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kvtnisseverdeen · 8 months
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Where is the International protection the Palestinian people is entitled to when the occupying power violates international law and harms those it is obliged to protect. Aren't Palestinians lives worth saving?
-Riyad Mansour (Palestinian representative to the UN)
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kalisbaby · 3 months
I'm so tried of being nice and understanding. And I'm honestly a bit tired of being patient. I'm angry. I'm exhausted. And I wanna fight.
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blackberreh-art · 2 years
Tobirama is heavily mischaracterized and/or villainized by a large portion of the fandom
Yep lmao
Im so damn picky when it comes to reading founders fic cause of it lmao. Lately all the stuff i've come across just feels
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badly characterised lol
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oobbbear · 6 months
I want to post this here too because I’ve seen it happen a few times
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Please understand that there are cultural differences and language differences, if you see this happening let the person clarify what they meant, that person might just not be familiar with words the western side of the internet use
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FNAF Pizza sim’s plot is just the Afton’s fighting
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